THE OMAHA DAILY 1H3B: "WEDNESDAY, A V(l tST 20, 15100. n SPEGIAL NOTICES A tlvrrtUiMtient for lliese column Trill hp Inttrn tin (II Vi in. for the earning edition nml until H StO i. ni. for iiinriiliiK nml Sunday edition. Rules, I l-Un n word fl rt limrrllnn. Ir a iniril tliprenf ter. Nothlim tiiken fur Iron I It mi 'it,v for Hip llrt Inser tion, These nit vrrllnrmriit must III' run coiMro tit I vr I7. Advertiser,, 1 j- rruneat ln n num bered rlirnk. cnn lin-- niinurr nil- ilri'stril to n numbered Irttpr In cnic if Till! lice. AnitKri an iiildrrmrd ttIII be delivered on ureirututluu of tliu lipeW only. w vif.i-uti atiox. YOt NO MAN' desires place to work for hoard while attending school. Boyle'B collrgr. Tel. 19SI. A-M509 30 HY nil nroiind newspaper nifin. soliciting or reporting, in low a or jNonrasmi goo.i rcf rcni'i-x HXl. Hcc. A-Mvi'llfi A HUSTLER wants situation hh city sales man, commission or milnry, any linn. Ad dress S la. lice. A-S13-2y va i 1:11 .iiAiiti help. WANTED, wo have Htfnay work for n few good hurdlers of good habit nnd nnpear ncc. C. V. Adams Co., 1000 Howard St. H 376 ItARHEH trade tnught thoroughly In short time; catalogue and particulars freo. Adores Western Barbe Inntltuto. Omaha, Neb. H 077 WANTED, laboiers. teamsters, rork man anil surface men, Nob., Vo., and Iowa, free fan-; Highest wages; ship ilallv Western It. It. Labor Agency, 310 H. 11th. B-578 AN INTKLMOICN'T vnunc man to tako u shorthand s diolarshlp In best school and pay It when course Is completed and position sccureu. Auuress i, .', uen. 11-579 COATMAICI5H wanted at oncn. Henry KaK-elbaum, West Point, Neb. H-MJW OI5T a free entalocue of the Nebraska Krliool of Mncnetlim anil Ost. onathV. J.M1-I7 r'hlciiKO street, Omaha, Neb ; ijrad- linns emnloyed. i .iia DO ynr want Job tnucilnu salary certain? Answir, Trlumidi Co., Dallas, Tex. M-.M572 29 WANTKD. men to learn barber trade: w make cM'Kptlnnally Rnnd offers this month nf ne)iolnrshlp. board, tiols ntid trans- rorlalli'ii m our cnrewcH ai i nicann. ni .mils nr MltineapollH; you can lm K'lar in,t,.ii tiMtor niiMltlotm bv InliilMU now cnnipHlKn waterproor necisties; kooiis en 1., H r Kh i' inip I "to" ' " - tlrcly new and patented, aitents dellKhte.l, ;.-.V." ,d h fe - al tr .,ce inenlH free bv sales, unlimited ; what others do. you can nddressInK Moler Ilarber Collcce P.epro sentatlvc. 623 Farnam hi., omnnn. J1-M020 ) RIIoi;.MAUi:il n work on a Jack. $10 a wccK. 2IT) 1'iin. ii im .o M'iv'Pt.'Ii rximni.t nut Miilp.imen tn well the best line nf stock and poultry foods In the world, experienced men only need aupi : no tramps wanted: a liberal commlslon and exclusive territory to rlsht men; have agents now cleaning up from ti to 1.71 weeklv. samples free. I'liiwer City Plai.i rood Co.. Rochester. N'. Y. ll .M i'Ii .it WANTHH. A baker, at Smith's bakery. 1102 I'lfth avenue. Council niurN IJ MSf; .0 WANTI5D, yiiung Imndle wrapping. man experienced In Nebraska Clothing Co. I1-.M832 .'10 A ANTI'.I . everywhere, hustlers In tack signs, dlstrlhlte circulars, samples, etc.; tin , jinvasshig: good pay. Sun Advertis ing Hureaii. Chicago. H-M820 29' NTI5D, llrsl-class nil salesman tn sell Hn.Uevo III. Her Scale Solvent; verv libenil I'nnimlsMlnu. Address l.nck Hot. Ill Mnssllli.n. O. H-.MS23 29 W NTI',1) rilMALI 1 1 E 1, P. av ixTHl.l.tC.ENT lady to lakn n sbort- hnnd scholarship In best school anil pay for It wlien course is compietea aim posi tion secured. Address L 2.,, Hee. C 3S0 WANTED. 200 girls, 1521 Dodge. Tot. S76. C 5St SO girls wnnted. Canadian olllco 1522 Douglas wanted, educated young Indict to learn nursing Apply to secretary. Fremont hospital. C sums A NTI5D. competent servant for general housework. Apply 1121 ts. aiHtsy j( NTI5l. girl for general housework In famlK of three. Apply 2322 Pnpplelnn aveimi. C-.Mi77 29' ANTED, a competent girl for general housework. Mrs. On. . Payne, :i&2 boulevard, llcmls Paik. C-791 W ANTI5D. Miung woman for general Im.ixru i,i k, two In family; limulre 1133 North 20IH street. r i!y WANTED, competent cook, -I red WANTED Competent girl for general housework, must understand cooking. Ap ply ii;ii iiougo si. t lu-iit.;. A QUIET rellneil lady, a reader and com panion for blind gentleman, 15. H. Chand ler. 2iW H30 Half Howard. C-Sll-29 A OIRL tn dn general housework at 2007 St. Mary s avenue. C S12-29' WANTED Competent cook. Inquire ti23 S. 21111 HI I. -M3-2'J" OIRL fr general housework, 1131 So. 31st street. C SIS. tilRL for housework: family of three; no washing; 2M0 N. 22d street. C-S23-31 ANTED, girl for general housework. Mrs. .1. H. Porter, 1512 S. 29th st. I'Oll IU5NT ItOHNES. IF you wont your houses well ronted place them with Hoimwa .t Co. D 5S3 HOUSES, "etc. Ii". D.Vcad7l52rDoi7glasr' D-3SI 9-ROHM house, all modern, 513 N. 23d. In quire ( W. Dunn, 1211 Farnam. D-M3U 7-HOOM cottage. 2611 N. 17th ave. Clarko Powell, 310 Now York Liro. D-M5H HOUSES, stores. Bemls, Pnston block. D-5S6 HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt, Barker tills. D-5&9 Von HUNT, strictly modern flat In dTu--tdgc building, opposite city hall. JOHN W. HOHHINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. D-C03 NIi'E apartments of ti rooms and bath; lino repair; location best in city, $17.50 to right party. Enqtilio looms 210-311 Hrown Hlk. D-631 2120 Sherman iim., S-room, with city water, hath, barn, $26. F. D. Wead, 16th and Douglas. D M705 !2i William St., 3 rooms $3.00. fl6 S. 23d. I rooms-$10.00. m S 2Jrd., 3 rooms $7.00. 