Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 11, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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Red Eobort Proves His Prowoa on tho
Sturdy Akron Giant.
JSnt A .Mlnulr from the Word (in,
llolli Mm IIoIiik llnnl U'urU. I'll
tu lli! I'unrli lliit I'ut
Uiin (Int.
NCW YORK, Aug. 10. Hob I'ltzslmmonB
met CJub Huhlln, ttio Akron giant, tonight
before tho Twentieth Century club nt Mad
ison Square Garden nnd won by knocking
tbo Ohloan down nnd cut In tbo Blxtii
round. KltHltninoiis did tho trick cleanly
uud cloerly. It was a tierce and bloody
battlo while It lasted and at times It looked
as If Iluhlln would Ret tbo better of tho
oldor man, but Kit at the proper tlmu
would cut looso with hlH fearful body blow,
which snuiied out tbo Ohloa.ti'8 llRht.
Tho bettltiK favored 1'ltzslmmotis, many
wagers fit 100 to hO on hanky Hob being
made. TonlKht at tho rlnfjsldo there wa
a lluali of Huhlln money, which forced the
odds to tuko a turn In nuhlln'a direction
at 100 to 00. This stato of affairs did not
last long and by tho time tho men put up
the Ir baudH for tho opoulng round they wero
equal favorites, even money being the rule.
Solar I'lt-xilfl Win for I'ltr..
Kitzslmmons conceded about thirty-two
pounds to Huhlln nnd this In Itself was a
ncrlous handicap. Krom tho word "go" the
mon started In with burrlcanoliko force.
Doth wero wild nt times, but Kltz was al
ways tho quicker to steady himself. Huhlln
clinched u good ileal and for three or four
rounds was tho aggressor. Ho landed Eomti
ntralght lefts on Kitzslmmons' faco and
uwung his right to tho body and head with
fearful force. Several of theso blows stag
gered Kitzslmmons, but nnuo of them landed
on tbo right mark, an Kltz was too shifty.
At times both missed swings with cither
hand, but many of Huhlln's wero dodged
In tho cleverest munnor. Kitzslmmons forced
Huhlln to break ground nnd In hot mt.xups
tho Ohio man wns tho llrst to caso up nnd
tnko rcfugo In a clinch.
Tlrao and again Kitzslmmons forced Huh
lln to tho ropes, from which position Huhlln
got away rather clumsily, while KltzHlm
mons was always quick In his movemento.
Whin Huhlln's hom; began to bleed from a
left punch the sight of the blood deemed to
liavo n deterrent cfTcrt on him and Kltz
hlmmons was quick to soo this. On tho
first nlgnH of weakness on Huhlln's part
Kitzslmmons began hln attack on the body
nnd each blow which h lauded there mado
(Itm wineo with pain. Kltz3ltnmons' hand
lers kept urging him to play for tho solar
plexus, but Kitzslmmons only tried It occa
Hlonally. Evidently ho was waiting an op
portunity for n right swing to the- mark.
In tho fourth and llfth round both men
showed plainly tho effects of the stiff and
rapid work they had done In the preceding
rounds. Iloth were tired nnd leg weary.
but Huhlln Hhowed up much tho worte of
tho two. Kitzslmmons was much the quicker
on his feet at tho rail of time, but now and
then during tho rounds ho iicemed to stand
etlll and glaro at his opponent. Huhlln nt
theso tlmiv) also stood ttlll, being evidently
grateful for tho chance of breathing which
KltzslmmoiiB afforded him. Just onco Kltz
fdmmons touched tho floor, when ho (dipped
down from a clinch nt tho end of a round.
I'll (Ml Sixth Hoilllll.
In tho sixth round Ruhlln wns slow In
coming to tlmo, whllo Kitzslmmons Jumped
nt bis man, Kitzslmmons got around Huh
lln and whllo the latter sent straight lofts
for KltZKlmmon'n head Dob side-stepped
safely and lauded lefts on tho body and
rights to tho head. With u volloy of lefts
und rights to the hcml and neck and witn
a fearful solar plexus Kitzslmmons sent
Huhlln In a heap to tho floor. This was
tho beginning of tho end thnt soon followed.
Huhlln, after taking nlno seconds of the
count, rose to his feet groggy from tho
effect of tho blow. KltzElmmous knew he
had bis man and was ready for him. As
Boon as Huhlln got up Kitzslmmons rushed,
sending two lefts to tho faco nnd then shot
Ills right with fenrful force to tho point ot
Huhlln's Jaw. (Jim pitched forward as ir
struck with an nxo nnd fell on his faco to
tho floor, whoro ho wns counted out and
had to bo carried to his corner.
Wild scenes wero then enacted In nnd
about the ring. It seemed ns If everyone
In tho building wanted to greet tho winner
or sympathize .th tho loser, nnd tho police
oftlccrs had a busy quarter of an hour In
Rotting tho peoplo out of tho building.
Kitzslmmons left tho ring flvo minutes after
he had delivered tho winning punch, but
It took Huhlln twelvo minutes to corns
around sufficiently to bo nblo to walk tt,
his dressing room. Kitzslmmons was stilt
a llttlo bit dazed when ho reached his room
on tho Kourth nvonuo sldo of tho Garden
and of somo of thoso who gathered around
him ho nsked If it wns not tho fifteenth
round In which tho fight was finished. Ho
soon recovered his reason and then In
dulged In n hearty laugh.
m-ll-t-tliiN of l.uiiky lloli.
"Well," hu said," I'm an old fellow and
ft hasbeen, oh? Well, I guess I was good
nnough for Sir, Huhlln nnd ho wns not so
bad oltlior. Thnt was as tough a battlo as
over I went through, but I'm stilt good
miff for a few more. Ruhlln Is a good
onu and with llttlo moro axporlenca ho will
about do. Ho hit mo somo corking wallops
and although I did not reallzo it at tho
tlmo, I can tell you ho can punch n bit."
"I wan very tired, but tho further tho
bout went tho moro positive I folt thnt I
could finish him. Toward tho closo Huhlln
grow very weak nnd I knew I had only to
steady myself n llttlo to got him. Ho gave
mo a good fight und I enn glvo htm noth
ing but praise."
Hob'B seconds wished him to go to a bath
right away, but bo refused, saying his wlfo
was watting for him nnd ho must go home.
And as soon as he got his clothes on he
left tho building, followed by an admiring
find cheering erowd.
Huhlln, when he reached his room, was
Vlnlllnu 1'rUniU In Knovvlllo.
"I had been greatly troubled by being kept
awnko nt night whenever I drauk coffee. It
also disagreed with my digestion. Lnst
mimmer I was visiting a friend In Knoxvlllo
who had been suffering from rheumatism.
caused by coffee drinking. Bho had quit
using coffeo and was using Postum nnd had
recovered; also her deltcato daughter, who
had been an Invalid for a long time, was
greatly bcnefUed by tbo uso of Postum Kood
"I found whllo I wns thoro nnd using
Tostum regularly that I slept much bettor
and grow so strong In my nerves that the
chango was wondorful. 1 trust my testl
tnonial will bo tho means of Inducing others
to try your magnificent boverage. Theso
rn true and honest facts." SIlss Krancos
Smith, C32 Douglas St., Cbattanoocn. Tcnr.
Tho reason Mlea Smith and her friends
Improved In health Is that coffee acts as a
poison on many dellcato organisms. When
tt Is left oft tho cause of the trouble Is ro
moved; then If Postum Kood Coffeo Is taken
there la a direct and quick rebuilding of the
nervo centers all through the body, for Pos
turn Kood Coffeo contains tho elements
needed by tho system to rebuild the nerve
Slade at the puro food factories of the
Postum Cereal Co., Ud., llaltlo Creek,
paten., and told by all first cluss grocers,
In n sort of n tranco and It was a long
tlmo before ho fully understood that he
had been defeated. Ho was badly bruised
about tho head and both eyes were almort
closed. He did not caro to talk, but man
aged to say: "I did tho best I could and no
man can do more. Kltzlmmons whipped
mo ami that's all I can say about It."
