THE OMAHA DATJjY BEE: F1UDAT. AUGUST 17, 1000. V 1 OLD STORY AT DENVER Omaha Dumps Another Game to the Crowd from Tebeauvllle. TOMMY HUGHES CARRIES NO TERROR THERE Ten ma Tic on mis nml lirror., Iiul "el I'nr ,pnrt on Hit To In I of Hun Counted In tli Score. "'ii'pr. i:t Oimilin, s. Des Moines, T( SI oii s llt, I. Pnelilo, I2 SI, Joseph, llrnnUljn, Hi I'ltUl.nru, O. ChlciiRo, -J i mv VorU, II, IIOMtOII, :it SI. Louis, I, Cincinnati, tl I'll 1 1 ii ! lt 1 1 . ;i. liiillnnnpnlU, fi IlufTnlo, a. 3i 1 1 mii n ur.-, :t rhifiiKo, ;i. Uef roll, B ( Ic-tcliiml, o. DBNVBR. Aug. 16.-(Spcclal Tclegram.l llugheft wus slaughtered In the fourth In ning today nnd nix Hough Riders romped home. TMila seemed to tnko tho popper out of tho Oranhag and tho team thereafter played like amateurs. I.ohman had his right thumb knocked out in the third and Laurnn, who took his place, played a weak same. Omaha ttartcd well In the third when Laiuon walked and Frcclnnd and OOmnell and Ilalrd hit for two runs. .in uCy RcUled ,lown nnrl Manned them till tho same was won, when ho let up nnd the vlsltora pounded out six more runs. Score; DKNVKH. AH. It. II. o. A. K. 115 0 1 ; i; n n 0 0 J :i 2 n n n t 2 1 n 0 0 " n 2 in n 1 1 l n 1 1 2 ft 1 1 n ft 1 n r. 1 -2 22001 3" 13 12 27 12 1 OMAHA. All. It. II. O. A. !. fi 1 2 2 2ft I 1 1 ft 0 II 1 ft ft 2 0 U I 0 1 t ft ft 3 I ft fi I 2 r, 0 1 s 2 1 1 2 2 0 n 1 fi 12 2 1ft fi 2 2 112 0 12 1ft 12 K 12 27 IT 1 0ftftft2i 1 .i-i:i 0 0 2 0 0 0 11 4 2 s J'rMoii. cf... Miller. If fJiielow. f Holland, rf... Hlckev. Hi.... Mohlor, 21)..., Hellly, .-b I.nwec, ss McNoeley, p., Totnls Toman, mi Iceland, rf..."., Lohmnn, c Me.vicker, vt.. I.atizon, rf-c... O'foniiell, lb..., Tlulrd, If Hoy. 31) OTtouiko, 21),... Hushes, p Totals Denver Omnlin l-.arucfl runs: Denver, r.j Omnhii. I. Two. base, lilts: Hoy. Holland. Threo-bnso lilts iiJfii?w' loMiitid. I'rcston. Homo nn llelllv. IIiihok nn tvilU- im mwaIa,. n off lIiiclKH. 7. Struck out: Ily McNoeiev. vl,f.,lll,K,'c,"' 7i. ' Pltclior: By Moi Vt.5, i. '!" Hughes. 1. Stolen buses: ..niHirr, iiinnw. riai-rillcc lilt: Preston Time: 2:10. I'mplro: Kbrlght. "KS MOINKS WI.NS I'HO.M SIOUX CITV. urrorioss t.nnif Settled In I'm or of Hie Heller Under. DKS MOINKS. Aug. lli.-(S.cLlal Tele Knim.uc.) .Mollies shook off Its Iioodoi today and began the scries of twelve games ei nome ny iiofcttlng Hloux (-iy very nanoiiy. The grounds were very wot, hut aecrilte that fact loth te.ims playel a hill- iiani game ana no errors were made. Two fast double plays by Dcs Moines and tho njttlnR of both teams were the features of the contest. A base nn balls anil three singles Ktivo Pes Moines two Ir. the fourth; two singles and a sacrlllco gave her three In the. sixth and four singles a-lde I two In the seventh. Sioux City gut one In Hie sixth on a single and a two-bageoi' and in inn niniu sinned a runaway that sing Rere.l the locals. The tlrst two men mnrti clean sing es nil then ufter n nnn.m, flv two two-baggers drove In Hire? scores. DM .Moines look a hraee hero and the next two men were sent to tho bench. endltiR tho .iiirmiiiiif c, BCore DKS MOINKS, AH. 11. .... & 0 r... 5- 1 .... 4 2 II. O. A. K. 112 0 - 1 2 S 0 2 10 0 3 13 0 0 3 3 3 0 2 3 I) 0 0O00 2 10 0 0 0 7 0 ft 27 13 0 II. O. A. I'i. o 2 ft 11 2 10 0 OI20 110 0 2 ID 0 0 2IIO 0 0 3 0 1 fi 3 0 3 0 0 0 Ti 27 IS "0 0 .1 2 0 0-7 y 1 U 0 31 Thlel, .lb nn( ss '. . .1... NaRle. cf Rebsatnen, lb Hlnos. 2b Helsler. If .... Warner, rf ... l.nmau, a Olade, p Totals ol t SIOUX CITV. ah, n. Collars, rf 1 n McCreadle, If 1 Hrahear. 2b 3 0 Orlflln. of 1 n Olapscoek, lb 1 1 Nlles. 3b 3 1 Herte, ss 1 0 fote. o 1 1 McDonald, p 1 0 Totals 31 I Des Moines ft 0 0 2 Sioux City 0 0 0 0 Two-baso hits: Nnglc, Olasscoek, fote McDonald. Double nlavs: nines to Italian. men; Olado lo Ball to Hebsamen. Buses on balls: Off Olade, 2; off McDonald, 2. Struck out: Hy Olade, 3; by MeDonuld, 1. Passed nan: t-ote. time: finpire: Wat nor. PUKHLO'S Ill'SH S'l'11,1, HOLDS liOOI). Snlnts I nnlile to lleml OIT the Spurt union IIiik stiirleil, PITKHI.O, folo.. Aur. Kl.--t8neclal Tele Rrani.) Piieldo won her tlfth contecutlve Raine this artornoon, ilefeutlnB the Saints by 12 In 6, In the third St. Joo erossul thj plate live times on uccnunt of flosson's eirors, but ut no other lime did unv of the visitors get nearer 111 in third. The fea tures of the oamo were 1'i.rrntfs strnn. playlnK and youiiK Olbson's nllclilnrr. I'ar rott beliiR a party lo two double nlavs nnd the 17-year-old strlkliiR out three men and riviiir uut live mises on Dans and , listen ing untuuial coolness for a bcRlnner. Score J'lJI-iUl-U. AH. It. H. O. A. H. 3 2 1ft 2 3 3 0 1 fi 0 0 1 !l 1 0 1 0 1 3 ft 0 0 II 0 7 ft ft 0 1 o 0 0010 1 27 IO 1 II. O. A. IO 0 0 2 ft 1 2 K I 1 (1 ft 1 ft 0 0 l 1 1J O 0 110 0 2 112 0 10 0 ! 0 1 1 2 0 2 0 U 21 13 5 0 0 0 2 -U ft 0 0 0 0 fi Mollale, 2b ... Itaymer, ss . . Whltrldgo. uf Parrotl. lb .. Closson, 3b ... Lally, rf (iridium, c ... Morsn, If .... Ycrltes, p .... Totals 1 ...."O 12 JOSKPH. ST. AH. ft. Strang, 3h I 1 Klynn, 2h 5 I KllllR. o I ft Schrall, If I 0 rirlmm. Ih 3 0 MoKlbben. cf I 0 Tlrlstow, ss I 1 Henley, rf I 1 fnderwood, p 1 1 Olbson, p 3 0 Totals 3d Pueblo 0 S St. Joseph 0 0 0 Kurned runs: Pueblo, 5; St. Joseph. Two-baso hits: Whltl'ldpo, Gibson. Homo run: t'arrou. noun e may: ciosson to sic Halo to Parrott; Parrot! to Oraham. Hto'cn liases: flosson, i.auy. Hacrwce hits- Hay mor, WhltrldRC. Purrott., Strung liases on nuns; un 1 nnerwoou. l'. orr iiiti son, 6. Wild pltih: Olhson. Struck out: Hv YerKes, &; ny liinsoii. a. Time: .':w. umpire liine. Stniidlim of the Trunin Played. Won. Lost. P.C I Denver Des. Moines Si. Joseph , Omaha .... SI 3.1 ,fil7 13 Pi 13 SS 37 II II 17 l! IS .523 00 ..fli .fill Floux flty Pueblo 85 .13.5 Imllniis Dofcnt fontrnl (lt. (IKNOA. Neb., Aug. Id -(Special.) The best game of ball that lifts ben witnessed here this season whs played today between the. Indians ami fonirai uity. 11 was CJ X. 37 O 2uZ X . Bean th B!gntur cf H. V.A Va.i l!tt ltuL'M (lAltffl n.r. tii y) '" 'nu ,UJ "'" e'")' Glgtitnr sa c- n 1 A B.