Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 25, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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Davis pells glny.
"Mr. Illlcy," 6-cent clear.
Why not mokc the Why clgar7
J.effcrt. 238 Udy., teat. eyes free.
Gas fixtures and kIoIjpb at Hlxby's
Kino A. H. (.'. beer, IS'etirrmycr's hotel.
Dr. Htrphencon, 101 I'cnrl 8t. Tel. 399.
Schmidt's photos, new mid latest styles.
Toil get the best dinners nt the Vicuna.
Itlley. best photographer, 102 Broadway.
Cab. photos J1.D0 doz. Wllllnnn. 511 nly.
J. C. & V. Woodward, architects, 5a Ildy.
XV. K. Lewis sells monuments. ."!01 Il'wny.
I.cmp's beer, Hocnke Iloyscn, sole Hgcnt.
Hest beer, Hudwelscr. L. Ilosenfcld, Agt.
Belentlflc optlrlun nt Woolmtui's, 103
Olrl wanted, for housework, nt 709 South
Blxth Btreet.
Campaign pictures and buttons. C. 13.
Alexnnder ft Co., 333 Uroadwny.
(let your work done at tho popular Hagle
laundry, "21 llroadway. 'Phono 157.
W l Kit en, undertaker. 28 Pearl street.
Telephones: Ofllce, 07; residence, 33.
V. K. Gran, undertaker and licensed em
bnlmer, 101 South Main street. 'Phono 506.
Tilers will bo a special meeting of tllP
Wnrnon'H Relief corps this iiftcrnonn at 2:30
A temperance meeting will be held on
tho lawn of Trinity Methodist church to
morrow evening at fi o'clock.
Mrs. Harriett llattenhailer has been
called to Ht. I.ouIh by the serious Illness of
her little grandson. Oxford Wells.
V. Itolph has bent railed to River Sioux,
la , by a telegram announcing the death of
his mother, Mrs. Prlsel'la Wlltfong.
All members of the Kederntlon of Labor
aro requested to be present at a meeting to
bo held next Monday evening at Labor hall
Por sale, cheap, two nrstelass Incubators,
two brooders, nno thoroughbred chickens.
Address 615 Kiist Plcrco street, Council
Herman Rucrforf, a former 'resident of
Council FituffH for a long term of years, h,is
returned here Intending to iocate perma
nently. f'harles Kenlner, a we'l known Implement
dealer of Whltten, la., aecompauleil by his
wife. Is visiting tho family of T. H. Drake
of North avenue.
Krnest 10. Hart of this rltv. republican
national commlttteeman from this state,
has gone to Chicago to take up his work
on the advisory board.
Charles L. Whitman will leave this morn
ing for a visit to his parents at Stanberry.
Mo. Before returning he will visit relatives
nt Coffeysburg for a few days.
A vacant one-story frame cottage at 1.112
Second nveniic was destroyed bv lire yes
terday morning nbnitt 5:30 o'clock. The lire
Is thought to havo been of Incendiary
Charles It. Hannan rnturiieil yesterdar
from a four weeks' trip among the l.iks
resorts. Part of the tlmo ho spent with
his family at his summer cottago at
Qnlncy. Mich.
Vlletta Shlntaffer has brought suit
against Dr. (leorge Washington Pangle to
recover $.'00 alleged to be due him as wagei
for feeding and otherwise earing for the
blooded stock oil the doctor's farm.
O. M. Krasler. chief elerk In the office of
Commercial Agent Metz of the Illinois Cen
tral, has gone to Hed Oak, where he will
deliver an address at the thirty-seventh
animal convention of the Baptists of Iowa.
Bob Scott, charged with lighting In th.
Northwestern saloon Thursday night anil
slashing John Ryan In the face with a
knife, was lined $ and costs In police court
yesterday morning. Ryan wns discharged.
Word has been received from Jacob N'eu
mhyer. who with his family Is soendlnir the
summer In Htirnpe, that they are at present
sojourning In Switzerland. Krom there thy
will ko to Rome, arriving home hero somo
tlmo In November.
Hnrry R. Kleharty of Lexington, Neb.,
nddrcsscd n smn'l gathering last night of
democrats nt tho headiiuartcrs of tho
Bryan-Stevenson club In tho Ogden house.
Ills remnrks wern directed principally
against expansion anil Imperialism.
Jordan & Mahara's "A Soring Chicken"
Is said to be one of the brightest farce
comedies on tho road. The humor of the
piece Is Irreslstable, while there aro clever
specialties galore. It will be the attrac
tion at tho Dohany theater tomorrow even
ing. The Knights of the Maccabees of this
city, Omaha and South Omaha Imvn made
arrangements for themselves nnd their
friends for an outing nt Lake View, In., on
Sunday, September 'J. A special train and
low rates for the round tilp have been se
currd. On Saturday nfternoon, August 23," 1W0,
nt 2 o'clock, one buy horse, weight about
1.100 pounds, which was taken up by tlis
pnundmaster August 1. 1000, will be snldxit
public auction In front of the city hall of
Council Bluffs to the highest bidder.
