THE OSfATTA DATTV" I5T3E: mrDAV. ATOrST 1000. BURCLAIl ALAU11 SAVES COINS Attempt Made to Loot Byron Reed Collec tion at Publio Library. THIEF CAME VERY NEAR SUCCEEDING roMrc PI ml Complete Kit of CrneUn mini's Tool I" IH l'oii'""l" mill ThlnU Tln lime mi' I2x pert WorUrr. A tmrgtar wns catiRht In the act of trying to loot a caso of rare coln In the liyron Hccrt collection nt the public library yester day forenoon. Ho hal succeeded In sawing the bolt nt n lock about half through, and In five mlnutcB more the contents of the case, allied at lf.000 would doubtless have been in his possesion. Ho was appro hended by Special Otllcer Charles Samuel bod. detailed for duly nt tho library, who held him until tho patrol wagon arrived. At tho police station tho man gave the name of l'rank Howe. He Is a stranger to the police, but from tho fact sev eral fine saw h and a good kit of burglars tools wero found on his person It Is In ferred that ho Is a dangerous erlmlna nml that ho Is wanted for crimes committed elsewhere. There Is every evidence that ho Is no novlrc In tho business. Ho was photographed, measured, weighed nnd de scribed according to the rules of the lier tllllon system nnd cards containing tho data will be sent to all tho Important cltlca of the country. Howo Is apparently nbnut 41 years old. or medium weight und stature and llorld com plexion. Ho was dressed In tin ordinary business suit and, withal. Is n man who Mould nttrncl little attention on the street or In a public building. .m, .....rrlinnnlnn of Howe was the result cf n system of burglnr nlarms In tho public llhrnrv building. An ele"trlc current snort .iuim.v in nnv of tho various rooms of thn institution will cause n bell to ring oi. tho desk of tho attendant and will nlto f.nimd un n arm at tiro nnu pouco rem station. Howe, It seems, didn't know this. Tim lootlnc of tho coin caso looked Ilko a KOft snan. Nothing but a frail pnno of gins intervened between the treasure nnu ins mercenary grasp, tho glass held tn pfaco b n liehi wooden sash, which. In turn, was fastened by two ordinary lorks such as aro tivl on china cupboards. To nil appearances a boy with n could pry up mo , t.i- 1 .. thn .Ainu. .. , ... , , r"T " n'8r r in niii mnn ' 00 in a I'HLII.'.J uioriii 'ii ... - remote corner consulting tho 1862 flics of tho I'hlladelpbla Press; the ntlcndnnt rat nt her desk burled In a book. Thcro was llttlo danger of Interruption. No one noticed Howo ns ho entered. Climbing the stnlrs lo tho Beeond floor, he stepped noiselessly Into tho room on the northenst corner, which Is devoted ex clusively to tho liyron Heed collection of coins, old newspapers nnd curiosities. Shelter lllmielf Hehlml Cnlilnrtn. A moment Inter ho had disappeared In .....,. nnni.-nm .oriier of tho nnart- ment whero several high cabinets Inter- ii.wib ..... . vened between him nnd tno niioniiani. At this point is a caso containing some of tho most highly prized coins gom, iuui 110 win mucin win iiunuiuu uiiu .0 .-.