4 TUB OMAHA DAI LV 1VT3J3: STXD AT, AI'G t'ST 26, 1900. SIODX LIFT OMAHA'S SCALP llico Game Won by the Visitors in the Ninth Inning. FINE BATTING AND GOOD BASE RUNNING llolli Trnnn I'lny llnll, lint the iln vnvU I : ii tl of tlir llltllim Wn u Trifle More '11 tit fly. hliiltx ( II), Ml llntfilin, II. lira .Molnrsj, I T I'liclilo, St. .Iupilfl)i'tit it Itnln. fit. t.ouln, -I Chlcimo, II. PlttslmrK, ll (inclniinf I. ". Hoston, Ml HrnoUl j n, II. IMillnilelpliln, f evr Vorli, .'I. II ii ITn In, 2 (,ic clnnil, I. C'IiIohk". I K ii ii ii" lllj. (I. .MIlTnuLiT, l lniiciiioll, II. lutllniiilpfilU, U-Ml Detroit, l-H. Omaha lost n game to the Sioux Saturday ternoon and tho defeat wag as disap pointing as any of tho season. Until the Itventh Inning tho Colts had a safe lead and at that Juncture the Cornbuskers Jumped In Dd tied up the score and then won the game In the ninth. It was an awfully hard came to lose and tho only consolation taken by the big crowd was that their favorites had put up a splendid article of ball and the defeat could be attributed to nothing but the swinging of the pendulum the wrong way. In the very first Inning the terrible Sioux descended with evil Intent upon the Hughes band and the run-getting began while the game was yet young. Collars ! out to Toman and then McCrcadle started f.tc fire works with a long fly out In left field. Ctlmmlo Hoy made- a commendable effort to corral It, but it flew wldo of him and Mtv Clcadle anchored on second. Ilrashear fol lowed with a dandy single and McCrendle ciossed tho plate with the Initial tally. (Jrlffln pounded 11 hot liner down past Tommy Hughes and Stub Tomnu made a wild throw to first. Ileforo tho ball was recovered nrashear bad reached third and Orlflln hugged second, Olasacock went out at first and nrashear scored. A couple of moro singles by Nllcs and Berto brought C.rllllu crocs tho rubber, and thus the Sioux started off with u lead of three scores. In our half Toman went out on a foul fly to Cote, McVlcker Hew out to Nlles and then Uauion rapped out 11 nice single, but lie got no further than the Initial corner, for tho side was retired on O'Connell's out from Mies. Th I'd- Hun fur Oiunliii. Tho tables were turned In the second. The Sioux were tendered u large-sized horse collar in exchange for tho one presented by them In the tlrst and the Colls did a little appropriating themselves. Ucau Brummel McDonald was solved with comparative ease and tho tlrst run had Its origin In a free passage to first tendered Judge Halrd. Heforo tho Colts tired of amusing them--selves at his expense they had tied the score and concluded to postpone further operations until later. Halrd was followed by Wilson, Hoy, Hughes and Toman, all of whom made safeties, Hoy rapping out a double-cushion drive. The first three succeeded In scoring and then u neat double cut off McVlcker and I.auzon. In tho third, after administering n cipher to tho Sioux, Illll Kourko's hired men kept up their bntttng gait and shuffled up a couple rnoro runs. O'Couuell started off with u safety, but went out at second on link's infield grounder. Zlnk advanced to second when Ilalrd wns passed to the In itial bag. Wilson flew out to left and then Jimmy Hoy stopped up with his wagon tonguo and swatted thu first ball over in right field. Darwin Collars had a ono round encounter with tho sphere and cuffed It soundly on both ears und beforo he decided to throw It back to the diamond tflnk and Ilalrd had crossed tho goal. Doth sides got a gooso egg In tho fourth and In the fifth the Sioux sneaked In ono unearned run. McCrcadle got down to first on an error by Toman, stole second and got to third on a wild throw by Ilalrd of lira shear's Infield grass-cutter. Ho scored on Grlflln's sacrifice. Some Nice Hum- It iiiiiiIuk. Toman sauntered down to first In tho sixth by virtue of four wide ones nnd scored on Mnttlo MoVlckers' two-bagger. McVlcker made a pretty steal of third nnd nfter Lauzon went out at first O'Connell was passed down tho Hue. Ho stole second, but Muddy Zlnk retired the sli'o when a hit would havo brought In a couple of moro runs. After pitching five straight Innings with out bolug hit, Hughes was batted for two doubles In tho seventh and the Sioux tied up the Bcore. The Sioux town hnbordashcr went out at first. Then McCrcadlo rapped out a scratch two-bagger and Mrushear was passed to first. Each advanced on a wild pitch and the bases were filled when Grit- fin got four wide ones. Old Captain Jack Glasscock did tho needful at this Juncture by rapping out a two-bagger and Me Creadlo and Ilrasher scampered across tho plate. Nlles put an easy ono down to Chlmmlo Hoy and Hoy poked It Into Wil ton's mitts, chopping of Orlflln at home Nlles was In due tlmo sent to the woods ivhllo trying to steal second. Hoth sides got a goose egg in tho eighth tnd In tho ninth tho Sioux reached out nnd raked In a couple of runs, taking tho lead for tho first tlmo after tho eloso of tho second. McCrcadle got to llrst on n bunt and went to second on a wild throw by Hughes. Ilrashear strucH out and Orlf- fin went out at first. Captatn Glasscock sot a freo pass and Nlles rapped out a two-bagger, scoring McCrcadlo and Glass cock. That hit of Nlles' won tho game. for tho locals In their half were unable to overcome the lead, even though Zlnk did start off with a doublo cushion and Ilalrd got a free pass. Wilson then sacrificed, Jlmmlo Hoy struck out and Hughes was put oft at first. Score: OMAHA. AH. R. It O A K Toman, a i l l z A : J. A. KERVAN MERCHANT TAILOR. Ladies' and Gentlemen's High Class Tailoring at Mod erate Prices. TEL 805. 