10 THE OrATlA PATLY FRIDAY, ATTnrST 17, IflOO. TRYING TO OUST DR, WEARXE Trionds of Dr. Lee Van Camp Want Him Appointed Oountj Physician. MATTER WILL COME UP SATURDAY i'rlrtiiN of llnlli .Mrn liillticiirc to llriir on oiinty 4 ' in til I - I on '-'. llrliiKliiu Hit' It Ifl rllmnrpcl nrnttml the rotirt honf that at 8ntiinlay'n mnotltiK of the cotinly rommlnMotiars nil nttrmpt will be in.nlo to removn iJr. Kreil Wrnrnp from hl pusitton uk county phyMrlnn and Install Dr. Lit Vnn Cam. Interne nt the rounty hospltnl. In his film-a. Slnro It brrnine nnlaert nliout that n chnnsc of thin kind wns lie ltiK rnntrtnplatvil by Hip eoitimlmitoncrs frlrndu of both dortorH aro workliiK lmrl to Rain the enl In view. Dr. Wmrnc'a Btipportern nwsrrt that he Iwh mado n Drat-nlnn county physician nnd Insist that h rrinaln In hl present position until .January 1. On the oilier hand, friends of Van Cnmp nre iihIiik every effort to Bccure totm enotta.li to oust Woarne nnd Install their faorlie In lliu ollleo of tho county physician. In caro Dr. W'cnrno Is removed nnd Dr. Van Camp promoted there will be a srrainble for the Inltcr's plnco nt the ourity honpllnl. Two physicians are now being tonsldercd for thn place. Ono Is I ir. Mct'tine of the Klrst ward, n democrat and a Kradunte of CrelRhton Medical coi Iprc. Dr. Kyan. populist and Krndtiato of Jim Omnlm Medical college, Is another can didate, nnd those who pretend to know assert that Kyan has the best of tho deal nt the present time. That Influence Is belns brought to bear on th commissioners by supporters of both pn riles is shown by the fact that 1'ormcr Mayor Unsor of South Omaha spent considerable time at the county commis sioners' olllce yesterday In an attempt to Induce Commissioner Connolly to oppose the removal 01 Wenrne. Commissioner lloctor Is reported to bo takliiK a prominent part In tho affair nnd be Is supposed to be working hard for Van Camp. In this connection It Is stated that Ifoctor Insists that unless n majority of tho commlisloners will vote to oust Wearno be nnd his friends will oppose any attempt to redlstrlct the county. Humor nlso has It that Ostram nnd Ilnrte have about iiRreed to tlo up with lloctor In his effort to remove Dr. Wenrne and lilt tho vacancy by the appointment of Van Camp. FAIR MANAGERS WANT MONEY County ConiiiiliNloiii'rs ( lli'il to Ap lienr mill l'.iliilu Why They H fuse to Ma I. Aiiroirliitlou. Judse Keysor has Issued nn order citing tho county commissioners to appenr before him on Saturday anil show cauno why a peremptory mandamus should not bo Is sued compelling tho board to make an ap propriation for thn Douglas county fair. The action was brought by the Douglas County Agricultural association. It Is de sired by tho association that tho commis sioners mnko tho usual appropriation of 3 cents for each Inhabitant In tho county for tho use of tho association In paying pre miums nt tho fair. Tho amount naked for Is $2,771.40. It Is asserted In tho petition that tho commissioners have been in tho habit of making this appropriation annually nnd with tho expectation Hint It would bo dono this year preparations for holding tho fair have been made. Unless tho appropriation 1b made, tho olllcers of tho association as sert, tho fair will bo greatly handicapped. Mm. OMtlelil Want-. Ilrr Money. Margaret OMftulrt of Sussex county, Eng land, has brought suit In tho district court hero to rerovor $2,000 from Christopher Oldfleld of this city, to whom the money v.ns sent for Investment. It 1b alleged In tho petition that Mr. OldlleUl has failed