THE OMAHA DAILY BUTE: WEDNESDAY, ATOrST 2(T, 1000. OMAHA BACK IN THIRD PLACE Sioux Oity and St. Joseph Both Passed in a Single Bound. BEAUTIFUL GAME WON BY THE ROURKES Sfnmrifr', l3oollent I'ltrhlim llr. I'erfcel Support nml the Mom An- (ilven n Thorough llruhhlnu. bases' Nagle (21, Thiol (2). Hraln. rtny- mor Bases on bull Off Johnson. !, off M' Farland. 1 Struck nut. riv .Tohnsnn. 2. 1)V MeFarlnnd. 2 Pao.aod hull- I.nmntl Time. J.rm. I'miilrr Orlm. Ill the. second anme Mm loruls irot hut one hit. Winning the mm In thn seventh in ning, tho last ptnyod, Lnmnti stealing home ami bringing In the winning run. Attend ance, l,ow. Score: tKB MOINES. AM. H. O. A. K. Thiol, If.... nail, ss Nnglo, cf.., Hebsnmen. I Unfit. 2b.. Ilraln. 3t... Solsler. rf... I.oman, c... Pollehnw, p lb... 3 3 ?. 3 3 I n 1 II 1 3 0 I. Oninhn, f Slnm ( It. D'Mhit, ti SI. .limepli, (I. lies Moliun, l-l!i I'luhlo, ft. 3imv YurKi Ti llimtiiti, I. Ilrookljn, lot IMilliulclpliIti, II. M. I, mils, I ( lili'lluo, 'i. .MIIwiiiiI.i-p, Detroit, 1!. Kimikiis I'll). S II II fTll I al. O, hli'lIKO, !t-S t'liM rlnnil, l-O. I ii il I ii it n ) 1 1 x, l-7t .Minneapolis, Totals 22 2 fuf.hlo. 1 21 15 t- MoHnto, cf Hnymer, ss Graham, c dOSSOtl, 2b wnirympr, in. I.iilly. rf Moran, If Kcny, 3i Whltrldgc, p... AH. It. ..3 ..3 ..3 ..3 ..3 !!5 ..3 ..3 it. i o. o 6 n 8 0 1 I Omaha slipped back Into third place yon torday by winning the last Ramp, of thu season with Ihc Sioux In na exciting a con test an haH been witnessed on thn diamond In a Ions while. The game wan marked by rod-hot playing all tho way through. Tho pitching wan splendid and the fielding rxi'pllpnt. and thin commendation applied with about equal force to both tennis. Harry Nowmcyer. tho baby of the bunch presided over the slab for Colonel Utick- erlno anil covered himself with all kinds of glory so long as he confined himself to pitching, but Just as soon ns he was called upon to ai compllsh a bit of flcldlnK he went all to nieces. Tho three errors chalked up against the Omahas were all charged to him and If he hadn't been backed up by a field that was Invulnerable the result might have been different and his cood nltchlng would have gone for naucht. Tim Sioux started off nt the bat and Hilly Haer, who made his Initial appear anco with the Cornhuskers, was passed to first Then .MrCrcndle poked his hat Into a slow one which sought Newmeyor's re eetitlve tmws. It looked like a cinch for an out. but Harry mHde a slow throw down to hoennd. trying to head off Haer, with thn result that both men were safe. nrnshcar nnunded a fly out to Halrd and Haer was thrown out at second. After Me froadln had purloined second (IrMln landed for a two-bagger, scoring McCrcndlc. and he scored on Glasscock's safety Into thn right cauliflower patch. Kddlo Iiwler, who. by thn way, played an excellent game at second, gobbled up a hot grass-cutter from Nllcs' bat and retired the Egyptian at first. llnn.lp.oinr Hurry's Wild Tlirnvr Tk. Minn Htnrt-off was not one whit hotter than was that of the. Itourko fan) lly. for thoy, too, succeeded In getting a couple of tallies. Stub Toman Htarted the fun oft by skating down to nrsl on a free pass. Then Terry Halrd collapsed nf.inui nnn nf McDonald's twisters so oshIIv that McDonald was disconcerted The ball rolled submissively to tho pitch er'H feet nnd McDonald, by a superhuman offnrl. lifted It over to tho center Held fence. Ho didn't mean to. His ostensible purpose was to throw It down to second ml cut off Toman, but In the excitement nf tho occasion his spirits rose; like wise thn ball, and It went so high and so far that Toman nnd Halrd both slid around the bases and tied tho score. Well, there wasn't much doing nfter thai In tho linn of hitting, but some mighty clever fielding was dished up bo fore nn enraptured crowd nnd tho big gathering of women were simply en tranced with tho splendid exhibition the home boys put up for their espoclal benefit It wns not until the last of tho eighth that It nppearcd who was to win tho ox citing contest. At that Juncture, after Toman and Halrd hail gone to tho daisies MeVickor United the fuse by taking a pass to first and then camo tho explosion Mobile Lntuon rapped out a slnglo and Mattlo ndvnnced to third. Then Captain Jack whucked his bat Into tho leathor and It went bounding through the clouds When It finally camo In sight It was seen to be falling In the sun field. McCreadle sprinted after It nnd didn't get It. Of course McVlcker nnd l.auzon scored nnd the captain got In tho fifth run when Jimmy Hoy made a threo-bngger. This afternoon Des Moines will nppear on tho sceuo for a series of four games. Score: OMAHA. All. II. Totals 25 1 6 21 13 3 Dos Moines I 0 0 0 0 n 1-2 Pueblo i o n o o n ft l Two-base hit: Metlnle. Stolon buses: Thiol, Lomnn, Double plav: Poll chow to llrnln to nebsiimen. Hasps on Imlls: Off Whltrldgc, 3. Struck oit: Hy Whltrldgc. r.; by I'ollchow, 1. Time: 1:30. 1'mplre: Grim. sivr ii v a siMii.n iir.v Denver (icts rrnv tilth n lied lint ClnnliiK Mutch. ST. JOSEPH. Mo , ug. 2i?.