Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1900, PART I, Page 7, Image 7

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Prof, William Farr, LL, B LL. II., Founds
a Fount of Legal Learning.
'nriiUj- Kli'li Over Trnn-n. Iti,iuilliil
Their Coiiiicrtltin ultli tin- I nut 1 1 u
lloii mill IncliliMilnll) ln cu
ll KiUe tin Di-iih'i Itrrnril.
Price SHk-iIiiIi for I.nw IIs-kitm.
LL. II $10.00
LL. M 10.00
I). C. L 10.00
LL. I) tO.OO
1J, O Ti.03
M. (.) 10.0 J
Scholarship 35.0)
laws. Ha admits that ho doesn't know
much law and that he tana never been ad
mitted to the bar, but ueverthalens, Farr
replica that It UtO nnd Homo "recommend
Mono" bi forthcoming, ha will guarantee to
dulUer the good and no riuentlcni naked.
Tho Albany Law Journnl of Auguat t
contains this reference to "Dean" Parr;
copied from tho Detroit Law Journal:
Tho Law Journal has been Investigating
tho Nashville College of Law and has ob
tained rellablo Information which Justi
fies It In denouncing that Institution as a
fraud, puro nnd olmplo. William farr,
president of tho Instttutl-n, who flourishes
LL. I), after his name, Is a man of very
shady roputatlon. Ho was at ono time
connected with on Institution In Chatta
nooga, Tcnn., that sold diplomas. Tho bar
association cf Nnshvlllo Is considering the
advisability of taking soma action with
regard to tho college that will xoncr.ito
tho namo of that city from any responsi
bility for tho presence there of the fraudu
lent concern. Tho Law Jutirnnl has been
Predictions that Bryan Will Carry New York
and Indiana Are Dreams.
An Institution which hns rprung up In
Omaha during the last two weeks and which
has been named "Parr's Dlplnmn Mill" by
those who liavr- Investigated it. Is about to
ro'elve iomo revere Jolts "i tho hands of
irvcral reputable jomig lawyers uf tho tlty,
who. without their connent, have been an
nounced as Its faculty. Tho young men suy
their names were used without their author
ity or knowledge. They say, further, that
they have overy reason to suspect that Wil
liam Knrr. LL. II.. LL. M.. Is not uct'ng In
good faith In the establishment ot tho. so
called "Omaha Law reboot" and that his
motives are unprofessional nnd questionable;
In short, that he Is hero to sell law degrees
as a commodity at nt much per degree.
Tho "dean." a Inrgp, portly innn, with a
florid complexion, enmo to Omnha about
three weeks ago from Nashville. Tcnn..
where he had pored ns tho Intellectual head
of a concern cry simitar to that planned
for this city, dealing In diplomas at bargain-counter
rates. Ilia first innvu was to
negotiate for tho purchoso of the charter
and perconal property of a law school already
established here tho Omnha School of Law.
This ho accomplished, though tho board ot
trustees of that Institution say there was
no consideration. Then ho proceeded to
get out literature advertising tho now school,
Among other things, ho Issued a seventy
pago pamphlet, which rends much like a
real estato boomer's prospectus of
somehurst. It deals in hyperbole through
out and every adjective is In tho superlative
1'nrnlly lleimillntrn School.
It Is In this brochure that tho following
names nppear ns constituting tho faculty ot
tho Institution:
William Farr. LL. H.. LL. M. (Chicago
Law School, Illinois Cotlcgo ot Law), dean
nnd professor of law
II. L. Stnndevoii, LL. Tt. (University of
Michigan), professor of law.
II. 1. Leavltt. LL. It. (Omaha Law
school), professor of Inw.
10. A. Smith, LL. 11. (University of Iown),
professor of law.
.1. A, Kennedy. LL. TJ, (University of Ne
braska), professor of law.
Jnmi-H M. KIIIbou (member Omaha bar),
professor of law.
T. A. Holllstcr, LL. II. (University ot Ne
braska), professor of law.
Olivor 8. Krwin. II. A. (University ot Ne
braska), professor ot law.
T. II. Dysart, LL. II. (University of Mich
igan), professor of law.
Harry Fischer, LL. n. (Omaha Law
school), professor of law.
Tuesday night ot last week all tho per
sons above named, savo Mr. Farr himself,
held a meeting In an olllco In tho New York
Llfo building to correct tho Impression
abroad that they wcro In nny way connected
with the Omaha Law school. Thoy passed
a set ot resolutions denouncing the concern
nnd these- wcro published In a local law
Attorney H. A. Whipple, who was deluded
Into acting as sponsor for Farr when he
first arrived in tho city, has been doing a
little missionary work of lato In the way of
digging up tho mnn's past record. Ho has
written lcttors to Chattanooga and Nnshvlllo
nnd tho replies recelvod havo fully Justl
fled earlier suspicions. Among other inter
esting documents aro Bevcrnl nowspnpers
from tho cities named, containing articles
denunciatory of tho flagrant Farr. A special
In tbo Nnshvlllo American ot December 8,
1S99, from Chattanooga, Is ns follows:
Nashville Co in men t on Farr.
