Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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September Wheat Forced Down by Liquida
tion Closes Lower.
Onti Arc Unlet with lint Utile Life
Provision Dull with I'neiiipotcil
Wenkni-m llcveliiplnir In I.nril
During !'.
CHICAOO, Auk. 17. September wheat
fnrcerl down by llquldnt Ion. closed
lower today. Corn closed Uc higher and
oats ,c ilown. Provisions were IrreRular,
pork closing 33c lower, lurd 51j?,4e depressed
and ribs, unchanged.
Wheat opened weak, unrhnnKed to 2'ie
lower; September at "affi"34c. A ray of
bullishness was extracted from llcliter Ar
Kcntlne shipments and the fact that Liver
pool showed less decline than there was
hero yesterday. September, following the
opening, advanced to 7.Tc, but failed to
hold It. The habit of llnildatlon had a hold
on local traders, as well as on some out
Ide, people. Western receipts were smaller,
iui me scums continueu in a urenrv
way. the cash demand lieltn? tdni'lt the nil
only half lllied and September gradually
declined to 7.1!ic and closed weak, "ifa'dc
tinder yesterday at 727f73c. The onlv fea
ture of the drearv session wns llie Inel f
speculation. Clearances In wheat and Hour
nt thn seaboard were equal to KO.miO
nusncis. rrimnry receipts aggregated ora.
noo liushels, compared with 620.000 last year.
Minneapolis ami Duluth reported 193 cars,
niralnst 2.13 last week and 212 n nun
Local receipts were 369 cars, 38 of contract
Corn was quiet but firm. Hecelpts were
iikiii, ui cars nere, ami country accept
mires small. Kansas still had hot weather,
which the experts used ns a basis for dam
age, claims. September longs stood pat and
short, although not entirely convinced of
the possibility of a squeeze, which com
pelled In many cases to buy September
mm anil put It nut ngaln for October at
l'WiO discount. The December discount
widened to 5,4c. Sales for shipment here
wero 100,000 bushels, while New York re
ported 320 loads taken for export. Sep.
lember sold between 39c and 39HC cloning
,e higher at 39V&C.
The market for oats wns quiet, Its piile
beating only Hiilllctcntly to show Hint life
still existed. Hecelpts were 313 cars. There
was some talk of damages from excessive
rains In Iowa and Illinois. September sold
between 22c and 21,li21e, closing Vc lower
ni ;.'i'vu.i'c.
Provisions were dull, with unexpected
weakness developing In lard during the
session. Hlbs, on tho other hand, were
ratner steady. i.ocnl selling or January
products was the feature or the market.
September pork sold between $11.10 and Jit
nnd closed .'!e down nt $11; September lard
between SfVfiTU and Sli.fiTU. closlnc .V87'4c
lower at Jfi.67H'(i (!.!, and September ribs be
tween t...v ami wun mo close un
changed at Ii5.8!i.
Estimated receipts tomorrow: Wheat, 470
cars; corn, no cars; oats, ihvi cars; nogs,
14.000 bend.
Tho leading futures ranged an follow:
Artlcles.l Open.t Illgh.l Low. Clone. I Vesty.
734I 721 72 7.T.I.
73Ts iVUV;'tt?.h
T4HH- 73-V73MI !,,7IUN
394! 3r. 3!lil 39
3914! 39 I 89il n.Tj,
39 Tl'.f.
WmWa-iXQ'i 374:i7..
21 H
22 i21if 'il21W;2l'i'2!
11 10
11 13
11 io 1 11 00 1 11 n) 1 11
11 43 11 (-1 I 11 05 1 11 40
11 07'A 10 93 I 10 95 I 11 15
11 071.41
fi R7I.41
r, r,7H r, r.7'4
7214I i
li I2l C 30
r. co
ti r.2',4
6 35
fi c
1; 70
fi r
fi a
fi vo
5 -2Vi
ti TO
6 2',4
fi ST.
fi 80
5 73
r, S3
fi so
B 771
fi SO ! 6 5
fi 1 1 ',4 1 fi SO
5 70 1 G "0
No 2.
Cash quotations were ns follows:
KLOt'It Dull; winter patents, J3.R0f?
4.00: Htralghts, J3.20G3.70: spring merliiK
f4.4047l.COi spring patents. J3.70ffl.lO;
tralgbts. J3.303.fi0; bakers. JJ.'.iO'OS.nO.
WHEAT No. 3 spring, 72;73c; No. 2
red. "MiWtC.
CORN No. 2, 394c: No. 2 vellow. ?'.c.
OATS-No. 2. 22';fi22le: No. 2 white, 24V'j
C2fi'Jc: No. 3 white, 2402Uc.
RVE- No. 2. rd'tc.
HARI.EY-Oood feeding, 36'4c; fair to
choice malting, 4lffl8c.
SEEDS No. 1 flax, JI.10. No. I north
western, Jl.11; clover, contract grade, JS.73,
1'ItOVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., Jll.oo
(fTlt.flO. Lard, per 100 lbs . Jfi.fiOfjG.G214. Short
ribs sides (loose), JG.75fi7.10; dry salte 1
shoulders (boxed), JG.fi2',45j6.75; short clear
Hides (boxed). 17 T(ft7.55.
WHISK YllasIs of high wines, per gal.,
Jl 23V-
SlTOAnSCiit loaf. Jfi.SS: granulated, Jfi.32;
confectioners' A, JG.28; off A. Jfi.H.
The following aro tho receipts and ship
ments for today:
Articles Receipts. Shipments
Flour, bids 12.on 7,00)
Wheat. 33I.(M SSI.omt
Corn, tin loj,no rso.'io)
Oats, bu 372.0-0 331,000
Tlyc. bu 2,(V)
llarley. bu ll.oon (,kni
On tho Produce exchnnge today the butter
market was firm; creameries. Hff2'4e;
dairies. 14frlSe Cheese, steady. lOffllr
Kggs, firm; fresh. 12ic
mow yohk (;i:i;it.i, maukivi'.
Quotations for tbr Unj- on Vnrlotm
ceipts, 42.03 bbls. ; exports, 5.028 bids.; quiet,
weak and n shade lower on spring patents;
winter patents, J3.7Rfi4.10; winter straights,
J3 501.r3.fi0; Minnesota patents, J.19.Vff 1.30;
Minnesota bakers. J2.S5fi3.25: winter extras
J2.70f?3.00; winter low grades. J2.40fi2.70. Rye
flour, strong: fair to good, $3.00i3.20; cholco
to fancy. J3.30ij3.Ki.
COItNvMi:AL-I'lrm; yellow western. SSc;
CltV. S9c.
HYK Firm: No. 2 western. H'lC. f. o. b.
afloat; state, Etc, c. I. f., New York, car
nAHLKY-Steady; feeding, 42'fJ43i4c, c.
1, f. New York.
WIII'3AT-Itecepts, 107.925 bu. Spot, weak;
No. 2 red, 794c. f- 0. b., alloat; No. 2 red,
77',4C, elevator; No. 1 northern Duluth. Si',!e,
f p. b alloat. to arrive; No. I hard Duluth,
S4&c, f. o. b . alloat. to arrive. Options re
flected continued bearlshness of sentiment,
with liquidation ngaln a feature. Inspired
bv more llberul country offerings of new
wheat, liberal seaboard clearances, weak
ness abroad and scant export Inquiry
Closed weak at 'ifHe net decline; Sep
tember. 7SUf7STc; closed, 78Vic; December,
80 3-ir,fiS0T;e; closed. KOHe.
COItN Hecelpts. 117,000 tin. ; exports, 131.
rot bu. Spot, steadv; No. 2. I5c. f. o. b,
alloat; 4l'i,e, elevator. Options, llrm nnd
falrlv steady, governed by light offerings
small receipts, bullishness at Chicago nnd
covering; May, 4Pf)0ie: closed. 40e: Sep
tember, 44i?4t'ic: closed, lie; December. 40
flOV4c; closed. 40c.
OATS - Hecelpts, IG.fiOO bu. Spot, steadv;
No. 2. 2Gc: No. 3. 25'jc; No. 2 while. 2SHc;
No. 3 white, 27Hc: track, mixed western.
IG'il27c; track white. 2tVff33c. Options, ilull
but steady.
HAY Dull: spring, 724Q75c; good to
choice. SOfj92',.c.
HOPS-Steaily. 1S99 crop, state. 10fllc;
old, 2(it5c; Paclllc coast, 1S99 crop, 10fjl3c;
old. 2i5c
1IIDKS -Firm; Oalveston, 20 to 25 lbs..
ISc. California. 21 to 25 lbs., 21'4c; Texas
dry. 21 to 30 lbs., 13i;c.
LKATI I I'JH Steady ; hemlock sole. Hue
nos Ayres, light to heavyweights, 2J'4f?
23Uc; neld, 22,4i2.U4e.
I'HOVISIONS-lleef. dull; fnmllv. J10.5iV!
12.00; hams, J20 0fii2.n0; packet, J10.OOf(u,O0
clly. extra India mess, JIfi.lKifj 17.50. Cut
meats, steady; pickled bellies. JS.75fill.01;
flckled shoulders, Jil.ri0fi6.7J; pickled hams.
10 001' 10.75. Lard, easy; western steamed.
Jfi.90; August closed at J7 noff7.50. nominal:
rollned. dull: continent, J7 30; South Amcr
Icu, JS. JO; compound, JG.2351G.37i2. Pork,
quiet ; family, Jll.25fil5.23; short clears, J13.50
15.25; mess, J12.2551 13.25.