191.' Seward St., 5-room cottage $10.00. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO.. 161 li and Douglas St. D-M1S3 1721 N 27th St. Nine-room ho.ise, all mod em, in tine repair. $17.50. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO.. 16th and Douglas St. D-Mis: 10-ROOM steam heated tint, all modern. :.11T DoJglas. Inqutro Lllidquest, 316 So. istn u ii. 3l(.l-:il07 Jackson street; here are two all modern; will rent them to a steady tenant for $lv Payne-Knox Co. main floor N. Y. Life Hldg. D-.M796 31 DUNDEE, the Fischer property, a beautl ful home, strictly modern, h rooms, 3.00. W I.. SEI.HY. 333 and 331 Hoard of Trade Hldg 'Phono 1510 D-M675-'-') ALWAYS moving H. H. goods. Pianos. Olllce. 151111, Farnam St. Tel. 1559 or 863. D-5S3 SUE HENRY B. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE. D-MMJ3 HOUSES for rent In nil parts of tho city. Brciinun-Love Co,, 320 8. 13th St. D-1S7 Full RENT. S-rootn modern cottage In 1 ilre 2132 St Mary s D-MS29 2 S.ROOM Hut mgdcru uii;rormeni. .15 ZXl Douglas. D-MSiQ P rou iti:T-ri ftMsiir.n rooms. 3 furnished rnoniK for housekeeping; man A HC ivui uincii III UJttlU, ULJ 11(11, K-eo KICK ROOMS, private family. Gentlemen oniy. ivw nouge K uij nOU811KI'hMNO."Tl4Tmiravr E-5S3 20 NICE rooms, 1317 Chlcugo; iirlvute family. e-:s: a t Aitrnvrniis ami joiiiiuhs. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to J. T. Ochiltree. coth ntid Lake Sts. ZiO Ft IIMSIIEI) IIOOMS KM) HOARD. THE Mcrrlam, Good summer resort, 23th & Dodge. K iM OL,UNCAmN',trnn3lcnts,1.25day. im Duls. i' iji UTOPIA. 1721 Davenport St. HANI3SOMI5IA furnished rooms; Rood bnnrd; rates reasonable. The Hose 2n2(j Harney. F-M2H all IN' PIUVATK family. 2020 St. Mary's Ave. V-CM PI.I5ASANT roomM with board. 1009 Cap Itol ave. K-M615 31 TIIH PIIATT. a desirable front room with nlcove, 2d lloor. 212 H. 2oth st. K-S19, rou i:.M'-rrritMsiti:n iiooms. Tlinni? modern rooms for llKht housekeep ln; Rood location. Address S 33, Hee O 776 SIMT of rooms, 621 South 20lh Ave -asiC-30 rou iii:.vr-3Toitns ami orrirns. roil ltKN'T. store In nisl-clasn location, rent reasonable. Apply II. C. Peters A Co., ground lloor, lieu IlldR. 1201; STOHI5 room, C21 South lth; power fur nished If desired. Clarke Powell. 31" New York Life. I-M313 roil RKNT. nice brick store building In lloek Port, Atchison county. Mo. ; fine location for K-nurnl stock of merchan dise, building Is 2lxM feet, with ware mom separate, and Is owned by Masonic lodge, ono of the best corners In town. Addross W. 15. Olermann, secretnry 1187 .ui;T( waiiji). $25 TO JM easily made by our live nsents, men or women, selling our latest novelty, (!o; time is snort, wrne looay anil securo exclusive territory, guaranteed best seller. Address, with stamp, M. &. M. Mantg. Co , Dept. C, Sprlnglluld, Mass ' J-M992 SeptlO' STOItAfiK. PACiriC Storage and Warehouse Co., 912 911 Jones, general storage und forwarding. Om. Van Stor. Co., 1311V4 lrarn. Tcls. 155D-SC3. LVJ WATI5II TO ni)V. Ai l. I'inds nt household coods. hotels, etc.. In lnrte and small quantities. Chicago Furniture. Co., 110C-10 Dodge. Tel. 2o:u. N' 601 WILL Durchase a limited lumber of Omaha Savings Hank accounts, llrennan Love Co.. 309 So. 13th. N-fiOJ 2D-HAND bicycles. Omaha Hlcycle Co. N-603 50 2D-HAND typowrtters. Co.. Cor 15th & Harney Nebraska Cycle N 7I3-ASO SINC.LE harness with collar for trap; pay cash. Address H ... Hee N-M7SI 29 I'Oll SAM5 rrilMTl 1115. HOUSEHOLD furniture. 1201 N. 2i!th st. 0-.M593 30 FOR SALE, a llrst-clas oak roller-top desk. :0l nluff street, Council Hlurfs. 0-.M635 3) 'Oil SALE HOUSE, VEHICLES. I5TC. MITST sell, two 2d hand extension ton car riages, equally good as new and at less limit l.i price. 1 an ana see us n you want ii liimtrv or nhaeton: can savu vou mnnnv. I Wm. Pfclffcr Carrlago Wks., 2020 Leaven- worth. P-732 NEW and 2d H. vehicles at marked down prices. Harry Frost, l It n &. Leav. P-603 FOR SALE, horso nnd buggy cheap. 2132 Hi. aiary s ave. v at sag 2 KOIl SAI,I5 MISC'1:LI,AM50L!. HARD nnd soft foundation piling; hog feuco ami criuoing. vui uougias. y six 2701 CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman &. Me-C'-MWJ 2:i Council Drug Co., Cor. ICth and Dodge. W H. 11 ASS, Florist. 1813 Vinton St. Tel. Vi. Plants, cut llowers. boquets, hall, resi dence, wedding anil grave decorations. Orders by mall or ctprcsH promptly tilled. 2DHAND safe cheap. Dcrlght, 1116 Farnam. tui SAFES; buy, sell, ox ge. Schwartz, 111 S. 13. Q-C32 M. & W. tires, $2.75. Omaha Bicycle Co. Q-633 M ANSON bicycles. $23, Omaha Rlcyc.lo Co. 2NDHAND wheels, $5 to $10; new wheels $13. Omaha Llcyclo Co., Wth & Chicago sts Q-631 LIGHT wugon canvas top, $10. .110 N. 17th. Q M6I0 30 W15HER up. piano, slightly used; big bar gain. 1620 Douglas St. Q-M76U 29 Ml MCE I.LAM50US. NOTICE, country dealers, 2dhand furnlturo nnu 8tove3 at lowest prices, carioau lots or loss, uiiicago i' urnuuro t;o., iiro-ju uonge. R-iSW OSTEOPATin. JOHNSON Institute. 515 N. Y Life Hldg.; ,1 1S1' AIIm 'nhmnti It II tnilMn' dept.; Old E. Johnson, O.steopattiist, Mgr, 5 V E. DONOHUE. I). O.. of Still school. Klrksvllle, Mo. 604 Paxton Dlk. Tel. 1367. -6JC DRS. McMURRAY & MUSICK will open osteopathic ollico sept. J, wu-tas ueo umg. -MSU 81 A. T, HUNT, D. "O. 305 Karbneh. Tel. 2352. MD26 HepIG CLAIHVOYAM". FREE TEST TO ALL FREE THE KINO OF LIFE READERS. -DR H. V. MAY PERM ANENTLY LOCATED. 113-SOUTH EIGHTEENTH ST.