The appearance of John William Fnrr. Jr..
at Naahvlllo has revived Interest In tho
doings of sold John William, Jr., during tho
brief period ho acted us "dean ot tho fac
ulty or taw at urnnt university.
Most of tho lawyers who agreed to lec
ture when tho school was Htartcd wero dis
trustful of Furr from tho licclnnlni:. Thoy
soon saw that his methods wero thoso of
a fakir. Ills advertisements of tho school
had a Yellowstone Kit tlavor nnd owing to
their peculiar wording aroused tho suspi
cion of two of the lawyors who hnd been
puullshed among tho lecturers that his pur
pnso was to sell diplomas to whoever would
Mnjnr .Moore ItPturim from n Trip
TliroiiKli tin IJnM mill Tnlk
of I'ollllrnl I'ros-
"The predictions that Urynn and Steven
son will carry New York und Indiana aro
wild and entirely without foundation.
Whllo in Logansport and other lndlann
towns I rando Inquiries nnd found that tho
ncntlmcnt strongly against Bryan. Even
the men who aro with tho democrats on
some issues say tint it would bo folly to
Imposed upon to tho extent of advertising elect n man who has expressed his Inten
fcr tho so-called college, but up-.n learning tlcn cf calling a special session of congress
tho true facts of the caso canceled thu ' to rovoluttculza tho government's policy,"
contract and discontinued thu advertise
ment. This and much other similar testimony
has been gathered concerning tho oporn'
said Frank E. Moorcs, who ha3 returned
Irom an extended trip through tho east.
'Several months ago tho sentiment of In
dlnna republicans seemed to bo quite
tlnnn of tho educator, and If It dcoi not strong against tho Porto Illcan tariff ana
in orner to test the matter n decoy cor
resportdonce was started, tho letters being
prepared nere anu sent to a gentleman in
Washington city, who hud them signed by
a friend of his and then mailed to "Dean '
Farr. Tho "dean" walked rlcht Into tho
trap. IIo loft no doubt as to his disgrace
ful purposes. Ills letters wero laid beforo
tho university authorities, nnd especially
beforo the lawyern who hnd been lecturing
at tho law school, nnd ho wan ut once
comnelled to sever his connection with thn
Institution und leave tho city. Tho lawyers
Hay his mendacity surpassed anything they
hud over seen when ho was curnered and
confronted with his own letters and tho
testimony ot studentB who had boon faked
and ticecca y mm
Hero aro reproduced tho letters ot tho
decoy correspondence. Ostensibly a young
lawyer in Washington writes asking for
"quotntlons" on tho degroo ot bachelor of
end In hlB being "hot-footed," tho present
signs hello themselves.
I'nrr'H ltciunrKnlilc I'miiithlot.
An account of Farr and his Omaha en
terprise would not bo complcto without
n few extracts from his remarkable pam
phlet, which bears upon Its cover In gilt
letters tho words. "Omnha Law S.hool,
Omaha, Nob ' On tho tltlo pago appears
a cut of tho New York Llfo building, and
below It is tho line, "Ofllco Omahn Law
School." thereby giving tho Impression that
tbo cntlro building Is davoted to tho In
stitution. As a matter ot fart, the only
portion of the edifice that appears to be
occupied by the "school" Is ono little
dinky office about eight feet wldo and ten
feet long. Tho suites and magnificent
lecturo rooms which tho "denh" describes
with such pcrfervld eloquence arc, no tar
as can he learned, elthei a fantasy be
gotten of an over-wrought Imagination or
simply "hot air."
This paragraph, under tho heading,
'Clltctrtc and Health." sounds tho keynote
of tho entire work for extravagant langu
The climate Ik mltil nnd pnn.nhln. avolillnir
nllko tho rigorously sovcre winters of more
norincrn cnmes and motintuinoiix situa
tions, and thn hot. enervating summer of
southern locations.
The Dciin Wnxe Kloquput.
Young women nro advised to study law,
and In doing so tho "dean" employs these
glowing words:
Stoi nnd think! Yon nrn no loncer n
cipher in thn world. You are no looser
looked upon ns n humnn being In form only.
Tho light of your Intelligence Is blessing
tho world. Your mission Is fully as great
ns that of any man. Develop tho powers
ijOd nns given you and your happiness wl'l
bo proportionately Increased. Every de
partment of life Is now open to woman.
Man long held nil places of trust nnd honor,
but ho Is now compelled to surrender them
to his equal woman, Her Held Is no longer
confined to tho kitchen, but reaches out
into nil the literary and legal pursuits ot
life. Your Inlluenco m.iv shano the ballot.
even If yo't aro not permitted to drop It
Into tho box.
This Is his opinion of himself, though ho
mnkes It appear that the trustees wrote It:
The board of trustees of tho Omaha Law
school most heartily commend to you our
new dean. Prof. William Furr. as a gen
tleman admirably fitted for tho position.
