Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 02, 1900, Page 17, Image 17

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Dull Benson is Now at an End and Jobbers
Are Preparing for Big Trade.
Sagnr fiorx l ji I'lve Point nml Pros
pects Are I'm untitle for Still
llltthrr (luntntliins In
tln Nrnr Tiilnrr.
Them Is Utile doubt that Utnnlia Jobbers
and retailers uro now on tho ovu of ono
of the best seasons over experienced In this
tit v. With the month of September tho
rush of full business sets In and la wall
maintained until tho holiday. Iast year
was, of course, an exceptionally busy sea
son, but present Indications are that trado
will bo heavier than over bofon1. Omaha
ns a Jobbing tenter Is In better favor than
ever before, owing In ti large extent to tho
Improvement In the market Itself. Jobbers
are carrying better and larger assortments
than In previous years, their traveling men
uro morn numerous anil covering a larger
territory and the number of houses local
lnc hern In rnlillv lncreasini. Then, too
tho fait Is pointed to that the country
tributary to this market Is also In a must
prosperous condition. The smaller towns
are tnrmy ana enjoying mo nicriu imiiuu
ngu of tho surrounding farmers. The tun
pumptlon of all classes of goods has greatly
increased in wus section 01 me rouiiuj
ami u mill irniniiis. ami. ns merchants are
nhnwlni ri urenli r lenilenrv to liny their
applies hern than ever before. It Is thought
uii) o.iiiooK lor 101 ai jouiM'ia is wry en
couraging Indeed.
Another promising feature Is the Interest
being din. laved In the mining rail festivities.
Merchants by Hie thousands are preparing
to bo In Omaha during tho Ak-Sar-Bcn
onrnlal and make their fall purchases at
tho same time The fact that they can
have their railroad fare nald urovlded they
do buy their goods hero Is bound to bo a
drawing can: ami i'unsi'iUMiuiy jouners are
preparing for a hi nvy housa trade. Be
tullers will, ot course, also cotno In for
their share of the patronage, so that all
urunruos or traao win lie stimulated.
Tho markets as n whole are In n very
healthy condition. By far tho majority of
fl'irtuatloiiM have lu i n In the illreition of
higher prices and all Indications seem to
point townrd good, strong markets for no mo
iitno to come.
Mitirp Advnncc In .Minor.
Tho principal featuro to the wholesale
rrorcry market last week was the advauco
n all grades of sugar, amounting to fie
per hundred. The market Is very llrm nt
tho higher quotations and another advance
In the nenr tiitiirn would not bo surpris
ing. IWlncrUf nil over the country uro
wen Roici up ami are Kilting orucrs to no
tilled In turn, as they anticipate a still
greater Increase in the volume of trade In
the next few weeks. Jobbers nt this nolnt
state that the demand Is something
enormous ror mis season or tne year nnu
much heavier than In several years past.
The canned goods sit latton shows but llt
tlo change since Inst report. The only
fluctuation or any Importance Is tho ad
vance on tomntnes of L'VU'C, owing to the
reports of light pack In the west, which
have given eastern packera un opportunity
to rnlso tholr prccn. Cheeso Is still going
up und present indications aro that prices
will be nt 111 higher In the near fuiure. The
long continued drouths In Wisconsin have
dried up the pastures to such nu extent
that tho production of cheese has been
greatly diminished. At the name time
home consumption has been Increasing nnd
tho demand from abroad Is also unusually
heavy for this season, so a shortage has
been developed.
Tho market on dried frulta Is also In a
very strong position. This Is particularly
true of apricots. It Is thought that the
prices on the new crop of prunes will
Hhortly bo announced and the general
opinion Is that while the small sizes may
be quoted a little lower tho largo sizes will
bo higher than the.v were a ear ago.
There has not been much change In tho
coffee market since a week ago. The de
mand at tho present time Is very light and
prices aro weak, although an attempt was
made to spring tho market Uc, It was
nearly a failure, however, and did not In
crease tho amount of buying to an ap
preciable extent, linasled coffeo Is still
quoted the name as It was a week ago.
The association In control of tho Cali
fornia almond slt.iation announced Its
opening prices last week. It l.s claimed
that tho crop of importr-d almonds Is
smaller than usual nnu for that reason tha
export demand will bo exceptionally heavy
this year. The assuclalluii on that ac
count has advanced Its prices Ziic. over
last year's llgures. other lines remain Just
about where they were a week ago.
Hardware .Vlnrl.ct (lulet.
So far an price lluctiatlons are concerned
tho hardware market has been quiet during
the jiast week. There have been no changes
of enough importance to be worthy of
mention and Jobbers uro not anticipating
nny for tho Immediate future. As u gen
erul thing they nre looking for a good
healthy market as it result of the big de
mand that Is expected all over tho country
Everything at tho present time seems to
point toward a better feeling among the
Iron nnd steel manufacturers and unless
they misjudge tho situation they will have
plenty of business during tho coming
Locally Jobbers seem to find nothing to
complain of. Trade Is moving along In
nice shape und preparations uro being Hindu
tor a good lively fall demnnd. In a short
time now the advance orders will begin to
move out at a rapid rate, nH It Is not long
before cold weather goods will be strictly
sonsonnble. Collections aro In good shape
and In fact everything Is In a most satis
factory condition.
Dry (Jooiln Market I'lrni,
Tho local dry goods market Is still char
acterized bv the samo activity that h is
provalled throughout tho season. Ordcri
for fall goods uro coming In nt n good,
rapid rate, and traveling men nre greatly
pleased over tho outlook for future bust,
ness. They say merchants are la elegant
shape and aro all counting on a big tall
Tho market is In good shape, taking
everything Into consideration, and tho
cotton goods market 1m particularly strong.
The Munition Is, of course, very unsettled
us yet. for no one can tell what tho price of
cotton will be. .Manufacturers are basing
their calculations on the S-rent cotton, but
whether that Is where It will land or n t
Is still a matter of speculation. A repro
sentatlve of n local house, In spoaklng of
the situation, Mild that ho would not bo
surprised If cotton did not go down to tho
S-cent mark, and In that event there would
bo nemo lively hustling lor goods. Tho
prices that are being quoted now nre '2ij
tier cent higher than thev were a year nu,
but last year was, of vmirso rather .ow.
I', hosiery and such lines are
bring held at very flint prices und gooj
Rtoclts are hard to Und.
(iood lli'iiiiiiiil ror Hunts mid Shoes,
There has been no special feature to tho
boot and shoe trade during tho past we. k
Orders are still being reco ved In good num
bers and tho number of buyers coming on
tho market is steadily increasing. Travel
lug men llnd a great doil to feel en
couraged over nnd prophesy that befora
tho season Is at an end tho ncords wld
compnre very favorably with thoic of nnv
previous fall. Advance shipments aro heln?
pushed out, particularly to the far West
und mountainous regions, wdiero they need
winter goods early In tho fall
Buhner Roods nri also Helling well nnd
fully as much hut-luesA in being transacted
a- could bo expected. Bobber smthlng li
sidling In good Hhnpe, and espeilull is that
true of mackintoshes.
Krult nml Produce.
fruit and produce men reported another
week of good trndo. The locil demand ban
been In unusually good nh.ipe fur several
weeks past, taking Into consideration the
hot weather. Shipping orders nre also
coming In freely. California fruits have
been In big demand, 1ml prices hold Just
about steady, Grapes, both home grown
and I'allfornl.i htoik. are plentiful, and are
meeting with ready silo. Tokay ;,re
quoted nt M and Concords at IS'oUJc. There
nothing particularly new In the vegeta
M" line.
The egg market Is still firming up nnd
quotations are now placed nt i:Hj5fllc, and
the feeling is tirm at that. Tho supply
continues rather light, while the demand
is heav.v Poultry remains Just about
steady at last week's prices. Hutu r Is aluo
The oyster season is onie more on ind
dealers report tho qualltv of the stock
received so far as exceptionally geo (or
the opening of the se.ison. The quotations
will bo found in another column.
M'jw vohk ;i;.i:u.w, maiiium.
(luolntlnnit for the liny on Viirloui
( oiiimoilll Ich.
NEW YOBK. Sept. 1 .-rUH'B-Becelpt-i.
Jtttio bbls.; exports. 11,201 bbls.; sales, 6.100
pkes ; Inactive, with hovers and seller
MjilOc apart, closing steady; patents. 13 iiu
4 fin. winter straights. 1.1 tvnct t;i); Minnesntu
patents, Jl.l0fcu5; winter extras, ;Wj,w
Minnesota bakers, . 7013 M; Mnnesota
bakers, 2.S5T3.W; winter low grades, t.'.IO
f2.(A Byo flour, dull; sales. ISO bbls.: fair
f," sft"0'1, yl 'l6i1 36 I'liolce to fancy, U.&
WHEAT- Hecclpts, M.jrs bu : export
OK! bu.; sales, 1.1M.0W bu futures,
Vl I H . CI n n . t . V n CI' 4 u
afloat. No. 2 red, 79Wo elevator, No. 1
northern, Duluth, S4ic, f, o. b,, afloat
Options opened tirm nnd lated advanced on
higher cables and local coverings, Inspired
by Hiht deliveries of September contract.