TALLOW null; city, 4 7-lGc; country. 4'2
M1CTALS Tin was again 5s lower In Lon
don nnd closed wenk at the decline. This
caused a similar loss In the local market,
with no buyers at any price. The closo
hero was very weak at J31.30 for spot. Cop
per was quiet nnd unchanged locally, but
wun Es lower abroad on the large visible
supply figures, closing nt C73 ins for spot
nnd JL74 for futures. Lead was very mill
and unchanged at JI.23. Spelter, weak and
probably 5 points lower at I.12'a;4.17i
Tho Iron and ateel markets were dull, weak
nnd unsettled and nominally uuehnuged.
Tho brokers' price for lead was Jl and for
copper JIG. 75.
Knnxna City rirnlit nnd Prni Ixlons,
KANSAS CITY. Aug 17 -WHIIAT-Sep-tember,
Sic. December, GGMiGiiTbi': cash.
No. 2 hard, HffiiSe; No. .1. K3ifi'-je; No 2
red, 70f.(70'4e; No, 3, Gtiflfoc; receipts, 22)
CDUK-'Scpttmber, OSfjc; December, 32U
1i2c, ensh. Nn 2 mixed, 36'.4e, No, 2
White 37'38e, No ', .1,'t
OATS-No. 2 white, 2Jc.
HYH-N11. 2. 17c
, MAY Choice timothy, J9.25; choice prnlrle,
HfrriJH-Crenmcry. l&UlSe; dairy, fancy,
i:0(JS -Steady; fresh Missouri and Kan
sas stock. 12c per doz., loss off, cases re
turned; new white wood cases included, 4c
HKCKIPTS-Whent, 151,200 bu.; corn, 6.5W
bu.; oats, bu.
SIIIPMKNTS-Wheat, 13C.S00 bu ; corn,
20,501) bu.
Condition of Trade unit Qtintntlnn on
Miiple nnd I'nncy I'rndncr,
noriS Hecelpts liberal; good stock firm
nt 12'4e.
LIVi: POPLTHY-Hcns, 7477Hc; roosters,
according to age nnd size, 3fttc: broilers,
10c; ducks, 4f)Rc; geese, 4f2c; turkeys, Sc.
ft9c; roosters. 5fii; ducks nnd geese, 91710c;
broller. per lb., 12U12I.4?; turkeys, 12',ic.
Hl'TTKH Common to fair, 1314c; choice,
lfifjlfie; separator, 2uc; gathered creamery,
KISH-Trout, 10c; blue fish, 12c: pickerel,
8c; catfish, 12c; dressed buITnlo, 6c; white
fish, 9c; herring, 5e; black bns, 10c; sal
mon, lie; white bass. 10c; cronple. 10c; pike,
10c; halibut, 12c; bullheads, 10c: ring perch,
Gc; lobsters, green, 22c; boiled lobsters, 25c;
mackerel. 20c. codfish. 10c: yellow perch, Gc
PIOKONS-Llve, per doz., 90c.
VUALS-Cholre, 9U10c.
HAYler carload lots: Upland, choice,
Ji 30; mldlnnd, choice, JG.50; lowtnnd, choice,
J5.50; rye straw, choice, JG; No. 3 corn, 37c;
No. 3 white onts. 24e; cracked corn, per
ton, J15, corn and oats, chopped, per ton,
$13 1,0; bran, per ton, J12.50; shorts, per ton,
512 CO.
Crct'MHHHS-I'er doz., 20fJ25c.
ASPAHAOCS-Nono on the market.
NKW Tt'HNIPS-Per. bu. basket. 75c.
NKW HKUTS-Per dozen bunches, 15g!0c.
NKW CAHHOTS-l'er doz. bunches, 25c.
LKTTi:ci:-Per doz., 15c.
HADISHKS Home-grown, per doz., 15c.
PHAS- Per U-bti. basket. 50c.
WAX IinANS Per hnlf-bushel basket,40c.
NKW POTATOICS-Pcr bu 30-340C.
f'AHIJAOU llot.iu -grown, per lb lt40
CACLII-'LOWKH-Per doz.. Jl.
MKKKN COHN-Per doi , 10c.
TOMATOKS-Home-grown, per -bu.
basket, Me.
Hllt llARH-Por lb.. 1c
ONIONS Homo grown, per lb., W3lc.
CKLKHY-MIclilgan 23fj30c
HLACKI)KHHli:S-Pcr lS-qt. case. J2.00.
llLfllHKHHIKS-None In market.
CCKKANTS-Out of the market.
PHACIIES-Cnllfornla, per box, 90cfJ1.00i
Texas, per 4-basket orate, Jl
APRICOTS-Nono on tho mnrket.
PLCMS-Callfornla. per crite, J1.151.25.
Plll'NKS-Cnllfornla, Tragedy, per crato,
Jt 25; Kelsay. Japan, per crate, J1.23.
HAHTLKTT PKAHS-Callfornla, per box,
Jl 75ffJ.OO.
OHAPKS-Cnllfornla, 4-baskct crate. J1.50;
Tokays. J2; Concords, home grown, 30c.
NKCTAHINKS-Callfornlii, 4-basket crate,
CIUOSi:m:HHIi:S-Out of the market.
CHKimiKS-Callfornla. per 10-1b. box.
JI.I0fjl.26; Missouri, per 24-qt. case, J2.23;
8-lb. baskets, SOiOiic.
WATKUMKLONS-Ah to Ble, 20c to 25c
CANTALOfPK flems, per doz., oOJJCOc;
large sizes, 75cfiJ1.00.
, APPLKS-Nr.tlve, 75cgjl.0O per bu.i per
bbl.. J2.50fi3 09.
PINKAPPLKS-Per doz.. J1.50U1.75.
OHANGKS Mediterranean sweets, per
box. J4; Valenclus. J4.25fi4.50.
LKMONS-Cnllfornla, fancy. J3.60; choice,
J3 00.
KANAKAS Per bunch, nccordlnc to size,
Nl TS-Hlckory. large, tier bu., J1.25: shell
barks. J1.35; Kngllsh walnuts, per lb.. 120
13c; filberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, per lb.,
IJJiIGc; raw. per lb, SHfjCc; roasted, 64
HIDES-No. 1 green hides. 6c: No. 2
green hides, 5c; No. 1 salted hides, GV4c; No.
2 salted hides. Site; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12
lbs.. 7c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 13 lbs., 6c.
St. Lou Ik ( rill 11 nnd Provisions.
,ST. LOIMS, Aug. 17. -WHEAT -Iiower:
No. 2 red, cash, elevator, 70c; track, 70Mj"
I'ai-; August, fi9i,e; September. 69V4'5iti9;Sic;
December, 72'if72-ic; No. 2 hard, G7y67'c;
receipts, 150.M0 bushels.
CORN Higher: No. 2 cash, 3Sc; track,
39c; August. 37-ic; September, 37Hs; De
cember. 33'ip; year, 32Tic.
OATS Lower; No. 2 cash. 21'4e; trad:,
2l422Uc; August, 2I,c; September, lie;
December, 21?4c; No. 2 white, 23Vi''a2Gc.
HYE Lower; 4Sc.
KLOI'H-Dull, unchanged.
SEEDS Timothy, strong, In demand;
ordinary, S3. 15; prime to arrive, J3.50 bid.
Flax, nominal, $1.30.
COKNMKAIs-Stpnriy. J2.10fi2.15.
KHAN Strong; sacked, east track, 67
IIAY-Tlmothy, weak, Jll.OOft 11.50; prairie,
slow. JG.WVli7.70.
W1 1 ISKY Steady, JI.23.
PHOVISIONS-Pork. lower; Jobbing.
J12.50. Lord, easy; choice, JG.50. Dry salt
meats (boxed), weaker; extra shorts, $7.25;
clear ribs, J7.35U; clear sides, J7.50. Bacon
(boxed), weaker; extra shorts, J7.S7',4; clear
ribs. $S, clear sides, JS.12'4.
METALS Lad, steady; JI.20. Spelter,
dull; JI.OVTj 1.03.
POl'LTKY Quiet : chickens, 7c; young,
8'4c; turkeys. t'n7c; young, 9c; ilucku,
5c; young, Gc; geese 3c; young, 5c.
KOOS-Stcndy; ll'2c.
IM'TTEK -Steady; creamery, I'rJUOVic;
dairy, 15fi17c.
HECEIPTS-Klour. 6,000 bbls.. wheat, 160,.
000 bu.; corn. 12,000 Int.; oats. 41,000 bu.
SIIIPMENTS-Klour, 5.000 bble.; wheat,
61,000 bu.; corn, 9G.00O bu. ; onts, 23,000 bu.
Liverpool (Jrnln nnd Provisions.
dull; No. 2 red, western winter, fis 2d; No. 1
northern spring. 6s 3i; No. 1 California, (is
3UdflCs 4d; futures, steady; September, 6s
11-S.d; December, fia Id.
CORN Spot, firm; Amerlcnn mixed, new,
4s; American mixed, old. Is Id; futures,
steady; September, 3s ll'.d; October, 4a;
Novt-ir.ber, 4.
Receipts of wheat during Inst three days,
IPS.iioo centals, Including 93,000 American.
Receipts of American corn during last three
days. 259.600 centals. Weather dull but
PROVISIONS-Hncon. Cumberland cut,
llrm. 40s fid; clear bellies, llrm, 44s. Lard,
prime western. In tierces, firm, 31s 9d.
American rellned. In pnlls, llrm, 36s.
