'mi si mr,UTA t a ti ,v -mri-v. TinnAV. a it( i it-iT i irwin. it 1 4 SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements for lhee rntni-iiis will lie Inltfti tmtll Hi m. for rvrnliiK rtlllloti nti.I until H it!) i. in. fur nmrnliiK ntiil Sanilnr edition. Itntes, I n ironl first limcrllon. 1e n mini thereafter. oliltiK tnUen for lens t linn UBt! fur llrnt Inser tion. 'I' limp nilrertlnciuenU luust lir run consecutively. Advertisers, by rrniientlnn a num bered elireli, enn linve nnniTrm mi ll reused to n. numbered letter In cure of The lice. Atisnem no ntldressed will be, delivered on premutation of the rlier.W only. w.v.nthii-si'I'i vtiov WANTED, position iih housekeeper to widower of irnod social standlnc lv young competent woman, forsake of rotnfortabic nome. Address v. H. is., .Madison, wis,, POBIOUICC. A MiVi 21" YOUNG MAN' desires nliirp to work for board while attending school. Hoylo'a college. Tel. 19SI. A-M309 30- v.. iei-.i:ai.i? nni;p. WANTED, we havo stear.y work for a few good hustlers of Rood hn' ' nnd ii'ipear- ance. u. r. Adams co., iw uowarci si. 11570 BARBER trade taught thorn ighly In short lime; catalogue and ;ur.icuiurs ire Address Western Barbers' Institute Omnha. Neb. 11077 WANTED, Inboiere. teamsters, rock iwn and surinco men, ;sub., wyu,, nmi iown freo faro: tilKhest wages; ship dally Western R. R. Labor Agency. 210 8. 11th B-57S AN INTELLIGENT young ninn to tako a shnrtlmiwl H"linl.i rshtn In best school and pay for It when course Is completed and position secured. Address i. ., jjci 11579 WANTED. 10 young men to learn teteg- rophy. W. 1. 8KCI10II, Hnllna. Kan. B-M3I1 A27 COATJIAKRH wanted at once. Henry Kiiseplbnum, West Point, Ncb B-M' W A NT K I), bv a nromlnent men's, boys' and chlldren'H wholesale miinul'icturlng clothing houso In Milwaukee, Wis.. tlrnl.pl:. wm milcsmun for Kansas and N bniska; liberal Inducements to right man. Address I' IB, this olllce. ii-.m.,- . GET a freo catalogue of the Nebraska School of Magnetism and Osteopathy J.-.ir.-j7 Chicago street, Omaha, Nrb.; grail uatis employed. II M3i wAVTi'.n ii tirnetleal. all-round dry goods salesman; permanent position to the right parly: must be it hustler; no others need apply: hIhIp age. married or single, oxperlenre, salary and also refer ences: nppiv personally it iiwumi" hi j. WANTED, men to learn barber trade; we nn n i'vn vmi iiiti'iintnces of constant nrac- tire In our colleges at Chicago, St. Louis or Minneapolis, that cannot be had olso whern: vn furnish freo transportation anil donate complete outfit of tools; no license or no examination reitilred after receiving our diploma; catalogue and particulars mailed free. Address jwnier imrner i. oi leiie Renresentatlve. 1623 Karnam St. Omaha. Neb. I1-M31S 23 ttl.'SI'nNSIHLE man for Omaha Hlid each cltv In Nebrnslta anil Kansas to represent tellable llnanelal corporation; tnne perlenced In Ins. or II. and L. jireferre I Aimress i' .n rit'o vjinuf'. i .i..iu WANTED, a man at once to work on stoves. Om. Auction Co., KM Is. 10th. IJ-502 22 WANTHD An exnerlenccd carnot and fur nltiire man. one who also understands curtain Imaging; state nge, experience and salary expected, giving references, T 47, Hcc. li w-J) RELIAIILE man to represent. In resident community, old established house, worth .i,in: unties require niriiiK uei'i, imi tin? nllei'ttmis n ml some otllcc work: lib oral salary anil expenses advanced to rlKlit party. Address m. .i. i in, .uki, 723 Chestnut St., Philadelphia m n. WANTED, a practical, all-round dry goods salesman; permanent position to ilm rlabt niirlv: must bo n hustler: no others need apply; stato age. married or single, experience, salary aim ninn rein ences; nppiv personally u possum- in i L. Da vies, York. Nob. II-M521 27 WANTED, city drummer, who owns or can furnish horso and wagon, to sen aim deliver to crocers canned and ken soda and two grades baking powder. Trice anil niMilliv kkII nor noods: navs better than traveling. Some of our men clear 1100 per month. Must give pond, or pay cost oi stock furnished, it. T. uoyai rsoua vks Louisville. Ky. H-M320 21 SOLICITORS wanted. JfiOO venrlv Klinran teed, with commissions. Standard lllus (rated histories of tho great fraternal, re llglous and political organizations. Tho llazen Co.. New York. U-M513 2t WANTED, salesman; salary from, start permanent place, iirnwn uros. i;o Mir serymen, uocnester, in. v. h aioiu si W ANTED I'' Kit A I.H 1 1 12 M. AN INTELLIGENT lady to take a short hand scholariihlp In best school and pay tor it wnen course is commeien and posl lltill reuuic-u. wvvi.ii i-cin 14 mi, ucf, v iAU WANTED, 200 girls, 1524 Dodge. Tel. 870. C Ml Kl girls wanted. Canadian ofllco 1522 Douglas WANTED, educated young ladles to learn nursing. Apply to secretary, Fremont hospltni. u fliua: WANTED, cook and illnlngroom girl; good wages. AddresH Nations.! Hotel, Avoca, lowu. C 505 20 WANTED, lady demonstrator and sales ladles; permanent and pleasant positions; snlary. Address P 60, Beo. C M522 2l FOR RENT HOUSES. IF you want ypur houses well routed place them with Reniiwa & Co. D 5.V1 imUSES, oto. F. D. Woad, 1521 Douglas. D-5S4 ALWAYS moving II. II. goods. Pianos, omce, 15UHi Furniim St. Tel. 1559 or f.63. D-583 HOUSES for rent In nil nnrtH of tho city. Brennan-Lovo Co., 320 S. 13th St. D-iS7 1IOUSES und flats. "ItTngvynlt, Barker Mt. D-5S9 ELEGANT npartments In tho Winona. Payne-Knox Co., 1st floor, N. Y. Life. D-593 FOR RENT. R-room house. No. G1S South 17th St. Inquire ut room 30y, city Hall. D-S20 10-ROOM steam heated flat, all jnndern, 1317 Doaglus. Inquiro Llndqucst, 310 So. 15th. D-112 1505 William St., 3 tooms-$5.00. S50 S. 23rd.. 3 rooms-J7.00. 2912 Seward St., 5-room cottage $10.00. 1707(4 S. 13th St,, 2-room cottage J3.00. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO., 16th and Douglas St. D-M1RJ NEW 10-room house, wnler nnd gas, 2 blocks from car and school, north part city near Boulevard, $25 per month. In quire William I. Klciutcad, City Hall. D-72G 1721 N. 27th St. Nine-room house, nil mod ern, In tine tepiilr, $17.50. OMAHA LOAN .1- TRUST CO., 10th and Douclaa St. D-MIS4 DUNDEE, brick house, nlno rooms, In cluding reception hall and laundry room, inquiro at r.iis capiioi avo. u-iii-;i 718 N. 38th St. All modern elcht-room house In perfect condition. This Is tho best houso for $33.00 per month that Is (or rent in onuiliu today. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO., 16th und Douglas St. D-M1S2 FOR RENT, strictly modern flat; also nlvo sthres In Davldgo building, opposlto City uuu. John W. Robblns, 1S02 Farnam St. D-320 010 N 23th St Eight-room modern house In good condition; good lawn and shade, OMAHA LOAN TRUST CO.. 16th nnd Douglas St. D-MI81 BEE HENRY I). PAYNE, 101 N. Y. LIFE. AJ UWd roil nnNT-iinr5i:. ROOM rottaitp. 56th nnd Blondo streMs. vi. Appiy wi is . nun street. d-iK HOUSES, stores. Bemls, Paxton block. D 3S5 ROOM cottage. 2622 Dewey Ave. jl.Miu. D-M;:y2 EOll IlEMT IM'UM.SIIF.Il DOOMS, ROOMS; one largo south front with alcove; modem, rao iiarncy st. e-mkm si- fiirnlatin.l t-nnmca fnr Ii rtt I 1 n man C 1 if- rent Sken in hnnni aiV & VtiVi ..... - - i IV JJO 1 FI'RNtSHED south room, sultablo for two gentlemen. Oil No. 22nd St. E M4II-2. ONE furnished room for rent. 2231 Fnr nam street. 20' I'LltMSIIini ROOMS AMI HOARD. THE Merrlam, good summer resort, 25th A uodge. 1 kk OLENCAlRN,tran3lcnts,J1.20 day. 1609 Dgls. v -'J 1 COD S. 25TH Ave., prlvato family. 1' J JO Ail- UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. F-iOS THE PRATT, deslrablo rocnis, 21! 8. 2". St. 1"' WJ lfAN'DROMELY furnished rooms: good board; rates reasonable. The Rose, '.yj) Harney. F M2H 2o 'LEASANT rooms with board. 19M Cap itol live. F-MJ4I24' PLEASANT, cool front room for rr tit, no other roomers. 1110 Fnrnnm St E.U 113-21 WANTED, room and board 111 a strictly tirlvatp family by n young muy sten ographer. P 13, Ilee. F I3j 21' IN PRIVATE family. 2020 St. Marys Avo. FOR RE.Vr-STOIIES AMI OFFICE. t.nii nt.roT ainrn in nrst-class location: rent reasonable. Apply it. c. I'cicrs uo., grounu floor, isee inug 1 .ti Tvn ni iho ties! rnnmn In the Continental block. l..th anil uoilgias streeis; ppecinny sulted for 11 physician; will remodel to sun tennnt. umiina L.01111 irusi lflth nnd Douglas Sts. i-wo q'miiE rnnm. B2I South Kith: nower fur nished If desired. ClarKO I'oweu, am .ew York Life. I-M313 TO LET. a few nice offices In tho Paxton 'b ock, s nglo or en suite. Apply to mini. I nf lil.lir rnnm fi.f. nr W Farniim Smith I or Plug., room or . 1 arnnm smiui it uo., J3.TJ '.amain sircei. 1 jiu FOR RENT, nice brick storo building In Rock Port. Atchison county, mo.; line location for genernl stock of merchan dise; hnllillniT Is 2lxS0 feet, with ware- room separate, and Is owned by Masonic lodge, one or tlia nest corners in town. Address w. 15. uiermann, sccreiary. I-4R7 ACJEVrS WASTIIII. 2T. TO IV) ensllv made bv our llvo nlcents. men or women, selling our Intest novelty, campaign waterproof neckties; goods en tirely new and patented; agents delighted; v.ilps unlimited: what others do. you can do; time Is short; write today and secure exclusive territory; guaranteed best seller. Address, with stamp, M. & M. Manfg. Co., Dept. C, Spring eld, Mass 1 J-M992 HeptlO STOllAOE. PACIFIC Storncn and Warehouse Co.. 912- 914 Jones, general storage anu torwaruing. OJJ Om. Von Stor. Co., 151US Fam. Tcls. 1559-SG3. W.VXTED-TO nCY. ALL kinds of household goods, hotels, etc.. In lnrgo and smnll quantities. Chicago Furniture Co., 1406-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020. N-C01 limited number of WILL iinrrh.lRQ a Omaha Savings Dank accounts. Drennan- Lovo Co., 309 bo. lain. is Wi ID-HAND bicycles. Omaha Illcycle Co. N-C03 CO 2D-1IAND typewriters. Nebraska Cyclo Co.. cor. istli .Ni llarney. N 713-A30 FOR SALE FrilMTUIlE. FOR SALE, furniture of a ten-room house. No. 1311 So. 20th live. O-503 21 I'OH SALE HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. VEHICLES of nil kinds ninde and repaired by Hurry i-rosi, nut anu ieavcnwortn. x WJ MUST Hell, two 2d hand extension ton car riages, equally good as new and at less than t.4 price. Call and seo us If you want a buggy or pnacton; can save you money. w in. prctncr carriage wks., .tcu Leaven worth. I'til FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. HARD and soft ro,'n.un''on, P'llnil! hps ICIIIwU (dill VI 'UUIIIh VJ l UUU(I04 UW CUTTERS of drug prices. Shcrmnn & Mc- Council urug Co., cor. ibtn una xiouge. Q-C29 EMERSON nlano. slightly used: left on sale; big bargain If sold ut once. 1620 Douglas St. Q-M460 B. HASS, Florist. 1813 Vinton St. Tel. 776. Pliints. out dowers, bouuets. hall, resi dence, wedding and gravo decorations. Orders by mall or expresa promptly tilled. y usu 2D1IAND safo cheap. Dcrlght, 1116 Farnam. SAFES; buy, sell, ex'ge. Schwartz, 114 S. IX cj ucs M. & W. tires, $2.73. Omaha Bicycle Co. c; uu MANSON bicycles. $23. Omuhu Blcyclo Co. ovnn iVn u,l.i,lu . ". , rt tin. . ...1.n..1u $15. Omaha Ulcyclo Co., lutti & cnicago sts FOR SALE, cood size, fireproof, combina tion loci: sale; new, never uscu, rrom one of tho best safo makers, only $19.93. A verv Inrun. 2.400.nonnd. four double doors. bank safe, new: good for hotel, real es tate, countv. city or bank, $71.93. Will itilti tn nnv nlnrn tn the United States. puvable after received. Cut this notice out and mall to Sears. Roebuck & Co., Chicago, for full particulars VI MISOEI.HM'IOUS. MOTiri.!. emintrv dealers. 2dhnnd furnlturo and stoves at wwesi prices, curnmn ion m less. Chicago Furniture Co., 1106-10 Dodgo. IV .