THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, AUGUST 2C, 1900. CONDITION OF OMAHA'S TRADE Eu:incs3 in General is Better Than it Was a Week Ago. NOT MANY IMPORTANT MARKET CUANGES Enntrrn Trtide Onlcm Arc IlrglnnhiR to 'I'nlic on Morn Life nml Prediction Arc for flood ' I'lill lluslut'ss. Tho business outlook In thin section of the country still remains promising. Tho encouraging feature Is tho good con dition of tho corn crop, which la now practically nn nssurcd success, as It would tako something of unusual severity to do serious damage. Local Jobbers who havo been seen say that business Is rupldly In creasing and as a general thing Is heavier In volume than It was a year ago at this time. Tho timidity noticed a few weeks ngo about buying fall goods Is now a thing of tho past and merchants realize that If they aro to continue In buslnet they must get In their fall goods before much longer, and for that reason aro sending In liberal orders. Traveling men who cover tho territory from hero to tho Pacific coast all say that they never saw a time when retailers In ifnrtrjil tvnrn In rm rnnd condition nB they nro at tho present time, and the beat of it Is they realize It and nro full of con fidence for tho future. The fact that n presidential campaign la at hand has so far had no upproclablo effect on business In tho country tributary to this market, ns tho Kood corn crop overshadow tho disturb ing Influences of politics. Tho markets, ns a general thing, nro In good, healthy condition, nml Jobbers gen- xrnllv urn not ll tl 1 If I nil 1 1 II IT nilV dlfllCUlty mvltip in nnnr mnrk(t. There havo been but few Important changes during tho week, most lines remaining ubout sin tlonarv. Coffee Mnrket AVcnli. Tho most startling featuro to the grocery market was tho drop In tho price of coffee, wnicn orrects nom greens ana pacnago coi fee. Tho decline amounts to V4o all around Tho ccncral Imurcsslon ntnong local deal' era Is that this dron la only temporary nnd that within a short tlmo tho market wl nirn n start on Its upward journey. Tho visible supply Is now fur short of what it was a year ugo ami tno consumption Is on tho Increase. Tho hot weather of th last few weeks, however, ban undoubt edly hud a tendency to curtail tho Im mediate demand to a considerable extent and that Is one of tho reasons given for th recent decline. Tho sugar market Is practically tho samo ns It was a week ago, though stock Is being held at very firm prices. Con sumption la exceptionally heavy for tho month of August uud Jobbers arc looking for an enormous demand during aepiem bar. Tho market on California dried frilltH Is In a very strong position. l'artlcularly Is this truo of evaporated peaches and nprlcots, uh It Is reported that the supply will not bo as largo as anticipated. Tho advnnco slneo last report amounts to from Ho to "sc. Hoth sago nnd tnploca aro higher than they wero u, week ngo, quotations showing nn ndvnnco of fl'4c Tho cheeso market Is still going up, partly owing to the big homo consumption und partly owing to tho fact that tho export trado Is excep tionally heavy. Tho drouths In several cheese producing .sections of tho state havo nlso tended to cut down production, nil of which conditions havo worked to advunco prices. Tho only other chnngo of enough Im portance to mention Is tho decline In rolled onts, amounting to 10c per barrel. In speaking of tho condition of trndo Jobbers Bay that tho demand on all lines Is bolter thnn they over saw It before In tho month of August, nnd that they nro preparing for tho biggest run of fall and winter trudo over experienced. Hardware Market Hfcndr. Tr.ido with hardwara Jobbers Is moving long at a good, rapid rate. Kail goods ro now being shipped out, though tho process of lining advance orders Is not being ptmhed ns rapidly as It will bo in a few weeks. Tho majority of dealers do not want their stores filled with stoves this early in tho season, but still a. few nro being shipped farther west. Tho amount of fall business that lias been landed up to dato Is unusually largo and compares very favorably with thoTccord of any year no to this tlmn. Tho market, ns u general thing. Is Just kuuui wncra n was a weeK ago. Jloro confldenco Is being felt In tho futuro of tho Iron market than wns tho caso a few Weeks nco and In rnntnm mn.lrnt. .s,.,- slderablo business Is being reported. Thosa who are In a position to know Bay that whllo somo lines will undoubtedly go still lower qthora havo reached the bottom nnd may go In tho other direction within n Bnov .l.lm.e- A" predictions aro for u pood, lively trado and a healthy market, in spite of tho slack demand for tho last few months In eastorn markets It la claimed that consumntlnn nrniimi n ....... ,. beon large, tho tendency being to reduco r ,cikr .thr. vcry iaw(;t. "ru. if that Is the caso It Is argued that when buying does commenco It will be liberal and ii good, brisk market will bo experienced. Silk Market MVnk. About tho only Important change In tlx dry coods trndn In 11... .1, dltlon of tho silk market. Both buyers and sellers are In rnthcr an unacttle.l condition f.T.Mr'i0 "tnk.."0w whllt to expect for tho future. Sellers are anxious to dlaposo or their stocks and nro offering to sell at reduced figures, but buyers nro not com ing forward In great numbers. In COttOn COOiIm thn lilhinHnn l 1. the same ns It was a week ago. Klthr buyers nor scllcrtt nro nnxlous to do biul liess nnd both seem to prefer tu await further developments. The number of orders coming In at eastern markets, how ever, for general lines la more liberal thm WIIH thn ..nur. n .... ...... dlcntloiis nro that within a short time tho demand will bo fully up to expectation!. So far ns thn nlliinilnn I Jobbers have no complaint to olTer Orders tiro coming In with overy mall nnd tho num ber of buyers on tho market la r.ipldly In creasing. Ah a rule thuv nrn nlnnlnu- iiimr.-ii orders and without exception nro counting uh uu.iit, u ihlu iuii luisiiiess. I'rlecs Arc SutUrm-tory. Root nnd slioo Jobbers uro receiving fully their shnro of business and nro well please 1 witn tno course- trade la taking. Traveling mon are meeting with good succss on the road and aro sending In somo nleo nrderi. jnvnnco sninmcnts nro liclng mads now ns rapidly as the goods enn bo nut In shnn?. Rubber goods Jobbers aro also satUlled with tho way orders urn comlnc m 1.1 speaking of tho situation n local jobber rum iinii rviui'iiiiy mo prires at wnicii rubber clothing Is being offered on this mar. ket nro In lino with thn nrim llatu Ihmmoi nt other points. As a proof of that fact ho stated that his house had taken somo conditional orders from Oregon merchmts nnd after placing them one nt tho number inado a trip to Chicago to Investigate tho situation at that' point. Ho spent about n week among tho Jobbers of that city nnd came back and had th order filled with the UlllUIItl HOUNC. Fruit nnd Produce. The demand for fresh fruits and vegeta