-r. tL st lha Kind You Hma Always BaagW SI PilL'i"1.? bal.t,c resulted In finer of the Indians. Mo : Hatttrle ( Clltial flu, Letheby and Mltihcll. Indians. Kimbrink and I.uar Score: Central IMty I 1 0 o 0 0 n e 2 Indians o o 1 o 3 o o o i "asii: or 'in is x.viiowi, lcaou:. Me(!lnnl(- MiutnOt7t I'l t tnliti r k .Inst lo SIhmv Them lluiv Knmy. . J'lT'rsnL'nd. Aur. lGVlld throws by U llllams and O UrU n In the first Inning, letting In tti-ri riiHM n ..t, iu i i iu ?' I'li'shurR. but McOlnnlty s un derhand pitching would have beaten them anyhow. Mustlns made his debut In the seventh and. barring nervousness, made a impression. Aiteliuance, 3,2W. Score: I'lTTHBIJIia. I IIUOOKI.YN. it. it O A i: i H.H o a.i: KcVin'M, cfrt 0 1 0 0 Jonos. rf. 1 1 1 0 0 Urkc, lf...o 0 1 : 10 1 0 0 0 Kecler, rf... 0 3 : 0 7 I 1 1 I I 1 3 3 I 0 I J ' uritn, in.. 0 0 J Jcnntnsn, lb 0 1 0 0 Kelly. If I ; ft 1 Dahleii. t 0 Wrfr, rf . 0 William, 5b 0 2 Illlz-hey, 2b.. 0 0 5 10 friii, nh .. ii 2 1 uonnor, v. 0 1 3 u Duly. tb.. I 0 ly, n 0 0 1 0 0 ft 0 S I Kurt-ell. c I hlllinni. ti 0 ! 0 M'lllnnlly, p t Hutting, p. 0 i Hi - - I Total!.. .. S 12 V 12 0 TolaU.. .,0 5 2; II 3 ittsburc n ft ft ft ft ft ft ft (Vft Drooklyn 3 0 0 0 0 .1 1 0 1-8 Kamed runn: rtninltlvn 1 I Inmn i-nn- Kclley. Stolen bases: Keeler. Jennings, DalV. Double tilnv: Dili- In ttnlilnn In jcnninxs. first tiase 011 balls: Off Phil llppl. 2; oft IlustlnR, 2; off McOlnnlty. 1. jut u- niicncn nan: uiarKe. HtriicK out: Hy Hillllppl, 3; by I lusting. I; by McOln nlty, I. Umpire: O'Day. Time: 1:15. tilntils Couldn't lilt Orllllth. CIIIC'AOO. Auir. 1C tlrlintli ntlnweil lint four scattered singles today nml was per fectly supported, onlv one New Vnrlier reai-hliiR third. Hickman's very wild throw helped fhlcasn to niio run. Slerrers only Rift and two singles scorlnc Attendance, ncorc: UUC.MiO. I NUW vottlv. It. It oar n.H n t: M''Mrtliy, If n t j n 0 V'llslt n. cf 0 1 3 10 I'll IMs, Jb. . i) 0 0 f, I Kills, es.. .0 ft 3 ft 0 MertM. i-f...ft 2 :' ft 0 Srlbai-li. If., ft I 3 ti 0 ilirn. rf... lilt 0 lllrknuin, 3b 0 1 1 1 -.' (lanf.M. Ih 0 I 17 ft 0 Smith, if. ... otto HmJIey. 3b. I I 1 .1 .1 toye, llj . . . 0 17 0 0 .M'fm'k, Hi, 0 ft 2 AGks'on, Sit. 0 0 13 0 f'hnnre, c.ft 1 i 0 ft (Iraily, 1 .. .0 0 I 0 Uilllllh. p...ft 0 u 3 A.Mirce.-, p....O 0 0 I 0 Total! 2 7 I 18 Totals. 0 I 21 11 1 'hlcago ... 0 0 0 I 0 0 I 0 -'' .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 ft 0 00 Chicago. I: New York. 3. New York Left on bases wo-bnse lilt: Oanzel. Stolen Ijusc: Duvls. Double nlavs: (iroi'ii to (lanzel to ( hllds MeCormlek to Oanzel I2i. Smith to Doyle. Struck out: Hy Mercer. 3. Bases on balls: Off f.rlllltli. 2; off Mercer. 1. Hit with ball: .nance. Time: 1:30. Umpire: Swarlwood. I iirilliutls Were llimj. ST. I.UtMH. Aug. lfi.-Dlneen twirled In sensational form ami his shoota fooled the St. Louis batters whenever things appealed dangerous. Atlcndatiuc, 2,100. Score: T. liOlTs. BOSTON. It.H O A. It.H O.A.C IturhMt. If . 0 0 I 0 HeMrlrk. cf. ft I 7 I ttnnnlinn, if 0 t 1 Iing. p. . . ft ft 2 Hlalil. rf ... ft 0 ft I'ollhis. 31).. 0 0 2 I'ref man, lb 0 2 I ! Duffy. If.... I I 0 Donovsn. rf 0 i 0 ') nilla'il, 3I . 0 1) WHllsre, is. 0 ft Jelhter. 3b . 1 1 Mi liann, lb. 0 0 liw 5b... .12 1 .000 .10 0 relger, , 0 U Sulllvnn, Jonci", p.., . ft 1 . 0 I . 0 0 Ulntrii, p.. Ponlln .. Young, p.. Total! 3 6 27 15 0 Tnt.lls. ... I 8 21 7 1 Baited for Jones In the eighth. St. Louis 0 0 0 ft 0 0 0 1 0-1 Boston 0 0 0 0 I ft 0 2 "3 Karned runs: St. Louis, 1; Boston, 2. rwo-base hit: lleldrlck. Three-base hits: Duffy. Lowe. Hamilton. Bases on balls: Off Dlneen, 1. Struck out: Hv Jones, 2; ny uineeii, ntoien oases: tiurKcti ut. Donovan. Time: 1. 13. Umpire: Hutst. Ileds (nn Hen t luitUcr. CINCINNATI. Aug. IH. The locals hit l-'razer very hard today and won easily. Breltenstcln was steady throughout. At tendance, 200. Score; CINCINNATI. I PHILADELPHIA. K II O.A.C. ' n.H.O A.C. IWirit, cf.. 0 0 2 0 ft Thomas, cf.. 0 3 2 0 rnwfeirt, ir: 2 3 i o tiisgie, ir n o ( o tlfnffMt, 3b 2 4 n De'lmnty. lb ft 0 io ft HtckUy. 1 0 0, UJole, 2l... 0 10 2 or ornn. ft ft 2 1 I'llclt, tf.. .0130 WolVlon. 31. a 1 I 0 Murphy, c.ft 1 , I Mellrlde. rf. I 0 I) Qnlnn, 2I . . 0 I'fltr. r 0 t 3 0' Ilntmi, ss.... ft 0 2 UrTateln, p0 O.Kiaier, p. 12 0 TnlMl! . . 6 II 2i 12 l Total 3 S 21 II Inclnnatl 2 0 0 0 0 0 4 ft 6 Philadelphia 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1-3 Karned runs: Cincinnati, fi; Philadelphia, Two-Iihss hits: Ktclnfeldt (21.. Ueckley (2l, Thomas, l-'razer, Lajole. Three-base hits: Murphy, Wolverlon. Stolen bases: rhomas. Murphy. Ursl unso on ball Brellensteln, fi; Kr.tzer, 3. Struck out: Ilreltcnsteln. 2: Krazer, I. Hit by pitched ball: Brellensteln. 1. Passed ball: Murphy Wild pitch; 1-razer. Time: 2:ls. umpire: Kmsuc. StnnilltiB of Hie Tennis. Plas Won. Lost. P.CI. &7 33 .633 fi2 43 .S47 47 II .Mil 17 47 .M0 Ifi 47 .491 43 40 .4IS 10 4'J . 110 31 51 .as Brooklvn 00 Pittsburg 0"i Philadelphia 01 Chicago 01 Boston iu Cincinnati ft-' St. Louis M) New York SS OAMI3S OK TIIK AMKIIH A. I.I1AOI li, .MIItTMnker nuil (IiIomro Piny n Im'lii- InnliiK Demi ller.t. MILWAl'KKK. Au..'. M.