THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, AI?GTTST 12, 1900. FIGHT FOR THE PARTY NAM Fusion Populists Vigorously Oppose the Mid-Eoaders' Program. PORTER WILL HEAR THE CASE WEDNESDAY Attorney Cirnrrnl Smyth lit I2iccleil lo 'I'nlii' CliurMc of tin- Fusion AMitcU mill Clt'itn Out tlic HlrnlKhl I'nnullftU. LINCOLN, Aug. 11. (Special.) Secre tary of State Porter will return to Lin coin early next week and on. Wednesday trill listen to arguments on the protest against the use of tho name "populist"' ni tho party designation of tho mlddle-ot-thc-roadcrs. Three objections to tho uso of this name have been urged by Chairman Edmlsten of the people's Independent stntu central committee. It Is asserted that there were not 200 bona fide delegates to tho middle-of-the-road convention, that tho namo "populist" ns used for their party designation Is a portion of nn old party name, nnd furthermore, that the county has 7,340 children of school ars. Of this number 3,172 arc living In Hastings. As It It now there aro five large school buildings In this city besides rooms that are being used for school rooms. The mem bers of the ,chool board are now figuring on the erection of another large building. The public schools of Hastings will open for the fall term on Monday, September 3. Woodmen Picnic, nt Mnrtlnnd. MAIITLAND, Neb., Aug. 11. (Special.) Klllmoro county's filth annual Modern Wood men picnic was held at Geneva yesterday, vtlth abundanco of shade, water and refresh ments and was a grand succchs, made so by tho hard work of tho officers of tho asso ciation. Wo think It wa tho largest crowd that ever gathered In the city nnd every thing went off In good shape. There was so large a program and so mnny things going on at the name time ono had to pick out what he would rather see. The ball game between Ueaver Crossing and Ohlowa was one of tho best ever seen In the city and re sulted In a score of 5 to 1 In favor of Heaver Crossing. Heaver Crossing had all home VETERANS GETTING READY Qrand Army Men Prepare Grounds for Their Annual Kounion, HEAVY ATTENDANCE IS LOOKED FOR Ailjntnnt CJenernl fisRf IlxpecU nt I.cnwt (1,000 Ilnlly L'iiIfhm the Weiither Should He Worse Than It Is. LINCOLN, Aug. 11. (Special.) Although the annual rcuulon of tho Nebraska de partment of the Grand Army docs not formally begin until next Monday, tho old stato fair grounds northeast of tho city, whero tho reunion Is to be held, were nllvo nil day with blue-coated veterans, who camo In early to avoid tho usual scramble ,. ,i' . ...,i.. ., !,... nnn nf .(, of the opening days. Upward of 100 tenth hrst amateur nltcher In the state and their already In position and many of them team ork was fine. They only made one were occupied tonight by tho early arrt nr,nr n ihrn fr, nr.. h in nn ni. vals. A small army of workmen was busy tempt to make a double piny, nnd resulted PuWnB tulngs In shape for the big crowds In Ohlowa getting their run. Ohlowa had tuat are expected to throng tho grounds s,.nM tihin inii'a nltrhir. nihnrwUn (hfv next week. The largo tabernacle tent wilt certlficato of nominations presented to tht had their own men and a gentlemanly outfit ho raised tomorrow morning and In tho secretary of stato Is not according to the throughout. I'rof. J. C. Clegg of Grafton afternoon religious services will bo con form prescribed by law. Tho olllccrs of was tho umDiro. ducted by tho local Grand Army reunion the mlddlo-of-thc-road convention will be in the prizes for the largest per cent of committee. nreiant nt the hearing nnd It is announced Woodmen nnd Ilnvnl In llnw wo "Wo expect an attendance of 5,000 per in advance that they will bo prepared to understand Martland won both first prizes sons on good, clear days," said General furnish a list of moro than 200 regularly and wo wero amused to have a neighbor Gage, assistant adjutant general of tho chosen delegates who attended the con. from Strang eny to us It beats all how department, this afternoon. "That will bo Tontlon. As to tho second objection, It Martland folk stick together. considerably moro than tho attendance at will be ureed' that tho namo "nonullst" the last reunion, tho highest cstlmatb has never been used by any political part) J,""y2?,J?n"vSnt,nn '.V n. . Placing tho attendance at that tlmo be ,.i ,, ., -.mi ,tof !. HIBMONT, Neb., Aug. 11. (Special Tel- ,, , nrn n.t i nun nnnnrul headouar , Ul KUUIJVn .1 VI. ...... II'lj ..... uvi; . I . .. l. I I L II V. II u.vvv .... . ........ fuslonlsts to produce any official city. Kram.)