Toledo Market.
TOLEDO, O., Aug. 17. WHEAT -Active
and lower, spot, 75'i,c: September, 76c; Octo
ber, 7Gc; December, 7"ic.
CORN Active and lower; cash, 434ci
September, 41c.
OATS Dull and unchanged: cash. 22e-
September, !2'-c.
HYE Dull and tiuchnnged; No. 2 cash,
CLOVER SEED-Dull: 1S9S prime, J5.50;
October. Ju.O); No. 2, J5.23.
M tin linker tirnlii Mnrkrl,
MILWAl'K EE. Aug. 17. -WHEAT -Lower;
No. 1 northern, 75f731,ic; No. 2
northern. 73Jfi7l,iC.
RYE-Lower; No. 1, 51c.
HARLEY-Steady; No. 2, 60c; sample, 35
I'll I In it t'l lli 1 11 Produce Mnrket,
but steady; fancy western creamery,
21'',c; fancy western prints, 23c.
EOflS-KIrm; fresh nearby, 15c; fresh
western. 15c; fresh southern, 13c; fresh
southwestern, He.
Duliltli "Wlient Market.
DCLI'TII, Aug. 17-WHEAT-No. 1 hard,
777c; No. 1 imithern, 75c; No. 3 .spring,
70-V'i to arrive. No. 1 hard. 77Tc; No. 1
hanl, new, 77Tc; No. 1 northern, 53',ic; De
cember, 73V-1.
Peorln Market,
PEORIA, Aus. 17.-CORN-l'lrm; No. 3,
OATS-Sleady: No. 2 white. 23VsC
WIIISKY-On tho basis of JI.23 for fin
ished tioodc.
IIiiimiiio1Ih Wheat Inrkel.
73c; December, 72Tic; January, 73Uc,
on track, No. l hard, 75sc; No. 1 northern,
73c; No. 2 northern, 22itc.
Relief of Pekln Him o Appnrrnt
1'lTeet I pun .liirket,
NEW YORK. Aug. 17. I f any expectation
had been entertained that the rescuo of the
foreign ministers In China would ralso spec
ulative enthusiasm Wall street's reception
of the news was disappointing. In fact, the
speculation was more sluggish thun at any
time this week and the tendency until the
last hour reactionary, This moved that tho
event had been fully discounted. There wns
a coninct in tno opening to determine the
market's tendency In which tho bears soon,
obtained the upper hand. In consequence
there was a general sagging of prices, but
In no case did the full reach n point In tho
railroad list. Tho most effective selling was
In tho steel stocks, tho group being affected
by reports of trado conillcts and expected
cuts In products. The Important move
ments of the day centered In Brooklyn
Transit and Consolidated tins. Roth stocks,
after momentary weakness, started upward
and ended with good gains. An official an
nouncement that tho much heralded Urook
lyu Xrtvuvlt uunuul report would bo then
out late today attached .Interest to tho
.,i!-iiir.-in in biijih 4o oenniie iifws
accounted for the weakness In tho railroad
""'1 "iv me opinion prevaneii inni prom
taking was primarily responsible London's
I-.,. iiiuet-n in m. i'hui inneu 10 sustain ine
stock, despite an Increase In the earnings
.... i-i-uuiiu ueK 111 ,URUSl OI .T.,1"I.
l orelgn purchases were about 12,000 shares
In all, the Inquiry from London being stim
ulated by further declines In money and dis
count rntes. in the late dealings an even-
i ui conirncts was enective in wiping
vi.,. iiiuki ui me nay s losses.
Preliminary figures of tomorrow; bank
statement Indicate a loss In cash by the
banks of over J7.0O0,00o. This showing re
flects the exports of gold on last Saturday
. v" inoi-e ui 1111s wecK. iiui ior ine
irrilit rvimrl, V. t.i 1 I.. i
....... 10 iiic i;minn UIIU1 llllt; K-llllvIl
almost J.lOuO.Ooo on the Interior currency
movement and pension and Interest lini
ment of the subtrensury. An Increase In
the loan Item of the banks Is not consid
ered unlikely In view of the early uctlvlty
In the stock market.
Tho bond market showed a reactionary
tendency today, which Is most pronounced
In Issues known ns seml-speculntlve. Total
sales, par value, J670.H00. fnlted States 6s
a iinu oiu is '4 per cent in me uni
..The, Commercial Advertisers London
financial cablegram says: Business wns
very quiet today. This was partly In an
ticipation of a short day tomorrow, but the
tone was unsettled at probably the news
from South Africa that Dcwet had escaped
mm ivucncner, ine apprehension of trouble
1 sro w out of tho situation at Shanghai
niu mm ui any oiuciai connrmntlou or
the reported relief of Pekln. London bought
........ riiuii-.i inoiieruieiy until wi-w
lork began to sell, then the market here
rnlnnfeAil nlun .... - . i
.ui-i Mucus ciiuiinue
weaker, demoralized on account of the hist
fnrtnlrhtli uii,t.nnu m-i. , .
i.l82,fA) In Imr gold and Is sending out to tho
wit lyu I.rt.v.
Kollowlng are the closing prices on the
m f muuft .-.UllHOKe.
do pfd
nnltlmore A Ohio.
CanartUn Pacific.
Canada So
C'hs. Ohio
Chicago (1. W
C U. fc Q
Chi. Ind. & 1.
do pfd
Chicago & K. 111.
Thloago & N. Vf..
V, II. I. & P
f f. C. & St. I.. .
Colorado So
do 1st pfU
do 2d pfd
IM. & lludnon ...
I'nlnn Pacific
do pfd
do pfd
. SJi
. TO',
. 70
. ti;
. in,
. !!,
. 7ti!
. 40
Wheel. A L
do 2d nfd...
.' fi
Win. CentMl
Third Avenue
Adams V.x
Ainrlcan Ex
P. S. Kx
Wells.pnrgo Hx....
Anier. Cot. Oil ...
do pfd
Amer. Maltlnir ....
do pfd
Amer. S. A It
do pfd
Amer. Spirits
. US
. U
. mu
. 21
. S3
. 961
. 1 62 4
. 59'i
- 6ii
. li
. IS
l.f ;
. e?
, 3714
. M
. l'i
. 17
, l!)i
. 7
. 3I4
Del. 1 1. W
Dfnver A H. O..
do pfd
do lt pfd
Ot. Nor pfd
llockliiif Coal ....
Hocking Valley .
IlllnolK Central ..
Ioiva Central ....
do pfd
K. C, P. St (1....
Uike Krle & V..
do pfd
!.ak Shor
Manhattan I.
Met St. Ry
Mrxlcan OntrnI .
Minn. A St. L...
do pfd
Mo. Pacific
Mobile ft Ohio ..
M., K. A T
do pfd
N. J. Onlral ....
N Y rvntral ....
Norfolk A W
do pfd
No. Pacific
do pfd
Ontario A W
Ore. Ry. A Nav..
do pfd
do lflt pfd
do 2d pfd
Rio O. W
Mo pfd
St. I.. A H. P
do 1st pfd
do 11 pfd
St. I, Southw....
do pfd
St. Paul
do pfd
St. P. A Omaha .
So. Pacific
So. Hallway
do pfd
Texas A Tactile .
do pfd.
Amer. S. Iloon
. io v
do pfd
Amer. S. A V
do pfd
. 15'J
. 74'
Amer. Tin Pinto .
. 7S
. '..Pi
. r.i
. ,k(;
. 3.-.,
. .''
, 7
, 8IS
. 67
. Wi
, Ki,
, 23
, liH
. 74IJ
'I ,
. 57
. 17'i
, 901 J
, sm 4
. S4U
, ir.
, KS
, 61
, i
, fm.
, (
, csi;
, 30-lt
, 91
, 53
, 5IH
. 3P,
. 42
. i:,i
. z
. VI
Ho pfd
Amer Tobacco ..
do pfd Mining Co..
Ilrooklyn It. T
Colo, ruel A Iron.
Con. Tobacco
do Pfd
Pt-IeTllI St,-M
- Sl'i do pfd
Hen. Klectric ....
.111 "rtluco'e Pnxar...,
. S5 Mo pfd
. 33 Inter. Paper
. CP. do pfd
. 3711, I.iclede (Ins
- National Illsctalt ..
. 'I do pfd
-Il'li National lyad ....
.1W do pfd
. 3d. National Steel ....
- 74 do pfd
. SI'i N. Y. Air Urake..
. 7p, No. American
. IIS Pacific CoaM
- 42 do lt pfd
- 76 do Id pfd
-129'i Pacific Mall
. 17 People'; (Ins
. M'i Pree I P. Car ....
. 2". do pfd
. M4 Pullman P. Car ...
S. It. A T
. S Siisar
. tr, I do pfd
. 3(S Tenn. Coal A I....
. 11VC. H. leather ....
. I do pfd
.Itl'J U. S. Rubber
.171 do pfd
.114 Western 1'nlon ...
. 33 Republic I. A S...
. IP. do pfd
. r2 P. C. C. A St. I...
. I4';l
Offered. "Ex-divldend.
Sew Turk Money Mnrket.
NKW YOHK. Aug. 17.-MONEY-On call,
easy, nt 1UW1H Per cent; last loan. V't per
cent; prime mercantile paper, 41fG iicr cent
STERLING EXCHANciE-Stenily. with
actual business In bankers' bills nt JI.87H
for demand nnd at J1.K4 for sixty davs;
posted rates. nnd JI.S$UTi4.s9:
commercial bills. J4..S3i,t?4.S3.