-Waddell and Patterson hitched great ball, but tho game enaen in a tie after twelve innings had neen pinyed. it neing too unrit to continue. After .Milwaukee had tied tho score in the ninth tho visitors scored on a single and a triple In tho twelfth, but In Mil waukee's half ot tho Inning Anderson sent the ball lo tho loft tie d for a nomcr. after two men had been retired. The Holding of o i.eary was the feature. Attendance, i'.WJ. Hcoro: MlLWAl'KBE. CHIC'AOO. n.ii.o.A.n H.H.O.A 13. Ketclicm, of 0 I 1 o o Boy, rf.. .. Walilrnn. rf. 0 I 4 0 0 Hliearon, rf, 3 I 0 Anrtrroii, lb 1 2 IS 0 M'K'rl'n.l. IfO 1 2 0 Jbll 0 1 3 I-'Ultj, If 0 ft 2 ft lilliiitman, Conroy, ss. . . 1 2 3 2 I Piltn, 2h.. 0 ft 2 0 llutke, 3b .. I I 0 Al.'tlohlo, 2b 0 1 1 1 0 lsbell. lb.... 0 11! 2 1 1 Woods, c.... 0 I 3 1 0 O'Loury, s. 0 1 S ii 3 Pallet son, pft I 2 1 1 6 DlRRlns, u... 0 1 S Wa.ldill, p.. 0 2 1 Total! 3 IP3S II l Total! 3 10 30 18 Woods out; hit by batted ball. Mllwujkco 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 t-i Chicago 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-3 ICarned runs: Milwaukee. 3: Chicago. 1 rwo-base hltsj; Shearon. Waldron. Three- baso lilt: MeKarland. Homo run: Ander son. Base on balls: Off Waddell, 2; off Patterson. 2. Stolen bases: Conrny. Hoy Sacrifice tilth: Burke. Abhatlchlo. Shearon MeKarland. Struck out: By Waddell. 5; by I'alterson, ;i. i.etl on nascs: .MiiwauKee, II; ChlctiBO. 11. Time: 2:15. Umpires Reldy and Sugdcn. Shutout for Cloi cluiiil. CLKVKLAND, Aug. pi. Today's game was a pitcher a nattle netween liart and Krlsk. In the fifth Walters was Inlured and had to leuve the game. Both teams fielded well. Attendance, l,b"0. Score: CLEVELAND. , DKTUOIT. K.II.O.A.C.I n.II.O.A.E Plckrrlnr. of 0 1 3 0 Krlbf. rf.. ft 0 3 0 ntiilai, lt-3b 0 2 2 2 L'Chanct. lb 0 112 0 l-'Iooi, 2b.... 0 0 2 3 Hhny, 0 1 2 i t'llahani. r.. 0 ft 1 2 Waltrrt. 3b. 0 0 1 2 0 Ca!fy, 3b.... 0 0 0 0 Holm!, rf.. 0 2 1 1 Barley, If... 0 1 3 1 i:ilrfM, ss I 0 3 0 M'Al'atrr, c 0 1 2 0. Dillon, lb. 0 Nlcliol, cf. .0 111 .012 . u 0 2 .110 0 Ilysn, Jli UraiKUi". rf 0 1 10 0 l-'rlnk. p Hart, n 0 o o t i TUIUIS. 27 18 Total" ... 0 8 27 19 31 Cliiveliinil 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ft Detroit 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 Klrst himo no errors: Cleveland. 1: De trolt, 1 Two-base hit: Holmes. Sacrlllco hits: Friable. LuChance. McAllister. Stolen bases: Shay, Nlcliol. Krlsk. Klrst base on balls: Off Hart. 3; off Krlsk, 2. Struck out Hi. Hun f.iiv liv Krlsk. Walters. Krl! ble. Bragglns, Hit by pitched ball: Holmes Double nlavs: Hart to Shay to LaChaucc Hvan to Klberfeld to Dillon. Klberfeld lo Dillon. Left on oases: (.leveiaun, u: ur trolt. 7. Passed balls: Crushum. 2. Time 1:15. Umplte. Sheridan. HISOIIH SUM l.OSlllR. ni'KPA l.O. Atic. 16. Buffalo celebrate Its homecoming by being defeated at the hands of Indianapolis. Ourdner pitched an exctdlcnt game, and but threo lilts were made off him. Buffalo played well after tho tlrst Inning. Krrors by Indianapolis gave tho home team two runs lu the ninth Alicuuuncc, i.iuu. score; BL'rTAI-O. i INDIANAPOLIS. 11 It O.A.K n II.O.A.E. Oetlman, rf. I 0 1 0 HH'gritier, rf 1 Carry, cf ... 0 0 1 0 0,llui Isell. U..0 lUllltan. If ft ft 2 0 0 (ller, cf ... 1 Pchrfe, C...0 0 3 J 0 Murooii, 3b.. 1 Carey, 1b.... 0 0 12 1 0 Mmlloon. a. I Hurt, 2b ....0 I 5 3 0 Power, e... 0 lllirbi-or. isO ft I 5 3i Kelly, lb.. .0 1 0 2 I 1 3 0 0 3 I 1 1 4 1 12 1 0 0 0 Andrew !, 3b 1 2 I 3 1 Hlikey, 3b . 1 lUitlnai. p. 0 0 I 3 0 Uardner, p..O Kerwln ... o o 0 0 Oi Total.. & 10 27 13 Totals .... 3 3 27 17 51 Butted for Hastings In the ninth Buffalo 0 ft 0 0 0 0 0 0 Indianapolis . ...4 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 05 Earned, runs; Indlunapolta, 2. Two-bao hits Oeltr. Powers Three-base lilt Hart Stolen base Hi' ke Do ible t ,as liter bauer to Hart lo Carev. Hartsell In Pow ers. I'irst base on balls. Off Hastings, 2. Struck out. By Hastings, 1. by Gardner. 1. Time. 1 I". Umpire. Dwyer. Minneapolis (lulls n I tinl. MINNKAPOI.IS. Aug. Ifi -The rerent ba 1 playing bv the home team has aused .1 falling off In attendance and the game scheduled to be plaed here toJay with Knnsas City was called off. It will be played later at Kansas City, with a view to making more money. SIlinilliiK of the Tcntn. Played. Won. Lo. f.r. Chicago w 5 as .fin Indianapolis 07 62 l Milwaukee lftl fiR l .Ml Detroit 103 55 15 Ml Cleveland fi 1? M . '-' Kansas City 101 M M .Hi Buffalo 101 41 (V) .Itf Minneapolis W3 12 61 -Vi Ynlle) Winn Tim Unities. VALLKY, Neb.. Aug. Ifi.iRpeelal. 1 To day's ball games at the Douglas count) veterans' reunion were of the kind that please a bis crowd, with pb'titv of hits, runs, Rood plays, bad plays, fun and ex citement. The home team won both games Score llrst game: Valloy 2 1 1 ft 0 fi 0 1 e-10 titan 0 I 0 2 0 0 0 0 03 Karned runs: Valley, fi: Yutnti. 2. lilts: Valley. 12; Ytitnn, 0. Krrnrs: Valley. 5; Yutnn, I. Tv.o-banc hits: Cowles, DeVore. Struck out: By Ends, 15: bv Adams. 0 Batteries: Valley, Kads and Lads; Yutun, Adams and Miller. Umplte: Havens. Score second Ritmc: Valley 0 ft 2 3 1 I 0 :! 212 1 ntun 0 0 0 0 2 0 2ft learned i-nnn- ViiIIav- ? Vmnn S 1 1 1 1 m : Valley. II; Yutnn. 12." Ktrors: Valley, 4; Ytltan. li. litis: I'nwlrs i2l. Depew. Anthnns. Tliree-lmse lilts: Miller. Kads. fonlnuton. Miller. Antbons. Struck out: Bv Kads, 1; by Denton. I; by Pollock. I; by DeVore. 1; by Adams. 7. Double pin;-: t owies 10 Hunter t .Miner. i;-it.iy iiuusslsled. Batteries: Valle. Kad. D"h ton. Pollmk anil Kads, Yuan, DeVore, Adams and Depew. umpire- Buyle. (iiinen nt (ili-iiii nod Ton run men I. CiLKNWouD. la.. Aim. Hi. (Sneclal l 'hebase hall loiirii.inirnt In progress her.' hrtH lieen rlr.lmoft Morlniirlv hv ruin nml tils attendance, whli h is very good considering mo weather, is not What was expected, and 1 no association win prnimuiv lose money The best amateur talent In tin- slate Is nlavlne with the teams. On Tuesday, the opening dav. (Ilenwood defeated Council Bluffs, 17 to 2: Malvern defeated Tabor, II to 2. On the second day Malvern won from Council Hlurfs. 