Hilly Madden, ltuhltr.'it manager, de
clared that GuS' defeat was duo to ovor
tralnlng. Coi-lii'lt (iinrKi'N (M rrtriilnliiR.
James J. Corbctt, who nctcd as ono ot
Huhlln's seconds, also declared Huhlln
was overtrained.
"I know this," ho said, "for he was with
mo during my preparations for my bout
with Jeffries. After that Ous continued
training for his battlo with Sharkey and
worked even harder after that for his bout
with Kitzslmmons. 1 warned him that he
was doing too much, but hu imagined that
ho could stand It. Anybody could sco to
night thnt something was wrong with him,
as he sent tho right to tho Jaw repeatedly,
but the necessary strength was not behind
the blows."
Charley White, who referecd the night's
bou's, when asked what ho thought of th
light, replied; "I was a hard and florco
battle, In which both men fought fairly.
I'l'zelmmons clearly demonstrated that ho
Is not a hasbcen nnd still has tho punch
that wins. Huhlln at times looked ns it
bo might win out, but ho lacks expe
rience, which will ho remedied In time,
nnd I hnvc no doubt that he will bo heard
from to much better advanlago later on."
Warm Welcome fur Kltz,
Kitzslmmons wbb first on his way to tho
ringside, the crowd cheering wildly. In tho
body of the arena tho men nro standing on
chairs; tho occupants of boxes nro also
standing on their teats. Kitzslmmons Is en
veloped In a light-colored bath robe. Un
derneath this he wore plnk-knltted tights
supported by n belt mndo of small American
flags fastened nt tho slilo with a red, whlto
and blue rosette.
Huhlcn followed almost Immediately. Ho
had only a towel over his shoulders and
woro a canvas Jock and brccchclout.
Hoth men walked toward each other and
shook hands cordially. Kitzslmmons took
tho southeast corner, which was occupied a
few weeks ago by Frank Kmc. Huhlln took
tho northwest corner, which was occupied
on tho opening night by Terry SlcGovcrn.
Doth woro bandages on their hands and pro
ceeded without delay to adjust tho gloves,
Percy Williams of Hcrgcu Uench acted as
Kitzslmmons' timekeeper.
The betting Is pretty lively, oven money
being offered nnd taken freely.
Tom Shnrkey has Just been Introduced
and challenges tho winner of tonight's bout,
but will meet Kitzslmmons at this club dur
ing tho last week In August.
Hoth men wero generously cheered when
.Master of Ceremonies Humphroys intro
duced them.
Tho men nro now In thoccutcr of tho
ring receiving Instructions from Chaiilo
Whlto, They nro to fight twcnty-llvo rounds
under SInrquts of Queensbcrry rules.
I'IkM liy ItoiinilH.
Hound 1 They met In the center ot tho
ring, both feinting. Kitzslmmons landed a
light right on tbo car und Huhlln countered
with a light right on the chest. Huhlln
bored In, putting his left ucross the chest,
Bending Hob back to the ropes. Kltzslm
monii broke gioiind and enmu to the center
quickly. lie, fell short with Mm left nnd
right to body. Klzslmmons Mien hooked
left to tho liiin nnd Gus came back with
left and right to the chin. Kitzslmmons
missed left and right mvltigs to the head.
Kitzslmmons bored In, but In n mlxup (lus
bent liiin off to the rotii'8 with left nnd
right to face. Huhlln went nt Hob with
both baudH to the bead, cuttltiir Hob's left
eye, nnd Hob slipped to tho floor. As ho
got up Huhlln, who did not hear tho bell,
swung on Kltz's head. Hob's seconds
claimed a foul, but was not allowed.
Hound 2 Ous was tbo aggressor. Hob
ducked a loft swing and they cxchntitfed
rights nnd lefts on the face and u rattlliis
exchange followed. Kitzslmmons hoolted
left to nose, bringing blood, and another
rapid mlxup followed. Hob bored In, but
Gun met him with left nnd right to trw
face. Hoth wero lighting wildly. Kltz
hlmmons sent n hard left to tho body nnd
followed with right una left to tne uouy,
which made Ous wobble, nnd he clinched.
Huhlln sent a left to the face and repeated
the blow. Kltz shot his left onto the ear
and brought his right up to tho body. A
left Jolt put Gus off bis feet. Kltz Jabbed
left to face) nnd drove left hard to body
over tbo heart nnd sent him to the floor,
llo took tho count. Neither henrd tbo bell
nnd each was so rattled Miut he did not
know his corner.
(inn Win n 1,1111c Slow.
Ilotmd 3 Gus rnme out very Blowiy. but
sailed In und exchanged lefts on tho body.
I'ltz missed n u-rt swing to mo neuu, nut
followed with it rluht on tho Jaw. Kltz
hooked a left to tho head. They exchanged
lefts to the met. ems Kepi jamiing uniii
Kltz suddenly nlde-topped and Bwung his
right to tbo bead. Hoth men wero wild,
mlHsInu Novernl bwIiikh. Kltz was Mio
steadier nnd drovo u hnrd right to the
body, but Gus countered with a left to the-
race, iioin hioou hum, glaring at eacu
other. Kitz sent n hnrd left to the wind.
Gus clinched and held on, but broke nt tho
referee s mailing. At tho closo or tno round
Kltz sent left nnd right to tho face. Iloth
wero tired when they went to their corners,
uui i' uz Bremen ino iresner.
Hound I Kltz was first un. but Ous mot
him with a right on tho chest nnd
Kltz swung rlBht to head. Gus
tried n left to tho head, tiut fell Bborl.
Ous clinched. When thoy broko away Gus
put leu mm rigni to ino neau nun juoucii
il left to tho head. Kltz missed a. left
swing and Gus got his right to the body.
uuh seni tnroe ions in ino ineo nnu men
sent n left nnd right in that shook Kltz to
his toes. Clinches urn frequent nnd both
men aro very ureu. worn on both Bides
wns wild. After n clinch Gnu sent rlehi
and left to head threo times. Kitz went
linen with left to tno solar plexus and
forced Gus to the floor, whoro ho took the
count. Gus camo up very groggy, but
knew enough to hold out bin left. Kltz
missed n swing for tliu head, Gus ducking
unuer iu inu uen.
Kltz file I'ronhcr.
Hound 5 Kltz camo out the fresher. Gus
tried u left awing, but Kltz dodged. Kltz
sent a left swing to tho faco und thei-
clinched ngnln. Kltz Innded ti Htlff right
over tne ncnri. niz Kepi uoring in. no
dropped Ills left to tho stomach nnd right
to the Jaw. They exchanged leftH nnd
rights on body. Kltz Jabbed left In faco
and Gus swung Ills right to tho nose, Hoth
countered with lofts on body und clinched
Gus Jabbed left to tho faco and KHz sent
lett to tho race, l'ltz put a hard loft on
the body and throw bin right over. Kitz
sent left and right to the licnd nnd sent
Guu reeling around the ring. Iloth man
aro bleeding iroiu mouth and nose, The
round ended with Kltz smashing Gus on
the face with both hands, tho Ohio man
being on mo ropes wnen mo ben rang.
Kits ii il m the ICnook Out.
Round 6 Gub wiih very slow getting out.
Thev exiiiauiied lluht lofts and clinched.
Gub got his right Inside, lauding on the
chin, and Kltz countered with u left on tho
eye, raising a big lump over Gus' eye.
Gub broko ground, with Kltz following
him. Huhlln managed to atavo off Hob's,
left with n straight left. Kltz bored In,
snndtni; IiIh riifht to tho lioilv. anil Huhlln
clinched on tho ropes. After they broko
uway Kltz followed Gus up with lefts and
rights to the bend. With lefts to body and
Jaw ho dropped him to the floor. Gus took
tho count, but when he arose Kltz gave
him no time, hut landed n right swing to
mo jaw unci pin nun out.
Huhlln wns rnrrled to his corner and
I'ltZBlmmonB was declared tho winner
Tlmo of round, two minutes ten seconds.
Kill Ilronil In Drniv.
