4 THE (TMAIIA DAILY TJT2E: FIUDA V, ATOrST 17. 1000. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL MlMlll .MHVMOtf. Davis ictli) glass. "Mr. Illlcy," 5-cont cigar. Why not smoke the Why cigar? leffert, 230 Hdy.. tents eyes free, Gas fixtures und globes at IJIxby's. Fine A. H. C. beer, Nouinnycr's hotel. Dr. Stephenson, 101 Pearl St. Tel. 3K. Hchmldt's photos, new nml Intett styles. Vou get tho bent dinners at the Vienna, lilley, bct photographer. 102 Hroadxvay. Cub. photo $1.60 doz. Williams, Ell IWy. J. C. & W. Woodwatd. architects, Si3 lldy. W. K. I,exvls sells monument, 391 U'way. l.emp's beer, Hoenko Uoysen, sole ngont. Hest beer, Hudwelser. I.. Hosenfcld, Agt. Hclentlflo optician at Woolman's, 400 B'way. Campaign pictures and buttons. C. K. Alexander ft Co., 333 Uroadway. Det your work done nt the popular Haglo laundry, 731 Broadway. 'Phunc 157. W. C. Kstcp. undertaker, 2S Pearl street. Telephones: OITIcc, 7; residence, 33. Attorney A. H. Ilnzelton left last evening on a short business trip to Dim Moines. W". V. Ornff, undertaker and licensed om baltner, 101 South Main street. 'Phone oOti Mrs. J. ('. Baker unit children left yes terday on a three weeks' visit to relatives In Mendola. III. Judge Walter I. Hmlth left last evening for Di'M Moines to ennfer with the repub lican stHte central committee. Mr. Hnd Mrs. A. L. l.cnaker of Oakland. la., were In the city yesterday visiting friends, onrnuto to Hot Hprings, H. ). New and sceond-hand furniture, stoves, carpets mid house furnishings Imught nnd roiil. J. Hlein fit Co., 721 west Hrnauwny. Thn n on o of the Masonic rr.tternu..' r.eheduled for vosterdnv at Lake Manawa had to ho postponed on account of the wet weatner. John II. Kiily. an attorney of l.os An celes. Pal., who has been visiting his aunt Mrs. T. I., t'oady. In this city, left yester day lor Denver anil Salt l,.iKe L'lty. A tniirrlni lliniiHe was Issued yesterday to Henry Dixon, aged 27. and Matilda Hweenev. aged 15. both from South Omaha. Justice I'errlcr performed the murrlage ceremony. Leo Carlln, charged with disposing of his barber outtlt after having mortgaged It t A. A. Clark & Co., has been bound oxer to await tne action or mo grand jury ny jui tlco Terrier. The will be a meeting of tho High School fiiHelu limlulil .it ..', o'clock 111 the Bloomer building to decide upon unllorms for thn ensuing year, am nexv memoirs u lcquested to be present. MIm .lullfi Amlnrmilt anil motllCi. Mrs llulvcr Anderson of l.yle. Mli.n., are the guests or Mrs. Anderson's dniiRhtcr, Mrs i r itjitnrur.il .if tMu fliv Vrnm here tllOx go to Wahoo and other Nebraska points in v s i otber leiatives aim menus Tho police were untitled last evening to look out for tnrce nurses inai nan ocm .tnlpn from il man nameil iiouo'.vay ai Bartlett, la., and xvhlch xvere supposed t' h. lKviHe.l tblH wnv. The nollce xvi ro Uil- able to secure any trace of the hnrtes or tho thieves. Last evening the Backman Comedy com pany again demonstrated lis ability to en tertain an audience In an agreeable manner so Hint all seemed pleased with the enter tainment. Tho piny presented was "Beyond l'ardm." Tonight the piece to bo given is "A Canillclate for I'ongress. The. case against W. W. Jones, xvhn was found In possession of a horse stolen trom ntn 'ViirilnulHi of Ashland. Neb., over a year ncn, xvas continued In police court vestenlay morning until lou.iy. me nmui .i,.ru .wiiintv N'dliriiHkn. olllclals have been notified, as the a ithorltles here are nnxlouj to discover If Jones xvnn a. member of Gregory's hnrsethlevlug gang. Jones xx'iis Milling yesterday that Nnrdiiulst have his horsn hack, lie has secured the services n . .iinriinvi 11 ml nmv ilenllncs to talk beyond still claiming that h obtained the horso through u trade at Pacific Junction. N. V. riumblng Co., telepnono :50. 'iiiiiicll' rronrinu. The city council will meet In ndjourned session tonight to approve the contracts xvlth K. A. Wlckham for the paving of the group of streets embraced In tho third rcso lutlon. Kach street ordered paved xxill rep resent a separate contract. Tho contracts provldo that the work shall bo 'completed by January 1, 1001, otherwise' Wlcliham shall forfeit to the city $5 for each day tho work remains Incomtileted after that date. It Is expected that streets on xvhlch tho property will not bear tho cost of Improvement will be struck from the list. An effort will bo made to take from the table tho resolution embracing the second , strong drink nnd xvas generally n shiftless Rroup of streets ordered paved. This Is tho! fellow and failed tn provide for his wife and group of streets that the Interested property j rblld, desorted them In tho early part of owners deslro paved xvlth nsplinlt and It Is June. Ho wns thought to havo gone to Pis understood thnt the nldermeu nre now xvlll-1 Bab, In., ns Mrs. Thomas received n letter log that rertnln of theso streotB shall be'' him there, but Inquiries made thero paved with nsphaltum. ! fatIei1 t0 c " w8 evidently the Tho street commissioner controversy Is! envelope that contained this letter that was nlso duo for another round and tho council Is oxpccled to take some definite action to night looking toxvard tho speedy retirement of John M. Harden. Tho council