-Tho democrats and populists held tcr8 wl bo raalnUncd on tho grounds county or state ballot on which the nnnw ""Parato conventions hero today and It took ror from nftocn tQ twcnly Btate9i uilnols. appears. Tho last objection Is simply tech- tne ontlrn afternoon for them to get to- w,gcon8lni iowa, 0hlo and Indiana wilt nlcal In nntnro and has no connection with KctIlcr e, ,tw "nBtorloI conventions , representation and there Is .u. w..i , ., .. wero also held. The democrats wero given ... ... .,-,.. Ihn vpirmn ullst." Jerome Shamp, who presided over th "B representatives and county attorney I m for U)e bp8t 8howng nb the convention at Qrand Island, claims ... I dldate for tho legislature, stricken from oTnftVP ITT I TIT lV i t tni that the parties in question agreed to giv that OlIVUli 111 I At 11 IA tXhWl Mhe company encouragement it it woum l.cnte a skimming station at Sterling and the company now claims that the Sterling- i llr.. l.a.'rt rlrlt llfrtrt fin lrt thllr flEriVniPnt ' The Ilryan vote In Hurt county this fall Witnesses Swear That Powers Was Not at ot courso tho persons Involved hnvo their side or uio question. i no esse win vuhu-j up for trial within a few uaye. the ticket and giving as the reason since ho would not tako his name from the Rough Illdcrs' club at Craig ho could no: have the support of that paper, The Underwood Typewriter: will show a material decrease from the vote of 1896. Quito a large per cent ot tho better clement who voted for Ilryan In 1S96 aro now openly declaring for Mc Klnlcy nnd Roosevelt. TIMELY RAINS IN NEBRASKA Help to Insure Itoimtlf ill llnrvcst anil Cilvc Itellcf from llrnt nml Hunt. Homo Day Qoebol Was Shot. DEFENDANT WAS SEEN ABOUT CAPITAL Prosecution Introduce Testimony I" ltetiuttnl to AtlncUf. Mmle on Clinr nrter of AV. II. Ciilton, Who Turned Stnte' llvlilenee. Wnmnn I'nmlyxeil I'nll. NORTH LOUl Neb., Aug. 11. (Special.) Mrs. Oeorgo II. Stover, wife of a prom Incut merchant here, returning from nn evening social foil Into an open ccllarway, striking on her back, Injuring her splno nnd paralyzing .her lower limbs. THROUGH AVENUE OF FAME BEATR1CK, Neb., Aug. 11. (Special Tel egram.) Soventy-ono hundredths Inches ot rain fell hero during the storm this aft ernoon. Tho rain was badly needed. Light- rifty TiioiimuiiI !. A. It. Vrternnn Will He HevliMvrtl hy President Ale Klu ley. CHICAGO, Aug. 11. Complete arrange- GEORGETOWN, Ky.. Aug. 11. The pros ecution did not conclude Its testimony In rebuttal this afternoon, but will do so Mon day and tho Indications are that the Jury will nlng struck six stneks of wheat belonging t,e taken to Frankfort on Tuesday. A large to Dan Netsby, a prominent farmer living number of witnesses wero heard today, most nients hnvo been made for thc nnnual pa near this city. of them being Introduced to contradict testl- ra,iP 0( tho Orand Army of the Republic. SYRACUSE, Neb., Aug. 11. (Special Tel- mony of witnesses for tho defense. The which will occur on Tuesday morning, cgrnm.) About 2 o'clock this afternoon the prosecution lays much stress upon the tcstl- August 2S. This probably will be the last nlr was filled with dust by a strong west mony of two witnesses who testllled to see- great review of tho veterans of the civil wind, which blew only a few minutes, fol- ing Caleb Towers with other leaders of the War ind It will be mndo a memorable event lowed by n nice shower, which was never mountnln crowd on the nfternoon of January tn the history of the organization. Fifty moro welcome It has been several weeks 2;. Tho defendant himself had testllled thousand veterans will march through tho slnco any rain fell hero nnd tho weather that he was 111 In his room nil of thnt nil- has been very hot nnd dry. Corn Is all crnoon. Several other witnesses will be Introduced on Monday to further contra dict Powers on this point. A number of Frankfort business men nnd citizens testified that tho talk of mob vlo lenco after the assassination of Governor was nulto general over the county. Tho Gocbcl existed only In tho minds of those wrnther Is still threatening. In tho cxecutlvo building nnd that thcro was nf tlui vlctlmo. nlirhlrnn am Amprlpnns! WRST POINT, Neb., Aug. 11. (Special.) no need of tho military. Among those who Thus far tho mortality rate lias been nbout -A heavy rain fell during last night, with so testified was Sheriff Sutrr. who said he -G W cent of those attacked, right hero and the rain today 1b of Incal culable value. Preclpltntlon, .3j. COLUMUUS, Nob., Aug. 11. (Special.) A full halt-Inch of rain fell hero this morning early and reports show that It Avonuo of Fame, thenco through tho beau tiful arches, through the court of lienor, passing tho reviewing stand, whero they will bo greeted by President McKlnlcy and other distinguished guests. Yellnvr 1'erer Itneea In llnvnnn. HAVANA. Aug, 10,-Flfty ensrs of yellow lever nro now under treatment in 1 nivalin. U. S. Gov't Orders 150 MORE UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS Call nnd sen this maehttio at ' HUM IUUXAM sTiimrr. thnt the certificate moots all the require ments of the law, even If tho wording Is slightly different from tho prescribed form. .Smyth Will Tnke n llnml. H has beon lntlmntcd that Attorney Gen eral Smyth will appear In support ot tlis protest filed by Chairman Edmlsten ann vigorously opposo nltowlng tho objectlona- ..nated for representatives and S. S. Sid- Sn of Fremont for county nttorncy. Dr. Fletcher i,. Wharton. Musle hy the Fer- Mnrtln of Fremont was nominated guson uorus noir unu me v-uwir. Aticust 13. Turning over tho Quartet, .Mommy, camp; publication ot orders; address of welcome by tho governor or me siaio. w presentation 01 uio camp uy v-uium-i u. Cnptnln W. C. Henry. Tupsduy, August ll.