Closed Arm, at He net advance March,
arnsinc rioseu Mr, Jiay, closer sj'e, ep
tember. IV.Il'. 9.16c. closed 7Se. October
S0's,tiaoie, closed S0ic; December, 81 7-16?f
81V, closed SP,r
CO It NM 13 A I Steady: yellow western,
sjc; cuy, mo; iiranuywine, i.i;.7(..N.
BYi:-State. 5IW56c. c. I. f . Now York.
.HABLKV-Kceillng, t.vg50c, c. I. f.. New
nini; ituiunr. ,tii): r i. r . :sew i org
BABI.ICY MALT Dull: western. 4ff70c
COIIN Bccelpts. 157.700 bu. ; exports, 12V
377 bj ; sales. 40.000 bu futures, 200.000 bu
sfiot; spot, hrm. No. 2, 47c r o. !., nnoat,
und 4!'e elevator. Ontlon market was Gen
erally llrm all day, but very quiet It was
intiucnceii ny nigner canies nnu covering
ClABn.1 ft.rt r, .1 .1 i'fltCil nnl V. I ( V. rt Ml..
V.IV.-,, Ill 1,1 (till, II llfc lllhllll.
closed 4llc; September. 4VW
4r.Sc. cloHed 4jVrc; December, tlVjigilc,
Closed. 414c
OATS-Becelpts. 4I.S00 bu.: exports, 2.035
lilt nnrtf ntilnt ? Vn ft "T.n V
2 White. 27a28c: No. A white. 2(TJ,27c:
track, mixed western, 2VW27c; track, white
western, sommo; trncK, wnue, state, 26S33c
Options dull but steady, with corn.
KHED Steadv: snrlnc bran. llfi.uMllfl.50
middlings, J17 1)19.00, winter bran, Jl7.5vm
19 00: rllv UT.fin.
HAY' Steady; shipping, 72Hf75c; good to
cnoice, soriTJW.
MOl'S Unlet: state, oommon to choice.
1SCJ crop, JlO.COfi 13.01): old, 2jCc; I'aclllc
eoasi crop, icvuc: old, .'aiiio.
HIDKS-FIrm: Oalvestoli. 20 to M lbs
Uc; California, 21 to 25 lbs., lS'.sc; Texas
ury, a 10 i i os.. i.iViC.
1 . HAT 1 1 K B firm: Hemlock Bide. Buenos
Avres, heavy weights, 22Vy02U4c; "eld, Zli
wuOt-Dtill: domestic lleece, 2.TI2Sc.
PBOVISIONS-Beef, dull; nominally
J10.CKV012 00; mess, ID.OOffl.fiO. Beef hams,
iW f(21.00; packet, llO.OiKU.OO; city, extra
India mess. J16.001f 17.00. Cut meats, quiet,
pickled bellies, Siillc: nlckled feeders, 0V4
itti-uc; pickicu nams, liiunnic i.aru, nun:
western steameil, J7.10. September, closed
17 10. nominal; refined, .quiet; continent,
i.;w; riotltn America, vt.w, compounii
lEc: state ilnlrv. lC5i21c.
Clli;i:9K-D'ill; large white. lOUc; small
white, 10c; largo colored, 10ir?10-c; small
coioreu, lniic.
l?(1flHHinlr nnrl I'ennsvlvanln. 10714e:
western regjlar packing, nt mark, lOflttic;
western, loss orr, Pi'4'ili,.iC.
TAI.LOW-Steady; city, 7-lCc; country,
Firm: domestic, fair to extra, 4H3
6V1C Jnonn. 4jfi5c.
MOLASSKS-Steady; New Orleans, open
keltic, uood to choice. teUVZc.
MKTAI.S-flglron. dull; northern. ll.".05j
17 00; southern, H3.onyi..oo. ivopper. nun;
brokers', 110.75. Lead, dull; brokers, 1.00.
Tin, plates, dull.
Cotiilltlun of Trnilr nml Quntntlnna on
Staple nnd Fiiiiey I'rodiipe.
i:fJOS Becelpta liberal; good stock Arm
at 13Vifjllc.
L1VI3 POULTrtY'-Hens. 77Hc: roosters,
according to ago and size, 301c; broilers,
10c; ducks. 4G5c; geese. 4j.c; turkeys, Rc.
f?9c: roosters, BifCc; ducks nnd geese. ftfjlOo;
lirollers. per ID., 1241 uw, inrKevs, is-.ic.
Bl'TTUIl Common to fnlr, 13(40; choice,
HiCTlRc; separator, 20c; gathered creamery,
FISH Trout, 10c: bluo fish, 9c: pickerel,
Re: cattish, 12c, dressed buffalo, 6c; white
fish, 10c; herring, 5c; black bass, 10c: sal
mon, J3c; white bass, 10c; cronple. 10c: pike,
10c; halibut, 12c: bullheads, lfic: ring perch.
Co; lobsters, green, 22c; boiled lobsters, Sic;
mackerel, 20c; codfish, 10c; yollow nerch, Co.
FBKSH OYSTKBS First grade, solid
packed, Now York counts, per can, 4fe; ex
tra selects, Xie.i standards, 30c. Second
grade, sluck filled, Now York counts, per
can. 30c; extra selects, 24c; standards, 20c.
I'lOKONS-Uvo, per doz., 90c.
VKAt.S-Cholre. 92106.
HAY" Per cnrload lots: Upland, choice,
19.00; No. 1 upland, J8.50; medium,
17.50; coarse, lfl.50; ryn straw, choice
15.00; No. 3 corn, SSc; No. 3 white oats.
2fic; cracked corn, per ton. 114.50: corn nnd
oats, chopped, per ton, 115.00; bran, per
ton, 112.50; shorts, per ton. 115.
CUCUMBEBS-rer doz.. 20323c.
NEW TITBNII'B Per bu. basket. 60c.
NEW BEETS Per dozen bunches. 15f20c.
NEW CA BBOTS Per doz. bunches, 25c.
LETTCCE Per doz.. 10fll5c.
BADISHES Home-grown, per doz., 15c.
PICAS Per 4-bu. basket. 60c.
BEANS Wax, per half-bushel basket,
40c; string, 35c
NEW POTATOES-Psr bu S51?15c.
CABBAGE Homo-grown, per lb., l4c.
CAl'LIFI.OWEB-Per doz.. 11.00.
GBEEN CORN-Per doz., 10c.
TOMATOES Home- grown, per bu.
basket. 40c.
ONIONS Home-grown, per lb lHSlHc.
CELEnY'-Nebraska, 20Q 40c.
PEACHES-Collfornla. per box, 90S3c;
Texas, per 4-basket crate. 1.00.
APBICOTS None on the market.
PLl'MS-Callfomln. per crate, ll.15fil.23.
PBL'NES California, Tragedy, per crate,
11.25; Kelvay, Japan, per crate, 11.25.
BABTLETT PEABS-Callfornla, per box,
GBAPES-Callfornla. 4-basket crate. 11.50;
Tokays, 12.00; Concords, home-grown, 22
NECTARINES California, 4-basket crate,
WATERMELONS As to size, 20325c each.
CANTALOUPE Gems, por dozen, 403 50c;
largo sizes, C0f;9)c.
APPLES-Native, "DcQJl.OO per bu.; per
bbl., 12.D0f'3.00. Crab apples, por bu., J1.00.
PINEAI'PLES-Per doz., 11.60f(1.75.
ORANGES Mediterranean Bweets, per
box. ti: Vnlenelas. 1I.25WI.50.
LEMONS-Californla. extra fancy, 15.50;
fnncy, 5.005.25.
BANANAS Per bunch, according to size,
NUTS Hickory, large, per bu.. 11.25:
shellbnrks, 11 35; English walnuts, per lb..
12ffl.1c: filberts, ner ID.. iLV: almonds, ner
lb., HJUCc; raw, per lb., 5',4at;c; roasted,
HIDES No. 1 green hides. 6c; No. 2 green
hides. 5c; No. 1 salted hides, fiUc; No. 2
salted hides, 5V$c; No. 1 veal calf, S to 12
lbs., 7c; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 lba.. 5c.
St. 1, 011I (irnln nml t'rn vision.
ST. LOUIS, Sept. 1 WH RAT Higher;
No. 2 red, cash, elevate r. 72c; track, i3ff
i3'4c; September. 72c: October 7Je; Decem
ber. 7417iic; No. 2 hard. CSfjU9sc.
