THE OMATT "DATLT MR: St'XDAT, ATTGITST 2(i. 1900. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL minor jinvnoN. Davis sells class. "Mr. Illley," 6-cont cigar. Why not smoko tho Why clgnr? Leffert, 280 Hdy., tests eyes free, Ous nxturos and Globes at Hlxby's. Fine A. 11. C. beer, Noiimayer's hotel. Dr. Hlcphcnson, 101 I'earl St. Tel. 309. Schmidt's photos, now and lntest styles. You get the best dinner at tho Vienna. Illlcy, best photographer, 402 Broadway. Cab. photos $1.50 doz. Williams, Ml Hdy. J. C. & W. Woodward, architects, 623 Hdy. W. B. Lewis sells monuments. 301 IJ'way. Lemp's beer, Soenke Uoysen, sole agent. Host beer, Hudwelscr. L. lloseiifeld. Agt. Bclentlflo optician at Wooltnan's, 409 IJ'way. Olrl wanted, for housework, nt 709 South Hlxth street. Homo very cholcn patterns In negligee shirts at Smith & Hrndloy. Campaign pictures and buttons. C. B. Alexander & Co., .133 llrondway. Tho swcllest lino of ready-mado trousers In tho city nt Smith & Hrndloy. Mrs. C. II. Orvls, 623 Washington nvenue, In seriously ill with typhoid fever. Oct your work done at the popular Eagle luundry, 721 Hroadway. 'I'hono 1j7. W. C. Kstcp, undertaker. 2 Pearl street. Telephones: OIllcc, 37; residence, 33. Ilobert Mitchell, mandolin nnd guitar In ntructor. Studio, 231 Mcrrlam block. Heglnnlng classes In Orcgg shorthand, Western Iowa College, September 3. W. F. Oraff, undertaker nnd licensed em. balnicr, 101 South Main Htreet. Thono 6C6. V. n. Miles left last evening for Chicago to nttend tho Clrand Army ot tho Hepubllc encampment. The Ladles of the Maccabees will meet In regular session on Tuesday nt tho usual llmu and place. !nim ir iim.w nt lm Irnnsfer denot ex press olllce, has relumed from Ills vacation trla to Colorado. Ilnnrv Msililn nf DeS MolnPS. former BtatO mipurlntendcnt of public Instruction, was In tho city yesterduy. I'ntim1iii Hmltli. rhnri-ed with assaulting Martin Madsen was discharged In Justlco VIoh'h court yesterday morning, Mrs. Martha Ueer arrived from Now York yesterday morning id nuuiin urn xuiierui of her mother, Mrs. L. C. llaldwln. You can own nil elegant lamp, chamber set or dinner set by paying Keller U Hand tl u week until paid for. nt 107 liroauwny. Tor sale, cheap, two llrstclusH Incubators, hrnmliiru. i0 thoroughbred chickens. Address 015 EnBt I'lerco Htreet, Council muffs. it v xvMin. iivinif nt 720 Seventh ave nue, reported to tho police yesterday tho theft of n lawn mower from his front porch Fr day ii km, Woman with child want to do light housework nnd let child go to school; best reference given. Address W, S0C 8. Sixth Hlreet. Council IllutTs. YrtM pnn niv'M 11 linn rnrnet. either Incrnln. tapestry. moiietto, nxmlnster or velvet, by paying Keller & Hand $1 a week until paid for, at 407 Itrondway. Irvln Chesney was lined $3 and costs In police court yesterday morning for reck Ipmh driving. Oeorgo Sorensen, urrested with Chesney. was discharged. Olllcer itiissey of tho night detail of the pollco force Is laid up with a badly wrenched knee, tho result of a fall rece veil whllo chasing a suspect through a dark BllCi'. Tho Bervlccs nt firnco Episcopal church today will lio ns follows Sundny school nt 9:13 u in., morning prayer and sermon nt It o'clock, evening prayer and sermon at K o'clock. Our lino lino of steel ranges for fall Is now ready for Inspection. You can own 'i beautiful Acorn steel range by paying us $1 a week until paid for. Keller As Hand, 407 Hroadway. Mrs. J. N. Miller expects to open the In dustrlal school nt the Union mission tho second Saturday In September. In the nieuntlmo some necessary repairs will bo mado on tho building. Tlov. It. Venting Is homo from attending tho annual meeting of tho Southern Iowa Haptlst association nt lied Oak and will occupy tho pulnlt nt both services today at the First Haptlst church. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Murphy hayo re ceived assurances from Captain Lrwln, ad jutant general of the Platte, thnt tho re mains of Ihelr son, Captain Will L. Mur phy, would bo brought home on tho llrst nvnllablo" transport. Tho local Danish noeletle will hold a second picnic today nt Union Driving park, tho ono two weeks ngo having been spoiled bv tho rain. Thero will bo an excellent iiroBrum of sports nnd races commencing at 10 o'clock and continuing until 2 p. m. Wo tuno nnd repair pianos at Hourlclus; wo repair and renew organs at Hourlclus; we handle some six IIiicb of pianos and four makes of organs at Hourlclus; also both the nraphophono nnd tho monograph talking machines. 