-Speclnl program and reception by the Ladles'. Circle of the anu mo popunsis siam scmuor ana coroner. nUBberiJ prc8ent and finest display but finally gave It up In tho Interest of Whnt the AVeek Holds, harmony. Georco L. Loomls of Fremont Following is tho program for tho week and Thcodoro Wlndhuscn ot Everett wero . Sunday, August 12. 3 p. ln.-Divlne 1 scrv- UULIl nor E. W for coroner, to fill vacancy, hy tho demo crats, the populists having no candidate. bio certlficato to ho filed In tho stato's Tho populist Joint senatorial convention nfilclal archives. Tho decision of tho see- with Washington county nominated E rntnpv nf ninfn ! hmini! In hnvo n mnrkprl I Marshall nf Arllnctnn for senator and tho I rna..nD.. i... Pnmtnnnilpr John Affflnt .n t Vi n vnln ft f tl.n t nr li nnm I n v ntnp 111 nmnprnln pmlnrsnfl him. Heps: cntnD lire nt night, conducted by tlon and the fusion lenders nro deteu mined to enrry their point If thoy have to appeal to the supreme court to do It. Tho mlddle-of-the-roaders aro confident they have a legal right to uso the namo they havo adopted, but they are not so sure that tho sccretnry of stato will view tho matter In tho snmo light. Chairman Edmlsten and other popocratlc campaign managers have discussed tho caso with Secretary Porter nnd while tho latter has not publicly Intimated what his decision will be It Is gonernlly believed that It will bo favorablo to the fuslonlsts. Tho Bureau of Statistics will soon Issuo a map showing tho surplus products or ox ports from Nebraska of ovory county the state occasional showors today. Tho dust nnd hent had becomo almost unbearable. Veg etation of nil kinds wero suffering. This copious rain removes any lingering doubt as to the safety of tho corn crop, A very largo yield Is assured. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. Aug. 11. (Spo affording much relief from heated term f tho last ton days. Much of .tho small grain has been threshed. Spring wheat has been yielding nil tho way from soventeen to twenty-five hushols por acre. ccordlng to method of cultivation nnd quality of soil. Oats are a llttlo light per aero; barley has been ranging between thirty nnd thlrty-flvo bushels per aero; muni viiiiuicu 0Wed hy aenernl jonn m. vnuyer; uuiuw and only two nre nnd reception at night by soldiers of s with nn at- Span s l-Amerlcnn war arm ouijb ui s, who, an ai- -,..,,. ,v rnntnln l James Cos- Ploying twenty- .,.' n,n i,-i,t Mohrnska. ma a a a. li.. COLUMBUS. Neb., Aug. ll.-(Speclal.)- ? Trnl'ofUio e'publloTrorn 1 A report Just complied by County Supcrln- til 3 o'clock p. m.; addresB by Hon. O. SI. tendont U H. Leavy shows 6.C2S school bbf f",niCatm Vus'sell. " c0,,ducted children In tho county. The total value' of Wednesday.' Aiiciist 15. Special program all school property Is placed at 11S,573 and nnd reception by Woman's Hcllr-f corps the ln.lobto.lnes. Is given at $34 1.851.B3. The aStXUn noloc'k expenditure for tho year. Including teach- ., m . caml)re nt nlglit, conducted by era' salaries, books, furniture, etc., were lion. C K. Adams. 114.695.13 and tho school fund has a cash 'i narmmy. aubusi - "I" ","'i. i untinrt li. i;ousinn oi iovu ui w. m.. aro reported In tho county deaf. Eleven parochial school tendance of 1.006 and emolc seven teachers, have been reported. Tne Friday. August 11. Aaaress vy o"" "1 H average wage paid the tcachen, In this iA" nnuntv Is Jfi7 npr month to main teachers VV-iiL. ... nki i t .... ... !. . t-- - n nici yi vy.... . . .. . ii nun uumi ra.iuiiuuj .ui "i m 1 ltl morn than 13.1 tn women teach- Sntiirrt.iv. AUCUSt lb, bonrd to group tne ngures in smau ooxes ora representing tho size, boundary lines nna position of each county. On account ot call for Fusion Convention tho vnrylng size of tho counties It has TRENTON, Neb., Aug. 11. (Special.) Grand Army of the Republic will next week been necessary In n number of Instances The democratic electors, as well as the pop- nal tno commissioner ot public lands and lo oomblno a number of articles under tho ullsts, of tho Twenty-ninth senatorial dls- buildings to see to It that thero Is no head of miscellaneous. In tho last mnp trlct, aro called to meet In convention at further destruction of trees or vines at the the bureau combined strawberries, fruit, Culbertson, Hitchcock county, August 31, .qia Home for Soldiers nt Mllford. Ho peaches, Rrapes, pncklng house products, for tho purpose of placing tu nomination a hns ncrsonally Investigated the charges fur. colcry. brick, potatoes and dressed state senator. No doubt, ns Is the usual mnda against Superintendent Fowler nnd be poultry under tho head of miscellaneous, custom, two conventions will be held to Hcvos that tho findings of the investigating This year tho map will he considerably namo n Joint .ticket. Furnas, Hitchcock, committee aro Just and well founded. No larger nnd will probably do' nVny with the Gosper, Hayes, Chase, Red Willow, Dundy attempt will be made to secur the removal necessity of combining togothor such artl- nnd Frontier counties corapriso the district, of Superintendent Fowler, but Land Com- Tho republican representative and scna- mlssloner Wolf will bo asked firmly ana torlnl conventions have not yet been called, politely to prevent any further damage to Unusual Interest Is being taken In the com- tho property belonging to the state Ing campaign, especially among tho young man. Tho hardest fight Is to be made on tho tho county clerkship. .Termination of the great bicycle contest; breaking camp, eta. Protection for Trees. npnartmont Commander Evans of the cles as bricks and peaches. nepnhllennn IJIIkIIiIp for Omce. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., Aug. 11. (Spe cial.) As the tlmo for tho Cass county republlcnn convention, to be held In Weep ing Water on Saturday, August 25, draws noar, th Interest In tho lcglslatlvo ticket Inoreascs, At present thoro nro but few avowed candidates, hut there ore soveral good men willing to bo drafted, If asked by tho convention to do so. Thero will bo no opposition to tho nomination of Judge W. H. Newell for stato senator. Fow, If any, have represented this county In tho legislature morn satisfactorily than he did two years ago. Ho Is a careful, conservative man, who takes pride In do ing the wishes of tho people. His light for Judge Hayward for United Stntes seu ator made him many warm frionds. Tho Currle Is llenoinlnnteil, SARGENT, Nrb.. Aug. 11. (Special Tel egram.) Tho republican senatorial conven tion from tho Fifteenth district was held Tho caso of Job Q. Sherman against H. T, Ciarko, in which a Judgment for tlOO.000 agalnnt tho latter was entered In the dls trlct court of Douglas county, was appealed to the supreme court today. The appealing defendant objects to paying Interest with the judgment. Adjutant General Darry today Issued or fuslonlsts roncede his election Tho selpctlon of two members for the ce veil two years ago. houso will constitute, very largely, mo work of the convention, as tho situation nt present Is very much complicated. M. L. Freldrlch of Eight Mllo Grovo precinct and A. II. Dickson of Klrawood aro con sidered tho most nvnllablo tlmbor nnd will probably bo pressed Into service. The other names mentioned nro Richard Wllk Ison nnd G. W. Peterson of Englo and Peter Eveland of Elmwood precinct. hero today. J O. Taylor of Rorwyn was aorg notifying: all officers of the Nebraska elected chairman and Fred Delnne of Lee National Guard that he hns assumed com Park secretary. Hon. F. M. Currle of Sar- mand of Camp Lee Forby, which will be gent was nominated by acclamation amid opened nt Hastings August 20. Lieutenant much enthusiasm. After tho nomination John R. Quoin, quartermaster of the First the convention was addressed by Senator regiment, has been detailed as brlgado Currlo, Ed Hoyso nnd A. S. Moon. Tho quartermaster, with Instructions to repart nomination is nigniy acceptable to tue vot- for duty August 18. I.ioutenant oeorge is, ers of the Fifteenth senatorial district and Gswcolgne, quartermaster of the Second rog- thoro Is no doubt among tho republicans of iment, has been detailed as brigade commla his election by double the majority ho re- miry of subsistence. Hack from lleatrloe. Hoy Acelilentnlly Shot. HASTINGS, Neb., Aug. 11. (Special.) Whilo a crowd of young boys from this place wore hunting and fishing on tho I'lntto this week Wllfor Trimble was ac cidentally shot through tho right leg. Clydo Ilamot and young Trlmblo were In n tont nnd Harriot was sitting down shoot ing out of tho tent with a 32-cnllbor re- For (lont repreBentntlvo for Otto and vnlver. Somehow Trimble put his foot up CnBs counties tho names of Captain just as Hamot pulled tho trlggor and tho Oeorgo Sholdon of Nehnwkn and George ball entered tho fleshy part of Trimble's M. Spurlock of this city nro frequently' right leg. He wns taken to the hospital mentioned. Captain L. D. Ilennett will at Grand Island yesterday nnd tho ball probably recclvo tho nomination for com- was removed. mlssloiipr In tho First district, although K. R. Todd. J. W. Johnson and M. L. Freldrlch aro said to bo after tho samu nomination. Jcbso L. Root will meet with Eight hundred women and children, nil benellcIarleB of D. E. Thompson's free ex cursion and seven-day picnic at Beatrice returned to Lincoln this morning. For nearly half an hour after the arrival o tho train both Mr. Thompson and Rpv. Lud den, who had charge of tho party, were kept busy shaking hands with the excursionists Soveral women organized a quartet and lustily sang a special song of their own composition. Camp was broken at Beatrice at 7 o'clock this morning and at 9 o'clock the excursion train bearing tho happy crowd steamed Into Lincoln, I, lite Mehrnakn Ilest. WEST POINT. Nob., Aug. 11. (Special.) The German farmers and their families no opposition In securing tho nomination who left thlB county In the early summer for county attorney. lo vls" mrir lamcrinn.i are returning nomr. Those who have already arrived express Urlckunn'n Narrow Kucnnr. tliolr satisfaction at being back in Nebraska NORTH PLATTE. Neb.. Aug. 11. (Spo- MKn ntlll compare this stale fnvqrably with clal.) Ily falling from a slowly movlna anything In their kuowle.lgc. Tha wnrllko train yestorday. Emll Erlckson. a section feeling existing In Europe "ut