10 TTTTC OMAHA DATLY P.EE: -WEDNESDAY, AfOrST 20, 1000. BUY PIANOS AND BUGGIES Tanners in the Elkhorn Valley Surrounding Themselves with Luxuries, ARE PROSPEROUS AND CAN AFFORD IT Itnllrnnil Orllelnln MnltliiK I'oriun nont linprin PliH'iiln IIooiiiup f l crcnunl llPM'iiii" from Hel ler lliiftlnrflK 1'iiinllllnim. The rcrovcry of Nolirnskn, eastern Wyo ming ami the- Mack Hills of South Dakota from the llnanclat ilpprrimltm tinl liiislncnis BtBRnBtlon of three or four years ai?o l ex clusively proven In tho expenditure, for physical Improvements now tieltiK mail" hy the Fremont. Klkhorn A: Missouri Valley railroad. "Our line," said (leneral Manager Illdwell, "Is purely a local one. We have no transcontinental outlets and our business depends strictly upon the conditions existing In the comparatively limited territory through which the Klkhorn road passes. Three or four years mro business was at a standstill. The people alotiK our lino were making nn money and many of them were fare, to face with a hand-to-hand conlllct for an actual existence. Hn thlnes aro different. Conditions In northern Nebraska, eastern Wyoming and the Mark Hills of South Dakota were never so prosperous or encouraging', front ing by this change In conditions, the Klk horn road has h-eti enabled from Its earn ings to Inaugurate nn extensive, campaign of Improvement. Slnco January 1 we have been progresslnR rapidly In the work of Improving our lino and during this year we will spend In the nelgnwirnoou 01 $300,000. This amount we consider by no means an Inconsequential one, when 1t Is considered that tho Klkhorn road is n local line and that the earnings warranting this expenditure have come from business origi nating in the the rnthcr limited territory contlglous to our line." During the present year the Klkhorn will expend on Improvements tho sums Indicated: Hrldge work tm Widening banks '.! Hepnlrs to sluMmis und new stations ;'.;; Steel rails &'" Hallastlng Total WW I'prnimii'iil llrMues l'"l ! Tho most extenslvo work of Improvement Is In tho mattor of replacing thn majority of bridges on tho Klkhorn system from Omaha to Casper, Wyo., and to Dcadwood, S. D., with structures of a permanent char acter. Sixty-seven of these bridges are now In progress of construction. Tho now bridges consist of castlron piping, Htono wing walls, stono nrches anil steel glrdcra for short lengths. In many cases tho plac ing in of castlron pipes and tho construction ovor theso pipes of the superstructure has i educed thn length of tho bridge trestles hy jcaion of the filling in of tho approaches. Tho work of replacing tho rails of the Klkhorn system with soventy-two-pound teel is also being cnrrlcd on. This was be gun last year and the now steel was ex tended from Fremont to West Point. This yoar new seventy-two-pound steel will re placo the sixty-pound rails from West Point to Pilgor and Iho work will continue until Norfolk Is reached, early In lilOl. Hecauso of tho prosperity of tho territory through which tho Klkhorn road passes and tho attendant benefits accruing to tho rail load company General Manager Illdwcll stated tho Intention of his company to niakn somo Important Impiovements In tho matte: of train servlco In tho near future. "Among other improvements contemplated," ho said, "is tho operation of through freight and pas senger trains from Dcadwood to Denver and ths Inauguration of through passenger serv lco from Cbadrou to Casper. Duslncss In tho Illnck Hills Is becoming nn Important factor In connection with tho mining tiusl noss of Colorado. The two territories aro closely nllled and their relations aro be. coming closer nit tho time. It bcgln3 to look now as though these conditions will warrant tho Inauguration