PITTSI1URO, Aug. 10. Jack McClellnnd of
Pittsburg and "Kid" liroad of Clevelan I
fought a twenty-round draw nt MlllvU'u to
night. McClelland surprised his udmlrers
by ills cleverness In avoiding the ilerco
swings of Hroad. StcCIollnml did most nf
tho leaning and nan iironn rntuer tired in
tho tenth round, but he recovered quickly
ami iiuisiicu strong.
(Incur finrdner l'lulita Draw.
CINCINNATI. O.. A.ic. Gard
ner of Wheeling nnd Harney Kurev of thin
city fought ten fast rounds to n draw be
fore tho IVoplo'H Athletic club hero to
night. Gardner hud the bettor of It. hut
It had been agreed that n draw was to bo
caned ir om men wero on meir reel ut
the end or tho tenth round.
Mne Meeta Mite In hiiinril (,'lrelr
NEW YORK, Aug, 10. At the Hroadway
Athletic club lnst night George McKaddon
nf mis city whipped Kid Mel'.irtland, an
other local midlist, so badlv that Me
Partland's seconds throw up the spoiiHa
In tho sixteenth round to provent their
man from being knocked out The men
wero matched to tight twenty-five rounds
at 1M pounds and StcPnrtland have a
live-pound pull In tho weights.
Sf 1'artlnnd wiih urnei-v hm lie rntnn un
for the sixteenth round and SIcKadden
rushed him, Mooring him with u body
blow. StcPnrtland was very weak when
hf regained his feet nnd he clinched to
mive hlmeir from going down ugnln. Stc-
Tnddeil beat him off nnd would undntilit.
edly have knocked out StcPnrtland had
ino laucr seconds not saved tnolr mnn
by throwing up tho sponge.
..mi:s ok this A.Mninc.v i.n.un i:.
1 ml tn mi pul In mid Cleveland Divide n
Pair of Itunueil Motelies.
INDIANAPOLIS, Aug. 10.-SIoi.ny field
ing lost tho first game to Indianapolis to
day. SlrKenna wont ballooning In the sev
enth Inning of the second game nnd Cleve
land lost this one. Hoth guinea .vero poorly
inujeu. iviieuuauce, .,jvi. acore, nrst
11 11 O.A.R II. If n A .
Hegr'vcr. rf ! 1 2 0 l' Pleker'g, cf. 0 3 7 6 0
Hartzel. If.. 0 12 10 Krisliic. rf.. 11112
(Ijier, cf-Sb. 1 2 3 2 o (lenlnn, If... 1 3 3 0 0
SlagiKiii, Sl. 1112 0 LalVie. lb. 1 2 9 0 0
(UrJncr, cf. 0 0 2 0 0 Fiood, 2b.... 110 3 1
.M.iUi.on, sn. 112 4 O.Kliay. i5 2 4 2 2 1
Power, c... 0 0 5 3 l Wallorn. Jli. 0 2 2 0 0
Kflly, lb.... 0 110 1 0 Crtshuni, c.. 0 2 6 1 0
lllikvy, 3b.. 0 0 2 0 O.liakcr, p.... 0 0 0 0 0
11.11 nra, p... u v o 2 0
Iwra'nim, p. 0 o 1 0 0
Totals .. 6 II 50 7 4
Hnyden .... 0 1 0 0 0
Totals .. S 8 30 15 2
Hatted for Gardner In tenth.
Indlnnnnolls t n n n i n n n n ft.,
Cleveland 010 2 10010 1 6
InnlflgB Ditched: llv Hurnpn. S: bv Dam-
maun, 2; by linker, 0. Hasc hits: Off
iiarncB, n; on u.unmniin, 4; off Hartor, 8.
Uases On bulla: Off ll.ltnmnnn. ! nff ll.ittor.
1. Htruck out: Hy Humes, 1; by Mam-
. , . mi pucn; i inner,
lilt by pitched ball: Hogrlcver, 2. Vwo
baso hits; Geler. Gardner, C'rishuni. La
Chance. Thret-bace lilt: Shay. K'iriieil
tin i ' i liaKcrt wlltl Pitcn: uuker.
luiin, iiiuiuimimiis, ,i; Cleveland, tsucri
lice hits: Flood, Krlsbee. Stolen bases:
1 loin-lever, Hartzel, Krisbec, Flood, fthay.
i' "L.on hoses: Indianapolis, 7; Clevelund,
J. Tlmo: 2:10. I'mplro: Uwyer.
uiwn-, Hi-culm game:
11.11 O.A P 11 11 n l f
Hoitr'ver, rf 1 1 2 0 o ri-ker. rf. 0 0 0 0 0
Hartzel, If.. 4 1 2 0 0 ( rf. 1 " fl ft ft
Oelcr, cf.... 1 2 4 1 0 Friable, rf.. 1 0 2 1 2
Mngoon, 2b. 1 2 4 1 O.tlenln. If... 0 110 0
Mnillwn, ii, 1 l 6 I
Heydon. c 1 1 6 0 1
LaCh'ce. lb. 1 1 11 10
Hood, 2b.... 0 2 2 3 0
tUmy, r 10 0 10
Walter, 3b. 0 0 0 3 1
."pies, c 0 0 4 0 0
McKenna, p 0 0 1 2 0
Kelly, II..... 0 1 r. 0 0
Itlckcy. 3b.. 1 1 10 0
Htlmmcl, p.. 0 0 0 1 0
luilllgon, p. 0 0 0 0 0
Totals ..10 11J4 8 2 Totals .. 4 6 21 13 3
ndlntllltinllu 1 n 1 a a . irt
... 1 . .......... tw , v u u A iu
Cleveland o 0 0 1 J 0 0 0 i
(.ailed ut end of eighth on account of
nrUDPhil Ttit.l.ind .J...... , r.
V.,,., -'.' h" I'lii-iti-ii . annum i, n,
Mllllt'1,11 1 M,.1.AHH.. " , , 1.1....
Stlinmel, C; off Mllllgan, 1; off SIcKeniia. 11.
.it ., inula; KJll .Mllllgan, I, Oil .UC-
Knnnn. N. Ktntnls mt n. mm . t...
MpKcntin, 3. Wild pitches: .McKenna, 2.
i-Mi IIo!"'Vvcr- 'fhrec-bnse hits: Ilartzul,
ii ''n.. ' iooii. i.ained runs: in-
illiiniinntla .1. ru,.i i i u ......
Kelly, btlmmel. Double plays: Flood tn
; , 11 "u i opies. aioien liases:
Ilckey, IJogrlever (2), llnrtzel, Madison.
'iimnaiI linllu tl,.Ma , t , i. i
ii ;. ; -Ji'.-" j.u.t un iiaeien: in-
dlanapolls, fl; Cleveland, 8. Umpire: Dwyer.
MlliriiiiUec KliiUliea Hurt.
Xf ITAl'A ITI.-t.T. tt. 4.. 1A .!, ,
'..M,,,,i,, nn AUK- IV. AlllwailKPO
Pjnyed ii great uphill gnmo today and
in i ic mi mi eu iiiiuiiKa uy iimeiy nu-
n v ,,,,binuii n tliur III IIIO ll'lllll.
Gray wns hit hard nil through the game und
i i ,J,'-", 'ciievcu nun ni me end of tho
uim in ii was too inte, me home plnyers
lUIVlni? Mtrimk tlutlr t.nlt A,l,.n.l,,Hnn . A ii
g--r, - . el..,. ..iiviiuuutv, j,v,v.
.!!I.WAttlf T.M- vivaia .t.v
.......... vi 1 I .
n.ii.oA.ii lt.H.o.A.n
Ketcliam, cf 0 2 3 0 O'ltemplilll, rf 0 3 0 0 0
WaMron, rf. 1 3 1 0 0 rurrell, cf.. 0 0 4 0 0
TIau'iI it . A 1 t n ft i a a , . m
...... v . ., v. v w .ji ,1.-11, ,1,, V 1 1 U
Amlers'n, lb 0 4 13 0 0 Dunean, lb. 0 1 13 0 0
runz, es..., i i e a liU'dns'ii. e.. 0 0 13 1
Conroy, 2b., 1 1 3
Ilurltv. aii... a n i
i uL-oiiKnun, ab o o 3
r, 0
t O.atewart, 2b. 1 0 3
DlKClns, c... 1 1 7 0 o'McManus,
1 0
1 1
1 0
1 0
1 3
Dowhtiff, p 0 3 3
3 Oiuniy. n.,,
Gear, p...