this time, nnd foreman living at Nichols, came very near rspcclnlly In Germany, had a very dlsqulnt- loslng his life. Had It not been that tin. nK offset on our visitors nnd hastened the engineer saw his fall and brought tho train time of thrlr rpturn home. to a slop ut once, Erlckson would hnv WARMER WEATHER TODAY 1'rtiKiioxt lorttor nt Wnnlilimdin Holds Out I.lttle Hope for Cooler Conditions, 11. Forecast for sworo in n posse oi a uozen emzens anu mni It would havo been equal to the occasion had It not been blocked by tho actions of Adjutant General Collier, who made the civil officers subservient to the military. W. F. Grayot, assistant stato nudl- tnr nrivlnpml fhn hnnkfl nf the State i.i t., ,i .i,i,.i, f..ll In tl,u vIMnltv ntulltnr In rpsiionso to a BUbnopnn duces " ASlll.Ml 1U.N, AUg. IUI.J I III! ...I.. II 1 1 1 11 ... . - .... ... ,1 .-.. i.ii,i.. ..r,.lnin,l oil (Pmim tn Bhnw whnt nmnunt of tho SIOO.000 uuviiw TEKAMAH, Neb., Aug. ll.-Speclal.)- reward appropriated by the legislature had b wclnl forecnst-Tho extreme y h gh A nlco rain Is falling hero this evening, heen expended In the search for nnd prose- temperatures that havo prevailed during rfnr nnJ much re of from heated term cutlon of those accused of the crime. The ho lwt week rom he Upper Mlsslss ppl record shows that in nil tr,000 had been vnuey 10 mo Atlantic const wero uroucn ,irnwn Saturday In tho upper hike region nnd thu p.ii.1 i.'..ii sninrv. LPPL'r Mississippi vnlley. During Sunday . . ... , , .u. tho cooler weather will extend over tho Mr. Grayot also produced thu record show- .... v t?.,in.,.i v ...,. , , .,., ,, i...t, ... m ,i Ohio valley, New England, Now ork nnd lUHi ... ... vuiw.t 'u hid .u.. salary ns a clerk In tho oudllor's ofilce for December ond part of the month of January. This wns douo to contradict ex-Auditor orn is looking very flno and hns not beon Stone, who charged Culton with stealing Injured by tho heat of tho last week. Tho $1,000 nnd who stated that he dismissed rain this evening will lnsuro for this Culton nnd caused Auditor Sweeney to re- county ono of tho best corn crops ever fuso to give him a clerkship. harvested. D. P. Mayhew of Knox county sain ne MEAD. Neb., Aug. 11. (Special.) A saw Wharton Golden In the barber shop at heavy rain fell here this morning and now rjarbourvlllo Just before his confession, the corn crop In these parts U assured and Golden did not display n roll ot money will be a big crop. A tree in the yard or and said nothing about going to get part tho Wells residence was hit by lightning of tho rewnrd. A. L. Reed, an attorney this morning and tho Parrlsh sisters, who 0f Laural county, corroborate the state- wero near tho tree at tho time, wero nients of tho witnesses who testified yes- severely shocked. terday in regard to tho statement of James .n.s.m . . ... 1. Cm amI n llr. .. . . . - t ........ 1 ....... I - ' "r""1 r I :r ,.... rvtl. 1 dy; southerly, shitting to . .. . ..- I !.- .1... .n.V. t u... ..... ..... .1... I "...uo reu nero iasi uigui, meaning i"" m.uuv.. wan to do Kineu inui. uuy mm mat .u which has prevailed for the last twenty crnor Taylor would pardon the assassin, days, laying tho dust nnd cooling the at- Lieutenant Julian Kersey of the Frank fort military company, testllled In re. gard to tho movements of tho mllltla. Frank Kavanaugh, assistant stato libra rian, testified he saw Caleb Powers In con versation with Charles Flnley nnd Wharton fair Stlmlnv fiml lnnilniii i-npUI,ln ,..lnj. . i . .1 .. I ... i'iuuiiu; ) ..,,,ii,.T ,T(i,iia, Johnson county expenuueuu a mueu-irc iiomcn on me nuernoon oi juuuury -a, mu ,-or Montana Fair nnd warmer Sunday rain tOUay. ino coru imu tuiuuicutcu , time 1'OWCrS Claims to Illivo vmu Dltk Ul iuu I Motlc iv. fnlr? nnnlhnrlv .vln.l. suffer somewhat, but Is now Invigorated. residence of Captain Davis. .. , t f IaIih n r.nn.111 f.irtViAP .nnlrnil nlnfl I 1,'l.llni, CnnlMl In Clay UOIiniT. .u- ..i t... il.., c. .,..,,. l, V 1 " 11 aniur.u iiunrjau. ' . a..ii luu """"'""J i " ojiAHA. Aug. 11. oillclal record of tern KUl'EltlUIl. ISeD.. nilK. It. lauunui.; .a(.n., AanlnA um .Inlnm.n . til. n.raliiri, nii.l nrl,l ...1,1. The recounting of the ballots in tho Seventn . d t hayo becn matlo by nIm n r,garri the corresponding day ot the last threo judicial uistnci aurinB i" "" to tho truth of tho confession of his ' ,m lss, uos 1M7 it; as mosphere, which had becomo almost In tolerable. It will also help the fall plow- lms. tho ground having become qulto dry under tho Influence of tho high, dry wmus. TECUMSEH. Neb., Aug. 11. (Special.)