Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1900, PART I, Page 6, Image 6

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    wti rc mrAnA n att.v tipt'. QTT'vn a "r. A ttsttcit io -ionn
Chronicles of Refugees from Society's
Dictatorial Sway.
City IVopIr Home from l.nke nnil
.Mountain llrliiw Tnlr of Tltnn
Droits IIoIiik of (lie
Those btiey or lore affluent oncH who have
been held In town during the summer with
Btiff. starched thing nbout their throats
nnd wrists are beginning lo realize what
happlnesB has not been theirs. Tor lake
nnd mountain are beginning to yield up
their ndoptrd children nnd sunburned fares
aro seen on city streets. The Iakr have
proved the main attraction, for wnler offers
mnro ptoslbllltle for gonl times than any
other treated medium. Men nnd women
who glvo themselves over to arduous con
venllonalltles In the winter season have
tented tho sweetness of primeval conditions
and have subsisted in bacon, eggs and milk
with cnthiisloMn nnd notable nppetltes.
"You would be surprised," said a society
girl who has Just returned from Uik Oko
bojl, "at tho number of Omaha pcoplo
scattered along tho banks of OkoboJI nnd
Spirit Lake, some In tents, somo In cottages
nnd some nt the more pretentious hotels; nil
with no limit to their time and no earthly
dcslro beyond three nienls a day. They
dress In most any old clothes that are
handy and comfortable. Coats and collars
aro left In trunk bottoms and style dictates
that sleeves must be rolled to tho elbow. In
su h raiment they aro able to banish that
drrad thing formality.
"Tho sailing races arc tho chief source
of excitement to those who still take an
active hold on life, anil Omaha has gen
erally crrescd the lino first, with Dea
Molnm. Sioux City nnd other towns strag
gling along nlmost anywhero In tho rear.
There are two races a week nnd I was
fortunate enough to witness three I was
asleep when tho others came off.
"In the first race there were n flock of
twenty-one boats, their canvas spreading to
the wind like tho wings of Immense birds.
The "Nit." owned by Lacey I'attcrson of
Omaha, finished the Bevcn-mlle triangular
courso first, In a little over fifty-two
minutes. In tho second race tho 'Helen,'
whoso 400 feet of canvas was handled by
Howard Clark of Omaha, lowered even tho
'Nit's' record. Tho wind was unfavorable
In the third race and no Omaha boat got a
"Of course It Is dllTlciilt to get nt any
reliable figures In the way of fish catches.
Tho largest fish I saw was hooked by Oerald
Wharton. Kvcrybody except Jerry thought
It must weigh at least ten pounds, but he
thinks It weighed twenty-five. It was ex
citing to hear his story of Its capture, after
an hour's struggle In which fish nnd captor
almost went to the bottom together.
"Jerry brought his fish to Pike Point,
where a number of Omaha pcoplo are stay
ing. In the house occupied this year by
Mr. Cooley'B family Is nn nnclcnt writing
desk with n plain board top, This has
been used as n register glnco tho days when
Omaha people llrst began visiting there.
Among the names nrc: I tattle Cndy, Sue
Colpotzor, Iva Kennard, Mao Dartlett, Jo
sophlno Stanton, "Buzz" Colpetzcr, George
Purvis, James! Wallace nnd n score of
others. Tho dates rango nil tho way from
1S0O to the present year."
MlilHiinimcr Mght nt Mntinwn,
A party of young people, under the chap
eronago of Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Darker,
spent a most enjoyable evening at Lake
Manawa on Thursday. Tho excursionists
wero supplied with bountiful baskets, woll
loaded with picnic fare and n Jolly meat
was disposed of under the trees. The In
vitation of full moon nnd placid water
proved stronger than tho dancing floor nnd
the young people spent the evening on tho
lake. After n brief pause at tho boat club
tho sail boats of Asa Shlvorlck and Al Dick
inson wero filled with merrymakers and the
sources of tho lako were duly explored.
Those who made up tho party wero: Mr.
nnd Mrs. Joseph Barker, Miss Hlla Cotton,
Mils Helen Harris, Bessie Towle, Celtic
Brown, Frrderlcka Wessclls and Lllllau
Moore; Mr. Adelbcrt Smith, Mr. Bennlo
Cotton, Mr. Fred Hamilton, Mr. Asa Shlv
orlck, Mr. Lewis Heed and Mr. Frank Has
call. Soelnl ( lilt Chut.
Mrs. Charles Damon of tho Normandy
Till glvo n houso party this week.
On Monday Mrs. Morsman will entertain
nt 7 o'clock lea. tho guests of honor bolng
tho Misses Burlcy. Tho same evening Miss
Yntes will glvo n dance for them at Hill
side, Mrs, Crolgh will entertain Mrs. Mors
man, Mrs, Coutant, Mrs. Drinker. Mrs. At
kinson, Mrs. W. A. Iledlck, Mrs. Gannett
nnd Miss Irwin nt luncheon nnd cards on
Tuojday nt her country homo nenr Florence.
Dr. J. W. Thornton of Ayrshire la.,
passed through Omaha Friday on hla wny
to San Francisco, where ho will sail during
this week for China. He has received a
commission ns assistant surgeon on the
.regular army medical staff. Dr. Thornton
graduated last year at tho Crclghton Medi
cal college In this city.
Dr. nnd Mrs. Tlldon received n telegrnm
on Frldny telling of tho death of their
niece, Mrs. F. F. Brndlsh of Burlington.
Mrs. Dradlsh was born nnd reared In Omnhn,
living hero until her mnrlago In ISA. She
was n graduate of tho Omaha High school
In tho class of 1S02, and was tho only
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Huntoon.
She leaves an Infant daughter nnd many rel
atives and friends.