of through train servlco botwnen thn two territories ami as toon ns such Is tho case tho Klkhorn will be ready for business. I'roaiirrlty In r.lklmru Vnllej-. "Slnco my acquaintance with Nebraska I havo never known tho northern and west ern portions of tho stato to be more flour ishing than nt this time. Along Iho Klk horn valloy there will be a splendid yield of corn nnd tho Klkhorn road will handle Its proportion of tho 300.000,000-liusliel corn crop for Nebraskn this year. All during tho spring nnd summer the north ern portions of tho stato were favored with their share of moisture. This has mado tho crops in eastern and central Nebraska good and has Insured a lino crop of hay. In tho western part of tho statu tho cattle business Is In Hplendld shape. "There has been a great deal of talk lately nbout prosperity. Its existence is lo my mind unquestionable. I Ilnd that no of tho simplest Illustrations proving Hint tho Nebraska farmer is prosperous ind advancing is in tho largo number of pianos and buggies being shipped Into the eountry. Ten years ago tho farmer got u melodeon for his family and used his ipring wagon ror locomotion. Tills year tho melodeon Is being replaced by tho piano and the spring wngnu by tho buggy. Shipments of theso articles nro surpris ingly largo. Only a few dnys ago I was talking with a plnno Jobber ami ho re marked that ho was shipping a cnrload of pianos to a small country town whero the sale would naturally be confined largely to the fanners. If the people of Nebraska didn't havo money they wouldn't bo Indulg lng In purchases of this kind; but, since they are comfortably fixed financially, now they arc adding to thn enjoyment of tho home Hfo by buying those, things usually looked upon ns luxuries." Vim Cllll To Chicago nnd return for $12.75, Aug. 25 to 29. Bt. Paul nnd return for $12.05. Minneapolis and return for $12.65. Madison Lake and return for $10. CS. Duluth and return $16.ft Sept. 4, 7, IS, 21, Via tho Illinois Centrnl Railway. Particulars at 1102 Farunm street. W. II. MULL, District Passenger Agent. IVot lee to Miioun linen. A Joint meeting of nil tho Knights nnd Ladles of the Mnccnbees of Omaha. South Omaha and Council Illuffs will be held at Patterson hall Thursday evening, August 80, for tho transaction of Important busl neis. It Is urgent that overy tent and hlvo be well represented. Refreshments will bo served. Regular meeting of the Second Wnrd Republican club will be held this evening nt tho hall, corner Sixteenth and Pine streets. Dave Mercer will address tho mooting. All invited KURD imUNNINO, President. HENRY KNODKLL. Secretary. Summer llraiiria, For a book describing thn cool, pleasant healthful summer rcnorts of Wisconsin, situ a ted on thn line of tho Chicago, Milwaukee L St, Paul Ry.. address oi call on F. A. NASH, General Western Agent. 1 1604 Fnrnatn "'.met, Omaha. Churcli Soclu I'ouiitHln, On Wednesday. August 29, the procoeds Df tho Merrttt-Ornhani soda fountain, No, C22 South lGtli St , will bo donated to Kountzn Momorlal church. Patronize tho best soda fountain in the city and help good thing along. nosTo.N smim oiuivr imuciiasi:. ,(,( IOII Iti-iiiiiniit of Kinlirnlilprlre. mill Mint liillilri'ii'n Shoes TmIii. 2SC EMIinOIDKUY. 