THIS OMAHA DAILY BE13: SAT TH DAY, Ar(UTST 18, 1900. SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements for Ihrii roliimm -vtlll tic liikrn until Et in. fur the fTrnlnit edition nnd until H .'10 p. in. for ttiornliiK nnil Sunday edition. Itntrs, 1 1-Iie n irnril flrkl Insertion, lr n. twird thereafter. Nollilnu Inkm for less IIihii it'c for tlir llrat Inner tlnn. Thesp nilrrrtlscinvuts niuat lie run i-iiiincctitl vely. Advertisers, Uy reouetInn a num bered check, cnn linte nninrm nd dresspil to n numbered Irtter In care of Tlip lire. Aimttrr mo addressed will Iip. delivered on presentation of the ohpek only. S IT I. A T 1 1) N 8 W A N T H 1 1. .BRIGHT, well educated young man. 22 years old, wishes ofllco poHltlnn: three, months' experience since completing com mercial course; good penman; best refer ences; not afraid to work. P II, Bee. A-Maos 18 (GRADUATE bookkeeper of limited oxperl ente wants a position; references Mr nlshcd; state salary nnd hour to rail. Art drcsj4 C, caro U. T. .Si S. Co., 1611 Fitrnum. A M3U2 IS "W ANTED, position In saloon wliero can learn work of bartender. Olaf J. Johnson, TO I Krsklni. A-33S 19 WANTED MALE help. WANTED, wo have steady work for n few good hustlers of Rood habit anil appear ance. C. 1'. Adams Co,, 1605 Howard St. 11-576 liARBER trndo tntiKht thoroughly In short tlm; catalogue and particulars free Address Western Burners' Institute, Omaha, Neb. H 577 'WANTED, labours, teamsters, roek men nnd Hurfaeu men, Nub.. Wyu., and Iowa, irca iare; nigucsi wages; snip unny. Western II. 11, Labor Agency, 310 S. 11th. B-678 -AN INTELLIGENT vounc man to take a shorthand scholarship In best school and pay for It when course Is completed and luKiuuji sccurcu. Jtuurcss i, 3t, nee. B-fi79 WANTED, 10 young men to learn telcB- mpny. w. y. HKellou, Kalltia. Kan. K-M341 A 27 GOOD all-nround blarksmllh will be helped to start shop In Rood live town where h can mako some money If ho can Rlvo sat isfactory reference ns to honesty and snuricty. Address I 7, llec. II MZ!2 Pi COATMAKHK wanted at once. Henry KUHvcmaum, west I'oint, ncd. hmmi 1VANTED. by a prominent men's, boya' it rid children's wholesale manuraeturlnR t'lnthliiR house In Milwaukee, Wis., a llrst-rlass Halesmau for Kansas nnd Ne. braska; liberal IndueementH to rlplit man Aildress P 16, this otllcc. H-M201I XS JOH printer; must be un to dalo nnd re liable; musician preferred; permanent placn tor satisfactory party; write, iinino yllately, statlnR Wukcs expected and ex perience. The Times, Alliance, Neb. li ziwo iir Or;T n free entalPKUn of the Nebraska School of Magnetism and ostopatny 1M5-17 t'hlcaRn street, Omaha, Neb ; rhu! uajrh employed. I1-M332 WANTED, registered driiRRlst to take charRo of a country drug store; send ref- crenc.e. Address r 20, lice. H ;I2 is WANTED, a young man to attend soda louutnin. Apply ill once in w. . limuim 1520 l'arnam. H-W3 17 TIRI.TARI.E man lo estahltsli agents In No. braska; v) monthly hcsldcH expenses and t'ommission ; permaiirni; r'ier"nres ir- nuireu, jnnn i ross, 3oB uc.irnorn, i-iu cngo. It-MXW Vi SIDE line; free samples to live mnn on tin covered ground: many with us twenty years anil earning - wccaiy. inrpora tlon, box i:r?l, Now "Vork II-M351 lh' WANTED, a practical. nil-round dry goods salesman; permanent posl'Ion to thii rlRht party; must bo a hustler; no others need apply; state line, married or slnRle. experience, salary and also refer ences; appiv personally it possini" to i I,. DaWes, York, Nob, II-M3.K) U CAN furnish prolltnbln employment to an educated Christian man: must be of good address and periectly reliable, w. (J. nur rls, City. H-M3I3 19 WANTED, men to learn liarbcr trade; wo ran give you advantages of constant prae lice In our colleges at Chicago, Ht. l.oula or Minneapolis that cannot lie had else where: we furnish free transportation and ilonate rnmplete outllt of tools; no license or no exu initiation reipilred after receiving nur diploma; cataloguo anil particulars mailed rree. Anciress .Moier narner i oi. lego Iteprrsenlatlvc, 1023 1'arnani St. Omaha. Neb. I1-M3IS 23' v.NTi:ii-ri:.MAi.n hki.i'. AN l.NTEI.I.IOENT lady to take a short hnnd scholarship In best school and pay for It when course Is completed and posl tlon secured. Address I, 25, Heo. C rM WANTED, 200 Rlrls. 1521 Dodge. to girls wanted. Canadian offlco 15: WANTED, educated young ladles to learn nursing. Apply to secretary, Fremont nospuai. i; mvj. TWO gond.clrls to nut un blulmr ami ex tracts. Smlth-Dcnchy Extract Co., S02 nouwi jenin. u jisib is WANTED, romiietent second girl; good w.isra. J. n. ixiiox, ivsj iieorRia ave. C-M3I1 1S WANTED, n Rlrl to do Reneral housework at -iJi mi. amry s avenue, c J1323 IS A flOOD Rlrl to do plain washing and Iron- iiir in ine vrecne, l'jin una liurncy. C-M361 20 WANTED, at once, good cook i, ml limn dress, small family, 2301 Davenport; call in uio moriiniR ueiween r anil I. o clock C-M355 WAITED, an experienced Rlrl for general housework; good wages, uis l'liriuim st. i-'- -M3l5 20 WANTED, a second cook ami . dlsli wai-her at the I'nlon hotel, cor. Uih ami Vinson his. t' M.m IS' till HK.VrIIOI'KIJ!!. IK you wnnt your houses well rented place. infill Willi iH'iiinin ,v u uvl HOUSES; ctX''Tb. Woad, 1521 Doighis D-5SI AI.WAlb moving II. II. goods. Plnim omcc, 15UVi Farnam St. Tol. 1559 or S63, D JS3 HOCSE8 for rent In all parts of the city D-5S7 HOUSES nnd flats. Hlnewalt. Parker blk D-K9 131, EG A NT apartments In ttie Winona. I'liyiiv-itiiu v-u., ini iioor, r,, y, i.ife, D-595 POP. PENT, S-room house. No. 618 South mil oi. iiniuiru ui room w, i;ity Hall. D-KM 10-UOOM steam heated flat, all modern. 2317 Do.iRlas. liuiulru l.lndiiuest, 316 So liHll. u 112 FOR TtENT. 