Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1900, Image 11

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    Omaha Sunday Bee.
PAGES 11 TO 20. I
MISS? 'OFttT "CPHI? KP--8?
ESTABLISH til) Jl'Mi 10, 1ST I
OMAHA. Sl'XDAV MOIt:NI3, AlT(UTST 2(5, 11)00.
sin(jlic copv Fivi3 c i:ts.
tiyers return from eastern markets with
carloads of tremendous bargains.
150 Indies fine suits
worth $15, $20 and $25
on sale Monday at
Agents for
Buttcrick Patterns.
Mail orders promptly filled.
Send for free clothing' catalogue
or prices on any goods you need.
Spot en ah. expert buyers, right nt the factories secured t hotisaiuls of dollars' worth of stylish, desirable furnishing goods, clonks and suits, notions,
silks and dress goods and shoes. Already big shipments have been received and we are now offering the grandest values ever put on sale by any Trnns
mississippi house. "The Big Store's" prices, varieties and qualitios cannot be approached.
It is a pleasure to trade where assortments are greatest and where genuine bargains from the world's best markets
can be found. Grand windup sale on all summer goods to make room at one-tenth to one-fourth their former prices.
Grand Wind-Up Sale
In Cotton Dross Goods Monday
Over 400 pieces of fine Dimity,
Batiste, Swiss and other leading sum
mer drens fabrics arc to bo CCp
sold Monday nt. yard
Ton cases of standard Dress
Calicos Monday, yard
200 pieces of Light Oround l'ercalcs -tho
celebrated l'unjob, Harmony and
l'cnnng makes sold everywhere at
lCc yard our styles are guaranteed
to bo nil now colorB strictly
fast on sale Monday f
yard Ivo1-
1G0 pieces of fast color
Lawns on Monday yard O-
Btandard Apron Check A
Ginghams yard tt-
Linens and Domestics
The HIk Store for llurnaiiiH.
Wo will plnco on sale Monday the
largest and most extensive line of
Tablo Linens in tho west.
r.S-lnch Union Damask at, El-
yard iWU1'
60-lnnh all linen Ocrmnn '"JESp
Damask nt, yard vJtU'
64-Inch all linen Irish ?A
Datnask at, yard OU
CC-inch all linen Illeached E"fc-
Irish Damask ut, yurd Ov
8-4 nil linen Illeached -4 f
Dinner Napkins, dozen ...lOv
3- 4 all linen Illeached r fj C
Dinner Napkins, per doz A. J
4- 4 Frown Finn Sheeting lr
at, yard yJo
42-lnch Pillow Casing nt, fr
yard VC
40-lnch Pillow Casing at, -4 -4 r
yard 1 X
T-4 Brown Sheeting at, 4 Qp
yard lOC
8-4 Bleached Sheeting nt. fr
yard VFL
Special on Bedspreads
11-4 Crochet Bed Spread extra heavy
Monday on sale at 00
11-4 Crochet Spreads
11-4 Marseilles Spreads '-f g f
each LmKJXJ
11-4 Marseilles satin ff
finish each J'JJ
China Dept.
Our's is tli only China de
partment in the west.
Quart slzo Mason Fruit Jars, 49u
X line French China Turnuolso
nluo Tea Sets, tho finest you over saw,
i.'inont linn French China Plates
ever brought to Omaha from 49c up.
'lno French Turquoise and (Sold
Chocolato Pots. $1.95.
Now line of Toplltz Bisques, $1.25
Jardlneres the only lino In tho
west 1,000 styles lo select from. To
look at them Is u treat prices from
59c tip.
Closing out Dinner Sots. About
250 Dinner Sots the laBt of a kind of
several lots formerly sold at from
$10.00 to $18.00 any of them nt $0.50
per set.
12-pece Decorated Toilet Sets, $2.9S.
9-ploce Canton Blue Afternoon
Tea Sets bought Just 100 eases two
sets to a case will sell tho whole lot
tomorrow nt 69c per set.
Decorated Bowls and Creaniors 5c
Our fall line of Lamps Is ready for
your Inspection It's the only com
plete lino you will seo this season
prices from Uc up.
Optical Dept.
Special Sale.
Gold filled frnmeless Eyeglasses
best quality crystal lenses usual
price $6 00 -on sale at $2.23.