1C AND 2t 0,000 remnants of Insertion In short ends, sample pieces, all widths. In the very finest Swiss, nainsook nnd cambric, many pieces to match, and worth In the regular way up to 25c yard, all go on bargain squato In this sale at lc nnd 2c for entlro remnant. r.e KMimoiDKKV strips, 3c. ;c. 3,000 sample strips and trial pieces of the finest embroidery and Insertion from this factory. Including the wide widths of tho very llnest swiss nnd nainsook em broidery and Insertion, worth regular 35c yard, go In this sale at 3Hc 5c and "Vic yard. 1.000 dozen fancy colored border hand kerchiefs, n great variety of styles, go on sale at lc each. Thousands of doyens of ladles' and gents' handkershlofs In plain white and with fnnev colored borders, hemstitched, laco and embroidery edged, drawn thread, open work, etc., the regular price up to 25c, In this sale at .IVie nnd 5e each. $2 00 PKTTH'OATS. Mir AND 70C Thousunds of ladles' petticoats mado of tho finest mercerized, silk finished sateen, molrcd mnrlne, -silk finished cotton taffeta, with deep lloilnce, wide ruffle, with lined dust ruffle, extra well made In wide widths and all lengths, regular $2.00, In this sale fi9c and 7!r. Ml'SMN I'NDKRWKAR AT HAl.K. Ladles' night gowns, drawers, skirts, corset covers and skirt chemise, trimmed with the finest lace and embroidery, plied high on bnrgaln squares In lots at 25c, 49c, 75c and 'JSu each. HOSTON STORK, OMAHA. N. W. Cor. 16th nnd Douglas Sts. ARREST YOUTHFUL BURGLARS Tun llti.tm Willi llnvp Ilrrn OpcriilliiK SiiccrKKfnlly lletrnyeil ! Stole" Counterfeit. If ll-ycar-old Albert Kemp nnd his pal, Chris Rebetigh, of oven age. had heeded the old-time adage, "Tako no bad money," they would probably bo at largo today en joying their Ill-gotten gains, but, unfortu nately for them, the 75 cents they pur loined from the home of W. K. Wilding, 023 South Sixteenth street, last Saturday night was counterfeit. It comprised a 50 cent piece nnd n 25-cenl plcco made out of a vory Inferior quality of pot metal. Mr. Wilding reported his loss to tho police nnd when Albert Kemp's llttlo sister tried to pass tho spurious two bits the department was given a clue which led to the nppro henslnn of tho young burglars. Within tho Inst two weeks tho pnlr has porpotrnted thrcn very successful Jobs out on South Sixteenth street. One was on tho night of August 21, when tho blcyclo establishment of It. Wykert, 701 South Six teenth street, was entered nnd robbed of n box of drills nnd a blcyclo lamp. Tho boys hnvo confessed to this, to the Wilding burglary nnd to n third Job, which the po lice are now Investigating. Each of theso enterprises was prosecuted with tho Hklll of professionals. Tho arrests were mado Monday after noon by Detectives Heelan and Johnson. Not Sold In I'nrln. If you are going to the World's fair at Paris this year you should by all means take with you a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera nnd Dlahhhoca remedy. It Is not sold In Paris and Is almost certain to bo needed on the trip. After you have called In n French physician nnd paid him for his services and paid for tho medicine ho prescrlbos you will realize how much a little bottlo of this romedy Is worth when you are 3,000 miles or more from home nnd among strangers. DAYI.IUIIT THAIXS mil SIUHIT iAKK, OUnlinJI mil Arnold' Park. Tho Chicago, Milwaukee- & St. Paul Kail- way Company nan Just placed In servlco daylight trains between Omaha and Spirit Lake, okobojl and Arnold s Park, doing the train leaves Omaha nt 7:15 a. m. nnd ar rives Spirit Lake nt 4:15 p. m. Returning the train leaves Spirit I.ako at fi:45 a. m. and arrive Omaha 3:55 p. m. This Is the best service that his yet been offerod over any ono rond. Hound trip tickets, good re turning until October 31, $10.70. City ticket otllce. 1504 Fnrnam street. F. A. NASH. General Western Agent, (iooil FlnliliiK. Spirit Lake, Okobojl, Lako Washington, Wnsccn, Kaglo Lake, River Falls, Solon Springs, Rico Lako, Bayfield. Ashland, Clog- eblc, Wntersmeet and numerous lakes near St. Paul and Minneapolis. They nro all good ftahlng places and are. quickly and comfortably reached by tho Northwestern Lino. Cheap rate excursions August 21 and Sep tember 7-21. Limit. October 31, 1900. City ticket office, 1401 nnd 1403 Farnam street. (rnml Army Knenmpmrnt nt ChlcnRn August 25 to 29. Half-fare tickets Via The Northwestern Line. Special urs and Accommodations. 