Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 25, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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Omaha Concern Rcccivos Tclcgrapliio Order
to 01oo Its Doors,
airrcliiuitM i:in(pil lUrrTliHr Vlrlnry
ntiiL WHIIiik I-'""1 '" Mock
of hlk-kir Now on
Tho Omnhn Trading Stamp company,
with offices nl 419 Hoiitli Klttconth Htrcct.
Iihb Kono out of tmnliii'es, a notlrn to this
olfcct being pouted on the dosed doors
ycntordiy. Authority for rlosliiR the
fctoro Ih contBlnod In tho followlns tclr
Kram from J. W. Hatton. Ri-nernl manaKor
of tho tradliiK stump ynillc(itu, with head
quarter In ChlciiKo:
"To O. A. Todd If merchants Blfjn to
combine ORalnnt you, orders from New York
are to clone the doors. "
This brlf inessBRO mtcd on a window
of tho omecM of the company wna nil that
told tho two do.eti women imd a few men
who hunt! around tho place all forenoon
that there wan no chnnco of obtaining
premiums. In "pit" of Hip fact that cur
taliu to the window and doors were
tlRhlly drawn, women wnltcd with filled
stamp books In their hands, hoping that
something might turn up and the concern
resume business. All thoso who waited,
however, were doomed to disappointment
nnd the chances aro that tho premiums
that wcro promised will never be forth
coming In this connection It Is reported that sev
eral women who held ono and two books
tilled with stamps npplicd at olllces of
Justices of tho peace for attachment
papors, but an tho cost of the papers
nmounted, in most of tho cases, to more
than tho price of tho premium offered tho
Idea was glv-n up.
Tho closing of the trading stamp store
Is considered n victory by tho merchnnts
of the rlty and thoso who have been lead
ing tho light against this concern aro more
than pleased at tho outcome. In numer
ous Instances the merchants will be losers
by tho transaction, for tho reason that
cash In advanco has Invariably been de
manded for bookB of stamps. All stnmps
on band will, without doubt, be a dead
loss to tho merchants holding them, but
with oven this loss stnrlng them In the
faco sellers of mnrchandlso nppcar to bu
delighted at tho prospect of getting rid
nf ilm tradlnc stamp concern.
Tho manager of tho Ited Stam Trndlng
company nnnounces that his company will
remain In business, and that It Is here to
Mothers endorte It, children like It. old
folkti life It. Wo rotor to uno sunuio
Cough Cure. It will euro all throat
nnd lung trouble
Tin- Proof or Hie PililtlliiK.
Tho following Item appeared In the news
columns of Tho Ileo under date of Aug. 23:
Few men of his age aro so ugilo anil
nthletlc uh Secretary Jluy. He Is Pt CO.
tut still Indulges In nil sorts of exercises,
including a fast wnk every nfternoon.
Kvery morning ut 7 o'clock be ""(lories
massago treatment at tho bands of a skilled
(Swedish operator.
There Is nothing remarkable In the nbovo
statement. It Is only additional proof of a
fact long known to modlcal men. Massage
treatment Is a virtual "Wo preserver." and
when combined with electro-magnetic treat
ment Is r.n Infnlllblo remedy for all forms of
rheumatism und nervous trouble. As a
"complexion bcautlflcr" anil renewcr or
youthful vigor thlu treatment has never boen
Why not defy dlsoaso and premature old
ago? Why not Investlgato tho now Ren
Strom system of hygiene bathing In uso at
tho Ladles' Uathery. second floor. Dee build
ing? Hxperlcnced women operators and a
lady's mnld always In attendance. Koi
ladles only.
Turn right to page 7 nnd read about the
great bargain offerings of Havden Ilros.
nUolioJI ami Arnold' Park.
The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Hall
way Company has just placed In service
daylight trains between Omaha and Spirit
Jiko, okobojl and Arnold's Park, doing the
train leaven Omaha at 7:15 a. m. and ar
rives Spirit Lake at 4:lli p. m. Returning
tho train leaves Spirit Lake at fi.15 a. in.
nnd nrrlvc Omnha 3:G.r p. m. This la the
bent service that hits yet been offered over
any ono road. Hound trip tickets, good re
turning until October 31. $10.70.