bles is still In gopd shape. Tho hot weather is making lemons movo particularly well and since last report iho prlco has been advan 'ed 51c on both tho fancy nnd choice grades. Cantaloupes uro now more plentiful on the market and the quality Is also Improving, whllo tho prlco Is going down. Home-grown Concord crapes . .now mum uuiiiiuiuii turn aro quoted a ::f23c. California fruit is quoted abou the samo us It was a week niro. Thero Is r.o chnngo In the vegetable lino that Is worthy of mention. The quotations urn about tho samo and the samo lines tire pemg oneren on ino mantel. Tho egg market Is very tlrm nt l3o and th supply Is only fhlr. whllo thn rieman.l I good, Poultry Is quoted tho samo as It wai n week ago, but is being held tlrm at tha prices given, inn same is iruo ot nutter, OMAHA WIIOI.USALU MARKETS. Condition of Trnile nn it Quotation on Ktniilc nnd I nnev Produce, KOas Receipts liberal; good stock firm at 13c. I.IVK I'OULTRY-Hens. 7tf7Hc; roostors nccardlng to age and sUe, 3Qlc; broiler, 10c, ducks, 115ci geese, t(5c; turkeys, So l'RKSH DRESSED l'OUIl'UY-IIcns. SH vivo, roomers, onjoe, hiickh nnu geese, uuiuci broilers, per lb., iStHSlfet: turkey, 12l?e, lU'TTER Common to fair, HlSc; choice, liiauoo; scparuior, ;uc; gamerea creamery liivlSe, ri81I-Trout, 10o: blue flhii, i:c: plckerol So: catllsh, Uc; dressed buftalo, 6c: white, fish. Oo: lierrlnir. Sc: black linns. lOe: sal mon. 13c; whlto bass, 10o: croiiple, 10c; pike, i"P! uauoiii, i:o; iiuunenus. ic: ring peren Oct lobsters, nreen. 22e: boiled lobsters. 23c mackerel. Wc: codilsh, 10c! yellow icrah, Co, i-iiti'.unr) i.ivc, per uoz., wc. VKAKS-Cholen. 0-LMOc. HAY Per carload lots: I'nland, choice, ji.iri; Ko, i upland. IT.M; medium Jtl.50; coarse, $5.w. ry straw, choice, 13.00; No, 3 corn, 3c; No, 3 white oats, 2fic, cracked corn, per ton. SU.50; corn nn.l oats, chopped, per ton, $)5.'i". brnn, per ton, $12.00, shorts, per ton, 115.00. VEQBTAUIjES. Ct'Ct'MnKnS-Per do.. IffilV. NEW TL HNIP8 Per bu. basket, 0)c. NEW HEETR-Per dozen bunches. 1MJ21C NEW CAmtOTS-Per doz. bunches, 25c I.ETTt'CE Per doz,, IWUc. HA DISHES Home-grown, per doz.. U-o. 1-ij.ah i'er H-uu. nasKet, ic. HEANS Wax. nor linir.hnhfl hnsket. iOc; string. ?c. NEW POTATOES-Per bu.. gt3c. CAHHAOE Home-grown, per lb., lic. f-'AUl.H'LOWnrt-Per doz.. Jl. OIIEEN COHN-Per doz., 10c. TOMATORR llnmfl.ernwn. nor U.hll. basket. 40c. ONIONR-Home-grown. per lb., 1HB1?C. CELERY Mlchlcnn. 2.Vf30c. FRU'ITS. PEACHES rnllfnrnln rr noefltl! . i v'. i er asKei crate, i. Ai'iiu uis-.Nnnp on tr.c margei. PI.l'MS-Callfornla. per crate, Si.loQl.. . I'm'NES-Callfornia. Tragedy, per crato, 11.2$; Kelsay, Japan, per rratc, $1.25. r-vfTntnntrn - -i.. VvERMELONS As to Vlze. 25c to 23c ach. . CANTALOUPE Gems, per dozen, 10050c, large sizes, COflSOc APPLES Native, 75cfl$l per bu.; per bbl., $2.fS3.W. TROPICAL FRUITS. CHICAGO, Aug. 2t.-CATTLE-Ilecelpts 2,000: market slow: butchers stock steady; good to prime steers, $o.40iJ6.00; poor to medium, $4.tWj5.30; stockcrs nnd feeders, 0.00; canners, $2.00fi2.CO! bulls, $2.f3Ofil.40; rajves, i.wj(, i exas rou steers, n.imp ...v., lo si urn niucrs, to.iJ'Ui.w, lejus l.OOO; left over, 4,932; mnrknt strong to 6e higher; top, $i.fiG: mixed nnd butchers, $5.00 115.60; good to choice heavy.; rough LlJR)l1P,ti,lS?5?.S "Kl,tl fc-15! 0Ulk of SEW YORK GE.MCItAL MAIIKI2I'. Qiiotntlon. m- TTn r.rinn. Comnindltlra. NEW YORK. Aug. 23.-FLOUR-Recclnts. rvwi 1. 1 . i i . aaa . . . . . . I u,wv .,,.10., cunn, ,w msB, ranmoi Ullll nnd stendv nt fnrmor .,eirn. .ni f- ents $3 7fi 1 on- winter iitrniVh M i;,V r.e.. V.-L -.'.'. 'Vu ".,n,e.Il Si"1.'"18. 3.4uft3.rj, .w grades.. S3.4M13.63 Ryp IIUI1T. Ullli: SHIPH. al llhla rnw In pnn, I $2Mi3.15: choice to fancy, $3.2063.50. CORNMEAL Dull; yellow western, SSc; 993 bu.: sales. 2.750.000 bu. fiitni-p. mrwm ! spot, apot mnrket easy; No. 2 red, 8Uic f. o. b. nllont; No. 2 red. 7S!dc elevator. uiiiiuiis upeneu easier ana subsequently de clined further from tho effects of liberal offerings for southwest account; closed easier nt lif?Uc net Merlin... u itu i.,ai.,.i.,.i . ttl-",JcVlp'n"er' ai i B-lJic. closed nt .OWc; October. S'lgsovie. closed at SOc; DOCCmbor. SlUflnlVo. rlnnnrl i.l lilXin Olm.u wero busy covering. A-??UN'-IfccclJ1.,A1SI.275 bu.; exports. S0, 027 bu.: sales, HO.OOii bu. futures, lfiO.000 bu. niiui. npoi. ensy; mo. z. 45c f. o. b. afloat ) nil J in n aUuaIa. rti. . , .. J a . i , . a ? option mnrKct was Illot and ensv nil Ihn fnunnnn i Mi crop prospects, unloading nnd the drop VTihealnw l080d .eniy. ana WMc net lower. ujiuwSt-.",.0"Si,.,-.MVA. 0l!teme'-t caVi . . "ecc'liuv ISi.w bu.j exports. 20t3.- . 'i. 1 "if "iiirKBi uuu; o. z, xr,c; No. 3, j5!'A?tj N(J- 2,wh". 2c: No. 3 white. CTUc: nnMnnU' ir.ll41'33.0; tnck' WM,,e- 33c. Options dull and barely steady. ai:;:-. c?;:' """''""B' -:sbc; good to .r.U01'3-"!! ftat0. common to choice a.. cVAT..1,r'',3c!OI(, Sc; Pacific. 1WJ iVi'i:.'.':! 'hoc. iiiut-B-i-irm: unlveston. 21 to 23 lb.. dalrv. 1Bfi2te. L' K CSE On pi ,.,,,1 aa... ,.i,. 10HfT1014c: small, white, liVlc: lar'cc. col- rrU1 1 ILK. an. nil I ...II ... - - ' l-'l.M.I, UI'IUICII, lU'JC. LGGS l'lrm: Rlntn nn.l r.A.A..i.AMi- SiiJfJ western, regular packing at mark. lMiISo; western, lois off, 16W17c. I'OTATOES-Dull: Jerseys. $l.fWI.:5: 150V York' ,l,2501,W; Lo"K Island, $1.1214, ffllRc; western, regular tiacklm; nt mnrt. - U'Afll.rn tnaa If tfl,.- 1 T- A T.T nil n.,lA. l... A I ALiljlJll Ulliet ! rlfV f I'' nAe nl.i. 1 I ,a... V' . . I'nb'I '-'"iltllliniry lOKgS. irCCi). 4V4flHiC. mni'COo,,n,rtX..(pk,B'1- fr.f.Cl)' llc. RICI'J Steadv! ilnmeiitln fnlr. n aW.h. MOLASSES-Klrm: New Orleans, open kettle, good to choice, 43fi53c. ?7l55iTALS.7I,lK te'iUl'i'JU northern, $15.00 fil7.00; southern. $13.00fj 13.01. Copper, quiet: brokers' price, $16.3714. Lend, dull; brokers1 ft'. Ill, fl.W. St. I.nnls (irnln nnd Provisions ST. LOI7IR. Allir. K U-ItlfAT-TA... No. 2 red. cash, clovntor. 7014c; trnckTVlViri i.'c: August. i0i,c: September. 70c: October 70?;c: necember. 73e; No. 2 hard. 67-4c. ' only mo prime rUAXNKKD-Htends- nt 11.40. CORNM EAIy Lower, $2.0002.03. meats (boxed), steady; extra shorts. $7.3714 clear ribs. $7.50: clear s des. J7.62W. naeon (boxed), steady; extra shorts, $8.00; clear ribs. $8.1215; clear Bides. $3.25. at"'?-M 8teUdy 01 M'20- Sp0l,Cr' nun ni ,i. LI veriiiuil Uratu Alnrket. LIVERPOOL. Aug. 25. WHEAT Spot, Arm: Nn. 2 re?d weatorn. winter, ita 5.1 ? Nn. I "Sr'fP.'L.nf1 6s atlfjOs 4d. futures, quiet; September, 5sJAV,'i; Iecf.m .r . 1'a' . . , CORN Snot, stendy: American mixed. now. 4s 14d; American mixed, old, 4 U41. Futures, nominal: September. 4s lid; Oo tober, 4s Nid: November, 4s Vjd. PROVISIONS-Beef. extra India nes. dull nt 72s 6d: prime mess, steady ut (7s i.X TIaI- iifln. m.wa un.l.rn 'fl, t S,U e t u t a ,.i 'TmSii VA inJ.i ' ia ..nn. :,VsJJa'. 'iv.'.r",.'..''"; urm at dis; prime wesinrn. .n tierces, nrm ... . . ... . - . . 