Charles Burke, Pnundmaster.
Mrs. Maria Cllne, owner of four lots In
Fleming t Davis' addition, has brought
suit In the district court ngalnst A. C.
Kllsworth, tho dairyman, to recover JUSI.
Mrs. Cllne alleges that during IKK nnd 1S93.
air Kllsworth, who lived nearby, tore down
her fences, milled down her cowshed and
barn and otherwlso devastated her prem
ises. Pat Fleming, a section hand, who loaded
up on forty-rod whisky Thursday after
noon ami was looking for trouble with
everyone that passed along the street, was
assessed $3 anil costs In police court yes
terday morning. Ills ready cash having
been exhausted for whisky he wll" be com
pelled to board the lino out at the eliy Jail.
Isidore Muccl, the wholesale dealer In lee
cream, wus hi a bad tlx yesterday and for
n while his b.istucsH en mo to a standstill.
Threo of his employes wero under ar
rest nt the elty Jail. Willis Oumm. a col
ored youth whose business It Is to attend
to tho freezers, was In custody for slapping
his alster, while Chesney and Sorensen. two
young men who drive Muccl's delivery
wagons, were under arrest for reckless
driving. After nn Interview with Judge
Aylesworth, Muccl succeeded In securing
the release of Chesney and Sorensen on
N. Y. riumhlng Co., tolepnono 230.
Howell's Antl-"Kavf" cures coughs, cokl3.
Sunday Soim St-rvlee.
A vesper song servlco will bo given to
morrow evening nt tho Broadway Motho
fltst church under tho leadership of Mrs.
llarlrtt P. Wheeler, muslcnl directress.
The. following program will ho rendered:
Organ prelude "Cradle Song" Unrtlett
Hymn No. "IS.
Anlhom-"llark, Hark, Jtv Soul"
Dudlev Buclt
Bolo-"Now the ! Is Knded". . . . Bartlctt
Mr Forrest 8. Rutherford.
Kuterpean ladles' quartet "One Sweetly
Solemn Thought"
Offertory "Iterecuso" Orleg
Anthem-"Rock of Ages" II. R. Shelley-
Solo-"Thore Is a City Bright "..A. V. Loud
Miss Frances Brock.
Euterpean ladles' nuartet "No 0I1
Shall Befall Thee" Cost.i
Anthem Festival To Down.... Dudley Buck
Hymn No. 113.
Organ postlude-Finale from Sonata In
D Minor Volckmar
Davis soils pnlnt.
Gravel roofing. A. 11. Read, 511 Broadway.
$3.50 SHOES
SAVE YOU $1.50
TUY 11'.
Others llnve mid They Arc
Negotiated In Kastern MmraskH
ana Iowu. J utiles N. Caiudy, Jr.,
Lt Mil In Ht c Hindi Blunt.
Savings Loan and Building Associal'n
Council BluCCD, Iowa,
Prospects of an Increase Over tho Last
Year's Figures.
I'hmiiee ( oinnilftce of the City Conn,
ell ,imv llns llio Stutter In Chnrne
nml .Must MhWc n Report
Very Soon.
Tho tax levy for the ensuing year Is now
up to tho city counrll llnnnce committee, and
that body hold Its first meeting yesterday
afternoon to arrange tho details of the
ordinance. Tho levy has to bo made on tho
samo valuation ns last year, which wns
J3.302.100, and a levy of 41',4 mills brought
Into the city treasury $137,019.60, Tho In
dlcatlona aro that tho lovy will havo to ho
Increased this year and tho flnanco com
mittee will probably recommend that It be
15 mills. New conditions am present, which
call for larger amounts In some of tho funds,
noticeably tho Improvement fund, and as yet
tho committee has boon nnablo to suggest
any place where a cut can bo mado from
last year's figures.
Tho general fund levy Is limited to 10
mills, which was called for last year, and
theio Is no possibility of a cut being maOo
this year. Tho Income from a 10-mlll lovy
amounts to $33,021. nnd out of this tho run
ning expenses of tho municipality havo to
bo met.
Last year I mills was levied for the gas
and street lighting fund and the same
will, it Is expected, bo called for this year,
although If necessary another mill can be
levied under tho law for this purpose.
Tho water fund levy Is limited to G mills
nnd even this Is Insufficient to meet the
water rental tho city has to pay, and the
deficiency has to bo met by nn appropria
tion from the general fund. Tho limit will
havo, accordingly, to ho levied for this fund.
Tho trustees of tho public library havo
asked for n levy of 1V4 mills this year, as
against 1 mill last year. Tho flnanco com
mittee will. It Ib expected, refuse to certify
to more than a 1-mlll levy for this fund.
Tho park fund levy asked for by the park
commissioners this year Is 1 mill, tho same
as last year.
Tho sewer fund levy last year was l',fc
mills, bringing In $4,033.60, nnd on July 1
last tho balance In this fund was $3,018.5$.