3 to 2. and O enwood from Tabor. ,1 to I. Batteries. Cilenwoort. Wl Kins Brothers. Wilkinson. Oalucs and Oraham: Council Bluffs, Moulton, Stevenson and Plcknrd; Ma ern. Bedford battery. Bridges and Mill hnltund: Tabor. Morgan. Tine. Weather- head and Bowe. Umpire: Atkinson. Killed by Pitched Hull, ASHTABULA. O. Mia Ki.-Suni Amldo'l 11 prominent business man, wbll" 1 laylmt Pall today was striuK on tne nca 1 ny pitched ball anil Instantly killed. PROVES REGULAR MUD LARK rent Ill-nil .Millies SIhmv of Ills Klelil In Prnlrle SlnKes at t lli.rleni llnee TrncK. CIIICAC.O. Aug. I.-C.ieat Bend, the odds-on favorite, won the Pralrlo stakes at narlcm loduv. He was muoi th.- nest fairly reveled In the deep mud and won easily. The stake was worth $1,175 to thi winner and was one of the most interest Ing stakes of the meeting. Six good hnrsen were entered and only one scrntclied. this oeiug rue i.auy. uniy lour nurses were entered In the second race, but It proved to bo one of th most inlrlted b.ittlnii prop osltlons of the day Everj norse was well played, especially The Unknown, who was instai en lavontc nt 3 to a. hummarj : Mrst race, four and one-half furlongs: Sad Sam, 100 (W. Jones), fi to 1. won, Wood Stick, 105 (Tally i, 15 to 1. second; Shut i n. kb l nk r i i. 5 to 2. tin. Time: 0:59 1-3. Icon. Peaches. William Ack, Matin. .lanewood. Jack Unv e. liscar. Ilss rsouooy and Senator Joe also ran. Second race, ono ml o nml twenty yarns: Ktta. lli (Tally), 4 to I, won: The Un known. Ill illloss). 13 to 10, second; Noble man, 122 (W. Klley), 19 to 5, third. Time: 1:5.1. Wax also ran Third race, one nil e: Ohirtlan. int (Tally i. IS to fi. won; J J T, 1C (T. Knight). 1 to 1, second: Blue Dan. 101 (Wlnklleld). ti to 1. third. Time; 1:W. Thomas Carey, Mnryland Hcserve, Walkcnshaw, Tyrba and Bar Steel also ran. Kourth race. Prnlrle stakes, one mllo and a. sixteenth: (Jrent Bend. 107 (Dunce). 4 to 5. won; Ohnct, 01 (McOInn). 13 to l. hocoiiU; .Alacy. 107 (BerRCtt). is to o. nurd. mie, l:5i 1-3. Kound nnd Prince Blazes abo ran. Mfth rare, one mile: Josephine li. 101 (Tally), 0 to 2. won; Lennep, 105 (Blnss), 3 to 1. second; Banish. 105 (McGinn,), 7 to 2, third. Time: 1:40 1-3. Annnwan. Branch Hefugee nnd Bill (Inrrett also ran. Sixth race, ono mile: uuraii. vs mupcoi. R to 1. won; Mnrlha Fox, 00 (Seaton). 8 n 1, second; Marlon Lynch. 90 (Tally), 12 to I. third. Time: 1:5.1 l-a. liairu, i.ittie iiiuie. Belter B. (la l-o. joe sncjuy, urown vatt and Loch nlao ran. TOO MUCH MUD AT SARATOGA Interest In Many of the llnces In I)c- ntrojed hy Vninermis Wttli ilrn ivuln. SAHATOOA. N. Y.. Aug. 1U.-A heavy track snolled what promised to bo a good day's racing. The Mumm handicap had most of its interest destroyed by tno with drawal of Blues, Sharpshooter, Tho Puri tan, iiocKtou aim oilier cons. Aiiaru Schreck and Lndy Schorr, coupled In the betting, wero favorites. There was con siderable play on The Musketeer, but his owner wns forced to bo content with sec ond money, Lady Schorr winning, with something lu reserve, by a. length. All. ml Schreck finished third. Of the foar In the Saratoga Hunt cliih steeplechase Hlghle. the even money ravorite, nnu -t ne nui ieu ai tno nrsi jump. Diver won easily after refusing the water jump, the second lime around. Bestilts: f irst race, one nine: uannocKiuirn, t;u (Bullmau). 2 to 5, won; Intrusive. HO (Burns.), ll to s and out, second; noons Brigade, ino (Kreeman). 00 to 1. third. Tlmv l:4fii. Threo slurters. Hecond race, nunuicap, one nuio una a furlong: Compensation, 112 (Bullmau), 2 to 1, won; nadford, 100 (Henry). Pi to 5 and even, second; Kavnnlus, 115 (Turner), 2 to 1, third. Time; :uu,i. i oniaion aiso ran. rhlril race. Mumm handicap. 2-yoar-oiiis. six furlongs: Lady Schorr, 110 (O'Connor), 13 to 20. won: Tho Musketeer, lu.1 (Henry). 5 to 1 nnd even, second; Allan! Shrcck. 12G (Burns), coupled with Lady Schorr In net ting, third. Time: l:l7a4. Tammany Chief, Illver Bank and Maximum also ran. Kourth race, nvo furlongs: Cyrano, no (Clnwson), 7 to 2, won; Lady Contrary, 103 (Henry). 15 lo 1 and ti to 1. second: Oaladay, tOtl (O'Connor), 7 lo 2, third. Time: 1:01. Beauty Book. Terrorist. Loiter. Knlgram. Cupidity, Charawlnd and McKleckuoe also ran. Kifth race. Saratoga Hunt eun. about two and a hulf miles: Diver. lOO (Veltch), 7 to r. won: Champion, 162 (iirnzii). 12 to 1 and 2 to 1. second. Time: 8:32',3. lllgble and The Cad fell. Ileaulls ut HlRhliinil I'nrk. DKTROIT, Aur. Pi. Terminus tlp-toed a smurt all-aged Held ut Highland park today nnd easily beat the odds-on favorite, Sweet Canorcl. holder of tho track record for six furlongs. Coslro rode a bad race on Toad Halney. fnvorlto lu the 2-year-old event nnd was beaten by Lady Kdlth, n I to 1 chanc Btsults: Klrst race, seven furlongs, selling: Kessy K. 102 (A. wetier). 7 to 111, won; russule, 10 (McQuude), 2 to 1, second; Viola K. 113 (Landry). 15 lo 1, third. Time: 1:20'. Mound Builder and Anl e Teuton also ran. Second race, four and a hnlf furlongs: Lndy Kdllh. 103 (Landrv), 4 lo 1, won: Toad itniney, no tuastro). to u, second: Hirrois tor, 100 (Cohurn), 5 to 2, third. Time: 0:56'i Oupa and Betta Badge also rnn. Third race, six furlongs: Terminus, t,1 (J. Daly), ii to 6, won; sweet fupurul, 111 (Coburn). 3 to 5, seconil; Chorry Head, 10 ( A. Weher). 20 to 1, tnird. Time: l:15'.J. Charley Heels also ran. Kourth race, one mile, selling: l.adv of the West. 107 (A. Weher). 3 to 2. won: Baf fled, 92 (J. Daly). 9 to 5, second; Magog. 5 ti.,. Thompson), nw to t, mini. Time: i;42'i Alien and Salvndo also ran. Klfth race. slc furlongs, selling: Left Bower, 104 U. Dal)'). 11 to 3, won; Nancy Till. 103 (Landry). 2 to 1, second; Bey Saln- zar, us i.Mci'iiaue), v) to 1. third. Time 1:15. It Q Ban. Sagatuck. Crinkle. Tom Klupsloy, Miss Konnlmd and St. Sulplce unto ran. Sixth race, six furlongs, selling: Jueomu 107 (C. Wllsnni. 3 to 1. won, Sai khen, 97 (A Weber). 3 to 1. second; Qjeen Anne. 10J (Coburn). li to 1. third. T me: 1: 5 Her mencla, Ice Drop, Sauco Boat, cilpsetta ami wuu t-otiou aiso ran. Itesnlts nl SI, Louis 'I'rneU, ST. LOUIS. Aug. 16. In a ningnlllcent name netween i.oving uup and Mt. cuth bert the former won In a llerce drive lu- half a length ut the fair grounds. Tho track was fast. Besults: Klrst rare, selling, six and one-half fur longs: Verv Light. ICC (Dnmlnlck), ti In 1 won; Klslo Venner. 93 (Dale), fi lo 1 and 2 to 1 second- Sangamon, Ho iKallehyt. 14 to 1 third. Time: 1:23. Water Crest, Kurt Union. Canrobert. Kojr Leaf C. dale. Tow ers and Wrkola also ran Second race, maidens, ono mile Kill y Clydc, 9'i iDale), i to 5, won, Terry Uanetr. 1 -i iV.m Diiien. 7 t.-. 1 and .: to 1 st in.l rV2'i,cl ki .""'5"-'.'i L ";!! illir-. i.l.-i iniiuit' ii. liunili'n . Loka. Bonne Kt Nolr. Monaahan Bnii.niu.i. omella. Morgeu Stem and Duchess VI aNo ra n. Third rare, selllntr. six fiirloiiBp. 'Orleans. lo.l iDumluhki. S to J. won; Seething. 07 iDalei. S to 1 and 2 to 1, second; Quick llanae. lofi (Ollmore). 2 to 1. third. Time. l.ltt,. Plondor. Scorpolette. Ad Olbson and narry uuuiau also ran Kourth race, six furlongs: Loving Cup. 110 K. Mathews), 13 to 5, won; St. Cuth bert, 105 tKallehy), oven and 1 to 3. second, Trlndltza, 103 (J. T. Woodsl. 7 to 2. third rime: 1.13. D ana Konso and Miss Vetne also ran. l-Tftn race, selling, one and oiie-slMeeiuii miles: Colonel Oay, 107 tl-'rosti, 11 to 5. won: Chorus Boy. P'l (H. Mathews). 0 to 5 and 3 to fi, second; Ulnar Del Illo, 10.' (Unlet, to In t. third. Time: U.VH.. Cathe dral, Domozetta and Lee Kins also ran. sixth race, selling, six and a pair iur longs: Kree Lady. 1ml lOlltnore), .1 to 5, won; La Mascotta, 106 (J. T. Woods), lo to I and 2 to 1, second: Chemisette, lafi iDoml- nlcki, ! to 1. third. Time; i:23i,. rtuuy ltllev. Aunt Mary, Regatta and Iron Chan cellor also ran. t Itesnlts nt (ileni rnlls. OLKNS KALLS. N. Y.. Aug. 16 -The grand circuit r.icis were decided over a truck fully rour seconds slow, inc yum mary: 2:19 trot, purse ll.ov). postponed from yes terday: Lady (letaldlnc. b. in., by Con stantino (Ocers) 2 1 1 1 Krntik Creamer, br. g. (Arthur)... 12 2 5 Maggie Anderson, b. 111. (Dcllln- gen fi '' - Plerrott. b. s. 1 McDowell) 3 I 3 3 Wlnnlford. br. m. (Burch) 15 4 4 Bow Hem. b: g. (Lockwood) ills Time: 2.11",. 2:11' 1. 2:15. 2:11. 2:01 class, pace, purse J1.'H): Searchlight, br. h., by DurkllRht 1 McCarthy) ! Anaconda, b. g. (Moltenry) 2 l'rank Hogiish. b. Ii. (Golden) 1 Chehalls. blk. (O'Nellli I 1 2 .1 I ro Time: 2:07, 2:7, 2:n.'i, 2:0,'-,. 211 class, trot, nnllnlslied, pure Jl.u"'): Nell (iwynne, gr. m , ny Aicryon iltallibun) Nigger Jink, blk. g. lArlhuri Dot Miller, h. m. (Mcl)oimldi Dainty Daffo. blk. m. iHaldwiiii Alice Barnes, b. 111. (Noble) lrlso. b. m t.MiCall) Tetn H. b. m. (Unroll) I 1 .1 I 2 I 3 2 I u li U (IIS Time: 2:1 "4. 2.11'i. :'. l-'rceporl lliirnes llnee. KHKICPOBT, HI.. Aug. PL The meeting of the Kreeporl (III.) Driving Par': nso rlntlon oieaed today with .1 heavy tnn-K. The only races pulled OIT were tho 2. .'5 tr-t nnd the 2:27 pace. Mark Allerlon won the tlrst raen In thrc slrnlghl hents anl Tod Williams, 11 horse that sold at 3 lo 1, won the pace. Summary: 2:2 class, trolling, purse $.ii0: Malk AI lerlon won In straight heats. Tim: 2:23 2'25. 2:21 (Iray Billy was second ami Lndy Nestor third Jnymaker and also started. 2:27 class, paring, purse f.0: Tod II Hams won llrst. second and sixth heats. Time: 2:2IW, 2;:0'4. 2:214. Vesper won the fourth and llfth heats and was second Time: 2:1M(. 2:2 Dnndv won the third heat In 2:1!M,4 and was third. Kva Victor, Abbott Hill. Captain S, Allani and ilay Mac nlso started. JAWSMITHS WORK OVERTIME l-'llrsltnninns nml llruily Sil(lliiir nnd Sputtering Over Another Mntoh wild .lenrlcM. NKW YOKK. Aug. 16 James J. Jeffries' refusal to meet tho winner of tho Sharkey Kllzslmmona bout on August 31 1iuh caused tho Australian to Issue a statement In which he threatens to claim the champion ship by defuult If successful in his coming encounter. In this statement KlUsltn nions says- I see thai Jeffries linn crawled out of th responsibility of meeting me In the ring again. On Tuesday Mr. Brady, walling until Sharkey und myself were matched for August 21, rnnuengcii tne winner i" meet Jeffries August 31. I promptly ne. cepted tho opportunity, providing 1 was fortunate onougn 10 ueieni nimim-. The matter was settled men ana mere. Vnw MiIm prent obamiilnii of tho world can't devote ten dnys to training for the prospect of establishing beyond question his right to tho title and earning about $25,0"0. The truth of tho matter is tnni jouries is nfrald to meet me again. I have accepted every offer he ever made for a return match and vet he has made a siuy excuse 10 gci out of tho mutch. I hereby plvo Jeffries notice that, having accepted Ills onanenge, In the event or winning irom nnarRcy, 1 ulmh olulm the chamnlonshln of the world. and I believe the public will sustain my claim and recognize me us me real cnani lon. When William A. Brady, tho champion's tunnager, was shown Kltzslmmons state ment ho made an announcement that may yet robitlt In a match between KitzslmmonB and Jeffries. Brady said It Ik eimtomarv for an nsntrnnt to post a forfeit und Issue