TTTE OMAHA DAILY "BEE: SATURDAY, At'Crl'ST 25, 1900. SPECIAL NOTICE AdverttsPinpntii for these, ooltiiinii trill lir Inkrii tintll lit m. for the mpiiImu cilllliin nml until H.itO i. m. for itiornlnii nnit Sunday edition. Hntrs, I 1-Ue n irnril first Insprtlnn. 1p n iToril (liercnfter. .tollilfiK tnurit for lc Hi tin ar.c fur the first lnpr- tlon. These ndrrrtliienienta moil lir run Mincrull vrlr. Adverllspr, lir rpqtientlnrx n nnm- IhtpiI check, ran lir nniittn nil dressed In n iinmbcrril letter In rare if TIip llpp. Answers o nildrrsurd rlll Iip delivered on ureseulntlun of tut! check only. V A XT I : I l-S I T I A T I O X. "YOUNG MAN dpslrps ntacn to work for hoard whlln attending school. Boyle I! college. TpI. 19SI A-M509 m WANTED, position In saloon where can learn work of hurtendcr. Oliif J. Johnson, 3001 Erhklnc. A-55S-24' COMPETENT double, entry bookkeeper, ranld nml accurate, spvcral veiirn experi ence, tlpslrcs position at once, Address I m Bee, A-SI9-24' rOHlTlON as bookkeeper: 15 veurn' experi ence, IimI references, Address I' 61. Ilec. A M506 26" TOPNfl man of 22 dewlres Work In whole sale or manufacturing establishment. H MAN and wife want situation at ant' hon orable employment; hlRhcsl references. Address is, uce. mhi ai- r 1 1 - POSITION us bookkeeper or collector by competent man; ago w; nest reierences. Address S 9. llee. A-M618 W niCLIAHLE dressmaker wants a position; sewltiR by day or weeu; nem references. Address M 11, nee. A stvat WAX I EIl-M.VI.n HELP. WANTED, wo have steady work for n few Rood hiistlern of Rood habits and appear ance, u. r . Aaams t.o., iwaj iiownrn ui. U-576 liARIlER trade taucht thoroiiRhlv In short time; cataioRtie and particulars ireu. Address Western Ilarbera' lnstltuto. Omaha. Neb. II o,7 WANTED, laboiers, teamsters, rock men nnd surface men, Nob., Wji., nnd Iowa; ire jnre; niRliest wcRes: snip uaiiv. Western II. U. Ijibor ARcnoy, 310 S. nth. AIC INTELLIGENT vounR man to tnko n nhorthanJ scholarship In best school and pay for It when courso Is completed and position secured. Auurcss 1. .0, imp. H-379 WANTED. 10 young men to lenrn teleg raphy. v. T. HKelton, Kallna. Kan. R-M341 A27 COATMA ICR II wanted at once. Henry KliSfclbatim, West Point, Nch. Il-M-nf WANTED, by a prominent men's, boya' nnd children's wholesale manufacturlnR clothltiR hoiiHO In Milwaukee, Wis., a llrst-class salesman for Kansas and Ne braska : liberal Inducements to NRht tnnn. Address P 16, this ofllce. H-m:w ; CET a free calaloRiie of the Nebrn'k.i Sennnl of M.iRr.etlMn nnil imvipamy. . 1S15-17 ChlciiRo street, Omaha, npi. ; craii. dates employed. U MJIJ TtESPONKinLE man for Omiih.i and each city In Nebraska and Kansas to represent rename unnuctai eorporaiion; mo!p nx perlenced In Ins. or H. and L. prrferre I. Address P 3S. Ueo Olllce. 11 Jinn i'a WANTED. 11 Practical, all-round dry poods salesman; permanent position to thn rtsht narlv. must bo a llllstlet : no others need npply; state ORe. married or sinRie, experience, salary anu niso rncr- ences; apply personally 11 possuue 10 1. L. Davles, York, Neb. U-MWJ 27 TtO YOU want Job travellnp salary certain? Answer, 1 riumpn to., uauas. irx. I1-M372 29 YlUNG man for coal olllee: must bo Rood snleifinau anil penman; slate experience anu rcierences. Address n nee niuce. R-3SI 23 WANTED., office m".n: niust be. ncebrste; state age. exporience anu salary exnecinii. Address M ti, nee. u jij'ji -u WANTED, two experienced lobacco sales men to handle both Jobbing and retail llll'li", ll'M'l I'liui'?, , niuii: v.iri it'iitv, age, whether married or single, name of last tobacco manufact irer worked for and salary expected per month to commence on. Address Globe Tobacco Co., Detroit. Midi. B-M592 20 COLLECTOR, wanted: one experienced In delivering and collecting on book pre ferred. Call ut room C,S I'axlou iiiook. WANTED Dry goods salesman, one gro- cprv mun and one meat cutter for coun try. Address "R," Millard hotel, until Saturday ovenlng. B 0r, 2l COMMERCIAL travelers to carry good sldo line; catalogue only required. Address II. R. Van EpI. Peoria, 111. 11 UOI : TRUSTWORTHY man to advertlso and mi- point agents In Nebraska, monthly and expenses pennies commission; permanent. John cross. u Dcnrnorn. ciiichro. R-MfiOO 20 WANTED, 12 persons tn travel; salary $780 nnd expensen: absolutely no canvassing: permanent position; references; enclose self-addressed envelope. Colonial Com pany, ucarnoru hi., ciucacn. 11 MOOS 2G WANTED, an ambitious, energetic young man to travel; salary 000 per year and exnenses: oxnerlenco unnecessarv. Ad dress Travelers' Dept. A. B.. Ltihlman Company. 313 Dearborn St.. Chicago. B-MB17 20' WANTED, bv llrm. exnerlenced hook- keeper; stale age, experienco and salary expected. Address s, nee. is aitsi s.i WANTED, men to lenrn barber trade; we make exceptionally Rood offers this month or scholarship, uoaru, toois anu trans portation tn our col'eges nt Chicago, St. Louis or M nncanolls: you can tio guar anteed better positions by lolnliiR now than later; eight weeks completes. Cata logue and special inducements rreo ny addressing Moler Barber College Repre sentative, it,. j I'aruam si., omiinn. B-MC20 30' WANTED, nice appearing young men for ushers tit Orpheum theater. Apply nt box olllr e. B-Mfi.'B 2.V XVAXTHU F153IAI.U IIELP. AN INTELLIGENT ndy to take a short- hand scholarship In best school and pay mr 11 wnen course m comnieied and post, tlon secured. Addross L Su, Ueo. C 550 WANTED, 200 girls, 1521 Dodge. Tel. K7. C-531 to girls wanted. Canadian odlco 1522 Douclai C-M'i WANTED, educated young ladles to learn nursing. Apply to secretary, Fremont hospital. C-M9! WANTIHi. cook DodRe st. nnd luundresH at 2037 C .Mfi73 WANTED. 