1401 and 1401 Fire a in St. Des Moines nnd return, $4.50, Via Rock Island Route. Tickets on sala Ang. 24 to Sept. 1, good for return until Sept. 3. Ticket office No. 1323 Fnrnam sU Kx-Sheriff Jnmcs Rooney of Albany, N. V., says Cramer's Kidney Curo Is a remedy that saves you doctor bills, It cured mo of kldnoy trouble. Druggists sell It. Omaha Tent and Awning C. , tents, awn ings, canvas goods, 11th & Harney, Tel. 833. TOE IMLIKCTW STOTIiN SI2 Chicaff iJJIU.I J and Pptr 99 Tlokef Offlot, 1502 Farnam SI. t Tl. 200. MUSICIANS WIN A VICTORY Captain of the Jacob Bichtman Promises to Employ Union Men, LIDDELL'S CANDIDACY IN DANGER Drtnonrnlli" IttillrTrrpncr to HrqtiPiit of Ornnlcil I.nlior Comrn sr UreiiMiiK t'p County De mocracy Kieumlon. A combination of politics and personal am bition has won a victory for tho Omahn Musical association In lis fight upon the ex cursion steamboat Jacob Rlehtnian. Tho first Issue of tho Douglas County De mocracy's now organ contained two notices which were of especial Interest to tho unions which had declared a boycott on the steam boat. The first was a full-pago announce ment of tho fact that Friday evening the club would glvo nn excurslou on the boat. Tho next pngo contained n half-page nn nouncemcnt that John D. Llddell would be a candldatn for tho senate, subject to tho ac tion of thn democratic convention. When this was read at the Labor Temple n sar donic smllo flitted over tho faces of the members of the union. Tho words of the worklngmen varied, but the sentiment was unanimous- "We won't do n thing to the president of n club which patronizes an unfair boat, es pecially when that man carries n union card in his pocket." Monduy evening a rumor of tho spirit of tho union men reached tho cars of Lotrin Iloehmo, who had made tho contract with the Richtman. At first he was not inclined to pay any attention lo tho protests of the unions, but nt Inst, after several visits from representatives of the organized laboring mon, he became frightened. A meeting or the committee was hurriedly called and It was decided to declare tho excursion of. Then it was decided to give tho captain or tho boat a chance to squaro himself wltb tho unions. Cnplnln Mnki Some Promises1. When Mr. Iloehmo visited tho boat yes terday tho captain promised to put union music on his vessel Friday evening and, for that occasion, to discontinue the use of a certain Ice cream which Is not agreeable to the members of the union; ho also prom ised to employ union waiters for tho ex cursion only. This was accepted by the representative of democracy ns n com promise between tho unions nnd tho boat, but when tho mattor was brought to the attention of the Musicians' union It would have none of It. They declared that they would not furnish n band until the enp tnln of the craft had "squared" hi nine If with the labor organizations affected and gavo the club to understand that If thn excursion was taken upon the Richtman It would mark tho political undoing of Mr. Llddell. With this condition confronting him, the manager of the excursion said no would declare tho excursion off If It could not bo trnnsforred to a rival boat. He telephoned to tho Richtman canceling the contract, but tho captain asked him to suspend action for n moment. Tho Musical union was nt tho time in session. Thn captain of the Richtman had a conversation with the officers over tho telephone and nt noon the arbitration committee yUlted the boat and It Is said that they received tho un conditional surronder they demanded. Trylnr to