Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 25, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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Hat Sale.
for Fine Silk
worth 15c
and 25c.
Moti's fines Silk Shield Hows,
Jill tlio clioico colors and pat
torne, nookwoar that posi
tively sens regular rnr I3c 1
and 2,1c on Mnln Saliirdnv J. I
50c Neckwear, 10c
A clioico lot of handsome Im
perials and English Squares,
rare patterns and designs,
fiOc values without
question on khIo Saturday 1 C
Cor aww
Men's Shirts
25c for 50c & 75c Shirts
An elegant line of men's fine
Shirts on sale Saturday, in
cluding every stylo of summer
shirts. Negligee Shirts with laundered col
lars and cuffs, attached and detached; also
n fine lot of Working Shirts, the materials
pro lino percale madras. ginghams, etc., In
various colors and patterns,
nil sizes, worth GOc and 76c, iCT
on salo for.
More and bigger and better
shoo bargains. The sensational
excitement caused by this shoo salo
On Our
Great Damage Done by Heavy Windstorm
at Lawrence.
Cliurelir Arc Mnvril from Tlu-lr
rouiiilntliiiix unci I'roiitu of llnllil
Iiiuk lllimn In .Nil I."H of l,lf
linn Hern Hcimrtril.
LAWRENCE, Nob., Aug. 24--(Spcclal.)
Tho worst Btorm for years vlalted this
placo about 0 o'clock last night. The wind
approached tho velocity of a hurricane
nnd a vaKt amount of dutnago was done.
Tho Haptlst church was blown about
four feel Jrnm Its foundation nnd Is badly
wiockcd. Tho dwelling house belonging
to Noise Dick Is a complete wreck, hardly
two boards being left together. Tho fam
ily that lived In tho houso was at one ot
their neighbors visiting and no ono was
hurt. J. K- Oooloy's barn is blown to
pieces and houso badly wrecked. Tho
front on C. T. Austln'B now brick hotel is
blown off and tho building damaged. The
Implement houso of Sheney & Colo wns
badly wrecked.
Tho largo corncrlbs belonging to tho Daft
Ornln company and T. . Colo aro literally
torn to pieces. Tho Methodist Episcopal
church Is badly damaged. Awnings from
T. S. Jackson's, Charles Necland's and L.
Wiko's buildings were blown off and fronts
badly damaged.
Scarcely a small building, corncrlb oi
windmill Is loft staudlng in this place ana
it is feared that tho storm was worse a
few miles bouth. About one-half Inch of
rain fell, which was badly needed.
Windmill nnd lirulu Hent ru i-il.
NELSON. Neb.. Aug. 21. (Special Tele
gram. ) Ono of tho severest wind nnd elec
trical storms In recent years passed over
this section of Nuckolls county last evening
shout 0 o'clock. Tho residence of fleorgo
Norwood, a farmer living four miles north
of here, was struck by lightning and burned
lo tho ground, together with all tho con
tents, A lafgo bam belonging to John Sea
rch!, which was almost completed, was com
pletely wrecked, ills outbuildings nnd
windmill were blown down and scattered to
tho winds. A largo number of windmills
ncro laid waste and many grain stacks
icnttercd broadcast. Fortunately, no lives
were lost.
A1NSWORTII. Neb., Aug. 21. (Special.)
During the, last twenty-four hours Ilrown
county has received a three-Inch rain. This
insures the largest corn crop and potato
nop In the history of this county, llay
ind all grains aro full crops. Corn Is esti
mated st from 40 to (5 bushels to the ncie.
RERTHAND. Neb,, Aug. 24. (Special.)--A
heavy ami destructive storm struck this
placo and vicinity last night, raging furi
ously between tho hours of 7 nnd 10 o'clock.
Three windmills In town wero blown over
r.nd the gable end of F. 1). Child's livery
barn was carried out by tho wind. Tho
flre bell tower. Ilfty-four feet high, Btarlcil
In go over, but was rescued and guyed ,with
I opes In ttio midst of the storm, Two Inches
of rain fell, accompanied by hall. No re
ports from the country havo romo In, but It
Is bellevoJ extensive damugo was dono by
the wind,
Friend SulTrm from Wind.