City ticket olllce, 1501 Farnnm street.
F. A. NASH, General Western Agent,
Wlfp of n Trnvrllnu ."nlr-Miinn ppllr
to County ('oiiitnlft'loiii-rii
for A-.Klititnee.
A sad case of destitution was brought to
tho attention of the county commissioners
yesterday, uhrn Mrs. H. J. Stockfeld
and three children applied for aid. The
woman said that her husband had been a
traveling salesman for nn Implement house
nnd that he brought her here from Lincoln
eight months ago. Of late he has nppcared
to he ailing nnd on Friday morning last
announced that he was sick and was going
to nsk the pollre to send him to tho hospi
tal. After this declaration Stockfelt told
his wife that she nonld have to get along
as best she could until his health was re
Yesterday Mrs. Stockfelt became anxious
about her husband nnd being entirely desti
tute, applied to the chief of police for In
formation regarding her missing spouse.
Kvery hospital In the city was called up by
phono and It was learned that Stockfelt
was not at any of them. Tho county com
missioners incline to the opinion that Stock
felt has deserted his wife. Tho woman and
children will bo provided for temporarily at
the county hospital.
Old 1'leern mill .Vires No ( lire No Pny.
Your drugglo' will refund your money If
Pazo Ollitmen: talis to euro you. CO cents.
AftsiirnncrM of Hourly Support Con
tluiK' to Conic to NrlirnsKn'fi
Next (lincriiiir,
Hon. C. H. Dietrich of Hastings, re
publican candidate for governor, Is In tho
city In conference with thu authorities nt
republican headquarters. Ho has Just
returned from n scries of meetings nt old
settlers' anil other picnics In various sec
tions of the statu, at which ho novor failed
to find assurances of the hearty support
that Is being given his cnndldacy by re
publicans nnd many who have not been re
publicans for years. He Is putting In nil
of his time In his campaign work ami feels
from his dally experiences that his efforts
will not bo In vain.
Jacksonian Club Employs Scabs to Do Its
Bryan Wiring.
.south tlnintin Trndr nnd lmlior As
riulil AdoptN n llrsoliillon Pro
tratliitr AkiiIiikI Hie Course the
Democrat"! Pursue.
Dnner ToiiIkIiI.
Washington hall, eighteenth and Harney
stiects. Jolly Klghts' lively bnll this even
ing. Fine, full orchestra. A grand, good
tlmo for you, yes. Gents, 23c. Welcome.
A grand picnic, given by tho singing sec
tion of tho Omaha I'lattdcutscho Voroln,
will ho hold at Ruscr's park next Sunday,
August 2tl. Visitors triko west sldo Park
avenue cars to Thirty-second and Center
streets, where cnrryall will bo In rcndlncss
after 12 o'clock, noon. Kvcrybody cordially
Invited. A good time assured to all.
Siininiei' Ttcsorls.
For a book describing the cool, pleasant,
healthful sumnvr resorts of Wisconsin, situ
atcd on the line of tho Chicago, Milwaukee
& St. Paul Ry., address or call on
General Western Agent.
1501 Farnam Streot, Omaha.
llnlf I'll re hnm.
Tlqucttcs on snle via "Tho Northwestern
Line" to Chicago nnd return at HALF
RATES, August 23 to 20. good till Septerabor
1401-1403 Farnam street.
Tvrn Dollar to I)-trolt. Mich., nnd
Plus ono fare, August 23, 2C and 27, via "Tho
Northwestern Lino." Inquire nt the large
city offices, 1401 and 1403 Farnam street.
W. F. Anteman, Jeweler, of North Pearl
Btreet, Albany, N. Y., was pronounced In
curable. Tool: Cramer's Kldnoy euro and
was cured. Insist on having Cramer's.-
Omaha Tent and Awning C , icnts, awn
Ingcj, canvas goods, 11th & Harney. Tel. S33,
Resolved. That the Trades nnd Labor as
sembly of South Omaha condemns the
action of the Jiicksonlati club for hlrlntr
nonunion wlrenien to do the wiring for Hoc.
ttlc llubts at Syndicate park on the o-ca-slon
of its picnic and bamiuet to William
.Minings Hryan on August 25, 10", over
the i.-Mtrt of tho Klcctrlcal Worker:!'
union, No. 22. t
At a meeting of the Trades nnd Labor
assembly of South Omaha tho above res
olution was last night introduced and
passed without a dissenting vote, although
thero wero about 100 members present.