SILVER-Certlflcates. CUiffi'.tc; bar. 6tc:
Mexlcnn dollars, 4S'ic.
HONDS-State, weak; railroad, weak.
1 ho closing prices on bonds today nre as
P S. ref. 2s, rg.
do eoujton
do 2, res
do 3, tvk
do coiqon
do new 4s, reic...,
do couiKin
do old 4, reR
do coupon
do rcg
do roupon
n. of C. 3. O
Atrh. 4...,
do adj. 4n
Canada So. 2
an". A O. 4!j
do ,1s
C. A N. W e. 7s.,
do S. 1. deb. 5...
Chlcnito Ter. 4"
Colorado So. 4
D A It. G. la
do 4s
Krle general 4.1
P. W. A D. c.
den. Illecrle Ss
Iowa Central Is...
K C. P A C, Is..
I.. A N. tinl. 4s
M . K. AT. !
101 I
i !
I do 4s
!N. V. C. 1,
IN. J. C. (j. 5s
No. Pacific 3s
I do 4
"N V, C A St U 4s
Nor. A W. c. 4s...
lOre Nav. la
do 4s
65' j
- m,
. 9
. 7S'(,
. 6
. .',6
. HI
. 90
O. S I. t
do COIlMOl f.l
Heading (-en. 4s...
Hlo (1. : u
Si I. A- I M e. r.
St I. A S P g. (,.,,
SI. Paul ions
St. P. C. A P. Is..
do 5
So. Paclllc 4s
do ."s
"S. It. A T. 6s
Tex. A Pacific Is..
do 2s
Pnlon Pacific 4...
Wab.mli a
do 2s
West Shore 4s
Wis. Cenlrul Is....
Vn. Centuries
When Issued. Offered. Trust receipts.
llnntnn Stock liintiitlniin.
HOSTON. Aug. 17. -Call loans. 257.1 per
cent; tlmo loans, 3GI'j per cent. Olllcial
A.. T. A S. P 27'i
do pfd." 70i
Amer. Sugar 124'i
WeBt Pnd
Westingh. Rlectrlc
Wis. Centrnl
Attlilsrin 4s
N. R. 0. A C. 3s.,
Allouez M. Co
Amal. Copper
Iloston A Mont....
Ilutte A HoHton
Calumet A llecla...
Santa Pe Copper...
Ptah Mining
. 93
, r.",
, ii?i
, an
, s';
, 67
1I0 pf.l no
Ilell Tclei.hone .... 143
Ito-lon A Albany.. 2M
Ronton Plevated ...III
llunlon A Me pi
P.. It. A 0 1?BTi
Dominion Coal 401;
do pfd 110V
IVderal Steel 3l'j
il-i pfd 66 1 a
Pltchburg pfd 137 1
General Klectrlc ...133'j
do pfd 13t
K.l. Klec. Ill 20
Mex. Central 11i
Mich. Telejihone ... 9'.
N. K. ft. A C 14!i'
old Colony 2fl
Rubber 301.4
Union Pacific f,3',a
London Stock ((until t Imm,
LONDON, Aug. 17.-1 p. m.-Closltig:
Conols, money ,
do account
Canadian Pa- Iflo
Sf. Paul
Illinois Central
. 9S,i:rlo
. "i", 1I0 1st pfd
. Penntylvanla ....
. 92'j'Ileadliiit
, IP.
. 3I'4
. 66.
, IS
, 7H,
. 6J
- 'i
, 40
117V N'. Pacific pfd..
(Irand Trunk
Anaconda ...
Hand Milieu
Pnlon Pacific pfd... 78
N. v. central 133
RAH SILVER Steady. 2S ll-Md per ounce.
MONEY 3 per cent; the rate of discount
In tho open markot for short bills is 3?j per
cent; for thrco months' bills, Sft.Tii per
eiv York Mining Stocks.
NEW YORK. Aug. K.-Tho following nre
tho closing quotations for mining shares
Cron Point
Con. Cal. A Va..
Oould A Currle..,
Hale A Norcroi
Iron Silver
. 16
. 12
. l'i"
. 41
. 12
. 15
. M
. 24
quicksilver ....
do pfd
Sierra Nevada
Pnlon Con
Yellow Jacket .
.... SO
.... 10
.... 33
.... 17
.... 20
I'liiiiueliil Not cm,
CHICAGO. Vug. 17 -Clearings, J13 30S.3H;
balances, Jl,7.riO,ro2. posted exchange, Jl Wa'
4.R): New York exchange, par
ST. LOl'IS, Aug. 17 -Clearings. t5.V)X.I51;
balances. J73S.315; money, 4fi7 per cent; New
York exchange, 25o discount bid, l"c dU
i.ount asked.
CINCINNATI, Aug. 17. -Clearings. J2.423.
S5i); Now York exchange, 10c discount;
money, 2Mj0 jier cent
HOSTON. Aug, 17.-Exchanges, JlS.OTO.Cjl;
bnlnnces, Jl.373,108.
NEW YOHK, Aug 17 -Exchanges. J133,
210.10S; balances, J7.2l5,5i;i.
HAI.TLMOHE, Aug. 17.-ClcarlnsH, Jll,
644,15i5; balances. J370.M7.
PHILAUELPMIA, Aug. 17.-C'lcarlllB3
JM,5W,358i balances, J2,317,815,
Receipts Light All Around and Markets
Better Than Yesterday,
Corn Cnttle Stronger nnil Active nnd
to About Strnily, with I-'rcil-'
ers nt the High l'olnt
of Seiieon,
Receipts were;
Olllcial Monday
Olllcial Tuesday
Otllclal Wednesday
Olllcial Thursday. ....
oniclai Krlday '
OMAHA, Aug. 17.
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
-. 2.77G l,r43 6.S.R7
-- &.04 5,731 13,226
.. 4,H7ti 6.431 3,913
. . 2.7M B.723 6.11
.. 1.57S 5,3i,ti l.Sj.1
Hvo days this week. . . .RMiO 21,770
Same days last week. . . .K3.V, 32.H72
Sumo week before 13,'j;i5 2.3i)
Same threo weeks ngo..l2,tSI 33,233
Samu four weeks ago.. !'),) 3l,v:.'i
Average price pnld tor nogs tor llio last
several days, with comparsona;
I 6 021 I 3 S2I 3 201 3 07
113 j. 1 1 KH.
4 M 4 S
4 UI 4 51
'Illy 16,..,
July 17...
July is....
July 19 ...
July 20...
July 21....
July 22
July 23....
July 24....
July 2.......
July 26....
July 27....
July 21....
July 25....
July 30....
I 4 9I 4 Oil I 1 2i 1 7
1 8( 1 16 3 bi 12 as.
4 V3 4 M
4 S, 4 79
4 94) 4 74
H 79
4 S5
4 81 4 74
4 f)
! 4 9S
0 071
4 2V 3 M) ? 32 I
4 19 3 861 .1 35 2 97!
4 21 3 SI I ,'l 3S 2 341
4 31 3 79 3 27) 2 US
I 3 82i 1 2.'. 2 S3
4 361 3 311 2 921
fi l.V
fi 151
r or.,
C 02,
4 76) 4 SI
4 81
4 88I 4 ill
4 19 4 6
1 4 76
4 31' 3 S9( '2 S9I
3 S9
3 S71
1 Z6
3 37'
5 Otfl 4 321
3 72
3 07
3 72
3 791
3 74'
! 671
3 43
3 29
3 30!
3 411
3 501 I
S 13, 4 33;
I 32
I 931
fi OS
fi 09
fi 15
1. HI
4 71
4 671
4 46
4 53
4 60
4 59
J my 31.
4 32
I 19'
4 261
4 31,
I 13'
3 15
4 451 4 &'
fi 15
6 10
3 47i 2 S3I
3 57' 2 551
4 64, 4 f
1 fill
4 7S
4 (4
4 77
4 451 3 711 3 631 1 96
4 63
c 01
r. 14
C 15
I 3 ,1 3 431 3 02'
4 571
4 661
4 601
4 49
4 57
4 00
4 r-9'
4 62
4 42
I 171
4 55
4 3S'
4 371
4 3.'
4 2SI
3 45. 2 92,
3 811
4 83
t SO
4 70
4 7!.
4 7"
4 97
fi 06
5 OS
5 11
Allg. 9...
fi 041
5 001
4 991
I 95'
4 971
I 97l
I fiSI
G 00
3 671 3 491
3 67 3 631
13. . .
4 29' 3 771
3 51!
3 fid
3 fit1
3 CS
4 35 3 S5
'3 71
4 431
4 41 3 75
4 32' 3 TS 3 701
t Ml 3 71, 3 71 2 fill
Indicates Hundiiv.
Thn .flll,.1 .... 1 . .
1..... i. V ". nniiii" 1 "I cars nt siock
brought In today by each road was:
c.. m. &st. Hy.. :::.:
-iuiie. nogs, aueep. 11 r .
. V UI. I,, hv
Missouri Pacific Ry
I'nlon Paclllc system. 13
( N. W. Hv
V.. E. .M. V. R. R. . 16
C.. St. P.. M. n li 1
H. & M. R. H. It
C.. H. O. Hv 1
K. (V AV St. .1 r.
C, H. I. ,t P.. east!;;. ..
C. R. I. P.. went
Totnl receipts 65 79 9 "J
Tl, . 1 1 , . 1 1 1 1 . 1. ...... . .
i .. 1 1 1 " l,i uny s receipts was
ns follows, each buyer purchasing tho num.
ber of head Indicated:
ltni-Aru r,.i tt. . .
