THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SAT TH DAY, At'OVST II, 1900. 11 SPECIAL NOTICE AilvrrlUrmriiti for thene column Trill lir lakrn until 12 in. fur tlic evening edition nnd until H .'III i. m. for morning nml Sunday cilltlon. ltntes, 1 i-'ia n word tlrt Inaerttnn. 1c n vrard therenf it r. Nothing; tnUen for lens thnn UBo for the first lnrr tlon. These ndrertUcnicnts mnt lie ran conscehtlvel jr. Advertisers, y reuiiest inn n num bered check) cn linve nnintri nil ilrcaard tn m numbered letter In cure of The lice. Aimrrers no mlilrnitil will be delivered ai presentation of the check only. WANTED-SITTATION. WANTED, position by custom cutter and practical tniior; expcricncca in lino trnue and capnblo of tailing charge ot shop. Aauross t,i .Main hi., uenuwoou, s. u A-.M501 12 WAMUD-M.UilJ HUM'. WANTED, wo have stendy work for a few good hustlers of good, habits nnd appear ante. U. F. Adams Co., 1C1D Howard St. B-S70 BARBER trade taught thoroughly In short time: catalogue and particulars free Address Western Barbers' Instltutu. umnnu, jvcti. H 377 WANTED, lahoters, teamsters, rock mn and surfaco men, Neb.. Wyo., and Iowa; freo fare; Highest wages; ship dully western . u. i.auor Agency, sio h. iitii. , AN IS'THl.t.innMT vonnir mnti tn InWo il shorthand scholarship In best school and puy lor u wnen course is compieieu nnu position secured. Address I. 20, Hee. H-79 WANTED. 10 young men to lonm teleg raphy. W. T. Skclton, Sallna. Kan. H-M341 A27 MEN, women, learn chiropody, dermatology by mall; diplomas. Correspondence de partment, 254 6th avc, New York; write. H-M017 14 WE want n few salesmen to hnndle our bjslness lu linoccupleil territory In Iowa and Nebrnska. We need men who have some knnwledun of live Ntock. somo ex- I perlenco ns salesmen, thn best of ability, who nro absolutely honest and reliable. nnd who ran furnish good references and surety bond. Wo have no time to spend witn nny except men wnn can nil tno re- qnlrements fully. Hut to such men wo can pay good salaries or commissions and put them lu line for promotion, according to their valuo and merit. The F. E. San- Mm Company, Manufacturem Standard Stock Food, Omaha, Neb. H-M901 12f ALL GRADUATES of tho Khariin System aj-n guaranteed emplovment at splendid salaries to work lu the Jtranch Kliaras Magnetic liiltrmnncH. Ir you want u lire profession and rt money-maker from tho start write or call nt tho Kharas Magnetic Inllrmary, 1515-17 (llikngo St., Oiniilin, Neb U-973 WANTED, by largo concern, experienced bookkeeper; good opportunity for ad- vancement for right man; state experi ence and salary expected, o 62. Hee. H-M9S4 12 WANTED, young man not over 22 for otllco position: must be quick at llgurcs and a good penman. AddrcsH O 50, care Omaha llec. l Mirai li" WANTED A llrst clasa illy Hollcltor. to sell our "New Nonforfeitable Expansion Accident policies with a. a years an nulty. Finn opening for right party with opportunity to make big money. Address u bt, neo onice. u yw-iu. WANTED A man of good standing with city acquaintance to Introduce a new and attractive Hurglary Insurance policy. The most popular thine of the ago and u winner, i-ino opening tor ine ngni man. Aildresa O 65, Ree. H-9X9-10. WANTED Stenocranlier and tvncwrlter- nnswer In long hand, stale experience Hint salary, nox t w, nee oince. H-M-D!S.12. WANTED An oxnerlenred meat mini mus! be thoroughly competent In cutting all kinds of meat nnist slate whern you havo had experience give references, ago .nd salary expected a permanent place for the right man. Address O 56 Hee. U-931-11. - t.tmtm .. ,', I ! MAN of good character to deliver and col lect for old established manufacturing house; $W0 u year and expanses guaran teed; enclose reference and seir-addresed, stumped envelope. Address Manufacturer, .id noor, Mi ijenroorn sircei, . incago. H- M993 12 SHOEMAKER; n good, steady, sober young HiioemaKer can at once nuvo a iicrmaueut position: good wages; German preferred. L. Larson, Harlan, Iowa. H-M999 17 WANTED, men lo learn bather trade: onlj two month required; fall term begins soon: all the advantages of our thorough I ruining and positions guaranteed at small cost; free transportation to our colleges hi Chicago, hi. i .ou ix or .Minneapolis. where. opporlunltleH i nro best: catalogue mulled freo. Moler Harber College. Agent. 