Much protest has been raised over the
action of tho Jacksonlnn club having their
electric light wiring done by nonunion
men. Tho unions of South Omaha and
Omaha combined In a demand nuking that
this should not be done. Notwithstanding
their protest tho work was given these so
called "scabs" and the worklngmcn of
South Onnha nro furious over It and de
clare they will boycott the meeting today.
When the unions discovered that the con
tract for this wiring had been let to an
electrician not a member of the union and
that ho waB employing non-union labor on
tho Job a committee of union electrical
workers was appointed to seo what could
bo done. This committee was composed of
Messrs. Jacobs, llerry nnd Morton nnd a
protest to tho llrynn club was made Thurs
day night. In order to get out of tho dim
ctllty Secretary McDevltt of tho club gavp
the commltto a letter to Ed P. Smith,
which was presented yesterday: With
the presentation of the letter tho commit
tee requested that the work of wiring tho
park bo dono 1 y union labor. Mr. Smith
told tho committee Mint he did not care
whether union labor was employed or not,
so long ns tho work was completed In time.
Ho absolutely refusyd to enter into any ne-
goiiiuions ivnn ino cominuico looKing 10
wnrd a settlement of the dltllculty nnd tho
committee was forced to leave without se
curing any concessions whatever from tho
democrats In chnrgo of tho affair.
An advertisement was yesterdny in
sorted In tho World-Herald asking for
twenty-five bartenders for tho picnic today
at Syndicate park. It was learned last
night that over ono-half of the number em
ployed aro non-union men nnd that the
union men who liavo been employed re
fused to work wth the others. At the
meeting of tho Trades assembly last night
thlB was not known and no action was
officially taken. However, after tho meet
ing was adjourned. It was declared by a
number of tho assembly that an effort
would bo made this morning to have a
general boycott on the Dryan celebration
There wns a stormy session nt tho moet-
Ing last night. Tho assembly said officially
that If tho manangers of tho park did not
havo torn down the wires placed In It
by tho nonunion men yesterday they
would not hold the Labor day picnic there
in September 3, ns has been arranged.
$1.00 HOrN'l) GIFT HOOKS, 13c
10,000 copyright handsomely cloth bou
nooks, regular nrlco $1.30 oath -on sa
today at 50c each.
Ml tho popular title novels, such ns
"t'nder tho Red Robe," "Caleb West.'
"Master Diver." "The Celebrity," "Soldiers
of Fortune," "Tho Manxman," "Tho Choir
Invisible," "The Forest Lovers." "The
Sorrows of Satin," "Zlskli," "Tho Prlsonet
of Zends." "A Lady of Quality," "Phroso,"
"Tckla." "Trilby." "The Pride nf Jennlco
Dross," "Gloria Mundl," "Tho Damnation you can buy cheap footwear at the fako
of Thoron Ware." "Soldier Stories." "Mo- sacg.
icngie, "Agatha Webb." "Tho Leaven-i . .. . .
worth f'n " Th. I..nnw ttrl,!.. " -A l-atllCS' J.-.UU and J.'.i.U UXIOR1 1 ICS, uow
Dash for n Throne," "Ily Right of Sword,"
"Tho Sowers." "The Gadfly." "A Gentlo-
hnan Player," "For tho Freedom of the
fSea," "IJarabbns," alt on Bale at BOe each
2,000 handsomely bound gift books, worth
$1.00 each, on sale at 15c each.
N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas St,
ClileiiRo nnd Return. (II2.7R.
On August 23, 26, 27, 28 and 29 the Chi
cago, Mllwaultco & St. Paul Hallway will
sell round trip tlckctn from Omaha to Chi
cago for $12.75.
