THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUXBAV, ATnr.ST 20, 1000. in lltHIM-.SS I II M UK, AN' OLD established grower wnhts to re tire. Im tr.r,, locati. n Omaha A I dress H .'!, Rpp. y -M-Mri 27 HAI.K popmiKt npwspnper. with or without subscription lint. Address H 6. Omnhn Dully Bee. YMWI ) BARBER shop for snip, nritrliif!. three '..h!,lrJ.'"." "!"' ,mtn rooms; snap. Lock Box .82, Eagle drove, In. V -flOSC AN established t2S0,O" Ohio enrporntlon. 'ompopl of mrn rated over twn.n (fur nishing highest bnnklng nml commercial rrfrrMiron, nperntlhg on Hip Carnegie prollt-sharlng plnn with pmployps. desires roi respondents and Interviews with men J''1,?. l" cl,rn salary nml commission of per nnnum. To comply with co operative condition Btid obvlatp giving bond nn Investment of Jl.cmo to l-VOO abo lutely npcpssnry. Address Auditor' dc (iiirttneiit, 200 to 2n6 Wynndottp bldg.. Co. nimbus, o. y r"Ori SALE or trnilc. Ilarirnln. Npwspnper plant. AildrCH I'. V. Whltp, Onnwn. in V- ZAMflESI HEM-TIip " Grent Discovery Exports cimnot detect It from the genu "', diamond mid coat but onptcntli, In brilliancy nml cut It Iihh no eiiunl; set ting solid gold. Write for beaJtlful lllu 'rated f-nt(iln-u. j Hmvc & Co.. 354 Dearborn St.. Chicago. III. Y- 111 YSICIANS' practices nnd drug storen for sale; very desirable. Write M' Exchange, Omiihn. Neb. Y 721-21'. AN V man with enprgy. nbllltv mid $2.i00 to tin.wo ckii mukp $ to ic.noo yearly! jnv stntp. Addrpss Hathaway & Co.. si Pnrk How. N. V. -y RIG dividends how tiicti and women with If) or more may participate In the divi sion of million or become rich bv the In vpslmenl of larger amounts. (I. M. tl. company. NXH Pnrk How Building, New ork. .. y FOR SALE, nil privilege and onncepslons at street cnrtllval, September 21 to J!t Inclusive. Apply T. I. Oct. 13,t8 . Htirncy St., for list, grdund plan and V prospectus. Y M763 27 GREAT opportunity 'for 'promoter; b?Mt penny slot ma'chlr.e In the wsrld; i-x-eluslvj rlRht to vend "Velvet" m-Must's andy, in connection with ehoco!nte -md f,; companies now ;n operation It, N w i.ngianu. renneyiviinin and New .1 .Ir.-v Apply to C. II Mo thews, 12 Pearl t , Y-02 2i. Huston. Mars Bt'Y w'hent, wp believe there Is 10o n bui-hol protll to be made at present prices. Hend for our honk. "Sue.-'fnl Mpeeulatlon." J. K. Comstork, 21 Tr id rs Hld., Chicago. Y-7tl 2'j' HI'KCCI.ATOnH-attentlon-$lm Invested In craln or stocks by my "Safe Investment Plan" niuv make you Independent Tor life; send for free particulars; miccessful cus tomers anil lluanclal rpferenees. Stenlwu A. ciemous, broker, Old Colony IimIIiIIiik. ChlenKO Y -tin 2V VOH HA1,H. grocery stock and fixtures with wall established trade and In (Irst clnss location. Address s z, nr, Y-7.11 :r, ACTIVK partner for a prolltable and old established blislnes: 350 required. ;irt of which can be paid out of proflts. Ad dress fl 30. Itec. Y 7M 2 KOIt BAl.i:. old established pa per and Jed) plant In eastern Nebraska county seat. Address S 82, Y Tf.2 2fi 'Oil nVCUAM.I HOOD rental property for farm Monroe & Co., -reed and Fuel, 811 N. lfith si. K-MI522 31 PARTY desiring to qo west on account of III health will exchaiiKe $!G,nii eipilty In New York City, Income property, western property. Slate full pnrllculnrs. Cohn A; Co., 203 llroadwny, N. Y. City. y.-Tlf'-W F(Ut ftAI.K HKAI. 1JSTATIJ W. FA UNA M SMITH Si CO., 1320 I'AIINAM HTKKKT. HIO HAHUAIN8 FOH LITTLK MONKY, HL'Y NOW. LIST YOUIl PHOPKHTY WITH US. WK HAVK Tl JK CL'STO.MKHS. (H-207) Larce fine corner lot with 7 and S- room houses, In Kood repair and lari?o double barn nearly new, on South 32nd Aye.; convenient to car and South omnia; nno nnusc anu mini rents tor lis no pr month; nil reKUlar and special taxes pili A Kood luveslment. Prlcu reduced t J:IOi: Part cash. to (It-20ii)-Nleii 7-room cottaRe. barn and frur lots, southwest part or the city; coil venlent to South Omaha; benulfful su burbnn home, excellent repair; well, eiHieru, nice lawn, siiaue anil fruit trees Has cost J).(KX). Prlcu only $2,10). lR-2Ti) Nice B-room cntlane, Inrce burn, full lot, 3fi3ft Uoulcvarn Ave This property In the very best possible repair; uod , well , cistern, shndo and f Milt. Owner KOinft to leave cuv and will sell nt a hamuli!. Look nt this. Price onlv S1.1"). lH-135) flood house, 7 rooms, bnrn and full mi on n. in st. A bnrKnln at 1.2:o. One on 271 h St., same as this, for J1.C0). t n-lf Nlco 5-room cottaye and barn, South 2)th Ave, lino repair, khs, city water, cistern, cemented cellar, trees. Only $1,200; part cash. (H-1'joi Six-room house and bnrn. 112 N. 37lh St., good repair. Can bo bought fur l.liW. l'lirma to trado for city property. If you wish to buy or fell, en on. W. FARNA.M SMITH k CO.. 1320 Fnrnnm Street. hk -C)0-':a J. W. ItOItHlNS & CO, 1S02 FA UNA.M ST. AV'e have several customera lo whom wo nave shown city residence nronertv re. cently ami who are waiting for runner ilecllno in prices ticforo purchasing. To all such We will sav that In our onluliin further delay would be hazardous for wo know of several who have been left dur ing the last few days by reason of others closing tho purchase of property that thoy were iniouiiiuR in nuv. iicro arc just a few bargains still left: 5-rtoom house and barn on Mason St., near win. lor i,imo. "Room housti and burn, full lot nn paved street. Hnnscom Place. 12.fii'n. "Room modern house uml barn on Farnam near 40th St.. n simp, $3,t"i0. O'Room mndorn houso on tlnest corner on (leorcla Ave. Paving all nnld. J5.00i). Ill addition to these we havo a number of other good bargain. All parts of the cits, winch this limited tipacu will not hold. JVe haye a very largo list of well Improved 'fni'ms for sale cheap or to trade for cltv or other property. They aro situated In llrtl.Alnu 11 ... W riuhl.tirln.. 