FRIFM). Neh,. Aug. 21. - (Special.)
This place and vicinity was visited by ono
of tho woit destructive storms in its his
The Greatest Clothing Offer of the Year
our entire stock of men's fine medium weight clothing divided into 2 lots for Saturday's sale
All our $18, $20, $22.50 and $25 Men's Suits on sale for $12.50
All our $12.50, $10.00 and $8.00 Men's Suits on sale for $5.00
This is the bosl clothing off or we have ever nindo. The suits wo offer at those remarkably low prices are the very kind that will bo worn for months to come
yet, until real cold weather sets in. IOvery suit is well made, looks stylish, and tits perfect. There is no end of patterns and materials to choose from, and we have
nil sizes and all stylos. Come
The finest
can buy
grows with every day of the sale. The values we are giving are
so remarkable that people can't help buying. There never was
such a sale. The most particular people in town are crowding
our store only too happy to yet: fitted for so little money.
Fine Shoes on Bargain Squares
and in the Original Cases
Main Floor and in the Basement
tory nt about 10 o'clock last evening. Tho
wind camo from tho west, veering a little
north of west and was not In tho shape of
a twister, but ut times assumed n velocity
of eighty-llvo miles per hour. The Newer
block Is badly damaged, roof nnd comlco
stripped off and most of tho windows In
both stories broken. Frank Hacker, who
occupies ono of tho storo rooms, had
his stock badly damaged. One side of his
storo was fitted with valuable lamps and
thoy were swept from tho shelves nnd
broken. The Hotel C'oronad is somewhat
damaged and a portion of tho west wall
of Warren's block Is blown down. Nearly
all of tho east wall of tho building occu
pied by T. A. Mooro as a pump repair
houso was blown down. The roof of Rltch
ard's livery barn wns blown off, tho stecpio
was blown from the Haptlst church and V.
II. Ilrown's barn was leveled to tho
ground. Tho tVsldenco of V. Stark, n farmer
northwest ot town, Is bo badly wrecked
as to bo untenable. Hardly a windmill la
loft standing and reports as thoy como In
from tho surroundlug country Indicate
that hardly a farmer escaped some damage.
Hut few accidents to residents nro re
ported. During the storm tho family of
H. I'. Schmidt took to tho cellar and ho,
not knowing that tho door was open, fell
down tho stairs, breaking a bono In his
right wrist, besides receiving other inju
ries. N. 11. Murray, a farmer residing
four miles south, went out during tho
storm to cIobo a shutter and was hit in
tho back of tho head by a Hying mlsslo and
from which ho received a severe cut. It is
Impossible, nt this time to give anything
ilko n list of the damages or the extent of
thu storm, as reports aro continually
coming In.
WrooUii Arounil Fremonl,
FAIRMONT. Neb.. Aug. 21. (Special.)
A strong windstorm visited this vicinity
last night nbout 0:30 o'clock. Tho day had
been very warm and dark, ominous clouds
began to gather nbout 6 o'clock In tho
west, hut tho wind changed from the south
to tho north nnd west about 9:30, accom
panied by a most tcrrlllle wind, which lov
eled shndc trees, corncrlbs and windmills.
Thirty per cent of tho windmills in this
vicinity wero wrecked.
SUEIiTON, Nob., Aug. 21 (Special.)
Tho hot, dry weather which has prevailed
for two weeks past camo to an agreeable
end last evening at r o'clock, when n nice
shower camo up and cooled tho nlr and
later In tho evening rain camo down In
torronts. Fully one Inch nnd one-half ot
water fell and a heavy wind, accompa
nied by much thunder and lightning, pre
vailed for two hours. This morning the
ground Is soaked in splendid shape for
fall plowing and sowing.
EDO A It, Neh.. Aug- 21. (Special.) A
storm of considerable mngnlludo broke
over this part of Nebraska last night about
9 o'clock. The rainfall was heavy for half
an hour, then gentler for several hours.
Tho precipitation nniounted to nearly
threo-riuarters of an Inch. Heavy wind ami
brilliant lightning preceded tho rain. Tho
rain was very welcome, as tho drouth was
becoming severe.