Oold tilled Frames 10-year guaran
teeusual price $3.00 on sale nt
Oold plated or alumlnold Spectnrles
with fine quality lenses sold else
where for $2.00 on sale at 9Sc.
All glasses fitted to your eyes and
atlfactlon guaranteed.
25c Tooth Brushes, 9c
The chauco of a lifetime 5,00 best
quality Tooth Brushes worth 25er
on salo for 9c each.
Special Bargains
60o Dresser Scarfs 15o
36o Leather Belts So
tOc Hand Bags 19e
$12.00 Dictionaries
$1.25 Copyright Books 15o
Bryant first battle 60c
This Is the famous book with the
full speeches of W. J. Brynn during
his first campalgu. Wo secured 2.00
of these books thoy are wcrlh $2. CO
special sale prlco GOc.
The new Copyright
by an Omaha authoress regular price
$1 00 on sale at 8c.
Beldlng Bros,' Best Silk Thread, lc.
The leading dress goods house of the west Over 50,000
styles to select from We are opening up the largest, finest and the best assorted stock of dress goods that
was over shown In Omaha, and we defy any other house In the west to show holf as many styles, anything In high art dress goods as fine and wo defy any house In Omaha
or the stat1 of Ncbraskn to show ns good goods for $1.50 ns wo do for 98c and ovcry yard cf goods In our house Is sold on tho samo basis. We cnll particular attention lo
the fail lmt ovcry yard of our dress goods Btock wns manufactured for tho fall of 1D00, by tho leading manufacturers of tho world- B. Priestley. Coutlero. Shearer. South & Co..
Sir Titus. Salt. Botany Worsted Mills, Ooodnll, etc., and that you will find no Job lots or off colors, but now clean goods for less than you buy shelf worn goods, damaged goods
or any other kind of old goods
Tailor Suitings
It would tnko one side of this paper to
descrlbo nt large our stock of tailor suit
ings, but on Monday we'll sell as follows:
fS-lnch satin Mulshed French Venetians In
black, blue, green, modes, tans, reds, cim
torM, etc., thiee unci lour shades of somo
colors. These goods nro the very tlnest
mnnv ami sold by Broadway costinnern
in ow iorK uuv ni
$: fin yard our starling
price will be only
63-Inch satin tlulshod Venetians, made by
Mlcqueloutsed of Paris, has all the fin
ish of tho above, but two ounces lighter
In weight. Ther 1h nothing like It to be
found In this town. It Is the Venetian
sold by line costutners at - r- f
$3 00 per yard our I
price will bo JKJJ
Our celebrated No. 193 Venetian comes In
:1 shades for this fall It Is manufactured
by Brlggs, Moreland & Co., Saltcre, Eng
land. Is shown by ex'ory fine dress goods
house In tho I'nlted States It Is sold In
Chicago and St. Louis nt $1 00 per vnrd.
In New York nnj Boston at $1.50 how-
ever to start tlie mil roll-
lug we will sell It
.Monday nt
we have Venetians and Suitings nt
9se, $1.23, $l.r,0 up, to make a smart
gnnnent. but ate not as -4 f
heavy or line finished 1.71
ns above, yard, 75c to v-' v
Our samples nnd catalogue will be rcudv
by the 1st of September und any lady send
ing In hef name and describing price, color
and what tli dress Is used for, wo will
Bend her a package of the latest full sam
ples, free of charge.
Our bluck tailor suitings Is as large us
you can find In Chicago or any other city.
50 to 5S indies wide.
aermnti extra Welsht
yard, only
ncrmnti extra Welsht
yard, only
CJermnn extra Weight ,
ytml. only
French Doeskins, light weight
extru line, yard
French Doeskins, light weight
extra tine, yard
French Doeskins, light weight
extra fine, yard
French Doeskins, light weight
extra tine, yard
West of England Broadcloth
Priestley extra weight
West of England Broadcloth
Priestley extra weight
West of England Broadcloth
Priestley extra weight
West of Kngland Broadcloth
Priestley extra weight
Uluck nil from
West of Kngland Broadcloth
Priestley extra weight
West of Kngland Broadcloth
Priestley extra weight
Domestic Broadcloths
extra weight
Domestic Broadcloths
extra weight ,
Domestic Droudoloths
extra weight
Domestic Broadcloths
medium weight
Domestic Broadcloths
medium weight ,.