'AHl, . h .in. .j i i? iiniiiiihiini, ivin. Nuckolls, Clay, Knox and other NubniHka counties; also several in lown near Mis Mollrl Vnllnv iimi I.nle Cllv SJa.i iii llut Ye ali-o hnvo listed to trailo for farms, a tine hotel and livery business In good wesiern jowa town. Also a siock or gen eral merchandise In iron. I N'ehrHskii town Also a flue roller mill In central Nebraska lown. Hen us for bargains In any line. Also for money to loan nt ft, nnd H per cent RKilS-2(i OPR RARUAINK THIS YVKKW Jlen nt If til lot. nenr HatiKcom p.irk, $1,400. flood lot, Farnam, 41st, only JI.175. Fine front, 35th, near Farimm, $1,430 41 feet on 10th. near Jackson. IS.Soo. Fine 10-room house, good bnrn choice In side corner lot. rents f50. Ifi.TWi. One of the tlnest 10-room houses In Han scorn Placo for J7.00O. Modern R-rooni cottage, east front lot. near nisi nun racinc. w,i. Klegnut double rcslderce. lnige erounds splendid location, pnys C par cent net on K ueres eliolco iriirileti limit n.iir ellv ft7.. 17 ncres benutlful tract, near I'Jl'mwood parx, tor sale tins htik at ?2,loo. 50 ncres cholco land, house, barn, woll, only 2 miles from stock ynrds. J6.5W. to-acre farm. Huffalo county. Neb., nil goon tanning lauu, only J 12 an acre l.tVm acres. Lnox county, eastern Neb. plenty good plow land, good soli, well waierea nnu covereu wnn goon grass will make fine stock ranch, $i!M nn ncie HICKS. 325 Uonfd Trade Hldsr RK-772 2ii HOUSES, farms, n. C. rutterson, 305 N Y I HOUSICS, lots farms, lands, loans; also flro insurance, iinmis. rnxion oik iiij ins READ THIS: one of tho best homes in Han scorn Place; 9 rooms, lnrcn lot. uooil bnrn sightly home; party leaving city, price h,mi.w. m. J. KClinaru & son, room 2iu, Rr9wn block. RK-M925 RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by the I'nion l aciuc Knllroud company M, McAllaater, land commissioner, Union racinu ueminuarters, Omaha, Neb, RK-A78 COTTAQn snd 12.000 for small farm rtni ,s m:-iii:i, r,rrTi:. SoU IS TIM; TIMI-; TO HI Y HO si;-' f.(iTH. I'AHMH AND LANDS. Sf HYS flHOHOB P riKM'S Telepliono WB. Pnxton lllock If J on are expeetln lo h iv a home within I the next few years NOW IS TIII-5 Tt.MB to! pel if All thlnes Indicate th-lt a deslrnbl home will cost ou more two months hence. Certain It Is that you will NHVIIU be able I to buy cheapur than at present. LOOK AT TIIK3H HAHOAINS IN WAY' or NICK COZY IIOMKS Six-room, well built, nltely planned house. t?ood-sl2ed stable, 'arge cn!ckn house, i splendid well of water, good cellar. larRe pm-foijt wldo corner lot, south front and ' llircrrt nhfiifn IfnAct- ti'lfhlii In.i t.lrtnb rtf nan' ' "Saunders'' school house on 41st and Chi eaco streets, and hnndy lo both the Vnlntit Hill and fnrnam street mot'ir lines. Price, JI.6M J,0 down and balance to suit pur chaser. Cottiice of K moms, well anil cistern, enst front near Lake nnd 27th streets. 1700; JKJ' cash, balance monthly i A very nlco fi-room brick cnttnue nnd a i l-room frame cottaj?e; both hitve Srates, ! sewer, cistern. eleRsnt ce lars and city water and bam. On 19th lloulevard. WalK ln distance A nice location; Ji.&oo. Mak9 , us an o"r. We will build you a very nice D-room ottuup with bath hot and cold wnter, ' plumhlnir, either ns or electric IlKht. InrK- cellar nnd nn east front In Hemls Pnrk fori H.W0, J3W cash, balance Jl monthly. Why not put the money yna are iiayinn tor rani Into n ito OK YOl'It OWNv7 A cottne of r rooms in Koort conumon on 20th St.. near Paul; $1,500. A n-room house in an elegant location on , SnmildlnK ntar Jllh st , II.2W, JIM cash. $U monthlv ConxIderlnK the house. 'ocntlMi and terms TIMS IS A HAKIIAIN nnd oni that will be hard to duplicate. The foreuolutt are only saju' or Ihe SCOHK8 OV CIIKAP COZY HOMI'S Hint wc have for sale. Come In and look i them over. N CW W iST I' A P NAM ST. IIQMK. Have line nf the nicest new houses on Veul l.rtrnniti for nip ft roillllS. TP- Ceptlon room, dlnlnn room, kitchen, parlor, llbnirv. three t'edrooms nnd bath room, khs, wir e nht. Htrlctlv modern in every wn. $'i.f(K). Come In nnd luvcitlsnte this. also mavi; a i.irr V.1'1 NI3W. STH1CTLY M)UKHN; .11 '-TO-OATH MOMHS IN 1 1 NHCOM I't"' KOrSTZK PLACK A NO WHST I'ABNAM I) srnicTS, . o ivb s. a . a ..u . v. llAVI; SOMIS (JIMIK invr,imnjin i;j WAY OP STP.ICTLY INSIUK 'Uliyv IH'SINKPS ItLOC K 8. It A N 1 0 1 N (. IS MUCK I' MOM Jft.VW n ini.wri. AND SICK CS. THAI'KAUIJ I'llUI'i i . fome lii nml look o'-er our list of nicely located traekaKO properties. Have them in every direction-north, east, south nnd west anu ai verv minumuitn cum. srnciiiiAN iiujim. , , tt'.. i...!!, ii,ni wn linve the best ana Invest '1st of Suburban l!ome!,.ul''V.Tn,i'ir.ti1i isist (in lowai. souui nim . nml Willi crcni iiiiiuin.-H in.- nern up to 30 or 0 acres-wlth larKe houses and with smaller houses, ranslnp In price from isno up to or . ."- KAIIM8 AND LANDS. Have many choice farms near omnnn. in Western Iowa nnd In nny rtnd nil parts of ..,. ...,,i ni miv uml all nrlces nlHO iiuve'inncls nil over this nnd other stntcs nnalim In price from J5 to $30 pr acre. H UtO VINS IN CIIOICK HESIDKNCK i....... .. in.' n( ities ho renins In cllnlco resldencp lots within live minutes' ttuiif nf ?iiti ni. and Ames uveiue! only ... r i ii,.u imuntlf ill lot.s near i4th'nnd Mnnderson sts.; coverra with Inrj lecnnt shnde trees. Only $500 each; $10 rt r.W " BR1 0 KN T rMON?B Y TO LOA ON PIT ASH FMtM SCCRITV. . . ALSO WRITK OOOD SOl'ND FIRB 1N SI'RANCK. ,.,e ULUKUIV nr.ui'oi (Kstabllshcd In W. Telephone f.A5. PUX RK-75.f 2 PAYNFKNOX COMPANY will plnce this week a number of properties upon THEIR RAROAIN COUNTER, s A cut In prices not heretofore mndo and challenges ull competition. THKSK properties and prices nre mnde to suit all purses nnd located In all parts of the city. fo know them and terms of purchase cnll nt our office and one of our obliging salesmen will drive you out and o.uoto you our Inside figures. Wp pxpect to sell a number of these properties in the next few days. Appointments can be made by 'phoning 17S1 MAIN FLOOR, NEW YORK LIFE RLD. RU-C43 20 CASH for real estate. Krntst Sweot. N Y OEFINE HA RG A INS. 5-room cottage, 27th anil nurdette. $690. 