-(Spf clal Tel egram ) -Todays game v.ns a pitching battle betwoen Milton nml MeNeelv, tho latter getting n shade the bettor support. ii n error by Davis being Tespoiislble for the only run i f I he game It wn Ir Hie llflll. Weaver led off that ttinlfi" with a Mligle, Mohlor follow-d w'tli u nit over nrst iiaHe nag, Weaver golrg to tniru. Hoi y llion fnuleil cut to Striinc. I.oeWe new out to Hrlstow. nnd It looked as though Denver would lie retired without a rui Hut at this stiico Milton threw to to ontcli Mohlor, who was Inking a bi lend The throw wont low and Davis lot It got through him The I nil rolled only a low reel, hut wont far enough to sat (if v l.oewn there was .i chancn to cct home and ho made a dah for the plate and got It MeNoolv then rimed the Inning bv riving out to Schrnll. Neither team was In dan ger of scoring exrept In the fifth. The game netween Hi Joseph nnd Denver, which was nnstnnned vesterdav. hn.s been called off and St. .Iocph'o last four games of the season with Slnux City will he plavol at Sioux City Instead nf hole. Score: ST. JOSH I'll. AH. ft. II. O. A. E 4 0 In the sixth Inning on two errors by the visitors Townsend presented two bases on balls, a passed ball, h wild pitch nnd four bnie hits, one belne a home run when bases were full Score! Ornnd Island 00rtt0612 0-13 Superior 2 1 0 U 0 0 0 2 610 lilts. Grand Islnnd, Hi Superior, 10. Kr rors; Ornnd Island, 6; riuperlnr 6. Hnt trrles; Grand Island, Oordon nnd Hedmond, Superior, Townssnd and Heed, OAMr.i oi' tiii: ajii:iic..v i.KAoi'n. Clevrliind nnd Cblcngo Illvlde n Pair nf Clone Oninrn. CIjKVKI,AND, Aug. 2S.-CIoveland nnd Chicago broke even on the two games this afternoon, Cleveland taking the first nnd Comlskey's White Stockings the second. In the first game Chicago mnde Its two runs on a wild pitch In the sixth Inning. In the seventh Dlllard returned the two lost runs by a throw to tho bleachers. Cleveland hit Kntoll at will, while I'ntterson was a mys tery In tho second gnme, when hits meant runs. Smvtho was forced out of the box at the end of the sixth inning. Jones and Tamsett made their debut in American league company nnd showed up well. At tendnnce, I,8o. Score, first game: i,l,KVEI,AND. I ntHWClO. HH.OA.E. HII.O.A.E. Picker1!?, ef. 1 0 S 0 0 Hoy, cf 12 10 0 (I'nlno, If... 13 3 4 0 PaJilen. Sb.. 1130 Jnneii. rf.... o I 2 0 ".Wood, c. ... 0 0 1 1 0 IjuChVf, lb. 0 1 IJ 0 ft rtilRden. lb.. 0 1 S 2 0 Tainnett, 3b. 0 I I 1 I'llarOn'm lb I 1 1 4 0 Klmv. t.. ..On I 2 0 McKnrl'd. If 0 ft S 0 fl Flood. 2b . 0 ft 1 2 1 Dlllard, s . 0 f'tUhatn. c. 1 I 4 2 0 Shrarnn. rf. 0 lliiffer. p ... 1 S I 3 0 Kntoll, p....O -nhr 0 ToUU . . 4 14 27 12 II I TntaU . 3 S 24 16 Hatted for Kntoll In the ninth. ci.laii,l t n 0 ft 0 0 3 ft 4 Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0-3 I'arned runs: Cleveland, 1. Two-base lilt: Tamsett. Throe-base hits: Shcaron. ull lard. Sacrifice hit: Wood. Stolen bases Snellen, Dlllard. First base on errors Cleveland. 1: Chicago. 2. First base on balls: Off Hoffer. 1; off Katoll, 1. Struck out: Hy Hoffer, Dlllard: uy Katoll, Pick oritur. Wild nltch: Hoffer. Double play Hnrtman to Sugden. Left on bases: Cleve land. ; Chicago, s. Time: 1:24. Umpire: Joe Cantllllon. Score, second game: l'I.KVi:iAND , nifCAOO Tt H.O A.T. 1 It 1I.O A 1' Plrlier'r. rf. ft 1 3 0 l lloy. of.. .. 2 S I ft I ft 1 S 1 Qiradden. III.. I S I 3 0 ft R ft ftiWeod, c ft 5 T ft I 0 0 4 0 O'Sugilen. lh.. 0 0 12 0 i 0 3 11 iMlurtnVn, 3b 1 1 1 I ' 0 0 3 ! Oi.McKsrrd. If I 2 3 0 i 0 1 4 3 0 Dlllard, . 1 0 0 3 I ft 0 3 I O.Shearon. rf. t 1 3 0 I ft 0 0 0 0 Palennn, p. 1 1 0 ' ft 1 0 J 0, 0 10 0.) bron, 9. The battery work of both teams wns good, but Humoonil a support was plrltlcss, the team having Inst u nlglit s leeii In rrachlne here. The feature of the gamo wns the phenomenal batting an., fielding of 'Ink, the Hebron third base man. Hatterles. Humboldt. Myer and So grist: Hebron, McKlvnln nnd Funke. Hits (umbo dt. S: Hebron. 11. Errors. Hum boldt, S; Hebron. 5. The strong Hnnnver team Is here and will contest with Humboldt tomorrow forcninn nnd Hebron In the nfternoon. The second gnmo of todny was between robins nnd the Hebron Maroons, the score being; Tobias, jicnron, 1. S S 2 2 0 1 12 0 0 0 ilfiilnn. If Tones, rf. .. . ICh'ce, lh. Tamsett, Sb. cliay, a.i Flood, Jb CrUham, c. I'rneA, r... . Smythe. p.. lmkr, p Strang, 3b ... 1 1 ii II. ss Kllng. c Schrnll, If .... Davis, lh .... McKlbben. rf Flynn, cf Hrlstow. 2i .. Milton, p Totals Preston cf , Miller, If .. Huelow, o .. Ilollnnd. rf Wenver, lb Mohlor, 2li He y. 3b .. I.ei'we, hs .. McNecly, p It. ft 0 ft 1 1 ft 0 ft ft II ft : o DHNVBll. AH. It. 1! 4 O. A. 5 ft 1 0 2 t 1 0 7 1 4 1 1 I 3 1 E. (I ft 0 0 0 0 0 0 II Totnls 31 ! 5 27 9 ft St. Joseph 000000 0 0 00 Denver u i v v u f i Two-bnsc hit: Mohlor. Sacrifice hits Davis. McKlbbon. McNecly. Struck out Ilv Milton. 1: bv McNecly. 1. Hnsos on balls: Off McNecly, Ii. Hit by pitcher: .MCNeeiy m. 'lime: liis. umpire: litirigni SlnmllliK nf tlir Tennis. Played. Won. Iost Denver 9S fiO Des Moines 101 67 Omaha 100 4" Slnux City 9S 4fi St. Joseph 101 47 I'uenio hi ii 3S 44 M r.2 51 r.7 r.c. .612 .Ml .470 .469 .4i .418 (i.3IKl OF Till: NATIONAL, I,F)A(Jl'IC, riiiim plona nnd lnakrra Do a Bit of llnrd lllttlnR. NHW YORK, Aug. 2S. Hoth pltchcrn were bntted heavily today In tho Hrooklyn-Phll adelphln game at Hrooklyn, but Frazer wu wild In addition to being ineffective and lost. Flick made two home runs and Kelly one, each of them with nobody on the bases. Kelly's triple In the sixth, however, was good for three runs. Frazer's one handed catch of Farrell's foul In the third was thn sensation. Jones was ordered out of the gamo for protesting. Attendance, 1,100. Score: 1'llII.AUKI.l'IIIA i HllOOKI.Y.V. KII.O.A.K It II. O A.i: Total ..0 n 12 1 Total .. 8 12 27 11 0 Cleveland Chicago . Innings 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 0 0 1 1 2 3 0 0 1-S nllrlioiV Smvtho. 6: Haker. 3 Hits: Off Smi'the. 8: off Haker. 3. Karnea runs: Chicago, 3. Two-oase nns: r ioou Hoy. Wood, McFarland, Hacruien nus Dn.MAii ( rirnlna. Htnlon tinnos: Hoy (2) Wood. Hartman. McFarland. First base on balls: Off Smythe, 2; off Patterson. 2 smirk nut: Hv Smvtho. Dlllard; by inrxnti. (ipnlns. .Tones, rross. Mmyillo. I am sett. Double piny: Flood to anay. mi ny n tched ball; My Hmyine, nuguon. ion nn bases: Clevelnnd, 11, Chicago, 8. 'lime 1:45. I'mplre: Joe Cnntllllon. naffaln Wlilteirnslied Aatnln niTFFAI.O. N. T.. Aug. 2H. Buffalo re reived another coat of whltewnsh from Kansas City today, the score being 8 to o. Patten u tched nne ball anil was well sup ported at nil tlmas. Attendance. 