1623 Karniun nt., umana. n mjwi iu WANTEO FESIAI.E HELP. AN INTELLIGENT lady to take a short hand scholarship In best school and pay for It when course Is completed unci posi tion nccurru. wiurcsn i. m, lice. u i3U WANf ED, 200 glrisTl52l Dod. Tel. 870. C-6S1 SO girls wanted. Canadian ofllco 1622 Douglas t.' 5S2 WANTED, a competent cook with references.- Apply lo Mrs, Luther Kounue, ami street nnu ucwey uve. KXPERIENCED girl, general housework. 220S Miami. C-MS39 1U WANTED, educated young ladles to learn nursing. Apply to secretary, Fremont hospital. C-M932 AV ANTED Experienced irirso; good wages; references required. 103S Park Ave. Mrs. Floyd M. Smith. C-975- WANTED, girl' for general housework; small nimlly; must ho good cook;; refer ences. 1022 So. SOtll UVC. C-M9S5 12 GIRL for general housework: good pay and small family. Call 3015 Chicago st. J-MU3 12 FOH RENT HOUSES. Jhm 2m.1 innnTco " Mn,fA them with liennwa uo. D-oS3 " ' HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wcad. 152I Douglas. D-5SI ALV5AYH moving II. H. goods. Pianos. Olllce, ISU'.i Furnum St. Tel. 1659 or S03. D-5SJ HOUSES, stores. Betius, Paxton block. D-5S0 HOUSES-for rent In all parts or tho city. Hrennan-Lovo Co., 320 8. 13th St. D-5S7 HOUSES and Hats. Rlngwnlt, Barker blk, D-6S9 8 ROOMS, modem, with barn; all In extra nn repuir; si to goon tenant. Airred ll, DeLong, 437 Hoard ot Trade. D 691 I-ROOM cottage. 2709 Douglas St. D-593 FOR RENT, strictly modern flat In Dav- Idgc building, opposite city hull. John W. Robblns, 1S02 Farnum St. D-591 ELEGANT npartments In tho Winona. Puyno-Knox Co., 1st floor, N. Y. Life. D-593 IMS N, 20TH ST., 7-room modem house, no furnuco; In good condition, largo barn, outside to be painted; rent. $20.00. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO.. , 16th and Douglas Sts. D-M937 FOR RENT, 8-room house. No. 0IS South 17th st, inquire at room jou, iity nnu. D 820 3221 CUMINO ST., 8-room modern house, has Just, been thoroughly renovated throughout; rent, $20.00. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO.. 16th and Douglas Sts. - D-M958 10-ROOM Hteara hented flat, till modern, 2317 Doug as, inquire i.inuqucst, ziu so. 13th, D-412 VERY pleasant upar'tmcnta; six rooms and hath, fronting park: moat desirable of anything In the city for tho price to right party. M. J. Kcntiard & Bon, 310 and 3H Brown Block. D-446 NEW 10-room housn, water and gus, 2 blocks from car and school, north part city near Boulevard, $25 per month, In quire Wllllum 1. KiersUud, City Hull D 724 'im hunt IIOtSES. FOR RENT, No. 2413 Capitol Avenue, 11 room.''. modem. Tho O. F Davl. Co . KjOS Furnum Ht D-727 DETACHED modern 8-room house, with barn. Inquire 2003 Plerco st. D M772 FOR RENT, 2323 Cnpltol itvcnue, 3 rooms, modern In everv way nnd In first-class condition; tine yard; $40.00. George : Com pany, 1C01 Farnum St. D-763 FOR RENT-S-room modern cottage. In quire 2152 St. Mary's Ave. D-MS6I-12 6-ROOM cottage. 2522 Dewey nve. D-M9I1 8EE HENRY 11. PAYNE, Ml N. Y. LIFE. D-M393 5-ROOM cottngo, 26th nnd Blondo streetn, l. Apply wi r. isiui street, ut.u FOIl RENT-FURNISHED IIOOMS. i NICE rooms, housekeeping. 1118. ltth. FURNISHED rooms, housekeeping. S52S 8t. Mary's. 13-815 A12 FURNISHED rooms. 2013 Douglas. ROOMS: ono largo south front with nlcovc; modem. !&0 Harney st. E-MOT4 24 I't'lt MSIIED IIOOMS AM) 1IOAUI). THE Merrlam, good summer resort, 25th & Dodge. K-9t " . V. .77. . 1 . , ... OLENCAIRN,tran3lcnts,$1.2 - i day. 1809 Dgls. I"1'37 , l n. wUl Ave, IJIIVUIC ltl(llir. 1 O-J il UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport 8t. F-C93 IN I'RIVATE family. 2020 St. Maryjs Avo. THE THATT. desirable rooms, 212 S. 23 i St. DESIRAHI.E rooms; board. 