1 IWVO UUlUUrillil. lit! uyl l, I rsn rlAaiil n hf1ilrtl" Ul IV DIULI i ORAPES-Callfornla, 4-baskot crate. ll.W; and onts 4c lower. Provisions nt tho cloie u"h,l?!J Toknys, $2; Concords, homo grown, i'.tfflc. wero "!iB12'ic depressed. iiim, "i.'nMn" -ill .-JECTAltlNES California, t-basket crate, wheat opened steady on n little bull &n'X, &e0 ii'4 SHEEP Receipts, 5.000; mnrket steady; 71M74ic, dropped to 73,e. croslng 't.fjic ,0J!.nt.V, m rnl i, 4 good to cholco wethers. $3.;bI.OO; fair to down at 731i73Tic. Soaboard cleunimMS . "v..'ii' &'w''" choice, mixed, $3.3-'3.ffi; western sheep, In wheat nnd flour wero equal to J13.W do Vm 9 13.2.VS3.75; Texans. $2.5CiT3.D0; native lambs, bushels. Primary receipts were ,U3M "P $l.005.25; western Inmbs, $4.755 25. bushels. Minneapolis and Duluth report.! '-a -nott ii Official receipts and shipments for yester- 93 cars, agnlnst 2S9 last week, and 229 u Vt.iiiiaitn'n'"i' 9 ii day: Receipts, cattle. 9.5DS; hogs. 21,514; year ago. Local receipts wero 413 cats. " nn ' ' sheep, 11.580. Shipments, cattle, 5,3H; hogs, sixty ot contract grade. Me.ienn rvn'tVn'i"' ii4 1,815; sheep, 7,131. . . . i. . Q wftg d((U nmJ furilll(i10lt nothing new Jf'cn" .t "' A ' ' ' . 1 idai Vlintl. & hi. I - ail, u-?. ii i . i wnuo ine mi ino ivi'ib uui wiijcih ... , ,.c..i,,Mh . ...... v ifvi" iti., ii . i V.,,a?l-W,,r.,. . ry. Septcn her pork sold between $11.15 do Irt t-M W. reople's Oas K 1, nnn.7t. lS?niy: rvSriA B0iC f, 0 "nil $11 0li,i, nnd cfosed 12'ic lower .it $11.05: do 2d pfd 2T'i .I'retfcd H. Car r.Vi n Vlti Vev nMliPnJ- 5vK?w Yor.k-, September lard, between $UfiflC2 nnd .u n. w M do pM 70 Nnw YnrlemBii:i JP&n i2m? S' iv f- $6.5. closing 74c down nt $.75j atuf Sin- Mo rfd m Pulhr.nn P. Car ...1SH4 Now lork; malting, 480530 c. I. f. Now tVmbcr ribs between $7.2i4fr7.0S and $7.00, st. U & S. V !!! & T ft'l Ti iiiipv it. . , ,,. with tho close 7'4c depressed nt $7.0i1 do 1st pf.l 67 Snsnr 121 wiuJ'vv iMA7:D-UA1,,L,X.C8teri1' M,,C0Si Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat. Uo :d pfd S3'i do pfd tu drv J4 toaTirha,nwV 25 lbS- :mo: TexJ3' 4no.: rnlghts. $il0fS3.70i clears. $3.00fl3.45: week.' Tho arrlOal of h.MO.m, oi which, LEATIlPnii"i'rm. f.AinAt, 1 , spring specials. $1. rtOffi.40; patonts, $3.5Mti jt3,0u0.000 was from T'nlted States, Ayrn. light to hcawwi?0,&uu irf.W'v?' W.?,40v!,nHfr"' ,wtf5JHifn- "trengthened tho Bank of England nnd re: acid. 22iiirt23Up ncnvynetgiits, 22123!4c; WJ I EAT No. 3, 731fc; No. 5 red. 75U.filU'. moved tho tineas ness respecting tho re- S,VtSorV,!n.' nnm..(i a r CORN-No. 2, 3914330; No. 2 yc ow. servo. PROVISIONS-neef dull- f..mliv itftii 9ATg-No. 2. 21ifl22c: No. 2 white. 21141? States gold nnd says there Is little pros- 12.00- mMs l3vnSfirt' hf ,liy I5Wc: No- 3 white. 23l4(ff244c. pect of Hn Improvement In the rato of ex- 51 00 JSckat. lOTm'fip cltvh "innlSKT RARLEY Good feeding, asg39c; fair to chango ns to' make shipments probable. SJW.H ,u , Tho paper nlso thinks there will bo nn issue lies. $8.75fHl I oo- rilekleri P hni.VrrV ek SEEDS-Klaxsced, No. 1 nnd northwest- of somo kind of a Rubs an onn In Purls 6 75 pickled hat:-is.P$mooaiO 75 LHrd td?- n'.,14I i1"i!i,"' Clovcr' c0- tnla f"- wnlch wl" 11,0 transferci co w;tern BteAVrtV trnnnaS0K10-1'0- u u, , , a- ot pencil money from London nnd Rcrlln $7.15: No. 7. nomlna renncd nulef eni . -KPt,SI9JsSV!,,s. ,,0-VJ,A,, i1105 though not necessarily leading lo tincnt, $7.50: Smith T America $"io- com. .L1,10'! .Lllr4i pcrilw.L,,i!;v-lfi-J?'S80- Short shipments of gold. Jloney wus very plcnti- pound. $fi.00fiB.12U Pork nulet- riiSdtv ribs sides (loose), $6.Mii7.2.. Dry salted fill all the week through. $H.60fHB.2r.; short clear . $13.76015 W- ineaa' fl '0'ders (boxed). $fK62ii,f(6.73i short clear The Statist publishes a long review of $12.O0W13.25. ' inC33. sides (boxed). $7.50fj7.(. American prosperity and concludes It will RUTTER-Creame'ry. 18fi22c; fancy cur- ",n." H 2r.hl?h wines. $1.2114. M continue for r.t least u yenr nnd probably rent, packed, lift 16o- Imitation crcamc'v. Sl'OARS-Cut lonf, .): gr.iuuliited, $ti.32; much longer than thnt. nnd thinks the total 1514fllSc; state dairy. 16fl21c crcamc.j, co,,feetioner8; A, $r,.2S: off A. $rt.l2. trade balance wll ugnlii reach near 120.- 40c: August, asiic: Sentember. wn;i i ,S ' 1 VJ; ;.7 i .V . " ? ' ' ''i ? ?. 1 1 ' - w ' 1. 1 . f. viinii. no " 1 : . inirK. i v nnnunni'i' it-n n unnnnnitAii ins - hi., i n ,? i- ioaii iv . - ... . O VTB" KrP'firVtYf 32 lr'"" ;ub,cat.ou of " t o' bn nk Z Z ."'.m ' Ore. Na ' la'...!! "110 40?- AuT-nat "'ftn'ninm .'.r" 4,c.Lrn,!;k' nmcnt nnd liquidation following in the do coupon ........lis do ? .. V Ji. cember Kc- MnS' N'o i?n T'J'o 1iumfrnua favorable weekly state- dots, res 11!4 o. s. u Cs iw- iTyk fftnf 'n t 4Se ' No- 2 whlte' mPn, of earnings enmo to hand, but their do coupon 11:14 ilo consol 6s pi ?l OH U e' nten,!,. n,1 IB.-.i "".""'"B?,.. X,"(2t Ustulnlng D. of V. 3 6o. It! ItMdlns (ten. 4.... fr, SI2E1JS-T mo hv in Vfei l nn "Zv.. L' " ."T.n',ei ""l ' :.."cv. "V Alcli. general 4a... .100 lllo (1, W. la as bii'o ifi .nAiii iv;;i..n Wt tVVK. ...7..... ' 1 " i-"iiiB-nuuuiweiern. tno no adj. 4a vi'iiKt 1. .t I It c Ss 1111 nr&liM"& ,n,ld0 know l0"ay ex- Canada Ho. 2, Wl "il I, & 8 K g. 6s, lis 1 1 AY Tltnnthv Hteadv n u l? w"lcn 1 '? "a,1Ks llu1 ccoll,'", Chicago Tor. 4a.... 93 stronger IbSmIVbo ' ff ll-60' Pr nr'. themselves on subtrensury operations nnd Colorado Ho. 4s 82 iiinv VnTTAwiM n .AA1K.n tho Interior currency movement for the loss . & n. u. is 10: f1l"IP TWIfCP lEhn'nGGINO AND C"Sh l!lHt WOcU W0" "0t ""'"O "l tho do 7 i . ... ......... pAoviqiOVSriV,' ti,htn omrlnl r(1l)ort- Tll rttscrepaney Is thought R?je M turkey. . BOT? vou. 0o- dMrSni'mS' of s,ock ' " to bo small, owing ' o- ?2?in jpC.' vSuS' 2c. oucks, bej young, to tho nbsorptlon of prominent Interests Iloston Stoek (inotntlon. ECTOS-Steady nt ilUc who havo perfected or nro projecting vnrl- BOSTON, Aug. 25.-Cali loans. 23 per itnTTPii-qtn-idv- rrenm-rv uo'in. ous deals. With the holdings of Investment cent; tlmo Joans, 3S114 per cent. Official .lniVt iKffir ' creamfry iSQ-lc, ininrosts to be considered caution ncces- closing: umciai tiie-iri'i-a pi. r. aaa no. , .i.a, sarlly surrounds bear operations. No 1m- . - a.:1:.;. : '1 0M bu eorn S- OM bu oits v iaa h. ' VOliint bull pools developed, but there wero Av T- p- r ?I I:2J M -vSSV.WiVr.SSL": W..uh'?? some movements which had 11 mnnlnulntlvo a r .? Wet imh. Electric. 4C'i tavi 1,1. rnrn TlOM hj - Ths ,,C8t Illustration of tho Amer. hugar i:p. Atcij .on 4a 55 72,000 bll., COrn, ll.OOO OJ.J OatS, 32,000 bU. nnrniKn nf thn mnrknl n-n nllnul.i.l l.v do pf.l 1K, N. I;, O. A C. CI nrm f,!'M h t ?th, ii Ik " h1'1""110"' Already rates for foreign t x 30 lbs., firm nt 41 6d; short ribs 18 to... Ahnnse re rlnlncr. hut ns the level Ii well in Jl. rmi,.nl nrA , "S. i SX-V1 S i 3uA.K?i' 1 m.An ' nH'."ntci,M.riroi nnrr nitnr ifipun. iti in ix inn., nrm ni ........ '--. - United States. Ms. .... . .. .. . I'l-.Ah (.anitlllan. BS m-tU. FLOUR St. Louis, fancy winter, firm at -M. 1 I . inirun Jiaruet. lower: spoL 7014c; Sentember, 7ti;ic; Octo hir. 77Sin; neritmhr. ?!lllr. 1 Ulj Ij17W. J.. Allk. Ui.ll IiriAlaalJIlll. aam. r. . i . , CORN Dull, steady: cash. 39Uc: Sontem ber. 40Uc i!vt.',,"J,.V, unenangea; ijeptemner. xa'ic E,tnliiunnH,l "' ' 0J.Vaa CLOVLRHEKD Dtlll. lower: prime. Sli.00 for iws; iwj prime, $0.20; October, J6.60; No. .' 15. LU. .-.- , j."" r.i. " . .! a:. Deing utiracieu uuronn, wnero neiter rates ni' ,."uu,uer,i- "i""". " " nre obtnlned. Authorities ncreo th.n It u tooujj ct 1 1.-1.-at.- i,i n.i -.hit. .i.nHv 'tl t0 nrly to foreenst tho dlspo.dtlii Cliollar 12 fffirKSteS: oredW.h,sr.att W.?? t'o-ol.'Sr gSW1 VaV.V.:,30 gSMtty VrwTngo1"! l' nCTTER-Flneit United States. Sis: zooj u"BiUl'Lf?fi?.f .'?n,.ln? JPAlLVr,p.s "'J Ircn Sliver H COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Opens Steady, but is Weakened by r ' T 1 lCprcoSU? IfClOiSi r I CORN MARKET IS DULL AND FEATURELESS I.lttle ltiislue Is Dour In Outs Pro visions Are (inlet nml Ensy, In- Miieiieed C'ntislderiilily by AVcnUnens of Wlirnt. CHICAOO, 111., Aug. 25 Wcnknss nt Minneapolis and clearing weather In the northwest wero depressing factors In tho wheat market here today and September peniimpni icil over irom ycaieiii.iy, uui the remainder of tho session saw the bC1rs In the nscendant. Trado was quiet und throughout there wns a fair anuunt liquidation, both locnl nnd outside. Llvor- pool 'cables wero not encouraging unu beurlsh sentiment wns further encouraged oy Clearing wcnincr in ino norin- i Minneapolis wns weak nnd this fact hurt consldernblo to do with sentiment The decline nt Minneapolis wns taki.i to conditions, a thouch renorts received here wero us gloomy ns over, it wns expminfu alter it was an over tnni inn iiiiiicuijx'." I ucliiiiu mm unu iu ,iiniiv.i'u.3 ...... . - . tlons, buying In Chicago nnd selling In their own local markot, which wns 3c over Chicago. Novertlicless, Chicago traders did Sdu!, ot f,"n8: ,"!..'?,U1; a I. . ..I.IIha ..I t ltiti niT.lf 111 T iu nit: rMii-uu mil u piniuiiuiii'. ...c.- i wero light, but the demand was nlso very slack. Tho wheat weakness depressed the market early, but some recovery on Joe il i Rtinnnrr rniinivni nnti inn nose wus i c..,,i,- uni.i i,..n., -i,. nnd .'..v nnd closed a shade down ut 3i;kc. Receipts v.nn .aa 117 oa .u I wi vu.r.. .,,,.1.. , Oats wero tlul und fenturclc. clUnlnB from ono month to tho oilier, ueing ,,ri.i-i i,nA llorrlnts wero 4iS cars. l lZCri 5 hiS.YnTi easv. innuenrPil .".."..... v-- I. - ,nl . I r,innl.lnrillilv ill' lllo whp'lt WeilKneSS. ThOl'O was consldernblo liquidation of September, whllo the ou' Ido were fair buyers or jnnti; i( iiA.ui Tho lending futures rnngeu ns louows; Artlcles.l Open. I High. I Low. Closc.l Yes'y. Wheat 1 74i 74i 734 73 IW.k 74'j. 73S -3WI 75fi- 75i 74i 74 STt, WifiX) 33 3SN, 3STj: 377,fj3S 33 37 37; 21H 21V4 21HI 2l'i 22 Sj'i 221i 21U21Ti522 11 13 11 15 11 024 11 05 11 22V4 11 25 11 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 11 07',i 11 0714 6 80 6 8214 fi "3 6 75 (i 85 ti 85 fi 7716 ' K11 C 574 6 0) G 55 C G7',j 7 0214 7 05 7 00 7 00 7 0214 " 05 fi !7'4 fi 07'A 6 9214 5 9214 5 90 6 90 Aug. Sept. Oct. 711; 74 75 Corn- 33,; Ail g. Sept. Oct, 37'i nnt w..-.. Aug. n "r. 2114 Oct. Pork- Sept, 11 1714 H ?5. 11 1-Vs Lard- Sept Oct. Ribs- Sept. 7 0714 oct, " Jan. G 92 ino loiiowniK ar Tho following oro the receipts and ship- mcl,,s 'or tno lla': , ,,,. Reeelnls. HhlnniA. ...... . .....I 1K.IHH1 Wheat, bu. 3.I7.0O0 210.000 137.000 23.0fK) I r-AK. t. . . V.I.1II, ,J I. . . , uats, mi.. . SOS.noo 477,000 nye. iiu... 3,000 11 mm j onn llnrlAV hll I rt.. . 1. . Exchange today thn firm; creameries. Ififii Cheese., tlrm nt 1014) hut e I .a . Ull IIIW 1TOUI1CO hnllor mnrl.l diilrles, 14fjl8c. "' h' lr' iioi i-ii-vri; u " I(M um'STS 01 h lllic. Eggs, tlrm; fresh, 13Tfl4c. STOCKS A VII IK1VI1S niuuivn .A1J llll.un. WenknesN Is fir on Ine to llo t'siinl iTiitnrp of .11 11 r lu-1. NEW YORK, Aug. 25. Weakness war manifested through tho entire stock markot " . J i . . . '" . oc "locKH wero today, but ns tho offerings of stocks wero UI"' "'r, iw 111 iirooniyn Transit not much of nn Inroad was mndo on prices. 'ino ronorr nunwp.l n irnln nf en imr aa 111 net cnrninzs over the corresponding ix'iiuu 11 jrnr uuu. jailmates ns to tun ex- reiu sireosin. were. s?ui olntlnc to t JVhr ' 1 fnrketVas Vw"? unfavorabIe"fac ,, ,Q-i,,i m,,iii,i,i,i, iii-Biiiia in ino hiiick mantel tins ween mum uuu ni'iirH unite. IUII I'PIMUir-ll I! Ill KUU'.l tors failed to ernntn any marked liquidation. The flontlng sip- tho wide changes which occurred in specl il te wnK .vwni.n. Tnklm. Inln rinl.1.r.. siocKS wiien a mrse nuviiiir or soiunir nr. I ...... . ' " . ..... , " valuations thrnush'tlieso deals, tho paucity und inHi,mty of tho market to digest thorn wn visible Tho nosltlon of the Ttiink nf Euulnnd was considerably strengthened by rscelpts of gold Irom hero nnd the colonies. Whl'o borrowing heavily in tho opm market, It msininmea us nign rato oi tuscount ,inu ...II....1 11 .. V. M . I .. 1... ........ ... 1 1 Ii n .... .' ' V iuiiii I nuimicj. Uf . illilin . Ill ll"i". " iiu me installments ror t ie uritisn ot.ii fJUnir .in., when ordinarily the movement n h. ini.ri; iu . . 1nn rinari r.ii :nn.n rnnnri'pii rpninrnii nnn "'''v profitable roM export point, ro : UP'"'""' l. felt. In fact.' .the strength i : - . i ni nnr mn pv innrKPr. nn mm tint n i' ".'..I l. '"ii"-""" '"'""'" n'eii' in riiii.tM I'll. All i'n.i' inn inn nirn ni'r.irri.f i n mnniv mnrlil A,in,llllnnu H, I... . I, ' L..".i.." . i ' "'.V'W'"' '"7 L-nlna frnm llln Inlerlnr linve nrnxt '. . Ilir lenlnrerl the cash lnaa to thn h:mks if lni I a,nua mm...i -.,. ..i,..i.. - closo on 'sales by tired holders, .. I u n ........ haa-- . 1 t rifnllcrhnilf lillr tl-n t- rt. 1 lfa 1. i inifiiKii I.1IHVI..I ..'I' rin .v .in- Dutim - nninhu ,.r... in.r..., n .ii.,.aiIaa ...a. miiiilfal In Irnnr. Ihn ilmu'lnri nun.llni. return of the net results, Crop news wj alternately good and bid but did not rri.nln nnv nnlnh n vnrlntlnn In nrlrnu Stocks which usually nro not u factor I - V. I .. ma1.a am.Ih.ah j ciia).iii, iiiuinvi ec'iiii'icui, ucvauiQ y uuu No. I. Cash quotations were ns follows: 1 1. 1 .1 11 IE hi pun vr. ivinler n.-ilonm. xn.TO'n 1 tv'a a. .a. it i.a k.nb.n 11. a wAnniflH,. Ae ,i.ib v."'--'- . . . .... uui". u. ivj -.'. 1. j-au conaola U71 - i iin ...hi-n ..inii uucb nui iiii.iwiiii: inc uuiih a i nen. lilectrlo Cs.,,.ll.r, nent, notably New Jersey Central, which wns nuvanceu to us. on reports oi us im pending absorption by a trunk line. Con solidated Oas, Brooklyn Tranilt. Peopl i 8 Oas and Sugar were readily moved, no- rfirilltii In Hip whim of the traders. Met.ll moc showed less susceptibility to trui? advlcea and tho labor attitude than would . . . . I I . , t 1 ...... 