1,000. score; HtJrTAI3. I KANHAS CITY II H.O A V. It Il.O.A.K. (lettman. c f 0 0 1 Hemphill, rf 1 1 0 0 Hart, rf 0 3 llalllcan, If. 0 1 Shre-k, c... 0 1 Carey, lb . 0 1 lllerb'r. 2b ..0 0 Andrews, lh 0 I Tlroder'k, lit 0 Foreman, p. 0 0 Hooker, p... 0 0 1 1 Oi I 0 0 4 0 2 0 0 1 2 1 1 1 0 0 1 9 Total 0 7 27 11 4 Farrell, cf.. t 1 3 0 O'llrlen, If.. 5 4 2 0 Duncan, lb. 1 3 10 0 Cllnc'n, us.. 1 1 1 i Coiiirtilln. 3b 1 2 3 1 Si-hnefor. 2b 0 0 3 4 MrManua, c 0 1 r. 1 Patten, p.... 10 0 3 Totals .. J 13 27 11 Toman, ss .... Halrd. rf McVlcker. cf l.auzon, lb ., O t'onnell, 3b Hoy, If Wilson, o .... l.awler, 21 .... Newmeycr, p Totals 30 Paer. If McCredle. rf Hrashear, 2b Orlllln, rf .. Glasscock, lb Nllcs, 3b Horte, ss ''ole, r McDonald, p TntalH .... Omnha Sioux City 8IOUX CITY. AH. 3 .. 3 .. I .. I .. I .. 3 3 .. 3 .. 29 II. O. A. K 12 3 0 0 110 i) 2 0 II 2 13 2 0 10 3 0 2 2 1 ft 1 r. (I 0 0 13 0 0 12 3 7 27 15 3 ii, o. a. n. ft 2 0 0 12 0 1 0 12 0 111ft 1 11 ft 0 1 0 2 ft ft Ii 3 ft 1 2 2 II 0 0 3 1 R 21 13 2 1 1 2000000 3 Ii 2 I) 0 0 ft 0 0 0 0-2 learned runs: Omaha. ". Two-bnse hltrf: O'Connell, Orlllln. Three base hit Hoy. Huso on balh: Off Newmoyer. 2; off Mr Donald. 4. Struck out: lly Newmeyor, 2; h' McDonald, 2. Double plays: Halrd to Toman; Hoy to l.auzon; l.auzon to New meyor: Hrashenr to Glasscock. Stolon bases: O'Connell, l.auzon, McCreadle Passed ball: Wilson Time: 1.15. I'mptr: Cllnc. Thoma. cf. 0 2 3 1 0 Jone. cf Hlogle. If.... I 2 4 1 I'Hhreck'd. ef 0 Deloh'ty, lb 0 3 10 ft l'Koeler, rf... 1 Iwijolr, 2b... 0 1 0 1 0 Jenn'ga, lb. 1 Flick, rf.... 2 3 1 0 0 Kflley. If.... 3 McFarl'il, o. 0 S 1 1 1 Dahlen, as.. 3 Wolv't'n, 3b 0 0 3 4 0 I... Oosi, Jb. I M. t'nwa, ii 1 t 12 0 Daly, 2b.... 1 Fraier, p.... 3 114 0 Farrell, c... 0 Kltwon, p.... 1 Total .. ( I 34 II 3 - I Total . 10 IS 37 7 2 Philadelphia. 0 0 1 3 0 0 1 1 0-6 Hrooklyn 3 10 13 11 -10 Earned runs: Philadelphia. 3; Hrooklyn, fi. Home runs: Flick (2), Kelly. Three base hit: Kelly. Two-base hit: McFar land. First base on error: Philadelphia. Left on bases: Philadelphia, 11; Hrooklyn, 11. 8truck out: Hy Kltsnn, 2. Sacrifice hits: Thomas, I. Cross. Stolen bases: Single, M. Cross, Jennings, Daly. Uanes on balls: Hy Kltson. 1; by Frazer, 7. Tlmo: 2:15. Umpire: O'Dny, lilltlit Outplay Dimtiin. HOSTON, Aug. 2S.-A double play by Hickman unassisted and Van Haltren's baso running wore the features of the gamo today. 1'mplre Swnrtwood'H decision occnsloned cnnsldorabli' kicking on both sines. Atti'iuiance, i.soo. Hcorc: iiosniN. , .ir.v y)iiK ll.ll.O.A.K.I n.ii. o.a.v: llanilll'n, cf 0 1 3 u u Vanll'n, cf. 1 2 1 fl o 3 II DuvIh, .... 1 I 2 3 (I 0 0 Selhach, If.. 0 0 4 0 0 1 0 Illrkm'n. 3b 1 1 4 3 0 0 0 Smith, rf ... 0 1 4 0 0 1 fl Doyle, lb.... 1 2 1ft 0 0 :. 0 ISI.Mi.on, 2b. 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 (Irady, c 0 1 1 1 1 3 0 llawley, p., 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Total 0 0 Huffnio o ooooonoo-o Kansas City 0 1 2 3 0 0 0 0 ICarned runs; Kansas City, 2. Two-base hit: Dungnn. Three-baso hit: O Brlen Stolen bases: Andrews, Hroderlck, Cough lln 121. Bohnefer. Dungnn. Double plays Cnrey to Hlcrbauer, Hart to Carey, Schreck In Carey In SrhrerW. Sclinefer to Dungnn. First base on balls: Off Foreman, 4: oft Hooker. 1: off Patten. 4. Struck out: Bv Foreman. 2; by Hooker. 5; by Pntten, Time: 1:40. Umpire: Dwyer. - Mlllrrn rinally Win. 7NDIANAPOI.IH. Aur. 2S. - Mugoon'i brace of orrnr In the otisnlna inning of the first game today gave Minneapolis four runs and the came. Handelln lost his ow game In tho second contest by wild throws wiilen gnve tne nomo team a lean Aiinne nnolls could not overcome. Barnes he them in cnecK. wniie nis romrnues roiieu ur runs enough for snfety. Attendance, l.BuO, Scum first game: I.VDIAwVAPOI.IH. , MINNI-UIXIMS It H.O. A K It. H.O. A. E ONNOR GUTS HIS RECORD ipeeily I'nrer tines Severnl I'nst .lilies In What Cheer Stakes at Provlilenee. I'HOVIDKNCK. 11. I.. Aug. M.-The break In the hot wave resulted In almost ilojbllng tno nttendnnce at todays ornnd circuit races. The racing was excellent nnd th time was fast, the average mile being n second fuster than nt lteadvlllc last week. it was n bad day for the talent, ns but one fnvorlto won, Connor, In the 2:10 pace, which wns stepped In tho fastest time for the class on the circuit. Connor won In straight heats, which Is the first race of the weeK to go in tnat order, i onnor stenned tho first mile In 2:0fi'i. Itlley H. driving him out. Tho second heat was in the fnu tlmo of 2:041. which mnde. a new mark for Con nor miry it was n goon erconu. iinrry u chased the favorite home In the final bent In 8:05 ilnt. The winner mnde his mark of 2:05 1-5 nt Headvlllo and his mile today r. 2:0l stamps him as one of the best pacers along thn line. Allen Barnes won the unfinished 2:14 trot. carried over from Monday, by taking two straight honta. same nook, the fnvorite. won the first heat in the 2:2:. nace. hut a bad break ills tnncod tin; mare In the third. F.vnlute, nn oiiisiiier, won in one, two, inree oruer. Annie M urns, n winner at upmivmr. mat week, wns considered a good thing by the talent, but she wont tin nnd rnlilil not tin nrougui insiiio or the nag. Koicnnm s .lus ter .Miunleinav won the retnaltiliiB Uniia. which Is the first race tho bay has won uii season. Hesu ts: 2:11 trot, throe lends In five, nurse ll.OCO irnmpieteu): Allro Harnes. Ii. m.. hv F.leotlon (Nob oi 1 11 I 1 iNeii t.wynne. g. m., by Alcyron 9 S 2 2 3 h 1 10 9 .1 9 S fi dr 11 7 S dr 3 dr .. 7 ..10 s 3 10 1 1 n q i fi 7 8 ds (Hnthhuni Nigger .Inrk, hlk g. (Arthur)... Iris O. b. m. (McCnllal Grade Onward, ch. m. (Mncey) i.asso, li. g. (tieersi Palm Leaf. b. g. (McCarthy)... Minuet, ch. in. (Pearse) King Warlock, ch. g. to Nell).. Hlnndle. ch. g .