Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 28, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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oHoro Obcrlln, O, He will resign a sim
ilar position nt tbo Iowa Stnto Norms!
school to accept.
Mt.voii Mn.vriox.
Davis erlls class.
"Mr. niley," 6-cent clear. ,
Why not .mokc the Why clear?
Leffert, 226 Hdy tests cyrs free,
Qus ilxtures and globes at Dlxby's.
l-'lnc A. II. C. beer. Neumaycr's hotel.
Dr. BUphcnuon, 101 Pearl 8t. Tel. SM.
Schmidt's photos, new nntl latest styles.
Vou get the best dinners at the Vienna.
Itlley. best photographer. 402 Broadway.
Cab. photos 11.50 doz. Williams, Ml ndy.
J. C. fc W. Woodward, architects. 623 Udy.
W. E. Lewis sells monuments. 301 Il'way.
Lcinp's beer, Socnko Boyscn, sole agent,
nest beer, Iludwotser. I., lloscnfcld, ARt.
Scientific optician at Woolman's, 409
Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Murphy of
Myanter street, a son.
Mr. and Mrs. Farrnnd liavo returned Irom
Lake Chautauqua, N. Y.
Hegular meeting ICIks. It. A. hall. Wetlncs.
day evening, August 2P, 1500.
CumpnlRn pictures and huttons. C. E.
Alexander & Co., 333 Hroadway.
Miss Ilos.a Heck Is homn from ft visit
with friends at Nebraska City.
Oct your work done at the popular Eagle
laundry, 724 Broadway. 'Phone 15".
W. C. Esten. undertaker. 21 Pearl street.
Telephones: OHlce, 07; residence, 33.
BcRlnnlnK classes In UrpRir shorthand,
Western Iowa College, September 3.
W. F. Oran. undertaker and licensed rm
halmer. 101 Hoiith Mnln street. 'Phono 506.
Sheriff Cousins lias Kono to Chicago to
nttend thn (Irand Army of tho Ilcpubllc
Mr. nnd Mrs. Judson K. Adnms from Mas
sachusetts, nro vlsltlnn their brother, K.
E. Adams, and family.
Th woman's nuxlllnry of the Grace
Episcopal church will hold a special meet
ing this evening at tho rectory.
Mayor W. S. Prouty of Charles City, la.,
who has been visiting his parents nt wren
wood farm, has returned home.
A motion was filed In tho snnreme court
yesterdav for a new trial In the fruit tree
case ot jj. J. l'oscrty agulnst K. U New-lands.
Members of the Veleran Firemen's asso
ciation will m"ct this nfternoon nt 3 o'clock
to attend the funeral ot the lato John
There will be n ppeclnl called meeting
nt inn Hcinn I'icrKH npxociimnn mum even
Ins at S o'clock, to which every clerk In
in city is inviietj.
Tlin man nt1riat rr tllnn T.nn.n
charged with throwing- a neighbor's chilli
flown un embankment, wan dismissed In
jusucn vicn s court yeMteruay.
Jacob Clausen of 1939 South nveiiun re
pdrteU to tho pollco yesterday morning
inai h. nay mure nau neen stolen from ins
pasture during nunuay nignt.
A. Peterson procured n building permit
yesterday for the erection of a one-story
frame cottngn nt tho corner of Harrison
anil Harmony streets, to cost xi.OAt.
John Lorenzcn nnd Vernon Olson loft ves
inr1nr fnt. xTm... .. a.i..i. . i......
On their return they will stop nt Halt I.nke
jiry, uenvcr nnu omer wesiern points.
Lily camp No. 1, Hoyal Neighbors of
America, will meet this evening for Initia
tion of candidates when all members of the
ufgrea stare aro requested to le present.
Emma Johnson, n 14-year-old girl who
hud run uwnv from tho Nehraskn. Chll.
rtren's home, was found In this rlty last
evenins nnu turneu over to mo olllcers or
inn society.
Hurnlng soot In a chimney nt the resl
denco of William Whitney. 701 Fourth
street, gavo tho llro department, n run about
11:30 o'clock yesterday morning. There
was no damage
Attorney J. J. Hem returned yesterday
from u week's (tailing trip at Lake Okoboll.
Thn fishing was not Rood and about I no
only thing lie cnuRht, Mr. Hess reports,
wns tho hay fovcr.
Thn funeral of tho Into John Clausen will
b held thlH afternoon at 4 o'clock from
tho family residence, 407 East Broadway,
Ilev. K, X. Knox, rector of Oraco Episco
pal church will conduct thn services nnd
Interment will bo In Fulrvlcw cemetery.
City Engineer Etnyre has received word
that tho material for tbo new brldgo over
Indian creek nt Fifth and Union avenues
has been shlppod and It Is expected that
It will hn horn within a week. C. E. U.
Campbell of this city has the contract for
tho construction of tho new bridge.
Mrs. Etta Mitchell of this city anil M. E
Smith, a prominent young business man of
Coin. la., were married yesterday morning
In Omaha. Mr. nnd Mrs. Smith were thf
guests of Chief of Pollco H. Albro and
family yesterday, on their way to Coin,
where they will make their future home.