2523 Canltol avenue. ? rnnms modem In every way mid In tlrst-clnss conuitioni nne yarn; ;i7.w. tieorge Com pany, iwi turnaiu rti. o tsj NEW 10-room house, water nnd rrns. blocks from car and school, north part iu fii-.n ntiuu't tti ii, K-r intiniii. in quiro' -wiiiium i. ivicrsieau, city Hull. D-726 1721 N. 27th SI. Nine-room hojse. all mod- ...... I.. ,1.... tlf U (It III IIUl ll'I'tlli ll WJ. OilAlIA LOAN & TIU'ST CO.. 16th and Douglas St. D-M1SI 113 H. 23rd St. Ooocl six-room modem House (no fiirnacei, jn.wi. OMAHA LOAN & TUPHT CO.. 16th and Douglas St. D-.MJS6 12C0 William St., 3 rooms-J5.00. SV S. 23rd.. 3 rnoms-l7.li0. 2812 Howard St., 5-ronni coltiiRe $ 17U7 S. 13ih St.. 2-room cottaRe-J3.00. OMAHA LOAN & TJIUST CO., 16th and Douclas St. D-M1S3 J1S N, 3Sth St. All modern elght-room house In perfect condition, This la the. best house for $33.00 per month that Is for rent in Omaha toduv OMAHA LOAN & TIU'ST CO., iCth and Douzlaa St. D-MIS2 rel. m. C 5S1 ! Douglas C-5S2 poii iu:t iiotMis. OH HUNT, strictly modern tint, also nl.! )lores in Davldge building. oppolte City Ha I John V Robblns, 1802 Fnrnnm St. u NICELY furnished modern room. $J per inunui. ivi noutn mn, D .M.W V)' 930 N. With St. Eight-room modern house koi condition; good lawn and shade, $25.00 OMAHA LOAN Sc TRUST CO., Kth and Douglas St. D-M18". SEE IlENHY 11. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE. 5-ROOM cottage, 2fith nnd Hlondo streets, $8. Apply HU7N. 19th street. 15-752 WE have nome houses for rent In good mentions mat nro In lino repair at mod crutu reel t a In. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO., Kth and Douglas St. D-M1S.S 19 FOIl RENT. 8-room modem cottage. In riulre 2152 St. Mary's live. I)-.f275 20' fllK Fischer property In Dundee; an Ideal nome, strictly modern; nam. w. I,, seioy, 331 Hoard of Trade Building. D-M313 IS 10-room brick, r,00 South 29th, $20.00. Selby, 33! Hoard or Trade, mono 1510, D-M31I IS IIKNIIV H PAVSK'K ItAlKJAINH. Hear S36 So. 17th St., G-room house, newly tianered and nalnted. ut onlv $10. Several good 3-room brick, .houses,, beliig nicely pnpered, city water, only 2 blocks from South Omaha, car, $6 to $S. Cheap homes for Rood, honest, tenants. HENHY P. PAYNIJ, 601 N. Y. LIFE. D-M356 19 HOUSES, stores. Uemls, Paxton block. D-K6 I'on Hio i-ct'itMsnr.i) itnoMs. noOMS; one. large south front with alcove', modern. 25S0 Harney st. K-.M93I -'r furnished rooms for housekeeping; man & wife; rent taken in board. 319 N. 17lh. E 210 PUItNISHED rooms. 221014 Parnam. E-321-1S FriiMsimn IIOOMS o llOAItll. THE Merrlam. good summer resort, 25th & LIOllRC. aLENCAmN.trnn3lents,$1.25 day. 1609 DrU. A. I GOT S. 25TII Ave., prlvnto family 325 A21 UTOPIA. 1721 Davenport Ht. r-49S IN PRIVATE family. 2020 St. Mary'; Avo. THE PRATT, desirable rooms, 212 S. 25 St. r vit it a MnsnMHt.v fnriilhpri rooms: nood board; rates reasonable. The ltose, .mo Hnrncy. I M2tt 2o 'LEASANT rooms with hoard. 1909 Cap. ItOl UVO. 1--.M3H .1 roll IU3XT 5TOHES AND OFFICUH. FOR RENT, store In flrst-clnss location; rem reasonaoie. yppiy n. . .-tsi Co., ground floor, Ilce Illdg. 1266 TWO of the best rooms In the Continental block, loth and Douglas streets; special y sulted for a physician; will remodel to suit tenant. omnna L,oan iru;i to, 16th nnd Douglas Sts. 1-600 STORE room. 621 South 16th; power fur nished If desired. Clarke Towcll, 310 New- York Lire. i-ww TO LET, a few nice offices In the Paxton niOCK, SlllRIC or en suiie. rtppiy i ouiii. of bldg.. room "C33, or W. Farnam Smith & Co,, 1320 l'arnam street. 1310 AOENTS WANTED. fT. T(l KA nnllv made hv our live ftgentS men or women, selling our latest novcn. campaign waterproor necKties; rooos ei tlrelv new. and natcnted: agents delighted sales unlimited; what others do, you can do; time is short; write today and 5cur exclusive territory; guaranteed nest "-' Address, with stamp, M. A M. Mantff. Co,, Dept. v. Spr.ns..e.n. ACiENTS on salary or commission; the every user of pen and Ink buys. IC on sight; 200 to Don per cent profit; ono agent s Hales aniouilicu to hji in m J0i other $32 In two hours, Monroe Mfg. Co., X IB, l.a t rosse, tt is. u .ti.x- u- PORTRAIT iiRenls everywhere quit "cray ons; try wasnauie nnuiin-iinus; nu umpa. don l run; cuoap. ramuy l orirnn ,,, t. niciiRo. .i .i,i.j I., WAST15I) TO HUNT. WANTED to rent at once, good paying notei. iiirnisneu. coon snane. aDnui a io- room house, reasonable rent; no other need answer. Address, o w. nee. K-MU9-18 AVANTEIl TO I1UY. ALL kinds of household Koods. hotels, etc. In la rue nnd small quantities. Chicago Furniture Co., hus-iu uonge. Tel. 2tcQ. N 601 WILL purchase a limited number of Omaha savings naiiK accounts, urennan Lovo Co., 309 So. 13th. N-602 2D-HAND bicycles. Omaha Ulcycle Co. IN 03 GO 2D-HAND typewriters. Nebraska Cycle co., uor. ism : uarney. n 713-aso HTOnAOU WCIFIC Storago and Warehouse Co., 912- 911 Jones, general storage mui torwarding, w; Om. Van Stor. Co., lSUVi Farn. Tcls, 1559-S63, FOIl SAI.f-ltOllSBS, T.1UCI.ES, ETC VEHICLES of all kinds made and1 Repaired by Harry Frost, 11th and Leavenworth. P-605 FOR SALE, horse nnd buggy. Inquire 2153 St Mary s ave. r aiiwn MUST sell, two 2d hand extension top car riages, equally good as new and at less than 's price. Call and see us If you want a nuggy or "nation; can save you money. Win. Pfelftcr Carriage Wks., 2620 Leaven worth. I 733 FOR SALE, horse, harness and Concord wagon, all llrst-class, very cheap. A. P, Tukey. Hoard of Trade P-M351 20 l'Oll SALE MlSCI'.Mi.lNEOU.V HARD and soft foundation piling; hog fence and criumng. wi uotigias. y at CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & Mc- Council Drug Co., Cor. ICth und Dodge. Q-6J9 H. IIASS, Florist, 1813 Vinton St. Tol. 776. I lailln,. cut iiuhii r, wuniifin, null, ITP1' j' nm1 crtil tf j. .i.rt.'.llnn. Orders by mall or uxprtss promptly filled. 2D1IAND safo cheap, Dcrlglit. 1116 Farnam SAFES; buy, sell, ex'ge. Schwartr. Ill 8. 