(Foote) Alknlon. blk. g. (Dore) Lamp Girl, b. m. (Winnings). ... ' me: 2.n. 2:ll'i. 2:i2U. linger Williams' 2:2S nace. three honts In live, i,iji: Hvolnte, br. m., by Nominee (Co burn) liana, g. m. (Young) l.ndy Alright, ch. in. (Wilson! .. Mt. Clemens Hoy, ro. g. (Mat I hews) 3 If. Fllnn. b. a-. (Arthur) 7 Orln H. b. g. (Hudson) 9 Argo Director, blk. m. (Thomnsi. B iientlty spot, b. m. (ShocKensy).. R Hod Shodd. b. c. (Ilonnhton) 10 S.illlu Hood. b. m. (McDonnldi... 1 Tommy W. ch. g. (F.rnst) ds nines s:iii. 'i-.viVi. itn, nvi'k. unoiie s and L':si five. 12.01 "1: Mister Aiiiidiemnj'. n. g ny Marsh Murdock (Ketcham) 2 Leonard Hell, br. g., hy Election Hell (Wnlker) 1 Kbbett, g. m. (Winnings) 3 Ivaluwnlbn, b. g. (Young) 4 Hello Curry, ch. m. (Mnrsh) ! ,tui in iiurns, g. m. (Wiisnu) u.i l'eiiplna, blk. m. (Strnlns) ds Time: 2:l!'.i, 2:13V.. 2-.15H. 2:17U Whut Cheer 2:10 pace, three heats In five, 12.000: Connor, blk. g.. by C. F. Clay (Mc Donald) 1 Hlley H. blk. h. (Krvln) 2 Hnrrv O. br. g. (Hogash) r. Will I.evburn, blk. g. (Carpenter) 3 Island Wilkes Junior, br. h. (Pickle).. C Jnhnnlo Agan, b. g. (Miller) 4 Sphinx, ch. g. (Spear) 7 7 fi Time: 2:0Mi, 2:04, 2:0T. WILD PIRATE WINS BY INCH trot, three heats In the all-age stake for nil dogs that haw ,iever won first prize in a. neiii tri ii i -v iiiea in escn evont nrn nuu.u mi ogs entered In the cnt-sM at w rth iggregatc of fully llfvoi thirti prominent dog owners from various sc Hons of the country nro here to wltn ss the contests. (letnwny liny nt l'lr tlrounils. ST. I.OflS. Mo.. Aug. JV-Not a favorite wns successful at the fair grounds, i morrow Is get-nway day. Trm-k gouu Summnrles: First race, sel nc. six furlongs: .Monnn. 107 (Dale), fi to 1. won; Whisper Low. 1 7 (Watson). 7 to 1 nnd !i to 2. second , Syl vian, 10ft (Domlnlck). I to 1, third Time- lilB. silky, moss Hose, iraucn. .mouihiiiii Dew. Delsarte. Hciilurn II. Bessie ICwlng and Profit nlso ran. Second race, maiden 2-venr-olds. live tur- longs: Kate Freeman, 110 t Domlnlck), 4 t - 1. won; Deloralne, 110 (J. Mathews), fi to 1 and 2 to 1, second: linna mta. u) iraiia- neyi, 6 to l, mini rime: i .i-s 11.11..1 Bright. Olenbow. Blackford. Man ia D-nt. Miss Pratt, The Thrush, Vacate Ha:m burg nhd Henry Clnrk nlso tan. Third race, selling, six furlongs: Percy 11. Ill (J. MathewO, 12 to 1, won; Innuendo, 109 (Dnle). 8 to 1 und 3 to 1. second; Han- dnzzo, 112 (Ollmore), I to I. third Tlm: l.lfi'4. Henry of Franstntnnr. Mandora. .nnotte, Ull linnu. .miss i.nrciia imp Loiterer nnd Amelia Strathmore nlso ran Fourth race, selling, one mile and sev enty yards; Glen Lake, 93 (Dale), s to 5 won; Lndns, 101 (Cochrnn), 20 to 1 and r, to 1, second; Laureate, 111 (Crowhursti. 7 to B. third. Time: 1:4S, Orris nnd Fugenta S nlo ran. ..... Fifth race, selling, one mile- Seething. 101 (Dnle), 13 to 5, won; Jullctta H, W5 Dom lnlck) 2 to I nnd 9 to 10, eoond. Plraibn' lftrt (I'rost). 5 to 1. third Time: 1'45V Miss Theresa, LIU Sparks and Pirates Daugh ter nlso ran. . .... Sixth race, selling, slv nnd n half fur longs: F.lght Hells. 101 (Dalei r. to 1. w-m, Chorus Boy, 111 (.1. Mathews). 20 to I nnd R to 1, second; Henhntn, 105 iKalleliyi. fi t 1. third. Time- 1:22U. Lamascnttn. Grantor, Brlghtnlght nnd Ned Wlckes nlao ran Varicocele Cured To Stay Cured i llulr-llnlsltiK, llrnrt-llrenklntr Finish llrtwren Three Grent Colts In Cumpetltlnn Stnke. III1S MOIXKH CLAWS I l IM'KIII.II, Prolillil t loiilsta Ciillnr Tito (imue nml 4'llirli Seronil I'larr, DR8 MOINKS. In., Aug. 2S.-(Speclal Tele gram ) Des Moines still keeps up Its win ning gait In lidding two victories today In a doiible-hoailer p'ayed with Pueblo. The visitors outplayed the locals In both games, but Ues Molncs' fielding and base running won. Attendance. I.OftO. Score first game: DK3 MOINRS. AH. H II. O A. i: Thiol, If 3 2 0 r, 0 0 Ball, ss fi 0 1 2 I II Nagle, cf 5 I 13 0 0 llebsanieu, lb fi II 2 11 1 1 lllnes, 2b 2 2 ft 3 1 0 Hratu. 3b 4 t 1 I t 1 Selsler, rf 3 0 1 1 1 n Loman. i a I) 2 110 McFarland, p f 0 o o r. 0 Totals 3S fi S 30 H 2 PUKIU.O. AH. It. II, O. A. 15. Mcllale. 2b 5 2 3 2 2 0 Haymer. ss I 2 2 2 4 o P.irrott. rf 5 1 '-' o ft 1 Clossun, e 4 0 1 3 0 1 D.ilrymple, lb I o I 11 0 1 Lnlly. cf I 0 2 2 0 I Moran, If 3 o 0 5 n i) Kelly, 3b 4 0 0 1 2 0 Johnson, p I 0 0 I o Totals 37 1 ii 27 12 Dos Molncs 0 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 0 1-6 Pueblo 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 "i Two-base hlls: Brain. Mcllale Stolen ltis Kind You Havs niAars mzi Itetrt tk. A m WM " ftln B tk. v. ,ht Kind You Hart Always Bnn th. v. tWHawAlMg Ixmg, . Blalil, rf Ciillln. It... Duffy. If ... Tenney, 11.. Iow e. 2h ... .4iilIUn, c. Dlnen. p... Preetnaii .. I'lark Ilairv 0 1 1 1 II 1 I 1 0 0 s r. 0 0 1 1 0 3 I) O I ooo 0 i) 0 0 0 0 i t J7 Total 4 7 27 1 0 Batted for Sullivan In ninth Batted for Dlneeu In ninth. Ban for Clurk. Boston 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 0-4 New York 0 1 o o 0 u o 2 F.arned runs: Boston. 1: New York. 4. Two-base hits: Van llaltrru. Duffy. Home runs: wnvis, woyie. Minion nasp: linmii- ton (2). Van llaltreu V.I. Stulil (2), Col Ins, Gleason. Double iiIiins: Hickman (unna- slsted). Davis to Doyle, Collins to Lowe to Tenney. Sacrifice hit: Dlneen. Base on balls: un Uliiii'ii, i; on uawiey, 4. nil by pitcher: Co'llns, Clnrk Struck ojt: By Dlneen. 2; by llawley, 1. Time: l:ir.. l.'m plro: Swart wood. Tumble Count", nt ('IiIchho. CHICAGO. Aug. 2S McCarthy sllnnod nnd fell lint In going for Hcldrlck's fly In tho rourill. Turning an easy oiu inio a three-bagger. F.rrors and two bnTsmen hit gave SI. Louis two more runs. The vlsl turn" only error. Young's lone gift, and two singles gave Chicago two In the ninth. At tendance, i.i). ncorc; CHICAGO , ST IOI'IS It Il.O.A.K 11 II O A K McCart'y, If 0 0 3 1 0 MrllMw, 3ti 0 1 1 10 ChlliU. !b... 0 3 3 3 1 llurkftt. If.. 0 0 1 0 0 Mrrtr, cf... 10 11 0 Heldrlck, rf. 1 ! 