- tho lower lako region and will overspread tho middle Atlantic status on Sunday night mid Monday. For Nebrnska Generally fair and warmer Sunday; Monday, fair; southerly, shifting to westerly winds. For Western Texas, Now Mexico, Okla noma, Indian Territory nnd Arknnsas Gen orally fair Sunday and Monday; southerly winds. For Kentucky, Indiana und Illinois- Local rains and thunder utorms with not so warm Sunday; Monday, fair; fresh south westerly winds. For Iowa Showers, followed by fair Sun day; Monday, fair; northeasterly winds. I' or Missouri Local rains and cooler Sun For South Dakota Generally fair nnd warmer Sundny; Monday, fair; northorly winds. I or Kansas Gonernlly fair Sundny warmer In eastern portion; Monday, fair southerly winds, For Wyoming and Colorado Generally been a matter of great Interest to repub licans and fuslonlsts alike. In November last O. W. Stubbs, fuslonlst of this city, de feated S. W. Christie, republican of Ldgar, for Judgo by a majority f twenty-seven. Mr. Christie Immediately Instituted a con- tost, alleging, not fraud, but simply in brothcr-ln-law, Wharton Golden. Mr. Cun- trlll said Stamper did say that Golden had told the truth and also said In substance tho other things attributed to him. Witness Indicted n Ilocen Times. Isaac Golden, brother of Wharton Gol- nccuracv In the counting of the votes In don. dented that Wharton Golden over Bald - I .... ... . . I llUlll Ml I UlUttlll II 1111,1 fourteen ot the precincts of Clay county that thero was a $100,000 rowaru tuna nnoai .;XCP9 for the day 02 Inclio and in all of tho precincts of Fillmore and an,i that he had got a part of It." Saline counties, The supreme court ap- Judgo Sims of tho defenso nttacked the pointed Judgo Tuttlo of Lincoln reforeo and standing of the witness by asking him how ho procccdod this week to recount the bal- many times ho had becn Indicted. The wit- lots, commencing with Clay co-nty. The ncflB gtudled a moment und then said ho result will probably be that, whichever way KUossed ho had been Indicted nt least a the supreme court decides upon the ballots, dozen tlmos. He had been Indicted In the tho total will not be changed to exceed ten gtnto C0urt3 for carrying weapons and for In olthcr direction. shooting and wounding, and In tho federal Tho contest baa brought to view the won- cour( for Impersonating an officer. Mnxlmum temperature .. S ss 77 Minimum tempernturc ... 72 7 fit Avcrago tcmperuturo .... 70 Si (Si Preclpltntlon 13 .to .00 .W Record of precipitation at, Omaha for this any anil slnco March 1, ISflO: Normal tompcraturn for the day Kxcess fur Hip day Totnl rxccxH Hlncc Match 1 S'JS Normal rainfall 11 Inch Total rainfall since Mnrch 1 17.21 Inche Deficiency since Mnrch t it. is Inches ii, A. WELSH. Local Forecast Official You Can Stop the am nil Ink easier than th lrr hole. Doat wait until your tomaqh trouH arrd Dyspepsia fceoom chronie. Mull's Pioneer Cure for Stomach ti-otiblo and Dype,-' sla is a safo vrcetfthle specific tn chocolate contort tablets. A dol lar draft In each $1.00 box guar antees a cure. Ask your druggist or write The Lightning Mtdlclne Co., Muscatine, Iowa, ItrMj THAT PAIN with Mull Lightning Pnln Killer, I6c A Mta. For sulo by all druggists. CHI0AQ9 Mi EAST, CJBA.VE 7:0 A. & M.-7: 9. U. ST. PAUL and MINNEAPOLIS, LEAVE tit A. M.-7U P. HOT SPRINGS BEADW00I UBAVB 1:00 V. M. Olty Cfflcot. 1401-03 Farim ".Man wants but little here below" Suiii a morbid poet loilR yOAVA llftO, I'm prone to doubt that ancle nt sage When I look nt The Hcc's great "Want Ad" piKO. HAYDEN'S IMDEN'S derful accuracy with which tho election boards did their work last fall. All of tho errors, or alleged errors In counting, have occurred In threo or four precincts. In all the rest the count was perfect. "What becamo of these indictments?" asked the lawyor. "I beat them all," replied the witness. J. W. Dougherty, colored, testified that John Perkins, tho negro Janitor under the adjutant general, told him that thoy wanted him to swear that ho (I'crklns) carried th orders to tho soldiers nt tho arsenal after tho assassination. Ho snld that I'crkins said; "I did not carry tho orders and do not know anything about It nnd don't In tend to swear 'o any such thing." . . . . .. , -. nn h nnrf nf the democrat and 1 n sergoani-ai-arms oi mo nouso, rercy ex-Governor Crounse will talk on behalf of "aloy, corroborated tho testimony of Kav tho republicans. There will be plenty of anaugh ns to Beclng Powers on th stnte sports and amusements, such as golf, base capltol grounds the afternoon of January iinll nnil nthnr comes. A dnnc- I n t rtnvlllnn will 1A itrprtpri fnr the occasion and refreshments will bo served. BRAKEMAN KILLED AT BLAIR Preparations are being mado for a large crowd, as people from surrounding towns Crew of nn Oinnlin Tin In Involved aro coming to see tho gala day exercises. Dedicate llnstlnKM Pnrlc. HASTINGS. Neb.. Aug. 11. (Special.) Tho new City park of Hastings will bo for mally opened next Wednesday by tho women of St. Cecelia's church. Mayor Frlsbco will omclato as presiding officer. Hon. W. D. Oldham of Kearney will dollver a political PIANOS 'ifni bpen cut In two. As It was, ho escaped without having any bones broken. One nt tho car wheels started to pass over his right thigh, but did not go far enough to do anything moro than crush and mangle the flesh. Krlckson wrh brought hero with out delay nnd his wound properly trented. Thero Is llttlo doubt that he will recover In duo time, though ho will be n crlpplo temporarily, and perhaps permanently. Inntnnt Dentil liv I,IkIiiiIiii(. MADISON. Neb., Aug. 11. (Special Tel- fgram,) Fred Chrlstman, aged 15 ycarM. was killed by lightning this morning nt 2 o'clock at tho farm