-.n,., hrnnzn In tho entire collection, pected In Omaha In a few days. Mnnv of them nro of recent dato and could bo passed today for inoir laco vmuu. Othors moro raro havo taken on n valuo . times their Intrinsic worth. Tho wotlld-bo burglar, preparatory iu tho work In hand, placed a largo nows- paper fllo upon the cuso anil oiiencu 11. This served n doublo purpose Tho edgo nf thn tomo extended nbout six Inches over the enso, thereby hiding his hands while Tho prosldcncy of McAllister college, lo w,.r' liusv with tho lock underneath, catcd midway between Minneapolis and St. Surprised at his work, ho would doubtless havo boon deopiy engrosscu 111 ii-uumhi auuui 10 accept inai position wucn tno irus from tho fllo. tce3 of tho Omaha seminary asked him to Tim room wns nulot, but tno nno sicei saw that ho Introduced Into tno cracit do- fween tho lid and tho body or tno caso mado a sound baroly louder than tho buzz of a mosquito. Tho boll rang on tho dealt 01 mo ni- tendnnt. At tho isamo Instant tho gong souniieu nt tho telonhono stntlon. Central called up pollca headquarters and said that some- thing wns wrong nt tno pumic unrury. Tho desk sorgennt In turn rang up the nubile library nnd asked what was amiss. Meanwhllo tho attendant in 1110 nyruu iinoH mum hnil irono tho rounds of her do- i n imir nf lnsnectlon. but saw only nn old mnn reading n back number On September 10 ami 26 tho Chicago, Mll . m.iin.ininl.ln Press and a blondo waukeo & St. Paul railway will sell tickets gentleman over In the corner engrossed In bound volume of tho llrokcn How Ad- "ocate. It all looked eminently proper nnd orderly Sho concluded that tno nlnrm was falso. Tim liiirirlar nlarms in tho building have several times given a falso signal. Sho returned to her desk nnd resumed her book. Tho burglar re sumed his saw .. . 1 .1 .. .. , . t tin.. I Again ino gongs ciiiiiku.i. mm ....... n. uoncrni insneciioii nm 1111..... ...-" Special Olllccr Samuelson was sent for. Ho reasoned that ono of tho two men In tho liyron Reed museum wns In mischief; tho old man was out of tho question, ns nomine of valuo was near him, so It must bo the blondo mnn lu tho corner. Tho blondo man was arrested. Tho bin bound newspaper fllo removed from tho case, Samuelson had proof that ho'd mado no mistake. On tho plush lining Ihn Intnrlnr wns n tcaSDOOnflll Of HllO nrtnf nml Iron Mines. A mmnnnl Inter the Patrol wagon nrrlved: a.. 1 ..tntlnn n.1,1 Ii A nuh 11c iiuihij "" Two large cannons from tho Civil War nro to bo melted nnd cast Into a statuo representing pence, to bo placed In the cnnltol. What a contrast between tho two conditions aa great In a wny as tho change Hostettor's Stomach Hitters will bring nbout In the henlth of any ono who uses It. Tho Hitters strengthens tho dlgestlvo or gans nnd corrects alt dlsordors, such as constipation, dyspepsia, torpid liver, or weak kidneys. Try It. tiooii rixiiinu, Spirit Lake. Okobojl, Lake Washington, Wnsecn, Kaglo Lake, River Falls, Solon Springs, Rico Lake. Ilayfleld, Ashland, Gog- eblc, Watersmuet and numorous lakes near St. Paul and Minneapolis They aro all good flablng places and nre quickly and comfortably reached by the Northwestern Lino. Chenp rato excursions Augunt 21 and Sep tember 7-21. Limit, October 31, 1000, City ticket otllce, 1401 and 1403 Fnrnam street. Stute l'atr nt Lincoln, The state fair at Lincoln, Sopt. 3 to S In- elusive, promises to bo tho most successful ever held In Nebraska. Grounds and buildings nre In excellent condition and many nttractlvo exhibits aro already In place. A spendld program of racing and other attractions hns been arranged and a record breaking attendance Is antici pated. Reduced rates on nil rnllroads will prevail during enttro woek. Villi Clin !o To Chicago and return for $12.75, Aug. 21 St. Paul and return for $12.