nnd neglected to make any accounting of tho money Invested. Margaret Oldfleld not only wants her money back, but Interest on tho Investment. .v pee In I Trill n to Miiiiton, Nrli., To the Suengerbund-Kest, leaves Webster street station, Omaha, at 8 o'clock Sun day morning, August 19. Cheap tickets on ialo at 1401-03 Farnnm street and Web ster (street station. To Iloitoii mill Nov rk Via Lake Shore & Michigan Southern rail way from Chicago dally Fast mall 8:30 a. m.. arrives New York next morn ing at 10:00; Now York nnd Ilcn ton special 10:30 n. m., arrives New York noxt day 1:30 p. m.. Hoston, .1:00 p. m: New York nnd Now Kn gland express 2:00 p. m., arrive IlOBton 4:45 p. m.. Now York C:00 p. m. next day; Lake Slioro limited 5:30 p. nt., nrrlvo Now York C:30 p. m., Iloston 0:05 p. m. next day; Now York cxprcm 0:00 p. m.. arrlvo New York necond morning at 5 30. "llook of Trains" gives full Informa tion. M. S. (lllcs, T. I A., Chicago. 1 M. llyron, O. W. A.. Chicago. Two nullum to Detroit, ?,l!t'Ii nml Itrliirn, Tins ono fnre. August 2.", 2fi and 27, via "Tho Northwestern Miio." Innulro at the largo city onVes. 1101 and 1403 Knrnnm street. corn in good condition i BOSTON STORE REMAXT SALE Vletil Will Hp nt l,nnt nn pnmr Oiip, ultli (lunllt Hotter Tlinn t mini (icneral Freight Agent Klmrr II Wood of the Colon Pacific has returned from an ex tended villi over the system, Inquiring Into tho situation of freight affairs, lie reports freight conditions In the west briskly nctlvo and business exceptionally good for this period of the year. "There Is an active demand for ears," ho said, "on all tho road, and IndlcUlons are thnt within a very short time, when the usual fall movement of freight and grain rotnes on, tho equipment of the different toads will bo taxed to supply the demands. "Nebraska's crop this year will assuredly be an nvcrngo one. In tho eastern part of tho state, whpro tho largo bulk of tho corn is grown, thero was not such u dearth or rain as there vn farther west, and even though wrnin of the corn was damaged by the heat beyond reparation It was but a small percentage of tho total acreage. Tn. day's rain will do n great deal of good In tho way of strengthening and Invigorating much corn which hns been In need of mois ture, and tho crop will bo Increased as a result of it." At Iturllngton headquarters a close line has been kept on the crop situation nnd re potts that aro coming In now are even mors encouraging thnn was believed after the general and generous downpolir of a tew weeks ago. Tho year's corn crop, Burling ton freight men believe, will bo nbovo tho average, and the gradp of the product will make up any shortage that may exist. 1 $1.00 Quality New Dross Goods Remnants, ! 25c a Yard. '40C MERCERIZED LININGS 15C YARD Ui;i,l, KNOWN It A I Mill A D MAN DIP.S. f. A. Mother of Lincoln Siirotiinln to Attiick of .Ncmoux I'rnut rut Ion. S. A. Moshor, general agent of tho North western at Lincoln nnd a railroad mnn with a wide acquaintance In Omaha, died Wednesday at his homo In Lincoln. Me hnd been sick for a number of weeks, his trouble originally starting In nervous prostration, and his death was not unexpected. Mr. Mosher had been connected with tho Northwestern lino for many years. Ho has been located In Lincoln as general agent for tho last flvo or six years, l'rlor to that tlmo ho wns agent of tho Hlkhorn nt Hast ings, ills denth Is generally deplored by his wldo circle of railroad acquaintances In this city. Mr. Mosher hns two sons, ono of whom, Harmon Mosher, Is depot ticket ngent of