Totals .. 4 IS SO U 1
Totals .. 3 72S 14 2
WlnnlniT rim VPnrml iltli lint Ana mnr,
Milwaukee 000000021 11
Kansas City 000010200 03
Earned runs: Milwaukee 1: Kansas City,,,Jba'0 hltBi Kultz, .Dowilng. Hemp
hill. Homo run: Conroy. J,Dase on balls:
Off Dowilng, 3; off Gray. 1. Stolen bases:
Anderson, Conroy (2). Fultz (2), Dowilng.
Sa.';r,l,1re . nl,,H: Kurrell, Cllngmnn. Gray.
Wild pitch: Gear. Struck out: Hy Dowilng,
11; Kansas City, 1. Innings pl'tched: Gray!
; ucar s. umpire: McDonald. Tlmo: 2:uo.
HUona Die Knsllr.
riV-.Tuoinn a . , ,, i n n..w.iAi, , . .
,-'""., v. uuuiiiu b ouiy runs
MiIb afternoon wero scored In the third
inning on Speer'ti single, n base on balls to
, u.wumi,, uuiiiiiuii n tuieu-uiise nu anu
Mliiirtnn n'a I . ,1., n , V. .11 , . . . . .
. :. ,V ij iy mi- uuiiii'Ki. ieirou
bit Foromun safely In every Inning except
mu mini, wtktcuuituue, i,ijvt ncore:
UKTHOIT. . HUrrALO. o a r I . n
Casey, 3b... 2 4 0 3 0 Gtttman, ef 1 'l ' 2 " i 0
iiaimrK, rr.. a 4 l u u Nhenron, cf. 0 0 1
llarlcy, If... 1 3 3 0 0 llnlllrnii, If. 0 0 1
Klberfid, fa 0 2 1 7 0 Hclir-k, c-3b 0 0 2
Shaw, c 1 1 2 0 0 Carey, lb... 0 0 !
Dillon, lb...0 2 1J 2 0 lUlIm'n, 2b 0 0 2
0 0
2 J
1 0
3 0
Nlcol, cf.... 0 110 OSpopr, 3b.-o. 1 1 3
llVUn. ZD. ... 0 0 13 0 Ilrn, r-lr u- 1 A i .
Miller, p.... 1 1 3 0 0.1'orman. u. 0 1 0 1
Totals .. 7 18 27 15 0 Totala -.3 a !l i? a
Detroit 4001010 1 '7
Huffalo 0030000 0 0 s
t?i.iiw1 fiinu. Tnl.,.!. 4. n.. ... , .. ,
"""I i IllllllllII, 1.
Two-base bit : Foreman. Three-baso hits:
(ettmun. Holmes. liases on balls: Off
Miller, 3; off Foreman, 1. First base lv
uTro,r.8:- Dolrtt. 1- I'ft on bases: Detroit,
10; Huffalo, 10, Struck out: Hy Mlllr. 1:
by Foreman, 1. Double play: Hynn to
Dillon. Tlmo: 1:15. Umpire: Sheiidun.
MillorN Never In It, -mi.... .. .a
... i i i .i i ' -"""I 'tun, iu. viucago
outplayed tho homo team nt every point
... i.iu h.iuii- iwuu. mini jiiicni rs were nit
hard, but Fisher had Hue support. Parker
was hit without any Bupport. Worden, tlia
homo team's heavy ulugger, was laid up
with bolls on his arm. Attendance. l.COl)
Hoy. of a a j n
It H.O.A i:
n.ivln. Af ft i l ft n
Harvey, rf.. 0 110 0
jSugden, c... 0 15 0 0
.Nance, au... l o z 3 l
Lilly, If.... 2 10 0 1
.iici'-ci, rf-lf 0 12 0 0
nartnvn, 3b 1 l 2 l
Flaher. lb... 0'2 II 0 0 Ridden. Sh.. 1 a i
5 0
Nichols, o... 0 0 4 1 1 Inlioll, lb.... 2 3 7 0 0
Smith, !..
Abbey, 2b..
Pnrkpr, p..
Wilmot, p.,
Wllmot ...
i 6 a i i "Doneny ... 1 0 0
0 0 3 0 1 Kntnll, rf... 1 1 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
4 0 O-IiAirv. a, ft 1 l
4 0 l-'lilipr. ii... 1 ! ft -i a
0100 0!
Totals ..11 16 27 13 2
Totals ..4 9 S7 13 5
Wllmot batted for Parkor nnd Khret ran
for Wilmot.
In last half of second Dohenv went
out of the game. SlneFurliind tnklng his
placo in left and Kutoll going to right.
Minneapolis 2010000104
Chicago 2 3 2 0 0 1 1 o 2-11
Earned runs: Chicago 3. Two-bitBo hits;
Smth. Thren-biiBeliltH: Harvey, I.allv,
l'lsber (Chicago), Isbell (2). Wild pitches:
Parker, 2. Uases on balls: Off Parker, 1:
off Hsher. 3. Hit by pitcher: Nichols.
Struck out" Uy Parker. 2; bv Fisher. 1.
Double plays: Padden to Isbell, Parker to
Abbey to Fisher. Loft on bases: Minne
apolis, S; Chicago. 7. Sacrifice hits: Sug
i len. Stolen bases: Hnrtmnn. Hoy, Tsboll.
Tlmo: 2:00. Umpire: Cantlllon. Attend
unce, 1.500.
Munilliur of (he Ten ni.
Played. Won.
Slllwaukeo ..
Detroit ,
Cleveland ...
Kunsas City
.... 02
.... ft
.... 95
.... f
.... !(7
.... I'D
One of NeliriiaKn'a Ainntenr i'enniv
(iops Dmvn llefore (he Omnium,
HASTINGS. Neb., Aug. 10 -(Special Tol
egram.) A fnlr sized crowd visited tho
eollego ball park this afternoon nnd saw
Omaha ent Hastings up by a score of 21
to 6. It was an Interesting game up lo
Mie seventh tuning. Score:
Omaha 2 0 1 7 1 0 2 B ftL'l
Hastings 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 1 o u
Hatterles: Omaha. Lnuzon and Coon;
Hastings, Powers, Scott und Hayes. Um
pire: Heynolds.
Worl.liiw Hoyn Win.
Tho Working Hoys of tho Young Ston'a
Christian association defeated tho Nep
tunes by tho ucore of lit to R. Parrott. for
tho NepUnes, had the Working Hoys
guessing on his curves, but had poor sup
port. Working Hoys 2 o l o fi 413
Neptunes 4 0 0 0 0 1 t
Hatlerles: Working Hoys, Hanson and
StcKlmccI; Neptunes, Parrott und Saun
ders. Mnl.c Miolted llll.n (lull.
Tho Clean Clippers defeated the Spotted
ttlks hy the score of 20 to 4, The Kllni quit
at the beginning of tho acvciuti inning,
thereby forfeiting the game. Hntterles
Clean Clippers, H. Shulti and H. Puke;
Hlks, W. Silnikii.', and Wiley.
Tile Clean ('rippers will orois bats with Mie
Hetnls Juniors Saturday afternoon. They
havo won llfteen straight games tills ycur.
inn More (in me at Oxford,
OXKOHD, Neb , Autr. o.-(S(peclnl Tele
gram.) Tho third day of mi tournament
was n lively one and resulted In tw j good
gamos, although tho scoron ran high. The
morning game was between Oxlord and
Hertrnnd. Score:
Oxford 2 0 1 1 0 1 0 6 1-12
Hertrnnd 1 0 I 0 0 0 o 1 0 t
.Hnttorles: Oxford, Hllss nnd Hhodes;
Hertrnnd, Weber nnd M.uirko. Struck out;
Hy HHsu, 10; by Wulser, 6. Htt: urt Hits',
: off Welder, 3. Krrors: Oxford, 'J; Hert
rnnd 11.