5 rooms, city water, lot 3:1x140, east front, ensy wa k nc distance A SNAP JSoO, 5 rooms near 24th and Amen nve., newly shlngleil, palnteu and papereu, gas, wuter, lawn, lot 50x132. only $1,200; nart cash. 0 rooms, Franklin, near car, modern except ruruace, nne repair, piumuing new. snaue, lawn paving pnld. bnrn, renta for $20, snlendld Investment. $1,700. Maudcruon, near 25th. new, 8 rooms, full lot. modern excent heat. barn. S2.550. Plerco nnd 20th, 6 rooms, modern. $2,300. liunncom I'luce, rooms, sirictiy moilern. uno Dam, lot wixt&o, paving pnlil, well won n ii.ixn): nrice. jj.&uu. Douglas and 2tith, 10 rooms, modern, fine home. IG.600. 31st, nenr Farnam, 7 rooms, enst front resl tienro ror ji ooo. 12-room brick residence, full block of gi'ounii; investigate It; ERNEST SWEET. N. Y. L. ULDO. RE-G70 2S VERY Cheap, three acres, enclosed chicken light lunce, house, store, ham. corncrio, sheds, etc.; line shnde trees. Homo of late it. d. jnnnson, irvington. Douglas Co. Inqulro E. W. Johnson, I52S Franklin St. KE-7S3 S3 PAYNE-KNOX CO.. HEADQUARTERS for REAL ESTATE MAROAINS, LOW- KST IIATKS on LOANS. SOl'ND IN Sl'RANCE HOl'SES, FLATS, STORES, ror rent, nrst noor, n y Lira niag, K E--lid) SPRUCE ii", io sii.i encn un'i oniy . ihiwu hhi OWNKIl OF ONF. OH MORB AND START ; itnMi.i ou vni'ii own. The fall festival and oriental carnival will soon bo bore. But what about that CARRIAGE YOU WANT? If you are looking for a hlnh grado rcpunble make of vehicle at a SPECIAL LOW PIUCE, you can havo It. Drummond are better titled to give you such a bargain than anyone In the city Their stock Is the largest variety must select styles the newest no trashy, shoddy goods to be ashamed of and when we advertise SPECIAL LOW PRICES WE MEAN Just what we say. VISITS CORDIALLY INVITED. We'll be mighty civil to you. HARNESS BY THE HUNDRED. I8TH AND HARNEY 8T8. OPP. COU?T HOUSE. FOR !.I.I-ltB.l. KSTAT 15. R. C'" I'ETKRS St CO. 170: Farnam St , Telephone KW. We hnvo a very LA III IK LIST OF PROP llRTY for ssile nil over the city. NOW IS THK TLMK TO IH'Y. Olve lis a call. DWKLLINfTilorsKS. No. floo This Is n 6-room dwelling houso on 19th st. boulevard, block north wf Lake St. school, city water In house price $l.Si0.tio. No. 1223--G rooms, largo nun try. china closet, brick cellar, pood cistern, city water, good neighborhood, So ft. frontngo, nice trees nnd lawn, u very great bargain nt tSJO.Otl. No. 1014 7-room house, city water, bath, sewer, gnu. ilxtures. M ft. frontage, nenr llanscom park. This Is a new house. Just completed. Price $2,M)., only J5Xl cash, balance ensy terms, No. R.14 Fast front on 2Sth street, north of Parllic, 7 rooms, bath, gas, hot and cold wntor .stenm heat, cem.'iited cellar, hard oil tlnlsh. This Is a bargain nnd we can give you easy terms. Following Is n very cheap property nnd Is ripe for Improvement. Nenr Winona flat building: Two small cottages on tho lot; room for two more 7-room cottages and they would rent like hot cakes. UNIMPROVKD PROPKRTY. 10S4 Three lots In Saunders Ae Hlmebnugh's Addition. NKAU MILITARY ROAD price ONLY $200 each. 127l-2Sth street, nenr Hnnscom pnrk, CO ft. frontngc, only $330.00. pmM ft. nt on Oeorgla nve., south of Mncon street, flno natural shnde, street Improvements all paid-price reduced to $1,900.00. This Is a great bargain. FA RM LANDS. lS.iO-200-ncre farm nenr tlretna, Neb., on the n. ei M. Ry. Prlco $25.00 per here. 1112-BO.upre fnrm two miles west of fair grounds; n great bnrgnln nnd will be sold soon. 1022 liw-ji ere farm In Sarpy county, tibout H of It bottom land and a bargain at Ol 11 .500.Q0. C. PfcTKRS & CO. 1702 Fnrnnm St.. IJee Uulldlng. RK-CJ3 20 CHOICE RESIDENCE. A HANDSOME HOME At southeast corner 36th nrd Hownrd wo orter 10-rOom, strictly modern, uo-to-daio residence, with the very hest of plumb ing, nickel finish, porcelain bath, hai'l wood tlnlsh, servnnts' bath In basement, excellent heating plant, etc. The lot is 64x124 nnd n desirable corner. The home was built by the owner, Is first-class in every respect. If you nre In search of n home or contenmlnto hnl.iiinir. von win bo wise to examine this property on the iiihiiu, in juukii oi us merits as n uesira blo one. Wo wish to sell It. is the owner cxneels lo lenve the pin- Tho nrle. Is reasonable, and all we ask of you l to Hce it nt least. POTTER-S HOLES CO., AOKNTri. 'Phone 470. .110 N. Y. Llf-. RE-72-3-23 FOR Investments In reality sen Ernest oi;i;ii iuik i.ue. ill' w-i N. W. cor. 31th nnd Mnrthn. lot 7xl33. Just right above grndo, good shade, driveway nnd alle;', larse bnrn with box stalls, mnn s room. etc. : S-oom modem house, electric lights, east and south front. permanent wn'k nnd pavement; Just the inace lor nouin umnun man; price. f.i.OJO part cash, balance lnnir time Cottages on monthly payments. Vncnnt lots on monthly payments. 2-seatetl carriage to trade for horse or cow rncnnt lot to trnue ror horse nnd wngon Prlvnte money to loan. Write Are Insurance. Houses In nil parts of city for rent. .1. II. SHERWOOD. Thone 3S3. 939-940 N. Y. Life. RE-M760 27 CO ncres, 10 miles wott, 10-room house, barn .10x60, cun be bought very reasonible. 89 ncres, 11 miles northwest, with house, barn, crops, horses, cows, implements etc.. nil for $4,500. SO or 120 acrea. 12 miles northwest from the Omaha postoftlce, ordinary Improvements; 'irlee. ISO nor acre. 312 acres, 12 miles west of Omaha, near .Miiiarn; price, o per ncre. 521 S. 18th st 5-room house, $1,250. Wii a. 'nth r..rnom hnlls. tl.GJO. 1143-45 N. 17th St.. lot 60x140 feet: paving pnld; price, $2,800. C-room new modern house, near 26th and Dodge sis.; price, J3.we. Northenit corner of iSth and Cuming its.,. hnimaal nrlee. M 3M. Submit Offer. 11-room modefn houso, corner lot, within four blocks of city hall; price, 53.600. Farnam nenr 14th at.. !ot 22xlS2 feet; 8-story br ck bu iding: price, tao.ow. JOH' N. FRKNZBR. Opposite old Postoftlce.E677 V. II. OATKS, isr. v T.Uo. Phone 1291 10 roomi, modern, N. E. corner 23d and I'hlrn 14 R00 M. 8 rooms, fully modem and up to date, hnrd wood finish, laundry, house most new nnd built by owner as a home, corner lot J4.000.00. , S rooms, modern, nice order, a good, honest, well built house, cellnr under whole house, mmitrl niul crate, naved street, south front ,on West Farnam street nnd $2,0w0 ensli Will buv It. K.rnom new cottace .modern, eaiit front. near Hanscom Pnrk, for $2,850.00 $100.00 down, balanco mommy. 