THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY", ATrGITST 21, lf)00. 10 BILKED WHILE HE CANDLED Theodore 7iscraan Endoraas a Draft to Oblige an Old Friand LATER ON IT CAME BACK PROTESTED Stiiry of n I.IUlo Trnimnrtlnti Whlrli In llpplcd- - 1 1 It liiloi'innlloii Unit lx .Not (-nrriilly IClllM II. iiosto.v sTonn towuij FREAKS FORCE TO THE FRONT fine I'l nr nnnmnk Totrrtu, lfic Knoll trie All Mtirn I.ticU 1'iiwrln. fits nilANT) SI'KCIAk MNEN SALE, Wo offer toilny nn exceptional bargain ghowmen Jostlo Each Other for Space at the Theodora WlRomnn, en ogR "camllcr " while nt work In his dark room at the Omaha Cold StoraRe company's warehouse, was npproarhed one day about two weeks it go by a Hiiiootli-spolten llltlo man who nuked a favor of him. "Yon remember me," said the smooth spoken little man. "Don't you re" "Oh. yes," interrupted Wiseman. "You nrc Mr. Srott, W. K. Srott, tho lawyer, whom I met at Atkinson last fall. How's chlrkcn shooting fiolng to bo out there this year?" This question opened up Infinite possl hllltlcs of conversation, nnd, as he talked, Mr. Wiseman continued to "candle" eggs It Is probable that few of tho laity know what this process Involves. Asked to "candle" nn egg, the uninitiated would doubtless cook the spheroid over a slow ftamo, but Mr. Wiseman, as his came Im plies, knows that to "candle" eggs means to sort thorn out as u clgarmakcr sorts his smokes. It Is a disquieting fact that the eggs of commcrco nrc graded Into four classes with reference to sanitary conditions. The grocer knows them ns "new laid cg?s," "fresh eggs," "good eggs" and "eggs," but to those on tho Insldn of tho commission business these four classifications aro designated ns follows: Ilest quality, "ex tra select," second best quality, "city." third best quality, "second!)" nnd finally "cracks," or eggs with n fractured skull. Ilrllciitc llnt of (In- fit nit I or. The "candlcr" Is tho man who apportions the commodity on a basis of seniority. He forn him In tho dark room hangs a powerful electric llcht encased In n globular Bhade. which Is perforated with a hole about the Blzu of a lead pencil. Ilctwecn this luminous nncrturo nnd the practiced eyo of tho "can dlcr" pass ench day over 10.000 eggs, or nhotit thlrlv cases. He looKs tnrougn even egg twice; first lengthwise, then crosswise, If the contents show n sort of amber opal escence In tho electric light tho artisan knows he has a new laid egg, and It Is placed in ti,o "..Yirii Rrl.'ct" nllo: If It gleams n lurid red. like Dunte's conception of Inferno It Is enst Into the outer darkness of tho "city" grnde, and If tho lamp Bhows a yolK floating on a sea of cerulean blue tho "can dlcr" very gently deposits It In the crate marked "secaads." Tho word "city" In this connection means that tho produco so designated Is designed for Immediate local consumption; that It will not stand tho delay Incidental to further shipment; that tho urban consumer is not supposed to bo n connoisseur in the matter of cuGJ. "Seconds" Is n non-committal term, a freo translation of which would be "almost bad." They arc eggs with ono foot in tho grave, ns It were. Gathered from n nest which some scrawny sotting hen has deserted, they nro destined to tho chop houso omelet or to tho side dish of a 10-cent rnrnl. They arc Wlirri' Sir. Sent! Come In. nut this Is getting n long way from Mr. Scott, tho Atkinson attorney, who knows moro nbout white chips than eggs, and who never patronizes tho 10-cent meal. He had mado tho acquaintance of Mr. Wiseman over tho poker tablo In n few In nocent games for tho drinks while the lat ter was up In that country gunning last fall, nnd Mr. Wiseman had Invariably won. . Scott referred to this and then asked Wisomnn to endorso n draft on A. 1''. Ilrudy of Atkinson. Wiseman did so. Later tho draft catno back protested. Ycstorday tho egg "candlor" called nt tho pollco station and swore out n complaint against Scott, charging him with obtnlning money under false pretenses, 'I ho de fendant is now In Jail. H Is alleged that several other Individuals nnd firms In Omaha luivo similar complnluto against him. WENDOVER RETURNSTO OMAHA ItiiRliifMN lion Cull oil llli" mill I'M nil II I in to He nn (till Aoutiiiliitniii't-. Detective Dunn has returned from Min neapolis with William Wendovcr, alias Or good, alias Ilruce, etc., who Is wanted hero and In Des Moines for various acts of alleged forgery. It Is now known to tho police that Wcnd- nver Is no novice nt tho business. Two years ago ho operated extensively here, ilndlDg victims In tho Drexel bnoo com unny. tho Nebraska Shirt company and a half dozen other mercantile establish ments. Several of these culled at tho sta tion this morning and Identified him. The Only Itelinlile ilrtneily for lllnrrliocn. Mr. Charles Wllfnng of Houston, Tex.. says Chamberlain's Colic, Cholern nnd Diar rhoea Hoincdy Is tho only remedy thnt will effectually check his bowels when ho has diarrhoea. In towels. We bought ovor 10,000 dozen towels. Tho biggest towel purchase ever made by any western retail house. We t ought them to chojp for spot cash we could not resist the offer. Though It was n very large lot we bought them alt. 10C ALL LI.VKN TOWELS, 6C. Wo will fell all the strictly all linen huck, crepe nnd damask towels that generally sell for 10c, at be. 16C AND 16C ALL LINEN TOWELS. SC. AH tho strictly all linen hemstitched huck towels that generally cell for 15c and IDs, at 8c. 2SC AND 35C ALL LINEN TOWELS. luC. Ml the very finest 25e. 35c and .iCc nil linen double damnsk towels, with knotted fringe and hemstitched, nt 15c. 10C HUCK TOWELS, 24C EACH. Large size unbleached huck towels worth 10c each, on sale at 2 ',4c each. J2.r,0 DAMASK TAULECLOTIIS. $1.39. There are also 500 two and two nnd a halt yard long hemstitched damask tableclothit that nro worth up to $2.50 each. Wc offer any of them today at $1.30 each. DOSTON STORE, OMAHA. N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas Sts. Oriental Carnival. FIFTY OF TV0 HUNDRED BOOTHS ENGAGED CITY MUST CARE FOR ITS SICK Vlt'lliMi of Siunllpot unit Other Con tnitloiiN niMfiiKrn lime o I'rotoo (lon from file Wentlior. "Unless tho city of Omaha provides a suitable emergency hospital beforo cold weather sets In an epidemic of contagious and Infectious diseases may be expected," said Dr. Victor H. Coftman, city health rom mlisloncr. "Temporary provision for the c ire of patients suffering with smallpox and sim ilar diseaces will not do. The city has nl lowed three emergency hospitals to be burned down nnd another must be provided nnd enred for ns other cities care for such Institutions. It Is n shame for a city the size of Omaha to keep smallpox patients In a tent where they nro exposed to the wenthcr. Wo havo had $1,500 allowed us to enro for twenty-fivo smallpox cases and n portion of this had to be expended In car ing for fome other cases of contagious dis eases. In Lincoln tho city allowed $4,500 for the care of twcnty-llvo smallpox pa tients alone." PAKI5 1112 WAHAMI. To Hie llleiinlnl Conelnve, KtilKlit o( I') flilai., nt lctrill. On August 23 to 28 the Wabash will sell tickets from Chlccgo at half fare. 4 DAILY TRAINS FROM CHICAGO. 