........... ".iiilir. illlCCP.
wiii.iuit i-.n-KIIip un
i. 11. iiaminotid Co
Swift and Company
Cudahy Packing Co
Armour AV c(,
Swift and Co.. K. C
Swift and Co.. country...
It. HerUnr .C tlui-,...
Vatisant ti Co '.V.'.";;
.1. L. ( arey
Lohman A Co
ttniltMtl X. T 'l,,lA,H,nAj
Livingstone Sr Schaller.'.'.'.
,unn i-. of t. uo 20.i
II. P. Hobblck 22
A J Mnn-tilmin.,
... ,,(,,,.,, v j .... ....
Other buyers 7s .... 4m
Totals i,i7 silS9 ",7737
CATTLE Arrivals of cattle were light
this morulni: and as 11 result Hm mnrv.i
was In much better shspe than It was
yesterday. Huyers seemed to want fresh
supplies nnd tho prices paid compared fa
vorably with vestrrdav.
The demand for the better grades of
cornfed steers was nctlvo nnd ns high as was llllld. Which It lu tl,mi.l,, lu
nearly as much ns they would have brought
in.- nine huh weeK. ah a general tiling,
however, the bOtrr grades of corn cattle
may be called 5'dlOc lower for the week,
wh 0 the half-fnt stuff which
competition with the western grnssers Is
lMjc lower The mnrket today on that
class of cattle was Just about steady at
the decline, while the better grades sold
steady to strons.
ine cow mnrket was not .materially dif
ferent today us far as prices are concerned,
but tho light .supply gave a little more life
to tho trade. The demand for the hotter
tirades has been good all the week and
canners have also sold freely, but the
medium kinds have been nei:lcctl.
There was a lively trade again this morn
ing on (dockers nnd feeders. The heavier
weights were In the greatest demand and
brought good strong prices nnd sales were
made that looked 25c hlcher than thnsn ,if
n week ago. Light cattlo were just about
steady today, but for the week thev have
advanced more than the heavy cattle. At
ine ciose 01 last wecK it was practically
linposslblo to sell the light cattle, hut now
thnv ninv-n mnrn trunk- nn.l am
Tho sunnlv of western cattle wns imi
very heavy today and prices as a rule
were about steady at yesterday's decline.
Steers met with ready sale. The better
grades In some cases Hold a little stronger,
but cows and heifers were about stendv.
(Jood feeders were strong nnd nctlvo arid
ine common anil llglil cnttlo unchanged.
Representative sales:
Av. Pr.
Av. Pr.
916 4 a
P91 4 7)
903 I 73
1237 5 0-.
1203 5 10
7 6 15
...1:2s 5 :o
...1222 5 25
...1320 5 31
...1289 5 40
...1126 3 43
...1215 S 43
2.1. .
..1060 6 15
.1290 5 70
in 4 M
f.V. !U 1
1070 2 73 1
870 2 SO 1
F20 2 U 6
1170 2 90
1100 4 00 1
1000 4 CO
160 5 2.7
715 2 90 1
. . 870 3 00
..1070 3 23
. . 8.10 3 M
..1043 3 SO
850 4 65
..1IS0 4 10
1130 3 75
300 3 (VI 5 2(6 lj
570 2 7.". 1 750 3 25
MO 3
SM 4 25 1 SV) 4 25
930 4 23 1 1000 4 2.1
fi cows..
f5 3 25 1 cow...
1050 I so 1 feeder
945 4 25
.1. E. Rugg Wyo.
1090 I 00 ta steers.
1227 I 45
950 3 00
700 2 00
37 steers.
2 steers.
33 steers.
.1227 4 50
82 steers.
1 feeder.
910 4 25
8 COWS..
2 cows..
1 cow...
,1010 3 15
,109) 3 15
9 feeders.
2 feeders.
S3 1 3 9)
aa 3 75
2 feeders.. 1125 4 25
Emerson Rros Mont.
-II C. it II... II 173 4 00
51 feedeis.. 955 I 30
11 feeders.. 121S I 55
1 steer.... 1W) 3 50
1 steer IU11O :i 61)
7 cows 1174 3 00
I-. N. Mnthows Wyo.
3 cows. .
900 3 ,riO 1 feeder..,
XV) I 10
910 3 50
1 feeder... 930
1 cow
1 cow
1 steer...
1 feeder.
1 feeder.
1 cow
1 feeder.. 1270 4 25
3 feeders.. 1173 4 25
1 feeder... t I 10
3 feeders.. 92D 4 10
..116.) 3 60
..1100 3 85
..l-ll 3 50
..1110 3 00
..1000 3 60
1 feeder... li'iO 4 P
E. A. Mulkey-S. I).
36 feeders.
9'rt I 70 :i feeders.. SI3 4 M
9'lS (70 12 feeders.. 12rt'l 4 60
955 3 50 1 heifer.. ..1000 4 60
W. L. Tlltotson-Wyo.
18 feeders.
13 cows. .
13 cows..
9S3 2 '. 1 cow 860
! 90
9S1 3 15 21 cows 1011
4 00
4 i
1 cow 1120 I 00
S cows 1052
41 feeders.. 1091 4 20
2 fee. lets.. 1001
3 60
1 feeder... 1160 4 20
1 feeder... 890 4 20
2 fccdeit. 1116 3 60
1 bull fiifl fi 60
31 feeders.. 11 45 4 20
1 calf 280 4 25
1 steer 12v) 4 60
1 sieer 1C0 4 W
M. Thornton Neb.
13 heifers... 7S3 3 10 12 feeders..
70S 3 73
1 feeder... S10 3 no
42 feeders.. S55 3 85 16 cows
OH 2 30
847 4 13
SI I 3 S
cows 745 2 20 19 feeders..
121 cows.... 511 4 10 36 feeders..
1IOOS Hecelnts of hogs thN
wero tho lluhtest of any day since .Mon
day. Reports from other points wero in
favor or tin- so nc interests, anil us tr.n
demand hero was good the mnrkei opened
up active and higher, particularly m the
llgnt weignts. iMCKers uu wanted j'ui
hogs nnd the more, desirable loads wore
nicked uu about 6c IiIkIut than yester
day, with the bulk of the sales ranging
from j.ii to .)&. neavy nogs, nawcvi-i,
moved slowly and were left until the Inst,
lu some cases sales were made that were
no hlehcr thuii yesterday and In other
Instances the market was n shade stronger
A few prime loads of fat-baiks welghllirf
irom ;v to 319 pound sold for o.w, nnn
the less desirable loads went from thnt
figure down tho same 11s yesterday
, Late In the morning, after pnekers had
bought all tho hogs they wanted, a train
arrived with about ten cars and the feel
ing on thoo was weak, In some cases
iiuicii of the niUnticc of the morning u
Ing lost.
As will be .een from the table of nverago
prices this is th high day of the week so
for and the average cost Is Just .tbout the
same ns tt was a wecK ago. uepreseiiumve
Av. Sh. Pr. ho. A v. Sh. Pr.
..300 ... 4 90 71 202 . . 5 00
.310 1?) 4 90 74 2tt 1M S 00
..311 4) 4 91 M 49 JO f. 00
..247 ... 4 90 H 202 40 S 00
..2VJ 120 4 M's (SI 219 ... 8 W
M. ...
S). . . .
K. . . .
-S7 ... 4 92U 71 231 ... 8 02t
:6i Pi) 4 9.1
M 232 M i M'i
52 JW 200 I
79 2i 4) S OS
C4 237 40 S OK
74 218 2C0 5 0"
71 210 SO S 05
M 2tt ... 3 or,
61 227 4 5 5
70 212 ... SOS
...241 w 4 11
....227 40 4 91
....2S 4) 4 9.1
....290 2S0 4 V,
....M0 VO 4 95
40 4 9.1
120 4 9714
57. ...
69 ....
M ....
..244 HO 4 97't
. .103
. .2J
. .227
4 97'1 99 170 120 f 10
120 4 97'i 64....
... SCO 79.,..
10 5 0) 79....
40 Si") 79....
6 10
. . .29
.. .1 IS
.. 5 13
40 6 1.1
.. 4 95
40 4 95
.. 4 91
.. 4 95
.. 4 97S
fO 5 00 6,1....
90 .
S3 .
70 .
..228 140 6 )
.197 2-X) 5 10
40 5 00
40 t 01
40 t 00
4) COO
... 5 t)
.273 240 5 00
.250 160 5 00
71 221 1C0 S 0-1
61 243 ... 5 00
71 216 2iV) 6 00
S3 2S.1 fO 6 00
63 3C4 80 5 o)
53 3(9 ... R CO
64 3') ... 5 00
74 233 40 6 024
.7 241 40 6 OII4
7 232 40 5 05
..214 120 5 00
.208 ... 5 00
..2(8 166 5 (0
..SM 300 5 M
..2M 120 S00
. 256 ... S 01
. 2 43 5 00
239 S3 6 00
213 S) 5 01
62 .
.0 .
70 .
74 .
M 2 5 (-1
82 131 ... 5 124
SHEEP The sheen mnrket w.m In bad
shape today. Fresh arrivals were small,
but for the week the supply has been over
30,000 and" another big run Is looked for
next week. The Chicago market wns rather
demoralized, as the demand of mutton Is
light, which, of course, had 11 depressing
effect upon trade nt this point. At noon
nothing had been sold except a few hold
overs and buyers did not seem to want
fresh supplies at any price. For the week
the sheeti market Is nrottnd 25c lower nnd
ihe week closes very dull nnd weak.