422 SO. I5TH ST. 2 ( 4 M n Total! J7 6 1! It 4 SIOUX CITV. AH. It. H. O. A. K. Collari-, rf 4 0 0 10 1 MeCreadlc. If 6 4 .1 1 0 0 Ilrmhoar. 2b 12 120 OrllMi, cf 2 10 10 1 OlMSSCOOk, lb II 1 11 o o Nlles, lb ft 0 2 1 .' 1 Herte. us D 0 1 4 j 0 Cote, e 4 0 0 1 2 0 McDonald, p 3 0 1 n I 0 Totals ZO S 1 27 U 3 Omnhit 0 3 2 0 0 1 0 0 o-rt Sioux City 3 0 0 0 1 o 2 0 2-S Kurneil rune: Omaha. 2; Sioux City. 3. Twn-tiase hits: McVlcker, Zlnk. Hoy. Mo f'rendlp (3), Ofasscock, Nlles. Throe-lmsc hit: McDonald. Sacrifice lilts: Wll'ou (21. Orlflln. Passed ball: Wilson. 1. Wild pitch: Hughes, 1. First bnse on balls: Off Hughes, 0, off McDonald, 6. lilt by pitched ball: IJy McDonald. 1. Struck out: Hy Hughes, 7, by McDonald. 1. Etoln bate: Toman, McVlcker. Lauzon, O Connell, MeCreadle. Orlftln. Glasscock Double play: Herte to Ilrashear to Glass cock. Time: 2:30. fmplre: Cllne. mis moim:s has a m:v piiumim. I'ltciier ! 1 1 ell it w Vutr.len I'ueliloN 1 tl I'mu'liers Ir rfi-rll . DHS MOtNF.S. In . Auk 2S (Sneelnl Tel egram l Des Moines won her sixth straight victory ror tne week today and adminis tered ii severe drubbing to Pueblo Tho home team hammered Johnson nil over the lot and secured n total of twenty hits. In the sixth they secured a wonderful se quence of seven consecutive singles. Tho visitors were so easy that Hie game lost Its Interest, there being no doubt aboJt til? outcome nfter the flrst two or three Innings of piny. Pollchow, who pitched such it line game for Des Moines, Is n young phenom purchased from Hock Kuplds. Score: DES MOINES. AH. 11. It. O. A. K Thlel, If 5 2 4 3 0 0 Hall, ss fi 1 2 3 4 0 N.igie. ef r. 0 1 3 2 0 Itebsnmen, lb 5 2 10 0 0 Hlnes, 2b R 4 3 3 4 1 Uraltl. 3b 3 2 2 0 1 1 Selsler. rf 4 3 3 0 0 0 l,omnn, c 1 1 3 6 0 0 Pollchow, p 5 2 10 10 Totuls 12 17 20 27 IS 2 PUEBLO. AH. H. II. O. A. 13. Mellnle, ef 3 1 3 1 1 0 ltnviuer. ss 5 U 1 1 2 2 Dalrymple, lb 3 0 0 1 0 0 Closson, 2b 3 10 4 13 dm ham. c 3 u 0 3 2 o La ly. rf 1113 10 Moran, If 3 110 10 Kelly. 3b 4 0 2 X 1 1 Johnson, i 4 1 0 0 2 1 Totals 31 5 "s 21 11 7 Des Moines 1 3 2 0 5 2 0 '-17 Pueblo 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 25 Two-baso lilts: Thlel. Selsler. Mcllale. Double plays: Thlel to Hebsamen: Nngle to Hcbsumcii; Mcllale to Huymer; Kelly (un assisted), liases on balls: Off Pollchow, 3; off Johnson. 3. Struck out: Hy Pollchow, 3; by Johnson, 1. Wild pitch: Johnson. Passed balls: I.omnn. 2. Itillli nt St. .lor. ST. JOSEPH. Aug. 2o.-(Speclal Tele gram.) The Denver game today was post poned on account of rain. Two games will be played Sunday. StnnitliiK of the Tennis. Played. Won. Lost. PC Denver 95 58 37 .fill Des Moines M 51 43 .552 Sioux City 95 45 51 .474 St. Joseph OS III 52 .i)3 Omnhu 07 45 5J .I'M Pueblo 03 40 VI .130 G.Y.MP.S OF TUB NATIONAL LI5AGI HlK lllll Phillip. I. ocn III (Mvli Giiiiii liy ii Wild 1'IU'li. PITTSIlf HO, Pa., Aug. 25. Phillips lost the game In the tenth Inning by making a wild pitch when two were out nnd Clarke on third base. Pittsburg got value for her few hits and the Cincinnati's errors let In two runs. Attendance, 1,100. Score: I'lTTSUUHO. I CINCINNATI. It. 11.0. A. K 11.11 O A K Ileaum't. cf. 0 0 2 0 0 llarrett. cf.. 0 0 2 0 0 Clarke. If... 1 1 0 O Crnwford, If 2 1 2 0 0 O'llrlm, lb. 0 0 14 0 llstelnrdt. 3b 0 3 1 7 1 Wagner, rf. 2 2 1 0 0 Heckley, lb. 0 2 19 1 1 Leach. 3h... 2 1 0 I 0 Corcoran, is 0 0 0 2 0 Itltchey, 2I. 0 1 4 5 0 Mcllrlde. rf. 1 2 1 0 0 Zlmmer. c.l 1 3 0 1 Qiilnn. 2b .. 0 0 3 I 1 Kly. rr 0 0 o 8 0 Kuhoe, c ... 1 1 0 1 0 Tannehlll, pO 0 0 4 0 Phillips, p... 1 116 0 Totals ..8 620 15 2' Totals ..6 102121 3 Two o.it when winning run scored. Pittsburg 0 2 0 t 0 2 0 0 o 1-6 Cincinnati 1 00031000 0-5 Earned runs: Pittsburg. 2: Cincinnati. 3. Two-base hits: Wagner, Heckley. Sacrifice hits: Zlmmer, Heckley, Qulnn. Stolen bases: Clark. Wagner, Corcoran. Phillips. Double play: Heckley to Phillips. First on balls: Off Tannehlll, 2; off Phillips. 4. Hit by pitcher: Harrett. Struck out: Hy Tanne hlll. 1. VoniiK OiitolnHtirn Garvin. ST. LOfIS, Mo., Aug. 25,-Voung and Garvin fought It out today. Young was victorious. Errors nt critical stages handi capped Gurvln. Attendance. 3,500. Score: ST. LOLiS. I CHICAGO. it it o a.i: n.ii o a ii MrOraw, 3b 0 1 2 1 1 McCarfy. If 0 0 1 0 0 llurkitt. If.. 0 2 1 0 0 Child. 2b... 0 0 4 5 0 Hetdrlck. cf 2 0 3 0 I Merles, cl.. 0 10 0 0 IVinovan, rf 0 0 1 o 0 Ityan, rf ... a 0 0 0 0 Wallace, ss. 0 0 4 3 0 Oanzel. lb.. 0 111 1 0 Kela'er. !b.. 0 1 1 3 0 Chance, c... 0 0 2 1 1 M. Cann, lb 0 o 8 o n Ilradley, Hi. 0 10 6 1 Crlger, e.... 0 0 7 1 0 McCor"k. ss. 0 0 3 2 0 Young, p.... 0 1 0 0 0 Oarvln, p... 0 0 0 1 0 - I'Dcxter 0 0 0 0 0 Totals ..24 27 S2, I Totals .. 0 3 21 16 2 Ratted for Gnrvln In ninth. St. Louis 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 '-2 Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Double piny: Wallace to McOann. Struck out: Hy Voung, 4; by Garvin. 2. Stolen bases: Heidrlck (I). Time: 1:15. fmplre: Warner. PIiIIIIi-k llrenk Ki . NEW YOUK, Aug. 25,-The Philadelphia'. broke even on the present series with trie New Yorks by winning at the Polo grounds again today, The New Yorks phnvd m miserable fielding game and almost all of their errors were costly. Attendance, 3,5oi. Score: lillLADnLPlIIA. It.H OAK Thrums, cf. 1 0 3 0 0 SlUBle, If.... 0 0 O 0 0 OeUh'ty. lb 1 2 15 0 0 NEW YOUK n II O.A E Vanll'n. ef. 1 0 5 0 t Davis, ss. . 