1 0 0 Orpen. rf ... 1 0 1 0 1 Donovan, rf I 1 2 0 0 (luniel, lb... 0 1 13 0 0 Wallare, . 0 1 4 4 0 Dexter, i- ... 0 0 3 4 I Holster. 2b. 0 116 1 Urailley, 3b. 0 : 0 10 MrOann. lb. 1 1 10 1 o MeCor'k. . 0 I 3 .1 ocrlger. r ...0 2 J 1 (Irlillth. p... 0 0 0 2 0 Young, p....O 0 0 I 0 lUrtifl, If . 0 Msaonn, 2b. 0 fleler, .. 0 Kelly, lb.... 0 Ilotr'ver. rf 1 8-lilil, cf. 0 rcmr, c .. 0 Hick)'. 3b.. 0 MllllKun, p.. 0 I 4 OilUrvey, cf. 1 2 0 3 12 Ltlly, If 1 2 I 1 0 OlWIImot, rf.. 1 1 9 1 0 Werden, lb. 0 0 1 0 0, Nance, 3b... 1 0 2 0 0 Kmtth. a.... 0 3 3 1 0 Nichols, 2b.. 0 0 3 4 2 Fisher, c... 0 0 1 1 Khret, p 0 Total ..1 6 27 10 tl Total" ..4 7 37 10 1 Indianapolis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1 Minneapolis I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-4 Bases on balls: Off Mllllgan, 2; off F.hret, 1. Struck out: By Mllllgn. 3; by Khrot. I. Two-base hit: Powers. Double piny: Ma- goon to Kelly. Stolen base; amitll. l.eii nn bases'. Indlnuapnlls. 7; Mlnnenpolls, .. Time: 1:35, I'mplrn: Mannassnu. Score second game. Attendance. 1,000. 1NDIANAI-OLIR. . MINNBAI'OIJ.-J. H H.O.A.H.I H.H.O.A.E Iliirtifl, If.. 0 0 3 0 0 Hurley, cf.. 112 0 0 Mairoon. !b. 0 1 i 3 Iilly, If.... 0 2 0 0 0 Oelrr, 0 1 3 t 0 Wllmot, rf.. 0 2 3 0 0 Klly, lb.... 119 1 1 Wonlen, lb.. 0 0 s 0 0 Iloer'ver, rf Z I l 1 0 Nance, 3b... 0 1 o r, 1 .TeyboM, cf . 2 2 3 0 0 Smith, .... 0 0 4 2 0 Powers, c... 1 i Z 1 0 Nichols, 2b. fl 2 2 3 2 lllrkey, 3b.. I 0 1 3 0 Fllier, c . 1 0 fi i 1 name", p... 0 3 1 1 0 llamlelln, p. 0 I 0 1 2 Total .7 1127 14 1 Totnls ..2 10 2114 fi Inillnnapolls 0 1 0 4 0 2 0 0 -7 Minneapolis 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0-2 Bases on balls: Hy Bnrncn, 1: by Hande lln, 3. Struck out: Hy Handelln, 3. Two base hits: Handelln, Wllmot (2). Sacrifice hits: Seybold, Hnrtsel. Handelln. Stolen Ikihos: Oder, Illckey. Left on bases; In dianapolis. 7' Mlnnenpolls, 8. Time: 1:40. 1'mplre: Mnnnassuu. Detroit Liisen un ICrror. DHTHOIT, Aug. 28. The miserable sup port given Slever this afternoon lost the game for Detroit. The young southpaw pitched good ball and kept the hits well scattered, but his support was poor enough to lose two games, Attendance, 400. Score DKTHOIT I MlLWAI'Kin: It H.O A K I It.lI.O A.i: ! to 1. third. Time: 1:194. Senator Jop. " n ',T1ii ""if , ? . Im"11'" ,Yn' red linker. William Boyer. Nellie Forest, i cheered to the echo for their effort. First cmark, Iccnl and Burnett s Walkaway ! "'Bht s scorn of the six-day race: CHICAGO. Aug. 2S. Only three 2-yenr-olds started In the Competition stakes nt Hawthorne this uftcrnoou,. but It proved to be one of the most sensational finishes ever scon between a trio of colts. Pnsiard led Into thn stretch by two lengths, Wild Pirate three lengths behind. The latter made up the distance and won out by nn Inch, Bon nie I.lsnk being with the leader. John A. Morris won tho second raco nt the prohib itive odd of 9 to 20. Good odds were laid on nil the others In the race, F.llendnle nnd Alleen Wilson being 200 to 1. Summnrles: First race, six furlongs: Audle. 105 (VII tntoe). 8 to 6. won: The Klk. 10S (Wlnkfleld). 2 to 1, second; Proposal. ICG (Buchanan) 1 Remark nlso rnn Second race, six furlongs: John A MorrN, 112 (Wlnklleld), 9 to 20, won: Handpress, 101 (Tally), 4 to 1, second; Noblrman. 104 (Huchnnnn), 4 to 1. third. Time: 1:17',. Tho Hlector. Kllen Dale. Hnrry Duke, Lo mond nnd Alleen Wilson nlso rnn. Third race, one mile, selling: Prestor. 102 (Buehnnnn). 2 to 1, won: Jim W. 105 (Wlnk lleld). 4 to 1, second; Sam Lnznnw, esq., 100 (Fitch), 8 to 1, third. Time: 1:471. Our Friend, Cant Dance, Qununnh Parker, Kln steln, Kerroll and Locust Blossom nlso rnn. Fourth race. Comnetltlon stakes, six fur longs: Wild Plrnto. 110 (Wlnklleld). 9 to 10. won; Bonnie Llssnk, 10T, (Uuchannn). 2 to 1, second; Possard, 101 (Vlttatoe), 3 to 1. third. Time: 1:19. No other starters. Fifth race, one mllp. hnndlcnn: Mnsrnlo Davis. 99 (J. Waldo). 8 to 1. won: Brigade. 114 (Vlttatoe), 6 to 5, second; The Ladv In Blue, 101 (Dew). 3 to 1, third. Time: 1:48 Ohnet finished first, but was disqualified ior inunng. ainiinrnjnn nisn rnn. Sixth race, one mile nnd a quarter, sell ing: Scales. 9S (Buehnnnn). G to 5. won: Our Nellie. 109 (Wlnklleld). 3 to 1, second; iTinco mazes, iw iiiraiiinni). to l tniru. rime: 2:14. Foxbnnl finished first, dlsniinl. iflod for foul, Hub Prather nnd Jnck Tell ing also rnn. TAKE EVERYTHING IN SIGHT NEW STAR ON THE TRACK Chnrles Potter lllds I'nlr tii Himi Old Timers Whnt n Wheel Hnee Looks Lille. What promises to be a repetition of the slx-dav nmatour bicycle rare hold In the old Coliseum live years ago. when oung Hnrry Kdghlll. the Western Ciilon messen ger bov, created such a furor by his splon dld riding, Is on nt the new Midway rrle trnck. It Is a onr and one-half hour per night race nnd was started last evening This time the fnvnrltn Is not a messenger boy, but a lad barely pnssed 111. who rode his first raco last Sunday, but who List evening held Ills own with not only Omaha's best amateur riders, but Willi Stevenson, the Detroit crack rider as well, despite the fart that the entire bunch were training against him, Jockeying nnd in every way trying to put him lut of the race. Ills name Is Clin lies Potter nnd he Is n brother of the well known professional rider. Bert Potter, who la the earlier days of cycle raring In Omaha was always t. the front In paces. Young Potter, although not only young in years, but track expe rience as well, rides like a veteran and last night made nil effort to give a lap which was frustratid only by team work on the parts of the other riders Had II not been for this he would hnve easll had a lap more to his credit limn