The Chicago market was 25c lower on
Iambs today, but up to the time thnt re
port was received lambs here were nbout
Lie higher than they were the first of the
Quotations: Choice western grass weth
ers. $; fair to good grass wethers,
$3 fi.ifi3.S5; choice L-rass yearlings. $I.OiVTi 4.15;
choice ewes, $3.103.65; fair to good ewes.
$3.0O'i3 2.i; fair to good yearlings, $3.85511.00;
cholc spring lambs. J5.lfiy5.35: fair to good
?"r.!' . '"'"bs. $4.7fi?JVOO; feeder wethers,
$...2fj3.40; feeder yenrllngs. $3. tof(3.65; feeder
lambs. $3.n-fjl.50. Representative sales:
i cull lambs sn j.i 23
67 feeding lambs SI 3 50
4 feeding lambs 87 3 50
44 Idaho wethers sfi 4 00
7 Idaho wethers 7s 4 no
2 J"!1'"0 "others 4 ii
2S2 Maho wethers 85 4 00
1 cull lamb 40 4 2.-,
3 cull lambs 40 4 "5
250 cull lambs 04 4 j,)
Sterm (ienrrnlly I.uiver Horn Strong
mill Higher Miccn Mnll.
rdllSAC:- A"- I'fATTLE Receipts,
-,500 head; steers, generally KKjiSc lower;
butchers stock, slow and unchanged; na
tives, best on sale today, four carloads at
J.0; Bnod to prime steers, 15, lOltii.O); poor
to medium. $l.65fj5.35; selected feeders,
steady at $4 OOfi4.7S; mixed stocker.'. J3.25'r
3.90; cows. $2.90ji 1 33; heifers, M.irtB 4,75. can
ners. JS.20ftS.73; bulls. $2.70'4.5O; calvrs, $4.50
fflb.m: Texans. receipts. 1.20 head; best
oil sale today, sixteen carloads nt lift)-
Texns fed steers. $1,2015.20; Texas crass
fteers. $3.25fi4 10; Texas bulls. 2.60f125.
HOOS Receipts today. Is.OOo head; to
morrow. 13,) head estlmnted; left over.
-.,oi) head; strong to 6c higher; top. $5.40;
mixed and butchers, J4.95?ifi.32H; Btotl In
Sh..lJ?p 1'f'tvy. J5.OMffi.30; rough heavy. $1.85
fia.00; light. $5.0G'u5.40; bulk of sals. $5.10f
. SHEEP AND LAMnS-Hecelpts. 7.000
nenu; null; lambs, 10fil5c lower; good to
cholco wethers. $4.1Of.30; fair to cholco
mixed, $3.60fi.10; western sheep, J4.0uffl.KO;
Texas sheep. $3.0OfJ4.00; native lambs, $4.25
65.90; western lambs, $4.7583. 76.
Knnsna Clly Live Mock.
ceipts, 1.S00 natives and 400 Texnn.4; heavy
native steers nnd good westerns, steady to
5c hlghr; grass killers, steady; canning
stock, quiet; stockers and feeders, nctlvo
at steady prices; native steets, $5.oori5.55;
Mockers and feeders,; hutcherV
cows and heifers. $3.CCfi.15; cannem, 12.25V
3.00; fed westerns, J4.iOfi5.4Q; Texun.i, $2.25'.f
"'CALVKS-Rceelpts. 300 head; veal cilves,
htrong; sales, $3.35fi'4.25.
HOOS Receipts, 6,100 head; market was
strong to F.o higher; henvv. S5.15ff5.22,;
mixed, $5.05f)5.1n; light, $5,005(5.10; pits, $4 55
SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts, 1.700
head; trado was active at stonily prices for
all classes; lambs. $l.75ftfi,60; muttond. $3.i"5
fi4.00; Colorado lambs, $3.45; rti-.h yearlings.
$3.75ft3.SO: Ctah sheen. $3 25: culls. 12.0of
t York l,ltr .ifiicli.
NEW YOHK, Aug. 17-HEEVES-Re-celpts,
3,893 head; demand slnck; steeds. 10ff
15c lower; some sales. 25c off; rough",
easier; native steers. $l,421,ifi5,i'ii); no really
choice here; hulls. $2.25fi2.90; cows. 13.40T(
3 60; cables were slow; shipments, none.
CALVES Receipts, 74 bend; steady;
veals. $5(iVfi7 50; no very prime on sale;
graNsers and buttermilks 13.00'(i.1.5o.
SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts, 6,120
head; demand dull; prices a shade lowrr ull
around; common to choice sheep, $2.&1fj
4.6'Ji,; culls. $2.00; lambs, f t.fiiII6.40; tops,
$6 50; culls. $1.00
HOCS-Recelpts. 2,592 head; half a car on
sale; lower ot $5 50115 75: eholco and fancy
light state hogs. $5.S0ff"6.00.
St. I.iiuIh l.lvr Stank.
ST. LOl'IS, Aug. 17.-CATTLE-Recelpts,
1,300 head; market steady; native spring nnd
export steers. $4.75fj6.70; dressed beef and
bt teller steers, $4..Vlf75.35; steers under 1,000
lbs., $3.20f5.00; stockers and feeders. $2..Wi
1.80; cows and heifers. $2.0Ofil.70; canners,
JI.50fi2.ST,; bulls, J2.7SfJ4.10; Texas and In
dian steers, $3,40fj4,6O; cows and heifers,
HOOS RecelptB, 4,000 head; market
Htrong, fie higher; pigs and lights, J.Mfifi
5.25: pnekers. $S.10fjS,20: butchers. $5.20fff5.l0.
SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts, 1.401
head: mnrket steady; native muttons, $1.00
eil.25; lambs, $l.25fJ5.40; culls and bucks,
$2.25fj4.00; stocks, J3,O0fj3.93.
Stork In Sight.
Following nre the receipts nt tho four
principal western markets for August 17:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha 1,578 5,366 l.S.,3
Chicago 2,600 18,000 7,000
Kansas city i, u,iim i.wi
St. Louis 1.300 4,000 1,400
7,178 31,466 11,953
Cotton llnrkel,
market opened iitilet and steady, with prices
unchanged to 1 point lower, but developed
a steady undertone before the close of Ihe
llrst hour nnd scored an ndvanco of 4fj6
points on covering and light Investment
buying, based on encouraging Into English
cables, light export receipts and clnlms thnt
the crop lu somo sections was being dam
aged bv ndverse climatic conditions. Rut
on tho upturn Investment speculation from
and ns room bulls were naturally timid
prices subsequently tumbled to Inst night's
prices, with tho market much of the time
In an almost lifeless Htnte. On tho down
turn the wire houses figured prominently
ns sellers of the winter months, while the
south sold ihe near months, presumably on
liquidation by New Orleans noiiiers. prioes
showed an undercurrent, nil of which In
creased the pessimistic feeling In the pit.
Predictions for a rapidly Increasing move
ment added to the dismay of smaller longs
nnd prompted light selling for the short
account. At tho close the market was quiet
nnd steady, with prices 1 point higher to
7 points lower. Cotton futures closed quiet
nnd steady; August. 9.1Sc; September, 8.61c;
n-'uli i- 8 13c, November. 8.30c; December,
8.20c; January, 8.27c; February, 8.2c; .March,
8.3Uc; April, 8.31c; May, R.33c; June, S.34c
hpni, closed dull 'hi' decline; middling up
lands, 10c; middling gulf, 10,c; sales, 450
NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 17.-COTTON-Steady;
sales, 100 bales: ordinary, 'r; good
ordinary, S6-16c; low middling, 9 7-16c; mid
dling, 9 15.16c; good middling. 10 3-ltio; mid
dling fair, 10 7-16c; receipts. 2 batoH; stock,
2S.S33 bales; futures: August, 9S5fine; Sep
tember. S.59fiS.(W; October. S.18fj8 19c; No-vi-mber.
8 OSifi 8 one ; December. X n7f?8.iiSc ;
January, S.07fiS.u8c; February.;
March. S.13fjS.15c; April, 8 16fj8.1Sc; May,
8.19fi8 20c
ST. LOCIS. Aug. 17.-COTTON-Markel
unchanged; sales, 260 bales; middling,
9 9-10c; receipts, none; shipments, 30! bales,
stock. 13,967 bales.
rnnilltlnii of (be , rriisury.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 17.-Today's state,
ment of tho treasury, exclusive of the $150,
000,000 gold reservo In tho division of re
demption, shows- Avnllahlo cash balance,
$111,W0,CM; eoW. J72,00O,41S.
Every Great Industry Is Experiencing
Period of Reaction.
.Vtinilirr of II tilers In All Linen of
Tunic In .Neiv York Is t'liusimlly
l.nrgr fur Tills Time of
thp Ycnr.
NEW YOHK, Aug. 17. It. O. Dun & Co.'s
Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow will
After (i great wave of advancing prices
"inimiKni us 10 ousiuess is generally nan
gerous. Hut the top was reached the mid
dle of Mnrch, since which time reaction
has come In every great Industry, so Hup
consumers are nsklng whether In some di
rections the decline mnv not have b"en
as real ns the advance, and tho piestlon
whether the present basis of prices is not
secure. There nre further evidences -if
weakness In rnw materials, notably the
break In structural Iron, hut each one Is
availed of to place heavy contracts. New
mrs, is wucotning uuyers from nil oer
the country In larger numbers than for
many years nt this season. In dry mods.