Mrs. Mary E. Bklnner filed iv petition In
thn district court yesterdny for divorce
from Thomas Skinner, to whom she was
married In this rlty on November II, 1SSS.
Shu nlleges statutory grounds as tho bustii
for her application and uskH for the cus
tody of their 11-year-old daughter, Nellie.
Mme. Chartres' Inimitable farce, "That
Man," will be thn bill at tho Dohany to
night. During Its engagement at thn Herald
Squaro thenter thn business was limited
only by the capacity of thn house. The
caslo will be thn sumo ns tho Now YorK
production (uul with such capable artl'ts
n iieiiguttui presentation can wen no ex
pected. Charles Ellis nnd Phllln Hastings, nllas
McOregor, tho two pickpockets who fought
Haiuruay over ino division ot uu spoils,
worn fined by Acting Pollen Judco Vlen
yesterday morning, thn former $15 and costs
nnd tho latter $10 nnd costs. Four other
members of tho gang wero charged with
vagrancy under tho stnto law nnd they
wero given two hours in which to get out
of the city. Jim I.nlley, the seventh mem
ber of tho gang, who Is thought to be
wanted for lirenklng Into and robbing n
freight car nt Pncltic Juncllon. wns lined
$10 and coats and hu will bo held pending
N. Y. Plumbing Co., tetepaona 250.
Thomas M. Bowman and J. P. Greenshields
Enter tho Fiold.
Xeir Inpfirpornllnti Experts In fflvc
the ('My Chciiier Light ntul
to Compete for Ilie Clt
liens' Favor.
structcd to transfer 113,000 from the police
fund to tho general fund.
Bids for laying brick sidewalks were
received from K, A. Wlckham and John
Sklnklc and referred to tho city engineer
for tabulation. John O. Sullivan also filed
a bid, but failed to sign the bond or stamp
It and tho bid was thrown out.
Tho mayor and city council accepted an
Invitation to participate In tho Labor day
celebration and exercises.
An crdlnanco was passed providing for
tho levying of taxes, to be paid Into the
city improvement ami cver funds, to
bo Used for the purpose of paying de
ficiencies In the cost of street Improve
ments over and abovo the amount assessed
to abutting or adjacent property.
On the petition of abutting property
owners It was decided to uso tho cement
filler on tho North Main street paving.
Articles of Incorporation of tho Bluff City
Electric Light and (las company wero filed
yesterday afternoon In the olllco of tbo
county recorder. The Incorporators are
Thomas Bowman and J. P. Greenshields, both
of this city. Tho capital stock, with power
to increase, Is placed at $50,000, divided
into 00 shares of $100 each. The corpornto
existence of tho company Is to contlnuo for
twenty years nnd tho permanent office and
place of business will bo Council Bluffs.
The articles of Incorporation show that
the business ot the company will be to ac
quire, obtain, take, recclvo and accept
electric light, power, hent and steam heat
ing franchises; to acqulro by purchase or
othcrwiso gas and electric light plants and
works, together with all necessary nppll
nnces nnd appurtennnces, to maintain and
oporato tho same; to construct, erect, cs
tabllsh, Install, operato and maintain gas
and electric light plants, Including steam
beating nnd hot air heating; to manufacture
and furnish Illuminating and fuel gas, gas
light and power, electricity nnd electric
light hent nnd power and to deal In coke,
coal, oils and all kinds ot heating and elec
trical appliances."
Both tho Incorporators nro well known
business men of tho city and arc understood
to have plenty of financial backing to carry
the cntcrprlso successfully through. Thomas
Bowman was postmaster under both Clcve
land's administrations nnd has held a num
bcr of county offices. Ho also served a term
In congress. At present ho is engaged In
rullroad contracting. J. P. Greenshields Is
a well known real estate doalor and for
several years was a member of tbo city
Last October the city council awarded to
Thomas Bowman tho contract for tho clec
trie lighting of the city at per annum
per arc lamp. Tho price paid by tho city
to the Council Bluffs Gas and Electric com
pany, under its contract which expired last
December, was JS4 per lamp per annum
making a total rental of $10,584 for tho 126
lamps. Tho contract with Bowman has
novor been carried out, owing to litigation
commenced by ono ot tho unsuccessful bid
ders, and tho city is still paying the old
price ot $84 per lamp.
Tho Incorporation of tho Bluff City Elec
tric Light nnd Gas company Is for the pur
pose, of placing Bowman nnd his partner
In n position to bo ablo to carry out his
lighting contract with tho city and the com
pany will go boforo the people at a special
election to be held next month, when It
will ask for a franchise.
Gravel roofing. A. II. Bead, 541 Broadway.
TAXES HUT ONE- .1111,1 llEAVlElt.
Flnnncr Committee of (lie City Coun
cil rreinre Its Levy.