Tho dean will devote his cntlro tlmn and
talents to tho welfare of tho school, lie
is a profound thinker, a cultured scholar,
a vcrsatllo writer and an able lawyer ns
well. Is a canuhlo and emclont young man.
a memher of thn Masonic lraternltv. a rec
ognized uuthor of law books, ann no insti
tution has a man or greater merit and
ability nt Its head. Ills general knowledge
of books, men, affairs and relations of life
qualify him to do educational work with
credit to himself and tho schoot nnd makes
him a nronor executive for a faculty com
posed of strong legal talent.
Tho "dean" overlooked no bets in the
building up of his "school;" no detail was
too trivial to engage his attention. He
oven went so far as to wrlto a college song
for It. Hero It Is:
Far up Missouri's waters.
Where its waves do rule,
Stands our Alma Mnter,
Tho Omaha Law School.
Sound Its praise, sing It ever.
Help It onwnrd. loud Its storv tedl;
Welcomo to thnc, our Alma Mater,
Welcome, all welcome farewell.
Far up the winding stream,
In a busy, bustling town!
Whoro all nature smlllnx scemsi
It looks so proudly down.
Tho "dean" Is resourceful and will
probably havo considerable to say In ex
tenuation of his conduct, but It must bo
admitted that any roan who will deliber
ately rhymo "waters" with "Alma Mater"
must bo very wicked Indeed
"Dean" Farr makes a sweeping denial
of all the foregoing charges, though ha
refuses to discuss them In detail. "I am
hero to mako my homo for tho rest of my
life," said ho to n reporter for The Dee,
"and the enterprise In which I havo em
barked Is entlroly legitimate and reliable
In every way. I should very much prefer
no newspaper publicity In this matter
Are more than a disfigurement of the
skin; they nre n handicap to n young
man, nlike in love and business. The
pimply face looks dissipated nnd both
merchant nnd maiden look askance at
the unfortunate fellow whose face is his
misfortune. An al
most certain cure
for pimples nnd
similar disfiguring
eruptions is found
in Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical
Discovery. It pur
ifies the blood of
the corrupting
cause of ordinary
eruptive diseases,
cleanses the skin
and builds up the
body with sound
wholesome flesh.
" Discovery " con
tains neither alco
hol nor narcotics.
"I am well pleated
with your medicine,"
writes John A. Callo
way, IN., of No. ai8
rtth St., Columbus,
Ga. "In l9t I was
working at night and
I broke out in lump
all over, and when
thee left the akin
fiecled off. I took six
lottlei of 'Colden
Medical Discovery,'
siul two of Doctor
Wcrce'e relicts, snd
I do believe that I
nm sound and well. I have a good appetite, but
before I commenced treatment I bad noappVtlte
at all, My eyes were sunken and my face was
pile, I had pimple and brown spots on my
face. Now these ate all gone I have used
many UmU of medicines but received no bene
fit. Last year I weighed one hundred and
thirty-lour pounds, and now I neigh ono hun
died snd forty-live. Please accept my thanLs.
I am so glad I louud the right kind of medicine."
Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser sent free
on receipt of stamps to pay expense of
mailing only. Send 31 one-cent stamps
for book in paper covers, or 31 stamps for
cloth, to Dr. R. V. Tierce, Buffalo, N.Y.
tho democrats expected to gain many
otcs on that Issue, but nil ngltatlon of Hint
question has died out and there nro less
Urynn men in tho stato than there wcro
four years ago.
'As to Now York, It Is foolishness for
the democrats to count It In with their
tutcs. Whllo in New York I met a number
of prominent Tammany men und had a
pretty good chanco to slzo up tho situa
tion. Roosevelt and Hanna had a confer-
uce while I was In tho city nnd politics
was bubbling along quite merrily. Al
though many of tho New York democrats
lolm to havo got Into tho Ilryan band
wagon, there .Is reason to doubt tholr sin
cerity in supporting tho dlsclplo of frco
liver. Tho old lino democrats realize that
freo silver has secu its day and that tho
defeat at Ilryan this fall means tho dis
placement of tho 16 to 1 theory and tho
reunion ot tho divided party. Dnvo Hill
Is tho logical candidate for president on the
nlted democratic ticket four years from
now. Assuming, that iiryan wins tnis mil
It Is probablo that ho would bo ro-clectod
and Hill would stand out In tho cold. Tho
Now York democrats ure not unmindful
t theso facts and In consequence thoy aro
lukewarm In their support of Ilryan.
All Shotitlnir for Melvlnli-r.
"In Michigan, New Jersey and other states
visited ovory ono seemed to bo shouting
for McKlnley nn insisting on a contlnuanco
f tho present flourishing conditions. Tho
freight business on tho Orcnt Lakes Is tho
best eviV known. In our trip from Duluth
to nuffnlo we wero scarcely out of sight of
other vessels at nny tlmo and they all
ccmed to be puffing prosperity. Duluth
was crowded with excursionists, who wore
pouring Into the city by rail and water.
