18 THE OXATTA DAT17Y" WW: SUNDAY, ATTGTTST 20, 1000. SPECIAL Ailrertlsementa for these columim rrtll be tnkrn nntll 1H tn. for the erenlnir edition nnd nntll HO P. m. for maritime nnd Snntlnr edition. Unten, 1 l-2o n trord first Insertion. 1c ft rrord tlierenfter. Nothing; tnken fnr leaa tlmn 2re for the flrat Inaer lon. .These ndrertlnenientu wnat lie run ooncc.atlvely. Advertisers, by renneatlnir n num bered check, cnn linve itmirer, nd clrcaaeri to n numbered letter In cure of The llee. Aim it era an nridreaacd ttIII lie delivered on premutation of the clieok only. WANTHII SITUATION. YOUNG MAN board while college. Tel. ileslrcr) place to work for attending school. Boyle s 19S4. A-M509 30' WANTED, position In saloon where cnn learn work of bartender. Olaf J. Johns""" 8001 Ersklne. A-C31-27 POSITION wanted by first-class meat cut ter In Bomn good market.; Al reference furnished: will como nnd prove abll t. Address Ed 11. Fletcher, 8owxariJfi'Jf; POSITION ns bookkeeper or collector by competent man; age 3; best references. Address 8 9, llee. A-MGIS :C RELIABLE dressmaker wnnts a position; sewing by day or week; best references. Address H II, llee. A M625 26" POSITION ns bookkeeper; 15 years' experi ence; best rcieronccs. Auuress i- m. n--w. A M3G0 26" BXPEniENCKD milliner wants postlnn bji trimmer, saleswoman or manager; best or rererences; exceptional niniiiy. ah dresH 8 23, llee. A-722-2G wais ri2i)-.riAi.i3 nui.r. FALL. TEIIM SEPTEMBER 3. DAT and EVENING SESSIONS. The most POPULAR I1USINES3 COL LEGE IN NEBRASKA. FACULTY. Expert accountnnt teaching bookkesplng. Professional penman teaching penmanship. Court reporters teaching shorthand. Practical operator teaching typewriting." High Bchool graduate teaching grammer. .Lawyer teaching commercial law, etc. Every Individual student receives personal old nnd encouragement from tho proprietor and teachers. This college continues to be endorsed nnd patronized by Omaha's best business men. There has been no cessation In the demand for stenographers and bookkeepers. Every graduato occupies a position. Get advertising matter. IIOYLE'S COMMERCIAL AND SHORT HAND COLLEGE, He Bide. Omaha FALL TERM 8EPTEMHER 3. B-723-2G" WANTED, wo have steaay work for a few good bustiers or goon nanus ami niuiuur B 570 BARBER trade taught thoroughly in short tlmo; catalogue and particulars freo, Address Western Barbers' Institute, Omuha, Nob. B Gi7 WANTED, laborers, teamsters, rock men and surface men, Neb., vjo., nnci lowa frea fare; nluhest wages; ship dally Western R. II. Labor Agency, 310 S. 11th AN INTELLIGENT young; man to take a shorthand scholarship In best school and pay for It when course Is completed nnd position secured. Auuress u uee. B-579 WANTED. 10 young men to learn teleg' rap by. W. T. Skelton, sauna. Kan. ' B-M3I1 A27 COATMAKER wanted at once. Henry lCastelbaum. West Point, Neb. B MJJ GET n freo catalogue of the Nebraska Hnhnnl nf MnirneMKlll and OsteOPatliy 1515-17 Chicago street, Omaha, Neb,; grad units employed. WANTED, a practical, nil-round dry goods salesman; permanent position to the right party: must bo a hustler; no othors need apply; state age. married or single, experience, sainry nnu niso rcier enccs; npply personally If possible to T, L. Davlcs, yorit, isen. u aiu.i .i DO YOU want lob traveling salary certain - ... -i i. T-i 1 1 , . .. n-nw B-M072 20 FIRE Insurance solicitors, all or part tlmo liberal terms, s is, nee. n .muss .-s A good experienced baker wanted nt once, City bakery, Ashland, Neb.; good wages, U MGS3 27 R'AVTRn. n. uond stenocranber nnd book keeper by n lumber company doing bitid ien In tho western nart of Nebraii .a; must be u man not under 21. thorouitnly competent nnd not afraid to do any kind of work there Is to do; salary from $)0 to $70 per month; must bo llrst-class man. Write 8 19. caro of Omaha lleo, or call nt Dellono hotel Tuesday, Aug. 2S. Wo have Remington Typewriter No. 7. B M679 27 WANTED, boy nbout II or 16 yrs. old. Apply Neb. Broom Fnctory, 1317 Chicago. B M755 'V WANTED, men to lenrn barber trndo; wo make exceptionally good offers this month of scholarship, board, tools nnd trans portation to our colleges at Chicago, St. I.ouls or Minneapolis; you cnn bo guar anteed better positions by Joining now than later; eight weeks completes. Cata loguo and special Inducements freo by addressing Moler Barber College Repre sentative, 1023 Farnum St., ""b". FAKE CAPE NOME Transportation or Mining companies and Information bureaus are always exposed In "IN DUSTRY AND MINING." It Is the of ficial paper of tho Alaska Minors' ass'n; better subscribe for It for threo months nnd keep posted on the mining Industry mil Wfint ! it will cost you only 60c nnd It may save you dollars In your Invest ments. Industry ft Mining, No. 5a My York Block. Seattle. Wash. Is GOOD salesmen cnn enrn $i5 to $10(1 tier month nnd expenses with tho Merchants Oil Co. Ulevainnu, u. u a iiiiiir.Pl.ARS Htieclnltv salesmen to call on drug trado for a good selling line of proprietary medicine. Must be capable, lionrst and bo nblo to show a good past record, For such n man this Is an un niuulcd otiportunlty. Address, S, II. It., caro Omaha Bee. li GOVERNM ENT POSITIONS Thousands, Or lippoimmcillf iu liu iimmi, i-niiiuiiiu tinna num in everv stntc: circular 161. Riv ing full particulars, sent free; wrlto for It today to .aiionui orreapuiuicnto ui.nr tuto. Washington, D. C. B WANTKI). olllce man: must be accurate stato age. experience nnd salary expected. Address a u, lice. ji mmi m WANTED, two oxnerlcnced tobacco sales men to handle both Jobbing and retail trniln; clvo references: Htnto oxnerlenee. nge, whuther married or single, name of int tobacco mnnufncturer worked ror an i Biilury expected per month to commenco on. ,(UirCS8 UIOOU iUUIiau IH'Uhu Mich, B-M592 20 TRUSTWORTHY mnn to advertise nnd ap point agents In Nebraska, $S0 monthly and