xvlll meet this afternoon nt 2:30 o'clock us n committee of tho whole to consider n number of Importnnt matters xvhlch in the press of other business havo becomo sidetracked. Commonwealth 10-ccnt cigar. I)n- Objects to mi Assessment. F. J. Day has commenced suit In tho district court ngainst tho city to have declared null nnd vol.1 tho nssessmont levied against a cerlnln lot In Williams' first addition for paving laid In 1S91. Tho notion la similar to tho ono brought by Fremont Ilenjamin against tho city nnd In which ho secured a verdict against the city on tho grounds that tho tax xvas as sessed ngainst tho property In question according to tho lineal front footage and not according to tho benefits derived. Day nlso asks that tho county trensurer bo restrained from.' Issuing a tax deed tn tho property lo (L AV. Urctt, who purchased the lot at tax halo. The property Is on Klev enth avenue and tho assessment amounted to J37ti.ti0. Ileal Kntiilc Trnnsfers, Tho following transfers xvere tiled yes terday In the niistrnet. title and loan olllce of J. W. Squire. 101 Pearl street: Mary Hllen Feeney nnd husband tn Marshall 12. Aleyors, nVa so' 17-77-11, xx-. d J 2,100 Charlotte Hislg and husband to John Atkinson, lot 9. block 3. Rig aruve, xv. (1 550 V. K. Lnll and xvlfe to C R. Aggson. 1 ncre In nxvij sxvi, 23-74-10, xv. d . 16i John II. Martin and xvlfo to C R. Aggson xv. d. Aggson, I ncro in nxv'.4 swu 23-,i-io. 100 Total four transfers $ 3Tol5 Largest Variety of FARM LOANS Negotiated In ICanturn rreoraska and Iowa. James N. Cnsady, r itt! Main St.. Council Blurts. MONEY JO LOAN, Savings Loan and Building Associate Council Bluffs, lowsk . r Children's SHOES I HAMILTON'S I 412 Broadway BLUFFS. iXPRESSJIEN FIGHTING CITY Common Camera Refuse to Fay Liconse u Required by Ordinance. WANT VALUABLE PRIVILEGES SECURED Demit ml 11 1 It t tn Mninl nil Streets Where There Is Some MIiimv nf Dolour Business In Hcturti for I'ee. The common carriers and the city are at loggerheads and the former have, xvlth one exception, refused to pay the nnnual license demanded by the municipality for tho prlv- llfgo of running express wagons. The ex pressmen declare they are driven from post to pillar and have no abiding place whero they can stand their wagons nnd for this reason refuse to pay the license of $10. Under tho city ordinance rcgulfttlng the common carriers they cannot stand their xvagons on any street In front of a busi ness house, except xvlth tho consent of tho property owner, l'or over a year tho car riers have been permitted to stand their wagons on North Main street, but the property owners finally complained and they xvere ordered to vacate. They re sisted for a time, but noxv that tho street has been torn up for paving they have been compelled to move. No place has been assigned to them and they are scat tered over tho downtown streets, moving about from ono street to another ns the property owners may object to them stand ing in front of their places of business. The carriers contend thut If they nre forced to pay on annual license of $10 for every xvagou they run they should bo given some place xvhere they can stand tholr ve hicles. They further Insist that they can not do any business unless allowed to stand on the downtown streets In the busi ness center of tho city. Tho matter of a location for tho expressmen xxas referred to the committee on police and health by tho city council several weeks ago, but the committee so far hns been unable to solve tho problem. At tho tlmo tho mat ter xvas brought before the city council It was suggested that tho carriers be allowed to stand their xvagons in the hay market at tho rear of tho city hall and police headquarters, but the expressmen did not take kindly to the location and Insisted upon being allowed to stand on tho streets. Tho llccnso Is supposed to be paid on July 1. but up to tho present time only one large concern has paid It. Chief of Police Albro Is determined to bring the matter to a head and yesterday caused tho arrest nf John Dunn, James Jacoby and Thomas Skinner for doing nn express business without a license. They gave bonds and will hnvo n hearing In police court this morning. Theso arrests were made. It is claimed, ns test cases, although tho men arrested assert they have been discriminated ngainst nnd point 'to the fact that none of tho larger concerns have boon molested, although they have not yet paid tho license. Davis sells paint. vri:ci:iii:xTS on- mils, tiiomas. i XI n or of Mnnrcheml "Write Snnir tltliiR nf Hip Wnmnii'a I. Up There. Chief of Pollen Albro rocelvcd a loiter yes terday from W. A. Stewnrt, mayor of Moorc- hend, la., relatlvo to Mrs. Kate Thomas, the woman who Is thought to have drowned her self nnd 3-ycar-old child In tho Missouri. Mayor Stewart bays the bundle of clothing found on tho river bank here answers the description nf tbo clothing Mrs. Thomas had with hrr at thn tlmo sbo left Moorehead. Ho says thnt Thomas, xvho was addicted to found in tho bundle here Mayor Stexvnrt says further thnt Mrs. Thomas Is believed by her neighbors and ac qualntnnces In Moorehead to bo somewhat unbalanced mentally. Thomas hud a brother living In South Dakota and Mrs. Thomas, after her husband had deserted