8-rooin framo house nnd corner lot S. 'W, Cor. 2Sth nnd Ilinnev. onlv $875.00. Two fi-room cottages .each renting for $10, on lot 60-133, 2910-12 Seward, $1,500 Is the prlco uskcil, but want an orter. RE-72D 20 V. L. SELDY. North 17lh St $1.2'fl South 20th St .. Roulh Omaha, south packing houses. .$1, loo South Omaha, south of packing houses 1,100 All 5-room nouses, goon repair. VIII sell to good party earning steady wages. $50,00 to $100.00 cash balanco M.'O tier week. W. I,. Selby, 333 and 334 Hoard of Trade Rdg iirj iiifiia-.j KILDY PLACE! KILRY PLACE! Lots 6. 7. S. 9. 10 In block 6. all east fronts must bo sold. WHAT WILL YOU C.IVE FOR ONE OR ALL OF THEM" Thoy will soon be very valuable. All offers conslrlcreii. ERNEST SWEET, S22 N. Y. L. BLDC. RE-CCO 26 FINE 160 ncres, stono house nnd bnrn; 110 ncres in cuiitvniinn; ib milts south or Hastings, win laKe cottnge in part pay mcnt. Ernest Sweet, N. V. Life. RE-6GS-2'; BEE HENnY n. PAYNE, C01 N. Y, LIFE C F. HARRISON, FARMS, N. Y. LIFE, Kli 445 A-27' UP Carriaoe for s i.t:it i:ii i:iTir, FOR HA1.I-; RKAL KRTATK Rend this llt cut fuly if m are linking a bargain and If ou dun t set- wn it you want cat! nt our otitic ns we surly bnve it: Hll-8-Room 2-.tory house nt 27th and Won- worth. newlv papereu nnu pHinieu throughout. Ilrst time offered. P'ier. $2,750. OU. 1511 ft-Room 2-story house nt 32nd and Pot) pieton Ave . street pnveu iticc jji.w.'" Hlg snap for some one who waiH' n nl". home. 1202-On Davenport St., near Xlth, fi-room modern cottage. Price $2.3'H0O. 1210-2211 Ohio St . s-room. 2-story hottse. partly modern, with barn. Kastcrn owner will sell for !2.fflU0. 1211-2M3 Poppletnn Ave., 6 rooms, barn. Paved street, $2,000.00. Idol 270S Capitol Ave.. 7 rooms partly modern. 3i mile rrom r i. i nis is a snap for some one. Price Jl.toono. 1019 fi-Room modem cottage. 30th ond Webster St. Price $l.f0.0i. 1022M7 N. 25th St.. U-room. 2-story house, all modern but furnace, small 'mr.i. owner will take $1,500.01 If sold this week. 1027- 111 N. 30th St. 5-ronm. nne-story cot tage, barn, Inrge Int. price,, LOTH. !03-31st Ave., lust north of Dodge, one rf those line building lots ror i.,"mii. ir jou nre looking for something In the W tat Ciirnum illntrlel ilnn't fall to see 1 til J. 219 On Dodge St . Just west of 2i!th. we enn sell this for $l.0i).(V) Street nlresdy pnved. 203 Lot 6 .block C. Drakc'M Addition, faces proposeii Houifcvaru, pcrmaneni siuo wnlks. Priee rji.l)0. 205 Your choice of one of those fine lots In Dewey Place for jsno.oo. This is that pretty new addition on 2Hh St., Just south of Kountze Place. 1-IWX12I feet on north 21th St., near Sprngtie, street paved nnd permanent sidewalks. A snail nt fGCO.OO 22 We have severnl of the best lots In creltthton Heights Aiinition. nnoi nt $IW.W each, ncur end of Walnut Hill enr line. U acre In llclvedere, Just west of 30th si . t-ifio oo 32-2 lots south of Hnnscom Paik. between new uoulevnrd and 32ml St., south fronts on crude. Onlv JaSO-OO each . Tho Ilyron R?rd Company, 212 So. llth S;., Omaha, Neb. Ri:-605 :'i OARVIN IIROS.' LIST. 2506 S. 29th street.- Hmnll dweltltlK with lot. city wnter; price. $6jn. 343.) Patrick uvenue iiousp or 7 rooms, full lot; owner anxious to sell; wants un offer. On easy navments. 2122 N. 2.ith street: Cottace nnd comer lot for Jl.OmJ. 1629 N 22nd St. Cottnge. t rooms, hall. "2 closets, cellar, city water; on ensy pay ments, $1,000, 2307 S. 211th cottage, o rooms, cny waier. IT feet fronlnne. naved street: owner says get nn offer If $1,150 Is too high. investigate mis jivj j.envenworiu sirnei. new B-room dwelling with gas. porcelain bath, hot and cold wnter. sewer, cemented cellnr. nice corner. 70x112 feet: nrice, $2,600; owner Instructs us to get an offer. On easy payments ino choice properiv locnted nt 1222 Pnrk Wild nve . consists of n two-story house In excellent condition, both exterior nnd Interior; hns porrelaln bath, hot snd cold water, gas, sewer, ce mented cel'ar. good barn, nice lawn and shade; lot 50x154 feet; street pnved: alt taxes paid; on easy pajments; price, $3,2j0. investigate. In West rnruam illBtrict. nearly new. modem dwelling of S rooms, finished In ouk, south front; lot on nsohalt paved street; desirable neighborhood nnd mir roundlngs. W recommend this as u bar gain. Price. M.000. VAVAAl I A J in. Choicest In Dundee Pisco for fiio. Two lots In Orehnrd Hill for 1350. Near 20th nnd MUml streets for t$rA ci.nieo civtas feet on frllh. north of Farnam- locution and price can't be beat. Price, T2 250. ... ffl feel on i.eavenworin nenr -iiiu. ..u-y. t.x rn nn '".ib nvenue north of St. Mary avenue, east front; want nn offer. OARVIN IIROS., 1013 Farnam St. RE-723 26 nimia Tni Q A I l.i 1' Ailiiin rwi 1103 160 ncres 15 miles west of Omiih-i, land very level anu sou run, umimi ur . ago. the buildings cons st of a 6-room house, barn for 20 head of cattle, tool shed, crib for 4,000 bushels of corn, hog house, etc.; fenced und cross-fenced, some fruit; this Is one of the best farms 111 UIIUHIII.-I vuiii.ij ' -.., --- 1104160 acres. 10 miles west of Omaha, nt the entl or too uouce mh-i ini.-,iiim, -h neurlv all b cultivated, n-room hons, bams, cribs, etc.; 5 acres In annles, this . . i . n Hn. t).i,i. I v urn rki 1M a i0. 1 Hiui n ini.ii. . - 2O0S-8O ncres. south of Waterloo this Is ....1 - . h M nn. lrlpe t? T.5Q. iMllllvmeu, riling Miniu. in-. ' -".,; J007-S0 acres. 3 miles north of Irvington. nil raw prairie. Price $1,600.0). 800242 acres north of Florence, can nil b- cuitivnteii. ursi fi'V . Aim' severnl acres In fruit. Price $l,(O0.oo Owner will take houso and lot In town pii pari pny ... . i, 20 acres. 7 miles from Omaha, all in young fruit Price 2,0;VrA 1906-Lot 15. Ploruon'a sub division 6 mllss l!f-S ncres H mo north of Florence on C;a noun roau, fwu """" Tho Hvron Reed Company. 