the bal ance of the riders. As It was 1m gained over half of It and mado the old timers ride like mad to catch up with him Hen though the youngster wus practically alone In the race, eoryoue In the stands was In sympathy with hltn and whenever he mnde nn effort to guln he received abund ance of encoiirag6mcnt from his partisans In the crowd. There wore eight starters In the rnce and they were sent awny at fj:.",0 promptly, nfler having received Instructions nml caution ing by the veteran, "Dad'' Gleezrn, who Is acting In the capacity of referee. At the crack of the pistol the riders were nway like a Hash, uittlug out a 2:10 rllp lor the first mile. An accident occurred shortly after the start. In which Dave Shultz and V. K. Swedeburg wcie both thrown heavily to the track. Both remounted and as Hct- eree Gleezen ruled that In case of a fall the riders would be scored equal to the others, they lost nothing bv the tumble. Young Potter was thn next to spill and while the blame ior the accident could not be placed, the crowd commenced to gel nngry, ns It wns evident thu other riders were "tenmlng" against the lad. After taking five tumbles within the first fort minutes, V. 1-5. Swedeburg withdrew from tho race. Ho was followed shortly by J. K. Bouge, who wns ridden to death before twenty miles had been tranverseil. This leaves six rldern In the race, who were all on equal footing nt the finish last ulglil. The management offered three special prizes one lor the rider who was In the lead nt the end of tho first half hour and one each for the two succeeding half hours. W. 11. Stevenson, the Detroit boy, suc ceeded In capturing all three, but not, how ever, without a hard ride. As a special event, after the slx-dav race, the management put on u two-mile motor cycle exhibition. N. H. Hutz of New Haven, Conn., and W. A. Plxley of Omaha manned the big mnehtne nml succeeded In covering the two miles in 3:27, a l:43s gait. The ride Dr. Tolson, Specialist in DlHense.n of .Men, of the State KIcctro.McitlCitl Institute, lltot. Fariiiim Strcot. Oniuhn, Neb. Guarantees You Honest, Faithful and Successful Treatment. Whatever Ma; Be the Cause The Injurious effect of Varicocele Is rilsistrous It dtpresse th Mind, Weakens the bodv. WrecVs the Nervous Systtm and Ulti mately leads to a complete Lots of Power. If !oo Arc a Victim Come to our office and let us explain to you our latest up-t-dat Method of Treatment You will then not wonder why we havs positively cured more than 704 casas during the past twelve months. Under Our Electro-Medical Treatment M Thn patient Improves from the very beginning -all rain Instantly ceses -soreness nnd swelling quickly subside, the pools of stag nant blood aro forced from the diluted veins, which raplily as sume their normal size strength nnd fcoundness. All Indications of disease nnd weakness vanish completely and In their itead come tho power and the pleasure of PERFECT HEALTH AND RESTORED MANHOOD, Wc nlso ctire to stay cured Stricture, Syphilitic Mood Poison, Nervous Debility, Rupture, Kidney nnd Urlnmry Discuses nnd all allied and associate disenscs of men. STATE ELECTRO-MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 Fariiam St., Oiimlut, Neb. pnMCIII TATIflU ' ,,crson CDCC Office Hours 8 to 8. UUI10ULI HI 1UI1 v... i ull Kl Sundays 10 to 2. Totals Chlcngo rit. Louis Loft on bnses Three-base hit: J 7 27 17 J Totals .. S 9 17 14 1 0 0 0 0 0 fl 0 0 2-2 0 fl 0 1 0 0 0 1 1-3 Chicago, 4; St. Louis. 4. Heldr ck. Snerlllee hit: Hurkett. Stolen bases: Chllds, Hradley (2), Medium. Struck out: Hy Crimth, 2; by Young, 5. Hascs on balls: Off Young, 1. lilt with ball: Metlraw, McUann. Time: 2:00. 1'mplre: Kmsllc. Hrooklyn ... Pittsburg ... Philadelphia Hoslon Cincinnati .. Chicago St. Louis ... New York . MmiilliiK at the Played. r, 102 90 !)'! 101 mi Kl !S 'on. Lost. P.C. fill .1" .619 M 47 .W3 VI 49 .Ml 4A .415 50 fit ,49i 11 M .4SJ fi 53 . Id 39 K) .39S (irnml Inlands llefriHs Superior, ISHANH ISLAND, Neb. Mis 2.-Speela Telegram, I Superior was defeited by Cirand Island loda). Ornnd Island's pitcher having the better of It and Su perior's error being somewhat more ex pensive. Grand UUnd cinched th gun D 4 o Ketcluni. cf 0 1 4 0 0 3 ft 0 WnlJron, rf 1 0 0 o 0 7 i 1 Hullman, If. 1 1 7 0 0 3 i 3 AmlnrVn. lb 1 o 7 0 0 t 0 0 Pultz, tt).... 2 13 3 1 ; o 0 Conroy, ss.. o o 3 o o COO Ilurke, 3I... 01100 6 3 0 fimltll, r 12 2 10 :. n n It'iiiy, p.... o o o : o 0 0 2 1 . Totula ..4 27 8 1 1 II o oo m i n 2 0 0 0 1 l 0 0 l 0-0 Detroit, 1; Milwaukee. 1. Smith. McAllister, Ryan. Casey. Sacrifice hits: Iteldy, Smith. Conroy. Stolen bnses: Me- Alllster. Jones, ltynn, Pultz. Ilurke Smith l'lrst base on balls: Off Slever, 1: off Keldy. 1. Balk: Slever. Klrst base on errors: Detroit. 1: Milwaukee. 2. Loft on bnses: Detroit, 7; Milwaukee, 6. Struck out: Hy Slaver, 2; by Keldy, 1. Double play: l;lber fold to McAllister. Time: 1:45. SlMiullnnr of the Tennis, Played. Won. Lost Casey, Sb... 1 1 Holmet, rf.. 1 o MrA'r, ll-:ii 0 3 niberfelJ. si ft 0 Nl-ol, cf.... 0 0 KrlnU, i'f.... 0 0 Joneii, If ... ft 1 Ityan, :iMb. o 3 Rlun. c ft I Hlover, p .. 0 Total Detroit Milwaukee Karned runs: Two-base hits: Three-base lilt Chicago . ... Indianapolis Mllwnukee . Kansas City Detroit Cleveland ... HufTalo Minneapolis 103 Ill , 115 115 , llti , 113 117 US K7 in 63 M 58 53 52 41 42 50 52 57 58 M P.C .616 .543 .51V .5)1 ,50J .469 .411 .377 Purse (iocs tn Yutnn. WAHOO. Neb., Aug. 28. (Speclil Tele- gram.) valley and vuinn piayeu a notiy contest?!! unine nt tho nark In this cltv today for a stnke of 50. The score wns 4 to 5 In favor of Yutnn. An excursion was run from Waterloo anil nenrlv 1.000 neonlo wit ucsaed the game. Tho Vnlley nine was largely made up from outside and Wahoo players were conspicuously manifest In tho Yutau team, lilts: Yutnn. 