0 1 3 I 0 Selh.ich, If.. 1 3 3 0 ft lllckm'n. 3b 0 2 0 3 3 Smith, rf.... Ollio l)ole, lb.... 1 1 11 1 i Olciion, 2b. 0 0 0 t 1 llower'n. c. 0 1 4 n o Carrlck. p . . 0 ft o j Orady 0 o. o o o Mercer, p. . . 0 0 0 0 0 UijuU-, 2b... 0 1 1 3 0 Hick, rf 12 10 0 McKarl'd, c. 1 2 5 2 0 WolVfn, 3b 0 0 0 3 1! Cross, ss.... 1 1 2 3 1 Donahue, p. 0 0 0 2 0 Totals ' 13 Totals ..3 9 :T 12 7 Hatted for Carrlck In eighth. Philadelphia 1 0 o 2 n o 2 n n-5 New York 1 0 0 i 0 0 1 0 ii-J Earned runs: Philadelphia. 1: New York, 2. First base on errors: Philadelphia. '. : New York. 1. Left on bases: PhllnilM. jihlu. 12; New York 10. First base -n balls: Oft Donahue, 5: off Carrlck. J: c.ff Mercer. 2. Struck out: H Donnhue, 2; bv Carrlck. 2: by Mercer. 1. Saciiilue hit.: Wolverton, Selbach. Stolen base: Sell) i.-li Double plays- Lajole to Cross to Dele hanty; Davis to Doyle. Three-base hit: Selbach. Two-base hits. MeFaiiu'i I. Doyle. Selbach (21. Hit by ulti hixl 1, ,n- 1 Hy Donahue. 1; by Mercer. 'l. Wild plte'.i: Mercer Time. 2:15. fmplre: O'Dav. (iiaiiipliMm Shut Out AkiiIii, HUSTON. Aug. 25. --Willis was In line fet He today, allowing tho Hrooklyn's but four hits Hnd striking out fuur men. Hoston baited Mciilnnlty hard in the first part of the game, but after the foirth only made two hits off his pitching. Difficult catchis by Long and Duffy were features. Attend ance, tl.5w). Score: HOSTON ' nilOOKLTN. n II.O.A.K.I nil OAK llamllt n, if 2 3 2 0 0 Jones, cf.... 0 12 0 0 lng, sa... . 0 t 4 4 0 Keeler. tf... 0 I ; n 1 Stnhl. rf . . 0 0 0 0 0 Jenn'gs. lb . 0 0 13 5 0 Collins. 3b.. 0 I 2 2 'I Kelley, If. . 0 n 3 1 0 Dully. If.. . I t 3 0 olDahlen. ss.. 0 0 1 I t Tenney. tb.. 2 1 9 0 0 Cross, 3b.... 0 l l i j lxjwe. 2b.... 2 1 3 2 0Daly, 2b 0 l 1 1 J Clark, c . . 0 1 4 1 0 Farrell, c... 0 0 t 2 0 Willis, p ... 1 0 0 1 O.McOln'ty, p. 0 0 0 5 a Totals . 9 27 l1) O' Totals 0 7 21 U 4 Hoston 0 1 1 2 0 0 2 2 Hrooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o Earned runs: Hoston, 4. Two-base hits: Jones, Keeler, Duffy. Home run: Low Stolen buses: Daly 12). Cross, Stahl, Col lins. Double p'ays: Long to Lowh to Tm ney; Kelley to Farrell. Sacrlllco hits: Lone 13 1. McGlnnlty. Clarke. First base on balls nrt Willis, n off McQinulty. 3. Struck out Hy Willis. 4. by McOlnnlty, 1. Halk: Me ninnlty Passed ball. Clarke. Time. 1 fS fm;ire HurBt. Slit nillnic of t Ii r Trninx, Played, Won. Lost PC Hrooklyn 05 s 37 fill Pittsburg 101 U ii Mi McVlcker, i f l.nuzoii, rf . O'Connell, 2b. Zlnk, lb lialnl. Jb&lf . Wilson, p .. . Hoy. If 43b.... Hughes, p 50 40 4S 41 44 3S 4 n 570 500 10.1 51 ' 52 I5S SS JfJ ga.mi: or tiii: imkhh in i,i:a;ii;. (illcnuo Iiii friim Knlin City a Itnl Hot I'ltolierx lllltltv. CHICAGO, Aug. 26.-Chicogo turned Hie tables on Kansas City iodiy. winning the game by the smallest possible score. !, and Patterson were bo;h in exceptional form hikI kept their hits scattered. A base on balls, an out and a long hit to center scored the only run. Attendance, 6,j0. Score: CHICAGO KANSAS CITV. It.lt. OA. i: 1 tt.H.O.A.E. Hoy, ef ...1021 0 Hemphill, rf 0 1 100 radden, Sb . 0 0 1 1 2 Katrril, cf.. 0 0 .1 0 0 Vno.l. ss ... 0 2 3 3 OO'llrlen. If.. 0 1 0 0 0 rfURiPn. c... 0 0 T 0 0 Clwir, if 0 ft 0 0 0 Hnrtm'n, 3b 0 1 2 0 0 Dunnsn, lb, It I D t McKarl'd. If 0 0 1 1 1 Cllnr'n. us.. 0 0 1 3 0 lMielt, lb.... 0 t 7 4 0 Coughlln, ss 0 1 3 0 0 rthenron. rf. 0 I 10 0 i'chnfer, 2b 0 0 3 I 0 Pattfrnon, p 0 1 3 4 0 (londlng. e.. 0 0 2 0 0 Lee, p 0 1 0 0 Totals .. t 6 27 11 3, I Total ..0 4 24 12 0 Chicago 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 -1 Knnsas City 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O-O Left on baes: Chicago, 4; Knnas Cltv. 5. Sacrlllce lilt: Patterson. Doublo plays: Hoy to Isbell to Snellen; Schaefer to Dun gun. Struck out: Uy Patterson, 6. ftrU base on balls'. Off Patterson, 3; off Lee, 2. Time: 1:21. fmplre. Sheridan. Illmiiin Keep 'lint GiiIiik. HCKFALO. Aug. 25 -Another gooil -on-test took place toduy between Cleveland nnd HulY.ilo, being won by the latter liv n score of 2 to 1. Both Hooker nnd Hra.iglos were In line condition, especially the Hit ler, who gave the locals but two slnqlei. Attendance, 2,000. Score: HCHWLO. CLEVELAND. It HO A. V.i n.H. O.A.C Oilman. cfO 0 t 0 0 Piker's, cf.. 0 12 0 2 Hart, rf 0 0 1 0 1 Krinble. If... 0 13 0 0 Mulligan, If. 1 0 1 0 0 Omnia. 31).. 0 0 2 0 0 Hhrrck'st. c I 1 4 1 0 I-nCh'o. lb. 0 2 s 0 0 Carey, lb... 0 0 11 0 0 l-'lood, 2b.... 0 0 2 0 0 Illerb'r. Sb.. 0 0 4 3 0 Shay. 1 J 3 0 0 Andrews, 3b 0 1 1 5 o Crlfham. rf. 0 0 1 0 0 Hroder'k. 0 0 2 4 1 Hple, c. ... 0 0 3 i 0 Hooker, p... 0 0 0 2 0 UraKKlns, p. 0 1 0 1 1 Totals .2 2 27 13 2 Total ..1 6 21 S 3 Buffalo 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 Cleveland 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 O-l Doublo piny: lllerbauer to Curey. KIrst base on balls: Off Hragglns, 2. Hit by pitched ball: Hy Hooker, 1; by nragglus, 2. Struck out: Hy Hooker, 2; by Hragglns, 2. Wild pitch: Hooker. Time: 1:30. fmplre: Dwver. Mlllem Still tiu South. M1LWAUKEK, Wis., Ausr. 25-Heldy had tho visitors at his mercy today and won taslly. The errors which the home team mado In the last two innings gnve Min neapolis another leac of life, but Mil waukee hit IJalley hard when th visitors became dangerous. Attendance. 