Some of the aldermen nro In favor of lop
ping off tho half mill for this fund, while
others oppose It on the grounds that In the
event of an overflow from Indian creek or
heavy rains, whereby tho sewer system ot
tho city might bo damaged, It would tako nil
tho money In tho fund for tho necessary re
pairs, i
Last year 1 mill was levied for tho Judg
ment fund, which Is now practically ex
hausted. Thcro aro several Judgments out
standing against tho city and a number ot
dnmago suits pending, and It Is more than
likely thnt tho levy this year for this fund
will have to bo raised to 2 mills at tho
Tho Improvement fund Is another place
whero tho levy this year will havo to bo
Increased, Last year 2 mills wns levied for
this purpose, bringing In $6, 604. 80, nnd the
balance en hnnd July 1 last was $3,0S2.3!.
With the possibility of tho city having to
bear a proportion of tho cost of tho paving
on thoso streets on which the abutting
property cannot stand tho assessment, It
looks to tho finance committee as If the
levy In this fund will have to be raised to
tho limit, which is C mills.
Tho levy for the brldgo fund last year was
1 mill nnd this amount will sufilcc, It Is be.
Ilevcd, for the next year, and thcro will be
no chango In the levy.
Tho Intersection, paving nnd grading
bonds fund received G mills last year, the
intersection sower 3 mills, the bond loan
fund I mills and tho bonded debt fund 3
mills, nnd there is little possibility of any
chango or decrease In tho levy for these
funds, us tho usual nmountB will bo re
quired to meet tho demands.
Tho flnanco committee, has to mako Its
report within tho next few days, ns the
lovy has to be certified to tho county
auditor by September 1.
a( a s.w.oo.v ki:i:ii:h.
Mm. Suit .nlin Heavy Dnniiiuen from
C rn ii U .lell'rrlrn.
Mrs. 13 va Suit commenced suit In the
district court yesterday against Frank
Jefferles to recover damages In tho sum
of $3,000, nlleglng as a basis for her claim
that tho defendant sold her husband, John
Suit, Intoxicating liquor after Bho had
notified him not to do so.
Jofferles formerly conducted a saloon
at tho corner of Bryant street and Broad
way, known as "Tho Senate." Mrs. Suit
alleges that hor husband squandered his
earnings In tho saloon nnd failed to pro
vide for his family. Sho further alleges
that her husband while Intoxicated from
drink which he secured In defendant's sa
loon one night In Juno, 1899, returned
homo nnd nssaulted her; that sho was
compelled to Hoc from tho house, clad only
In her night clothes and remain for two
hours secreted in tho garden. On nu
count of this she became sick and was con
fined to her bed for several weoks. On
July 16, 1899. while sick in bed, sho al
leges sho gave hor husband $3 with which
to procure her somo medicine, but Instead
of buying It he spent tho entire $5 In do
fendnnt's saloon desplto tho fact that
Jefferles. as she alleges, had boon notified
not to sell him liquor or to permit him to
remain In tho saloon. Mrs. Suit states
further that owing to her husband squan
dering hla earnings in defendant's saloon
she was compelled to support herself nnd
Iliillrnnil I, rime nnd Heed,
Tho original deed transferring tho Fort
Dodge & Omaha railroad to the Dubuquo &.
Sioux City Railroad company, dated Juno
22. 1900. was filed for record here yesterday.
Tho consideration being $I.COO,000, the deed
boro revenue stamrs to tho amount of $1,300,
four stamps of tho denomination of $l,00u
each nnd ono of $300. At tho snmo time
there was rerorded the lease for fifty years
from tho Dubuque Sioux City Ilnllroad
company lo the Illinois Central of tho line
between Fort Dodge nnd Omaha. Tho leas?
runs from July 1, 1900, to August 1. 195;.
Under tho terms of tho lease tho Illinois
Central Is to Issue $1,500,000 of 3 per ccn
bonds to recoup the Dubuquo & Sioux City
Railroad company, tho Issue to bo later In
creased to $5,000,000, tho other $500,000 to
bo expended in Improving tho road. Tho
United States Trust company ot New York
is to be holder of tho mortgage.
Null Auulimt Ctl.
Mrs. Lena Woods wants $2,000 out of tho
elty treasury and yesterday brought suit
In tho district court to rerover snmo. On
December 31 last sho was walking across
Iho bridge over Indian creek at Fifth avo
nue, whero sho fell and struck her head
ngalnat ono of tho Iron beams, Tho acci
dent, she alleges, was entirely duo to tho
negligence of tb city in falling to keep tho
Mnirturc In a snfo condition for public
travel. The petition falls to give any
particulars ns to tho nature of the Injuries
alleged to have been received ns a result of
iho fall by tho plaintiff.
Motor Cotniinii)' AsUril to I'ny.
Tho Omaha & Council UlufTs Bridge and
Hallway company Is mado defendant In
three personal Injury damage suits brought
In tho district court yesterday.