-ni Cl.AIUAVOY.NT. T.MII.M.V FIIEE' FREE! An honest proposition made by tho great, il.n ..nlv nnd Viricidal CHARLES II. LIN COLN. Appreciating tho ragt that mere aro munv of tho best citizens of Omaha who would only bo too eager to consult a good, reliable clairvoyant, yet they hesi tate for fear of spending their money without receiving nny satisfaction or benellt. Therefore, Mr. Lincoln, having such conlldonco In his wonderful power and faith 111 inn jimmy "'Vl'-YS udvtso you, ho makes tho following FREE oner: 1,MM-F. FREE! FREE HE DOES HEREBY SOLEMNLY GUAR A VP EE AND AGREE TO ANSWER ONE SEALED QUESTION AND GIVE EACH CALLER'S NAME IN FULl F1RST TO CONVINCE FREE OF (MIARGE-to all those calling with the object of having a rending. Advlco given nn nil nnliits of Interest, such us love. courtship, marriage, divorce, business speculations and transactions of all kinds. He, by his wonderful power, reunites tho separated, causes specny uuu niiy nmr rln aes with tho one of vour heart's de- slro. Gains for vou such In nny wish your heurt desires in fact, no matter wiuu may 110 your nope, lear or iiiiiniiinii come to this gifted mini and tltul help. He has helped others, why not you? NO MONEY ACCEPTED IN ADVANCE, NOR DO YOU PAY ON13 CENT UNTIL YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY HATIMFI Kl), Is this not honest? Could v uiiiu mi; mini, kit fulrer? Call ut once und let him convince vou. FREE! FREE! FREE' Hut his freo offer Is only to convince those that are honest and In need of help, who call with the destro ot having a good rending. Kcguiur rep in tne reacn or all, Call today. No. 1722 uodue ST. S' 11 Tho urofessor has arruncrd a lovely suit of parlors, which are so arranged you meet no cmiors. o aiii u C!..IItAVOVT. -FREE TEST TO ALL FREE THE KINO OF LIFE READERS. -DR II V MAY- TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT AND INDE PENDENT SLATE WRITIM1 ME- DI I'M, PERMANENTLY LOCATED 113-SOETH EIGHTEENTH ST.-U3 -21 YEARS HE FORE THE PCRLIC- Dr. Mav docs not claim to be the greatest . " ,UI' ' l rir lllivi . IIUI ir II." 1 "'. only .mci1 urn on earth. Rut he does nor is no u cneap pretender, nor is ne niiifTi in i in inn rrrii tnai iifniv lti iiniiinn i claim to be the greatest now In Omaha. tu (rmllmntilula ti .1.1 ,, t liU .,(H.I.I ins testimonials are on tile at ills otnee to tirovo that his readlncs nre acknowl edged by both press and public to be of the highest order. Dr. May's tin- noiiniied success is tnni lie advertises nothing but what he can do. Fit EE TEST TO ALL. FREE Ho tells your name, your mother's maiden name, your occupation, date or birth, who anu wnen you win marry tir even, point Ine out to vou all thlnes tiertnlnlnr tn life, positively refusing to accept any fee. unless he proves his sunerlorltv. En trance on both basement and parlor floor privaiciy arranged; yi meet no callers. (.TJilsll.l .M 'U.I I' HEE. U3-SOUT11 EIGHTEENTH 8T.-113 S-.M319 22 -PROF. LAURENCE X. JAMES 1714 Douclas Street ITU AS A TEST of his wonderful powers ho lens juiir nunie in tun, your occupation, whom and when you will marry. He will conviuco tne most skeptical. He w 111 -ACCEPT NO FEE- in aiivunco nnd mako NO CHARGE. NO CHARGE unless you tiro perfectcly satisfied. S-M518 22 MME.GYLMER genuine palmist. 1005 Dodgo S Cil ELECTRIC TMI'ATMUNT. ELITE parlors. CIS S. ICtli, second door. T S1910 HI BEATRICE HARLOW, Arabian treatment, baths. 317', N. 15th, 1st flat F. T-SI336 23 MME. AMES, baths. 1615 Howard, room 7, .it uoor; imcmiam. a MME. LEE, magnetic treatment. Bn7 S. lam, room i. t .".1:37 a I'ERSO.VAL. MONHEIT, Chiropodist. 151S Earn. Tel. 2333. U KJJ LADIES' hair shampooed, dressed, 35c. Hair toilet goous. Monncit, i&is hariuim. Tel Z)J3 U BIO TTftn.'tair t,nk. .,. . 7T TUUIVlHII OtttllS, mUSSngO llStHS, Clectr C lmfh. fnr ....i.., nnV. .killed wnmn,. baths, for ladles only; skilled women massago operators; llncst equipped baths' in me city, iienstom iiotn company Rooms 21G to 220, Uco building. U M1G3 PRIVATE hospital forladles before .t dur- ing coiuincment; nabics adopted. UK n. it. u tiis U SOLES. 35c: velvet rubber heels. 33e. The oiu rcnauic, a. 1: I'etcrson, win & uuming u ull DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns removed, 25c ana upwaru, itoom 11, iTctirczr iiiock. u till no nn danger; send for circulars. Empire Rup ture cure, 32 iv. 1. L.iro bldg., omatiiu u u PLEATING nnd pleated skirts of all kinds. M. uoldman & Co., :im uougins block. u MS PRIVATE home before and during confine ment; babies adopted. Mrs. liurget, 220 Burdottc. U tli HOFF'S Express & Messenger Co. Tel. 1717. u 1115 SCHA DELL During August, shampoo, 35e; hairdrcso, Z5c: massage, 2oc; treatment, juc U M31l A-JS WHEELER & AVIIson sowlnc machines, others. J3.00 tin: payments; renting. 7(ic week: rcpnlrlng. Peters & Co., 1S1U Capitol Ave. Tel. 149S. U Z7I Al VIAVI, woman's way to health. 346 Bco bldg U-042 EPPERLY corset to order. 1012 Capitol av. 1; M9ii ai EPPERLY corset to order. 1612 Capitol AV. U 591 HI Corns & bunions destroyed. 511 Knrbach Illk. U JIB 3-D HAVE furs rcpnlred and altered now. Don't wait until tho busy season anu expeci work done nt onco. Aulabaugh, Son & Co., Furriers, 500 Karbach llloclt, omnna. U :ii n-a PLEATING: buttons to order; pinking Co., 1524 win o vou watt, omnna l'icaiinc Co., Douglas. U-MSS5 1250.00 REWARD Tho above reward will bo paid by the omnna street Hallway comnanv for the arrest and conviction of any party or parties who robbed their conductor on mo tugni 01 August 11 on Ames Avenue line. u -Jb ji SECOND-HAND bicycles at your own prices this week; w up; bargains in now ones. L.OU1S ficscner, i.. cnpuai ave. U-M4G3 25 JOHN RUDD, optician, 115 S. lGth st. U-501 S19 MONEY TO l.OAS ItKAI. ESTATE. PRIVATE money, C. BVi. 6 per cent; no do- lay. Qurvln Bros., I613 i- arnnm. w urj WANTED City nnd farm loans; also bonds nnd warrants. 11. c i-cicrs cc co., 1702 Farnam St., Bco Bldg. V 6o0 I'RIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1321 Douglas, W U)l FIVE per cent monoy. Bcmls, Paxton block. w ta LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa fnrms at b ner cent. Borrowers enn pay $loo or any multiple. Any Interest uute. iso uciny. iirennan-i-.ovo co., aw South 13th St., Omaha, Neo. W-G34 MONEY to loan on flrst-clnss Improved city property or ior nuuuing purposes, rnyno- KtlOX CO., isow xork i.itc. W Iw3 . 