(15. Minneapolis and return for $13.65, Mndleou Lake and return for $10.63. to :j. Duluth nnd return $16.95 Sent. 4, 7, IS, 21, via the Illinois Central Railway. Particulars at 1102 Farnnm street. W. H. 11 HILL, District Passenger AienU CARRIERS GOING TO DETROIT Men Who Mnnlptitnte Mnll tn Mnkr Jlerr In .MIcIiIkiiii' Me tropolis. Tho delegates from the Omaha Letter Car riers' association to tho national conven tion will leave Saturday evening for De troit, Mich., where the convention will bo held September 4. Tho delegation Is com posed of Fred Jorgensen, Henry Leh mann and N. Lundbcrg. Detroit Is making active preparations for the entertainment of tho visiting delega tions. September 3 Is Labor Day, and It will bo made memorable In the Michigan city by one of tho largest parades of lot ter carriers ever held In tho United States. The postmaster gcnoral will review the parade nnd will speak on Tuesday evening. Tho Now York letter carriers' band will be present during the entire proceedings. Tho Chlcngo postmaster will attend and with him will come 1,200 carriers who will take part In tho parade. Tho local associa tion will entertain the delegates on Labor day and for this purpose n fund of 110,000 hns been raised. The business of tho convention will principally relate to the status of tho car riers under tho laws of tho country, and an attempt will be made to decide upon some plan which will Insure tho passage of a bill readjusting tho wages of tho carriers. The matter of nfllll.itlon with tho Ameri can KedoMtlon of Labor will be decided. One of the most Importnnt measures to bo r-onsldereil Is that looking townrd a law granting n pension to letter carriers who aro retired from tho service because of old ago or Injuries received In the lino of duty. WlnilltiK I'll llimlitew In Otiinhn. Kxtra special sale Friday and Saturdny. Hovh' school shoes, 3flc, 40c, 50c and up to $1.38, Misses' shoes, 10c, 20c, 30c, and up to 11.20. Children's Bhocs, 12c, ISc. 2Sc, 30c, 10c ladles" shoos. Queen Quality, all size, nn,i gtyiCs. 11.80. initios' shoes, broken lines, $5.00 nnd 5,00 shoes, $1.38 and $1.08 Men's shoes, broken lines, $3.50 shoes, including Regents, $ joo pairs ladles' oxfords, $2.00 and $2.50 uiai. Halo price COc. y00 nara ladles' oxfords, vnlucs up to si.r.0. go at 29c Ladies' oxfords, values up to $3.00, $1.18, sniu Friday and Saturdny "TUB IIOWU," 1515 Douglas St. Wanted, first-class, experienced salesman in llrPBS cnods department. J. L. llrnndcls Sons, proprietors Hoston Store. Omaha, Sample table sale, Orchard & Wllhclm Car pet Co. HARSHA'S SUCCESSOR CHOSEN Dr. Dnnlel H. .leiiklnn Hlccteil I'ro fcNHiir of TheoloK)- In the Oinnliii iieiiiliuirj-. nr. Daniel K. Jenkins, former president of Parsons collego at Fairfield, la., has been elected professor of theology in tno rrcs- bytcrlan Theological seminary to fill the ,.. . I ...... .... I1.- W Wf lliialin kuuu luimuir urm ui ... ... "" no nas noiiucu mo trustees 01 wie Bumm... j Although n young man, Dr. Jenkins Is a prominent euuuuur. r.iur jtimhb asu uu f cepted tho presidency of Parsons college, one of tho best known Presbyterian colleges In 1110 west, nnu proven iu ira u vurjr uaimuic executive, rrovious 10 coming 10 iowa ur. j 011 Kins prcacucu in rennsyivania. no re eclved his theological training at Prlncetoi seminary. Paul, was offered to Dr. Jenkins nnd ho wa como Hero. Ho prefers learning to tile work required of n college president and immcdl atcly ncccptcu tno umann position. Tho vrolf In the fable put on sheep's clothing because If he traveled on his own reputation ho couldn't nccompllsh his pur po80. Counterfeiters of DoWltt's Witch Hazel Salve couldn't sell their worthless palvcs on their merits, so they put them in doxcs ana wrappers iiko ucwitt's. look out for them. Take only DeWItt's Witch Hazel Salvo, It cures piles nnd all skin qiscnscs " 'ore IM111 M'J.OO. from Omaha to any point on Its lines In a. MnneBota. Illinois, Wisconsin and 'onlnsular Mich gan at one faro plus $2 "m- .......... u... F. A. NASH, Oeneral Western Agent. Mnmmrr Ttrnorta. 