tho Northwestern at Sioux City, going thero about a year ago from Omaha, whero ho occupied a position with tho Northwestern. I'nrty OfT for Spirit I,nlp. (pneral Western Agent Kred Nash nf the Mllwaukeo left yesterday for Spirit Lake, la., In company with a party of Omaha friends. They occupied n prlvnto car and their trip will bo purely ono of pleasure. Tho party, which will return Saturday, con sists of (5. W. Wattles, John S. Ilrndy. J. A. Kvans, M. (J. I'erklns, Frank Murphy, B. M. Morsmnn, H. W. Ynics, (i. A. Joslyn, W. J. C. Kcnyon, Thomas Kllpntrlck, Euclid Martin. W. J. Conncll, J. J. Dickey nnd J. F. Wllhclmy. It n 1 1 mm y Note nml I'rmomiln. The Missouri I'aclllc took a speclnl train load of picnickers to Weeping Water yes terday. Land Commissioner T5. A. MeAUnster of the Cnloii I'aclllc has returned from a short ubsenco on business. The rullroads of the state have ngreed upon special rates for the state encamp ment of Hip Nebraska National Ouard to bn held nt Hastings the last of this month. The two Omabn mllltla companies will at tend tho encampment. Two special trains came In from Fort SnelllriK, Minn., via tho Illinois Central Wednesday night and left for San Fran cisco over tho t'nlon Pacific. Tho trains were occupied by tho Eighth Infantry, which has been ordered to tho Orient. On account of the fusIonlstB" convention of tho Fifth Nchraska district to bo held at Holdrege, August 22, tho Burlington has authorized a rate of one and one-third fare from points In tho district. Tickets will bo on sale tho dny preceding tho convention and good for return passage until the day followlnc. EXAMINATIONS ARE NOW ON IVneliers Tolllnp: llio County, ilupcr-liiti-mlont of Seliools Wlint They Know. Urn ml Cloning Out Snip Minrt I'lcer nml Olid nml llnil of llrcm IiooiIm, Hlkn, Wnili tiooiln, While Wood, t'ntton linoit! I, nor AND IJMimoiDKUIKS. $1.00 NBW DItESS GOODS, 25C YARD. Today wo show for the first time 0,000 yards of new dress goods In early fall styles. They are nil In lengths from 4 to 12 yards and aro all the new and latest colorings. They are ono of tho most ex ceptional bargains wp have over placed Ion our bargain squares and go on sale to I morrow at 25c a yard. NBW DItESS GOODS ENDS, BO AND IOC. I Today for tho first tlmo we will , show a grand lot of Importer's sample o.nds of dress goods, In black and colors, n great many of them to match; go lu two lots nt 1c and 10c. NBW SILK REMNANTS, EC, IOC, 15C nnd 2.-.C. Another grand lot of silk remnants. In lengths up to yard, go In lots, accord ing to length, at 5c, 10c, 15c and 25e each. S1LIC MOt'SSBLINB DE SOIE, 1C, 3C, 50. Remnants of silk moussellne do sole that match up, enabling a person to get enough for a child's dresa or a hub's waist. Thu remnants go, according to length, nt lr. 3c, 5c nnd 10c for an entire piece. WASH GOODS REMNANTS 1C YARD. 10,000 yards of short remnants of all kinds of organdies, dimities and summer wash goods go at lc a yard. 1,000 yards of remnants jif denims, cre tonnes, etc., go nt 5c a yard. IOC MERCERIZED SATEENS. 