212 Pa.Ui h St.. umans. rro. SPECIAL BARGAINS. HONAFIDE SNAPS. 754355 Nicholas St.. lot 50x150. rooms, house cost $1,500; all goes for $Sj0. 122-4122 Howurd St., three lots-150xI2i feet; corner; 8-room house, modern, except fur nace; nstonlshingly low; $1,100. 2033212 Wobsler St , 110x159 feel, 4 rooms, n snap for $1,000. 232 Slfi South 2Sth St., TS. front lot. 28x110. R rooms, all modern but furnace, nnd a big buy for $2,000. 338-4042 Seward St.. 50x150. corner. 8 rooms, nil modern, furnnce, bath, sewer and all; fine oak finish; best thing on tho market $2,300 take $300 ensh down, balnnce to suit; "a pick up." 501 102S South 31st St., H block from Pacific St. car line. Hnnscom Place, a splendid house, 7 largo rooms, furnace, gas, bath, hot nnd cold water, sewer, lino brick ci I lar under entlro house, good barn with water In tho barn; house finished In curly vellow pine, equal to hardwood price te illiced from $1,500 to $3,500, and n slight reduction yet might be. made to close It out this week. Ho not fall to see it If you uro In the market. Any reasonablo offers submitted. Potter-SholCH Co., Tel. 470, 310 N. Y. Life. RE-727 26 W. II. GATES UI8 N. Y. Life. rhono 1231. 80-acre farm 1V4 miles south of Wuterloo, good soil and every foot can be culti vated, buildings moat new, wind mill, keeps twenty cows, all fenced $3,S00. 60-acro farm nine miles west of Omaha, good land, large bam, 10-room houso, orchard, nlco grovo uround hoube; owner Is In Colorado and says sell for $3,500 00. 120 acres 22 miles west of Omaha, bottom land, a good farm to make money on; good 5-room house, bnrn and other out buildings $30.00 per acre. 40 ncres on Calhoun road, one nilio north of Florence, nt $50.00. RE-730 26 DEER PARIC lots at $250 to $100, with elo gant trees, aro snaps. When you seo them you will tay so. rOTTER-SHOLES CO., 310 N. Y. Llfo. RE-C77 STILL TWO HATtGAINB. 6-room cottage and hitrn, lot 50x160, nt No. 4331 Decatur, $500. 6-room cottage, newly papered, city water and sewer, No. 317 No. 30th st.. Jl.OnO Mutual Loan und Uulldlng Association, l.iee Bldg . a M. Nattlnger. Sec. UK-W2 no ALL modern, 7 rooms und two iinllninhrd rooms up stairs; Inside blinds, storm windows, shutters and screens complstc; two water-closets, two stationary laundry tubs, largo refrigerator built In house, cellar under whole house; hardwood tlnlsh In all moms; bird's eye maple In two rooms, closets cedur-llned; front and side porch, gravel driveway; shade trees and shrubbery; erato and mantel- In- parlor', large barn; permanent sidewalk; locnted on Farnam street. Price, $3,il50; $1,150 cash, hulance, time. Investigate thin If you want n line home cheap. L. L. John son Co.. 314 S. 15th St. RE-M623 20 8-R mod. brick dwg., right down In town, with a lot 50x120; few years ago Vnhfofl nt $15,000; now J4.50O. Bnnp. Splendid S-r. mod, dwnlllng with 2 lots an! barn on car line nt 4WHJ Dodge. Tho dwel ling nlone cost 13.500 nnd I think .'M will buy It now. A tine home. A F. Connett, 300 N. Y. Llfo. Phono W. RE-SKW 1202 Cnstellar. 8 rooms., closet, bath, water and barn; newly painted and papered: price. $ on reasonable terms or will rent to good tenant. L. L. Johnson Co. 314 S. 15th. IE-71S 20 LIST your bargains with Ernest Swest, New York Life. RE-essH" IOWA and Nebraska farms for sale, Erneat Sweet, N. Y. Life. nE-C6S-:C FOR SAI.H REL EST VTK. OEOROIA Aveiiiie .siHnge !i rooms. nPuri runveiueiH cs piixi'.g p.iiii fill i w. sell, part i.lsh, b.ilatue c.isy terms ir will exihange eqnltv for smaller pl.ue clear. Address Owner. S 21, Hep RE-72V21 NICE cottage homos, cheap Ernest Swv New York Life. RJ-6Ss-2fl I'Oll FARM for rent, Mrt acres near Irvington. Inquire R. C. Peters Ai Co.. 1702 Fa"iam. CM-Jlt MIORTIIA.M) AM) ' I'lJWRITIXIl. THE Van Sftht School of Shorthnnd, 716. 717 und 71S New York Life building. "Not the oldest, nut the largest Just the best." -Investigate. The greatest of nil the pointcr. In se lecting u shorthand school choose tlvi one whose students afe In the greatest de mand, and whose former students are In tho best positions ut the biggest pay. Select a school that uses well kn iwn, well tried modern methods, nnd a strictly stnudnrd and up-to-date system Re member that the Plimnnlc systems l.avc produced the greatest reporter and stenographers for more than sixty', and tlint the Improvements In those fys terns represent the be.t nnd most mod ern thoughts of the closing part of til -nineteenth century. Remember that iys tern after system, heralded ns n grent Im provement, hns gone down before thU grent stnudnrd system nnd the American modlllciitlnus of that system. Time Is more thnn money Money lost may be rpgalned, but time lost Is gone forever. Thoso who wish to study shorth i d should not waste time experimenting wit-i comparntlvely untried systems. Patr-iilie a school Hint uses reliable methods. Re member thnt the Van Sunt system or touch typewriting, which Is In uo In nil tho schools of Omnhu but one, lias pro duced more fast operators In Oinnha than any other system. If you enter the Van Sunt school nnd are not perfectly satlstled you cun at any time get back tuition money for unex pired time as iiulckly ns it c mid l-p drawn on n bnnk check. There l ab-o. lutely no risk In entering the Van Hani school. If you are not adapted to the business he reserves the right to refund your pnyments, which will save ..our time und money, and prevent the waste of energies. '76 20 A. C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y. Llfo. C3 110YLKS' College, court reporter principal Reo Hldg. iV9 NEBRASKA Ilustnos nnd Shorthand Col lege. Iloyd's Thentcr. CO GREGO Shorthnnd taught nt tho Omaha Commercial College, 16th and DougUs Sts. , cm BlliniUAI,. LADIES out of health find prompt relief. Box 2J2. Omaha, Neb. Conlldentlal. -6S3 LADIES, Friar's French female regulator brings monthly periods regularly without pain; $1 per box. 6 boxes for $5. Box 531-tt, Minneapolis, Minn. M9I8 Sept7 GONOVA Is a French treatment for male and female, for the positive cure of Gonorrhoea. Gleet, rnnatural Discharges. Inflammations, Irritations nnd Ulcerations of the mucous membranes. An Internal remedy with Injection combined, wnt r an ted to cure worst enscs in one week. $3 per package or 2 for $5. Sent any where on receipt of price. The Kldd Drug Co.. Elgin. 