12 THE OAITA ft AIL Y BEE: SATT'IiDAV, AXTG!rST IS. 1000. AGAINST COUNTY'S CLAIM Judge Mungcr Hands Down Important Decision in Federal Court. PRACTICE IN CERTAIN CASES CHANGED BUN Hp. in U'lili'li Suit N llri.HKlit AKlnl llir On ti I ' Nerd Not III- ii in 1 1 1 fl lo I lie , , ('oiiinilxlonorp, In the easo of Farson Leach & Co. ngalnst tho county commissioners of Doug las county, Judge Mungcr yestcrduy rendered a decision which Ik one of great Importance In this class of cases, as It changes the practice In tho federal court In Iho method of bringing such suits. Farson Leach & Co. sued tho county and tho county commissioners for $3,173 dam ages for the failure of tho authorities to dollver to them JISO.OOO bonds of tho county In 1818, this amount being tho probable profits on the bonds and J.'OO deposit made by the company, which wim retained by the county. Tho nnswer of tho county was to the effect that tho company hail refused to accept Iho bonds when tendered nnd, for a second defense tho county set up that, under tho statutes of tho state of Nebraska, beforo a county can bo sued the hill upon which suit Is brought must bo submitted to the county commissioners for consideration nnd an nppeal to the district court taken from tho nctlon of the commissioners. 1'lnlntlffn' demurrer to the answer nnd the demurrer to tho second defenso was siiHtnined. In his opinion filed In tho enso the Judge liolds that tho provision of Iho statute re quiring bills to bo presented to tho county commissioners simply designates the method of Instituting suit In the courts of the state and has nothing to do with the remedy; that the federal court Is no bound by this statuto nnd that therefore tho demurrer to the second defense should bo sustained. M'iioi.ii.h Hn,vvv'h ovri:vno.. (iiiiinn) Cnti TitUo n rime from Mnti' to 1'i'ili-riil Court. Tho right of n railroad company to re movn a cuso from tho state court to .the federal court Is sustained by Judge .Mungcr In an opinion rendered in tho caso of Mary A. Walters against the Burlington, which wn? brought Into tho United States circuit court on nn order of removal from (Jrceley county, Nebraska. In this case the plaintiff mied for $5,000 damages for tho death of her husband, Edwnrd Wnltcrs, who was killed In a rcck on the road. Tho opinion deals at length with the status of corporations organized in other states which flto articles of Incorporation with tho secretary of stoto of Nebraska In compliance with tho constitutional provision. It Is held that tho ntato which grants tho original rhnror Is the stnto of which tho corporation Is u citizen; that, strictly speaking, a cor por.itlou Is a citizen of no state. Its citizen Bhlp depending upon tho rcsldenco of the persons forming tho corporation, and that it Is presumed that no state will grant char ters to persons other than citizens of that Mnte. There aro two cases pending In tho court affected by this decision, anil ono of them will bo continued pending tho result of nn appeal to tho United States circuit court of appeals. (our I .Volt's. Jesse Ross and Anna Hunt were married by fcidgo' Vlnsonhalcr Thursday. Tho Hoard of County Commissioners will meet at 10 o cine k anitinuy forenoon. Fred J. rienedlct. a wholesale ijrocer of Hustings, has llled a voluntary petition In bankruptcy In the United States district court, lie lists his liabilities at Wl.MJ.'ii anil nls assets at jjs.UiS.u Tho suit brought by tho Policial County Agricultural association to comnel the county commissioners to make nn np proprlntluu for the county talr will eomo up in Jiiugo ievsor s court waiuruay. Judge Vlnsonhaler dismissed the con tempt proceedings against Jacob Keysor on account of the court having no jurisdiction In tho caso. Keysor was charged with hav ing concealed certain mortgaged property. 