150 YARD. 10,000 yards of plain black and colored mercerized Henrietta saltcens, worth 40c a yard, In long mill remnants, go at 15c n yard. Ono big counter of all klndn of corded gingham remnants, worth 25c n yard, go at ii',4o a yard. 10,000 yards of nil kinds of white goods remnants, worth up to 10c a yard, In stripes, plaids, dimities, etc., go at 5c a yard. 10,000 yards 10-lnch fido India linen goat, 15c n yard. , One big counter of remnants of 45-lnch wldo dotted Swisses, go at 15c a yard. All tho balnnco of tho remnants of our flno organdies, lawns, dimities, etc, In long mill remnants, go at 5c a yard, worth up to 25c. And hundreds of other remnants In tho basament for tomorrow. TAULB LINEN RKMNANTS. Grand clearing sale of 1,000 remnants of all kinds of tablo damask, bleached, un bleached, red, cream, etc.. from V. to 3 yard lengths, at about ono-half tho regular price. BMDRIODERY AND LACE REMNANTS. Remnants of all kinds nnd all widths of embroideries and Inserting, worth regu lar up to 25c a yard, In this sale at 3t4c 5c and 7c a yard. 25C LACES, 3V4C, EC AND "HC A YD. All tho odd pieces and remnants of tho finest wash laces and Inserting.1), In all widths, worth up to 25c a yard, go In this sale nt 3UC 6c nnd 7',4c a yard. 50C ALLOVERS AT 15C. All the finest allover laco, embroidery and tucking, In combination laco and em broidery effects, worth up to 50c, In this salo at 15c each. BOSTON STORE, OMAHA. N. W. Cor. ICth nnd Douglas Sts. Tho regular quarterly examination of ap plicants for certificates to teach lu the Douglas county schools la being held nt the High school building and will oontinuo until Saturday. Only twenty-five teachers began tho oxamlnatlon this morning, but th weather was so unfavorable that Superin tendent E. J. Hodwell expects a larger at tendance, tomorrow. Most of tho nppltcnnts who havo already appeared are from Omaha and teachers from other parts of tho county will probably show up tomorrow. On Monday tho Douglas county Teachers' Institute begins Its session of ono week at tho High school bulldlug. Last year's at tendance wns 125, but Superintendent Hod- well believes tho lnstituto will be more largely attended this year. South Omaha alono will send forty teachers. BUILDING AN ORPHANAGE DrnpniM'N' Anxoi'lntloii llri'i't Inu n Home Whrrr l' I'lillilrrn Cmi Hp t'nrt'il 1'iir. The Immnnuel Deaconess' nssnelatlon Is erecting n parsonage and an orphnnago ad joining tho hospital of tho association on Meredith avenue, nnd Thirty-fourth street. Tho buildings will cost when comploto about $10,000. Tho orphnnago is a small building which will accommodate fifty children, tho Idea nf tho association being to havo smaller bouses and caro for tho small unfortunates ns th'out'h they wero nt homo. Thero will bo nothing of tho "Institution" In this or plmnnKo, the children becoming members of ono family, not marked with uniforms or bndgca. As tho demand Increases other homes will bo built, but apart from other buildings, tho Idea of tho superintendent being to have no more children In a build ing than can bo cared for by two deaconesses. (inoil I'lnlilUK. Spirit Lake, OkoroJI, Lake Washington, Waseca, Eagle Lake, River Falls, Solon Springs, Rice Lnke, lluyflold, Ashland, Gog ebic, Watersmeut and numerous lakes near St. Paul and Minneapolis. Theso are nil good fishing places and aro quickly nnd comfortably reached by the North-Western lino. Cheap rato excursions August 10-21, Sep tember 7-21. Limit October 31. 1900. City ticket olllce. 1401 and 1403 Farnara street. Mothers endorse It, children like It, old folks ufo It. Wo refer to Ono Mlnuto Cough Cure. It will qulcl.ly euro all throat and lung troubles. MnniiliN to I lim- i'liool. Tho four Masonic lodges of Omaha have (i itn llfilll for loliit iiieptliisM to be held 111 iim MiihoiiIo lemnle n the evenings of August Z nnd 21. Theso meetings will bo under tho direction of liriind Custodian J A Tiillevs nf lteil Cloud. This Is tho llrst ntlcnint the Muhiiih nf Omaha havo over imii,i in imlto In n Hchool or Instruction, Tho four