111. Amcrlcnn Office, rotnll. wholesale. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; M. A. Dillon, South tfmaha: Dnvls Drug Co., Council Bluffs. Full line uf rubbvr goods. LADIES! Chichester's fcsig'.lsli rennyroynl Pills Are the Best. Safe, reliable. Take, no other. Send 4c stamps for particulars. "Relief for Ladles" In letter by return mall. Auk your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. "WOMAN'S BLESSING." private prescrip tion, positive cure for suppressed or Irregular menstruation, never falls, sample box free. J. M. Home, M. D., Drnwor W. 14l Chicago. Ill 717-21 MISICAI., MUSIC students allow me to emphasize the advantago of beginning pupils In tho vacations. Ah their minds nre free from other Htudles, the foundation work Is laid much more surely, nnd the progress twice n k rnpld us that of pupils boglnntng In tho fnll term. Now. being out of school, they can take advantage of the extra at tentibn nnd time I nlwnis wish to t'jsLnv upon beginners In music. They enn get more lessons per month, for which I mako no extra charge. I promise success to all who properly apply themselves under in direction. I pasaed my state oxamlnnthm In Prague, Austria, and have the experi ence of twelvp years' contlmml tenehlnc music In the old and nearly two years In this country. Although being only n few months In this clt I have a pretty large number of both beginning and advanced pupils, nnd as results of our efforts I hope we shall soon bo dble to nppnir in ritlbllc with nice recitals. In September I ntend to open a chorus rlnss. The profit of the choir singing Is generally known and It will be free of charge to nil my scholars. For further detnlls address mo at 1911 Douglas st. Respectfully, Miss J. Frnnsee, teacher of plnno, Hither, theory and guitar. 071 26 OSTKOPATItY. JOHNSON Institute, 615 N. Y. Life Bldg.; tel. 1664; Alice Johnson, D. O.. Indies' dept.; Uld E. Johnson, Osteopnthlst, Mgr. till M. E. DONOHUE, D. O., of Still school, Klrksvllle, Mo. 604 Paxton Blk. Tel. VW. 6J6 DRS. McMURRAY & MUSICK will open osteopathic ofllce Sept. 1, 536-5.18 Bee Bldg. -M5S1 SI A. T. HUNT. D. O. 305 Karbach. Tel. 2352. . M926 Sept6 MAGNETIC HEALING. GREAT Western Institute, 162J Douglas St., chronic, diseases cured; no drugs, surceiy. -51122 THE genuine Simon Puro Weltmer Method of Mncuctla Healing ahd Harraden's Hypnotism complete In ono volumo, $2.50. Prof. R. Williams. Desoto, Mo. M9C5 SenS l'AWNIIMOKKHH. EAOLW'Loan Ofllce, reliable, acenmmodat lnci all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. lai 01 -a LOANS, H. Marowltz; low rates. 418 N. 16. 60) DRESSMAKING. E. O. M'DONALD, 1612 Cap. avo. -312 Rl IN families. Miss Sturdy, 2610 Harney. 1130-Sept. 21 1 ' DANCIN'li. CALL on Morand, Crclghlon hall, for Hoclety and stage dancing, waltz and 2.stcp, .$5. Large hall to rent for, f on vontlons, meetings, balls and club soVi!.4. , fgii-Sept, 21 LOST. LOST, a pair of gold-rlmmed spertnclea In case. Finder call 1306 S. 2Mb St. and got reward. Lnst-ai-'j-, LOST At 12th and Douglas, dark bi'own ilouhlu cupid head, curved breastpin, keepsake. Reward for Its return to T. S. Combs & Co., 1520 Douglas. Lost 728 2G TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS, secondhand. 1116 Fnrnnm, . lis ENGINES, UOIIiERS, KTC, L. C. Sharp Much. Wks,; motors, dynamos, 6'CJ IIIR1IS AND T.WinnitMY. STOCK'S Bird Store. 1608 Leavenworth. 67 NirKEI, PLATING. STOVES, lamps and chandeliers roplated, Om. Plating Co., Bco bldg.; tel. 2535 -M9)3 STAMMERING AND STI TTHHINO. CURED. Julia Vnushun, 130 Ramso Bldg, FURNITURE REPAIRING. TEL. 1531. M. S. Walkln, 2111 Cuming St -695 HOTEL. lirNDERSON. $100 per day hnisc. board $3 50 to $5 week. 9th nnd Farnam 'el l.u -M;as si IIAIIIUT METAL, FRICTIONLESS. Ntt'l Ilk. II. S Mann. 17 Com l M719 A3I L.U MlllV. OMAHA Stenm Lnutulry; shirts. 7c. collars, 2c. cuffs, 4c 1750 I.envenworth. Tel 517 -703 Till M( FACTORY. TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases. Trunks repaired. Om. Trunk Factory, 1209 Farnam, -&JI TICKET BROKER. CUT rnte tickets every where. P II Phil bin, 1505 Furnum Telephone 7S4. 7UJ STOVIl REPAIRS. STO E, furnace, tange repairs, water con nections Omnhn Stove Repair Works, 1207 Doug. -751 I.HtSAIi xoTicns. RECEIVER'S SALE Notice Is hereby given that pursuant to an order of Hip District court of Douglas county, Nebraska, dated July 7th, 11 5, I will, on the lull day of September. 19i, at Court Room No. 6, llee Building, offer for sain to the highest bidder therefor, for ensh, all of tho unsold nssets of the Ne braska Savings nnd Exchnnee Bank, s.itd snlo will be held from 10 u. m until 12 nnd ftom 2 p. m until 5 p in. of said duy nnd will bp continued from day to day until all the nssets of snld bank have been offered for sale; all bids nre subject to the approval of the court and must In each case be accompanied by money or rertllled check for twenty-live per cent of the aniolllit of the bid. Said bids shall be reported to the court nftcr the conclusion of said snlo nnd the bnlrtnce of the pur chnse price of nil sales approved nnd con llrmcd by the lourt will be p.iaMle upon snld coullrmatloti. The description of the properly and assets to be offered for sale by the undersigned, at said time and place, und upon conditions above men tioned. Is as follows: Lot 5, block 10, Albright's Annex. Lot &, block 2, Wlikeley Add. North half of lot 5. btoi-k ,i.", South Omaha fcojth 22 feet of lot 2. block 16, Clifton Hill Add. Lots 5 and 6, Block F. Lowe's Add. Lois 1 nnd 2, block a MeCormlck's Add. N. E. U oi N E. '4 or N. E. H, Sec. 6-15-13. Douglas county. Nebraska. lcs 4 70-100 acres sold to Norton N. Gould. Lot 10, Ilousel ii Slebbln's Subdivision of lot 15, Bnrtlett's Add. Lot 1. block 11. Orchard Hill Add. Lots 7 and 8, block , Jotter's Add. to South Omaha South 30 feet of lot 5. block 65, South Omaha East H S. W. U and west a S. Ti, hi Sep. 31-12-15, Buffalo county, Nebnit Ua. West 90 feet of lots 23 and 21, block IS, llanscom Place. Lots 3 nnd 4. Ellis Place. Lot 29. block 2, West Side Add. Lot 10. block 2, Llnwood Park Add. to (Smith Omaha. Lois 15 and 14. block 5. Ames Plnce Add. Lot L block 62, Florence. Lot 14, block IS. Cnrthnge Add. Lots C. 7, 8. ?. 