her, said that if sho could get to South Dakota sho could havo a good homo xvlth her brothcr-ln-lnxv there. Somo charitably Inclined women look up a subscription and bought hor a tlcl'et. but sho refused to accept, saying that to take It would seem too much like begging. According to Mayor Stewart tho people In Moorehead xvho xvere nrqimlnted with Mrs. Thomas do not believe she committed sui cide. Their theory Is thnt she placed tho bundlo of clothing near tho river bank, ex pecting that tho supposed sulcldo xvould get Into tho newbpnprrs anil thus reach her husband, xvho xvould malm Inquiries nnd thus sho would bo ublo to learn his where nbouts. Howell's Antl-"Kaxvf" cures coughs, colds, iibiii.it-ii iti)i: n:i n w.mni 1 1 Hneli Threatens to .Hitl.c II Lively fnr lite Other on lli eMtluntlnn, John M. Harden Is still acting ns street commissioner nnd statod yesterday that he nau no intention of resigning, however much tho council might wish him to do so. "Tho council can flro mo If It xxlshes to do bo, and I supposo It will, but I will never resign." ho said yostorday. Aldorman Hubor, chairman of tho streets and alloys committee, stated before ho left to nttend the democratic stato convention In Cedar Haplds that If Hardon's resigna tion xvas not In the hands of tho city clerk by noon of today thnt ho xxould nt onen file n f.-esh batch of charges against him and this tlmo they would not bo dismissed uy tno council. Harden Is working a fexv poll tax men on tho strcots, whllo another gang under me nirecuon ot vie Kollor Is xvorklng di rectly under tho orders of Chairman Huber of the streets and nlleys commlttoe. Kellor Is said to be tho man that Aldorman Huber desires to sco Installed in Harden's place. Unless muzzled by tho council Harden says xvhen the hearing on the charges como up he will Introduce a mass of testimony that will not show Alderman Huhrr In a very enviable light. "I am loodod for bear," said Harden, "and by tho tlmo that this matter Is gotten through with I think Alderman Huber will wish ho had not stirred up the mess." Gravel roofing. A. H. Head, Stl Ilroadway. 1. nml .11. Mcctlnu. A meeting of the Merchants' and Manu facturers' association was held last night to consider tho matter of a manufncturlng con cern xvhlch Is desirous nf removing from Its present location to a city where It can ob tain bettor shipping facilities. There nre good prospects for securing tho concern for this city and n committee conslatlng of Vic tor E, Bender. P. IK Hill and C. V Mc Donald was appointed lo take the matter up. In the absence of President Casper the meeting was presided over by Mayor Jennings. a.m nvr.iTi: si it ox Tin: ixickkt. WIiIimv nf Oncnr A, Amy Is I'lKhtliiK for Cimli mi iliiitKiiient. Mrs. Jennie Amy of Summit county, L'tah, commenced suit in the district court here yesterday ngainst Royal D. Amy and other members of the Amy family to re cover $9SS, a Judgment for xvhlch she has secured against tho defendants In tho l'tah courts. This Judgment represents the costs of several actions In tho L'tah courts Involving tho plaintiffs right to tho pos session of certain property left by her husband, Oscar A. Amy, and which was vigorously disputed by them. Tho peti tion, which Is accompanied by a transcript of the different court proceedings In Utah, forms an interesting story of Mrs. Jennie Amy's long struggle to secure her rights. It appears that Mrs. Jennie Amy xvas married In 1875 to Hlllott llutterworth, but secured a divorce from hltn In the Utah courts In 1879. Duttorxvorth married again one year later and In 1SS6 tho plaintiff married Oscar A. Amy. Her husband, Oscar A. Amy, was the son of a Mrs. La- vlnla Smith, xvho died Intestate, leaving a daughter by a former marriage. This daughter died Intestate, leaving Oscar A. Amy, her half brother, sole holr to all tho property of their mother. On Oscar Amy's death. Adele Young. Ccdfilla Young nnd Dclecta Muson, maternal aunts of Amy, brought nn action In the court In Summltt county, L'tah, asking that the cstato be distributed. Royal D. Amy of this city and other members of tho Amy family, brothers and sisters of the half-blood of Oscar Alny, brought a similar suit. The court found that tho maternal aunts xvere tho solo heirs of Oscnr Amy: that Mrs. Jcnnlo Amy xvas not tho xvlfo of Oscnr Amy and had no claim to tho property; that Royal D. Amy nnd tho other half-blood brothers nnd sisters, xvcro likewise not heirs to the property. This xvns In 1S9). four years after Oscar Amy's death. The case xvas taken to the stntc supremo court, which uphold tho lower court nnd then Mrs. Jennie Amy took It to the United States court, xvhlch recognized hor as the lawful xvlfo of Oscar Amy and declared her tho laxvful heir to the property, nt the samo tlmo giving her Judgment for tho costs of tho several actions. It Is this Judgment xvhlch sho now seeks to re cover In tho courts here. Mi'KlttlrV (itiiit'itn' election. Tho MeKlnley guards will meet tonight at republican headquarters to elect ofllcors. Tho guards havo decided to retain tholr organization, but nre willing to he nttnehed to the McKlnley-RoosevcIt club nnd form ono of the compnnles of the marching club to bo organized, it had been sug gested thnt tho guards