1 V I . . exprciea in a pruirrrMuiiiu niiiinci. vwm- t.nrlnn wllh tn Mnnt tirlrp of n. week ago show that mnny of the prominent rnllrnnd stoeks are down from 1 to Co'k'iynrat .StKl" SlSRVnu reslectiveiy. exceptions nre noicu in DJin Classes ot stocits, nut ine auvancea ore not Important generally. . , . Tho bond market showed periods of ac tivity nnd strength, with exceptionally heavy trading In the St. Louts SouthwtMt ern Issues Honda became stronger In the closing days of tho wiek. Refunding is declined U. . ....... ine commercial Advertiser s l.onnon flnnnclnl cablegram says: Tho markets were listless and featureless in every ue; pnrtment today. The bank bought 5,V0 gold In bars. Following are the closing prices on tho lAVIiuuf)"" Texas A Pnclflc... . II . i3i . TJ'k . :u . IS", . .Mi . 23. . mj .IW'i .in .113 union I'aclnc do pfd Wnlnuli do pM Wheel A U i;..., .lo II 'jlfd Wis. Central Third Avenue .... Adams V.x.. American Ux um.iii.i ss Oies Ohio ITU hl 1 n N ,J:; Chicago, InJ '& L. 22 ,0 pm 51 cnicaito k. in... sw'i in icago IT. S. Kx... IS Wells-Parso Uz.,..12S c p . a. . ,mer. Cot. Oil S3H f'l 53 j;n SS'i Hi 17 sis 74 :-.i 7i 93 Colorado o ,i0 it pM do 2a ,fd iIcj rf'l Amer. Malt. pfd.. Amer. H. & It.... ilo pfd Amer. Spirits .... do pM 16 mil n.,' ,. . ... KS'i irnver ei It. O.... 1ST, ,i0 f.i '.H Amer. S. Hoop... i.-.e no pM do 1st pfd MUlAmer. H. & W.... ,," kln, rvni""!'" i'l't "J i!,? Illinois rtntral '....:ili; do pfd Amer. Tin Plate do pM Amer. Tobacco . do pM .123 Anae. Mining- Co.... 41 Ilrookln It. T U'i Colo, niel & Iron.. 3ti Con. Tobacco ... do nfd . 77H . 31; . MV4 .135 . r,i; . 9S . s:n . fA . 75' I . Sl'i . . 17 . . 23 recWnl Steel ... do pM den. Klectrle ... Olucose Sugar ... . no iji.i.... : ' Mobile & Ohio .... 01 .... M do pf.l Inter. Paper .... do PM fjielwle Clm Nntlonnt Hlreult do pfd National Lad .. do pM NHohhI Steel .. do pM N. V. Air llrake. .... 3'i .... an .... 3VJ ...,1S1 ....Kt do rf'l N. Central 7s . i . Central Vnrfnll jc- w Norfolk - . .... mh , 11 No. .1'nelllo .... 7H .... Wt . Sl'i 7t'l .130 O?. ty. & Nuv, Srt'J No. American ... . H'4 ...13 rncllic coast .... ... 70 do in pfd ...ns'i, do :a ptd .. .i . . 81 llO tlfll.... .. Pennsylvania Remllng . ni(' 'H77 .-mill do pfd 20'i U. 8. leather lot; St. Pnul 113' iln l.f.l 1T3 do pf.l V. H. IlubNr ... do pfd Western Knlon . Republic I. & fi. do Pfd 234 . H'4 7014 . llk , f.3b s't. P. & Omaha.. ..112 ro. l-.-ieine So. luilway .. 11 do ptil .. 52i Offered. DlIM, SIJASO.V OX I.OMMl.V 'CI1AXOU Week of Monotony linn Ilren Almost 'Without n HrcnU. LONDON. Auc. 25. Tho allotment of treasury business has caused llrmness iu discount rates on the Stock exchange. Tho AvMiimirA .vmilil hiiVA nlnnorl liiifl tl Tint i.AA.i tnr thrt hnvlnrr In. whlidi thn ennmill. ,ob rtccided was more Important than houso extensions. Tho exchange will probably I rlnMo Kpnti.mhi.r 1 nnd will llkplv nn nn j; S;!4 ognln In tho near future In order to finish pi'.4 the latest cxlenslons. Idleness rules In nl b 5j most cverv tUnartment. Consols contlnuo wwilf. nwlnir In llio llneprlnlnt v. llnmo rnilronds were mostly stendy nnd wero nircnuinenea nv roniinueu renurcniisos. Great Westerns regained most of their earlier decline. Amerlcnns wero stendy nt about parity, closing dull. Copper was 000.000. Aorr lurk Money Mnrliel 1 1 1 1 . ' . . " ... .1. . . . . I .ll-. IUIIII. Ill IT. kO. .iiiirs. V nn r.111 stendy nt Pi per cent; prlmo mercantllo paper, 475 per eent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, with actual niisiness in imnKors' hills nt $l.871j nnd t I.S7i for slxtv davs: nnviA.i 's'? ."JVt' m8!it' commcr bills; cit 'ter('4iir ria. .,,,i.,. J&YSrAn&tmmXm' s nuiia biuto, easior; railroad. Irrecular "intiii, ni.-iiuj , 1 ci iillilllllT, i'l, wnell 1 leu.p,1 vac. nnH nnnnnn IfflV iu ...... 1 coupon, 10!); new 4s, reg. and coupon, I31',4c; old 4s. reg. and coupon, 115; 6s, reg. nnd coupon, 112'j. tho closing prices on uonus todny nro 33 lUlllM.B V. S. ref. Zf do coupon do 3s, reg.. .103-" .1C3' . 1. C la lOSti N. J. C. (ten. Sa....t2!4 ...100 ...K0 v. i-acina 3 65 no coupon no 4a 103 list 1 r- st. p.. c. ft r. ia.u;. c. ft S, W. c. 7. do 6a jut; so. i-aeillo 4a 7si po. Hallway tn 103 Tl . 'P c ao Tex. & rac'lflo'lY.'.ium An 1. i. union Pacific 4..,.10ri'i Wabaih 1a U7 do 2a mm West Bhore 4i 11211 Ma. Central la.. ...113 j,. f. jj, 4 wis. Central 4a HS14- ... t if t. r. .. eiu.Vu. Centurlea I .lA Am . OITi - 'When Issued. Offered Amfr' T1'.,1p,,?nr-,",,J4,1 irtvonture ?i Allouez Mining Co. 1 -... .... .. ..... Iloeion A Mo 181'i ,inai. copper 87H I ,i n a. n iti Alia,,. Ia Dominion coat ho.ton &"Mont'.'.'.'.' pM-"--, v 2u.,,e . "ton... -Fedtral Steel MMICil. & Hecla 21 317 11 75 do pf.l Centennial 101; Fltelinurs pfd... Qen nieetila .. do pfd .117 jrYanklln u;i .ui'ti iium nimi ...139 Osceola .. 67 .. 41?i i.n r.ic in.... M..W. I'snlrill ...:oi ... ii'.i ... 8i Parrot Qulncy "' "ie" N. T Telephona Kama Fa Copper... 4!4 Tamarark 21? t'tah Mlnlne Wi Winona 3 Wolverines 40!i n. & c 13'i I nw iaIaa mi Old Dominion ltubbir 23 Union raelflc St'; Ximv York 31lulnpr StooUs, NEW YORK. AUB. 25. Thn fnllnwln nr. inn closing tpjotations tor mining snares Ontario Ophlr P.yiiouth Qulckillver ... do pfd S'orra Nevada Standard I'nlon Con Yellow Jacket .MA .. 10 .. 10 ,.6J0 .. SJ ..2i1 ... 11 u Mexican r..ii,im,in .if in- 'rri.n.... I WASHINGTON. Allir. 23. Tndnv'a tn ment of thn treasury balnnceH In thn Ken. I .mi rn nrl nvnlnwlvn rtf t iia tl tJ fk iA fh'lfi m.tA I rCPVU in 1 II A CI 1 'l si nn t.T ft r t rr rt I f r shows: Available cush balance, $137,229,335: I aI.i l r.. itf l ' l tow.i TV,,W,V... a 31 1 1 1TII1I U er (Irnln Market MILWAUKEE, Wis.. Aug. 25 WHEAT -Lower; No. l northern, 761177c; No. nnrlhum 7ifl75f. in HARLEY firm; No. 2, 43Ut50o; sample, I .... ' " - ; wu i.'W. ..irr?i ..110 00 s. 1 . tie i). t)fi...i.u'i . 24 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Week Closes with Good Killing Cattle About Steady, 10GS BRING BETTER PRICES AGAIN TODAY Good Feeders Are Sternly for the AVcck, Others Are Loner Until Sheep nnd Lnmlm Aro Around Titty Cents I. oner. SOUTH OMAHA. Aug. 23. Rocelnta wrr.; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Oniclal Monday Olnclal Tuesday Olllclal Wednesday ., .. 4.916 16.1!l I, 151 II, 30l 7.0 H 7,353 172 ... 3.M7 ... 5.SI0 ... .1,2M ... 1.S10 ... 1,213 uiuciai rnursuay .. OUlclal Friday uuiciHi Huturuay .. Total thin u-enti 21.01! 37,637 31,105 37,046 3U.037 35.SS2 41.325 31.177 31,f0 19,090 2I,SI3 Week ending Aug. 18.... 17,015 Jcek ending Aug. 11....1S.371 Week eml I hi? Anir. l 13.73 Week ending July 2S.... 12,786 Average nrlco nald fur hous tor the last several days, with comparisons: 1900.lii33,l&3.IU7.li9t.U.lW. 4 4U. 4 OJ 4 45 4 5 4 51 4 K 4 13 4 65! 