In groceries, In Jewelry and In hardware,
nnd If contracts aro not placed to as large
a volume ns expected bv this time It Is
becauso of conservatism of those who think
tney may compel somo further shading of
Reports this week from other Imnort.tnt
points of distribution show the same eager
ness to buy when these are right. It Is
becoming more apparent that the bottom
hns been reached In prices of Iron nnd
steel. The decline wns severe nnd recovery
must 00 siow, mil grauuai nuvniie.s ami
moderately Increased activity lire mure
healthy than violent chnnges In no single
division Is the Improvement mor? strik
ing thnn In uny other. Except steel rails,
all forms of Iron from the ore to the
Mulshed product nre being sought more
eagerly and with less effort to secure fur
ther concessions lu prices.
The llrst effort of the ofllclnl report of
wheat conditions Indicating n total crop
of only 513,997,000 bushels was to strengthen
prices, but when the secretary of agrlcul
turo was reported us predicting "dollar
wheat" before tho end of the year the
market showed an Inclination to dl-niuree
and the September option fell below so
cents at New York for the first tlmo In two
months. For the year thus far shmmelits
of boots and shoes from Hoston nre 2,733,-
4(,i cases, against z,9i4,ss,i in is:n. hut tho
volume of business to date has been ex
ceeded In only three years. The trnde Is
suffering from accumulation of stocks thnt
cannot be sold nt a. loss as compared with
ine price at wiucn snoes now could lie
made. Hides nre In n better position than
the leather market seems to wnrrnnt.
Failures for the week were 161 lu the
I'nlted States, niralnst 156 Inst vcr. and
twenty-four In Canada, against twenty
four last year.
Airgrpgalr of Tlnslneaw Trnnsncteil hy
tlir Aninclntnil llnnks.
NEW YOHK. Aug. 17 Tho fnllowlne
table, comnlled hv Ilrndstreet. shows the
bank clearings at the principal cities for
tno lveeg enaeu Atigst 16, with the percen
tago of Increase and decrense ns enmnared
with the corresponding week last year:
CITIES. Clearings. Inc. Dec.
New York J 700,697.858 1 31.0
Hoston 100.863,8691 16.0
Chicago 118,195.587! 1.91
Philadelphia 71.1 42.541 1 21.0
St. Louis 32.983.5901 9.6
Plttsb.irg 27,743,920' 31.6
Raltlmoro 15,909.794 9.9
San Francisco 21,954,185 4.0
Cincinnati 11,022,160 2.9
Kansas City 17.567,001 3S.S ....1.
New Orleans fi.562,706 1 6.3
Minneapolis 9,543,762 9.8!
Detroit 11.126.423 14.2
Cleveland 10,093,937 2.3
Louisville fi.453,5r 3 4
Provldenco 6,650,7001 2.6
Mllwatlken. 6,169,8591 ..V
St. Paul 4,119,392 4,fi'
Huffnlo 5,041.582 17. 3
OMAHA 6,224,829 7.2
Indianapolis fi.913,8291 7.7
Columbus, 0 4.969,400 17.1
Savannah 2.854.SO0 33.1
Denver 4.173.037 27.8
Hartford 1.SSI.736 21.6
Richmond 3,083,031 s.l
Memphis 1.591.7691 9.0
Washington 2.071.SSU 9.0!.,....
Peoria 1.923.091 8.9
Rochester 1.754,392'
New Ha'en 1.383.4241 18.3
Worcester 1.162.r,98l 10.4
Atlanta 11.61
Salt Lake City 2.123.99SI 7.7
Sprlnglleld. Mass 1.319,3111 4.5!
Fort Worth 1.S11.592I
Portland, Me 1,0O3.165i 65.2
Portland. Ore 1.790,S0.s 13.5
St. Joseph 3,85,163l 7.7
Los Angeles 2.267.6751 28.6
Norfolk 1.103,301 2.61
Syracuse 981.1581 1
Des Moines 1.150.4051 1.7
Nashville 1.138.1421 19.0
Wilmington, Del 1.031,685' 9 8
Fnll River 634.606! 11.2
Scrnnton 882.30U1 23.5
Crnnd Rapids 1.201.426'
Augusta, On 580.125 15.0
Lowell 504.282
Seattle 915,690 5.6
Tacoma 2,552,8711 16.3
Spokane 1.169.9111 18.81
Sloliv City 984,576' I 21.7
New Hedford 995.7121 33.3
Knoxvllle, Tcnn 412.6071 1.1
Topeka 495.2671 8.5
lllrmltigham 843,445! 23. 4
Wichita 63,6ii9 15.5.....
Rlnghnmton 367,02. 22.0
Lincoln 357.9.10 23.5
Jacksonville. Fla 423,6251 39.8
Kalamazoo 191.904 27.0
Akron 411, 1.6
Rav Cltv 484,300 12. 01
Rnckfonl. Ill 409.786 41.01
Cnnton, 0 270,713 7.5
Sprlnglleld. 0 233,968.. 13.7
Fargo. N. D 235,1231 6.3
Sioux Falls. S. D 220.305 R.3
Hastings. Neb 1.33,607 ...... 12.5
Fremont. Nob 159.279 29.2 ......
Davenport 122.850 8 2
Toledo 987.256
C.n veston T'H'1 ;a-;
Houston ,2 S O00 . 10.7
Waco 6,r.l.288l 13.2
Evnnsvlllo 612.015.. tf.9
Macon M- H
Little Rock H7.000 6.1
.Sprlnglleld. Ill 291.310 62.1
Youngstown 2.)i,12S 13.i
Totuls, I. S '$1,262,802,786
Totals nutsldo N. Y.I 502,104,928 2.2
Montreal-. $,863.. . I 2.1
Toronto 8,991.1591 9.5l
Winnipeg 1.345.8W' 22-
Halifax 'i'SIl 21.3 ......
Hamilton 613,0101 4.1
St John. N. D 834,fis2 26.9
Vancouver 1 10.4 ......
Victoria I 616,9161 10.5
Totals 2S,97fi,478i 1.9
Iin AHSTH HET'S REVIEW of traiie.
Sprculndon nt Low Ebb. ' Indli'n
tlnnx Are Fnvoriilile.
NEW YOHK. Aug. 17. IlrndstrceCs to
morrow will say:
Among tho favorable features reported
this week are advices of further expnnslnn
In fall trade distribution at leading western
centers, with relatively best buying pro
reeding from thoso sections of tin- south
west which have protlted bv pood crops, a
tinner tono and a perceptible growth n
commerce, accompanied by heavy buying in
some clnsses of steel and Iron and a dis
position to believe that an average wheat
crop and much more than average com and
onts crops tiro assuied. Steady increases
In current gross rallwnv earnings over a
year ago and on exceptionally favorable
earnings report lor the hrst half of the
year are additionally encouraging features.
The list of unfavorable elements In the
trade situation Is at best 11 negative one,
tho approach of a presidential cainpnlgn.
tho backward deinnnd for spring woolens
and the slow demand for the raw material,
the restriction In production of some makes
of cotton goods, tho dullness In building
naterlals, notably lumber, anil the back
ward Inquiry for boots and shoes at the
east being among these, blieiulatlon In
pearly all lines, and especially In food
ptoducts, Is nt a low chb. and what price
chnnges nro noted aro mainly because of
these, though weather nnd crop conditions
have played some part In wheal, corn and
cotton respectively.
Tho money market ns a whole la still
easy, tho only Increase In demand being
noted at the west, where trade Is expand
ing, but where moving crops nro still lu the
future. The prices of staples are perhaps
slightly Irregular, but changeii are small
and the larger number of staples .ire nu
cha used.
Wheat, Including flour, shipments for the
week aggregate 3,H3.fill bu., against 3,318.
7C0 lust week, 4.O40.0C9 in the corresponding
week of 1899, 3,988.348 In 189S, 5.316,803 In 1897
and 2,931,693 In 1S36. From July 1 to ante
this ." wheat expnrts nre 21,001 280 bu.,
against '0,16.'i,"tf9 last season and 2,Jt3,0,G in
Corn exports for the week nggrejalo
3.10S.OS9 bu.. against 2.S9t.07l Inst wek, 5,631.
4(15 111 this week 11 year ago. 3,196,021 In 189S,
3.929.035 111 1897 and 2.709.601 In 1896. From
July 1 to date this season corn exports aro
24.Sst.114 bu., ngaltist 32,526,669 last season
nnd 20.22S.3tB In 1S9S-9.
Hiislness failures In the t'nlted Stntns for
the week number 108, as compared with
172 last week nnd In this week a year ago,
195 In 1S9S, 221 In 1897 and 261 In 1896. Cana
dian failure, number 24, ns against 20 last
week and In this week a year ago, 26 lu
1898. 11 111 1S97 and 30 In 1896.
Foreign I'lnntii-lnl.
, ..... . 4 , 1, , ..... . , . .
iii-.ui.i.i, .ug. 1,. j lie wceKiy simcmrui
of the Imperial Hnnk of Ucrmnny shows tho
fnllnwlnir rhnnces.' fHNti In liunil. Itierense.
14, 580,000 marks; treasury notes, increase,
920,1100 marks; other securities, Increase,
1 ihM lVlO tniirl,M 1?vnli-ltii-n fin f ,,,i,l,,n "Out
49pfg for checks. Discount rates: Short
bills, 3 per cent; thrco months' bills, 4H per
cent. Mining shares wero weak on tho
bourse today til consequence of the fnlluro
,i... ii.t.i...,i.f ....... ........ I.-..-... i.-..-
v. uu- .,1 in, t 1 1,111 I'll II ) i.nrn-n. rm-
elgners were tinner und Americans wero
,i,. 1 i .1... i ......
i'. -.-.-,. ... d. nil- tii.r-u li, n.t-n i-,- iiinit'I
nil I .. .1... r.. ....... I.I
ll. HIUllllU l,l iiiu lll WlilLIIU 11C11C1 iruin
,1. 1 .. ..