All tho rooms on tho better boats aro en
gaged weeks nhcad of tlmo and It is almost
Imposslblo to got passngo. Summer hotels
on tho Inkcs and nlong tho seashore nro
filled to overflowing. Peoplo seem to have
money and feel contldcnt that they can cam
"While In Buffalo wo visited tho exposi
tion grounds and met Major T. S. Clarkson,
John Wakefield and other Omaha men, who
aro connected with tho Pan-American ox
position, to be held next year. Tho ex
position will be one of tho most pretentious
ever attempted in America. The grounds
are nil laid oft and many of the buildings
aro In course ot construction. Tho main
grounds aro larger than those ot tho Traus
mlsslsslppl exposition nnd In addition to
theso a largo and beautiful park Is to ho
used. Everything is on a gigantic scale
and thero Is no question that tho enterprise
will bo a success.
Buffalo Is located In a densely populated
district and hns Niagara Falls toj offer as
an inducement, asiao irom tno exposition
The electric lighting at Buffalo Is In chnrgo
of an Omnha man, John Itustin, and tho
exposition ofllclals assured mo that It will
surpass nnythlng In tho way of Illumination
ever attempted in America."
Mayor Moorts was accompanied on his
trip by his two daughters, Kate and Adele.
After making the trip on tho lakes from
Duluth to Buffalo, they went via the St
Lawrence to the Atlantic and visited Port
land, New York, Asbury Park, Atlantic City
and other resorts along tho coast. On
tholr return west thoy stopped at Saratoga
and at Harbor Point, Mich., where tho
mayor owns a cottage. After n brief visit
at Logansport, Ind., Mayor Moores returned
home, leaving his daughters to visit with
relatives in Logansport.
Tom McQiij'Rnn Stabs (corn' Smith
During; a Itow (Irer Mr.
George Smith and Tom McQuygan qunr
reled about Mrs. Smith last night In room
No. 10 ot tho old frame building at C24
South Tenth street, under tho shadows o
the viaduct. McQuygan stabbed Smith
twlco with a Jack-knife, one wound being
Just abovo tho heart and the other below
tho ribs on tho left side. There wero
present at the tlmo besides Mr. and Mrs,
Smith nnd McQuygan. Charles Hatfield and
nn Individual known as "Frenchy." All
nro tough characters and wero drunk. When
Hatfield, who Is the Inndlord, saw thero was
going to bo a row ho ran for a revolver, de
claring he would "clean out tho wholo -
outfit." Before he returned tho stabbing
hnd occurred and McQuygan had run awny
Smith followed him for nearly a black and
then fell at tho corner of Tenth and Jack
son streets, unable to go further. Ho wa3
found later and removed to the emergency
hospital, whero tho wounds wero dressed
by Pollco Surgeon Ames, nftcr which ho was
taken to the Clarkson hospital. Tho wound
abovo tho heart Is conslderod dangerous and
way result fatally. The pollco aro looking
for McQuygan.
Lake Manama I'nrk.
Thn best display of vaudeville talent ot
tho season will be presented at tho theater
of this popular resort, commencing today,
with Sunday matinee. The program con
slsts of the following clover artists: "Tho
BLACK AUENZO," In seloctions from Ung
tlmo opera; the GItEAT WELLO, America's
premier Juggler, will perform somo marvel
ous feats. WELCOME and PASS will bo
seen In tholr sensational acrobatic act
LACE will remain another week by special
request. They present an entirely different
act, In which each presents a duo-character.
Miss Wnllaco uppearlng first as tho little
city girl and after ns tho diuhlng widow
Mr. Slsson at our boy and otter as the
eccentric Qerraan bachelor. Miss Wallace
slugs leveral bojutlful ballads. STAUFEB
and WHITTER present their new and novel
musical sketch entitled, "A Man From Mex
Ico." NODINE does somo artlstie, acrobatic
and contortion dancing.
rlblo affair. McLaughlin was a guest and TDVIVP Tfi TMDV CI ADV
Dougherty a cook nt the notet, and with- 1 IV I Ut t IV li.UVil 1UU OIllIUl I
out provocation. It was said, McLaughlin
plunged n knife through tho heart of 1
mnJ'h "SV n?' T" wor"' 1 Deputy Food Commissioner Not Oast Down
literally hacked him to pieces. Ho was , , ,
never arrested, leaving town beforo ho 1 "7 supreme WUrt DCClSlOu,
could be apprehended. Since that tlmo rel- j -
utlvos of tho murdered man hnvc been
making a stendy search tor the murderer
and hnvo offered a reward for his cap
ture. Acting Chief of Police Newman will
leave In a few days for Indianapolis to
bring McLaughlin back.
Third Wnril Itoiuilillt'iinn.
Tho Third Word Kepubllrnn club held an
Interesting meeting Friday night nt Us
headquarters. Thero was a large atten
dance and several stirring speeches were
made. Tho club suggested four names to
bo voted on nt Ihe coming primaries, but
said thut it would abide by whatever
decision v.ns made by tho republicans of
the ward. Tho club will havo another meet
ing some tlmo this week, when prominent
Omaha speakers will bo present.
INilU'c- Court Itrniitdt'lrd.
The pollco court room was yesterday re
modeled. Tho Judge's bench was rear
ranged and n new witness box erected. A
hlnnk case has boon plared nt tho tnck
of tho prosecutor's stand nnd everything
was cleaned up. Tho room has for a long
tlmo needed these changes und It looks
bctlcr for tho work that has thus been
Magic city (;,ip.