expenses oesiues corniuipaiviii pm iiiauc-iu John cross, u uearuom, vjuiciiko, B-MC09 26' CHICAGO Boys' nnd Children's Clothing Houso making popular priced lino wishes tn engage salesman ror miuiiie nun wesi ern states. Glvo full particulars In con lldence. Address P 29, Beo. B-612 20 RAl.KhMAN. n exnerlenced snlesman to sell advcrtlBlng goods on commission to merchants nnu inauuinciurers in inmv KnnsnH and Nebraska, must bo a hustler, AddrtBH Loulsvlllo Adv. Co., .Louisville, wanted-m i,u nr.i.p. A HiW MORE POINTERS ABOUT THE OMAHA COM.MKIK LL 1'OI.Lt.oi, loiii A- HOI OLAS ST3, HOllRBOl'OH BROS , Piinpitti-'Tnim Pointer No. I. -Never before In the history of tho Institution wns tnere such a larsc number of prospetrlvo students who will begin nt the opening of the fall term. Monday morning, September 3. All or la-1 week parties called at tho college nnd mado their arrangements to begin th'lr work at the opening of the fall term. Already nulto a largo number hnre entered. Tomorrow morning several more will start, and during the week many will tome from a distance. All of tho necea sary nrrnngetnents have been ma Jo to nccommodate the largc-t attendance wo have ever had. September 3, will be the !. limn tit vnnf tn brtrln. Pointer No. 2. Bonnl will be furnished nry student for threo hours' worn eacn ?-. You can attend the Omaha Commercial College for les money than any other in stitution of like character In the country. Write for particulars'. Pointer No, 3. A new class will start to morrow morning In orogg snorinnnu. iim largest of the year will start Monda morning, Septembers. It will pay you to begin at that time. A new class will also ln nri.niilit In Tnnc'i tvncwrltlnc. Pointer No. 4. If you desire to ret Gregg Omaha Commercial College Is tho place Hhnrihnnd fid tr annum ito iiiiiitiil. tiitr to do so. This institution represent up- In.ilnln inMhnill nnil hns lontr since cC.ISOcI to follow In the footsteps of those whoso nnlii ll. Id In Imllntn Pointer No. 5. There were between 10 and IB calls for stenographers ami uooiiKeep ers during the past week. Wo haw had mit.AP.il .nlU f fir Innnllura nt flreiri? ShOTt- hand. You arc sure to tlnd remunerative employment ns soon ns you nre ready to take it. Make your arrangements to enter tho college at once. 26 WANTED, paperhangers to use our Fall ... .. . . f .' 1 . I 1 .... 1 . n.'.l nl. ... .ntl.l Iirepnld. John G. Boutlcr, 1014 Mndlsnn St., Chicago, ill ! itt-'.i.P wanted, voutig men. good cnarnc- ter. to sell (irannans comnuni ww; r.nt,in nn American race courses: Jiro weekly assured. Grannan, V. O. Box.I27, Brooklyn, N. Y. B-6S" v' pnnnniiATfnw wilt Amnliw rllatrlct mun- acer and general eoucitor. ukih. nu. 133 La Sallo St., Chicago, AIHIIU.. B-6o3-26 uni.nlTiptf vnlnamnn wntitfld fft nlnce lie- ul I.I.IIIIJI P.IH.01II..H ...... - iiartments oi periumo nun wuti " In all classes of stores. .Very attractive ...i....Hnai rrt.itiir.iM. Inch cash com missions nnd liberal contract to the right man. The Elyslan Mfg. Co., Detroit. Mich oni.iniiiiiv aninamnn. rxtierlenced in oi r.vwiiii r....v.... r . 'i' t- .,.! missionary work, to can on wnuii- nu nmimn in wonttirii states: glvo ngc and full particulars of your last engage ment; must havo best of references. Ad dress S 17. Beo. B-00 26 SIDE line, free samples to live man on un covered grounu: many wiwi us itui) vears nnd eariring $25 weekly. . l nctory. Box 1371, New ork. B-C99 26 WANTED nvervwhere hustlers to tack signs, dlstribuio circulars, n.iiiuiiiri, ..-lu., no canvassing; good pay. aun Auvcriin- 1ns Bureau. Chicago. B-C3S 26' wi.'Ti'nA mnn. II KOO tier vear In each city nnd town or iu.iw or mora popuuiu ni in II... tfnitmi Hinina nnil Cnnuda to make contracts with hotels, public buildings of nil kinds, hospitals, snloons, restaurants, ninny classes of business houses nnd nvurv nrivnto residence to keep closets nn.i .trltinta In n ftprfprt santtnrv condl- tlon. Our system Is the cheapest and will supplant all other known methods, It Is absolutely perfect for nil purification nnd disinfectant purposes, destroys a germ disease and Is Indispensable In all sick rooms. Wo guarantee success, ex clusive territory and permanent position. Odorless Disinfectant Co., B 3SS, Cincin nati, O. JJ-wi .u- ALL SALESMEN send for circular or "Homo Grinder" kniro ana scissor snarp- ener. attached In five seconds to any Fowlnir machine: universal demand, 'iron- holm-Palmer Co. (Ltd.), 1S5 Deurbprn St., unicngo, in. jj .v. -u- WANTED Bright mnn over 21 to travel In Nebraska; JS0 monthly to Btart and nil expenses; position permanent. Self- nddressed envelope for particulars. Man ager Glllls, Pontlao Bldg., Chicago. B-703 26 YniT cnn write advertisements: will teach you by mall. Page-uavis Advertising School, Chicago. B-702 20 WANTED Salesman to sell stock food on tho road. Address with stamp, Vlck's Food Co., Rochester, N. Y. B-701 26 WANTED, 12 pcrnons to travel: salary J7S0 nnd expenses; nbsolutely no canvassing: permanent position; references: enclose self-nddressed envelope. Colonial Com pany, 331 Dearborn St., Chicago. H-MG0S 2G WANTED. an ambitious, energetic young man to travel; nalary J&oJ per year and expenses; experience unnecessary. au- dress Travelers' Dept. A. It.. ICuhlman Company, 313 Dearborn St., Chicago. B-M617 26 TWO dynamo nnd engine men; state ex perience ami wages expected: also two electric wlro men; state oxperlenco on Incandescent and nrc lights, motors and bells and wages expected per hour. Ad- dross E. J. Whltsun, Leavltt, N3o. B 633 20 WANTED, reliable parties for detectives nnd correspondents; stamp for particu lars. North American Detective bureau, Oneonta bldg., cnicago. ii jo SALESMEN, automatic copying book. Just out; sells Itself: needed bv overv business mnn: a bonanza for ngents; exclusive ter ritory. Pershing Mfg. Co., South Bend, Illd. U-lW lib" WAXTRn. Rnlnnmen for our oils nnd antl- ,iiwt nnlnf- no tlatterlnir Inducements, but n fnlr business propnslt'on: din't imply unless vnu nienn business, unr-iciu Oil Co., Garlleld niug., tjieveiamKu nnvvnVMRNT POSITIONS: Don't pre- iinro fur tne DOSIoinco or uuy umer uivn service examination without seeing our i-utii ncue or iniormntion: sem iree. Co lumbian Correspondence College, Wash ington . D. C. B-749 26' wAKTi?n. nxnerlenced watchmaker and salesman to worK in urug mm leweiry Htorc. O. P. Ray & Co., usceoia.jNen. MEN of good address can earn $3 to $6 per dav. Call at room ureigmon '-. 