Whlteirnali n Fire. A man saw amoko coming through tho roof of his house. Didn't soe any flro and didn't want to call tho department. Tried to whitewash tho roof so the smoke wouldn't show. Oot thn Idea from tho women who whitewash their faces to cover up pimples, rough akin and a yellow com plexion. Of course, the man was crazy, but what about the women? Hundreds of Omaha women do the sum thing every day. They spend thousands of dollars an nually for complexion dope wh'ltewash. They treat tho effect Instead of the cnusc and tho flnnl result Is n fright. Why not remove tho cause put out the fire? Pimples are not a disease thoy are only the effect, tho visible evidence of had blood, nnd a faded or yellow skin Is only n sign of poor hcnlth. Throw awny nil cosmetics they only make a bad matter worse. Visit the Ladles' Bathery and try nature's remedy a good bath, mussago treatment and oloctrlclty. The Hathery Is n health resort and tho new Renstrom treatment will removo tho cause of a poor complex- Ion. It purifies tho blood, InvlgornteB tho entlro system and restores the bloom of youth. It means H-E-A-L-T-H and health means youth and beauty. Trained women give tho treatment and a lady's mnld Is always at your service. Second lloor, Deo building. Ladles only. CHICAGO AND iiFrriix, fis.m. CIiIi'hro nnil Itt'dirn, $12.7r. On August 25, 2G, 27, 28 and 29 the Chi cago, Milwaukee t St. Paul Railway will sell round trip tickets from Omaha to Chi cago for $12.75. City ticket office, 1504 Farnam street. F. A. NASH. Ceneral Western Agent. A tirnnil Opportunity To lncreaso your knowledge of the country, Half fare to Chicago and return via "The Northwestern Line," August 25 to 29. Good Mil September 30 returning. Two Do 1 1 urn (o fli-irolt, Mlcli., anil llrtiirn, Plus ono fare, August 25, 2G and 27, via "Tho Northwestern Line." Inqulro at tho large city offices, 1401 nnd 1403 Farnam street, Chicago and return, $12.75, Via Rock Island Route. Tickets on sale Aug. 25 to 29. City ticket office, No. 1323 Farnam at. Return TODAY and overy day until Wednesday, August 29 long limit. Trains for Chicago Leave Oiuahu 7:00 u. m 4:00 p. m., 7:1-5 p. m. Burlington Stallan, 1 0lh and Mason Sts, Tel. 128. iiosto.v sroiti: snoia sai.i: aoaim. .Mint I'.t trnnnllniiry Snlllun of l.ntllrV mill Children' Shorn loniiirriiii. The extent of this sale makes It neces sary again to sell part of these bargain In tho basement In the shoo department nnd tho others on the main floor. All of the Indies' shoes In this purehnse that were meant to sell for up In $.',.00. all sizes, nil widths, go nt $1.09. All tho oxford tics that sold for up to $2.50, go nt $1.39. Children's shoes, 79c. Hoys' shoes. 7fc, S9e nnd 9Se. Men's $5.00 black nnd tan shoes, $l.S9. Alt these goods nro on bnrgnlti squares and In tho original cases. HOSTON STORK, OMAHA. N. W. Cor. ICth and Douglas Sts. One Pure Pin SU.IMI. On September 10 and 20 the Chicago, Mil waukee & St. Paul railway will sell tickets from Omaha tn any point on Its lines In Iown, Minnesota, Illinois, Wisconsin and Peninsular Michigan nt one fnre plus $2 for the round trip. Minimum selling rate, $7. City ticket olTlce, 1504 Fnrnam street. F. A. NASH. Ocneral Western Agent THIEF GETS SADDLE HORSE Sirs. ,1lorrliri V (iinrm-r Tiil.cn fro.n lis Apiirlmrul liy InkuiMtii I'll rile. Mis. Morrisey reports to the police tho theft of n fine snddle borsn from her home nt Forty-ninth nnd Center streets Sunday night. Two years ngo, she says, tho same animal was stolen, and since then she has kept tho horse In the house, a bedroom on the east wing having been assigned to Its exclusive use. Mondny morning when she arose she found the kitchen door open. Tho equine apart- DOILIES FREE Hut they are paper