a challenge ns nn act of good faith. Of course Kltzslmmons will have to defeat Sliarkev. or we will not con alder any match with him. Jeffries knocked him out once nnd there Is no reason why he should light ngaln with nun. .lerrrles. how ever, lo show that he Is the real champion will right, i-uzsimmons ir ne wins irom ine sailor, mil tnero is one condition inai 1 will Ins st tmnn. and that is the winner take the entire purse. Ho will not split tho purse, ns Kltzslmmons suggested to mo the otnor da-. Now. If Kltzs inmons has such n Rood chance of det'untlng Jeffries let htm nccept tbeso conditions. He will then have an opportunity to battle for his lost laurels and incidentally it stnau-sizcu fortune. Scores In (iolf Toiirniiiuent ONWKNTSIA OOLK LINKS. LAKK KOHKST. III.. Aug. Hi. In thA llrst round for tne iiaveuoaK eiip touny tiruno smith Onwentsla, beat Charles Allen. Kenosha Country club, 5 up and I to play: P. B. Hoyt, Glenvlew, defeated Kred Hnmlln, ciucuKo. 0 up and & to play; waiter Knott, Kdgewnter. overcame. Waiter Kgan, Lake Geneva, 3 up and 2 to play; William Waller, unwenisia, neat. .Mai .Moore, Lake ueneva, 1 up and 1 10 piay. Scml-nnals: Bnvlnonks cup: Bruce D. Smith defeated Phelns B. Hovl. one un. nineteen holes William Wallb defeated Walter Klott, two up. Solace cup: K. It. Pelllt defeated Kliuer Williams, one up. A. (5. Bennett defeated J. D. Hubbard, live up, four to play. Tyro cun: W. M. McCawlcv defeated J M. Sellers, two up, ono to play. Kdwurd McO acii in defeated 11. II. Aiken, one un Lake County cun: Phelns H. llovt end John M. Sellers defeated Walter K. Kgan and K iner w 1 lams, six un. ve to 11 ay David It. Korguti and D. Mark fummlugs deieateo v. I. usuorne und i-'iank D. vrt zler, eight up, six to play. Tennis nl .Newport. NKWPOHT, H. I., AUR. 10. Today w.ts not good tennis weather for the competl tors In tho all-comers' tournament at th Casino, rain early In the dav having P'l' the courts In noor condition, lion- and Black, tho Kngllshmen. are yet prominent In the tournament, although thou- Ameri can opponents gavo tnem a nuru iiumu summary: Singles, second round A. W. Goro beat 11. Ward, C-l. 4-6, 3-6 7-5. C-3. It. D. Wrenn beat B. Stevens, 6-0. 6-1, 7-1 M. (.. Chase ncut l-'. B. Alexander, 6-3. 6-2. W. A. Lamed beat Sam Hardy, 6-1, 6-1 C-3. George Wrenn beat K. D. Little, 1-6, 6-2 6-0. 6-2. Wright beat Collins. 6-3. Mi, 4-6. r-3, 6-1 Dm- heat Al on. 6-4. 0.6. 1-3. 7-4. 6-2 Black beat Budlong, S-fl, 2-6. 6-1. 9-11. 6-1 Onuilin Cricket Club kiiIiinI Yeleriius Suturday nfternoiin the Omaha Cricket club will play a match game against a team of veteran cricketers picked from Omaha and S-'nnlh Omaha who nr- lint now members of the Omaha Cricket club. Neatly all have played in prominent i-uuniy matches. Although the "vets" are i-omo what rustv. it Is rumored that l aptaln Lennnn has warned his team to bewtoo of another "Chicago." The game will start sharp nt 2:30 No admission will he churged and the public Is cordially Invited ( nolo Itiiclnu In Hie K.uxt. SPRINGKIKLD, Mass , Aug. 16.-Watsiiu Coleman of this city defeated John Klsher of Ctileugo by one lap lu n llfteen mllo motor-put ed rate on the Coll-ieum bl evole tiai-lt 1 1. 11 1 lt I . t . Time: 1-5. "HAItTKOBD. Conn. Aig. It'.. t thi Velodrome races tonight Miller lafe-ited Major Taylor In a ten-mile motor-paicd race. Time: 17:41 Miner was throw laps ahead at Iho tlnlsh. l)u)'s HcNiilts ut TciiiiIn, NKWPOHT. It. I.. Aug. 15.- n the mil lonal tennis tournament today It. D. Wrcun beat Hlchard Stevens. 6-0. ii-1. 7-5; Malcolm ciuisH ient k. H. Alexander. -2. 6-3. u-2. w A. Lamed bent Samuel Hardy. 6-1, 6-1. 6-3 Holcomhe Ward beat V W. Gore. ti-1. 4-6, 3-. 7-t. 6-3; O. L. Wrenn, Jr.. beat It. D. Little, 1-6. 6-2. 6-0. 6-2. Denier llmrr (iets Mnteli, CUKVKLAND. Aug. 16.-Arleles were signed for a Hunt hentomlier 1 between Bubo Korrons of this city and Young Peter jnoKsoii or uenver ror the welterweight cnampionsnip Tho men an m weigh in at i( 'ounds at 3 p. m on the afternoon of the tight. llMd'C I'HD IVtMlV I I I'Ui1 liLAoliO rUIv l.MMAA LAM)) I Acting Sccrotary Ryan Insists That They - Be Minutely Sciutinizsd. SAYS SYSTEM IS WRONG IN PRINCIPLE .Mill. oh n l.onfer of Hie Imllnn Inslenil uf TcucliliiK 1 1 1 tn lo Heroine Self siipiiortlnu Accorillnu to the ( r I u I li it I Idcii. WASHINGTON. Aug. 16. (Special Tele gram.) Tho intention of the Interior de partment was recently called to the fart that nearly 400 lease on allotted lands or the Omaha and Winnebago Indians In Thurston county. Nchradkn. were being held up, and that if Immediate urtloti was not had considerable hardship would result to Indian allottees. Acting Secntary Hyan said today that leases had to bo gone over care fully beforo final approval could be made, and as tho forco of the Interior department Is at present short-handed by reason of em ployes taking vacations the work of exami nation Is necessarily much slower than would ordinarily be the case. He said that leases were not "held up" In the sense or any oppoultlon to them, but wero very mi nutely scrutinized, so that Indians maklnts leases would have rightful protection, Leasing of Indian lands Is wrong In principle." said Secretary Ilyan, "and a slop ihould be put to It. The government should tuslst upon the Indians becoming self-supporting Instead of permitting them to be come loafers. It Is a mistaken Idea to per mil the Indians lo llvo olf the government. 