15th nnd Douglns. mi TWO first-class agents for special work, c tv nnil country; siunry miu ,-niiuiii-i- r nnd country; Fiuary anu ,'oinnni Y. permanent position und opportunity advancement. 1023 Furnnm, room lh. slon: for AVANTKH FEMALE 1IKLP. v tntrlt.IOENT lndv to take a short- hand scliniarsnip in nesi scnnoi mui pay for It when course is compieieu anu osi- tlon pecurcu. iMiuiuaa j. iivu. WANTED, 200 girls, 1521 Dodge. Tel. S76. C 381 8X1 girls wanted. Canadian ofilco 1522 Douglas V WANTED, educated young ladles to learn nursing. APPiy lo secretary, rrcinum hosnltal. C-M33 WANTED. cook and laundress at 3)37 Dodgo Ht. C-M573 WANTED, girl for general housework; tim rnninv. i.iu iiiiini.v. ii..M. WANTED, girl for general housework. Ap- nly 2810 N. 22nd St. c .mmu WANTED, ono chnmbormald nnd ono wnlter clrl ut Metropolitan hntol. Coun cil Bluffs. O-M.VJO 20 WASTKn. woman or man In every town to collect names. $5 per 100. H. 11. Robin son M'f'g Co., Chicago. HI. C G.)5 26 WANTED Ladles and men lo learn mas- Huge, osteopatny. eieciropainy, nyuro- iwitbv. macnetism. rncial and rorm beau tifying; represent Sanitarium at homo or other places; hours short; healthy, ele vating and paying professions; patients boarded. I'oiypatuia institute, ivnuuns City, Mo. C-GM 26 u'axtbd. nurso clrl. young clrl pre ferred: no housework. Apply 514 8. 29th nve. Mrs. 1'rlco. C u2 2u ladies, you can earn $9 to $18 per week: call und see our plan, Room 22 Crelghton blk,, 15th and Douglas c 7t3 20 A lady about 25, possessed of qualifications for a saiesiauy wuntea; neeu not uo ex nrliMireil. but should have cood refer- nens. Satisfactory references. Address S 31, Bee. C 759 20' 'I'U'n Intnllleent Iiu1l tn call nt homes. Introducing a necessity: permanent posi tion: pleasant work: salary. Call Man- WAN-rnn FH.MAMJ iini.p. We trarh Gregg nnd Grnhnm shorthand. Jl.OOO.OO CO.VrRACT Jl ST CLOSED NEB. TYPEWRITER AND Bt'PPLIES CO. ror tbe purcnase nr TEN UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS bv the NEB. BUSINESS AND S. II. COLLEGE, HOYD THEATER HI, HO.. OMAII V. Thl: makes nbout thirty new standard machines purchased this year to meet mo Incrensed demand. Wo have six different makes of typewriters, giving our students every possible ndvanlnge. Call an 1 fee our new machines nnd perfect equip ments; write for catalogue; investigate!. Fall term begins Sept. 3. A, V. UiU, A. M., Lili.u., l-rea. WANTED, experienced girl for second work and to as. st in caro or two smnii boys, 11 S, 32nd Ave. C-SW-CT WANTED, competent girl for genjral Housework. .Mrs. it. c. l'oters, umb h. v.'in Street. C-Cll-27 CROCIIETICRS wanted, to crochet for us Chicago Crochet Chicago, 111. C nt nomc uoou pay. Co., 336 Dearborn St., GOOD wages to good girl; no 2321 Hnmey. C- washlng; mcoi :s family of four. WANTED, a girl for gener.it housework. Oood wages pa d. Mrs. it. is. uuscn, jiiu innney ai, w WANTED, stenographer; state experience and wages wanted. Address ..i. nee. WANTED. competent servant for general nouscworK. Apply Mi a. aist m. C JI7.TI L"J" WANTED, girl for general housework; two in ramuy. Apply wo h. litn si. WANTED by the Baba show, 200 laJKi for stago nnu iw men perrormers in open hi exposition nt MlnncnpolK Minn. Jnph iicrucri, mi zi Ave. a., .Minneapolis. ,unn. WANTED, reliable woman to endorse new system or pnysicai development, iiurm less home treatment. Good pay. Lx perlenco unnecessary. Write today. Krancl Eystcr. Suite 1421-01, State St., Chicago. C-C7!-:0' GIRL, for general housework. IIS N. Sfitll, C-590 W for itnxT not'sns. FOR RENT Boarding houso In South Omaha, recently remodeled, In excellent repair, good location, for terms sco R. C. Peters & Co., 1702 Farnain. IF you wnnt your houses well rented placo . U ...Itl. lin..,....n .P. fr. T1 T.Vf men, null ,.l, Ofc r HOUSES, etc. F D. Wcad, 1S2I Douglas. D-1S1 POll RENT 193 S. 21th St., South Omaha, 6 rooms, city wnter, ih. 3014 Llndsny uvc, 6 rooms, io, 8 rooms, modern, new house, near Hans- com park, J40. 8 rooms, modern, centrally located. $30. 6 rooms, second floor, private dwelling, gas, water, until, Jis. R. C. Peters & Co., 1702 Farnam. 1J CIS 6 9-ROOM houso, nil modern, 613 N. 23d. quiro u. w. Dunn, i-arnam. 7-ROOM cottage, 2611 N. 17th nve. Clnrko I'owcii. 310 New York i.ire. u .m& HOUSES, stores. Bcmls, Pazton block. D-SS6 HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt, Barker blk. 0-DS9 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE. D-M893 FOR RENT, strictly modern flat In Dav- Idgn building, opposlto city nail. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1S02 FARNAM ST. FOR RENT, 8 rooms nnd bath, nil modern improvements, largo yard, rent reason able. Seo the property, 615 Georgia nve. D-MS13 20 NICE apartments of 6 rooms and bath; lino repair; location nesi in city, jw.w to rigm party. Enquire rooms 310-311 Brown Blk. IJ O-li FOR RENT, modern 9-room house, 224S North 19iu St.. only IM. urennan-i.ovo Company, 309 South 13th St. D-643-20 2120 Sherman ave.. S-room. with city water, batn, oarn, Jo. i: u. weau, mm anu Douclas. D M703 12ai William St.. 3 rnoms-JS.OO. S46 S. 23d, 4 rooms-JlO.OO. RVi 8. 23rd.. 3 rooms $7.00. 2912 Seward St., 6-room cottage $10.00. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO., 16th and Douglas St. D-M1S3 1724 N. 27th St. Nine-room house, all mod cm, In fine repair. $17.60. U.UA11A A TI1U8T JU., 10th and Douglas St. D-M1S4 LARGE mod 10-r., 316 N. 41st, vacant Sept. 1st. 130. 3- r. cottage, 3310 Burt St., 4- r., 2G14 Blnney St., $6. $0. D-C39 26 Inqulro 1203 Farnam st. HOUSES FOR RENT. 2214 N. 21st St., 5 rooms. $0.00. :02l Miami. 3 rooms. $10.00. 8C6 S. ISth. 3 rooms, $10.00. 1214 S. 17th, 5 rooms, $11.00. 210i Miami, 8 moms, buth, $20.00. :gis Dodge, u rooms, modern. j.M.og. Qarvln Bros., 1G13 Farnam st. D 731 26 2202 to 2212 N. 21st. 4-room flat. $S. 171814 Jackson St., ft-rooms, city water, $10. 34D7 lJecntur, e rooms, fie. 4021 Nicholas. 7-rooms, modern, $IS. 1201 N. 26th. 7 rooms, modem. $19. .1401 .Tnckson. 7 rooms, modern and barn. $20 3107 Jackson, 7 rooms, modern and nam. a1). 2210 S. 29th. H rooms, strictly modern, $22.50. 2S15 Mason. rooms, nil modern, 720 N. 23rd St., v rooms, modern. i. 613 N. 23rd st.. 9 rooms, modern. $33. 1'AVNK'MiUA UUJU'Afll, First Floor New York Llfo Bldg. D-C7S 20 mil RENT. 7-r. houso and 13 acres for market gardening or ciuuitcn misiness; iuu Brown l.estiorns lor saie. aci. v w. iiuo o ir.ee. D- ALWAYS moving II. II. goods. Pianos Ulllce, iii'.j i-urnam cu aoi. imj or tn;. D-5Si HOUSES for rent In all jiarts of tho city Brennan-l.ove i-'o., a.-u a. win at. D-5S7 20 N. 23d St., 9-r. house, modern except furnace, lino location, reduced to $23. Poyno-Knox Company, 1st II., N. Y. Llfo bldg. D-M..I3 2S FOR RENT, S-room house, No. 018 South 17th St. mquiro at room mj, uuy nai.. D S20 10-ROOM steam heated flat, all modorn :.M7 uo-jKins. inuuiro liihiuiichi. .ho nu 15th. D-li: DITNDEE. the Fischer property, n beautl rul hoine. stiicuy mouern. x rooms. .i".v. W. L. SKI.I1Y. 333 nd 331 Board of Trado Bid.? l'ho-ie 1510 U AlUm-.l RI.EOANT furnished 10-room modern house nnd barn. j0 montn, to responsible tenant wltli rererencea. 2006 ciurornin. DiSS 20 FOR RENT 2216 Webster St.. 6 rooms, fur mice, grate, batn, laundry, lawn, sliado. barn, w- n, x. i.uovh Duuuing. D-637 26 FOR ItnXT I'lMtXISHEII iton.Ms. 3 furnished rooms for housekeeping; man & i . - .. . i . i i.Mnr.l i r. x IIIC, IClli lai.Cll ill UJUIll. u, , lkll. E-2.0 NICE ROOMS, prlvato family. Gentleme only. 191'J uoiigo. E-575 29 imilHKIvEEPING. 614 S. 17th uve. I'. 5bJ i"J" NICE largo front room for two gentlemen 1317 l nicago private iamuy. vi mom -u FURNISHED room with use of bath. 291 Farnam at, r. .mum-.j- pon RENT Furnished or unfurnished wltn or Wlinom uoaru, in iiiuueru no.iwe, line location, heated by hot water; wink ing distance and Harney car passes door, 8 10, Bee. E-9 2d itAKDSOME furnished rooms, slnele in unit: eiecaiiL uoaru n iie?ircu: nil inou ern conveniences; reference exchniiKOd Call or address 618 N. 23rd st. E 775 20 CAIIl'EXTKRS AMI JOIIIIEHS. all kinds of carnenter work and rennlrln promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, vm VI ItMSIIED ROOMS AS II IIOAniJ. We tench Gregg and Graham shorthand. J1.00OOO CONTRACT Jt'ST CLOSED, wlfh ttio NEB. TYPEWRITER AND SUPPLIES CO. ror the purcnase or TEN UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS NEH. BUSINESS 'anVs. H. COLLEGE, BOYD THEATER BLDO., OMAHA. This makes about thirty new standard machines purchased this year to meet the Increased demand. Wo have six different mnkes of typewriters, giving our stU'H.its every possible advantage. Call and ste our new machines nnd perfect enuip inents; write for catalogue; Investigate. Fall term begins Sept. 3. A. C. ONG, A. M., LL.B., I'rcs. THE Mcrrlnm, good summer resort, loth & Dodge. F-59S OLENCAIRN.translents,1.23 day. 6Dk1s. UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. F-60S HANDSOMELY furnished board; rates reasonable. Harney. rooms; good The Rose. 2020 F M2II 811 IN PRIVATE family. 2020 St. Maryjs Avo. PLEASANT rooms with board. 1009 Cap itol nve. F-M615 31 FRONT room with alcove. 212 8. 25th. F-C09 MODERN, well furnished rooms and board. 2207 Farnnm. F-M75S 27 FOR ItF.T-UXFt;itXISIIEIl ROOMS. THREE unfurnished rooms, modern ex cept furnace, $S. 1101 N. ISth. G-531-27 SUIT of 4 rooms, 624 South 26th Ave. O-029-27 TWO suits of unfurnished rooms; desirable central location; board next door; refer ences. 8 27, Bee. G-734 26 THREE modern rooms for light housekeep ing; good location. Address S 33, Bee. G 7i6 FOR R EXT STORKS AJID OFFICES. FOR RENT, store In first-class location: rem reasonable. Appiy n. w. i-ciern k Co., ground floor, Beo Bldg. I .60 STORE room, 621 South 16th: power fur- n shed f desired. C arko Powell, 3in New York Life. I-M313 FOR RENT, nice brick store building In Hock Port, Atchison county, iuo.; line location for general stock of merchan illsn: bulldlnir is 24xS0 feet, with ware room separate, nnd Is ownsd by Masonic lodge, ono or tbe best corners in town Address W. E. Glermann, sccretnry. I iS7 Only ono office vacant U. S. NAT'L BANK BUILDING, niso Bomo desk room on ground floor, with vault nnd telephone. Inqulro 1203 Farnam, samo building. I-C37 26 AfiIVTS WA!TJ'3D, 15.". TO ISO ensllv made bv our live naents men or women, selling our micsi novcuy, campaign waterproof neckties; goods en tirely new nnd patented; agents dcllshtcd; sales unlimited: what others do, you cnn do: time Is short; write today and secure exclusive territory; guaranteed best seller. Address, with stamp, M. & M. Mnnfg. Co., Dept. C. Springfield, s geptl0. AGENTS on salary or commission; the greatest ngents- scuer ever pruuueru-, ivni-ii nunr nf npn nnd ink buvs It on sight; 200 to 500 per cent profit; one agent s sales amounted to 5620 tn six days; an other $32 In two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co., X 10, La Crosse, Wis. J MOlu so1 AGENTS sell our aluminum card cases and cards; niso our aun leiiers; uig proms, clean work; circulars and samples free. Bunker Ptg. Co.. Dept. O, Bunker Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. j sioiu m AGENTS wanted. To be Independent, learn the L'rniidest naving nroiescion oi mo age. A beautiful book and Information abso lutely free. American Institute of Science, Nevada, 5Io. J JUST OUT New Peerless cssollna lamp; easiest lighted, most salisractory, xnocKi nil romnetltlon: drents coining money. Peerless Lnmp Co.. 244 Railway Exchanga bldg . St. I.ouls, Jlo. J- Ani.'