onc made hy Mr. H T Culver the white-looked nrtlM. will most deftly fashions these article, wii!'o he tolls of tin- virtues of For-mal-de-hydo-llilialer. SKI-J I MM IN Ol'It WINDOW. UKMHMHKit nrn dm t: pricks 25c Mention's Talcum, we sell 12c toptH. Ornpf Julre. we sell 2i' 2.IO lllre' Root lleer, wo sell 14c $1 f- Vln Mitiiann, we sell Jl 15 Woodbury's Facial Soap, we sell lie Snowberrv Soup, we hell Be DKLLSTKD'I HAND HOOKS, containing 20 tickets $."on $l.iJ Iluruhiim'H Ileef, Iron and Wine.... 5i Alleock's I'ormiK Plaster, v sell li" 25e Duvls' lle.id.iche l'owd'Ts, we sell.. 2V $1.00 Malted Milk, we cell Tic $l.wi Pe-ru-na, we sell 7-c 50c Ouuss' t'ntnrrh Tablets, we seli 4nc 50c Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, we sell.... 40c Son Onbrlti Claret, we sell We WHITK FOR CATALOOl'IJ Or CUT I'lllCICS. Sherman &McConnell Drug Go, Cor. llllh mill Doilcr Strt-etn. AR VIA The UNION PACIFIC OMAHA TO SALT LAKE CITY Ten hours quicker than any other line. OMAHA TO SAN FRANCESCO Fifteen hours quicker than any other line. OMAHA TO PORTLAND Fifteen hours quicker than any other line. Buffet Smoking nnd library Cars, with Barber Shop nnd Pleasant Read ing Rooms. Double DrawlnR Boom Talace Sleepers. Dining Cars, Meals a la Carte. Plntsch Light. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 Farnam St. Tel. 316. HAYDENs Sample Shoes Closing out over 3,800 pairs of the finest sanv pie shoes made at less than half their value, , , Ladies' fine $.f.00 Sample Oxfords Q8C Ladies' fine $(i.00 Sample Shoes Jj2 48 Men's fine $5.00 Sample Shoes j All these fine shoes were made by the best eastern manufac turers to sell their fall and winter goods by. All the latest, up-to-date styles and of the finest material and workmanship. ICvery pair in the lot is perfect and cannot be duplicated for double the money we are selling tliein for. Over 1,800 pairs of ladies' fine sample .2.50 and .:S.OO Vici Kid and Patent Leather Oxfords and Slippers, made by Ila.en H. Goodrich, on sale at Zs kJKs All the ladies' fine 5.00 and $i!.00 Sample Shoes, made by French, Shriner & Truer, in Wussia calf, box calf and t ft patent leather, on sale at ' Five lines of men's fine 1.00 and 5.00 Sample Shoes, in fine wax calf and Kussia calf, all welt soless. tl Qk7 on sale at z 1 mcnt was vacant and the bedding showed that It had not been occupied during the night. She hns no theory as to the Identity of tho thief. Ituir I'nrr l,nM. Ttqucttcs on salo via "Thn Northwestern Lino" to Chicago and return nt HALF RATES. August 25 to 29. good till September 30 1401-1(03 Farnam street. WHEN YOU ORDER goods by mall or express send money order -personal cheeks will be leturred In every rase Orders shipped same day they are received ! K.iti Crunier s Pennyroyal Pills ..$1., earner's Kidnov Cure 7e Duffy s Malt Whiskey c Wine of I'lirdul 75c Hrnino (Quinine ISc S. S S 75c Syrup of Figs 3iic I'eruim 7.iO Custorln 11c Hlrney Catarrh Powder ''? Clem Cntiirrh Powder too Ayer's llalr Vigor 75- Pierce's Prescription 'Sc Cutlciira nni 2 c Packer's Tar Honn 15c Hnr-llett "c AJnx Tablets 403 1 doz 2-;r,iln Quinine C.ipsules 7c 1 doz H-gram Quinine Capsules 10c 1 dozen &-graln Quinine Capsules ISs CPUICEXD CL'T l'KICIi oLnAErtn duuggist 8. . Cor. JOIIi nnil niilcnEO. Get One For The Street Fain Tho Knights of Ak-Snr-Ilen are go liiK to nuike the city more iittraeiive than cer this ye.tr. On a Kodak or Camera nnd nuike yi ur own souvenirs Wo have a beautiful 510 Oil Poo Cament lor $7 50 All the latest novelties ,n the plioiogrnplilc llti". If you want a pkiuro frame see ours before buying. The Robert Dempster Go,, 1215 l'lirnimi St. Developing nnd printing a specialty. Time is None;. THE "QUICK TRABNS Greai Sale mi Oxfords