TTIVj OMAHA "DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1. IHOu. 9 ! f SREl ROACH'S UTTER ROUT Hunkey Hints' Wonders Apply Their Bats with Much Abandon. OMAHA'S BONY BOY CRUELLY BEATEN SUIern lilt Mini IHulit .luley ttrrnr lllu the Prolilb HiiiiiikIi Itnii lu Win I 'cm r Siii'li Uniuc. Dm Moines, llmnlin. .'I. Klonx City. f lien or, II, M. .1 on-ph-Pueblo II n I ii. Cincinnati, lit CIiIoiiko, I. M. 1,(1 ll In, I'lltNliurn, ft, Huston, ," Vorli, it, j'lillinli liililii, l tlroolil) n, I. lllciiKO, 'It llulTlilo. ft. InilliiliniHillii --III lllu IlllUee, I--. lc clii nil, h. 1 1 KnntnK I lly, I -II. Ilrlroll, hi Mlnnciiioll, 1. What the aqua pura ailvocatcs who hall from the capital city of the Prohibition mate llil to the. Colts In Friday's name was ii-plenty, anil It would take a large slied volume to relate all of the happen ings crowded Into the two hours occupied by the Rame. Enthusiastic fans who had hoped to sco tho horan team win two Karnes In succession sat rooted to their seats In the grandstand and bleachers nnd witnessed a regular rnmpaKc, and the ram paging was mostly deno by the visitors. They saw blue-unlfornicd nthleics prnnre up to tho plato nnd swat out singles, dou bles and triples In quick succession and perceived that Skclly tloaeh wbb getting such a pounding as be hasn't received since tho day, many years ngo, when a half doien of his school fellows pounced on him and gae him a severo trouncing be cause he had won nil their marbles In n jsamo of "keeps." Hut In this Instance fikelly didn't win a thing, but got the rounding Just thn same. And these snme fans, disappointed, downhearted and cha grined, in turn watched tho gray-sultcd Oniahas step up to the pinto nnd prove themselves utterly Incapable of touching up tho Canadian wonder, Olendon, for hits when hill, meant runs. When It was all over and tho score wnn figured up and verified It was found to he at the ratio of 16 to 3 and the silver end was In favor of tho Hawkeyes. Some tantalizing Indi vidual added Insult to Injury as tho crowd was filing out the stands by asking Pres ident Iluchnnan Keith If he wasn't going to tsiiio rain checks, but tho president had troubles of his own nnd tho cruel thrust was Hion foi gotten In the stress of other troublorj .matters. r:iriiiini'N limit riiciiiiiti. Olendon certainly pitched n great gamo. Vii.n the locals connected with his sinu osities their effort. Invariably rcjulted In Infield drives nnd In .no wholo gamo only three of tho pittnuts wero credited to the outfielders. In fact tho Pes Moines out llold had n Hurt of a picnic nil tho after noon through nnd didn't havo chances enough nlordcd them to know they wero In tho game. Hunky Hlnes and his corps of assistants Inaugurated their prize-winning Cakewalk In tho first Inning and In six of tho nine Innings succeeded In scoring, getting their runs singly nnd In bunches running up ni hlRh as seven tit a clatter. Tho fact that tbo senatorial sluggers got nway with six teen hits Is enough to explain how the game wns won. hut when you cast your eye over the appended score nnd see that the locals made eight clear-cut Holding errors tho only surprise Is that tho gamo Isn't running yet. Tho only tlmo local enthusiasm popped nut was In tho fourth Inning. Successive two-baggers by Ilalrd and McVlcker and a subsequent single by Captain O'Connell netted a couplo of runs. At that Juncture there seemed to bo a lighting chance for tho game, but when In the seventh the Prohibitionists ran nway with seven InHles nnd boosted up their total to 15 tho out come wa3 anticipated easily. Score: OMAHA. AH. It. II. O. A. E II. 0 0 1 0 O. I 3 3 I Toman, ss .... Hnlrd, rf McVlcker, cf . Liiuzon, i! .... O'Connell, 3I Hoy. If Wilson, lb .... Lawler. 2b .... Itoach, p Totals .... I o ft 1 0 1 3 U A. 0 in o o t 4 0 13 0 27 O. 0 1 1 IS 3 O 31 3 I)US MOIN'KS. An, a. ii. n 2 ,i Thlel. If Hall, ss ii o Nnglc, cf ti 2 Itebsamen, lb ti 1 Hlnes, 2b I 1 llrnln, 3b G 3 7,o I si of, rf I 3 I.ntnau, e I 2 (ilendon, p & 2 0 Totals .. Omaha. Des Moines . 45 16 1U 27 0 0 ft J I 00100-3 2 3 2 0 0 1 7 1 0-16 ICarned runs: Omaha 3; Des Molliei, I. McVlcker, Thlel. Two-base lilts: mum llrnln, 'clsler (2), Olendon. '1 hree-base hits: Hoy, Hrulii Scarlllco lilt: Hlnes n-.MBu mi bulla: Off Itoach. I: off Olemlo l, 2. Struck out: My Itoach, 1; by Glendoi, 2. Stolen bases; McVlcker, Thiol. Double phivs: Hlnes to Mall to Itebsamen; Toman to Wilson to O'Connell. Time: 2:00. Umpire: Q rim. SIOUX SHUT OUT Till'. DUXV13HS. Trliemi's Tenm l'lnjs n Lindens ( J nine mill FnriiK WbKeiMinb. SIOUX CITY. Aug. 31. -(Special Tele-gram.)-Sloux City 5. Denver 0. Is the story of today's Burne. giving tho Indians three straight victories. Tho Indians played fast ball, whllo tho work of tho Grlixllca wns listless, the men seeming to lose heart early In tho game. Tho six h'.ls they made off McDonald were all scattered, so ns to bo nf no value. Kvlcr was hit hard In the seventh. A two-bagger by Grlllln, two singles, a sacrlfico and two bases on balls netted four runs for tho Indians. Holland's retirement In the fifth Inning was of no significance, acore: SIOUX CITY. AM. It. Maer, If 3 2 McCreadle. rf 4 1 Mrashear. 2b 5 1 Orlllln, cf 3 o fllasscnck, lb I 0 NIleB, 3b ...4 0 Merte, ss 3 1 Cote, e 3 0 McDonald, p I 0 II. O. A. K. 110 0 3 10 0 4 3 0 110 0 0 15 2 0 0 2 11 0 i r. o 1 2 II 0 0 0 6 1 1 27 Ti "2 11. o. a. a 0 10 0 2010 10 0 0 0 6 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 15 1 2 4 4 0 10 2 0 1 27 Ti 1 Totnls 33 ! DK.NVER, AM. 3 Treston, cf Mohler, 2b Miller. U lllckey. lb&rf. Holland, rf Sullivan, lb Muelow, c , Uellly. 3b l.ewee, ss , F.yler, p Totals Bloux City Denver .... ..33 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 05 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Earned runs: Sloex City, hit: Grlllln Three-iiaso hit Two-base McCreadle Sacrifice hits: Grlllln. Cole, lllckey. First base on balls: Maer, Merte, McCreadle, Preston, Lewee. Hit by pitcher: Mall Marr. Struck out: Holland (2), Mies, Mc Donald. Merte, U.ier. Time. 1:50. Urn plr: Cllno. (iiime Pout ponrd. ST. JOSKPH. Auk. 31. -(Special Tele gram.) Main saved St. Joseph from what seemed certain defeat today. Umpire Fbright culled tho game In the last half of the fourth Innlinz. The Smelters had touched up Gibson In tho third ror fivo hits nnd fo'-ir-runs, while the Saints were unable to.o anything with Whltrldgei delivery. '?o games will be played tomor row. AtnndliiK of the Tennis, riayed. Won, Lost, PC Senver !"