1?.." t. hnnlr 1.rlh!n r thr pnnl nlniaonl 0 ' ' 1 ncaithful summer resorts of Wisconsin, situ atcd on the line of tho Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry., address or call on F. A. NASH. Ooneral Western Agent, 1504 Farnnm strort, Omaha S. Frank, 1305 Douglas St., says you havo no Idea how well I feel slnco using 2 bottles of Cramer's Kidney cure. My trouble was with my kidneys. Can recommend It to all Tnko no other, umnun leni ana Awning , lenis. awn mgfl. canvas bouub, iiiu nurnpy Orchard & WHhelm Carpet Co., sample tnbj0 gaic. TOE 11MLINCT1N STMIN Colorado in September September Is the ple.isantest month In the Colo rado year. , , The days are bright, but not enervating. The nights are cool. The summer's mnd rush Is over nnd for $2.00 to $3.00 a day you can securo ns good accommodations as for twic. that much earlier tn the season. Two more excursions to Colorado via th Iturllns ton September 4 und IS 510 for the round trip to Denver. Colorado Springs and Pueblo. Correspondingly low rates to Glenwood, Salt Lake uuy nnu uguen, Ticket omo, 1502 Farnam St. Toi. aao. BOSTON STORE REMNANTS Qrtind Lot 1 1-4 Yard Strips of Black Silks that Match, $2.50 SILKS, 50C, 69C AND 98C A YARD An Iniineime Lot of Cloths from n Vftt 1 orU (iimIoiii 'In 1 1 ii r In MiirIc mill Double Widths on Snip nt .'.tic Vnril, Hi YARD HLACK SILK STIllrS. Today In our silk department we will ofler 500 strips of black silk In pcau do sole, satin, black Ltixors, etc., nil In lengths of l',i yard, enough of a kind for a skirt, waist or entire dress. They match up and nro perfect. They go on sale at 50c, 6'Jc and 98c yard, worth up to $2.50 yard. $1.00 SILKS 25C AND 50C. Your choice of any remnant or short length of silks in wnlst lengths or dress lengths, silks of every description that we hnvo been selling up to $1.00 yard, go at 25c and COc yard. Kvcry short piece or sample end of silk has been reduced to 2c, 5c, 10c, 15c and 25c for entire length. $2.00 IMPORTED CLOTHS, 50O. Thousands of ynrds of Imported cloths lu Kngllsh stripes, worsteds, serges, fancy cheviots, casslinores, Scotch tweeds, plaids and, checks, covert cloths nnd homespuns, In fact everything from a confploto high class tailoring establishment In lengths from 114 to 10 yards, go on salo tomorrow, all tho single width goods nt 60c yard, and all the doublo width goods ut 75c yard. SILK MOUSSHLIN DR SOIK 10 and 3C. To close out tho balaneo of tho silk mousselln do sole that wo havo been sell ing nt 50c, they go In our basement to day at lc, 3c, Ec, nnd 10c each, accord morrow at lc, 3c, 6c und 10c each, accord ing to length. DItKSS OOODS RKMNANTS, 10C. To closo out all tho Imported sample ends of dress goods we glvo you tho choice of all tho long pieces that match nt 10c each. $1.00 DRHSS OOODS. 