5'A. G ner cent on Omaha. So. Omaha. W. 11. Thomus, 503 1st Nat. bank. Tel. l&is. w Uoi MONEY lo loan nt 5 and 514 per cent nn Omaha property. W. is, MeiKie, 401 m. ir.tn. W-636 MONEY to loan on improved Omnha real esiuio. urcnnun-i.ovo CO., ;htj 00. i.un. W-637 $1,000 and upward to loan on improved cltv property ami rurms, w. .-arnnm rimmi t co., i&:u I'urnum. , w ujs WANTED -City loans, bonds nnd warrants. ucorgo ne company, iwi rurnam at. W 639 MONEY In nny amount nt 5. 514 6 per cent. J. W. HOUHlNo & CO., 1503 FARNAM ST. w noo MONEY to loan on farm nnd cltv nronortv l. ... . r t.-. 11 1. .l .. .. T.-n lunvo. luiva, j. v. ut la iuvj eiiiiiiiin W Blil MOM3Y TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. Wo endorser or mortirnce reoulred. LOWEST RATES, EASY PAYMENTS nnd MTllIC TI. Y fUSKIDK.NTlAI OMAHA CREDIT CO.. Room 526, llfth floor, New York Life Bldg. A ti 1 M-O-N-E-Y D-O-Y-O-U-N-E-E-D-I-T- Wo make loans from $10.00 up on furniture. pianos, norses. rows, eic; you ncop tno property; or wo will muke you a SALARY LOAN on you own note, n-tthout Indorser or mortgugo; we cnarge absolutely notn Ing for making papers, and wo keen noth ing out of tho amount you borrow: you mav pay the money back in one month or take moro timo 111 which to pay it, and you uro expected to pay for It only whut time vou usa It: uur rates aro low and our terms are the easiest, our business is us condentlal as Is possible and our treat ment Is always courteous. Omaha Mort gugo Loan Co., 306 So. 16th St. Estab lished 1892, -X6i2 PRIVATE LOANS TO SALARIED PEO PLE mrtmnnlnrllv pmhn rr:i RMe.l wlm itestrn nhove I everything eiso 10 AVUIll 1' L'llL Ull 1 can be accommodated ut our ofllco with less expense, tlmo und trouble than any nlace in tho cltv. J .11 IV. .1. 1-1.. Room 601. Bee Building X M723 MONEY loaned on nlanos. furniture. Jew. eiry, nsrbed, cows etc. c. tr, iucu, j. sio.m:y to i,oa-i A'r ii.u LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE. ARE VOF ONE OF THE CROWD WHO Mil- TA lCINfl ADVANTAtlE of our NEW partial payment plan? Let us (jt'lETLY explain same to you. We loan employes on their notes. No mortgage; no Indorser: no publicity. Simply a CONFIDENTIAL HCS1NESS DEAL. V loan TIIOCSAND3 In this way, SO DON'T HESITATE AUOl'T CALLING. We are hustlers and want more business. R. R. EMPLOYES RECEIVE PROMPT SERVICE TO Hl'IT THEIR TIME AND CONVENIENCE. These lire J 1.11ft rt.llJ I U.M r.. lli.n 1'.. 1 OCSP lire times, of heavy competition and to remain i.a.iit tiitnr itit'n mnrn i tnu ntnt ... luttl' 9 L1IUII Ullli'in uaivitt RELIABLE CREDIT CO, Room 303 Third Floor, Paxton Hlk X-370. MONEY lonned snlarled people holding per manent position wnn responsioio concerns upon their own names without security, easy payments. Tolman, 70S N. Y. L. Rldg. X 070 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, dla- monds .watches, privately. Herger's Loan Co., 1501 Farnam St.. upatalrs. X 6W SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. .1 W. TAYLOE, 218 First Nat. Hank llldg. X-iJ3 MONEY loar.ca on furniture, diamonds, watches; payments cnnlldcntlhl, Omaha Chattel Loan Rank, 220 8. 15th, upstairs. tw MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses, cows, jeweiry. jjjii urecn, us, uarKor iiik IIIIKIXESS CHAXCKS. FOR RENT Owing to ndvanclng years Mr. is. iinas, 1110 uorist ni isi.i v intou strcci, has decided to rent out his hot house at nbovo location, occupying 7.000 to S.000 squaro feet, under glass, with about 200 winnows, nnu ttio residence and storo fronting tho street, on the motor lino to South Omaha. Excellent location for the business. Y 582 IOR RENT, dining room of Langc hotel; Coort Inducements to first-class party.;,. FOR SALE, furniture and business of 30. room hotel In live Nebraska town 1.000 population: good reasons for soiling. Ad dress Hotel. P 21, Uec. Y M331 21 FALL stock of groceries, without counters and shelvlnir. for sole: lhvnlen iibinit Stock or groceries that will Invoice about Jl.soo.oo, without counters and shelving, wen located: rents rensoi ame. R. R. Hall, 901 N. V. Llfo bldg. Tel. GI2. Y-M434 21 FOR LEASE Good World-Herald route. impure at 501 Hnyd Theater. Y 507 20 EXCELLENT butcher shop, Including all nxiures; trade cstammicd. lb per intuit 11 Excellent reasons for renting. P 49 Hep. 1 M516 22 AN OLD established grocer wants to re tire; lias good locution In Omnhn. y M&13 27 FOR EXCIIA.NOD WANTED A horse to trado for 11 good piano, l'iii, iieo ouice. v. MIGl 21 FOR SALE, good milch cow. Inquire nt i.'j itarmony street, council Hlurrs. V. SI 523 27 FOR SOLE-REAL KSTATE, FARM near Fort Crook, 200 acres, all under cultivation, inquiro Jolin J. .ucher. Fort crook, iseu. ltii-M47S 2.V TWO bargains, ono block from Walnut 1IIII car line: No. 4331 Decatur St., 6-room cottage, Btnall oarn, 101 wxwi. low. No. 430:1 Rnrdette, 4-room cottage, with good barn, lot 33x128. 1 100. Mutual Loan and Building Association, Bee mug. ii. .11. .attinger, secretary. 1 1 E M 139 23 NICE 7-room cottage on SOth avenue mar itanscnm l-ark lor saio at 11 u.irgaii. II, it. nail, vui new 1 orK Life. Tel. Iil2 RE A1435 21 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE. 601 N. Y. LIFE. RE MM.' FAUM, 83 acres, 12 miles from Omaha; price ti.iM.vj 1. boiu ai once, Ainircsu 1 49 ,Beo. . RE-M3SI-A-2I F. HARRISON, FARMS. N. V. RE 143- LIFE. A-27 HOUSES, farms. R. C. Patterson, 303 N.Y.L, HE Oil HOUSES, lots farms, lauds, loans; also flro insurance, iicmis, iix,ton bik. he 675 READ THIS; one of the best homes In Iian- scorn Place: y rooms, large lot, good barn, sightly home: party leaving city; price t7.fi0O.00. M. J. Kcnnnrd & Son, room 310, Brown block. RE-M925 RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by the 1 nion I'aciiie ttallroad comtmny. it. A. McAllaster, land commissioner, Union Puclllo HcadquarterH, Omaha, Neb. RE-678 VERY Cheap, threo acres, enclosed chicken iigiu ience, nouse, store, barn, corncrio, sheds, etc.; line shade trees. Homo of lute II. S. Johnson. Irvlngton, Douglas Co. Inquire E. W. Johnson, 432S Franklin St. RE-7S3 S3 PAYNE-KNOX CO.. HEADQUARTERS for REAL ESTATE BARGAINS; LOW EST RATES on LOANS; SOUND IN SURANCE; HOUSES, FLATS. STORES, for RENT. First floor, N. Y. Llfo Bldg HE-679 NICE home. 2 acres, 7-room house, bnrn, well and cistern, fruit trees and lnwn. .1. N. Stewart. S19 N. Cist sL RE M 326 23 DEER PARK lots nt $230 to $400, with elo- gain trees, aro snaps, wnen you see them you will say so. POTTER-SHOLES CO., 310 N. Y. Llfo. RE-077 FOR SALE, nt Madison. Neb., ono fine residence and lot. one east and couth front vacant lot, ono small now store, con- rectionery nnd llxtures (stock at Invoice price). 