City ticket ofllce. 1504 Farnam street.
F. A. NASH, General Western Agent.
if t.nti copviiKiii r iiotiKM. not . Ti- C-i- C
ndny nt lloslon Mnrr (irrnlrsl llonU OIUI W UU1 Id
fnlo r,vr Kmmn In Oniuliii. i -
2 'Selling Out Sale of
! Good Shoes.
John Foster. Queen Quality, Plngrco &
j Smith, Stncy, Adams nnd other celebrated
Intakes on sale nt prices much less than
Prices that help you to help yourselves
Is what you will find at the big store of
Hnyden Ilros. Read their ad on pago 7.
tiood riNlitllK.
Spirit Lake, Okobojl, Lako Washington,
Waseca, Eagle Lako, River Fnlls, Solon
Snrlngs. Rice Lake. Ilaylleld. Ashland, Gog-
chic, Watorsmcet and numerous lakes near
St. Paul and Minneapolis.
Thov aro all good flohlng places and aro
quickly and comfortably reached by tho
Northwestern Line.
Chcnp rato excursions Augiiflt 21 and Sep
tember 7-21. Limit. October 31. 1000. City
ticket otTlce. 1101 and 1403 Farnnm Btreet.
Grnuri Army Kiicniiiiinwiit lit Chtcaco
August 25 to 20.
Half-faro tickets
Tho Northwestern Line.
Special enrs
1401 and 1103 Farnnm St.
Chicago nnd return, $12.75,
Via Rock Island Route.
Tickets on sale Aug. 25 to 2!).
City ticket olllce, No. 1323 Farnam st.
A (irnnd Opporlunlir
J"o increase your knowledge of the country!
Half fare to Chicago and return via "Tho
KorOiwestprn Line," August 25 to 29. Good
Mil September 30 returning.
A Sale
of Silk
Unly u low, uui iuo pneos
aro very low.
One lot, choica $5.50
One lot, choice S7.50
Tho silk in thoso petticoats ii
of extra good tail'ota black
and a low choico colors.
Lot us tOiow you our bar
gains in tailored suits.
m piniin eiHTPn
fell I llUMrx&MHIliU.
Time is Money.
Ten hours quicker than any other line.
Fifteen hours quicker than any other line.
Fifteen hours quicker than any other line.
nuffct Smoking nnd Library Cars, with Harbcr Shop and Pleasant Head
ing nooms. Doublo Drawing Room Paiaco Sleepers. Dining Cars, Meals a la
Carte, rintsch Light.
CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 Farnam 8t. Tel. 316.
Half Rates
to Chicago
and every day until
next Thursday.
Travel unusually
heavy reserve
berths NOW.
Tlckot Offlck.
EL 1 502 Farnam St.
Tal. 200.
'I'm ins at 7:00 n. in,,
4:00 p. m., 7:15 p. in.
Burlington Station,
1 0th and Mason Sts.
Tot. 120.
lie lllrmilnl Coni'lm , Knllit of
l'tlillia, nt Ill-troll.
On Atistist 2.1 to 28 the Wabash will sell
tickets from ChlcaRo at hnlf fare.
0:2." n, in., arrive Detroit fi:S0 p. in.
12:t0 p. m., nrrlvo Detroit 8:10 p. m.
3:15 p. m., nrrlvo Detroit 10:f0 p. m.
1100 p. nt., arrive Detroit 7.50 p. in.
Only line running reclining chair cars
from Chlcafio.
Ask your apent for tickets via the Wn
bash. Kor further Information call nt city
ticket odlcc, 97 Adams street. Chimin, or
write. O. N. CLAYTON,
N. W. P. Apt., Room 405 N. Y L. Illd.,
Omaha, Neb.
You Cnn (So 'I'll
ChlcaRO and return for $12.75, Auk. 2." to 10.
Detroit nnd return for $22, Aug. 25, 26, 27.
St. Paul nnd return for J12.i5.
Minneapolis and return for $12.65.
Mndlson Lako and return for $10.68.
Dtiluth and return $16.05 Sept. , 7, IS, 21,
via tho Illinois Central Hallway.
