THE OMAHA DAILV It EE: T-'HTD AV, ATCrTST 31, 1000. ! A i i i COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL TTheat Market Is Moderately Active, but Closes Somewhat Lower. CORN FLUCTUATES AND CLOSES DOWN Trntlr In Onls Mostly Mmlr l i of lit cbniiRliiK September limit for Oc tober mill lleecinlier I'roi I llmis Vrtlic mill I'lrin. CHICAGO, Aur 30. Lower rabies nnd n let lip In export business depressed wheat today, September closing iVtr lower. Sep tMriber I'orn ilropped 1c und September onti Jr. Provisons closed u shade to 5o hlRher. Wheat whs moderately active Hint marked by considerable Irresularlty. Scptemhcr opened "e down nt TITiTISe anil sold off to 74'4c tltirlni? nirly tratllnir. This was duo to disappointment over Liverpool ruble, which Allowed n small dfrllne In the fnee of the Advance here yesterday. Holder tin- j loaded some of their stuff ami found few takers till ',4c hnd hern lost. At tills Jjnc tuni St. Louis wired that lliUmo bushe's had been sold for export This eaused u i shifting of sentlmenl and September milled to ifiVfce. Tlie rlt. i.ouim news nun roiia hopes thnl the sale there was but the fore runner of other soles. These, however, were not fotthromlliK It was even mild foreigners were selling here and eonse fiiently feellnKs suffered another chnitKo mid the market droppeil, September ret.r liiR In disorder to 714c. The rinse was weak, September yft4r down at 74Sc. New York retsirtetl in loads taken for export. Kcnboartl elearalires In wheat and Hour were equal to 22l,l) bushels. At primary points receipts were l.Oll.nuu bushels, com pared with s.76,oi last vear. Mlnneapoll-i mid Dulutli ri'potted 313'turs, azalnsi .;,'? last week and I00 a year nun. l.ntnl re ceipts were 402 ears, IS of contraet urade. f'orn wns strotiK and weak by turns, lie. celpts, 207 enrs, weie over the estimate. There was some increase In country offer Iiiks and rabies were easy, but the opera tions of one lull lentlii' trader served as tb main factor In the maneuvers of the prices. The volume of trade was not law. al though at times trade was quite active. There was considerable prollt tnklni' throughout the session, also the usual amount of clmnylnu. October closing '. under September. September sold between 4l'.c and 40e and closed Ic lower at inc. Traders In ohIh were rtntaged Tor til most part In changing September deals for Octo ber and llecember .it '4c picmiiim for the one and l',o for the most distant ruture September sold between 2l4p and 2lr and closed tr lower at 2IVH2I4C October Hosed at LTV22r. Ilecelpls were 2lo enrs. Provisions were moderately active anil closed llrm. Tlie opening was easy, but a f:nod cash demand sprang up and the feel rig became stronger. September pork sold between $11 0." and S10.05 and closed 5c over jesterday nt SI0 95; September lard between 6 67'j'76 ifi nnd fl.fi2'2, closing a shade up at f6 i"(i6.674, and September ribs between S7 074 and $7, with the close Be higher at J7 074. Kstlmated re.-elpts tomorrow: Whent. 410 cars; corn, 106 cars, oats, 3V enrs; hogs, 18,. 000 head. The leading futures ranged nn follows: Artlrlos.1 Open. High. Low. Close.l Y'tlny. Wheat i Aug. 74S' 75H Sept. "I'Jili -711 "BS Oct. 7S14I 76S, Corn I i A nr. 42 12 Sept. I0'lf7(, it't Oct. Klfl'i 10 741 7Pi Tllil Tin! 7.A(73:'i(lii 40T; in 3.S'i -u.lts I Aug. 2IKI Sept. 21il Oct. 22'j, 1'nrk- 22'il2U(,fi2iSl2l'f1f(22 Rent. 10 Ki 11 02',l 10 ST. 10 9 11 0714 11 15 Oct. 10 95 I II I2'S 10 fl.i . Jan. I 11 of. 11 17b! 11 05 Sept. 6 624 fi 70 Oct. r, r.74 fi -s Jan. fi 50 i; 574 ltlbs- Sept. 7 00 7 07V4 Oct. 7 00 7 024 .Ian. C 824 B 90 fi r,2".i l! fi7 13 m 7 00 7 i0 No. 2. Cnsh quotations were nn follows: I' LOuIl Steotlv; winter patents. $.1.70f? 4.01): straights. $3.103.70; clears. $3.00173. 15; spring specials. $l.30fi"l.40; iiatents, $.1.BUS J.M). straights, $3.003.10; bakers. $2 20fi2.fio. WMHAT-No. 3. 71c; No. 2 red. 75ic COllN-No. 2, I07iijj41c; No. 2 yellow, 41f? 4 1 Vic OATS-No. 2. 22fi22lc: No. 2 white, 211,4ft 25'ic; No. 3 white. 23l42.V.Jc. IIAHLKY-Oood feeding, 37i730o; fair to cholco malting. 42'iI4t!c. SKKDS-Nn. 1 Max, $1.40; No. 1 northwest eru. $1.11; prime timothy. JI.10Tfl.25; clover, contract gratle. $!i.7iV(fl0.00. IMIOVISIONS-Mess pork, per bhl., Jll.OOfT 05. Lard, per llH) lbs.. Jfi.fiifiC.li7U. Short ribs sides (loose), Jii fi.'fv 7 30. Urv salti'tl shoultlerH (boxetl), Jii.2'45i0.7.". Short clour sides (boxed), J7.45fi7.5j. XYy-,?'1 ,,,"SH of 'R wines. JI.2514. SI'OAHS TnchnilKeil. Tho following are the recelptn nnd shlp inents of tho iirluclpal products: 1I.f.nlittu Ulillimnnla ii iii r, utiin. Wheat, tin. . Corn, bu Oats, bu it,. i.,t 11.000 Ifi.oro ...311,000 ...201,000 ...311.000 . . . 2.000 678,000 sr.o.noo 47S.OH) L'.rn'to Ihiriey. bu '. .... 11,000 On the Produce excliiintre imlnv the tint ter market was llrm; creameries, lSVu214e; tliilrleH. 1411 ISc. Cheese, Hteady, lOUfillUc. ICggs, llrm; fresh. lO'ollc. Mnv vobk n Ksun a i, mahkkt. tluntntlnna fur the liny' on Vnrlous Comiiioilltlps. NKW YOFIK. Aug. 30 -KLOI'Il-Hecelpts, rti.4i bbls ; exports. 3,735 bills.; sales, lo.'rjrt jinks. 1110 mnrKci at nisi was llrm 'ind active, but the late break hi wheat cheeked the demand unci cltued the market 1111-ei. tied. Allnnesotn patents. J4 Off(4.?3. Pyo uiiur, Nin.uiyi hii ICS, iH't l)l)l;1. I'lllr to gOOil, $3.00fJ3.2S; choice to fancy. $3.30ff3.fi0; winter patentH. J3.75H"4.eO; winter straights. J'l.JiM S.fin; winter exlras, .2.7i'f(3 tO; Minnesota iiiiaers, .-.&a'j.2j, winter low grades. fJ.40v 1 OKN.Mi-;AL--Htendy : ellow western. n;ic; my. sac; iiranuywino. $2.4jfrJ r3. Il K Firmer; No. 2 western, fiSUc, r n n.. nuoai; suite, (iIiUmc. e. 1. f.. New York HARLHY Steady . leedlnc. 42ni3Uc. c. 1. f.. New ork: malting, ITiF;:c, c 1. f.; bar ley malt, dull; wesleni. OITi'Oe. WHRAT Hcceltits :i!).fi25 in rvnnrla r. . nsi i. . . r. . i n .... a. ,a . ..... ' . . ' '. . "j un. d.iii's, j. i, .'."ii nn. iiiiures; 2io.ijii nil f'Aiuiin. oimii, nieaiiy; ,o. rfd, iytc f n. b. allont; No. 2 red, 79'c. elevator; No. 1 northern. Dulutli. $iv, f. o. b. ufloat: No. 1 hard, nuliith, ti f o. b. afloat. Optlnns opened ensy, through disappointing cables but acquired later strength on export tlemnml, tnlk of lighter receipts, prospect lor rain in tho northwest and n good spec ulative demand, partly for short Thev finally broke, howover. through late realizing and closed weak, at Mt'c net do cllne; May, SINVIV1. eloet Sl'sc: Septen her. 79?4f(SOSc, closed 7.i'e; October. 0W Rl 3-16c, closed tc; December, M 13-lfifT K2 9-16C. clnsetl SUc. COItN Hecclnts, 39.975 bu.: exports 262, 43s bu. Sales. 275,000 bu. futures; 20i,00) bu export. Spot, quiet, No. 2, 46e, f. o. h afloat, and 45c, elevator Options opened ensy with wheat ami on favorable .top news; then became strong on light coum.-y offerings and a scarcity among September shorts, but flnnlly decline. 1 with who it and closed UOHie net lower Mav, 41fillic closed lie; September. 15' utTISiO, 'lined 45'ic; October, closed 15c; December. 41'n''i 41 9.16c. closed 41c. OATS Receipts,, 57,lin hu , exports, 10.M2 bu. Sales. 