amalgamate xvlth tho Rough Rider club now being organ ized. Tho guards, howover, prefer to re tain their Individual organization nnd uni form, consisting of white duck suits and helmets. During tho presidential campaign of four years ngo the guards cut quite a prominent figure. Mnny of the members belonged to tho Iown Nntlonul guard nnd they xvere well drilled. The uniforms have heen preserved nnd somo fifty members nre still residents of tho city and anxious to revive tho organization. Tho organization of tho Rough Rider com pany Is progressing steadily and nt the meeting of the McKlnlcy-Rooscvolt club noxt Monday night It xvlll bo so far ad vanced ns to permit of tho election of officers. Untile fnr n II ah. v. Mrs. noyd of Missouri Valley camo to Council Rluffs yesterday for tho purpose of trying to secure n writ of habeas corpus for a baby which sho adopted, hut tho possession of xvhlch sho has so far been unable to obtain. H seems that another family besides Mrs. 13oyd took out udop- linn nnnnra fnr li A a n r t-tnVtt nnil ttAUi havo possession of tho child. Mrs. Roxd took out her adoption papers with tho clerk of tho district court of Harrison count) xvhlle the other party secured their papers from the mayor of Logan. As Mrs. Royd's attorney foiled tn appear hero, as agreed upon yesterday morning, tho tiling of tho application for tho writ of habeas corpus xvas postponed. I'll II I im its nn lOdltnr. City Clerk Phillips has been offered an opportunity tu enter the Journalistic frater nity. K. O. l'lerce, mnyor of Marshnlltoxvn and secretary of the Leaguo of Iowa Munici palities, hns asked him to becomo assoclato n"'0,'.0' UJnBK?Z!n ' '88UC'! """"II!" ,n tho Interests of loxva cities. Mayor Pierce does not hold out any hopes of the position being remunerative, us he xvrlles: "It would mean no more than to glvo you tho privi lege to publish nt nny tlmo nny articles you mny desire." Tho honor nnd glory of having his namo appear twelve times In tho year, provided the magazine lives thnt long, In print us "associate editor," Mr. Phillips said yesterday, would probably Induce him to ac cept tho offer. llnnten Tries llmiitluif. Word xvas received hero yostorday from Bollovuo. Nob., that HIchard Hooten of this city had attempted to commit sul cldo by hanging himself, hut had been cut down and resuscitated. Hooten re cently went to llvo with n hrothcr-ln-law In Bollovuo. ns ho nnd his xvlfo could not get on together. Mrs. Hooton commenced suit In tho district court horo Wednesday for dlvorco nnd tho Knowledge of this Is said to havo Induced Hooten to attempt to take his life. Honten's mind was snld to havo been deranged from tho excesslvn smoking of olgnrcttc'. He xvas n bill poster by profession, but had been out of employment for somo tlmo past. HrenL n Plate (iliin. Three young lads named Bohn. Undor wood nnd Klekman, throw a fruit Jar through a plate-glass xvlndow In n build ing on South Main street, occupied as a Chlneso laundry. Tho boys claim It xvas an nceldent nnd notified tho oxvner of tho building' that they xvoro prepared to make good tho damnge. xvhlch Is about $30. Nn arrests were mado nnd It Is understood thero xvlll bo no prosecution. luiprnvciiif ills nt hlliley Inxvn, Sini,EY, la., Aug. 16. (Special.) The graders on tho (lowrle & Northxvestern railway havo nearly reached Sibloy, xvhen tho road will be completed. Sibloy xvlll then havo threo first-class lines of rail waythe Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha, the Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Northern and the Uowrlo & North xvestern, tho latter being part of tho Hock Island system. Within a comparatively recent period tho Methodists nnd Cnngrcg&tlonallsts havo expended about $25,000 hero In tho erection of fine churches. Cllntnn Culls 'rtiUniiiuli Xliin. CLINTON, la.. Aug. lS.-Speclal.) At a special meeting of tho noard of Kdueatlon Superintendent A. V. 8underlln of Teka mah, Neb., xvns elected principal of tho High school of this city (I,yons district) Ho hns been nine years superintendent of schools nt Tekamuh. I.iufit uf ntr I)estrns Ilnrn. VII..L1SCA, la., Aug, 16. (Special Tele- gram.) About 4 o'clock this morning light nlng struck the barn of Mr. Canfleld In Uast Villlsra. Tho barn nnd contents xvcro de stroyed. There Is only emuu Insurance. f AT1IFU KniirW IV IOWA villi II IjIV 1 WJAvLvJ 1.' 1U l a Pio. T.nM f,wkft rtAm; nf the Campaign. BRYAN DRAWS NO CROWD IN DES MOINES Alllsnn nml llciiilcrsnn Will Attend t'nnfereiicc nf Itcpubllcnii l.ciulcrn tn Be Held nt Bodmin nf Mate Ccn tnil Committee. DES MOINES, Aug. 16. (Special Tele gram.) Bryan passed through Des Moines today en routo to his home In Lincoln. If ho expected a large crowd out to meet him he xvas sorely disappointed, for there was only a very small gathering nt tho depot xvhen tho train nrrlved and there xxas no demonstration whatever. Senator Allison nnd Speaker Henderson will bo hero tomorrow to attend tho confer ence of tho republican lenders, to bo held at tho rooms of tho Btato central com mittee. It Is nlso expected that tho en- tiro membership of tho stnte committee will be present, ns xxcll ns all of tho stnto and congressional nominees of tho party. Chairman Weaver Is today at