Particulars at 1102 Karnnm street.
District Passenger Agent.
98 cents
Misses' and children" $1.25 and $1.75
shoes, now 6Sc and 78c.
llroken sizes in ladles' shoes, 4Sc.
Ilrokcn sizes in men's shoes, 98c.
Ladles' Satin Slippers, 79c.
No reserve all shoes must bo sold.
Btorc for rent.
1515 Douglus St.
Dcs Moines ami return, $1.50,
Via Rock Island Route.
Tickets on snle Aug. 21 to Sept. 1, goo.:
for return until Sept, 3. Ticket olllco No.
1323 Farnam st.
On pngo 7 will be found an ad of Hayden
Bros., which will pay you to read.
The "NEW" Drugs
It has always been a part of our busi
ness tmllry to keep KVIORYTIIINC? In the
IJHUO LINK for which tbete was u demand
In Omnha or the errltory surrounding. We
still maintain this system with the utmost
care. It mutters not whether tho article
wanted Is a new chemical or pharmaceu
tical for the prescription room, or tho new
est patent medicine or mineral wnter. Nor
does this end tho line, ns our stock com
prises every variety of surgical appliance
trusses, supporters, ns well ns every con
ceivable toilut accessory.
ASIC US If you want anything new that
should be sold In u drug store.
Suprarenal "Capsule" In powder nnd tab
let form, also In liquid with chloretone of
the manufacture, of I'. D. & Co. and Ar
Globules, powder nnd liquid of Cacodylate
of Sotlium.
Hnttme Aiialgcskiun Ilenque 50c
(Imported Rheumatic Halvo In Tubes.)
For-mal-de-hyde Inhalr 00c
(The. latest "Inhaler."
Lacto Nuphthol Disinfectant for dogs.
bottlo &0c
Mutum" for polishing black straw bats
bottlo 23c-
Ilat Uleach Tablet, for bleaching straw
hats, package joc
Miles' Wlno of Sarsaparllla, bottle 7T,e
Rheumatic Cure No. "fiuss", bottlo ... $150
Cranltonlc for Hair, bottlo $100
Woodland Violet Powder, box 23c
Fould's Arseuallno Cream. Jar noe
Oxzyn Balm, Jar noc
uannon s uoyai iuange cure, bottlo .... 50c
Pluto Mineral Water (of course).
wyein s mrnnt i-oods. 3Ue unit Hoc
Innsen's Junket Tablets, bottlo i5e
The nbove enumeration Is inaile f.n- n...
purpose of apprising tho public of the very
comprehensive character of our stock ns
well ns tho fact that our storo will at all
unien cuiuuiu urn oniy wie kkh kst arti
cles of drug merchandise but the mom rx.
COMMON articles for which there may be
a limited demand.
Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go.
Cor. Kit li mill Dmlue Street.
r T
The Sons of Rest
Did you ever attend the meeting of tho
"Sons of Rest"? If ou have not why not
take u walk some tlmo to Jefferson Snu-trc.
They nro In session every evening. It's a
sight worth seeing. They will tell you
how It happened.
Cramer's Kidney Curs 75c
Duffy's Malt Whiskey nc
Wlno of Curd li I s
Dromo Quinine l?o
S. S S 7oc
Syrup of Figs 30o
Peruiin 7,o
Hlrney Cntarrh Powder 3.2
Gem Catarrh Powder' 8-o
Ayor's I lair Vigor 7"C
Pierce's Prescription &c
Cutlcuni Soap 2c
Packer's Tar Soap lc
Dnr-llen 4"c
AJax Tablets
1 dnz. 2-grnln Qulnlno Capsules c
1 doz. 3-graln Quinine Capsules 10c
1 dozen 5-graln Qulnlno Capsules 15a
S. V. Cor. Kith nnct Chli'nso.
Exhaustion Nervousness
Sick Stomach
Fatigue Thirst
All Yield to n Glass of
Till: "IPn.YI," .SUMMKIt im IMC.
Sold lit (tic Soil ii I'oiinlnln nf
FourtpentU nnt Unaclia Streets.