11 Rood plrl In a fnmlly of two; nppu iimd iieorRia live. C Ml Z- WANTED. Rlrl for general housework; small tamiiy. jiju innney. c .M5Si, 27 WANTED. Rlrl for general housework. Ap ply Z.MII A. ..nil St. l-JISW Z6 WANTED. 0110 enamiiermald und one . waiter Rlrl nt .Metropolitan hotel, coun cil 111UITS. C MSKi -ti GIRL, apply at 1921 Blnney. fHRL, for genetal housework. O-C01 25 US N. tOth. C-499 W FOR HEXT UOirsES. IF you wnnt your houses well rented place. ilOUSES, etc." F. D. AVcad, 1524 DotiRhis. D-5S4 ALWAYS movinc H. H. Roods. Pianos. Ofllce, 151BV Fdrnam St. Tel. 1559 or S-63. D-583 HOUSES for rent In nil parts of the city. ureuuau-1-.ovo co., a. nt, D-53I "20 N 23ilst., 9-r house, modern except f'.irmicp.'llno location, reduced In Sis. Payne-Knox Company, 1st l N Y Life ItldE, D-M343 2S FOR RENT, 8-room house. No. 61S South i;th si. lnau ru al room 39v. Cltv Hall D-S20 'on rent-hoi m:s In-ROOM stpnm heated flat, all modern. KIT DoJglas. inquire Lliidquest, 310 80 111 11. D lis 12nfi William SI , 3 ronms-$5.00. KA S. 23rd.. 3 iooms-J7.00. 2912 (Seward St., G-rootn cottage JlO.trt, lTOTVj H. I.'IUI HI., Z-room eottngp 13.00. OMAHA LOAN At TRUST CO.. luin unci Douglas hi. D--VIS3 1721 N 37lh 81. Nine-room house, all mod- cm, in linn rppalr, M7.60. U.MAIIA l.UA.N A: TKUNl LU., 16th and Douglas St. D-M1SI 9-ROO.M hoiiRe, nil modern, 613 N. 23d. In- iiuiro u. w. Dunn, 1211 rurnam. D .Mull 7-ROOM cottage. 2SI1 N. 17th nvc. Olarko Powell, 310 New York i Ala. D-air.n HOUSES, stores, llcmls, r&xton block. D HOUSES and flats. IUngwalt, Barker tlk. U-MJ SEE 11ENHV U. l'AYNE, 601 N. Y. I.IKE. FOR RENT, slrlcily modern flat In Dav- Idgo lmlldlng, opposite rlty lia'l. John w. kobbIns, 1S02 FARNAM ST. u mi FOR RENT, X rooms and hath, nil modern improvements, larKo yard, rent reason able. Seo the property, 613 OeorKla ave. 1J -.Mill., .' FOR HEXT ItOOMS. 3 furnished rooms for housekeeping: man & wue; rent taken in hoard. 313 n. iitit. NICE ROOMS, private family. nentlcmcn only. 1019 DodRe. H-B73 2 HOl'SEKEEPINO. fill 8. Wth ave. H S.VI NICE 'nrce front room for two contlemen. ni, ciuciiRo; tirivato ramiiy. k-jimi i' FIIHX1SIIEII ROOMS AXI1 nOAHD. THE Mcrrlam, Rood summer resort, 25th & Pod Re , K-f.M GLENCAIRN.tran3lcnts,J1.23dny. 160D Dgls. 1' Ml UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. F-39? THE PRATT, dcslrablo rocms, 212 S. 23 St. I f A wiimotri.y fiirnlshrd rooms: Rood board: rules, reasonable I lie nose. Harney. ' K-M24I S1U IN PRIVATE family. 2020 St. Mary's Ave. F KW PLEASANT rooma with board. 19M Cap- Itol nvc. f aiBin ;u- for nnxT-irxFi iixisiiEn iiooms. TURKU unfurnished rooms, modern eX' cent furnace, is. uoi N. ISth. .o-oji-j,' SUIT of I rooms, Ml South 26th Ave. 0-552-2I FOR REXT STORES AXD OFFICES. cni wkvt alnrn In nrHt.elass location: rent reasonab e. Aliniy R. - I'Qters Co., ground floor, Reo Illdg. 1206 OTniiM rnnm f.,'l Kniilli lsth: nower fur nlshed if desired, ciurito rowcn, in; York Life. i-."ji.' FOR RENT, nice brick store bulldlnR In Rock Port. Atchison county, mo.; nno locntlon for Reneral stock of merchant ,ll-. Imlldlnir Is 24xs0 feet, with ware- room separate, nnd is owncu oy .-mumuiiiu lodce. one or me nest corners in iuhii, Address W. E. Glcrmann, secretary. l ini AU1JXTM WAXTED. i?s to isn n.iidlv made bv our live agents, men or women, selling our inicsi iidvchj, campaign waterproof neckties; goodK en tirely new and paiciueu; aRuiun uunti'ii"-", sales unlimited; what others do, you can do do; time Is short; write today nnd secure nxeUtslvo territory; Riiarnnteed best seller. AdXJs. with stmp,.M. & M. Manrg. Co., exc A rlil T-,..,.t r Crliiftnld. MflNH "-!" " , ..nno er,,ln V ' ""- "i'" AGENTS onft'nller S?1 nrodtieed sWVn Ifnrt Ink .s It on greatest ,i..,,r'v- iiri.i of nen sight; 'JO to BOO per cent profit; one agent's ....n , r iR( in V llllVN'. 1111- n,ii,-n tin, ,i,.ii.. . ... - - , other 132 In two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co., X 1C. La Crosse. Wis. j jium zo- AOENTS sell our nlumlnum card cases and cards; also our dun letters; uig proms, clean work; circulars und samples frep. Bunker Ptg. co.. uept. u, iiuiiKer uuik., Kansas City. Mo. J .muiu WAXTEII TO II EXT. wAXTun tn rout, small cottime. fur nished, by young couple, no cniniren. aii- drcss r w, nee. WANTED, two rooms nnd hoard private family, man anu wire nnn two nine kui-, nnr irnnil Rclinnl: Central preferred, l.,. It. Jones. 1110 Douglas St. K &J1 26' WANTED, detached ton-room house with vard. furnaco nnu wiiniu wuikhik iiixiiuico nr noHiouice. n 11. dci;. - ... r, ,, , ,.- 1 l STORAGE. nArn'ic Sinn- nnd Warehouse Co.. 912 911 Jones, general storago una lunvurumg. uj Om. Van Stor. Co., 151H& Farn. Tols. 1559-R43. UJJ XVAX'TEIl-TO I1UV. AT T. Vlnilo nt linllHphOld COOdS. hotels, etc. In large ana amau quummw- "u;;u Furniture Co., 1100-10 Dodge. Tel. sikh. N CJl WILT, nurchnso a limited inraucr or Omaha Havings uaim accuuiun. urnniaii' Lova Co.. 3US so. IJIII, Vli 2D-HAND bicycles. Omaha Bicycle Co. N-C03 DO 2D-HAND typewriters. Nebraska Cyclo Co.. cor ism & iinrney. n-iu-ni HOUSI'3, seven to ten rooms, nnd lot, or va cant lot wiinm cigui moons ni ciiv nan. Address H 16, uee. N Mb.7 ZB' FOR SALE FURXITltHE HOUSEHOLD furniture. 