COBN-Hlgher; No. 2 cash. 40c; track,
414f4mc; September, 3UWc; October, ile;
December, 33'4c.
OATS Firm; No. 2 cash, 2Hjc: track.
22f?22He; September, 21Uc; Ilecombcr, 2,'Vie:
May. 2I4C; No 2 white, 23c.
BYE Steady nt 60c.
SEEDS Tlmothv. stendv at 13.;BT?4 r.1
ordinary. Flax, higher at'Vi,
CnllN'.MFAt Sleuilv nt lL"lVi72nK
BRAN Firm; sacked, east track, 6fi7lo.
HAY Steadv: tlmothv. nrnlrle
17 50. ...
METALS Lead, nil et at H.37'4. Snelto.-.
dull at 11.00.
pot'LTBY Steady; chickens, 7c: youngs,
7ii3e: turkeys, fie: youngs. 7WSc: ducks, tie:
youngs, "o; geese, 4ljc; youngs, 6Q6',jc.
I'.uuH-ionuy ni isc.
BrTTER-Steady; creamery. lSiTilLc:
dairy. 1517e.
WHISKY-Stendy: 11.21.
PBOVISIONE-Pork, firm: Jobbing, H2.50.
Lard, nulet: choice. !8.67. Drv snli me.its
boxed, steady; extra shorts. 17 37'j; clear
riuE, 41 un; ciear siurs, 11 ij.'i. unci n,
boxed. Kteady. extra shortu, .00; clear
ribs. JS.121-.. clear sides. 8 2'.
BECEIPTS-Flour. 5.000 bbls.. wh.nt. AS..
000 hu. corn. 34,000 bu.; onts, 26.0M bu.
HHii'jtigNTH Flour, ttbis.j wheat,
6S,0ij( bu.; corn, 33,000 bu.; oats, 17,01X1 bu.
Knusns City (irnln nml Provisions.
Inil.n. i'IK' . ......... I. . . I. T. I
hard. tiVSiMV'. No. 3. 641J65V; No. 2 red.
' "i "novjv,
CflUX -Hintnih.r :tfi-r: nnmlwr
cash No. 2 mixed. 33Wl39e; No. 2 wdilte.'sSc!
No. 3. 3Sc
OATS-No. 2 wh te. 25H'iJ26Wc.
BYF-No 2. 43e
HAY-Cholee timothy. 10.50; prairie, fi.50.
Ht'TTFIt Crpiimrv ISW'fln. Hnlr. fn.
J7C " " " '
EOOS-Steady; fresh Missouri nnd Knn
sas stock. 12c doz.; loss off, cases returned;
nc. wniicvviiou cases inciunei . more.
----- .... . ' - ..v.... ..,u nj ,H,, 4- I, ,
W hu ; outs. 4 000 bu.
SHIPMENTS-Whent. !52.A1 bu ; corn,
29.3 bu ; oats, 2,000 bu.
rnllfornln IJrled Fruits,
.1 1fitma Tl. nvHbil .It
apples riiva rmtct and nominally un
rjiuitK'n , Stnto common wnn quoted from
.Mm' '" in llioicr, l";'ll-; latlcv,
4fiiC Prunes were minted from SLiiiTn hit
nolllld. H to size nml minlltv t,,rl....,u
Hnvill lltfllin' Xfnni riit-l U.I-m ti., ,-i '
peeled, HUlSc. unpeeled. tVfj'.ic
Penrln lliirlipt,
PHOBIA. Sept. l.-COBN-8te.idy: No. 2.
f)ATIrl.pnliir 1 I, I . . mi'smi
hilled through. ' ' " '
viumi -im the basis of 11.21 for iln
Ishcd goods.
l'org. stenuy. lamuy, u.uikhi.i. 10
clear. M3.2Sfil5.C; mess, fl2.0tVfil2.M.
n'1311 Steadv: creamers'. 17'.9?!22c
. ll'fiKc. Im tat on creamery. lSViit
Trade is Quiet on Account of Prospect of
Holiday Monday.
IlrnrUli Feellnu Prevnlln trlth Onts
Provisions Are Quiet nnd Strnil),
Helped by Llnht lliK Becelpl,
nnd Ilrorciislnic MoeUs.
CHICAGO. Sept. 1 -Steady rabies and
small deliveries wero a help to a dull wheat
market today. October closing sc higher.
Corn closed Uruc better ami oats UWic
lower. Provisions closed practically un
changed. Tradcra did not wish to load their minds
with anxiety which would Inst over the
holiday Monday nnd entered Into fresh
transactions very sparingly. Trado wus
chiefly for the local account. October, now
the nctlvo deal, opened nt 75ij,l75',o, sold
between 75ij75sc nnd closed steady, c
over yesterday nt 7o'ic. The chief help
camo from higher Liverpool and Paris ca
bles and the small deliveries on September
contracts. Less than n million changed
hands lining tho forenoon. The pit was
half deserted most of tho session. New
;irk reported 20 loads taken for export.
V. Iciirn Mf.ft Itl U'lmnl iikt.l fl..,,M ...I
to 5So bu. Primary receipts wcro l.Ko.iM'j
fill ..(,., ...1 ...I.I. . . .
vuiiii,ufu nn o..uvtj uu iusi year.
Minneapolis and Dultith reported I4ii cars,
against 391 Inst week and ti3S n year ago
Local receipts wero 127 cars, .'7 of contract
Corn was llrm, but trade was on n mod
ernto scale. Tho tone was sustained by
higher cables, hot weather west, light coun
try offerings und tho fact that thero were
no' deliveries on September contract.!. Octo
ber sold between 30ii;!yVsc and closed lMc
higher at 3U39'.sc. Becelpta wero 307 cars.
Oats opened llrm, but turned heavy, ns
there Beemed to bo a bearish feeling prev
alent, desplto the corn firmness. The le
celpts, 645 cars, and a heavy estimate for
Monday were the depressing factors. Octo
ber sold between 214(U21?c, closing LUo
down nt 21tc.
Provisions wero quiet but steady, helped
by light hog receipts, small delivery
and decreasing stocks. Deliveries on Sep
tember contracts were as follows: Pork,
4,0iJ bbls.; lard. 4.000 tierces; ribs. fjOvl.Oxj lbs.
Thero was a fair cash demand. October
pork sold between UMOftiMJirfril 05 hikI
w iiu mi; viw.n- Illlli'I 11V
,v. i.vviU(. III1IU4I,I , I.IIUIlli "IIV
cars; corn, 3.MS curs; oats, C02 cars; hogs,
SO.onO head.
Thero will bo no session of tho board
Monday Labor Day.
Tho lending futures ranged ns follows:
Articles. IQpcn. I Illgh.l Low. Closo. Ycst'y,
Sept. Oct.
Sept. Oct.
Sept. Oct.
Sept. Oct.
Sept. Oct.
74 U
40 401,
39 V
HI S9(i
21'ff'il 2li
10 91
11 07
a 30
6 724
ti 77W
6 60
7 07H
7 05
C 95
22VJ 22
10 97i 10 97'4
11 10 11 1214
10 92m 10 92
11 IK) 11 Ik)
11 25 11 25
11 uO 11 uu
G 70
ti "M
0 00
7 12i
7 07V5!
5 97',i
I! 7(
ti 7:
i Yi.
fi 77,4
C 57 HI
7 12
7 10
7 05
5 95
7 10
7 07V4
5 95
I 1U
ti 00
No. 2.
Cash quotations were ns follows:
FLOUR Steady; winter patent. $3.80ff
4.00: straights, J3.10ifi3.70; clears, 13.I&II3.50,
spring special, $4.44.50; patents, J3.50i4.C0;
bakers, 12.20&2.73.
WHEAT No. 3, 74Q75c; No. 2 red, 75Vj
c6llN-No. 2, 41Sj4li.ic: No. 2 yellow, W,
OATS No. 2. 21i,Ti22c: No. 2 white. 2ift
21Hc: No. 3 white, 23UJj25c.
BYE- No. 2. 32',iC.
HAi(i,i;r-r'air to cnoice mtuting. ij'aiic.
SEEDS Flax. No. 1. 11.121,4: No. 1 north
western. 1.4l',. Clover, contract grade, 19.73.
lnnVrllr?vr?3Mou nnrU ner hill. Ill Ofl
11.05. Lard, per 100 lbs., Hi.72tffi.75. Short
ribs sides (loose), 17.fdIT7.40. Dry salted
shoulders (boxed). Jrt.37VG6.62'4. Short clear
sides (boxed), 17.50ti7.ti0.
WHISICY-basIs of high wlnoi, 11.24V4.
SUGAR Cut loaf, unchanged.