1 wish to sell on account of bad fieulth. P48 Bee. RE M 511 24 MEDIC AT,. LADIES out of health And prompt relief. iiox unuinu, ago. connuontial. -083 LADIES, Friar's French female regulator brings monthly periods regularly without Sain; $t per box, 6 boxos for $5. Box 53'i-H, lluncnpolls, Minn. M9IG Sept7' DR. LE DUE'S Femnlo Regulator, posi tively warranted to cure the most stub born cases of monthly stoppages, irregu larities, obstructions and suppressions brought on from whatever cause; $2 n tiaekaco or 3 for $.1: sent anywhere nre paid on receipt of price. The Kldd Drug Co., Elgin. 111. American Olllce, retail wholesale, Myers-Dillon Drug Co , omnha M. A. Dillon. South Omaha: Davis Drug Co., (-ouncll Bluffs. Full lino of rubbor goods. LADIES! Chichester's ftngtlsh rennyroyal 1'llls Are tne uest. nnie, reuanio. -rnke no other. Send 4c stamps for Dnrtlculars. "Relief for Lndles" In letter by return mall. Ask your 'druggist. Chichester Chemical Co.. pntlaueipnia, l'a. OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute. 515 N. Y. Life Bldg.; tel. 166I; Alice Johnson, D. O.. ladles' dept.; Old K. Jonnson, usieopaiuisi, .Mgr. M. E. DONOHUE, D. O., of Still school KlrkBVIIle, mo. wi i-axion ui. ici. woi, 6SG DRS. McMURRAY & MUSICK will open osteopathic oinco Mppt. 1, u;i)-a; nen uing, -M8S1 HP A. T. HUNT. D. O. 305 Knrbach. Tel. 2352, M92J Sopt6 SHOHTIIAM) AXD Tl'I'KWII IT I Mi, A. C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y. Life. 04.1 BOY'LES' College, court reportor principal. ueo niag. -hw NEBRASKA Business and Shorthand Col lege, iioyu s ' neater. ww GREGG Shorlhnnd taught at tho Omaha Commercial college, lutn ana uougius ts, 6Jl MAGNETIC 1IEAI,IG. GREAT Western Institute, 1623 Douglas St, chronic diseases cured; no drugs, surgery, MI THE genuine Simon Pure Weltmcr Method or Magnetic iieuung anu iiarruuen Hypnotism complete In ono volume, $2 51 i'loi. 11. MiiuamE, ucsoio, .110, -M96i SepS LOST. PAIR of gold glasses on Park ave. car line. Ileiiirn to live oi.lce; reward Lost-3o0 30 IN Ko'intze Memnrlnl church or Walnut Hill cur. a gold P. E. O. Btar. Return to Olllce Wagner & Buchanan, 2d and Paul. I.ost ivj su LOST, red cane, marked "Mexico." Re ward. C. S. Stebblns, V. P. lldqrs. Lost-M317 I'.MIIM'S, iioii.i:r., EIC. L. C. Sharp Mach. Wks.; motors, dynamos. u.r.i C Altl'ESTEItS AM) JOIIItEllX. ALL kinds of carpenter work nnd repairing promptly attenaett to. j. 1. ucniurci', -uin nnd Lake Sts. -370 m a (; . et 1 0 iin.ii.i.n. GREAT Western Institute, 1623 Douglas St., chronic disease cured; no drugs, surgery. -M122 TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS, secondhand. 1116 Farnam, -i W A N T E D TO 11 0 It R O W. WANTED to borrow, $1,000. three to live years, nt 7 per cent: no commission; on good improved aoutn uiikuij. property Address O 36, Bee. -AIS74 IIIHDS AM) TAXIDERMY. STOCK'S Bird Store. 1003 Leavenworth. -67 NICKEL I'l.ATIXO. STOVES, lamps and chandeliers renlnted. Om. Plating Co.. Beo bldg.; tel. isn. M'JJ3 DRE!4.S.MAICI.0. E. G. M' DONALD, 1012 Cap. nvc. -912 RI .VIW.MMEUINi; AXD STUTTERIXS. CURED. Julia Vaughan, 430 Ramgo Bldg. "3a FI RMTIIRE It EPAIRIXi. TEL. 1331. M. S. Walkin, 2111 Cuming St. -C93 HOTELS. HENDERSON, J1.00 per dny house; board 16. W 10 j wcck. utn nnu t-aruam; ici, uiu. M73S si PAW.MIHOKEHS. EAGLE Loan Olllce. reliable, accommodat ing; all business contldetitlal. 1301 Douglas, (Ul 1IAII1IIT METAL. FRICTIONLESS. Nat'l Uk. H. S. Mann, 17 Com'l M719 A3l STOVE HE PAULS. siuvr,, iiirnacc. rango repairs; ivaier coil" iiecuons. uinana raiovo iicpair ivnrna, law won K. 70 1 Tit I MC FACTORY. TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases. Trunks repaired, om. 'j. runic Factory, I2U9 Furniim. TICKET HltOKIlll. CUT rate tickets every whero. P. H. Phil- bin, l&oa Farnam. 'lclepliono 754. 702 LAVMIIIV. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, Tc; collars, c; cuns, tc. iiM i.cavcnwortn. Tel. dw. -703 I'osTOFFiru KOTirn. (Should be rend DAILY bv all Interested. as changes mav occur nt any time.) Foreign malls for the week ending August , WO, will closo (PROMPTLY In all tnse.M nt the General Postotnco as follows: PAR ELS POST MAILS c ose one hour car ler thun closlnir tlrnp shown below. Parcels Post Malls for Germany close nt 5 p. m Monday und Wednesday. I rniin-Alllintlc .Mulls. TI ESPA 1 -At 7 II. m. foe EUROPE, per . s. I'.al.-erin Mart.i Tliereslii', via 1 lirr bourn, Southampton and Bremen (mall fnr Ireland must tie directed "upr m. n. Kultvrln Mario Theresla"); at 10:3J a. m (supplementary 12 m.) for IIiELANP, per servia, via, yueensiown (man tor other parts of Europo must be directed per s. s. aervia. WEDNESDAY At 7 a. m. (supplementary u a. m.i.inr isniurK, per s s. at l.ouin, via Southampton; at 9 11. m. (supplement ary 10:30 a. in.) for EUROPE, per s. s, Germanic via Uueemtown: at 10:30 a. 111 for BELGIUM direct, tier s. s. Noordland (tnau must do directed "per s. s. rvooru and i. THURSDAY At 6:30 u. tn. for El'ROPI per s. s. F. Bismarck, via Plymouth and Hamburg (man ror iTunee, awiiziriiiuu Itniy, ripain, Portugal, Turkey. Eirvnt. British India and Lorenzo Marqurz. via Cherboiirir must bp directed tier s s. !'