13, M. fi W. tires. $2.75. Omaha Blcyclo Co V "J MANSON bicycles. $23, Omaha Rlcycle Co SECOND-HAND SEWINC, MACHINES AT PRICKS NKVKll ur.l'unii M.ur wiiv not linv vnur wife a much no? THESE PRICES FOR SATURDAY AND MONDAY ONLV 3 Singers " Ilui'U 2 White CHOICE, $2.00. 1 Noble 1 New Home 1 Victor Old Price. $13 00 15 HO 20 00 25 00 12 00 Now, Household $G 00 7 00 7 50 Whlto Singer, hlRh arm Singer, gocd us new Domestic Standard, perfect condition Wheeler & Wilson 13 50 5 00 23 00 23 ft) 1 12 50 Wilcox & dlbbs JO frt 15 00 Wo rent sowing machines at 75 cents ner week, Wo sell parts for und repair every mako of sowing machtne, NEHRASKA CYCLE COMPANY, Cor. 16th and Harney. Q-339 19 2NDHAND wheels. $5 to $10: new wheels $15. Omaha lilcyclo Co., 16th & Chicago sts W wt POIl SALIl MI.HCELI.AMCOIS. 5,vi FEET sewer pipe, all slin-s, ft cedar posis, j'i ceunr ann oaK piling, iu to feet long; 1(0 loads kindling wood Miut bo sold at once. 3716 N 2oth St. g-319-i;' FOR SALE, good slie, fireproof, combina tion iock saie. new, never used, irom one of the best safe makers, only $19.93. A very larse, 2,t00pound, four double doors, bank safe, new. good for hotel, real es tate, countv, city or bank. J71.15. Will ship to any place In the United States, payable after received. Cut this notice out and mall to Sears. Roebuck & Co., Chicago, for full particular Q NOTICE, country dealers, 2dhand furniture ana stoves at lowest prices, carload lots or less. Chicago Furniture Co., H06-10 Dodge R-6;u CLAiitvov.ivrs. THE GREATEST LIVING CLAIRVOYANT PROF. LAWRENCE X. JAMES. 1711 DOUGLAS 17H. PROF. JAMES uses no free test schemes to attract people to his parlors. His repu tation Is already established In Omaha. He Is tit j acknowledged leader of till clairvoyants. Prof. James will make NO CHARGE, NO CHARGE unless you llnd him superior to uny clairvoyant In the city. f A t T d Vrtlf III' v . 1 . Tells name of sweetheart, tolls all about ....ui uiiiiM-na iiiinirs, your nome nun domestic affairs. His advice on lawsuits, divorce, speculation, lost or stolen ar ticles, hidden treustires Is marvelously ac curato In ull details. If In trouble, doubt or adversity, tall and he will point out and show ynu how 10 overcome nil ob stacles that keep. you from happiness und success. 'ec within reach of all. 17H DOUGLAS 1711. H S-M279 IS ALWAYS CONSULT THE HEST. . II. V. MAY. TRANCE f'LAIRVO ANT and Independent eiuic writing medium; otneo 113 Ho. istll st.; entrance on both basement and parlor floors; consultation FREE. S-.M2.2 IS MME.G VLMER genuine palmist. 1605 Dodge H Klf FREE! FREE! FltrttV An honest proposition made by the inn uniy anu original l.'ll AHI.hiH 11. ( OLN. Appreciating the fart that there are many of the best citizens of Oinuh.l who would only bo too eager to coiisult n good, reliable clairvoyant, yet they hesl tate for four of spending their money without receiving any satisfaction or bene fit. Therefore. Mr. Lincoln, having such confidence In his wonderful power and faith In his ability to help, aid and ad vlso you, he makes the following FREE offer: l.'IIHKI l.'PFRl VHM1.V HE DOES HER EH V SOLEMNlS' GUAR ANTEE AND AGREE TO ANSWER ONE SEALED QUESTION AND GIVE EACH CALLER'S NAME IN FULL FIRST TO CONVINCE FREE OF CHARGE-to all those calling with tin object of havliiR n reading. Advice given 011 all points of Interest, ,uch as love, courtship, marriage, divorce, business speculations and transactions of nil kind He, by his wonderful power, reunite tho separated, causes speedy and happy mar riages with the one of your heart's desire. Gains for you such In uny wish your heart desires In fact, no matter what may bo your hope, fear or ambition, come to this gifted man nnd find help. Ho Iuim helped others: why not you? NO MONEY AC CEPTED IN ADVANCE, NOR DO OU PAY ONE CENT UNTIL YOU ARE All SOLUTELY SATISFIED. Is this not honest? Could anything be fairer? Call at onco nnd let him convince you. FREE! FREE! FREE! But his free offer Is only to convince thoso inat are nonest and in need of help, wno call wiui tnc desiro or Having a goon rending. Regular fee In the reach of all. Call todav. NO. 1722 DODGE ST. N. B, -The professor has arranged a lovely suite of parlors, which are so arranged you meet no callers. S M362 1S ELECTRIC TREATMENT. ELITE parlors. 615 S. 16th, second floor. BEATRICE. HARLOW, Arabian treatment iiains, 3J7VS , J&in, ist Hat J' MM 13. AMES,- baths. 1615 Howard, room J, 2i noor; attendant. x Jiaa j SIME. LEE, magnetic: treatment. G07 S, lulll, room 2. T AIL37 33 PEnSONAI.. MONHEIT, Chiropodist. 151S Farn. Tel. 2333. u OJJ LADIES' hair shampooed, dressed. 33c. Hair toilet goods, aionucit, ibis l arnam. l ei zsxs tj diu TURKISH baths, massago inths. electric uatns, ror lauies oniy; sKiuea women massage operators; finest equipped baths in tne city, itenstom nam company, Rooms 216 to 220. Uee building. U-M163 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & dur tng rounnemeni; Dames adopted. ii3 is. 11. V, SOLES. 85c: velvet rubber heels. 33o. Tho 01a rename, a. 1; rctcrson, loin & turning u mi DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns removed, 25c and upward, ltoom lz, r ronzczr hiock. U-611 RUPTURE cured; no knife, no pain, no danger; send lor circulars, umpire imp turo Cure, 932 N. Y. Life bldg., Omahn. U-615 PLEATING and pleated skirts of all kinds. M. Goldman & Co., 200 Douglas block. U-616 PRIVATE homo before and during confine ment; babies adopted. -Mrs. iiurget, zkw Hurdettc. u-tw HOFF'S Express & Messenger Co. Tel. 1717 u U I J SCHADELI-Durlng August, shampoo. 35c; nairaress, ao; massage, stic; trentment, .-uc u auto WHEELER & Wilson sewing muchlncs, others. 13.00 nn: navments: rcnllnK 75c week; repairing. Peters Co., 1616 Capitol Ave. Tel. 1196. U-271 A21 VIAVI, woman's way to hoalth. 316 Bee bldg u ui- EPPERLY corset to order. 1612 Capitol av. U .Mu st EPPERLY cortet to order. 1612 Capitol AV. U 591 SI Corns t bunions destroyed. 