Two families from Omaha now traveling
In Euroiio camo to tho elty of Strasburg,
Alsace, tho other day, where they visited
with Dr. nnd Mrs. Adler, tho former United
States vlco consul nt Kehl. Tho ami party
wns Mr. nnd Mrs. Itobert Uhllg, tho other
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. F. Stoecker. Tho former
nrrlvod In Strasburg on July 24 from lmiB
liruck, Tyrol, by way of Constanz, whllo
Mr. and Mrs. Stoecker reached Strasburg
two days Inter. Mr. und Mrs. Stoecker will
return by tho steamer Kaiser Frledrlch,
sailing from Hnmburg August II, while Mr.
and Mrs. Uhllg expect to stay n month
AVrililliiRN nnd KiiKnnonieiitn.
Tho wedding of John Anderson and Miss
Zelma Wnrrlck, both of Blair, occurred last
Monday at the homo of How Charles W.
Savldgc, tho ofllclatlnR clergyman.
Last week Mra. Charles E. Squires an
nounced tho ciigagemen of her daughter
Ioulss to Mr. 8. Hoxlo Clnrk, son of the
Into S. II, H. Clark, of St. Louis.
Oscar S, Hall mid Miss Maud Burgett
were .married Wednesday evening at the
homo of tho brldo's parents, 1!39 South
Twcnty-flrst street, Tho ceremony wns
read by Hew Charles W. Savldgc.
Cards nro out announcing tho marriage
of Miss Bessie S. Desrh of Centrnl City,
Neb., to Otto II. Mlltz. Mr. Mlltic Is a postal
clerk on tho Omaha and Ogden railway
route They will reside nt Central City.
Tho marriage of William McMillan and
Mrs. C!. M. flam in on took placo Wednesday
evening nt thetresldence of her daughter,
Mrs. H. C. Pierce, nt 1613 North Twenty
eighth street In this city. Hew Chaso
officiating. The contracting partlea are
both residents of Dcs Moines, la., and aro
well known there, whero they will bo at
homo to their friends after August 22.
On Wednesday evening occurred the mar-
rlajo of Dr. A. C. Bunco. and Mrs. Cora V,
Ilelknap at the home of Mrs. Griffith at
201ft Douglas street. The ceremony was
performed by the lte Trcfz In tho pres
ence of n few Intimate friends. Tho rooms
were tastefully decorated with La Franco
and meteor roses and tho bride looked very
chnrmlng In a gown of heliotrope
crepe over white silk. After tho
wedding i.upper the guests were
entertained with Instrumental music
by Mis Klrkland of Council niuffs nnd Mr.
Heck and vocnl solos by Miss Cady. Dr.
and Mrs. Hunce will be nt'home to their
friends' after September 1 nt 2015 Douglas
street. '
Mo ciiipiiIm nml Wlirri'itlmiitN.
Mr. W. E. Pease Is at Uxcclslcr Springs,
Mrs. L. H. Korty has gono west, for two
Mr. Martin Meyer will leave today for
ho east.
Mr. F. W. Judson Is home from his Now
York trip.
Mr. P. L. I'erlne, who has been quite ni,
has gono cast.
Mr. nnd S'rt. Herman Kountzc nrc east
for two weeks.
Mr. Kugcno Duvnl Is home from two
weeks In Detroit.
Jurjgo W. W. Slahaugh has gone with his
family to Mlnucsota.
Henry S. Llndsey has gono to Idaho on a
two weeks' vacation.
Miss Mlnnlo Silver has returned from a
long stny In Minnesota.
Miss Josephine Brady left on Tuesday
for tho Ycllowstono park.
Mrs. John A. Horbach returned Friday
from Hot Springs, S. D.
Mr. John Brccn has returned from Man
ltott nnd Colorado Springs.
Mrs. H. E. Bush Is spending a few weeks
with relatives In Qulney, III.
Mr. Hnrry McCormlck returned this week
from his ranch In Wyoming.
Miss McChcone and Miss Powell were In
Norwny when last heard from.
Miss Cora Hyer left Monday for New
York City, to bo gone a month.
Mr. nnd Mis. A. K. Kurtz nnd Miss Ireno
Knight left Monday for Denver.
Mrs. Walter B. Wilklns U visiting In
Mllford and Mount Vernon, N. H.
Mr. nnl Mrs. II. II. Hake and dnughtc.
aro going soon to Lake Mlnnctonka.
Mrs. L. P. Funkhouscr Is at Estabrook,
Colo., visiting Mrs. Alfred Millard.
Mr. Ed Dickinson, Judgu Kelly nnd Mr.
McConnell went to Denver Tuesday.
Mr. 0. C. Cockrell and Mrs. Cockrcll
havo returned from Jerseyvllle, III.
Mrs. Fred Foster hns returned with her
ton, Wnldo, trom Hot Springs, S. D.
Mrs. H. W. Spratt left for Denver Friday
to visit her brother, Mr. George F. Glsh.
Judgo nnd Mrs. Benjamin S. Baker havo
returned from their visit to New Mexico.
Mr. N. C. Tnllafcrro nnd his sister, Miss
Taliaferro, havo returned from Doano Lake.
Miss Lillian Moore spent several days
last week as the guest of Miss Ella Cotton.
L. F. Gernhnrdt Is back from a few days'
visit at Minneapolis and Lako Mlnnctonka.
Miss Louise Korty1 has gono to Colum
bus, Neb., to visit friends for n few weeks.
Mr. Isaac It. Andrews and family returned
last night from their trip to the mountains.
Misses Blancho and Mabel Hancy of La
fayette nvenue nre visiting In Oskaloosa,
Mrs. John G. Bourke and her brothev,
Paul W. Horbach, aro visiting In Switzer
land. Miss Elizabeth Yodcr left Wednesday for
Koswoll, N. M., to spend a year with her
Mr. Samuel Hees, Jr., has returned from
St. Joseph, where he has been visiting
Mrs. Heba Morgan nnd daughters left
Wcdncsdny for Sidney, Neb., to visit friends,
Mra. Dr. J. B. Ralph and son are enjoying
an outing at Denver, Colorado Springs and
Miss Kathryn Brady has gone to Minne
sota, whero nhe will spend three weeks
Gerald Drew returned Thursday evening
from n ten days' outing at Mllford nnd
Mrs. Wallace D. Godfrey left for Sheridan,
Wyo., Friday evening, where she will Join
her husband.