333 Hroadway, telephono m, Nhero tho organ stands upon tho building. Tho funeral services of the into Mrs. Linus V. Hnldwln will bo held this mom Ins at 11 o'clock at tho fnnilly residence, (0.1 Willow avenue, conducted by Ilev. W. R. names, pastor of tho First Presbyterian fhuich, of which deceased was a valued member. Interment will bo prlvnto at tho toiivenionco of tho fatnlly. "That Mnn." u three-act farco comedy, is hooked to nppear at the Dohnny ttieuter next Tuesday night. Tho piece is said to be bright and witty and mado a hit the nrat i.lit Ii wuii Inlrniiiieeil on IIIO Hiage t has just closed n successful run at the Ilernld square theater nnd tho cast em braces some of tho best known talent in tho profession. Over sixty teachers took tlif regular monthly examination held by Couflty Super intendent McMnmis Friday and yesterday at tho court house. Many of thoso taking the examination hold second-grado certlll i,ni n,i th iixmaml for llrst-grade teachers this year haH been unusually large n number of the teachers are trying to raise their general average to meet theso re quirements. it..prt m iir,iiiMi lmu hnnti elected man nger o'f tho Suburban base ball club and has reorganized the team. Ten of the local trerchantH have bought suits for tho team .....i i, iu imnwn berenfter as the Merchants' "Ilrowns." The team will cros bats this afternoon at the Driving par with the Jetters of South omuiia, in con neetlon with tho plcnlo of tho Danish so duties. Tho nuthorltles got track yesterday of thi horse nnd buggy belonging to Ilobert Iludatz which wero stolen from his barn last Bundny night. A horse answering tho iiMxerliitlon of tho animal belonging to ii.,.i.. i una fnuiiil iliinil on tho highway Just over the county line In Harrison county. The buggy and harness were sold bv the supposed thief to u farmer. Deputy sheriff linker has gono to investigate For tonight tho attraction nt the Dohany theater will bo -A Spring Chicken. It Is reputed to be one of tho boat comedy plavs on the road. The specialties nre Bill J to lie original, new and ubovo the average and nil through, the piece is very clover. Tho play Is simply a laugh maker and theatergoers will doubtless bo welt pleased i.. n.iu Tim managers of tho thea ter. Messrs. Stevenson & Kennedy, liny added a lot of new scenery, which will bo seen for tho tlrst time tonight. Among the moro noticeable pieces will be a three-arch center door paiaco aim a iuiiui mi. The work was done by N . an Dyke, who Is nn expert In that line. N. Y. Dumbing Co., tolepaono 250. Largest Assortment jltclinhlc Shoes for Children at HAMILTON'S 412 Broadway. FARM LOANS Mecotlated In htuilurn rtroraska lind Iowa. James N. Caiudy, jr., 11 M1III l IHIIICII IKUtTX. unucv m i niu "ty mUllkl I w fciUMIirropcrly Savings Loan and Building Associat'n WOUJ1U1 U1UI13, lUWtt, . . . BLUFFS. BAG A BOSCH OF THIEVES Police Pick Up an Active Squad of Well Known Pickpockets. IAD BEEN FOLLOWING BRYAN'S CIRCUIT I'nrt of Hie t)nn? AVIiloli linn liern WnrMiiK AIoiik the lloutc of the Cnnilldnte Is Xoit in .Inll. As the result of n fight between two members of the gang tho police succeeded yesterday nftcrnoon in arresting flvo men, whom they have strong reason to bellevo nre pickpockets who aro following Wllllnra Jennings Hryau around tho country. The men gavo the names of Charles Ellis, Phil lip Hastings, Charles Miller, I). Harrison and K. Ncary. They wore evidently booked for Syndicate park, South Omaha. Charles Kills and I'lillllp Hastings en gaged In the fight which nttracted the at tention ot tho pollco to them nnd led to their and their partners' arrest. Hastings Is quite an elderly man, while tho other four are comparatively young. Tho fight between Kills nnd Hastings occurred about 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon near tho cor ner of I'earl street and Hroadway. "When first noticed Kilts was beating Hastings. The latter s)ccmcd endeavoring to get awny from his assailant, but was knocked down. While Hastings lay on tho side walk, with his head hanging over tho curb, Kills kicked him twlco In tho face. At this point In tho fight Warren Dallcy, a former member ot tho Fifty-first Iowa