2,uX). Score: MILWAL'KKT, MINNEAPOLIS. n n.o.A k. it ii. o a r. Ketchnm, cf 3 2 0 0 0 Davl. cf ..01220 Waldron. rf 2 1 1 0 2 Lilly. If 1 0 1 0 0 Kulti, If.... 1 3 2 0 1 Wllmot, rf.. 1 0 0 0 0 Andem'n. lb 0 0 9 2 0 Harvey, lb.. 1 1 11 0 1 Abbey, 2b... 13 11 2 Nance. 3b... 0 1 3 1 Cctiroy. Kg.. 1 0 7 3 0 Smith. .... 113 10 nurke, 3b... 0 0 1 5 0 Klsher. c... 12 3 12 Smith. C...0 3 3 1 0 Nlchol. 2b.. 11111 fteldy, p.... 1 1 1 3 0 Ualley. p.... 0 2 0 2 0 Total .. 9 13 27 17 Totals ..6 9 21 13 5 Milwaukee 00202032 -0 Minneapolis 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 l 0 Earned runs: Milwaukee. 3: Mlnncnpiis, 2. Two-base hits: Abbey, Kultz, Nlehou. Stolen bases: Kultz (2), Anderson. Abbey. First base on balls: Off Heldy. I. off Hulley. 4. lilt by pitched ball: Ketehem. Snrrltlco liltK! Wfllilrnn. Fulls. ttMtlv. I Struck out: Hy Halley. 1. Double plays: (. onroy to Anderson; ueiuy to t. jitrny to Anderson Left on bases: Milwaukee, 7; Minneapolis. 7. Tune: 1:35. I'mpire: r'an tilllon. lloonliTK Cliu'hliin Sei'iinil, INDIANAPOLIS, Aurr. :5.-Indlana)ollt won both gnmes todjy. The Ilrit gamy was batted out In the eighth. Dillon, who had acted uglv In tho lirst triune and trlil to splk'i Kelly, was ordered out of the second game for throwing a pop bottl.j Into the crowd lu tho light ileld bleachers. Ryan was also put out of tho gam- for the use of foul iur.guage. Holmes was hurt In a run for n ball and retired. At tendance. 2,500. Score, llrst game: INDIANAPOLIS. DBTIIOIT. it.ii.oACi n it o A.r: Ilartzel. If.. 0 0 2 0 0 Cntyf 3b... 12 110 MHRoon, 2b. t 2 5 2 1 Holmes, rf.. 0 2 10 0 Ueler. ss.... 0 2 3 4 1 McAlVr, If. 0 1 1 1 0 Kelly, lb.... 0 0 7 0 0 Klberfid. m 0 2 7 4 1 Hogr'ver, rf 0 1 1 0 0 Jones, cf.... 0 Olio Seybold, cf.. 0 1 1 0 0 Plllon, lb... 0 0 S 0 o Powers, c .. 0 1 5 2 3 Fhaw, c 0 0 1 1 1 Hlckey. 3b.. 0 0 1 3 1 Ityan. !b.... o 0 4 0 1 Oardner, p.. 1 1 0 0 0 Yeaper, p... 0 o o 4 0 Total ..3 S 27 11 6 Totals .. 1 4 11 t ! 2 Indianapolis 0 0 0 0 0 0 Detroit 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 Earned runs: Indianapolis, 2. First base on balls: Off Gardner, 1; "It Yeugr. 2. Struck out: Hy Gardner. 3 Three-base hit: Casev. Sacrlllce hit: Hnrtzel. Double ploys: Geler to Kelly: Geler to Ill-key, Klberfeld to Dillon (2); Mc.Ulls.ter to Elb t. feld. Stolen bases: Ilartzel. Mngoon, Holmes. McAllister. Dillon. Passed ball: Shaw Left on bas"s: Indianapolis, 5; Detroit, 5. Time: 1:35. Umpire sau. Mannas- Score, second game INDIANAPOLIS. DETROIT. H.H.O A.K. R.II. O.A. E. Hnrtzel. If.. 0 0 5 2 0 Casey, 3b .. 1 1 0 1 0 MHKOOn. 2b. 1 1 llelcr, 1 2 Kelly, lb.... 2 1 Hojr'ver, rt 2 0 Seybold, cf.. 2 1 Powers, o... 0 2 Hickey, 3b.. 0 2 llarnes, p... 0 1 5 2 o Holmes, rf.. 1 1 2 .1 0 Cronln. rf-lf 0 0 H 0 0 MoAl'r, If-rf 0 2 0 ft 0 Hlbrd, ss-2b 0 0 3 ft 0 Jones, cf . . . 0 1 2 1 0 Dillon, lb... 0 0 3 2 0 Y'ser. lb-s. 0 1 0 11 Shaw, c 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 2 0 0 4 4 1 nyan, 2b.... 0 0 Totals ..SIO'MU 1 Slever, p.... 0 1 IOen, lb ...11100 I Totals ..3 9 24 11 7 Elberfeld out on foul strike. Indianapolis 0 2 0 1 4 0 1 0 '-3 Detroit 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0-3 Earned runs: Indianapolis. 3: Detroit. 2. First base on balls: Oft Harnes, 1: oil Slevers. 4. Struck out: Hy Harne. 2, by Slevers, 3. Hit by pitched ball: Kelly. Two-base hits: Geler. Owen. Three-base hits':. Geler, Holmes. Slevers. Saelillce hit: Powers. Double plays: Gei.T to Ma goon to Kelly; Elberfeld to Yeager. Left on bases: Indlonapo'ts, 8: Detroit. S. Stolen base: McAllister. Time: 1:45. fm plre: Manassuu. Sliiiullim of the Tennis. Played. Won. Lost. P.C. Chicago I"-' SI 41 .SIS Indianapolis 109 t 10 .550 Milwaukee 112 0t 52 .o3 Detroit Ill M M .509 Kansas City 113 5rt 5, .l Cleveland 109 52 57 .1,7 Huffalo 114 51 .14, Minneapolis 113 45 .ft ..SI Wml I'nlnt Winn nt llnmc. WEST POINT, Neb., Aug. 25. (Special. I West Point defeated a team consisting of Hooper ami Fontimelle. players In a nice game yesterday. The game started out with the prospect of being close, but errors at critical moments gave West Point a headway which Hooper found Impossible to retrieve Score' H H E West Point .... 1 0 0 0 2 2 5 5-15 13 4 Hooper 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 04 4 7 Two-baso hits1 Krause, Paul. Double plays: Hunker to Malehow i2i, John fil ling to Joe fhllnc. Pases on balls: Off Chada. 1: off Hoscholt. 3. Struck out: H Chada. 9: by Hoscholt. 6 Hit by pitched ball' Schultz, Hoscholt. O Sulllvan, Heln hardt. Passed ball: Helnhardt. Wild pitch: Chada. Left on bases: West Point, 4; Hooper, 7. Time: 1:1ft. fmplres; Car ;tentcr and Tiedke. I'oiitriiet lletiveen l.rnuiie nnd flult, CHICAGO. A.lg. 25 A special to tin Dally News from Milwaukee says t lint by a contract entered Into between the American Hase Hail leagie .mil President Hart of tho Chicago National league club. Hart Ins the privilege of drafting any two players from any or nil of the American league teams, paying for them the regular draft ing price of H.OftO, A clause of the con tract, the special savs, also provides that none of the American league players Is to be traded or sold before August 15. When seen today President Han said: "There is a contrai t between the Chicago o!ub and the American league. I do not care to dlsc.iss Its provisions. The tnlk from Milwaukee Is, to say tho least, mis leading." 4i It'll mill lh'feiiln Tiilior, GLENWOOD, la., Aug. 25.