Mr. nnd Mrs. T. J. Hogers and daughter
nro home from n two weeks' trip in the
Black Hills.
Mrs. Doll Pearco has returned from n
thrco weeks' outing with friends nt Den
ver nnd Manltou.
Mrs. L. J. Qulnby and little daughter,
Mlnervn, have returned from a month's
visit to the east,
Mr. and Mra. Willinm Bushman have
gone for a vacation trip to Duluth, Clear
Lnko and St. Paul.
Mr. and Mrs. G. II. Lavldgc and Hew F.
S, Whlto started last Tuesday for Denver
and Salt Lako City.
Major Arrasmltu left with his wife on
Tuesday for soveral weeks' trip through
tho Yellowstone park.
A. F. Connctt and wife havo returned
from a trip to Mncklnnc, Duluth and other
Lako Superior points.
Mr. W. H. Drummond returned from n
three weeks' trip In northern nnd western
Nebraska Inst Tuesday.
MUsr-a Grace Maxwell, Bertha Housmaii
and Adalene Doherly havo gone to Colorado
for a two-weeks' outing.
MIhs Camilla Gsnntucr, Miss Mny Mc
Coy anil tho Messrs. Peters havo returned
from Colorado Springs.
Mr. Samuel Burns. Jr.. Is taking his
Mimmer outing with his sister, Mrs. O. T.
Knstmnn, at Glcucoe, HI.
Mlfs Sydney Murphy will spend n few
weeks In Colorado. Sho wilt return to
Qinaha about September 1.
Mr. nnd Mrs. T. J. Hogers and daughter
havo returned front n two weeks' outing at
Hot Springs nnd Spparflsh.
Mrs. Uurdon W. Wattles, nftor a trip
from Chicago to Duluth by boat, Ib now
visiting friends In North Dakota.
Mr. William King nnd his sister. Miss
Krug, are now in Norway and will soon go
to Belgium and later to Paris.
Mr. and Mri. Fitch, accompanied by Miss
Mima Doyle, are spending tho summer at
Wellington Lake. Buffalo, Colo.
Mr. W. I). Klcrstcad and Mrs. W. I. Kler
stead aro nt South Haven. Mich., whero
they will remain for several weeks.
Mrs. C. M. Wllhotm and children havo
returned home from Lakt Genovn, Wis.
whero (hoy havo spent tho summer.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Dempster and Miss
Dcsslo Allen left Wednesday for Capo May
N. J., to spend tho rest of tho summor.
Mrs, W. J, Rroatch Is In Washington ns
Mrs. Meyer's guest boforo going to Phlln
dalplila to her daughter, Mrs. Donelly.
Mr. and Mrs. n. L. Penney nro at Hot
Sprlugs, S. D. They will make a tour of
tho Yellowstone park before returning
Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Hlller left last Mon
day for a trip to (llenwood Springs. Man
ltou and other points of Interest In Colorado
and the west.
Miss Henrietta Hees has returned to her
homo from MIcsaurl, where sho has been
visiting for several weeks. Miss Paulino
Rets of Memphis, Mo., accompanied her and
will remain In Omaha for a short visit.
Mr. II. K. Durket, wife and son Earl
and Mrs, Harry Haskell left Thursday (or
Big Rapids, Mich., to spend two wcoks
among tho lakes.
Mrs. Thomas Officer. Miss Julia Officer
and William Officer hnvo gone to Colorado
to spend several weeks nt Denver and
Twin Lnltcs.
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick F. Teal have
been called to Chlcngo by the serious Ill
ness of Mrs. Teal's mother. Dr. Teal will
return early this week.
Dr. and Mrs. 11. ('. Hamilton left Inst
week for Pctoskey and Island,
going by wny of Chicago and the lakes.
They expect to return about Scptomber 15s
Mr. Herman Ounlher nnd Mr. C. S. Hamp
ton hnvo Just returned from n thrco weeks
trip to Macklttfac. Saratoga nnd New York
City, by wny of the lakes and Hudson river.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. I). Schmidt, Mrs. George
B. Tzschuck nnd daughter, Miss Ruth Marie,
and Miss Antoinette Tzschuck nre mnklng a
tour of tho Inkes In Wisconsin nnd tho
Dr. nnd Mrs. R. S. Anglcn left yestcr-
day for a trip down the St. Ijiwrcnco to
Montreal nnd Quebec. Thev will bo ab
sent three weeks nnd will return through
tho Adlrendaeks.
Dr. E. Holovtchlner left Inst night for Salt
Luke City, when- ho will nttcid the meeting
of the Woodmen's circle and the Woodmen
of tho World, ns a delegate from the sov
ereign Jurisdiction to tho Pacific Jurisdic
tion. He will bo gone about three weeks.
Mr. nnd Mrs, Horbcrt Gates left last
week for tho east, where, after visiting n
number of summer resorts, they will take
passago for Paris nnd spend the next five
months traveling In Frnnce, HollAnd, Ger
many nud Italy, returning homo about Do-
Mr. nnd Mrs. George W. Llnlngor- and
their grnnddnughter, Miss Mnrlon Halle,
3nlled on tho Kaiser Wllhclm Tuesday. They
were accompanied ns fnr ns New York by
Mr. Hnllcr nnd wero met en routo by Mi-,
nnd Mrs. J. M. Metcalf, who Joined the
party and stopped off with them nt Niagara
I n 1 1 and other po.ntu on the way.
I'lniMiirrN I'iki,
Miss Flo Fltchle entertained a number of
friends Friday evening In honor of Mlts
Idn Wilcox nnd Miss Minnie Sherwln of
Mlfsj Edith Bcnzon entertnlncd at lunch
eon Saturday ofternoon In honor of Miss
Mlnnlo Sherwln nnd Mls3 Ida Wilcox of
Mr. mid Mrs. Joseph Redman gavo a
musical on Friday evening In honor of Mr.
W. Hoy Occsey and Miss Annlo O. Gecsey
of Altoona, Pa.