volunteers, rushed to tho rescue of tho old man and knocked Kills up against the hill boards In front of tho Klsoman building nnd held him until tho nrrival of Ofllcer Wilson. Kills was at onco taken to tho city Jail, whllo another olllcer escorted Hastings to the offlco of Dr. Waterman, whero two deep cuts under his right ey6, caused from tho kicks from Ellis, wero sowed up. In nnswor to questions as to what had caused tho fight, tho old man said they had had an argument over politics and that his assailant was an ontlro stranger to him. At tho city Jail they professed to bo unacquainted with each other, but It happened that some of tho officers had seen thorn nnd four others together earlier In tho nftcrnoon and a senrch was promptly made for their supposed partners. In less than half an hour thrco others of tho gang wero rounded up on llrondway Just as they wero preparing to board the cars for Omaha. A sixth member of tho gang who was seen enrllcr in the day, man aged to escape. When brought together nt tho city Jail (all flvo professed Ignorance of one another, but as soon as they were locked up they dropped this and sent for an attorney to look after their interests. Kvldencc of Their Trndc. Examination of the flvo men's effects showed undoubtedly thnt they were nlcknockcts traveling in the wake of Uryan. Kach of them had copy ot the New York Informant, glv lnc tho list of county fairs and other public gatherings throughout tho country nnd ono of them, the man giving the name of Ncary, had a memorandum book which wero entered the dates ot meeting: at which Hryan was billed to speak, some of theso datos being marked "good," thl being tnken to indlcato that tho meetings thus marked meant n good field for the plying of their trade of pickpockets, Thrco gold chains nnd two handsome gold wntches were found on tho gang and thes the pollco bellovo aro the proceeds of the! pockot-plcklng. On tho man giving tho nnmo of E. Ncary was found n gold huntlngcase Elgin watch and gold chain with cameo charm. Tho numbers of this watch aro: Case, 305,1 iG works, 8,052,135, On Harrison was found gold huntlngcase Waltham watch and gold link chain, with a $3 gold pleco dated 1873 attached. Tho numbers on this watch aro, case, 3,503,399; works, 7,700,195. Miller had $18 In his possession and Hastings was pos- seased of $10, whllo tho other threo hau each about $2. Among Nenry's effects was a receipt from tho Pacific Express company at Pitts burgh, Knn., dated August 16, showing that E. J. Walton had remitted JoO to Mrs. :. J. Walton nt St. Paul, Minn.; also a receipt from tho sisters in chargo of St. Joseph's hospital at St. Paul for money paid to E. J. Walton for tho caro and at tendance of Mrs. E. J. Walton. 'inis is belioved to be Nenry's right namo. In the memorandum book carried by Harrison was tho following notation; "E. J. Walton, 353 Honflll strcot." Among Nenry's effocto was found n ticket from Wymore, Neb., to Omaha of yester day's date. On tho man giving tho namo of Miller was found a handsomo gold double chain, ropo pattern, with n $2 gold piece attached ot tho dato of 1S39. lloiinil for .South Onmbii. That the flvo men wero booked for Syndi cate park yesterday afternoon Is evident from a notation In Nenry's momorandum book. Tho pollco aro of tho opinion that tho men wero ufrnld to go to Omahn direct from Wymore, but camo to Council llluffs, believing they would nttract less attention if they transferred In Omaha from a Coun cil llluffs car and mixed with the delega tion of democrats from this city who went to South Omaha to hear Rryan talk. They will bo held pending investigation nnd ovory effort will bo mado by tho police to discover, If possible, tho owners of the watches nnd chains found on them. Tho pollco aro much elated over tho arrest of the gan, as they bolleve the flvo men are all what Is known as "good men," Two other mfinoers ot tho gang were ar rested last night. They gavo the narae3 of Charles Kelley and James Lally. Kelley an swers tho description of n man wanted for robbing a freight car at Pacific Junction last Jimo. AVoll Known Thieve. Omaha officers Identified tlfo seven men under nrrest as members of what Is known as "tho (lorrllla'a gang of pickpockets. With tho exception of Hastings, the old man who was beaten by Ellis, tho entire outfit was arrested in Omaha July 30, tho day that