10. 11, 12, 13. II. 15. 16. 20. 21, 22. 23 and 21, block 1, Madison Sauare Add, Lot 3. block 2. Baker Place. Lots 6 and 7 block 3, Dwornk's Add. to South OmHha. Lot 15. block 459. Grand View Add. Lot.s 11 and 12, block 4, Hitchcock's First Add. Sub lot 19 of tax lot 3. Sec. 151513. Doug laa county. Neb., being 61x132 feot. Part of lots 6 and 7, block 9, McCngue's Add., being 50x140 feet. Lots 1, 2. 3. t. 7, 8. 9 and 10. block 1, lots 4, 5. 6, 7. 8, 14. 15. 16, 17, 18 nnd south M of 19 block 2, all In Dwornk's Add. to Sojth Omaha. Lot 16, block 3, Walnut TIlll. Lots 1, 2, 3, block 10, nnd Iota 1, 2 and 3, block 21, all in CarthMj Add. Lot 12 and south U lot 9, block 3, Ex change Place, South Omaha. Let 3, block 104, South Omaha. North i lot 20, block 3. Kounfze's Third Add., and n strip adjoining snme nn north 10 2-10 feet wide at the street nnd S feot wldu nt the bnck cud. Lot 11. Shlloh. Lot 23. block 1, Shermnn Ave. Pnrk. Lot 17. block 5. Peck's Grove, nnd lots 4 nnd 5, block 10, Ilnutz Place, both addi tions to Lincoln, Neb. Lots 2. 3. 5. c. 7 nml 8. block 2. lirooldliie Add. Lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. and 8. b ock C7. Credit Fonclcr Add. East 22 feet of west 44 feet of ot 4. dock 193. City. Lots 9 ami 28. block 2. West Sldo Add, Lots 16, block 4, Clifton Hill Add. Lot C2. Nelson'B Add. A parcel of lit 111 1 described ns follows: He-rlnuln-r at a tioint In thu center nf 1.11110 j'noil ion 1 reeK where kuiu creeK crosses the north line of township 14. range 12 east, running thence west to N. W. cor- nnf t V 17 1 . U.n 1 anl.l Iftn'nul,!,, thenco south 16 81100 chains, thence east to the center of snld creek. thnco north along center of said creek to nlace of be ginning, except a slrlp 100 feet wide, being uu ifni uii i-lll'll milP 111 liir HiLJlieii 1,111- ill the Omaha Belt Railway, Douglas county. ' Part of lots 13. 14, 15, 111 nnd 17. block 3 Begley's Pnrk Add. to South Omaha, do ner hod as follows- Beginning nt N. W. corner of Bald lot 17, thence due south on west line of said block 1 "10 S.I fl fol thnnr kntll,AfialniK 1f.ll. 10 feet to soutli line of nald lot 13. thnnce east along south line or mil,! lot 12, 44 4-10 reel, tneiice north 20 degrees enst 21H;il-l(W reet to east linn or snld lot 17. thence north 46 7-10 feet to north Hue of said lot 17, thence west along north line of said ot 17, 130 reet to the plum of beginning. 1.01 11. oiock 3, Lincoln I'isce. Lots 6. S. 9. 10 nnd 14. block 142. Flornnee. Lots 2. 3. 4. 6. 8. 12. 13. 11. 16. 17. 18. 19 nnd SO 1, lnnir 1J1 Plnp-nnn Lots 7 and 8. block 58 lots 1 and 3. block .1.1; lots 2, 4, b, c. 1, a, :. to, 11, 12. 1:1, it, lli, it. 17. 1 a nnu 20 u ock 102. n 111 k orence. All of block 110.. Florence, excent lots 3. 7. 9. 10. 15 nnd 20. west or norm Vt or lot 3.1, Miirr unK addition to Omaha. Lots 17. 18 and 19. block 4. Sherman Aenuo pane, Lots 14, 15 nnd 16, block 2, Summit addl Hon to Omuha. Lot 16. block 3. I s do addition No. 2. Lots 10. 11. 12. 14 and 22. bloca 2. Vander cook Terrace. A piece of land 66x69 reet described us follows: Beginning 1.056 ft north of N. E. corner of DlocK sio, city, as per nemls' map, inence norm m reet, inence west w rent to west lino of tax lot fi; south 66 l'cct, cast C3 feet to nlace of beginning. 51x132 feet ns follows: Beginning 198 feet north of N. E. corner of block 311 ns per Romls' map of Omahn, thenco notth 51 reet, west reet, soum oi leet, east jj feet to place of beginning. Also the following nronertv: Out lota 751. 152. 159. 160. 163. 176. 177. 175. 193, 253, 259, 263. 261 nnd 172, undivided 310 ot 264 nnd undivided Vi of 5, south '.4 of 19! and west ',4 of 193, all of snld out lots ho Ing In or near Florence, Nebr. All of block 91 except lots 7 and 18; all nf block 101 except lots 1 nnd S; nil of block 141 except Iota 14 and 15; nil or block 69, suld blocKs all being In Florence. S. W. U of N. W. ,i of S. W. i section 16-16-13. North U of S. W. U. section 20-16-13. both In Douglas county, Nebr., also mortgugo notes as ioiiows: Mortgngo note given by Thomas Brennnn ror i,i"ju. tscciiniv, 101 -i, oiock 3, 1st au d Hon to South Oinnha. Mortgngo note given by O. W. Picknril ror w,7w security, n. m or s. w. ,i, ti. E 25-15-12. Douslns countv. Mortgage note given by Thomas McHnv- ern for $3,000. Security, lot 3, block 10, Reed's 1st addition. Mortgngo notes given by W. M. Long as roiiows: Secured on lots 14 nnd 15, block 8, North Omaha. $300. Secured on lots 3 and 4, block 8, North umana, jauu. Secured on lot 5, block IS, nnd lot 16, block 16. North Omaha. $300. Secured 011 lots C and 7, block 5, North umann, ;iuu. Mortgage given by Maria M. Smith, $150. Hecurity. lot 11. oiock wi, ueinany iicigiits Lancaster county Also all hills receivable, stocks, warrants Judgments and other claims, and furniture anu uxiures Tosrether with nny other property or ns sets belonging to the Nebraska Savings und Exrhnngu bank of Omaha, Nebr., not anovo cnumernieu. WILLIAM K. POTTER. Receiver Nebraskn Snvlngs nnd Exchange unnK, umann, Neur. Ottlco 15th and Farnam streets. Aug. 17-32t-c&B nllrt lo Conl riielom. Scaled proposals will bo received nt tho nflln,. r.t A 11 I.,,., nl-l,l L..t l.,,nr,..t Neb.. Ull to 11 VcTook a. 111 . September 0. l. for all work and material for plumbing anil heating the Fremont hospllul, a three story and basement building, nccurdlng lo plans und spec IIIi.iMiiiih now on tl lo at Hie olibe of A II Dyer The right Is reserved to reject nny find nil mnn FREMONT HOSPITAL COMPANY A2C-eodtoS5-m CLAIRVOYANT. Free Test to All, Free After All Others Fail Consult the King; of Life Readers, Dr. H. V. May. Tiienly -curs befiiri- Hit public. Periiiiint'iilly Indited. li:i South IMIh street I lit. Beware ot those who try to Imitate hla work. Ilr. Jlnj bus ulirn KlnrtlliiH prnur of Ills l underfill pnuer sIiht Ills nr rls til In O11111I111 nml mHIioiiI solicita tion Mime of Ills piitrini 1ms t rriites. led Hull lie publish their lestlinoulnls ill his illei-elliiii. No inline In full ever printed. Tbest' leslliiiniiliils nre uciltllnc mill lire on lite ill Ills utllce. I called nl your parlors last Monday for ft free test lluiiuuh curiosity and you gave mo mich Mu riling proofs of your power of see ing my luiure 1 iook your auvico anu hohi 111 v Inieiest In the mine, and I have learned since It has depreelnted In value.