511 Karbach Blk u urj a-i, HAVE furs repaired and altered now. Don't wait until the busv season and expect work done at once. Aulnbaugh, Son it Co,, Furriers, 5o Karbach Block, umana. U-918-8-5 PLEATING; buttons to onler; pinking whllo you wnlt. Omaha Pleating Co., 1524 Douglas. U-Mb85 $250.00 RE WA R D The above reward will be paid by the Omnha Street Uiliway comnant" for the nrrest and conviction of any party or parties who robbed their conductor on the night of August It on Ames Avenue line. i' ji WOMAN'S way for regular health without medicine. 10c. Gem Rubber Co., Kansai City, Mo. 1 ji-Ji 111 ANY Information of tho whereabouts ct Joseph .McKenzle, rormeriy of wiucoii I'lti. Mil n'lll I, a criitfilllv rA-lv,l hv his sister. Rachael McKenzle, 31 Chest nut ave., Baltimore, Md. i'-jua is- MORPHINE. OPIUM. LIQUOR VICTIMS von can bo cured permanently without PAIN, inconvenience or inlerlerenci with regular occupation; no effort or RXblV CI8E of W.ILI. POWER required; po gold chloride or Injurious drugs ued. ecu be given without Patient's knowledi-; I want nn pav until nlfolute cure i,ih been proven by 30 days' voluntary nbMineiice nfter all treatment has ceiued. Address P 21, Bee. U M3J7 U MOXliV TO LO IN-TtEAl, ESTATE PRIVATE money, G, 514. 6 per cent; no do lay.'oarvin uros., im f arnam. w ma WANTED City and farm loans; also bonds nnd warrants, it. i t'eters c u 170: Farnam Hi., nee mas. w PRIVATE money. F. D. Wcad, 1621 Douglas, v i FIVE per cent money, Bemls, Paxton block, LOANS on eastern Nebraska and wsstern Iowa farms at t per cent. Borrowers can nay $lim or any multiple. Any Interest date. No delay. Brennan-Love Co., 30$ SouTl 13th St., Omaha, Nco. W-651 I .MOMJV TO l,OAN-IU2.U, 14 STATU, MONEY to loan on first-class Improved city property or for building purposes. Payne Knox Co.. New York Life. W era 5, 0V4. 6 per centon Omaha. So Omaha W. H. Thomas, MM 1st Nat. bank. Tel 16l W-6j3 MONEY to loan at 5 and per cent on Omaha property. IV. U. Melkle, 101 S. 13th W-C50 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. jjronnati-iovo to., wj ho. i3tn. W-657 $1,000 and upward to loan on Improved cltv property 111111 farms, vt . r arnam Hmun : Co., 1320 Farnam. W-68S WANTED City loans, bonds and warrants. ucorgo a: (.-ompany, iwji larnam st. W-6TO MONEY In any amount at G, G 6 per cent. J. W. BOBBINS & CO.. 1S02 FARNAM ST. MONEY to loan 011 farm and city property: lowest rales, o. F. Davis uo., 1503 Farnam W-tMl MO.M3Y TO LOAM CHATTELS. MONEY MONEY . LOANED SALAHIliU PEOPLE, IVo endorser or mnrtcace renulrnd. LOWEST RATES, EASY PAYMENTS and STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL, nil in 1 r.ul.-tiini Roon?G26, I'lfth Iloor. Now York Life Bldg. -X wi -M-O-N-E-Y--D-0-Y-0-n-N-E-E-I-I-T- We make loans from $10.00 up on furniture, pianos, norses. cows, etc.: you Keep tno property; or we will make you a SALARY LOAN on you own note, without Imlorser or mortgage; we charge absolutely noth ing for making papers, und we keep noth ing out of the amount you borrow; you mav p.iy the money back In one mouth or take more time In which to pay It, nnd you nro expected to pay for It only whnt time you use It; our rates ate low and our terms are the easiest: our business Is as c0ndentl.1l as Is posslblo nnd our treat ment Is always, courteous. Onuihn Mort gage Loan Co., 306 So. 16th St. Estab lished 1S92. -Xi2 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, dia monds , watches, privately, liorger's Loan Co., 1501 Farnam Ht. lips 111 Irs. XiMi MONEY loaned salaried icop1o holding per manent position wnn rosponsiuio concerns upon their own names without security, cusy payments. Tolman, 7u6 N. Y. L. Bldg. X 670 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, jew elry, horses, cows etc. C. F. Reed, 319 S.J3 SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. J. W. TAYLOE, 21S First Nlll. Bank Illdg. X 069 MONEY lnur.efl on furniture, diamonds. watches: payments contldentlnl. Omnha Chattel Loan Bank, 220 S. 15th. upstairs. -667 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses, cows, joweiry. DJirureen, its, uariter hik X-fiiB PRIVATE LOANS TO SALARIED PEO PLE momentarily embarrassed who dcslro above everything ele to AVOID PUBLICITY can be nccommodnted at our otTlco with less expense, tlmo and trouble than any place In tho city. dM l.llll Jli I .UAH Room 601, Bee Building. X M723 BUSINESS CIIA.MES. FOR RENT Owing to advancing years Mr. 11. Jiaas, tno norist at im;i vinton sircci, has decided to rent out his hot house at above location, occupying 7,000 to 8,000 squaro feet, under glass, with about 200 windows, nnd tho residence and storo fronting tho street, on the motor lino to South Omnha. Excellent location for tho business. Y 3S2 FOR RENT, dining room of l.angu hotel; goon inducements to nrst-ciass puny. V-M2S3 FOR SALE or trade for Rood farm land. my siock or farming- implements and warehouse In Rood live town: sickness reason for going out rot business", corre spondence, solicited. Address P X. Bee. t . Y M2I1 18 li'AROH-house- -line: "fiitr" lot. cost $1,00): owner win tnue ti.ztn,' part casn, pari lime; this hnuso Is nVbdYni snd sickness compels owner to pelirnpU this prlc" must sell It; rents for $16.(0; Ins. $2,000 and $1,200 buys the place. G01 N. Y. Life bldg. Y M36 19 1,000-ACRE ranch for sale; would exchange ror nrst-cinss stocK or penerui merchan dise. Address Box 1200, North Loup. Neb. Y-M353 19 FOR SALE, furniture nnd business of TO- room hotel In llvn Nebraska town 1,000 population; good reasons for selling. Ad dress Hotel. P 21, Bee. 21 DRUG stock and llxturcs for sale cheap, -, .... .i...n..iu... ..n ...... I-!. 11..111 ui iiii 1 : 111 uhhii? uivii nun I'Mtlllllie. 