3: Vnlley. S. Krrors: Yutnn 5: Valley, 3. Struck out: Hy Adams, 7; bv Kids, 6. Stolen bases' Yutau, 7; Valley. 3. Hatterles: Yutau, jonnsnn nnu Adams; Valley. Kids brothers. 1'mplre: Cook. liiinie nt lleliron Toiiritiiinrnt. HKIHION. Neb,, Aug, 2$. -(Special Tile emm 1. The Imso hall tournament nnxiioi. this afternoon with a good at tend a nee. Tho opening name was betweon Humboldt nnd Hebron, the score being: Humboldt, 3; He- Charles L. Potter XV. II. Stevenson V. XV. Sheelor It. G. Bennett Dave Shultz Silas Stotzman J. K. Ilugue V. K. Swedeburg Tho rnce will continue each evening for the bnlnnce of the week and finish Sun day ufteruoon. The winners will receive prizes or me iouowmk values: First, jiri, second, $1K); third, $i5; fourth. J50; fifth, J25. Miles. Laps. .11 31 HI 34 31 31 19 Hi Kuvorltes Snccp the Hoard of IIIkU- Innil Park, Cnliurii Hiding I'o ii r Winners. DKTIIOIT. Mich.. Aug. 2i Fnvorltes swept the card nt Highland park today. Coburn got four of his mounts In first out of four chances, and one of them, Mllltnnt, established n now trnck record at live fur longs for 2-yenr-olds. wenther clear, track fast. Summary: First rnce, six furloncs: Kmll Zoln. 101 (Coburn), 8 to 5, won; Wllkerson, SS (Pos. lei). 6 to 1, second; Dr. J. W. Rnmsey, 107 (Howell), 20 to 1, third. Time: 1:15V.. May Hoyd, Prince of Hong. In the Push, Lu cnyne. Tamnrln. Linden, Klla, John II. Dnerr. Ir., nnd Dominie also ran. Second rnce, five furlongs: Marcy. 97 (Co bum). 2 to 1, won; Hill Massle. 102 (Howell). 5 to 1, second; Helucent, 100 (Henson), 5 to 2, third. Time: 1.024. Hubunta and Miss Krlngle nlso ran. Third rnce, six furlong-: Zazone, 102 (L Thompson). 2 to 5, won; Cherry Hend, h) (A. Weber), 5 to 2, second; Orontas, PS (J. Daly). 15 to 1, third Time: 1:14. Doublet nlso ran. Fourth race, live furlongs; Mllltnnt, 107 (Coburn). 4 to 5, won; Terminus. 100 (C. Wilson), fi to 5. second; Lvror Bell. 55 (L. Thompson), 6 to 1. third. Time: 1:00;. Fifth rnce, six nnd n hnlt furlongs: fiakn tuk, 102 (Coburn, 3 to 2, won; Winepress, 107 (Landry), 13 to 5, second; Innovator, 110 (C Wilson). 1 to 1. third. Time: 1.21. Annie Lauretta, Tom Klngsley, Spauldy II nnd Nancy Till also ran. Sixth race, six furlongs, selling; Deist. 92 (Wlmberly). to 5, won: Crinkle. 102 llfowell). 5 to 1, second; Old Fox. 104 (Lnn drvl. R to 5. third. Time: 1:15. Hev Miss Fonsnlnnd, Mnrch Pnst nnd Grandeur also run. Trillin for Hunting Diiks. SIOl'X FALLS, 8. D.. Aug. 2S.-(Rpeclnl.) -Today commenced tho great Held day trials of hunting dogs from throughout the northwest, and the oastern states ns well, nn a course near this cltv. The ground upon which the trlnls ure being conducted Is located about slv miles west of Sioux Falls and Is probably as good a course for tho trials ns could be found In the northwest. For a month past mop huve constnntly patrolled 't nnd hnve kept ponchcrs nwny from the gnme The grounds nro three by six miles In lilzo nnd are well tilled with pralrlo chickens. Todaj (he dogs were taken to the Held nnfl employed In finding the chickens and pointing them. Thn dogs of less Intelligence nnd accuracy nf action will be weeded out and tomorrow only those ot proved skill will bo tried. On Thursday the trials will br llnnl nn.1 on that day only the best dogs entered will bo run. There are about sixty setters Mid pointers entered tn the contests, nnd among them nre some of the best-blooded and best-trnlned hunting dogs In the l'nlted States. They come from various stntes. Thomas Johnson of Winnipeg Is ncllnir as ludse. nnd on his declrlnns will rest the purses nnd rating. There will be two big trlnls, that for dogs hern since January 1 lWi. which is eal ort the derhv and is a sweepstakes, nnd the other tor AT WOMEN'S GOLF TOURNEY (rent (intlierlng; of Kiportn .Meet un the Sliliineenck Hills 4 I n Ii'm Link. SOl'TIIAMPTON.N-Y.. Aug. 2S.-Th.-ro was a creat uathcrlnir of exnert women golfers nt the links of the Shlnnecock Hills Golf club today, where tho qualifying round was piayeu oi me women s mm annual championship under the auspices i.t the I' n I ted States Golf association. Miss Be atrix Hoyt, who hns won tho gold medal each year, beginning with is:w, for the best score in the qualifying round, again lie- comnllshed this honor. She won both th medal and the chnmplonship lu lMiti, 18U7 ami iy.ii, nut nrier winning the medal last year, she was beaten out In the llrst round at match play by Mrs. Caleb Fox. who by mo way, nan iiuniinou tins your, and If they should both win their matches to morrow they will meet each other iiL'iiln on Thurrday In tho second round of the match piny. The rnci oi miss llnyt winning the goiu meuni is ny no means n guarnntei that she will win out nt match nlav. Ac cording to the luck of the draw there ere somii very good matches In store for to morrow, ns Miss Grlscom plays Mrs. Mann; .miss uniiernui meets .miss lingers; Mla Hoyt meets Miss P.irrlsh, who Is no mean opponent; .Mrs. i-ox meets .miss Living' ston, und Miss Ilccker meets Miss Wick. num. The nummary or thn day s play fol lows: Miss Beatrix Hoyt, Shlnnecock: Out S 5 1 4 5 5 ."i 6 719 In 5 I 4 C C fl 4 5 5-45- 91 .miss Francis u. Grlscom, .Merlon crlcke; Out 4 5 5 I 3 fi 6 7 S 47 III 5 5 I ii ii 7 li 5 519 9 Miss Mnrgnret Curl Is, Kssex count v: Out ll 7 5 7 I 5 5 fi 7-52 In fi 4 5 5 7 fi 5 I fl 19101 Miss r . i;. icKhnm. Shlnnecnek: Out 7 7 r 5 5 7 5 7 651 In fi 5 5 7 7 5 5 4-5O-10I miss j'. l . rnrrisn, sninnecnck: Out 0 5 4 fi 5 7 8 6 8-.". In 8 7 5 fl 5 5 fi 5 4-51-lOt! Miss Caroline Livingston, West nrook: Out 9 7 5 l! 5 II fi 755 In 7 5 I 7 ii fl 1-51 10t; .miss (ienevieve necKer, Wolmrn: Out fi 5 5 5 7 fi i; 6 3-51 lh 7 fl I fi 5 7 fi fi fi 52100 Mrs. Touimin, .Morion urieket: 6 .1 4 5 I fi r, fi F IS 9 fi fi fi 8 li fi 7 i;,-,ji07 N. 1. lingers. Hillside, tennis J