Sells & Forcpaugh's circus showed there. Tho gang Is said to bo tho smoothest that ocr worked In this section of the country The real namo of tho old man, Hastings, Is said to bo McOregor and ho Is tho "banker" of tho gang. From what one of tho fellows let drop It seems that Hastings had spent fomo of tho money which ho ought to have divided among tho rest and that led to tho assault on hlra by Elils. McOregor has been Identified ns a man who was arrested here eight years ago by Officer Claar for tapping tho till at tho old Colorado bouse. Gravel roofing, A. H. Read, 6U Hroadway, llrxltn Hip Tux. Mrs. Lulu Patton commenced suit in tho district court yesterday against the city to have declared null, void and Illegal the assessment against her property for tho paving on Oakland avenue and Avenue E. Tho eVilt, like several others ot a nlmllar character against the city. Is ascd on tho recent decision of tho supremo court, which held that assessments for public improvements on tho lineal front footago f tho abutting property ntid not according to tho benefits derived by the property from uch Improvements were illegal nnd the law rovldlng for their collection unconstitu tional. Tho atucAint involved Is $435. Mrs. 'atton also asks that tho county treasurer bo restrained from selling her property, which Is located in Mill addition, nt tax sale, A complete lino of new fall shirts just received at Smith & Bradley's. Society (ioinlp. Miss Clara Krncht of this city was mar ried yesterday afternoon In Hutte, Mont., o Dr. James I. Henry. Dr. nnd Mrs. Henry will mako their homo In Hutte. Misses Ulnncho and Aura Sweet have 1b- sued invitations to twcnty-flvo of their young friends to a picnic to be held nt Lake Manawa Tuesday. Miss Cora Oret zer nnd Miss Mamlo Oliver will act as chapcrones for tho young folks. Tta T"omcn clerks of tho Iloston store enjoyed a very plcnsnnt outing and pic nic nt Lake Manawa last Thursday oven- ing. Mrs. Fred KIcpfcr will leave today for visit with frlonds nt Ames, la. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Kccllne nre homo from their Hojourn at Colfax Springs. Mr. nnd Mrs. Alexander Cnmpboll nnd family left last ovonlng for a trip to Eldo- rndo Springs, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Ott will leavo this evening for St. Louis nnd other southern points. Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Iloblnson havo re turned from n visit with Mr. Itoblnson's parents at tho old homestead near Corn- Ipc. Ia. Mlsa Margaret Judge left yesterday ror Chicago, whero sho will tako a course In music whllo visiting friends. Miss Mamie Oliver entertained at dinner Mondny night, covers being laid for six. Tho decorations wero pink and whlto astors and sword ferns. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Casady entertained at an elnborato lawn tea nt tho Wells resldcnco on Oakland nvcnuo last evening. Tho reception tendered Itov. W. H. Crowd son by tho members of tho First Christian church lost Tuesday evening at tho Taber naclo wob largely attended, among thoso present being many members of tho denom' lnatton from Omaha. Tho church was beau tltully decorated with llowcrs, tenia nnd palms, and at the closo ot n program ot addresses and music, dainty refreshments wero served. Miss Jcnnlo Gulttar Is home from a three weeks' visit with relatives at West Point, Nob. Misses Loulso and Carmen Kendall left Friday for n visit with friends In Chicago Mra. J. C. Mitchell nnd daughter of Oak land avenuo aro visiting friends in Indian apolls. Mrs. H. A. Qtllnn Is entertaining Mrs. A J. Packard and Miss Mnudo Packard ot Kansas City. Commonwealth 10-cent cigar. I.nlior Dn.v (Vlelirntloii. There Is a deslro on tho part ot the local unions that Labor day bo generally observed In Council llluffs this year and that Monday September 3, be celebrated as n holiday by all classes. The Trades and Labor ussombly has appointed a committee, consisting ot Messrs. Gorman, Drnko nnd Wnrehum, to call on tho business men of tho city and try to socuro an agreement from nil to close their stores on that day, so that their cm ploycs can participate In the celebration This request Is In accordance with tho spirit of tho proclamation Issued by Governor Shaw, which is ns follows: Hy the Governor A Proclamation: Cus torn maue me nrst .Mommy in Beptembe n holiday, nnd the statutes