Howard Alnsworth, who sues by his
father and nearest friend, F. J. Alns
worth. asks tho company to pay him
$3,000 for Injuries received on tho even
ing of July 30 last. Young Alnsworth was
standing on tho steps of one of tho large
open motor cars crossing the bridge and
was struck by ono of tho brldgo beams at
a point opposlto tho toll house. He wns
thrown from tho car and rendered uncon
scious, lie alleges now that his Injuries are
permanent nnd that tho accident was due
to the negligence of tho defendnnt com
pany In not running stimrlont enrs to take
care of the traffic, thus compelling him and
other passengers to stand on the steps,
whllo It wns tho duty of the company to
furnish him n seat In the body of the cnr.
Harry Stein, by Jncob Stein, his father,
sues for $1,000 damages for Injuries ro
celved at Nineteenth street nnd Avenue A.
whero n wagon driven by the boy was
run Into by n motor. Young Stein was
thrown from tho wagon nnd received bad
bruises about the head and shoulders.
Hubert L. Tlnley, as administrator ot the
estate of Leo Stein, tho 3-yenr-old son or
Jacob Slcln. tho Broadway Junk dealer, who
was run over nnd killed by n motor ca
on Broadway a few weeks ago, commenced
suit ngalnst the Omaha & Council Bluffs
Hallway and Brldgo company yesterday for
Commonwealth 10-ccnt cigar.
It pn 1 lOntntp Transfer.
Tho following transfers wore filed yester
day In the abstract, title and loan olllce of
J. W. Squire, 101 l'onrl street:
Oliver W. Cordon, et al., to William
and Henry Droge, uml 21-M swH
nwU. S.s-TI-13. w.d $ i00
Katherlne Ackels and husband to
Ferdinand T. l'rlesler, lot 1 nnd
ni lot 3 In sub dlv. of block 40,
Avoca, 2,o00
Sarah 10. Williams nnd husband to
S. II. Sanders, tmd 1-5 lots 1, 2, 3
and I, block 35, Avoca, w.d urn
Fort Oodgo nnd Omaha Railroad
company to Dubuquo und Sioux
City Railroad company, 131 miles
or rallrend through l'otlnwattamle
mid other counties, w.d t.500.003
Total, four transfers $4.803,675
.evly Appointed Senntor l Ovrr-
lielineil with Tolcuniin of n t'on
Kratiilntory Nature.
FORT DODOI0, la., Aug. 24. -(Special
Telegram.) Important developments have
been mado known In tho senatorial situation
hero. Tho nppolntmcnt of Mr. Dolllvcr Is
meeting with a prompt and cordial response
from all over tho state. It seems to be
tho concensus of state opinion, from the
tenor of tho telegrams received, that the
appointment Is one that Is calculated to
unlto the party.
The newly-appointed senator has been
overwhelmed with telegrams of a congrat
ulatory nature from all over tho country
from confreres In tho house nnd scnato ana
from members of tho Iowa stato legislature
which contain promises of support. Knough
telegrams of tho latter character have al
ready been received to place Mr. Dolllver's
election beyond n doubt. When tho position
of theso men will bo mado known, as It
will bo by themselves later, nil talk of a
possibility of Mr. Dolllver's defeat will bs
at an end.
Tho matter of successor In the Tenth o?
Congressman Dolllver Is being eagerly dis
cussed hero. A meeting of tho congres
sional committee of this district has been
called by Hon. (ieorge 10. Roberts, to meet
In Fort Dodgo on Tuesday of next week.
This Is tho date fixed by Hon. H. O. Weaver
to meet tho chairmen of tho county commit
tees, so that a uotablo gathering of poli
ticians will result. The commltteo will
then decido whether to accept tho responsi
bility of naming tho candidate, as was del
egated to It by tho convention which nom
inated Mr. Dolllver. or to call a second con
vention. A big demonstration In Sonator
Dolllver's honor Is being nrrnnged by the
citizens of Fort Dodgo for Snturday evening.
Old Soldiers of Ciihi County Will
Meet A Kill ii nt Anltn
Next Vfiir,
ATLANTIC. In.. Aug. 24. (Special Tele
gram.) Tho eighth annual reunion of tho
Cass County Veterans' association nt Anita
camo to n close tonight, after a successful
throe-days' meeting. The heavy rain last
night kept many away today, though tho
attendance was largo this afternoon. Tho
election of officers and tho location of tho
next meeting plnco occurred this morning.
Anita wob ngnln chosen by a vote of 64
to 36 over Atlantic. Tho reunion has been
held there for threo years, n. M. Murray
of Massena was re-elocted colonel without
opposition. Ocorgo Edwards of Cumberland
was chosen lieutenant colonel and Dr. W. C.
Hgan of Atlantic, major. This morning n
short address was mado by John II. Boys
of Atlantic nnd this afternoon four elo
quent nnd patriotic addresses were made by
Rev. B. F. Hoylo of Kaneas, Hon. C. M.