. Bismarck"); nt 0:?0 n. m for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND. ITALY. II SPAIN. PORTUGAL. TURKEY. EGYPT, BRITISH INDIA nnd LORENZO MA 11- QUEZ. per s. s La Lorraine, via Hnvio I (mall for otner parts nt iwopn must do directed "ner st. h. La Lorraine") SATURDAY At S 11. m. for NETHER LANDS. ier s. s. Siiiuirndnm (mall mus bo directed "per s. s. Spanrndam"); at 10 n. m. ror hi o i la.no fiireci. per :i. s Ethlnpln (mall must bo directed "per -i, s. Etninpia ; ill uuu 11. in. (supplement' arv 1 11. in.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Hi canln, via Qiieenstown; nt 11 11. 111. for AZORES ISLANDS, pcf s. s. 'Irojau Prince. PRINTED MATTER, ETC.-Thls steumor takes Printed Matter, commercial papers nnd Samples for Germany only. The unci nampies ur ifrui.uiy uiny. 1 1111 same cluss of mnll matter for other parts or Enroiii! will not bo sent bv this Hhln 1111 ess siieciii v directed jv 1. After tho closing ot tho Supplementary Transatlantic Mai a nunirn above, ailill tlonnl supplementary malls uro opened on tne piers or tne American. i;ngnsu French and German bteaniers. and remain open until within Ten Minutes of tho hour of sailing of steamer. Mnlls fnr South nnil Centrnl Aniei'leii, AVest Indies. Etc. TUESDAA' At 2:30 a. m. for NEW FOl NDLAND, per s. s. Assyrian, from I'niiaiieipuia; at !i:wi 11. m. (suppiemeiii ury 10:30 11. m) for CENTRAL AMER ICA (except Costa Rica.) and SOUTH PA CIFIC ports, ner s. a. Finance, v a l'n Inn (mall for Guatemala must bo directed "per s s. Finance"); at 10 n. m. for INAOI'A and HAITI, per s. s. Europa; ut 1 p. m for LA PLATA. COUNTRIES u itpi. nor h. h Norinun itiiicp: t n n, , (" n. o nut illllll 1 I llllt . ('I t II. I m. for JAMAICA, per s. s. Admiral Far-1 rugut. rrom iinston. WEDNESDAY-At 10 n m. for PORTO RICO, per s h. Mue: at 1 p. m. for HI KITTS nnd DEMERARA. ner s. s. Uller: nt 1 11 in. (sunplemontarv 1:30 p. m.) for Tl'ltKH ISLAND and DOMINICAN RE- PI HLIC, per s n. oiicioKee. THURSDAY At 1 p in. for YUCATAN, OAMPEOUE. TABASCO nnd I 1 1 1 A PAM per s. s. Seeuranea. via Havana and Prngreso (mall for other parts of Mexico and for 1 una must bo directed per h. h Segurnncn"!; at 9 p. m. for JAMAICA, per s s. Admiral Sampson, from Boston SATURDAY At 9:30 11. tn. (supplementary 10 a 111 ) for ST. THOMAS. ST. CROIX LEEWARD nnd WINDWARD ISLANDS and DEMERARA. per w h. Mail. inn: at 10 a. tn. (supplementary 10:30 a 111. for iisauca nun haiti via capo mini I'ort 1111 Prince nnd Jeremlp. ner h Adirondack; nt 10 11. m (supplementary w::iii a. in.) ror korti'.ne islam), ja MAICA. SA VANILLA and CARTI1A- GENA. per h s. Athos (mull for Costi Rica must be directed "pet s. s. Athos ); at 10 a. tn. (sunplemi r.inrj 10:3) a. tn ) fnr PORTO Rico (via Ran Juan). CU RA( AO nnd VENEZUELA. P'T 8 s Philadelphia (mall for Savan Ha nnd Carlhagena must lie dl.eeted per Philadelphia"): at 11 11. m for YUCA- TAN, per s at 11 a tn. ylu Havana s. Ravenmlale. via Progresi; for CUBA, per s. s. Mexico : nt 1 p. m. for MATANZAS, OA I BAR I EN. NUEVITAS. (WBARA and HARACOA. per s. s. 011111111 (nrdinur mall only, which must bo directed "per S. h. Ollll'JT 1 Mails for Newfoundland, by rail to North Svdncv. nnd thence bv steamer, close nt thU ofllco dnllv nt S.30 p m (connecting closo hern every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday) Ma'ls for Mliiuelon by rail tn Boston, nnd 1 hence by steamer clos nt this ofllco dally nt R.ai p m Malls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa Fla . and th.mre by s'eamcr, cloke nt this olllce .tally ferrenl Monday) nt n m tha connection cioes are on ounaay, weanca PO.HTOFFICE NOTICE day and Frldny. Malls for Mexico Cltv. overland, unless specially addressed fr dispatch bv steamer, close nt this nflco dally at 2 30 a in and 5-30 p. in Malls for Cottu Rica. Bt-llie, Puerto Cortez and Otiutemalit, b rail to New Orleatu, and thence by steamer, cloe at this omce dally at M p. tn. (connecting close here Tuesdays for Costa Rica and Mondays for Belise. Purrto Cortez and Guatemala! Registered mnll closes at 6 p. m pre vious day. Trnns-PnelDi Mnlls. Malls for Ilawill, China, J.ipan .ti'. l Phl- ippino KiHtids, via Sin Fr.1neis1.11, i-tns ii.To dully nt O.co p. m. up to wnjii -1 31th. Inclusive, for dejpalrh ptr s a Hongkong Maru. Mnlls for Hawaii. J.i pan, China and Philippine Islands ".t Hun Franclrco, close here dally nt 1! .J P tn up to September 1st. In. Imsh-i for dispatch per s s. t hlna. Malls f- r AiHtralla (except West Austrad.11. New Zealand. Hawn II. Fill and S.imo. n Inl ands, via San Francisco. eloe here dally at C-30 p. tn. after August liUh and up to September '1st, Inclusive, or on day of nrrlval of s. s. Campania, due nt New ork September 1st, for despatch in r s. s. Mariposa. Malls for China i.i'd Ja pan, via Vancouver, cloe here dally at 6:3) p. tn. up to September 4th. lnclu five, for despatch per s s. Empress ' China (registered mall must be ."forlM "via Vancomcr'i. Mats for .Hawaii, yl 1 Han FranclHCo, close lure dali at P " p m. up to September llth. Inch iv for despatch per s. s. Australia .m u s for Australia (except West Ai'X'rull which goes via Europe, ami N.'v Zet land, which goes la San Francle and l.'lil Islands, via Vancouver, do. i her,. dally at 6:30 p. 111. up to September 15llt. inclusive, ror ilespatcti per s s arri moo (supplementary malls, via fceattl". close at 6:30 p. in. September lOti'i Transpacific mnlls nro rnrwitrded ti pnrt or sailing iinuy nnu me reneouie ot clos ing Is arranged on tho presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit Registered mnll closes at 6 p m. pre vious day. CORNELU'S VAN rOTT. postmaster Postofflce. New York. V Y.. Austin 17. 