125.000 hu expert Spot, sternly; No. 2, 25t5c; No. 3. . No 2 white, 2r'v., 2c: No. 3 white. 2i'i'.n27e; truck mWe 1 western, 25f27e: track, while wcntern, 2.'hi' S3c: track, white, state CClfilc. Options dull, but steadier. HAY Dull: (.hipping. 72V(t75c: good to choice, W.ifiinv. HOPS Quiet; stale, common tn choice, 1S90 crop, infJlSe; old, 2fi5c; Paclllc. 1W crop, 10i7fl3c; old. 2'i5c. HIDFS Firm: Calveston 21 tn 25 b ISf? ijs; l aiuoruia. .1 to ji ids.,; rexa dry. 21 to 30 lbs., 134o. LKATHKR Finn; hemlock sole, mien is Ayres, llelit to heavyweights, 22i4fi2ilc, nctd, 22tii23,e. WOOL Dull: domestic ileece, 2521(0; Texas, lEfflRe. PHOYISIONS-Heef. dull: family. IIOMTT 12.00; mess, $S.00n9.f,0. heef hams. 1215 1? ii. no; pacaei, niuwiii.iio; city, imiiu mess, jltitHMr.M.oo. fin meats, steady: nriiv n ' lies, $S.75iTU.!; pickled shoulders, $6.S'iff s.ih; picKieu nnms jMitKifiiui jo . -i.iii : western steamed. $7 07. August closed at J7.10: No. 7, nominal: retined. nulet: en tlnent, $7 25; South Anierlc.i. $S; coinp nind, $6.iVVTi6.124. Pork, quiet, family. JlS.OiVn 15.75; short clear, $13 25ftl3 5u, r.tcs. J12. 0TT 13 Oil. POTATOi:S-Dull; Jerseys. Jl.OlfM 25; Nw YorK. i.2.viii.w; isinmi. 1 V.ltv l.5 TALI.OW-Qulct; city i$2 per pkg.) 4 7-16c: country (pkgs. freei, 4'niri'ii' Hl'TTKR-necclpts. 3,Si pkgs ; factory, llti lie. CI 1 13RSH Receipts, 6,fi9l pkgs.; stn'i. white, Ifi'ic; small, white, 10c; large, colored. jui7f io'c : hiiiiiii, ci loren, lo'ic FCIOS Receipts. 7.776 pkg.s ; linn; we t em, regular piioklnc. nt mark, 1I11V; vestern, loss HIT. lt)tli'c MKTALS Iron and steel markets were .lull nn. I niie)iiiiii.ed PlttKtiiiri? I'ennrte 1 n dull Iron market, with sales rf Hessemcr nt $15(0. delivered at I'lttsnurg, t, retluc'im oi iiuiy uwi Bicci uiueij uro weuti, t Si It 752 mT; 41 4 40 11 3.STil30'iiif 2,., 10 91 11 0) It 00 n 07H f, fii fi 72H C 70 fi 65 ti G2I 7 07 7 02V4 7 00 7 00 0 90 B Si 1 M while '. in pip Iron warrant wer 1, . -ted it.mir.nli nn the basis nf' Tin n ii ted si mi what, owing t" un advance of i.1 In Ivndiin. i lie-lng llrmer at S-t" If fill' iS. f'npper was 2s fid higher bijt failed to n tlueiicp our market, which closed dull nnd unchanged, nt l6Nc I-end nnd speuer wero 1 1 till and utii hn-iged. at JI.374 and SI.10WI.1S respectively The brokers price for lead was II On, and for copper $4.05. OMVIIA 11(11. -y.Lli MAIUCnT.1. CoiiitltloM of Trnile mill (Inotntlons on Stiiplr nuil I'liney I'roilnee, t:nOS Heeelpts liberal; good stock firm nt 13',1 lie. LlVf: I'OFLTllY-Hcns. 774c; roonters, acrortllng tn nge and size. Slc; broilers, inr- il'irVn ireese. 4fiSe: turkevs. Sc. FHLSII U l SKKU IMJl.l.THV-liens. ipDc; roosters, 550c; tlucks and gese, OfjlOoj broilers, tier lb.. 12712'ic; turkeys. 124c. Ht'TTIIIl ''ommon to fn'r. 13He; choice. Ijfllfio; separator. JOc; gathered creamery. 1'lllSr KIS1I Trout. 10c; blue fish. 9c; pickerel, Sc. catfish. 12c, dressed buffAlo, fie. whit Ilsh. inc; herring. 6c; blnck bass, lnc; sal mon. 13c; white bass, 10c; cropple, 10c; plk, Me; halibut, 12c; bullheads. 10c; ring perch 6c; lobsters, green. 22c; boiled lobsters. 25c; mackerel. 20"; codllsh. 10c; ycllov,- twrr.S-.. fc IMtl'.SII OYSTKHS-Flrst grade. solid packed. New York counts, per can, Wc; ex tra selects, 35c; standards. 30c. Second grade, slack lllled. New York counts, per can. .mc; xtra selects, 2lr; stnndanls, 20c. IMOKoNS-Llve. per doz., ). VHALSCholce. 9tI10c. UAY-l'er carload lots: 1'pland. choice, $9.r; No. 1 uplatitl. J8.50; tneilluni. $7 50; coarse, Jfi.JO; ryo straw, cholco $5 on; No. 3 corn. 3'V; No. 3 white outs. 2fic; cracketl corn, per ton, $1 1.50: corn iin-.l onts. chopped, per ton, J!5.'W; brnn, por ton, $12.50, shoits. per ton, Jl.'i. ' VKOKTAHLKS. ffPFMnKHS Per dor... 2(fi25c. NKW TI'ItNIPS-Per bu. basket, 63c. NHW HKKTS -Per dozen bunches, 15f?20c. NKW ("AllHOTS Per tloz. bunches, 26c. Li:TTfCi:-Per doz., 10fJ15c IIADISIIFS Home-grown, per doz., 15c. I'KAS-Per tj-uu. basket. Sac. . BIJANS Wax. per hnlf-bushel basket, 40e; string. 35c NKW POTATOK3-Pi- bu., S5l5c. (AHHAOn- Home-grown, per lb., lic. CAfLll'LOWini-Per tloz.. J1.00. OIli:i:N roilN -Per tloz., 10c. To.MAToi:S-Home- grown, per .4bu. basket, inc. ONIONS Home-grown, per lb., l'ifJlic. CKLintY-Nebraska. WlflOc. I'ltlMTS. PFArilKS-Colifornla. per box. 90S93c; Texas, per l-basket crate. Jl.oo. AIMIK'OTS None on the mnrket. PLr.MS-Callfornln. per crate, Jl.1301.25. l'i;iM';H-t'aiirornia. rragetiy, iter craio $1.25: Kelsav. Janan. ner crate. $1.25. ii.ii im;i t ri;Ai;s-i-unrornia, per nox, $2.0111 '.25. OHAI'KS i"al fornin. 4-nnsKet crate. Ji.w rokiiys, J2.00; Concords, home-grown, 22 ffi23c NKi'TAU xbb-('ill forn a. 4-tiasKct crato, WATHIIMI'JLONH As to size, jwrsc eacn ('ANTALoriM-; Ocms. tier dozen. 40if 60c: large sizes, oornyijc. A PPLKS Natl ve. 75cfi$l.oo per bu.: per bbl., J2.50fi3.on. crab npplea. per bu., Jl.OO. lUOPlCAL I'llt'lTH. I'INKAPPLKS-Per doz.. Jl.50ffl.75. OKANOI'.S .Mediterranean sweets. ner mix. i; Valencia!!, H.2.i4f4.iiO. LK.MONS-Ca forn a. fancy. J5.60: cho ce. J5 00. It AN ANAS Per bunch, nccordlnr to size. MISL'EIil.AN'EOUS, Nl'TS Hlckorv. larce. ner hii.. $1.25: shellharks, J1.35; Kngllsh walnuts, per lb.,, uionris, per i,,., nx., iinnonus, per in., li'itioc raw. tier n.. dmoc: roasteu. "'.s'tl Mic. PKS. IHDICS No. 1 green hides. Cc: No. 2 creen hides, 5c; Nn. 1 salted hides, fi'ic; No, 2 salted hides, n'.ic; No. 1 veal calf. S to l: lbs., 7c; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 lbs., 5c. St. Louis (irnln unit I'rovlxtons. ST. LOIMS. Aug. 30. W H K A T Wen k No. 2 red, cash, elevator. 72ifcc; track. 74f iVic: August. 72c: Henlemlier. TTtT.o: October. 72c; Hcccmber, 7l7c; No. 2 hard, 0'4fi70iAc. COItN Lower: No. 2 cnsh. 40c: trnck. 41c: August, 39V-: September. 39'ic: October. sii4c; ueceniDer, a.i'ic. oath-uuii: No. 2 cash. 216c: trnck. 22c August. 21 c: September, 21'ic; December, i.t. .iny. si'4c; w. wnite, .'I'JitifjdC, livi-j Kirm at wjc. ! LOl II Strong, with good lnnulrv: nrlccs iiiicnnngeu. 8UKI)S-T mothy. steudy: J4.25 bid for prime. Max, lower, at J1.33. i uiiiN.MKAi Hteatiy; I2.ooff2.05. HIIAN Higher: sacked, east trnck. R7 41 tile. 1IA Steady; timothy. $7.00fI11.50: nralrle. ' ' . 1. fc. 1 WIIISKY-Steatly. $1.24 1HON COTTON T1KS-J1.30. HAOfllNCI-S.10'?jS.S5. 1IF.MP TWINK-Uc. PHOVISIONS Pork. stendv! 4nhl,lnir J12.50. Lanl, better; choice. $6.0006.62. Dry salt meats (boxed), stendv: extra shorts. $7 37'4: cle r ribs, $7.50; clear sides. $7.62U. llacon (boxed), dull; extra shorts, JS.00: clear rins. i.u't; clear nines, MF.TALS Lead, steadv nt SI.33U. HnM(r Mfnnrli. ill ft . l'OrLTllY-Stendy; chickens. 7o; younir, in , iiiiHt'ys, iuiic: vounc. yiiiuo: iiiicks. ri: jiniiiK, ic; geese, vic; young, UiIli'AC, i:aC!S-Hlgher nt 12!4c. lllTTi:HrStendy; creamery, 172mc; HKCFIPTS-Flour, 5,000 bbls.: wheat. 74,. 0M bu. ; corn. 3S.0O0 Int.; oats, 67.000 bu. SIIIP.MKNTS-Flour, 8,000 bbls,; wheat. Q1 fl I. . ........ ,,i nrtn t... . j ..aa . ' oi.wu un., i.