20th and CumliiR stievts. Y M347 18 CAPABLE, Industrious man with umall capital wains to engage in nusincss, Ad dress P 1?, Bee. Y M3I6 20 FOR E.VCII.WnE WANTED to trude, n new piano for a horse nnd buggy. Address P IS, Beo office. Z-M327 19 TEN-ROOM house, lot DO feet by 20; will tnae in exoniuiRo inrni witnin 2J miles or Omaha. E. II. Winn, 620 Paxton block. 2-M3.i7 20 TO EXCHANGE, for clear land, $3,5' Omaha modern ll-rooni house and burn. Address 1' 23, Bee. . M365 'J FOIl SALE REAL ESTATE. SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, C01 N. Y. LIFE. RE MiO! FARM. 6" ncres, 12 miles from Omaha; I'l 11.V ,,i.nj.i-v 1- CUIU 111 IIIIIT, tllUlCSS ' 19 .Bee. RE-M3SI-A-2P C. F. HARRISON, FARMS. N. Y. LIFE. K13 5 A -27' HOUSES, farms. R. C. Patterson, 303 N.Y.L. 111; uii HOUSES, lots farms, lands, loans; also tire innuraiicc. iiumis. I'axton HIK tlK uia DEER PARK lots at $230 to $100, with ele- unm. urrn, ure snaps. nen you sco them you will say so. POTTER-8HOLES CO., 310 N. Y. Life. RE-677 READ THIS; one of tha best homes In IUn- iul-u, i rooms, large loi, goon nam, sightly home: party leaving tlty; prlco $7,500.00. M. J. Keniiurd & Son, room 310, Brown block. RIS M92i nAN.CI1 .AND FARM lands for sale by tho "ion i-acinn Railroad company. It. A. sicAllastcr, land commissioner, Union Paclllc Hcadquurtors, Omnha, Neb. RE-07S KR Cheap, three ncres, enclosed chicken tight fence, house, stole, bam, corncrlb, sheds, etc.; fine shade trees. Homo of into H. S. Johnson. Irvtngton, Douglas Co. Inquire E. W. Johnson, 132S Franklin St. RE-7&3 S3 PAYNE-KNOX CO., HEADQUARTERS for REAL ESTATE BARGAINS; LOW EST RATES on LOANS, SOUND IN SURANCE; HOUSES, FLATS. STORES, for RENT. First lloor, N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-679 HOMES on 120 payments wttnout Interest. Small cash payment only required. Cut out this list nnd look at these homes: Cash. Monthly 1140 Rurdetto street $M) $20.0) 1237 Burdetto Street 350 J5.10 4320 Burdette Street 500 25.00 209 South 27th St 101) 1.(J 211 South 27th St 200 3J0S North 29th St 100 9.0) 2S07 Plnkney St 200 b.0) A. P. Tiikey, Board of Trade. RE-293 19 BIG BARGAIN. Genuine Snap. 102S South 31st St , '4 block from Paclllc St car line, we offer "-room, woll built house; good furnnce, sewer, bath, hot nnd cold water, wasn dowi, gas una uxtures, eic Rant basement under entire house, cant front .good barn, full Int. Hou-u -mid ground cost v,zw: mint ny tno owner, now left the city. Going to sell this wnek. Do not fall to see It. Prlco reduced to $3, M); perhaps n little under this; $1 "tO due in iwoj. b per rent; nsinnco casii. Best bargain offered this year. See It quick Tel. 470. Potter-Sholcs Co., sole agent, 310 N. Y. Life. UK 237 17 FARM for bale: 7W) ncres excellent land In one body on tho Missouri bottom 12 miles north of council biuitj; bio ncres in cul tlvntlon; tlvo small homes: nric fo' whole tract, $25 per acre, will 11 In tracts or bo acres cr moro at $jo. toinw '4 cash, balance to suit at 6 ner cent Ad. dress II. G, MvGec, 6 Peurf st,, Cnunoti I'Olt SAL13 REAL ESTATE, -ROOM moilirn bouse, with 2 lots, on good car Hue. In gum! neighborhood Must be taken at niice Prb-e. $1,380. L. L. John son Co., 311 So. 13th st. RE M32S .19 NICE home. 2 actes, 7-room house, barn, well und cistern, fruit trees and Inwn. J. N. Stewart. S19 N. Mst st. RE-M K6 23 FOR SALE, S rooms and bath room, fur nace, hot and cold water, gas, large base ment (cemented lloor), repainted and pn pered: lot 60.XU71 (soiled), worth f 10.000: our price. $S,360. See tho property, 615 Georgia uve. nis .1 -M32I 19 FIVE-ROOM cottage In good nelBliborlinod. near Parwer and 2Sth streets, fur $1.0 V '" on a $.Tieo rash payment, bilntnv monthly; place would rent for $12 0 nor month. Wyman-Shrlver Compnnv, New York Life imlldlng. RE-..M323 20 FOR SALE, tlve-rnom house, two lots, shnde and fruit trees: furniture for sale. Address 1722 Second avenue, Council Bluffs. RE-M330 1$ A NICE building corner, lots 2S und 29, Falrmount Plnce, on easy terms Write to F. II. Knppcu. Milwaukee, Wis. RE LARGE house, tine lot; cost $l,i0; owner will sell on nccount of slekncis; now will take $1.20(1, part cash, part time: thU prlc must sell It: rents $lo.ui: Ins 2,0tKi: near car line and In line location: do you want n home for less than 25o on the dollar of actual cost? SOI N. Y. Life bldg. RE-M363 19 MEDICAL. LADIES out of health find prompt relief. Box 232, Omahn, Neb. Conlldentlal. -C53 LADIES. Friar's French female regulntor brings monthly periods reRUlnrly without pain; $1 per box, 6 boxes for $5. Box G30-R, Minneapolis, Minn. MW6 Sept7' Dr!"lE DUES Femalo Regulator, posi tively warranted 10 cure ine most stun born cases of monthly stoppages, Irregu larities, obstructions and suppressions brought on from whatever cause; $2 u packuge or 3 for $3; sent anywhere pre paid on receipt of price. The Kldd Drug Co., Klulll. 111. Amerlcnn Ofllce, retail, wholesale. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; M. A Dillon. South Omaha; Davis Drug Co.. Council Bluffs. Full lino of rubber goods. OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute, 615 N. Y. Life Bldg.; tel. 166t: Alice Johnson, D. O. ladles' dept.; Old 13. Johnson, Ostcopathlst, Mgr. too M. E. DONOI1UE. D. O., of Still school, Klrksvllle, Mo. 0)1 Paxton Blk. Tel. 1367. 66 DR3. McMUHHAY & MUSICK will open osteopathic olllco Sept. 1, 536-S3S Bee Bldg. -MW SP A. T. HUNT. D. O. 303 Karbach. Tel. 2332. M926 Sept6 EMH.M3S, IIOII, EltS. ETC. L. C. Sharp Mach. Wks.; motors, dynamos. -699 I'1ACIAI.. salary loans; salary loans; we have reen criticised For giving such low rates nnd easy par tial payments. THE CRITICS ARE RIGHT, but we must loan 11 certain amount of money as -oen as possible re gardless of comment. WE LOAN ON YOUR NOTE; no mortgag": no Indorser; no publicity. Your employer or friends need not know. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. room 303, THIRD FLOOR, Paxton Blk -6S2 TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS, secondhand. 1116 Farnam, 6M YV ANTED TO II O II II O W. WANTED, to sell or borrow about $500.00 on niiKiiio ine niniiiuiii-17 iMiii.. in .- dard company, maturing not later than December, 1902. Address O 36, Bee M303 2) WANTED to borrow'. 1,000, inrea to live years, ill 7 per cent; nn cnmmttslon; on' good unproved douvii wiun. Address O 36, Bee. . , WANTED, to borrow of private parties September 1 $2,000 In sums of $.r.00 to $700 on long lime; secnrny, mm. mui if."-- vu rented resuiciu-i: pn'i'vi ij.m iih-.i.iij and In excellent condition. Address O 49, Bee. 1 13 SHORTHAND AND TVPEYVIUTISU. ,. C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y. Life -4iS3 BOYLES' College, court reporter principal. Uee mug. vxi NEBRASKA Business and Shorthand Col- lege. Boyd s Tlicatcr. GREGG Shorlhnnd tnught at tho Omaha Commcrclul College, l6in anu uougias tsts. UJl MAOM1TIO MEALING. GREAT Western Institute, 1623 Douglns St., Cllionic uiseases cuicu; uu uinas, duihi, Ml 22 THE genuine Simon Pure Woltmer Method or .Magnetic JieauiiK anu 1 iui iiiui-n 1 HypuoUstn complete In ono volume, $2.G0. Prof. R. Williams. Desoto, Mo. -M963 SepS MAIiNETIC HEALIMI. GREAT Western Institute, 1623 Douglas St., CntOniC I11SCHSCH CUICU. 11U UIU3, BUIR'.-IJ -Mia P VYVXIIItOKERS. EAGLE Loan Ofllce. reliable, accommodat ing; nil business coniiacntiai. I3ui uougino. iyi IIA1IUIT METAL. FRICTIONLESS, II. S. Mann. 17 Com'l Nafl UK. mux Jti- STOVE nEPAIHS. STOV13, furnace, range repairs; water con nections, umana wtove uepair worns, 1 207 DOUR. 'Pi TltllMC FACTORY. TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases. Trunks repaired, om. Trunk Factory, uuu Furnam. Wl TICKET BROKER. CUT rate tickets every where. P. II. Phil bin, 1503 Farnam. Telephone 784. 702 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7c; collars 1 .-rn . - - . 1 V. rl ,i, zc: CUUS, ll. HDV J.eilVCUWUl til, 1CI. OM -703 DRESSMAKING. 13. G. M' DONALD. 1612 Cap. nvc. -912 SI STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vnughan, 430 Ramgo Bldg, ITIlMTI'lli; REPAIRING. TEL. 1331. M. S. Walkln, 2111 Cuming St. -693 HOTELS. HENDERSON, $1.00 per day houso; board to )j wcck. fill ami i-umuiii, i.-i, i.ii -M73S St CARPENTERS ANU JOBBERS, ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly nttended to. J. T. Ochiltree. 2Uh and i.aie sis. jiu BIRDS AND T WIDER M V. STOCK'S Bird Store. 1603 Leavenworth. -6S7 LOST. LOST. August 16th. $10 In 2-cent postag stamp.!. (IndT will be Miitahly rewarded by leiulns; Mamis at tne unite or tne .is sistuut postmaster 1,011 .mj.j is" Ml Klili IM.ATIMI. STOVES, lamps nnd chandeliers rrnialcd dm. Plating Co.. Bee bldg., tol 2 ; Mj ' I'tlSTOPKII 15 .IOIUE. (Should be rend DAILY by nil Interested, ns chaii'tes may occur at any tunc.) I Foreign malls for the week ending August IS, 1900, will close (PROMPTLY In nil case,) at the General Postotllce as follows: PAR- 1 CKI.rf POST MAILS close 0110 hour earlier , than elmli'g time shown below Panels Parcels Post Malls for Germany clve at o p. m. Monday and Wednesday. Triiii-.l Itiiullf Mulls. SATURDAY-At 7 a m. for FRANC 1.. HWIT'IMIL A VO 1TAI f UII1M V l,1TI TUG AL. TURKEY, EGYPT, BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MARQUE., per s. La Bretngne, via Havre illinll ror ot lie parts of Europe must bo directed "per s s. La Bretngne"); at S a. in. for NETH ERLANDS, per s. s. Stantcndutii (mail must bo directed "per s s , at 8:30 u. 111. tsuppleineiitary 10 a m ) for EUROPE, peer s. s. Etrurln. vis Quectu town; nt 9 a in. for ITALY, per s s Kaiser Win. tl (mall must be dlreitnl "per s. s Kaber Win 11."); at 10 a 111 for SCOTLAND, per s. s. Astoria unall must bo directed "per s. s. Astoria 1 PRINTED MATTER, ETC.-Thls steamer tnKes I'rinied Matter, commercial I'apeis and Samples for Germany only The same class of mall matter for other parts of Europe will not tie sent by this ship unless specially directed bv It. After the closing of tne supplementary Transatlantic .Mans named nuovo, addi tional supplementary malls are opened o 1 the piers of the American, English French nnd Germnn steamers, and retnutn open until within Ten Minutes of the hour of milling or steamer. Mulls for South nnd friilrnl America, tVcil Inille,. i:(c. SATURDAY At S 11. in. for GRENAD mil Tiii.Mii.uj, per s s Grenada at 10 ,1 111 for PORTO RICO, per s. San Juan; at 10 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m ) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. SAA NII.LA, CARTHAGENA and GREY TOWN, per s. s. Alene (mull for Costa Rica must be directed "per s. s. Alene i; nt lo n. m. (supplementary 10:30 a m ) for CURACAO nnd VENEZUELA, per s s Hlldur. via Curacao (mall for Saanlllii and Cnrthagena must bo directed "per s s. Hlldur"); at 10:30 a.m. for II A1TI per s. Prlns Win. II. (mall for Curacao, Ven ezuela, Trinidad, British nnd Putt h Guiana must bo directed "per s. s. Prlns Win. II"): nt 10 11. 111. for NEWFOUND. LAND tilt vet, per s. s. Silvia, ut 11 a in for CUBA, per s. s. Havana, via Havana, at I p. m. (supplementary 1:30 p m) fir TURKS ISLAND and DOMINICAN RE PUBLIC, per s. s. Cherokee BUNDAY-At 8:30 p. in. for ST. P1ERRE- .miqi iji.u.n, per steamer trom North Sydney. Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Hynney, and tnence ny sienmer. close nl this otllce dally at V30 p. 111. (connecting close hero every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday). Mn'ls for Mlqtiolnn. by rail to Boston, nnd thence by steamer clos nt this olllco dally at 8:3o p. in. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Fin., and th.Miec by steamer, cloe at this ofllco dally (except Monday) nt 7 11. m. (tho conneitlng cioseu are on Sunday. Wednes day and Fllday. Malls for Mexico City, overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, close nt this oirtce dally at 2:30 a. m. mid 2:30 p. 111. Malls for Costa RIeu, Belize, Puerto Cortcz and Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, close at this otllce dally at ."! p. 111. (connecting closes hero Tuesdays for Cotn Rica and Mondays for Belize. Puerto Cortez and Guatemala!. Registered mall closes at 6 p. nt. pro vlous day. Tinns-l'nclllc Malls. Malls for China nnd Jniinn, via Vancouver, close here riallv at 0 .M p in up to A.igust Will, Inclusive, for dis patch per s. s. Empress of Japan (regis tered mall must bo directed "via Van couver"). Malls for Hawaii. Japan, China and Philippine Islands, via Snn Fran cisco, olose here dally at 6:30 p. ill up to August lath, Inclusive, tor dispatch per . s. Gaelic. Mulls for Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here dally at (i:3(i p. in up to August 17th. Inclusive, for dli patch per s. s. Australia. Mulls for Aus tralia (except West Australia, which goes viu Hurone. and New Zenlnnd. which goes via San Francisco), nnd Fill Islands, via Vuncouver, close hero dally at 6:3 p. m. up to August 18th. Incl islve fT dispatch per s. s. Aornngl Ciipplenientnry mails, via Seattle, close nt 6:30 p. m. Au gust 19). Mulls for Hawaii, China, Jap in mid Philippine Islands, via San Fran cisco, close hero (111111 at 6:S0 p. m, Up to August 2ltlt, Inclusive, for dispatch per h. 1, Hong Kong Muni. Malls for Australia (except West Austrnllai. New Zealand, Hawaii, FIJI and Samnan Islands, via San Francisco, clone herp dally at 6:30 p. m. after August 19th und up to September 1st, Inclusive, or on day of arrival of s. s. Campania, due at New York September "lst, for dispatch per h. s, Mariposa. Transpacific malls are forwarded to port or sailing dany anu tne senr-nuio or cms lnR Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit Registered mall closes at 6 p. m. pre vious day. CORNELIUS VAN cnTT, Postmaster Postofflco, New York. N. Y., August 10, 1900. liOY'ERNMENT NOTICE. OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER. Omuliu, Neb., Aug. 13. 19J0. -Sealed propos als. In triplicate, subject to Uic usual co- dltlous, will bo received nt this olllce 1 1 2 o'clock p. 111., central time, Septembei 1900, for tho construction of a lire hp, ratus house, with plumbing therein, ami .1 wagon shod, at Fort Crook, Neb. Full In formation furnished upon application to this otllce. or to tho uuartermaster. l-nrt Crook, Neb., where plans und sneclllc.itlons may bo seen. Proposals to lie marked "Proposals for Flro Apparatus House, or Wagon Shed," ns the case may be, and nd dressed to the undersigned. F. II. HATH AWAY. C. Q. JI. A17-lS-20-21Septll-12M TREASURY department omcc. Stipends lug Architect, Washington. I). C, August 6, 1900. Sealed proposals will be received nt this olllco until 2 o'clock 11. 111 , on the 4th day of September, 1900, ana then opened. tor tno construciion (except iientiug ap paratus and electric wiring) of the United States Postolllre nt Bluir, Nebraska. In accordance with drawings and speclllca tlon, copies of which may bo had. at the discretion of tho Supervising Architect, by applying to this ofllco or to the Postmaster at Blair. Nebraska. James Knox Taylor, Supervising Architect. A9-11-1I-16-18-21 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. LIBRARY. CHEYENNE, WYO.-BIDS WILL BE RE colved by Robert C. Morris, secretary Cur- negio nnrnry nuiiniug committee, up lo Wednesday, September 12th, l!io. twelve o'clock, noon, for the construction of li brary building acrordliig to plans and spec ifications prepared by Patton. Flkher & Mil ler, architects, 41 Montuuk block, Chicago, 111. Plans, can be examined both nt Chey enne nnd at tho ofllco of the architects In Chicago. Fund available approximates $15,- 000, Allmw&sm RAILWAY TIME TABLES. OMAHA .t ST. LOUIS RAIL road -Omaha. Kansas city d Eastern Rallrnad-"The Qulncy Route" Ticket Of llce. 1415 Fnrnnm Street. Telephone 322. Depot, Tenth und Many Streets. Tele phone, 629. i.eavo. Arrive. St Louis Cannon Ball Express a 5:05 pm a 8:20 am Kansas City and Qulncy Local a 7:00 am a 9:00 pm a Dally MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL road General Offices and Ticket olllces Southeast Cor ner H'li and Douglns Sts. Telephone 101, Depot, Union station. Leave. Arrive. St Louis, Kansas & Nebraska Limited . . . .al0:00 am a 6:30 pm K. C, St L, Express ..al0:10 pm u 6:15 am Lenvo from 15th and Webbter Sts Nebrnska. Local Via Weeping Water . b 1:15 pm alO:43 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. UNION PACIFIC'THE OVER land Routo" General Olllces, N E. Cor Ninth and Fnrnnm streets. City Ticket Ofllco, 13JI l' arnam street. 1 eieiiiione, ait). Depot, Tenth and Mason St4. Telephone, 629. I.eavo. Arrlvo. Tho Overland Limited. .a 8:20 urn n 7:33 pm The cniciiBO-rornaini Special a 8:20 am n 7:35 pm The Fast Mall 11 8.50 am 11 3:25 pin Tim Colorado Special ..ulP.SGpm ft :W mn Tho Fast 'Mall a 1.35 pm Lincoln, Beatrlco nud .Btromsbtirg ExpresH bl:10pm bl2.23 pm Thu Paclllc Express a 4.23 nm Tho Atlantic Express a 6 7) am Grand Island Lot 11 1 b 5:30 pm Ii S nm u Dally Ii Dally except riundu. It II.W I V TIME ( ARI), lit RI INGTON A MIS-t-.iur! Rltir Railroad -"The Burlington Route General Olllces, N. W. Corner Tenth and Fnriinm Sts. Ticket Otllce, 15oi l'arnam street Telephone, station. Tenth and Mason Uurlh 1:1011 Sircr's Teieph Mill'. 12 Leave. Arrive, a 7:35 pm I ! col H.ittlugs nnd Miiv uik a S.I9 nm ' Incoln. Pouter Colo- rado, Utah 1 .illfornln a 4:25 pm I "n. oln .s.- lr ick HUM a 9.30 pin Mi ntiina. Puget Sound a 9:30 pm 1 uroln Fast Mall . u 3:tW pin Pet ver C"U-.radi). Utah California 1 Dally a 3:00 pm n 3:( pm n 6:15 am a 10:33 am a 6:46 nm KANSAS CITY. St. Jo seph ft council Blurts Railroad "The Burling ton Route ' 'ilcket Ofllce. 