-iSpeclal.t-Olenwood defeated Tabor here touav In a very pretty but one-sided game Hull of Glenwood distinguished himself by all around line work. Score Tabor . 0 0 ft 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Glenwood . .1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 I Hase hits. Tabor. 1, Glenwood, 7. Earned' runs: Glenwood. 1 Struck out: Hy WIN kins, 3, by Weatberhead, 7. Hases on balls: Off Wllklns, 3; off Weatherhead. 2. Errors: Glenwood. 1; Tabor. S. Hatterles' (Men wood. Wllklns brothers: Tabor Weather head and Howe, fmplre. Johnson K I rkciiilnll II fit ten l,y llruec A Co, Saturday afternoon tho ball team rf Klrkendifl A Co was defcatel b th newl orcanlzed team of K I! Ilr icp I Co , the btorc belt)? 12 to ii. The fclup.s Philadelphia Ox Boston 9S Chicago OS Cincinnati lno SI. I.ouls ... OS New York ... o; Liltle Barrels Of Cream If you ni-o to lie it stny -lit lioinc till mi miner, you otiitlit to i-oiisolc yonrscli with frciniciit trcntM of HiildlllT's Ice cri'iini tlicif Is notlilnu so fffpiilvo In f'oiiibatlni; n lit'iitctl term as our frozen (liiliitlfs- tliolr roollni: ftlVet Is only ono of their pirn! ntialltles -hlseliiiisiiess inn! creiimy tli'litiess elint'iieterl.e nil our frozen dessertswhen you buy ire civil tu from in you net lee cream nintle with nil cream nnd nothing hut cream puiv Ice cream cannot he sold as cheap as half cream and half milk people never filll to see the difference between milk and sweet cream but they are often fooled in Ice cream -we put up our Ice ctvnni In little barrels -so handy to carry-pints, ''0e- iitinrts, 10c W. S. Balduff, 1520 Fartitttti St. of the game wns the battery work of an Do Ven and f relgbton for the Hru.e s. Van Do Ven striking out fourteen men and but one scratch hit being inadt, off his delivery, McLean for the Mrk.'ii dall's also pitched a good game, but lost his hcjul nt critical timrs. christianswinThot pair IliniUcrn I nlon Team l Hum " In SiieeeiNloii Ilefore . Al C. A. Ho) n. Tin- Ames Avenue park was the scene of two liotely contested jamcs of base ball yesterday afternoon. The Christian ss clatton nines have llnnlly tak?n a brae and In spite of tho nbsenco of two or three. ol the heaviest hitters won out handily. In tho first game between the Hank- rs fnlon -KO team und tho oung ..Men s Christian Association Grays, Dr. Nevl e kept the bunkers hits well scattered, while Dlstlehorst went to pieces la the fourth Inning nnd allowed four hits, whl ii, coupled with three costly errors, brought six scores across the rubber and settled tho outcome of the game. In the second game between the Asso ciation llrst team, or Triangles, as Ihev nro now called, and the fnlques, who ore now wearing the uniform of Hankers fnlon No. 1. It settled down to a pitchers battle between Neff and Davison, with tho result slightly In favor of the latter. He hind tho bat Conner nnd Knrr are both deserving of the highest praise. At crit ical points In the game both catcher', by nervv work, nipped Incipient lendiikles In the fine of a balloon ascension, bcore, llrst game: UNION, No. 4X1 , Y. St. C. A. OltAYS. lt.ii.o.A.u l n it o a 1: Sweniy, rf.. 0 1 2 0 0 Ander'n. Jti 1 1 4 ! 0 L. Dlst't. lb 0 3 fi 0 1 Ir. Ncv'e, p 0 1 u 4 I Wd. ss.... 0 0 1 3 0 Hoiiftl'nd, cf 1 1 0 2 1 Morlarlty, If 0 0 0 0 0 McCar'y, ss 1 1 1 1 0 C. Tracy, c. 0 2 7 1 2 Neville, 2b. 1 1 .1 0 1 Ilrew'n. 2b. 0 0 1 0 0 Cortcly'u, lb 1 0 0 2 O'Connor, cf 2 0 3 0 0 Knrr. c 1 0 11 1 0 12. Trary, 3li 0 0 1 ' 0 lilueb'r. rf.. 1 0 0 0 0 W. Dlst't, pOO 0 3 10. Young, If 0 0 0 0 0 Totals ....2 6 21 S I Totals ....7 3 ?I fl fnlon No. too 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0-2 Y. SL C. A. Grny.....0 0 1 6 0 0 0 -. Struck out: Hy Neville, 10; by Dlftle horst, C. Score, second game: UNION NO. 1. I THIANOLKS It II O.A.n . 2 A,E: T,io. lb 0 0 9 n s'Clark. lb.... 0 1 1 0 nincen. c!.. 0 2 2 0 0 OrelKh. 2b... 3 1 1 1 I 1UU. 3b 0 0 1 2 0 Moore, 3b... 1.311 O'Connor, c. 1 1 8 0 0,TrnlI. . 2 1;? Strong. If .. 0 0 0 0 1 Kennedy. If. 0 0 2 1 1 Holnis. ss.. 0 0 2 2 0 Hoagla'd, cf 0 1 5 5 0 Spane, 2b... 1 0 2 3 0 Sprasrue, rf. 0 ft 1 1 0 Lynch, rf... 0 1 0 0 0 Davidson, p 0 0 ) ft 1 Neff, p 0 1 0 7 0 Karr, c 0 0 6 0 0 Totals "s "s 21 1C l' Totals I 6 27 H 4 fnlon No. 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-2 Triangles 1 0 2 0 1 t on -! Struck out: Hv Neff. 5; by Davidson 0. Two-baso hit: Moore. ThpIvp IniiliiitH nt I'nwnt'r City. UlAIIIULUl, ,icu.. . kAt.i.n K..11 i,ili n ppomnjinlt'rt ov about rtfty rooters, went over to Pawnee Cltv yosteruny ana piaycu ;i iram iuininv,. of falls City nnd Nebraska City, and wero . ... .. ..m.itnnr f-.tmn nV0r plaved In southeastern Nebraska. Lrvln of DuHols ofliclated as umpire, to tho en tire salistaction 01 an mu oin.-i;miui.- ri-- ei.- .A nKn,,n.lA,1 III nlltlnif lltlll liril- llant plays, there being live double plays to Fans I'll) 8 creuu mm unc iu "Tub" Sleyers was In the box for Humboldt 1 ...... I,ii.rn,1.. utrllflntr otlt lllll WU illlllWHl ,,,,...,. n eight men nnd allowing but font scattering tlltS, Him Willi WIU PMIMU DUIiuii t..,a v ..j pitcner woutu niive wuu uui v.-.i.-. Humboldt 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 on 01 Fulls City 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1-2 Earned runs: Humboldt. 1; Falls (ity, 1. Hits: Humboldt. 0; Falls City. 4. Homo run: c ..... 11 I. ..Ila. r,, Mrt..r 1 lilt mull. IlilBin Kill uuiiii. v,. ..?-..-, .... by pitcher: Scott and Fretz. Stolen bases: Kails l Ity, BirilCK oui: uy .lirj.