of our state nave wisely indorsed tno selection. Tin steadllv crowliiK Interest In the occasion I. a gratifying Indication. In hurmonv there fore with law nnd custom. I recommend that on Monday, September 3, 1900, there be to tho largeBt practical extent a cessation of labor throughout the state of Iowa and that the day be devoted to appropriate ex erclscs and healthful recreation. Especially would I recommend that In this time of excentlonal prosperity all eninlovers o labor grant the most ample opportunity for those in tliclr employ to participate in tlio ceremonies nnd restivuies ot ttm occnslon. The last Labor Day of the nineteenth cen tury should be mado auspicious of more trleudly nnd consenlnl relations between citizens nnd the obliteration of nil class dis tinctions. in testimony whereof I hnve hereunto set my hand and caused to be alllxed the greut seal of the state. Done nt Des Moines this 24th day of August, A. D. 1900. LESLIE M. SHAW. Hy tho Governor: a. L. DOHSON, Secretary of State. Tho comraltteo waited on n number of tho stores yesterday and received very flattering encouragement. Tho committee also called upon Mayor Jennings and re quested him to issue a proclamation nsk- Ing tho citizens to generally observe the day. Advices from Omaha, South Omaha and adjacent cities in Iowa Indicate that thero will be a largo crowd In Council Hluffs on tho day nnd that tho parado of organized labor will bo tho largest over Been In this city. Howell's Antl-"Kawf" cures coughs, colds. I'll kH OlltillK. Tho Klks' outing nnd banquet at Lako Manawa yesterday was not as woll at tended ns had been anticipated. About 150 members of tho order from Omaha nnd Council llluffs, with n tow from the adjoining towns, gathered at tho banquet tnblo at Manawn park. Despite the small nttendauco tho banquet was a merry af fair, enlivened by a program of short speeches nnd songs nnd other turns by several members of tho vnuedvlllo troupo now performing In tho Casino. After tho eatables had been discussed to tho satisfaction of nil, Jahn N. llaldwln introduced tho specchmakcrs, tho tnlkors nnd topics being ns follows: Lyslo J. Abbott of Omahn, "Sociability;" John Manahan of Lincoln, "Tho Actor;" Emmet Tlnloy of Council llluffs, "Fratornallsm;" George P. Cronk of Omaha, "America;" Victor E. Render of Council Rlufffl, "Urothorhood." During tho afternoon a gnmo of ball was played between tho Omaha and Coun cil Rluffs Elks, tho result being declared a tie. In a tug of war Council Rluffs sim ply walked away with tho gentlemen wear ing antlers from across the rlvor. Kd Mul len of Oraaha won the tub race and was presented with n string of flvo croppies that an Elk managed to fish out of tho lake. AIihikIuii I'lulit mi Hold HIT. R. C. Doild, business agent of the Omaha Walters' union, is quoted as saying that tho fight against W. S. Ralduff, proprietor ot tho cafo at Manawn pnrk, Is to bo de clared oft. It Is said that this determination has been reached owing to tho waiters fall ing to secure any support from tho Central Labor union, which did not approve of tho attack on Caterer Ralduff. In tho event of all tho proceedings brought against Halduff by tho Omaha wnltora bolng dis continued, Mr. Ilalduff will drop the crim inal proceedings brought by him against Rodd nnd others, whom bo charges with conspiring to Injure his business nt Lako Manawa, Mm, SmUli AkUh Divorce. Mrs. Mary M. Smith filed a potltlon In the district court yesterday, asking for a dl yorco from Wilson Smith, whom sho mar ried In Toulon, 111., on Juno IS, She alleges that her husband Ill-treats her nnd falls to properly provide for her, and that recently whllo she was sick, ho refused to sccuro her any medical attendance. She further alleges that her husband falls to provldo her with a sultablo dwelling, al though well nblo to do so. The Smiths own eighty-live acres of farm land In this county on which they live, and the plaintiff nsks tho court to grant her such alimony as It deems right. Davis sells paint. Sues tin Itntlronil C'onipnny, John F. Williams, as administrator of tho estate of Josso H. Williams, commenced suit In tho district court yesterday against the Chicago, Mllwnukee & St. Paul Hall way company for $10,000 damages for tho death of tho latter. Jesse It, Williams was a bridge gang flagman In tho employ of tho Milwaukee railroad and was run