25C YARD. All tho dress lengths, skirt lengths and waists lcngthn, In double fold dress goods that havo accumulated In tho past two months, go on bargain square nt 25c yard. 25c INSERTION'S lc, 2c KACH. All tho remnants, short ends and sample pieces of Insertion, worth up to 25c, In this salo tomorrow ut lc nnd 2c each. RKMNANTS IN TI1K IIASKMENT. All tho balance of tho Hhort romnnnts of all kinds of lnwns, dimities, orgnndlcs, piques, etc., go at lc yd. All tho balnnco of tho short remnants and odd pieces of fine organelles, dimities, piques, etc., that were worth up to 40c, go at 2c yd. All tho American shirting print remnants, 2'c yd. All tho Indigo bluo remnants, 4c yd. All tho 32-Inch wldo percale remnants, 5c yd. All the 36-lnch wide best percalo rem nants, 6'ic yd. All tho Scotch gingham remnants, Cc yd. All tho flno, fnncy white goods remnants, 84c yd. All tho 40-inch very One India linen rem nants, 15c yd. All tho flno mercerized sateen remnants, 15c yd. All the black hcnrlettn sateen tn mill remnants, worth 25c, go at 6c yd. All tho drapery sateen remnants, 7c yd. All tho dcnlm and drapery ticking rem nants, 10c yd, worth 40c. And hundreds of other mill remnants In tho basement today. 110STON STORK, OMAHA, N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas Sts. DAVI.M1HT TllAINft I'OH KPIHIT AICK, OkolinJI I od Arnnld'n I'nrlf. The Chlcngo, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail way Company has Just placed In service daylight trains between Omaha and Spirit Lake, okobojl and Arnold's Park. Going the train leaven Omaha at 7:15 a. m. and ar rives Spirit Lake at 4:15 p. m. Returning the train leaves Spirit Lake nt 6:45 a. m. and arrive Omaha 3:55 p. m. This Is the beat service that has yet been offered over any one road. Round trip tickets, good ro turning until October 31, $10.70. City ticket ofllce, 1604 Fnrnam street. P. A. NASH. General Western Agent, We Save You Money. Some advertised medicines on which wo savo you money. Trut Our Cut Morrow's Kld-ue-nlds $ f,0 $ 30 noait's Kidney pills 50 Moore's DlKcster. nound AJax Tablets CO Allegretti & Rubel's Chocolates, pounil Ilnv's Hair Health fin Sloeum's Ozojell fO Cnsciirots W) Tnrrnnt'H Seltzer Aperient 60 tiovinine, largo size 1 u) rnlrchlld'H Pept. Milk Powder., loo Ilrotno-Seltzcr 50 llobb'fi Sparagus Pills R) Stenrn's WIno Cod Liver Oil.... 1 00 Seott's Emulsion 1 10 Wampolo's Mixture Cod Liver OH 1 01 Fellow's Syrup l!ypopnophltos.. 1 50 nix Tonic Tablets 50 Urown's Camphorated Tooth Powder 25 OhnmUerlnin's Cough Syrup a Cudnhy's Extract Heef 5' 7". 1 25 40 20 20 40 Cnstorla 3a Zi Sherman & McConnell DrugGo COR. 16TII AND DODOE, OMAHA. Laboratory nnd Warehouse rear 1st, 2nd and 3rd floors 1513 Dodgo street. Pi Burllnaton S tstlon, I son Sts. 10th and Maso Tel. 2 15, tft, :t. (imoiii) this ToiIiij- the .Sceonil !"' of of tsrentent Oxford Tip Mile liver Held. AT BOSTON STORK. OMAHA $5.00 OXFORD TIES OO AT $1.50. $4.00 OXFORD TIES (10 AT 1 1.5ft. $3.00 OXFORD TIES OO AT M 50. $2.50 OXFORD TIES OO AT $1.59. $2.00 OXFORD TIES OO AT $1 50. ' Most extraordinary salo of finest oxford ; ties that money will purchase In black, tans, ! patent leather, In mllltnry heel, French heel, tho mannish toe. coin toe, half man-1 nlsh toe, with light solo or with heavy sole. In hand turns nnd hand welts, In every width from AAA to HE, and In every size' from 2 to 8, In almost every stylo thnt Is 1 worn this summer. No matter what you have been In Him habit of paying for your oxford ties, ou ran get tho samo oxford tic In this sale for $1.60. Thcro nro fully 10.000 pair, enough 