-i. o, by Scott, 2. Hatterles: Humboldt, Meyers mi,! nniil: FnllM Citv. Scott and Perdue. Tlmo of game: 2 hours. Snyilers Win Anotlier. A game of base ball between teams ;om posed of employes of J It. Snyder and H. G. Strelght was played yesterday .ifi ernoon. the result being a score of 14 10 10 In favor of the Snyder team, making the third winning for the Snyders Hat terles: For Snyder's, McCoy, Hnwiey and Mix; for Strclghts, Iloblnson and Hives. Ilronlcli Ten in Ilenten. The I.ee-Glass-Andreesen Hardware com pany's base ball team beat a nine com posed of the employes of W. J Hroatch yesterdny afternoon, the score standing li to . naileries. lor if 1 , nuf-ini'ii -t-"-Gadko and Sehnelderwind, for Hroatch nine, Whitney and Qulnlaii. CrrlKlilon Defeiitn IndlntiH. CHHIGHTON. Neb., Aug. 25.-(Spoelal.l-The ball game here today between Hi" Santee Indians and Crelghton resulted In a virtorv for Crelghton by a score of lo to 5 The feature of the game was John Green's h'nvy batting and n home run hit, scoring three' men. Kxtlnn Tenin I, ones, to .Meml. MEAD. Neb.. Aur- 25' Special 1, Tele gram. Mead defeated the Kstlna ball team today hy the score of 31 to 17 FINED FOR PULLING TROTTER .IiiiIucm nt NuIhimmI rni'U llrnw on Writer lli'llnlu for HI 00 In ii'27 Trot. DfHfQfK. Ia.. Aug. 25 -Nutwood park races closed today with fair weather and a good track. The attendance was about l.OtK). In tho 2:27 trot McHaln, driver of Al K. was lined $liJ for pulling his -horse. Summaries: 2:27 trot, purso $1,000, seven starters: Joymaker ' J J. J Fxtlnct 1 1 2 .1 6 John L : ; ; ; J Al K o 3 I I 2 llest time, 2:16U. 2:20 pace, purso tl.ooo, nevon starters; Wilkes Ceps 4 1 1 1 Tommy Wilton 1 2 2 : Vesper .:' ,' Illaek Kid 2 4 4dlH Host time, 2:104. 2.17 trot, purso J2.000, dvo starters: Chain Shot 1 ; 1 1 Cornelia Hello 2 1 2 2 l'hoeba Onward I J 5 3 Spleo :; 5 4 I Anzllia J I .1 5 Iiest time. 2'1P. TOO EASY FOR DOROTHY LEE Speed- Mure ilfli llnle I i lln Vn Trimble In IIi-miIiik .IfiiUlitx fur ('11 rim nt Inn 1 1 11 ml I en p. ST. LOf IS. Mo.. Aug. 25,-Tho 1 'oroimtloii handicap, the feature of loda s card .it the fair grounds, was spoiled by si rut' h . Only two hors.es started The rnce was n gift for Dorothy Lee. who took the lead at the ting fall and galloped home, an eaiy winner in tho slow time of 1:47. Summary First race mile and three-slvteen'li : Harden. 91 (Dalei. 11 to 5, won: Orl.indln 91 (Watsoni. 20 to 1 und ; to 1. second, l'lnnr del Illii. M4 (J. T. Woods 1. 5 to 2. third. Time; 2:im. Sallle Lamar, Huntress V.. Fearful and Harbound Wa ban a'so ran Second race, one mile: Go out, 117 iVan Dusen. 5 to 2. won; Ida Ledford. 107 (Dom Inlckl, 2 to 1 and out, s"iond; .azel. 112 ' Watsnni, 4 to 1 third. Time 1.12',. Glen Laki Maud Wallace and Tigris nlso ran. Third race, six and one-half fjrlong; Meddlesome. 100 (J. Mathews). S to 1. won; Fercy It., in? (Ollmorel, 16 to 1 and t! to 1. second: Whisper Low. 105 (Dnmlnleki. S to 1. third Tlmo 1 22u. St Wood, W 11 Gates. Sylvian cathedral lr I'niup sun and Hellc Slmpsm also ran FojrU rnic coronation b.i'.ilP ap "tie mile Dorothy Lee W (Dale, I 10 8 w Gi rge J.-'-iUlns i(r 1 Fa'Ihe C s rnd Time 1 7 Onl two s'arters Fifth race, handicap, mile and one-su- teetith; Jon Doughty M (Dalei. 6 to 1 and 2 to 1, won, Go To Hed HI (J Mathews, 2 to 1 and 7 to 10. second. Tom Gllmore, Sil (Cochranet, 11 to 1 third Time: 1:484. Lady Callahan and Colonel Gay nls 1 ran. Sixth race, handicap, six furlongs' St Cuthbert. Ill (J. Mat!iewn. 5 to 1, won; Tom Collins. 102 (Doinlnlcki. 5 to 2 and f to to. scond; W. J. Haker, Ml (Mnyi, 4 to 1. third. Time: 1:144. HI Kollor and Trlndltza n!so ran. Seventh rnee, live nnd one-half furlongs: Odnor. 11.1 (Domlnlrki. 2 to 1, won; lschcl 110 (J. Malhewsi, 9 to lo and l to 3, second. Orleans. 110 tVnn Duseni, 6 to 1, third Time; 1 -f'9'i Tony Lepping. Seething. Lndeslrous, Hirdli.' Stone and Vacate also ran. OUR NELLIE IS LONG WINDED Speedy Jlnre TuUe Hniliiriiiu'e Stul? nt Tho IHrN 11 1 llnt tlmriie Itiit'c TriieL. CHICAGO, Aug. 25Our Nellie won the two-mile endurance stakes ut Hawthorne this afternoon In ImpressNe stle from Ad metus, the heavily-played second choice The race was a spectacular event, although four of the eight entries were scratched. Highland Lad was a warm tip In the second race nnd althoigh Algntettn was Installed favorite, the bu'k of the play went In on the former. Ho won bv half a length Passe Partout met his Waterloo In the stoeplechaso today. The little mnre Fronda. who was coupled with Sir Dirk as an entrv, won. Fronda looked like a pole pony beside tho other big timber toppers and people marveled nt her cleverness In taking the Jumps. Two bad falls occurred during th race, but neither Jockey wns Injured. Sum mary: First race, live furlongs: Fancy wood. 112 (Huchnnrin). 9 to 5. won; Lady Idrls. 1"! (Tally). S to 1. seeond: Hegea. 107 (Hrad ford), 7 to 2, third. Time: 1:054. Peaches, Cora Goetz. Kdlth Q., GranndlUo. Water nlono and Van Nehl nlso ran. Second race, six furlongs: Highland Lad 95 (Hansom 1. 4 to 1. won; Algaretta, IS (Tally), 9 to 5. second; L. T. Caton, Id (Tully), 4 to 1, third. Time: 1:17. Vohlcer. Silver Fizz, Depending. Lnmlty ami Lady Weight also ran. Third rare, steeplechase, handicap, short course: Fronda, 125 iJnrkson), 2 to 1, won; Passe Partout. lfi.1 (Gallagher). 