! 00 es Monies .101 59 41 45 62 51 Stoux City 101 4!) Ht. Joseph ..103 49 I II r-. so o.mi:s of tiii: wriovu, i.i-nmn. ChlcriKO I.njs llnnn f'ninplrtpl to tlir Cluclunnt l. 'IIICAOO. Aug. 31 -The Chicago today probably played the worst game of the sea son, making several more tnlspluys than enn be shown In the error column. Their batting was equally as weak as their Meld ing, Hcotl holding them down to four singles. A base on balls, n wild pitch nnd a single saved them from a shui-oul. At tendance, l.COft. Score: CHK'AOO 1 CINCINNATI. It 11.0 A.M. It II o A E. McCarfy, If 0 2 1 0 Barrett, cf.. 2 1 0 0 a 1 3 0 O 0 3 0 0 0 rhiuu. 5b. . 0 Merles, lb . n ltan, r(.... 1 (lrtti, cf... 0 IVxtfr, c .. 0 HraIIy, 3b. 0 McCor'k. . 0 Taylor, p . 0 Hrenfh'n, e 0 1 1 0 CM ford, rf 2 S 1 0 1 0 rfttlnf'rit, .lb 0 n I 1 0 I Heckle)-, lb. I ! It 4 1 I 'Corcoran, m 0 0 S 2 2 1 Mellrlde. If. 1 S 1 2 3 J Qulnn, 2b.... 1 t 2 J 4 2 Kaho-, c. . 2 1 i 1 3 l.Scott. p 0 1 I I 0 I 1 3 0 0 0 0 Totals .11 12 27 13 2 l Totals 1 I : (. hlcngo OluOOOnOO 1 Cincinnati I 0 '! I 0 2 1 1 0 11 Famed run: Cincinnati. Left on bases: Chlcngo, 5; Cincinnati, 6. T'lrei-base hit: Crnwiord. Stolen bases: tlarrett. 3; Craw ford, Ileekley. Struck our Ily Taylor. 2; by Scott, 4. Passed balls: Kahoe, 1, Ilresne han. 2. Hase on balls: Off Taylor, I: off Scott, 2. Wild ultcbes: Scott. Taylor. Tlnn: 2.t'5. L'mplrc: Lmsllo. Citrdliiiiln Win It limit). PITTSIIl'Itn, Aug. 31-St. Louis won the gamo In the iirst Inning on three hits, two buses on balls and one error by Leach. The features were Schrlver's home run drive to deep center ience nnd Hoblnson's steal of second base. Attendance, 2.100. Score: I'lTTSHCIta. ST. IJI.'IS. It II O A.i: , It H.O.A.K flnrkr, If.... 13 10 0 MrDrsw, Sb 1 3 0 0 0 Jl'iium l. f I 1 3 0 0 Ilurk'tt. If.. 1110 0 Hitch)-. 2b. 0 2 3 3 0 M'Mrlrk, cf J 2 2 0 0 Warner, rf. 1 2 0 0 l'Domnan, rf 2 1 10 0 O'l'onn'r. lb 0 t 12 0 0 Wallace, m. 13 0 1 Impi. 3b .. I 2 0 I ' Krister. 2b.. 2 1 3 4 0 3 1 3 3 1 2 0 2 HlirUer. t- . 1 3 1 0 Donlln. lb... 0 I-ly. 1 3 i 0 Itoblnnon. e I Chesbrn. p . 0 0 0 0 0 Powell, p.... 0 Tannehlll, p n I 0 1 Ol Total ..11 1 27 D 1 Toluli . .-, II 27 It 31 Pittsburg Ht. Louis .1 (1 0 ft ft 0 0 3 1 .5 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 010 Knrncil runs: PIC dvirg. t: St. Louis. 2. VVnener Hnlilrmftn. Throe- Two-base hits: basn hit: lloblnson. Home runs- Henu mont, Schrlver. Sacrifice hit: IMtrliov. stolen bases. Clarke, Wagner, Robinson. Douhlo nlnv: Mlv tn D'Cminnr. Klrst base on balls: Off Cheshro. 2: off Powell. 2. Hit by pltcheil ball: Ily Tannehlll, 2. Struck out: Ily Chesbro. 1: bv Tannehlll. 3; by Powell, 2. Tlmo: 2:10. t'mplre: O Day. MUftUcm (irtn tlie Tblnl. HItOOKLYN. Allir SI -rtnlli IvrnnorU- mill Iternharil Worn rptlrnri In thn un.niiil In. nlng today for giving too many free passes. Howell was lilt hard In the third, but set tied down after that Donahue plteheil a line name, oxcent In ibe tlfth. when Kellv I iiimiKiit. in iwo runs wim a murosgser io renter. The game was uninteresting. At- icniiiuire, i.jjw. hcore: PlHLAUni.l'HIA mtOOKI.VN. n n o a i: i n h.o.a.i: Thomas, cf. 2 1 1 0 i) Jones, cf . . 0 1 Slunk, if... o 1 4 0 0 Keeler, rf... 1 1 1 0 Jfnn'gs, lb.. 0 0 o Sheckanl, If ft 0 0 0 Kelley, 1Mb t 3 0 0 Dnhlen. .. I I 1 0 Crom, 3b.... 1 1 1 1 Duly. 2b 0 0 0 0 McCIiilre. c. ft 0 1 0 Kennedy, p. 0 1 - Howell. D... 0 0 Deleh'ty, lb I 1 11 IJole, 2b... 0 1 4 Flick, rf.. .. 1 0 3 Murphy, e . 1 I 3 Wolv't'n, 3b 2 3 0 Dolan. ,2b... 1 1 0 Ilarnbar'l, pi o I lionuhue, p. 1 1 1 Total 0 10 27 II 1. I Totals ..4 7 27 12 .1 Philadelphia. 0 I I 0 0 0 0 1 00 llrooklyn 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 01 Kariicil runs.: Hrnnklvii. 2. Homo run: Kelley. Two-base hit: Delehanty. First baso on errors: Phlhidelphla, 2: llrooklyn, 1. Left on bases: I'hllado phla, f; llrooK- lyn. 10. 8truck out: II)- Kennedy, 1; uy mowcii, nv tJonaniio s. Hiicnuce ": .'mini;, uiiiuii i.;, jjuii.inuo, ".'!" uune.- mi ifjiim. vll iNt'llilc . I, ul h" l.Dn. 1 ..1.1I,, i-,nl,... t-,.,1.. titil.lj. nlni', nil iieriiiiuru. .1: niL uuiiunue. i. nLiit' ii iiinin. iiujuiu, .y.ititii, aiiij, j. iiaiy 10 Keiiey; uoian 10 J.ajoie to ueie hanty. Wild pitch: Mernhard. Time; 2:11 Umpire: Hurst. Iloxton Comes .Kntii. HOSTON. Aiic. 31. Hostnn won ellv to- day. Tavlor's bases on balls nrove.l cost V. four or lioston s live runs being uuo 'o n:s w ilncss. ivelllier s do was ao o to ba effectively. Attendance, 1,500. Score: HOSTON. I NNW TORK. RH.OA.i: It H.O.A.E Hamllfn, cf 1 1 2 0 0 Vanll'n. cf. 0 1 3 0 0 linc,' es .... 1 2 3 3 OiDavls. SS....0 1 S 0 Ktohl, rf.... 0 0 ! 0 0 Hollinch. If.. 0 13 0 0 Tenner, lb.. 0 1 1 0 0 Hickman, 3b 1 1 2 X 1 Collin. 3b. . 1 1 l : 0 Rinllli, rf.... 0 0 1 ft 0 Duffy, If.... 0 0 1 0 0, Doyle, lb.... 0 0 3 0 0 Lowe, 2b.... 0 1 f. 1 OlOrady. lb... 1 18 10 Clark, c 113 1 OOleaaon, 2b. 1 0 4 10 Nichols, p... 1 0 0 2 0 Ilower'n, c.. 0 0 0 2 1 T.iyior, p ... o o o o i Total .. 5 7 27 9 C Total .. 3 5 24 14 3 Mostotl 0 0 2 1 1 0 1 0 5 New York 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1-3 Famed runs: New York, 2. Two-bnse hits: Grady. Lone. Davis. Home run: Hickman. Stolen base: Lowe. Douhlo play; Davis to urndr. First base on balls: Off Nichols, 3; off Taylor, 6. Struck out My Nichols, 1. Time: 1:50. Umpire: Swart wooa. iltandlnK nf (be Teams Played. Won. Lost, P.C. llrooklyn .... Pittsburg .... Philadelphia. Mnston Cincinnati ... Chicago St. Louis New York ... 100 104 102 30 .61ft .533 .510 .500 6fi 52 51 51 60 47 40 41 50 51 51 53 55 61 102 102 101 102 101 .500 .485 .401 ,3.j OAM11S OF Till! AMKIUCAN MIAGUK. CIiIciiko 'Wins from lliiffnln Thru null Andre ' AVild Tlirov, MUFFALO. Aug. 31.-Muffalo and Chicago fought ror ten Innings today, but finally An druws did his old trick of tiring the bull lear off to Carev's richt. lluffolo had Sflvornl chances to score, hut weak hitting anu stow piaying lost mem mo game. At icuiinnce, i.sw. tscore: UUKFALO. i CIIICAOO. H HO All. It H.O.A.K Hart. rf... .0 0 2 0 0 Hoy, cf 1 3 3 0 0 sfhteck.. c- 111 3 2 l'adilen, 2b.. 0 0 0 Wooil, c 0 0 0 Sugden, lb . 0 0 Ollnrtm'n. 3b 1 3 1'lMiell, 0 6 0 Dlllard, sa.. 2 1 0 I'nt's'n, rf-p I 0 0 strr'n. rf-lf. 1 0 3 10 0 llalllitun, If 0 2 0 14 10 Orey, lb.... 0 0 IS : IS Oettmitn, cf 2 2 4 1 0 2 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 3 3 Andrew, 2b 2 lllerh'r. 2b.. ft IlroJer'k, . 0 Foreman .. 0 Kerwln, p... 0 Speer, c 0 4 o Katnll, p. 0 0 Fliher, rf 0 1 1 0 10 Total .. 5 S 30 17 31 Total .. 