1201 N. 2Gth st. 0-M593 30 OR SALE HORSES, VEHICLES, F.TC. VEHICLES of all kinds mudo and repaired by iiarry r rosi, 11111 unu ueavcnwortn, MUST sell, two 2d hand extension loo car riages, equally goou us new and nt less than '4 prlco, Call nnd seo us If you .want a liugRy or pnaeion; can save you money. Win. Pfelffer Carriage Wks., 2020 Leaven worth, r ijs VOM SALE MISCEI.LAXEOUS. HARD nml soft foundation piling; fenco nnu criuuing, wi uoiiRias, t,j- Mi CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman Sc Mc- Connoll uruc -u., iur. iviu unu uouge. Q-tf29 B. HA8S, Florist. ISIS Vinton St. Tel. 77. I'l.inm. em nnwt-rf. laiiiuriH. nan. rriu- deneo. wedding nnd grave decorxtlons, Orders by mull or express promptly fined. v iw 2DIIAND safe cheap. Derlghl, 1116 Farnam. u OJl SAFES; buy, sell, ex'go. Schwartz, 111 8. 13. J M. & W. tires, J2.75. Omaha Blcyclo Co. MANSON bicycles, ti".. Omahn Bicycle Co. w .inus 2ND1IAND wheels r, to HO: new wheels XioW.?lilh's!cMvnKolxl ;i. omuha FOR SALE, Rood milch cow. Inquire at 2!3 Harmony street. Council Hiuns. 7.-M523 27 FOR SAI.Eoue line Jersey cow, 3 years om. can niiernoons. -Ja ami .11, Fount umauu. o MVS a' MISCICI.LAXKOUS. NOTICE, country dealers, 2dhand furnltura and stoves al lowest prices, carload lots or less. Chicago r urntiuro CO., iiw-iu Lionge. CLAIHAVOYXT. BEATBICK HARLOW, Arahlan treatment, uauu. iii'.i n. join, ist iui 1-. B-695 2l CLAlHVCnXT. CHAS. H. LINCOLN, the world's greatest I'l.AlltVnVANT. Tells your name In full, names of friends. enemies or rlVHls: whether husband, wife or sweetheart Is trie or false; gives advice on till points or interest. HE .MAKES NO FAILURES and Is bo positive of his powers to satisfy ynii ho will llrst Rive your name In full and answer one sealed question to all those calling ut once with object of having n read in.. FREE OK CHAIKIE! KHEE OK CHARGE! Head tha following sworn statement: STATE OK NEBRASKA, DOUGLAS COUNTY-ss: And now on the ISth day of AtiRiist, 1000, came, Charles H. Lincoln, unit belns by me llrst solemnly sworn, deposes and says that ho Is the Identical person whose advertise ment nppears In the dally papers of the city, a copy of which nppcur.4 above. Afllaut ndopts said advertisement and makes same a part of his contract with each and every patron. Further, altlant guarantees full and complete Katlsfactlon to each and every raller. And as evidence of his Rood fulfil altlant hereby agrees with every patron to refund nil fees paid to liltn If patron Is not fully satlslted cither at the tlmo of rcadlnc or at nnv time Inirr uinu ,i iiuunih ur ni any lime later. W1IAS. 11. LINCOLN. SnWrlbnil In mv un., ,.A ..... , licforc mo this ISth day of August, 1900. bryce Crawford, Justice of tho 1'cacc. Is this not honest? Could anything bo fairer? hen In doubt consult the best. LOW FEE! LOW FEE! CALL AT ONCE. 1722-DodRo 81.-1722. H-M6II 23 I'ROF. LAUrtMVfM V IAfi.'o President of Mediums Protective associa tion. 171l-Dod"lns St. 1711 Prof. JnitiM Im 11 ftillv ,lnv..i vuyiini anu irunce nKMlllllu. Ho uses no FRISK TKHT--FRKK TEST 1 hehemes tO Uttruct neonln In liln nurlnru Neither does he find It necessary to clmtiRo his name In every city on account of Im proper relations of tho past, lie will posl- ut Kit ACCEPT NO VKK In advance and makes NO CHARGE NO CHARGE unless as he advertises tho UTMOST SATISFACTION Is given In e -cry reading. HE CALLS YOUR NAME. TELLS NAME OF HWRKTIIHAITT. friend, enemies or anyone. Tells all about your nusiness uniiirs, your love and do mestic affairs, reunites tho scoarated. causes speedy marrlace with tho one of your choice, removes evil influences, locates ourieu treasures, etc. Prof. James makes no lmnnsslhle rlnlmx. Ho conducts his business on business prin ciples. Ills past success and honorable dealings Is sutllcleut guarnntco for bis iinuro worn. ALL BUSINESS SACREDLY CONFIDEN TIAL. PERMANENTLY LOCATED. CONSULTA. TION ROOMS 17H DOUGLAS STREET-1714 S-MC24 26 ELECTRIC TUKATMEXTi ELITE parlors. 61S 3. 16th, second floor. T M9W Hi BEATRICE HARLOW. Arabian treatment, Duius. ui,', i-i. ism, jhi nai r. t &is .I'r MME. LEE, magnetic treatment. 507 8. 13th, room 2. T 577 30 MME. AMES, baths, 1615 Howard, room 1, zu noor; aiienanni. r ois 30 1'EIISOXAl,. MONIIEIT, Chiropodist. 1515 Farn. Ttl. 2333. U KI3 LADIES' hair shampooed, dressed, 33c. Hair toilet goods. Aionneit, ioi Farnam. Ttl 23J3 U 040 ,,,-.. . .. .. 1 Hiil. LI ? !,?!. r.S bath fo, - Mb only; fcattis, electric skilled women massauo opurutors; finest equipped baths in me ciiy. itensiom nam company. aiooni? .10 10 an, ueo ounaing. u .M163 PniVAT hospital for ladles hofor8 & dur. "g confinement; babies adopted. 1135 N. 17, U--S43 4 SOLES. 35c: velvet rubber heels, 33c. The oia reuauio, a. r. rcterson, luin & cuming U 041 DR, ROYt chiropodist: corns removed, 25c ana upward. Room iz, Frenzezr biocK. U 614 RUPTURE cured: no knife, no pnln, no danger; send for circulars. Empire Rup ture uurc, w. iN. i. j.uo uiag., umana. - U-615 PLEATING and pleated skirts of all kinds. M, Goldman & Co,, zoo Douclas blocx. U-640 PRIVATE homo before and durlnc confine. ment; names adopted. Mrs. uurget, zrco liuruette, ti nil IIOKF'S Express & Messenger Co, Tel. 1717. U-618 VIA VI, woman's way to health. 