-u.;i, iu.vhiu on.; oais, ii.uixi DU, Kiiiishm City Cm 1 11 nnd Provisions KANSAS CITY. Atnr. 30 Wl I RATsn, tember, fil'ic; December. 674c; cash, No. 2 hard, fitisiii7'jc: No. 3, 64sTi6Gc; No. 2 red. 72f72Hc; No. 3, 6Sif?7Uic. fOHN September, ;Piic: December, 32'ic: ''Hlj. No. 2 mixed, 39VW40C. No. 2 white, (5ATS-NO. 2 white, 26c. HVIJ No. 2. 45Uc. -rAYCnolcu Hmothy. prnlrle, $3.t5 lil'TTKR - Creamery, 1719Vjc; dairy. 1 ,1 iiv y , iuv. I'.OfiS Sleatlv: fresh MlnaniiH mnA ir.-.. sas stock, 12c dozen, loss off, casei returned; i,i.;V,r..A,,M ....'",P!' inciuaeci, morn. HICCKIPTS-Whent, 165.S0O hu.; corn. 7.! till mi t m 1 ill ki 1... 7,200 IJ. , I7t id, 1,11 till, SHIP.MFNTS-Wheat. 195,000 bu.; 13,()0 bu.; oats, l.OoO bu. corn. l.lverpiiol firnln Mnrket, Ll VKIlI'OnL. Aim 3(lpnnviomvo .ii i . i. rtiuericnn rei neci. steady. 36s firt !rf'lH''l.1 September, Is 2d, October, 4s 2l4d; November, 4s 24d. TALLOW Prime city. dull. sdJ Aus trallan In Lotidtm, dull. 25s Od. I'Kiiit-1 .innttian, ss 10!fcd. Tiiletlo Mnrket, TOI.KIJO. O. Allir. .0 lVITtl A T T-1..11 lower. Spot. 76'kc: September. 76'ic: no. lnl,.,. Tll.n . II ... I i ' ' mi" i i.t-(ii , uft. t'lllUI'I, riiMy, COHN-null. lower. No. 2 caph, September, 43c. OATS-Dull. higher; No. 2 cash, September, 22VsC 42Vlc; 222 n nun, unclinngea; No. 2 cnMi. fdU; CLOVK HSU I Dull. Innir 1K1! nrim. $6.():lisW prime, $0.20; October, 16 52; No! Mliiiieiiiinlls Whent Mnrket MINNEAPOLIS. Mllltl.. Aug. 20.-Thern was nn opening decline In wheat from ves- teniay or.'Vi'.tc anil UecemUer closed at i.i-'nci u'e, nnu nepiemiier TJtc: No. l north. ern. old, liftUiC over September: No. 1 Pllillllll-lplllll lo.Iiiee .Mnrket PHILADIILPHIA, Aug. 30 ni'TTF.R Steadv but quiet; fancy western creamery, "S,.V.oI30;.)V0StCrn 1,rliUl8' -3c' . . KCOh-Mrm, good tlemnnd; fresh nearby uuii -.i. ii. . in , limn nuiiiuwesiern, l&c; ...KI. OullllH . II, 111. (irnln .Mnrket. MILWAt KFIJ, Aug. 30.-WHKAT- Meatiy; o. i noruicrii. ;?c; no. 2 northern, RYli-Stendv: No. 1. 52Uc. 11ARL1:Y Firm; No. 2, 51c; sample, 40 Peorin PKORIA, Aug. 30. 3. 31c. OATS-Firm; No. 23c. hilled through. WHISKY-On the finished goods. Mnrket. -CORN-Hlghor; No. 2 white, 23Vjc; track, ImBls of $1.21 for tireluii I'iiiniiclnl. LONDON. Aug. 30. Tho weekly statement of tho Hani: of England shows tho following changes: Total reservo Increased 2,123,000 Circulation decreased 108,000 In nil ncre.ised 2.014. S'.'l Oilier securities decreased 2,715,000 Other deposits decreased 1,149,000 I'UlillC iiepositH decreased .L219.W0 Notes reservo Increased 2''1S.000 Government securities decreased.. 1.M3.000 Tho proportion of tho Hank of F.ngland's reserve to liability is I, 'ii per cent. Lnst wee c it w is ii ih ner cent, icuio nr ills. count unchangcil. at I ner cent. .Monnv was inucn wanieii lotiay. nut ino Dciier that there would bo further largo arrivals of Bum eascn iiincouiii raie, excepi ior the con. t j (.iusiuii ui ui cviuiuiviu ui aauuui xjysi nn iiciiirn, iillll. 10S. I iiJi.niiiK miry .... HhAT Spot, llrm; red western, 6s 1HJ- Illinois Central ....US'.i No. I northern sprlnc. 6s lt; No, 1 Call- Iwa Central 18, fornin. 0s ItlfJCs ijd. Futures, steady; Sep. do pfd 44 tember. tm nl; December, 6s 2;d. Iike Krle A. W 27 . (WIN Spot, llrm; American mixed new, do pf.l 93 is.'ijtl; American mixed old. la 2u.1i n"n- tiU siinr "iw 3:i72.76c; N-s ,iorthcrn- v, ;S" FLOFR-Flrst patenrti. $4.054.20; second o m rf i- T'm 2 J ness was n ilet r.n the st iik x lta g 1 4 home ralln ids tie ri n is n at wed inn 1 for most desi rliti"tis i.f st"ik? .1 m -vi hnpeful Mew prevailing In resard t'i t i - settlemfnt of the Tnfrvnle railroad dllll culty Foreign securities were neglected, though Spanish were in tlemund nnd ad vanced. Americans progressed and were firmer than they had been for some time past, this being largely duo to purchases on New York account. Atchison common and preferred wns one of the firmest of these stocks, Grand Trunks were Inquired for. Hlo Tlntos were easier on Paris real izations. The amount of bullion taken Into tho Hank of Knclimil todnv. f.1.17.infl in cluded 50,Oij0 transferred from the Indian currency department. Oold premium nt uuenos yres, is&iju. apunisli 4S closed at nilni.l.N. Aug. 30. llxchanue nn London 20m ls'jt)fgH for checks. Discount rates. short bills. 4 per cent; three-months' bills, per cent. Prices were firmer on the bourse today, owing to the receipt of en couraging American and London advices, Locals were nartlcularlv strom Hank shares and the Transvniil securities Imr. delicti. I'AHIS. Allir. X Til n wontttv utnlnm,nil of the Hank of France shows the following chiitMes: 1-rnncs. Notes In circulation Inrrensnit f.7 II'. iV Treasury r.ccounts current increase Hi.lfiiJ.ipiii) Ooltl In hand Increased Lsaytmo Hills discount Increased 12l,iViO,Oo0 Sliver In hand decreased business wns inanlmntu on the bourse todnv. cxrrnt that th tiiillnn.llin,. were obliged to cover, advices from London being responsible for realizations .Mining shnres, nevertheless, were fairly firm. Span- i"u liuiioaiis were in gooti iiemaml ami Spanish 4s Improved on numerous reports.. HIO T IlltOS Worn nuttier iinttfltl.atn,i,lli... the nrmnes shown by copper. Katllrs closed uuii. inren ner cent rentes. 100 rriincH 17 centimes for the account. Kxchange on London 2t francs 17 centimes for checks. Spanish 4s closed 72.7ft. MOVIJMlJVr.S (IP .STOCKS AMI IKIMIS. Mnrket Opens mHIi SIumv of Slrenuth lint Loses lis Hold. NKW YORK, Aug. 30 The earlv tiromls'. of strength In the stock mnrket today wns not maintained and after a brief period of some activity nnd Ilrmness prices began to decline again, nnd tho trading tnpered down to tho Inslgnlllcnnt proportions which nao necome the recent normal condition. The trailers rightly concluded tlmt ilwso in. dlcatetl that yesterday's advance was due to nothing tmre thnn tho covering of short contracts, pending the npprnnch of the three days illday. The steel gro.ip espe daily disappointed the hopes that n bull movement was under way. by developing a heavy tone, Steel and Wire falling back over n point. The American Tlnplate and me American Hoop stocks were exceptions antl show gootl gains for the day. There was no news to account for the relapse In the group, the reports at hand showing a growing tlemund for many grades nf Iron products. There was a desultory specula tion In Sugar, which lifted It nt one time oyer 11 point after the advance In the price of refined sugar. Hut the gain was upmost entirely wlpetl out by the time the market closed. Strength In the London market neiped the opening here, causing sharp iiuuiiuiiui uiiiiih 111 ii mimnor nr inn itiinp. national stocks, but London reacted Inter in 1110 uny ami those stocks lost their nil vantage In sympnthy. The railroad stole mcnts for July, which nimnnrml trwlnv. counteracted the fnvorablo effect of vester '.. y ."''""'Ing by the St. Paul company. mo nigncr level nr operating expenses serving to bring down the net enrnlngs In the cases of lJurllngton, Northern Pacific iuiu oouiuern nnnwny, wiuie Cleveland. Cincinnati. Chleuun St I.nlla mimil nnlv a small part of Its gross Increase for net earnings. The explanations which were orfereil nf the heaviness of stocks formed suDstitutcs for news to some extent. For instance, uiero was somo renewed solid tudo expressed regarding the future conrll tlon of tlie tnftrkpt Tim llnMlr f wntrin., having gold enrouto gave rise to the fear inai inn ninvement nr irniii nitrr.n.1 m 1,1,1 soon begin. Sterling exchange In New York nnu mreo months' hills In London were ad vanced. Tho London market np'irehends some stringency as an Incident of tho new Stock exchange settlement nnd the pay- 11. in. hi nn.