The following are tho receipts and ship
ments ot tho principal products:
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 1.1.0U0 12.000
Wheat, bu 300,000 63A'0
Corn, h'4 223,0)0 105,000
Oats, bu 421,000 337.000
Rye. bu 2,000 46,000
Barley, bu 24.00 45,000
On the Produce exchango today the but
ter market was llrm; creameries, lS14'S21Hc,
dairies, 1471Sc. Cheese, llrm, 104(f 11 Vie.
Eggs, weak; fresh, 13tita3fcc.
Weather Is a Depressing; Influence,
lint Mneli .Money ( haiiucii lliinds,
LONDON, Sept. 1. Much money changed
hands In tho market today. New Issues of
capital, aggregating nearly 2,000,000, had
to bo met, besides X2,GO0,00O Interest and
dividends distributed.
Tho attendance on the Stock exchnnge
was small and thero was an absence of
business, generally dull weather proving
depressing. Homo rnllwnys were practically
nt a standstill. were easier
and tho disturbances In the shipping and
otner trnucs ac uiasgow, consequent on tne
probability of quarantine regulations tend
ing to affect Scotch railroads by causing n
falling oft In traffic receipts for a few
weeks. The continuance of continental In
quiry for Chinese properties resulted In a
general advanco of from & to 1 point, re
flecting tho Improved opinion of operators
on tho latest developments In the far east.
Thero was much Irregularity In Amer
icans. At tho opening thoy were dull and
below nnrltv. but grew firmer nnd closed
quiet. The Indisposition to do business was
owing io mo rnct mat tho xow York
Stock exchange was lowed. Southern Pa.
clflcs wero especially III in. Atchlsons wcro
in renowen ciemanu on increascil prollts in
place of tho expected decrease. Copper and
Kalllrs were steady.
The llnanclnl authorities Insist that tho
21,000,1)00 Bank of England reserve Is none
too large nnd that to nrevent an outflow ot
gold to Now York or Paris It Is essential to
maintain Interest rates here.
The Statist says: ' Amcrlcnnu will cnn.
tlnue to be In n position to take gold. Wo
thlllk tho "nsltlon Of the cottnn Irmln ni. iv
considerably affect the monev mnrket, us
attenuated stocks of cotton at Liverpool
means purchases from America when tho
new crop in avanauie.
The Statist nlso says: "TI ore Is a pros
pect that London will havo I i repnv a por
tion of the balance due to Fu.nce In order
to enable the latter to meet the new Rus
sian loan now being negotiated in Paris."
Loudon Stni
LONDON. Sept. 1.-
E t llOillllllllH,
2 p. m. -Closing:
V.rle ,.T
Con., money
H 1110
do account
Cnnnilnn I'aclllc.
Ht. I'nul
l.m evil) . . .
Fnlnn f'nclil pM
N Y Central . ..
1 do tut nfd
Rnnrtlng . ...
No. Pacific pfj,...
Oiand Trunk . ..
Uunl Mine
n' l
BAB SILVEB-Steady; 2S 7-101 per ounce
MONEY -'H? per cent, short bills, 3 11-10;
three months1 bills, 3?!83 13-16.
Weekly Unnk Statement,
NEW YORK. Sept. 1.- The weekly bank
statement shows the fallowing iliauses:
8urplu reiervi s. Increase I3,is!i,5yi. lomi
decrease. J5.Vl.aO', ipeH. lncre.uo-, $.'! 373,2'M;
legal tenders. Increase, JSID.Oi'O; dep ,slts. In.
crease. 12,130,600, circulation, lner.m-u, 5J10,
300. The banks now hold 127.07,4;5 in i .
ces of the requirements of the 23 per cat
mv York i;iort nnd Imports,
NEW YORK. Sent. 1. -Exports of Kold
from the port of New York for the week
ending today were 111.59H, of silver. lOH.iilo.
Imports of gold nt New York this week
Wro 131.761; of silver. H75.S.1V
Tho Imports of dry goods this week were
11.823,lSt and of generul merchandise tl,73t,.
('ondltlnii of tin TrviiNiii)',
WASHINGTON. Pept. 1 -Today 's stnle.
meat of the treasur.v b,lar.cs In tho gen
eral fund, exclusive of the f IM.nrto.imo gold
reserve In the division of redemption,
shows- Available cash balance, 1.1V 119,696;
gold, 160.6S3.2S9.
Fiirt'lKii I'lniiiii'liil NoIch.
PARIS. Sept. l.-BualnesM was llrm on the
bourse today, the negotiations In regard 10
the settlement of the Chinese troubles being
regarded as favorable and the more In.
definite rumors In regard to tho conclusion
of the Russian loan ufforded encouragement
.,unvA llliv liuilftil-ll il L 411. UJ, UVIUUl'l Inlll I ITT
tween t.77V-'ii0.755iC.775, closing unchanged
atl.77H. and October ribs between $7.1011
to operators. Spanish 4s and Brazilian se
curities were In great favor. Kalllrs were
quiet. De Beers are attrai ting greater at
tention Three per cent rentes, 101f5c for
the account, exchango on Iotidon, 20 f 16Hc
for checks; Spanish 4s closed ut 73.621.4.
BERLIN. Sept. 1. On the bourse today
business was generally quiet, except In the
case of mine shares. Willi h were In eroaf
demand, owing to the scarcity of coal. Hunk
snares were lunier. Kxciwnge on London,
.aim i;i pigs, ror enecKS. mseount rates
Short bills. 34 per cent; threo months' bills
3!i per cent.
LONDON. Pent. 1. The amount of bullion
taken Into the Rank of llnglund on balance
today was 27,01)0. Spanish 4s, 72'; gold
pi ciiiiiim ui uueuos 4yrcH, jji.iu.
11 n ti rn'l ri I iilf. .
wh ic, .vio. repi. . 1 icaring". (j,
0&2.7SI; balances, J95.54. Motiev, 4W7 per
cent. New York exchunge, 25c discount
uiu, ivc uucnuni iimveu.
NEW YORK. Sent. l.-Ctearlngs, 1120,U,
229; bnlnnees. $,357,9S.
,V l... . ..l-.-l ... fn 1 1... .
i rcii. i. i. u-.iiings, )i l,i?, iV
balance., l 154. ijfi.
PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 1 -Clearings
Ji;U6.StU, balances, 1.7tA.54l.
Bil.TI.MOBE. Sept. l.-Clcarlngs, 13,231,.
J'INVINNATI. ticpt. l.-CIcnrings. S1.67;.-
1 . I ttlKtil lltatllll llftll Hn.IKl.lnil.
LIVERPOOL. Sept. 1 --WHEAT-Sp'ot.
steady; No. 2 red western winter, Cs td; No.
1 MAM.t.A... ...!.... I. . I .1 . XA . , W . .
inn 111T-1 ii iuiii, Ti.i 073U , nu. i Hiuuriua,
6s 4Udfl6s 5d. Futures, steady; December,
6s 2?.d.
CORN Spot, firm; American mixed, new,
4s 2d; Americnn mixed, old, Is 2'id. Futures,
Kiiiiiiiiii . oepieniiier, 1.1 .'4u; iNOVemucr,
4s 2',d ; December, Is (ml.
F LOU It St. Louis funcy winter, firm,
1 a tfu.
lMnltciirvtJt 1..J1..
, y iiivir,-dcii. 1 Aim llllllll inCP?',
mill TTtf n.1 ti-ttTtn vAaa utrwuf. r.? n.t t.t.
-..... 1'iitiii- mi'-n niMitij, i)tl, I (U ri.
A m or Inn 11 tfl nmt 1 11 t. n .
........ , iviiiivvn ii I'lliin, llllll, O') ,'!
'. .1.1.- "iniuiil, in mn rsi, III III, ...H iHl.
1 111 nitf Bliifr fin! II I r til II. j .... i... .vl
Huron, Cuniborlunil cut, '2 to r.0 bt , llrm,
41fl di; nhort ribs, IS to 22 lb , Mnn. 45m. lone
clfar mlrtiliVs, Ilcht, 30 to 35 lbH.( firm. n kl;
Ions clear inlddlefl, hciivy, 3T to 10 Ibj.. llrm.
lfl; HMort clear lack, lti to l.s lba.. llrm. SOs
bi ; clear uolUe.s 11 to lrt lbs., Hrm, 45b fid.
.Shoulders, square, 12 to 11 lb., steady,
rilKKSK-Amerlcnii llncKt white, dull, 60s
vu: iih-iiuiii iinuHt cniorco, (lull, bl9 uu.
TALOW-Prlmo city, dull, iMaDd; Au
ftfillnti in T nti.lnn ,lti11 n,w'J '
uii, a., iiuiimuii, 14 VI 1 1 1 on UU.