The flunnco committee of the city council
completed yestorday morning tho work of
fixing the tax levy for next year. Tho total
levy for city purposes will bo 42.5 mills,
being 1 mill raoro than this year. The
greatest Increaso occurs In tho improve
ment fund levy, which Is raised from 2 to
5 mills. This Is due to the fact that tho
city will liavo to bear some of tho cost
of the paving which tho abutting property
will not bo ablo to stand and this will have
to ho paid from this fund. Tho library
fund levy Is Increased from 1 to l.G mills, tho
amount nsked for by tho trustees. The
finance committee was uncertain whether
it had tho right to reduce the levy ns
certified by tho trustees nnd therefore fixed
tho levy as asked for. Thcso nro tho only
funds In which tho levy Is Increased.
Tho gas nnd street lighting fund levy
Is reduced from 4 to 3 mills, tho commit
tee being of the opinion that tho lesser
levy will produce a cufllclcnt sum to pay
for tho public lighting under a more fnv
ornble contract than that under which the
city Is now paying tor Us electric lights. The
sewer fund levy is reduced from 1.5 mills
to 1 mill and tho Judgment fund lnvy Is
cut from 1 mill to 14 mill. Tho levies for
the general, water, park and brldgo funds
remain the tamo ns this year. The bond
loan fund levy is reduced from 4 mills to
3.5 mills. All agricultural lands within
tho city limits nro assessed at 5 mills, tho
same as this year. Tho city tax levy, as
fixed by the committee, Is as follows:
Fund. Mills
General 10.0
nan and street llchtlnir 3.0
Water 5.0
Library l.r
Park 10
Hewer 2.0
intersection nnvinir ana cniuinir uonas u.u
Intersection tower bonds 3-0
Bond loan 3.5
Funded debt 3.0
Attendance on Opening Day Shows Large
Increase Over Last Year.
I'olltlolmn of (lie Tenth IHMrlrt Arc
Xotv MiiUIiik iv lines If (lovcrnor
Sliniv Is n Cniullititte for
the I,eg;lslnttire,
Davis sells paint.
Ilmtriilim n JiiiIkiiipiiI.
Simon Cooloy, n farmer of Clarko county,
brought suit In thn district court yester
day to restrain William Barker and C. I).
Lukenblll, shorlff of Clarko county, from
executing n Judgment rendered by Justice.
Vlon against Cooloy In favor of Barkor
for $100. Tho defendant, Barker, Is ngont
for Colo Bros., manufacturers of lightning
rods, nnd tho Judgment 111 Vlen's court
was rendered on nn alleged contract Blgnctl
by Cooley. Tho plaintiff alleges frnud nnd
that Justice Vlen had no Jurisdiction In the
case. Cooloy charges that tho contract
was changed after ho had signed It. J ml go
Smith granted a temporary restraining
Commonwealth 10-cent cigar.
Miirrlniif- l.leeiifrn.
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to
the iollinvniR pernous:
Numn nnd Residence. Age
TVnlf llnmllfr Oknlnnsn. Ih 2
Mary Snltzman, Council Bluffs IS
Arinltili llnher. Council Bluffs 22
Lillian Anderson, Council Bluffs 38
iKtifi v. Jensen. I'nderwood. In !S
Annlo J. C. Nielsen. Neoln. la. IS
Howoll's Antl-"Kawt" cures coughs, colds
I 412 Broadway. I
Negotiate! tn Eastern neuratka
and Iowa. James N. Casady, Jr.,
uti Main hi- l ouncii inures.
UAUE V TA I All! On Citv
IH UUCI I U LUMI1 Property
Savings Loan and Building Associate
council uiunsr igwu,
Council necoRtilzcN tliffl Horrmnn
Company Without Delny.
Tho city council last night entorcd into
a contract with Thomas Bowman and the
Bluff City Electric Light and das company
for tho electric lighting of the city; passed
an ordlnanco granting Bowman and his
company the right to maintain nnd operate
an electrlo lighting and gas plant In this
city for a term of twcnty-flvo years, ana
adopted a resolution providing for tho sub-,
mission to tho electors of tho municipality
of tho granting of such tranchlsa to tho
Bluff City Klectrlo Light and Gas com
pany at a special election to bo held on Oc
tober 2. Tho contract Is provisional on the
citizens voting In favor of granting tho franchise.
Under tho provisions ot the ordinance
granting the Bluff City Electrlo Light nna
Oas company tho right to maintain and
oporato an electric lighting and gas plant
tho company Is to furnish electrlo lighting
to tho city on or beforo ten months after
tbo granting of tho franchise, and to fur
nish to tho public gas of twcnty-flvo candle
power within fifteen months from tho same
date. It also provides that the company
shall furnish freo to tho city 150 incan
descent lights for tbo several city buildings
and that tho city shall havo tho right to
string Its flro alarm wires along tho topn
of tho company's poles wrhcro found neces
sary, nnd further, that tho company shall
charge freo of cost tho storago battery used
by tho city for tho flro alarm boxes. Tho
prico to bo paid by tho city under this
ordinance is $S3.50 each for 12C aro lights
per annum.
Tho ordlnanco further provides that tho
company shall not charge more than 15 cents
per 1,000 watt hourB for Incundescent llrht.N
nnd not woro than 10 cents per 1,000 watt
nours for electric power. Tho prico to be
charged by tho company for illuminating or
tuel gas shall not exceed $1.45 per 1,000 cubic
feet, the prico recently fixed by ordinance.