- nvxi iiiMiitiimrui on ino new loan, which comes nlmut the mltltllo of th month. In the pessimistic mood of Hip locnl market the possibility was suggested that the Treasury deportment might he obliged during tho early fall to draw on Its deposits with the natlonnl bnnkn In order tn meet extraordinary expenditures for military operations. There wns nothing In tho day s money market to give color to any apprehension of higher rates. The banks have gained upward of $2,000,000 from tlio stlhtreasurv nnd nnollior mihainniini t. 111 irpi ui-.i m luuicuteu ior tno wpak. "h innoUnl . non. . I . . 1 1 , . . ijiu murKUL r.KiHi'n film nnn nuniiv nr a Kvimrniiy lower level nr prices. ..'..-"HI wcrv ,llm n"" irregular. Sales, It.liu.OOO par value. United Stntes refund ing zs, wnen Issued, nntl tho new 4s tle- cnneu per cent in inn 11KI price. tno commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram snvs: HunIhcr.1 tn ih tnarkels hero relapsed in complete stagna- tlon Immediately lifter the onenlmr Amcrlcans enjoyed half nn hour of com parative animation, due to the cloning of nrcounts. The Hunk nf Knrinmi un,,u, X37.000 gold In bars nnd received 500.010 .rum 1 ue iiiiiian secrcmry out or the cur rency department. Tho hank returns showed ijik iiuivuinriiiH, owing in tno receipts nf American gold. The reduction of 2.750.000 m otner securities wns explained by the re payment of advances made In nnii-inniinn of theso nrrlvnls. I'ollowlng nro the closing prices on tho New York Stock exchange: Atchison :s I'nlon Paclfio , do jifd Wnliash do pf.l Wheel. A L. E do Id pfd Wis. Central .. Third Avenue . Adam 17x . O . 76 Vi . IS', . t . 23'4 . 13', ,1M .12'j .1S4 . 45 .123 . SI . !S'& . 4'i . 24 . 311', . , t'i . 17 . 20 . C7 . 3S; . 741, . Mi . 7'i . !)?; do nfj . 70V Baltimore Ohio. Canadian PanMilc.. . 71 . 59 Canada Ko . 4914 dies, & Ohio Chicago O. V c. n. & a . ?7 . 11 .123 . 23U CM. Ind. & L do Dfl . 67; .1M .l(KHl . 5Hk . (Pi . 41 . 1 . lti .176 . IMi . Mi; . 10-S . 34 i .U7 . IS American Kx... Chicago A IT III. Chicago i: N. W. c. n, i. i p C. C. C. A Ht. L. , Color&do (?o I. S. Kx Weill. Karro r.x... Amer. Cot. Oil ... do pfd Amer. Maltlnp .... do pfd Amer. K. A n do pfd do lat pfd do 21 pM I1. A Hudson ... Pel. U. 4fc W Amer. Spirits Donver & R. CI... no pM Amer. H. Hoop ... do pf.l Amer. S. A W do pnl Amr. Tin Plate .. do pfd Amer. Tobacco .... do pfd Anne, Mlnlnir Co.. Hrooklyn H. T Colorado Fuel & I. Con. Toba.'co do pfd Federal Pteel do pfd Oen. Electric niuronn Sugar .... do pfd Inter. Paper do nfd do pfd Erl do lit rfd Ot. Nor pfd locking Coal . 444i , f,3 . 3.HI . tr . "ilti . 31 . 07 Wi . .'.I'i . . 23 . BOH . 73 . 31T4 . SO . 17'4 . M . 27'; . Mi .12 . 15 . 55'i . rs . CI . 3n- . SIT, . 31 L. & N .. 71 Manhattan I, .. ll'i ..154 Met. ,st. Its- Mexican Central .. lli Minn. A St. L... do pfd .. 91 Mo I'aellle Mobile A Ohio ... St.. K. A T .. 36': iJirlede fia do pfd 30i National Hlscult N. J Central ... .13SH . 4't do pfd. N. Y. Central ... National Iead .., do nfd Norfolk A W do pfd 74? N'atlonat Steel No Pacific M'i! do pfd 71'; N. Y. Air Drake do pfd Ontario & W Ore. Uy. A Nav. 2Hi No. American .... . 42 IMclflo Coast do 1st pfd pfd.. do 2-1 pfd Pacific Mall People's fias Pressed S. Car .. do pM do pf.l . 7ft .121H 17 . f.'i; . 27; . S4 Pennsylvania ... Heading do Ut pfd do II pfd nio O. W do pfd Pullman P. Car las; 29'4 91 7!t; 12i M 31 Ro. Pacific . . ' jii; wi So- Hallway tv. Ite do nf.l , 5 Western I'nlon .. Ilemilillo.I. & a.. do pfd.. Texas A Pa.'llle P. C. C. A St. L. Offered. Huston Stock Qiintntlniis, BOSTON. Aus. 30,-Call loans, 203 per per cent; tlmo loans, 3Q4V4 per cent. Official closing: A., T. A S. F. 27M Union Pnclde (9 03 '-i do pfd 70i,Vst End !20 Westlngh. Elect Am'r. SuRar lectrlc. 47 do nfd 116 Atchison H 93 Hell Telephone 141 lloston A Albany. .247'i ItuMon Klevated ..141 N. E. n & Adventure C is... 64 Allouez Mln. Co.. Amal. Copper .... lloston A Mont .. llutte A lloston .. Calumet A Ilecla Centennial Franklin 'iiimlmldt Osceola I'i . S7; .317 . 62 .753 . IC'J . 13, Iloiton A Maine. ...1S1 c, II, A Q .12P4 Dominion Coal do pfd Federal Steel , do pfd Fltchburg pfd. Oen. Eleetilc do pfd . (I'i .110 . 34'i . S7 ,.13D .IJS'j ,. 07' . 41', .14) .211 . 31 . 3 ,. 41 .139 Parrot Ed. Elec III 20.M4iQulncy Mexican Central ... 11'1'Santu I'e Copper Mich. Telephone ... Si ITamaiHck , N E. O. A C 13','ftah Mining .... Old Colony 213 Winona Old Dominion !!', Wolverines '"vi-: ' ": Itiibber 29 ICx-dlvldcntl. Ciimlltliin nf iln Trunniri WASHINOTON. Aug. 30-The statement of the treasury "balances' In tho general i-nlil i.i. fund, exclusive of tho $150,000,000 - 1 bervo in mo aivision or redemption, siiowb no pr i ,ni u. r, lather i I'.iiu 113'i do pf.l do pfd 171 ,u. H. Hubber IO pi, I .ash balance, $ia:iS,4, gold, orl Money Mnrket. NHW YOHK. Aug. 30 -MoNKY-On call, ste.ulv at lVdP, per cent, prime mercantile paper, 4fflt per cent. STKIU.INO F.XCHANGK-Flrm. with actual business In bankers' bills nt $1.87 for demand and at Jl.84'4 for sixty days; posted rates, $4.s5fl.W4; commercial bills, $1 S.1J,fJI.S3V SILKll-Har. 61ic; certlllcates, 6lV(f 024r; .Mexlcnn dollars. 4SV. jiu. dm liovernment, wean; state, inac tive; railroad, Irregular. The closing prices on bonds today are as follows: r. S. ref.""!. do couiion . . ttg t4 N Y. C. Is lMi IIW'i N. J. C. n. &. . . .123 Iifl 1 No IVicinc 3s 65'i ten iV 'A , iM 3i, reic do enipon dn new 4, reif do coupon do old, Is, rtc do nnipon On S. rrg do coiiiwn D. nf 1'. $ 5i. . Atetilfon gen. 4s. 1M4 N Y, St I. 4s livjm ltt'4 Nor. V. con. 4s. SJtj . If. , II I ..U2'4' .112', Ore, Ndv Is.. In (s do is do cnnsnl 6s .ii):'i .1124 . S7'4 . MS .152 Heading gen. 4s.. w itio a. v. is In AilJ. 4s vy st 1. t M p S.. Ill t;anaila So Js SILAS V g 6s .1214 Ches. & Ohio 44a. .IM'i St. Paul consols ..IMH do 4s lMi St. p c, & p is. .11 C & S. W. c. T...l 10 do 5s llJi; do H. F. d, ts....lJ0 So. Pacific (s 1st; Chicago Ter. 4s tj fio. llillwny Ss lOS'i Colo. So, Is... 2 S. It. & T. f t, lOJUiTex Paeltlc Is. ..Ill M 1 do 2s M I). & It do 4s. O. Is.... Ilrle Rneral 4s. iW il'nlon Pacific 4s F. W. & D. C. Is.. 72 Hen. Klfotrle, Iowa Central Is 113 L. A N. mil. 4s.. . U Waba.h Is. ...107 ...101' ...1IJ' ... fJ4 ... Mi do 2 West Shore 4s . Wis. Central 4s. M., K. Sc T. 2s Wi, Va. do 49 02 I When issued. Centuries . rinmieliil .Voles. , ST. LOLMS. Aug. 30.-Clenrlngs. $I,39S.7; balances, $506,103; money. 4f(7 per cent: New York exchange, 25c discount bid, 15c dis count ask"d. CINCINNATI, Aug. 30,-Clearlngs, $1,975. 