11 n in ill m mill l'n-eUI' on l'liee. Your druggist will refund your money 'f Tazo Ointment fnlltt to euro you. 00 cents. MUSICAL FESTIVAL PLANS l.'oiiri'sslons for nlr of Hrf rrsliinrnt l.rt In VNItlnit ,uro' Ansoi'lntloii, An unavailing effort was made yesterday at the meeting of the executive committee of the musical festival to advance the price of single reserved seats from 10 cents to 15 cents by providing that when reserved Beats were purchased In books of twenty they should be 10 cents, but In any smaller num ber they should bo 15 cents each. The motion was lost by a vote of 3 to 3 on a vote to reconsider the price formerly established. All concessions for the sale of refresh ments and souvenirs and whatever clso may be offered for sale In tho tent were let to the Visiting Nurses' association. Ono of the conditions upon which tho concessions uore let was that they should bo In opera tion at the Sunday concerts. An effort was authorized to secure police protection to prevent people having car riages from blocking up the adjacent streets and enjoying the concerts without paying tno price. It was decided to light the tent nnd sur roundings with thirty arc lights and COO In candescent lights. f Tho committee on buildings and crounds reported that tho grading will be completed tomorrow, tno ground will be rolled on Monday nnd graveled Immediately after ward; tho fence will be erected net ui.nk tho main entrance nnd bandstand before the end of the month and the big tent will be up ii .lilEUSl .1. CITY'S CREDIT STANDS HIGH llniiil Sulrn 'I'll I n Vcnr llrlnn IIIk Pre in I ii ion CoiiipiirlsoiiN n Itli I'our Yrnrn .o. In the fall of ISPtJ, when tho Ilryan boom was at its height. $326,100 worth of Omnha renewal bonds bearing 1 14 per cent Interest were offered for salo and the premium nnd Interest tho city received for the time olapslng from the date of purehaso until tho money was paid nmmintcd to $3,000 At tho same tlmo $3,300 worth of grading bonds drawing . per cent Interest were sold at par flat. During the present year $25,000 worth of 1 per cent paving bonds brought a premium of $1,017. and another $25,000 lot of the snmo bonds brought a premium of $1,150. Street Improvement bonds to tho amount of $73,000, drawing 4 per cent Interest, yielded a premium of $I.I!W. Within the last few weeks $50,000 worth of sower bonds sold at a premium of $1,010. TELL SOME BIG FISH STORIES I Omaha Party Returns from an Excursion to Fall River, Idaho. SAY IT'S A PISCATORIAL PARADISE Mr. Krllij- (!rls So Atisorlieil In Ills I'urstilt of the I'liiny Tribe Hint llln Coiiiiiniilons Th 1 11 U 1 1 1 in Lost. J. E. Kclby, Judge Ives, M. A. Hall and W. II. (lalnes aro back from a trip to Idaho In search of fish and recreation, which will be remembered by Mr. Kclby as tho only time when a reward was offered for his ap prehension. The party went to the Kail river, on the southwestern border of Yellowstone park, and If tho Hsu nrc as large as the fish stories that are now being rehearsed, the spot Is on Ideal one for trout. Just below the falls Is a 300-foot stretch of water which teems with speckled beauties and they arc so hun gry that they will bite at anything. One morning Mr. Kelby went down to the pool nnd when ho reached the spot found Hint he had no line and reel with him. He tied two six-foot lenders to the end of a rod and then was afraid to use It for fear 'of