346 Bee. bldg U UK EPPERLY corset to order. 1812 Capitol av. u aisu H4 EPPERLY corset to order. 1C12 Capitol AV. U b'Jl H4 Corns Si bunions destroyed. 511 Knrhach Illk. U 9I3-S-D HAVE furs repaired and altered now. Don't wnlt until tho busy season nnd expect work dono at once. Aulabaugh, Son & Co, Furriers, &06 Karbach Block, Omaha. U-91S-S-5 PLEATING: buttons to order: nlnklni while you wait, umana ricaung Co., w: Douglas. U-Ml5j SECOND-HAND bicycles at your own prices this week; J3 up; bargains In new ones, i.ouis i-icscucr, it.r.' capitui ave, U-M163 23 JOHN RUDD. ontlclan. 115 S. 16th st. U .,IH Hill MOXEY TO I.OAX CUT ATE PRIVATE money, 5. W, 6 per cent; no do- lay, uarvin uros., win i-arnam. w 619 WANTED City and farm loans: also bonds and warrants, it. c. ueiers &. Co., 1702 Farnam at., uce uiag. w two PRIVATE money. F. D. Weud, 1521 Douglas. w wi FIVE per cent money Bcmls, Paxton block. Y (W3 LOANS on eastern Nebraska nnd western Iowa rarms nt b per cent, liorrowers can pay Jion or any multiple. Any Interest date. No delay. Brennsn-Lovo Co., 309 south wth Ht omtna, Neo. w-ki MONEY to loan on llrst-clnss Improved city property or ror uiiuing purposes. 1'nyne- ivr Cnox Co., Now York Life, W-053 , Slj. 0 per cent on Omnha, So. Omaha. W. II. Thomas, 503 1st Nat. bank. Tel. 1013, w CS5 MONEY to IojlU at 6 nnd 5V4 per cent on Omaha property, w. is. Mel 211:10, 4Q1 n, iiiin. W-i8 MONEY' to loan on Improved Omaha real esiair. iironnan-iovo 1.0., no. um. W-637 $1,000 and upward to loan on Improved city property and inrms. w. i-arnam wmttn A: Co., 1320 Farnam. W 658 WANTED-City loans, bonds and warrants. ucorgo company, iwi rarnam Hi. W-019 MONEY In nnv amount at 5, 514 6 per cent. J. W. KUU111NM CU., Ibvi r AU.iAM ST. MONEY tn loan on farm and cltv property; o'" O. V. Davis Co.. iSos" nlrnam JIOXEY TO LOAN CATTLE. SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. .1. W. TAYLOE, 21S First Nat. Bank Illdg. N WJ PniVATE LOANS TO SALARIED PEO PLE momentarily embarrassed who desire above everything else to AVIJ1IJ 1L III.ILI 1 1 ran be accommodated at our office with less expense, time and trouble than any place in tne city. A JU CIUL.Ar 1.UA.1 lU. . ttoom 601. Bea Building. X-M723 , 1 MONET loaned on pianos, furniture, horses, cows, Jewelry. Dj!T Green, It S, Barker Blk MOM5Y 'III LOAN ("II VTTE1.S. MONEY . MONKY LOANED SALARIED I'EOFLK. So emlnrsor or tnnrtcaize reoulred. LOWEST RATES. EASY PAYMENTS and STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. OMAHA CREDIT CO.. Room KC, llfth floor. New York Life Illdg. -M-O-N-E-Y--D-O-Y.O-l'-N'E-E-D-l-T- Wp make loans from J10.00 up on furniture, pianos, norses. cows, eic. , you Keep ino property; or wc will make you n SALARY LOAN on you own note, rr it limit or inortKKe. we charse absolutely notn InR for inakltiR papers, and wo keep notn- intr nut or tno aniouiu you iiorrim . vuu mav pay the money back In one month or taKO more time in which 10 pay 11. ami you are expected to pay for It illy what time vou use It; our rates are low and our terms arc the easiest, our business 1m as condentlal as Is possible and our treat ment Is always courteous, umun.i siori bhko Loan Co., 3U0 So. 16th St. Estab lished 1SS2. -o;a LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE. ARE YOP ONE OK THE CROWD WHO ARE T A KINO ADVANTAOH of our .NEW n.irtlal tmvment nlaii' Let Us (il'IETLY explain same to you. We loan employes on their notes. No mortRase: no indorser; no publicity. Slmplv. 11 CONFinENTIAL IIITUIVI.'aa t1t.t. U'n Will Tiini'SAim Jn this way, SO DON'T HESITATE ABOUT CALLINO We nre lmtlers n'td v"nt mere i.i.,. ti i iHtm nvi-u'n'U PROMPT SERVICE TO HI IT THEIR TIME AND CONVENIENCE. These are times, of heavy competition and tn remain leaders we must glvo more for your money man others ijaki;. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Room m Third Floor, Paxton Illk. X-370. MONEY loaned salaried peonle holdlne nor- mancni position wun respoiisiuio concerns upon ineir own nnmen witnutit security; easy payments. Tolman, 706 N. Y. L. Illdg. .X 67U MONEY loaned oh nlanos. furniture, dia monds .watcnes, privately. Merger s i.oan vo iMJ Farnam hi., upstairs. a wj MONEY loar.ed on furniture, diamonds. watches; payments confidential. Omaha Chattel Loan Bank, 220 S. 15th, upstolrs A bbi MON'P.Y lnnur.l nt, tilnnnn. fnrnlMirn. 1nv ciry, norses, cows etc. v.. t . iteeu, ;au H 1:1. X C& lltlbIi;HS CIIAXCES. FOR RENT Owlnc to ndvanclnc venrs Mr. u. nuns, tno nonst at im;i vintou street, has decided to rent out his hut house nt nuovn location, occupy iir 7.00U to R.000 sauaro rcct, under glnss. with about 2U0 windows, nnu tno residence and storo frontliip tho street, on the motor lino to South Omaha. Excellent location for the uusiness. y 3SJ FOR RENT, dining room of Lange hotel; goon inducements to nrst-ciass party. v aiz nuiii, uusiness and rurnlHlilugs in n thriving town in central Nebraska, only hotel in the town. A bargain for some one. Address P fid, Hee. Y M57) 23' AN OLD established grocer wants to re tire; has pood location in Omaha. Ad dress H 3, Hee. Y Mutf) I FOR SALE, populist newspaper, with or wiinoiii suuscription list. Aildresn H .1 Omaha Dally Bee. Y M39I Si) BARBER shop