Davenport attending tho congressional convention of the Second district nnd xvlll hold a con ference xvlth tho district committee nnd tho county chairmen upon tho ndjourn- mcnt of tho convention. Ho will return tomorrow morning. Then nil of tho plans of the campaign xvlll bo thoroughly gone over nnd discussed nnd details arranged for carrying on tho light. Whllo tho stnto canvass xvlll receive proper nttontlon, It Is probable that espe- clnl consideration xvlll be given to those districts xvhlch nro considered close and xvhero tho democrats nro believed to bo massing their munitions of xvnr and their energies In the hope of capturing thorn and thus breaking the solid republican congressional delegation. These districts nro the First. Second nnd Sixth, whllo somo sort of nn nttempt xvlll bo made to xvln tho Eighth district. Tho republicans declare that they nre In good shape In all of these districts nnd they do not believe thnt the efforts of the opposition will avail. However, they are determined not to relax their energies In nny particular. Dcs Moines nnd central Iowa had another big rainstorm last night. Slnco Saturday afternoon thero has fallen ti.ti" Inches of rain. Including last night, xvhen 1.11 Inches of rain fell. This Is tho report of the ftcathcr Intrcnu. Tho bureau xvas cstab- I lulled on August 1. 1S7S, and since I thnt tlmo tho highest rainfall for August xvas In 1881, xvhen a total rainfall of 6. CD tlnchcs Is recorded. Already the rainfall is within .02 of the highest, nnd xxltn present wentner conditions prevail ing It xx 111 soon oxeced that. Tho largest rainfall for a month In tho history of the bureau occurred In June. 1S81, xvhlch was a wet year. That month a total of lfi.T'J Inches fell. If tho present rainfall con- tlnues both corn nnd potntoes nro npt to suffer, as they xvlll rcmnln green nnd bo npt to be cnught by tho frost, but If It lets up In the courso of a few days no harm xvlll bo none, nn corn xvlll mature in a month. The average August rainfall Is 3.26 Inches. SUIT OVER TOWN PROPERTY .XI nil Cliilntn In Court Thnt Hp Oit'nt tirenter Part nt llrltt, " llMWI. FORT DODGE, la., Aug. 16. (Special Tel egram.) -Brill, la., Is in the throes of a law suit that unsettles tho title to tho greater Pf.rt of tho townsltc. The circumstanced In tho caso aro about as follows: The land xvas originally owned by Mrs. J. 0. Strong, and sh, ,lled llbo,ut 18S7 t,"c Vtop eriy to her son, who was theu a minor. II H. Moore of Tracr nnd J. (. Strong of nntt were appointed trustees. In nbout ISfll tho land xvub sold to Hill & Brown and platted into town lots, resold and Improved. J. V Strong, tho minor heir, has becomo of ago dirlng the last year and noxv comes forward through his attorneys, Bradford & Aldrldcc. and claims that tho transfer xvas Illegal, It imving neon mado by only ono trustee, It H. Moore, J. (1. Strong, the other trustee noi being u party to the transfer. The pe- tition will ask that a decree and Judgment no renocrcn ngainst nil tho defendnnts quiet- ing and establishing tho plaintiff. Strong claims oxvncrship to the wholo addition, cuiisisung oi twclvo blocks, in all about miriy ncres. .., , . , ,. rr . Ann!) nv V" V. ... ' . . Ycstcrdav thn inr...ut .,i i i ' surn ,,, uK. JU, inneciai.l tween Coorge Gra v f Crav in i , u Montl!l' n8ut 11 w ' '"'ted upon. It lo v ,1,1 "f.,?Iy.n': a-' .Atlmusht by many that the council wll: MwfV'SZ " ... . : .oiuuu in nu,i nnd 2,619 ucrcs In Texas valued at i,tii.i. ny this deal tho flno ranch nun,.,i by Georgo Gray In this county passed to Mr. Liken and ono of Mr. I.ikcn'b ranches in ioxus passed to Mr. Gray. By tho con- summation of tho deal tho suit brought hy u. uray against .Mr. Liken In tho I nltort States circuit court at Council Muffs for H.i.uuu is compromised and xvlll ho dis missed nt tno next term. Snlillers IOii Ituule lo Orient. r'UKT HODGE, In.. Aug. lti.-tSncelal Tolegrum.) Two trains of Amorlcan sol. dlcrs xvent through hero last night en routo for the sent of war In China. They xvcro tno i nird tiattallon of the Ulghth In- rantry, bia men and officers. They came irom ht. Paul over the Minncanolls & St. Louis railroad and xvoro transferred hero to the Illinois Central, going to Omaha. irom xvnero tney xxill go direct to the coast, mo men xxero In good spirits and xvoro anxious to sco active service. IllPiiients Hit DiuniiKe In Intvn, Jl.r ! KHSO.V, la.. Aug. lS.-iSpcclal Tel egram.) Unprecedented heavy rains yes terday nnd today falling upon soaked ground havo converted Holds Into lakes. M l . . .nun iiiiuiuis today loponod nenia ns largo na forty ncres under ono to two feot of xvatcr nnd much corn ruined. Terrific wind has Uttered tho country xvlth xvrccks of stacks, windmills nnd barns. Ti'ittiiiiinii Cruslteil lletxxeen Curs. STOltM LAKH, In.. Aug. 16.