-113 I1KTWRRV nnt'fll.AS AND DODO 15 BEWARE OF THOSE WHO TRY TO IMI TATE HIS WORK. , , TWENTY YEARS BEFORE THE PUBLIC or . May does not claim to bo tho gieatest nor Is he a cheap preienuer, nor is no the only medium on earth. Hut ho docs &XMni& Kareatonl n.ot1"h.?noo Ir. nrof.. n., hlo roml nora nr iieUuowl- edged by both press and public to be of tho highest order. Dr. May's un bounded success Is that ho advertises nothing but what he can do. -FREE TEST TO ALL. FREE Ho tells your name, your mother's maiden name, your occupation, date of birth, who aim wnen you will marry 111 even, puim ing life mil tranc privately arranged, you meet no callers. CONSULTATION FREE. LEAVE YOUR POCKETBOOK AT HOME DR. MAY has no 5 or 10-cent barguln days to entice, thy. credulous Into his parlors with tho object nf Imposing upon tholr confidence by charging them largo fees neiore tney get out. new-are ui sucn catch-penny schemes. DR, MAY says come without purso and without money and ho will convince you of his sincerity ami superiority. No money needed leave your pockotbooks at home If you aro going to see a medium, why not see tho bm-SOUTH EIGHTEENTH ST.-U3 BETWEEN DOUGLAS AND DODO E. 8 MS1 29 I prof. JAMES. 171I-'IoU81iip-17M tile See In order to more thoroughly Introduce himself to the citizens of uttuihn he wlil Klvo readings for the Wc-R U D U C 15 D C 1 1 A HO 1 :&c SOc-HKDUCED CHA HOK-50u THIS W15I5K ONLY I'rof. James l a fully developed clair voyant and trance medium. Ho loll full name of caller, mi mo of sweetheart, friend, hiislmnd or anyone. Tells all about your business nffalrs, your love and domestic affairs, cause speedy niurrlnK", removes domestic trouble, retoies lost affection, rtm.ives evil Influences, etc. Perfect satis faction fiunnint"".'d or no lee accepted. Wc E0r 5oc OKrtCKS: i7ii-uoraiTAs-i7ii Cc S-M53I 3) t:i,i:CYItIC TttEATMK.NT. I5L1T15 parlom. 615 S. lfith, second Iloor. T-MD10 81 UKATMl'i: HAIll.OW. Arabian treatment baths. 317'i N. 15tb. 1st flat I". T iS 30 M.M 15. 1.K15. mugnotic treatment. T- m s. 577 13th, room l. MMI5. AMKS, baths. 1C15 Howard, room 1. 2d noor: attendant. I 578 30' t'j:it?o.Ai,. I.ADII5S' hair shampooed, dretaed, 35c. Hair toilet goodrf. Monticit, isis l'-arnam. Tel ziu U-010 MONHKIT. Chiropodist. IBIS ram. Tel. ZIS3, U-C3J TURKISH baths, mnssago Tifttbs. electric tutus, for ladles only; skilled women massaco operators; linen t equipped baths in i no my. i(nsiom nam uompany llooms 216 to 220, Ueo building. U-M1 PIIIVAT15 hospital for ladles before &dur lug roittlncmctit; babies adopted, 1120 N. 17. U--6I3 Vi SOM5S. 33c; velvet rubber heels. 33c. Tho old reliable, S. P. Peturjon, lGth & Cuming u o 1 1 Dfl. HOY, chiropodist; corns removed, 23c nnu upward, ltoorn jz, trenrcxr diock. U-titl HI PTl HI5 cured; no knife, no pain, no danger; send for circulars, umpire imp- turo uurc, in rs. v. l,uo mag., umana. U 143 PLHATINO and pleated skirts of all kinds M. Goldman & Co., 200 Duuglus block. U-BI8 IniVATr5 homo before and during confine ment: babies adopted, airs, uursei, ,:u Hurdette. u- HOFF'S Kxpress & Messenger Co. Tel. 1717, VIA VI, woman's way to health. 31C Hee bldg u o- CPPEHLY corset to order. 1612 Capitol av U -MUll ol I5PPI5HLY corset to order. 1612 Capitol AV, Lorr.s & bunions destroyed. 511 Karbach Hlk U VJ S-5 HAVE furs repaired and altered now. Don t wnlt until tho busy season and expect work done at once. Aulabaugh, Son A Co., Furriers, C06 Karbach Hlock, Omaha. U-9I8-S" pTitTn'O; buttons to order; pinking while you wait. Omaha Pleating Co., 1521 lyoilglllS, J '"Juw JOHN HUDD, optician, 116 S. 16th st. u ;m oi RARE CHANCE! HYPNOTIST In town on'y for one week. Will positively teach you how to'hypnotlie 111 one lesson. Three dollars I leis(m. Yon can cure diseases and Influence others and acquire happiness and success In life. mako application m once in nviuijuxi, Sll. Hee. U-M52S29 IIO.M'.Y TO I,OA 11I3AI. HST.VTE PRIVATE money, 5, SVfc, 6 per cent; no de lay. uarvin uios., iuji r.irnum, v n . - - - - WANTED City and farm loans; also bonds and warrants. K. C. Peters & Co., 1702 Farnam St., Heo IJldg. W-650 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1521 Douglas. W-G31 UO.M't TO I.OAX URAI, W.STATI5. FIVE percent money. Bemls, Paxton block. LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa farms at 6 per cent. Uorrowers can nav $luo or unv multiple. Any Interest date. No delay. Hrennan-Love Co,, 309 South 18th St.. omalia, Kco. w 031 MONEY to loan on first-class Improved city property or for building purposes. Payno Knox Co., New York Life. W 633 5, fH. 0 per cent on Omrha, So. Omaha W. H. Thomas, 503 1st Nat. bank. Tel. 16U. W Ci5 MONEY to loan at 5 and BU per cent on umuliu property, vv. u. AieiKic, toi a. wn IwO MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. urcnuan-L.ovo wo., ao. i.un. W-637 $1,000 and upwurd to loan on Improved city jiroporty and farms. W. Farnam Smith & Lo., 132U farnam. w Uos WANTED City loans, bonds und warrants, Gcorgu & Company. 1001 Farnam St. W-039 MONEY In any amount at 5, G' 6 per cent. J. W. ROBULNS & CO.. 1S02 FARNAM ST. w-wo . MONEY to loan on farm and city nroporty lowest rates. O. F. Davis Co,. 