Send for book Tho Daby.
by our method, with PURR VI
TALIZED AIR Is painless,
harmless, nnd can be taken by any one. Al
ways fresh. All work warranted.
Gold Crowns $5.00
Heat Teeth, 11 set JS.00
Silver Fillings 73c
Tad's Philadelphia Dental Rooms,
inn Douuiim st.
T I Sr( Rtf't L.
CCRKS all KlUncj
uiKenscs. iiacu-
ache, ate. At 1ru
Ists. or br mail.
I. Fren hnolc. &A-
vice, etc., of Dr. II. J. Kay, Saratoga, N. Y.
Closing out 1,800 pairs men's $5,
and $6 sample Shoes at
900 pairs of women's fine $2.00 and
$2.50 strap sample slippers
1,200 pairs of women's fine $3 to
$3.50 vici kid sample shoes at. . .
Saturday we will closo out J,S0O pairs men's fine welt sole
box rnlf, velour calf and vici kid. sample shoes, regular ?-i.00, $5.00
and $0.00 shoes made up in all ihe latest fall styles by one of the
best eastern manufacturers. We can truly say, they are the great
est values ever offered in men's line shoes.
Women's $350 Sam- qq
pie Slippers at OC
Read Sensa
tional Bargains
on page 7.
Thoso line slippers aro lino patont leather
and vici kid hand turn, with strap
over the instep, nicely turned with
buckle and bow regular $2.00 and
2. HO sauiplo slippers made by Hazen
B. Goodwin, tho best slipper manu
facturer in tho world.
Women's fine $F Shoes $185
All these fine shoos are made of vici hid, either plain or silk
vesting tops, and with singl" flexible soles, regular .'.00 and
H.f0 quality- made by t he best eastern manufac- 31 O
hirers. All'sizes, Katurdny at kJl.lfJ
Ladies' Shirt Waits
1 Clearing Sale
of Ladies'
Shirt Waists
It won't help your
own crop to set on the
fence and watch the
5 weeds in your neiglv
bor's yard, This is the
one store that is not satisfied with wait
ing, or watching,
Our new fall purchases are coming in daily and we
need room, and in pla' of waiting for you to wear out the
waist you have on, we're going to make prices on the ones
now in stock that you can't resist the temptation to buy
Today, Saturday, August 25th
Wo offer you choico of
any of our ladies' shirt
waists, that sold for
75c, 1.00 and $1.50
Today, Saturday, August 25th
We offer your choico of
an of our ladies' shirt
waists, that sold for
$2.00, ?2.50, up to $4.00,
This line of shirt Aaists is not the odds ami ends of
the season's stock, but crisp, clean and unbundled waists.
You know that when The Nebraska says it, it's so, and such
shirt waist values have never been offered" tu you by this or
any other house in Omaha.
Sensationally Low Prices
In Men's, Boys' and Children's Light
and Medium Weight Clothing,
This is what we call real marking
down of prices.
All our men's suits that wore
$22. 50, $10. 50 and $18, now . .
All our men's fine trousers that wcro
$5 to $7, now
All our men's suits that wore
$7.50 and $10, now ,
All our boys' vestee suits that were Oftr
$1.75 to $2.25, now
All our boys' doublo breasted knoo
pants suits that wero $3 and $3. 50, now
All our boys' fine blue serge vestee
suits that wero $4.50, now
All our boys' odd kneo pants, mostly
large sizes, 12 to 16, wero 05 to $1.50, at'
All our men' pants, that wore $3.50
All our boys' long pants that wore 1
$2.75 to $3.50, now kA
Dnrl cfiisfitiniial bargains
x -
on page o.
Tt is now an assured fad thai thedreen Stamp Co. has closed
its doors, but WIS STILL IUUDKHM UKU STAMPS and shall con
tinue to do so.
and all reports that we intend t(- do so arc false, and aro circulated
bv parties wishing to injur our business. We have contracts
with the merchants of this city for one year, and we intend to keep
our part of those contracts. Watch the papers for list, of mer
chants giving Ked Stumps. Tiade only with them.
Phone 680. NATIONAL STAMP CO., 524 S. (6th St.
is in n.tiiii- s: