10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: S AT U TIT) AT", AI'RT'ST 25, 1000. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Gloomy Reports from Northwest OauM Ad vance in Wheat. RAINS HELP TO KEEP CORN QUIET AND EASY I'rlr.m In Onln ICrp i Clenc to (hp Mnrl. Mnde Yfsfcrdii Prtu In I on Are. Quiet ii ml I'lrni on n (iniiil i:icir( l)cniniiil. CiriCAOO, Auk. 2l.-ExceedlnBty Rlonmv rcportH from the northwest gave wheat on Impetus today unil September clo with u further advance of Mie. Corn closed tie. lower and oats Uo ilown. l'ro visions closeel ilrm, September mirk :,', September lard 10c and September ribs 'J'tc HlRher. Wheat opened quiet and easy on disap pointing cables, which Indurrd selling by yesterday's buyers. September started 'iJ tic lower, nt "I'.ic to Tie. Liverpool showed An ailVanrn of (itilv 3. if. 'Phn Imnrkti fa.p Ing prevalent at the start changed during nrsi niicon minutes 'the raetnr win the the extremely gloomy tone of the northwest reports, u was reported mat in man sec tions of the sprint; wheat territory farmers would not he ahle to net seed. The rains, 11 is said, Mini caused sprouting and grow lug In shocks. This sort of Information sent shorts to cover and their buying, com lilned with orders from the northwest, tcnt September up to 75V- The bulge inn prollt taking, but the market held with considerable strength, closing 'iff-Hc over yesterday, at 71V'. Clearances 'if whe'it fctid Hour at the seaboard were c.iual t zri,(ji bushels. Primary receipts aggre gated i.osi.niyi bushels, compared wMli 581. (M) bushels last year. Mliincupill ati'l Duluth reported .'112 cars, ugiilnst l!fi last week and 209 n year ngo. Local receipts were, uo cars, thirty-three of contract Kradc Tho advance curtailed cash hu- lness. Corn was quiet and easv. for the rains which did damage to wheat In the shnet were helping tho corn orop. Thn con slated principally In changing September over to later ele ivcrles. October sen ng lc under September. September Mid be tween 3'i'iic and .Wic and closed lower, nt 38Tf39c. Tho market recovered from the bottom, In sympathy with the wheat strength. Hccelpts were 19s. car.i. t'aso Balen wero r.Ort bushels. In oats prices hung close to yesterday'. mark and the bulk of trade was In chang ing September for October, the latter being nt tic prumlum. Iteeelpts were 4iis cuts. September Bold between 2IM(21-V' 'iiul "I'fec. closing '4e lower, at 2IVd21V. Provisions were quiet and Ilrm, on a gool export demand There was nothing In the way of fresh Information to affect price. September pork sold between $11 Oi nnd 111.20 and closed 20c higher, nt $11.14; September lard between $6 72'i ni'd 'I.S-J.a closing 10c hlRher, at $62i4 and S ptomber ribs between $7.05 and $7,074 and $7.10, with thn close 2',4c better, at $7,074. Estimated receipts tomorrow; Wheat, 47. cars; corn, 110 cars; oats, 170 cars; 1ior, H.Om) head. Tho leading futures ranged as follows: 7$fi7li IW5(, 71 71 7IT 10 214 2IH 40 I 30"i 3!Tf"e 38i, i 111,1 2IK.I 2I,I 2U1 '.. u M( r i- .MT-CJ '", '" l Mi. M ,n - (,.--. . - c 11 10 l 11 2 11 oo 11 1741 11 -4 11 074 11 I 11 074 11 25 , 11 0J4 11 15 11 20 11 124 11 1241 11 l' 7v,l 71 7IS.I7IW 7."iS75U'U'U Artlclcs.l Open. HIr1i. Low. ICIoso.lVcs'dy. Wheat Ann. Kept. Oct. Corn Auk. Sept. Oct. Oats Aiir. Sept. Oct. I'ork Sept. Oct. Jan. l.atd- Sept. Oct. Jan. ltlbs- Sept. Oct. Jan. 6 724 ' 774 ti M4 7 05 7 00 C 024 fi S24 0 S74 G 55 7 074 7 074 5 H24 7241 fi 7741 o r.24 7 OS 7 00 5 HO I fi 8241 r. .S74i 0 ,V I I 7 07'i 5 !2 f, 724 l ' ti 024 7 0." 7 I't 5 '." No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows: KI.OPK-KIrm; winter patents, $3.703.00; stralRhts, $:i.lO:i.GO; cleari, $.J.0tMi3.;ii; nprlnK HpcclalH, $1,304.10; patents, $3.5fnfr 4.00; strnlKhtH. $3.(iTi.i."ii: bakers, $2.00iTi;' iV W1IKAT No. 3, 73"if)7l"ic; Xo. 2 red, 734 e73io. COHN No. 2, 3!iff!3D4c; No. 2 yellow. 4Uc. OATS-No. 2, 21Vd224c; No. 2 White. 25'u 2.r.Vc; No. 3 white. 23V25c. HAHI,KY-(iood feeilliiK, 36"ic; fair to cholco maltlhfT. I31fl5c. 813HD8 No. 1 llaxseed, $1.17; No. 1 north western. $1 47; clover, contract Krade, $lo.'Hi. I'ltOVISIONS-Mess pork, per blil.. $U.I! Jill 20. Lard, per 100 lbs.. $rt.MKj(i;.S2's. Short ribs sides (loose), $ri.!ijfi7 3). Dry salted Hhoulders (boxed). iHX2uCi.lj; short clear Ides (boxed), $7.5.rd7.GTi. WHISICY-Hasls of IiIkIi wines, $1.23'i. SCGAll-rnclianjed. Thu following nre the receipts and shlp- mnntu fnr I lip (I.'IV! Iteceipts. snipmenis. lii.onn 0.oiH 2ii2,0) 27S,(i'io 110,000 2 2,001 2Wi,000 Mj,0O 2,0.H 110,0)0 7,(0) KxchaiiKu today the nrmer nt sr.l l"-!t in.t .tu tt nr. brokers pruc for lead Is $1 and for copper OMtllA AVH(H,;mAI,I MAiiicivrs. Articles. l'lour. bbls AVheat. bit. Corn, bu. .. Oats, bu. .. live. bu. .. Hurley, bu. On thn butter market was 204c; dairies. 1 Mi 18c; Produce ckks, Ilrm, fresh. 134f(llc. linn. Creameries, P'fi cheese, Ilrm. loyiiue; m:w yoiiiv ji:m:uai. siaiikkt, Quotations for the Day on Vnrlini" CoiiiiiioilllleK. NKW YOHIC, Auk. 2l.-l',LOrU-Hecclpts, 1S.1SS bbls.; exports, 10,550 bbls. ; sales, K.5D0 pkna. ; market was Ilrm and a little morn nctlvc; winter patents, $3 75f I. On; Hleudlly held; winter HtralKhts, $.1 I.V(.1.55; winter extras, $2. 701 1 3. 00; winter low grades. $'.' t0(ic2.70; Minnesota patents, $3.W(i l.2.'i: Minnesota bakers, $2.S.ifii3.:5. Hye Hour, jiteady; fair to Kood, $2.fWt.3j; cholco to June v. $3.203 2.r; sales, 500 bbls. CO'llN.MICAL Quiet; yellow western. 8Sc; city, S7c; lirandywlne, $2. i:fi2.5Ti. rtYli-KIrm; No. 2 weslern. 5ii'ie f. o. b. afloat; ntute, 52g53c c. I. f. New Yoik car loads. HAHTjKY Steady ; feedliiK, l2fTI3c c. 1. f. New York, multliii;, 4sU53c c. I. f. New York. HAULnr MALT-Qulct; western. 0lfi70c. Wl I HAT Iteeelpts, 202,775 bu.; exports, M.I93 bu. ; sales, 1.375.000 bu. futures, 2MI.O0O bu. exports. Spot, xtrntiK: No. 2 red. M"ko f o. b. afloat, 7DHc elevator. No. 1 northern, Duluth, S3c f. o. b. alloat: No. 1 hard. Pu lllth, ivSc f, o. b. alloat. 0itlons had an easier openlntr because of unsatisfactory foreign markets, nut were quickly turned by predictions of smaller winter wheat re celptn, covcrlim and more rain In tho uorlli west. CoutluuiUK stronB throunhout the afternoon they closed linn at s8c net ad vance. Sales. Included No. 2 red. May, closed nt M'4e; September, 70 1-lOfisO C-lOc, closed at M)e; October. M)4frfcJS,c. closed at 504e; necember. SO 15-ltirfSc, closed at S2c. lTOltN-IlecpntH, IsS.tMO bu.; exports, 26, 307 bu.; Bales, fAOOO bu. futures, 2I0,(hh) bu, exports. Spot, dull; No. 2, 4Pic. elevator, 45S,e f. o. b. alloat. Options, after an easier start based on favorable crop news, ruled dull all day and closei' barely steady at 'e decline, May closed at I0&c; September, 13,(fl3 15.16c, closed at 13tc; December, 10-V closed at 40V- OATS Iteeelpts. 1.3,200 bu.; oxports, ftj,ti27 bu.; sales, 75.000 bu., 1,000 spot Spot, dull No, 2, 26c: No. 3, 25', c; No. 2 white. 2Sc; No. ; white, 27',ic; tracK, mixed weslern, 234jf 27c: truck, white western, 2i!4(fi;!3c; track, White state. 2(;41f33e. OiitlmiH fairly steady HAI-Oull; HhlppltiK. 724r(j75c; good to holce, iini824c. .'ommon to choice. ivto; faciiic, isw choice UOP8-Stady; state, JSOI) crop, 104fl3c; old, Clop. 10frl3o; old. 2fi5c. HIOICS l'lnn; Ualvestoii. 20 to 15 lbs.. JSe; California, 21 to 22 lbs.. 214c; Toxa Urj. 21 to 30 lbs., 134c. LKAT1 1ICH Steady : hemlock sole, Hu nos Ayres, llKht to heuvv, 22423'..e; acid. S2',ft234c WOOI-DllI'! 2.Vfi2Sc, Texas. 151iUV. PHOVISIONS-Hcef, steady; family. $10.50 012.00; extra India mess. fUVWn 17.1)1); ,,1,1 hams, $10.5ivri2).M. Cut meats, stead v; pickled bellies. 8v4fillc; pickled ahoulders, f4'7ti'ic; pickled hams, lonic-v. Lord, llrmer; western steanied, $7.20; Atisurt, closed, $0,924 nominal; rellned, llrmer; con tlnent, $7.50; South America, $'.l); com pound, ii.0flfiii.23. Pork, steady; family, $12.00 W13.25, short clear. ,13.60jJ15.25; mess, $12.25ijf 13 5 TALLOW-Steady; city. 17-lf; country, 4'.S'U l'C MOLASSKS Klrm; kettle, Rood tt) choice Ill'TTKH-Hccelpts, Ilrm; creamery, lSi(22c tory. Hfilfie. ClIKKSK-riecelnts. dull and weak, larRe. colored. 104c; small, "olorcrt, 1040: larRO, white, 10W104c; small, white. lO'.c. KGflS Iteeelpts, 3.R.S2 pltRS.; market Ilrm; western, loss off, ldil7c; western. reRular packlns, at mark, HHillc. MKTAI.S Tin scored tin advanco iiRaln today, but the rest of thn list was weak on poor cables and poor reports from primary Interests Metal was. sup. ported by fair demand and Improvement ubrnud. At the close the Metal o.chaiiRo called pig Iron warrants weak and nominal ill; IttKe copper very quiet ut $1(5.024; tin open New Orleans, , 4311 53c. 3,331 pkRs.; market ; cut rent packed fac- 797 pkRs. ; market per H-bu lb 14Ulic Condition of Trndp nnd qnotntlnnii on Simile mill liiitpt' Irnliif. 'rjS-Itecelpts liberal; pood stock firm LIVi: POCLTltY-IIens. 7074o: roosters, tnrr.ori,,lniR tn " "id size, 3fllc. broilers, ,.'...V,V.. '. " Keese, noc; turKeys, Je. KUKSM IJUKSSHI) POCLTUY-I ens. S4 . men . uiicks nno Reese, ynioc broilers, tier lb l?itl... ti.rim... iiii.,. lifiTEiif,.mm . 7X "i "i7'-. t. 2ii : 8('lmriUr 20c; gathered creamery, s 1.'''S,.t.7Tro,", 10c: ,),ue nh'"- 12c: Pickerel 11 ". uresseii iiuira o, tic; wnue -- ... .... iiiuck uass, iuu; shi- in""i ui wl,l!p ''"""i '"c; eronple, 10c; pike, ? ,;"". . "uiincHiis. iuc; rinn percn 0c, lobsters. Rreen, 2ic; boiled lobsters. 25c f.imv.r; f'dllsh. 10r; yellow tierch, tie V ISA LS Choice. S?10e ..l'.AV;I.Vr curload lots: 1'pland. choice. - 1 upland, $7.60, medium Ti,.ul; ponrse, $5.5): rvo straw, choice (i.O0; Nil 3 eorn. ae- 'n .1 tvliltn .vm 2i;e; cracked corn, per ton, $11.50; corn an 1 oats, chopped, pel ton, $15.'; bran, tier ion, jj.'W; shorts, per ton. $15.00. vi:(ii:tahli:.s. r.',V.;',,'Ml,l''t-l,er loz., 20-32.'.e. NKW TCIINIPS-Per hu. basket. fiOe. O i J' Hl'JKTS Per dozen bunches. lo-nSOc. li:tti-ci:-p,t doz.. ioti.-.o. ItADISIIKS Ilotne-Rrnwn, per doz., 15c, PICAS Per l.fc-bn busk..! Vic I1KANS Wax, per half-bushel basket, 'f, sirinif, ,ic. ,K'X,l'r9ZA7.OKfi-Ver ,,u- 3r,5f,3c- ;. . i'l'ACIL Ilome-Rrown. per b., lc (ACLII'LOWCH-Per '.. $1. UUiiV'r ' "It.N-Per doz.. 10c. i iMin iiji'ia j lome-Rrown, basket, 10c. ONIONS I lome-Rrown. per CICLKiiY-Mlchlfnn. 25ri30c. KHCITS. PKACIIMS-Cnilfornla. per box, OOcflJl Texas, per l-basket crate, $. AiyllCOTS None on the mnrkel PI. I ' 14-t,.IIC..l.. . . - ;x i ,vvs California. TriiRedy, per crate, . . ujioaii, per eraie. si.j. IAI1TI.I.-.TT' Hi' 1 a' iii.. 1,7 7.. OIlAPKS-Callfornla. 4-basket crate. $1.50; . ' "iicurus, uonie Rrown, s.'M.jc, ...... uiiiuiiiia, ruiinnri iinv. 51 ...I. f'OOSKnnmilHS-Out of the market. , 1 i-;k.mi;lons-As to size, 20c to 25c eiicn. CAN'TAI.ori'K (Jems, per dozen, tOflJCc; larRe sizes, ii!inc. APPLKS-Natlve. 75cft$l per bu.; per bbl., fm.krrif .i.w, TItOPICAL FltriTS. CIIICAOll Am- 'II -I'lTTI I.' ll. J.ti; market slow; butchers' stock stead v: Rood to prime steers. $5.40ifii!.fi0; poor to mrllllllll. II .Vlr. .'ll- uli,r...nru n,.,l f. ..!..., 3.2."i'if 1.75: piuvm liir.r, t jii i...tc.... iir.w ", luiiin-iM, ti.wmz.vi: 1 1 is. Mi4. in: calves. $l.rM(0.W; Texas fed steers, $1.15'if ''!i z steers, $3.25ftl.00; Texas lions-llecelpts today, IS.000; tomorrow ?() ipft i,-.t- ('( ... ..1,... ... " - . ,..-, ui'tinvi Plum , tie lilRher; top. $....; mixed and butchers, $5.00 nit.M; Rood jocholce heavy, $5.05475.40; rouRh i ivri.i,ijip, 111:111. a.,. i.vii., n! 111111 itr .....ir., ... it,'i, .o, Mll.!l-M lr..,..,l..f u r. iw. . i.. ... ......... ... v...,r, .,,ny, UlitlKt'l HlPaily Rood to cnoico wethers. $.Tt4.00: fair in 4li,-l'0,.pm';',,I N-aVM-tt: wjstem sheep, ti rJ f "'.1-: -.uw'Ul.u.Fi nauvo lainufl, .iu.j, Hinin 11 mini)?-, ji.i.i'il&..i, (Jfllrliil rcorlptH and Hhlpmcnts for ypster (lav: HocnltitM onitln nms. i, ...... a Hhppp, 11,r,Sii. Sh!pmentH. cattle. 5.371: hoiri! 1 Nl- l..m.m 111, St. I.oiiIm tiriiln mill ProvlNlons v o l-"1 IS. ,Auk. 24-WHr'AT-llli;her; y. . ,, , i-iuviiuir, ii'hc; trnck, 73ii lie Auutlst. 7 .e: Kptilpml,ot- 711.,. cember. 741i7l4c: No Imnl. auim'iiiv.r. in . V 'nv,'r: Nn. - casl'. 3sHl; track. ber. ;:o.;i.; Oecember; 334c ' 7" ' " OATS Hull: 'n 9. fnih nil'-. ti AiiKUHt, 2114c; Scpiombcr 2Hic;' December; UYH-Dtill: 4c.' FLOl'lt Klrinnr' n:i Inula ira iancv anil sirnii.iit . 1 -' , . .1 ... n , f.. (.I'lftLini, $3.45i73.C0: ex $3,101(3.25; clear, SI'I'M)K Tlmntllf unnron .,.,.1 .,(. .. . $3.r.(M,4.M. Kiax. hlRher. $1.40 bid. CO It NM KAL Steady; $2. 10i(2.15. IlItAN Steadv In tlrtn' stixtr.iri .i track. (iC4i(isc. ' llAY-Timothy, steady; $7.00ff 11.00 ; pralrlo firmer, $7.50. WMINKY Slendv: $1.21. I HON COTTflXTIMH ninoivn a vr, HUMP TWINH-1'nehuilied. PItOVISIONS Pork. hlirhnrr Inl.l.ln . $12.50. Lard. hlRher; choice. $0.72. Dry salt meats (boxed), stroiiR; extra shorts, $7,374; clear ribs, $7.50; clear sides, $7.C.'4. Pucon (boxedi, RtrniiR; extra shorts, $8,00; clear ribs. $S.124; clear sides, $S.25. MKTAI.S Lead, stendv: Ji "0 qnlr J 1.00. " POt LTRY I'lrm: elilcliena 7c- mrlnn 0c; turkeys. ?i7e: younir. 9c: docks, re: ynnuR;. fi'(M'4e; Reese, 3c; younR, 6&tic. i.vntn Dieiiny; u,.c. Ill'TTHIt Steady; creamery, 17321c; dairy, I5f17c. lllCCKIPTS-rinur, 0,000 bbls.; wheat, II. ooo bu.; corn. IO.Ooi) bu.: oats, 31.000 bu. SIIIPMKNTS-K'oiir. 7.000 bbls.; whent, 101.)0 bu. ; corn. OO.Ooo bu.; oats, 5,000 bu. Liverpool Criiln Mnrkel, LlVIIItPOOL, Aur. 21. - KLOl'R- St. I.oils. fancy winter. Ilrm, nt 7s !d. WIIKAT Spot, Ilrm; No. 2 red western, winter, 0s 2d; No. 1 northern, sprlhR, C 3'id; No. 1 California, fis 34fn!s 4d. Futures, quiet; September, 5s UHd: December, 6s 4d. COItN--Spot. Ilrm; American mixed, new. Is; American mixed, old, 4s 14d. Futures, inlet; .September, 4s d; October, 4s id; Novemb -r. 4s ',d. PKAS-Canadian. 5s 04d. The Imports of wheat Into Liverpool dur Iiir the past three days were 101,000 centals, IncludliiR 143,000 American. The Imports of Amerlcnn corn durltiR the past three (lavs were 211,000 centals. PliOVISIONS-Lard. American rellned, Ilrm. at :Kx fid; prime western, steady, at 35s: hams, short cut. dull, at 17s; cheese. American rellned white, steady, nt 51b; American rellned, colored, (.tcady, ut 52s. Iviiiiniih City tirnin nnd Provision. KANSAS CITY, Aug. 2I.-W1IKAT-Sep. teniber, 0Pc; Oecember. OS'ic; cash, No. 2 hard. tWfn;ti4e; No. 3, tl5y.c ; No. 2 red, 71li714c; No 3, Ii0fi71c. COIlN September, 3.)iic: December, .WfJ 324c; cash, No. 2 mixed, ;Vii4c; No, 2 white, .WSe; No 3, 30c. OATS- No. 2 white, 21c. HYH-No. 2, 10c. HAY Cholco timothy, $3; cholco prairie, $li.0OHlli.5n. Ill'TTICIt-Creamery. lCfHSUc; dairy, 16c. HtSOS Steady; fresh Missouri nnd Kansas stock. 12c doz., loss off, cases re turned; new whltewood cases Included, 4e in ore IlKCKIPTS-Wbent, 110,100 bu.; corn, 18,200 III. ; oals. 4.000 bu. SI IIP.MKNTS-AVheat, 227,000 bu.; corn. IS.oOO bu.; oats, 2,() bu. Diiliilb llnrkel. ni'LCTII. Minn, Aiir. 21-WHKAT-No. 1 hard, cash, NH(c; to arrive. nev, S0V,c; (Id. Me; September. RO'ie; December, S0c; No 1 northern, cash. 7s'ic; tn arrive, new, 7s4c; old, 7S4e; September, 7Sc; Decem ber. 7v; No. 2 northern, 757ic. COHN -JWc. OATS- Zov. )lliiiieiiiolU AVIieat Mnrkrt. 1IINNKAPOL1S. Auk. 2I.-W1IKAT-AtiRUst, 75'4c; September, 754c; DecembJr, 74.c. I'LOCH First patents. $l.05'n 1.10; second patents, $3 s.V(i3 00; llrst clears, $3.20; seo olid clears, 2 0(W2 2i. HHAN-ln bulk. $t2.001i 12.25. l'lillailelplilo Produce llnrUel, PHILADELPHIA. Auk. 21-IU'T'VKH-llrin: 4e hUhcr; fancy western creamery, 22c: fnncv orlntB. 23c. KOOS Firm; 4e hlRher; fresh nearby, 17c; fresh western, 17c; fresh southwestern, 15c; fresh southern, 14c. M I Mvn11l.ee firiiln Market. MILWAl'KKK, Wis., Aur. 2I.-WIIKAT-Flrm; No. 1 northern, 77c; No 2 northern, 711175' ic HYK-lllRher; No. 1. 5l4)52c HAHLKY IllKher; No. 2, 50051c; sample, 39'u 41C. .M()VI2li:TS OF STOCKS ,XI IIO.VDS. Chinese Sllmitloii Supposed to lie the Cmise of DullncMN, NKW YORK. Aur. 2I.-Dullners continues to be the most notable characteristic of tin forelRii security markets nnd New York dlsp'ays the same lack of actlvltv. Tho Reneral hesitancy Is ascribed to the per plexities of the Chinese situation. Specu lation was as unlntcrestliiK today as for some time past and movements In special stocks were attributed to Independent In fluences. A Reneral trend toward lower prices was noted, with the tendency fav ored In part by conspicuous weakness of some specialties. Movements In tho rail road list were small, but some larpe frac- w 'ippn.l .vi Vnriii r Pe"lllc p- I Union Pacific around midday, when thn Reneral tendency downward assumed some force. th- failure of St. Paul to respond tn Its Increase In eninliiRS of $75,311 for tits third week In Aue.ist, dlscouraslUK buying o. the western ..uiks. 00. hi.. 1. 1 .. . . was deult In only to the extent of 500 shares nnd no transactions whatever occurred nfter thn announcement that the IIunttnR ton holdings would not come on the mar ket. Heneral protlt takliiR made tho ad vance In St, .Louis Southwestern preferred when It crossed 30 nnd there wis n reac inn; 1 1,ul ,"t i"" 0,,'v n small frai tlon. SuRar was rpilte prominent and Rained l"j, on discussion as to future trade conditions. Capital was made by th bears out of the announcement of the In corporation of a new company to enter the ( hlcnRo Has Held. It did not develop wlmt the relations of the new company would 110 with the Peopled Oas company, but the bears put the price down a point, which was. however, regained toward the end on short covering. Stocks of local corporations displayed marked heaviness at Intervals Amerlcnn Ice, Ilrooklyn Transit and Con so'ldated Oas yielded from IS to 24 per cent. No dellnite news accompanied the mi vements, but the weakness of the latter was said to be realizing. Induced by Its l.ito potable rise. Some Interest was aroused by a break of 5 points In Lneknwannn, which Is usually very much neR!ected. Transactions In the stock reached a thou sand shares and there was a llnal rally of 2 points. Statements that the general con dition of the Iron Industry showed a de cided Improvement and that nczotlntlons with labor organizations were In a fair way of being adjusted satisfactorily did not Im part any strength to the metal group, which was reactionary all around nslde from Tennessee Coal, which Improved 14. l orecasts of tomorrow's bank statement Indicate a Rain In cash by local Institu tions of $7,152,027. There nre no Indication of Immediate roIiI shipments, the exchange market ruling nt about half a cent below profitable rates. Toward the close the stock market showed a tendency to rally In sympathy with large Rains In special stocks. Honds were Irregular, with heavy realiza tions In St. Louis Southwestern the feature. Total miles, par value, $705.0). t'nlted States new 4s advanced 4 per cent and the refunding 2s when Issued declined 4 per cent In the bid price. Thn Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram says: The dealings In the markets here today were Inslgnlh cant, but the tone was ilrm. There was no reature. The Hank or Knglnnd bought JKI5.f gold In bar.4 and lot 25,000 engaged for the Cape. Hills were a little higher on the stiff treasury allotmrnl. It Is ru mored that the bank has begun borrowing to sustain rntes. Following are the cIosIiir prices on the New York Stock exchange: Atrhlion "7 do pfd 70 Hnltllm.ro & 0 7li Cinmllnii Tactile .. Si (Aitiinln So P Che. & Ohio 27", lilcnmi (J V (' . II. q I !M ( Chi. In. I. A 1. 22 In pM Chicago & i: 111.. Mi Chlcnmi & N. W...1654 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Light Supplies of Cattle and Hogs Mako Markets Moro Active. HOGS SELL FIVE TO TEN CENTS HIGHER Flit Cnltle Are In Active Demand mid Change II11111I nt nil Advance of J'ltc to Ten Cents Cooil Feeders Also Sell Well. SOUTH OMAHA. Aur. 21. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 4.916 3,W7 . 5,M0 , 3,260 . 1.7&S r,tC2 1.161 7.5'JtS 11.3M S,li:i 7,0Vt 5.85S 9.261 Hecclnts were- Olllclal Monday Olllclal Tuesday Olllclal Wedncsdny ... Olllclal Thursday .,. Olllclal Friday.... Mvo days this week. ..19,777 31.617 45,(61 Same days lust week. . . .16.90S SI,S7." 31,177 Same days Week before.. 18.350 32.677 30.C51 Same three weeks ago. .13.035 2H.300 10,99) same four Weeks 11 mi. . .12.054 33.233 23.50 Average price paid tor hogs tor the last several days, with comparsons: I. & ! 1W,i, c. It. C. C. C. A St Colorado So... l.i lKt pf.l do 2.1 pfd Dl, & lluilnnn. Pel. L. & V.. Puiwr & It. O. n pfd Krle lo lt pf.1 fit. Nor. pfil 1 locking Conl ... Ilo.'klng Valley llllnnls Central . Iowa Central ... do pfil Iike Hrle & S do pf.l Lnke Hhore L. ft .V Mnnlmttnn L ... Met. St. Ill- Mexican Central .Minn. St. I... lo pfd Mo. P.icltlc Mobile Ohio . SI.. K. & T do nf.l N. .1. Central ... N. Y. Central ... Norfolk & V.... do pfd No. I'nclOo lo pfd Ontnrlo & W Ore. Ily & Nnv do pfd I'ennjjlvnnlft ... Heading Mo ),t pfd.... 1I0 2d nf.l Rio O. V (In pM St. I,. & S. P.... do 1st pfd do 2,1 pfd St. !. Southw... lo pfd St. Paul do pfd St. 1. fir OmRha. So. I'nclOc So. Hallway do pf.l Texas & PalOc.. fnlon Pacific :.!! do pfd 7ilS YVal.u?h 74 do pfd lSi, Wheel. & I.. i: 8'j do II fd 5J, Win. (Vntrnl 114 Thhil Avenuo W Adnm I'.x 123 American Hi IV. P. S. K C, Wells.Knrgo Kx 12.1 Anier. Cot. Oil .131, do pfd S$i A nicr. Malting t'j do pf.l 2.P j Atner. S. & It 374 do pfd SS4 Anier. Splrlta i, do pfd 1; Anier. S. Hoop .... 1D do pfd fi", Amer. S. & V 31 do pfd :p, Anier. Tin Plate .. K do pfd 7714 Amer. Tobacco .... !)., do pf.l 12 Anac. Mining Co... IP, llrnnklyn It. T Colo, l-'nel Iron.. 3l, Con. Tobacco !,"., do pfd 77 Feileral Steel 51 do pfd IMij flen. KpYtrlc 1374 nincoe Susar 5I do pfd !S Inter. Paper 52i do pfd f, Iiclede (las 7Jij Niitlonnl lllscult ... SI n n in lij' ...17614 ... 1S ... 'W4 ... 10, ...33 ...153 ... 114 ... 3IS ...IKi, ...19 ... 4.'i ... JS'i ...13 . . .209 ... ;i ... 9P, ...im;, ... jii ... ... 9.1 ... 514 I "in ... 301., 1 ...1301,1 ,ln pf,l ...12J'. National I-nd ... do pfd ... 704 National Steel .. M do pfd 71 N. Y. Air .. ! .. 7f ..W, .. 16 .. 5S .. MO .. 9.) No. Ameilcan I'aclllc ('oust , do 1st pfd.... do 2d pM..,, IMclOc Hall ... People's (las . Pressed S. Cir do pfd l'allni.in P. SiJ K'i ssi; :i HI llrnkc.120 . 33', . 13 . 29i .173 .112 . 311, !' :i'j s. It. & T. Car I. Sutar do pfd Tenn. Coal P. S. leather do pfd C. S. Ituhher .... do pfd Western l'nlnn ... nepuhlle I. ft K... do pfd P C. c ft St. L ... 1.1 ... , ... si ... ni ... r.i ... 9V; ... .VI, ...71) ...1M'i . . . .V'i ...123 ...tn; ... 7rt'i ... 10?. ... t,n ... stni ... 9P5 7ii, :.3, SI Offered. Ux-dlvldend. Xew York Money Market, NKW YOIIK, Aur. 2l.-MONF,Y-On call easy, l,irul'i per cent. Prime mercantile paper 4'd'5 per cent. STI'.KLINu K.XCIIANO F-Flrmor. with actual business In bankers" bills at JI.S7H for demand nnd II.M, for sixty days. Posted rates JtAifi and JI.SS',rf4.Sl Commercial bills, $l.s3i,ff I.SI. SILVlilt-llar. rie; silver cert II cates. filMra'ie; Mexican dollars. lc. HONIJS Government bond.. Irreunlnr: state bonds, Irregular; railroad bonds, Irreg ular. Hie closing prices on bonis today are na follows: reg. I. S. ref. I do coupoo do 3s, reg. do coupon do now 4, do coupon do old, 1s, do coupon do 5, res do coupon I), of ( 3 C3s.... Atfh. gen. 4s d adj. 4s Canada So. 2s "lies ft O. tH... do 5s ft N. W. c. 7s do S. I". deli. Ss Chicago Ter. 4s.. 'nln. So. 4s I. ft It. O. Is..., In Is Krle gen. ti W. ft I). C. ten llleetrle Ss. la Centr.il ts ft N. unl. M.. lv. ft T. in.. do 4s Y. C. Is... .IOS14 .1:214 . 6V1 103'i St I, 4S..1MH W. c. 4s. 97U I1D Is. , reg..l03; x IKtn N. .1 C gen. 5s. 119 I No. Pacific 3s.... 100 I do Is reg.... C.m N V, ( ft 133'4 Norfolk ft ..II'. .Ore. Nnv. ..lU (In Is .. ..11:13 o s. i.. e. . ..IIS'4 do conol Cs ..i:: Heading gen. 4. ..1W, ltlo C, W. Is .. "ii. Si 1, ft I M c 5s ..m "St I, ft s !' g. Cs.lJ. .. (9' St. Paul consols. ...HT'i ..117 St. ! C. ft P. i. iits: ,.ii" no m ..120'i Sn. I'aclllc Is... .. 93 1 So. Hallway 3s . . SlVi "S. It. ft T. fi. 103 Tex. ft IMclfte ...10:15 ...I2C.U ...11214 ... S7V, 91 .1111', 97 09 Is.. ..11.1 ..in .. 11 .. w; .. or. .1191', . 71tj .101 . C5 U..K2IA an ;s r.i; l'nlnn I'aclllc l....10.V, Wiitmsli Is 117 do Is mm We'd Hhore ti 11)1', Wis. I'entral Is Va. Centuiles.... S9i When Issued. Offered. Illd. lloMtmi Sloeli (liintiitliiiis, UOSTON. Aug. 24.-Call loans. 2!i3 ner cent: tlmo loans, Sid'.i per cent. Omci.it cIosIhr: S. V . T. ft iln pfd Anier. Sugar .... In pfd Anier. Telephone, llnslnn Klcvatcd Ilosp.n ft Mo II. ft CI Dominion Conl . do pf.l ederal Steel ... do pfd ItchVmrg pfd... Clen Kleetrle ... do pfd M Klec. 111.... Mculcan Central Ml. h. Telephone N. (1. ft C. Old folony Old Dominion .. Ituhber t'nlon I'hcIIIc .. . ITU'W.si i:nd . fil W.'HtliiKh. Kleetile. .i:iT, Wl. i'entral IP) IN. i:. O ft .111 Adienture . .117 lAlloiioit Mining Co. ... I'1! Amal. Copper ....i:n. Atlantic .... IV, II Htnn ft .Mont... t'Oijj Untie ft- fliMon.. .... 31 Cal. ft Hecla .... c-ntennlnl ... 137 Franklin 137'j "iiiiih .Kit ....139 Os-eola :01 Parrot ... ll'j Qulncy ... 91 Santa l"e Copper., 131, T.miariiek ....t'Vl'b.l'tnli Mining ....IS Im 1111 .... 29V, Wolverines .... Wi : . 23 .3' . I3 . 7.17 . IC'i .1MU . 67 . mi .!). 1'i .211 . 30i 4 . 3 . 40!, London Stock (lliollltloiix, LONDON, Aug. 2I.-I p. m. -Closing: Cons., money 95 11-16 i:rp In nocount 9S1-IC do 1st pfd.. Atchison "anadlan I'aeine. St. Paul Illinois Central .. linillivlIlP nlon I'aclOc pfd N. Y. Central ... :s Pennsylvania .. . M'i I Heading ..lKl'SINn. lMclllo pfd. ,.111'i riran.l Tiunlt .. .. 73i Aniiconda . 7i I Hand Mines ... ..133ij 1l"i 3P, (WH sn 73 9 391, SILVHIl-Ilar. hteady. 2Si(,d per cunce. MONHY Firm. 2S3-1B per ceni: shoit bills. 3.16fi31S, per cent: three months' lulls. 3 U-16Tj3't, per cent. Xew York Minim; .Stock. NKW YORK, Aug. 21. The follnwlnir nrn thn closing quotations for mining shares today: Chollar 11 Ophir r v i'-aith ( rown Point 'on. Cal. ft Va.. Dndwood .... ... liould ft Oirrle . Hale ft Norcroas llomertilke Ontario . 11 l 13.1 . 15 1.100 ..wo Qiilililver pfd. I Sierra Nevada . Standard 'I'liloa Con 'Yellow Jacket .. . i: . 10 .CO . 32 .3S0 . 7? Condi! Inn of tin- TrciiMtry, WASHINGTON, Aug. 21 -Today's' state- ment of the treasury balances in the gen- nil fund, exclusive of the H5iM)n.hii gold reserve In the division of reilemntluii. shows: Available cash balance, $!.J7.15'i,H'J; gold. Ji;7,72.1'Jii. Oil Mnrket. OIL CITY. Pa . Aug. 2l.-OIL-i'redlt bal. anccs, Jl 25; certificates, no bid, shipments 161.553 bbls, average. 16.SI1 bbls., runs, 3.S.537 bbls.: average, R9,!iS3 bbls LONDON, Aur. 24 OILS- Llnsctd oil, S3s 6U, turpentine spirits, 2ta 6d. Aug. 1 Aug, 2 Aug. 3 AUR. 4 Aug. 5 Aug. C Aug. 7 Aug. S Aur. 9 Aur. 10.... Aug. 11.... Aug. 12.... Aug. U.... Aug. 14.... Aur. 15.... Aug. 16.... Aug. 17.... Aug. IS.... A tlR. 19.... Aug. 20.... Aug 21.... Aur. 2.'.... AUR. 23.... Aug. 21 .... 1 J19J.ll99.lS9J.llLlS9t.lli9i.lW4 G 151 u IS G 15 G 10 G 04 5 14 G 15 6 041 G 001 4 93 I 4 35 4 P.i 4 ldi 3 79! I 261 3 71 4 3)i 1 67 4 431 3 61 4 45 3 71 I 3 77 4 33 4 37 3 M 4 321 3 67 I 28 3 67 4 23 3 1 771 4 46 3 45 1 4 45! 47' 2 F3 4 54 3 571 2 SV i w, DO 3 02 4 5 2 921 4 55 a 75 I Wl 3 53 3 43! 3 45 4 97 1 V 4 9S G 00! I 95 I G 03 6 02 G OH 4 97 4 43' 4 41 4 32, 4 3U 1 1( 4 GO, 4 42 4 42, 4 til I 42 3 85' 3 71 3 75 3 7SI 3 71 3 66! 3 67 3 75 3 49 3 53 3 51 3 56 3 or 3 CS 2 7C 2 S6 2 SO 2 741 2 S3 2 S3 3 69 3 74 3 S3 3 Ml 3 79 3 70l 3 71) 2 S4 3 (M 3 731 3 701 3 761 2 8S 2 79. 4 49! 4 57 4 4 60, 4 591 4 52. 4 12 4 17 4 55, t 51 4 56 i Sol 4 49 2 791 4 30' I 4 36 2 OS' 4 30 4 59 4 51 4 t5 4 78 4 M 4 77 4 S3 4 SO 4 70 4 71 4 I 57 5 06 5 OS 5 11 5 07 5 04 5 10 5 US 5 12 5 14 Indicates Sunday . The official number or cars of stock nrutiRlit in today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r C. M. & St. P. Hy... O. . St. L. Ily Missouri Paclllc Hy.. I'. P. system C. N. W. Hy F F.. Ji M. V. Ily.... (.'., St. P.. M. & O.... It. ei M. It. It. H C, 11. & CJ. Ky K. C. & St. .1 C, H. I. & P., east... C, It. 1. Ai P., west... 3 1 i:t 3 ::u s 21 I 1 3 1 91 29 Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 1,-1.1 1 1,091 1,075 1,510 513 816 Total receipts 66 The disposition of the dny s receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Buyers. Omaha Packing Co S (1. II. Hammond Co 175 Swift and Company 132 Cuilahy Packing Co 321 Armour ifc Co 7S It. Hecker & Dcriiii 124 Vansant fc Co 71 J. L. Carey 7S I. nbman & Co 3(72 W. 1. Stephens G Hill & lluntzinRer 25 llenton it Underwood 26 Hamilton & Rothschild... 132 II. F. Hobblck G A. F. Mawhlnney s Other buyers 403 .1,956 5.C50 4.512 G.3.SS Totals CATTL1C There was Just about an aver mro Friday's run of cattle here today, nnd as the demand was "fully equal to the supply the market was In good snap. CIiUhro came about steady, but noll-rs held for a G'TilOc advance on corn cattl and packers met their prices. The dem ind was, of course, better on the Rood cattle, hut even the hair-rat stuff moved more freely, which hns been neglected 'ill the week. The cow market did not advance the same as steers. The better grades were Jim about steady, but buyers M'cmcd to have about all they wanted this week, which made the market 011 the medium grades and eminent u little wciuc and slow. There were a good many feeders on sale Ibis morning, considering the size of the receipts. The better grade, were In good demand nnd changed hands at about steady prices. In a few cases sellers claimed they received little moro than would hnvo been paid yesterday, but as a rule tho market did not show much change. The light cattle and common graded wero rather slow nnd prices on that class of stock were no bettur. Western rangers wore mostly on tho feeder order today nnd packers found verv little to work on. Killers were strong. In sympathy with the advance on corn cattle. There were not very many cows here, tho better grades selling about Hteady and tho others slow, and in some cases a little weak. Feeders were steady on the good lleshy cattle and slow on common nnd Kcpresentatlvo sales: IIIJUF 5TKUU3. No, 19.. 43.. 19.. 3.1.. 15.. i:.. 1.. light. No. 1 2v!!.'!! 2.1 1 2 u.'.'.'.'.. ... 964 ...1032 ... !M ... 6 CO ...IOCS ...1030 ...1073 Av. l'r. 860 3 no 4 11 4 60 4 61 4 7.1 5 00 5 00 5 10 10:0 1131 1 130.1 I5SD 1IC0 KOO A v. Tr. .13M 5 40 5 40 5 50 5 .10 5 60 B M 6 50 IC70 9J3 m 1010 910 750 1170 1023 1150 2 00 2 CO 2 00 . 2 31 2 5-1 2 CO 2 60 2 60 COWS. 1.... 910 1110 96: 901 sio 10:6 S75 P2S : 60 2 7.1 2 90 2 01 3 2.1 3 3.1 3 50 ...116) . . .113" ...14:5 ...livo ...1100 1.... 1.... 3).... 4.... 3.... 10.... 27.... I.... 13.... 1.... 1.... COWS AND HKIFKHS. .,.1025 4 1.1 HKIFliHS. 4 7.1 BULLS. 2 fO 2 70 : vi 2 Si :ow . . . . K0 2 50 . . . . f.V 2 75 .... CA) 3 f) .... 751 3 0) ....K60 3 1.1 . . . . SiS 3 20 STOCK F.HS ....5(0 2 50 .... 770 2 71 .... 731 .... W .... 370 ....1077 .... 551 .... 910 .... 796 .... S70 I :o 3 00 9 10C.0 in 1 1630 4 no 1 4S.) S fO S AND IIIOJFKRS. 19 617 3 :.1 49.1 3 .1.1 R Ml 3 .10 1 430 3 50 3 6S0 3 73 SI 920 3 90 AND FKUDKHS. 5 Ml 3 71 4 70 3 SO 1 010 4 00 2 7.7) ((VI 5 490 1 :o 7 537 4 :0 1077 4 40 21 1067 4 50 21 1094 4 SO 1 53.) 5 00 3 25 3 40 3 50 3 f.0 3 90 a w 3 75 3 7.1 CALVES. 130 5 STOCK CALVES. 267 5 00 NEBRASKA. 913 3 65 1 feeder... R30 3 50 1 cow 930 3 SO 5 feeders.. 528 Slantleld Idaho. 41 cows 1022 3 10 20 cows 10.4K 1 cow 970 3 40 I cows 1115 57 cows 10:i0 3 40 IS cows 1057 20 cows 1332 2 75 1 cow 1240 21 feeders.. 1102 I Oil 5 feeders. . 'MO L. Shaw wyo. 17 50 feeders S feeders., v.. S3 fecdera.. 022 J. 11 1022 970 10:i0 1332 1102 K. 053 oso 890 ,1035 I') 1059 1705 11 OS 1270 725 W. 1152 013 3 50 3 10 3 33 3 40 2 50 3 40 2 00 3 25 S feeders. 1 feeder.. 1 feeder.. 2 cows.... 2 feeders. IS cows 7 bulls.... 7 cows 1 cow I feeders.. 25 feeders. . 3 feeder!).. 12 feeders. . 10 cows 25 feeders. 1 bull 0S0 970 1 30 3 70 2 70 2 70 1 30 3 15 2 60 3 no 1 : I 30 913 3 70 1 steer 5.1 steers.., 3 feeders. 17 cows.... 5 stags. . . 3.1 feeders. I bull 21 feeders. 17 feeders. .1200 . S27 F. , tliti . S73 !4 ,1. .1. HIM .1021 1139 : 90 3 33 3 20 3 75 !fl 2 feeders 3 70 1 feeder. 3 70 4 rows 1032 2 70 1 cow 1000 1 ,'!0 3 feeders.. 556 3 15 1 cow 1100 2 00 1 bull 1620 3 9) 3 COWS 1243 3 M 411 feeders.. 691 4 30 6 feeders.. 716 L. Horton Wyo, I 00 81 feeders. 3 00 Paul Campion Wyo. 091 3 SO 7 feeders.. 778 m 2 10 Johnson At N. Idaho. Mini I 40 2 feeders.. 1120 3 150U 2 IV) J. F. Walts-Idaho. 4 feeders.. 002 3 20 1 feeder 1 mi 1 feeder 3 75 36 steers. H. Smith-Colo. 3 6) 15 cuws... 2 70 COLORADO. .1200 3 75 31 feeders 4 10 McGlnuls, Idaho. 2 00 1 bull 1300 2 60 4 15 I feeders .1023 3 75 I 40 3 feeders . 11 10 3 7.1 HO(Jh "1 he supply of hogs this mornlnR was rather limited and the demand was In Rood shape. Chicago came strong tn 5c hlRher, whli h gave the sellers a Rood chance to hold their droves at lrond. Ilrm prices. The Reneral market was abouc iifil'-jc hlRher than yesterday and In some cases posxlhly a dime more was paid than the hogs would have brought yesterdaj. Packers hud to hme fresh supplies, so the price did not make so much difference. 1 ho greatest advance this morning was on tho heavy weights, which yesterday would hardly sell nt any figure Today they moved quite, freely, owlns to tho light sup. .. 960 ..1120 .. 809 SIO 2 70 879 3 90 Ply. The bulk of the heaiy weights sold right around l.l.OO nml butcher welchts at J5.0Oy3.05 nnd light weights ut from J5.05'ij- SeVeml CHrtnn.la Amnn Im Inlrt Im tltr, lug and the demand for those wns not so Kooii ami prices eased off a little, so that the high point of the mnrket was about in mo middle. Representative sales; No. 50... 74... 57..., 72... El... 49..., fS. Av. ..219 ..!) . .211 Hi JM 71 :n 63 Ii e; 230 72 '.t8 69 219 41 245 ii 2)7 ...245 ...SO ...235 213 M.... 62...., 7t...., 77 23.1 80 4) Sh. Pr. 40 S OSH 5 02', f. iv S OJH o Ml, 5 0J1, 6 fjij 5 5 021 S 02ij 5 Olifc E 03 5 IV1 6 05 5 05 r. or, 5 or. 6 05 .1 0.1 5 01 5 or. 5 05 5 0,1 5 C5 5 05 5 0.1 6 nfi 5 01 5 05 5 (1 5 05 5 05 3 OS 5 05 505 5 07H 5 071, 5 07lj B 074 5 07"4 5 074 5 10 5 10 5 10 C 171, cars of or 9.2IW M 40 so 150 1 40 80 so 4.1 "to 1:0 so '40 40 40 41 IM $0 No. Av. Sh. l'r, :( 34.1 ... 4 MH to 20S IM 4 92it 41 312 JO 4 95 57 207 "00 4 91 10 211 ... 4 Ml ... 4 9?iJ Sh 316 ... 4 97t 5 20 120 5 l 49 211 s) 5 0) 54 270 16.1 5 00 79 219 JO 5 CO 66 2M 40 5 00 5 349 ... 5(0 60 247 ... 6 00 77 2J2 1W 5 00 57 K? SO J 0.) 2 224 ... 5 f 6.1 231 JO 5 CO 61 161 40 5 CO f" 271 ICO 5 00 60 3f0 61 :6i) J0 5 CO tj 2ii 51 2M3 ... 5 00 57 325 43 3'3 JO 5 00 71 19S 62 2(0 120 S (X) ;s Mi) 229 4 0 5 (0 74 232 '3 245 40 5 00 6J 3-3 73 214 JO 5 (0 St 2llt 9 20 ... 5 00 M r. 65 2.11 160 5 00 J7 176 59 276 SO 5 0) M 239 t S57 1 5 00 60 JSrt 75 :67 JO 5 (0 61 242 52 J7S ... 6 00 to,.,, jj 50 279 .. 6 00 76 20.1 61 251 200 5 n.) to s 54 213 40 5 M OS 221 60 295 SO 5 00 71 m 59 270 50 5 00 67 241 47 241 40 5 92 U 71 517 67 2.16 J.) S 0214 93 194 63 25(i 40 S 021, JO 233 81 215 ISO 5 021, 70 24.1 1 232 4) 5 OJi, 10! 266 3 252 . 5 021, CI 23.1 ' 225 IM 5 021 7 ISO o.. . . . z.u SO 6 02'1 SH FFP Tllrtfrt ,,-aM-. ...am k.hIm a sheen raumrinal in 11.1 ...n.'.,i.,.. head, which makes tin, uum.iv r.ir'ili,. v.'.'t.u very liberal. Packers did not seem to want nnythlng, nH they said they were filled up uie weeg, nnu consentient v illil not place any bids, t'n until 12 n'elock there was nothing of any consequence sold, with the exception of n string of feeders. The same as with the western cattle, feeder buyers aro In many cases better bidders than tile lllickxra TI,,. f.,,l..,-M (I,,, I u.,1,1 orniigiu uiiout steady prices. Quotations; Choice weslern grass wctti ii.,,',"'K'3,i"; f,,lr K"1 Krass wethers, f3.25fi3.40; choice grass yearlings, $l.C5itTi5; choice ewes. 1.1 CnWi.'t er. cir ..,,,1 ntva.c J2.73W3.C0; fair to good' yearlings. J3. 40573 63 ; Cholco stir lie Ininl.M Jl ssci.l in fulr 1,, 1.11ml spring lambs. R5W4.75; feeder wethers. U2.yri3.60; feeder lambs, Jl.001fl.23. Rep resentative sales: isc. Av. Pr. 168 native cull lambs S3 $3 im .1 Idaho ewes 40 $.1 00 3 Idaho wethers 116 3 30 10 Idaho wethers 125 3 3," 21 Idaho wethers 102 3 35 40 feeding lambs 51 4 00 25 cull lambs r.i J ft-. 2s5 Idaho lambs on 1 5a 431 Idaho lambs fli 4 70 426 Idaho lambs 1;-. 4 73 39 vomlnir focallm? nwaa Kit :i in 199 Wyoming feeding ewes .... SI 3 30 CIIIC.VCO 1,1 VB STOCK MAItKl.T. Cnllle Are tienernllv Dull Hok Aclhc nnd llluher. CHICAGO Aug. 2l.-CATTLi:-Rccelpts, ,000. Market generally dull. Butchers' stock about steady: natives, best on sale today, two carloads, nt J3.55. Oood to prime steers. J3.IOfi6.00; poor to medium ?I.60't5.3'I; selected feeders, steady. JI.O0fH.75; mixed stockers, slow, J3.2jft3.H0; cows. I2 65H4.ID; y;l&r?'.J3-m!r'M: '"'UTf. J2.)1i2.60; bulls, J2.5Ofi4.40; calves, stronR, J5.OOfi0.65 Tex-ans-Recelpts, SCO. Best on sale today, nine carloads, J3.S5. Texas-fed steers. II lVii uo: Texas irass utpnr .i j t n. .r-.... bulls. J2.50fi3 25. " ' IIUUS IlCCe IHS todllV. ISlVO' nvtl.,nln,l tomorrow. 12.O0O: left 'over r.on ' m.,.l. active, strong to 5c higher; top. $5.55; mixed and butchers. J5.00W5.5O; cood to choice. heavy, J.i.l0fi5. 15: roneh henvv niKtiMr,. light. J5.lor5.55. Bulk of sales. J5 15ii5.lil. SHEEP AND 1.AMtlSI.nnl.,iu ci-in Sheep steady; good lambs, stronger, (lood to choice wethers, J3.65f('I.OO; fair to choice mixed, J3.35f.-3.65: western sheep. n.SMia.fS; Texas sheen. 12.5W3.R0: iiatlvn luttiix linn?! 5.50; western lambs. Jl.75ji5.23. York Live Stock. NEW YORK. Aiiir. 91 Til."i.'vi.'sij. celpts. 3.379 head; very little trade for lack of stock: higher except for thin cows; ordi nary steers. 15. 00; choice fat oxen. J5.00: bulls. $2.40f! 3.371V. cows. Il.234Tt.25. r.ihVa ntlote Llvernnnl Hta.fialv f don I2c at Liverpool, nc; refrigerator beof, vv. ii-l 1111111111, CALVES Receipts. 250; steady demand; nil sold; veals. Ji.00fi8.fi0; culls. $1.50; bilt- lermiiKs ami ieu calves, t3.wml.si. SHEEP AND LAMBS I..colnlo 1 ',1-. head; sheep, dull nnd neglected; lambs. 15ft 36c higher: sheep, 2.50Ti 1.12H,; few choice nnd export wethers, $4.50f( 1.75; culls, J2.00; lnmbs. $5.506.75, IIOCS Recelnts. 1.585 head: sleinlv nl J5.S0O6.00; choice and fancy, light. J6.lufj6.15. Kiinsnn City l.lTr StoeU Mnrket. KANSAS CITY. Aug. 21. C ATT LK Re celnts. 3.000 natives. I.ftn) Texans. Hirlit supply; all classes sold freelv at stendv prices. Native steers. $3.5nft1.25: RlnekeM. J3.50fil.50; butchers' cows and heifers. $1.00 5i4.IV); canners, J2.50ff3.00; fed wexteins. $1.50 ffifi.OO; wintered Texans, $3,5ofi3.5; prass rexms. H.2ift3.f.i. t'a ves Itjce nts. 3): market steady; sales. J5.0Ofi5.5O. II (jus-iteeelpts. w.inn): market mostly steady; a few shades higher. Heavy nnd mixed. J5.05ft5.25; light. J5.10f 15.27' i; plRH, Jl.90fi5.0il. SHEEP AND I.AMUS itecemts. 1.101). Oood demand, ut steady nrlccs. Lambs. Jl.25ft4.05: muttons, J3.25ji3.60; feeders, J3.C0 5J3.73; culls, $2.50ft3.(jo. St. Louis Live Stock MttrKet. ST. LOLMS. Aur. 2I.-CATTLE-Recrlpts. ItVfl head, IncludliiR 1,000 Texiins: market steady with Texans slow; native shipping and export steers,' JI.9ofj5.75, with tops worth JO.O0; dressed beef and bitcher steers. Jl.50fi5.55; steers under 1 .000 pounds. J4.O.M1 1.9i: stockers and feeders. $3.25fi4.60; cows and heifers, J2.00fJI.60; canners. Jl.i)ft2.S3, bulls. J2.50fi3.23: Texas and Indian steers. J3.35ft4.05; cows nnd heifers. J2.25ft3.75. HOtiS Recelnts. fi.H'Ki head; market 5c higher; pigs and llRhts. J5.20ft5. 15; packers, i.l.vnri.i; hillcliers. $., 1.1. SHEEP AND LAMHS-Recclpts. 1.300 head; market steady; native muttons, J3.50 St.3.75; lambs, J3.S5f5.00; culls and bucks, M0f.l3.50; stockers, J2.Wi3.60. St. .losepb Live Stock. SOI'TII ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. AllR. 2(.-(Spo- clal.) The Journal quotes: CATTLE Receipts, l.anr head; mnrket steady to 10c lower; natives, Jl.25f(3.0; lexns and westerns, j.i.L'.rtio.w; cows ami heifers, J2.00f4.60; bulls and sIbrs, J2.00ff 1.75: vearlltms nnd calves. J3.25f4.60; stock ers and feeders, J3.25fl,33; veals, J5.0flf50. HOOS Receipts, ri.'uo nentij market strong to 5c hlRher; all Rrades, $o.oowj.17; bulk of sales. J5.07V4iai5.17H. SHEEP Receipts, J.mi head; market Hteady. Stock In Sight. Following are the recelnts nt the four principal western markets for AURiist 21: Cat Hp. IIiiits. HIipv South Omaha Chicago Kansas uity St. Louis Totals Cattle. ....1.7SS ....2,000 ....1,00') ....1.500 Hogs. 5,838 18,(KI0 350 5,900 Sheep. 9.266 5,0'XI 1.4U) 1,3(0 .9,288 30,108 16,961 Foreign Fliiniiclnl. BERLIN. Aug. 21. ExchaiiRo on London, !0m 17'taiiifR for checks. Discount rates: Short bills, 2'i per cent; three mouths' bills, per cent. Business wns riuiei on inc. bourse today, with the exception that mine shares lluctunted heavily, but recovered well toward tho close. LONDON, Aug. 21. Discount rates stif fened on the Stock exchango tnday In an ticipation of an Increased demand In con nection with the settlement next week and month-end reciulrements. With the ap proach of the settlement less disposition Is manifested to make fresh engagements. Home rnllroads were llrmer, especially ireat Eastern nnd (ireat Western, t in bears endeavorliiR to repurchase In n mar- et bare of stock. American securities. opened fairly Ilrm, but IrreRiilar, then ensed it. cioHiiiR nrm. mo denuiiRS were con- llned lo professlnnnls. Grand Trunk ral lied smartly on tho repfirt of the tratlle Increnso In place of tho anticipated de crease. Later they heenmo easier. Mlno shares In the absence of support wero Iroop iir. The amount of bu on with. drawn from tho Bank of England on bal ntice today was .Clo.onO. Spanish 4s closed 7IVi. Oold premium nt Buenos Ayres, at 13t 20 PARIS. lOOf 07M,C i.oniinu, J.6211 Aur. 21. Three per cent rentes, for the account. Exchange 011 if 17tic for checks. Snanlsh 4s. Business was dull on the Imuran today on realizations. Interest centered In Itto tintos nnd industrials. Toward the close there was a Rood inn of Ro tintos on nrmer copper, ripnnisn is ami Brazilians were heavier Snujiir Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 2I-SI'(!AR Raw. steady, fair retlnlng, 44c, centrifugal. 9ii IW1.1. :"i,c WEEKLY REVIEW OF TRADE Markot on the Whole is Steady, but Not Active. IRON INDUSTRIES FURNISH GOOD NEWS Client Mnrket Mnkc Another Slide IJtMin Hip l.nildrr nnd '1'otielies llir l.oueK Point It Hns Iteiiehcd Since Hurl) In .fniie. .NEW YORK, Aug. H.-H. G. Dun & Co.'s Meekly Review of Trade will say: 1 hp sky is not cloudless, but there hns been no backward movement of business this week. The chief drawback to the tX'CK I1I1H oeeil II10 ltllnMIA limit 1. ur. sections of the west, which was more elll- cieni in retarding business than the lower w'lui'uiiiiure easi was in stimulating It. i-rop mlvlres continue as elu.i.rrnl 11 U II f any time lately, and the labor sltua- 1 on shows no Importnnt chatiRes In work- I Ti, ' fteauy. nut there is iuir tn 11 iii'r-iirin ititfitu na cm n. .. 1.. ?i,,C.PL ,Villl,'t "'wtiieh Price It Is belle'xed the railroads will be willing to place orders for tho year s sunn v. ..mil. Mixiii imu'u ,., ..a r.... ... ..... ... . .,?.il".rr,'' w;lM,.ro ,h. ,,oat lill"ers and JUKI OHHttrOtl 11 DP Iiro nil ..fi.r.. UJ.,. rnw or imrtlullv ntiltthn.i are sustained and in r..w ......... upward. Iron gencrahv Is iVAV T. " UT lwo nont is past. Oil 111 nit tint at tti. iu 1 1....' . 1- . desired effect nt , noVt norTh.'r , V,i. J though nt the south stocks are stlll heavy ant complaint Is heard of pro ill.l ve freight rates to the seaboard. Large ex port business Is waiting and foreign buy. Ing of tin shed mnlerlnl ..,.,,11, .i....:" roductlnti nf rnii,, !,,, i..... . i. .'