Jt ' 13s tfjFfw'L,0Mll0n (I'acl" coaU' steady,
1,,VT,TJK 'U-'I'f1' A HltHea finest, 91s;
l until otiutj.i KlMHl, yp.
PAH-) 'utmrllfi. Ku 1nlA,l
Tho following uro tho Atnrks of brrad
i. v'v i.HPiir in I'jvrrpooi; r loiir.
S'(2,-Cl'n,n.1',,: WI,P"' -- centals; corn
li fJH) nnvn alinn Mnea 'I U.l 1 .
S.500 cwtfl.; cheese. M,:0i) Iioxch; lard, trltno
JJw) tlorcoH. '
Tim HtnrWa nf n'ttixif ni.l i..
and on quays (railways and canal depots
-.. ,u' ",u' "cai, .AHi,wu centals;
corn, 313,000 centals. ."-'nam,
4)11 MurUot.
l.tvnnnont. 1 mr t .
ii i i i ""i"; v.ii,r v. niionseeu,
illy i retlncil. November nnd April, sternly,
2.1s 6d. Turpentlno splr ts, 27s. Rosin
Steadv. ix'.M l 1 it. n.l .'
G d i vuuicum,
13 Pfus S0pt" 1-01LS-1,"-ooiini. 7m
sidrdiff"' SCpt- 1-OILS Turpentine
xwvvnni. ar,i 1 nn o .
, . - uujd, i. viuo-1 oiiouseeu,
Ouiet; yellow, .He. l'etroleum, dull; refined
New York, JS.0,; Bhlladelphla an I B il l'
m01T' JJ; In bulk, $7.03. Bosln, strnltied to
good. 11,521411.55. Turpentine, steady, 37$
CofTi'o farkel.
C.Vr niM. '?iv i . '"'V .' . '"'I'-'Uiei;
- : "i ew. t ne iiiuinei jor luiures
opened ciu et nnd unchaiiBcd nnd scarcely
.f ei'L' 'hl',.howlni veak undertone. fo.
low ns unsatisfactory European and Rio
cables and a belief that cables would be
:l.1.rJlcxt.w(;ck ,he Satos railroad strlko
S L ! 'orl011 nt ".cn'I-.'lillo warehouse
dell cries wcro small and spot buyers In-
.-PWA.7'3?' Ngyt'lnbcr. $7.43; De-
.....,..1., fl.uu, .uurcu, i.iu; .lay, 17.50.
Cotton .IliirUol.
.fi5lf'! slntpml,or' S-8l.S3cj Octo
S.JliU! .ttc; November, S.24(Ti8.25e Tje
.ilier. i -ISViS "In- 1,..,,,.V t o.V,o Tr.'
a,?-?1?"7crf iS!?' h-&: April,
9 Ti i oi ' V, "'" . "PO't Jinn; sa es,
2.0,j bales; ordinary. 71-bc; Rood ordlnarv
74e; loW rnlddlln. Sc; mlrtdnnS.s"; Jo"i
mldilltnir. liLo? ini,i,in.. t..t- .... hi."
CU beloH. -"i. mora,
ST. LOUIS. Sept. l.-COTTON-Dull, 1-lfic
lower: no reilna. ml. 1,111. , ni. L
bales; stockT ife baieS: " 'Vla- "
Tolrilo liirUrf,
Li 1 ' J. WtiUAT Dull
('( inMniiii hii,'..'. x- ,i .
ber, 42Hc. ' - -asn' aepicm-
Septen,be"U22.4cnCl,nnBO,,i No' 2 CaHn'
i,i ' iHKner; No. 2 ensh. 52o.
..ty-tj,!i'-rl'vcr- lu" hlRhcr; 'JS prime
10.CO; '!) prime. C.ftV, No. 2, r..7d. p 1
Diiltilli Wlinnt Vfnrliet.
rrr ttttt , t ..... . . .
1 hard, cash. 7Sic; Septombtr, 7Sc; De
cember. 7Dc;Nn. 1 northern, cash. 7Cic;
September, 76tc; December, 77c No
northern, 73,e; No. 3 iprlnfT, 70-c; 're
ceipts, 01.2411 bu. 4 '
i uitix we.
riillndel nhlii Produce ."Mnrltef.
JMfH.ADF.t.I'ftl A. Rnnf 1 niTTfl.-n
- , uw 1U1V
Steady; fancy western creamery, 22c; fancy
western prints, 23c.
EClOS Firm: fresh nenrhy and fresh
western, 17c; fresh southwestern, 15c; fresh
southern, 14c.
JlllvrimUpe firnln Market.
MIlWACKEE, Wis.. Sept. l.-WIIEAT
Higher; No. 1 northern, 7i'4c.
RVE-I'rlme No. 1, MtWc.
B A RLE V Firm; No. 2 sample, not
Suunr Mnrkel,
LONDON. Sept. l.-SUGAR-Bcet, Sep.
tombcr, lis 3?4d.
Dealer from This Side lUiieet Mueh
1'rollt from the Fuel
I 'll hi I ii i',
LONDON, Sept. 1 American coal oper
ators and their agents aro apparently
Bwarmlug to England and rumors of many
Importaut deals tilled the ulr durlug the
last week. W. I'. Head of Chicago Is
horc on his way to Paris. Ho Is hopeful
of supplying both tho French and Russian
ravics with steam coal from West Vlrolnla.
Mr. Kcnd had a long Interview with tho
Ilubbian consul )csterday nnd was In con
sultation nt the Russian naval attuehe
today boforo proceeding to 1'nrls.
E. M. Hopkins of rhlhidclphln this morn
ing closed a coutract for 100,000 tons of
Ilnnna run-of-mlne coal for Immediate de
livery at Mediterranean ports. Mr. Hop
Kins said to a representative of tho Asso
ciated I'ress;
"Consumers aro not familiar with Amer
ican uuscresned coal, hut continental deal
ers here aro. Therefore, I am selling to
them, I do not anticipate trouble In se
curing chirtors."
I'risident Cas&att of the Pennsylvania
railroad has gone to Paris cn tho samo
business, while the presence of Robert
Pltcalrn, superintendent of tho Pennsyl
vania's Pittsburg division, nt tho Carlcton
hotel Is occasioning considerable gossip.
Mr. Pltcalrn goes to Scotland for u visit
to Androw Carntglo early next week and
It has been said there Is on foot a schemo
to provide tho Pennsylvania coal syndleato
with trnnsatlantle transportstlcn.
Mr. Pltcalrn said to a representative of
the Associated Piess: "My visit to Mr.
Carneglo Is not exactly on the errand sug
gested. I am not miito suro how long the
present coal famtno under existing condi
tions In England will continue. My per
sonal Idea U that American inlno owners
nro apt to find u better mafket in Medit
erranean or Black tea ports than In coun
tries whoio Knglnnd Itself villi be a
competitor. Under fair conditions 1 be
lieve the I'nlted States can supply Eng
land's Termer customersi on tho contlucat
with profit."
vrrct vlli'Ufd Itliiii'i's,
AKRON. O. Sept. 1 -Twelve working,
nun ullegid to have takn part in the
rji't of lat.t week have be n a retted ho e
chmgud with rioting. A squad of poll-e
guarded the Jail throughout tlri nlt-hl ami
Companyx F Ohio Natbinil OutiM. vi is
held In It' trrn"r -uii -. an pn'-ihle
trouble an. 1113 u a result of tno .tncju,
Week Closes with Nothing on tho Market
but Hogs.
linotl ( nttir, -111111 flic I'.weplloii or
Cor, .r HlKhrr fur Week-Sheep
anil I. ii mix Are n (liinrter
Advnncc tin I. ant Week.
Receipts were: Cnttl. noss. Sheen.
Ada Monday 3,113 12,51
OM c Id I Tuesduy 4,7li 7.:B.1 B.Mti
Hi! c a! W ednesday 4.S17 7,iVS 7.911
Olllclal Thursduy 4,799 5.0l;t S.nT.i
Otllclal Friday l,27 4,514 6.2?2
uiuciai Saturday tui 5 ns
... r.ot'1' week 23,571 M.tS 4n,13
eek ending Aug. 25.... 21.039 47.C97 43,325
U cek ending Aug. IS. . . .17,015 31,105 31,177
cek ending Aug. 11....1S.731 37,otti 3l,09tj
vcek ending Aug. 4....13.7M Sfi.o.17 1P.99J
Wick ending July 2S....12,76 3!.!S2 2I.SI3
Avoragi price pal.: tor nogs for the last
"'li "ays, wnn comparsons:
jlS'.O.IlSvyj. 11835.,
I. ..,
II. ..
2t. . .
3'). . .
31 ..