over nnd killed October 7, 1S99. near the Chau tauqua grounds. William Halt, engineer of tho freight train that is alleged to have run over and killed Williams, Is made a party defendant to tho suit. Tho nobbiest flno of fall hats you ever Baw Just received at Smith & Bradley's. Verdict for Korry. Tho superior court Jury In the case of D. Fogcrty ngnlnst K. L. and A. S. Newlands ot Ncola, n suit to recover on an alleged contract for the purchase of fruit trees, which went out Friday nfternoon, brought In n verdict yesterday morning for $201.83. Tho plaintiff sued for $1,900. Hcforo the enso went to trial the defendants ottered to settle for $190 and costs of tho suit up to date. Tho trial lasted tho cntlro week. For sale, cheap, a good location for three rental homes. Forrest Smith & Co., 20G Main street. I'lenlr Iotonr1, Tho plcnlo which waB to havo been given by tho Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of thlB city on Thursday, August 10 but was postponed on account of tho rainy weather, will bo held nt Lako Manawa on Wednes day, August 29. All persons who had re ceived Invitations are cordially Invited to nttend. Thero will be nn Interesting ball game between tho members of Excelsior and Uluff City lodges nt 2:30 p. m. ANDItEW M'MILLEN, Socrotary. 11 ml Kutntr Transfer. Tho following transfers wero filed yester day In the abstract, tltlo and loan office ot J. W. Squire, 101 Pearl street: Charles Arnd nnd wife to William Arm!, lot 13, block 03 and lot 9, block (S, Itlddlo's sub dlv., q.c.d $ T. G. Smnrt nnd wife to Loretta Mc Master, lots 9 and 10. block 1, Wll llnms' llrst add Hancock, nnd lot 5, Auditor's sub dlv. of se'i swU 8-76-39. Philip M. Jeffcrls nnd wife to Henry II. Host wick, und Vt of seU seU, 31-77-41. w. d Mngglo Nason to I. M. Nelson, lot 13. 300 Johnson's ndd, w.d 1,500 uriaudo it. mvansoti nnd wire to airs. Mnggle llnwkey, lot 3, block 3, Stuts man's first ndd. w.d F. R. Davis nnd wife to Charles R. Ilalinan, lots 1G to 30, block 28, lots '.T to 30, block 49, Ilrown's sub dlv., nnd lots 1 nnd 2, block 10, Pierce's sub dlv., q.c.d 950 1 Total six transfers. .$2,753 Miirrliiuo I.lcennes. Licenses to wed wero Issued yesterday to the following persons: N'nmn nnd Tlesldence. Ace. Tllroin P. Ilellnws. Wnhoo. Neb 57 Lydla Woodruff, Wahoo, Neb t3 George linker, Denver, Colo .V) Allls Klrkland, Denver, Colo 31 Durt Wright, Council niuffs. 26 Mary A. l.ane, council mutts... u D0LLIVER GETS A SEND0FF Fellow Towimmen of the New Srntor Kipreim Their Appreciation of lilt SelrctloM. FORT DODGE, la., August 25. (Special Telegram.) Tho citizens of Fort Dodge, ir respective of party, turned out en masse hero this evening to honor the appointment of Hon. Jonathan Preutlss Dolllvcr to the United States senate. Tho demonstration was of a spontaneous character and demon strated to Mr. Dolllver tho nffectlon and esteem In which ho Is held In his own com munity. Early in tho evening n large concourse of pcoplo formed In tho business center of tho city and up Central avenue, headed by a brass band nnd filling tho strcft with tho flnro of skyrockets and roman candles, marched to Senator Dolltvor's residence Nearly every citizen In Fort Dodgo seemed to havo surrounded tho Dolllver residence. Senator Dolllver with his wlfo and Intl- mato friends met tho throng on his front porch. Hon. It. M. Wright was master of ceremonies, and In a brief und well chosen speech stated that tho citizens of Fort Dodgo had met for tho purpose of express ing to their distinguished fellow townsman tho appreciation which thoy felt for tho honor that had been conferred upon him nnd unon them in his appointment as senator. Hon. J. F. Duncombo, a life-long demo crat, was then called upou to express the toolings of tho Fort Dodgo citizens. Mr. Duncombo spoke briefly, referring to tho romarkablo success attained by Mr. Dol- llvor nnd prophesying that ho would fill tho office with ns great distinction as had over been given It. Speeches wero also mado by Hon. Wcs. ley Martin of Webster City, who nomi nated Dolllver for president; by H. A- Cook and Senator T. D. Healey, who voiced the gratltudo of tho people of tho city and ot tho Tenth congressional district to Gov ernor Shaw In tho greatest and wisest act ot his life. Mr. Dolllver then responded. His ro- marks wero In tho nature of thanks and appreciation of tho