2..0; New York exchange, 25fJ30c discount; money, 2'nffi per cent. NKW YOHK. Aig. M.-Clearlngs, $111,681, 351; halnuces, $7,999,319. , HOSTON. Aug. SO.-Clenrings, $1(,C54,522; balances, Jl.Bsi.rwO. HALT! MOHF. Aug. 30.-Clcnrlngs, $2,451. 430; balnnces. $270,321. PHILADFLPIIIA. Aug. 30.-CIcarlngs. $13,221,741; balances, Jl,S99,12fi. . CII1CAOO. Aug. 30.-Clearlngs, $24,090,394; balances. $2,2fiS.32l; posted exchange, JI.S5ff 4.sst4; New York exchange, par. London Stuck tintittlnns. LONDON. Atitr. 30. I p. m.-Closlng: Cons., money . . . .93 5-16 Ile US do account 9S.l-it do 1st pM Aiililson 2S! Pennsylvania Cj'i Canadian Pacific 914 Ui-.itllmt 8, St Paul 116 No. Paclllj pfd 73 Illinois Central ....U0 (traml Tmnk f,ij Ijntilsvllle 73'j Aliaennila 94 I'nlon Par. pfd ... :'(, Hand Mines 404 .V. V. Central 132; HAH SILVKH-Strnng, 2S 7-HM per ounce. MONHY 3 per cent; short bills, 3 lX-ltiB 3T(tl; three months' bills, 3Vu"l per cent, imt York Mining .stocks. NKW YOHK, Aug. SO.-The following are the closing quotations for mining shares toda'y: nil.ih'n -IJ I4ii. Chollar 10 Ontario $ Crown Point 1 Ophlr 50 Con. Cal. A Va 123 Plymouth 14 Deaowood 4tl Quicksilver MO Could Cutrle 13 do pfd (ISO Hale Norcrons... U Plerra Nevada 30 Hiimetak MOO Hlnmlar.1 Jt Iron Silver M I'nlon Con 13 Mexican 22 Yellow JackM 19 Cotton Market, NKW YOHK. Aug. 80. Tho cotton market opened easy, under u Hurry of general sell lug. with nrlccs down 2fl pclnts from the Initial trades of yesterday, 'file rest of the day dragged along, with prices sagging point after point under liquidation by tired bulls. The factors combining to ylo'd a dominating lnlluence were unquestionably bears. The public and priwite cables in dltated nervousness among foreign bulls and lower prices In Llvernnol, under light general selling. The crop reptrts took a more cheerful ton?. Receipts were un questionably light, hut that factor had been pretty thoroughly discounted. Tho spec ulntlvo public was Indifferent for the time being, the nearby holidays serving to In spire caution nmong Investors. Taking the market In Its entirety, the dny wns the leust Interesting In a lone tlmo, The move ment of tho August option alone broke the monotony. The Ilrst sale wns at 9c, from which there was a short drop to $S.H5 und ft still later tumble to $S.75. n 5-nolnt rally subsequently occurring. Huslncss In the aggregate was light, howover, and repre sented the II nu 1 settlomcnt of long-stnndlnrr nccounts, spot cotton houses being the buy ers. In tho last hour a rttdden scare of shorts cnrrletl prices up 12 points, The market closed steady, whh August nom inally 21 points lower and other months un changed tn 3 points net higher, Future3 closed steady. August. ?8.80; Septembr, $3.63: October, $8 62; November, $S41; De cember, $t.39; January, $8.39; February, $3.10; March. SS. 11 ; Aorll, JS.42; May. $3 44; June. $3.43. Snot closed dull: middling uti- 1, ...!.. 1)4.... .l.l,11lt.n -i,ll OT.. iA. .fit! iiiiiii, mini, ii ii,, bun, .lipi , OHiCi wi bales. ST. LOFIS, Aug. 30,-COTTON-Dull. No Sales. Mlddl inc. 9 9-16c Receipts. 434 bulea: tdilpmonts, 897 bales; stock, 9,352 bales. NKW OHLKANS, Alltf. 30.-COTTON f;asy. aics, un nines; orninary, iz-.n- t,in,l nrHlnn.u 77t n Inn nlil,llln On" mill riling, 9'2c; gooti mltldllniT. 9c; ' middling rair, ioc. Koceipts. isi naies; stocK, asoi Hales. cotton rutures en..y. sptemuer, JS.61W8.62: October. $3.2'iWt..-,0: November. $S.2irtS.21; December, $H 19fi8.20; January, 319f(S.20; Februnry. 5S.21fjs.23: Slarch, $.23 iis,.j; April, .x(t..-'i ; .nay, ia.zt'an.zv. STrw York IJrjr Uadi, NEW YORK. Alic 30.-DRT GOODS Business continues good with Jobbers, but still quiet nt Ilrst hands. Hrnwn sheetings ana (inns nrm tor rorwnrn neuvery, nut ir regular for stock goods. Print cloths Inac tive, Fall River mills signing an agree ment to reduce wnges and probable; curtail mcnt of production. Rltncned cottons dull nnd unchanged. Moderate demand for denims nnd plaids at previous prices. Olhor coarse coiorcn goons are nun ana irreguinr Prints qulot nt previous prices. No chnngs In ginghams. Cotton linings are dull throughout nnd easy to buy. The market will ganerally observe Saturday as a holi day. Coffer Mnrket, NKW YORK. Aug. 30.-COFFRK-Sn3t Hlo, steady: No. 7 Invoice, SHc; mild, quiet; Cordova, &f(Hc. Futurej opened steady, unchanged to C points advance and rulel tolrlv active with little further changi. while showing an ensy undertone In til" nbsenco of speculative support, while local trailers avoided new responsibilities In view of approaching holiday nnd thu Santos strike, reported still on. Slarket closed nulet. with nuotatlons unchanged to "in lowor. Total sales, 17.0i0 bags. Including October, $7 45; uccemner, J7.ba1n7.70; kci ruary. $7.757.S0; Mnrch, $7.M)'o7.S5; May. 11. you 1 'o, StiKiir lnrUrt. NEW YORK. Ail?. nO.-SIJOAR-Raw, firm; fair rellning. 4',io; centrifugal, 96 test 4'ic; molasses sugar. 4c; rellned, strong; No. C, 15.60; No. 7. $..&"; NO. X. $5.40; NO. 9, $5 30; No 10. $3.25; No 11, $5.25; No. 1, $5.20; No. 13, $5.15; No. 14, $5.15; standard A $5.9.1: confec tioners A. J3.95: cut loaf. $6 F5 crushed, $6.55; powdered, $0.25; granulated, $5.15; cubes, $b,30. nil Mnrket. OIL CITY, Pn., Aug. 30 -Credit balancer 15.V cprtlflrntes. no bid Pdilnments. ft).. 837 bbls.; average, 101.177 bbls; runs, 112,953 Plus.; nverage, ;'2,ii-' inns. LONDON. Auk- sn.-OILS-Llnseed, 33s 3.1I. Tjrnentlne stunts. 2.s 4'id. LIVF.RPOOL. Aug. 30.-OILS-Cottonseed Hull rellned, August. 22s 3d. Linseed, 33s 9d New York Live Slock, NF.W YORK. Aug. 30 I1FFVKS Re celpts, 611 bond; nothing doing; feeling steady. Cnhles sternly; shipments, 216 bend cattle; none tomorrow, knives, receipts, 229 head; veals sternly; otner cnivea lower veals. $3VKiSO0: grnssers, $2.50fi2S5. SHHFP AND LAMHS-Rccelpts, 2,922 head; shipments, 85 head sheep; market nc- tive on ngnt supply; lamns. ia'o.-.)c uigner 2'a cars, mainly late nrrlvols. unsold; sheep $2.GOfi4.O0; culls. $2; lambs. $5.25iU7.25; culls, t ii IIOOS Receipts. 1.716 head; heavy hogs weak: others steady: common western $5.6); state. $5.75'S6.00; choice light, $6.10. TIIH II 11 LT Y MAHICFr. INSTRUMENTS plnced on record Thurs day, August vu, 19011: Wnrrmity Heeds, F. J. Fttz'ernld and wife to K. R. I.elebl. h 33 1-3 foot lot 3. block 149. South Omaha $ 2,000 Nclllo wulianiier aim nusiinuu to ll.nrv Hplimniicher. w 32 feet nf n 120 feet lot I. block 7, Klrkiyood add. 1,500 John Urubaker and wire to A. 11. Murdock, undlv'i of pnrt of n'4 sei 3-11-13 South Omaha Land compnny to L.icy nn I Auiriisl Tletiens. lot 5 nnd nU lot 6. block 3IS, South Omaha 1,000 (lull Clnlm Deeds. C. M. Nelson to Frederick Pries, neU swL nwL und nw'i nw'l sw'i nntl WW He', nw', 16-10-13 400 R. T. Mnxwcll to A. M. 1 . Johnson, lots 1 to 3. block 3, Cono & J.'H sub- dlv 1 Total amount of transfers $ 4,90; OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Good Cattle of All Kinds Brought Just About Yesterday's Prices. BUT LITTLE CHANGE IN HOG QUOTATIONS Sheep Mnrket Wns Well Supplied, lint Dcninnd Wns Ootid nnit .Mnrket XVn Active nnd Stoutly to Strong. SOUTH OMAHA, Aug. 30. Hecelpts were: Olllclal Monday .... Olllclal Tuesday ... Olllclal Wedncstlny Olllclal Thursday Hogs, dheep. 