1 naif ml ho should be taught lo work and to realize that his standing In the com munity depends entirely upon his ability to farm his lands and realize on his crops." Tho Interior department recently Issued nn order that all leases of allotted lands hereafter made should contain a clause stip ulating that the lestor agreed to Improve Iho leasehold In tho way of building fences, barns and outhouses, so that when tho lu- linn began farming ho would tlml that his properly had advanced In vuluc Instead of having retrograded by reason of the leases. Secretary Hyan tcdny passed upon a large number of Omaha leases, which will bo sent to Agent .Mathuwxon ns rapidly as possible. I'orl I)odc Mii lie! I he HUliop. A member of the Catholic delegation In this city said relative to the establishment of tho new episcopal sec nt Sioux City, la . Tho Idea had by no means been abandon Jd, and I have no doubt It will be recommended, but whether tho bishop shall be located at Slou City or Port Dodpe Is a much mooted question. Iowa undoubtedly by reason ot Its population needs n new bishopric, but there Is considerable controversy over Its locution. HenulHltcs for a new bishopric arc varied In character. The propaganda looks not only to tho grography of the city or town In which It Is proposed to locate tho new see, but whether such 11 city or town will suppoit tho bishopric and cathedral. which hto synonymous, facilities also enter Into consideration, and it Is therefore no hiiro thing that Sioux City will bo named ns tho location of the new see with l-'ort Dodge it 11 active randidale for favor. Should tho new bishopric be created Iowa will bo especially favored with high church dignitaries, Dubuque having nn arch bishop and Davenport nnd the new placo a bishop ench. As for nn archbishopric at Omaha, that lo my mind Is at present tin considered by tho propaganda." Deparl incnliil .Nnten. A comptroller's certificate authorizing the Klrst National bank of Mlltord, la., to begin business was Issued today; capital, $35,000; P. Hassmusen. president; II. S. Abbott. cnshler. Also the Klrst National hank of Hcdrlck. In.; capital, $25,000; w. II. Young, president; J. K. Brooks, cashier. Hural frco delivery was today ordered es tablished at Clarksvllle, Butler county, la., to tako effect September 1. Tho servlco will covor nn area of thirty-eight sqnaro miles, with a population of 684. Krancls M. Hart was nppointed carrier. Postolllces nt Bloomington, Neb. ; Cambria Wyo.; Kaulkton, S. I)., and Valley Junction, a., have been assigned to the presidential class, to tako effect September 1. MIbs Kstelle Ilcel, superintendent of ln- dlnn schools, loaves tho latter part of tho month for a tour of tho Indian schools which will Include visits to schools In Nebraska Wyoming, Iowa and South Dakota. lllllillctt Is l'crinllloil tn HckIkii, WASHINGTON. Aug. It!. It has been de cided to permit Postoftlco Inspector Georgo B. Hamlett, formerly chief Inspector, to re- slgti, Instead of severing his connection with tho department by formal removal, as had been originally decided. Mr. Hamlett has tendered his icslgnntlon and It will ho ac cepted. Ho was chnrged with permitting a private individual to ubo his governmental railroad pass. PoilofllccN llnlseil In I.'Iiim, WASHINGTON, Aug. 16,-Tbo following fourth-class poatontces havo been raised to third-class, to tako effect Octobor 1 1900: Alice, Tex.; Black Hock, Ark.; Bloomlng- ton, Neb.; Cambria, Wyo.; Campbell, Cal. Cottago Grove, Ore.; Kaulkton. S. D.; Sedro Wooley, Wash.; Valley Junction, In.; Vcr nal, Utah. I'ree Itnrnl Delivery Kttcnnlnn. WASHINGTON, Aug. 16. Tho Postofllre department has ordered tho establishment September 1 of rural dollvcry nt Sonoma Cal.; Clarksville, la.; Luroy. III., anil addl tlonal service at Princeton, 111., and Kvnns vllle, Ind. DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news papers Is sure to know of the wonderful cures made by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the rreat kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It Is the Treat medl- cal triumph of the nlnc- icciiui ccniury; dis covered after years of scientifm rcar.), U,. N.g Dr. Kilmer, the emi nent kidney and blad der specialist, and It wonderfully successful In promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Brlght's Disease, which Is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer 3 Swamp-Root Is not rec ommended for everything but If you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble It will be found Just (he remedy you need. It has been tested In so many ways, In hospital work, In private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful In every case that a sDecial arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried It may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing menuon reading this generous offer In this caoer and ewV'v" tend vour address to at!JZMrrfSii ,f." 3T77I 1 .-i,. i,., j TT153" r.e?,ular mV cent and rfom.of Bmp-rtoot. j oollar sues are sold by alt food drurxlsts, las W C! "R DOCTOR TOLSON Specialist in Diseases of .Men, ot the State Ulectro-Mcillcnl Institute, 130S Furinun St., Omaha, Neb. onstrnto to your entire satistaciion nun we can cure you safely, quickly nnd permanently. Our counsel will cost yo.t nothing und our charges for a perfect cure will not be more than voa will bo wilting lo pay for benellts conferred We will do by you as wo would wiint you to do by Us If our cases were reversed. Certainty of euro Is what vou want. We can cite you. by permission, to some of the best citizens of this cltv whom we have cured and made happy, and who will cheerfully vouch for our tlimnclal as well as professional stand ing, what wis ii.vvr, domj rim tiimm wu la.n do i-'oh vol. UARinnPPI P t'nder our l-Iloclro-Modlcal treatment this Insidious dlsenso rapidly TMIIIUUULLL disappears. Pain ceases almost Instantly Tho pools of stagnant blood aro driven from tho dilated veins nnd nil soreness and swelling