150-Farnam .MOXKV TO I. O.V. CHATTEL, MONEY MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. Wo endorser or mortgage required. LOWEST RATES, EASY PAYMENTS and STR I CT L Y CO N FID ENTI A U OMAHA CREDIT CO.. Room 526, fifth lloor, New York Llfo nidg, -M-O-N-E-Y--D-O-Y-O-tr-N-E-E-D-I-T Wo make loans from $10.00 un on furnlturo pianos, horHes. cows, etc.; you keep the nronertv: or we will make you a SALARY LOAN on you own note, without Indorser or mortgage; wo cnarge aiMoiutPiy nom Ing for making papers, and we keep noth Ing out of tho amount you borrow, you mav pay tho money back In ono month or tako more time. In which to pay It, and you aro expected to pay for It only what time you use It; otir rates aro low and OUT tcrilis uie lliu l-nnunt. uui unamend la as condentlal as Is posslblo and our treat ment Is always courteous. Omaha Mort gage Loan Co., 306 So. 16th Bt. Estab lished 1892. -(j.2 SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. J W. TAYl.uu, 21s f irst .-sat. iiaiiK mug X 669 PRIVATE LOANS TO SALARIED PEO- air hnv. uiumn ..mi.j everything else to can be accnoa "afoT ofllce with iro .tn, ."' ...... In the cltv. AMERICAN LOAN CO.. Uoorn 601, Hcc Untitling. X-M723 LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE. their notes. No mortgage; no Indorser: 110 publicity. Simply a CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS DEAL. We loan THOUSANDS In this way. SO DON'T HESITATE ABOUT CALLING. We 'ire hoitler nnd want more business. R. R. EMPLOYES RECEIVE PROMPT SERVICE TO SUIT THEIR TIME AND CONVENIENCE Theso nro times of heavy competition nnd to remain leaders we must give moro for your money than others iiAHr;. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Room 303 Third Floor. Paxton Hlk, X-370. MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, iew- eiry, nurses, cows etc. u. v , necu, ai n u, V wo CLAIHVOYA Vf. MIIMiV TO I.ON..-fll VTTI.KS. MONEY loaned on pianos, 'urnlt ire. h"r' cowj, jewelry, ujn urceu, us, unrK-r iiik X 60S MONKY loaned sn1artet people holding per manent position wun responsinie concerns upon their own names without security, easy payments. Tolman, 7u6 N Y. L. Hltlg X ''.70 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, dia monds .watenes, privately, nerger s i.oau Co., 1501 Farnam St , upitalrs. X 606 MONEY loaned on furniture, diamonds. watches, payments cnniiiieniiai. umana Chattel Loan Hank. 220 S. 15th, upstnlis X-667 IIII.MMlNs fliAAtns. FOR RENT Owing to .advancing years Mr H. Haas, the florist at 1M3 Vinton street, has decided to rent out his hot house at above location, occupying 7.00u to S.iw square feet, under glass, with about 20i1 winnows, nnu me resiucnce ami store fronting the street, on the motor lino to South Omaha. Excellent location for the business. Y 3S2 FOR RENT, dining room of Lange hotel; good inducements to lirst-ciass pariy. V-M2S3 FOR SALE, populist newspaper, with nr without subscription list. Address S 5. Omaha Dally Hec, Y-MS9I 30 1 DESIRE ladles or gentlemen to Join me In n very line Colorado mining prop isltloi; more than I can carry alone; please ln ve.MlEalo. Patton hot-1 Tuesday ,mJ Wednesday. 10 to 12 o'clock, or any other hmir by appointment. t-Mrs.i E C At wood. Y-MS01 2:i WANTED live men or women to write for Hartford Life Insurance Co, big pay to hustlers. Lyman Waterman, cm Hee bldg., mgr V-SU-31 rou ijvciianoi: OOOD rental property for farm. Monroe & Co., lYed and Fuel, Sll N. Pith st. JJ-M622 31 WANTED, to trade Emerson piano for room nnd board. F. Hose, Nebroska Cycle Co.. 13th und Hartley. Z--M7W 2 MECHANIC wants to exchange carpenter work for theup houte and lot. S as, Hee. Z-MS'A 2 )' roit sai.i: itn i, iistati:. HtJl'SES, farnis" ItrcTl'alterson, 305-N.Y U. RE-674 HOI'HES, lots farms, lands, loans; also fire Insurance. Hcmls, Paxtnn hlk HE 073 HEAD THIS; one of the best homes In Han scorn Place; 0 roomx, large lot, good barn, sightly home; party leaving city; price J7.50O00. M. J. Kenunrd & Son, room 310, Hrown block. ilU-.M!rjJ RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by tho i nion raciuc iiauroau company, n. a. McAllaster, laud comtnlsMouer, Union Paclllu Headquarters, Omaha. Neb. P.E-073 VERY Cheap, three acres, enclosed rhtcken tight fnnce, house, store, barn, ccrnerlb, shed", etc.: line shado trees. Home of late II. 8. Johnson, Irvlngton, Douglas t o. Inqulrn E. W. Johnson, 432S Fr.itiltllu St. RE--7S3.S3 PAYNE-KNOX CO.. HEADQUARTERS for HEAL ESTATE HAKUAl.NS: LOW EST RATES on LOANS: SOUND IN St'RANCE; HOUSE:?. FLATS. STORES, for RENT. First tloor. N. Y. Life Hlds. RE- 079 W. L. SELUY. North 17th St $1.2" South 20th St 1.'.i Smith Diniihii. south micklug houes. .51,111 South Omaha, south of packing houses l,(0J All R.rnnm houses, nimrl renair. Will se to goon party earning siiauy wacer.. ViO.m to juui casn-n nance i.'j per week. W. L. Selby, 333 and 331 Hoard of Trade Hdg in-; .Min'j-i SEE HENRY H. PAYNE. C01 N. Y. LIFE, his niyji STILL TWO BARGAINS. 6-room cottage and barn, lol 50x150, at No, M1 Decatur. 1300. 6-room cottage, newly papered, rlty water and sewer. Mo. an .no. aoin st.. iww Mutual Loan and Hulldliig.DXssoclatloti. 'Jee Bldg.. O. M. Nattlnger. KE-W2 30 CHAS. 15. WILLIAMSON1. 'Jim Farnam St IIK-M i.M WANTED, to purchase n quarter section of land within 7f. miles ot umana: lair Improvements; land must be good ,.oll and only gently rolling; give legal ile scrlptlon, charncter of land and Improve ments. R. C. Poters .t Co.. 1702 Farnaii arnain St.. Hee Hldr. -MSOJ so OOOD l-room house near 20th and Cas- tellar, Kiwi; owner wants to sen inis ween sure. F. D. Wead, 1521 Douglas st. RI5-S20-30. 