3,113 12.5K 7,261 6.S16 7,911 ,07j T.UVi 5,913 I-our days this week.. Same days last week.. Same week before .22.1SS .17.9S9 23,977 25.76'J 19.13t 27,52!) 35.3I1 a.79j 29.114 2!t,3Jl 13.U1 .15.242 Same three weeks ago.. 16,747 Same four weeks ago. 12,183 22,33.1 Average price paid tor hogs ror the last several days, with comparsotiB: - 119O0.IU39.llSJ.lll7.l-'lt' Aug, Aug. Aug. Aug. Atlg. Aug. Aug. Aug. AUg. Aug. AUg. Aug. Aug. Atlg. Aug. Aug. Aug. AUg, Aug. Aug. AUg Aug. Atlg. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. ! 5 15, 4 191 3 79 .1 2 ."1 j JJ 3.... 6 10 4 43' 1 fill 3 51 2 &) J 4," 4 45 3 71 3 531 2 5 04 3 77 i 4JI i Wl l J ' 5 141 4 3SI 13 45) I ?i 4 J 77 4 S.... 6.... 8 9 10.... 11.... 12..., 13. . . , 14... 15... 16... 17... IS 19, . . , 20. . . 21..., 22..., 23... 24... 25... 26... 27. . . 23... 29... 30... 5 04 4 3C 3 67 5 001 4 23 4 99 4 29 I 4 35 3 67 3 531 '4,761 4 5i i? 3 Bt! 2 SSI - 3 61! 2 flil I Y 56 2 M) 4 CO 64 2 741 4 59 4 . Ill 2 . 4 bi 4 97 3 85 3 3 4 9S 3 74 4 971 4 97i 4 43 1 Ck 1 (Lit I 441 3 75! 2 S3 4 12, 5 CC i 3 701 4 7 "? 4 5 4 32 3 4 36 3 74. 3 71l 2 Ml 4 65 6 11 5 00 4 95 I 47 3 661 3 6t - 5 Mi 4 51 4 06 5 01 4 49 5 10 4 50 3 S7 3 .3 2 s 3 75 3 70 2 .? 3 761 2 K; .3 69 1 2 79, 5 03! 5 02 6 01 4 97 4 12 4 36 5 OS 4 36 5 12 4 4 4 41 3 711 3 83 1 in! ut ' n n 5 14 5 0: 1 11 n sr a 79 2 w 4 w, 5 05 1 40 3 73 3 Slj 2 i9 ! 4 38 3 72 3 91, 2 76 4 32 4 Kl .1 70 I 02' 2 75 24 3 :i 521 Mug. 5 02 I 40 3 971 I 5 02 4 12 3 70 I ! 5 00 4 40 3 721 3 91 2 SO, 4 26 5 31 2 S4I 1 221 5 2i I I 24 f 42 iUg. Aug. Indlcntes Sunday , ,, The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each toad was: r C, M. & St. P. Hy .. .. 7 O. & St. L. Hy Mo. Pnc. Hy 4 Cnlon Pacific system 20 16 22 20 17 '3 '3 8 27 4 1 3 3 S9 29 24 C. A N. W. Hy V.. K. A M. V. H. H. 53 c, St. r., ai. v u. uy 11. & M. H. H 13 67 It. & Q. Hy H. I. & P.. cast.. 3 3 8 "l79 C, H. 1. & P., west.. Total receipts The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, eacn nuyer purcnusini, mr number of head incllcaten lluvers. Cnttle.Hogs.Sheeii. Omahu Packing Co O. II. Hammond Co , 143 399 573 3,471 3SS 1.529 3,474 701 817 319 127 1,994 783 49 44 590 373 34 55 14 I 27 190 115 198 3 51 153 116 1,286 .... 2,392 Swift nnd Company Cutlahy Packing Co Armour A Comnnnv Omaha Packing Co. K. C Cutlahy Pckg co., it. c, Hcckor t uegan I'ansant tc Co , . L. Carey W. I. Stephen mil jiuntzingrr Ilenton & Underwood . v nustono ft sctinllcr . Hamilton & Rothschild ., F. Ilusz , Squires & Co , it. i j. nennis Ac co , II. F. Hobbcck i A. 8. Mnwhlnney Crey Packing Co Other buyers '. Totnl 4.744 6,196 '.25S CATTLK There was a fairly liberal run or cattle, hero today, neing smaller man vesterdav. nut larger man a wecu ago. Thero was a good sprinkling of corn cattle nnd cows, but very few western steers thnt were good enough for killers. The supply of western feeders, however, was very liberal nnd me uemnntl good. Thcro were about forty enrs of cornfed cattle on the mnrket and prices held about steady nil around. A few sale were made that looked 11 little strong, nut ss a gen eral thing tho offerings changed hand at about steady prices. The better grades were in goou tinmana nnu tairiy active, whllo those that did not suit the buyers' fancy did not sell so readily. Practically everything, however, wns sold at n reason ably early hour. Tho cow market this morning wns rather uncrrtaln. Sellers were calling It nil the way from steady to 11 dime lower, The better grades, In most cases, brought yes terday's prices, but the medium grades, the same as It has been nil along, were un even nnd slow sale, It Is difficult to tell much nbout the market on those grades, as me prices pnin vary grenuy from time to tlmo. Somo sales wern made this morn ing thnt looked steady, while others were undoubtedly lower. Stock bulls were again In good demand mis morning anti nrousnt ruuy steady prices. The coarse, heavy hulls, however. were not good sellers nnd the market was dull und draggy. rne BiocKor nnu reeaer trano was In food snap this morning on anything at all good. The better grades brought iitanrfv prices and In some enses they sold a little better. Tho light, common stuff, however, was rather slow nnd prices In most cases were hdoui ine same as yesterday. western rangers totiay were made up largely of feeders and cow stuff. There were sevoral bunches of steers goo enough for killers, but In most cases varrf trillion. were better buyers than the packers. What did go to tho killers brought practically uteady prices. Cows wero steady to a lit- 110 lower ami leeaors were in good demand and about steady, the h,avy weight cattle being the better sellers. Representative ala: No. DKUF STEERS. Av. Pr. No. $3... 1... 1... 22... 47 .. (2... 20... 3... ... 19... 19... ss... Ar. rr. ...1IM ( 24 ...1097 5 2S ...1100 5 23 ...IMS &M ...1120 5S ...1132 S.1,1 ...1131 8 40 ...1127 5 40 ...11JI 5.1 ...12 5M ...12M fi 40 ...IMS 6 69 ...MO $4 00 ....lOfO 4 00 ....1070 4 2ft .... M0 4 50 .... 600 4 75 ....H) 4 Tn ....1004 5 CO ....10SJ 5 10 ....ills-. I 15 22 17 20 25 60 32 40 , .1002 S 15 .11(3 5 10 .11C0 5 25 .1272 5 23 37. .1204 $ 55 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 42 1007 5 15 COWS. 1 970 1 50 t lfKS3 2 85 1 1120 2 00 1 810 ; 85 3 SC. 1 25 3 1050 3 10 7 l 2 40 1 1320 3 35 3 1006 2 60 1 1000 3 eo 1 tOO JB 1 1210 3 75 2 9 2 75 2 107S J 75 2 11S5 3 25 3 1000 J 75 1 800 2 S5 1 1360 4 15 11 932 2 Si HEIFERS. 1 en 2 M S I2 I TS 1 80-1 3 r. 8 ill 2 ki 3 S13 3 50 2 MO 4 00 6 658 2 77. II (23 4 40 HULLS. 1 13'0 2 40 1 920 J 10 1 11(0 2 85 I mo 3 00 1 950 2 9-i 1 1330 4 00 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 2 801 2 70 3 10SO 3 CO 1 900 I 7i 1 760 3 25 1 780 2 75 ( 758 3 25 2 9VI 3 00 STEERS AND HULLS. 4 955 4 35 CALVES. 1 130 5 21 1 110 8 50 1 150 5 50 STOCKEHS AND FEEDERS. ii 163 3 10 11 193 3 15 2 690 3 25 5 Wl 3 SI 10 802 3 25 5 624 3 8r. 2 960 3 75 1 920 4 00 10 1)3 3 "5 1 10(2 4 01 1 6.10 3 80 3 930 I M 13 80S 3 20 161 4 10 NERRASKA 1 steer 1000 21 steerr...,1327 1 steers... .125.1 22 feeders.. 915 2 feeders.. 655 4 10 1 steer KS0 I 40 2 steers., ..1280 4 10 1 steer 1490 1 40 19 feeders.. 842 3 K5 6 feeders.. 928 3 85 1 bull 810 2 ) 1 heifer.... 600 2 1 6 calves... 226 6 10 2 feetlers . 650 3 25 1 cow . . . 960 2 75 1 feeder... 600 2 00 1 steers.. ..1028 3 6.7 1 hull 1470 2 SO 4 cows .... 992 3 10 2 feetlers. 1028 3 90 3 feetlers.. 973 3 SO 2 cows 96i 3 10 1 cow 1170 3 10 1 cow !)70 2 65 1 cow 830 2 f.'. 1 cow 930 2 65 3 cows 1093 3 20 2 cows . .. 965 3 9) 1 cow 1120 4 10 1 cow 920 2 10 1 cow 8W 3 50 1 cow M0 2 V) 5 cows. I. 84 2 10 1 cow 960 2 10 1 cow . . 1000 2 40 1 COW 10 2 00 4 40 4 10 4 10 3 85 1 stag 1100 3 25 1 heifer.... 62 3 30 1 heifer.. 1 heifer.. 1 feeder., 13 feeders 57 feetlers 460 820 8,1 3 00 2 75 3 60 3 15 ;i 80 2 65 4 frt 3 80 3 80 3 10 2 65 2 ill 2 65 3 2) 3 20 3 90 3 40 3 40 3 10 3 40 3 no 770 873 871 2 feetlers.. 