for sale! first-class, three cnairs snop nnd naili rooms; snap, lock iiox Lagle Grove. la. Y W-2ii FOR exciianci:. (jOOD rental property lor farm. Monroe v co., Feed nnu Fuel, ,sn n. lfith st. M022 31 TO ejtchange. clear improved Missouri farm for clear western farm - 1119 Tyler, FOR SALIC REAL ESTATE. FARM near Fort Crook.,.200 ncrrs, nil under euiiivatinn. inquire John J. zucher. Fort croon, A'en, UK M17S 2i SEE HENRY B. l'AYNK. 001 N. Y. LIKE. --WIJ . C. F. HARRISON; .FARMS. N. Y. LIFE. - '"RE Ba-A-IT HOUSES, farms. R. C. FAtlersMn, 305 N.Y.L, ' ' RE-874 HOUSES, lots farms, lnhds, loans; also fire iiiauraiic". iinns. i-axton I)1K Uli-UTj READ THIS: one of the best homes In Man. sconi 1'iace: u roomn. larrn lot. pnml linrn sightly home; party leaving city; prlco i,uw.w. ai. j. ivcnimru c aon, room jiv, urown oiock. RK svJSi RANCH AND FARM lands for sale bv ths i niop j-aciue Kaiiroad company, n. A. McAUaster, land commissioner, 1,'nlon I'acinc Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. re-g:s ,,pnv m , . . ... . I VERY Chean. thrr ncri. nflnnl nhlplien I tlKht fence, h. ISO tn . hnrn rnr, nrih sheds, etc.; Hue shade trees. Home of late I.Arf. .1, . 'n ;,..'. V ii. m. jnimsou. irvlngton, Douglas Co. inquire is. v. Johnson. 432i Frank! n St. RE-7&3 S3' PAYNE-KNOX CO.. HEADQUARTERS Tor REAL ESTATE BARGAINS; LOW EST RATES on LOANS; SOUND IN SURANCE; HOUSES, FLATS. STORES, lor m;r,T, First noor, a. v. Lire mog. RE-079 DEER PARK lots at 1250 to f40O. with ele- pant trees, are snaps, When you seo incm you win snv so. I'OTTER.SIIOLliS CO.. 310 N. Y. Life. RE-C77 STILL TWO BARGAINS. "J.?,0.'"'"" f"" burn, lot 50x150. at No 4;!31 Decatur. 1300. c-rnom coltnge, newly papered, city water and sewer, no. an no. 30th st.. sum. Mutual Loan and Building Association, 'tee mug., ti. ai. NnttiiiEer, nec. itn mz A NICE building corner, lots 2S mid 23, Falrmnunt Place, on easy terms. Write to I-. 11. Kappcn, .Milwaukee, Wis. RE- ALL modern, 7 rooms nnd two unfinished rooms up stairs; inside hllnds, storm windows, shutters nnd screens comnlete: two wnter-closets, two statlouury laundry tubs, lnrcn refrlceratnr built In linuii.i cellar under whole hoie; hurdwood finish In nil rooms; birds eye maple In two rooms; closets cedur-llned; front and Hid porch; gravel drlvewny; sluido trees nnd Hliruonerv: crate and mantel In nnrlnr: large barn; permanent sidewalk, located on i-arnnm street. iticp. J3,tie; ji.i.vj cash, balance time. Investigate this If you want u line home cneap. 1,. 1,. John son CO., 311 H. 15th St. RE-MG23 2ti MEDICAL. LADIES out of health rind prompt relief. uox ui, umauu. .ou. conuneniiai. -0 LADIES, Friar's French female regulator firings mommy periods reguiauy without pain; i per dox, coxes lor n. uox mj-h, .Minneapolis, iiinn. mjw ftcpiT' DR. LE DUE'S Female Regulator, pusl lively warranted to euro tho most sjub born cases of monthly stopnaues. Irrecu larltles. obstructions and suppressions uroiiKiii on irom wiiatsver cuuse; i. a nackace or 3 for $5: sent uuvwhere nre- iiald on receipt of price. Tho Kldd Drug Co.. EIkIii. 111. American Office, retail. wholeSAla, Myers-Dillon Drug Co., umiiha; M. A. Dillon, South Omaha: Davis Drug co., council iiiuns. goods. Full lino of rubber OSTEOPATH 1, JOHNSON lnstltuto, 515 N. Y. Llfo Bldg.', ..t IRill A 1 nlin.nn II n lHI..u dept.; old E. Johnson, Osteopatlilst,' MKT, oia M. E. DONO HUE, D. O., of Still nchool. Klrxsviiic, .Ma. wi I'axton uik. Tel. vmi. bill DBS. McMURRAY & Ml'SICK will open osteopathic ofllco Sept. 1, 530-538 Bee Illdg. ,uwi sr A. T. HUNT. D. O. 305 Knrbaeh. Tel. 2.152. M92rt SeptU PVW.MIUOKEBS, EAGLE Loan Ofllce. reliable, nccommortat- ing, all uusiness connuuntiui, j;;ui Dousias. in LOANS. H Murowltz; low rates. 118 N. 16. -ll'JU EXCIXES, BOIIilHlS, ETC. L. C. Sharp Mach, Wks.i motors, dynamos. DRF.S.NMAKIXr,. E. Q. M DONALD, 1C12 Cap. ave. -912 CI shorthand xn 't ri:witrrixo. A. C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N Y Life, -0S.1 IJOYLES' College, court reporter pru. -Ipat tieo inns. -to NEI1RASKA Huslness and Shorthand Col lere. Uoyd's Theater. OREtJO Shorthand tnucht nt 'he Otnnha Commciclal ColleRC, 16th and uoURias his, .MAd.VlVriC 1IIJ Al.lXtl. GREAT Western Institute, !ft3 Dointlas St., chronic dUcues cured; no diugd, MirRery. -AUK THE Renulne Simon Vitro Woltmer Method of Maanetlc Ileallnc mm lltirr.nif n s Hypnotism complete In one volume, j.'w l'ror. 11. winiams, nesuio, ,io .M'.mm Hep- CARPENTERS AMI .lOtlllKH!. ALL kinds of carpenter work and rcpalrlns promptly intended to. J 1 uciunree. sun and Lake Sis. .MAtJXF.TIC UEAI.lXd. OREAT Western Institute. 1623 Douctns St , chronic disease; cuied; 110 uniR. nurcery .Ail.. TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWIUTERS, secondhand. 1116 Farnam, m IIIRI1S AXI1 TAVinERMV. STOCK'S Bird Store. 16W Leavenworth -6V7 XICKEI. I'LATIXd. STOVES, lamps ami chnndellers replntcd, rw,, in-ill,,,. , 'rt iin 1,1, it ini vr. MJJS STVJIMERIXd AXI1 STITTER1XO. CURED. Julia Vaugh.111, 430 Ramge Bldg, U33 'irilXlTURE Itr.PAIIMXG. TEL. 1131. M. 8. Walkln, 2111 Cuming St. W.t HOTELS. HENDERSON, 11.00 per day houso; board is.w to j wcck. utn anu Furnam; tci, AltiS 51 IIAIIIIIT J1RT.1I. KRICTIONLES3. 