q.ilckly sub side Uvery Indlcutlon of Varicocele soon vanishes nnd In Its stead comes the pride, the power and tho pleasure of PIlltrilCT HIIVLTII M) It CMiill HI) M l.MIOOl). TRIRTIIRF llr Hleitro-Mcdlcal treatment dissolves the strtctuie completely nnd OIIIIUIUI1L removes every obstruction from the tirluati passage, allays all In llammtition. stops every unnatural discharge, redtnes the prostate gland, cleanses and heals tho bladder and kidneys, Invigorates the sesiial organs and restores health and soundness to IIVIIIIV PAHT OI-' THIS IIIIIIV Ui'lll TK1I l THIS DIMSVSl). flflNTARInllQ Rl nntl PhKhN "r special form of Klceiro-Medli al treatment for UUillHUIUUO DLUUU rUloUll this disease Is prai-ll. ally the result of our life work and Is endorsed hy the best physicians In this and foreign countries. It con talus no dangerous drugs or Injuilous medicines of nnv kind It goes to the verv bottom of the disease und forces out every partldo of Impurity. Soon everv sign and symptom disappears completely nml forever. The blood, tho tissue, the flesh, the bones and the whole svstem aro cleansed, purllled and restored In perfect health, and tho patient Is prepared anew for the 1)1 Tills AM) PI.IIVM HISS III' LITIS. fJFRVnlK nCRII ITY 'h. ninny of vou are now reaping Iho result of vour llUnVUUO ULDILIII former folly. Your manhood Is falling and will soon be lost unless you do something for youseli. Thte Is nn time to lose. Impotenci. llko all sexual diseases, Is never on the standstill. With It ou can make no com promise Klther you must master It or It will muster ou and llll our wholo fu ture with misery and indescribable woe. Wo hsxe treated so tnanv ases of this kind that wo aro ns familiar with them ns you nre with the or.i daylight. Once cured by is ou will never ngaln be bothered with drains, preniatureness, -weak organs, nervousness, (ailing memory, loss of ambition or similar symptoms which rob miu of o-ir manhood and absolutely unlit ymi fur slud.. business, pleasure or marriage. Out- tientment for weak men will cnrrcci nil these eil and re stoio nit to what nature Intended -a halo, lu-althi. happv man, with I'll VSIC VI,, M ll.VI'A I, AM) SIS.M'AI. POW1SIIS I O.MPLTISi'lS. RFPI FY nHJFAQFQ Miny nllments nre reflex, originating from other diseases ULILtA UIOLnuLO For Instance, sexual weakness sometimes eniues from Vail coeelo or Stricture: lnnumernblo blond and bona diseases often result from -oiit,i glous blood taints In tho system, or physical and d.-rline fre. lentlx follow lmpoteney, In treating diseases of any kind we always remove the origin AVIS CI HIS THIS CM SIS. Ttie Electro-Medical Specialists of the Different Departments of Ibis Institute, by their special combined ISlei Ho-Medlial treatment are making many wonderful cuies In diseases of the Nose, Throat and Lungs, Head, Heart, Stomach and Bowels, Liver, Kidneys, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Paralysis, Piles, Etc. Private Diseases, Contagious Blood Poison, Rupture, Stricture, Varicocele, Nervous Debility and ALL ALLIED AND ASSOCIATE DISEASES OF MEN. nflRREQDnMnEMPF r,,,f' personal ilslt Is always preferred, but If oii cannot all UUnnuOrUllUUllUL at our olllce. write us your sMitploms lull Our home treatment by correspondence Is alwiis successful. Legal contract given to alt patients lo hold for our agreements Do not hesllafe if you cannot call toda, write and describe our trouble Successful treatment by mall. Reference Host Bunks and I.eiulinn iMislncis .Men in this City. CONSULTATION FREE. Ofllee Hours From S 11. 111, lo S p. 111. Snnilnjs, in n. 111. In '2 p, 111. STATE ELECTRO-MEDICAL INSTITUTE, Permanently Located; 1308 Farnam Street, Omaha. Nab. HAYDEN'S PIANOS If you want, to sec the lurcst lino of Standard Pianos iu this wostcrn country, visit our piano (lopnrlinonl wo will lie pleased to show them to you. You will soo tho Chickerlng, Fischer, Franklin, Jacob Doll, Haines, Keller, Behr Bros., and twout.v-one olhor uinkes. Slightly used pianos going at half I heir actual value. Square pianos at 20.00, 25.00, S.'tt.OO and 10.00. We handle Runlet to and Newman Rros. organs. Second hand organs at 10.00, 12.n0, 15.00, 20.00 and 25.00. Now pi anos for rent. Pianos moved, tuned and repaired. 'Pel. 1(5S.'5. HAYDEH Hot Weather Offices. Anyone who has a w t front office these days, or an of fice in a ramshackle building, ought not to be in tho same lix next, summer. )irt too, seems more offensive In hot weather. THE BEE BUILDING is cool, clean and well wmtilntod. There is always a draft, the walls are I hick.l he aii ispuroand kept constantly moist, by tho fountain in the court. This is the place to be in summer. R. C. PETERS & CO., Rental Agents, Ground Floor, Bee Buildinj. l n'.".V:-.'l" -"HCI'UL.t nil itluimi l Uf, S3! II .l , Kldneycura? Hem- -n Atdnig- gists, or by mall, II Kreo book, ad Vice, etc., of Vt. 1). J. Kay, Saratoga, N. Y. SIM C Varicocele, Stricture, Contagious Blood Poison. Nervous De bility, and all Reflex Com plications and Associate Dis eases and Weaknesses of Men by Our Electro-Medical Treatment, Which Combines All of the Curative Powers of Both Medicine and Elec tricity. Wo want evrrv man thus allllrted to honestly Investigate our special Kleotro Medical system of ttcalment We Invite In particular all who have treated else where without success, all whose cases hnvo been abandoned by family phvslclans and so-called experts; all whose troubles have been aggravated by fpcclllcs, Free Samples. Trial Treatments or similar de vices. Wo will explain to you why such treatment has not cured you and will detn- HAYDEN'S a m i llflt (Mriir to on Mir cton U a boil! of Am unra.uL lawi?1? to tutch cold, It will ouio IL CHcmm JL BROS