Tho nfternoon game wns between Arnpn
boo nnd Oberlln. Attendance, 2,(M. heore:
Arapahoe 1 2000200 1
Oberlln o 0 0 5 11 0 0 1 2 Vj
Unttcrlcs: Arapahoe. Hellamy. Tanner
and Huteliff; Oberlln. Turner nnd Coldioo
Struck out: Hy Hellamy, l: by Tanner, 2,
by Turner, :. Hits: Off Hellamy. 16; ofi
Tun tier, 3; off Turner, y. Krrors: Arapahoe,
10; Oberlln, 0,
nrlulniils lo I'lny (iirlitlnnx.
A ball game will bo played nt Vinton
street pnrk tomorrow nfternoon between
tho present city champions, the Originals,
nnd the Voting Men's Christian association
team, which will bo the scrnnd in tho series
for tho Omaha championship. The gamii
will bo culled promptly ut 3:30. The Ilno-up
h ns follows:
Originals. Portions. y. SI. C. A.
Sage Catcher Crnwfor.1
SIcFlvnno Pitcher Dnvlon
Scully First base Abbott
Ilrndford Second base Spraguo
Foley .Shortstop (.relglt
I.nwler Third base Traill
Jellen Left tU!d Clurke
Dlr.een Center Held ....llongland
Whitney Hlght field Welch
l'lny nt I'liiHsinuntli 'I'odny.
Sir. Kills of Mm Young Men'M Christian
association leaves today with ills Working
Hoys' tenm for Plnttsmntitli. where tbo
Hoys play the liattsinoutli Tigers. Tn
Tlgera are considered the strongest team
In Iinttsmouth. Tho Hoys will lluo tlii nn
Working Hoyn. Position.
Knnr or Gibson.. Catrher..
Hohrbough pitcher
Schoulau First
G. Wlllurd Second .
VS. Wlllard Third .
Hngler Shortstop
Strlbllng Loft ..
GrUllth Stlddle
Hanson Hlght
....... ..Hamgo
Close Cnnie at Central City.
CI2NTKAL CITY. Neb., Aug. 10. (Special
Telegram.) Central City defeated Auror.t
today by a score of 3 to 1, Aurora making
their only run after two wero out In tho
ninth. Webster's pitching for Central City
was tho feature. Score:
Aurora 0 0 0 o o 0 o 0 1 '.
Central City 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 :i
Hnso hits: Central City. 7; Aurora. 3. Hat
terles: Aurora, Klumb and Jeffries; Ccn
trul City, Webster und Lear.
I'nlrflelil Loses to Mluilen.
StINDKN. Neb., Aug. K -(Special Tele
gram.) Fnlrllold played Sllnien ut Sllmlcu
today. Sllnden wen by ti score of "0 to o,
Hatterles: Falrlleld. Cory and SIcClasky;
Sllnden, Hllss and Funk.
Hoth pitchers pitched u good game. Mln
den batted hard, making live homo rtitu,
but Cory, the Falrlleld pitcher. wis not
very well supported, while Illlss wus well
supported by tho Sllnden nine,
Indiana Defeat Allilon.
G 13 NO A, Neb.. Aug. 10.-(Speolal.)-Tho
Albion nnd Indian school nine p'ayed a
game of ball on the Indian grounds here
yesterday, which resulted in lavor of tbo
Indians, l.'l to i. A muffed tly and a doubt
ful decision by the umpire only saved Al
bion from a shut-out. Score:
Indians 2 1 1 3 1 2 0 0 013
Albion 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 I
lloli Wood In llelielllliu.
CINCINNATI. O.. Aug. 10. Hob Wood,
Mm Cincinnati catcher, was released todnv
to Comlsky for tho Chi -ago American
lcnguo team. Wood refused to go und will
tetlro nt the end of this season Wood
has had trouble with Manage i- Allen.
llureUnn Want a (.'nine.
Tho Kureka Hnso Hall club would like to
enter into negotiations for a gamo with
nny tenm In Mm city under 17 years of nge.
Address nil communications to Captain C.
Dohn, 507 South Twentieth street.
Heavily l'lnyeil Dark Horses I'nll to
Make Gooil for Those AVho
llnek 'liiein.
CHICAGO, Aug. 10. Admetus nnd Tayon
saved tho bookmakers at Harlem thou
sands of dollars by stalling off two at
tempted killings on Fx Hard and La
1'rlncessa, both nt 20 to 1. Knch of the
"good things" rnn second. The St. Louis
contingent got down on Fox Hard In the
second race nt Mie odds quoted. It looked
very much as though they wxro going to
cash, but Admetus beat out tho I'good
thing" by a head.
La Prlnccssa was the hot onu In tbo
fourtli race. In which Tayon was fuvoiito
ut 8 to 5. The mare opened at 23 to 1, und
many good bets were .icnttorod about Mm
ring, forcing the price down to 20 to 1.
Only Tuyon's grand burst of speed saved
tho day and the pood thing lusted Just loiu
enough to get the place from Abe Furst,
wlio camo from ninth place. Summary:
l-lrst race, six furlongs: batin t oat, km
(T. Knight). 7 to 1, won: Propeller, los
(Dupeo), 0 to 2, second; Forkfi.rd, 103 (P
SIcUermott), 3 to 1, third. Time: 1:15.
Cnlathus. Hanswurst, Icenl, Fairy Prince,
runt and juck u niso ran
Second race, seven furlongs: Admetus,
lit (T. Knight), 7 to 2. won; Fox Hard, !il
(lauey), .o to l. second; nariou, im
(Dunce), 5 to 1, third. Tlmo: 2:213-5. The
Hobby. Julius Caesar. Hub I'rnthcr. Vln-
cennes, Hossl, Judge Denny und Hcllect
nlsu ran.
Third race, short course, steeplechase:
Globe II. 103 (Kggerson), 3 to B, won; Heno,
133 (G. Wilson), ii to 1. Becond; Lnst Past,
I2.-I (M. Weber), fl to 1. third. Tlmo: 3:37.
Colonel Wolghtmnn also ran.
Fourth race, six furkngs: Tnyon. 107 (H.
StuurtiV, 8 to G, won; Lu Prlnccssa, 101 (Tal-
icy), -m to l, second; auu I'-ursi, no cr.
Kntuht). 0 to 2. third. Time: 1:14 4-5.
Okekma, Tamo Irishman, Crosby, Kmma
SI, Lnmlty, Onoto, Chmacus and Con-
tracior i.yncn niso ran.
Fifth race, live furlongs: F.dlth Q, ini
(Tullv). 10 to 1. won: Heceu. 107 (Hradford).
0 to 1, second; II. Hurt, KM (Uucbannni. S
io i, nurd. Time: i:oi;,-a. uaruai-n hi.
llamnshlre. Invictus. 0car. Leo Newell
and Kolhelm ulso ran. Telephone Girl nnd
St. lilull fell,
Sixth nice, mllo nnd seventy yards: Dis
solute, 112 (Von Camp), 2 to 1. won; Vnln,
10S (Htiehnnan), 4 to fi. second; Frangible,
101 (J. Waldo), third. Time: 1:10. Hendricks,
Goldono and Satan also ran.
Hank OnlMder (Jives Horses Picked
by Public Hard Hun for
IIonorH at St, Louis,
ST. LOUIS, AiigrTbT-Favorltes nnd nut
slderfl divided tho pursoB nt tho Fair
Grounds Mils afternoon. Track fast. Sum
maries: First race, selling, 2-yenr-oIds, six fur
longs: Seething. 99 (Talloy), 12 to 1, won,
Frenehle. m (Wntsim), S to 1 nnd 3 to 1.
second; Mnrcnret F, 10" (Corner), 3 to 1,
third. Tlmo: l:lt Harry Piilllan, Her
Mia IJuck nnd Scorpolctte also ran.