4 6 4 74 4 77 4 83 4 SO 4 70 4 75 4 77 4 il 4 55 4 60 4 49 4 5 4 60 4 69 4 5 4 12 5 06 5 US 6 11 4 55 4 51 6 07 4 66 r. 01 4 49 5 10 r. os 5 12 4 36 4 3S 4 Hll 6 14 I 3 il Indicates Sundnv. Tho ofllelnl nnmher or ears of stock Drought in today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Horace. v-., .i. vV 01. i', jy... O. & St. L. Ry 1 1 17 t 33 4 n 10 B .Aio. i-. ny 21 1 1. system A- N. W. Ry. ... K. .t m. v. n. n S. C. A P. Ry C, St. P., M. A O. Ry II. AT .M. 11. 11. U. .. C., H. A Q. Ry. ... K. C. A St. J. 13 21 C, R. 1. A P.. east .. Total receipts 45 SO IS Tho disposition of tho day's receipts was ns follows, each buyer purchasing tho num ber of head indicated: Rovers. Cattle. Hoes. Sheen. Omnha I'acking Co vvi (1. it. Hnmmoiul Co. ... 1,170 1.236 1,353 1,122 Swift und Company .... Cudnhy Packing Co Armour A Co Cuduhy Pkg. Co., K. C. Armour A Co., K. C... DOS no 20 "'is 1., r . iiusz Luyton A Co Other Buyers 105 Totals 1.1S2 C.22S CATTLE Thrro wns unite n strlnir of cnttlo hero today, hut tho bulk of tho re ceipts were direct to packers. What few wero on saio wero noi 01 mucn importance, being largely odds and ends, 011 which there was 110 particular chango as regards mar ket values. There has been n fair v liberal supply of cattlo hero this week, being 4,027 head heavier than last weeK. nut 3.71:1 neail lluhter than the same week last vear. The demand wns goou on most uays nnu limy equal to the supply. Wednesday was tho only bad day nnd prices broke all around, DUt Tiiursunv nnu riuay tnero was an im provement, particularly on the good kinds, Tho better grades of cornfed cattlo may be cauea just. nDoui steauy xor tuo weeK, uui half fat stuff Is n good 25c lower than It was n week ago. Steers weighing around 000 to 1.100 pounds nro selling largely from $l.60ft4.S5. nnd packers take them only un der protest, the half fat stuff weighing around 1.150 to 1,250 is in better demand nnd Is selling from $1.90 to $5.25. The good cattle, well fattened, uro selling from $5.25 to $5.80. Oood cows sold well all week without ia terial change In prices and the week closed just nnout where 11 opened. T'10 common and half fat stuff, however, was neglected nnd prices range anywhere from 15 to 25c lower for the week, dinners are nlso iff, tnougn proDuuiy lnibc would cover 1110 ne cllue in most cases. Thero wns a good, lively demand for feeders nil tho week. thoiiKh tho snnn v was large, The demand from the coim'rv was good, particularly on tho cattlo of good weight nnd uunliiy. On .nut dt;is of cattlo tho market Is close to stendy for tho week, but on tho common grades the wceit closed witn values nil or loftlae lower and In some cases mora than that. Tho receipts of cattlo for the week were, of course, composed largely of western ran go cnttle. tho bulk of which wero on tho feeder order. Packers bid 1111 n good many bunches, which they fulled to get owing to tho fnct that feeder buyers would pay more for them than tiny were willing to give. The better grades of killer aro closo to steady, tho same ns mm cnttle. while the poorer grades aro probably Wrp iii iocr lur ine wcpk. iiooti cows lielil about steady nil tho week, but thn rnnimnn grades wero not so good nt tho closo of tno weeK ns tney wero nt tho opening by 15ft25e. Good feeders were about steady for tho week, while tho common kinds of nsni weignts wero luyiac lower. ReprC' Hcntutlvo sales: COWS. No. Av. Pr. No. 3 SSS 2 50 ft HEIFERS. 4 IV 2 76 5 4 657 3 W BULLS. 1 114(1 !W 1 Av. Tr. tOj 3 10 470 3 23 1120 3 :o STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 1 770 3 PO 3 SS3 3 23 2 11S5 3 00 1 1035 J "S 1 3S0 3 ii 16 6S'J 3 SO STOCK CALVES. 1 4M 4 30 1 220 EM HOGS Tho supply of hogs today was nbout tho usual Saturday's size. Chicago reported 11 stronger market, nnd ns tho de mand hero wns good 011 tho part of packers tho market was active nnd higher. Tho ivjik or tne nogs hont rrom $5.02U to J5 07' 1LS ntralllHt l.t Ill SR.IM vnutnr,1n. ...Ia1i I makes the market generally 2lic Higher or I r'rong to 6c higher. Heavy hogs sold 1 largely from $5 to $5.05 and butcher w,.lnhm iiiuiiim j.iu uuu llKlllweiglllS irom U.U7'A to $3.10, with a top of $5.1714. The propor- tlon of llcht Iiors todnv wns lnririr tlmn li was yesterday, which makes tho average show up considerably better than It did yesterday. i hero was no particular change In the mantei irom start to iinisn, everything be inir sold earlv in thn mnrnlnr- nvrnni n e,.i. loads of very common stutt that no one seemed to wunt. Tho hog market for the week has not shown very much chnngo either In sharp ndvnnces or hlir denllnpn. Tim mumiv wnu II.. I.. All . U .. , - . .. , " iihiii uii inu iiwii, aiiuwuiK a uecreaso over tho preceding week amounting to G,K)2 head, but over the same week lnnt v.-nr ilmr- U in u ercusa oi a.tu neaa, 'i no weeK started in wun on nuvnncn over riaturtluy or uuojt So, but from that time until Thursday prices Kent A-olmr down, the lmv nnint Ing $i.071i. On Kridny and Saturday there wus some Improvement, so that tho week closed ft few cents higher than it opened and higher than tho market was nny time during tho previous week. Representative Hum, No. AV. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. Sh. Pr. . . . 3 75 ... 4 65 SO 4 00 200 4 90 ... 4 00 ... 4 03 SO 4 03 61 SSO ... 3 T3 63 217 81 G 0.1 24 136 ,,. 4 65 CO 273 80 5 OS 47 SOS S1 4 M 63 214 ... 5 03 63 ITS 200 4 9) 63 336 40 I 0. 23 303 ... 4 PO 75 221 1(0 & 05 10 241 ... 4 93 CO Ml ... t OS 02 103 SO 4 05 72 2S3 60 3 03 61. ...... .291 120 5 (0 IT, r,H 40 6 03 S 202 120 3 00 60 218 SO fi ts 218 240 61... 66... 64... ts... ...347 ... fi 00 63 210 40 fi 03 ...2S0 40 5 (2H 72 240 80 5 03 ...210 40 3 02'i 73 240 ... fi 05 ...264 40 C 02H 61 2J3 SO S 03 ... 500 40 5 C2H 40 3 02'i 40 5 02H SO 5 02'i 72 240 73 240 61 2J3 65 257 t9 6S 61 59 C 47 72 44 Ho 60 56 66 40 60 73 6J 60 C7 62 6S 60 M 61 .... 64. ... 68 II Si, .. 243 M fi02ij 65 257 ... 5 03 .212 120 SOJ'i 61 241 120 6 C5 .:; 40 t mjv. S! 371 80 S 07'b 70 2C3 40 S 0?H 247 SO 6 02 li ... 6 0214 40 5 02' ... 5 0211 ... 6 021J . . . 5 02'4 40 5 024 ... 3 02U ..25S ..321 ,.2T0 ..2J4 ..2(6 ..251 61... SI... 61... C7... 10... 69... 67... 64... 6)... ..24 210 5 07',i ..212 40 6 67H .352 ... 5 07H ..212 ... 6 07'4 ..280 ... 3 07' 23S ... 6 07i 232 40 6 om 270 ... 6 07'i 258 80 S 07H 227 SO 5 07H 246 ... 5 07U, 217 40 5 07'4 J23 ... 5 07',4 Vt 120 S 07'4 333 ... 5 07'j 250 120 &07U ..2C2 ..269 120 lOi ..337 ... SO." ..263 4) S OS . .263 K0 5 05 ..231 O 6 04 .2:6 ... 5 ..340 (0 5 03 ,.2l 160 5 OS ..2C1 ... 6 05 ,..2l 120 5 05 120 5 05 247 10 5 03 . 2S2 10 6 05 .,23 120 U', .233 40 a ti J5J MO 6 05 7!., 74., M. 46. 67. 4 223 80 5 074 221 120 5 074 67 287 40 6 10 216 ... 5 10 Z16 t 10 170 40 5 10 ,::t ... i) 68 . 74 75 72,. Aug. 1 5 151 4 191 3 79 2 771 Aug, 2 is 4 26 3 74 2 15 Aug. 3 5 15 4 33 I 67 8 47 2 S3 Aug. 4 6 10 4 43 3 61 3 67 2 e6 Aug. 5 4 45 3 71 3 63 . 16 Aug. 6 6 01 3 77 3 43 3 02 Aug. 7 B 14 4 38 3 45 2 92 Aug. S C 15 4 37 3 Rl 2 75 Aug. 9 3 01 4 32 3 67 3 49 Aug. JO.... BOO 4 2S 3 67' 3 53 2 76 Aug, II ... 4 93 4 "9 3 77 3 51 2 S6 Aug. J2.... 4 33 3 K5 3 50 S 83 Aug. 1.1.... 4 93 3 71 3 61 2 74 Aug. II.... 4 97 4 43 3 6S 2 S3 Aug. 15,... 