Mrs. E. K. Mackey entertained nt a de
lightful picnic In Hanscom park on Thurs
day evening, celebrating the birthday of
.nr. a. t. Taber.
Mrs. Joel Stewart of Council Bluffs gavo
n party nt Manawa Thursday evening for
Miss Mnrguorlto Prltchett nnd her guests,
tno Misses Burlcy.
Mrs. Anna Cooper entertained a number
of young people at a carryall party Friday
evening In honor of tho eleventh birthday
of her niece, Miss Nina May Palmer.
Mr. Fred Hamilton gavo a sailing party
nt Lake Mnnnwa Tuesday, evening. In the
party wero Mr. and Mrs. Despecher, Mrs.
Sprague, Miss Ritchie, Miss Ellon Mc
Shano ,nnd Mr. LouIb Nash.
MIeb Dale Weed entertained Informally
Friday evening at her home, 2023 Burt
street. High flvo, rauslo nnd dancing were
Indulged In until a late hour. During tho
evening Mrs. Caldwell gave a recitation.
Mrs. E, M. Morsman entertained at a
whist luncheon on Tuesday In honor of Mrs.
Scoble and Mrs. Darby. The guests were
Mrs. Everett of Council Bluffs, Mrs. Dickey,
Mrs. Yates, Mrs, Coutant and Mrs. Prltchett.
The Christian Endeavor society of Clifton
Hill gave a delightful "hay ride" to Florence
Tuesday evening. 'After n visit to tho water
works aud grounds a lunch was served.
Mrs. Frank Mnrtln and Mrs. Edwin LaRue
chaperoned tho party.
Mr. Lute McConnell nnd Mr. Mclntyro
gavo a delightful evening of music to their
men friends In their rooms nt tho Madison
last week In honor of Mr. Roy Smith.
Among thoso present were Messrs. McCon
nell, Smith, Cockrell, Hill, ManchoBter, Cot
ton nnd Wheeler.
Mrs. Victor D. Caldwell gave n delightful
children's party on Tuesday evening In honor
or tno nth birthday of Master John
Caldwell. Tho evening wns Bpent with
games nnd refreshments on tho lawn, tho
miter suggesting in a pretty way tho natal
anniversary of the young host.
Mlfs Henrietta M. Rocs entertained In
formally Frldny nfternoon In honor of her
guest, Mies Pnullno Roes of Momphls, Mo.
In guessing games Mire Alice Towne and
Mlas Edith Sncll carried off tho honors.
A very pleusant surprise party was ten
dered little Agnes Undcland In honor of
her fifth birthday nt tho horns of her
parents, S06 South Twenty-flret street, last
Tuesday. Those present wero: Reglua
Hooyer, Gruco Tucker, Henrietta Burgman,
Ireno Sutton, Ollvo Sutton, Florence Tucker,
Cornelia Heel, Jcnnio Undoland, Agnes Un
dcland, Mcrll Athcrton nnd Vernon Rngen.
Friday night Mrs. Prltchett gavo a large
dinner party for her guests, tho Misses
Hurley of Chicago. Tho decorations wore
giccn nnd white. Afterwnnl tho young
pcoplo ndjourned to Miss Brown's dancing
party. Tho guests wero Misses Hurley, Avis
nuriey, Baldwin, Wessells, Cotton. Wood.
Allen, Prltchett, Messrs. Morsmnn, Hal Yates,
UoDert Morsman, Asa Shlvorlck, Fred Ham
ilton, Sam Caldwell, Walter Saunders and
Gcorgo Prltchett.
On Wednesday in honor of Mrs. Darby
of St. Joseph, who la visiting her Bister,
Mrs. Everett of Council Bluffs, Mrs.
Gecrgo Prltchett gavo n beautiful lunch
eon. At tho table, which wns gorgeous
in red rosea, wero Mrs. Everett, Mrs.
Darby, Mrs. Manderson, Mrs. Coutant, Mrs.
Ilrlnsler, Mrs. Stownrt of Council Bluffs,
Mrs. Morsman, Miss Hurley. Miss Avis
Burlcy hud MIbs Marguerlto Prltchett.
Cards preceded and followed tho luncheon.
On Tuesday evening n llvoly party of
young people met nt Mrs. Prltchett's to
coach to Florence by moonlight. In the
party wero: Misses Mnrgucrlte Prltchett,
Itutti nnd Avis Burlcy, Margaret Wood,
Ella Mae Brown, Mary Lee McShane. Pau
lino Hogan. Hoasio Brady, Messrs. George
Prltchett. Robert Morsman, Wnlter Saun
ders, Harvey Clayton. Harry Wude. Walter
Roberts. Charles Shlvorlck, Woyland Mngeo
nnd Clifton Gaylord. A supper nfterward at
Miss Prltchett's completed a (lellghtful
An elaborate lawn and platform party
was given on Friday ovcnlng by MUs Jeanie
Brown nt her home on Sherman avenue.
The commodious grounds were hung with
Jnpnneso lanterns and tho light gowns of
the young women added to a most artistic
effect. The dancing iloor in tho open air
was In excellent condition for dancing,
which was tho amusement of tho ovcnlng.
Tho bright moonlight rando It posslblo to
enjoy refreshments on tho lawn and the
affair was nn unqualified success. About 100
wero present.
Tho monthly party of the Winter club
at Lake Mauawa Thursday night was a
most delightful affair. Tho attendance of
members was exceptionally largo aud the
careful advance arrangements made for
tho party by tho entertainment committee
of the lub made tho ovcnlng ono of nonu-
('40 enjoyment. In r. commodious pavilion
orocteu i r tho occasion and provided with
nn excellent floor, a program of ten dances
was rendered, the music being furnished
by n capable orchestra. An hour's Inter
mission gavo nmple tlmo for the enjoyment
of n light luncheon nnd a visit to tho at
tractions of Lnko Manawa, many of tho
participants occupying this tlmo la row
log. Not tho least plcuaunt purt of the
evening wns tho rldo In a special car from
Omnhn to the lake, tho return trip being
particularly pleasant.
Miss Margaret Wood entertained her
friends Inst Wednesday evening at the
homo of her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. B. B.
Wood. The grounds were lighted with
Ch.ucse Inntems nnd whllo there wns
music and dancing within, the warm night
made tho porches and lawn cqaul nttrnc
Hons and their mnny comfortable seats
were kept filled nil evening, Thoso pres
ent were: Misses Ruth Hurley, Avis Hur
ley, Bessie Brady, Marguerite Prltchett,
Mary Leo McShane, Paulino Hogan, Nellie
Clnybaugli, McCllntock, Ornce Thurston,
Jenn Thurston, Henrietta Bartlctt, Na
thalie Merrlam. Mildred Mcrrlam, Marlon
Hughes, Vlvlnn McDowell, Phoobo Smith,
Draco Connors, Susan Holdregc. Messrs,
Honry Wade, George Prltchett, George
West, Elmer West, Wnlter Roberts, Charles
Shlvorlck, Waller Saunders, Frank Mors
man, Robert Morsman, Fred Hamilton,
Hnl Yates, John Robinson, Alfred Gordon,
Vernon Chase, Warren 1 1 1 11 Is. Gaylord
Mnrtln. Doano Powell, Wlcr Coffmnn,
Arthur Jayncs, Harry Clayton, Will Gal
brnlth. Harry Montgomery, Hoy Wood, Hex
Morchouso nnd Stillwell.
Out of Tiiuii (iiiosts.
Miss Dorothy Ketchum has ns her guest
Miss Orlo Abbott of Chicago.
Mrs. John A. Sargent of St. Paul Is vis
iting her mother, Mrs. E. C. McShane.
Miss Margery Ritchie of Chicago Is vis
iting her sister, Mrs. E. H. Spraguo.
Miss Georgia Llndsey is entertaining
her cousin, Miss Ada Swan of Blloxl, Miss.
Mrs. Applcgato of Palmer, Neb., Is tho
guest of her mother, Mrs. Charles Apple
gate. Miss Lois Spencer of Falls City Is visit
ing her brother, Mr. Guy Spencer of this
Mrs. Myron Wheeler of Lincoln has been
visiting Mrs. Dan Wheeler, sr., for the
last week.
Mrs. George Kinney of St. Joseph Is vis
iting her parents. Mr. nnd Mrs. Axford of
Mr. Frank C. Swnrt of Chicago Is the
guest of his Bister, Mrs. John Barker, al
Mornings hie.
Mrs. Will Dormnn, who has been the
guest of Mrs, Georgo P. Moore, has re
turned home.
Miss Jessie Smith of St. Louis will bo
tho guest of Miss Imogen Alexander dur
ing tho coming week.
Mrs. Herbert Hutchlns of Chicago Is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W.
Clark of 2117 Dodgo stroot.
Mrs. Charles II. Cox Is entertaining her
sister. Mrs. J. P. Norllng, of Salt Lake City
and little son.
Mr. nnd Mrs. S. D. Cadwell of St. Louis
are spending a few days with Mr. nnd Mrs.
John Wlthncll, 2008 St. Mary's avenue.
Mr. Louis Meahl of Chicago, who has
been visiting at tho resldcnco of Mr. L. II.
Korty, his uncle, left for Chicago Satur
Mrs. S. B. Joslln has returned from nn
extended visit In Troy, N. Y., nnd vicinity.
She wns accompanied by her niece, Miss
Anna James.
Mrs. Ferson and Miss Osborne, who have
been In Omaha for the last week, were
entertnlncd at Happy Hollow by Mr. and
Mrs. J. N. H. Patrick Sunday evening.
Miss Anna Tlbbts of Lincoln Is visiting
her uncle, J. N. Cornish, Tenth and Wil
liam ntrecits. Mrs. Cornish entertained
Saturday in her niece's honor.
Mrs. S. A. Chapman of Shannon, III., Is In
tho city to attend the marriage of her
daughter, Mrs. Cora Belknap, to Dr. Bunce,
which occurred Wednesday evening.
Uniform hlvo No. 35. I.. O. T. M.. will
give a lawn Boclal at Lady Epps', Twentieth
and California streets, Tuesday, August 14.
omaiia summits.
Mrs. G. J. Hunt was a business visitor
In Omaha Friday.
Gust Olson was married Saturday to
Miss Larson, a recent arrival from Nor
way. A. 11. Stees of Omaha has been spending
a week camping at Tries' lake, returning
to Omaha Friday.
L. K. Yost of Council Bluffs, a former
resident of this place, was a business vis
itor hero Tuesday.
F. L. Tracy loft for St. Paul, Minn..
Wednesday morning, whero ho will spend
several weeks visiting her brother.
The city has put In $410 worth, of cross
walks the last two weeks and now has the
street crossings In first-class shape.
Edla Johnson of Sweden, arrived hero
Tuesday nnd will mako her future home
with tho family of August Peterson.
G. S. Love, M. D., of Washington, n
former resident of this placo, arrived Fri
day night and will visit friends hero a few
John Corcoran, who has been doing somo
railroad work near Creston, la., returned
homo Tuesday with his outfit, which ho
will sell.
H. V. Latham, government engineer, who
has been absent for a couplo of months,
returned here Tuesday and joined the gov
ernment fleet, which Is stationed hero.
Tho telephono people finished their lino
to Omaha Thursday. Thoro are ton cop
per wires strung betweon here and Omaha,
which looks business-like to the city.
Mrs. W. Banks visited friends In Blair
Wednesday, taking advantage of tbo ex
cursion rates to Blair on account of tho
Woodmen logrolling picnic, which was held
there that day.
The Ladles' guild of St. Mark's Episcopal
church realized flS from tho sale of ice
cream at their social at tho city halt
Thursday night, which will go toward tho
expenses of tho church.
Mrs. Captnln John Wood of Omaha spent
last Wednesday visiting with friends In
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Percells of South
Omaha spent last Sunday with friends In
Master Walter and Miss Edno Snell have
returned home from their visit with rela
tives near Plattsmouth.