lodges have a memborHliln nf 1.20) Hill will 1)0 lllliy repri -seiui'ii. ,u imn .iii.iiu nr iMitprtnlnineiitH have Ixvii ur ranged tn connection with the school, as ih. wnrk of the various degrees will re nulro every possible moment of tlmo and It may lie found iuti'shiU) tn continue the hchool for a third night- High grade Iluckeyo Manufacturing com pany bikes, ball and roller bearing and mild rubber tiro, at cost to close out stock. Call quick nnd get i bargain. Omaha Im plrment Transfer Co. 1th nnd Jackson. A (Jin ml Opportunity To increnbo your knowledge of tho country, Half faro to Chlccgo nnd return via "Tho NnrtliW' stem Line." August 2i to 23. Good Ill HM.NIiTON HOI TC. f I .tin Lincoln nml Itrtiirn $I,1,, Trains for Lincoln leave the nurllngton station 8:40 a. m., 3.00 p. m., t:25 p. ni. and 0:30 p. m. Four going, four returning. DAYLIGHT TIIAINS FOlt SPIK1T I, A HIS OUolinJI and Arnold's 1'nrU, The Chicago, Milwaukee 4: St. Paul rail way company has ust placed In service daylight trains between Omaha and Spirit Lake, Okobojl and Arnold's Park. Going the train leaves Omaha at 7:15 a, m. and ar rives Splrt lake at 4:15 p. m. Returning the train leaves Spirit Lake at 6:45 a. m. and arrives Omaha 3:55 p. tn. This Is the beet bcttIco that han yet been offered over any one road. Round trip tickets, good re turning until October 31, $10.70. City ticket ofTlce. 1504 Farnam street. F. A. NASH, General Western Agent 1504 Farnam Street, Omaha. lirnml Army Iliicninpinr n t nt ClitcUK" August 25 to 2S, Half-fare tickets Via The Northwestern Line. Speclnl cars and Accommodations. 1401 and 1403 Farnam St. Samuel L. Morris of the Omaha police forco says that ho had kldnoy troublo and that no modlclno gavo him tho relief that Cramer's Kidney Curo did. All druggists. Ilnyileii'a I'lnnm, rinnin, 1'luinn, Largo market basket fancy homo grown plums, 10 pounds In basket, for 19c. Fancy largo Mezzlna lomons, 15c dozen. Largo fancy 3 crown layer figs, Ec pound, HAYDBN I1ROS. Read clothing and shoo sales. CHICAGO AND ItlVI'l, ll.N' U2.75. ClilenRo nml He turn 912.75. On August 23, 2G, 27, 28 and 29 tho Chi cago, Mllwaukeo & St Paul railway will sell round-trip tickets Omaha to Chicago for $12.75. City ticket ofTlce, 1504 Farnam street. F. A. NASH, General Western Agent. Omaha Tent and Awning Co., tenta, awn ings, canvas gcods. 1Kb &. Harney. Tel. SS3. r tie iiiUKCTW mznm SPECIALS. Chicago and leturn, $12 75 August a to a. Detroit and return, :'- mi-August 25 to 27. Hot Springs and return, Jb.40 August IS, 21 nnd 25. Denver, I Colorado Springs. $19.00 August 19, 20 and 21. Pueblo and return.. . Olenwood nnd return, $31 'M August 21. Salt Lako and return, $32.00- August 21. Yellowstone Park and return, $47.50 Dally. Yellowstono (Cinnabar nnd return, $.17.05 August 21. Tlckot Otflcs, 1 502 Farnam St, Tel. 260. Burlington Station, 1 0th and Mason Sts Tel. 128. CLERKS MAKING UP TAX LIST liMt of I'rnpprtlr on Wtili'h Tnxp lime lli'poini. Itplliiiiui'iil Will lip I'lililutiril In 'liluliiM-, Several nddlllonnl clerks have been put to work In the rounty treasurer's nfllcp mnklug tip the delinquent tat list. It Is expected thnt the list will bp ready re publication the first week In October After publication all property upon which there aro delinquent taes will be offered for public sale In November. Recently the county commissioners made a ruling reassessing property In South Omaha for the years ISS9 to 1S!i7. ns Un taxes levied had been declared Illegal by reason of there having been but one as sessor, when there shmild