980 1 cow 820 r. feeders.. 1056 7 feeders.. 1000 2 feetlers 3 cows... 2 cows... 2 cows... ..1130 ..1020 ,.t09.) ..1020 .. 670 1 cow. . .. !) cows... 4 cows. . . ..1025 ..1090 .. 780 .. 770 .. 890 1 cow 2 feeders. 8 heifers.. 3 feetlers. 3 feeders 8 feeders 53 steers. .. lbull sr.; Km 712 , 470 5 trt 1270 3 00 710 67i 9(0 293 1620 11 n . 800 . 881 . fS . 990 ,102t? 3 60 2 to 2 II r. 1.1 4 1) 3 2,1 3 80 3 00 3 95 2 Oil 3 70 71 f.? ders 6.1 feeders 4 feeders S.I heifers 1 bdll .. r? ui r.m 626 1 70 1 60 4 IJ m ! 1 tO 1 iws 1 cows J calves I steer 1 bull. 30 feeders Is cows. . .14 feetlers 41 steers.. 31 feetlers 13 cows... 9 feeders.. 1111 4 3S 10 feeders.. Hd3 4 SI 53 leeders .1025 I 0t) 12 feetlers.. 1021 4 OJ 1002 W. .1327 90 L. Tlllotsotl Nell. 31 steers... .1327 $4 50 2 hulls... .ISM $.' 50 .1SS0 2 50 . $30 2 M .1CS1 3f) 2 steers... loan 3 75 1 nun. ... 3 cows 1010 3 15 1 cow .1. HiirlelEh-Neb. lojn .1010 42 feeders.. 1050 4 00 7 feeders, W. Hrctty-S. u. 1 feeder. . . 700 3 s.1 .1 cows. . . . . 960 .1015 .1290 .1250 . 920 .1220 .UtV) 2 25 3 00 2 15 2 50 3 03 3 10 2 V) 2 tO 3 55 3 W 3 15 25 feetlers. . 761 390 2 cows.., 5 steers.... 765 3 00 3 Mills... ci. Tlmmlns Neti. 16 cows 10!i6 3 mi 4 hulls.., 3 cows 940 2 40 4 cows. . . , WYOMING. 5 feeders.. 1040 4 35 1 steer... 2 cows 1020 3 20 1 WW 1 cow 1070 3 20 1 full ..1530 66 feeders.. Sin 3 55 16 feetlers. . 778 .1115 . POO 1 1. Corney-S. u. 1 heifer.. ..K'Vl 3 00 4 cows. S cows 1071 2 S5 6 cows. 5 feeders.. S74 4 10 John Miinnev Neb. 33 feeders.. 857 3 90 1 feeder... "40 .1 90 John Davidson Idaho. 7 feeders.. 1073 4 50 4 feeders. 1080 1550 3 6) 2 tit 4 cows . . ..1080 3 JO 1 bull 2 10 1 bull 1160 II. Knrthlng W yo. 4 70 lteer.... 4 70 1 feeder.. 4 25 5 feeders. 8 steers. . . 2 steers.. . 9 feeders. 1145 .1550 .1010 .1170 4 70 3 50 I 25 12li5 1052 Mrs P. Hurns-S. IJ. 4 00 1 feeder... SO) 3 25 23 feeders.. 916 J. Falrhead Neb, 26 feeders.. fsU 4 10 2 feeders.. S05 3 ..'J 1 reeder... 820 1 feetler . .If") 4 10 1 steer 1100 i 20 3 95 12 feeders.. 861 3 W 3 95 1 feeder... 820 3 2 83 1 bull 12M' 2 50 2 S5 1 feeder... 820 3 9.i 2 85 1 :uv 1070 3 V) It. Reed-NcD. 8 feeders 950 9 cows. . . , 966 876 975 It. 3 cows. . . 2 cows. . . , 188 feeders. iiTi 3 65 3 f eiders.. 756 3 -X J. Huff-Neb. 1 feeder... S40 2 75 O. Wear-S. D. II. 2 cows 1070 3 00 1 steer 1060 3 50 3 00 2 50 5 10 2 50 3 2. 3 :5 5 10 5 23 2 cows 1030 1082 1060 1 steer 10..0 1 steer S10 to S feeders 3 11 feetlers 4 00 2 GO 3 25 3 25 3 75 3 00 3 ) 28 calves. 2 bulls... 5 steers.. 1 steer... SS !2 cows. . . 3 steers. . . 793 .1033 .1000 .. 580 .. S76 .. full .I30t .102S .1270 1 steer. . . 1 heifer.. 86 cows. . .. 63 calves... 3 calves... II cows 150 S heifers... 185 It 761 S47 891 3 75 1 1 Tucker Colo. 3 25 53 feeders. 3 90 5 feeders. 3 9i) 180 feeders. 3 25 1 hcirer . Andrews S. D. 2 95 1 cow ... 38 heifers... 877 840 921 870 3 9J 3 35 3 9) 3 10 4 feeders.. 12 feeders. . 10 feeders.. . 830 S. .. 990 cows.., 810 2 50 Wean & Alllson-S. D 1 cow 1 heifer. . 900 50 9 cows 921 U73 216 2 95 4 00 5 10 1160 4 00 20 feeders. 1 steer 1160 4 00 39 calves.. 3 heifers... 503 3 75 Montana Cattle Co. .Mont 91 feeders 1097 4 15 6 feeders.. 1097 S M 1 feeder. .1120 4 15 Mrs. P. . 863 3 M Mills-Neb. 2 feeders.. 20 fcedarn 710 3 50 1 feeder. I cows... ..1040 3 30 W. W. Andrews-Neb. ...1116 3 10 25 cows... B. E. Johnson Neb. ,.. 901 3 S5 932 2 89 19 cows. , Western Ranches 8. D. ...1020 ...1210 10 steers... 1177 3 65 3 65 4 30 T. W. 4 05 4 05 4 05 4 05 3 15 3 40 3 35 3 35 3 35 3 15 1 steer. 1 steer. 3 65 3 65 1 steer 1160 6 steers... 1321 T. M. & Mathews Wyo. 51 feeders. .1054 38 feeders.. 984 28 feeders.. 100 21 cows. 936 970 989 3 20 2 70 3 15 3 15 3 15 3 10 3 35 3 33 3 00 4 03 33 cows.. . . 35 cows 31 cows 32 cows. . . . 8 steers.. . 2 feeders. 2 feeders. 1 feeder. . 14 feeders. 10 feeders.. 1016 . 929 . 976 . 958 . 850 . P25 . 950 .1055 31 cows. . . . 953 6 steers.... 10S1 1 feeder.. . 960 . 750 . 993 1 feetler. . 3 feetlers. 1 feeder. . 1 feeder. . .1100 .1150 I 05 It. Morltr-S. D. 2 feeders. 815 3 00 13 feetlers. S30 3 90 1086 3 nil 10 cows. So7 2 5.1 3 cows. HOna- The sunnlv of hoes today fell short of yesterday's run and also short of tho receipts n week ago today Chlcnuo reported n weak to lower market, but the early sales here wero 11 little belter than yesterday's close, or about steady with yesterday's general market. The light hogs wero ngain in tnc nest ucmami ami sum largely nt $5.02 and $5 05. and 11s hleb as $3.07& was pnld. A fancy load of henvy nogs urougnt ja.iu, nut tney were tlie nest heavyweights that have been seen on this mnrket In a long time, nnd were bought for export. Light butchers' were In good demand nnd sold around $5 02 'fit.-. 05. and Heavier nogs irom . uown. Alter inc ilrst round the market wa i not so eoo 1. anil, ns only tho heavyweights were left ttin last end or tlie market was slow anil weak. buyers hldd nc ubnul the t-amo as on ihn close of yesterday's market. Tho heavy packers sold largely at 8I.9ji I.Dili, with the better loads going nt S5. As will he seen from the tntile of nverage prlres, todny's market averages up 11 little lower than yesterday, but better than on rtionony or a ween ago totiay. Representa tive sales 1 bull No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. A v. Sli. IV. 62 219 80 II V) 78 232 ... 50314 52 3M 0 4 VI 61 234 ... 5 02i 57 322 tV 4 M 66 SJS 120 r, 0314 17 IfiJ 40 4 05 73 222 40 , 02is 46 2C5 ... 4 9. Ci 231 40 5 02 :,i 296 89 4 W 61 231 80 D 0!i, 50 317 ... 4 95 fs1 232 . . 5 024 69 :s 40 4 9714 65 JS2 80 r. rci, fO 219 40 4 9714 C.1 249 SO 5 2H M !6S 80 4 97H M 311 5 02'j 65 238 SO 4 9714 S 115 SO 1, n;i, e 26: 200 49714 C3 2-14 ... 6 rji, 59 260 ... 4 974 77 111 !to 5 o;i, 63 244 ... 4 97ii 61 264 . . r. W4 M 272 IM 4 9714 64 245 . . 5 fl.'i, M 510 120 4 9714 It 248 ... 4 97', 34 224 (I) 4 7i, 78 233 . . 4 97'i 83 314 160 4 971, 62 216 SO 4 97' , na :si frt 4 9714 fit 2:.: ... 4 o;i. K 274 SO 4 9ii 82 2V. 3W) 4 97ia 91 220 40 4 :V, 74 210 SO 4 971, 57 160 49 14 95 60 231 . . 5 CO Ct 251 ... 4 95 50 259 KO 5 00 51 273 ... 4 95 94 275 M 5 ft) til M4 80 4 95 9 157 SO 5 CO fZ 21 40 4 95 13 357 40 5 CO J JTB ... 4 91 62 256 160 f, 00 8 378 40 4 95 64 234 . . 5 00 10 JSl 40 4 95 80 239 160 6 00 0? 231 ... 8 00 83 212 49 5 co M 265 120 5 00 82 234 ... 5 00 T7 207 SO 5 00 69 Ill ... 5 00 (17 22 ... 8 m 65 261 ... 6 0) r, 243 ... 5 CO M 235 10 5 CO 39 237 ... 8 mi 72 234 80 5 024 66 27S 40 5 CO 53 359 ... 6 02(4 ; 2!l ... 5 00 64 311 40 5 05 TJ 226 SO 5 Oil 64 2M 40 6 03 S3 236 120 6 00 57 IS3 . . 6 0.1 61 271 80 f, CO 66 235 210 6 OS 71 246 SI 6 00 74 234 ... 5 05 69 240 SO 3 01 80 311 ... 5 05 61 248 40 6 CO 61 248 ... 6 OS 66 260 40 5 On 68 221 SO 6 07, 31 290 .. 5 00 74 205 ... 5 05 S3 2 40 6 CO 44 306 ... 6 10 64 274 40 6 CO 76 204 . 5 07H 60 241 40 R CO S Ill 40 6 0714 70 247 SO 5 0214 84 2:7 120 6 07i, 75 23". 