Tho contract which tho mayor was In
structed to sign is subject to tho pcoplo
granting tho franchise and is for a term ot
flvo years. Under It tho Bluff City Electrlo
Light and Gas company agrees to furnish
and tho city ngrccs to pay $69.50 each for
120 arc lamps per annum, to bo run under
tho Philadelphia schedule. Further, tho
city agres to levy a tax each year to pay
this rental, nut In no year Bhall the cost ot
tho city lighting exceed tho levy for th
lighting fund. This contract Is to take effect
six months after tho franchise Is granted.
At present tho city Is paying $St each per
milium ior i.o arc lights, making a total
rcutal of $10,581. Under tho new contract
tho cost of lighting tho city with tho Bame
number of aro lights will bo $8,757, a saving
ui i n year.
Owing to tho amount of other business
on hand the hearing of the charges against
Street Commissioner Harden was post
poned until this evening.
Tho report of tho flnauce committee on
tho tax levy was received and ono chango
was made. On tho motion of Aldorman
Iloyer, who is anxious to see tho brldgo
connecting Mynster and Main streets built,
H mill was added to tho levy for tho bridge
fund, making the levy for this fund 1.3
mills, ns against 1 mill Inst yenr. The
addition of tho mill to tho brldgo fund
levy makes tho total levy 13 mills, as
against ii.s mills last year.
A numerously signed potltlon by nron-
erty owners on Mynster street asking for
the building of the brldgo to connect their
street with Main street, waa received and
placed on llle. There was considerable
discussion as to tho kind of brick Mynster
sircot should bo paved with and the rcsolu
tlon providing for tho paving of the stroot
with Des Moines brick, top course, and
Council IHuffB brick, lower course, ns
aaopteii at the previous session, was re
considered nnd It waa decided that Council
Bluffs brick should bo used for both
Otto Houck was given permission to
operato n saloon at 1021 West Broadway
and M. Tempest ono at 609 South Main
The city treasurer and auditor were in
.Smith MnillflrK mi Order.
On the motion ot George. S. Davis, in
the suit brought agatnst him In the dis
trict court by W. E. Havcrstock, treas
urer of tho Independent school district
ot Council Bluffs, to compel him to turn
over the monoys In his possession belong
ing to tho school district, Judge Smith
yesterday made an order that tho record
ot final Judgment bo amended by adding:
The foregoing order and judgment is
based solely upon tho fact that the plain
tiff's certificate of election and qualification
aro conclusive evidence in this proceed
ing ot his right to the possession ot tho
funds ordered turned over to him by the
The order of the court in this case was
that Davis, tho former school treasurer,
who Is now contesting Havcrstock'3 right
to the office, should turn over to tho lat
ter alt moneys belonging to tho school
district In his possession. A suit brought
by Davis contesting Haverstock's right to
the position of school treasurer Is now
pending In the superior court and it was
In order that this suit might not bo en
dangered by the ruling of Judge Smith in
the district court proceedings that tho
record was asked to be amended as abovo.
DES MOINES, Aug. 27 (Special Tele
gram.) The first day of tho state fair was
a big success, tho nttendaneo being 6,000,
as compared with 3,000 on tho opening day
n year ngo. Never did a stato fair open
moro auspiciously. A cloudless dawn and
porfect weather, neither too hot nor too
cold, left nothing to bo desired by tho man
agement. What is more tho Indications
favor settled weather, in which event tho
directors nnd odlclals nro unanimous tn
agreeing this year's fair will eclipse nil
previous fairs In point of attendance, as
It has already eclipsed thorn In tho number
of exhibits nnd tho quality of tho amusement
fcaturcn. A crowd of 2,600 attended tho
races In the afternoon and this evening n
crowd of like bIzo was present to witness
tho vaudeville show nt tho raco track, fol
lowed by a fjreat fireworks display.
Question Before Poll tlelnm.
Is Governor Shaw a candldato for Dolll
ver's Beat In tho nntlonal houso of repre
sentatives? Lato events nt Fort Dodge arc
causing many politicians to ask this ques
tion and tho nlno prominent citizens of the
Tenth district who havo let It be known
that they nro aspirants tor the honor no
doubt wonder whether or not an effort Is
being made to create n sentiment which
will bring tho governor Into the race. Dur
ing tho Bpeechmaklng nt tho Dolliver re
ception a few evenings ngo both Dolliver
and Senator llealy took occasion to remind
tho enthusiastic gathering that the credit
and tho honor of bringing tho scnatorshlp
to tho Tenth district belonged to Governor
Shaw. This was to bo expected, ot course,
but so long did tho speakers dwell upon the
credit that was duo tho governor and so
forcibly did they Impress upon their hearers
tho debt that was owing to tho governor
for making tho great sacriflco ot his life
In order that his district might secure tho
honor, that tho correspondents In Bending
out their report of tho reception declared It
to bo tho opinion of many that Dolliver nnd
Healy wero Bounding tho pcoplo of the
Tenth district on the posslblo candidacy ot
Governor Shaw for congress.