9-ROOM house, porch, bath, closet, hot and cold water, nnu gas; nam, near i-arn avenue and Leavenworth. $2,11X1. I'ntluri. nnd lot Si'.O. -room cottage nnrt corner half lot, $S.W 12-room house, lot 70x110, on 2isi street, J3.2UO. Full lot on Farnam bill. $2,000 East front on Wh near Jones, t(Hi. r v. Wead, 152t Douglas. Hi;-S2i-2S. SIXTY acres. '10 ml'es west. 10-room linusi. barn 3)x6ii. can be bought very rcasonan e SO acres, 11 miles northwest, with hoise. barn, crops, norscs. cows, implements, etc.. all for Sl.f.iiO. 80 or 120 acres, 12 miles northwest from tilt Omaha postolllce. ordinary- improvements. Price. $30 Per acre. 312 acres, 1" miles west of Omaha, near Millard, Price, $35 pur acre. 521 S. 1Mb st , r.-room bouse, $1,250. 902 S 20th st . 5-rnom house, $1,000. 1113-13 N. 17th st.. lot onxiio reel; paving mild. Price. $2,500. 6-room new modern house, near 26th and Dodge sts. Price, $3.oiH). Northeast corner of 20th and Cuming sts., 2 houses. Price, $3,30). Submit offer. ll-i'(ioin modern house, coiner Int. within four blocks of city hall. Price. $6,500. Furnam, near lith St.. lot 22x132 feet; .1 story brick building. Price. $20,000. JOHN N. FRENZEH, Opposite Old Postofllce. R15-MS31 29 SIIOIITIIAMI AMI VYIMSAVIUTIMJ. A. C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y. Llfo. 6hS BOYLES' College, court reporter principal. Beo Hldg. -liS9 NEBRASKA Business nnd Shorthand Col lege. Boyd's Theater. C90 GREGG Shorthand taught al ihe Omaha Commercial College, 16th and Duuglns Sts. -C01 MI3D1CAI,, LADIES out of health find prompt relief, Box 232. Omaha, Neb. Confidential. -CS3 LADIES, Friar's French female regulator brings monthly periods regularly pain; $1 per box. 0 boxes for $3. Hot R3'.-n, Minneapolis, .Minn, .muiu aepw DR. LE DUE'S Female Regulator, post lively warranted to cure uie must sfin born cases nf monthly Ftoppagus. irregu larities, obstructions and Hiippresslnns brought on from whatever cans.': $2 a package or 3 for $5; sent aliywli. re pr. -paid on receipt of price. Tho Ktdd Drug Co , Elgin. Ill American Olllce, retail wholesale. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., omaha. M A Dillon, South Omaha; Davis Drug Co., Cumuli Bluffs. Full lino of rubbr goods. MAGM1TIC IIEAI.I.VC. GREAT Western Institute 1623 Douglas St , chronic diseases cureu; no uruga, surguiy, -Ml S3 THE genuine Simon Pure Weltmer Method of Magnetic neaung nnu iiatTaii-n s Hypnotism completo In onu volume, $2 6n Prof. R. Wllllums, Desoto, Mo. -MOOT SepS' DASriXi. CALL on Mornml, Crelghton lull, for society ami stage (lancing, waiu and 2-step, $5. Large hall to rent f.r tii vontlons, meetings, balls and club soc'nifl, C3.j-Sept 21 Till .M FACTORY. l'RUNKB, traveling bags, suit cases. Trunks repaired. Om. Trunk Factory. 1209 Farnam. tat TICKET IlltOlvlllt. Cl'T rate tickets every where. P. II, Phil bin. 1505 Fnrnam Telephone 7S4. 702 TYi'i:w!irri:it, TYPEWRITERS, secondhand, 1116 Fornam. CM i:m,im, 11(111 Kits, 15T( . L. C Sharp- Ma. h. Wks , mntjrs, dynam s. - 6; 'J iiiitns ami t winmiMV. STOCK'S Utrd Store. 16j3 Leavenworth -7 Mt'Klili I'LATIMl. STOVES, lamps and chandeliers reflated. Om. Plaltiig Co, Hee bldg., tel. 23o. - M9J3 ST.lMMEHINti AMI hTt'TTI5lllM!. CURED. Julia Vaughn n, 430 llarogc Hldg. -6 vi rritxiTi'iin hkpaiiiimi. TEL. 1331. M. S. Walkln, 2111 Cuming St. -J HOTELS. HENDERSON. $1.00 per dny house; board $3.50 to $3 wccK. Din anu l-nrnum; tei, l.'is. -.M733 SI IIAIIIIIT METAL. FRICTION1.ESS. II. B, Mann. 17 Com'l -M7I9 A31 Nat l Bk. LAtMIHY. OMAHA Steam Lniindry; shirts. 7e; collars, Ze; curts, te. uso Lcavenwortn. Tel. 5iv. 703 xrovn REPAIRS. STOVE, furnace, range repairs; water con nections, uinnna stove ltepair wonts, 1207 Doug 751 3IAOM5TIC III5AI.I.M1. GREAT Western Institute. 1623 Douglas St . chronic diseases cured; no urugs, (turnery -M122 PAAV.MlltOKEHS. EAGLE Loan Ofllce, reliable, accommodat ing; all uusincso conuucnuai. isui Douglas. -701 LOANS. 11 Marowltr; low rates. US N. Pi. IMtEsSMAKIXC. E. O. M' DONALD, 1612 Cap. nvo. -912 SI IN families. Miss Sturdy, 2610 Harney 630-8ept 2l I'lll'.VI). WHEEL, near 21th nnd Harnev st.: owner can have by proving ownership nnd pay ing ad. 501 S. 21th ave. FotindM23 1'9 LOST. LOST on 25th street between Capitol ave nue and Farnam. short tnodo Jacket with cerise silk lining. Return to business olllce of lb-- llie and receive roward. Lost S17-29' STOLEN Liberal reward for Information leading to recovery of sorrel horse, white spot on forehead, brand F on left h p; stolen Sunday night at the Hlg Papplo. Call or address 3119 Ilurdcllc st. Lost-M"tti; ) LI5fi l, M)TI 15. NOTICE. TO REPUBLICAN VOTERS OF DOUG LAS COUNTY: II v authority nf the renllbllcan rniintx central committee a convention of delegates representing "te republicans of Douglas couiliy is nerouy caneu to meet at wiisn Inglon hall. Omalia. at 2 p. m. Saturday, Hepiemner . to piaco in nomination Three slate senatois. Nino Btute representative!. One county intoning One county commissioner. First district to bfi named by the delegates from said district. Nino ward assessors for Omaha, Four wnrd assessors for South Omaha Thirteen precinct assessors for country nruclncts. One constable to fill vacancy for Omaha. Two constables to fill vacancies for South Omaha. and to select members nf the county ceil tral committee. Tho representation in Mils convention Is apportioned an iohows: i;acn country pre cinct, five delegates: South Omaha, sixteen delegates, nml each wnrd of Omaha, ten delegates. Deloitales to this convention will bo chosen at a primary election hereby called , for Friday. September 7. thf polls being open from 12 in. to 7 p. m In Oinahu and South Omalia ami from 7 ). m. to 9 p. m. In the country precincts. Tho locations of tne polling places arc: City of Omaha First Ward Sixth nnd Pierce streets Second Ward Twentieth nnd Castellar streets. Third Wnrd-1120 Capitol avenue. Fourth Ward 220 Bo.ith Seventeenth street. Fifth Wnrd 2612 North Sixteenth street. Sixth Ward-ldlewlld hall. Seventh Ward 1328 Park avenut. Eighth Ward Twenty-soco't.'