1900. LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE. TO REPI'BLICAN VOTERS OF DOI'O- LAS COCNTY: tt1 nilfll,t.l V nf H.n .'nt.lll,ll,.t. ,1 .w.i.i.t. central committee n convention of delegnle's renresentinir tnu reim 1 leans or ijoiil-i.'im county is Hereby caned to meet at wnsli ingtou null, omalia, at 2 p. m. Saturday heptember s, to placo in nomination rnrco state senators, Nino stato representatives ono county attorney Ono county commissioner. First district. to be named by the delegates from said district. Nino ward assessors for Omnhii Four ward assessors for South Omaha Thirteen precinct assessors for country lirccincts. One constnblo to fill vacancy for Omnhn Two constables to 1111 vacancies for South Omaha. and to select members of tho county cen ira committee. Tho renrenentnt on In this convention Is nnoortioncii as 10 ows isncn co unirv tire- clnct, llvo delegates; South Omaha. Rlxteen delegates, und eacli ward of Omaha, ten delegates. DelcKates to th a convention will be chosen at 11 primary election hereby called for Friday, September 7. tho polls being open irom 1 m. to 7 p. m. in omnna uuu South Omaha anil from 7 11. 111. to 9 n. in In tlin rniintrv nreelnels. Tim lnrntlntw nf tno polling places arc city 01 omnna First Ward Sixth nnd Pierce streets Second Ward Twentieth nnd Castillar streets. Third Wnrd 1120 Capitol avenue. Fourth Wnrd 220 Sojth Seventeenth street. Fifth Ward 2612 North Sixteenth street. Sixth Wnrd-ldlewlld hall. Seventh Wnrd- 1328 Park avenue. Eighth Wnrd Twenty-second nnd Cum ins streets. Ninth Ward Twenty-eighth and Fnrnnm streets. City of South Omaha 312 North Twenty fifth street. Chicago I'reclnct Kelner's hall. Clontarf Precinct II. Tnngeman's. Douglas Precinct Rimer's park. East Omaha Precinct District No. 61 school house. Elkhnrn Precinct-Elk Cltv. Florence Precinct City hall. Jefferson Precinct Mangold's lumber of llcc. McArdlp Precinct Glandt school house. Millard Precinct Millard school house. Plat to Valley Precinct Valley opera house. Union Precinct Pureelfs hall. Waterloo Precinct Masonic hall. West Omaha Precinct Benson town hall The IxinndiirleH of tho nrlnnirv election districts shall correspond with the respec tive, ward boundaries 111 omalia, precinct liniimlnrles In the coiintrv iireclncts and city boundaries In South Omaha. The primary election will tie held under the provisions of tho primary election law nnd the rules adoiiteil bv this commlttc. which require petitions to be lllcd with the secretary not niter man 1. in. -mesiiay. sepiemDcr i By resolution of the committee no proxies will be allowed In the convention, but ileleuntes nresent authorized to cast the full votes apportioned to their respective districts. M. 11. COLLINS, Chnirtnan. CLYDE C. Sl'NDIILAD. Acting Secretary. Omaha, August 18, 1900. t.'2!i He mini For recovery of horso and buggy stolen nt Omaha Sunday evening. August 19. 1900 Black mare, weight about 050 pounds, gray hnlr at base of tall, scar about twelve Inches long 011 right hip. Had on blind rldle. Illlched to light, open buggy. Drum. mond Carriage eomnany make, snuare box. rubber tire. Box painted black, running gear light red, letter "G" on each side box. iiewurii win ne paid ior recovery nnu conviction. Arrest, hold nnd advise JOHN POWER, Sheriff Douglas County, Neb. August 21, M. and E. HOVER X M E T NOTICES. OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER, Omaha, Neb., Aug. 13, I900.-Sealed propos- I., IrlnllKiiln Ulllllffl tO tllO USIIIll ('Oil- dltlons, will be received 111 mm 01m" "" 2 o'clock p. in., central lime, nepicmoer j.i iruVI fnr tlin enlist riletlon of U llro UPpa- .1.1. 1, i,r Hmrnln mnl n ratus house. wUh pluml liig therein, (iiid n fnrmnilnn furnished unon nnnllenlliin tn nils ntilee. nr to the oiiartermaBter, Fort Crook. Neb., where plans und spccllli atlons may bo seen. Proposals to bo marked Proposals ior rue Apparatus iiotisi', ! wiiirnn netl. lis 1110 i:nne muy i-, uini im. dressed to tho undersigned. F. II. 1IATII AWAY, t . Q- M. ai i-iv;u-;ineptu-j..u nanPORALS FOR SUBSISTENCE PROP I-.RTY Olllce piireniising commissary 01 Subsistence, Oniaha. Neb., 17th AuguM, 1900. Senlivrt proposals, subject to tho usual conditions, will be received at this olllre until tn o'clock n. m.. 27th August. 1900. at which tlmo und place they will be publli ly nnnneii rnr nirninniiiL' siiDsistence nroneriy, as follows: Stationery, nnd mhi ellaneous articles. Perferenco Will bo given to ar ticles nf domestic production, lianic pro Tr ?1 'liWSn ,i , 'J .'i' " ' A, uup ..--wf, ......... . ., A-lS-o-20-2122-m " M"' rnEASI'RY dennrtment olflce. Super Is Inir Architect. Wnshlnuton. D. C. Angus' 0, 19J0. Sealed proposals will be received at this ofllco until 2 o'clock p. tn , on the 4th day of Snntember. 190"). nnd t ion opened ior tne consirueuon (except ueaiuiK iip- naratis and clK-trlc wlr ng) or tno 1 nltei States Postofflco nt Blair, Nebraska. In accordance with drawliius nnd snerlllea tlnu, copies of which may bo had, ut the discretion of the Supervising Architect, by applying to this ofllco or to tho Poftniastnr at iiiair, jsenrusKu. jumes unnx tayinr, supervising Architect. A9-n-n.i6-i-2i RAILWAY TIME T WILES. CHICAGO. ROCK LSL nnd & Pnclfle Rnllroa, "The Great Rock I'd nnd Route " city Tick et Olllce, 132.1 Farnam Street. Telephone, 42S Depot, Tenth A.- .Mnsnn Mtrcots. Telerinonn CZI i.eavc. Arrive, Den Moines nnd Davon- tiort Local u7,23um bll:35 am Clilcnirn Exnrcss )i11:l.tnni n R!lO am ("hleiiL'ii Fust Exnress. .11 B:O0 11m a I ;K nm I lucoln and Falrlmry. .a 8:30 urn 11 IM pm Lincoln, Colorado Spits , Denver, Pueblo und vost a 1:30 pm a :1& pm uei; .Moines, rock isi rnd and Chlcauo n 7:15 nm n 5:50 nnr, Colorado & Texas Flyer.a C;58 pm a 9.15 nm a uauy. b uatiy except Miiiuiit'. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE it St. Paul Rallway-Clly Ticket Olllce 1504 Farnam Street Telephone 2S4 Depot renin and Macon streeis Telophone, 029. Leave Arrive Clifcacrn Limited Ex u tr.M nm u s 05 nm ChieaKO U Oinuha Ex b 7,15 am b3,55nm jjauy. o uuiiy cjh-ciji ouiiu, MiLWA"mi RAILWAY TMin C till). ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad City Ticket or der, 1108 FuruHiti street Telephone. 