Old .Man Killed.
Thomas Parker, a man of considerable
age, was fatally Injured at Fourth and
tho Rock Island tracks this afternoon. Ho
was standing by tho sldo ot tho train
when a runaway horsn crashed Into him
This threw him under tho wheels Just
as tho train started. Ills skull was
crushed. He was taken at onco to the
hospital, whero bo was still unconscious
at midnight. Ho was a vctorni ot tho
war and resided at Pclla. Ho had'eomo up
for the fair. Blnmo attaches to no ono In
tho matter. Tho owner ot tho runaway
horse Is not known.
Two Men, Apparent l'rlemln, Qiinrrcl
One Demi unit the Other
I'll I it I Injured.
NEW YORK, Aug27-H. H. Strldlron, n
lumber merchant ot Baltimore, was probably
fatally shot nt the Hotel Vendomo today by
1. J. Ford, who registered from Boston.
'ord then committed sulcldo by blowing out
his brains. Stridlron registered at tho hotel
on Frldoy night. Ford had been in the hotel
for sevcrnl days, but did not register until
Strldlron arrived. Tho men breakfasted to
gether today nnd then went out. They re
turned nnd went to Strldlron a room nnd
shots wero heard Immediately afterward.
Strldlron was taken to tho hospital In n
critical condition.
When Stradlron became conscious In the
hospital he said tho correct namo ot tho
sulcldo wns John II. Esson, salesman of
Chicago. Stradlron gavo his own rcsldenco
as Chicago.
A ttoman nppeared nt tho hotel later In
tlio day and said that tho dead man, wliosu
nemo slid gavo ns Esson, had obtained
$1,000 worth ot Jewelry from her nnd sho
wanted It. Tho Jowolry could not ho
found. Stradlron, in n statement to the
coroner, said ho met Esson about two
weeks ngo and they becamo friendly. He
got Esson n room at tho Vendomo and
Igncd for his meals.
Esson told Stradlron Sulurdny nfternoon
that ho had attempted to commit sulcldo
once, but had been stopped.
CHICAGO, Aug, 27. Neither tho name
John Softer or 11. 11. Strldlron appear In
tho directory ot Chicago as published this
A largo stack of sheet music at 5 cents
por oopy at Bourlclus' on Saturday only.
Free concert overy Saturday and Monday
at Bourlclus', tho world renowned "An-
golus Orchestral," tho eclf-playor, pro
ducing either piano music or organ music,
or both, harmoniously Intermingled, will
bo operated; also tho Home Grand graph-ophone.
ItenI Untalr. Transfers.
Tim fnllnwlne transfers wern Hied yes
terday In tho abstract, title and loan olllco
of J. W. Squire, 101 Pearl street:
Sheriff to Pottawattnmla Investment
Co., H soli BeVi 16-71-tl, s. il $ 303
Theo. If. Meyers and wlfo to A. .1.
BC'i 6-77-4:i. W a
National Building & Savings associa
tion to J. it, scnuyier, 101 snow b
HlllirlU' . W. ll
.Tnhn it. Henll to Mnrv L. Daniels.
lot 1, blocK , anil lots 4 anu Ji, niocn
12, Bryant & Clark's add., q. c. d.. 1
Total transfers $3,510
She KnJoyed (he 'Trip.
Miss Mabel Adams and her mother,
Mrs. E. E. Adams, havo returned from a
summer outing at Hot Springs, S. D. Miss
Adams was tho successful competitor in
the recent Beo vacation contest and was
highly pleased with tho trip to this famous
resort, which was outlined for hor by Tho
Bee. So well pleased was sho that sho
wished that cvory friend who aided hor
In Bccurlng tho vacation could only bn
with her nnd help enjoy the grandeur of
this part of tho world.
Prosecution Ik Dismissed.
Tho two cases against W. S. Balduff, pro
prietor of tho cafe nt Manawa lake, on
tho charge of selling intoxicating liquors
contrary to the lawB of Iowa, wero dis
missed In Justice Vlen's court yesterday
for want of prosecution. Tho samo dis
position was made ot tho cases against
two ot Balduft's waiters on similar charges.
The attorney for the Walters' union of
Omaha wns in attendance, but the pros
ecuting witness, B. C. Dodd, did not put In
an appearance.
Colored Man nt Miirshnlltowii U Shot
by (in ll if of Trumps.
MARSHALLTOWN. Ia.. Aug. 27. (Spe
cial Telegram.) J. II. WllllamB, a highly
respected colored man of this city, was
murdered tonight by tramps In tho cast
crn edge ot tho town. Williams had found
two tramps trying to coax somo small
white girl into the weeds near his hou30.