I iiroofn n 1'relulit ('nr.
I'LATTSMOl'TII. Neh., Aug. 21. (Spe
cial.) A terrific electrical storm, accom
panied by heavy rain and hall, struck
I'lattsmnuth at 10:30 last night, and the
rain continued to fall until morning, The
entlr.o roof wns blown from a car, which
wns loaded with meichnndlso nnd in fast
freight train No, 76, a few miles west of
this elty. Tho ear was sot out of the train
at this place. The hall cut the leaves from
tho stalks of corn In tho fields, but it Is
generally believed that very little, if any.
damage wns dono to tho corn.
UirtUON, Nob., Aug. 21. (Special.) A
today if you want to buy a good
Men's $18, $20, $22.50, $25 Suits
Men's Finest All Wool Cassimere Suits
Men's Finest All Wool Worsted Suits
Men's Finest Clay Worsted Suits
Men's Finest Fancy Scotch Cheviot Suits
Every suit up-to-date, correctly tailored, handsomely
trimmed and perfect fitting worth from 18 to $25
on sale Saturday, choice, $12.50
lino rain fell hore yesterday evening and
during last night. It Is too late for corn
generally, but Is line for fall plowing and
pastures, The most of this mouth lias
boon very hot, windy and dry, aud tho
change Is most acceptable.
CRETE. Neb.. Aug. 24. (Special.) A
very severe windstorm visited Creto and
vicinity last night. At 10:30 p. in. the wind
began to blow strongly from the south
west. Tho wind was accompanied by vivid
Hashes of lightning, but no thunder. At
10 p. in. the wind was blowing at a rato
ot about slvty miles per hour. Many
trees were blown down anil much damage
was dono to grain and hay stacks. About
a Quarter of an Inch of rain fell.
ST. PAUU Neb.. Aug. 21. (Special.)
Auother thunderstorm enmo up last even
ing, accompanied by a flno rain, amounting
to .SO of an inch. This, as far as It ex
tended, will leave tho ground In fine con
dition for fall plowing and winter wheat
and ryo mid will also greatly Improve
Cliui'fli Itmlly DiiiiiiikpiI. ,
OHIOWA, Neb., Aug. 24. (Special.)
Ohlowa was visited last night nbout 10
o'clock by the most destructive wind
storm in tho history of this region. Tho
storm camo from tho northwest and wns
nccompanled by n heavy rainfall. Many
buildings wore moved from their founda
tions, among them tho United Iirethren
church, which was considerably damaged.
Summer kitchens, shedding and outhouses
wero generally demolished and scores ot
windmills destroyed. There Is little to In
dicate that tho stoim was other than a
straight wind. Nearly every structure
affected was blown to tho southeast. Oraiu
stacks suffered materially and corn fields
are pretty generally lovcled to tho
ground. The storm wns tough on chim
neys, most of them blowing down. Ob
jects wero lifted nnd carried great dis
tances. A citizen, not at nil muslcnlly In
clined, found n snare drum in his front
door. There was no loss of human life
and not ono Injured.
KXETER, Neb.. Aug. 21. (Special.) A
terrllln storm, bordering on the ergo of
a cyclcne, struck this placo last night be
tween 0:30 nnd 10 o'clock. Although It did
not exceed fifteen minutes' duration, It
was by far tho worst windstorm that over
passed over this town and did tho most
damage. Tho Burlington railroad was tho
worst sufferer In town. The northwest cor
ner of tho depot was torn off and tho new
steel windmill at tho water tank wns
blown down nnd demolished. Numerous
corncrlbs, sheds nnd other small outbuild
ings wero torn to pieces and also numer
ous shade trees wero destroyed. In tho
country tho damago Is greater. Not more
than ono In every ten windmills nro stand
ing this morning nnd grain stacks nro
badly torn to pieces, likewise all small
oui buildings. Rut tho great corn crop Is
still all right, having suffered but very lit
tle. The storm was accompanied by a
good rain and a Uttlo hall. About an inch
of water f"ll here; the hailstones were
very large, but not of sudlciont quantity
to do any further damage than strip leaves
oft tho corn nnd tho foliage off the trees,
The weather previous to this has been ex
tnfnely hot.