Second race. Belling, six nnd n half fur
longs: W. J. Hnker, 10,1 (McGinn), 0 to 1,
won; The Unrrlster, 110 (VniiDusen), 13 to
10 and 1 to 2, second; Handazzo, 10S (Oil
more), 0 to 2, third. Time: l:21'i. Colonel
Gray, Mlennor Holmes, Colonel Gnlvln,
John SlcF.lroy, Terry Hanger nnd Furo also
Third race, 3-year-olds, ono mile: Go Out,
112 (VniiDuzen), S to ri. won; Tom Gllmnro
112 (Dale), 5 to 2 nnd 7 to 10, second; M irl
G. Urown. 107 (J. T. Woods), 0 to 2, third.
Tlmo: 1:42V4. Trlxlo II, Morgenstern, Klil
Venner, Kid SIcCoy nnd Sllss Loretta ulso
Fourth nice, Helling, six farlongs: Lord
Neville. 101 (Domlnlck). 13 to 10, won: K i
genla Wlekes, Pi (J. Woods), 3 to 1 and 0
to 10, second; Horn, 101 (Dale), 300 to 1
third. Time: 1:13. Applejack. Wekota,
Will Fay and The Geescr niso ran.
Fifth race, S-y.-ar-olds, ono mile: Char
lie O'Hrlen, 100 iVanDusen). 13 to 10, won
Ida Ledfurd, 107 (Domlnlck), 9 to 2 nnd
7 to r, second; Hottentot, 112 (J. Woodsi,
4 to 1, third. Time: 1:12. Harrlca and Ho
hul also run.
Sixth race, four and n half furlong,
maiden 2-year-old fillies: Dorothv Leo, 11:
(Dale), ii to 1, won; Genneroso. 113 iDom
Inlck), 2 to 1 and 4 to 3, second; LaDeslr
ous, 113 (J. Woods), 12 to 1, third. Time:
Slai-cin Dent, SIlss Pratt, AUcf
Scorpion, Daisy Gum, Kmpyrenl und Tea
Gown ulso ran.
HesullH at IIIkIiIiiuiI PnrK.
DKTHOIT, Aug. 10,-Foneda won the six
nnd one-half furlongs race, tho feature
event ut Highland park today, from Z.i
none, tho betting choice, bv a head. Frank
itugan broko Ills long spell of bad luck by
winning tho mllo ovent with Sir Florlan.
Weather Hue, track fast. Hesults:
First raee, six furlongs- .Miss Al Kur
rnw, los (F Hoss). fi to 6, won. Salvudo, W
(Powers), 2 to 1, second. Hay Sularar. luj
(.Sluddeii), 2 to 7, third. Time. I Ut, Des-
cubrldora, Lottie Shevllle, Give nnd Take,
Deist, March Past and Cavotte niso ran.
Second race, live and one-half furlongs:
Slrolster, K0 (Coburn), 10 lo 5, won; Vir
ginia T, 103 (Lnndry. 11 to R, second: Prltu-e
of Song, lol (Castro) 4 to 1, third. Tlmei
1:09' -. Tempt, Hoseblrd and Stedru Cheat
ham also ran.
Third race, one mile: Sir Klorlnn. 100
(J. Daly), 4 to 1, won; Ferry F, 9S (Irwin),
2 to 1, second; Highland Prince, 103 (Sic
Qumle). 3 to 1, third. Time: 1:421,4. Ire
Drop, Floven Hells und VloU K also ran.
Fourth race, six furlongs: Intent, 100
(Lnndry), 9 10 6. won; .Momentum, 113
(Pow-crs), 11 to 6, second: Cllpsettn. loo
(Wotiderly), 0 to 1, third. Time: I.IH4,
Sacklieu, Infellce, Domlule and Vint ulso
Fifth race, six nnd one-half furlongs:
Koneda, 9S (L. Thompson), 2 to 1. won; Ter
minus, M) (Daly), fi to 1, second; our Lizzie,
13 (C. Wilson), 3 to 1, third. Time: 1.21.
Znnorio nnd Hoyal Sterling also ran.
Slxlh rice, six furlongs: Sauceboat,
(A. Weber). U lo 0, won; Gdlicottoii. 9
It., 'riuiltllmrml I'. In 1 nnentul 9,1
92 (Liiughlin), 10 to I, third. Time, fn's.'
.Mouna J11111111T, ivnowies. j-;mue xoia. I he
Peach, Stary Kelly and Sae also ran.
llomillirrt ut Coiiifoiinlile Odd of
r, to I Win la Drive from
OdiN-Oii I'avorlle.
oniwuuuft, i. 1., auk. JO. Bliowery
IL'.nHla, ,i,....nll..l .. u 1.... 1.
a 1 11 1 n.An 1 . -, ... ,a ,.i.
iivi.inyi ffiutllllUll IfllS 111 lei llllUII, IMll llin
rainfall was so Blight that the track wa.4
not affected. Tho hturtlng was prompt und
Tho Pepper slakes, with n guaranteed
value of J.'i.wm, was the feature. Honnlbcrt
....... .11 ii mm; uy nun a leiigin iroiu .aiiivu
bcheck, while The Paruder, the 7 to 10 fa
vorite, the last horse to leave the post In
tho Held of six, was third. Tho ull-ngo
....null in il mne nnu h iiinong resuueu
In n bend victory for Peaceful, who Just
got up In time to beat ihu rank outsider,
Anthracite. Hestilts:
.,.V'lr,',r'lri'' "oiling, six furlongs: Hesper,
JfiJ (O'Cpnnpr). 3 to 5, won; Tartar. 9.1
I 111, ,lur,li 'Ji .. I .....1 f ... . . .. ...i...
,,.v,i w ii, i iiimi i io j, sceonii; r.uiu
1W (Shaw), B to 1, third. Tlmo:
1. i.isi 'Din in r., i neie inn, aiiss nan
oyer. Candla and The Hurllngton Kouto
also ran.
Second rnce, maiden 2-yrnr-old fillies, sell
lug. live furlongs: Cherished, 101 (O'Con-
tlnrl n f n 1 r- .. . .
li,e.i.ll,V.' lj ! 5 H,,1 ven, second, Prima
II. 99 Hausch), 12 to 1. third. Time: 1:01
Queen's Lady, Luck, Daisy, Collider, Alca,
Kdna J nnd Quito Hlght also run.
1 hlrd race, Pepper stnken for 2-year-olds,
Vnlltn tn tll 11- httn. 91 RAA ... .1. .. I
ii Vi . .1 .;' . . ..S?' '" ," seconn
ll.fw, to tbp third $300. live nnd one-biilf
furlongs: Uonnlhert. litf (Turner), p to 1.
won. Alard Scheek, 12 (T. Hums), 5 to i
",n1i7i 6 "ccond; The Parallel-. Ill (Mr.
Cue), , to 10, third. Time: i :u7n.. v0j,,,
Colchester, Tiiscaroru and liinccsa Pepper
also ran.
1-ourth rnce, hnndlcap, mile nnd n fur
ong; Peaceful, M (''. Hums), 8 to 1.
WOO! Aflthrnnllr. lAI ,MIIAI...IU n.t ... . .. .
: ,v. ..'iii' iiuiii, aii in i iuki
fi V),r',"T".n.,1;rl l.Va.t m (O'Connor).
it . . "".'; "inu. inno: i:dj's. King
Hrumble, MacLeod of Dare nnd Laverock
also ran.
,..rlf.'.h racf,' ,lnndlcap for 4-year-olds and
iilVr?. "."cs ,HV,,r .olsl,t l'rdles: Klon
dike. 10) (Donohue), 2 to 1. won; F.lner, DO
(Owens), 17 to 10 nnd 1 to 2, second; Sir
llllherl. ino I l.-liiA,r,ii.i n .,. r.' ,ui..i
t.ioia i. w,"..'. iu , iiiuu. nine;
3:19Hi. Arrezzo ulso ran.
TIIItllD UVn.VTS AT F. lltlll lt V.