losing tho rod. He therefore cut a four-foot piece of ironwood nnd, using that combination, landed live trout, tho largest weighing two pounds. The last' trout broke the leaders, so he had to quit. On this trip he stayed out so long that the others bocamo alarmed at his absence. Ho started back to tho camp, but could not lo cate It, so started down a bridle path toward a mill. As he turned a corner In the road ho met the miller riding nt full speed. As tho llsherman came In sight tho miller hailed him. saying: "Do you know that you are lost? Your friends are up at the mill nnd each ono has offered me a $5 bill If 1 find you." The stories told by Mr. Kelby have come to the attention of tho fishing party of the federal building and It would not be sur prising If a distinguished party visits that piscatorial paradise In the latter days of August. (noil I'lnlilllK. Spirit Lake, Okoliojl, I,alo Washington, Waseca, Eagle Lake, River Kails, Solon Springs, nice take, Bayfield, Ashland, Gog ebic, Wntersmeet nnd numerous lakes near St. Paul and Minneapolis. Theso nro all good fishing plares nnd aro quickly and comfortably reached by the North-Western line. Cheap rato excursions August 10-21, Sep tember 7-2!. Limit October 31. WOO. City ticket ofllce, 1101 and 1103 Farnam street. To llonton mill New tnrk Via Lake Shoro & Michigan Southern rail way from Chicago dally Fast mall 8:30 a. m.. arrives New York next morn ing nt 10:00; New York and Ucs ton special 10:30 a. m., arrives New York next day 1:30 p. m., Ilostcn, 3:00 p. m; New York and New England express 2.00 p. m., arrive Iloston 4:15 p. m., New York 6:00 p. m. next day; Lake Shoro limited 5:30 p. m.. arrlvo New York 6:30 p. m., Iloston 9:05 p. m. next day; New York express 9:00 p. m., arrive New York second morning at 6:30. "Book of Trains" gives full Informa tion. M. S. (llles, T. P. A.. Chicago. F. M. Byron, O. W. A.. Chicago. Omaha Tent and Awning '2o tents, awn ings, canvas goods. Uth & Marncv. TcJ. 8S3. It A t IiICJHT THAI.VS l'"Oli bPiltlT I.AKU OU0I10JI mill ai-iiiiIiI'k Purl;, Tho Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul rail way company has Just placed In service daylight trains between Omaha and Spirit Lako, OknboJI and Arnold's Park. Going the train leaves Omaha at 7:15 a. m. and ar rives Spirit Uike nt 4:15 p. m. Returning tho train leaves Spirit Lako at 6:45 a. m. and arrives Omnha 3 55 p. m. This Is tho best servlco that han yet been offered over any one road. Round trip tickets, good re turning until October 31, $10.70. City ticket ofllce. 1501 Farnam street. F. A. NASH, Ocnernl Western Agent. 1D01 Farnam Street. Omaha. Crnnil Army Kiiniiiiimieiit nt Clilcnuo August 25 to 29, Half-fare tickets Via Tho Northwestern Lino. Special cars nnd Accommodations. 1401 nnd 1403 Farnam St. llnlf Kurt Uiixl. Tlnucttos on Falo via "Tho Northwestern Lino" to Chicago and return at HALF RATES. August 25 to 29, good till September 30. 1401-1 103 Farnam street. High crado Iluckevo Manufacturing mm pany bikes, bajl and roller bearing nnd 101111 runner tire, at cost to close out stock. call quick and got a bargain. Omaha I in plement & Trnnsfor Co. 1th and Juckson. Sproliil 'I'm In to Sliiulon, eli To tho Snongerbund-Fcst, leaves Webster utreet station, Omnha, nt 8 o'clock Sun day morning, August 19. Cheap tickets on salo nt 1401-03 Farnam streot and Wob etcr street station. After rending many testimonials from Omaha citizens about Cramer's Kidney Curo "I took two bottles and am now cured," says W. S. King, mnnager Swift's market, South Omaha. nml Tno IIoIIiii-n lo Detroit, Jllelt Itcturii, Plus one fare, August 25. 