4 97 4 41 3 75 2 S3 Aug. 16.... 1 9-j 4 32 3 7S 3 70 Aug. 17.... 5 00 4 36 3 74 3 71 2 fi Aug. 13.... 4 95 4 47 3 66 3 6S 2 92 Aug. 19.... 4 60 3 G7 3 73 2 8S Aug. :n.... 5 03 3 75 3 70 2 79 Aug 21.... 5 02 4 42 3 76 2 ST. Aug. 22.... B 01 4 4 2 3 69 2 79 Aug. 23.... 4 97 4 41 3 74 3 S3 Aug. 24.... B 02 4 42 3 M 3 79( 2 fi Aug. 25 J 5 05 I 10 3 73 3 St1, 2 79 M . ... 2V. 1M s en 51..,, .. IT W I OS s .......:? im 5 os 71. ?. . . M .... 1 7 7S . 1M 1) 4 14 ,.IT M S ID I7t 160 r 10 2t9 ... IM Ul 4) J I1H ,.2ti ... ilT'i m i; m s os M ... 273 41 S OS 7 J47 J9 J OS 67. ... ill HO & 06 SHEEP There were no fresh rece nts to dny nnd vcry lltt'e curried over from yes- tenia v. most evervtn nc ncniK cieanru .111 yesterday afternoon. Thr aiinnlv or Hlirpti thin week WHS the heaviest of nny week so far this yenr, nnd In fact. Is one of the big weeks In the his tory of the yards, Other markets havo also been well supplied, which has n gocd to 110 witn tne snnrp uecunes tiiui miie taken place at all points. The decline for the wrck I tho heaviest on Inmbs and amounts In most cases to about .W. Sheep have gone oft anywhere from SoTuoc. Tho demnnd for feeders hits been good all wcaIc nnil In mnnv nines fneilnr hovers have outbid tho packers. On good feeding lambs and sherp tho market Is now much lower nnd 10JII5C would probably cover the decline n:i nroimu. Quotations: Choice western grass weth ers. $3 35473.60; fair to good grass wethers, $3.25f3.3r choice grass yearlings, J3.351f3.50; choice ewes, $2 9MT3.25; fair to good cwe, $2.65112.90; fair to good yearlings. $3.25B3.3j: cholco spring lambs. ll.RSQ l.7.; fair to good spring lambs, Sl.5nm.65; feoiW wethers, $3.25113.10; feeder Inmbs, $1.0001.25. Rep rcsentntivo snies: Nc. 0 buck lambs . Late yesterday: 1 I'tflh wether 11 Utah wethers 47 feeding lambs 454 Utah Inmbs .. AV 55 120 107 64 65 IT. $3 50 3 00 3 30 4 10 4 63 Chicago i.nn stock .market. Cnttle Nominally Stendj-llogs Active SliPt-p Strong. CHICAGO. Aug. 2f..-CATTLE-Rccolpts, 500 head; nomlnnlly stendy; good to prlmo native steers, $3 406.00; poor to medium. $1 60115.30; selected feeders, $l.0ftfil..n; mixed stockers. $3 23fj3 90; cows, $2.051i 1. 60; heif ers. $3.005.00; cunners. $2,0012 W; bulls, $2.50Jf45O; calves, $5.00J6.75; Texas fed steers. $4 15'i5.00; Texas grassors, 5i.3o5j 5.00; hulls, $2.50j3.40. HOGS Receipts. 6,000 head; Monday, 32 000 estimated; left over. 1.600; active nnd stronger: tops. $5.65: mixed and butchers. $5,05fio.60: good to cholco heavy, $5.10ii5.6O; rough heavy. $l.05f5.05: light, $5,10(35.6j; bulk nf sales, $5.15y5.l0. SHEEP AND LAMRS-Rccelpts. 1.500 head; market steady, good to cholco weth ers. $3.onfl3.S3; fair to cholco mixed, $3,300 3. 60: western sheep, $3.2J'(?l-73; Texus sheep, $2.603. 40; native lambs, $l.00Q3.60i western Inmbs. $4.755,60. , , , Week's receipts: Cattle, 6S.000 head: hogs, 119,000 head: sheep, SS.iXX) hend. Last week's receipts: Cattle. 53,900 head; hogs, 120,600 hend; sheep, 62,000 head. Kniims City Mir Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Aug. 25. CATTLE Re ceipts, 150 head; prices nominal: receipts for tho week, 6S.OO0 head; dry lot cnttlo scarce, prices nrm; winicrcti nnn sirnigiii Tiissers very pieuiuui nnu lower; ngni untilles thn fust two dnvs Imnroved condi tions; natlvo steers, Jl.7rttfl.P0; stockers and feeders. $3..VW.50; butclwr cows und heif ers, $3.00iio.l5, ennners, $2.60(Fi3.00; fed west- rns, j3.iuiih.ii; wintered rexnns, j.wu' .83: crnss Texnns. 13.25iii3.60. Calves, re- clnts toduv. none: market for week was Rood. otocK caives remaining nrm: vein enlves. Rtrnnir demnnd nnd 2ac hlchcr. HOGS Receipts, i,r.oo head; light, shade hluher: tiaekers steady: rccelnts for the week, 45,000 head; Improved demand for summer weignts cnuseu an nnvnnco 01 light hogs of nbnut 10c. Sales today: Heavy and mixed, 5...uyua. 3; light, Jq.IUUo.w; nlcs. $I.60Q3.00. auiiiii' a.m IjA.mhh ueceipts, nenu; for the week, 19.000 head: liberal supplies nt all markets caused n sharp decline In prices this week. Sales today: Luinbs, $1.00915. 00; muttons, $3.40fl3.CO; western killers. $3,401? .ix; lecucrs, .i.w'i w; cuus, -'.oKJ.w. St. Liiiiln Live Mock Miir'urt. ST. LOUIS. Mo. Allir. 25.-CATTI.E-ne eclnts. 010 licud. IncludliiK 350 Tcxans: mar ket stead v; natlvo sliltiplng nnd export steers, J1.705ifi.OO; dressed beef and butcher steers. $l.tXMf7.M; steers under 1,000 pounds, $!.253i5.33: stockers and feeders. $2.7o'ft4.40: cows und heifers. $2.00I.S5; dinners. $1.60 ft2.50; bulls. J2. 70fi 1.00; Texas nnd Indian steers, w.wiji.w, cows ami lienors, ji.mxjj' HOGS Recelnls. 3.100 head; market a siiaue easier; pigs nnu iignis. ..",;(( nnekers. S5.lfiff3.35: blltehers. J5.355r5.45. SHEEP AND LAMIiS-Recclpts, 400 liea l; market steady: natlvo muttons, S3.50nn.r0; lambs. $3.75l.50; culls and bucks, $2,254? 3.60; stockers, S3.w(jf3.s.i. IVeir York l.le Stock. NEW YORK. AiiL'. 13 REEVES Re ceipts. 763 hend: nn lradlnc: feci im sleady no later cables; exports, 4,fill cattle, C3 sheep and 7, .hi quarters or Deer. calves-iteceinis. in ncan; veais. I'rm to steady: buttermilk:, steady: veals. $8.00 as.m; tops, is.-ia. 8IIEEI AND LAMUS-riecclnlS. 3, head; sheep, weaK to a shade iowt lambs, lSfiEio higher; sheep, S3.0OJ 1.60 culls. $2.00: Inmbs, $5.0214117.25. HOOS-Rccelpts, 3,053 huud. Market feci ing sicauy. St. JokimiIi Live Stoek, SOUTH ST JOSEPH. Mo.. Aug. 25,-(Spe clnl.t Tho Journal nuotes: CATTLE Receipts, lw ncan; mariiet RlnnilV! flpm:llld uond. HOOS Receipts. 4,300 head; light, shnde higher; heavy, snaue lower; an gr.iucs, 15.05fft5.17,: bulk of 811 OH. f5.10CT3.15. SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts, 1,700 head; market. uctlve, steady. Stock In Slitl't. Uolloivlnnr are the receipts at the fou principal western markets for August 25: Cnttle. Hozb. Sheep South Omaha 1,213 MM 172 Chicago 500 fi.000 1,500 Kansas City 150 4,500 500 St. Louis 610 3,100 400 Totals 2,193 38,651 2,571 .Sugar 3lnrket. NEW YORK. Aug. 25.-SUO AR-Raw firm: fair refining. 4l4c. centrifugal 96 test 4T!iC. Molasses sugar, 4c; refined, steady No. fi, $5.55: No. 7, $3.45: No. S, $5.35: No. 9 $5.33; No 10, $5.20: No. 11. $5.20; No. 12, $5.15 No. 13, $5.10: No. 14. $5,10; Standard A. $5.S0 confectioners' A, $5.90: mould A, $6.05; cm loaf, $6.00: crushed, $6.50; powdered, $6.20 gratiuiuieu, o.iu, uniiui., o..j. Cnllfornln Dried Fruits. NEW YORK. Aug. 25. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS There was not much do Inir In tho dried fruit mnrket und Interest, Ing new phases fnlled to como to light notations miiow; ointo ovaporatcu ap pics, common, isiinc, common, iyj'.ic STOCK OF THE HARDING PAPER CO. TO BE PUT ON THE MARKET. 