11. S. Mann. 17 Com'l N'U'l Ilk. .M719 A3U I.ADXIIRY, OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts. 7c; collars, Zc; currs, 4c. liw i.euvenwortn. Tel. oh. I'RIXIC FACTORY. TRUNKS, traveling buRS, suit cases. Trunks repaired, om. Trunk Factory, 1209 Farnnin, tai TICKET BROKER. CUT rate tickets every where. P. II. Phil- um, lwa Farnam. loicpuonc isi. ,wj WAXTEII TO BORROW. WANTED tn borrnw, Jl.OOO, three to five years, at 7 per cent: no commission; on good improved South omalm property. Address o 36, ueo. .M!i74 STOVE REPAIRS. STOVE, furnace, range repairs; wuter con nections, omaha Htove Repair worns, 1207 Doug. 7oi A L XOTlCE NOTICE. TO BEPUI1LICAN VOTERS OK DOUG LAS COUNTY: Bv authority of tho republican county central committee a. convention of delecntes representing the renunncans or Douglas county Is hereby caned to meet at wash ington hail, uniaiui, at z p. m. waiurnuy, Keptpmber 8, to place in nomination Three slate senators, Nine state representatives, One county attorney. One eotintv commissioner. First district to bo named by the deleaates from said district, Nine ward assessors for Omaha, Kour ward assessors for South Omaha. Thirteen precinct assessors for country nreclnefs. Onn constable to fill vacancy for Omnln. Two constables to fill vacancies for South nniflhii and to select members of tho county cen. tral committee I no 1 epresen iu i ion in 'inn ruiivcniioii i .... n , . .. t . Tho representation In 'his convention Is "VP! I"!,""" 'I'i'J ,?'... lr ""'. A..'". cinci. nm nrirnu" e. nun i ii v.-iiiitun, niAiii-ii delecatcs. und each ward of Omaha, ten delegates. 1 ),l.frn trH tn tills cnnvtMitlmi will lui chnBrn nt a primary election hereby cal ed ror Friday, septemner ,. tne nous ueiur open from 12 m. to 7 p. in. In Omaha and South Omaha and from 7 n. m. to !) n. tn, The locations of the polling places aro: City 0 Omaha Kirst wnrd hixi 1 nnn l'lerce streets. Second Ward Twentieth and Cnstellar strocts. Tldi-rt Wnril 1120 Cnnltol avenue. Fourth Ward 220 South Seventeenth street. Fifth Wnrd-2012 North Sixteenth streot, Sixth Ward-ldlewlld hall. Hnventh Ward 132S Park avenue. Eighth Ward Twcnty-scconu nnd Cum ins streets. Ninth Ward Twenty-eighth and Farnam streets. City of South Omaha 312 North Twenty' nrtn street. Chicago Precinct Kelner's hall. Clontarf Precinct II. Tungeman's, llnni.tnu Irprlnct lliirtir' nurk. East Omaha Precinct District No. 01 school house. Elkhorn Preclnct-Elk Cltv. Flnrcnco Preilnct ("It v hall. Jefferson Precinct Mangold's lumber of llce. MeArdle Precinct Glaudt school house. Millard Precinct Millard school house, Platte Valley Precinct Vnlley opera house. Union Precinct PureeH's hall. Wntnrlnn Preclnet Masonic hall. West Omnha Precinct -Benson town hall The boundaries of the primary eleetlon districts shall correspond with tho rrsp-e- llvn ward boundaries In omuha. nreeinct boundaries In tho country preclr.'ts and cltv boundaries In South Omaha. The primary election will no held undor Hip nrnvislnns of tho nrlmnrv ulectlon law and tho rules adopted by this committee. which require petitions to no nieu with ins secretary not inter than j.- m. luemiuy Sentember 4. ny resort 11011 nt tno committee no proxies will Im allowed In the convention, hut delegates present nuthorlzed to cast Iho run votes apportioned to tneir respective UKineis. m. 11. cuui,iin, chairman. CLYDE C. SUND11LAD. Acting Secretary Omaha, August 18, 1900. LIRRARY. CHEYENNE. WYO.-BID8 AV1LL BE RE eelved by Robert c Morris, secretary car- negio lllirnry huilding commntec, up to Wednesday. September 12th, 1!X, twolvo n'f nrk. noon, for Iho construction of II- brary building according to plans und spec- mpniKins nrrnareci nv I'aiioii. i-iKuer u Alii' ler, nrchlteits, 41 Montnuk block, Chicago, III. Plans can be exnmlnPd both at Chey enne and at the ofllco of tho architects in Chicago. Fund avallablo approximates JI5,- 000. Aiimwfcsm I'OSTOFFK f) XOTIVK. (Should be rend DAILY by all Interested, ns chaii'ics mny occur ut any time.) Foreign mails ror tne weeic ending August 1900. will close (PROMPTLY In all (ases) nt Iho General Pdstnfllce us follows: PAR. CELS POST MAILS close ono hour earlier than closing time shown neiow. I'.irccia Post Malls for Germany closo at C p. in. Monday und Wednesday. Tru 11 ..M ill n 1 in .,1 11 1 in. SATURDAY -At 8 a. III. for NETHER LANDS, t er s. s. npaarnuam imnii mm; bo directed "per h. s. Siianrndam"); at 10 a m. for SCOTLAND direct, per .i. s, Kthli.iila 1 mall must ho d reeled "ner s Uihionla' : at 11:30 a. m. iHiipplement 11 rv 1 n. 111. 1 for El'ROPE. per s. s. I.u- catun , via ijupphhuiwii; hi a. 111. inr AZORES ISLANDS, l r a. s. 'Irojan Prince. PRINTED MATTER, KTC.-Thls steumer takes I'rinKU .Mntter, 1 ninmeicini im-ih and Samples for Germany only Tlw samo class of mall matter for other parts of Europe will nit In sent by this ship unless fpeclallv illrerted by It After the closing of tne supplementary Transatlantic Malls munru above, addi tional supplementary malhi aro oprne.1 on the plcrs of the. Amcrl an, Lnsllsh, PRUCE UF nuimaiftWkt m The fall festival and oriontal carnival will soon be hore. Bui what about that CARR YOU WANT ? If you nre looking for a high grade reputable malio of ehlelo at a SPECIAL LOW PRICE, you can have it ORUMMOBMD CARRIAGE CO. aro bettor fitted to give you such a bargain than anyone In tho city Their stock Is tho largest variety most select styles tho newest 110 trashy, shoddy goods to he ashamed of -and when wo adcrtlso SPECIAL LOW PRICKS WE MEAN Just what wc say. VISITS CORDIALLY INVITED. We'll be mighty civil to you. DRUMMOND CARRIAGE CO. IOTH AND HARNEY ST3. OSTOFFICF. XOTK H French and German Mcamers. and remain open until within Ten Minuted of tho hour of sailing of steamer. Mnlls for South nml Cpntrnl Aniprlcn, Wrwt Indies. Ktc. SATURDAY At 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10 a. ill) for ST. THOMAS, ST, CROIX. LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS ami DEMERARA. per s. s. Madlana; at 10 a. m. (supplementary 10:3o n. 111. 