Ml Out In .. Mrs goir: out In r,-r,( 5-51- 104 757 fi 19-50S 9-57 1-52-10.1 fi 7 5 fi 3 7 fi 9 7 7 5 6 5 7 8 I Miss Hunlce Terry, Ardfcicv: Out 6 5 fi 1, i fi II In 7 5 3 5 7 fi 7 5 Mrs. Edward Mnyo. Plttslleld: Out K K 5 I! 4 fi fi 5 In fi 8 fl 7 7 fi 4 I Mrs. Caleb F. Fox, Huntington Valley: Out fi fl I 5 7 fi fi fi In fi 7 I 7 7 7 fl I r 51 109 Mrs. A. Dowett coelirnns. Ardsley: Out fi fi fi 5 fi (1 8 ! In 5 8 5 fl 7 fi I 5-52-IOD Miss Harriet ( urtl. Kssex county: Out 5 5 fi 5 fi 8 9 fi 8-.H In fi 5 8 6 7 5 5 Miss Huth I'ndorhlll, Nassau club: Out A f, I fi 5 9 fi fi lu 9 7 4 fl fi ii 8 4 Miss Graco Keys, Concord: Out 7 fi fi 5 5 5 fl fi 851 In fi 9 5 I! 7 7 6 fi IV--57 III The drawings for the llrst champlonshli round tomorrow morning are: Miss F. 13 Wlekhum and Miss (Ienevieve Heokei . Mis Kunlce Terry and Miss 11 S Curtis Mrs N Pond eton Hogers and Al s till h I n derhlll Mrs Kdward A Manln ami Miss Frances c tiliseom .Miss ncntrlx II in nnd Miss C H P.irrlsh Mrs Caleb f Fox and Miss Caroline I.IMngtton, Ml:s Mar -52-110 country n r,r, 4-51-110 The Fpf-ti m - - .iCn y many The brand of cigars over which the most noise is made is not always the best -it seldom is; that's why nil the noise is made to even matters, RICHARD COBDEN 5 Cent Cigar is called to the attention of smokers in a quiet, dignified way, and strictly on its merits as a cigar. It has always been a successful product. You can get your money's worth only by smoking: a RICHARD COBDEN none other will do. Ask for it wherever cigars are sold. PAXTON A GALLAGHER CO., Distributors, Omaha. JOHN (i. HOOT, Muker. garet Curtis nnd Mrs. A Dewett Coch rane; .Mrs. ii. Tolmlli nnd Miss Grace Keys HAD THAT SICK FELLING .lot- 4'hoynnkl linn Smlileii Attack nf Momiii'li Trouble mill Deelnrea (Iff .Mat eh nnIIIi MiiIi.-c NKW YORK. AugT2s!-The heavyweight tight between Peter Mnher and Joe choyn skl. which was to have taken place at the Broadway Athletic club tonight, had to be declared olT on uccount of Choynskl'H slfknos". Choyriskl. who has been training on Staten Island for suinn time, eame up to the city this evening and went to his room In the, Colonnade hotel, next door lo the club house. About 7 o clock he had an .it lack of stomach trouble and a physlcia.i was hurriedly summoned. The doctor, af'er examining Choynskl, snld that he was totally unlit to take part In iinv ring con test. As soon ns Manager Michael Padden of the Broadway Athletic club henid of this he Immediately declared the bout off and refunded the money lo the few spor tators who had nlrendy paid for admls-ilcm Choynskl Is not seriously .itlllcled, but It will be Impossible for him to meet Muher before the expiration of ihc Hurt. m law, whleh nllows boxing In this stale Iimnii llli'veii (Joes In Training;, IOWA CITY, la , Aug. 28.-(Speclnl i To morrow Iowa's foot hall Benson for 190) be gins. Iowa, last year won an onvlable place In the ranks of the Inrge college teiyns oi the country. ThlH position lo which Iown attained last year wnH lu a measute duo to tho preliminary training which the team underwent before the university opened. It Nvas an experiment, lint all know whnt the extra work accomplished. Most ot last year'H players will be biu k Grllllth icaplatn), Morion. Ilobbs. Ilrock wuy, Baker, Little, Kby und Williams, and plenty of new, excellent material Is mi hunt! to try for u place on the team Tim boys will go into camp nt Llnder's. located on tho river a few miles from the city There running nnd tnrkllng and general hard work will lie the program until s. hoot begins. Illu CriMNil Sees Des Moines Hneea. 1I3S MOINKS, Aug. 2.-Flftoon thousand people saw tho state fair laces today. Sum mary : 2:11 pace, Wfl: Medron won first, third and fourth heats and race. Time: 2:11. 2.I0H, 'l:Wrt. Kthan II won second heat. Tim.-: 2:I5U. Dr. Pettltt won fourth heat. Ttim 2:1SU. Silent King and .leskn also started 2 '40 trolling. W: Breeslaud won in straight heats. Time 2:2.1. I'll, 2 25'. .Maude Mure, second; Symbol, third. Hollo .1 ltadlatiis. Kvu, Drlftnn and Pridctt.t also Blurted. $5 A MONTH Dr-IYIcGrew ((Mice Over 'J IT. S. Mill M. (llr. O.M5 OI' Mcliri'NV III line ftO.) TIM3 MOST SI ( ( I5HSrt!L SPECIALISTS In lln- treiilmeiil of nil fonim of IIM5l!i 1MI IHSOItmiltK OF .Mill ()M., -.' enrs i.iiTleiioe, II years III OiiiiiIiu. WADIPnnCI C cured quickly nnd pcrma V AnlbUuLLL nentlN The most natural nnd scientific treatment that has yet been discovered. IT NOW ItKQI'IHKH compara tively Hl'T A FKW HAYS lo euro Vailco cele, without .cutting, jmlu or loss of time. CIIAHOKS LOW. QVpilll IP In all stages nnd condition cur 01 rillLlO cd, and every traeo of tho dis ease Is thoroughly eliminated from thn blond. All appearances of thn disease quick ly disappear. No "HHI3AKING OUT" of the disease on the skin or face. A cum Hint Is permanent for llfo. UC AlfMu'V.?. f young nnd middle ngod II CH Ml LOO men Loss of Vigor and Vi tality from Kxcesses or Knrly VIoch, Night Losses, Still line. Hydrocele, Ulsoases of the Bladder and Kidneys, Nervous Debility, Gonorrhea, Gleet. CURES CUARARTEED CHARGES LOW Kloctrlclty and Ticatincnt com bined. Treatment by mail Fieo Consultation. Free Kxamlnatlon Hours 8 a 111. to 6 p m . 7 tn S p. in. Sun days. 9 to 12 P i Box "IK. Office over 215 S I Kit Stt . between F.truum and Doug las Stt , Omaha. Neb WANTKD- lllds for nil concessions on grounds of Fremont DrUlng park. Frmnuni Neb during rato meeting Carnival weok September 12, IS and 11. 1M0 Addrei,B BRUCE E, SMITH, Set. MEN NO CURE, ' NO PAY If rnn hum mull, wrak orxuni. Init rowrr or wmkrnlntr rlisim, our Vacuum Organ Pevflop, rVoll rf-fturo yon wlthuut dnu or Hertrlrllj S5.000 In nir, lint nnn failure not on rf tuniM no f O H fraudi rllofor partlrnlari Mill afalrd III plain inrfHt, LOCAL APPLIANCE CO,, 414 ChillM Blir., Otnur, Ctla.