.VTSRnmetblnir new: make money our invcnllon beats an; inrormaiion mailed receipt answer, with stamp en closed. Mack, 49 uusn, tjnicago. J 713 26 Arst.-.VTRf?nn mnWe a a dav selling won der waterproor snoa poiisn; snines useir, writer nor mud will effect its luster, de monstrative snmnle free. Wonder Shoo Polish Co., 103 Randolph St., Chicago. J-712 26 MEN and women to take orders for our specialties, Address inrr : uo.. t nicago, J 711 20' Ar.nVTR-Strrpt men. stores now Is you chance to coin money on our campaign photograph buttons, brooenes, scarr pins wntnh charms, etc.. of McKlnlev. Bryan. Roosevelt and Stevenson. Our designs nrc. nil orlnlnal. handsome and fast sell ers. Wo niso make photograph buttons, belt buckles, etc., rrom any picture sen us- blir nroflts: samnle buttons. 10c: cnta logue. Cranley Photo Button M'f'g Co. Chicago, ill. J to J .u- WANTED General and local ngents; lum lnous s ens. namo Dlntes. numbers: read nblo darkest nlzhts; samples free. Door plato Works, Englewood, III. J 710 26' AGENTS New rnmnalcn buttons, badges souvenirs, rnnuit r toot, meuaiuons; greai mnnev makers; 5 uandsomo samples, ioc, tlallatln Co., vorK, pa. J 70s 20 $100 MONTHLY, new patent metallic bread boards; sample free. A. 1. l-orsnee. uin clnnatl, O. J 707 26 WANTED, ngents everywhere; you col money Handling our transparencies; .jp nnd closo like umbrellas; for campaign nnd other purposes; parades must havo them. Write for territory immediately National Transparency Co., San Antonio, rex. j i.i-s . WANTED, agents In every county to sell "l-amuy .Memorials; goou prontn nnu stonily work. Address Campbell a Co., 76 Plum St., Elgin, III. J-737 20 WANTED, agents to roll family medlrlnes, $200 11 month made; particulars ror stamp or letters not nnswered. Reliance Med ical Co., Box 322. Detroit, Mich. J AGENTS wanted for gas mantels, most brilliant und strongest manuracturcci; great Inducements to good salesmen. Har rison M'f'g Co., Railway, N. J. J-6G2 20 WE FURNISH Free" to ono person In each county on 30 days' trial outfit worth $450.00 to any live man or woman. Send 30 cents In stnmps to cover transportation charges. Adventure Co., P. O. Box 223, Augusta, Me. J-C60 26 AGENTS handle greatest campaign novelty on market; ready seller; a money maker; ion per cent profit. Send 6c for sample and go to work. Sutherlond Co,, 57 Vernon Place, Buffalo, N. Y. J-fiOl 26 AGENTS. Wnlsbach supplies; perfect mantle oc. uatnpnien lanierns ie; cua loguo for stamp. Van Houten. 74 Park Place. New York. J 706-26' W.VXTKU-TO ItEXT. WANTED, to rent, smull cottage, fur nished, by young couple, no children. Ad dress P 53, Bee. IC M510 WANTED, two rooms and board private family, man nnd wife nnd two little girls, near good school; C'entrnl preferred. E. H. Jones, 1110 Douglus St. K 5di 26 WANTED, iletnched ten-room houso with yard, furnaco and within walking dlstnnco of postofllcc. S 11. Bee. K-M614 20 WANTED to rent 0-room cottngo or 0 to S-room house, modern, within walking distance of P. O. by ramliy or two. An swer 8 28, care Beo. K 032 20 3 OR 4 unfurnished rooms by a voung married couple; prefer first or rccond lloor or a men urtCK uai. nesi 111 reicrenres; surroundings must bo good; permanent. S 21. Bee. K 6S9 26' WANTED, to rent, small store room with sultablo space (or ouice. a nee. K-746 26 WANTED, nice furnished house or rial to runt or will buy furniture. Addreei 8 22 Bee. K-72l-20 WANTED, six or seven-room cottase, modem closetn. car line: family of three: no children; reference If desired. Address , J. Anderson, 1619 S. 10th St. IC 757 Z0 STon.von. We tench Gregg nnd Graham shorthand. Jl.OOO.OO CONTRACT JUST CLOSED. NEB. TYPEWRITER AND SUPPLIES CO. for the purennse oi TEN UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS bv the NEB. BUSINESS AND S. II. COLLEGE, BOYD THEATER BLDO.. OMAHA. . This makes nbout thirty new standard machines purchoscd this year to meet inc Increased demand. We have six different makes of typewriters, giving our students every possible advantage. Call and me our new machines and perfect equio tnents; write for catalogue; Investigate. Fall term begins Sept. 3. A. C. ONG, A M., LL.B., Pres. PACIFIC Storage nnd Warehouse Co., 912- 14 Jones, general storago anu iorwarunig. C32 Om. Van Stor. Co., 1511H Farn. Tels. 15M-f63. 093 WAXTED TO BUY. ALL kinds of household goods, hotels, etc.. in largo and small quantities, unicago Furnlturo Co., 1406-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020. N 601 WILL purchase n limited number of Omaha Savings Bank nccounts. lirennnn Lovo Co., 309 So. 13th. N-602 2D-IIAND bicycles. Omaha Bicycle Co. N-603 60 2D-1IAND typewriters. Nebraska Cycle Co.. Cor. 13th & narney. n 713-A30 HOUSE, seven to ten rooms, nnd lot, or va cant lot wttnin eigni blocks or city nnu, Address 8 15, Bee. N-MC27 26 WANTED A second-hand electric motor. Apply too First Nat l Bank building. N-617 26 WANTED, second-hand Smith Premier typewriter no. s: must tie a bargain. Ad dress Box 372, Seward, Neb. N 761 26 FOR SALE Ftm.MTVIlE. HOUSEHOLD furniture. 1204 N. 2th st. 6-M5S3 30 AUCTION tale of household goods Mon day 10 a. tn. nt 3OT Norm 23d st.; every- tning in tno nouso win dc sold to tno highest bidder. 309 North 23d st. O-6I6 26 FOR SALE HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. VEHICLES of nil kinds mado and repaired by uarry trost, mn ana Licavcnwortn P 605 MUST sell, two 2d hand extension top car riages, equally good as new nnd at less than Vt price. Call nnd sco us If you wnnt n buggy or phncton; cnn save you money. Wm. Pfclffer Carriage Wks., 2020 Leaven worth. V 732 FOR SALE MISCEI.LAXEOUS. HARD nnd soft foundation piling; hog fence ana criuoing. sm jjoubiub. m tvo CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & Mc- conneu urug v-o., Lor, inn uuu uouge. Q 629 n. llASS. Florist. 