demonstration that had been accorded him und the continued fMinnort that had always been his from tho neon e of tho Tenth district. Mr. Dol- liver said ho owed all to tho Tenth dls trlct republicans for whatever distinction had come In him and was especially prate fill to those whoso energy and sagacity had secured his appointment havo not," ho said, "beon senator long enough to know how It feels, hut my sensatlous aro probably a great deal ltko thoso of the woman who Is for tho first time called Mrs." The speaker said ho felt real sorrow In leaving tho houso of representatives, In which a third of his llfo had been spent, and spoko feelingly of the massage that had been sent him from tho old employes and members of tho house. Tho senator paid a tribute of thanks to Governor Shaw and added In roferenco to tho attitude of the Tenth district towards his appointment thnt ho was certain that not n couuty In tho district which had always stood by him so loyally In tho past would desert him Following tho close of tho spewing now. sovernl thousand pcoplo shook hands with Mr. and Mrs. Dolllver. Olil Settler Meet nt MnRiiolIn 'MAONOMA. la., Aug. 25. (Sretlal.) It 13 estimated thnt there wero 3,000 citizens ot this county In attendance at the annual old settlers' plcnlo that mot hero Thursday. The piogram was In Itself very appioprlato for tho occasion and Included speeches from old settlers, giving tho experiences which they passed through during tho early days of this part of western lown. It proved to bo n continuous handshake tho whole day long, The occasion was without accident. Closing We are going out of business and to do this quickly we offer our Entire Stock of Carpets, Rugs, Curtains, Mattings, Upholstery Goods, Etc. At prices way below cost Come and See for yourself, Sale begins Monday, August 27th, Treynor & Gorham Odd Fellows' Building. Council Bluffs, Iowa. Greene's C. 0. D. PHONE 65. 336-338 Broadway. Have You an Idea or havo you over thought how much you could savo by buying your supplies here? For Instance, noto our prices for Monday. 200 Baskets Fancy Home Grown Concord Grapes, 8-pound Basket 15c 100 Boxed Good Freestone Peaches (not rotten stuff) box 90c California Pears, large and solid, perlarge box.... SI. 85 Muscatine Water Melons, I0c-I5c Musk Melons, large, solid- 5c Cooking Apples, peck 10c Tomatoes, fine, solid, 20 pound basket 124c Sweet Potatoes, peck .... 15c Onions, large red, peck... 20c Granulated Sugar, 16 pounds, 16 ounces to pound.. ..$1.00 I Flour a WHITE noSE high patent made from old wheat and warranted by us CO-lb. sack 98c Market Specials. Choice Round Steak 10c I Finest Sirloin 12V&C nest Porterhouso 12'4c Sprlnc Chickens (dressed) 1214c Falrbank's Cottolenc, 2-lb can ISc WE WANT YOUK MONDAY OUDEIt. IIERRIOTT WILL PROTEST Iowa'j State Treasurer Not Satisfied with Express Companies' Taxation. EXPECTED HE WILL SPRING A SENSATION I'nctw Will Prolmlily He Ilroudht Out Attempt l.iK to Mmw Tlmf lie Council linn nn l-'iulue I,mc for the .ortliTeern Itnail. DES MOINES, Auk. 25. (Special Telo- nrara.) Treasurer ot Stato ucrriott was asked today If ho expected to Issue n protest with respect to tho tnxatlon of express com panies in Iowa, in view especially of the assessment mado by tho majority of tho council on Friday. Ho said he expected to do that very thing. Ho was asked when such a statement would bo ready ana no said that It was Impossible to say at this time. It will bo Issued shortly, however. He declinoa 10 say anyuuiiK noui um it would contain. It Is taken for granted, however, that It will bo full of sensations. This Is a Judgment based on former pro tests filed by tho treasurer. His voto In tho council meeting would Indlcato his purpose. Apparently the express business has noth- Ing to do with tho railroads, as a matter or fact, that Is tho nubbin of the who; busi ness, from Mr. Herrlott's point of view. Tho council assessed tho American express com pany $132 a mile. Ucrriott moved to mako It $55!M6, an Increnso of $127 per mile. Tho substltuto wns lost. Thin company does business over tho Northwestern railroad. It also submitted tho bulk of tho securities as offset against assets and which securi ties Mr. Herrlott Insists should not bo do- ducted from tho assets, whllo tho majority of tho council voted to do It. Dllli-renre of Oplnlonx, Now tho United States