Going to his houso and securing a revolver
tho colored man went to the rcscuo ot the
girl, whereupon he was assaulted from be
hind by ono ot tho men, who snatched his
revolver from his hand and shot him sev
oral times, killing him Instantly. The
tramps made their escape Into the weeds
lining a crock and have not been caught,
although a posBeo Is after them.
has no equal for Us well defined purposes ot
aiding tho convalescent, the weak, tho
mother In recovering health, strength, np-
petite. Mado only by the Anheusor'
HiiBch Brewing Ass'n., St. Louts, U. S, A
Sold by all druggists,
Three Tonus? Tramp Churned with
nri'ukln'ic J n to Station nt Ontario
AMES, la., Aug. 27 (Special Telegram.)
Tho Chicago & Northwestern railroad
depot at Ontario, tho first station west of
here, was broken into this morning dur
ing tho temporary nbsenco ot tho station
agent and a valuable watch belonging to the
operator taken. A search wns Immediately
tnkon to apprehend the parties and shortly
afterward threo boy tramps wero found In
an orchard near town with tho wntch in
possession of ono of them. They gavo their
names as Doc Sllcoat, Amos Dean and An
drew, and claimed Omaha as their home.
They were tried this morning nnd bound
over to await the action of tho grand Jury
of Story county, now in session.
Mr. nnd Mr. Hcnnnii SI ret Death on
Rnllroml 'Track.
WATERLOO, la., Aug. 27. An aged cou
ple, Mr. and Mrs. . 11. iicason, wero
killed near Gladbrook at noon today at a
crossing of tho Chicago Great Westorn
railway, their buggy being struck by a pas
senger train. Tho woman was Instantly
killed nnd tho man died about twenty mlu
utes later.
Iowa "Worried h- Doric Thieves.
CEDAR RAPIDS, la., Aug. 27. (Special.)
Ono of tho host organized gang of horse
thieves that ever operated In tho west has
been at work in eastern Iowa for tho past
year and a half. They havo stolen moro
than 100 flno horses, together with buggies
harness, saddles, etc., In that tlmo and
despite all tliu efforts of tho officers ot this
part of tbo state, nono ot tho stolen prop
erty has over been recovered, nor havo tho
ofllccrs ever been able to securo any cluo
that would tend to throw any light on the
identity of tho robbers.
Tho gang has been operating In somo
twelve or fifteen counties In this part of
tho state and seldom If ever steals moro
than two hor3cs from any certain vicinity
at ono time. Oftentimes tt is only ono
horse that Is taken. Tho tioxt tlmo tho
thieves aro heard from It la In a section ot
the country fifty or sixty miles from tho
previous robbery. As a usual thing only the
finest horses aro taken.
Coroncr'ti .Inry Tinmen Comment.
FORT DODQE, la., Aug. 27. (Special
Telegram.) A most rcmarkablo verdict
was returned hero today by a coroner's
Jury. Tho sudden nnd auspicious death
ot a laboring man named John G. Angquls
caused tho coroner, Dr. H. Roso, to hold
an Inquest over tho remains. Thn Jury
returned n verdict that tho man had died
from blood poisoning caused by a scratch
In his foot, which ho had received flvo
years ago. Tho claim was that tho blood
poisoning wns chronic. Tho verdict and
Its acccptanco by tho coroner Is tho sub
Jcct of much comment horo nmong physl
clans and others.
Myron Spencer I'nrilnncil.
SIOUX CITV, In., Aug. 27. (Special Tel
egram.) Myron B. Spencer, who skipped
out of Sioux City vylth $8,500 of tho Barbor
Asphalt company's funds, eluded capture
for two years and finally was discovered
In a Chicago furnlturo Btorc, whero ho had
boon working na a bookkeeper, brought
back to Sioux City nnd sentenced to fou
yenrs In tho pcntentlary on tho chargo
ot cmbozzlemcnt, has been freed by Gov
ernor Shaw, after having served but n fow
months of his sentence Tho first new
of bis rclcaso reached this city today In a
tolcgram from Spencer to a friend.
Kill lull loir llotllc InJiiri'N Girl.
FORT DODGE, la., Aug. 27. (Special
Telegram.) Kato Stelncr. a lt-year-old
girl, was the victim of a most remarkable
accident. A pop bottlo filled with cldc
exploded and a piece of the flying glass
entered her eye, severing the oycball as
If It had been done with a razor. Sho may
loso tho sight ot tho other eye also.
Ohrrlln Cnll town .11 11 11.
FAYETTE, la., Aug, 27 Dr. I F Green
Ph. D., of this plnco has been offered th
chair ot economics and sociology In Obcrlln
Reciprocity with Ecuador.
SAX i.mia vrtsnn. im .
Archibald J. Sampson, Unltid States ril'i
Ister to Kiiitndnr. Iin arrived here nfur
threo years residence nt Quito, llo m
that hn bus Just concluded 11 rci lpm. ity treaty with the H'-u
government ot decided ndwintngc in l'tli
countries nml of special Intercut t Cart
lornui. 1 11c export 01 nour am wine win
lie especially fontered under the tritv
Wine Is In excellent demand nnd flour is
-. ..AM 1 r.i 1. T 1. 1 .. .... 1 1 . .
duo to the high Import dutes nnd the fii. t
thnt ntl sftipples lmvo to bn packed to the
city ot Quito over n dlillcult trail ol5 mtloi
tin Into the Andes nnd to nn nltltudo of 10,
ysi feet.
lienenit sninpon says that Ecuador
recently established tho gold standard, nl
though It will not go Into effect until
November of this year,
Will IllM'tit Cotton Infcrcnt.