have bepti four, ono for each ward, fly reason nf Mils de cision of the courts all of the unpaid South Omaha taxes for the years mentioned were reassessed. Theso reassessed taxes will not be advertised In October of this year, although they havo been ndvertlsed for a number of years past. Tho reassessment virtually makes a new assessment nnd wipes out nil accumulated Interest. These reassessed taxes will, however, become delinquent next May. Sum in it HortA. For a hook describing the cool, pleasant, healthful nummcr reports of Wlsromln, sPu ftted on the line of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Tnul Ry., addrewi or call on F. A. NASH. General Wtn'rrn Agent, . curt on n charge if helng drunk and !l.irdrrly Acting Police .ludge Learn, after heiirlnu bis story, decided that he was prr fei 1 1 Jiislltl.ible In objecting to ablutions In pold u.itcr. hi he wns dUrkirsed. 1 1,, tr i i- Tlqucttcs nn calo Ma "Tho Northwestern Line" to Chli-ngo nnd return at H1.F RATES, ugu.l 2;. to 2ii. good till September ! 1IH-1IH3 Farnam street. NO DRUGS Olijretnl to Hip Until. ,T. I.. Morgan applied at the Kurt Slrert mission Wednesday night for Imlgina ll bad the prlin, 5 rents, nnd wns willing lo Invest It. but the clerk told hltn bf would bnvo to take a bath lie-fore he wonM ho permitted to retire. He objeeleil to llil ns the water was coM, nnd ho was not a. customed tn bathing with laundry nai Yesterday he wns arraigned In police No ,lrng. r,k ,iPKlt N-o ,, p "n".''' ,Xn "'"""eni like laughter. So ,111. .11. In.- like mirth Ncluask.i Stores Ad Tint s . rlrl t. hut wb.it do inn think r-f S. h.i. i. r . H ire IVMlh" for ail kinds of ,111m-. is? '.,t hnitl.H. j,,t.; u Kll,OIIi 5,v mt hum, $i ' .Njonnrn Talcum Powder r,.- Cramer Kldm-v Ct'itp' 1 tn-1.. Sinn' Tolmccn ciirn'!!! KMd.nP.,Vidsln.nn:1 Npr ''Ttmeni: Har-Hen A.laN Tablets .. Dnan'M Kldnev Pills' 'iirtor'N Liver Pills l'aini; h JVler ( oup..iiiid ' ! Pond m Kxlrin t (lent Catarrh Cnrp Hlrne Caiarrh Cure OznmnlSloil LlHti-rine 14c 7.V' fillc 4"c 40c 4 i fie 7'ic 40c .".',( 6V DKIJCdIST S. W. ( or. Kltli nml CIiIphuii. I Soap I 14c per cake Wo shnll place on sale tomorrow morning 5,000 cakes of toilet soap nt 5c per box. con taining I cakes. This Is a chance of a life tlmo to get a good toilet nonp. for a price next to nothing. Boxes containing 1 gross. $1.75. Wo sell 50c Society Hyglcnequo Soap at 29c cake. Wo sell 1711 White Roso Soap nt 12c cake. Wo sell Woodbury's Facial Soap at ISc cake. We sell Packer's Tar Soap at 15c cake. We sell Jap Roso Soap at 7c cake. Wo sell Small Juvenile Snap at 5c cake. Wo sell Pears' Cnscented Soap at 12c cake. Wo sell Dig Har Imported Castile Soap, at 35c. Write for new catalogue. Sherman &McConnell Drug Co COR. ICTH AND DO 1X113, OMAHA. Have you seen the Bullard Camera This Is the latest magazine camera mado nnd holds ns many ns IS plates, 4x5. without reloading-this Is a fold ing lanura with pneumatic lolcase, for An Umbrella Ait Umbrella held over a lady with a matt KCttittK all the ruin drops from the points, signifies court ship. Kut when a man keeps the lion's share of the article, and Rives the lady lite droppings, it signifies in a fringe. 