Express compauy ??" bu.lncw over the l ock Island railroad. It has many less securities which It offered as offset against assets. Thn council fixed Its assessment at $96 per mile, while Her rlott moved to advance It to $123.35, nn In creaso of $27. All theso facts will prob ably be elucidated in Hcrrlott'a statoment with proper deductions, showing that tho treasurer believes that the council has tin duo lovo for tho Northwestern railroad. Tho majority of tho council said Saturday that It had no statement to make at this time beyond tho broad ono that they did what they believed wns their duty, that they were conscientious In taking the report of the I companies as truo becauso tho very law pre Out Sale Real Estate is Rising IN VALUE. Some excellent lots, pleasantly located and de sirable for suburban homes, can be had now at reasonable prices. These lot s are located in Omaha, Wright's and Central Sub. additions. This property will steadily increase in value as the city grows in th at direction and the time to buy is the present. Call at THE BEE OFFICE, Council Bluffs. OUJR MS The Dohany Theater Program for Season of 1900-1901 will be printed by 307 Broadway, Make No Mistake.... Your loot li should liuve tho host of caro. If there is anything wrong willi Uiom do not postpone the time, but go ut. once and have them attended to. (joon tki:tii. ij.-.oo. crows wonu, : out ami alloy killing at mod- UHATi: PHICUN. KXTIIAL'TIO.V I'AINLMSS AMI HANI'. DR. A. O. MUDGE, :i8S HWOADWAY (Upstairs). COUNCIL liLUFFS. Dohany Theater 0.n MtiHT ONLY Thursday, AiiriimI -Mill. "That Man" An original Farce Comedy In 3 nets presented by Walter Walker and Mildred St. Purse and an excellent cast as presented nt tho Hcrnld Square Theater, New York. sumed that they would bo true when nmdo and accompanied by nflldnvlt or buch reports would not havo been required. Old Set Hern' lli'lll.'-on I'oot IMincil. LENOX, la., Aug. 25. (Special.) Tho fourth annual reunion of old settlers of Itlnggold, Union, Adams and Taylor coun ties, which was billed to take place today nt this place, was declared off by tho man agers at an early hour this morning on no. count of tho rnln during tho night. Not withstanding this unadvised action of tho commltteo Inrge delegations camo from thr rcspoctivo counties, only to bo notified that tho reunion would bo postponed until Sep tember 4. At noon, as tho weather was flno and a Inrgo crowd present, together with tho band and tho principle speaker, a delegation of citizens waited upon tho commltteo and cmleavorod to get them to roconslder thulr action, but tho only part of the program carried out was the ball gamo between I.enox nnd Corning, which resulted In a victory for tho latter, tho score being 20 to 2. A special train will leavo Lenox on tho morning of August 27 with nbout 100 citi zens, bound for the utato fair. PRICES And the quality of our work should b of interest to you if your teeth are no in perfect condition. It matters no how little or how much you havo to bo done, wo will bo pleased to do it for you, and the charges will bo very moderate. . ..Telephone 145 H. A. Woodbury, D. D. Council Bluff 3 30 Pearl St. Grand Hotel Telephone 252 CHEAP HOMES. 3-rootn house on 6th uvo., well, ntnble, shad, trees, $100. 5-ronm house on Ave. A., city water, $500; easy payments. C-room house, city wnter, cistern, Ave, $700; easy terms. n., 4- rnom hotipp, near Itork Inland depot, $650; easy terms. K-rooin house, 5 blocks from P. O., city water, rollur. J0.V). Nice C-room cottage, 3 blocks from Metho dist church, cemented cellnr, pantry, store room, cistern, well, city wnter. stable, paved street. Will sell on monthly payments. Will build you a modern eottngo on monthly payments. Stop paying rent and buy n homo in this wny. Choice resldenco lots, $500; $50 down und $15 Per month. 5- room house, bath, cellnr, closet, wnter. gas, furnace, $2,000. ' Clopd Improved RO-aern farm, 5 miles from Neoln, $10 per acre. IM-acro farm, fi miles east of Council niuffs, buildings, und nearly nil in cultivation $15 per ucrc. JOHNSTON & ICEnn, DII Hrondwny, Council niuffs. Dohany Theater ONi: MMJIIT t)M,v, SUNDAY, AUGUST 26th Tho Latest Musical Karco Comedy, A SPRING CHICKEN Till: LIMIT IV LA IHillTKIt, All Top-Liners. 12 Illg Specialties, 12. Alt tho latest s figs und hits. A big bunch of fun. Prices, 25c, 35c, COc. t