26 and 27. via "The Northwestern Line." Inqulro nt tho lnrge lty ofllces, 1101 and 1403 Farnam Btreot A tirmiil llimort ii 11 1 1 v To Increase your knowledge of the country Half fare to Chicago nnd return via "The jsonnwestern Line," August 25 to 29. Good Uil September 30 returning. Hon. John T. Cathers nnd Dr. Christie .111 speak at the league meeting Saturday ivening, Millard hotel. Sixth ward repub leans lmvo the meeting In charge Old ItiM'oriU to ll- Looked After. nio of the olllco force In UlerK nromlwell'H olllco will be detailed to nunori win old recorils 111 tno nttlo nult nt tho court bouso and urrango them In the 1 a" V'."c'- " u,l prcheiu umo many of tho old records are laying promiscuously about on tho Iloor of the store room .limvr Jjio ,",rk "UU'C It Is the Intention of Chief Clerk Hteero to have every book and paper In the store room Indexed nml placed In the uttle vault so that there will be no uiiiiiin,; ill iiiiiiuih H'VI WIU'll W.llHCIl mv.it. M'COMHR-Salllo II . Ill her (tilli venr nn Wednesday at 3 o'clock p. in., nt her homo 111 .icnorsoii nn-ciui-i Funeral Saturday, August IS, at 2 o'clock Samuel Burns announces .the arrival of (King Charles) ware. Pink and green. CIIIfAtiO AMI UlVI'l.lt.V Si 12.7.-,. ClilenKo nnd Iti'tiirti lt 2,7ft. On Alieust 25. 26. 27. 2X nnd ?0 Mm rhl. cngo, Milwaukee & St Paul railway will sell round-trip tickets Omaha to Chicago for $12.75. City ticket olTlce. 1504 Farnam street. F. A. NASH, General Western Agent. W. W. Home, linen buyer for Thompson, Belden & Co , has gono to New York to purchase goods. Soap I l-4c per cake We shall place on sale tomorrow morning 5,000 cakes of toilet soap at 5c per box, con taining 4 cakes. This Is a chance of a life tlmo to get a good toilet soap, for a price next to nothing- Boxes containing 1 gross, $1.75. We sell 60c Society Hygleneque Soap at 29c cake. Wn sell 4711 White Hose Soap at 12c cake. We sell Woodbury's Facial Soap at 18c cake. We sell Packer's Tar Soap at 15c cake. Wo sell Jap Roue Soap at 7c cake. Wo sell Small Juvenile Soap at Be cake. We sell Pears' t'nscented Soap at 12c cake. We sell Big Bar Imported Castile Soap, nt 35c. Write for new catalogue. " Sherman & Mc Conn el I DrugGo COH. 1CTH AND DODOU. OMAHA. ON Yellowstone Park. omnhnns are gradunlly awaking to n realization of the charms of Yellowstone Park. So far this sea son tho liurllngton ticket ofllce in this city has ticketed between 50 and 6') Yellowstone Park passen gersmore than In nny previous year. Tho Park trip commends Itself to those whoso tlmo Is valuable; who can spare but a week or two from business. F.leveii days are enough for It. In that time you can make the trip to and through the Park and be back again 111 Omaha. The fishing Is extraordinarily good; the air as Invigorating u a tonic; the scenery unsurpassed anywhere Regular rate. Omaha to Mammoth Hot Springs and return $17.50. Special rate, August 21, $37.05, Omaha to Cinnabar and ret-irn. Tlokat Ottlci, Burlington Station, . 1502 Farnam St. tOlh and Mason Stt, 5 Tel, 250. Tel. 128. BF YOU WANT dA ai APPREHENDS INSANE MAN MhrrlfT Donovnn of Troy, Knn Till 11 Us Hp linn n Driiientrit Oiiinhnn In Ciislnil. Chief Donahue received word from the sheriff of Doniphan county, Kansas. Thurs day night that an Insane man, whoso name Is believed to be A. Markcl nnd who says he lives In Omnha, was n,iprehcnd 'd while wanderlrg aimlessly through tho streets of Troy. He Is described as well dressed, apparently CO years old, five feet cevcti or eight Inches In stature, hair and eyes dark. He Is wearing a threo weeks' growth of