IlnrI of Council Bluffs. Hon. John Y. Stone
ot fllenwood, und Judge Walter I. Smith
of fllenwood. Tho speakers, In addition to
paying n high tribute to tho veterans of
tho war of the rebellion, touched on tho
Philippines nnd other questions of tho day.
Tho addresses yesterday wero made by
W. n. lOmorson. n former member of tho
Fifty-first, who discussed tho 1'hlllpplne
question from tho standpoint of tho returned
coldicr. Secretary of State Dobson and Dr.
B. S. Hill of Atlantic mado splendid ad
dresses In tho afternoon.
I'Vnr They Have Horn .Hm IiiiIIimI.
AUDUBON, la., Aug. 21. (Special. )
A smooth-talking Individual claiming to
bo tho advnnco agent for Dclniont'u tour
ing circus nnd hippodroruo visited this
place recently nnd mado various con
trails, paying his board, livery and print
ing bills with orders on tho trensurcr of
Iho show. Inquiries on tho part of those
Interes'ed fall to reveal any such show
on tho road and an uneasy feeling has taken
possession of a fow who wero rejoicing over
some good contracts properly countersigned.
Tho oillcers will Investigate.
OBI Settli-rn lOliJay l'lenle.
VILLISCA. la.. Aug. 24 -(Special.) Tho
park and streets of this city were filled
with people all day yesterday. It being tho
tentn annual reunion of the Old Settlers
association. Tho Boys' Trombone band
and Bates' Olrl band furnished good
music. Ttio speeches wero mado by Huv
Campbell. Hon. Decmcr, Hon. W. Q. Smith
and II. V. It. MctJInnls. There wero cake
walks, bleyclo races, foot races and dances
Tho Mothodlst and Christian church women
furnished dinner.
That Tlirolililiiu: MenOnelir.
Would quickly leavo you If you used
Dr. King's Now Life Pills. Thousands of
sufferers havo proved their matchless
ruirlt for sick and nervous headaches.
They make pure blood and hulld up your
hraith. only 2Jr. Money back If not curod
Sold by Kuhn & Co,, druggists.
Commencing Saturday, August 25th.
Tho biilnneo of our onliro stock of Summer .Meivhnndiso must positively go in the next ten dnys to make room for Kail ami Winter
Goods which are arriving daily. See the reduction of prices on the following items.
Our slock of Muslin and Cambric Skirls
Is entirely loo heavy for tho reason. We
must have the room for Fall Goods; so the
best of them are sacrificed with the cheaper.
,t 75c Ladles' beautiful white skirts, ex
tra width, with full double flounces, deep
tucked cambric ruffle; a garment that sold
readily at $1.00, 75c.
At OSc- A superb line of Fancy Lace nnd
Lmbroldery-Trlmmcd Skirts, with double
flounces The entire line, regardless of
value, OSc.
White Muslin
Another line of merchandise that must
be sacrificed to mako more room.
At 08c Three lines of Muslin C.owns that
sold for $1.10, $1.25 and $1.30; all beautifully
trimmed with lace and embroidery; one
price, OSc.
Two lots of Corset Covers that muni m in
the next ten days, regardless of their valpc.
At Sc A full-sized, good duality Muslin
Corset Cover. Sc.
At 15c flood muslin nicely trimmed cor.
set cover, that Is made to fit and wear,,
two for 2oc.
A Skirt 25c
A fow of our $1.00 Linen Skirls for.ladlcs,
good quality while they last, 25c.
At S0c Ladles' fine white Duck and
Pique Wash Skirts, plain and fancy trim
med, that sold from $1.50 to $5.00; re
duced to one lot, 89c.
A good line of Linen and Crash Caps and
Hats for chlldron, In white, blue, red and
tan . These caps sold readily at 23c; only a
fow left; now 6c,
Members of Ezecutive Council Havo Dif
ferent Ideas on Assessments,
State Fair of Invrn Opened on Krldny
and I.nrffe .Vuinlier of Workmen
Arc Kmplojcil Putting Klnlnh
liiB Toiichm on Kxhllilt.
DES MOINES. Aug. 24. (Special Tele
gram.) A bitter controversy animated the
stato executive council today during Ita as-
sessmcnt of tho express companies' prop
erty In Iowa under the Cheshire law.
Governor haw, Auditor Merrlam and Sec
retary Dobson formed a majority of tho
council, as against Treasurer Herriott, who
voted no or not nt all except on one
proposition. Tho companies wero finally
assessed per mile ns follows for the levy
ing of taxes In Iowa: Wells-Fargo, $100;
Pacific. $90; (Jrcat Northern, $148; Amer
ican, $132; United States, $9G; Adams,
The controversy related to the reduc
tion ot tho visible assets of the companies
on account of securities nnd bonds owned
by them but used exclusively outside of
their business, us shown by their sworn re
ports, accompanied by allldavlts. Treas
urer Herriott and Senator Cheshire, the
author of the bill, insisted that the com
panies could liavo no securities which wero
not used In their business and therefore
they could not bo allowed this offset, which
amounted to about $23,000,000 for all com
panies. Herriott proposed an assessment
of $359.40 per mllo on tho American, nn
assessment of $123.35 on the United States,
$2S5.1C on tho Adams and $162 on the Great
Northern. Herriott did not vote for or
against the $100 assessment on the Wells
Fargo and ho voted for tho $9G assessment
on tho Pacific.