. and Cum ins streets. Ninth Ward Twenty-eighth and Farnam streets. Cltv of South Omalia -312 North Twcnty- tlfth street. Chicago Precinct Kelner's hall, cinntarf Precinct II. Tangeman s. Douglas Precinct Ruser's park East Omaha Precinct District No. 61 school house. Elkhorn Precinct Kill Cltv. Florence. Precinct City hall. Jefferson Precinct Mangold's lumber of- flee. McArdle Precinct Glandt school houso .Millard Precinct--Millard school house. Platte. Valley Precinct Valley opera house. Union Precinct Purcoll's hull. Wnterloo Precinct Masonic hull West Omaha Precinct Benson town hall The boundaries of the primary election districts shall correspond with the respec tive ward boundaries In Omaha, precinct boundaries In the country preiincls and rltv boundaries In South Omalia The primary election will lie held under the provisions of tho prlmnry election law nml tin. rules minuted bv this committee which require petitions to be filed with 1 lie secretary not later man 1; m. im-snay, Remember 4. Bv resolution of the committee no proxies will bi allowed In the convention, but delegates nresent authorized to cast tho full voles apportioned tn their respective districts. n. 11. tuiiiiiiMi, Chairman. CLYDE C. Kl'NDBLAD, Acting Secretary Omaha. August IS, 19X). LIBRARY. CHEYENNE. WYO.-HID8 AVILL BE RE eelved bv Robert C Morris, secretary Car necle library bill ding committee, un lo Wednesday. September 12th, 1!0. twelvo o clock, noon, ror tne construction 01 li brary building according to plans anil spec locations nrenared bv Patton. Fisher & Mil ler. anhltects. 41 Montauk block, Chicago, III Plans cnn be examined both at Chey enne and at the ofllce of tho architects In Chicago- Fund uvallanie approximates xta, 0 k Allmw&sm HVILWAY TI3IIO CAIIIJ. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & Outncy Railroad "The Burlington Route" -Ticket Ofllce, 1&02 Fnrnam St. Te Depot. Tenth Mason Streets. Telephone Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe clnl a 7:00 am IN orla Exnress u 9:21 nm Chicago Ve-t baled Ex. .11 4:f0 pm a 7:15 am Chicago Local Express. u 8:50 am 11 4:05 pm Clucngn Limited ...a7:l5pm 11 7:15 nm Pncl lc J, 1111M011 i.ncat. .iuu:id am Pn-lllr Jiirctlon uxtra. n 7;oo pm a 2:15 pm HURLINOTON & MIS sour! River Railroad "The Rurllntton Route General on ces. .n. w. Corner Tenth and Farnam Sts Tlckot Olllce. 1W. Farnam street. Telephone 5V Burlington station, icnih und Mason Streets. Telephone, 1.1. Leave. Arrive Lincoln. Hastings and MeCook a 8.10 um a 7:35 pm Lincoln, Denver. Colo- rndo, Utah, Callfornla.a 4:25 pm a 3:00 pm 1 ncnln fi Black Hills a 9:30 pm a S W pin M-iitana. Puget Sound n 9:30 m u 6 t5 am Lincoln Fast Mall n3.0)pm alO.35 um Denver Colorado Utah & California a C.I5 am u Dully Fast Mall j a Dally II AILW Y TIMI. TAIII.ES. KANSAS C1T SI Jt- sepli A- covinill Blurt 1 Railroad "The Hurimg- , tn it. utc " 'tickit Ofllce, Iff." Farnam street. Tele ph tie 25" Depot. Tenth 1 ai d Mii'on streets. ie,e- nliritif. 12S Leave Avlve Kansas Cltv Day Ex a s 5o am a :lo pm K..t"i? City Night Lx nti) la pm a 6:1" am St ' I Fiji r f r St J cph and St Louis a I pm an:u nm a Dally FREMONT Et.KIIORN Missouri Valley Hallroad The Northwestern 1 I'm Oetural Olllce. United States National Hank Hldg S. W Cor Twelfth and Farnam Sis Ticket Olllce, Hoi Farnam St. Telephone, till Depot. 13th and Webster Sts. Tele phone, H5R. Leave. Arrive. Blink Hills. Doadwood. Hot Springs a 3.00 pm a 5:00 pm W ..tiling, Caspar and Douglas .d 3:00 pm e 5:00 pm Hastings, York. David City, Superior, Oenea, Exeter and Seward b 3:00 pm b 5:W pm Norfolk. Verdlgre and Fremont b 7:30 nm b!0:23 am Line .In. Wnhoo ntid Fremont . .. . b 7:30 am bl0:2f. am Fremont l.ocai .. . o 7.30 am a Dallv b Dally except Sunday, c Sun day onlv d Dully except Saturday, e Dully except Monday. CHICAOO. ST. PAUL. Mliine.tnolls .v Omaha Hallway "The North western Line" General Otllees. Nebraska Divi sion, 15th and WchMer Sts Cltv Ticket tMllce. 1101 Farnam St Telephone, 561. Depot, 15th and Usbstcr Sts. Leave Arrive. Twin City PnscnRcr a 0 00 am a 9.10 pm Omaha Pasesnger nil :10 am Sioux Cltj At North east Nebraska a 3 30 tun Oakland Local b 3 15 pm b :15 am a Dally b Dally execp. Sunday. CHICAGO & NORTH western Rallway"The Northwestern Line" -City Ticket Olllce, 1101 Farnam Streut. Tele phone. 561 Depot, Tenth and Mnsnn Sts. Tele phone, 6211. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Sne- cial a 7:00 am all:30 pm Chicago Passenger a 1:15 pm a !;lo am r-astcru litnress. ues Moines, Marshalltonn. Cedar Ranlds and Chi cago nl0:fk am a 4:05 nm Eastern Limited, Chi cago and East ... a 1:55 nm a 1:05 nm Fast Mall. fhiriii;n to Omaha a 2:15 mu Omaha-Chli ago Special a 7.15 pm a h-.n) pm cost .Man .... a a;ju am a Dallv SIOl'X CITY PACIFIC lta road "The Norill western Line" Central Olllces, Fulfil States National Hank Building, S W Corner Twelfth and Farnam Sts. Ticket Olllce, noi Karuam St Telephone, Ml. lie. pot, Tenth and Mason Sis. Telephone, 629 i. cave. Arrive Twin City Express.. Twin City Limited.. Sioux ity Local ...a 6.55 am n 10.50 pm ...a 7:35 pm a :15 .1111 ...a S:00 nm a 1:2V pm n Dully. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE Vt Hi. 1'aui Hallway uity Ticket Ofllce. 