beard. The man refused to glvo his name, but the nnme "A. Markcl" was found on his underclothing. His spectacle.! bore the Imprint of an Omaha firm Tho nnmo A. Mnrkel docs not appear In the city directory nnd Inquiries made thiM far by tho pollco department have fallel to disclose the identity of the wnt'dcrcr. The theory most In favor Is that ho has escaped from somo Insane asylum. Ilnyili'ti's riintlniinl Itnrunlns. Ladles' 50c lisle union suits, 10c. 300 dot, ladles' fine lisle vests In plain and fancy colors, formerly 35c and 60c, In one lot Sat urday nt 10c. Ladles' and children's 23c hose, fast black and full seamless, lc 300 doz. men's fine mndras and French percale shirts, warranted to fit, 75e values at 25c. Men's 7oc fine balbrlggan underwear, plain and fancy colors, at 25c. Men's $1.00 shirts at IPC. Men's 25c ties nt 6c. 25c net top wash laces, 21.40 yard. Beldtng Bros.' best silk thread, tc spool. 16c embroideries and Inserting?, 5c. Machine thread, warranted perfect, 200 yards, 10 spools for 16c. HAYD1JN BROS. Head shoo nnd grocery sales. et iti: I'dit c i Aitiiit. To Trot e the Superior Merit of Tills lleineilv Trial PneUiiKi'i Will lie Mnllrd I'rri lo SulTerer. Knowing the great prevalence of catarrh and the suffering It produces, Dr. Uloster has determined that every sufferer Bhnll havo an opportunity of testing his remedy, which has met with such unprecedented success In curing this distressing disease. Dr. Blosscr has such confidence In the merits of his catarrh cure that he will send a free trial sample by mall, post paid, to every applicant. He does not ask nny one to buy tho remedy without having tested It. Wrlto to Dr. J. W. Blosscr Si Son, 301 Broad street, Atlanta, (la. WANTKD Bids for all concessions on grounds of Fremont Driving park, Fremont, Neb., during race meeting Carnival week, September 12, 13 nnd II. 1900. Address. DltrCH H. SMITH, Sec. Siiiuiiier Itri.rta. For a book describing the conl. pleasant. healthful summer resorts of Wisconsin, situ ated on ihe line of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. raul Ry., addrcMt or call on F. A. NASH. Oeneral Wm'ern Agent, Ladies' Dress Skirts 3.50 -These Skirts are unllned. -Made of best gray homespun. -Aro used In placo of pique. -Aro light weight nnd cool. -They nro most stylish skirts shown. Wo havo but few to close out. -Prices havo been $7.50 nnd $S.50. Today, Choice for $3.50 flKSCOFlELD MlCL0ilSUITC0. 1510 Pouglus St When They Tell You Drlvlim I'nrk Mntlnrr. The races at the Omaha Driving park Sat urday promise somo very Interesting sport. Six events arc on the card. The race In which ladles will drive will bo the novelty of the nfternoon. A running hnlf-mlle dash also promises rnro sport for tho Interested. Dnneo ToiiIkIiI. Washington hall. Eighteenth and Harney streets. Jolly Fight's lively ball this even ing. Fine full orchestra. A grand, good time for you. Yes, gents 25 cents. Welcome! THIS STORE QUITS. Selling out sale of OOOD SHOES. Noth ing reserved. Every pair of shoes must go. Tho prices are convincing. The Famous Queen Quality Shoe Now $1.98; black and tan. The prices on our tan shoes still continue to bo J 1.0S for nny shoo In tho store, In cluding all of our $4.00 and $5.00 footwear. Ladles' Oxford Ties nt prices that would pay you to buy for three seasons to come. Misses' and children's shoes nnd slippers, from 4Sc to 08c; worth from $1.25 to $2.00. Store for rent. Fixtures for sale. THE HOWE, 1515 Douglas St These Pluggers to go to a certnln drug store to have your prescriptions filled don't you do It. "Doe" gets a commission Then It's charged to