1502 Farnum street. Tele phone 250 T'epot, Tenth and Mason streets. Tele phone, 12. Leave. Arrive n :I0 pm a 6:15 nm Kalian Pitt' Out' Ex ..a s:5o am Ksii'ar City Night Ex .10.15 pm St uls Fler for St. Joseph and St Louis .a 4:.5 pm nll:15 m a Dally CHICAGO, BURLINGTON Qulncy Rnllroad-"Th Burlington Routo"- Ticket Otllce. 1G02 Farnam St. Tel 2iA Depot. Tenth .4 Mason Streets. Telephone, I2S. ' Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial ..a 7.00 am IVorla Express .. . a 9:2$ pm Chicago etlbuled Ex a 4:00 pm n 7i4S nm Chicago Local Express.a S:60 urn H4;5lim Chicago Limited .. .a 7.43 pm u 7:45 am Paclllc Junction Local .nl0:!3 am Paclllc Junction Extra. a 7:0d pm Fust Mali a 2:15 pm a Dally WARASH RAILROAD Ticket Otllce. 1504 Farnam Street. Telephone. .S05. De pot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. Telephone. K29. Leave. Arrive. S' Louis Cannon Ball' Express a Dally a S.i pm n 8:20 am CHICAGO ft NORTH western Rallwuy "The Northwestern Line" -City Ticket Office, 1401 Furiutm Street. Tele phone. G6I. Depot, Tenth and Muson Sis. Tele- phone, 629. ' Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe- etui a 7:00 nm all:) pm Chicago Passenger a 4:15 pm a S:I0 am Eastern Express, Dcs Mnln.'s, Marshnlltown, Cediti Rapids ond Chi cago al0;53 am n 1 ;0- pm Eastern Limited. Chi cago and East a 1:35 pm a 1:05 pm Fast Mull. Chicago to Omnha a 2:45 pm Omaha-Chicago Special. a 7:45 pm 11 8:00 pm Fnst Mall a 8:30 nm n Dnllj FREMONT ELKHORN St Missouri Valley Railroad - "The Northwestern Lino" General Offlcas. United States National ItHiik Bldg., S. W. Cor Twelfth and F.imam Hta, Ticket Otllce, 1401 Farnam Ht. Telephone, Wl Depot. 15th and Webster Sts. Tele phono, 1458. Leave. Arrive. Black Hills. Deadwood. Hot Springs 11 3:00 pm n G:0O pm Wyoming, Caspar and Douglas d 3;O0 pm c 5:00 pm Hastings, York. David Cltv. Superior. Geneva. Exeter and Seward . .b 3:00 pm b 5:00 pm Norfolk. Vordlgrc and l'rrmont b 7:30 am bl0:23 am Lincoln. Wnhoo and Fremont b 7:30 nm bl0:25 am Fremont Local c 7:30 am a Daily, b Dally except Sunday, c Sun day only, d Dally except Saturday, o Dally except Monday. CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, Minneapolis - Omnha Railway - "The North western Line" General Ofllces, Nebraska Divi sion, 15th and Webster Sts. City Ticket Office. 1401 Farnam St. Telephone, GO I. Depot, IGth ttufl Webster Sts. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger ..n 6;00 am n 9:10 pin Omaha PasesnRcr nll:10 am Hlonx city & North east Nebraska n Oakland Local b ?.-r.n nm ....... .... :j pm b 8:15 nm a Dally b Dally except Sunday. SIOUX CITY ft PACI FIC Railroad - 'The North western Line" General Olllces, United States National Bank Building, S. W. Corner Twelfth .(lid Fnrimin Sts. Ticket Oilier, 1401 Farnam St. Telephone, 561. De pot, Tenth and Mason Sts Telephone, 623, Leave. Arrive Twin City Express n 6:55 am a!0:50 pm Twin riiy Limited n ,::iri pin Sioux uy Local 1 8:00 am a :15 am a 4:20 pm 11 Dally. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE Sc St. Pnul Rallway-Clly Ticket Olllce. J&flt Farnam Street. Telephone 284. Depot Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone, 629 I.eavo Arrive i.-.ago Limited 13a n 6:00 pm h 8:06 am .1I1 ago it Omaha I3x..b7:15nm b 3:55 pm i Dally b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO, ROCK ISL P nnd St Pacific Railroad "The Great Roek Isl and Routo " City Tick et Ofllce, 1323 Farnam Street. Telephone. 128 Depot, Tenth & Mason Streets. Telephone 621 Leu vr. Arrive Den MolnoB and D.ivcn- ii'irt Local a 7'25 am 1)11:35 am Chicago Express 1)11:15 11111 a 8:10 am Chicago Fust Express.. a fi:(K) tun a 1:25 pm I Iik oln and Falrbury..a 8:30 am a 7:0) pm Lincoln. Colorado Spgs., Denver, Pueblo and West a 1-30 mn n HIS nm Dee Moines, Rock I11I- i' 11(1 and Chicago 11 7:15 nm n 5:50 nir. Colorado it Texas Flyer.n 5:55 jnn a 9:15 am a unity 11 nany except nunuuy. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad. City Ticket Ot llce, 1402 Farnam street. Telephone, 215. Depot Tenth and Mason streets Leave. .. .nl!:10 am ...a 7:15 pm St. ...b 7:00 am St. Arrive n 4:05 pm u 8:15 am b 0:10 prn a 8:15 nm Chicago Express . Ch.tiign Limited Minneapolis ana Paul Expicss ... Minneapolis and Paul Limited ... 1 7:is pm Frrt Dodge Local from Council Bluffs b 4 a Dally, b Dally except 30 pm bl0:1b am Sunday. FIRE CATCHES SLEEPING MAN Our Dentil nnd Tlirep SetPrPly Injireil in n HnrnliiK (lilcnuo YVnrphniiHP. CHICAGO, Aug. 17 Ono man lost bis llfo and three wore Injured in a flro today which destroyed tho building at 154-60 Deb plalnea street. Tho dead: EDWARD GRACE, burned whllo asleep In building. The Injured: James Minor, severely burned; Jumped from window. Thomas L. Morney, fireman, leg broken. John Mitchell, fireman, burned. Tho building was owned by Albert E. Barr and wiib occupied by tho Independent Paprr Stock company. Tho totnl loss Is put at $250,000. Tho flro Is believed to have been of Incendiary origin. Ail. for Dissolution of Company. TRENTON. N. .1., Aug. 17.-Appllcatlon was mucin today to the court of chancery for tho dissolution of the Distilleries Com pany of America, which Is Incorporated under tho laws of New Jersey with a capitalization of I123.0O0 mm. Tho application Is made on behalf of Henry 1. Dlttmnu and Knllnnin Huss of Now York, who aro stockholders of tho Kentucky Distilleries and Warehouse company, 'j'ho latter 'om pany Is one of four Hint were absorbed by the Distilleries Company of America and Itself controls a largo imbiber of small -r concerns They claim thev are acting f .1 themselves nnd others and maintain tha' the inaiiasement of the Distilleries Cm 1 p.iny nf America Is inimical to th Ini" ests of the Kentucky company. 'I In- companleM which have been absorbed ! tho Dl.stlllirUs Company of America urn the American Spirits ManiifiicLtring rem pan. thu Spirits Distributing company and the. Standard Distilling and Distributing tompan 191 M!LWA'"E