r ; M k Service K Lr - . i- 1. of tho fulfilment of overy contract. The sump guard that keeps the store from exag gerating protects ,vou in the conlidence you manifest toward this business. The Men's Shoe Department of ours offers you honest service in Men's Russia Calf Shoes (toodyear wells- made for our own trade made for honest servicemade to bring you back again when you want shoes- -made to stand along side of any 50 allocs you may find- -our price witli a guarantee H' kJJ Men's Tan Vici Kid Shoes wit h or without vesting lops serviceable -dressy--comfortable they represent (he principles of Ne braska shoe selling good particular price The Women's Calling your attention to Oxfords nt Calling your attention to Tan Shoes at Calling your attention lo the fact that in no store ran such genuiue shoe values be found as in (his store and a guarantee goes with every pair. HAYDENs 4 you can get the Shawknit Half Hose for 15 cents? . In all the new colors, in plain and fancy, that are sold every where at 2")c and 'Joe. We will continue to sell them at. Joe. Men's $1.25 and $1,50 Shirts at 75c. 500 dozen men's Colored Laundered Shirts, in all the new styles out for this fall, every one of the shirts arc $L12r and $1.50 values all in one lot at 75c Men's 50c Suspenders at 25c. Men's 25c Suspenders at 15c. Men's 20c Suspenders at l()c. Men's $1.00 Night Shirts al 7.V. Men's 50c Working Shirts, in light and dark colors, at 25c. Men's $1.00 Colored Laundered Shirts at -10c in madras und fine percale. MOTHERS' FHI13XD SniHT WAISTS AT 20c in all Iho new colors in madras and fine percale worth up lo $1.00 at 29c. Special for Rest quality Corduroy Velveteen Dress Binding--worth 7c, on sale Wednesday only at fl.OO OI'VUIC.HT HOOK. "Is MarrUee 'a Failure?" hy an Omaha authrcss on sale at 8c. 9 1. an corvnnsiiT hooks. Captain King's fnmous novels on salo at ISc. "TO 1I.WI5 AMI TO HOI.H." Ilcnular prlco Jl. 50 sale prlco SOc. See our new Shipment of Golf Skirls bought for spot cash at half their value and now on sale. HAYDEN BROS. Talk of the Town Our great Special Sample Table Sale is the talk of the town. Ilunilrods of dollKlitcd customers linvo taken udyantnKe ot tills wonderful dtopliiy. WB ARK OOMPMMKNTKD ON ALh 8IDHS about tue nuwilllcpnt hIiowIiik of Parlor nnd Lllnnr.v Tallies. Novor lie fore have Omaha patrons hud (lie opportunity of HceliiK' such a haud some display of line tallies, and especially at Special Sample Sale Trices, which reduces the piiceH from one-third to one-half regular, permitting of the purchase of a lilsh-class table nt th price usually paid for vuutly Inferior srades. Come early as the close-to-cost prices will move them (iilcl. - T)arIor WPj3i0t0 and r jl Pedestals in teak, golden and flemish oak and solid mahogany. Cellarets in golden oak and solid mahogany. Plain Tables-Fancy Tables Inlaid Tables All at One-Third Saving. It's a Rare Table Opportunity. Orchard & Willielm Carpet Co. Ill(.l(-lfl8 Doiiflas Street. Honest Honest porvico cannot come to loss. It reflects a principle. It rellects the businesa. It takes unto itself tho guaranty in every $2.50 Shoe Department our line of our line of $1.50 $1.90 Whir nav 9Rn ami 35c for Hose when Wednesday. IBP BOX STATIOXKHY, I I 2,'c hox Stationery, 12V4c. 50c hox Stationery, 25c. An odd lot of flno Stationery, worth 25o to $1.00, on sale nt 10c, 15c and 25c. I .SI'Kl'l.Vl, HAI,K O.V IlIlll.HS. Tables in mahogany, golden flemish oak and birds' eye maple. Library Tables in solid mahogany, golden and flemish oak. Bedroom Tables in mahogany gold en and flemish oak, birds' eye maple ,and curley birch. Diningroom Buffets in golden oak and solid mahogany. Tabourets in teak, golden and flem ish oak and solid mahogany. i 2c f