.'.'?'. . to H3.9S0 . ,s w.Vuiv 1 1, i... a ......Vii..'..aii : inini nnrl,.ilnnk,IIB lhp f"" ,BV" the lop point of tho season, about two months ago Vigorous markctltm lie t..r - i... .iiiingness to s,.ii .", r.v: .r.."1.1 eelpts at prlmnry markets ilurlni? iiu. inl?i-i,l!n"!""l,,K . .V9.m bu.. against I0.633,0ol last veil p. 11.11.. 11........ .. from the Inn ,,!, 1 .V"'.'1" side taking prolits freely. u,u H,,orl !akes ti o ?;: .' ';.,!!r!'!. VfT Of 15.39 mij ti- iilmivi iimi Salt'H of u'oni nt 11...... i.i . markets hiive i.VnJA. ' " V .V .,' 18 fr ngalnst 4,L'3I.S.1 In" th ' wck , revl us' I exas woo Wns netlvn Im li,.u,.... ' .'...i":' ?. rltory grade nr.. nil 11V...1.. . ei- I.t Ices are nominal y uncUKiniSi witrtih'XJ&rp ?0m,,i d""'"r" shliMiiiiR after oleetlor ! ' l"s,ruc,l", lml.1 until In h,ed,ol!sl-, There s morn ainiL ii.. .V. V... "'.V. """". ami prices are sustnl c,l '1 v" ' r " nuutatloiis, act vltv in c'lii,.,,,,,, i..?' !,vh 1 tt1'"' "ml ""vSmntl' Viunfs'es"! Failures In ngalnst na in .'?"'?. w:ro H' ngalnst l last vear " In Canada! WHUKI.y CMlAllivc: AgKrcKi,!,. Hdt'SIJ T.,u. of IIiikIiii.. i, ....... ....... . NEW YIn;,N"0r'",,"' !" table, complleii' 1 v uf,:.n r'l-'ho following bank cl '.ir J.J .'"n'lreet. . shows the the week Vmi In7l a . E.rln.r.'P' titles for tago of Increase an, i .L:.r vHjahecyS;KL'S .ompared CITIES. Clearings. Inc. Dec. CW Vnrtr Boston '.','.', Chlriic. Plllladeliiii'lW St. Louis ." Pittsburg Blllttmnrn San Francisco ... Cincinnati Kansas City , "" New Orleans Minneapolis .... Detroit Cleveland ' Louisville Prnvldenen Milwaukee !!!"" t. Paul Buffalo OMAHA I Indlannpnlls " Columbus, O " Savannah "" uenver Hnrtford Richmond Memphis " Washington !' Peoria Rochester "" New Haven "" Worcester .... Atlanta Salt Lake City Sprlngileld, Mass.., Port Worth Portland, Me Portland, Ore t St. Joseph Los Anneles Norfolk Syracuse Des .Moines j Nushvllle llmlngton, Del Pall River Kcrantnn Ornnd Rapids Augusta. Ha Lowell Dayton, O Seattle Tacoma Spokane Sioux City New Bedford Knoxvllle, Tenn Tojieka Birmingham Wichita Bliighaintnu Lexington. Ky Jacksonville, Phi.... Knlamazoo Akron Chntlanooga Rockford, 111 Canton, O Sprlngileld, O Kargo, N. D Sioux Palls. S. D... Hastings, Neb Fremont, Neb Davenport Toledo Oalveston Houston Helena Evansvlllo Macon Little Rock Sprlngileld, HI Youngstown, O 7:,1,4S7,93I . M.434.70II. H9.70ii,9.)7l 73, 6:11,0)0;,. 2t).M7.:i3ll '.MtM97 14,121,976 . lS.C0l.2fl,-, 1I.1K0,030 15,036,501! 5,618,09.11 9.952,870 7,872,(1801 9.932.5731 . 198,825 . 5,012.000 . 5.268,!) 13 I.Z1 1.997 1.455.739 5,t;58,3S3 5.776.161 4,803,200, 3,053.819 3.979,S4S J,.n:i..iS 3.0Sj.(C!l, l.0i.'l,9SII l.il5l,8!i;ii 2,019,;M' LII7.or,' 1,119,8271 1.162,867 1.180.4111 1,911.(05' 1182.3691 1,377,886 926.671 l.V.HI,96! :!,r,i;i,8io 2,09.1,725 992,rt 886.927 9s9.:si': 919,717, 8i4,62:i: 561, 262 l,37.0.r.i 1.119.2:1 873,1051 113, ISO'. IWS.'.l.".): 2,128,703 l,000,7li'l 833,8501. !'9'i.227 .'185,376, 508,088, 9.;:),3',ii 731,3721 521,00:1, 397,7oo 281,1611. 190.11:1,. 373,1 Hi; 439.400! ."60,0101 270,769, . 221.8i,. K!9,79S I98,SS7; 126.6SJ! 137.171 103,873, 7S2,8I56 2.087,231 1. 3,911.0'hii. 4,219.2i;S . 519.5211. 73 1.902'. 4 16,000, 361.0801 .'1.33.2131. 261.1701 16.1' "h'.i 37.2 iiii 20. 1 . , . 8.0 . . , 11.8 ... 1:1.3 ... 10.6 ... 16.2 .. 17.1 4.2 2.1. : 1.8!. wl: 7. 6i. 1.5 . 5.81. 58.51. 30. 1 . 10.0 20.7 37.01. 16.3 18. 1 12.11 29.6 6 16. 1 'ii!o! 8.01 29. 81. 'oio , I " a'.V. 1.1 17.1 1.1 "y.i 21.3 21.1 51.1 2.0 11.3 'is.'i 20.8 38. 7'... 10.51... 25.6... 87.0 ... 21.5,... 4.5... .18 9, 21.8 :o., 25.4 21.9 3.5 2.1 17.01.. 29.71.. 6.0 .. 7.1 11.0 21.7 15.2 5l.0i, ii .1 19.9 21. :l 20.3 12 Industrials ns a class were llrmer Tho fteneral list wis on the whole easy and ic.tr selling by the traders did int bring out any stocks. The only nnl activity was 111 a few manlpulittcit Issues, of which Cell Iral of New Jersey and St. Louis South western were the chief examples, iiit.nvriti:r.T'M review of thaim:. Iliiliinee Is (.cue rally Maliitnllirit In A ppni entlj Irreguliir lliirl.el. NKW YORK. Aug. 24. -Brailstrccfs to morrow will say: Contrary trade currents still rIv an ap pearance of Irregularity to the entire slt iiatl.in, but good and tin fit ornble Inlltien'-iM conspire to bring 11 limit son of b.tlanco which accords well with the weather condi tions and the particular season of the ve ir. If eleurltiRs returns lire to be regaided, tho tide of trade was about at Its ebb last week, but It Is well known Hint clearings rarel. except in times of speculative excitement, relied present conditions. In the Iron trade the corner has ap parently been turned for the better uinl ther- Is 11 perceptible Improvement In tlei lobbing demand at large western market" Prices, too, are steady, what few dcre.iscfl nre noted being nnti.irentlv due to Im proved 1 rop condition, particularly of corn and cotton. Despite the reports which havo Pletiitetl the corn crop as hcavllv shorlene I by hoi winds, the reports to Bradstrcet tt irom Nebraska, Kansas City nnd St L011H are as a whole In unit encouraging Tho lowered nrlce of cottim Is lnrzclv 1I110 lo lh.i arrival of needed rains In the South At- Pintle stntoi In the list of unfiivoratil.i features hidldav unlet In limnv .Iiim (j notable nl the large eastern cent.T. al though Koine Iniiiroveineiit In Hrv i-oml 1 Jobbing Is reported at several points. Ill tho textile trades, unlet tn rotinii i.no.! 1 Is still notable and the spilng season tnr men's wear woolens drags nercentlbtv. Raw wool Is oulet and the munufai lure-! are buying only to llll orders nctuitlv booked, ltnw cotton Is at a deadlock, eron uncertainties and extremclv small MipplP-i being balanced bv the less favorable 011. look for the mnnuractured jmioiM. Re ports are common of a falling off In tralho on leading eastern roads, but certtlnlv nothing of this Is reflected In the gn s4 earnings of tho leading railroads for tlet second wek of August. All III nil, tl o trude situation may be said to lack sua)', but tbeie Is little appearance of v.eaknext and hopefulness as to the fall trade out look Is expressed. In snlle nf lis iircMiininhli being a year of election excitement. Western trade advices ore relative j most opilmlstlc, Chicago reporting a hi e woc! In dry goods and liberal butlness in cloth ing, huts and shoes, though buyers' sell c. tlons are made with care. More Is dolair in shoe leather, and hides are Ilrm. f't. Louis reports Hint the Missouri corn eron will be nil average one nnd that of IIII110H very large. Wheat. Including Hour, ililnnients for t tin week uggregnte 2.295.168 bushels, iiiml. st 3,113.611 last wi'ek. 3.313.825 In the eurr -spondlng week of l!0. 3.56,1. 17il in H98. 