7Y if Opens up a line line of ruin tlcfi'iultM's nl n vor.v low price. All of them hnve pjiriigon f rumen, steel rods, tiiituriil wood sticks some of them are priced so ,vou ciin forget them, or, if some other feller gets them .vou're not out ;i great amount. Some of them have plain handles, some of them are mounted, some of the mountings don't amount to much, but they are most ly so you can tell if it's yours in a rush. They are good for these hot days also, for the sun that shines for us from its home !),". DOO.OOO inmiles away, can l.e stopped six feel from the sidewalk by one of them They're handy to get at, just inside our Fifteenth St. entrance- half a dozen salesmen near by. 45c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 Yo'e better ones if you want 'em. $10.00 Poco Cumnriis from . ..$,'1.75 up I'rcmo's from Si .00 up We guarantee every Instrument. Frco Instructions. The Robert Dempster Co,, ( 1215 l-'arimiu St. Films developed and finished. See our plcturo frames. W 0U WANT QUICK AND PLEASANT TROP be 5 ttrc that your ticket reads over the UNION PACIFIC Two trains daily to Denver and Colorado Points. Two trains daily to San Francisco and California Points. Three trains daily to Salt Lake City and Utah Points. Two trains daily to Portland and North Pacific Coast Points, with direct connections for Tacoma and Seattle. SPECIAL EXCURSION RATES IN EFFECT. City Ticket Office 1321 Faniiim St. Tel. 310. Ell uiwn OAT umi We Sell Better Clothin For less than any other house in Omaha All men's, boys' and children's summer clothing at half price and less, to make room for one of the largest stocks of fall and winter clothing ever shown in Omaha Men's very finost Suits $22.."0, $20.00 and ?1S.00 (l ELf Suits now at ipltV.tjPW 50c $1.50 $4.50 $2.75 Men's Extra Fine Odd Pants Selling S Fine Shoes FOR Sfi.85. Fine Slippers for 98c. Regular $3.50 and $4 Shoes made for other dealers. 98c $1.85 The greatest bargains ever offered in the latest style shoes. Rig bargain tables, tilled with these fine shoes, assorted in sizes for your easy selection. Ladies' Fine $3.50 Vici Kid Shoe, $1.85. Sill; tan shoes, made by Iloag. Heath & Co and Ilazen I. Good rich iS: Co, for other dealers all sizes in both blacks and tans. Men's Fine $4.00 Vici Kid Shoes, $1.85 Fine patent leather, welt shoes, in the latest, styles. Ladies' Fine $2.00 Strap Slippers, 98c. In patent leather and vici hid, hand turned soles, all sizes CHILD'S FINE Toe VICI KID, II AND TTHNIOD STIIAP SLIP PERS, .M0 CENTS. In black or red kid sizes 2 to fi. BROS. A Great Sale on Buo-ories $1.2n Summer Coats at $.1.00 Men's All Wool Serge Coats at $8.50 Men's Fine Coats and Pants nt $n.00 Men's Coats and Pants at o o S LxX Carriages v mri V 4 -at Concords Phaetons Spring Wagons Farm Wagons AM) 50.")0 Men's Finest Pants at $3.75 ?r.00 Men's Kino Worsted Pants at $2.50 SJi.oO Men's Uluo Serge Pants at $1.75 Slo.00 Men's Suits at $7.50 $10.00 Men's Fine All Wool Suits at $4.75 i)."c Men's White Duck Pants at 45c All Hoys' Washable Knee Pauls at 5c and 15c oOc to ,:.."0 Washable Suits, fu boys' to II! years, at 25c, 50c, 75c nnd 9nc $38 Huys a Nlco Top Butrfjy- G9 BICYCLES WRITM FOR IMUCFS AND TKIt.MS, o o o o o o o o o 9 o c o H. E. Fredrickson I o IBtli and Dodge Sts., Omaha, Neb. HAYDEil SELLING THE MOST CLOTH I NG l.N OMAHA. THE HANDSOME BRIDE U'.inlcl upprui l.itp ii ii weililm gift Kotn i'f niir (lit hIuhh ivihl, tat-u ili'UlRim r.iriKlnB frntii SI .'m wp A putty dish J'J--a uli f ono fur f i i, now run Tin: www LINDSAY, THE JEWELER, mm not ii. as. UY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF RG& , 0r-Kay's Renovator MANUFACTURED BT CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CC MOTtB TUB KAHaV i.illiriillli'i'il to i urn tlm verv wnral r;iit. of jyhir 4j.,t,i. . oi.Htin.itlon, bilious heuil. nhf llv.r o.l Kiurf n At druhslstn. XI I an) tl Srr.d for Kreo Humplo yreo Booll till September 30 returning.