Tho stato fair opened Friday. Fully 500
workmen wero busily engaged all day In
putting the finishing touches on the va
rious exhibits, over 300 of this number
being employed In the machinery nnd farm
Implement department. This department
has this year four times the amount of
machinery exhibited In any preceding year.
Every possible foot of floor space Is oc
cupied and If there were additional build
ings they could be rented In a very short
time. Tho rondltlon of affairs In the ma
chinery department is only Indicative of
tho condition In every department of tho
exposition. In no tlmo In the history of
tho Stato Fair association has there been
the interest manifested that has been
Bhnwn this year and If tho weather is
favornblo there will bo crowds In attend
ance that put tho other years to shame
In comparison.
Soiiree of. IMItnrlnl Which Wns Made
I'ollticnl Cnpltnl li Worlil
llernlil. DES MOINES, Aug. 24. (Special Tele
gram. )Certaln politically wild editorials
nro being quoted by tho democratic news
papeis of Idaho, South Dakota, Nebraska
and other western states, the samo being
credited to tho Des Moines Globe, and then
calling tho (l obo a life-long and leading re
publican newspaper of Des Moines. Toda
Chairman Lindsay of tho Nebraska repub
lican commltteo sent an Inquiry enclosing n
clipping from tho Omaha World-Herald, tho
clipping being credited to tho Des Moines
(ilnbc, nnd asking if tho editorial Is genuine,
also asking If tho paper giving out such
editorial Is or has been a republican sheet.
Tho Des Moines Globo was established as
a soml-weekly a few years ago by two
young men who thought there was a field
hero for a paper that would glvo county
news for tho farmers, thero being no paper
of that kind. Tho semi-weekly Globo was
not so successful ns tho young men hail
desired nnd tho paper passed into the hand
of E. Cbavatuies and for a time, Chavannes
having changed the Globe lo a weekly, ed
ited It as a populist or democratic piper,
A couple months of wrapper weather, hut
the fall season Is upon us and we must havo
At 60c Ladles' fine printed Cnmhrlc
Wrappers, In medium colors, both plain and
flounce skirts, fancy trimmed around yoke,
with braids and ruftleB; sold In season at
$1.10-$1.30, nil In one lot to close. 69c.
At $1.25 Beautiful Lawn and Percale
Wrappers, with elaborately trimmed yokes
nnd deep flounces, light nnd medium colors,
extra wide skirts, Theso garments formerly
sold for $1.60 and $1.75 not reduced to one
lot nt $1.25.
at 15c
Ladles' 30c well-boned Corsets, to close,
At 39c Fancy colored Madras and White
60o Summer Corsets, 30c.
At 60c All our 6?o and S5c guaranteed
Summer Corsets 50c.
Shirt Waists
Tlenty of hot weather yet, nnd our assort
ment of Waists Is still complete, but tho
next ten days wo will close them out as
At 23c In one lot, nil our 60c. 60c and 75c
Whlto nnd Colored Waists for ladles, to
close, 23c.
At 60e Another lot of values, $1.25 nnd
$1.00 Colored Waists In ono lot, to closo In
next ten days, 50c.
At 75c All our $1.60 and $1.75 lines of
Colorod Shirt Waists, in nil sixes, not one
rcserod this lot, cholco 75c.
At $1.00 Whlto and Colored Shirt Waists
that sold readily earlier In the season at
$2.00. must go at this sale, $1.00.
$1.60 Whlto and fancy embroidery and
lace trimmed Colored Waists that were $2.76
and $3.00, now reduced to $1.50.
15e. 2 for 25c Barker's Collars, 15c, two
for 25c.
3- room house on 5th ave., well, stable, shado
trees. $100.
5- room house on Ave. A., city water, $500;
easy payments.
G-room house, elty water, cistern, Ave. B.,
$700: eHsy terms.
4- room house, near Rock Island depot, $650;
enav terms.
6- room house, 5 blocks from P. O., city
wator. cellar. J050.
Nice 6-room eoUage, 3 blocks from Metho
dist church, cemented cellar, pantry,
store room, cistern, well, city water,
stable, paved street. Will sell on monthly
Will build you a modern cottage on
monthly payments. Stop paying rent and
buy a home In this way.
Choice residence lots, $500; $50 down and $15
per month.
8-room house, bath, cellar, closet, water,
gas, furnace, $2,600.
Good Improved SO-aerc farm, 6 miles from
Neola, $40 per acre.
120-aere farm, fi miles east of Council Bluffs,
buildings, and nearly all In cultivation,
$43 per acre.