0 1:30 22 Matted for Mrodcrlck In the ninth. nuffalo 0 00020012 0-3 Chicago 1 00100030 1-6 Earned runB: Muffnln. 2: Chlcngo. 3. Two. base hits: Mlcrhauer, Shearon. Three-baso nits: Hcnrecic. Wood. Mloletl bases: Hart Carey. DUInrd. Double nlavs: Mroderlck to lilerbauer in I'arey, uuinrd to rndden to S.igilon. First base on balls: Off Kerwln. 2, off Kntoll, 3: off Patterson, I. Hit by pitched bulls: My Kerwln. 2. Struck out: M Kerwln, 1, by Patterson, 1. Time: 2.05, umpire; uwyer. Another I'nlr Split. INDIANAPOLIS. AJC. 31. Milwaukee: won the first game today In twelve Innings. It was a pretty tight and the extra Inning contest wns caused by a foolish nttemnt on H.-irlzel's part to stretch a three-hugger Into a home run. Indianapolis won the sec ond gamo by hitting opportunely for the first lime in several nays. .Manager Mack protested Umpire Mannassnu's ruling In calling me, game on necnuhc of darkness. Attendance, l.aou. score first game: INDIANAPOLIS. I MII.WAIKF.K It II.O.A.E.I It II O A 13 Itartiel, If.. 0 12 0 1 Ketclinin, cf 0 0 5 1 0 Maroon. 3b. 111 l waidron, rf 1 1 2 o o Ooler, h.... 0 1 3 3 4 llallman, If 0 1 2 ft 0 Kelly, lb. .. 0 1 12 0 0 Andera'n, lb 1 0 11 1 0 3 0 Fulti. 2b.... 1 1 2 : 0 rowers, c .06 Soybold. cf. 0 1 4 0 0 Cunroy, .. 1 X 1 7 0 0 0 Ilurke. 3b... 0 2 t .1 0 3 1 Spies, c 0 0 1 0 1 0 Iteldy, p.... 0 0 2 3 0 llorver. rf i o o lllckey, 3b.. 0 1 4 Mllllgan. p. 0 1 0 Total ..2 9 36 11 Totals ..4 8 35 15 0 Indianapolis Milwaukee . .0 00001 10000 02 '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.Q 0020000000 2 - Earned run: Milwaukee. Off Mlllljnn, 3; off Heldy. Knses nn balls: 'i. Htruck nut: ."i'Mnai."...1 Sf W Seybold (!). Two-baso hits: Powers, Kelly, llallman Threc'base hit; Hartzel. facrl- lice hit Fultz. Stolen bases: Ketchnm. Conroy. Left on bases: IndlnimnolK 9, IIL.niitsf. 11 Ttnin' I'mnlrau- Manuassaii imdMcDonald. Score second game (called on account darkness): INDIANAPOLIS. i MIIAVAl'KEK. II H.O.A.K I H II. O A n. Hartzel. If.. 0 0 0 0 0 Kelcham. cf 0 0 1 4 0 MaKOon. lb. 0 1 GrWr, ... 0 0 Klly. Ih . 0 0 Power, c... 1 1 fleybold. cf. 1 5 lloitr'ver, rf 1 0 lllckey. Jb. . 0 1 : t 0 Abbatin. Zb. 0 fl 0 1 0 1 1 1 WMron, rf 1 I 10 0 son llallman, If 0 1 1 0 1 3 0 0 Andert'n, lb 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 IMItz. Ib-cf . I 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 Conroy, ... 0 0 I I 0 0 1 0 Ilurke, 3b... 0 0 0 1 0 Stlmmel, p.. 0 1 1 3 0 Spin, c 0 13 0 0 , Waddell. p.. 0 0 0 1 I Totals ..3 15 Indianapolis ... 1 I Tout .. 3 5 U i 6SI .5i, 0 1 0 2 0-3 0 10 0 1-2 IS .476 Mllwaimeo Earned run. Indianapolis. Usso on balls. Omaha 103 Pjeblo vn Off Sllmmel. 1 Stri. k out Ily Stlmmel. 2. by Waddell. 2 Hit bv pitched ball ll.v Stlmmel, Ketchntn Two-base lilt Mn Koon. SniTldce hit Wal'lmn. Sttlen base Hocrlever i,cft on bases. Iiiilliinapolls. I. Milwaukee, ft. Time l.lo. I'mpires. Man tiassau and M'-Himalil elimil (ielN it Coiiiile, CLKVKLAN'D. Auir. 31. -Cleveland made It two straight from Kiuishs City this afternoon, lu the first gnme Kansas City olid do nothlnc with Hurt, when men wer" on buses. The second game was ti pitchers' gnme. The llrst three runs wen made on errors, but In the ninth Cleveland landed on Lee for four singles, which sent homo the wlnnlnc run. lloffc-'s tlncer was split In the second Inning of the second game and he had to retire, llrugglns taking nis piace. viienuance, l.sw. acorc nrsi came: Cl.r.VKLANI) I KANSAS CITV. It II o A l: I It H O A.E. I'lrker'g. cf. 1 I 2 t o ItrniMilll. rf 0 1 1 0 ft llenlns, If. 13 10 0 I-'arrell, cf.. 12 0 0 Jnne. rf 0 1 1 0 lO'llrlen, If.. 0 0 4 0 I II 0 olDunimn, lb. 0 2 7 0 0210 riinn'n, sc.. 0 0 1 3 0 1 1 ft I'nuiehlln. JbO 1 2 1 Ltl'h're, lb. 0 Tamittt. 3b. 0 Shay, rt 1 Flooil. 2b.. Cros, r... Hart, p .. 2 2 12 H-linfer. Ib 0 1 5 2 2 2 10 ft,Me.Mmi. e. 0,0 4 1 12 15 0 I'Htlen. p.... 0 0 0 3 utlfnr 0 0 0 0 Totalu S 12 27 11 S TotaM ..1 7 21 10 1 Batted for Patten lu the ninth. Clevelnnd 0 3 0 I ft ft ft I S Kansus city 1 o ft o o o o o o l Kamed runs: Cleveland. 5. Two-baJ lilts: LaCliimce. Cross. Furrell. Sacrlllc lilt: Cross. Stolen bases: Pick rlng, Cresi. Hart. Scliuelcr. First base on errors: Cleveland. 1; Kansas City, 3. First base o-i balls: Off Hnrt. I: off Patten. 5. Struck nut: Ily Hart. Patten (2i. dear Hi; by Pat ten, Uenlns, Tiimsctt. Hurt, Pickering. Left on bases: Cleveland, 7; Kansas City, Iline: i:3ii. t'mplre: Cantllllon. Score second game: CU:Vi:i.ANt). I KANSAS I ITY. It II. O A.i: It H O A K IMcker'u. cf 0 1 3 i) 0, Hemphill, rf 0 I 3 ft 0 Oenlnj, If... t 1 I 1 fl'l'nrrell, cf.. 2 0 1 0 0 Jones, rf .... 0 l 0 0 O'llrlen, If. ft I ft 1 0 ft OlDunKdti, lb. ft 1 11 ft 0 I.H'h'cp, lb. 0 Oil Tamsett. 3b 0 0 ft 1 1 CllnK'n. rr . 0 1 13 0 Shay. r .... 1 0 2 3 3 I'oiwhlln, 3b ft ft n 2 1 r'loo.1. 2b ... 1 2 2 I Sclmefcr, !b t ft 1 2 l Cro. c 0 2 3 t 0 McMnnus. c ft ft 4 1 0 lljffe-. p . 0 0 0 UrugRlns, p. 1 1 0 2 0 I-0, p 0 1 1 5 2 3 0 - - -' Totals .. 3 i'JI 11 4 II 41 Totalii 4 s : Cleveland . ..002 ..100 ft 0 1 0 0 1-4 Kansas City 1 0 0 0 1 C 3 Knrneil runs: licvehiiiil. I. Two-base hit: Jones. Sacrifice lilt: Fnrrell. Stolen bi'es: m,.,. T.-., t' . I . - Mtn.,u l.'lral base on errors: ClevelandrhV Knns city, 4. lnnlncM tiltrhml: Hnffer. 2: i4ruKulni. 7. lilts: Off Hraggli'S, t; off Hoffr. 1. Firs: baso on balls: Off IIofTer, 1; off Lee, - Struck nut: Hy lloffcr, Cilngtnan; by Urax- gins, loucn in: nv uic. Miay, ciooo. .rus. Passed ball: Cross Left on bases: Clevn land, ; Kansas City, 5. Time: um pire: Cantllllon. Miller Ki'i-p A-lioln. niri'HOlT. Auu. ai.-Cronln kept Mltv tifiipnlls' hits well scnttered this nfternoon Tlirlr nnlv run wim Rcnreil In the seventh on u two-base nil anil a single. lonowou by a passed ball. Detroit bunched lilts Willi the visitors errors and the tesult was never In doubt. Attendance, 1,200. Score; DUTHOIT. It II.O.A.B. MlNNL'Al'OMf II. H O.AfK. Cse-, 3b ... 1 S 0 2 0 Himcy. cf.. 0 1 Holmes, rf.. 14 2 1 Ijilly, If 0 I 0 VVUmot. rf . ft ft I Werden, lb. 0 0 13 Nunc", 3b... 0 2 0 Nlchol, .. I 2 1 Kinder, e. ... 0 1 f. Hurley. If... 1 1 SO UlhorfM. I I ! C MAI's'r. c. ft 1 3 ft Jnnefi, if.... 0 0 2 1 lt)iin, lb.... 2 1 13 0 ftheelian. !b. 2 ft 2 3 Crunlii, p.... ft 0 0 0 0 HlKRlni. 2h. 0 0 2 0 Ilanrtelln, p. 0 0 0 Tolnls .. S 10 27 12 2 Totals .. t 7 24 II Detroit 3 1 0 1 0 2 0 1 S Minneapolis 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 01 Knrned runs: Detroit, 2. Two-base hits: F.lberfeld. Nichols. Three. base hits: Hvan Casey. Sacrifice hits: Cronln, Shcehan, MpAfjister. stolen bases: Cnsev. Harley ,.