SfcoiiiI Day of NcliriiiUn Clrenlt Uae
lau: I'm o red iillli (,'ood OimviI.
FAIllltlMJV vi. . ,a , .... i
The second days races at Mio Fairbury
Driving park were attended by n largo
crowd nnd only one nccldcnt occurred, in
, i'ilch ,Hi,py. c owned by J. K. Stroiim,
feu nnd broko his leg. Ilo was entered in
tip 2:1S class. Summary:
-:3fi pacing: Mnliel Carter, b. m., took
" ' "-.;.H..l II1.AII3, juutiu iiimii, u. n,
?iOC,o,n0: I'Ot'lo Lee, b. in., third, nnd
Gulden Huby, b. a., was distanced in tho
l.'iur linl
Time: 2:2fliJ, 2:23, 2:23.
2:1!l Irntllmr. i.-mI, .. , .1
... 1 il. 1 n mice
straight lients; Superintendent, b. h., Bec
ond. and Scraps, b. g. third.
1 inn-. iiza,
Onil-llllir Inlll, .1.1.1 .....inn nn .
. .1.111 i'i"-i, 1111111111K liiet.
w, ... in,, mm, lyiiiKt.iai, vil. Hi v -
oiid. and Amy T. s, m., third.
nine: v:w, v.M'.i. Day of Jollet llnees.
JOLII2T. 111., Aug. 10,-Tho hot. dust
laden winds which prevailed In Jollet Inter
fered materially with the attendanco at
the last day of tho harness races. A sur
prise wns sprung in tho first race. Mio 2:10
VnH; Gnrnetta was a hot favorite, but
failed to tako a heat nnd landed onlv
fourth monov. Attorn, nfter lwlm- nlmiul
distanced in the first and second heats, won
in oiraigni neuts. nam, the favorite In the
2:20 pace, proved n disappointment. Joy
makcr. the favorlto In the 2:10 trot, sus
tained IiIb backerB. ltcsults:
2:40 clnss. nnelncr. niimn t.00. AMnrn wr.
third, fourth nnd llfth heatfl. Tlmo: 2:111-4,
2: 16:, 2:12i. Hed Wilkes won llrst heat In
2:ll'i nnd was second. Tidal Wnvn was
third, Garnotta fourth. Albert I'lll. dis
tanced In tho fourth heat, won second heat
In 2:li. Tod Williams, Decorntion, Ml
netta nnd Lady Winker niso started.
2:20 class, trotting, purse J200: Jean Hlgn
low won In Htralght heats. Time: 2:11,
2:lPi, 2:13U. Daisy, Wottlnia Wilkes. The
resa Wilkes. John Kmllli nnd H.111I nln
2:10 class, trotting, purse J300: Hookmaker
won second, third und fourth heats. Time
2:1S4, 2:20. 2:26. Juno T won llrst heat ill
2 i7i. Indiana nnd Magglo JIac ulso
MiirHluilltown Team IlrenUs 11 .Slate
Heeord al Cedar Itupliln,
CRD AH It API DS. Ia.. Aug. 10.-(Spcclal
Telegram.) Today brought tho tournament
of tho lown State Flremen'H nssoclatlon to
a closo. Tho weather was terribly hot and
a strong wind was blowing up the home
stretch, but good time was mado In all
tho events. TI10 featuro of the day wn
tho breaking of tho stato record In tho
state Iioso race, Marshulltown winning In
:31 4-5. Tho results:
Hoso race. :3t class: West Hrnnch, llrst.
Audubon, second; Willlumsburg, thlcd.
Host tlmo; :3S3-n.
State hoso race: Slarshalitown. first,
Sheldon, Boeond: Williamsburg, third; Au
dubon, fourtli; West Urauch, llfth. Heat
timo: :.114-.r).
Novelty iiosn race: Mnrsballtown. first;
Sheldon, second; Audulion, third: Williams,
burg, fourth; West liranch, firth. Host
time: :33 l-S.
Hub nnd hub, lietween two teams, making
best tlmo: Marshalltown, llrst; Sheldon,
second. Hcst time: : 33 4-5.
I, limed mill Allen Winners.
NKW YOHK, Aug. 10.-W. A. I.arnod
dofoated Hlchard Steveim this morning In
three straight sots iu Mm match for the
championship singles In tho Long Island
championship tournament ut Southampton
The former champion of Vale. John A
Allen, won over Samuel Hardy, tho Pacltle
coast star, In tho llnnl contest of the con
solation singles. Only at one lime during
tho matcli in tho championship event did
Stevens lead Lnrncd, and thnt was In the
last nnd deciding sot. Larned earned four
teen of his polntfl nnd Stevens ten of hit.
Tho summary of the morning's plnys fol
lows: Gentlemen's championship singles, final
round: W. A. Larned defeated Hlchard
Stevens, C 1, C 3, 6-4.
Gentlemen's consolation singles, final
round: John A. Allen dofeated Samuel
Hardy, G-l, 0-1.
ItelfT Hoys Continue tn Win.
LONDON. Aug. lO.-At tho first day's
racing of Lewes summer meeting today
tho Castle plato was won by Hoyal Hal
sam. ridden by J. Helff, tho American
At the first day's racing of tho Haydoek
park AugUBt meeting todnv the Juvenile
Action plate was won by Hontta, L, Hctff
linvlng tho mount.
Tho Gernrd SInlden 2-year-old plate wns
won by Hlchnrd Crokor'a .Minnie Dec, also
ridden by L. Helff.
Tho Hrynzlng handicap was won by
Flurlno. Domineer, on which L. Helff had
tho mount, camo In Becond.
West Point In Knot Hall LeaKne,
WEST POINT, Nob., Aug. 10. (Special.)
The foot ball players of West Point have
been included in the North Nebraska Foot
Hail league, In which circuit are Fremont,
Hlnlr, Tekamah and Craig. Tho bnya nro
now practicing for tho opening of the sea
son, which will be Iu September. One ,f
the West Point players has quite a record
having played with tho Konmis City team
und with the Stato university.
Devotes I'lii'tunc to IMnenllon.
CHICAGO, Aug. lO.-Accoidlng to Mi
will of Colonel John Slason Lnomls of
thlt city. Hied for prnhato today. Mi
greater part of tho estate of moro Mini
Jl.0o0.000 will bo devoted to founding the
Lnomls Institute ut Windsor, Conn., ns u
memorial for Mie family.
Currle Cuts lloiid lleeord,
HBATniCR. Aug. 10 (Special Telegram 1
Julian Curiio of Lincoln thlt nftnrno i
mado tho Iieatrlcc-Llncoln bicycle n.ii'se o
toriy-two miles in ono hour and fifty mi.,
utes, reducing tho previous record of ono
hour und ltft-six minutes by six minutes
l.ouu .Shot WIiin at Windsor,
DKTHOIT. ML h.. Aug 10 -Tbo big sur
prise of the duy ut Windsor came In thi
first ruco, when hn Dauphin a GO tu 1
abut, won, Not u vincie favorite wrn.
"The American Porter"
is superior to the best imported pro
ducts. Its high quality is assured by
the fact that it is the product of the
Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n
St. Louis, U. S. A..
Brewers of the Original Budweiser, Haust, Michelob, Anlicuser
Standard, Pale-Lager, Export Pale, Exquisite and Malt-Nutrinc.
uracta addressed to Geo. Krug. manager Omaha brancb. will bo promptly executed.
200 pairs innnufai'ttM'crs4 siiinplc pairs of Tapostry Cnr
tains, in cheap, medium and line grades choice assort
ment of colorings ami designs, in floral and oriental ef
fects -curtains that vould sell ordinarily al from S2.fi0
to .L'o.OO a pair--very slightly soiled from handling a f
genuine bargain for you at
$1.50 to $15
About HO odd half pairs of the same styles for single
doors and couches unusually good values at each
$1 to $5
200 odd ends of Curtain Poles:?, 4 and o feet
long in oak. mahogany, white and brass
to close each
Open Saturday Iheuing Until Nine O'clock.