HALEICilI. N. C. A lie. 27 -Thn e.-on.l
Annual convention of thn I'liiimi Ht;itn' m.
soclatlon of commissioners f agriculture
win meet ncre tomorrow. I'l'ilMDIv 1 110
most Important matter to bo discussed Is
tho perfecting of 11 plan, outlined In Ncuv
Orleans, for the estimate or the cotton crop
nt nil periods of the cotton season.
Should thn present plnu ot the nssoelntinn
bo executed false estimates will In the
future become 11 thliii? Impossible
One Of thn nrtlnriH of tlt innvnf Inn will
bo tho announcement of an estimate of the
crop this year. Each commissioner In tho
cotton belt has been busy lor n month
securing figures upon which ho will baso his
csiiinuic ior 111s state.
Mrs. .1. C. Gnrdtirr.
EDGAR. Neb., Aug. 27. (Special.) Mrs.
C. Gardner, who was so badly burned by
gasoline last Wednesday, died at 12 o'clock
yesterday. Medical aid seemed to bo of no
avail. She continued to sink until death
put nn end to her sufferings. Tho tlmo for
her funeral has not yet been decided upon,
ns relatives from a distance aro hourly expected.
J. J. Stinlre.
KANSAS CITV, Aug. 27. J. J. Squire, a
prominent capitalist organizer and for
many years president of the Interstate
National bank of this city, died todny.
aged CI years. Ho was formerly a roal
cstato broker in Chicago nnd St. Louis.
BEATRICE, Neb., Aug. 27. (Special Tel
egramsRobert W. Simons of Denver nnd
Miss Carrlo L. Smith, only daughter of J.
E. Smith, president of tho Smith Bros.
Loan and Trust compnny of this city, wero
united In mnrrlago today at the Episcopal
church, Rev. Mulligan officiating. Mr,
Simons is n well known former Ncbraskan
and Miss Smith ono ot tho leading society
belles of this city.
Tho dread of pcoplo with weak lungs
who suffer with stubborn coughs Is con
sumption. Foley's Honey nnd Tar, If
taken In time, cures tho cold, heals tho
lungs and always cures incipient conaump
Wnr Survivors Rcmcmhcrert hy the
General Government.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 7. (Special.) The
fallowing pensions havo been Issued:
Issue of Auzilst 8:
Nebraska: Additional David Shtltts.
npilltiirfnn. IS. Drlf-lnnl. Widows, etc.
special accrueu, August w, aiisan v.iem
mnns. Dotv. JR: Amanda A. Martin. Tierce.
$t2. Mexican War Widown Special accrued.
August 10, Augusto i'-etsenner, uurweii, js.
Ihsuo of August 9: Original Augustus C.
Anderson, Omaha,$l2. Renewal Jonn reter
son. Silver Creek. J6. Renewal nnd Re
Issue John R. Glascock. Hardy, $16. In
crease Henry W. Fny, Bradslmw, $8: Davi
son Amarlnc, Norfolk, $10; Peter Schilling,
Itarnda. $1". Orlglnnl, Widows, otc Minor
or I'liuip liougias, vcruon, iv.
issuo or August :
Iowa: Orlelnal CharleH E. Lutz.
Dubuque. $6; Thomas H. Parke, Albion. $S,
Henry Jobe, Denlsnn, $B, John P. Wing,
Ottumwa, JS. Restoration nnd Reissue
David II. Knllcy, deceased, Iowa Fulls, $10.
Increaso Clinton Hlgelow. Murshiilltown.
$10: Oeorco W. Cadwell. Strawberry Point.
jnmes Armstrong, upion, wnner
Crowcll, Wnverly Junction, $8; Junius
Calhoun, Iowa Falls, $8; Jerome n, Miller.
Nora springs, t; Jonn Jones, Kent, $10,
Sneclal August 11. Daniel M. Caldwell. Vln.
ton, $12. Reissue and Increase Orrln Sloan,
weBt ncnn, ji. uriginni, widows, etc.
Emma O. Kelley. Iowa Falls. $8.
Isnun of August 0: Additional Snmuol
V. Pelley, Brandon, $6; Eugene L, Wines.
Indlanola. $10. Renewal Georeo E.
Graham, Davis City, $10. Increaso Albln
Cox, Novlnvllle, $S: John F. Stephenson,
Jerome, $12; Marlon Swnllom, Palo. $12,
Georgo Boone. Lynns, $17; Joslnh Hcott,
Mannon. $17: Mathlan O'HIrnnlH, KeoKUk,
$17; John Schwanzcl, Keokuk, $10; John W.
uornciius, wnpnno, n; nem j. r. ucan,
Ottumwn. $10; Anson Beers, Nora Springs,
$10; Isaiah Ball, Knoxvllle. $10; John Tld
ball, Clarluda, $17. RcIsbuo Qrcenbcrry
Penn. Birmingham, tl?
etc Jxhaniin Unidlrj,
Kllhouln, Lovill, IS.