JOHNSTON i K 13 Rlt,
541 Hroadway, Council Muffs.
Afterward ho changed It to a republican
paper. On May 31, In his weekly Is3iie of
tho Globe, Editor Chavnnnes started his
crusado against the existing republican form
of govornment. recommending n kingdom In
an editorial given a prominent place on th
editorial page. Tho artlclo has caused wide
Comment nnd created a stir In political
headquarters of various states. Tonight's
Evening Capital says:
It Is not n plcnsant tnsk In attempting to
explain to the outside world the true mtl
tudo of the Olobe, to be compelled to dis
cuss tho fuel that Mr. Clmvennes, the
editor, while ho has not a known nemy.
has oneo been an Inmate of an Inside
asvlum for a period of several months, on.,
being released by the express understand
ing that he wus to be under the guardian-
nhln lit hlu wft II lu un.l tl,... ,l.A ni
igoncles of politics makes this disclosure
neces4ary. Republicans In other states,
who havo been horrllied nt the widespread
quotation given these editorials, ura enti
tled to know tho facts nnd we believe the
law of the land permits the Capital, with
out malice, to state these facts, because
In no other way can theso unrcasonublo
nnd perfectly Indereiislblo editorials bo
Mr. Chavannes styles himself nn Inde
pendent republican. His paper Is quoted
as having a circulation of but 1,700 In the
country districts and It has llttlo Influenco
hero. Talk about tho paper being a life
long and lending republican paper Is ridic
ulous. In 1S96 It was for Ilryan and free
Kniimler Will SpenU nt Slmi Cll.
SIOUX CITV. In.. Aug. 21. (Special )
Dr. Enander of Chicago, ono of tho fore
most Swedish oratorH of tho country,
has been secured to nnnn thn rnnnh1lnn
campaign among the Scandinavians of this
cuy me nrst weeK in September. It Is es
timated mat mere aro 1.300 Scandinavian
voters In Sioux City nnd th l.-irzn mn.
Jorlty of thorn aro republicans.
LIuhlnliiB Ile.itrn.vx Iimtd Store.
CLARINDA. la.. Aug. 21. (Special Tele
gram. 1 The one-story framo store building
of ex-Countv Recorder E. G. McCulchnn nt
Shambaugh. Pago county, was struck by
lightning this morning and the building
nnd a stock of general merchandise wero
destroyed by fire. The loss is estimated
nt $500 nhovo Insurance.
Construction lliiml Killed,
CEDAR FALLS. In., Aug. 24. -(Special
Telegram.! The falling of n car of dirt on
a tramway of tho Chicago ft Northwestern
railroad near Parkersburg caused tho In
stant death of William Kees. a resident of
llrltt. la. Tho victim was a mcmher of
tho construction gang extending the road
bed. MulilnliiK Striken nt , iiihibiiu.
Al'IM'nON. la, Aug. 21 (Special ) A
heavy rainstorm swept over this county
last night and much lightning was In evi
dence. Several places are reported as
belos struck and sljeht damage done.
Wash Goods
at Less
Than Half
At 7Hc the following lines -25-ccnt Im
ported Dimities, 15-ccnt domestic nnd Im
ported Dimities, 124c Batistes In fancy col
ors, 15-cent Foulardines Stripes nnd 12'.4c
ninghama, good assortment of colors; 15c
Madras Cloths. 15c (iatatcn Stripe, 12',c Per
cales, 10c Seersuckers, Choice of our entire
wash goods stock al ono price
4Hc Kntlro lino ot Trlnts and Apron
Ginghams that were 5 and 6 rents, reduced
to but one price, 4 '.sc.
Too mnny Umbrellas at this season; we
need their space; read the following prices;
At 80c Ladles' $1.00 and $1.25 Fancy Um
brellas In ono lot; good covering and fancy
handles, cholco at 80c.
At $1.60 In ono lot our entire lino of
ladles' 1'mbrcllns that formerly sold nt $2.60
In colors, blues, browns and green, fancy
wood handles, to close, $1.60,
A few good values left. Silk nnd merrer
Uod covers, In variety of colors and styles
all to go at
At $1 50 Ladles' Perfect Form Corsets
$2.00 regular price summer drab and whlto
Jeans our prlco $1.50.
& Gardiner
Some excellent lots, pleasantly located and de
sirable for suburban homes, can be had now at
reasonable prices. These lot s are located in
Omaha, Wrights and Central Sub. additions. This
property will steadily increase in value as the city
grows in th at direction and the time to buy is the
present. Call at
Council Bluffs.
t Weather Offices.
Anyone who lias n wesi front office these days, or an of
fice in it ramshackle building, ought not. to be in the same
lix next, summer. Dirt, too, seems more offensive in hot
is cool, clean and well veulilated. There is always a draft,
the walls are thick, (he aii is pur eand kept constantly moist
by the fountain in the court. This is the place to be in
summer. (
Rental Agents, Ground Floor, Bee Building-. nvrr -IK Snutb 14th M.