9:25 a. m., nrlvo Detroit 6:30 p. m. 12:40 p. m.. nrrlvo Detroit 8:10 p. m. 3:15 p. :n.. arrive Detroit 10:50 p. in. 11:00 p. m.. nrrlvo Detroit 7:50 p. m. Only lino running reclining chair cars from Chicago. Ask your agent for tickets via the Wa bash. For further Information call nt city ticket office, 97 Adams street, Chicago, or write. Q. N. CLAYTON. N. W. I'. Agt., Room 403 N. Y. L. Hid., Omaha, Neb. .Hnmifiietiirern. Cliurolir nnil Viiuilo lll Are Itiiplilty Colli i-iiiMIiik for Viieiuit ConeeMnloiis I'rnleriml l)n- fo He u Feature. '; Thomas Oct., who has charge of the concessions for the Oriental carnlvnl to be held during Ak-Sur-Hen week, has his headquarters tit 130S Harney Btreel and Is n busy man. for Bevoral days hu ha been beset by visits from concessionaires nnd entertainment promoters from all .parts of the country nnd overwhelmed with letters of Inquiry from such as uuvo not I come to him personally. On Saturdny bids were received from tho owner of a hhootlng gallery, n baby rack, a catrack, n merry-go-round, a fish pond, a cane and kulfu bonrd, n lunch counter nnd several other privileges. A South Omaha man has offered n considerable cum for tho solo privilege to sell wclner wurais nnd n De troit maii recks tho privilege of burying Nelly Illy, the Hindoo Wonder," on the grounds In such n way that ho could sell u puok at the Interior of tho gravo during 1 the six days of her Interment. I Letters are pouring In from spsclalty nnd vaudevlllo performers, managers of freaks, patent right men, who wish to ex ploit their Inventions, nnd eastern manu facturers ot cereal foods. On Saturday over fifty of tho 200 booths to be provided hud been bespoken and many of tho lead ing business houses of the city havo ar ranged to make displays. The women of the Congregational church have also en gaged a booth and some of tho fraternities have arranged to establish headquarters on the grounds for tho entertnlnmont of visiting members of their respective orders. SIiimtm Wlllioiit Prler. It Is the purpose of the promoters of the cnrnlval to havo n very attractive lino of freo shows on the grounds and nmong the specialties already booked Is l'rof. Gustavus Ryan, who will give two exhibitions dally of marvelous blcyclo riding, among other perilous feats being that of riding his bicycle down n ladder set tit nn angle of 75 degrees from a platform 100 feet high. Another novel feature will be the perform ances of Oeorgo Rice's cducntcd pigs. For tho edification especially of the women and children Obrecht's Juvenile band has been secured, composed of children between the ages of 4 and 14 years. Among theso nrc somo clever soloists. Following their concerts each day the Juveniles will hold receptions for women nnd children. Provision has been mado for a frntcrnnl day, upon which the drill teams of march ing fraternities will compete for prizes in JUDGE GORDON VS. BABY The Imlrre snvs there Is no danger In using the kind of milk sold In Omaha. Ho drank some and It did not kill him. Not so with bnbles. Most nil their ailments In summer can be trared to their food. A Des Moines nnd return $1.50, August 23 1 large share of their troubles can be avoid- to September 1. ed by uslut; Ticket office No. 1323 l'arnam street cm: vr i:.ri;u.siovs. Vln Itoek tiliiml Itoiife. Chicago and return $12.75, August 23 to 29. Detroit and return $22. August 25, 2C nnd 27. Denver and return $19. August 21. Colorado Springs and return $19, guct 21. Pueblo and return $19. August 21. Salt Lake and return $32. August Au- 21. I $32.00 for the round trip to Snlt Lake City via tho Union Pacific on August 21, gocd for return until October 31. 1900. "A Ollmpso of Great Salt Lake," (a charming description of n ynchtlng crulso on tho mysterious Inland sc.i, beautifully Illustrated with original kUntrlir.n nf Snlt t.nko Cltvl. Contcs rati be obtained by calling nt city ticket ofllce, ' 1324 Farnam street. Telephone 31C. An Ice crenm social will bo given Tues day evening nt tho South TenMl street M E. church, Tenth nnd Pierce streets. 7e 1lle !.-, 8.3(8 a. m. flo 12 u en, Our store Is open nt iU'.W a. Hi. anil elosnl lit 11! p. in. mi I'll ii lit!)' nil the ilruen you iviml IioImooii these liotii'M at flteie prli'i'Hi I do.. J-Kiiiln Quinine riipnulr I dor.. :i-rnlii (Hi I "I ne I'mmiloi I itoz. r.