1501 Farnam Street. Telephnne 2SI. Depot Tenth und Mason Streets Telephone, 629. Leave Arrive Ch'i ago Limited Ex. . . a il:0o pm u h:0T am C hit ago & Omaha Ex b 7:15 nm b 3 5j pm a Daily. t uany except mmtiay. UNION PAC1FIC-"TH15 OVER land Route' General unices. N 15. Cor Ninth and Fnrimm streets. City Ticket Olllce. l:i.'l Farnam street. Telephone, 316. Depot, Tenth and Mason Sts. Telephone, 6J9. Leave. Arrive. The Overland Limited .a 8:20 am a 7:33 pm The Chicago-Portland Kpe. tn 1 a S:20 am a 7:33 pm The Fust Mall n H:5o nm a 3:?" pm The Colorado Special . nil :33 pm n tl-50 11m The Fiat Mall a 1.33 pm Lincoln. Beatrice and Stromsburg Express b 4.10 pm bl2:25 pm Thr. Pacific Exnress a 1:23 nm The Atlantic I5prei. 11 6:50 am Grand Island Local b 5:30 pm b 9:30 am a Dally b Dally uxcipt Sunday. CHICAGO. HOCK ISL nnd & Paeltle '' illroad "The Great Hock I-l-and Route " city Tick et Ofllce, 1323 Farnnm Street. Telephone, 4'J.t. 1 'emit. Tenth & Mnson Street. Telepbore (3). I.eiivc Arrive. Des Moines and Daven port Local a 7 23 am till :33 am Chicago Express .nil 15 ant a 8:10 am Chicago Fust Express .11 5:(V) pm 11 1:25 pm 1.111. 0111 ami i-.uriiury .11 11 in a i:ui ;im Lincoln. Colorado Spgs.. Denver, I'uemo aril We-t a 1 no pm 11 1:15 pm Dec Moines, Rock Isl- rnd ami Chicago . .11 7.15 pm a 5:nO pit, olormlo & Texas Flier a 5:3!" pm n 9:15 am a Dally, b Pally except Sunday. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Rallioad. CUy Ticket Ot lice, 1102 Farnam Mreet. Telephone, 215. Depot Tenth and Mason streets Leae. Arrive. Chicago Express . .all:10 am a 4:03 pm Ch.cngo l.lmltcii Minneapolis and .a 7:45 pm n S:15 am St. Paul i;xinoas ... Mimical. .ill and b 7:(0 am b 0:10 pm St. I'aul l.lmltcii n 7:15 pm a 6:13 am Fi rt Dodge Local from Council Hlults 11 iu pm oiu:iu uui 'i Dally b Dally cx-ept Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL road -General Olllces and Tlrket olllces Southeast Cor ner 11th and Douglas Sts. Telehhuiio 101. Depot, Union station. Ljave. Arrive. St Louis, Kansas K- Nebraska Limited . .nI0:O0 am a h.m pm K. C, St. L. Express.. .1110:10 pm a 6:15 nm Leave from 15th and W 1 hsler Sts. Nebraska l.ocai Via Weeping Water . b 1:15 pm n 10:43 ain u Dally." b Dally except Sunday. OMAHA & ST. LOUIS HAIL-rnad- Omaha. Knnsaa City H Eastern Railroad "The Qlllncy RoUto"- Ticket Of llce. 1415 Farnam Street Telephone 322. Depot, Tenth nnd Marry Streets. Tele phone, 629. Leave. Airivn. St. Louis cannon Ball Express a 5.03 pm n S:20 am Kansas City and Qulncy Lncul 11 Dally a 7:00 nm n 9:00 pm WABASH RAILROAD Ticket Olllce. 1501 Fariiom Street. Telephone, S95. De pot, Tenth and Mnrcy Streets. Telephone. 1.2a. Leave. Arrive. i.nnli "fiiminn nail" Express a ua-u pm a s si am u Dally. DEN IS IN GOOD CONDITION liullopliiu of Hip Gully ( itpiirlMined lionl Huh Nol Injured II In Hip Least. At tho request of tho Knights of Ak-Sai Bon. Robert B Carter, city building In spector, examined thn coliseum very care fully and found It to ho in nrsi-ciiiss con dlilon. Tho roof trusses were bored Into to (Uncover whether thoy were perfectly solid and proved to be well preserved. All thn supporting posts wore also tested for dry rot, but were found to ho in a bhiis factory condition. The brick wall ulong tho west sldo of tho building has settled slightly and Is out nf plumb. It Is not In a dangerous condition, however, and has been oarefully reinforced with bruces which InBiirn the safety of the building. Ilitllillim Permit. The rltv limnector of buildings bus KSU the following permits: Ralph Jacks ,ti Sixteenth and Phelps, flame ilweldtg ll.mio, I, V Cruin, 2211 Miami, repairs, $5" A HnrtenliinKer. Twent v-l hlid and Bii'i irofi. frame barn, $150, U. A Wtcse, His Grant, frame barn, $piO; J II Mi Donald, frame barn $175. Omaha Loan and Trus company, 1113 und 1115 Williams, rcp.ilri. $io J Ii and Francis Kendall, 1510 Dodge, brb k addition $500 George Schneider 1513 South Tw. ni -ninth, repairs, $96, MWA"t'ff L Sr. I GORDON MAKES STATEMENT Poller .Indue Defends III etloii In Mill, t use mill t Hi Vntliorltlcs (nr lloliiu n lie tllil, Polite Judge Gordon sends a letter to ths editor of The Bee defending his action In the milk lases lie says in substance that the comilsiiiis wrre tiled before him (or violating the milk ordltinui-e, these com plaints I in-hull UK nine defendants. As he considered the cases of more than ordinary Importance, he decided to deal with the offense nnd the offenders as the a Metier Justified and that he could not he too tare- fill, nor could the prnalt. In case of the establishment of guilt, lm too severe. Two of the defendants pleaded not guilty. Hoot pleaded guilty, but contended that th preservnllne used was not unwholesome or deleterious to health. ' Upon receiving that plea." says the Judge. "I deferred sentence because 1 wanted to ascertain If the preservalltie was Injurious to health. and If so. to what degree, ns the penalty rHnged from $5 to $100." Judge Gordon goes on nt length (o explnln that In several Instances lately In the higher courts a plea nf guilty has not been accepted and he cites these cases as a defense of his action In the Hoot case. The Judge goes Into the Jensen-West Point creamery case In detail and assorts that after listening to tho testimony of Milk Inspector Ilutton nnd the drfemlanl ho was justliled In ordering Jensen dis charged, as the state did not prove that Jensen linil wilfully or knowingly uflercd adulterated milk for