Mrs. 11. i Coombs Is vlnltlng in Iown.
t'ottngos built to suit buyers. Jno. J. Hyun.
Itev. J. A. Johnson und lumllv 1n v..i.
tordny for Cheyenne.
Misses A111111 nnd Kutc t.emmell hnvn
gone to eastern Iowa for n visit.
!'.. L, Mnrttn bns nunc In Dm Tnln
coast, where ho will tour for u mouth.
Sirs. O. K. Blew nnd Miss Mubol Illcll
returned homo after 11 short visit In Orum.
Tho Women's Missionary society will
meet nn Thursday. August 30, at the home
of John Cnlvln, L'tilfl E street.
Tho Ladles' Aid society will meet with
Mrs. I). L, Holmes, IKS North Twcnty
fojrth street, Wednesday afternoon. '
Misses Helen Iln'pln and Susie Nolan,
who havo been visiting during the past
week In Hellovue, returned last night.
A ineettnc of thn Klnir's nuiiL-htrrn will
bo held at tbo honn1 of Mrs. D. Garrett. 2118
m street, l' Tinny ntternooii, August 31.
Tho Women's Missionary so
ciety meets with Mrs, Hufrmnn. Twenty
tlrst nnd Q streets, Wednesday ntternoon.
Sco Ed Munshaw & Co. for lumber. Trl :'.
Mrs, Hello Posley und children returned
from Coin. In . vestprduv. Thn i-h.ii 111.
ness of her father called her to that place.
Tho report that Ollkor John Hrlggs has
resigned as h policeman of South omnha
Is untrue, llo will resume his work In a
few days.
Miss Cora Merrill nnd Aur.i Phenlx, who
havo been vlattlng with friends In the city
for several weeks, returned to their homo
in Creston. la.
Secretary Overton of tho Young Men's
Christian association will stwuk nt tho
Presbyterian ehurch this inorulnir In tlm
absence of Ho v. It. L. Wliocler.
Upchurch lodgo No. 2, Degree of Honor,
will give 11 card pnrty and d.inee at Ancient
Order United Workmen liall. Twenty-sixth
and N streets, Thirsday evening.
C. M. Mnyno of Omaha will address the
men's meeting of tho Young Men's Chrl
tlun association this afternoon nnd Mrs. H.
Wilson, 11 blind evangelist, will read selec
tions from transcripts used by tho blind.
Threo carloads of cuttle were run off of
tho track Saturday night nt the foot of N
stropt. Whllo It created a great deal of
confusion all of tho cattle escaped without
Injury. Tho curs wcro safely replaced and
tho trucks rppalred.
Miss Jessie Oraco Smith of Longmont.
Colo., who has been visiting friends In
Iown, stopped on her return home anil
visited with tho fnmlly of A. If. Merrill for
several days. She left during tho middle
of tho week for her Colorado home.
Fatality Follow Failure
to use Foley's Kidney Cure In time. If
taken In earlier etuges of Brlght's dlseaso
nnd diabetes It Is certain cure. You have
noticed tho r.lgh death rat? from thero dls
ccsrn and It Is r.ot wise to Ignoro early
symptoms when a mcdlclno like Foley's
Kidney Cure can be had. Myers-Dillon
Drug Co., Omaha; Dillon's Drug Store,
South Omahn.
Clerk Attaches Cnrter's Property.
SAVANNAH. Ga., Aug. 23,-Mlchaol A.
Connally, formerly clerk to Captuin O. M.
Carter, now serving a sentence- In tho Fort
Leavenworth prison for frauds In connec
tion with government work, bus attached
tho nronortv In S.ivnnnnh of the latter ami
It. D. Oreeno and tho Gaynors for an nliege(
lnuebteiiness. 1 onnnny claims tnnt tho ex
englneer otllcer Is Indebted to hint In tho
sum 01 io,rs.
Circular Letter Sent to Merchant
AVIiu Handle Olc oniiirKiirlnc. Ask
IliK Them to llcmlt i'MOIlt)
Kl e Dollars.
Left with n Job with no salary attached,
F. B. Hlbbard, deputy food commissioner
ot tho state ot Nebraska, seems to bo mak
ing a play to secure rolltt from the legis
lature when It ngalu assembles.
It will be remembered that seme months
ago Mr. Hlbbard brought mandamus pro
ceedings to compel the state auditor to
allow hln bill for salary, und at the hear
ing beforo tho supremo court that tribunal
decided that the salary could not bo paid
for the reason that tho ofllco was created
in contrnvcnslon of the constitutional pro
vision fixing the number and character of
tho stato ofllcers. Tho court then stated
that under the proceedings It would not
pass upon tho vnlldlty of tho act other
than that part referring to tho salary.