5 151 4 19! 3 791
1 S 77) 4 4i 4 59
3 I 4 4.'n 4 5 1
0 Ui I 26 3 74.
0 ti 4 33k J G7
3 471 2 531 4 54 4 t
3 R7l 2 S5 4 '.
t 10,
4 431 3 t4
4 4o 3 71
i 3 77
4 M
4 37 3 SI
3 Ml 2 l, 4 6o
C 04
5 14
5 15
5 01
6 001
i 431 3 02
4 57
4 "M
3 45, 2 92 4 55
i lill s tv
I 4 49
4 8.1
4 SO
4 70
4 321 3 b7! 3 49
4 2S 3 67, 3 53;
4 291 3 77i 3 51
2 76 4 5
4 99,
2 M
! SO
4 7:
4 77
4 35 3 M
3 74
4 43
3 50
3 64
3 CS
4 60
4 59'
4 95
4 97
4 97
4 9S
6 w;
2 S3 4 51
4 97
4 41, 3 75
2 hi
I 12 5 ('ti
4 s:
3 7S 3 70
4 17 & "5
4 Stil
I 71 1 S4 4 55, & 11
4 p;
4 47 3 M
3 CS, 2 92, ' 5.07
3 73 2 SS 4 M .
4 50 3 6:
r. o.i
51 3 70 2 79' 4 56 i 01
5 02
5 01
4 97
4 42
I 3 76 2 ST.l 4 49i
3 tO 2 79 4 36
f. 10
5 OS
4 41
a I I J sj
3 Rl' 3 79
4 36
6 I
5 02,
4 42
3 fiS' 4 30
5 II
6 00 4 40 3 731 3 S1I
4 58, 3 72 3 91 :
2 791
3 n
71. 4 3
I 9S
3 70, 4 02, 2 75 4 24 5 21
4 40 .1 fi7 1 Ui 4 26 I. 31
r o.'.
4 12 3 70 2 Si 4 22 5 2'i
5 00,
4 40, 3 72' 3 91 I I 211 5 42
5 05
2. 3 ra i '.11 . M, 1 -H1 n l.i
1501-HI 4 20 3 till 3 99 2
5 53
Indicates Sundw
Tho official number of cars of stoclt
brought lti todny by each road wns:
C M.Ht. P. Ry .U:U'TS,?.' H r:
o. k st. l. Ry.... i :.
Missouri Pacific Ry 5
I'nlon Pacific system I 15 ,. 2
F E . M. V. R. R id .,
S. C. & V. Ry l
C.i St. l' M. & o. Ry 7 .. ..
B. fit SI. B. It ll
C. . B. & Q, Ry fi
C. B. 1. & v., east 1
C, B. I. A: P., west 1
Total receipts 4 7; ., j
Tho disposition of the duy's receipts was
as follows, each buyer . purchasing tho
number of head Indicated:
llllvur. H..11I. 11 1.1
Omaha Packing Co 41s ....
11. 11. jiammonil Co 21 S3 1 ....
Swift and Company LUts
Cudahy Packing Co 797
'Wiiiuiir v i o 1,270 .
Swift nnd Co., country... 82
Laton H7
H JC. S f'n .
Other buyers "io 'wi
Totals 113 4,sns P6
CATTLE As is ecncrally tho caso 111
Saturday there were practically no cattle
on sale today, only n few odds nnd end
being offered, for which there was little
.lemand, neither packers or yard traders
wanting supplies on Saturday.
'1 ho cattle inurkct has been In good shape
all the week. Tho supply has been Just
nbout normal, varying but little from last
week s receipts or from tho corresponding
week of last year. Tho demand was good
for all kinds of cattle, with tlin nniilhln
exception ot common grades of cows, and
i.i'ii-a iiaui nmu vury oausiuciory. i 110
bulk of tho receipts all the week wero
inade up of western cattle nnd were bought
lnrgcly by yard traders to bo sent hnelc
Into the country as feeder?. Packers wero
looking for killers, but found comparatively
lew that wero suitable for that purpose.
Cornfed steers havo not been In very
heavy supply tho past week. The demand,
however, was uood for the better urnrl'i
and tho market on most days was In ,103d
shnpe. For tho week It Is safe to call It
strong to 10c or 15c higher In somo cnse.i.
The medium grades, such nr come In com
petition with tho westerns, have not moved
so readily, and nro probably no more than
stendy for tho week.
Tho cow market has been the ono bad
feature of this market r.nd of others as
well. The sunnlv was liberal nml Mm ton.
dency was In the direction of lovvr price?
"ii ii muiirn. Eivni me nesi iiinus are
steady to a dlmo lower, and from that the
market shadex down to 10Ki25e lowpr nn dm
common stuff. It takes good cows now to
bring 13 or over, and commission men nro
advising their shippers not to sen I In loo
much cow stuff at the present tlmo and
give the market a chance to recover, din
ners are not so much dlff-rent thnn thv
wero at the close of last week, thmiph tiu.v
aro n little lower.
Bulls have sold falrlv wel rill thn
though the coarse heavy kinds are a llttlo
lower than they were u week ago. Tho
good stock bulls, however, have brougli'
good strong prices alt the week.
In splto of the fact that tho bulk of the
receipts this week were on tho feeder order
the market Is higher than It was ut the
"lose of last week. Tho good heavyweights
or vearlliiKS of cood nunlftv urn nviir.
higher for tho week. Tho common kinds,
however, are not nny better, prices remain
ing Just about steadv. Stock hdrnru ham
also advanced nbout tho samo amount, but
cows havo not shown much Improvement.
Western grnss cattlo wcro In good supply
all tho week. The few bunches that wero
good enouch for killers bronchi limt nimm
steady prices. Texas cattlo nlso arrived in
good numbers and tnny bo called steady for
the week. Cows nre all the way from
nearly steady on tho best kinds to 10iii-25e
lower on tho common stuff. Feeders aro
loill&c higher on tho cood. henvv emtio (
tho week, while the common stuff Is nliout
steady, Representntlve sales:
No. Av. I'r. No.
13 1017 II J3
Av. IV.
1 1110 3 !5
1 0 J ?, l S! 2 M
2 56) 3 75
HOGS Thero was about a usunl Satur
days run of hogs hero todny and the mar
ket started out Just about ntendy and fairly
active on the prime light weights. Tho
heavy hogs were rather slow and were left
until the last, but practically everything
sold In Just about yesterday's notches. Tim
coarso heavy weights, though, In some
cases, may havo sold a Utile easier. Latn
ti tho morning a train arrived with several
loads of hogs and tho market on those
vyas rather idovv for a time, but they were
finally bought up nt nearly stendy prices,
though the feeling was weak, particularly
on tho henvler weights.
The supply of hugs has not been very
heavy this week, being 11,170 head less than
last week, but 6,170 head morn than tho
same week last year. Tho general tendency
of tho market has been upward, us tin
table, of average prices will show. On Sinn
day the market took n ilmp. but advanced
slightly on Tuesday, held wlenily on
Wednesday, lost 2c on Thursday, but gained
5o on I rldav and held steadv again on
Saturdiiy. I he week then closed over tic
higher than It opened, or nearly steady
with the close of the preceding week, anil
about a dime higher Umu ut tho closo of
.uu nrcn uviuiu, ri'iicu la 1 1 V0 SaCB
Fh. IV.
Ml. 1
. . I 05
5 03
41 6 05
0 6 05
31 .
17 ..
61 .
45. .
W. . .
1 4
M .
31 ..
r.7 .
74 .
03 ..
4S .
M ..
17 ..
K . .
.-.7 .
3-.' I SO 4 90
.301 i:o I M
5H .
ro .
61 .
7 .
7S ..
to. . .
cv ..
61 .
71 ..
(7 ..
. 224
4 13
0 4 05
. .'.'CO
I" 4 97',i
14 ll S M
.30,", 1:0 5 Oil
.227 2S0 S 05
.2.31 120 5 03
o s no
.. .27S
. ..MV
.. 5?1
6 CO
10 5 05
. . i 03
.. 6 0
SO 5 05
. .1 115
0 6 0,5
. 5 00
. 5 00
n 5 00
. .m
.. 2K
wo 5 no
..:jo hi & co
..171 so s CO
M 5 0.
..:m 1:0 boo
. .237
. 2f4
.. (I)
.. 311
. v
. . .tio
.. ti
. . .K
. !7
.. 31
so ii w,
5 13
HI 5 Ki
. 5 or,
.. S 0711
10 5 C7Cj
.. 6fl7'
. 5 07.j
(0 t 07I-,
. li I"'',
. F. 1171,
f0 3 r,?i,
5 07 4
. . S 01",
. i 07'i
. S 071,
6 07lj
40 6 10
.. h to
.. i If)
41 f 11
m m 5ojw
;t: ... 5051,
.2(1 M &MV,
tit 15) 5 08IJ
5 031,
311 1x0 srjii
SI f. Mil.