you by the druggist It's tho old game you no doubt have heard of It. It's culled "TWO PLUCK. ONE." Cramer's Kidney Cure 73c Stunrt's Dyspepsia Tablets 40o Ilromo Quinine l".c Pe-ru-na 7." Carter's Liver Pills lii Wlno of Cnrdul ,.V Bar-Den 1 AJax Tablets 4iu Syrup of Figs ;nic Clem Catarrh Powder 3Sc Illrney Catarrh Curo :1V Pyramid Pile Curo 40- Hood's Sarsaparllla 7uc Cutlcura Soup 2"c Miles' Nervine 7&e Pierce's Prescription 7ac CUT PKICK DUUGGIST JUDGE GORDON VS. BABY The Judge rays there Is no dnnger In using the kind of milk sold In Omaha. He drank some and It did not kill him. Not so with babies. Most all their ailments In summer can bo traced to their food. A large share of their troubles can be avoid ed by using Arnold's Sterilizer for sterilizing the milk. It Is a very com plete nrtlele nnd tho prlco reasonable only $3.00. The doctors all say It Is the best of Its kind. Sold by J. A, FULLER & CO. CUT I'lUCK imUOOISTS. Fourteenth mill 'jnunlni Street. Send for book The Baby. SCHAEFER S. V. Cor. 1 tit li nnd Clilenijn, ACHING TEETH Do not suffer the torture of "Tooth-ache," but have them extracted without pain, by using VITALIZED AIR, or If they can be saved, have them treated and filled. Our work Is llrst-clnss, Extracting 25c Vitalized Air &0c Oold Crowns $5.00 Tatt's Philadelphia Dental Rooms, 1.117 DoniEln St. QUICK AND PLEASANT TRIP be sure that your ticket rends over the UNION PACIFIC Two trains daily to Denver and Colorado Points. Two trains daily to San Francisco and California Points. Three trains daily to Salt Lake City and Utah Points. Two trains daily to Portland and North Pacific Coast Points, with direct connections for Tacoma and Seattle. SPEGIAL EXCURSION RATES IN EFFECT. City Ticket Office 132 Farnrtm St. Tel. 310. HAYDENs CRQCERY BARGAINS. Shrewd buyers will take advantage of this sale. Peanuts, per quart -o Lemons, each 1(1 50 lb sack Highest Patent Flour, per sack 1.10 10 lb. sack Pure (Irahani Flour 19c 10 lb. saek Finest (iranulated Corn Meal 10 Jo 10 lbs. Breakfast Kolled Oats 10c 8-lb. cans Mitchell's Grated Pineapple 7Jo Tall cans blood red Salmon, only 1-Jc Large bottle new White Onions, Sweet Pickles, Sour Chow-Chow or Mixed Pickles, Tier bottle only '. S l-.'lc Quart cans Pure Honey Drip Table Syrup 7Jc : lb. cans linked P.eans, in the tomato sauce tjt Columbia Urand Evaporated Cream, per can 7 Jo Fancy Large Italion Prunes, pei pound only tije Large Classes Pure Fruit .lolly 7Jc S bars White ltussian or Diamond C Soap -" Large bottle Pure Tomato Cats-up, only 10c IJ packages Pure Corn Starch, for H)c Bulk Laundry Starch, per pound only lc Yeast Foiun, Cionnim Yeast, Ftc, per package only 'JJc Oil or Mustard Sardines, per can -ljc Fancy Large Evaporated Moor Park Apricots, per pound.. 10c Pineapples Sliced in heavy syrup, per can only 12c Fancy Western Creamery Mutter, per pound only 1'Oc Choice Soporatoi' Creamery nutter, per pound only ISc Fancy Full Cream Cheese, per pound 10c Neufchatel Cheese, Durham brand, only -Mo Choice Santos Coffee, per pound 1"c Family .lava ami Mocha, private growth, only, per pound. . ISc Sun Dried, Musket Fired or I'lieolored .Japan Tea for iced tea or family use -only pc-r pound :50c ;i-Crown Laver Figs iter pound fie PCUF FOODS AT MAMGAIN PIMCFS. HAYDEN BROS, i Men's Clothing First of all. we want to say, that this store is not like any other store within your reach. There has never been a day when it. was. The fact is ineon oealable. Take men's suits, every suit you lay your hands on in this store, the merchant tailor look sticks to it, is in t. stays in it. "Pis no more tin usual shop suits than all tailors are six footers. 