Origin t V idnr.s. I
LUIon, Is M.ili.ili.i
1 "A
Little Liver Pills.
Muit tear Signature
So Pc-Slnll Wrapper Blw.
vjr Mail Ud'N Mr
to Uk4 uir4h
rid IIUlalM.
rort piummct.
F0H TORCH Livur.
rai coxtTirATiii,
L lAirvrrrVi
Dohany Theater
Thursday, AiiKimt 2Rth.
"That Man"
An original Farco Comedy In 3 acts
presented by
Walter Walker
Mildred St. Purse
and an excellent cast as presented at the
Herald Square Theater, New York,
I'fiUmiril nt n I'IimiIc,
NEW YORK. Aug. 27-Soven hundred
Dersnns ntlenillnir tlin llnrvrnl llmim
cnl at Grlggstown, N. J., to celebrnte the
successful guthcrlng of the yenr h crop.
two nours niter mo restival began llftv
persons In attendnnco were stricken with
serious UlnesM from something they had
enten, nnd had to bn ennveyed to their
tinmen. Five members of tho limifrlmlil of
Churles Howell Cook of Belle Memln nrn
soverels' stricken, uh wero Hcvcrnl families
from tho vicinity of HnrllliKen. No one hm
died uh yet, but ninny nro reported to bo
seriojsiy 111.
Xnllonnl I'rnternnl ConnrroK.
BOSTON, Aug. 27.-A1I tho olllcers nnd
committees nnd many of tho lending mem
bers of the Nntlonal Fraternal congress
havo nrrlved hero for ttie sessions of that
body, which nro to open tomorrow. Among
Vioso hern nro President Orotihyiitekhii,
oronto: Vlco President Charles E. Bon-
Sell. Chicago; Hfcretnry-Treiisurcr M W.
ackctt, Meadvllle, Pa.; Past Supremo
Master Workmnu 1). 11 Shields of llnnnl
bnl, Mo., of thn Ancient Order Fnlted
Workmen: l)r. C, It. McCollom, Minne
apolis, and about ICO delegates.
The only
n suro cure
in the world.
Thtre ate few
complaints more
common than riles.
The caus of Pilu art
many among them con
stipation of long it.indlnjr.
or diseases ci the Kidneys
and Liven
rjK.otc. UUIKOtVI
will radically and quickly
cure ell forms ol Piles.
1 his salve Is a tcltnth'lc
compound possessing all
.ere 7.
1 MfcaKsaffi.n uJr,
of the cleansing, powerful disinfectant and
germicidal properties of Solidified formal,
dehydc together with the most soothing
emollients Vnown to modern science. Dr.
Geo. Lelnlngcr's Focmal'dchyde
Salve Is different from and vaitly superior
to any salve or ointment In the world.
There has never been a skin remedy so
wonderfully soothing and healing In Its
nature, and Is now extensively used by hos
pitals and surgeons throughout the country
for the cure of Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Eczema,
Burns Scalds, Bruises and all skin afflictions.
Sold at all druirBli" t5" pekits er dlrMl
from Th lr 0o. Clnlnff r!itlofJo.,CMc9.
llooklet ni'lloi) fir tor Hit kln j.
Fo p-m a I - d o - hy da
Thn Ruarantnod cum for Cltarrh, llronchttlt,
Anlnun, IjiltrUTPi Con'umpllon tml all Nna anil l,unpill-ri.--. boH t all (JruffliU
at .'n cenm nn nn ntolu1e gnarante.
All August cold op
cough is thu worst.
It's llko hay fover.
Antl-Kuwf will tlx
It. All druggists.
fi slmilatrngthcFoodflnilUctfuta-
ttcssandRest.ConuT.ns neither
Opium',Morphinc nor Mineral.
Not Narcotic.
Alx.Scnm -
j4nin Sn
Jlmmuat -JH
tort ana JoJ'
ItimStd -
ftmtud Skiaar .
Ancrfect Remedy forConslina
lion. Sour Slornach.Dinrr ho ca,
'aess and Loss OF SLEEP.
TflcSimitc Signature of
For Infants nnd Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bough!
Bears the t
Signature AW
Thirty Years
fl odor. Used in
I 20 years.
You simply sweep them up after using
Stearns' Electric Paste
It kills Rats, Mice, Cockroaches and all
other Bugs and Vermin, leaving no
leading hotels and public buildings for
Parti Co., (lie a oa, lut
And tho quality of our work should b
of interest to you if your tenth aro no
in perfect condition. It matters no
how little or how much you havo to
ho dono, wo will bo pleased to do it
for you, and tho charges will bo vory
. ..Telephone M5
!!. A. Woodbury, D. 0. Council Bluffs-
Pearl St. Grand Hotel
Some excellent lots, pleasantly located and do
sirable for suburban homes, can be had now at
reasonable prices. These lot s aro located in
Omaha, Wright's and Central Sub. additions. This
property will steadily increase in value as the city
grows in th at direction and the time to buy is tho
present. Call at
Council Bluffs,