5.11.1- (XI In tw7 mid 3,281,851 In is!6. I'rom July 1 to date this season wheat exnnrts nre 2'.. C.iti, IIS. against 29.508,891 last season a. id 125, 9O0.552 III 1898-iv;a;i. Corn exnnrts for the week nui-reirat 1 3.493.375 bushels, against 3.017.089 last week. I.Wii.ono h this week a vear aco. 2 1 6 UKa In P98, 2,682.132 In I8!i7 and 2,il0.3'. In 1896. I'mni July 1 to date this season corn exno.'ts inn 28,371,489 bushels, against 37,122,766 last sea son and 22,877,2:iS In 1898-1899. Business fa hires In the I nlted St ites. in reported lo Uradstreet's iiRgrcgate 113 tor the week, as ngalnst 168 last week, 151 In this week 11 year ago, 172 In lv;iS. 21') In P97 and were about half what they were In lids week four years ago. Canadian failures for the week number twenty-nine, us against twenty-four biFt week, twenty-three In this week 11 year ngo, twenty-seven In 19S. thlrty-nlno In 1897 and thlrt-ouo In 1890. Cotton Mnrket, NEW YORK. Aug. 21. -COTTON Tito market opened easy, with August eoiilract unchanged and other positions 5ii7 points, lower. For a time an eiimer feellmr pre vailed. The foreign news was iinsatlsln.' tory nnd crop news generullv favorab'e, wh ch caused further 1 In 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 111 hv nartie.t who had bought cotton earlier In the week. 1 lien the market reacfd r.'o. 11 'Pits 11 covering, the Interior movement I cing cx- eptlonally small. But the advance failed to bring In outside buying nnd the market turned weak again, notwltlislaiidltiR tho week's Interior receipts i-h iwcd but 5,920 bales, nRaliist 15,361 last year. A repoit that receipts were picking up In Texas a id particularly favorable crop advice from that ImiHii tntit stute lidded to the dlsnc-M- tlon lo sell nnd prices broke Bit 8 points from ine niRiiest. under quite active hdiing. 1 no market here was llnullv unlet, ut a net loss of 8fii0 points Futures closed ipipt; August. J8 95; September. JS.58: October. JS. 1; November. 23. December. 1S.27: Jaiiuarv. JS.28; February $8 29. March. $8.31; Aprl', js.32; Mav. S8.;yi; .nine, j.8,-11. spot, inn 1; middling uplands. 978e; mlddlltiR gulf, 10c. ST. LOIMS. Mo.. A Ig. 21. COTTON--Dill1: no sales: mldillliig, 9 9.16c. Recelnts, none; shipments, 567 bales; stock, 11.733 bales. NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 2I.-COTTON-Qulet; sales 250 bales; ordinary. 7 U-lOc; Rood ordinary, SMe; low middling. 9t'; mlddlliiR, 10c; Rood middling. loi',e; ml I illlliR fair. 10Ve. Receipts. 1.111 bales; stock. 32.116 bales. Futures, steady; August, J9 M 0l9.15: September. $8 581(8.59: October, S.' Tj) 8.21; November, K1IMS.2; December, $8.(9'. 8.10; January, $8 1tMslt; l-'ebruary. $8.12ii 8 11: March. $8 111(8.15; April. $S.16Q3 17; May, $S.lSfiS.!). I'llilinellll Motes, NEW YORK, Aug. 21. -Exchanges, $106, 125.10!) ; balances, $5,212.07'.). BOSTON. Aug JI.-ExchangcH. $11,550,080; balances, J1.5S0.09ii PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 2l.-Clearll1RS, $1,111,115: balances. $I.7."9,C97. BALTIMORE. Aug. 21. clearings. $2,559. 017: balances, $160,800 ST. LOl'IS. Aug. 21 Clearings. $3.8i?:.l7l; balances, $58S.3i;i. Monev. Afj' per cent. New York exchaiiRC, Pic illHcount bid, par "cYl'lCAOO, Aug. 21.- Clearings. $I9.C.9.387: balances. $1,790,580. Posted exchange. $l.SiT I.88I1,. New York exchange, l.'e dlsrount. CINCINNATI. AllR. 21 -Clearings. ?'.'. 117.500. New York exchange, 10TJ15e dis count. Money, 2V4ti0 per cent. ColTee MnrKet. NEW YORK. Aug. 21.- COFFEH-Spot, Rio. iiilet; No. 7. iinolce. 8ic. Mild, dull; Cordovu, nominal. The market for rolfo futures started steady In tone, with prices 5 points higher for September and un changed for other months. During much of the session business wns dull, with prlcei off 10 points from the opening under pres sure Irom the bear side and a lack of spec ulative support. Lliiuldutloh followed 1,11 satlsfactorv cables, heavy recelnts nt Rio nnd Santos, light warehouse deliveries and poor demand for spot coffee. The market closed barely steady, with prices not 10 points lower. Sales. 35.5on bags, Including September at 7 231i7.30c; November. 7 4fle; December. 7.50(7.t)c: January. 7.505n.G0i:; March, 7.0011 7.7oc; May. 7.6oli7.65e. iAT-Spnt. 78'c ; Do- .1 17.6 12.0!.. Totals, V. S.... Totals outside N. $l,28.520,907l, 517.0:!' .97.11 0.3 17.5 Montreal Toronlo Winnipeg Hnllfax Hamilton St. John, N. B Vancouver Victoria Totals DOMINION OF CANADA 1$ 12.691.1811... 8.250.821 ... 2.101,021, 1, 532.26 i' (182,5121 69;, 175 '.U5.I05, 689,0161 I3.51. 12.31. 1.6 . 10. 1 7.1 ....1$ 27,68.5,0101 1.1 I.I lllt.VDS Hti;i; T'S '.M'., HC.VIEW. I'entlire of- the Mnrl.el In Km (011 lilineil Diillness, NEW YORK, Aug- 21 - Biadstreefs I'lnanclal revlw tonn.i row will miv Pronounced dullncs-i .itlll pn-vills In the stock market, the total transaction at th -New Yerk stock e.v h.inne mi secern I l:i this week falling to b -h iv lmi.tnH shares The public s entirely nut nl the market, nnd the large llnaiiclal interest. are ap parently walling lor a ivvluil of general activity Son)'' Investrn nt purchases are apparently In progress irom time to time In tho (livid? id paying l -nt of the ml'mad share list and there has also been more or less manipulation of a few special stocks It Is, however, a long tune since the mar ket has been so lifeless or so devoid of features. The London market Is to all appi irane s ns dull, If not djller. than our own. 'Ih large Increase of the Bank of England n -serve, amounting to l.loo.ooo. representing the shipments I nun New York on account of the war loan subscriptions, has eased tho London money market to sich an ex tent that there Is no longer i.ny leason to apprehend further withdraw. lis of gol I from this country. The money market has recovered from th,. danger and at the same time has been helped by the 'urge disbursements the N.-w York subtreasury has made on ai count of the redemption of the old 2 per cent honds. Easy money, howcer. ha. Hill, . 1 lee t In view of th absence of speculum Interest. The crop news was on th" win. I I favorable despite Hie pre valence of drouth I In the extreme west in. I ihc consc( 1, , nderso I. ilk about corn eron urosnee ts LONDON, Aug. 21, SPOAR CentrlfutuI, Little efrect was produced py the preuler nominal, 12a 6d; beet, August, IZi, activity of the Iron and stud trades, though Teill'illl lllll'hot. TOLEDO, O.. Aug. 21-WIIE 77'..c: September. 77"e; October, cember, M)i4c. CORN-Qulet, lower; onsn nepieinuui, 'OATS- Quiet; No. 2. 22c: September, 2214". RYE-Stendy; No. 2 ensh, 5l'.c. SEEDH-C lover .icl'v. higher: MS pi lino, $6.15; October. $6.6o; 1809 pi line. $h 20. thiTh'hai.ti 31 TlKHT. INSTRI'.MEN'I'S placed on record I-'rldny, AURiist 21, 19W: Viirriiiil Heeds, W. E Smalls and wife In II. P. Fcrrce, lOtS 1 to 20. IIIOCK I), .M.lVIl" ev H. S HUD In Mavne's 2d add to Volley $ M I.. Mugruder .mil husband to J. L. Whlttliigham. lot 3. Kurt, sub South Omaha Investment company tn ,. lb. 111MI , .111111. I. link'. IUI -1. III.JL 1, Mcfiavock H O'K.'s add South Omaha Land company to C. O, Durkes, lot 3, block 95, South Omulift (toll 'III I ill lleeils. 10. J. Needy and husband to II. S. Thomas, e 50 feet of sVj lot 17, block 3, and s1, lot 1, block I. MascaU's sub John (irnnt nnd wife to II. S. Thomas, lot 33, Cunningham B.'s add; wtj lot 15, block 3, llascall's sub I) Is, Sheriff lo II S Thomas, lots 11 nnd 12, block 6. Swidle.ilc Mill 1?3 200 1,150 fJO 100 Total amount of trnmfers 88 . . . ."$2,623 MiES F, BOYD & GO., Telephone 103!). OiiiqIi i, :L COMMISSION, GRAIN, I'KOVIHIONH ami S'I'OtJKrt DOAllI) op Tlt.VDi;. Correaponduncc. John A Warren Si Co uirect wIiik lu Chicago und N-w YorS H.R.PEriri,E.Y8(C0. tJ00M4r(YLIFCDLDa cuAitA n 8RAMCH 103ft ItSt 4JMWU1 ttl