FAIRFIELD. Neh., Aug. 24. (Special.)
This part of tho county wan visited by a
nearly nil night rain Inst night. As a pre
liminary to the rain a heavy wind anil
dust Btorm scared some peoplo into tholr
cyolnno caves, but no serious damago was
done, flowing, which had como to a stand
still on account of tho extreme dryness of
tho ground, will now, he resumed.
HARVARD, Neb., Aug. 21 (Special )
Last night at about 0 o'clock a heavy storm
of wind and rain that for some two hours
suit at less than the cost of
for $12.50
$6.00, $5.00, $4.00, $3.00
Men's Shoes
we sell ati9
In blnclcs and tans lace, congress and button all
now twcll stylos.
retail for two fifty
go at
Ladles' flvo dollar baud welt
Patent Leather OXFORD TIES
Ladies' $1.25 Oxford Ties
Ladies' $2.50 Oxford Ties
Youths' $2.00 Oxford Ties
Ladies' Kid Lace Shoos
Ladies' Velvet Slippers
had been threatening in the north and
west enmo up with srreat severity nnd re
sulted In about three-fourths of an inch
of rainfall, many broken limbs to shado
trees, with tho loss of several trees and
considerable damage to grain stacks and
blowing down corn and sorghum fields.
MNWOOD, Neb., Aug. 21. (Spoclal.)
About two Inches of water fell hero last
night, Insuring tho planting of a largo
acreage of fall wheat. Lightning struck
the barn of William Woods, In the east end
of town, killing a valuable horse.
FREMONT, Neh., Aug. 24. (Special.) A
heavy rain fell hero last evening. For fully
half an hour It fell In torrents, tilling gut
ters and low lying lots and Hooding severa;
cellars In tho euHtern part of tho city. Dur
ing tho storm lightning struck a tree on
tho premises of S. F. Waldner, corner or
Twelfth and Robbie streets, tearing it up by
tho root3, throwing a part ot It against the
house nnd breaking several windows. Tho
total piecipltatlon was over one inch. Sine
tho storm tho weather has been cool and
UEATRICE, Neb., Aug. 24. (Special Tel
egram.) A terrific windstorm, accompanied
by rain nnd considerable lightning, visited
this section last night. A number of small
buildings wero demolished by tho wind and
several places wero struck by lightning.
Tho lightning raised havoc with the elcc.
trie light wires.
CRE1GHTON, Neb., Aug. 21. (Special.)
This section was visited by n heavy rain
and windstorm yesterday forenoon. The
rain will greatly help out Into corn. Con
siderable hall fell also, although doing no
ROSELAND, Nob., Aug. 24. (Special
Telegram.) A heavy galo visited this sec
tion last evening nbout 8:30. Dozens of
windmills nro down, besides corncrlbs and
outhouses. The high wind was preceded by
a heavy dust storm, which smothered every
thing. Half an inch of rain fell.
Senreil liy Hie AVI ml.
LINCOLN, Aug. 24. (Special.)
Lincoln was visited by another wind
storm Inst night nnd for nwhllo peoplo
feared a repetition of tho storm of a few
days ngo. Rain fell In torronts, measur
ing over nn Inch In this city and consid
erably more In other sections of Lancaster
county. At Aurora and Grand Island tho
rainfall measured two Inches. Tho follow
ing precipitation nt various points Is re
ported by tho United States weather
Ashland ..
Aurora ...
.. .TIILInroln LIS
..1.12Loup City SO
..2.001 Nebraska City 70
.iil.Noriii i-iniie..
Hiirehard 30O:tkdnle
Hurwpll ft.Omiiha
Central City 1.20, O'Neill
.2 falmer
Columbun ....
Fairmont ....
(irand Island
Ilartlugtoii ..
Iloldrego ....
I. Ml I'latlsmouth
74 Republican .
74 Salem
Kfi Schuyler ....
i. So ward
2. on Superior ....
fill SyriK iiso ...
7fi Tekamah ...
:h Viiieniino ...
52, Wtlher
"tilWyinore ....
Toiler Xn Chip No I'ny.