56789 nOI.IAK'S DOLLARS DOLLARS DOLLARS DOLLARS Choose any suit of ihe above prices, if this house doesn't save you from one lo five dollars, we will not ask for your business. BOYS' TWO-PIECE SUITS In a line colleclon of patterns, .?!.-", .?1."0, ?l.7fi, ?H.00, SU.L'fi, 2.fi0. .?L7fi. $:.0O. .?:5.i.fi, $a.r0 and up to $fi.()0. They come in cassimeres, cheviots, homespuns, serges, wors teds, Scotch coverts all shades ami all colors no bettor collection of boys' clothing can be found anywhere. CAILDREN'S ALL WOOL BLOUSE SUITS Hlue cheviots. .?1.7fi nnd .?ii.0O. Plue serges ?'J.7fi. Light colored cassimeres .?:!.()(). Mroken stipes, ?;5.7fi. Light colored coverts, .?,'. fill. Mine serges, $.'.7fi. 1 -iHMMyi-inM!! HAYDENs "ENisTss6.irs Jl.fiOO pairs line sample shoes closed out to us for spot cash by live of the leading shoe manufacturers in America go oxi sale Sat urday. New stylish shoes, the best makes and hand sewed, welt soles, in blnck and tans; not a pair iu the lot. worth less than 1, and up to u 1 QTf your choice Saturday for only OlivJ f Thrso aamplii shors nro tho best tho different factories can mnko us they wero mado to sell from. Thry lncludo nil tha new toes and shapes. This isnlo nffords a raro opportunity to sccuro a fino pair of highest grade dress or business shots nt a ridiculously low price. KXTRA HUM TO WAIT ON YOU AND SKR THAT YOU (1KT A l'KUKKCT KIT. WOMEN'S S4.50 SHOES AT SI.85. Several thousand pairs women's finest $3. SO, $4.00 and $1.50 shoes, sacrinccd to our liuynr at his own price fffci ft " go on salo Saturday nt US) Direct from tho factory floors, they nro new and stylish and by attending this salo any woman can sccuro u pair ol shoes to plenso hor and at a prlco less than half their ac tual value. THESE ARE UN DOOHTEDLY THE GREATEST GENUINE RAROAINS EVER OFFERED IN WOMEN'S SHOES IN OMA HA. Thoy come In nil sizes, blacks nnd tnns, laco or button, and tho samo caro Is taken to glvo you n satisfactory fit as It you paid tho full regular prlco. A special lino of women's shoes also bought by our repre sentative nt tho factories and worth up to $2.50, will be sold Saturday at, only 1S0O PAIRS ladles' lino patent leather and vie! kid strap slippers and oxfords worth up to $2.00 go on sale Saturday at only 500 PAIRS children's flno vlcl kid, hand turned strap slippers, worth 75c on salo Saturday at THE GREATEST SHOE SALE BVER HELD IN OMAHA. 15 EXTRA SALES-PEOI'LE TO WAIT ON YOU. TWO HIO SHOE DEPARTMENTS CROWDED WITH HARGAINS. COME AS EARLY AS POSSIDLE. $1.23 89c 39c MYDEN BROS, Refrigerators best reJ'rigorator mado teed. Opportunity tomorrow Saturday wo ofJTor you choice of any Refrigerator in our store at 25 per cent discount from marked prices all 1 lie celebrated North Star, granulated cork filled refrig erators, guaranteed by us also by the manufacturer. Its your refrigerator oppor tunity. You eavo one-fourth from regular price nnd get iho Remember everyone guaran- IVSattiflQS at less than wholesale. n (1ml our innck of Mnttings morn than threo times Uiat it should bo at this time or the enson. so to reduce H nt once, wo aro going to offer It In full io. In nt leas than wholesale cost 10 yards to tho roll - A Good China Matting at $4. per roll. A Fine Heavy Japanese Matlinn at $6.00 per roll. A Tine, fancy Japanese Inlaid Matting $10 per roll. Plenty of gooil patterns to select fi-om on bale by full roll ploco only nt these prices 8alunlaj STORE OPEN tATl IUAY EV EMNO I NTIL 0 O CLOCK. ORCHARD, WILHELM CARPET CO., 1414-1416-1418 Douglas St. p. ni hum itiinii) resilience, i'-j lends m tu.