-muln (IiiIiiIik- CitiMtilen DiiITj'k Mull WhNUey Wine of Cnrdiil Ilronio l ii I ii I no S. S. .S .Syrup of PI km Pi-rtniit ."i CiiNtorln lllruej'N Cntitrrli PiMTiler (iem Ciiiitrrli Poiviler ... Ayrr'H llnlr Vigor Pleree'n Preserlptlon Cutleiirn Soup Pnelier'M Tnr Soup . . Ilnr Hen AJux TulilftN Kit Arnold's Sterilizer for sterilizing the milk. It Is n very com plete urtlcl.' nnd the price reasonable oniy SSfiO. The loctors nil say It is the best of Its kind. Sold by J. A, FULLER & CO. err piticn niii'otsisTs. I'uiirlci'iilli mil' -.ouulnn Streets. Send for book Tho Baby. A Man's Signature A man's simiaturc nin.v indicate- his charncloi', hut not so much as what gow above tho signature. Extracting Teeth by our method, with PURE VI TAL1.ED AIR is painless, harmless, nnd can bo taken by any one. Al ways fresh. All work warranted. Gold Crowns $3.00 Ilest Teeth, ti set $S.00 Silver Fillings 75c Tait's Philadelphia Dental Rooms, ir.17 DoiikIiih St. This signature means much, it backs up nil our doing selling nnd saying, It's nt the bottom of nil our ndvcrtlscmcuts It's a guar nntee to everything you purchase In this store no matter If It's n Do value or a $30 value It's a. guarantee Just tho same. When you buy clothing of us you'll find thai signature on the coat. When you buy shoes of us you'll find that sig nature on tho shoe. When you buy hats of us you'll find that sig nature on the hat. When you buy shirts of us you'll find that sig nature on the shirt. Same signature on every article we can find :t place to put It. It's our trade-bringing trade mark. If you want n pair of shoes cither for yourself, family or friends we'd llko to havo you como hero for them we think you run savo money on every pair you buy. If you find nftcrward that you can satisfy yourself better elesewherc you can return them nnd get your money. Our line of ladies' shoes at $1.00 aro guaran teed to be the best shoo for the money thnt money enn buy. With or without vesting top- any style toe -stylish comfortable dressy Xntlep to Miinoiih. A joint meeting of Nebraska lodge. No. Capitol lodge, No. 3; Covert lodge, No. 11, nnd St. John's lodge. No. 23. will be hold at Mnsonlc hall Thursday nnd Frldny evenings, August 23rd nnd 2ith, for the purpose of holding a school of Instruc tion. R. W. nrother J. A. Tiillcys, grand custodian for the grand lodge, will be present to conduct tho work. All nfllrers of blue lodges nro specially Invited and nil Master Masons in good standing ere cordially invited to bo present. FRED J. SACKETT. W. M., Nebraska, No. 1, JOHN II. CHAPMAN. W. M.. Capitol. No. 3. LUTHER 13. HOYT, W. M.. Covert. No. 11. CHARLES S. LOHINOER, W. M., St. John's, No. 25. tho nrenn, and on one of tho carnival dnys a wedding will be celebrated In tho arena, wherein an Iowu swain and n Nebraska maid will Join hands nnd hearts In the arena, nnd arrangements nro contemplated for giving them such a post-nuptial send off as falls to the lot of few petitioners nt Hymen's nltnr. Of the many othor special diversions being planned, n notable one is a grand rakowalk contest to establish the championship, both among whites and blacks. IlAYLKili r TItAINS I'OH SPIHIT I.AKI! OkolmJI nnd ArnoliPn PnrU. Tho Chicago, Mllwnukee & St. Paul rail way company has Just placed In service daylight trains between Omnba and Spirit Unko, Okobojt and Arnold's Park. Going the train leaves Omaha nt 7:15 a. m. and ar rives SplrH Uike at 4:15 p. m. Returning the train leaves Spirit Lake at C:4S n. m. and arrives Omaha 3:53 p. m. This Is the bet service that haa yet been offered over any one road. Round trip tickets, good re turning until October 31. $10.70. City ticket oulce. 1504 Farnam street. F. A. NASH, Oenoral Western Agent. 