1813 Vinton St. Tel. 776. Plants, cut uowers, uoqueis, nan, resi dence wedding and grave decorations. Orders by mall or express promptly filled. W 1A.V 2D1IAND safo cheap. Derlghl, 1116 Farnom. SAFES; buy, sell, ex'ge. Schwartz, 114 S. 13. Q 63 M. & W. tires. $2.75. Omaha Bicycle Co, Q-633 MANSON bicycles. $25. Omaha Bicycle Co Q-M400 "vnilAND wheels. $5 to $10: new wheels $15. omana uicycie v.o imn ec unicago sis FOR SALE, good milch cow. Inqulro at 225 Harmony street, council wurcs. Z M323 27 FOR SALE, ono lino Jersey cow, 3 years old. Cull afternoons. 2209 23d nnd M, Soutn omana. w Aieua M" LIGHT wagon canvas top, $16, 310 N. 17th Q-M640 30 WEBER up. piano, slightly used; big bar gain, lu.u Douglas si. y awoo .j BARGAIN No. 2 tlon. 8 10, Bee. Remington, fine condl Q-C65 26 SCHOLARSHIP nt big reduction In Ne braska Business and Shorthand College, Wrlto the University Publishing Co. Lincoln, Neb. Q-661 26 FOR SALE Well marked fox terrier pup, S 11. Bee. Q663-2G FOR SALE Second-hand machinery, all Drawer W, 141 Chicago, III. 717 26 pumps, heaters, hoisting apparatus, blow ers. fans, dynamos, shafting, hangers, pulleys and material In general. We lmve the largest plant on earth. Our complete catalogue No. 263 mailed on up plication, unicago nouso v reciting Co West 33th nnd Iron Sts, Chicago, 111. Q-673 SO .misci:li,a.i:ous. NOTICE, country dealers. 2dhand furniture and stoves at lowest prices, carload lots or less, unicugo t- urnuuro uo., ucc-io ooiige. I. uow CLAIRVOYANT. FREE TEST TO ALI many Imitate nono can equal DR. H. V. MAY- TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT. 113-South 18th St. 113 BEWARE OF THOSE WHO IMITATE mv work nnd mislead the neonle. As Dr. May Is not a medium who Is hero today and away tomorrow, nor does Dr. May ever change his namo. On file at his olllce, 113 South ISth St., Is his newspaper advertise ments rrom at. louis, now iotk unci man nlhor eltles whero bo has the respect of nl FREE OF CHARGE FREE OF CHARGE, HE TELLS YOUR NAME IN FULL. who and when you will marry, your occu nation nnd date of birth. No matter wha mny do your nope, icar or uimmioii come In litm nnd find hem. Rend tno testimonials or n low 01 111 natrons slnco his arrival in omana on Pago 19. S-iCI 26 CHAS. II. LINCOLN, tho world's greatest CLAIRVOYANT. Tells vour namo In full, names of friends enrmlns or rivals, whether husband, wife or sweetheart Is true or false; gives advice on nil points or interest. HE MAK1CS NO KAIL UUU a and Is so positive of his powers to satisfy yon ho will llrst glvo your name in run nnd answer ono sealed question to an tnos culling ut onco with object or having rpndln. FREE OF CHARGE! FREE OF CHARGE Read tho following sworn statement STATE OF NEBRASKA, DOUGLAS COUNTY-si: And now on the 18th day of August, 1M0, came Charles It. Lincoln, and being by me first solemnly sworn, deposes and says that he Is tho Identical person whose advertise tnent appears In tho dally papers of th city, a copy of which appears above. Affiant ndopts said advertisement and makes same a part of his contract with each nnd every patron. Further, affiant guarantees full and complete satlsfactlo to each nnd every caller. And ns evidence of his good faith nftlant hereby agrees with every patron to refund nil fees paid to him If patron Is not fully satisfied either at the tlmo of reading or at nny time later. CHAS. H. LINCOLN, Subscribed In my presence and sworn to beforo mo this 18th day of August, 1900, BRYCE CRAWFORD, Justlco of tho Peace. Is this not honest? Could anything be fairer? When In doubt consult tho best. LOW FEE I LOW FEE I CALL AT ONCE. 1722 Dodce St. 1722. 8 -774 26 READ Dr. May's ad. Pago 19. MAGNETIC lllJAI.lXn. riREAT Western Institute. 1623 Douglas Ht chronic diseases cured; 110 drugs, surgery CLAIRVOYANT. PROF. LAURENCE X. JAMES, PRESIDENT , , of Mediums' l'rotectlve Association. 60c Reduced Charges-SOc. 60c Reduced Charges 60c. fo Reduced Ch.rges-0c. THREE DAYS ONLY. THREE PAYS ONLY. 1714-DOUOLAS ST -1714. 1714-DOUGLAS ST.-1714. Prof. James Is a f illy developed clalr nml trnnee medium. He USCS no oyant WlltflP. Tf.STl.MtHH TEST schemes to attract neoplo to his parlors. Neither does he Ilnd It necessary to change his name In every city on account of Im proper relations of the past. Ho will posl tlvelr .. ACCEPT NU Klil-i In ndvanco nnd makes NO CHARGE-NO CHARGE unless ns he advertises tho UTMOST SATISFACTION Is given In every rending. HE TELLS YOUR FULL NAME. TELLS NAME OF SWEETHEART. Tells name of your friends. Tulls what you called for. Tells all nbout your business affairs, All nbout your lovo nnd domestic af fairs. He will not consent to nave 111s ability measured by any other stand nrd tlinn his own, for there nro nlwnys partially developed ineuiuinji iw cheap pretenders found In every city, bringing disrepute upon tho profession. PROF. JAMES IS THE PEER OF ALL MEDIUMS. HE- GIVES ADVICE ON BUSINESS, speculation, Investment, Insurance, changes, travels, health, sickness, love, divorce, mnrrlnge, lawsuits, separations, wills, deeds, mortgages, patents, claims, collections, etc. Prof. James by his advice brings GOOD LUCK. 18 YOUR WIFE OR HUSBAND UNTRUE OR UNIC1ND7 If so, come nnd learn a suro and swift remedy that will dispel the dark clouds from your aching heart. WHAT ARE YOU FITTED FOR? Don't you know? He will tell you what trade, business or profession you are adapted for. . WHOM WILL YOU MARRY? . He will tell you, and how to maka It a peaceable and happy union. DO YOU WISH TO WIN the love and affection of any one? If so, call and secure his never falling