French Flannels
If you want nnythlng In French Flannels
there Is no stock In this countrv that Is
more complete, stripes, dots, figure. Per
sians, embroidered dots, silk stripes, all
similes of plains, etc Our ptlcin are;
Plains, I3e nnd 5f.c; figured, etc , 59e, toe,
75c. R3c. 9Sc, $1.:;, $1.50, $1.9S up to V. lis per
A great silk sale Monday on the advance fall styles
Already crowded for room and thousands of pieces yet to come we will comuisitce to move this great stock without delay and for
Monday wo mako somo very special prices.
tA FINK OHADK OF PONOIJE SILK In Beautiful strlpo Novelty colors, pink, TWO NL'MBKItS IN JAPANESE SILKS
about 50 different colors-nil f Cf nKi,t blue, nlle, hello, fkC THAT ARE WONDERFUL VALUES-
now full stock-goes on JJ special prlco. JWC
sale Monday oniy m 47 pieces of n lino grade 3C-ln. r" "V
FETA tho now fall shades for linings. FOR MONDAY WE OFFER YOU THE b"K' on 81116
trimmings or plcatlngs BKIOEST TAFFETA BARGAIN THAT 60 pieces fine 24-ln wldo black
all go on salo JVC WAS EVER KNOWN-Ovor 200 pieces or JnP wash silk, always sold
SUCH GRAND SILK BARGAIN ARK BUT a. flno rFnch mako ln nI1 tho IlRnt' me
dlum nnd dark shades, plain wmio nnu ON MONDAY OUR HIGH UHAUli hlauk
black. This splendid silk Is sold every- TAFFETA AT THESE PRICES
where for 75c and 85c 11 BLACK TAFFETA
27 Inches wldo
38 Inches wide
Heavy laco Btrlped tnffetu
worth $1.25 on salo
Pretty hemstitched nnd other
new fancy waist silk
$1.50 grade"
Colored Silk Poplins, nice heavy quallty-
at tho rcmurknblo price
for Monday's sale,
we sell Monday,
19 Inches wide
Roman stripes and other nov
elties for waists
on sale
aro showing for fall, were nil highly
pleased. Many shadca you have not seen
hefore are among this great eolcctlon of
colors In this splendid wearing silk.
We want you to see the pretty and new shades we are showing in Panne Velvets.
Special 25 pieces 24-inch wide Boulevard Velvet in black, worth $1.25, at 75c. We will fill mail orders on above special silks.
Men's shirts, collars, hose, boys' waists, ladies' vests, etc
Men's $1.00 Shirts 49c
Tlioy lire the very latest shirts out for thin fall some
with collars and cull's attached some with separate
collars these are hij: bargains and while A Qp
they last we Avill sell them at -tZrS
Men's 15c All Linen Collars 5c
l.nnu dnz. men's Collars, in all the new styles, every
collar warranted new and perfect in this lot,
all sizes from J I to 15), at
Men's 25c White Cuffs nt 10c. Roys' $1.00 and $1.50 Shirts, in all
the new styles, nt 19c. ".00 dozen men's tlno Suspenders, ln all tho new
styles, that sold up to 50e. go In two lots at 2fu: and 15c. Men's 50c
Working Shirts nt 2."c. 300 do.en men's Working Shirts, In light and
dark colors, also black and white slrlpos, all at 25c.