1504 Farnam Street, Omaha. Rrnml Moonllitlit Kxenmlon. Vesta chapter. No. C, Order of tho East ern Star, will give n grand moonlight ox rurslon on tho steamer Jacob Rlrhtmnn oc Wednesday evening, the 22d Instant, to which all members of the Masonic frator nlty nnd friends of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Rluffs nre cordially Invited. Good music, n full moon nnd plenty of fun. Steamer lenvos foot of Douglas street at S o'clock. Tickets, 25 cents. ciucAco ami nivruit.v fM-',Tn. To IliiMtou unit MV n I k Via Lako Shoro & Michigan Southern rail- wnv from Chicago dally Fast mall 8:30 n. m.. arrives New York next morn lne nt 10:00; Now York nnd lies ton sncclal 10:30 a. m.. arrives New York next day 1:30 p. ni.. Iloston, 3 00 p. m; New York and New England express 2:00 p. m., arrive Iloston 4:45 p. m., Now York fi:00 p. in. next day; Lako Shoro limited 5:30 p. in., nrrlvo New York 6:30 p. m.. Ronton 9:05 p. m. next day; New York expreas 9:00 p. m nrrlvo New York second morning nt fi:30. "Hook of Trains" gives full Informa tion. M. S. Giles. T. P. A., Chicago. F. M. Byron, G. W. A.. Chicago. fSrciud Army Kiiriiiuiiiiient nt Cltlenuo August 25 to 29. Half-faro tickets Via The Northwestern Lli. Special enrs and Accommodations. 1401 and 1103 Farnam St. Vln Hock Islnml Itoiife. Tickets on snlo August 25 to 29. Spe cial daylight train will leavo Omaha Au gust 25 at 7:30 a, m. nnd nrrlvo Chicago 8:30 p. ni. Ticket offlco 1323 Farnam street. nir.n. SMtTir. PIIED n. At Ch enco Aucust 1R. Remains to nrrive mis morning, nervices nt family residence, 4211 Lafayette av enue, nt 9 o'elock n. m. Intermont at Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends Invited. Summer lteirh. For a book describing the cool, pleasant. healthful summer reports of Wisconsin, situ ated on '.he lino of the Chicago, Mllwauktf St. I'aul Ry., address or call on F. A. NASH. General Western Agont, Two I)nlln i to Detroit. .Mich., nn it Return. rius one faro, August 25, 20 and 27. via "Tho Northwestern Line." Inquire nt tho largo city oinces, 1401 nnd 1403 Farnam street Half Fnre KnM. Tlquettcs on talo via "Tho Northwestern Linn" to Chicago and return at HALV RATES, August 25 to 29, good till September 80. 1401-1403 Fnrnam street. High grado nuckeyo Manufacturing com pany bikes, ball nnd roller bearing and solid rubber tiro, at cost to closo out stock Call quick and got a bargain. Omaha Ira plcment & Transfer Co. 1th and Jackson. Leo Grotto, with Waltor Molse & Co. ays You take nil the others, give mo Crnmer's Kidney Cure. U cured inc. Take no othors. All druggls Good PIsMiik. Spirit Lake, Okobojt, Lako Washington, Waseca, Eagle Lake, River FallB, Solon Springs, Rlcr Lake. Bayfield, Ashland, Gog ebic. Watersmoet and numerous lakes near St. Paul nnd Minneapolis. These are nil good fishing places and nra quickly pnd comfortably reached by tho North-Western line. Cheap rate excursions August 10-21, Sep tember 7-21. Limit October 31, 1900. City ticket oflicc, 1401 nnd 1403 Farnam street. CIIILaGO AM) IinTL'IlN f I'J.TS. CIiIchko nnil Itrtnrn 912.7(1. On August 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29 tho Chi cngo, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway will sell round-trip tickets Omaha to Chicago for $12.75. City ticket office. 1504 Fnrnam street. F. A. NASH, General Western Acent A Grunil Opportunity To Increase your knowledge of tho country, Hnlf fare to Chicago nnd return via "The Northwestern Line," August 23 to 29, Good till September 30 returning. Omaha Tent and Awning Oo tenta, awn ings, canvas goods. 11th & Harner, Tel. SS3. Manitou Water Wo nre Just In receipt of shipment of Mnnltau Soda (table) Water, and Manltau Ginger Champagne In pints nnd qunrts. The quarts uro cases of 50 nnd tho pints In cases of 100. Wo sell 100 kinds of MINERAL WATER, Ask us for tho new ones. 8uch as Pluto Water from Indiana. Carabana Water from Spain. Alloucz Water from Green Ray. Plperailn Wnter from Germany. Hublnnt Scrre Water from Spain. Vichy Water from France. Klsscngon Water from Germany. Carlsbad Water from Bohemia. Villi Cabrn from France. Get our price If you drink mineral wator. Wrlto for new Catalogue. Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go Corner 16th nnd Dodge, OMAHA. HIE iWLlii'WN OTM i : 1 r n $19.00 for round trip Omaha to Denver, Colorado Springs or Pueblo TODAY. Leave at 4:25 p.m. be in Denver 7:10 next morning. NO LATER. TlokM Offlo, 1 502 Farnam St, Tel, 200, Burllnoton Station, 10th and Mason Sis. Tel. 120. S. V. Cor. llllli nnil I ' SCHAEFE a The " S.O.OO TO 0EPER, GOIQRMSQ SPRINGS, PUEBLO AND RETURN AUCUST 19, 20, 21 Colorado Special' WITH NEW PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS DINING CARS MEALS A LA CARTE BUFFET, SMOKING AND LIBRARY CARS which contain; a buffet, library, writing desk, with barber shop, etc., for the accommodation of sleeping car passengers. Tho library contains well-selected books for the freo uso of slcoplng car passengers. Tho porter will, If requested, bring n catalogue from which the book desired can be selected. The current magazines, wrekly publications and dally' pprs are on fllo, and n. writing desk supplied with stationery and all facllltlts tor correspondence Is ut tho disposal of all sleeping car passengers deslrlnsr'to make iibb of them. No, 5 The Colorado Special-Leaves Omaha 11:35 p. m. Today Arrives Denver 1:20 p, m, Tomorrow No. 3 The Pacific Express-Leaves Omaha 4:25 p. m, Today Arrives Denver 7:55 a, m, Tomorrow City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam Street, Tel. 316. HAYDE FURNS i Bargains in HING GOODS. GRAND SPECIAL SALE 25c Wet Top Wash Laces 2k No vpkoitp ill (his Iol-w must close the In! "2lv nil st vlcf?. :?5p Vnl Laci'S in this lot go at 10c per dozen .yards. 25c and 50c Ladies' Belts 5c This lot, includes Dog Collar and Pulley Belts only oc each. 50c Neck Ribbons I5g With this lot. we will include a big lot of ladies' Corded Sillc and "Wash Net Ties worth ;"0c -for lTic. 50c All Linen Dresser Scarfs 15c oOO dozen full length pure linen Dresser Scarfs, worth r0c for loc, 40c Fancy Pearl Buttons 9c Doze L'flc Plain Pearl Buttons, He dozen. 10c "Wool Ann Rands, le pair. Holding Pros.' best Sewing Silk, 1c. 1200 yards Perfect. Machine Thread, 14c. Rest Stockinet Dross Shields-, He. line Embroideries, He. Elegant Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, 2Je. 2.00 Ladies' Neckwear, fiOc. HAYDEN BROS Ladies' fine lisle vests in plain and fancy colors, that sold for 35c, on sale at 10c Ladies' 50c silk vests in plain white pink and blue,on sale at 25 c. Special bargains in ladies' muslin undergarments, 1 lot of ladies' fine muslin gowns that sold up to $1.00 at 59 cents. We are going to close out all our bro kon lines of cornets. Have put thorn all in one lot and there are corsets worth up to $1.50, in this lot all at one price 49 cents. Ladies' 20c black and tan hose at 10c Ladies' f)0e black, tan and fancy hose, at 25 cents. Children's black seamless hose that is pold everywhere at 20c, on sale now at 10 cents. Boys' madras shirts, that sold for 75c, to fit boys from 5 to 10 years, at 29 cents. Special Sale Misses' Fine Shoes at Half Price. J I MM! I I Special Sale Child's Fine Shoes at Half Price. DON'T F8R53SET TIMT WD SMOKiNG A hWfk $ Km wMM. You have tlio BEST notwIthsMnilliifl thoy coit you iu inure than Interior goods. UNION MADE ') It, KICKM. C. r o MAM I . I I Id t, ' '' C. A. It.ULSUALK, OMAHA, UUTlUur'iOIU Today we take pleasure in placing on sale 1,800 pairs of Maloney Bros., finest shoes for misses and children at Exactly Half Price. These shoes enibrace all the latest and most, fashionable styles, and are as fine as mon ey can buy. You buy them now at Exactly Half Price. Misses' and Child's $3.00 Shoes for $1.50 Misses' and Child's $2.50 Shoes for $1.25 Misses' and Child's $2.00 Shoes for 98c Misses' and Child's $1.50 Shoes for 75c T -