85.00 A MONTH-
TrMti U Formt ct
22 Yean ExptrUnre.
12 Ytifiin Omihi.
Tvnnmfwv n4 uirntniT. Tra tment com
ulnort. Varlcocoln. Striding. S)PhiI . I.nB ol
Vlcor anrt VlUlltv ri'KK1' m'AKANl BED.
C I wut "U o w 1 1 0 M n T H K AT MEN T UooU Con
Miltatlonand Kxamlnailon rr-. l'0l'r,j"
omen or lilft So 14th Hi . bclwcni Urnamanfl
DoucUiStH.. Omaha. Nob.
Iff. Mir li fnr uun.tural
JlrhrfM, liifUniMiit'.lonv
IrritMlona or nlrrratlonl
Jctoou iwiin, I'alnlf". ni not aitrln.
noli! "J iirncuu,
1 nr iinl In ptnln wr.pp.r
tiy fipt'H, pirpahl, la
ii no. nr z. rxitu-t. 1 7i.
Circuur ( ua riKiaetb
H r-T OrUlnfcT ru Only Genlifw
it ft. Ti .-- Ill KMII'CTI'IXl. IfVn llJlI
ItKD til ;!! MtttUI buffi lfl
' itb irMt iitkrntnlhfr. Ktnn
IfunzwroDft NiiWutltullvat unA ImlU
fo I'ftrtlvnlar. TeJtlMftnlftU
ft Ut IW Tnr l.adUt," (4lr, ty re
turn Mall. I,ftliUTi.ljniMli BtH t-f
i4aA.cieiNNn,i GH3
r hi
A lot of summer underwear that won't
pay to carry, must go at following prices
At I5c Lot of extra quality 39c Hsln
vests, to close, 25c.
At 15e ladles' fine lisle vests, formerly
were 25c, now to go In n lot nt 15c.
At 6c Taped neck, full sized, regular 10c
ladles' vests, reduced for next ten days to
At 3c flood ests for ladles, sold for 6o
all season, now Sc.
At le Lot of odds nnd ends misses'
vests, wero Be, now le.
At 37',ic Men's 50c balbriggan underwear
reduced to 371&U.
At 10c Children's 15c fine ribbed hose, 10a
At 12iic Misses' io0 black lino ribbed
hose, now 12V4c
At 19c Lot misses' Ific tan hose, extra
quality, 19c.
At 10c Ladles' 15c fine black hose, now
At 1215c Ladles' 10c fast black hosr,
reduced to 12',4c
At 17c Ladles' 25c black and tan fine
hose, 17c.
At 25c Ladles' real Halo 35c black hose
now 25c.
At 33c Men's 60c bluo and white work
shirts, nil sizes, 33c.
At 39c Our cntlro line of fnney and Bed
ford cord negligee shirts, that wero 60c,
At 60c Our entire lino 75c fancy shlrtt,
with detached collars and cuffs to match,
At 76c All our $1.60 fancy colored mil
dras shirts, with detached collars ana
cuffs, 75c.
At 60c Kntlre line of boys' 75c launder
ed shirts In all sizes, 50c.
At 5c A fast black half hose, 6c.
At 10c 3 for 25c Fancy mixed and plain
black socks, 10c. ,
is Rising
Dohany Theater
O.Vi: M(iHT I1M.V,
The Latent Mufilcal Karce Tomed',
run limit i ii.ii (iirri'ii.
All Top-Mncrs. 12 niK Spoclalllc. 13
All tho latest sonpn nnd hits. A 11k bund
nf fun. I'riecH. 25c. 3ic, 50c.
mi. BI'iplMnfi. c.d br otur
wan ann iif, miimLin
anil mrelv rwtnre l.o.t Vlt.litj in oil
nr rouni.ond fit n man for tujr.batl-
ni or pluiiir., l'r.i.nt lnniliiij
jli i .iiijj jiuui imruon ii wit ia tin,. J
Dt.ihoB.imuttiUI' ,3d (Tict CUBS
?trjjllqtbor (ill, intut iipoati.Tiaiith.t.iiula)
AtaxTabUti. Tli.r bi ouri tiioui.ait. andil
rr joa. o c Iti a roiltlTo nrlttaniiuarantaa to af.
iMjapnralnancrieoiioor rafaniJ the moner, Prlra " PM"1"a "JL packatfa If all
v,v, '"""fi 't oupiraaii.m pitiu wrapf'.r.
" . "7, ' ' y' . ''V' .i.cuinr.ifn.
lror Bale in Ornana, Nb. br J. Forayth,
16th arid uouclaa.
ana in council Ulurts by
J. C. Deliuvan,
If you liarr amall, oaak are-am,
loit pow.r or wraaanlnir liulni,
our Viu-utirn Oron Daralor-ir will
rlor you without lrur or
HM-trlclln VJ.0 In .i sot nu
fallnr. onton. rrtumvl, nu f O. p. fraud) wrltafor
rartinulirt. nt aralM In plain .n.lor.
IQCAl APPUANCt CI.. 414 Cbulu, Call.