sale. Judge Gordon denies thai J W. Ellrr Is his law partner and that he was Inllueiiced In the milk cases from the fuel that Elter was attorney for one or more of the de fendants. In conclusion. Judge Gordon de nies that he has used milk containing formnldchyde and that ho has nppnned of Its use SEWARD EXCURSION" DRAGS Mrrrtiniit of the City I'nll lo Kitlliuse Oicr Hie I'ropoNcd Islt to tin fount; Fair. Members of the Commercial club and ths Knights of Ak-Sar-llen were engaged yes terday In an energetic movement to sell enough tickets for the ex cursion to Seward this morn ing lo inako It a creditable com pany In Its pilgrimage to Hint neighboring city. There has been a surfeit of excursions and It was found that many of the business men who weie expected to lend ready aid to this Blgnlllrant function were giving It hslr li ear ted support, and ninny none at till. However, hopes were entertained that a Btilllclenl attendance would be assured be fore the day was past to win Omaha favora ble recognition on Omaha day at the fair In Seward and conictit the neighborly relations of the two cities. The lack of spontaneity shown by those most Interested, however, In this excursion has suggested the wisdom of dcclnrllig off the proposed excursion to Fort Dodge, la., although It has not been decides to do so. ARRANGE FOR COURT-MARTIAL Arni Offenders lo He Tried nt Fori Itilc) ,cl Tliursilnj Uriirrnl Milliner InIIn llcniliitiiirters. General E. V. Sumner, retired, once com mander of the Department of the Missouri, was a visitor at army headquarters yes terday. Slnco his retirement Genoral Sumner has made his homo In Denver. A general court-martial of ten ofllcers Is cnllcd lo meet at Fort Riley Thursday. The number Is smnll, as a greater number can not be named without manifest Injury to the scrvlie. The personnel Is: Lieutenant Colonel George II. Rodney, Major William Stanton, Captain Charles M. O'Connor. Ramsay D. Potts, Harry R. Anderfon, First Lieutenants Thomas (. Donaldson, Jr.; Charles W. Farbcr, LoRoy S. Lyon nnd Second Lieutenants A. O. Lott nnd Henry W. Iliitncr. Second Lieutenant Hanson II. Blnck Is Judge advocate. Orders nro Issued for the monthly pny inent of tho troops In the department. Contracts for monthly supplies are being awarded by Major West, chief commissary. FILES "THREE PETITIONS I'oiiilemnntloii I'locceil I ous Instituted 011 Fiiriitini, lliiiiicj 11 lid llotvnril Street. Three petitions for condemnation proceed ings weie filed wllh County Judge Vlnson hnler yesterday, the nppllcant In each ape being the Omaha RallroHil company Strips of ground twenty feet In width on Farmiin. Harney and Howard streets ox tondlns from Tenth street east to Elihth street are asked for. I ho county Jtlog? named appraisers for this property yes terday. More than llkuly tho !amo com mission now engaged 011 similar work will be named in thi-Bo new proceedings. VAYl'S IHVOHt. AM) INJU.NLTIO.V .Mrs. .IoIiiinoii Institutes Suit for Mell aril I Ion from Her lliislinnil. Martha Johnson has Instituted suit In the. district court for a divorce from her hus band. Judge Johnson. It appears from the petition that on August 25 Johnson returned homo from his work In an Intoxicated condi tion nnd proceedetl lo break up thn furni ture. It Is alto alleged that he unused Mrs. Johnenn. rn order for an Injunction Is one of tho features of this case. It appears that th Johm-ons keep a boarder or two and at thf request of the plaintiff Judge Keysor h Issued nn order restraining tho defendant from collecting liny hoard from the lodger nnd also from destroying any more furni ture. Tho Injunction proceedings In this caso will ho heard by Judge Fawcett tho first week In September. File CI11I01 for l.lnbllllj. W. K. Potter, receiver of thn Nnbrnsk Savings and Exchange bank, fcnH filed r claim against the estate of Alvln Siuindor for $3,250. Liability on stock owned by th deceased Is alleged. The attorneys In the caso announced to Judge Vlnsonholer that if It becamo noceBBiiry to Introduce evidence In this case the hearing would last for prob nbly threo months, as tho books of tho bank nnd a large number nf witnesses would lm needed. Court .No I cm. Cleo Mvrlln Ellol I111H implied for u di vorce from John Eliot on thn grounds of non-support nnd cruelty. Justice nf the Peace Crawford has sued the county for fecu and costs amounting tn $S3.65, which the county commissioners havo so far refused t ulluw. William A. Gardiner Is seeking a di vorce from Eliza Jane Gardiner on the grounds of iiliiiuilnnmcnt. Mrs. Gardiner left her husband In IM)2 und linn not lived with him since that time. CharlcH DcLong has applied to the courts to relieve him from the marital vows which bind 1 1 1 111 to I'lefy DcLong. Ho at-sorl that she deserted him on July 10, U96, and ho does not now know her whercubouts. Thn Aultmiiti & Taylor company com menced action yesterday against Oeorgo Rrlnki rhoff, administrator for tho estate of Mlchsel I). Hurler, to establish title to lot 8. block II, 111 Omaha, which was purchased with money belonging to tho plaintiffs wlille Hurler was treasurer of tliu com pany. Tho v.nlf lu the fable pin on sheep's clothing becauso It he travelsd on his own reputation he couldn't accomplish his pur pose. Counterfeiters of DoWltt's Witch Hazel Salve couldn't Bell their worthier nilves on their merits, so they put them In boxes and wruppers like DoWHt's Look out for them Take only DcWItt s Witch Haze) Salve, It cures pile and nil ikln diseases.