Sam Horten arrived In Benson last week
and Is nt tho homo of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. S. W. Horten.
Services will bo held today nt 11 a.m.
by tho pastor, Rev. Mr. Luce. Epworth
league services at 8 o'clock In the even
ing. Mrs. Charles B. Dodson and daughter
Loa returned Inst Tuesday from Avoca, In.,
where they visited with relatives for nbout
two weeks.
Miss Frances O'Connor has returned
homo from a month's visit with friends
nnd relatives In Chadron, Neb., and other
points In the west.
The Epworth league meetings, which aro
bolng held nt tho Methodist Episcopal
church on Sunday ovonlngs, aro becoming
Interesting and each overling there has
been nn Increase In the attendance; last
Sunday the church was well filled.
Mrs. Georgo Hawkins and children left
last Wednosday afternoon for Stanton, tho
homo of Mrs. Hawkins' parents, where
they will visit some time.
The regular meeting of the members of
the town hoard was held Saturday night
a week ngo at the town hall. No special
matter was brought before them,
Tho dog belonging to Mr. Lattons has
been complained of for somo time as be
ing vicious aud after having bit a little
girl last Monday wns shot by Constable
A number of tho members and friends
of the Modern Woodmen of America of this
place went to Hlalr latt Wednesday to at
tend tho annual picnic of the camps of tho
Omaha district.
The members of the Benson Dramatic
club attended In n body tho piny at Boyd's
Saturday night n week ngo. They were
presented with compllmentarles by Man
ager Redmond.
Edward Garbucz, the 6-year-old son of
Mr nnd Mrs, John Gnrhucz of Mlnnesotn
was located at tho Benson orphnnngo last
week, after being separated nnd lost from
his parents for nbout flvo years,
Mrs. J. A. Morgan, who hns been visit
ing In Wlnterset, In., for nbout n month
whllo taking treatment from n specialist
for nervousness, returned homo last
Thursday, much Improved In health,
Adell Layer, mandolin, 301 Shccly block
I'lilon Pnrlllr Kmitlii) c Itnyullv
i'rrntcil liy I In- People of
Tho nrrlval In Omaha of the excursion
ists of tho Union Pacific Employes' asso
ciation from their annual outing nt Lo
gan, In., Saturday night nt 9:30, was
marked by tho snmo spirit of Joyousness
that had characterized the proceedings of
tho entire day. It was a tired, though
happy lot of pcoplo who returned to the
city and everyone agreed that the picnic
had been a most delightful affair.
Arriving In Logan nbout 10 o'clock, tho
day was one continued round of pleasure
until tho depnrturo of the special train
at 8:30 In the ovcnlng. Even tho rain
which fell for nn hour and n halt In tho
nfternoon did not mnr tho enjoyment of
tho occasion. The people of Lognn turned
out en mnsso to welcomo tholr guests nnd
this hospitality wns continued throughout
the cutlro dny. In the evening when tho
excursionists left for homo a brisk shower
did not dolor n crowd of Lognnltes from
turning out to bid tho picnickers a god
speed on tho return homo and to express
the hope that thoy might repent the visit
In tho future.
The excursionists were extended n roynl,
henrty welcoming nddrcss oy tho mayor of
Logan and the rcsponso wns made by Jo
seph H. Standcven, one of the foremen nt
tho Union Pacific shops. Following tho
spcochmaklng tho crowd found nmple op
portunity for enjoyment In numerous di
rections nnd In its quest nothing wnB
overlooked. There wero athletic contests
of various kinds, tho chief ono being n
tug-of-war between a team from Logan and
n hastily organized team from among tho
picnickers. Tho Logan team was victori
ous owing to tho handicap of lack of prac
tice by the Omaha warriors.
City Comptroller Is Connilont (lint Hie
Council Cannot Comprl lllni
(o Cnncel Tiixi'N.
City Comptroller John N. Wcstberg Is con
fident that ho has taken tho propor stand In
refusing to cancel taxes In accordance with
resolutions passed by tho council and will
not toko any action until tho matter has
been settled In court. Mr. Wcstberg says
ho has found several decisions the courts
of Nebraska havo given In similar cases
which assure htm that hla position Is tho
correct one.
Mr. Weatberg maintains that the council
has a right to cancol taxes only when sit
ting ns a board of equalization and asserts
that taxes aro entirely out of its hands after
tho lists have been turned over to the treas
urer and comptroller. Ho further holds that
the councllmen can be sued on their bond
for all taxes canceled after tho tlmo pro
vided for equalization has elapsed.
A Ilwim of Old Come True.
Each day the sizzling sun
Drops down a notch or two and,
Whllo the Ico man laughs
Wo trade our ready caBh
For summer drinks
And softly swear!
This Is a hot old town
And you can bet
The weather man Is hiding out.
Ho knows n thing or two himself
About falso prophets
And he looks a little out
For cooler days.
Wo of tbo male persuasion
Still wrap our coats about us
That wo may freely,
Sweetly sweat
And keep darn hot!
The femlnlno contingent
Has all tho best of it to date
And always will. 1 guess.
Right hero In Omaha they have
A Ladles' Bathery
Where cooling baths arc served
And health runs riot, so 'tis said;
A place where ago renews Its youth,
Whero seekers after health
Will find a pleasant panacea
And a receipt for beauty
A cool retreat
Where nature's remedy
To nnturc's tired forces Is applied
With wonderful results.
In fact tho fountain sought
By Ponce do Leon
Wns never In It with
This fountain hero at home.
It Is a dream of old romo true,
A promise of tho long ago
Fulfilled at last.
Electrlo treatment nnd mnssagc
Aro hero combined
By trained and expert operators
And a lady's maid
1b nlways at your service.
Why not Investigate
This royal road to health?
Start from tho second floor,
Bee building,
And you cannot, miss the way.
For ladles only.
IT. I,. Flats of St. Joe Is In the city.