home of Mrs. T. Sulli van, eight miles east of tho city. Christ man was sleeping on the floor between two doors. Tho bolt killed him Instantly nna damaged tho house. Deceased was nil or phan and had no relatives, Ho camo her nine year. ago from the Cathollo nrothers Home of Chicago to live with Mrs. Sullivan. Iiieemlliiry nt Went I'olnt. WKST POINT. Neb.. Aug. 11. (Special.) Tho flrpbuc whoso Identity has not vet been discovered sot nut five separate flrei! ncnt violinist, will appear, also n trained durlnir last week, but In pach casn fnr. chorus of 100 malo voices. Tho Stanton Mimlcnl Festival ut Stanton. STANTON, Neb.. Aug. 11. (Special.) Tho biennial festival of tho Nebraska Sacn gerbund will be held In this city next week. August 17, 18 and 1ft. The vnrort located hero Is sparing no pains to make tho gath ering a grand success nnd Is being loyall assisted by the business men and citizens of Stanton. A very interesting program for tho meeting will bo In charge of Trof. Charles Petersen of Omnha. Thcro will be a grand street parade Saturday afternoon, In which the civic societies of the city will Join. Among the principal features Saturday evening will be a grand concert, In which Mrs. Wagner-Thomas will be the principal eololBt. Prof. Hans Albert. Omnha's proml a I nlnl apciiii'IH wnur rmurn Inir Yesterilny. One Family or MelClnley. ASHLAND. Neb.. Aug. 11. (Special.)- A llttlo of tho family history of tho Davis family, which gavn an entertainment at Greenwood last Wednesday evening, Is worth mentioning, slnco It has some sig nificance in tho coming political contest. Twelvo children, eight boys and four girls, ...... . i ii.. rri ... consilium mo lamer s .n uy. ... ,,... a car m on tho switch when Ktsncr nre republicans and tho girls all niarried lhiw awUch nm, Bt(;ppe(J ,n front flf tno rri.u . enr and rnught his left foot In between families all grew up to bo republicans and ... " . .. , ,,, tuuatply they wero discovered In time to prevent much damage. In thrpe of the nt tempts tho fire were set In broad daylight In a comparatively open locality. Tbo dar ing shown by the Incendiary tends to sup port tho theory thnt he Is mentally unbalanced. Ilnnkn Will Observe llnllilny. HASTINGS, Neb.. Aug. 11. (Special.) Tho bankers of Hastings held a special meeting this week to decide upon the clos ing of their banking Institutions on holidays. Thry agreed that the doors of the banks Military band has been engaged for the entlro time of tho festival. Sunday thore will be n mnmmoth picnic. An excursion train will leave Omaha Sunday morning over the Klkhorn rond and It is expected fully .1,000 visitors from throughout the stato vlll attend this gathering. However. ampin accommodations havo been arranged fur all who come and a royal good time Is anticipated. Wnnlil .loin AU-Snr-nrn. WKST POINT. Neb.. Aug. 11. (Special.) Manager Fred Sonncnscheln is busily bh.UI bo closed to business on the following engaged In getting up n socond excursion holidays: New Year's day, Washington's of business and professional men of this birthday, Arbor day, Memorial day. Indo- place to Omaha for tho purpose ot Joining pendonce day, Thanksgiving day and Christ mas day. To omlnnte Slnte' Senator. ASHLAND. Neb.. Aug. 1 1. -(Special.) Judro Kdgar Howard, chairman ot tha domocratlc commltten of tho Fifth sena torial district, has called tho convention to nomlnato a candldnto fur stato senntor to succeed W. D. Scliaal of Springfield for Ashland, August IN. Tho populist con vention, which met hrre on August 3 nnd adjourned, will be held on the samo day. Hneillnh rjuiirli t'nnip Meetlntt, WF.ST POINT, Nob., Aug. 11. (Special.) A very large delegation of Swedish far mers of this county left hero this week to attend the Swedish Epworth league camp mooting held In Clay county, Nebraska. Monatroiilt)- III Corn, ASHLAND, Neb.. Aug. 11. (Speclal.) H. It. Ptlackmar, a farmer residing east ot the Ak-Sar-Pen. If satisfactory rates can bo secured there will bo a delegation ot at least 1C0 persons Died from nlnriil f'nnp. WKST POINT, Neb., Aug. 11. (Special ) Ashland, brought a curiosity of naturo to Bernard Schoenbeck, a Gorman farmer town Friday. It Is an car of corn, Ono living about twelve miles from the city, main ear Is surrounded by ten small nub- died very suddenly at his homo on Wednes bins, two of which nro about half the size day. The deceased had been drinking of nn ordinary ear, while the rest aro heavily during tho day and was discovered from two to four Inches long. Four of the dead during the afternoon. Deceased was nubbins aro perfectly developed. Spo o nil Week of Inntlt utr. WHST POINT. Neb,. Aug, 11. (Special.) The annual county teachors' Institute Is now In Its second week and Is creating a slnglo roan, coroner ituey impaneled a Jury, which returned a verdict of death from natural causes, Wnnld Not l.eior UoukIi lllilern. TEKAMAH, Neb., Aug. 11. (Special,) great enthusiasm among tho teachors, a Tha fusion element In this county Is be- large number of whom aro In attendance, coming demoralized, Tbo Durtonlan, the Prof. J. W. Dlnsmore of BeatrJco lectured official populist organ, owned by