Men's Shaw Knit Half Hose at 15c
Something that never happened before ln Omaha 500 dozen men's fine
Shaw Knit Half Hoso that are sold everywhere at 25c a.nd 35c this In
cludes all the new styles made, plain black, plain tnn, black with white
solo, red, blue nnd all tho fancy stripes madc-we are going to glvo you
all a chance nt this lot -every pair Is warranted to be the gen- 1 K i
ulne Shaw Knit Hoso and while thoy last wo will sell them nt LJC ,
Men's $1.50 Colored Laundered Shirts 75cl
300 dozen men's fine Laundered Shirts In all the new patterns nnd colors1
mado for this season somo with two pairs cuffs, some with two col
lars and one pair cuffs this Is ono of the best brand of Tr
shirts and Is sold for $1.00 and $1.50 everywhereone prlco I DC
Boys' $1.00 Laundered Waists at 29c
We havo Just bought 500 dozen of tho MOTHER'S FRIEND Shirt Waists
every one of the waists was mule to sell for $t and $1.50-- this Is the big
gest narguin over onered by any house in Omaha. These nro all made
of fine madras and percale-also all tho now styles In boys'
blouses all In one lot
' Ladies' 35c Vests at 10c
500 dozun ladies' fine vests, in
lisle and mercerized, in white
and fancy colors, that sold
for 3fc all in one ()C
Ladles' fine Lisle Vests with
! long sleeves that sold for
$1.00, at
Special bargains In ladles'
nnd children's Hoso at
25c, 15c and
Ladles' $1.00 Corsets
In all sizes
Siriji it i
We are letting down the prices on all all our furniture
K have just received 150 styles of lino parlor tables and stands
These tables come from the factories of Maddox lable Co.
and Conrey-Hirely Table Co., the two best table
houses showing goods at Grand Kapids, Mich. If
you want anything in any kind of table or stand, see
us. We guarantee to save you from $1 to $5. according to grade. These
aro all now goods have never been handled nnd aro choice In every way
Wo enn sell you nn oak stand, very neat, for 75c or S5c. Also,
with brass feet for $1.25. Fine oak -tablo 21x21 top for $1 and nt $2,
$2.50, $3, $3.50 and up, can show you goods that are second to none
In style anil finish, nnd bolow nil In prlco.
is an odor neve
liscount on all offnedeika now in stook.
'or given and it will pay you to look
it drawer oak chiffonier, strong, well made, well
finished a regular $ nrtlclo for $5.00. Large cane sent rocker,
high back, brnco nrm, turned posts and spindles a $2.25 ar
ticle for $1.00. White enameled metal bed, Just like cut, full
slzo. brass trimmings, a regular $fi.S5 article for $3.45. And so i
along the wholo lino. I'rlces made to topplo over nnd fall.
Every article guaran'eed. Everything made satisfactory, If you
toll us your troubles One or tho safest places to buy furnlturu
on earth, for If a thing does not Bull, If you let us know, wo
will make It satisfactory.
i ii in
it u n.
Big sale on groceries, teas and coffees, meats, crackers
MiH Sale on (Sroccrlcs
Rest Minnesota XXXX Superlative
Flour, sack
We Just received 1,800 gallons I'uro
cider Vinegar from tbo country,
on salo Monday
Largo California Lemons, per dozen...
Sweet Valencia Oranges, per dozen..
Largo bottles French Mustard
(I,i.Jtnnu nnM fir. ....It.
Pin, i-js, . .,,. ..... ..........
Largo sacks White or Yellow Cornmeal
i.argo sacss rure wniuum riour
Yeast Foam, Oerman, etc., per pkg..
Quart cans Oolden Pumpkin
Quart cans Orated Plnenpple only ...
Hulk Laundry Starch, per pound
95c '
2-pound enns Early Juno Peas only... lOo
2-pound cans String Deans only 7',fcc
Tall cans Dlood Red Salmon 12'sc
Quart cans Pure Tablo Syrup Sc
Corn Starch, per package 3c
8 bars Diamond C or White Russian
Soap 25c
Fancy Tickles, In bottles, only 8c
Tapioca, Saso, llarley, Rice, Farina,
Green Peas, etc., pound 5c
Mutter niul Cliecsu.
Western Grass Creamery Hutter, lb... 20e
Fine Elgin Crpnmory, 17'ic, 18c and 19e
Dairy Ilutter 124c, He and 10c
Fancy Full Cream Cheese, lb 10c
Yellow Herkimer County Cheese, lb. . 12'c
New York White Full Crenra Cheeso. 12'fcc
Everything fresh nnd now In this depart
ment. No Imitation butter. So skimmed
Monday's Grand iUcat Sale.