-(Spcclal Telegram.) At T o'clock this aftornoon J. P. Haknr. ono of tho trainmen on the Chicago, Minneapolis & St. Paul railroad. was crushed to death whllo coupling txvo eoaehos. Tho deceased xvas 3.1 yeurs old and leaves a xvlfo and txvo children. aKK Tho Southwestern Iowa Medical society Is In sosslon at tho court houso today. The attendance at tho opening session this morning Is small. lnvn i:lltnr(iil (I til ii I n m. The Creston Ouzetto Is for Holllver for tno vacant senulorshlp. I ho Dubuque Times says tho advocates of M to 1 need not expect to avert sus picion until they surrender nnd turn In uicir guns. The Sioux City Journal editorial telescope falls to discover any evidence nf the fusion populist Influence In tho vicinity of the uemocratio convention The Davenport Democrat prints the state ment that Mr Hryan has said. "Glvo me free and unlimited tdlver at 16 to 1 or give the it.. mm iMoii I" s'iii- 'ith-r fe'Iow ' 'Ih'1 Demo, rut i includes tli,it Mils is a mug xvay after I'atrkK Ileur The Cllntnn Herald suxs Chairman 1 lufT- tiun ,,f thn iinmnjifuiii. 'ntut mmmlttee W considerable of a romancer mid Is just the man for the place he ncuples. The (Hidden Ornithic believes "Oovernor pi ...... ..II 1,1... Id f r.rlH,.laMl Iw ,V legislature together .and In- structlng them tn elect n senator. Former Mavnr Vollmer nf Davenport xxn. jt suit the edltnr i f the free sliver Cres- not ton Advertiser as the lieail nr tne iiemu- cratlr Htiito ticket Vollmer is n goin ho hn. M,iinr Lender siiceests that Oovernor Slmxv might try baling the renin', of ndvlee he has received bearing on the senntorshtp. If ho cannot otherwise Hnd room for it rim ivititr riiiniit liimnlillcan Is of the opinion that the cry nf reform In lowu Is nn lmnnieni one. i no reniuniciin nnn. lino litfon cilmlllcttlti- thn llfflllrS of til ...,, h..,a.i1Ih ..II 1 1 i, fnr fnrtv niuic il 11 1 I II IliiJ nil nn .,,i. , , I vo.irs unci nns nniniug in us revum mm-n It des res to ilmlge Tho Denlson Review declares thnt. the jilinr!titr mini In the south, the colored mini is ii liiimlrril times more callable nf self-government tlian nre me ingiuun, nun imu ii titttmrnfi tiihpn innrp cntim uihmi 1111- Ainerlcnn people than havo the brigands of Agulnaldo, xvhnm tho Bryunltes delight to Honor. Iimxii pxx nte. The Kifiieth reclmont Is noxv In rnmp 'it ottumxva Tim ulrni rulltvnv UllPS llllVO llCOH COn solldated unit the nexv company .npltniUod at $l,otw,.i"o. Thn Muraluilltnwtt lllectrlp 1. C It lOlllimtl,' has brought suit In the federil omit to restrain Mi? city from enfnrcln tne rates ailonteu ny tno city council II. 12. Frost of Waterloo W missing trom his former haunts. At the sain time '., Ilm iirnAAilj nf HlP Still flf 11 COllaitO XVlllCh belnnced tn his xvlfe. disappeared. The safe !n the nlllce of the Joyce Lumber conip.iny at l.exvis xxas nmvm iv im burglars, mi money was ncpi in un nn-, but the robbers took some papers of value only tn the nxvner. It Is reported Unit a ileal nan neeii iri fected liv which Cain Sells nf .lilon nnd t. ....... vVM...ir rf Miit-Hhulltnwn are tn control the federal patronage In nurthern lnwn In case Ury.m is elected, fhe frc sliver hen Is not likely, however, tn hatcii tho chickens. & South Omaha News When It was announced yesterday thnt the Hoctor Injunction enso hnd been decided by tho district court there were many expres gions of satisfaction on tho streets, Irrc sncetlvo of how people stood on the qties tion. They xvere simply glad to lenrn thnt 0no step had been made looking to nn ad- justmcnt of tho difficulty that has been hanging flro xxlth tho school board for so long u seemed to be the concensus of opinion that ns long ns a controversy existed on the school board as to tho question of buying a school site, or on any other question, the natrons of tho schools would be tho suffer rrs. There Is no question that another school building Is badly needed. Rooms have been rented by the boald for school pur- poses and these, or somo of them, seem lo- ruled In vcrv undesirable places. Owing tn tho lateness of the season, however. It Is likely Unit tho teachers nnd pupils xvlll have to- get along with theso makeshifts for the coming school year. Nimv llPiiiirlliient nf . St. C. A. rieglnnlng September 1 the local Young Men's Christian association xvlll cstnbllsh a new fcatuio In their heretofore successful work. It Is now proposed to at that time In- augurato a Junior department, which xvlll be open to boys between tho ngos of 10 nnd lrt years. They xvlll have freo ukc of tho gym nuslum three days In the xveck ond nlso tho baths, but their hours xvill ho so amnged ns to not conflict with the Fcnlor xvork. The plnn, us now proposed, is not to allow them In tho rooms after 6 o'clock In tho evening. Secretary Overton said last night that tho boys of tho town xvere quite Jubilant at tho prospect of tbo "gutcs" of tho Institution being opened for their admittance and that a largo cniollmeut ftom the beginning Is expected I'll il r .Juries In line ('use. The case against John P. flavin, charged with shoplifting In the Nebraska Clothing and Shoo store, xvns ngaln tried yesterday afternoon. This la the fourth tlmo tho ca30 has been tried, the other Juilcs failing to agree. Tho first Jury that was empanelled stood five to one for conviction, tho second four tn txvo for conviction and tho third broko even. Mr. Amstcln, proprietor of tho store, desired to dismiss tho caso nfter the third Jury had disagreed, snylng thnt ho did not wish to persecute tho young man nr bo put In the light of so doing, but tho prose cuting attorney refused to permit this be ing done. Tho Jury returned n verdict ot guilty at a lato