Lost November tho Armor Packing com
pany brought suit In the L'nltcd St.ttc3 cir
cuit court to restrain the governor, tho
titular food commissioner nod hlu deputies
and tho county attorneys of Douglas and
Lancaster counties from attempting to en
force tho provisions of tho laws regarding
tho manufacture and sala ot oleomargarine
or butterlue, alleging that the acts under
which proceeding wore nt that tlmo brought
wero unconstitutional and Invalid for
several reasons, among tucm being that
they wero class legislation, were s'pccla!
legislation as prohibited by tho constitu
tion, wero restraints upon interstate com-
merco In the contemplation of tho federal
constitution and that tho Inw ot IS9S was
Invalid for tho reason thut It created a
stato ofllco not known to tho constitution
ot the state.
Tho enso was set for hearing upon ap
plication for a temporary Injunction on
November 10, beforo Judge Mungor, but
was novcr heard. It Is said that an ngroe
mcnt was entered into botween tho parties
to tho suit that no further proceedings
would bo Instituted by tho defendants until
utter n decision was reached In tho case.
If this agreement was tuado tho deputy
food commissioner does not seem to con
sldcr It binding upon him, ns recently ho
has sent out notices to dealers In oleo
margnrlno to the effect that tho law will
bo enforced, "the law being sustained
by tho stato supremo court, except ns re
gards tho expense of tho department," and
adding: "All who aro doing business In
tho 6tate nnd subject to the provisions ot
tho puro food laws who nro delinquent
In taking out permits for tho fiscal year
1S99 will bo proceeded against according
to Inw."
Accompanying this circular Is ono re
questing payment of the stato tax ot $25
for tho flscnl year of 1300.
Tho attorney for tho Armour Packing
compnny who Is handling tho light upon tho
Inw hns advised all of tho dealers In but
tcrlno nnd oleomargarlno to disregard tho
notices of tho deputy commissioner and
tho belief Is that nono of them Is paying
tho tax, and that the deputy commissioner
does not expect tho tax to bo paid. Thoso
conversant with tho subject nro of tho
opinion that ho 13 attempting to mako a
record to be presented to tho next legisla
ture, accompanied by n bill for his relief
to tho extent of the salary which was de
clared Illegal by tho supremo court.
Oft n. Move Out
blow , sluggish system; lazy, leaden
liver; bilious brain! Cascnrols Candy Ca
thnrtlc will make them move along. Movo
on! All druggists, 10c, 2.c. 50c.
STKPHENSON. Mrs. Mary L wife of
james atepnenson, ngeil ra years, 1311
TOJuwi 1 iiiriietn avenue, dicu August 23,
Funeral notice later.
GRIFFITH, Margaret. Saturday afternoon,
August 25, uEd ID years.
Funeral Monday, nt 2 p. m.. from resi
dence, S2n North Twenty-third street. In-
termoni r oresi i-awn. iTlenus invited.
if South Omaha News . w
Councilman Fltlo said yesterday that tho
commltto that had been appointed to con
fer with the Omaha Browing association
with tho view of leasing certain lots In tho
Second ward upon which to orect a flro-
hall had beon successful In Its endeavors.
Tho lot that Is wanted Is located nt
Twentieth and S streots, being about
tweuty-flvo by sixty feet. Tho leaso will
bo for Ave years, or longer, nt tho option
if tho council, and tho prlco that will bo
paid tho association for tho use ot tho land
will bo but nominal.
It now looks ns' though at the next
meeting of tho counoil two Important mat-
tors will bo 'attended to. First will bo
tho contracting with the association for
tho leaso ot tho lot, and socond tho order
for tho publishing ot bids for tho erec
tion of tho flro house. Tho inhnbhants
of tho second ward have clamored for this
so long that they wero becoming disheart
ened at the prospect of rucclvlng ndequato
lira protection from tho city. However,
thoy novcr ceased tholr efforts nnd it
seems now that they havo practically ac
complished tholr ends.
Tho plan, as now proposed, Is to build a
small but adequate flro hall and equip 11
with n hoso cart and thrco extra firemen.
While this Is not all they desire, still tho
council seems to feol that It la all it
can afford to do at this tlmo. But what
ever Is done, If It affords them any protec
tion wnutovor, will bo a vast Improve
ment over what they have had heretofore.
Tho othor flro departments were bo situ-
nted that In the event of a fire In tho vi
cinity of the Second ward It took a
long tlmo for tho department to arrive and
In many Instances severe losses wero felt
when building could havo been saved If
tho proposed flro hall was eroded and In
use at tho time.
It seems tho Intention of tho majority of
tho council to glvo up tho Idea uf purchas
ing a flro cnglno or chemical wagon In tho
near future nnd spend tho amount of money
that tho two equipments would cost In ro
palrlug tho departments now In use. They
seem to feel that tho only pooplo tlm
are reully demnndlng n flro cnglno are tho
packing houses and ono of tho council
said yesterday that If the packing houses
and stock yards of tho city really needed
an engine, It would not ba nt nil out of
the way, or repugnant to the council for
them to buy one and mako a orcient of It
to the city.
if not cured loads
directly to S
Cures Catarrh in all its different stages
(except tiie last stages of consumption) by
killing the germs of the disease.
Have You ?
Ynutaer' Condition I'nehnnurd.
GKORGKTOWN'. KV.. An. 5S-.TI, enn
dlttOll of Henry Youlnn- l nochnnrerl in
day, He has typhoid malaria, but it Is
not thought to be of u dangerous form.