assistance, nnd If you have enemies he will tell you how to ovcrcomo them und convert tham Into friends. REMOVES ALL FAMILY TROUBLES AND E8TRA N G E M E NTS. GIVES FULL SECRET how to control fascinate nnd charm any ono you know, love, ndmlre or meet. PROF. JAMES NEVER FAILS TO UNITE THE SEPA RATED CAUSES SPEEDY MAR RIAGES REMOVES DOMESTIC TROUBLES RESTORES LOST AFFECTION GUARANTEES SUCCESS In nil tho nbove work or makes NO CHARGES, There Is no home so dreary and sad, no llfo so wrecked or blighted, no heart so sad nnd lonely, 'no condition of cireumstnnccs so compllcnted or In compruhenslblo that cannot bo set right and kept right after n visit to this In spired prophet of modern times, Call and bo convinced of his superior power. THREE DAYS ONLY. THREE DAYS ONLY. 60c Reduced Charges 60c. 6Cc Reduced Charges 50c. 60c Reduced Charges 50c. Prof. James Is tho only medium In America who has appeared before tho London Psychic Research Society nnd Boston, Detroit nnd New York branches of the same, nnd Is Indorsed by nil. Hours, 10 to 8 Sunday, 10 to 6. OFFICE: 1714-DOUOLA8 ST. 1714. 1714 DOUGLAS ST. 1714. 1714 DOUGLAS BT.- 1714. 8-769 20 READ Dr. May's ad. Pngo 13. MME. GLYMER. UMAHA'H FAVORITE PALMIST. Holds consultation dally in tho PARLORS Or PALMISTRY, located nt 1G05 DODCE ST.. over anerman fc McConnell H drug store. This wonderful woman reads life correctly, scientifically and honestly. She tells your past, present nnd future by tlu only scientific method now In vogue. Her predictions nro nlways uccurato nnd many times nro regarded ns phenomenal. She does not moku nny pretensions that she cannot fulfill. Her long residence In Omaha denotes snuare deallnc nnd Is cvl denco of ability and Integrity. Don't fall to sco this remarkable WOMAN. FOUR YEARS IN OMAHA. S-763 26 READ Dr. May's nd. Pago 19. ELECTRIC TltEATSIEXT. ELITE parlors. 615 8. 16th, second floor. T M910 SI BEATRICE HARLOW, Arnblan treatment baths. 3171 N. 15th, 1st Hut 1-. T 37a 30 MME. LEE, mngnetlc treatment. T- 507 S 13tu, room -'. 577 30 MME. AMES, baths, 1615 Howard, room 2d floor; attendant. 1 570 30 PERSONAL. SECOND-HAND SEWING MACHINES AT PRICES NEVER BEFORE MADE. Whv not buv vour wlfo a machine'.' TIIEor; PKlUlsa A it hi ! UK .mundax ONLY 3 Singers, I 2 Davis, 2 White, 1 Noble. CHOICE $2.00. 1 New Home, 1 Victor. o a price. New Price, Household $13.00 $ 0.00 7.00 7.50 13.50 5.00 12.60 s2.n0 White 15.00 Singer, high arm 20.00 ainger, goou us new -.!) Domestic 12.00 Standard, perfect condition .. 25.00 Wheeler & Wilson 25.00 Wilcox & Gibbs 30.00 13.00 We will give one-half dozen sowing mn chlno needles or any maKo to every lady who calls at tho store Monday. We rent sowing machines at 75 cents per week. I We sell parts for. nnd repair every mako or sewing mncninu. NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY. Cor. 15th und Hnrnoy. U-011 26 MONHEIT, Chiropodist. 151S Farn. Tel. 2333. U C3 LADIES' hair shamnooed. dressed. 35c. llnl toilet goods. Monhelt, 151S Farnam. Tel 2X3 U-040 TURKISH baths, massago iiaths, eltctrl baths, ror ladles only: skilled women massage operators finest equipped bath. in tho city. Ronstom Bath Company itooms iiu 10 iioo Dunning. u Mira PRIVATE hospital for ladies beforo & dur Ing confinement; babies adopted. 1130 N. 17, U"0 14 BOLES. 35c: velvet rubber heels. 33c. Tho old reliable, S. P. Petcr3on, I6th it Cuming u im DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns removed, 23o ana upward, itoom iz, i-rcnzczr niocK U-614 RUPTURE cured: no knife, no pain. no danger; send for circulars. Empire Rup1 uire cure, vsz n. y, i.lffi hlilu-.. Omaha. U-645 PLEATING and pleated skirts of nil kinds m. uoiaman & uo., 200 uougias morn. U-SIO PRIVATE home before and during confine m.nt l.nhleu nrlnntprl Mrs. liuruci. Jtm Burdette. U-017 HOFF'S Express & Messenger Co. Tel. 1717, U-6IS VIAVI, woman's way to health. 346 Bee bid U VI- EPPERLY corset to order. 1612 Capitol av, 1; .Mitn hi EPPERLY corset to order. 1612 Capitol AV, U UVl Bi Corns & bunions destroyed. 611 Knrbach Blk, U 819 s-5 HAVE furs renalred and altered now. Don' wait until the. busy senson ami expect work dono at onco. Aulahaugh, Son & Co Furriers, 500 Knruacn iiiock, omana. U 918 S-5 pi.HATlNft! buttons to order: nlnkln while you watt. Omaha Pleating Co.. 1524 Douglas. l ati .initN llIIDD. ontlclan. 115 8. 16th St. U-604 819 LADIES and gents, do you wish to bo nd mired by your loving associates; if so. .ml 10 renin for tho Trllliv Charm. suro winner: 3 for 25 cents. Royal Mfg Co., 27 4tu St., South Minneapolis. .Mlnu U Vl H PF.RSOX M.S. We teach Gregg nnl Graham short'iinnd $l,(W.OO CO.VlRAt T .It ST CLOSED. wuu me Ml. TYPEWRITER AND SUPPLIES CO. fur the purchase of TEN UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS by tho ... NF.B. BUSINESS AND S. H. COLLEGE, BOYD THEATER BLDO., OMAHA . This makes nbout tinny new stavda-d mnchines purennscd tins year to nn-ri mn Increased demand. Wo have six different makes of typewriters, giving our nutrient every possible iidvnntago. Call and soo our now machines and perfect equip ments; wrlto for cntalogue; Investlsato. Fall term begins Sept. 3. A. C. ONO, A. M., I.L.B., Pres. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, unrts nnd moles permanently removed bv electricity; con sultation free nnd confidential; all work guaranteed. Miss Allendcr, 1613 Douglus. MORPHINE, opium, laudanum, cocaine nauit: myseir cured, win iniorm you 01 harmlens, permanent homo cure. Mrs. Baldwin, box 1212, Chicago. U VICTORY of science over disease: cancet bnllllng general practitioner s skill vlelds readily to our scientific methods, Mason Medical Co.. 121 W. 42nd street, New York. Book and ndvlco free. U MANHOOD RESTORED; ten days' Ire.tt-ubAo- mem iron or Atiurmiisicn. tno oniv lately reliable remedy for weak men In all stages. Address tho La Croix Clinic, Milwaukee. Wis. -U SUCCESS In life Is dun to Influence; Now inrK i-roressionni scnoot tins jusi l'wuu copies loft of Its latest work entitled "The Philosophy of Success," which It U sending nbsolutely free; It tells you how to cure diseases, bad hnblts, influence; others and force yourself up and nbovn your unambitious lolghbora. write at once. Address New York Professional school, Dept. '., Rochester, N. Y. V-ttl 26" MARRY. National Matrimonial club, prl vato list, zci-maiiy worth j.io.ii. ilex 1363. Denver, Colo. U-743 16 FREE, two live goldfish with 50-cent Der mal ince powoor. Address ortnn, urn veston, Tex. U-M742 26 GENTLEMAN Refined and wealthy,' tern- perato and utiernl. desires domestic hap piness In wife and home. Mr. Lee. 117 East 23d St., New York. U-G07 26 MARRY Largest nnd exclusive mntrltnon- Inl paper published sent sealed, 2c; 2.000 members worth $100 to $100,000. R. L. Love. Denver, Colo. U-666 2G REFINED, generous gentleman. $150,000. tieatiurui home, extensive business. eeits wlfo to share his home nnd wenlth. "Banker," 771 North Park Ave.. Chicago. U-71G-26 LADIES, regular health guaranteed: no medicine; particulars free. Gem Rubber Co., Kansas City, .Mo. U-7I5-26 ATTRACTIVE young lady, wealthy, wishes to correspond with reuneu gentiemnn who would appreciate good home and affec tionate wlfo. Address 8 20 Bee. Drawer W. 144 Chicago. III. -717 20 CORRESPOND for amusement or matri mony sealed particulars, zc. rnnmpion, Council Bluffs, la. U-751 ?6 MONEY TO I.OA74 HEAL ESTATE PRIVATE money. 6, M4, 6 per cent; no de lay, unrvin uros., lbia 1- urnnm. v h WANTED City nnd farm loans; also bondn nnd wnrrnnts. 11. U. peters Ai Co., 1702 Farnam St., Beo Bldg. W 630 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wcad, 1521 Douglas. W-C31 -j MONTY TO LOAN REAL JCSTATK. FIVE per cent money Bcmls, Paxton block. W-C52 LOANS on eastern Nebraska nnd western Iowa rarms al b per cent, uorrowors can pay $100 or any multiple. Any Interest date. No delay. Brennan-Lovo Co., rx9 South 13th St., Omaha, Nen. W-654 MONEY to loan on first-class Improved city property or ror muming purposes, l'ayne Knox Co., Now York Life. W 033 6, &V&. 6 per cent on Omaha, So. Omaha. Tel. 1043. W 653 v. si. u nomas, im isi iMat, uang. MONEY to loan nt 6 and 6'4 per cent on Omaha property. XV. B. Melkle, 401 S. 15th. W-G36 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real ustate. urcnuan-Love o., ..uj uo. uiu. W-G37 $1,000 and upward to loan on Improved city property unu rurms. w. i amain amiin Ac Co., 1320 Farnam. W C5S WANTED City loans, bonds nnd wnrrnnts. George & Company, 1601 Fumem St. V-G9 MONEY In any nmount at 5. 8V4 6 per cent. J. W. RUilBlNa & CO., 1SIK l'-AUNA.M ST. W-.00 MONEY to loan on farm and city property; lowest rules, u. i. uavis jo iwj i- nrnam W-601 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTEL. SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. J. W. TAY LUl, .18 J'irsi nui. nana mm;, X 609 PRIVATE LOANS TO SALARIED PEO PLE momentarily embarrassed who deslro abov everything else to AVUIU -UUlil-l I I can be neenmmodnted ut our ofilco with less expense, tlmo and troublo than any place In the city. AMERICAN LOAN CO.. Uoom 001, Ben Building. X-M723 MONEY lonncd on pianos, furniture, horses cows. Jewelry. Daft Green, R 8, Barker Blk X Gt.S MONEY MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. Wo endorser or mortgage required. LOWEST RATES. EASY PAYMENTS nnd STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. OMAHA CREDIT CO.. Room 526, lifth floor, Now York I.lfe Bldg. X 604 -M-O-N-E-Y--D-O-Y-O-U-N-E-E-D-I-T-Wo mnko loans from $10.00 up on furniture, pianos, horhcs. cows, etc.; you keep tho property; or wo will make you a SALAK LOAN on you own note, without Indorser or mortgage; we chargo absolutely noth ing for making papers, and wo keep nutn Ing out or the amount ynu borrow; you mav pay tho money back In ono month or tnkn moro tlmo In which to pay It. nnil you nro expected to pay for It only what time you use It; our rates are low und uur terms are tho easiest; our business Is as condoutlal ns Is posslblo and our trl ment Is always courteous. Omuha Mort gngo Loan Co., 200 So. 10th Ht. EHtab llshed 1S92. Mil. LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE. ARE YOU ONE OF THE CROWD WHO ARE TAKING ADVANTAGE of our NEW partial payment plan? Lot us QUI I. i'LY explain samo to ynu. Wo loan employes on their notes. No mortgage; no Indorser; no publicity. Simply n CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS DEAL. We loan THOUSANDS In this way, SO DON'T HESITATE ABOUT CALLING. Wo w hutlers und wnnt morn business. It. R. EMPLOYES RECEIVE PROMPT SERVICE TO SUIT THEIR TIME AND CONVENIENCE. These ar times, of henvy competition and to remain leaders wo must glvo more for your money than otherH DARE. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Room 303 Third Floor. Paxton Blk. X-370. MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible concerns upon their own names without security; easy payments. Tolman, 70C N. Y. L. Bldg. X 070 MONEY loaned on plnnos, furniture, dia monds .watches, privately. Berger's Loan Co., 1504 Farnam St , up3tulra. X-OM MONEY loaned on furniture, diamonds, watches; payments confidential. Omah.i Chattol Loan Bank, 220 S. 15th, tiintalrs, X 007 MONEY loaned on pianos, furnlturo, lew. oiry, horses, cowa clo. C. F. Reed. 319 8. 13, X C0" IIIIMXENS CIIAXUES. FOR RENT Owing to ndvnnclng yearn Mr. B. Hans, tho florist at 1813 Vinton street, has decided to nmt out his hot houso nt abovn location, occupying 7,000 to 8,000 squnrn feet, under glass, with nbout 200 windows, nnd tho resldenco and store fronting tho stret. on tho motor line to South Omaha. Excellent locution for tho business. Y-3K2 FOR RENT, dining room nf Lango hotel; good Inducements to flrst-claiia pirty M285 Jty, t U-CSl-K day. 123 Farnam, room is. C 771 26 ana iaue ais. . iv