1 to suit everybody, choice, $1.50. All these oxford ties nro In their nrlglna: cases, Just us they came In from tho fac tory. HOSTON STORE. OMAHA. N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas Sti. PnlntliiK n ItiiKgeil ('oniileron, If tho women of Omaha wn. 1 quit painting n ragged complexion- if they would throw away powders, f,i"o washes, lotions, creams, etc., nnd stop wnsting money on fakes, half the drug stores In town would soon go out of business You can't paint out a yellow onmpcxioti or wasn away p Implex Such things mean bad blood, poor health. What you want is a common sense treatment nature's remedy. Tho new Renstrom treatment gcta right nt the found ation of n ragged complexion und knocks tho props from under it. Proper bathing, massage treatment and electricity will do the work. It will glvo -oii n new lenso of llfo and youth. It means health and beauty. It will re duco your weight If you nro too stout and you won't havo to starve or walk yourself to death cither. It cures rheumatism nnd nervous trouble nnd tones up the entire system with now vigor nnd vitality. Ladles' Hathcry, second floor. Hen bluldlnr. Experienced women lu charge. For ladles only. A N 0T H eTTf ACTOR Yl N SIGHT Inventor of n IMitent Corn Mny lleelde to l.oente II In AVnrU In Oiitiihn. Considerable Interest Is being taken by somo of tho progressive business and Im plement men of Omnlia In a project to so euro tho establishment horp of n factory for tho manufacture of a patent corn husker. There Is n gentleman now In Omaha who claims to havo Invented 11 machlno which can bo drawn through 11 cornfield, gathering nnd husking nn nero of corn nn hour. Somo of hln mnchlnt'B havo been manufactured nnd nre In opera tion, but not, It seems, within the corn belt. The UNION OMAHA TO SALT LAKE CITY Ten hours quicker than any other line. OMAHA TO SAN FRANCISCO Fifteen hours quicker than any other line. OMAHA TO PORTLAND Fifteen hours quicker than any other line, Buffet Smoking nnd Library Cars, with Barber Shop nnd Pleasant Read ing Rooms. Doublo Drawing Rook Falsco Sleepers. Dining Cars, Meals n la Carte. I'lntsch Light. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 Farnam St. Tel. 316. HAYDEHs iast CALL ON SUMMER CLOTHING All mou's light weight spring and summer suits, worth from 7. 50 to $25, on salo to close Friday nnd A M Saturday at $12.50, $7.50 and All our men's odd trousers, go on sale to closo at $3.75, $2.50 and Children's Fine Vestee Suits In light and medium weights, serges and fine worsteds, regularly worth from $3.50 to $6. 50 -j TGJ sizes 3 to 8, on salo now at $3.75 and $2.75 and 1. jf O Boys' Three-Piece Double Breasted Knee Pants Suits In light and medium weight cassimeres, cheviots and worsteds, $2.75 to $7, 50 values - SLf iu this salo at only $2.75, $2.50 and LOU Boys' Odd Knee Pants From tho W. B. Rosenthal stock, mostly large sizes from 10 to 1(5, all wool cassimeres, cheviots and also worsteds,, worth up to $1.50, now 75c, 50c and Last Call on Men's and Boys' Fine Un lined Coats and Serges. Alpaca, drap d'ole and worsted at less than half price for tho next two days. All our men's summer coats and pants, worth up to $10 A 6S vnnr nlininn nf nil at j ... If It Ij ascertained thnt he has a machine that will do that work successfully It Is beyond question that he will recelrc all tho encouragement needed to secure his location of n factory In Omaha. A leading Omaha Implement man, who Is