--II. W ruatiKs 101 wnai your secreis nave none for mo. J M. It Is miraculous how everything has i-oine In my lavor through your secrets II. L. H I have saved money b our advice. -Nellie 1 Things nre bolter In my bus ness. thanks to 011r power J. .1. K ir ou nan Known me 1111 my lire you mild not bnve (old me more correctly LlMle M., Council IIIuITh. I saw the nne you said I would, although It was two years since I saw lilni -Jennie J. My house, very long vacant, was rented four days after seeing you. Mrs. Muggle L. If I could tell oery one of our secrets I would, for they have made me happy - Eva S My lover came bnck through your power. -Clara W. ll.Mj V1MIT Wll.l. MIKE VOU HIS I'lllCMI. Dr. May docs hot claim to be Hip great st nor is he a cheap pretender, nor is hn tho onl tiu-iftum ou earth. But he don claim to bo the greatest now- In Omaha. His testimonials nro ou tile In his ofllce to provo that his readings nre acknowledged by hot hprcss and public to be ot the highest order. Br. May's unbounded success is thnt he advertises nothing but what ho can do. THIS l)l HAS CO.ME. The hour has struck. The Individual hns nppcured whose nt range pow ers excite the wonder und admiration of ull. Tho marvel ous tests he performs pi nve tho magnitude of his strange and wonderful poweri. He slniiils nt the head of his profession and does not wish to bo incnmirnl by nny other p-taiiilnnl thun his own. He brings hun dreds of personal endorsements fiom great people from neaily overy civilized parts of the earth. His experience and knowledge of llfo Is broad, drp unit profound nnd when united with hlu most marvelous powers of medltimslilp, it makes of htm all that he claims to be, THE KING OF LIFE READ ERS. Don't fnll to cnll and learn what gifts you possess. What nre you fitted for? Do you know Find out at once. THIS MAY BRING YOU LAURELS FOR A THOUGHT. Did you ever think aud pon der over the unfortunate turns In life? How many die of lost art and undeveloped tal ents? ELEVATE YOI'HSELF. HIS GIIHAT .SHl llHT OF si ccess is something you should know Is how to control, fascinate or Inllucncu those you love, ndmlre or meet. He vivcs dates, facts and figures, reliable nnd Important Information on nil unilprtnkiiigs; warns you of coming dangers. nvertH troubles, sickness, etc., guides you nrlght In ul lnffalra of life, busi ness, law, love mnrrlngp, divorce and -peculation; reunites the separated husband or wife; tclU If your friends aro true or falso nnd bocurrs for you the hand nnd luart nf the one you love. Special attention given, to tho location and recovery of old estates, locating mines nnd buried treasures, hidden fortunes, documents, lost or absent friends. In n word, whatuvcr may be your trouble.!, suspicions, hopes, fears, or desire, you nro earnestly invited to call and you will bo rewarded by obtaining a clear and reliable insight Into your future, and also, If you care. Into tho lives and fates of thOBo who nro near to you. NOW, TO snow THOSE who really be- Ilovo In tho genuine, clairvoyant pover where to go for a geuulno CLAIRVOYANT, by cut ting this coupon out that uppcurs ut th bottom of tills ml nnd bringing it to DR. MA., ho will provo to you his superiority to nil others In Omaha by giving a I'll EE TEST TO ALL. Ho tells your namo In full, tells you whether your sweetheart Is true or fulse, tells your occupation, duto of birth, who nnd when you will marry (If ever), pointing out to you nil things pertaining to Ufa, pos mvciy refusing to nccept nny feo unless he proves his superiority. Entrance on both basement ond parlor floors privately nr rauged to meet no callers. Low fee In reach of all. Nn more to havo n reading from DR. MAY thun thoso less competent. Hours 10 a. ni. to 8 p. m. Sundays, 4 P -m. N. B.-Send J1.00 nnd llvo n'lcntlons promptly nnuwcicd. THIS COUPON Entitles Holder to One Free Test. 1)R. II. V. MAY. I HI Sou Hi I Nth Si, 1 1:1, Wcnk nnd undeveloped mediums developed In ono to thrco months, so you can tell names, datos, etc. STIRS UP POLICE CIRCLES Rumor Hint Mr, llrun Mini lleen Miti'kcil for Axsiissliiul Ion 'nur Home Excitement, Rumors of n plot to assaBRlnato William J. Bryan woru current on tho streets yes terday and created qulto n stir, in pollco circles. Frod J. NcHtlebtish, editor of tho Hrynn Advocnte, notified tho chief of pollco that ho had heard somo men discussing tho best menus of disposing of tho great sjlv-'r-He and sworo out 11 wnrrnnt for tho arrest of William L. Williams, un employe of tho smolter. Nestlehtish w.ih not nt tho sta tion to Identify WllllainH when ho was ar rested, but the olllcers put tho man In thu swentbox nnd satisfied thnmsolves that ho knew nothing of thu rumored ussassination. Another man with tho biiuiu name Is said to work for tho smelter and detectives aro Investigating tha matter. lliilldliiK Permits. Tho city inspector of buildings has Is sued tho following pcrmlls: W. II. Hall. 32"2 Webster, frame barn, J25: Gc-ulga A Oi-hscnhli-h, Twcnty-MUi and I'eratur, framo dwelling, jww, Hugh McCaffrey. Twi-iity-Hucond mid Clark repairs. f'j dwelling!). H.00O, L. Workctiff, 2Mi Miami, framo burn $90. Fred Pulmtui;, 2012 Spring, fiumo addition, S100.