.530 IJ0
" - 1
. . 0 Uj
.if 27
11 fi 6S
:m no .'. ;
10 & "1
W .
i 6
;o 1 '
.271 I'M S f'i
:S7 ii h ov
i;n 0"
2:4 li) b ii
.. 151
2I3 IM i 11
ii' 40 s 10
... t
:1 . t IO 111 . . i 1:1,
il .119 5 H
SHEEP There were no frcdi arrival of
lieep here tod.iv and nothing of much ac
count carried over from yesterday
The market has been well supplied all
the week, receipts showing a decrease of
only 2,712 heed as compared with IhsI week
and an lnc res. of over 1 '..not head ns enii
pred with th inrrespondliiR week of hist
year Taking Into eniislderatlon the heavy
receipts, the market has been In excep
tionally good condition. The demand 011 the
part of packers and feeder btners was fully
equal to the ocrnMon and as a result the
market advanced on all guide with the
exception of feeder lambs. Sheep arc right
around 2!V hlKher thnn they were a week
ago and lambs uro selling fully S6ji,tiv
higher. I coder wi thers are also about 25c
higher, while feeder lambs nro about
steady Rept esentatlve sale".
Quotations: Clmlee western grass weth
ers, 13 tMj3 60; eholci' grnss curlings. ,t toff
3.ty), choice .ewes. J3.it3.2i, fair to good
owes. $2 iV3iH eholee -tlng lambs. J5 :5if
el'i; fair to good spring l.imbn. J5 OO'.f.i 25,
Jff!,'.rr V"i'ts. l.l 41W1.1 50; leeder lambs. ll.oO
tl.2u. Reptcsentatlve sales:
ClIK AtiO 1,1 I
.MnrWi-t (ieneriillj Memly tllh Hi
I'i'litloii or Diilliii'iii In llnus.
CHICAOO, Sept. 1 -CATTLE -Receipts,
-tX) head; nominally steady; i:ood to prime
native steers, !, ,r to tncdlum.
Il.6i'u5l; selected feeders, 1100(1.75; mled
stockcrs, 13.2MT3.W; cows. 2Mi'U4 50; lielfers,
13.00ur. 00; eanners. 12 mt3 70; bulls, 2 mt
Urai rs' ' Wf(S.W; Toxas-fed ntciTS, 11.25
bu'lK1 ffiS la" S,COrai "-O- cxn"
.J,I.nS5S,""U:'l,'l,',H lo,,"v '0" "cad; estl
mated for tomorrow, :i3.i.V head; left over,
u.POp head; nbout steady; top, 15.42W; mixed
hevv U,?te Wfi- , Wd to cholee
n l.iP'".5n!i:':1, ': lough heavy, ISiHiN95.
lt'L,it-f,r:J;,&'.4- 5: l),,lk "t sales, r.nvii.-, V
ANl) LAMBS- Receipts, a.noo
tl(lltl. i?ntifrfillv niAi.iii .1 . . . '.
wethers: , ifft; flilr t hoieo n.lxed 'l3
tAnV.'l xr,"p-nsheep, 3.53 75; Texas sheep.
ux'.3iii'.Vlr ,'iV,.,,!, western
...... .. . "'"'.. .in uiirnis nr sneen this
week. 33.10O li.m.i -iiiivi I.
1...- .. , ... ,."" 111-1111 iivi'i an 1 re
v ous reoords, mostly to country for feed-
head; hogs, 141,500 head; sheep, 01,700 head
Last week? I'ntii.. r.t ti .......
head, sheep, ks"7 liead7 """"
KANSAS CITV. Slo . Sept. l.-CATTLI-ln7
w'.'il1 "s,wr?l i;M I'oad; oorresimnd
mnrivi '?'" l"!r Market in
imJ r.?nf,li ,,cln,l'1 "t lOffjoc higher pilc'-s
s?oel?eLC,'.'.rr!,,f wVh n eights and
stockcrs and feeders showing the nnnt
strength; native steers, fl.TO'iS W lock"
irnr''Tv." l"'tciier rows ,1
heifers. 1;1(W5I5; ranner., 12 f.CH?T3.0il; f"d
westerns. 14.oxj5 50: winter;.,! Texans. Jj.,0
'nirs '""'"s. 13S)il3 60.
ii.M.0.hl,,,rif '.l"." :ni M"rlet m-
ii iiH i.7. t .1 K" ' ' r,,ceipis lor the we ll.
li,,ci"!.:,..t "I ,,e',,,"."", wni modemte and
tii-vuuuii ouiue; nrav y ami mixed
,iui-,3; """k'iiSS!
...Sil,141?-1' AND, I'ASIBS-Rerelpfs this
week. L.lXO head; for cnrr.-sputulliig we. U
last year 1V.KI head: trado aetlvo all the
lmb-. R25iul to!.s. 'ha 5o!"wesT:
cutis: nrndV . u'CUl!r' k"-5-
St. Limit the lioel.-.
HT.'ia xin u..i ,...,....
ceh ts. rm n,.n " "i..vA '"-.v::
l.l". ' ......... ,'iainvi rii.'il'l , lllllive
shipping and export steers, "i.f)iii.0;
...t.-i.-u ui'fi 111111 outener steers, 1 50ii5 5o;
steers 1111, t,-r 1 i,l n, i r. . '
mm ree, .rrV K'r.iflY .Si. .. ".r.:, M ."Va
t rn?rp can;r,,i; bulls, $ 6 ifjs
cows nnd heifers, 2.I0fiJ.75.
lIOOS-Rccelpts 1,000 head. Starke:
slendv Idr-a nml nil. .-"!.:..
15.5 3.1 butchery: 5 3555 lb" W"
m liivr a.-sd LASIBS Receipts, 'OJ
head. Slurket. steady, muttons, LLfiOff i.oi)
lnmlis. 11 miiS ft.-.- ,ill i.,.i.
4.(0; stockcrs, J2.cOJJ3.ifi. "
evv VorU I.lvr MtoeK-.
NMVV vnm: Ga.. 1 ni.i.iM.L. ...
...... . u .jM,i. ,. iu,c, r.r' iie
celpts. none fresh; no trading .Market
...... .....j ,,,,, iuiict, llllll, KllllUIlClllS,
9JS cattle and S,2i5 uiiarters of beef.
CALVES Receipts. IS head; trade very
niiKi-ir anu IASIIIS-Beceltits, 4,411
niivvi'i 111111 nun lunci , lulling. ..,IIIU"e
l,tu,n. ul.nnn fi Tfu I M. I ,wr . .'!.. .
J.V VXA . r ; 1 ,VW' 'nuii-'-. i.j; luiuui
W VM1 1 .UV.
Hnr.S nncHnla 1 CV1 l,no tr..l,.i
... ' 1. TiJilJ Vm -J ....... moinui
steady at J5.75IiG.05.
St. .Iiini'iili' Sliif'l.
sntTTir ht lniiinin i 1 ,o...
uiui.; im- utiuriuti iiuiiies;
I'iTTt.r T,.r.nli,tu n nnu ....i. ..
- .. . . ..yv'I"'. uviiu, null IV1.-L
steady; demand good.
HOGS Receipts, 3,600 head; market
oiiened steady; closed wenk; all crudes,
!,i.O;Vr5.20; l)jk of sales, 13.10tf3.174.
SHEEP-Becelpts, S00 heud; market ac
tive, steady.
Stock In Slclit.
l.-nl Inn'lti n" ri rn I'm . . .1 . . . . . ... . I
. , . '" i'1-.-il'if ilk lliu .11111
prlnclpnl western markets for Soptember i:
r'niii.i it,., 01. ......
Hnlltlt Ormilm .. 0,l" K 117'
Chicago 201 13.000 3,tO)
Kansas city j.joo
St. Louis 1.200 1.600 100
.1. 131 23,91$
I'otnl for the Year Amounts io $H2,-
15'-()1S Increase for Auuust,
7i l,-(IS, l, I,
WASHINGTON, Sept. 1. Tho monthly
circulation statement Issued by tho comp
troller of tho currency shows that at tho
closo of business August 31, 1900, tho total
circulation of national bank notes was
1321, 223. H0, nn Increaso for tho year of
152.162.01S nml an Increase for the month
of 1I.20S.454. Tho circulation based on
United States bonds wns 1290.CU, 350, nn
increaso for tho yenr of $S I, -ICS, 007 nnd an
Increaso for tho month of 11,193,922.
Tho circulation secured by lawful money
amounted to !33,5S2,ri40, a decreso for the
year of 12,315,989 nnd nn increaso for tho
month of 114.532.