40 6 02'4 74 234 . . I C7'4 SllKEP-There was the heaviest run nf hoen hir toilnv since Mnntlnv. hut tho demaml ivnrt fully equal to the supply nml practically everything orfereil changed hands nt steady tn strnnp prices. It was n kooiI, active market from start tn tlnlh string 01 inmim woui .i ihkii nn -i " hut they were the best quality unit nas been seen on the mnrnet in n innR iime feeders were In cnotl demnntl ncnln totiay at about steady prices. Quotations! Choice western Brass weth ers, J1.:iVji3.Mi; rnir to room Krass weinrrs, J1.25iil3.35; choice crass yearlliiKs, f3 33Ti3.60; choice ewes, J2.901T3 25; fnlr to Rood ewes, $2 65152 90; fair to Rood venrllnRS, $3.2.'7.1 35; choice sprlns lnnihs. S4 653.00; fnlr to Rood snrlnR lamus. SI :rn icener weincrs, $3.25'?3..riO: feeder Inmbs, Jl.oOfi l.2o. ltepre- smtatlve iaie.: No. 2 native bucks 10 nntlvo ewes 48 native bucks Av. . 160 . 88 . 79 . 82 . 57 . 61 . 95 . Ill . 96 . 52 . 98 . 96 . ii . lfll . no . 101 . 107 . 54 . 62 . 71 . 79 . (I? . 67 . 66 Pr. j r. 3 01 3 75 3 4 .'0 4 6". " 50 3 1 3 50 4 15 0'M 3 10 3 25 3 r. 3 50 3 50 3 50 4 10 4 15 4 73 5 00 5 00 f. 00 C 00 622 Dakota feedlni: wethers loo Ida ho fecrllnR amlis ... 587 Idaho Inmbs 30 rtnh cull lambs 126 T'toll ewes 120 feedliiR wethers , 76 feedlntt lambs 153 rtnh owes 241 rtnh ewes 60 rtnh ewes 191 rtoh mixed 40 rtnh wethers 260 I'tah wethers 7 rtnh wetners 47 I'tah feetllnR lambs 136 Idaho feeding lumhs ... 33 rtnh lambs 38 rtnh lambs 2 I'tah lambs 127 Idaho lambs 8 Idaho lumhs SI. .Insrpli I, lie SlocU, HOI'TII ST JOSKPM, Mo., Auk, 20 -(Spe-clnl.) The Journal quotes: CATTI.Il-Iteceints 1.9O0. Mnrket strnni?. Natives, $l.35f(5 60: Tc as and nestein1, $1.25175.50; cows nnd heifers, 2.(iVTf 65; bulPi and stnits, 2 00i)0: yearlinits nnd cnlv.s, J3 35ft4 50, stockers and feeders. J3.250l.2i; veals. KWVfOW llOfJS-Hecclpts. 1.941 Market Rencrally steady. Aill eratles, J5.001t3 174; hulk of sales. J5fnM"i5I0 SIIKRI' Itetclpts, 3.100. Market Mroi.R to 10c higher. ht. I, mils 1,1 vi- Stuck. ST LOIMS, Allir 30 -CATTI.i: - Hecelpts, 2.8f1. IncludlnR 1 "i Toans. market stronc. with Texans 10c hlKher. nallie shippliiR und export steers. 5(5lHHiO, dresHcd beef and butcher steers. SI 50 j 5 50, steers under 1 4k pounds. S3 bih I 40, stockers nod feeders. S3 30 (114.40 cows anil heifers l. uoah lift . ctinners, i.sya2.t; uuua,; tcxus and in futi's ntl heifers, tnnrkit s'ea Ij tH p 1 kers $.. .-'I $. . k IIOllS Hcie.t's 4 pit ii ml liKhts $ -VI,'. '' I'uti'hi rx $;. L' SIIF.KP AND LAMHS -He. clpts. 2.1.10, matkel steady, muttons, $,t T.vii4 .m. lambs, $4.f5 3T.; culls nnd bucks, $2 00tff00; stoik ers. $3.10Sf3.50. ciiiCAUt) i.iv: STOCK M.MIICr.T. All Kinds of Cnlllr Mmim nntl Higher hIhm'P Vetli... CIIICAOO. Aug. KO.-CA I'TLK-Hecelpfs, 5,(110 hrHtl. All kinds i-trtii t.. 5 higher, natives, best on s.tle today, one car nt $6 2" Oood to prime steer $5R5nt, 2. pi or to medium, $l.6Mffi;0; Tlectcl le.'.ie.ji, llrm, $ini4.7"i, mixed. Blockers t-.i iv to slow. $3 30U3.l0; cows, $.' 'ti l ?" I , 1 1 ,-r-. J.I OtCifS if; canticrs. $2n0..2T('. tm!:. m.n-, $2 On;! I 50. c.llves. hlgllT. $jOH7 6i lex,, feedeis. $l25ft5.00; Texas grass sterr $,;, t120; Tex. is hulls. 2.rOjj3.4. IIOOS -Receipts today, 20.0 head, ! mated tomorrow, 18,VAi head, lu'i ,.w 2,51 Market weak to 6c lower, g 1 clearance; tup $.".I5; mlNctl and b"tih $r.nK5X: giind to choice, heniy, .iii. 5 rough, heavy, $1 ifi I i't; light. $" (.0 id . bull: of .ilc. $5 00li5 3o. SHEEP AND LAMHS-Rccelpts. if, head. Sheep active, steady; lamp st, .; to ioc higher; good to choice wilier j' ". (U3 90; fnlr to choice, mixed, Jl.fiOfl ,0, ern sheep. $3.50h3 85; To.xns sh'-ep : Ii 3 50; native lambs, $4 2611185; western hi-. lis. $5.0015 86. Kmisii City Live Stock, KANSAS CITY, Aug. 30. CATTLE He celpts, ti.i'OO head natives, l.OOO T.-x-nns, titirt In .id calves; all classes cattle oniric sales at 10c higher; native steels. $1 7.V.1". u', stockers ami feeders, $3 40fM 00, bu'ti Ivr down und heifers, $3 l'; dinners. $2 ."n-i 3.15; fed westerns. J3.9'1;'. 20; wintered Tex mis. $.l.rHY.7 1 05; grass Texnns, $3.0oifl'"; : calves. $V50,J6 25. HOOS-Receipts, 7.000 head; trade unto slow at steody prices: heay unit mixed, Jj.iUMlfi IK. light. $5.051 20; pigs. II Ofl'.M 50 SHEEP AND LAMHS-Receltils. I.S11 head; market active, steady to 10c hlglur. lambs, $1. muttons. $3 35fj3 6o, r-c.l-crs, $3,001(1.26; culls. $2.50f.l.rti. Sliiek III Sight. Following nro the receipts nt the f ur principal western mntkets for August Cattle, ling ahe.i;, South Omaha 4.79i 5.913 S.. 7. Chicago B.u 2il,t lfi'i" Kansas City 7,rt 7,6f 4i St. Louis 2.8() 4 101I 2 .ui Totals 20.199 37.613 3"i WTbea rt&r taSi tronstas BOCTOB SEARLES & SEARLES OMAHA. KU7ATS mm op MEN SPECIALIST Wo guarantee to cure all cuses cursblt ot WEAK MEM SYPHILIS Sh'XUALLY. Cured for Life, Night Emissions, Iost Manhood, Hydrocele, Vurlcocele, Gonorrhoea, Ulcer, oypnllls, Stricture. Piles, FlttuU and Huctul Ulcors and all I'rlxntr Dlarnari nnd llliordera of Ilea dtrlctnrr nntl (lleet Cured at Home. Consultation Free. Call on or address lilt. .SUA HI. US A rllOAIlLF.S. 11D Soutli lltb HI. O.UAUL EBl a NO CURE, NO PAY If you hnvrvmnll. wrnk ont.mii, m lost liowrr or wrakpitlnir drains, Uvm our e'iiiin Orir.m PetlaH-rwlll IQ rutoro yuu wllhout dnir or m V electricity 115.000 In iip, not ono failure, not one rftururl nn C O Ii friudi wrttefur pai tlrtilnr fenl frnle.l In plnln envelope. LOCAL APPLIANCE CO.. 414 Cninei 8101.. Dinvir. Cols. JOBBERS & MANUFACTURERS OF OMAHA DRYvTobii E. Smith & Co. Isissrfrs Mkmn at Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods AND NOTION BOILER AND SHEET IRON WORK rVato, Wilson Suecmiiorn Wilson .V DrnliO. Manufacture hollers, uniolio stacks and breeching, pressure, renderltui, sheep dip, lard and water tanks, boiler tubes con stantly on hand, second hand boilers bought ana sold Special and pionipt attention to repilts In city or country 19th and I'lerce. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Uestarn Electrical vv Gompany Electrical Supplies, Blontrio Wlrlnur Uells and (Jns LlpNttua O. W. JOUNHTON Mrr '" ' SAFE AND IRON WORKS. T1 'he Omaha Safa and Iron Works, G. ANDKF.EJs, Prop. lUket aspicUlt.r f ind tlurxlar Tronf Safst uno Van. t Doors, sta , Atn S 1-4 111 Omokk, Itfeb. Davis & Cowglll Iron Works. MANUrACTl'IlKIta AND JODBBflH OF MACIIINKHY. GENEnAL nEPAIRINO A BPECIALT1 inON AND I1RASS FOUNDERS. 1601, lr.OJt nnd ir.or Jnalison Street. O in nb , Nrb. Till. fl.'IS. K. Zabrlskle, Aiient. J. U. Cowlll, Mr. 'OESltS tor 311 purposes. Manufactured by National Oil & Paint G3. 1111. ".-17 .lours M.. t"i i I'lioil" it::i. malia Machins Works I'attcrn MaKers and Model Builders. Mutiiifartmrrs and Dealers Btearl lplttlni:s i;ie ator Supplies, fiteam and lioileri. (Issollne En- Binei. Cream Separators. Machin ists Suppll-s High Orade Repair Work a Specialty riMnrv an I office 6i6-14 South Tenth St. Phone 2326 JAMES E BOYD & CO., 'J'clcplionc lOatl. OiiioIi.i, No1 COMMISSION, AIN, l'UOVlhlONS und bTO(.K3 IIUAUll OF TUAIIIS. Correspondence. John A Warron & Co uircct wires to cIiicuko and Nw YorS rtr ivs H.R.PEtlME.YaC0. r, - .v- c- v,;. iw- i mix Vi 7 ' lVl C0OM 4 MY" LITE BL6CL .(HKJICH I03aft sderr, $,