looking Into the subject, says that there would be n more ready sale for such 0 machlno than of nny other farm Implement. Everybody Was Pleased who went on the excursion to Seward Wednesday. While it wns not us largo n erowil hh was expected, everybody wns pleased. Seward Is u pretty little town nml ltn population Is made up of "hustlers " They "gi t there with both feet" when It I'.iine.i to "entertaining." Cromer's Kidney Cure T5o nurfy si Mnlt Whiskey o WI110 of Curdul 7oc Hroino Quinine 15c H. S S 75c Syrup of Figs 300 Perunn 7so Cnstorln i&c Hlrney Cntnrrh Powder Oem Catarrh Powder X10 AVer's J Til I r Vigor 75" Pierce's Prescription vac Cutlcuru flonp i c Packer's Tnr Soap 15e Har-llcn 4"f AJax Tablets 402 1 doz. 2-;;r.iln Quinine Cnpulcs Tc 1 doz 3-gr.iln Quinine rnpsules 10c 1 dozen 6-grntn Quinine Capsules. 15c CUT PUICK DKIKKJIST h. H. Cut-. J'llli nml Chlenso. Get One For The Street Fair. Tho Knights of Ak-Sar-Reu nre go. Iiik to make the city mure attractive than oer this year. Oet a Kodak or Camera nnd make y. ur own souvenirs Wo have a beautiful $10 on poor, f 'inner. for All Hip into r nurUien .it the photographic Hue. If you wnit 11 pli'ttirc frumo see ours before buying. The Robert Dempster Go., 1215 Furniim St. j G Developing and printing a specialty. ! itfkk Tims is tasy. yscic 9 PIS ARE VIA T A worth $2.50 to $7 1 Afi '-'V PACFC BitQS Sn ALL ABOUM WOMAYS'SllOE i r.z. r. ijivbribsi v tillLalDnlM 1 1 tKt price Mf There are good shoc3 sold in Omaha outside Tho Nobraska. We simply sell tho best cheaper. Our Men's $2.50 Shoes, Come in Box Calf, Come in Vici Kid, Come in Russia Calf. Blacks or tans, with and without vesting tops. You can't go wrong when you come hero for your shoes. 500 Cloth Bound Books, !0c Each. 5000 Elegant Cook Books, at 20c Each $1.35 Copyright Books, ISc This is lot of Captain W. King's l S. A. host novels, worth $1.3:1, for 1 "a. $l.5C'ToKayean(loHol(i;89c Thursday at the TCoyrl Theater, will bo tho first night of the "King's Ward," which is the dramatdized version of this book. "To Have and to Hold," on sale now 89c. 15c Box Stationery - 4ic 25c Box Stationery 12ic 50c Box Stationery 25c An odd lot of 25c to $1.00 stationery at. 10c, ISc and 25c. SPECIAL SALE ON BIBLES. We do the finest card ongiaving in the city. Prices about one half. Wcddding cards a specialty. AGreat Sale . $3S Uuys a Nico Top Buepy, ..BICYCLES... WRITIS FOK IMUCFS AND TERMS, H. E. Fredrickson, I 15th and Dodge SpeakiitK of Watch Repairing TliPio I.h in) nicillum In wutcli roimlrlnB It Ih vcrv K'i'i'l vory bail. Wc employ only brut workmen mid pay living wukoh. l.ouvo our wntoli with un for repairs. LOOK 1(111 Till! n imi: LINDSAY, THE JEWELER, i ,-,Ki i)()t;(;i,AS. KINGSFORD' "SILVER GLOSS'" STARCH FOR LAUNDRY. Has been constantly USED BY MILLIONS all over tho world FOR FIFTY YEARS. ,'T IQf, IU ll TtCt'KliS nil lililnoy Kidneycura. t Dlneiikon, ivuiic J nclio, etc At Irue- flan, ii r nj unit, I Krfe liooU. ad- vice, oto., ot Dr. U. J. K7, baraVoitB, N. Y. t li'l tin 1 111 11 " i"",lM " H li t'.l v t I' ina Mt.tlini f.,.-tt ii l ("lid i If fua Mt.tlillt t'.l' :id, , (!((( ftll ti tnt( ta tnl.. IT S A WOMiVS OXFORD. ToncrlllJik.vllh KIJ or ftinj tep. nny .t)te r- lust, all lu, U la IX. GRAND BOOK SALE on o Buggies Carriages Concords Phaetons Spring Wagons 2 Farm Wagons Sts., Omaha, Neb. (? (?SS(i) THK BEE REPRESENTS THE WEST MAIL IT r10 YOUR FRIENDS. 0 Tl w f) a !) f) ') j f.i Ever BROS V s