Tho umount of United States bonds on
deposit to securo circulating notes was
1295.70O.3S0, and to securo public debt,
Father Cnrrnll of I)iiliuiiie I.IUcly Io
lie Flint RInIiuu of Sioux
WASHINGTON, ScptTl. It Is learned
from an otllclal source that by reason of
Archbishop Ryan's petition to Rome, sup
plcmented with that of tho Philadelphia
suffragan bishops, tho new seo of Altoon
probably will ho created this month. It Is
believed that Very Rev. J. P. Garvey, D. I).,
president of the St. Charles college at Over
brook, Pa., will bo the ilrst Incumbent of
tho diocese.
It Is understood that nothing definite con
cerning tho creation of Sioux City, la., as r
diocese will bo done until after Archbishop
Keuiio's return from Durope. Father John
Carroll of Dubuque, however, Is said to be
Its probable appointee.
Priildcnl Sfiiys In WiimIiIiikIoii.
WASHINGTON, Sopt. l.-Tho duto of
President McKlnloy's departure for Can
ton has not been fixed. Ho had hoped to
ho nble to leave this week, lnrcniv nn a...
count of tho condition of Mrs. McKlnley's
ucaiin, tun 1110 important character of
tho Chinese negotiations necessitated his
presence hero at least until tho nresnnt
crisis Is passed. At tho Will to House
overytning is in rondlness for tho presi
dent's departure, but It Is now bolloved
that ho and Mrs. McKlnley will not get
away until tho mlddlo of next week.
Denlen lll-Tri-ntmi'iit of Cri'imliiMT.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 1 -The War de
partment has received a telegram from
General Shaftor at San Francisco saying
that ho tins carefully Investigated tho state
ments that hnvo been made relative to the
treatment accorded the latn f'nplaln Crcn-
sh.iw of the Twenty-ninth Infantry. Th
general says.
"There Is not the slightest foundation of
fct In the newspaper articles In which It
Is cUlmed he hd not received proper
treatment while on board rhlp and at tho
honpital at the Presidio. It Is shown, on
the contrry, that his case received spoclal
enre and nttentlon. Report by mull today."
Record for lSlifi hi jnit- Respects
Eiereds Hint of Any of It
WASHINIJTO.V. Sepi 1 -complete om
clal returns for the fiscal year ended Jutm
30, 1900. show that 1.445 vessels of 393.16$
gross tons were built and documented In
the 1'nltcd StaUs. Stti.e !Si3 this record
lias been exceeded only tub e- in 1S6. vihon
415,710 gross tons wcro built, and In 1S7I,
whcti 432,735 gross tons were built.
Tho construction may be classed accord
ing to the following types' Schooners,
schooner barges and sloops. 499, ot 109.G05
gross tons; great lake steam vessels. 25, of
97.S47 gross tons; canal boats and bargos,
523, of 74,560 gross tons, ocean scrow
steamships, :o, of 60,369 gross tons, of
which but ono, the "Maralcabo," 1.771
gross tons, were built wholly or princi
pally for trades reserved by law to Ameri
cnn vessels; rlvor Btcamcrs. 375. of 44.283
gross tons; square-rigged vessels, 4, of
C.205 gross tons
Tho steam vessels built 420, of 202.4DI
gross tons surpnss tho record, tho nearest
appronch being lS9i. when 4SS steam
vessels of 1S5.037 gross tons were built
Tho steel vessels bullt-90. of 196.SDI
gross tons exceed tho previous record
year, 1S99, when 91 such vessels of 131.
379 gross tons were built Cleveland. O,
ranks first ns builder ot steel vessels, with
9 steamships of 31.429 gross tons, fol
lowed by Newport News, 7 stcamshlpa
of 2S.022 Rross tons; Chicago. 5 vessels.
22,504 tons; Detroit, 4 steamships of 15.69.1
tons. During the past decade the steel
steam vessels built In tho United States
aggregate 465, of 742.S30 gross tons, of
which 19S of 450.0S9 gross tons were built
on the great lakes. For comparison It may
bo noted that tho British Board of Trado
reports that 727 steel steam vessels of
1.423,311 gross tons wero built in th
United Kingdom during 1S99. During tho
ten yearn, 69 steel steam vessels of
1U4.0S0 gross tons wero built at Cleveland
nnd 110 of 13S.69.1 gross tonn at Philadel
phia, Tho total tonnago built and documented
on tho great lakes during tho year, 125
vessels of 130.GU gross tons, la the largest
in tho history of that region. Tho total
for the middle Atlantic and gulf roasts. 605
vessels of 135,473 tons, exceeds nny record
since 1872. The total for the New Eng
land coast, 199 vcsselB of 72,179 gross
tons, has not been equaled since 1S91,
while the product of tho I'aclllc coast, .100
vessels of 40,396 tons, Is surpassed only by
tho returns of 1S98 nnd 1899. Construction
on .Mississippi river nnd tributaries, 217
vessels of 14.509 tons, Is 9,000 less than 1S99.
Tho foregoing figures do not rover yachts
or government vessels.
SfrlUctn nml Em-ilo) iru Vrlittmlr.
CLEVELAND, Sept. 1. Six hundred lone
shoremen, who went on u strlko ut the Erin
railway oro docks several days ago, returned
to work this morning, pending a settlement
of tholr grlovancos by arbitration. The men
quit work ns a result of tho refusul of tho
owners of tho steamer Simon J. Murphy to
allow extra coujpeuaattpn for unloading
wot cargo of ore.
l'nnlc In it Tlckrt OAirr.
CHICAOO. Sept. l.-A score of peopla
were 1 lnlured today In n panic and stampede
at the Joint ticket agency of the eastern
roads on Clark street. The place was
densely crowded by veterans nnd others to
'l0rC,!!lonh.'J r1IurM. .ouiions of the Grand
Army of tho Republic enenmpraent tickets.
A vyomnn fainted, starting a panic, nnd a
rush wus made for the door. A pinto g ish
window wns demolished nnd several per
sons wero severely hurt by falling glass,
Others were knocked down nml badly
brlused. A detail of police finally restored
order. No one was serlouslv Injured und
store.y WrC carcd for ut il warby dniB
l4rfnPlk'M!-:NTs ",nf;c1 f 'ocrd Satur
day, September 1:
AVnrrmiCr Dri'iln.
T l0J i'13' .x' '",,1", -i 10-15-1O .1 1
o0, ,f'i,l""o,der and wife t F. O.
Sweet north 31U feet lot 2. block
4, Parker's ndd . 050C
i Ai. T011"11", "pd wife fo Atlaiitlo '
orecn.1,!iJrduT1?.Vn.,'on:. 18. b,00k 3'
Anna Corrlgnn to B. j. Co'rrigiii'i'
various lots in Corrlgan Placo. 1st
add. to Corrlgan I'laco nnd Logan
PIuco j.
John Flanagan et nl to Mary" Nova'ki
lt 1. block 20, Boyd's add ! . .
B. 1'. Troxcll and wife to Nel Pear
son, lot l, TroxelPa Hiibdlv 1,300
Kate Allen and hUHbniul to Omaha
Sayings bank, lot c, block "I'."
Shlnn's 2d add oi
V iA '. S!lri"? V; J. w 'caber et al. '
lot I, block 11, Parker's ndd 1,2'X)
tliilt Cliiliu Di'i'iln,
rra.nlJ ,S.lm!"1.t' I'V.i'il'ska Simon,
lot 8, block 12, In 1st add. to South
Omaha 1
Totnl amount of transfers
. 1 7,913
Union Brand
A trial order will convince you. Noir
York Counts SOc. Extra Knlectn Un. Rtnml.
urds 20c. Second grade Antl-Conibmo Brand
Countn 25c. Selects 20c. Stundards 15c.
Wo nro tho only oyster house In Nebraska
Independent of tho trust. Give us your pat-
ronago una protect yourselves.
Is nbout to tako place. We havo posit ho
ijort onH Ih on foot In tho wheut market
" .mihi 1 111 Hid 111111 miuii'ri.i 111 (men
If you wlHli to nhiiro In the unorinouN prontn
v nn 11 win iiif t;njru ji j il ll. Jv.
tlrillil CoiiiihIkxIoii,
miwi: vi'ous, Mi.vrv.
'J'elcphono lO.'li). Oinnlui, Xn
Correipondencei John A. Warren A Co
uirect wires to Chicago and U-w YorS
BooM4nr urEtLca
cham. n:o
BRAMCI1 1036 HAt
mwui HI.
If so, speculate successfully Send your
orders to a rollnblo house, where thoy will
bo placed In tho open market We ran
muka for you In one month fnnrn lntnrj.&f
on your money than any bank will pay you
In a year. Send for our b"Ok on speculation.
It U free. .. 11
J. K. Comsfock & Co-
i Itooia ua Trndein' Blilix,, LUIcuico,