H. Hone of Leavenworth Is In Oiiuiha.
W. H. Wood of Qulney Is nt tho Mer
chants. f C. Spaiildlng of Ord Is nt the Mer
chants. Harry Rouse of Lincoln Is staying nt the
O. M. Flournoy of Kansas City Is at tho
II. Hazelton of St. Louis Is staying at tho
!. F. Wny of Lincoln Is staying at the
Mr. R. E. Bush left on a hiiFluess trip
to Chicago.
P. J. Murray of LeMars, la., Is nt the
Mllllonnlro 1). Sheedy of Denver H nt
tho Millard.
Mrs. II. D. Abbott of Chicago Is a guest
of tho Millard.
George S. Wedgwood of San Francisco Is
stnylnir nt tho Millard.
Richard Stolley of lrnnd Island Is stop
ping nt tho Merchants.
Wilt II. Dale, n newspaper man tf Colum
bus, Neb., is at the Murray.
E C. Benedict. E. J. I'enflcM nnd M. V.
Watson of Kansas are In Omaha.
Lieutenant Herbert A. White, 1'. S. A.,
stopped at the Millard Friday night.
T. R. Smith and wlf and Klllan H.
Selbel of Chicago alu at the Murray.
Mayor Moores Is In New York City at
present and a telegram to friends In this
rlty announces that lie and his daughters
will leave for Buffalo Tuesday They will
then go to Saratoga for a few days Ix-frim
starting on the lako trlii for Harbor Point,
Mich, The mayor will probably not ic
turn to Omaha before Aueuut 20. ,
For One Week Only
21 Beautiful Upright
In St, Domingo Mahogany, Burl Walnut and nancy Oak Cases
$148 each
$10 Cash and $5 per mouth
These pianos must be sold nt once, regardless of cost, to make room for
fall stock. TELEPHONE 1625,
The Old Reliable Piano House,
1313 Farnnm St., Oulahn, 337 Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa.
South Omaha News
An Interesting nnd tmportant meeting of
tho Commercial club was held Friday night.
For somo tlmo there has been talk going
about that n street fair to be given this
fall would bo very acceplnble to the business
houses nnd citizens generally In South
Omaha nnd yt the meeting of tho club the
mutter was officially taken up.
Thero was a full delegation present and
everyone seemed enthusiastic over the prop
osition. Different plans were proposed by
tho members present for the giving of the
nffalr, but none wns decided upon and will
not bo until a later date.
The originators of tho proposition deslro
to havo tho fnlr held during Ak-Sar-non
week. They say that Omaha's attraction Is
mostly an evening display and that If the
affair In South Omaha Is made distinctly n
day nttractlou tho Omaha crowd can be
drawn hero during that portion of the day.
If this plan meets with the approval of the
Ak-Sar-Ben managers both of the at
tractions will he ndvortlscd Jointly through
out tho stnto.
A delegntlou was appointed by the presi
dent of tho club to confer with the Ak-Sar-Ben
people to bco what arrangements
could bo made. That commltttee was com
posed of tho following named persons: John
Flynn, Mayor A. H. Kelly, James IHstlngs,
E. L. Culver, H. M. Christie, T. J. O'Nell,
E. T. Miller, C. A. Mclchor, Charles Scarr
nnd W. P. Adklns. They will Immediately
arrange for n date when they can meet tho
Omaha pcoplo nnd then report to tho club.
The paving of Twenty-fourth street wns
ngnln taken up. A committee of tho club Is
circulating two petitions along this line. One
Is for the paving of Twenty-fourth street
from Q Btreet to Ucllevuo street and the
other Is for tho paving of Bellevuo street
to n point where It Intersects with the
Union Pacific right of way. The members
of tho commtttco reported that they wore
having success with their work and that the
rcquislto signers can undoubtedly be se
cured. Tho paving of these streets has for a
long tlmo attracted tho attention of tho
taxpayers of tho city and repeated efforts
to havo tho present plans consummated havo
been made without success. However, It
now seems that thero Is sufficient co-opera
tion with tho abutting property owners to
sccuro the paving.
Y. M. C. A. Soelnl.
The Young Men's Christian associa
tion social, which will bo given
Tuesday evening, promises to bo a
grand nffalr. It Is planned to hold tho
social on tho lawns of flvo adjoining resi
dences, thoso of Howard Meyers, Mr. Hod
grin, Mrs. Grundy, A. II. Murdock, Dr.
Slabaugh and Mrs. Lane. This will cover
the entire west sldo of the street on
Twenty-third between II nnd I. Tho so
cial Is under the auspices of the Woman's
auxiliary of tho Young Men's Chris
tian association and the proceeds
will bo contributed to Its fund. Flvo
young men, assisted distinctly by their
sweethearts, will servo the lco cream and
other delicacies that will bo sold. The
Smith family orchestra of Omaha will fur
nish tho music of tho occasion. It Is
thought that It will be tho largest social
affair of Its kind hold In South Omaha
this season,
Clrnn (lie Sirrels,
Tho flro dopartment practically finished
tho street bath It was administering yes
torday, and what, prior to Its work, ap
peared a mas3 of dobris and dirt, Is now
neat nnd elenn. Tho streets that were
operated upon wero principally Twenty
fourth nnd Twenty-fifth, from M to N, and
N street, from Twenty-fourth to Twenty
Eoventh. Tho forco of tho water carried
before It not only tho dirt, hut also stones
that had boon lying upon tho streets for
some time. While nt work yesterday nft
ernoon nt tho corner of Twenty-fifth nnd
N streets ono of the nozzle holders slipped
nnd fell, causing tho water to pour Into
the midst of a crowd that had congre
gated on tho corner, watching the work
progress. Tho crowd was scattered, but
tho rain that began to fall later In tho
afternoon furnished It a reasonable ex
cuse for Its renppenrance.