2 IS. Depet Tenth and Mason streets Leave. Arrive ...nlLlO am n 1:05 p:n ...a 7.45 inn 11 S:15 am St. .b 7:C0 .1111 l 9:10 pm St . .a 7 : 45. nni a S:15 am Chtcago Express . Ch.tugo Limited Mli.niMpells and Paul Express Mit neapi lis and I'atil Limited Frrt Dodge Local from I ouncll llluffs b 4:50 pm bl0;15 am :t Dally b Dally except Sunday. lit Ht.tNc-T-ON Mis souri River Railroad -"The Burlington Route General Olllces. N. Corner Tenth and Furnm Sts Ticket Olllco, 1502 l'arnam street. Telephone, Burlington station. Tenth and .Mason Streets Telephone, 12s. Leave. Arrive. Lincoln. Hastings and MeCook a S : 10 am a 7:Sj pm Lincoln. Denver. Colo- F,.,in i-i.ili t'.tllrnrn a a 4:25 pm a 3:00 pm I 'neoln & Black Hills .a 9:30 pm a 3.00 pm it. nt i n Pm:et Sound, n 9:30 pm a 6:43 "i'i 3:00 pm a!0:35 h'"p" r r nr. .In ftnh ..in am Denver Colorado, ftah .t California a 0:45 am t. Dally KANSAS CITY. .St. Jo seph & Council Illulta Railroad "The Rurllng ton Route' -'llcket Omce, 1W2 Farnam street. Tele phone 250. Depot, Tenth and Mason streets. Telc nbone. IIS. Leave Arrive. Knnsas City Day Ex n S:50 am a 6:10 pm Lam-as Cltv Night Ex alO.15 put n 6:15 am St '. ..Is Flyer for St Joseph nnd St Louis a 155 pm all;15 am u Dally CHICAGO. RCRLINGTON .V oulncy Railroad "Tho Burlington Route"-Tlekct Otllcc. If02 Farnam St. Tel 230 Depot. Tenth & Mason Streets. Telephone, 12 Leave. Arrive. Daylight CI1IC1130 Spe cial . . ..11 7.00 am lVorla Express .. . a 9:23 pin Chicago Vostlhuled Ex n 4 K1 pm a 7:45 am Chicago Local Express. a S:,".il am 11 4:03 pm Chicago Limited . .. ,n 7:15 pm u 7: 15 am Pacific Junction Local. .nl0:(5 urn Piiclllc Junction Extra. a 7:00 pm Fast Mull a 2:15 pm a Daily CHICAGO X- NORTH weslern Railway "Th Northwestern Lino" City Ticket Ofllcc. 1401 Farnam Street. Tele phone. 561. Depot, Tenth and Mason Sts. Tele- phone, 629. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial 11 7:00 nm ntl:3) pm Chicago Passenger 11 4:15 pm 11 8:10 urn Eastern Express. Des Moines. Murshalltnwn, Ccdur Rapids and Chi cago ul0:55 am a 4:05 pm Eastern Limited, Chi cago and East 11 4:55 pm a 4:05 pm Fust Mall, Chicago to Omaha a 2:45 pm Omahii-Chlcugo Speciul.rt 7:15 pm n 8:00 pm Fust Mnll n 8:30 utn a Dally FREMONT ELKHORN .tc Missouri Vulloy Railroad "The Northwestern Line" --General Offices, United States National Hank Bldg., S. W. Cor. Twelfth and Fnrnum Sts. Ticket Ofllcc 1401 Farnam St. Telenhone. fill. Depot, 15th und Webster Sts. Tele phone, 1158. Leuve. Arrive. uineit 1 tins, ucaiiwooil. Hot SnrliiKH u 3:00 nm a 5:00 nm Wyoming, Caspar nnd Dotigln.4 d 3:00 pm o 5:00 pm Hustings, York. David city, superior, Oencva, Ext ter and Seward b 3:00 nm b 5:C0 nra Norfolk, Verdlgro und Fremont 11 7:30 urn bl0:2.i ant Inctiln. Wnhoo and Fremunt b 7:30 nm bl0:25 am remont Lorai 0 7:30 am 11 Dullv. b Dally excout Stindnv. c Sun day only, d Dally except Saturday, o uauy except Mummy CHICAGO, ST. PAUL. Mlnnenpolis Omalia Railway - "Tho North western Lino" General Olllces. Nebruska Divi sion, lfith und Webster Sts. Cltv Ticket Otlloe. ldu Fnrtinm St. Telephone, 561. Drpot, 5th and Webster Sts. Leave. Arrive. Twin city Passenger. . .11 6:00 nm n 9.10 pm Omaha P.isesnger alt :I0 am Hionx c.ty a North east Nebraska a 3:50 um Oakland Local . ... b 5.45 pm I) 5:15 am a Dull, b Dally excop. Sunday. SIOUX CITY a PACIFIC Railroad 'The North western Line" General Olllces, United States National Hank Building, S. W. Corner Twelfth and Fnrnum St. Ticket Ofllee, 1 101 Unrnam St Telephone. 561. De pot, Tenth and .Mason Sts Telephone, 29. Leave Arrive Twin Cltv Express a 6 55 am nl0:50 pm Twin (11 Limited a 7:35 pm a s:15 .1111 Slnnx . Local a 8:00 am u 4:20 pm it Dully ,..ac... 7JP fruit! r.nllirnl nilUA.. ,1 "Mn iiittll 1 1 1 1 v (ll)ia I ((-. V Willi.--.-1 tJW LI 111 v.tn jllm ner lllli and Douglas Sts. To enhono 101. Donot. union station. I. en vp. Arrive. n 6:30 pm a 6:15 am St Louis, Kansas & Npbras n LI 111 led allVQI nm K. C, St. L. Express... al0:10 pm Leave from 15th and Webster his. Nebraska Local Via Weeplnir Water b 4:15 pin al0:15 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunduy. UNION PACIFIC'TIIE OVER luiiil Route" Gonorul Olllces, N. Cor. Ninth and Farnam streets. City Ticket Ofllee, 1314 Purnum street. Tcleidinno, 316, Deiiot, Tenth nnd Mason Sts. Telephone, 629. Leave. Arrive Tho Overland Limited.. 11 8:20 utn 11 7.3.) pm Tim Chlcugo-Portlund ripeeiai a x:zu nm u 7:.T pm The Fan! Mall a 8:50 am 11 :: 25 pm The Colorado Special... all :35 pm a 6 50 am r.kn t.-... Mnll .. . ' : 1 I1U I'lini .lt.il It l.uO pin Lincoln. Heutrlco and Stromsburg Express. .Ii 1:10 pm bI2:25 pm The Pacific Express. . .11 4:25 nm The Atlantic Express., a 6:50 am Grand Island Local 1 8:30 pin b 9:30 nm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. OMAHA .t ST. LOUIS RAI, road Omaha, Kunsus city A Eastern Rnllronii -"Tho Qulncy Route" T'cket Of fice, 1(15 Fnrnam Street. Telephone 322. Depot, Tenth and Mnrcy Streets. Tele phone. 629. Loavo. Arrive SI Louis Cannon Hall Hxpr-Ht .1 6:05 pm a :20 um Kii'i: i lty and Qulncy a 7:00 nm u 9:00 pm WABASH RAILROAD Ticket Olllce. 1501 Fnrnum Street. Telephone, b95. De pot, Tenth nnd Mnrcy Streets. Telephone. 629. Leave. Arrive. Cannon Bull" a 5:CC pin a 8:20 urn St Louis ' Express a Dally. WARM WEATHER WILL STAY Aren of I.oiv Iliiroiuctcr .Von Centrnl (Iter SI. I'll 0 1 mill Nn Re lief In Mislit. At noon yesterday residents of Omaha whose business took tticm on tho street, were mire that tho sun go'l was breaking the. record for tho season. The Omaha speci men of tho "shirt waist" man was in evi dence upon tho titreets and collars were in tho condition of lust month's flowers. In splto of tho apparent heat, however, tin. temperature wus 1 degrro lower Uian it was on Saturday nt tho same hour nod but 1 degree higher than on Sunday. But llttlti relief lu promised by thn wcathnr forecastrr ot Omaha. Tho area of low barometer which Is causing tio high tomperaturo has moved from Rapid City S. V., to St, Paul, but Omaha has 10 eelved no cooler weather by tho chance, Tho local ofllco holds out no hope of relict before Tuesday nlijht. 1 .oPIll a Da lb