2 to 3. sec ond; CoronatUH, 12S (Heustnni, 15 to 1. third. Time: n:lfi Hrnkeman and f nele Jim also ran. Sir Dick fell. Fourth race, endurance stakes, two miles: Our Nellie. 102 (Wlnklle'di. 7 to 5, won. Admetus, 10S (Flick). 14 to 5. second; Stutt uart. lftl (Hulz). 4 to 1. third. Time: 3.3J'4 Thomns Carey also ran. Fifth rnce. six furlongs: John A. MorrK 112 (Wlnktleldl. 2 to 1. won; The Lndv. 100 (W. Waldo). 7 to 1, second: Headwater. 101 (Huchnnan). 2 to 1, third Time: 1:154 Th Lady In Hlue, The Fleeter nnd Rlvnl Dare also ran. Sixth rnce, one mile: Free Hand. 91 (Huchnnan). 13 to 5, won; Nnn-O'Kee. S (Tally). 4 to 1, second: Dtndv II . 99 (Senton). 15 to 1. third. Tlmo- 1 454 Ednt Gerrr. Little Hlllle, Major Manser. Chisel and Maryland nlso ran. Seventh race, one mile, se'llng: Prince Hlnzes. 10S (Bradford), 1ft lo 1. won; Oreat Bend. 112 (Dupee), 7 to 5. second: P.itroon. 100 (Wlnktleldl. 5 to 1. third. Tlm: 1:4.1. Mitten, Frangible, Dagmar and Molo also ran. MnrtlniitN AVI no Spencer llnuriictiit. SARATOGA. N. V.. Aug. 25.-H was get nvay day at the Spa and the Spencer handlc.m, worth t5,000. was the star attrac tion. Martlmas, n Canadian horse, showed a startling reversal of form and won. Suni-mnr:-: First raco. 2-year-olds, live and a half furlongs: Colchester. 101 (Blair). to 5. won. Guesswork. 10 (Jamexi. 15 to 1 nnd .1 to 1 second; Great American, lftl (J. Martini. 15 to 1, third Time: font,. Punrfiate Oeorirle Gnrdner. llandvlce, Cora Moore and Bos'o also ran. Second rnce, selling, seven furlongs: God frey. 110 (James), 6 to 1, won; Fleuron 111 (Brltton). 3 to 1 and 7 to 10 speond: Hold Knlcht. 106 (Williams). 7 to o. third. Tlmo: 1 294 Tourney. J II. Sloan. Tim Oaney. Tenver and Lavender a'so ran Third race, $5.or), Spencer handicap, one mile nnd a fjrlong: Martlmas. 101 dfowelti. 4 to 5 and out. won; Advance Guard 101 (J. Martin). 5 to 2 and out. second. Time: l:r'i4. naiinockburn nlso ran. Fourth rnce, HOO. 2-year-olds, six fur longs: Tammany Chief. 107 rj. Slartln). 0 to 5, won; Cherished, 103 ( Howell 1 4 to 1 and 2 to 1, second; Queen Carnival. K3 (Michaels). 5 to 1. third. Time: lio Waterplant, Cogswell, Salary and War ranted nlso ran. Fifth race, one mile and fifty-five yards: Althea. 91 (O'Brien). 5 lo 1 won. Speolllc. 101 (Poland). 2 to 1 nnd !! to 5, second; Precursor. Oft (J. Martini, even nnd " to 5 third Time; 1:454. Hoods Brigade, Kxlt and Crosmollna also ran. Cricket, 'Francis' H. & M. team defeated the fnlon Paellics. under Doorley. in hnnd.ime fashion yesterday, winning by no lc.is .1 margin than seventy-onn runs. For th losers. Gunner made a good showlncr, both with but and ball, and Gnvln made some hnrd lilts, but Tuflield and Hate were not rid of cheaply. Doorlev also bowled Tell for the sumo Mdo. For tbp Burllne.oi team George 'VaiiBliiin and Slmms made a big stand for the econd wicket and had the game won before they were pnrtd. Score: f NION PACIFIC. Tuflield. e Slmms. b. Lemon .1 Gavin, b. Slmms S Valentine, b Slmms o Gunner, b. Lemon 17 Doorley h Sim ins 2 Baker, b. Slmms o Hoden, b. Slmms 2 Cameron. W. Vuiighan, b Slmms . : Hate. b. Slmms 5 Kee'lne, h. Slmms tl Charles, not out o Hxtras ,'l Total 6! n. ft m. Lemon, e. sub., b. Valentine I Slmms, c. Keollne. b flunner '' O. Vniiglinii, b. Dnorloy 10 Francis, run out " W. Vaughrin. c. Tufllold, h. Dnorloy . . 9 Dnuclns, not out 21 Houston e Gunner, b. Doorley 0 Campbell, h. Doorloy 3 tievnolda, b. Haker '2 Rxtrns 11 Toti.I Tentiln nt Mnunrn, N 1 A (1 A HA-ON-TH K-LA K R Aurr r. -The Niagara l'ilrnatl'nial tnnU tinif"1 nient i iitltiur l her- this afternoon Tb llnnl roands of i"' p-en's nnd "o-"e i s srritch singles were pl'iveil th'x moi'lln and tlilx ofternoi-n the lnnl o' the men nnd woinep's do.ibf were "Isr.os-'d of The me"'s nil' vomenV tf.ndleun lni'eJ end dooble" "ill lo tilnveil on Mn'Mlav . mIbo will be the rhomplenxlll" slncle tt'-ifeli between t 11. t.Ittlp, tl' i,rjsen holler and H. I' Hnl'Mi ehnPenner arnrm- Men's, rhmnlopbln Mlnelew fCal oo-i,!' II i I'"eketl "f v.lo bent F, P FU"iier of vow Vork, 7-5. t.n 6-. fi-i Me.-'s eliomnlonbl' doni'Te ei'l-''"'' Kretph Col'lns at"' Hnr'v Wal Ire- .f , ' I i ng.-i he-it 1.' It Alexnpdc mil H p t . lie if Princeton 1-6. 0,1 i-i Fit"! I rm"d: 'nmnur 'lli''' "" qmnei Uardv ''f "in J.'r-'PpiMeo l-pt K-nleli ''o tng nui Harry Wnldner r-t chlen. i. !;- r,-2 Womeo's nr'r Pn ,l un' M's viimer of li'i)Mn-ioii l-eat Miss Parker '1 Cl.leneo. O.T 3 .3 0-2 "omep' dni'iilesi llrt roiinl: ihe Ml --- -Winter cf U'n'hln-ten hp-t tlp Mlp i'nh trts of y v-r-. 0.'. 7-- Mis Penpi"'- t'" ami Ml Itpe" n Cbl'-ne'O i't tVUV. -,r i Mr. whttohe- .1 of Il-nntfon' 1-R I'.l 7.' Sem.'iHl: T'" M' es 'Irr"" 1-e-t 'in ChH"m'n -n Ml"-' P'f'-er 6 1. c-f Ml Pennlnelon on! Mi Ste er of Ch'-nu bnat Ml Merri Hnd MU Shlkol '( T"ronlo bv ,"ffl"'t. t.'ipl roii''!' Mlsi PennliiKten in-' fiev" 'f Cblc.ig- beat (ho .MhifPM wim r ,f Va"blpsrtor,. .. f,-2 6-2 I'llr WIiiiIh I nt n Dance. N'KV Y""' is '' Fi'teee iriir ,te Hfir t Fttffcimiror -Sharke light last .I'M Ftzs'rrn' the wi-rcr ret irred - his I'Ttne IVrge V' i l red wnt to a dance with his wife, ThU morning I Our Great Art Stock- Is belnjr rapidly reduced-and for the Minple reason that we are giving- more ! for your money than ever before never i have you had the opportunity to take 1 advantage of so complete an a"oitmeiit of high grade pictures as In thN sale there's nothing reserved - but a bona tide cut price on every picture In tin house Ineludltig carbonsetchings en gravlngs -platluunis photognneiirs platlna plates-'oll paintings, etc beau tiful pictures from 1 cent up. mvordliic to size $1.00 pictures, .'t.'i cents ,0 pictures, oil cents- .S'-'.OO picture. 