Cnnrl wnH nnm llilHv In bde, nn a am.
I minutes today und adjourned until Monday, j Old timers distinctly remember tho ler-
Clinrle Mel.niiKlitln CaiiKht.
Charles McLaughlin, alias Charles Blow
art, who, In April, 1S92, stnbbcd and killed
John Dougherty nt tho old Drovers'hiotcl
in this city, has been arrested lu Indian
apolls and will bo brought back to this
county for trial.
J ry ColdjLoss.of Sense of Smell, Dropping S
S of Mucus into Throat, Poor Hearing, o
o Hoarseness, Pains in the Head over eyes, o
o Loss of Memory, Itching and Burning o
Sensation in Nasal Organs, Running at
the Nose, Ringing in the ears; Loss of
oice, .Breathing through the Mouth,
Feeling of Lassitude and Despondency,a
Hawking, Choking, riugged-up Jb eeling
j in the morning, with Stomach Deranged,
j Sore Throat, Pits of Coughing, Pain in
o Chest, Loss of Flesh, Fickle Appetite, 5
o Night Sweats. If you have any of these symptoms you o
A HdVC auillu lUllli Ui uaiaini, aim uuiuun, uniuoo iiituntu. la
a mm nniinimnTinil f WZ THE IIIIPP
surciocnn in lunsummiun ur inc llnu3.
Dr. M. V Leo of Stegall. Tcnn.,
writes: "l have prescribed Dr. Geo.
Lolnlnger s Fordmnldohydo Inhaler to
more than one doien nt my patients,
nnd hnvo received fluttering results
In Catarrhal diseases of tho nose,
ulso In Asthma and LafJrlppo. Whllo
now an epidemic of LaOrlppo Is pre
vailing in my section of tho country,
I use it very near every case."
Oeo. T. llawley. SI D., Professor of
Lung and Throut diseases. Chicago
Cllnlcnl School, tho largest Clinical
school in tho world, says in writing
to Dr. Geo, Lelnlnger: "1 havo been us
ing your Formaldehyde Inhaler for ca
tarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis. Coughs.
Colds und othsr Noso, Throat nnd
Lung diseases I have found It supe
rior to nny other remedy discovered "
Dr Chas. A. Bchm, of tho Chicago
Health Department, says: 'i havo
used your Formaldehyde Inhnler and
found It of tho greatest vuluu In ca
tarrhal diseases of tho noso nnd re
spiratory organs. I consider It tho
best Inhaler on tho market today."
Sold by all Druggists nt SO conts on nn ansolutoRiiarnntoo,
A booklet freo from your druggist or wrlto to Dr. tieo. Lelnlnger Chemical Co
Chicago, Ills, '
Sold and recommended by Sherman & McConnell I)rii Co.,
Baeten-lttcGinn Drtiff Co., Alerrett-Graham Dniff Co., ,11. B. Gra
ham, C. II. Shaeffer.
If I fit I
A bnkar la Nw York City wrltei "When on the re rje el
Comraltlisn luleld. bcuift ol hit woknfM, I cornmrnreil th
uje ol wondecVofksr and now, think Ued, I m enllrrlr well "
- '
I V.III put en tXTR WEEK'S SUPPLY In each bo
cf VonderVotkeri told dmlng tin month to men who inrntion
this advettlioment nd this p ipe r when tbtjr or Jir the medicine.
There Is t a case of NERVE MAKNESS, SEXUAL
SYSTEM ON CARTII TODAY (no matter what tho
or vshrthcr the man bo old or young) that "DICK'S
AND QUICKER AT LESS EXPENSE than any oilier prep
aration mado nnvhero in tho world, If simply used
VeeV't Wondar-WotVer j (or Men are callad "The Worn-Ont
tho'i Dft Friand" kj mote than soo,ooo men wh hare been
tenured to Perfect Vljor and Tnll Manhood by their ule, K
man who eter uied then failed to set well, no matter what hit
je or what earned his weekrtett, Cuto jourictf at kotos.
Beware of frauds viho Imitate my Wonder-Workers
and steal my advertisements.
WooderASorkera do not contain any Pheipborui or Spanlth Fir, or any other of the rain
erali, eieitanta cr poltont tint make the vilo noitruraa told by the frauds and quacks to dancer
oua to hncian life, and it It Perfectly Safo to use them under any circumstances.
I liac moro than 50,000 testimonials from Men who havo been Cured.
The Price of My "Wondcr-Workcrs."
Tbo tvk f 0NWR-WORktRS Is Only Ono
toll pt sa, slreya est with the order, ky
euavcoaat jeer eHa. It wUI f st yaa 23
ceiiUteUft It framyoerr mpr aflltit. Htm
m4 StM wlU Mael tte fcy ataM axeeMM.
tkarasaly)aei tM ceaU. AH (aaeto Sewt la
Plata faciaia tka aaast elay 4t la rocefretf.
Read My Affidavit of Protection.