Your druggist will tcfund your money if
I'azo Ointment fals to euro you. SO cents.
Tpi-rihlt DlntroNK In luilln.
NEW YORK. Aug. 21. Tho committee of
100 on India famine rpllef received a cable
gram today from William T. Fro. Fulled
States consul at Hombay. chairman of tb-Amerlciiii-Indla
relief committee, which
'"Famine distress appalling Thousands
will die of starvation unless rescued. .Money
Is needed t0 buy hoth food and blankets
Th suffering: from lack of clothing Is ter
rible The condition of destitute workmen
nnd children specially pitiable Manv boys
and gills are In heart-rending need.'1
the material.
$12.50, $10 and $8 Suits,
for suits
worth two
and three
times the price.
It's a rare chance.
Men's Fine All Wool Cheviot Suits
Men's Fine Tweed and Homespun Suits
Men's Fine Hairline Cassimere Suits
Men's Fine Fancy Worsted Suits
Every suit made for this season's trade correctly tailored
and perfect fitting garments worth from $S.OO to $12.50;
on sale Saturday, choice, $5.00
Q y i t.ii
1 "y back quick if you can dup
licate our bargains at even twice
out- price. Hut, there's no one that can como
anywhere neat- belling as good shoos as wo do
for tho money.
Tan Shoe Polish
The 25c kind we sell at.
Thousands of
rtt -4 J" "V
boys', youths'
and little gents'
shoes at
75c 89c 98c
South Omaha News .
Tho democratic caldron continues to seethe
and Loll and bubble. In South Omaha, with
no Immediate prospect of nbatement. Tho
nryan-Stevenson club Is still firm lu Its
determination not to allow tho llryan club
the glory, or even a shuro of it, of feasting
Mr. Hryan tonight, and tho Hryan club, lit
a spirit of tetaliatloii, declares that It will
defeat tho success of the entertainment. It
seemed tho general Impression yesterday
that whichever of the two clubs was suc
cessful In this fight that club would obtain
tho supremacy over thu other during tho
coming campaign.
The statement published yesterday that
tho banquet to Mr. llryan Is to bo a non
partisan affair Is a myth. Not a business
man could bo found yesterday who would
aay that ho regarded tho meeting In this
light. Tho republican members of tho coun
cil said that they would not attend the
banquet, and Mayor Kelly said that tho re
port that ho Intended presiding at the meet
ing Is absolutely false. True, ho said, ho Is
going to nttend, but he will bo a guest or
onlooker, and not a participant In tho ex
ercises. Ho said ho would nut ccn do this
wero It not for tho urgent solicitation or
certain members of tho Urynn-Stcvonson
club, who asked him to f,o as a personal
favor. And for this reason only, says the
mayor, ho will participate In tho choice
viands that will possibly bo obtainable for
BO cents at tho Exchange dining hall to
night. Certain complimentary tickets wero yes
terday sent out In letters neatly worded,
written on Ilrynn-Stcvenson club station
ery, signed by tho president of tho club,
which related that "the Ilryan-Stevenson
club" extended tho Invitation nnd desired
tho Individual's presence. Somo of thes
woro sent to members of tho llryan club,
but tho letterhead seomed to hurt their
feelings nnd they said they would not go.
Tho woman's commltteo originally ap
pointed consisted wholly of wives of the
Rryan-Stovensou club members. Mrs. W. S.
White, who Is a warm personnl friend of
Mrs. llryan, tho two having been girl
chums, was not originally placed upon this
commltteo. Last night, In order to more
fully smooth out tho mass of wrinkled nr
rangements for tho Hryan banquet, Mrs.
White's name was added to this committee.
As soon ns notified of this Mrs. Whlto po
lltely, hut positively, declined to serve.
Tho disaffection that has arisen seemed
to bo tho solo topic of conversation yester
day In democratic circles. Committees were
called together to attempt to patch up a
truce, but no sooner had a truro boon
formulated than It was torn lo pieces by
factional disturbances. E. f. Smith ot
Omaha wns called on lo nil the troubled
waters. He saw tho lenders of tho llryan
SlovenFon club nnd Informed them that thoy
must Immediately desist from the attempt
they wero apparently making to cover thorn
solves with Individual glory, or that llryan
would havo nothing lo do with any of thorn
tonight. The Ilrynn-Slcvenson club gave
Mr. Smith In understand that thoy nro to b
tho wholo thing or nothing, nnd his parting
shot was that they would undoubtedly be
without tholr "distinguished" guest tonight.