a combine HASTINOS. Neb.. Aug. 11. (Special.) last evening to a large audience at tho of popiilUit farmers, camo out this week Tip last school census says that Adams opera houte on "Grasshoppers." with th nam of T. A. Miner, their can- lliiBtlmtn School Crnaua, PLAIIl, Neb., Aug. 11. (Special Tele gram.) This morning at 0 o'clock ns the northbound locnl freight No. 16 on tho Chi cago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha rail road was switching near the depot tho bead brakeman, Paul Eisner, was almost In stantly killed. The train crow wns "kick- today thero nro. all told, children and grandchildren, seventy-two McKlnlcy re publican voters In tho family. This Is a pretty good showing for ono family and a record that Is hard to beat. Tf you waul lo spo (lie largest lino of Standard Pianos In tfcra western country, visit our piano department we will be pleased I to show them to you. You will see the i Ghickering, Fischer, Franklin, Jacob Doll, Haines, Keller, Behr Bros. 1 x and twenty-one other makes. Slightly used pianos ?oing at half ( their actual value. Square piauos at ?U0.()0, 5?25.0t), and 10.00. i We handle liurdett" and Newman Hros. organs. Second- track, threo wheels of tho car passing over . , , ,.. . ii.i.. . . ii.. ...... i,mbs nnVi ,'ho Xht nr'iT Ho Uvea S hand organs at $10.00, 12.;,0, $ir,.00. 20.00 and $23.00. New pi twenty minutes. Coroner E. C. Pierre held an Inquest, the train crew being held hero for witnesses. Tho evldenco of tho trainmen nnd II. M. anos for rent. IManos moved, tuned and repaired. Tel. 1083. Sheriff Si-UPS Liquor. rrtrrt t rr..xr. 1 hi. 11 .QnA.lal 1 -Ever slnco North Ilend went dry this . """""" "'"' "7 .' (telnr llmen Vi fl O Kirfl till llflllH 1 fimOIInt nf drunkenness and liquor sold. This morning "Uni? on n hotel porch nbout 300 feet from an uflldnvit was filed for a warrant to search ,n lnB cc" "" " " the premises ot Thomas Hruza and Pat view oi mo man u.m mo tiB. Bum Gorey for liquor. Sheriff Kreader went up that when Eisner was caught ho gratpc.l h,Ib nnnn nn,l snlied a nuantltv of liouor wiiuiy ni mo oncoming car nun mrew nun- at Hruza's place. A thorough search of elf first Insldo tho rail and thon outsldo Corey's placo failed to reveal anything in-1 " i'u"i irt.-.iin i-. ... ..un.- toxlcatlng or any evidence of such goodB mnn was tho first to reach tho dying man helnc on tho nremlfios. North Ilend peo- ann puueu mm irom hip raus. ino ror- nlo stato that thero have been many vlo- oner's Jury exonerated tho trainmen from lntlnnn of the Slocum Inw nlnce the spring any blamo In connection with tho accident, election and that there aro soveral offenders Tho entlro crow were Sioux City men. C. against tho law. " Hopkins was conductor; w. K. Perry, pnginecr; jumes v. wenstcr, nremaii; r. Comenllon nl Tecnniseh, M. Hartman. S. V. Patterson and the un- TECUMSEH, Neb., Aug. 11. (Special.) fortunate KUner. brakemon. Two brothers Tho Second senatorial and Fifth rcpesenta- 0f tho dead man nrrlvcd tonight and the tlvo district republican convention has been ,0,ij. wm i,0 takon to Sioux City tomorow called to meet In Tocumseh Saturday, August morning. 25. Candidates for senator and rcprcsenta- tlvo will bo named. The district Is Nemaha and Johnson counties float nnd the repre sentation gives Nemaha county flfUsi del egates and Joluihon county fourteen dele gates. HJIiPiii oeooaotoooocosoioiioioDOQOHOiojia o.moti o f o 2 On the Fifth Floor.... Ilnil of lliippy WeeU, PEATniCE. Neb., Aug. 11. (Special Tel- ,mt t'liureli nt (irelnn. GIIETNA. Neb., Aug. 11. (Special Tel egrnm.) Yesterday Uev. Jennings, tho pro siding eldor of tho Methodist church ot this district, laid tho cornerstone of tho new Methodist church hero with Imposing cerr mony. Enough money has been subscribed tn build n Jl.'.'Cfi . hiirch. Tho church bulla- egnun.i ino pariy in ..lutun. muim-u urn. tig is unner tno direct on of tno local naB. children who havo becn spending a week tor, Itev. Kemp. I)ts have been purchased at the iieatrice unauiauqua grounds as tno f0r tho erection of a new paraonago also. guests or u, k, inompson oi i.incoin re turned home this morning. During their Cremncry Coiiiiiiuiy Coimil.ilii, stay here no expento or trouble was spared TECUMSEH, Neb., Aug. 11 (Special ) - by Messrs. Thompson and Ludden to make Tha Heatrlco Creamery company cornea Into tho affair ono nlways to be remembered by tbo county court here with a grievance tbo visitors. against several Sterling parties. It seems O e o 0 o o a o 0 O o 9 o o o 0 o 0 o o o We still have some exceptionally desirable rooms although about three-fourths of the rooms were rented when the army headquarters moved out. That is merely an index of the popularity of ...The Bee Building... The entire flftl: floor has been re-decorated and pie sents a most attractive appearance. An ofilce here, in a fire-proof, building, will cost you no more than in sone lire traps. R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents, The Bee Buildinjr, I7tli and Parnam Streets. o o 0 o o o JO o o 0 o o o 0 o 0 o 0 o o o o O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0OO000O0O 0O0O 0OOOOO0Q 1