-.., ., mi.. off Hande In. 1. Hit by t0hcr: Lslly. Klberfeld. Ilarley. First base on errors: Detroit, I; Minneapolis, 1, i i.eft on bases: Detroit, s; Alinneupous, I StrUCK OUt ick out: Uy Ilandelln. I. Wild pitches: Mandolin, 2: by Cronln, 1. Time: 1:45. I 11.. I !V Umpire: Sheridan. Stnotlliiir of the Tennis. Played. Won. P.C. Chicago Milwaukee . 1)2 0!) 43 .1116 .D.V 119 lift 11!) Ill) 117 120 120 fkl ro f.!l fit Indianapolis 63 CO ft) 52 45 M3 Kansas city Detroit Cleveland ... 5ft4 504 Murrain Minneapolis jo'i 3u T12A.M AT lIl'MllOLDT I'L.WS liVUX. l'n ken a (iiuiie for Ibe Our Lost lit l ulls City. 1IUJIMOLDT, Neb., Aug. 31.-(Spcclnl Tel egram.) The second gamo of tho season between tho Falls City nnd Humboldt clubs took nlaco this afternoon on tho home diamond and was exciting throughout, nl mougn me tails i;ity boys were outclassed from the stnrt. The Fulls City club brought un about seventy-live snorts and consider able coin changed hands on tho result. Tho two clubs last week nlavcd a twelve Innlmr unmo at Pawnee CItv. which was won by the Falls City club by a score of . to i, nnu tnererore considerable rivalry existed between tho towns. The features of tho eamo wero the fie dine of Morrlsxev nnd the pitching of Meyers, both of tho locals, nnu mo great ueauworic or lllnton or me visitors, ucoro: Falls City 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Humboldt 00302020 07 Mattcrles: Humboldt. Movers and Heed: runs niy, neon aim i-eruue. Jills: Jium boldt, 10; Falls City. 4. 'Iwo-baso hits: j.inn, Tanner una lllnton. struck out: Mv Meyers, 10; by Scott, 2. John Mart gun of Aiiuurn wns umpire nnd ins decisions were fair and satisfactory to the large crowd In attendance. Tho day wns all that could bo asked for, clouds obscuring tho sun nil mo lime or me game, wnich lusted one nour unit loriy-nve minutes. I'lllrfleld llefeiitn Cf nevn. GENKVA. Neb . Auu'. 31.-(Snoclnl.l Yes terday tho Fairfield nlno cmno In on tho noon trwlu with 11 lino band. Thev nlnveil the Geneva nlno and won bv a scorn of ! to 3. They cavo a street rani-nri nnd tho band rendered many selections in tho uvcninx. FAST RIDING IN LONG RACE Stevenson Trie to liet llnek the .up Dnve Miull. Ilolila sin a Lend. Tho contestants in tho six-day bicycle chase nt tho Midway eyelo track 'allowed the spectators somo speedy riding last night. Stevenson made numerous attempts l" Ii-Kiilll lliu lull Hlliuil oinuiz Knincii on tho Held Thursday night, bin Shultz whs oyer on the ulert and Steve could do no hotter than gain n few yards on him, which no couni noiu nut n snort time. In th final snrlnt Ilennett showed the iim.i clenn pair of heels and finished two open iriiKWin in num. fiiuveiusuil second, Willi sniuu oniy a root benind for third. The nine ii.iarier-nuio wbb ridden In 27 seconds. ocorc: Mllf'M. 1.I1MH Dave Shultz 137 3 H. u. Mention i: 7 W. H. Stevenson 137 F. W. Sheclor 137 Silas Stetzntan 137 M'bltiie)' i'rnln.-r Kent Hint Out. LEXINGTON. Ky . Aug. 31 Mr Murnhy. owner of Tower or Candles and Haffa.iio. has bought Klnu Lief of John 1). Smith or this city. The reportai prlco Is HS.O'.O nnd 10 per cent of tho winnings of iho iithi year. W. C. Whitney, owner nf Mallvhna llm-. lias made M. V Forsvllln nn nffer fnr thn half-sister to Mallyhoo Mey, a yearling iiny u) iiinuuu, uui in nanynoo. jonn I-. Madden, who trained Whltnev'u enli nn. ucip.-iiru wir iiiiiiriiy victory and boimht mo nam anu mo run nromer nr Hn iiviin,. uey uy ner sine. Hlirt llQSWell. who brnl thn rnmnnu Nancy Hanks, 2:01, died at his homo her-i ai u miu uuur nisi nigui. Women llitlne ltiieiiiet ut elivnnd, CHICAGO. Allir. 31. Miss MeAleer the present tennis champion of th t'nltfd t Stntes. and Miss Hanks 'of Philadelphia will meet tomorrow at Kenwood In tho nnnis. women s western championship In the seml-llnn's today .Miss Hanks defeated MiAlfr un ovcr 'MlSHlP,:.: 0 " Ileuellt for Hurry AVnldroii. guumhuh, O., Aug. 31. Tho fistic en- I Inrlnlnmnnl pll'nn Innltvltl n t V,A nHn.. Southern theater ror the benefit or Harry or Noldon, tho well known sporting writer. will net a little over Il.nOO The nrlnolnnl event wns a fifteen-round contest between Kid Ashe of Clnclnnntl and Huck Stelzer of Columbus, which resulted In a draw. v lleeord Mmlc 11 1 Snll I,nl(e, SALT LAKE, Vtah., Aug. 31 -Churlcs Turvlllo rode n mile, motor paced, on the Salt Palace eight-lap track tonluht In 1:32, beating the world's record of 1:33 8-5, made by Ivor I.awson. WANTKD fllds for all concessions on grounds of Fremont Driving park, Fromont, Neb., during race meeting Carnival week, September 12, 13 and 14, 1900, Xddresa, DMJCE C. SMITH, Soc. SOME SURE ENOUGH GOLF Womsn Put Up Extraordinary Matches fo National Championship, SURPRISING DEFEAT OF MISS HOYT (iultrr) nt HhliinciMH'U l.lnl.i Treiited to Mid Mirprln- When Mm ( lu lls i'oreil li'lory l)rr Tlu'lr I'll oi-ltc, SOUTHAMPTON, N. Y Atli. 31.-The feature today In the woman's national championship at the Shlnnecock golf courbo was tho semi-final match between Miss Beatrice Hoyt, Shlnnecock, and Miss Mar garet Curtis, Essex county, .Miss Hoyt, tho champion of 1M'6, 1M7 and IS'.'S, wns the, strongest kind of n favorite with the great crowd of society people who usjeni bled to witness the match, but being favor- lto does not always make one win. Tho brilliant golf Miss Curtis put up throughout the week could not bo Ignored nnd while the largo gallery gloried In Mlsb Hoyt they feared Miss Curtis. Tho very start of tho match was n cold blanket to the enthusiasm of tho gallery. aa Miss Curtis noi oniy snoweu to me greatest advantage, but sho won tho first four holes straight. Tho cx-champlon's win was nt tho fifth hole, which she cap tured In tho bogey of four, but this la tho holo Miss Curtis had been winning all week lu tho par golf of three. Miss Cur- tts once more Increased her lead to four P ai me sixin uoie. .miss noyi s irienus began to feel very uncomfortable and the sad expressions on their faces wero only brightened up slightly by Miss Hoyt halving tho seventh holo In tho bogey of flvo and winning the eighth holo lu tho bogey of live. Tho pnee was rather too fast for her and Miss Curtis won tho ninth hole, nlvlnc her the lead by four UD at tho turn . .... . br.0"".1 "'ss Hoyi to ner senses nnu tno gou sue piayeu on mo nomcwaru journey was tho finest that has ever been ,, ,,nnn .i, links this season ns she did scn uPn 1110 nnhB jnis season, us sut Ulil iuu ia muu uuivn i Miss llo)t l'lii)s line (inlf. She won tho tenth and eleventh holes In flvo each nnd tho twelfth was halved In five. Miss Curtis won tho thirteenth lu tho bogey, of fivo anil tho thirteenth was halved In tho bogey of five. Miss Curtis vai then three up, with but four to go. Miss Hoyt look tho fifteenth holo In the bogey of live anil tho sixteenth was halved In the bogey of four. This left Miss Curtis dortuey two nnd n halved holo would havo given her tho match, but Miss Hoyt won tho last two holes In faultless golf and broke even nt tho eighteenth green. Tho Joy of tho gallery knew no bounds, ns they felt positive Mls3 Hoyt would win out on tho extra hole. It was halved, however, In five and on tho last holo of the match Miss Curtis won out by f to ti. Tho battle of the final round In tbo morning will bo fought out between Iloston and Philadelphia. Tho cards: Miss Curtis, Kssex county: Out 4 5 10 7 8 5 In S 7 5 5 6 S 4 7-M 6-51-104 .Miss Hoyt. Shlnnecock: Out r. ft Ti 7 17 5 -52 In fi 5 5 C 5 fi I Kxtra holes: Miss Curtis, 5, 6; -13- 05 Miss Hoyt, 5, ti. Mis Crleoni Defenls J:Ihm Terry. Tho other match In tho soral-flnnls was between Miss Frances Grlscom, Merlon Crlckctt club, Philadelphia, nnd Miss Eunlcu Terry, Ardsley. I rrlinl mnl.l, nnm ta., nlntn n n ,1 Inln.nol i ,iii,it .i,,,,.i( i. n.a iu.u ,,tu inkr inruimnniiL. inn ipini Hn lime lrnm nnn to the other until tho fifteenth hole, when Miss Grlscom took thrjead by two up. After halving the sixteenth', hole, when Miss Oris com 'held her opponent dortney two, Miss Terry won tho last two holes and brokn even at tho home green, plnylng the extra hole. Miss Grlscom won by 5 to 6, nnd tho match, was 1 up. In 19. Their cards: Miss Frances Grlscom. Merlon Cricket ciun: out 4 r. 6 n r. s 7 si III S 0 I 5 0 6 5 5 4 IE 03 Miss Eunice Terry. Ardsley: Out 5 6 1 6 4 6 6 7 8-52 111 6 U I b 7 5 4 316 OS Extra hole: Aliss Grlscom, 5; AIlss icrry, . Mlsn Howe Wins. Tho final match for the cup offered for tho third eight wns played between Miss Mcsslo Howe, Pittsburg, and Miss Marin Harrison, Watch Hill, and won by the former by two up and one to play. Their cards wero: Miss Hesslo Howe. Plttsburc: Out 4 ft 4 5 3 6 6 7 0-17 In 6 5476764 45- Mlss Marie Harrison. Watch Hill: Out 5 7 1 5 6 5 5 7 6-50 In 5 6 5 7 5 6 7 5 (6- 06 In tho final match for the cup offered to tho fourth eight Mrs. William Shlppen, Mor rls County Golf club, beat Miss Edith Durt Philadelphia, by threo up nnd two to play, Theto was a women's four-some played In tho afternoon, which resulted In a tlo a 11 between Mrs. E. A. Manlce nod Mrs. C Marnes, Lenox, nnd MIsb J. Hecker nnd Mrs M. 11. Carmack, Wocburn, which will b played off tomorrow. F0ND0 DUMPS HIS BACKERS Vuiilinorelieko nt ( iniif (ir(nl)le Odds of 111 to I OutfoolM Field or Tno-Yciir-Old. CHICAGO, Aug. 31. Ten 2-ycnr-olds were nsked to go sovon furlongs In the third raca at Hawthorne today and it proved to bo stumbling block lor tho talent. On Fondo' recent showini; he was made, the oiMh i favorite at U to PL but finished seventh nnd seemed to have little or no speed. Satin Coat, the second choice, proved to he the winner. Goal Itunner was made favorite in the second race, in which a, dozen or dinary Belling platers started. Any one of them seemed to have a chance. The winner turned up In Vanhonreheke, at 10 to 1, and upon whom Hansom wns substi tuted utter Muchanan was Injured In the llrst race. Goal Itunner failed to got In side tlie money. The good thing was' sup posed to bo Nullah, who opened ut 10 to 1 and wns backed down nt 5 to 1, at pot time. Summaries: First race, fivo furlongs- Mnrbara M, 117 (Wlnkfleld), 11 to 10. won; Rcgn. ill (Hradrord), 4 tn 1, second; Montile HallK hS (Vltatoe), 25 (o I, third Time: 1.01V Cora Goetz. Glove, Lady Fortuno Teller. Phnroso. Husbrouek. Water Alone, Swoet Morsel and Hustle Girl also ran. Compan ion fell. Second race, seven furlongs: Vnnhoorbeke, 100 lltnnsom). 10 to 1, won; The Sluesurd. 112 (Uinklleld' 4 to I, second: Juniata. 15 (Southard). 8 to I. third. Tune: l:27ai Goal Runner, Hitter Hoot, Insurrection, Sister Fox, Nullah, Kgallte, Chlcopee, Maryland and Reserve Duty also ran. Third race, seven turlones: Satin Coat. 102 (Vltatoe). 9 to 2. won; William Ark, VI (Kenton), 3 to 1, second; Hurry, 07 (J Waldo i. 12 to 1, third. Time- i lot,. The Conqueror. Leonwell. Ondurman, Fondo. Maibara M, Harry I'Ulllum and Proposal nlso ran. Fourth race, six rurlnng: Tavon. !ti (Flick). to 1. won; Highland I.nd. 10) dtniV som). !) to 1 second; liiappaqua, US (Vita. toe), 15 to 1 I.onnep. Hi also ran third. Time: 1:141-. Sim W, l.ce, Ferroll nnd Kmina II Fifth race, seven rurlongs: I 111 1 Garrett 102 u'Hrier' 10 to 1, won; Aloha, 103 (W'lnk, Hold, 9 to 1, second: Hnxneh. 105 iDevIm 7 to 2. third. Time: 1 27Ji Prestnr. Hun, Ish, Knclvnii, Iiruto J, Maimonclon nnd Free I hind 11 Ho ran. Slvtli race, one mile and u quarter: Ad- motus, 1110 1 v inkiieiii), 10 to 7, won; ("lay Pointer, lu (Mcl)ermott), 4 to I, second; Donat on. 101 (J. Waldo), & to 1. third. T me J:0U. Julius Citesnr, Tho Devil, Hub Prather, Stuttgart and raise Lead also ran liner Horses lliirned to Dentil, PHOVIOFNCK. n. I.. Aunr. 31 -Shortly artor tho brirlnnliiK or the racliin In th" closing day of the Grand Circuit meeting nt Narr.-tgansett park this nfternoon tin broke out In ono of the stables near th thrce-nuarter turn nnd with irreat rauldlty ilcstroyed three stub'.es nnd a number of cattle sheds, ami burned 10 death four n ei horses Several other strli x were gotten out sarely The horsei. d- slroved Included three In the trlng controlled by U Simon of London, Out. The Afo, wlih u record of 2 OCV and valued nt J4'0, Maud K. a green mare without a rei ord. ami al'ieil nt Jl.nio, Ackman .llm, with a reeoi.i of 2 16",. nd valued nt 11,V. and Charles A. Oliver's bri'Wii mare. Wllejesi, valued t Jl.t". nnd handled by Wllluim MiHhew were the animals destroyed Simon owned The Ace and Mark K. ntid handle I A kman Jim for Isaac Halt-nluiry nf ciln-n. On . M whom Simon sold thl leirse a ) u" The l.iss on buildings and tmures uttiou'ita to LADY GERALDINE WINS OUT liriTB l)rlrs llmmbler of Constiintliif to Victory In M II on t ltnee. PItOVlDU.S'CF. H. L. Aug. :U.