To I'lirrlime- Vlrf KiiKlnr,
Following up tho controversy that haB
existed In tho city council for a long tlmo
over tho purchnso of a fire engine In South
Omaha, a committee hns wnltcd upon tho
different managers of tho packing houses
with a vlow of getting thorn to contribute
to tho fund for Its purchase. Tho com
mittee was partially successful In Its ef
forts, for It was yesterday given out that
tho packing houses had signified their In
tention of subscribing to tho fund. Whether
or not tills means tho purchnso of n mod
ern flro engine, or that of a chemical
wngon, such as has been suggested by
Chief Etter. Is not known. It is thought
that ono of tho two will bo purchased In
tho near future.
Vcleriinn Sleet.
A very pleasant meeting of the veteran;
of tho Spanlsh-Amerlran war was hold In
Evans' hall Friday night. Thero was a
largo attendance nnd nn enjoyable evening
wns spoilt by tho ex-soldlers. Thero nro
nbout 100 of tho veterans living in South
Omnha and they propose to arrange for a
grand entertainment of some kind to ho
given In tho nenr future. Just whnt this
will consist of is not given out. but nn ef
fort will bo made to ro-opcrnto with tho
Omnha veterans and make tho mooting a
MiikIo City Ilrlofs.
Bee Ed Munshaw & Co. for I imbrr. Tel 285.
'.. A. Allen went to Gretna yesterday to
spend Sunday.
Tho Eastern Star lodge. No. 62, held an
Interesting session last night.
Tho Century club will clvo n danco Fri
day evening at Odd Fellows' hall.
John Flynn left yestrrdny for Excelsior
PpiitiKH, Mo. lie will only be one n few
days. The B. .letter ball team nre trylntr to gst
up a match game of h.iso ball for 110 u
Miss Mao Unbiock who has been visit
ing In Lincoln for somr weeks, linn re
turned. Dr F L Slabaugh will leavn toi'ay for
nn extended western trip, He exiectx lo
spend sumo tlmu In Colorado and from
A fow nico tailored suits,
juBt tho thing for traveling
$9.50 and $17.00.
Fine materials and a variotv
oi colors, $7.50. Choice of
our best colored shirt waists,
$1.00. Mail orders filled.
1510 Dottulas St.
If Mi l
Compartment Chair Gars,
Omaha, Council Bluffs,
Kansas City and Quincy
Homcseokers Excursions, 1st and 3rd Tues
day each month. Call or write for Summer
Trains leavo Union Station dally for
all points east or south.
All Information at CITY TICKET OFFICI5.
1415 FAHNAM ST., (I'axton Hotol Plock)
or wrlto Harry E. Moores, C. P. & 1. A.,
Bast Dining Gar Swvlos
there will go to tho coast. Ho will bo gon
several weeks.
Tho labor unions of the city nr making
great preparations for their labor day cel
ebration. Itev. It. January Is holding tent meetings
every night nt Twenty-sixth and O streets
nt 7:30 o'clock.
Tho Anti-Saloon league held n meeting at
tho Young .Men's Christian nsnuelatlon hall
last Friday night.
William Nash has b"en appointed assist
and Janitor at tho po.stolllcc, to assist head
Janitor O. 11. Driico.
Tho Infant child of Mr. and Mis. C. II.
Cook, formerly of Smith Omaha, died at
Hloux City last wool;.
Tho ForeslvrH "r Modern Woodmen
pump, No. 109.', loft hint night for a tlshln
trip, Thoy will spend Sunday.
Hoy. J. A. Jnluisoti will conduct both
morning nnd ovoiilni; servd-nx at tho First
Methodist Episcopal church touuy.
Mr. nnd Mis. O. R Wow of Slmix Falls
have looated In South Omaha and will io
sldo at KW7 Nnitli Twnnty.serond street.
I)r. Holier! L. ,M Ilrndcn will preach this
morning's soruion In the First Presbyterian
church. Thero will ho no ovcnlng services.
The Maroons oasllv i.ofontod tho Young
Men's Christian iismvatlnn Juniors Fri
day afternoon at hall. 'J lie score stuoj 9 too.
Cottages built to suit buyers. .Itio. J. nyiin.
Louis Knutsen, a well known nnd popu
lar young mini of South Omaha, loft yo
trday for Duluth, whoro ho will reside per
manently. A. II. Monill nnd M. Carl Smith will linvn
chargo of tbo pulpit mippllcs of the Presby
terian ohuroh during tno absence ot J)r.
It. L. Wheeler.
Tim tcnnlx teams of tho local Yonnrf
Men'M Christian association are rnuklwr
jireparatloiiH fur a tenuis tournament fur
local liiauiploiiMhlp.
.1. W. Ilnzi'oamp of Chicago, together
with his family, have nmved to Houth
Omaha and will mnkn tholr homo at
Eighteenth and S slroois.
Hov. .1. A. Johnson will address thu
Youui; Men's Christian association tills
afturiiooii. This will Im Ills lost uddreii
before leaving for tlm conference.
Or. and Mrs. It. L. Wboelor, together with
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Plow, left ycHterdn
for Oram, whero thoy will spend Sunday.
Mr.' Blew Is a brother of Mrs. It. I..
Among tho South Omaha people that at
tended the Epworth League meeting In
Lincoln last wtok wore: John Fields, It. M.
Laverty, Mrs. H. L. Powell, MIks Martha
Wldills, Mrs. J A. Johnson, Miss Jessli
Hlce and Miss .Maude Smith.
Th President suspender, not tho 60q kind,
but tho 75c quality, silk cords and brass,
huckies, on sale for 2."u a pair. Nebraska
Shoo & Clothing house, Houth Omaha, tha
house that allows no ono to undersoil It,
oven if it has to give away goods for notli
lug. .Mlil'liimo l,ll!OIIMOH,
The following license to wod have been
Issued from tho olllio of tho oouuty Judge:
Nurnn and Addtoi. Ag"
Amos I) Ooorgo, Omaha
Hllza K. itoidy. Omaha 'I
William Johnson fun ilia i
Julia .loh.isoii. om.ili' 21
John McCorilo. Omiil'i iCJ
Antha Itobortniiii. Omaha :')
Hubert WlBPlr.i Omaha 'ii
Tort a a Kojliu, Omaha 29