Fancy Summer Sausage 1214c
Rest New Bologna Oc
Largo cans Veal Loaf 19c
English Lunch Sausage, per can 10c
10-pound cans best brand Lard 87c
Rolled Roneless ncef 7',fcc
I 50-pound cans b03t brand Lard $3 US
Chipped Dried ncef K-c
Sugar Cuied Haon 10e
Large cans Coined Reef 23c
(tracker Department
Graham and Oatmeal Cracker Sc
Shredded Wheat Ulscult 10V4C
Granoss RIbciiU l2V4c
Salted Wafers 10c
Rarrel of Ginger Snaps 22o
Ronton Hutter Crackers 9o
Kennody's Ilutter Crackers 64c
Lemon nnd Vanilla Wafers 15c
Animal Crackers S',c
Ilrownles 12V..C
Zwolback l2V4c
Grape-Nuls 10a
Penolla Sandwich lie
Nlco line of Mixed Cookies lOo
We carry the largest stock of Fancy
Wafers In tho city and guarantoo all goods
in this department to b'o first class.
Teas and Coffees
Good Ground CofTeo for 10c
Wholo Rio Coffee only 12,.c
Golden Rio Coffee only 15c
Fancy Old Gov. Java and Morhn 25c
Rest Mendehllng Java nnd Mocha.... 30e
New Crop Tea Slftlngs 20e
Mtxri ('' i n nnd Assam (for Iced tea) Sjc
Itasket Fired .Japan 38e
Mnynne Gunpowder Tea 38c
Now English I)rakfust Tea 38c
Just to make things lively in otir basement. Price that can't be du-
plicated Do you need a cook stove or range
Wo can sell you a first class cast cook with white enameled reservior,
un extra fine, smooth cast stove like cut. i, ' iful design, likely
nickel plated, large ls-ln square oven, regular $25 stovo, tlls sale
Then we hnvo n very nice plnln squnro No S cook a very fine baker This
stovo Is all right, but hns no nickel plating; has a good size 18-ln. oven
anil will give perfect nstsfactlon a regular $13.50 stove, this sale
No, 8 Two-hole Laundry Stove for $'2.5)5.
The best steel range In tho west for the money 6 olght-lnch holes, largo square 18-
Inch oven, nicely nickel plated, asbestos lined throughout, high t)g
alien low warming ciosci, rnenp iu j..uu
at this sale
. 975
t7r' f.
20 Reasons Why You Should Trade Here.
Galvanized Wnsh Tubs 39c
10-quart Granite Dish Pan 2'"
Dover Egg Heaters 5c
5 rolls Tollot Paper 10c
Set Mrs. Pott's Nickeled Irons &9c
St Crlstio Knives (3) t5c
8D Nails, per pound 2o
Screen Doors 59c
Kindling Hatchet 9c
60 feet Rubber Hoso for $2.50
Send in Your
Tho Grand Wringer $1 29
No. 8 Copper Hot torn Roller 73c1
2-burner Gasoline Stove $2.iilt
0 Knives and 0 Forks for 37c
Copper Nb'kel Ten Kettlo 89c
Complete Cobbler's Set 39c
Feathor Dusters , 9c
201) Nails, por pound 2j
40 feet Cloihes Lino for ha
100 feot Screen Wire for $1.50
Mail Orders.
Great sale on sample slippers and shoes Monday
Our shoo buver closed out for snot cash, all tho sample lines of flno slippers and shoes from four of the leading eastern manufacturers. Over 3.800 pairs in all. These
samples aro mado of tho finest leather aud best workmanship. Every pair is perfect and tho latest fall styles. Not a pair In the lot worth less than double the price we
sell them for Monday.
Ladies fine $3 sample slippers at 08c. Ladies' fine $5 sample shoes, $1.96.
All tho ladles' fiuo $2. $2.50 and $3 s.vnple slippers, mado of finest vlel kid and p&ient leather with hnnd turned and welt soles, mado by Hazen R. Goodrich
and P. N. Wadlclgli ,tho two laicest and best slipper mnnufacturors In the world all
on sale Monday, pair only
All the ladles' lino eninplo $5 shoes mado by French, Shrlner & Urner. The greatest manufacturers of up-to-date mannish shoes for ladles In the world.