hour last night. Miller's iiesiKiiiitlini n Sensation. Tho main topic ot conversation around tho city hall yesterday xvas tho resignation of August Miller ns councllmun-at-large. Up to n Into hour last night Mr. Miller still persisted In refraining from offering nny satisfactory oxnlonatlon fnr hi s conduct tn this matter nnd his friends seemed at a loss account for his determination. If, hoxv- . , v". '"ns OI ,nfi councilman Ho not pro- "Pon b.m to change his mind before unanimously refuse to accept tho resignation Kodo Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Itartllk'hillv (Ileus ts tlui fond nnd ulita Nuturc in HtrenL'tlienlnir nntl recon- 9tructlriK the exhausted dlKcstlvo or kuus. It Is tho latest discovered digest- ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in enlclency. It In itantly relieves and perraanontlycurea Dyspepsia, IndlRestlon, Heartburn, Flatulenco. Sour fcitoinach. Nausea. Sick llcadiiclie.GitstralBl'i.Crainps and all other results of iniperfectdlgestion. Prlco WiMind f l. Iirgn clzocontalnsSK times iraal I size. Iloolc all nbout d yspcpslu mailed f res r-reoared bv E- C. De'VI Tftca, Chleaao CHICAGO and EAST. LHAVIJ 7.00 A. M-I.Sj ' M-i-m M PAUL and MINNEAPOLIS, LEAVK 0 55 A. M f.33 P M. HOT SPR1NQS-DEADW00D L 13 AVE 3:00 P M OltM Offices, 1401-03 Farnam Kill that Pain with Mull's Uffhtnlnff Pain Killer l'or Internal or external use. Keep In the home or tarry it in your grip. 2j cents For talc by all druggists. and ho xxill not readiix ease himaelf of tho1 i lulles Incumbent upon the ofllcc xinuic n Miss Jeane Delatiliev llrlefn. 1 VlslttllS xxlth trieii'ls in Lincoln. H W Oleasnn. 019 North Twenty-third, Is reported ei Imisly 111. Misses Max- nml ltlnnelie Center and Mls Klsle Jolie' leave Saturday for a ixvo xxeeks' visit In Salt Lake City Mrs. Clara Illdcewav xvas called to Ornnl Island yesterday by the serious Illness nt her father nt that place. The Jetter bao ball team will nay the Omaha Originals on the Vinton street grounds Sunday afternoon John KraJlvIek xvns sentenced to n short term In the county Jail for stealln;; a coat of Joo Ilvrne. The coat xxns recovered. Miss Florence Justin of Chicago, a niece of Mis. Howard Mover, re'uined to Chi eagn yesterilHy nfter an extended lslt ir. South Oniuha. Sanltarv IiiHiiectnr Jones stated yester day that ho xxould In the hcreafte'-. In nil probability, pubilsii a repert tnnntniy m the milk tests that he makes, giving the results nnd tnihushlnu the names nf deal ers xvho adulterate their milk, If there ute any. Joe Mallender. nroiirletnr and manager of the Sarpv Mills park, xxas held up on Tuesday night. As he xvas closing ills plnc of business txvn men xvnlked In til" mlnmi and ordered him tn throxv up liU luinix. xvhlch xvns quickly compiled xxlth. 'I hlrtv two dollars xvas secured. A good descrip tion nf the assailants has Iv'un given, but no one has ns yet been arrested. ci-h NiKIiIiik (innil In Cape Nome, MARYV1LLK, Mo.. Aug. 16.tSpeclnt Tel egram.) J. C. Eversole arrived In Mary vlllo today direct from Cpe Nome. Ho pio Bounced that placo a dentl fako. Ho says he wns up tbo beach twenty-soven miles and that It Is worked out. Small strikes nro frequently reported, but none nre ever sub stantiated, of the :;,noo people now tn Nome, he snld, 2,800 have applied to the government for free transportation out, ond tho number will reach 10.000 within a few weeks. Ordinary miners cannot make enough money to live. Wages for xxork of all kinds have gone down f0 per rent slur inn spring. The big compnnles are losers, as well ns the ordinary miners. Thero are hundreds of thousands of dnllnrs worth of machinery thero that will never be used. Unless the government helps the people thero will bo Intense suffering. Ilnlsc Fund for Street I'nlr. MARY VILLE. Mo.. Aug. 16.-(Speclal Tel egram.) Seven lending business men spent Tuesday and Wednesday soliciting subscrip tions to tho street fair fund. They report this morning thnt they raised $2,000 and they think the nmount can be Increased xvlthln the next fexv days to $2.&00. Tho fair Is to bo held during tho second week of Oc tober. I'iimnIiik nf Hip lliirse. So soon ns naturo sees on Improvement thero Is a change. Tho randlo gave way to electricity. Tho spinning wheel tn ma ehlnery, the horse to tho automobile The fact Hint Hostctter'H Stomach Rlttcrs has been sold for over half a century, proves Its value. There is nothing to equal It for stomach or liver trouble. It Is Nnturo a own remedy, nnd the only ono to ctiru dyspepsia or xveak stomach. Rejects Claim to I, mid, SANTA Fi:. N. M.. Aug. Hi. -Chief .tinll.'o Reed. In the court nf prlx'nte land claims, nnnnunced the relet tlnn nf the (nnelo grant claim for .l.ooo.ofio neies along the Rl.i Oninde river In southern Colorado mil upon xvhlch the towns of Alnniosa. Monte Vista and Del Norte nre situated The ruling Is based upon the ground that there Is nn competent or satisfactory evidence thai a gram was made. (Iiisn I'nclnrlen I'ltc I , IMTTSIll'Ill!. Aug. 16. The pressed gluss waro faetnrles thioughnut the country re sumed work today, giving cuiplnx liieni in over 12,CX) men. Mormon BIShODS Pills Cburch oa tnci.' loltneik. rotin'ci of iclf-ibutt. .liiiijuticn, ticenei, cr nnlnnrv. Lnst