5,000 SHARES AT $10. wiih the company is: i.s.!so,z;;sr,.s.'::;; Tho company has been formed for thoj-anda to teach those of inexneriennn. who purposo of collecting, assorting, packing and shipping of waste paper, which com- at no tlme ln danger of shut-downs on no modlty Is ono of tho Importnnt factors ln)count of Iai,ori n8 surpluB amount of holp tho manufacture ot now paper und upon hnB bocn employed upon whom wo can call, which product tho paper mills depend. Tho,n addition to this tho labor Is not of a field In tho west up to tho establishment j technical naturo and not dlfilcult for iucx- of this concern naa remnineu unnoveiopea, from which wo aro deriving our bonellts. Since tho establishment of this concern In May, to the 1st of August, tho incrcaso has peon sucn ns io pssuro succcbB, tu8einer with largo returns Tho contracts owned and controlled at tho present tlmo aro represented by tho large establishments of Omaha, which ac cumulates paper as well as from all ot tho largo cities In tho neighborhood of Omaha. Tho location of this city Is such as to mako It an advantageous shipping point to tho paper mills, which to u large extent are located In Wisconsin, whoro we havo the benefit of a low freight rate. Wo aro not entirely dependent upon eastorn mar kots, but havo at our west paper mills, sit uated ln Colorado, which makes our market a cheaper point than nny other Bource of supply, Tho contracts of this concern cover a long period for tho collection of tho waste pnpor upon which this business Itf depond- ent for Its supply, I' or further Information mil on or nildresa, HARDING PAPER STOCK CO., l!H)t).i:Ul Leavenworth St,, Omaha. DO YOU SPECULATE P 1 cholco, 6l4ffr6c; fancy. CSfr7e. Prunes, 3itf 7c per pound, ns to site nnd qunllty. Apri cots, royni. iijmic, .Moor i-nrK, iniic Peaches, peeled, HffISc; unpeelfd, 6fftV. Kmians City tlrnlii uud Prnvlslnni. KANSAS CITY, Aug. JJ-WHEAT-Set.-tember, tVlSTIOS'iC, December, (!7iffCilic! cash. No. 2 hard, (TV; N" 3. 6lffle; No. 2 red. fiOtjtKOV; No. 3, (VrfifOc. CORN September, 3l3li4c: December. 32cj ensh. No. 2 mixed, 360; No. 2 liltc, 36?, ci No. 3, 36c. , OATS- No. 2 white, :402114c. RYE-No. 2, 43c. HAY Choice. timothy. $9.50: choice, prnlrle, $ii.2rf(t5.fA nUTTER-Creamcry. 16fflS4c: dnlry, fanev. 16c. EOOS Steady; fresh Missouri nnd Kansas stock, 12c dozen, loss off, enscs returned; new whltewood, cases Included, Jc more, RECEIPTS-Whent. 162.6V bu.: com, 7.000 bu.; oats. 4,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat, 2l3,o0 bu.; corn, 3,000 bu.; oats, 1.000 bu. t'lnnnr Inl Motes. ST. LOUIS, Mo.. Aug. 25. -Clearings. $3. IY3.181: balances. $655,123. Money. 4S7 per 1 cent. New York cxclinnge. par bid, 100 premium nsiteti. CHICAOO, Aug. 2S.-Clenrlngs. $tr,,30R.1l9; balances. $1.!M.976. Posted exchange, $4. S3 yi.SMi: New York exchange, 21V discount. CINCINNATI. Aug. !5.-Clenrlngs, $I,S30, 650, New York exchange, 10c discount. Slrnifli'. "'it?'! per cent NEW YORK. AUg. 2... EXClmilge. $102.- 0S5.714; bnlimces, $6,4SI.6S5. p ULADi.Li'HiA. auk. 2o. ricnrings to day. $10,715,242; balances, $1,017,471. iiuston. Aug. 25. Exchanges, H.siii.r.u; balances, $1,112,171 Oil Market. Oil, CITY. Pa.. Amr. 23.-Credlt $1.25; certificates, no bid. No shipments or runs reported. LIVERPOOL. Auc 25.-OILS-Cottonseed oil, Hull refined August, tlrm, 22s 6.1. Tur pentine spirits, steady, 27s t!d. Rosin, com mon, stendy. 4s M. Linseed oil, .15s 3.1. Petroleum, NEW YORK. Auc. 25-OILS-Cottonseed oil, dull; yellow, 3l',ttr35c. Pelroleum. dull; re n nen now vorK. js.uaj l-niininupnia nnu Ilnltlmore, $.00; Philadelphia and Haiti moro In bulk. $3.15. Roslu. unlet: strained. common to good, $1.5501.60. Turpentine, ensy, 3SQ3M4C. Mlmienpnllii Wlient Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Auc. 25. - WHEAT - August, 7314c: September, 73tT73!4c; De cember, "1Sc: on track. No. 1 hard, "fie; No. 1 northern, 74' ic; No. 2 northern, 73'ic. 1- l.uuil- ! irst patents, n.ui'iii.ih; second patents, $3.S51f3.!H); llrst cleats, $3.0003.20. second clears, $2.tW2.20. 1JRAN In DUlk, $12.W'lt 12.23. Dnllilli Mnrl.rt. nULtlTH. Minn.. Auc. 25.-WHEAT-NO. 1 hard, cash. 7Sc; September, 7SV; De cember. 78!io: No. 1 norlliern, cash. 76.c; September, 7i'.kc: December. 7i''ff76'ic; No. 1 northern. 74tc; No. 3 spring, lOffcc. CORN .WfcC, OATt--23mij23'.aC. riillndelpliln Proiluce Mnrkol. PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 25. RUTTER Firm: fancy western creamery. 22o: fancy western, prints, 23c. EGOS Firm: fresh nearby nnd western, 17c; fresh nearby southwestern, 15c; fresh nenruy southern, nc. Import nnil lliorts. NEW YORK. Auc. 25. -Tho Imports of specie this week wure $11,531 gold, nnd $51, 2M silver, und the exports nggregnto $45. 317 silver bars and coin nnd $1,153,373 gold. The Imports of drygoods und merchandise wero valued hi w,ir.Vi,4. I'eorln .Mnrket. PEORIA. HI., Aug. 25.-CORN-I'lrm; No. 2. S3!c. oath Quiet; iso. . wnite, :2jff!2Jo. tracg. WHISKY-On tho basis of $1.21 for lln- Ishcd goods. Omaha Branch Office F. G. LOGAN Grain, Provisions and Stocks Sin Ilonril of Trade HIiIk"., Onmhu.. SIESIIIERSi Clilengn Ronrd of Trnde, Clilcnito Stack Eichiuigi-, eT York Stook 12i clinnigr This olllce Is connected by private wlr with our Chicago olllce. Every facility offered you for tho prompt execution of orders. F. C. IIOI.Ll.VClElt. Slaoager. JAMES E BOYD & CO., Tclcplionc 1030. Omaha, Nal COMMISSION, GRAIN, PROVISIONS and STOCKS 1IQAHU OF TRADE. Correspondence: John A. Warren & Co uirect wires to Chlcaxo and Nw Yori; yHRPEMiiEYaCO. Grain B00M4rlYLIFELDa OMAHA nCtL SPECULATE BY CHARTS Tho only snfe and sure guide to succesi. Charts never He. This method fully ex plained and Illustrated in eighth edition, 150 pages (Just out). I MM AND OUTS OF WALL ST. (37 Illustrations). 10 cents In stamps. L11WIS t. VAX Itll'ER, 11 llroatlwav. New York. Speculate by Charts Tho only safe nnd suro guldo to succesi. Charts never lie. This motliod fully ex plained and Illustrated In eighth edition, 150 pnKCB (Just out). INS AND OUTS OF WALL ST. (37 Illustrations), 10 cents In stnmps. LEWIS C VAN RIPER. 11 Uroudwuy, New York. mako tholr homes In Omaha, and wo are ipcrlenced girls to learn. Tho prontB from this buslneM havo been -,..h ns to iuBtlfv a Kiiuranten nf m nr ccnt dividends upon thn stock and with a continuation of tho same amount of bus- Iness that has been done to August 1, 1900, tho dividends will considerably exceed tho amount cunranteed, The books of this concern aro open for Inspection and to anyono that Is Interested we solicit same. Owing to largo Increase of business It hns become necessary tor us to place somo ot thn paid non-amcssablo capital stock upon tho market. SAM HARDINO, Pres. and Treas. V. C. KAUFMAN, Sec and (ien Man. FINANCIAL STATEMENT. Totnt Resource 97U,U0II Subscription Stork tfftO.OOO Net Resource f2it,000 Set Liabilities If 1.IUO If so, speculate Eiicceiifully. Send your orders to a reliable houso, where they will bo placed In tho open market. Wo can mako for you In one month moro interest on your money than any bank will pity you In a year. Send for our book on speculation. It is tree. J. K. Gomstock & Go- Room SU TmUcr' Illdg., Chlcngo. vlttCOLM tisa