Hut tho Ilrynn-Stovenson men declare
that thoy will have n supper with or without
Bryan, whether thry havo a corporal's girmi
to indulge In their luxurl s or a mob.
To I'nvi' M MippI.
J. II. Ilulla was ycaicrdny ir tila ing n
petition for the paung of M (ireoi from
Twenty-fourth street to the nvcr He
says ho has secured almo-t enough names
live dollars
All Moloney
Jl "" Samplo
go at
nnd feels confident ho will succeed. Upon
this street aro some of the finest real
deuces of the city and If the street Is
Improved It will make one of the most
beautiful driveways lu the elty. It Is
thought by some that as soon as the pa
lug Is completed that the street railway
company will extend Its lino through this
part of town. As It U tho car line does
not In any place, with thy oxceptlon of
Albright, run east of Twenty-fourth street.
The II. & M. long threatened to build a
depot at the foot of one ot these streets
aud It Is thought that as soon as the pj
Ing work Is done and tho foot of the street
appenrs at all metropolitan that steps will
be taken by tho railroad company to give
the city of South Omaha better uceoinmo
dutlons. i'li'llHiili-r KonlMUy'N lli'iiorl.
City Treasurer Frank Koutsky has corn
pitted his report fur the fiscal year end
ing August 5, 1900. It shows that during
the twelve months ending on the date
mentioned $S0.G'J9.SI In taxes had been col
lected. This sum Includes tho amounts
paid In for back Inxes since 18!0, as well
us tho amount derive') from tho 1S99 luvy.
Tho back taxes levied havo been mostly
paid In cases where realty transactions
were Involved and havo consisted mostly
of small amounts, fayment of regulnr
taxes la considerably lu excess of the
average and show a first-class condition
ot nlfnlrs.
MtlKlC City (illHNll.
Tho council will not meet ngnln until Sep
tember :i.
John 11. AVntklns leaves today for IPtf
fulo, N. Y.
A son has been born to Mr. and Mrs
J. Will Green.
J. A. Heck and wifo have returned from
a trip lu Colorado.
Mrs. C!. Morroll has returned from a
visit at Wyoming. 111.
Oren S. Merrill has returned from an
extended trip lu South Dakota.
Mrs. Iowa Orltllth nnd son Flrl aro vis
iting at tho homo of Mrs. J. W. Oreen
A. II. Murdoch and wifo returned yMtT
(lay from a two weeks' outing in Colorado
MIhs Margaret Gallagher of Canton, III
Is visiting with friends unci relatives In I in
city. Sanitary Inspector Frank K. Jones wns
engaged yesterday making a scries of milk
Tom Hrnnder was lined JI0 and costs yes.
terday lor plumbing without a II- ".Mi
nis line was remitted.
Mrs. If. Ashe, deputy elty clerk, writ's
friends that she bus safely arrived In
Ogden, I'tah, and Is enjoying herself.
A Hiirprlso imrtv was given to John F.
Sehultz and family Thursday ev.'iilng bv
friends, in honor of (heir safe return tmm
their trip abroad.
Miss Man Carlln has returned from n visit
In Colorado Hprlnus and Manltou and hax
accepted a position, temporarily, as pri
vate secretary to Mayor Kelly.
Lightning struck the residence of S. U.
Wlrrh'k, Eighteenth and I streets, Thurs
day night. Windows wero shattered nnd
tiliisterlng broken down, but no ono was
The following births were yesterday im
ported: .miller Feletle, 2201 N street,
girl; Ned Nelson, Twentieth and () ntr e:H,
boy; Frank Kobanovska, Twenty-seventh
and K streets, girl.