1 for I NAG I A am HAITI via Cane Haiti. Port an Prince and Jeremlo, per s. Aillroudack; at In a. m. (supplementary 10:30 n. m) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JA MAICA. SA VANILLA and CART 1A- (1ENA. per . s. Athos (mall for Cost.i Itlca must be directed "per s. s. Athos"); nt 10 a. nt. fHupplomei-,tnr H):3J a. m.) for PORTO Rico (via .1111 Jliatll. CU RACAO and VKNKXIJSLA. per s. s. Philadelphia (mall for Savan I hi and Carthagcuu must be dhccled "per s. j. Philadelphia"); at 11 11. m. for YUCA TAN, per s. s. Ravendale. via ProRresjj at 11 a. 111. for CUBA, per s. s. Mexico, v a Havana: at l p. m. f'ir MATAN.AS. CAIBARIEN, NUEVITAS. G1BARV and UARACOA, per s. s. oiiiiua (ordiuury mall only, which must bo directed "per 8. s. Ollnda"). Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, nnu thence uy strainer, clote nt this olllce dally nt S:30 p. m. (connecting close hero every Monday. Wednesday and Saturday). MaMs for Mlquelon, by rail to iioston, nnu tnenco ny steamer, ciosn nt this ofllce dally nt 8:3o p. m. Mnlls for ciina, uy ran to rort rampa, Fia., anu llu-nco by steamer. cloo at this olllea dally (except Monday) nt a. in. (tho connectlhK closes nro on Sunday, Wedncs dav and Frldav. Alalls for Mexico City. overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, close ut this ofllco dally at 2:30 it. 111 and z.M p. in. .Mans ror costa men. tie uze. I'ucrto 1 nrtez anu Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, clnje at this otllco dally at 3 p. 111. (connecting closes hero Tuesdays for Costa Rica and .Mondays ror Hellze. Puerto Corter. nnd uuaiemaia) Registered mall closes nt ti p. m. pro. vloui day. TrniiR-l'ni-lllc Mnlls. Malls for llnwill. I'hinii. .I.tnan and Phil' ipplue Islands, via Francisco, ciosa here dally nt t!:;'0 p. m. up to AuntlU "21th, lnclulv for deomtch per s. s Iloniikom: Mnru. MnllH for Hawaii. Ju lian. China rind Plilllnnlno Islnuds. via San Francb-co. close here dally at 6X9 P. m. up In .September "lsl, Incbislve. for dh'iiatch per s. s. china. Malts for Australia (except West AuMraila). New y.niilniiil ll.'iM'jill l.-iu nml S.Tir.o.lll ll- anils, vlu Run i-lo.e here dally nt fi:20 11 111. nftpr AiimiMt I9th nnd III) to September 1st, Inclusive, or on day of arrival of s. s. Campania, due nt New York September 1st, for despatch per h. h. Mariposa. Malls for China and Ja pan, via Vancouver, rtopc here dally at lT:3i) 11 m nt. In Hnnteinbpr Mtll. lnclll slve, for desiiat"h per s s Empress of China (registered mall must tie din-cti-i via Vnnrniiipr"!. Mn 11m fur Hawaii. vl San 1-Vanclsco. close lure dally at 0:3) 11 111 lln In Munlnmhl-r 14th. InclllslVI for despatch per s. s. Australia Malls Tor Australia (except West Australia u-hlnh irnns via Kiirnni-. nnd New pa- land, which cues via San Franriso:. and Kill Islands, via Vancouver, close hero dally at 0:30 p. m. up to September "istn, Inclusive, for despatch per s s. Wnrrl man (supplementary malls, via teattl" close at 0:30 p. m. September ltitP). Transpacific mnils nre fnrwcrdecl to port or sailing nniiy nnn tne srii'diue or clon ing Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overiann trunsii Registered mail cloes nl 0 p. in. pre vIoi'S day. CORNELIUS VAN "OTT. Vostmaoter Postoinco. New York. N. Y.. August 17, 1900. RAILWAY TIMI-; TABLES. UNION PACIFIC'THE OVER land Route" Oencral Olllces N. E. Cdr. Ninth und Kiirnnm streets, city TlcKet on ce, 13! Kai nnm street. Ti'lenhone, 316. Depot, 'lenth nnd Muson Sts Teicpnone, u."j. Leave. Arrive Tho Overland Limited.. a M20 am n 7.3.1 pm The ChlcaRO-Portland Sneclal a :zn am n 7::ii nm Tho Fast Mnll a K:.0 nm n 3'2." pm Tho Colorado Special. ..all. 33 pin a ii.30 nm The Fast Mull a 1:33 nm Lincoln, Ileal rlco and Stromshurg uxpress. .l 4:10 pm IU2:25 pm Tho Pacific Express . .n 4:25 pm Tho Atlantic Express a 0 50 am Grand Island Local . b 5:30 pm b 9.30 um U. IJUIIJ f I'Ullj bAb.lll .,11111, It j . . T-1..,,.. I. ,,..IIi. . . .., Ut.mli... CHICAGO, ROCK 1SL nnd & I'aelllc Railroad "The Great Rock I-l-and Route " Ct Tick et Olllce, 1323 Farnam Street Telephone, 42i Depot, Tenth it Mason Btreelti. Telephone. CZI Lnave. Arrive. De.i Moines and Daven port Local a 7'2. am lilt :::"i nm n i i" am a 1 pm a 7:0) pm Chicago Express bll:15am Chicago (''list Express, .a 5:00 pm i.incoin ami i-uirniiry. .a s:sj am Lincoln, Colorado Spgs., nenver, i-ucnio anil West a 1:30 nm a 1:15 nm Den Moines, Rock Isl and nnd ChlcnRO a 7:1j nm a 5..V) nnr. Colorado & Texas Fler.a 5:53 pm a 9.15 am a uniiy. o uany except Sunday. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE St. Paul Riillway-CHy Ticket olllce, 1501 Fnrmim Street. Telephone 2S4. Depot Tenth and Mason Streittl Telephone, C29. Lejve. Arrive MWA"!W Chicago Limited Ex. . . .n r,:0O pm n 8:ftfi nm Chlcign & Omaha Ex. b 7.15 nm b 3.55 pm n Duuy. u uauy except nuntiay. OMAHA fc ST LOUIS HAIL road Omnha. Knusns '"Itv Ai Eastern Rallroiid-"The CMIncy Roiitn" Th-k- t Of Hie, 1415 Farnam Slrent. Telephone 32J. Deiml, Tonth and Marcy Streets. Tolc phone, 629. i.eavo. .rrivo. Cunnon Ball St. Louis Express a 5:()u pm a S:20 nm Kansas City und Qulncy Local a 7:00 nm u 9:00 pm a Dally. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad. City Ticket or llcc. U02 1'ornam street. Telephone, 245. Ucpit Tenth and Muiioii gtrct Lonve. nli:10 am Arrive, a 4 0., pin a nm Chicago Exprc-s Ch.r.iL-n l.iniltcd a 7.,i pm Minneapolis und St I'iiiiI Exprcs Mlnneaiiolli and St b 7.00 am h 9 10 pm Paid Limited , : l-Vrl HiiiIl-c Loral from 15 pm a 15 am council Hiuns ... nn.upni bio 15 am a Dally, u Dally cx"epl Sunduy. torn HARNESS BY THE HUNDRED OPP. COURT HOUSE. RAILWAA" TIMIO ("AIUI. FREMONT ELK HORN & .Missouri Valley Railroad "Tim Northwestern Lino" General Olllcei, United Status National Rank Bids., H. W. Cor. Twelfth nnd Farnam Sis. Ticket Olllce, 1101 Farnam St. Telephone, Ml. Depot, 15th and Webster Sts. Ti'lo- ibone, li.ii. i.eavo. Arrive. Iiacic itilis, ucauwomi, Hot Springs 11 a:uu pm a n:uo pm Wyoming. Caspar and DourIiis u s:w pm o &:w pm HiiHtliiRs. York. David City, .superior, ticnevs, Exeter and Seward....!) 3:00 pm b 5:C0 pm Norfolk, Verdlgre and Fremont u r.w am uiu:i nm Lincoln, Wahoo nml Fremont i :" nm uiu:.o nm I'lemotit Local Oi :30 am a Dally. l nany except Hiinuay. n nun- lav only d Dally except Saturday, o Dally except Monday. CHICAGO, ST. PAUL. Minneapolis ft Omaha Railway "The North western Line" General Olllces. Nebraska Divi sion, ISth and Webster Sis. City Ticket Olllce. 1401 Farnam St. Telephone, 501. Depot, 15th nnd Webster Bts. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger... n 0:00 am a 9:10 pm Omnha Pasesuger all:10 um Sioux City it North- vast Nebraska a 3:50 pm Oakland Local b 5:45 nm b S:15 am a Daily, a Dally excep. Hummy. BIOUX CITY PACIFIC Railroad 'Tho North western Line" General Olllces. United Stntes National Bank Building. 8. W. Corner Twelfth and Farnam Sts. Ticket Olllce. 1101 Farnam St. Telephone, 501. De put, Tenth und Mason Sts. Telephone, 629. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Express a 0:55 nm nl0:50 pm I'win City Limited a 7::i.ri pm n ,i:iri am Slouv vity Local a 8:00 am a 1:20 pm n Dally CHICAGO & NORTH western Railway "Tha Northwestern Lino" City Ticket Ofllce, -1401 Karnam Street. Tele phone. Ml. Depot, Tenth nnd Mason Sts. Tele- phone, 029. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial .n 7:00 nm n 11:30 pm .a 4:15 pm it S: 10 am Chicago Passeimer. l.astern l-;xnress. Des Moines, Marshalltown, Cedar Rapids und Chi cago nl0:55 nm a 4:03 pin Eastern Limited, Chi cago and East a 1:53 pm a 4:05 pm Fnt Mall. Chicago to Omaha a 2:43 nm Omaha-Chicago Special. a 7:15 pm n S:f0 pm i-nst .wan n v::io nm a Dally MISSOURI PACIFIC RA1L road General Olllces nnd Ticket olllces Southeast Cor ner 14th and Douglas fits. Telephone 104. Depot, Union stutlon. Leave. Arrive. a 0:30 pm a 6:15 nm st Louis. Kansas & Nebraska Limited alO.OO nm K. C, St. L. Express... ul0:10 pm Leave from 15th Webster Sts. Nebraska Local and Via Weeplnif Water b 4:15 pm nl0:45 am a Dally b Dally except Sunday. KANSAS CITY. St, Jo seph & Council Blutr.4 Railroad "The Burling ton Route ' 'ilcket Ofllce, 1502 Kurnam street. Tele phone 250. Depot, Tenth and Mason streets. Telo phonc. 12'. Leave. Arrive. Kansns City Day Ex ..a 8:50 am a fi:I0 pm Kan- if f'lty Night Ex .ul0:15 pm a 0:15 am St . -Is Flyer for St. Jo.'i-ph und St Louis, .n 4:55 pm a)l:15 um u Daily. BURL1NOTON A; Mis souri River Railroad "Tho Burlington Route ' General Olllces, N. W. Corner Tenth and Farnam Sts. Ticket Ofllce, 1502 Furniim Htrcct. Telephone. 1 23.1. Burlington Htutlon, Tenth nnd Mason Streets Telephone, r.a. Leave. Arrive Lincoln. Hastings and MrCook n 8:10 am a 7:J5 pm Lincoln, Denver, Colo- rado, Utah, Callfornla.a 4:25 pm a 3:00 pm I i.i.nln & Black Hills.. a 9:30 pm a :i:io pm Mi ntana, Puget Sound.. n 9:30 pm n :4j um Lincoln Fast Mall ... .u 3:M pin n!0:33 um Denver. Colorado. Utah fc California ...... i. Dally. a 6:16 am zrrri-i CHICAGO, BURLINGTON Ac Qulncy Railroad tne Burlington Routo" Tlrknt Ofllce, 1502 Farnam 8t Tel. 2.7). Depot. Tonth Ai Mason Streets. Telephone, 124 I.eavo. Arrlvn. I Ja Unlit Chicago Spe cial a 7:00 nm Prorlii E.tpres" a 9:25 pm clibago Vt tibulcd Ex .a 4:00 pm a 7:45 um Chicago Local Express.a 8:50 am u 1:0., pm Cldi igo Limited a 7:45 pm a 7:45 um I'm lllc J incllnn Local. .alO:45 am Pt.i lhi- Junction Extra. n 7;01 pm Fi st Mnll n 2:15 pm u Dully. WABASH RAILROAD Ticket Ofllce. 1504 Farnam Street. Telephone, 895. De pot, Tenth and Mnrcy KirnctH. 'I'elenhone. 629. Mm Lnavo. Arrive. Cannon Ball" a 5.C5 pm a 8:20 am it Louis ' Express 1. Dully. Y0UTSEY IS SERIOUSLY ILL iniuir SlPimurnpliPP ' CluirKPil vvlth 'inn n I li-l I ; In liiicbel Murder In Womr, GEOKCiETOWN, Ky., Aug. 21 Henry E. Youtsey, In Jull awaiting trial fnr com plicity In tho (Joohol murder, and who nan loeu ill, Is reported to bo In a serious con. dltlnn today LOl'ISVILLi:, Ky . Aug. 21. Former :'( rrtary of Htato Caleb Power, charger! with complicity In tho murder of Governor (Joelitl as imlay Irouglit from Utorao town and pVt'-l In tho ail here. (JMmi-j