-The llnnl day of tho Orand Circuit racing wound up with tho last two heals being run off In the dark. In the unfinished 2:20 trot Lady Oeraldlne, the local favorite, won after losliu the tlfth heat. Oecrs made a great drive and landed the race In the nmi I heat. Dan Westland wmi the 2.11 pace, in wiucn miickit niyior war ijir favorite, nosier was iiu' invoriio in me 17 trot iitul won in n six-neui race, wiucn una ennelllilpil 111 ibirltliess. Cn'OlKC. Mil outsider, won the 2:17 paco In u four-heat buttle, summaries: I'lass 2:2ft, trotting, ptwse k,wv: Lady tlernldlne, b. in., by I'onstnntine ((.leers) i i . i Joe Watts, oh. R., by Mice- tloncer (loungl - - - l l - Mnuifle Anderson, b. 111. (Oill- Ingen 1 I Wasco, 1). g. (Dorei 5 3 Llssa H. b. in. (Mlddlebyl.. S 5 Wlnnlfred. br. m. I Davis).... 3 B Kiivnln, b. in. (J. Youngl.... H 7 MIr lr:itl. hilt in. il'roi'tori I S 5 5 2 3 3 3 ro 4 I 3 ro 0 6dr 7 7 dr Sdr Time: 3.1214, 2:114, 2:12, 2:lP,, I'M, :12'.i. i'lass 2:11. tuieliiK. nurse $l.ftftO: Dan Westland, b. g.. by Westlnnd K'ooki 1 1 1 Starker Taylor, b. b. (Mil fey) 2 2 2 red w. ( i. k. lllo (it'll) .i a 3 rlnro A, b. It. (Tyson) t R 4 entile Mac. br. m. (McIIwen) b ft 4 Mbertn. b. in. (Arthur) I ls Maud F. ch. tn. (Colvllle) 7 ds Time: 2:us'i, 2:ns-,4. 2:11. Class 2:17. trottltiK. nurse H.000: Hosier, b. g., by Alnmadn (Carpenter) 112 2 11 Orlntuu K. in. (Colvllle) 3 2 112 2 niiinii !;. ti. g. (i Hilton). . . . i :i i h :i a Hnitidywlne, g. g. (Demurest) 2 I 3 3 ro .averun, br. h. (Hudson) .... 5 S & 4 dr . L. Us. Hrother. b. g. (Payne) fi fl dr Time: 2:15. 2:12'i. 2:lJi.. 2:14. 2:K.U. :l7i4. C ass 2:17. naclnc. nurse Jl.ftftft: George, b. g., by Scarlet Wilkes (.MCKIliney) 117 1 Ituna, b. m. (Carpenter) 3 2 12 Halm. c. in. (Voung) 7 3 2 3 Unmet, ch. c. (Miller) 2 4 (! 1 jewry ij Treasure, br. Ii. (IIus se) r, 7 .1 .tumiro, br. m. (Covllle) :i S l r TomniV Mc. b. ir. iMcCnrthv) S ft C ft Ilradcii. b. h. (Ml Her) ii 5 S dr 1-red H. Wcdgewood, ro. Ii. (Mc Donald) 4 ds Tho Private, b. p. (Foote) ds Harrlster. b. g. (Noble) ds j line: 2:uy-i, 2:o'J'4. 2:i;i-. 2.11 CONROY FIRST IN SAPPHIRE 'uvorltr linn Close Cull, but Wins by DrlliiK linluli on (lie Hull !) MiH-neer. NEW YORK. Aug. 3l.-The chlcr event nt Sheepshcnd May today was the Sapphire stakes, in which Conroy was favorite, while Six Shooter p.nd King LloT were good sei end choices. Mcllaiio and Six Shooter showed the way to the curve Into the stretch when Spencer brought Conroy up on tho rati and In n driving finish won In n length, with neiinrlo the same instance in tront of Six Shooter, third, in the second event, when Zeemoia looked like a sure winner a dozen yards rrom the wire, sho dropped herseir nnd swerved over mn line into seconu place, Annoy carrying on the money. mere wns a noi unisn in mo lourin event. Handcuff led the way to the stretch. when Favonlus took un the running, lie stayed In front to tho end, but hnd to be ridden hard to withstand the rush of King Mramble. who wns beaten by only n head. In the fifth event Sliver Garter showed tho way to the last furlong, when Olea and I-ietiron casscd him, the former winning easily. In tho s xt h. tho Titrr liandlcan. .lack Point was the choice, with Lady Massey it strong second choice, us Sloan was up on her. Potonte made the running, with Lady Massev and Jack Point e ose hell ml. I n tho backstretch Sloan got Into a pocket, but ho got ott or It lu the stretch and won by a length and a hair by good riding. Mo sul t.i: Iirst rnce. five nirlongs: ondtirdus. lo-j (McCue). 12 to 5. won; Inshoot. Hi (Black). 5 to 1 and 9 to 10, second: Luernna. 109 (O'Connor), 4 to 1, third. Time: 1 -on 4-5. Mnry McCoy, Queen Pepper, Likeness, Mnrla. Uoltnn. Rervilla. Trluirer. Add. Kat- oherlnA, Morning Side, Flcelie d'Or and Splash also ran. ficcomi race, selling, six iiiriongs: Annoy, 10S (Mullman). 13 to 6, won; Zeetnoi-u, IDS (Mums), 6 to 5 nnd 1 to 2, second; Chanti cleer, 108 (Turnori, 5 to 2, third. Time: 1:151-5. Cracker, Hasbrouck, Mordelmo, Leon Feriuion, west u.inen, iinpurook. Mortonvllle Kid. Morouch. Lou Kate. Kufa. Osceola and Fatalist nlso ran. Third race, Sapphire stakes, live anu a half furlongs: Conroy. 10S (Spencer), 6 to 5. won; Mellurlo, 125 (Mnher), 10 to 1 and 3 to 1, second; Six Shooter. 108 (Turner), 7 to 2 and even, third. Time: 1:06 3-5. Shnrp shooter. Advocater, Cornelian, King Lief and Gjesswork nlso run. l,Ynrtb rnco. one mile nnd nn elehth: Fa vonlus, 115 (Maher), 7 to 1, won; King Mramble. 118 (Mullman). 3 to 1 nnd even. Hocnnd: 97 (Shaw). 9 to 5. third. Time: 1:35 3-5. Decanter, Handcuff, Alslke and nig Gun nlso ran. Fifth race, ono mile, selling: Olen, 101 (Slnckl. S tn 1. won: Kleuron. 101 (Molnndl 50 tn 1 and 15 to 1, second; Silver Garter. 103 (Knight), in to l, tturx Time: i:u. roer hardt. Hnrfnnn. Rnnriow Wine. Precursor Phlllppfne. Golden Scepter, Elslo M.irnes itnil nnclinnl hIsh lrir.. Slulli r.ire. Turf Imndlcnn. 10 mile and n quarter: Lady Massey, lftfi (Sloan), 7 to 2, won; Potente, 106 (O'Connorl. 6 io 1 and 2 to I. second; First Whip, 104 (Willinms), 5 to 1. third. Time: 2:0 iho. Juck Point nnd Maid of Harlem nlso ran. Hi'snltH nt HIkIiIiiiiiI I'nrh Din'ROIT, Aug. 31. -The Jade defeated n fust Hold nf vounirsters In tho llvo fur long dash for 2-yesr-olds at Highland park this afternoon, It being her second victory In two days. Doublet upset calculations In tho opening dash of six rurlongs by de feating the odds-on favorite, S.ickatuck, arter lending nil the way. Weather fine, track rnst. Summaries: First race, six rurlongs': Doublet. 101 (Co hnrni K in 1 won: Siickatuck. 101 (How ell), l'to 2. second; Olcott, 107 (C. Wllsni, n m 1 th ril Time: 1:11. Intent nlso rail. Second race, fivo furlongs: Tho Jade, 101 (L. Daly). 3 to 5, won; Marcy, I'M (coburn) "ft in l. second: Leila Murr. 104 (Landry) 5 to 2. third. Time: 1:02 Del March, Mtss Krlnglo and princess Aim niso ran. Third race, soiling, inur ami u nnu nn lnn,,n Amnrniin. 101 lllnwelll. , to fi. won Lndy' Edith. 93 (L. Daly), 10 to 1, second; Toad Raney, 10il (A. Wehcr). 2 tn 1 third. Time: :55's. Scotch Hramble, it'll .Mas ale and Hcluetnnt ulsp ran. Fourth race, one mile: Patsale, 101 (Lan dry), fi to 1, won; Woven Hells, Mi (A. Webcni. 6 to 1, seconu; urn i-ox, iui ine-v- ens), even, third. 'lime: 1:1.'. uivo nnu Take. Ico Drop, Viola K and St. Sulpk'o also ran. . ....... , Fifth race, six ruiiongj, miiing; 1 1 ! setta. 91 (A. Weber), 1& to 1. won; ncio llrooks. 101 lb. l tiotniisoui, u 10 1, n-iouii, Quaver. 105 (W. Morris). 2 to 1. third Time: 1:2s Come ljuicic ami i-airy wen also ran. Aiireu nrgruvr im ui iiiwi. llnri'H nt Seuril Hud. BP.ivAnn. N'eb.. Auu. 31. (Hneclnl Tele gram.) The county fair closed today with a good attendance. The women's relay race was won by Miss Kllpatrlek. While u young man was exercising Sir Walter, 11 running horse owned bv W. F. Walter of Ashlnnd, tne norse oecaiue uuiiiiiiiimr.too: and ran Into 11 post and hroko his neck. Summaries: v Class 2:1H. pacing, purso ;w: Seidell Wilkes Linn V Ittley C Madinp Time: 2:25'j, 14 112 1 2 12 2 12 1 2 3 3 I 3 3 3 113 4 2:21, 2i20,.!, 2:20, 2:23, 2:23, special trot: Fatink K Weasel Zellerton Menlo Wilkes Time: 2:33. 2:33?i, 2:3:,, 2:3' Special paco: Louise M Ci nit. nn a Time: 2:20. 2;17H. 2:23. 4 3 3 4 1 1 1 I.ndy Amber In Slriilubt llenti. DFS MOl.N'Hrt. Auc- 31 -State fair r.icei 2:3f, JftiO: Lady Amber won In str.ilRht heats. Time: 2:H. 2:IB'i 2:W Vvzant Star, second; Nina Husnoll, third Lenta. C'nl Onward and Oakdalu Hiron ulso started Ono mile, runnlnR: Ooorso II. Ketcham won: rianiiuo II. second; Insurgent, third Time; l:i5tj. Hobert llonnet nnd Paul n'so ran. Ti In City Hiiiidleoii .Miinilii). T'rtT, 4.. 91 VU. ...l ..1, . .. 4. the Twin t'lty handicap at n mile an I . v I . . . ivinn. ni."iii,i nriKi in i.1 quarter, to be run .Monday .sepiembor 1, at Bheepsnead liny tracK, art- r tneiuer' 110, Jvun Ucruud, 121, Juck Point, Han- iioekhurn. Hi. lilnce of Melbourne 111, The lldrlm. 112. Waring. Mar tunas. 111. Viilenin. HO. Char ntu. t' DernWer. In7. Gulden. Lleb r Karl. 1 Lad Mae 1 5. John Milghl ll .l t ii in ,i llioml UU Andrntiili iis b. 1 rl-i O nf Vermin. 1' Flr-t Whip. Klllasha-I- t M). Lord Hiiltimnre. Kilngr.uii. !. Si-io'v Lucai Gold Fox. Mlsi hleVoiis. !n . Asiult" , w: Zeus. St LUCKY PUNCH FOR JOE GANS Ni'Kro llorr from llnltlinore Wn About II end. v to Drop When He Celled Dill llnul.lii'. NEW YORK. Alii.' 31 - At th - Hreadiv.iy Athletic club tonight the last series of bouts under the Hortoti law were brought to it conclusion by Joe Guns of Maltlniore knocking out Dl Hawkins of California In the third routnl of a rontest which w.i- scheduled to go twelte round- at 11 pound" Tho boys met under the n,nn conditions About three month ago and on thn' oc casion Oans also proved the winner li less than two rounds. That lUht was .i ie of the most vicious ever fought under the ituspices vl the club and the Honors were so evenly divided, until (Inn limdrd , Ho knockout puni-h, that ninny thmntht llaw klim mlKlit reverse the result should m- other contest be arinugrd, and tonight 1 tualcii was the outcome. Moth were nt the required weight nnd 1 both looked In cnod eolldltlnu. llln W ' llttended by A I Hot-ford. Whltiv I. ! r and Kid lllo.Kl. while HuwkliiK ha I if i- onds "Snider" Kelly. Jnek Evethiirdt i I George Mnnrno Hot It fought carefniu me opening round, iiawkins tried rpei edly for the head, but Guns' blocking w i perfect nnd nut ninny pmiehcs were lame d other than a few swings to the slni:i' h f Hiiwklns. In the second round the Ions w irme I their work and eavh scnr.'d heiilh ' " head. Ilolh mlsn-d repeatedly In tin if ntiNlety to land, but tho routnl ended 1-i Hawkins' favor, lire inse or his sup r r Work to the body, which roomed to n 1 Guns. They slatted the third round with a ru li nnd Dal reached Joe s head with i sh ir( ( left to the Jaw, but Guns put a hard rU-it I nn the .taw a moment later, tliui then enrnetod and both started to sins wrh both hands. For iie.niv a minute ibex never moved from the spot and so virions wits tho fighting that the crowd was Its feet In ii frenzy or excitement, llawkl -blows seemed to curry the more sic mi .ml It looked us though the negro boxer won 1 go down. He steadied hlinndf and with i light hook to the .1uw stretched Dal t i the Hour There was no need of a roi"t ns was so fur gone he did tint miner ror "overal minutes Gins himself emil 1 hardlv stand nnd looked to be read) t i drop when he landed the lucky punch. C0RBETT PROVES- SURPRISE HlttltiK Pocrs Ai in con fly Crentrr iiiuii In In) of Ills Cornier ( OIltl'NtS, NEW YORK, Aug 31 -The Corbet t Mc Coy light last night differed from most recent contests In Hint It c.iiised mole talk and speculation alter It was on-r than be fore the men stepped Into the ring For severnl days before the date set for the light there were rumors to the effect that the men were not training very hard nnd thnt they were out for the gate receipts rather than the glory or winning u fast and bruising mill. Notwithstanding those stories wero disproved by the tesult. MadUon Square Garden held IO.ikiO siu'clatori wh- n the rcreree called tho two men, who are sup poio In be the most scientific of boxers, to the center nf the ring. From the moment when McCoy refused to shake Cornell's hand the crowd knew there wns to be no take, nnd when McCoy mudc Cnrbett stagger a little 111 the first round tho cheers were ilefonltlg. The suiprlse or the evening was Corbett's hitting power. He not only outclasned Mi -Cov in feinting and clover Toot work, but when the opportunity ca'ne In the fo-irth nnd lift It rounds the former champion li-H down his opponent with sledge huninvr blows which rained so fast that Met'ov w -s bewildered. The knockout landed direct Iv lu tile pit of tho stnmneh and was tho n-ine-kind nf a blow that l-itz-dnimons shot al Cornell nt Cnrson CItv After the c use or the coiltrsl I'ornetl was very ninny and said he would try to goi on another tnnteh with Jeffries Met oy wa- much dejected. In an Interview he mid me only thing to nviko him sorry was the fun Hint his defeat was administered by i ,, whom lie hni disliked for Some time. McCoy Immediately after his seconds finished with linn wax inivcn io ins unme. whore It m saui no ana uis w-iie noin one i oyer the humiliation of n homing by the hntcd Ccrbett. Lyons Dofeutu Whlstlpr. DALT1MOHF, AAug. .11. Harry Lyons of riili-.urn nnd Hlllv Whistle of llnltllimrc were bllleil to go twenty rouuun neiore ill" lCureka Atheltlc club here tonight. HO Lyons with 11 left swing on tho Jaw put W histler out tn tho eleventh. I.luhtn lor (iiriiltnl (rmiiu:M, Sixty are lights will be Included on tho DtiHiitnl carnival grounds lor gone. .11 Illumination purpoM'S and Incnndescent lights will be useil for decorative lighting nnd In the booths and stalls or tho con cessionaires. A large electric nrch will be erected at the corner or Sevcntetiith and i-ii, ,., hi reot h. tne ewrnnco to inc grounds. The arch will be fronted in white nnd gidd nnd more than 40-1 incnnuescciu lights will ne usen 111 ns ureui uiiun. 'I rain Goon Throimti lrnvlirlilKC. DUTHOIT. Midi.. Aug. 31 -Two Wabash locomotives and throe rrclght ciiih or tin ini.ui, fn.i e.iMinm fricbt train No f plunged through an open drawbridge Into -tho Houge river nt Oelr.iy eatly today. Ti.n ei-vn bud remnrkahl narrow ee.-inoH and no one was Injured. Tho heavy train approached the bridge too run Idly to bo ronironeu. .MnrrliiH-e Lleennes. Tho following marrlago licenses wero Is sued yesterday: K'ninn nnil Tleulilence. Ago rM,iir1w itnmmnn. lied Oak. la . Id Mfirir.-iint Armstronu. IleJ Oak, In .. 20 Charles G. Scarborough. Omaha Gcrtrudo Sawhlll. Omaha Millions will be spent in politics this year. Wo can't keep tho campaign going without money nny more than wo can keep tho body vigorous without food. Ilyspep tics uzed to staive themselves. Now Kodol Dyspepsia Curo digests what you cat and allows you to cat all tho good food you want, it radically cures stcmacn trouble Till: Itll.VLTY MAiticirr. INSTRl'MHNTS placed on record Friday, August 31: AViu-rnnty Deeds. A. J. llnll and husband to Albert HnrtsulT, tsiN lot 14, lu 10-15-13 $ 1 J. II. Halo and wife nnd wlfo to James Parks, lot 8, block 117, South Omaha W l. V Goddard nnd wlfo to O. II. Drown, lot 20, mock J, iiunscom lMneo 2.000 Omaha Savings bank Io Knthno Allen, outlot 271, 1-ioronre, nnil lot 12. Yates fj It's. HUbdlv 2,000 1 M. and S. II. Christie tn C. A. Swanson, cVi lot 7, iuock ki, riouih Omnhii 5,'i0 W. G. I'm and wlfo to Louis and Caroline KraJIcek, nv4 lot 21, block 2. Morrison n add 75 S A. Dixon el nl to P. J. Fnrrell, lot 10, block 112, south omaha 2.&00 Hull CI11I111 Dim-iIn, Mnry Woods to I'nlon Pnclllc Hall way rompany, 132x152 feet In north east corner block 325. Omnha ... 200 J. C. llnvmneyrr. executor, to A. S. Wiihlstrom, w'A lot 33, sunnysldo add Total timount of transfers ; 9,076 DYSENTERY, DIARRHCEA, CHOLERA MORBUS. r.ikhiL' n.ilwny's Heady Ueiiff In water will In a r w u.wMi't ire i ramus, Spasms Si'iir Simn.1' h Nn'ise.i llear'bu . i Walurint i-ever- ne n ,...i.n , Flatubn.-v ui. l ull lntcrr. .1 Pair. Kxternnlly fur Hhe imatlstn. Neunlfrui, Sciatica. Spr.uis. Utilises. .Mosrpilm Hue:., Ktlnirs of Iie, is. HwiitJUrns, Hums, looir nche. Hcidmhe Pains In the HaMi, tho tipplleallol, ,f u i to t"o fart or wrtc atrei tea win nyy . . ... . . roltcvo Ana soon cuiu ui ni,t,w. w ir.,u Hniri riv ull iirucinsts, v 4 ItAJDWAY & CO, .New Tort Summer Complaints . ABSOLUTE SECWTY. Genuine a iter's Little Liver Pills. Must Benr Slgnntur of i Fac-Slmlt Wrapper Iltlon. Trr mull and aa mf to tkko M rapir. FOR HEADACHE. roFi Dizzmsss. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER'. FOn C0MSTIPATI0U. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION I ti t?m I Pamir Tc tau 1 c 'r miujx.'.ijitij ' CURE RICK HEAQACHS- Th-vntrnstmich like COATHI) ni.l!CTUICITV as science an nuke them. Knch one produces as much nerve-biilldlngsiilntuiiee ns Is con tained in thcninoiint of food n man consumes In a week. This Icwhy they have cured thousand or cafes of uervou dismics, such n Debil ity, Hinlnes. liuoiunh, Varicocele, etc. The ciinblc votitotbtnl: clear ly bvdrvelnplnif brain matter: force healthy circulation, cure li.dige lion, nnd Impart bounding vigor 10 the whole vtem. All weakening nnd tl5iie-d'-ttivlng drMni sun losses permanently cured. De'nv may mean Insanity, Consumption and Death. Price, ft perliox ! sit boxes (with Iron-clad guarantee to cute or re fund money), fs, llouU containing positive proof, tree. Address I'csl medicine Co., Cleveland, O Bold bv Kuhn Co.. iBth nnd Doiigla and J. A. Fuller & Co. Mm und Douglas. Ollice Over 2IS Slutli 14th Street. S500 A tlOfMTH. DR.n SPECIALIST Treats all Form of DISEASES AND DISORDERS OF MEN ONLY 25 Year' Experience 14 Year in Omaha. VAItlCOCl:Li: cured quickly without cut" Dr McOrew at ! ting or pain SYPHILIS In all stngos cured permanently und fin- 1 fe. Stricture. Hydrooolo. LOSS OP MANHOOD. Mllit Losses Nervous Doblllty Iltadder, Kidneys, Uunurrhuon, Gleet. CURES GUARANTEED CHARGES LOW. Wectrlcltv and Medical Treatment com bined. THKATMUNT 11V MAIL. Conanl tatlon free. Hours 8 to S p m Sunday. 0 to 12 P O. Ilox "CO. Orrice over 215 South llth street, between Farnain nnd Douglus Blreets, Oma ha. Nob. When ctlMrc fan cutkcrXB TOR SEARLES & SEARLES OMAHA. mim mm & WWII SISSASE3 op MEN SPECIALIST (Vn guarantee 10 cure all ensea curable ot WEAK MEN SYPHILIS SEXUALLY. Cured for Life. KlKht Kmlsslutis, Iost Manhood, Hydrocele. Varicocele, Gonorrhoea, uico:, oyphlllii. Stricture, Pile. FUtula and ltectul Ulcurs anil nil i'rhmc I)lciie nnd Disorders nf Man Stricture 11 nd Gleet Ciireil ut lloiue. Consultation Free. Call on or addresn lilt. hKAItl.US X aHAULKM. 11U kuutu J-llb H I. OMAllL. Cook's Duchor.aTnbletsnrnRuccei.sfnlly used montlily by over lO.ouo Indies, Price, it. Ily mail, 81. OH. Send 4 cents for sauiplo nnd particulars. 'I lie Cook Co., 'JM Wuodntird ure., Detroit, Mich. Si Id in Urn mm iv Kiiim tt j . I, & Dmir.'ni' AJA.X TAIlIlJ I .s POSITIVI-LV CURO -1,. trrirou.i i;ifiM i-alllna JUaiu. ory, Hlofpliiion( tc,t caummI tr uvtr work itnI lndlttrHtona, 'Jhrv ijttichtv 11 1 vet u. a ttnn Burety rniioro lai viumtr If in o .1 or rounu. na nc i muu Tor tiud idr.buii" niH or t'lttttaiur'), J'revent Juvaaitr nud CouturnDtion ii tnkur in ilinu. titAebdWHJiniiifMllattt imrrrTeniiDt nl (Hurt a CUIiH 1 hft-ir whdrn ftllot hurn nil. Jtiil uiou Imvlntf thogonuln Nf Vinvn 1'tirt-i) I Iiaiiiii iilai anil u(l rurn ion. Vt o slm u ikmUItb nrltun uuarnntM Io r. win frt a curo lu acIi ob or rffuml thn ruunfir. rrir Kflele lr PH'-snisi. or nix ,ncktii;i (u II tn.u UUlita, n,eni fiirSU.oObyaiall.lurlalu wrupir, uini 1 ronn prir. 1.1 IvU HIT 1 lire. AJAX REMEDY CO., ''ftgSSW For sulc in cnnnna, Neb. by .).. i-orsylh, 102 N iCth. Kuhn & Co, iSth snd Douglas, nnd In Council Illuffa by J. C. Deliuvon. DruL'Ulstu KURE YOURSELF! t)" lllir IJ for iiuimiunl riltrlmrx'-D, luriaiiiiiin'iiiiil, irrilatinini or nli niatiuni of in u mi niriiil,raiic. ewinl4n, aii't i.ut Ubtnc itHiEvi'isCHtMi'iiCa. r-" i'i""i-'". LC'NCIKNII O.TO-ja " "T rilU'Bl.l. I I I t ail, , u , i ii uiwr uu ruujt NO CUHE, NO PAY ir you tin imlt i,ilt uriSj, lott iiutvur or wtakenlnt; fliuiui, oiir V'xtium uriraii buvelupi-r vsil inpi.i.-c i,,ii w.'tiojt lmtr or eit- triin. 3 000 In ii-i iiut ono finurc- n"t on rt-tur-n'ii in ' Ii rrauili wiltofur prli(.iMr ,ril' fn Ml ,11 I) ,n ,"iv,.o. 10CAI APPLIANCE CO , iii Onirics men., Clenver, Colo. Qr. Kay's Renovator Muuruiiteeil to iurr inu viry worst caaec of dykiieb.'ia, ?i. i .i-lun bllloui head acini, liver ana hoi- At ilru'iAtu, and 11 Hrnd fir I rrt Bamplo .rco llool and Frea Au.irb, Ijt II, J Kuy. Sural i;a. N. T. Es Th-vnirnstmich like COATHI) Pf) TK ni.l.,CTKICITVBsclemr, tff nju di to mritiurt