7" cents- $I.W pictures. OS cents -that tells the tale. A. HOSPE, Music and Art 1513 Dourlas. Bellstedt Band- Opens u mouth's ensnnetni'iit in Oniuliu din. wool; from toniiiirow tin proper foot i-ovi'iiti); for tlu ovciiin. concerts will be n Hussln tun -cool mill eoinfoi'tnlilo - of the niiKcullue np penrnnce- no mill used In tnunluK Hit sluu calf, thus ellinliiiitliiK the possibil ity of hot nnd burnlin; feet-these lor llie women in the Oxford nnd boot style -with the welt solo nnd military heel at ?.."0. Have you noticed the swell tun shoes so ninny women wear this season ? They're the llannn mnke the lenders In style. Drexel Shoe Co., Ouihs'i Op'tO'date Shorn nana. 1419 FAKNAM STKCET. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A GOOD TliME-R? YOU CAN (JKT IT T COPLEY'S IT WILL NOT COST YOU VKRY MUCH (FROM 65 CKNTS UP) AND KKMOP.SE WILL NOT BOTHKR YOU AT ALL. SEI: COPLEY FOR PARTICULARS. henry Copley, Wares of Gold and Hlixer 215 S. 16th St., Paxton Block Special watch examiner ror It 'm ny Ofic More Week of the "Low Prices" This week will onn our Summer Sale which has betMi double our expectiilion.. Buviu.u' goods for spot tush at special discounts and handin these discounts along lo our customers has certainlv proven a great success this sum mer. Following are a ftw of the bargains: We have a liirse selection of Tar lor Tables recently purchased at less than 50c on the dollar. They are decided bargains. Among them are: NO. :?n Mahoftany Table. Inlaid with pearl and rare woods, French de- slp;n, size of fancy shaped lop .tnxno These wero made to bell for Jl'S.on or $8 We have four of them In this sale at No. 5il Decorated Mahogany Table- French legs, shaped serpentine lop none iop $3 24x24 a regular $7.50 table two of these on sale at No. 015 Ornamented, sawed oak -oal top 30x22 three twist pillars handsomo shaped base -bead larving ase - Dean larving $5.15 an exceedingly od and stylish deslgn frorn I2 00 to .. No. f,M-.So!ld Oak Table sue of top 24x24 tine golden oak finish strong and durable -a $2 25 lable on sale at 90c Our stock of low priced Furniture i the cheapest in Om.ihu. In' went lur a siroll tili.ng hoar.l wa k mar his him. followed b a la'e nw! He showed no sign whuleser "f ha. trig been engaged In a gl;ve . ontesi Sharkey w-nt to his home In sheepslirnil Hay after the right, ri-ilr.-d and was . .it ut S o'clock this morning He hnd little in Kir. Arriuine It 1 tin Sliiinl. OHKVKNNi;. Wyo.. Aug. 25. (Spedal Tlie (. heyenne Hllle club Is arranging for u i lilK shoot to be held mi September 1J un.i 1 12. during the celebration of Frontier day , Five hundred dollars In prizes will be huiirf I np and riflemen from Colorado and other I neighboring states will bo asked lo com- i pete. A committee has been appointed to arrange the program of events, prizes, eti H Is expei ted that some of the crack shots i ..f Colorado will parth Ipato In the shunts ( 4ililK ItuceK nt lllclirll. MITf'HKI.I 8 I) Aug r (Special Tel. erram i The race meetliig umr to a cPjsis I this afternoon with tomt excellent races I - j Eyesight Ii the most precious of rIHb. 1m paired or defective eyeslfiht Is almost a crime in these days Glasses can be made that will take away these defects We inike scientific eye ex aminations tree und can tell you 1! gltsies will help you All leniei ground by a competent apectaele mi a. THE A10E & PENF0LD CO., Leading Scientific Uptlclnna. 140S Farnain. OMAHA. OPPOSITE PAXTON HOTEL. Our No. 701 Sol d Ojk Roekcr rai ded arms leather seat - very larse and nicely ftnlrhed a reKUIar U rocker- ln this sale at All of the newest and finest Brass and Iron Ilcds made In this country are shown on our floors and our prices on these goods make them all decided bargains No. 16D Iron Bed top half brass moFs green bronie finish lear shaped knobs ner reversible rials very heavy castings and mounts a bed uounts a bed $20 which regularly would t.ell at 3!.00 this week A good strong Iron Bed white enamel brass knobs ball bearing rearing $1 rasters any sire a bed generally sold at $2 To rturing sale All Kinds of Couches All kinds of upholstering and special prices. No. 16 Pegamone Leather couch ery graceful rococo frame -gondoli des gn--etrn wide and extra leas extra icas - $20 one of the best bar gains In the store at No. 115- Velaur 'ouilir- well made and full sue- any colur up Mir- any coiur up- $5.50 holstering -best castors--regular S 'i0 sale price jmwwie "d ex- ltmg il.visbes The third da riires werr lie- I a ml off In the :-miti'" US 1' IIP' S1 ". With i.l SCi 'l!"1 tti.d It t juk P' linns to decide U He" time : 32 The. ; 2". ra. e was won h Lew Swelgiiri Hva S iiilluwer. seeond; Howard third, Ku Sunflower making a close and successful drle for second place In th last heat. The half-mile running race wns won by Allle Hlue Time: :K. The at tendance wns large today. Hunter III Conch liiiHiint, I.AWHHNCF.. Kan. Aug. .-I,aw reiv e Hunter, former cuptnln of the Northwest ern university foot ball team, has ncceple.t an olfd to coach the Haskell Indian In stitute team this full. He will arrive here on September 3 WANTED- Bids for all com c. sloiis o-i grounds of Fremont Drlwng park Fremont Neb during race meeting Carnival eek. September 12, 13 aud 14, 1900 Addresi, BRUCE E, SMITH, Sao.