I PO HOLnMXLY AWRllttkatletK than three
wseiy u. ei liook'e Wondar-Workara lr
ns wlientoMy;ouraari old eeaetfd cije ot
ettttme Nroa Nihaistles, tla in tke luk.
u4 a Enrttbleil Ceadlllen ot tke 0)i,etei are
Urns that Ike nara et ell whs eerekfeee lease
tll he 14 sacred, and there Is 06 scheme et ear
klnscoatiectert wtia taelrsale. OB0.8.BK0K.
Sworn to In Oprlneflold, Ohio.
CCO. A. HEARD, Notnr Publla.
I am the only nan In the medicine business who has aolanalr awara that the medicine ha
soils cured himself, and that Ibe names ol all who bey will be held eacred. 1 an the eole owner
end proprietor of "Hetk'a Ytan4er-wor kera far Meet,'' and I never hare had. do not now. nor
never will have anr a foliations In anr way with tke "C. O. D." blackmailer, "Doctor hy Mall"
(mpoeters, "Free Trial" humbuii. "Msf eetle" fakirs, er "Divine Healer" scamp, evarv one of
whom armnworihv of the pelronace of toy man, If rou have any doubt about ma write to Mr.
A. R. Cobaucb. Cashier of Ihe First National Uaok of thie city lha beak of which Hx-Gorernor
Uuslioall, ol Ohio, la Presidcat), or to anr of jour friend who our be living hece. Sincerely,
CEO. S. BECK, 420 South Marfcot Street. SPRINGFIELD, OHIO.
What the Microscope Reveals Regarding
Diseased Hair and Its Follicle
In a
tion of 1.000 different
samples of human tin Ir,
mail In tlic Crnnltonln
Institute, 21 different diseases of the nmr
niiit scalp wero discovered, many ol thrm
highly contagious and all fatal u tho llto
of tbo hair.
Tho Cranltontc Treatment wna formul
ated (or thn exnet puriiosa ot prcreutlne
and curing there dlseiuei.
N'lne-tontlifi of nil iIIsc.ikch of tho hnlr nntl cnlp nro
caused by mlcrolios nnd uilcro-puinsltes.
The mlcroscopr, In the lunula of the Bklllnd physi
cians and imcterloloslsts of tho Cranltonle Institute, lina
proven this fact.
The Importance of tho dlRCovcry ennnot Imj overestimated.
It explains why ordinary hair preparations
nre of nhtfolntely no value In the treatment of.
full In;; hnlr, dandruff, premnture IkiUIiiohh,
und other hair nntl scnip timetmes.
It Is liocaiiBc they arc manufactured with
out nny exact knowledge of tho real cause
or the tllncaneH wuicD tney nro in
tended to cure.
We know that diseases of tho hnlr
and scalp arc caused by microbes nud
The cause being mlcroblc or para
sitic, It logically follows that a euro
enn only be effected by a scientific
mlcroblcldo a specific that will de
stroy the microbe.
This Cranltonle Hnlr Kood and Scalp
Soap will do.
Your hair receives Its nourishment
from minute blood vessels which end
In a Iouk shenth In which trje hair
arows. This sucnth U the home of tho
microbe, the delicate lining of which It sooa destroys. In tins tho balr root
Is affected, becomes shriveled up and tho balr falls out. If the ravages of
the microbe nre not arrestod, baldness aoon follows.
Crnnltoulc Hair Pood cures diseases of tbo balr and scalp bocauso It de
stroys tho causo which produces them.
It does moro It feeds the weakened
hair follicle line It to health and aids
In replacing lost tissue.
Spilt hair, harsh balr, lustrcloss balr,
brittle balr, falling balr, and prema
turely gray nalr can all 'bo cured by
tho use of Cranltonle ilalr and Scalp
It cleanses the scalp from dandruff
and keeps It permanently clean and
healthy. Itching and Irritation of the
head arc Instantly relieved and posi
tively cured.
Unlike ordinary balr preparations,
Cranltonle Ilalr and Scalp Food con
tains no oil, grease or dangerous min
eral Ingredients. It Is not sticky and
will not clog the scalp or stain the
clothing. It la perfectly harmless,
clear os crystal, sparkling an cham
pagne, delightful to uso and most
exhilarating In Its effects upon tho
Free Hoir Food oofl scalp sood
To convince every reader of this
paper that Cranltonle Hnlr Kood and
Scalp Soap will stop falling balr, mako
balr grow, euro dandruff and Itching
scalp, nnd that tbey aro the only hair
preparations fit to put on the human
bead, wo win send by mall, prepaid,
to all who will send name nad ad
YORK CITY, a bottle of Craultonlc
Hair Food nnd n samplo cako of
Shampoo Scalp Soap.
hair, "rta
mvr.tii. imio tuadi: slitliiiii iiy iiiciiaiidso.v diiihj co., omaiia.
tlot Weather Offices.
Anyone who has a west front office these days, or an of
fice in a ramshackle building, ought not to be in the same
fix next summer. Dirt, too, seems more offensive lit hot
is cool, clean and well ventilated. There is always a draft,
the walls are thick.the aii is pur eand kept constiuitly moist
by the fountain in the court. This is the place to be in
Rental Agents, Ground Floor, Bee Building