These shoes nro of the finest Imported vlct kid, patent calf and box calf and hand welt boles, all the swell fall styles. Not a pair worth less than
$5,00 all on sale Monday at, n pair '
Five lincK of men's fine $5,00 and $0.00 Sample Shoes on salo at $1.07 a pair
Flannel Dept. J
Special bargains for .Monday P
2S-lneh wide extra heavy Light and H
Dark Outing Flannel Kp d
per yard
27-Inch wldo extra heavy Shaker w
Flannel worth Sc per J. A
ynrd O-
One caso extrn heavy Fancy Qt V
Shirting per ynid 0'2 tf
Two cases extra heavy -4
Feather Ticking per yard.. 1
nnn nnun 1.1 U'Mt Wool
Flannel per yard WUV H
Twenty-four different patterns of 0
Embroidered Flannel CQp w
worth 80c por yard J W II
Carpets I
To make room for our extraordinary V
heavy fall purchase, every available lw
Inch of spnro must bo gained. Tho m
bargain list this week will be very $
extensive. Note n few of tho prices
Fnlon Ingrain, worth 35c,
All Wool Inqrnln, worth A Cp
CO.-, now t-
Finest Wool Ingrain, Etftr
worth 75c, now Ou1-
Velvet nnd Axtnlnstcrs QSTr ?
yard 00C k
9x12 Smyrna Rugs tiLOffc r
worth $35.00 iJjimiJ
27x60 Axmlnster Rugs -4 kQ
each l.VC)
27x50, Rrussels Rugs -4 ff
worth $1.50 liUU
Drapery Sale
I'nequnled values In high class
goods to closo out present stocks,
Nottingham Curtains, u0 In q jj
wide 3V4 yards long, pair ....OO
Nottingham Curtains, 5t-ln e? f
wide, 3U. yards long, pair. ltOvl
Nottingham Curtains, 00 In. Ide 3'a
yards long, very hand- C
some effects, pnlr WOC7
$5.00 Nottingham Curtains s- '"JCJ
pair O'JO
All odd pairs, of Rrussels,
Points and French Curtains to be
closed out regardless of cost.
Tapestry Curtains new full linn
now open new styles and colorings.
15c Silkollne,
yard J5C
18c Denim, -4
yard IUC
Rug Fringes, yard, 4 -v
5c and 1UC
Steel Extension Rods c
no break or sag QC
Sjsh Rods,
each C
40c Neck Ribbon, 15c
. Til IX'J
Monday we offer 1.000 pieces of the
finest Tnffetn Neck Ribbons -nil col
orseach pleeojlVj yards lonff worth
40c for 15e.
Sheet IVlusic.
Special sale on Sheet Music Mon
day. Call and see tho nice new Sheet
Music wo can sell you at only 15c per
copy regular prlco 25c. Such popu
lar hits ns "My Old New llnmpshlro
Home," "My Creole Sue," "I've
Waited Honey, Walled Long for You,"
"Impecunious Davis' Cako Walk."
"Trotting Through the Park" two
step. "Sweet Lavender Song." "Sweet
Marjorlo. You Ilroko My Heart," nnd
lots of other protly i.ow selections, nt
only 15e per copy by mall, 16c. Wo
nro closing out n lot of the National
Music Co.'a publications at lo por
copy by mall, 2c. Lots of vocal and
Instrumental, violin nnd piano, man
dolin and guitar, piano duots, violin
solos, guitar solos while thoy last,
only lc por copy.
New Drug Prices
Lydln Plnkham's Compound f!9e.
Plorco's Favorite Prescription.. 69o
Pierce's Medical Dbeovery 9c
Perunn 75o
Syrup of Figs 29
Castorla 25c
Cramer's Kidney Cure 75c
llawley's Dandruff Curo -19c
Hall's Catarrh Curo 55o
2- quart Fountain Syringe 55c
3- qunrt Fountain Syrlngo 65o
Exquisite Millinery on
Special Sale
All this season's hats and trim
mings nnd ornaments will ho closed
out now at about ono-fourth their
value. No goods carried over. You
can buy tho choicest styles now at
ridiculously low prices.
Great sale on the now stylo street
hats. Prices fully ono-thlrd loss than
others nro asking. All tho very new
est styles.
Wall paper and paints
Ono lot of flno Gilt Papers at half
their value. This lot contains soejc
of tho finest Americun product ovar
We havo also a full and cnmpletn
line of Ready-Mixed Paints, Var
nishes, Stains. Enamels, finishes and
Room Mouldings nt (,ut prices.
Call and seo for yourself
I r s r is-t