Onvmr. NlihtLnuAtt. Annrmiitarrhn.n InsomnTn. rn.uccHJEnl paslreVi nmlnnPemlJilots, Latnn Hack, Nqrvouo be bllltr, Hsndacno,Uniltna3 to Wnrr, tptjs.of 0mn, Vitflaooel. or Odnatlpntlon, crops oulcknoiw of ills- flTTI S choree, Otops Nor VOUO,Tvrltchlns of Evnlldtt. l.aect io Irascainc, jPAAfl rniwOlioi nJ inc)f I; crsirs. Stimulate the wain And nene cer.ttrt. sec tor, ;oc tor, niiuiacii, wiu s ww. buuim net. Aagras.ii roit sale iiv MVi:iisi)ii,i,u.v OUR 30 Pearl Real islate IN VALUE. Some excellent lots, pleasantly located and de sirable for suburban homes, can be had now at reasonable prices. These lots are located in Omaha, Wright's and Central Sub. additions. This property will steadily increase in value as the city grows in t hat direction and the time to buy is the present. Call at THE BEE OFFICE, Council Bluffs. m rftf W eiiiwortii Military Acatihnv m ti icmrai wesi, flovenimt'nt niirx IHon, Mntticoinmlwloniin Bnuluati's. I'rcparailon rnr I'nlvprsltles mid National Ar.i.ltiiilc k. COL SANDF0RD bELLCRS, M. A.. Sii)t., LtXINOTON, M0. iiavi: KAIH voi; uviiii tiivi:. a THIAIi to. . . . "Krug Cabinet" If not. jou havo mlstod a good thing This exnultlte malt bevorngo stands on i unique basis. Il cells Itself. Its fame and reputation Is the envy of many. Tho palate tho benollclul rosults achloved "within" tht Inner man aro tbo only nnd real Judges ol its merits. Appioved of by them, It tri umphantly enters Innumerable household. Whero Cabinet enters, doctors and dru bills exit. iinnxx ni) n v riiiin iciclu iihuwi.m; t;o OMAII.V, MII THE OFFSPRING OF HEREDITARY BLOQ TAINT. Scrofula is hut a modified1 form of Blood Poison nntl Consumption The parent xvho is tainted hy cither xxill see lit the cuiKl uic Mine disease tiiniiiicsiuij; nscit in the form of sxvollcn I Klniulsof the neck and I?, throat, catarrh, xvc.-llc iff eves, offensive sores ival anil nhces?cs nml of- ! tcntintLs xvhite swell' elirn fll.riiai nt 111 suik uif, nil VJ tff Hrrnftllii Tllrfr ttlrwCVl, lie no external sicns for ) d H .1 longtime, for the disease develops slowly in sonic cases, hut the poison is in the blood nnd xvill break out nt the first favor able opportunity. S. S. S. cuics this xvast ing, destructive dcttc by first yurifyine; and building up the hloodnnd titunula'ting and invigorating tho whole system. J M SmI, iixI'ubllcSqu.tre. N.nhvllle.Tenn , says- "Ten yrnis ago my il.niRlttcr fell and cut her forehead Prom thU xromid the glnndt on the side cf her face became swollen nnd burtttd home cf the bet doctor here nml elsewhere attended her vrlthout nnv benefit We decided to trv S. S. S . nd n few bottles cured her en tirely " nukes nexv nnd pure blood to nourish and strengthen the body, nnd is a positive nnd safe cure tor Scrofula. it overcomes nil forms of blood poisou, whether inhctited or acquired, and no remedy so thoroughly and effectively cleanses the blood. If you have any blood trouble, or jour child has inherited .some blood taint, lake S. S. S. and get the blood in good condition and prevent the disease doing further damage. Send for our free book and xvrite our plivsici.uis nbout your case We make no charge xxhntcvcr for medical advice. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA, GA. r xvlh gunranted that my llhotiiuatisia Cure xvlll relievo um bno, sclntlrn nml nil rheumatic pains' in txvo or three hours, nml cure hi a fiW days. MUNYON. At nil druggist, 25o. n vial. Oulda to lleulth nnd mecil ml ndxieo free. 1505 Arch nt.. rbllfi. KINGSFORD'S CORN STARCH Th Original for food purposes. IN USE ALL OVER THE WORLD. teen In ie oer ;i yrirt br the lexteii ot the Mornon cures tht wont eitfi la old &d youn? .riitnp from cfTrct. ctcuette - umUn - . Sural Lost Manhood, lm nut rpini a ue ooalc, i Nor- lncv Is Imri. KrjiTtJ lt-nofM imitl. undetelwl 6 fir fitsbr niit CwJLjuJ A mit'.fn rueinttt, tocurrt 6 ( r t ye bT na.l IVrtJlViJ a wtit'.en rutTintie, tocurc. uioiiop r.i.-.icr uoii uan r rancisco( cab niitii co.. turn ami iwh.nam. PRICES- And tho quality of our work should b of interest to you if your teeth aro no1 in perfect condition. It matters no1, how littto or how much you havo to ho done, wo will bo pleased to do it for you, and the chargts will bo very moderate. . . .Telephone 115 H. A. Woodbury, D. 0. Council Bluff?. Next to Grand Hotel Rising iiom.s. hi llt)0l,!i. BROWNELL HALL" llniirillnu nml liny M-linnl lo i- Krl miller the illi-eetlnii of HI, Itev, l.enrue nrllilnKliiii, . J'. )., , , l-'nll term lierflnnlnif Sept. ill. limn. Ono of tho oldest and most stico-sful educational Institutions of the west lis high standard allowing It to compete .vita eastern colleges and schools. Hulldlngi !n comploto order ported stoam heating, an. itary plumbing; collcglato ana preparatory courses; special students In mu-dc. iho lan guages and art; competent corps of ieut,;.en. Every ndvantago otTereil n regards ths moral, mental and physical training Send for circular or apply personally to Mrs. L. U. Upton, Principal. The Kearney Military Academy ki: iim:v, m:m. Third eur rieains Sent. 12. 1S0O. wl'li m- i 'rented fa. . 1 1 atil fstlllUts to give tht ' br.ys of Nebrufka otnplete iirctiaratloii for I'nll'f raltl nr ttltlli. & fVw,r,,.,4 r.,...!. rji. I Address tho premdent. . St.