John Moravee, about 30 years old, -lied
Thursday at the rosldonie of Joim ll-i.i-Jterovskv,
Tweuly-lhlril and Q si reels. The
iIhi-pukpcI was cmploeil by the Onuiha
Hacking company. The funeral will be
held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock from
tho ivslilcneo ot Mr. Uanzcrov iky.
Tho woll In tho fnbie ptu on sheep's
clothing becauno If ho traveled on his own
reputation ho couldn't accomplish his pur
prife. Counterfeiters of De Witt's Witch
i.arl Salvo couldn't sell tholr worthies
nlves on their merits, so they put them In
boxes nnd wrappers Ilko DcWItt's Look
cut for tn-m. Take only DeWltl's Witch
IImtI Salve. It cures plica and all bliln
For men's $2,50
All styles.
All sizes.
in this lot the latest Derby, Fedoras. r
shas and Orecos are Included, all the lat
est Stetson shapes, all colors. Including
WIW o. till unilUJt
to 98c
brown, maple, pearl, gray.
modes nnd Murk, worth up
$2.50, on salo for ,
Men's $3 Hats for $1.38.
Men's very tine hats, In every size, every
style nnd every color, tho product of sev
eral noted manufacturers; they were
bought at a sacrifice, beeauso they were
samples; every hat a bar
gain at $2.fi0 and $.1; your
clioico of lot for
Your choice of any man's or
boya' Straw lint In tho houso
50c & 75c Underwear 25c
Wo Hro offering odd lots of men's fine full
Summer t'ndcrwcar at one-half and one
third tho alue. Alt colors of fancy bal
brlKgans, mixed ltslos. nnglo mixtures, etc,
ll sizes shirts nnd drawers
hi tho lot. COc and 7.V val- J&tC
lies clioico for
Men's 20c Suspenders 5c
This Is a big bargain, gentlemen; good sum-
i m r Suspenders, made of fancy figured
' i loth, heavy corded and elastic ends, nlikel
i trimmed, leather stay, full J
length. COc nltics. on sale
$5.00, $4.00 and $3.00
Ladies' Shoes
go at
And there are thousands of them to
chooso from every sl.o ovorv color every now
style you can think of shoe
thai others toll for as high as
our price Is
Mf SSff
llros.' Child's J1.D0 nnd
Shoes sizes 4 and 7
All Moloney Bros.' finest Misses' and
Child's Shoes till sizes -go at exactly half prieo.
Immadiatp and Lasting
iM A 1(1 AM H IM.
World Famous Tonic
Prevents Waste
Aids Digestion,
Braces Body, Brain
and Nerves.
No other preparation hn ever received
so many voluntary testimonials from einl
mint peoplo as the world-famous Mnrlon!
Hold by all druggists. Rwfuse ftubstltutu
Murium i Co., 02 W. 10th at., Nhw York,
publish a hnndsnmu book of ondorsementi
of 1-Jmporors, Kmpreps, l'rlnes, Cardinals
Archbishops and other distinguished per
sonages. It is sent gratis and postpaid U
all who writs for It.
Best Dlnim Car Service
Of Course,
you wouldn't continue to suffer
from Hhi-utnatlim If you POS
ITIVELY KNEW you could b
cured. Well, you can. Mull'n
Pioneer Cure
for Hhoumatlem does tho work
evrry lime. A dollar draft In
ench Jl-00 box guarantees a
cure. Ask our druggist or
write The Lightning Medicine
Co., Miiacanne, Iowa,
For sate by all dniggi.tts,
:n m uiaKuim uli oivtnMi?
ii r-if - giiiim- .1 i-y i.r.y (r nif Klif-l juir.
itM&fl Imperial Hair Regenerator
Mw-xtjl 'i"1' e-lvr, i. tflliirnilMtf.uitly fotltbr,
!i4v(&BAi " ' '"'l""lr ' m r "villi nr Icn.i
YtirJKxi 0-4 "ft n(t irlfi-y It U un.ii.Al'4 f t
II..H1 " H.nticV OKh ArrUCATION
I AsrS ItlNTIIh f in- 1. fd.'- ilnr.dfrn.
I'l - lt t"' n-l f )f I'lniphl.r
'ppkiai ',MstNwYMf
Bold by drusel-ts and hairdressers,