Orchard & Wilhelm
Dotnjlas Street. LarOet L0.
as -- --a
bl Vluilifr, tboprrvrlrimnof funuiu French pb8lcln. will qulrklrcum you -if all
iWTOiuor dli'Mi'Knf tli tuerllve oicium, ucli iw I.o4 nnnlnad, Iuuuil,
I'nlna la tbo llnck, MoiiiIiimI r.iulialuna. Nei Tiiu. Ibllll7, I'lnplri
LlBninr to llnrr.Y. I'.sliaaallnw Ilrnlua, Tnrlrorrlr anil Canallpnlloa.
1 1 itui'i all liwia by tiny or nlghl. I'rrvnn unicl.nfM uf ilncharf. hlcli If not cbeclccd
leads to f.nprniAtnrrl)na and All Ihn hnrrnr. nf Itntmtnrv. i'lll- IIF.WKdalBflM tha
IIVMT. IhA L 1,1 11NV Anil IhhK.ln.r
nd restornsmall wftic orcani.
'f linrrajon nfTerers aro not cmoi! by Doctors n hceauin 80 pcrrnt aro troublml with Iritllla,
CUI-lIili.M-. tlia only known remrdy to curt wlUioiit n oporitlon. 6000 mtlmo ilals. A wrltira
Cuaranuocltcn and raonry return ill If lmipjdo6U0V C0ect a rurraauent cutt. 11.00 aboi.U for
mall, hend fnr lTRit cfrcnlHr anil testlinrjiilnn.
ilil'n l ''rj ni.lilCIVK ;.. c. o, lloi ari, Han rranci"i. fal,
Made happy by our Turklnh T. and P. rilln, Monllillen atirn to the day Nover dlaappolntn any
litr. niife nc.lntv eirrhkll'rf or li.llllful liinnulriiatton Knllilni- Ai It In thn marWet. 41 no
I box by mull. Two boxca euro any catie, No piiin.
When otkrs fan cooovn
private mm
op MEN
tVo Ruarnntee to euro ail cases uurabls ot
SEXUALLY. Cured for Ufo.
Night Kmlbslunp, Lont rdaiibooa, llydr, ?cle,
Verlco:el, Gonorrhoea, uicu:, Sypnllts,
ctrlcturo, I'lle, FUluU and ltuctul Ulcora
sjia all
I'rlvulo lllicnara und UlaoiiliTa of Slen
Strlulllrc unit (ilrrt ( urril nt lloiun.
Consultation free. Call on or addrtma
nit. .mmki.hs jk si;.im,i:,
110 tioutu )4tb Ht. OliAUA.
ly uy ueveinnini iirmn mntter; f.,rce
healthy circulation, cure indiges
tion, nnd inipi-t ljoun lint; vipor to
the whole avitrm. All weakening
and tinue-deitrnvliiif drains nul
lonei permanently cureil. Delay
may iiiean Jiiwmiy, consumption
and Death. 4.
l'rlre liperliori sin lioxesf with KH
Iron-clad Riiaranlee to cure or te- pi)
fund monrv f-,. iiool; containlm? LN
iKT.tilve proof, free. Address 1'eal
mcjirinc i.o., (.irvoianJ, U.
Bold by Kubn t Co., Utii and DnuKltm,
Mid J. A. Fuller 8c Co. Hln and Quuglus.
i ritr.hV5l . ' " HI i, fur mniBtnrui
Ii.ium V3 liiufharan, liidaniiua-mm, U imtitioij tir liiieiuliuni
nni u, itilnnr, of Ut II ti 11 M lif'nt, a
I frittBM eoattcteo, I'aEnlrari, nni' t.-it ustna
I tVi'lSCHlMi ii CO. I"--"1 ur rui n'i. u
v s. i, jmtv' "ul nam rrper
fifiii'!' U tt: ais.r tent ua A &
IH - Tl't-vnreasmucli like COATHD W
I'.nCTHICITV 01 science tan make Of
T them. Kncli one produces as tnurli V'
v j nerve-bnlldlnf;iuitaiiren Ii ion M
ii t.ilucd In tbe amount of fonj n man V.
fa, consumei in n week. This Ir why ttt
tiM they bave cured tboumnds of cn.e ut
o of nervous ili.cneit, m Ii as Detail- 'JH
Ity, Dizjinesi, lnMinnm. Vatic i. ele, Kj7
I' etc. TlU'veii,il.leyuittothiiik.clear- fA
the choicest of brews,
mellow and pleasing,
has met with instant
approval by a dis
criminating public. It
is 's --3 is --a us --is &
rut,a nf nil I m, nr1, , a'ltlBlir!Ntn atrnnlJlIia
no dancer ilalm i'liarniiicy Omulia. Neb.
i Curea Dandruff, Tailing Hair, Drlttln Hair
' and nil Scalp Troubles, nuch us Itcblne,
&czoma, Krtiptlon3, etc Purely Vegetablo,
harmless and reliable.
Cure Guaranteed
even after all other remedies hav failed
or money refunded.
For Sale br
Rhermun & Jb i'oiinidl Uruij Co.,
Alycrs-nillon lruir Co..
M. A. Dlllnn, Soi'lli Omaliu.
'I'rnilr ii i 1 1 I'd lij
M. Mon' fit Hair iiu.nur,
A. 1. L. niurliind,
U'imrdiioii Vi us Co.
.yV-v Url.liiul naf Olily Crauln.
.'. i fl A r I .. y.riiiit i.rmr. til wrtiizui
f M CHH HlISTKK's KN'dl.lSlI
(tthr V( iu UK II (lyl.l n.tUIIK 1,01, ...111
tv 'VL'J " 'h ' ' '" 'I alie nu llir. Uf f ia
fclv. Wl IlaMKrrtiu lullitutloni and liwlta.
lion, ii m 7 l juor iutf 1,1 r i.O'l te. la
tkvft rr fitrtteulirt. l'rtlMalAU
01 "Ueltf I fur l.o.ll,".n l.ll.r tj r
lurn Mull, in.niill I.!. br
all Ilruti(" Clilcliitrr (.atrulc al IJn.v
VmlUn thU i
aeiiM auuurc. I'llii.. I A'
Olllcp over Uir. Soulli l ltb Ht.
85.00 A MONTH-
Truti all Fermi of
22 Yean Fxptrlencs.
u tejrjin umihi.
auaaiion nnu ix.iiiiinaiiun vieis Hours, n a.m.
lu ft. 7 to H i m Sunilay. U to Vi. 1', O. liox 7i)U.
rini-H o.r JIB So Mth St., between Karnam and
Sfdfr. JA A' TAllLlJ I h POMTIlTLV cCRfi
hiA rlrJ'srr'""" """-FalUnc Warn.
17 Sf (El i't' hln-nnum, nt c b ovi,r
T jOI nef lnitlurtnlmtia. V'Aeu nlc((M
nfVw5'.w" "r ''"nra. l'rurant JnianitV nnj
' U-Si20C-oatiiui.tion If tiiki.i In tliua. Thai?
u.ith.mimnidUiiii,proTeniiint .j-lUfiictoCUltiS
fcarenllniharafiii , jnmt upon liafinathavminin.
upon rwnl,,t of pncA (-ircuhiiafrai v "rHr,
(liAA REM ED V CO.. vo Dearborn ot,
Kor Halo in Omtiim, Nob, b
Hi , Omtiim, Nob, by Jub, ForBytb,
m-ll liluffs by J. c. Dullaveii!
und In Coun
If you Jiavoitiian. wnakou-ani.
our acuum orjfan Uuvflopcr wi
wiwiuut nrutri or
fa' re t and rit VrnVil . r V.' J.' ..i '.fl?.' 11"
LOCAL APPUANCE CO,, 414 CfcMf. b", Colo.
r.I.CTHICITV nnd MKDIfAI, Trp.Hmeiit rum
htni'il Varlcoci'lo, btrli'liim, HyiililllH, I.omi of
V.Kiir nnil Vltilltv CUHKS (il'AIlANTEKD.
r ...r.m ...... tn .,. if tr i, v a 'nin'KT 1,,.. ,-....
KuQ La id fl