IllttU 1 - p. 1 I
. .,11. ii. inu iiiiiitnicn ill
on the bourse were maintained tod.iy In
splto of several realizations, but business
lllllVtl.l', llllll H 1111HIIII1K ll UC-
iti'iiii-iit hi iiuiuiti in . 11 1 11 11. iTices w ero
firm In anticipation of a favorable Issue.
Internatlunnls were firm. Italians und Hr.i
7.IIIans were the favorites. Hlo tlntos
lt.,Altr..l 1. 1.... . .. .
..,.,,.. hkih, m,i i i-i-u 1:1 en. iMiiurs wero
steady, but closed with a decline on renllna.
Hons. Hanks nnd Industrials were falrlv
active. Threo per cent rentes. lOOf 45o for
the iiccount; exchange on London, 25 f 174o
for check's: Spanish 4s closed nt 7I.92W.
l.nvtmv a,,., 1? i-i i. ,
- -, ... , nun K,, 1,1 ueinann
for money wns fair today 11 largo amount
was seeking employment, which made It
lllfHl'lllt In tin nt-.illnl.ln l,-.,.l...H
...,.,..,,.-, 1 hi iin-i iiuivnin
"r.'.,'x;.p.0UMl 111 1,,,,lk of HnRliunl forth-
Will, '-ll.. ..t .1... t, 1 .
....... . ,,,11.- .,1 i,i,. niuin rxcuangr was
easier nnd there was n reaction In many di
rections, chlelly nttrlbutable to operators
clos tig engagements prior to the liolldnv.
Kfinirr 111111111P 1 . . !. -
ItuvntmontH. Homo ralU broke badly on
luuit iuuHB KniwiniT oui or rear or iHior
(m-at l'.nfiorn. KorclRiiorH wuro llrm, e
p.'iMauv rjiinp?o and nrazlllaiiH. AmerloaitH
v".1 wiciuKii Homo wort or
till) ntlltilmi HhH t Imi.
nnniii?li mill ivf . ii.. e :
opened nt parity and 11 slight depression
ti ll f"1,I"w,,,,, "V renewed conlldence In an-
,,, iiooni. inn mis was
not maintained. At the close Orand Trunkn
sold freely on satisfactory tralllc returns.
Cornier shares were weak on statistics,
which, however, arc regatded us unreliable.
CiiITim- 3lnrkrt.
NEW vntii: i...- ........ .. .
...... . v...,. ,,R. ui-r r,r,-Bnoi,
. lmrol' stonily , No. 7 Invoice, 8',c;
mild market quiet; Cordova, nominal Tho
market for coffee futures opened t-tendv.
with prices unchanged to 6 points lower
Brazilian cables aro very weaK .and 11 gen
erally brisk selling. Tho mnrket steadied
later nil f.nvnHn, ,, rt.l t,.tt I.. 11
..,, u inn 111 iiiuiiiaiin-i.
Snot market was weak. Thn future market
("nllfornln Dried l'rutt.
NEW Vftlllf. Ann. r Kinumiui,
DHI ED KIH IT S The market" 7or" Vvapi
orated apples continues quiet but about
steady nt nominally unchanged prices;
prime, 4W, Uc; choice, ftlj t?c : fanev. 0 tf(i
ic; California dried fruit u-..r . 1 , , 1 1
unchanged at 3w,i7o per lb. for prunis. as
to slzo nnd quality; apricots, Roval, nip
lie; Moor Park. 15j)17c; peaches, peeled, II
5lSc; unpceled, 65j9c.
New York Ilry Cnnils.
NEW YOltt An ir tit,,- ..r,, ,..
general demand for cotton goods today has
been up to previous days of the week, but
cannot bo reported nny better than that.
No change In prices of bleached cottons or
wide sheetings, but brown sheetings and
eal' eV'Vi'HnV"!;-?".,1".
T.i..,. . V . 1 11 11 l nun uiicuangen.
I rln s. moderate demand. Linens quiet and
Oil .Mnrkrl.
OIL 1'ITV 1 nil,, ...
t. mo it in..; 1 1 r
,v rv-rVi .'11 u" ,,u ,,,; snip-
ments, Sj,5.1I bbls ; averages, I02,22 bbls
ruJ!?;...,!i:,! 1,'"-; average, vs.629 bbls.
NEW IOIIIC, Aug. 17.-OILS-Cottoiisei-it
oil, easy; prime crude, yellow, 3 1 L 3 Its.?;
petroleum, dull; Philadelphia and H.iftN
more. In bulk, $5.60; rosin, quiet; turpen
tine, dull nt 4I-(if42,4c. 1
MiiKiir Market,
Quiet: open kettle. 4,c; centrifugal yel
low, 5fye: seconds, 319-160.
S11I1111111 Cnti-h I, Short.
RAV l.'l!A V('lfiln , . ... .
the salmon catch this year Is short, tho
Japanese government Is placing heavy
orders In tho local market for salmon to
ii-rn uu iiiiuy.
Mnll li -rtiiti I m, rt.l ...111. I.a
...... .. .,,n .uc ?,iiiujii-iMcniiic
Industry place the shortage at from 5n.iU
to i30.() cat-es. as compared with last
' ' , .tr, ,.,.-i- n- iirtii-riK... cans 111
a case, this means that there will be from
-I 1. r.ut ... ,,-t,iii.. .. j. .
o.,ui'v"! in o.i,iii.i.i"ri ii-mm i:,ins 01 sainion
uu uu- iiiumi-i 1111s year inau lusi.
Receiver fur liiMiiriini'e Cnnipanr.
S'KU' VmiK' Ann. 17 11,,... , I,
...... . ....... ,..-,...; ., ,1,111-
tllirv n-tlM Imlnv ti mini t, f ....aIi.ah nr
....... ...... ........ ,, ,,, ,,,,,
Traders Fire Insurance company of New
York. The nppnlnttncnt wns made at thn
request of Attorney Oeneral C. Dc.vles, on
thn Mll.,i'iitl,iii thnf 11, a 1l,.l.lllluu ,1...
" ,,,1, iir, 1,1 mt,
company are largely In excess of the assets.
The liabilities of the company not off
set by assets, according Io the statement
mentioned, aro at le.vtt $130,000.
Ciirnrulr (lllli-lnln Silent.
PITTSHI'RC. Pa., Aug. 17.-The report
that the Carnegie compnny had Just clnbed
n deal for tons of ore a year fur
fifty years, thereby practical! .- nlvIng tho
company control of tho Iron ore produc
tion of the Lake Superior districts, cannot
bo conllrmed here. 1 ho ofllrlals of tho
company refused to either athrm or deny
tho report today.
.In pun Docs Not 'Wont 11 Lnnn,
NEW YOHK, Allg. 17. In regard to thn
rumor that Japan was nbout to raise n
war loan In the I'nlted States S. I'chlda,
consul of Japan In this city, ,ild: "I nm
In n position to state that our government
bus no Intention nt present to float any
loan In connection with the war In China "
End of Strike in Vlriv.
WINNIPEO, Man., Aug. 17 -Thn
Canadian Paclllc has derided In grant
schedules to the nllled mechanics and
bollermakers and recognize them us 11
body. Roth otllclals and men express con
lldenco that the strike will be satliifactorlly
settled within the next few days.
INSTRl'M ENT.H placed on record Friday,
August 17, 1900:
Warranty Deeds.
C. M. Nye and husbnml to Ray Nye,
11 53 feet t 1. Roger's subdlv $ 1,500
J. S. Doud and wife to n. '.tinnier
mann, lot ;i, block 93, South Oinnhn.
M. I. Myers and husband to A. J. Pox.
o 30 feet of w 150 feet lot 28, Millard
K- (Vh add
C. H. Fischer to M. E. Fischer, lot 11,
O'Rrlen's add
Atlantic Realty association to M. A.
Plllsbury, lot 18. block 1, llemls park
Omaha Heal Estate and Trust com
pany Io Rudolph Real, lot 11, block
2. Saunders .t II. 'h add to Walnut
(lull ( Inlin Reed.
A E Andrews to M F Rourkc, lot
3, block 1, llorbach'H 2d add
Total amount of transfers
$ 4,926
Telephone 1030. Oinnlia, N;V
Correspondence. John A. Warren & Co
uirect wires to Chicago and Nw YorX
OMAHA tir a
kinooLfi rius
Theln)etor'$Fund pays tombrnonthlit.
' olilekt etlilUln,d In Amfrlr.i No crrtiflolM
u li-rliui ever Ion n cut. Puvinrnti mmln In nil
inrrlberi every 15 day. No trouble. No delay.
Money ri-fiiii'lnd 011 ilrnuinil. Wrllo luday for ar
tlculari, free to any aildreu.
( . K. MM RFV V CO.,
Bond Dept. No, 66. Hudson Bulldlne , New York.
ii,.?,".nl,',u n c nnvance Total sales
i -. ,"a"' . 'lulling .November at $7.65'i(i
i d ; December. $7.75i7.SO; January, $7 v0;
l'.r,l,'-"r.y- . tl mt ? 90. April
$7.W8"-95; May, $7 95y8.W.