25SI ; Ilnrney. F JWI lt Foil HHXT-STOHHS AMI OFFICES, rnti iikvt. ntnrn in first-class location rent reasonable. Atltily H. 0. I'eters A Co.. ground floor, Ueo Hldg. 1200 - TWO of the best rooms In tho Continental block, 15th and Douglas streets; specially suited for a. phvslclan; will remodel to null tenant. Omaha Loan & Trust Co., icth nnd Douglas Sts. l-w VERY desirable nfllce room for rent. lm- porlnl Laundry Co., 10th and Dodge. Tele- phone 622. 197112 AGENTS AVATEIl. AGENTS on salary or commission; tK Lreiile inrenls' seller ever nrodllcel; every user of pen and ink buys It on sight; 200 to 000 per cent profit ; one, agent sales amounted to $020 In nix days; nil- other $32 In two hours. -Monroe sirg. n X 10. La, Crosse, Wis. J-MtWJ 12-. 25 TO j;rfl P11Hy made by our llvo agents, mc or women, selling our latest novelty, campaign waterproof neckties; goods en tirely new unci patented'; uroiUs delighted; sales unlimited; what otherti do, you can do; time Is short; write today nnd secure.., exclusive territory; guaranteed best seller. Address, with stamp, M. & M. Manfg. Co., Dept. C., wwjtMM3 8optl0. WANTED TO IlKNT. TO RENT, a Btnall farm, near city for cniCKCii ruisiiiK. vuu;sn J Jjjjj jj W A S T K II T O IICV. ALL kinds of household goods, hotels, etc.. In large nnd small quantities. Chicago Furniture Co., 1406-10 Dodge. Tcl2o;a WILL Diirchnse u limited namber of Omaha Savings Hank accounts. Hronnan Love Co., 303 So. 13th. N-C02 2D-HAND bicycles. Omaha Bicycle Co. Xn 003 50 2D-HAND typewriters. Nebraska Cycle Co., Cor. 16th tc Horney, N-713-AC0 FOH SAI.12 FUItNITUHE. ' FOR HALE Ofllco desks nnd counter- very nice. Apply iotj iMiiiornta tn... ne tweon 9 and 2. 0-959-12 FOR SALE 1IOHSK.S, VEHICLES, F.TC. VEHICLES of nil kinds made and repaired ny llarry iToat, litn ana Leavenworth. r-uw nvnif A VH nvtrtttulnii i nr iirHnffu In good condition. We nlso hnvo some nhnetons and buggies that wn arc closing out at very low prices. Win. Pfclffor Carrluco Works. 2620 I.envenworth. P-732 vofl flALE-Horso and buggy. Inquire 2152 St. Mary's Ave. P-MS03-12 FOR SALE, roan working horHc, 8 years Ulll, Uliutil'. iieiiiiiu au. .'in, P-95J 10 l'OIl SALE .MISCELLANEOUS. CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman ft Mc Donnell urug lto t or. loin anu uouge. Q-6 H. H ASS, Florist. 1R13 Vinton St. Tel. 776. Plants, cut (lowers, bonuets. hall, rest- deuce, wedding nnd grave decorations. Orders by mall or express promptly tilled. y wo 2DHAND sufo cheap. Derlght, 1116 F.irnam Q-031 SAFES; buy, sell, ex'ge. Schwartz, lit 8. 13, WIRE fence. Lcddy, 1617 Howard, Tel. 1590 y ,uu M. & W. tires, $2.75. Omaha Bicycle Co. y uj 2NDII AND wheels, $ to $10; new wheels $15. Omaha Ulcycfo Co., 16th & Chicago sts q3I Q-C31 SECONDHAND machinery for sale; every thing in engines, hollers, pumps, iron und wood-worklnc machinery, shafting. pulleys, belting nml mill supplies; prices lowest. Harris Mnchlncry Co.. 1023 Wash ington Avo.. S. 1... M nncano s. Minn. Q-M851 813 SQUARE pianos and organs. il5. $23. $37 H11(1 u.,. ciiay payments; new pianos for ..nt- 1 1 , i .1 , 1 1 n ( 1 1 1. Dnrl a,.,i1.. '!'..! 1 'l ' or & Mueller, l'aii FaVo, m! ' oM9i:t Att Q-M913 AH GOOD hand elevator. Hospc, 1614 Izard. y usa MANBON bicycles, $23. Omaha Bicycle Co. y sxiw HARD and soft foundation pllln g; hog lenco unu criuDing. vol uougius. y so& FOR SALIC, stop watch, split second, ac curate timekeeper and excellent horse- timer; will sell nt a sacrifice. Address y 18. UCC. Q-M970 12 FOR SALE, good size, fireproof, combina tion lock safe', new, never used, from one of tho best safe makers, only $19.95. A very large. 2,100-pound, four double doors, bnnk safe, new; good for hotel, real es tate, county, city or bank. $71.15, Will shin to any place In the United States. payable after received. Cut this notice out nnd mall to Sears, Roebuck & Co., Chicago, ror run particular y MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE, country dealers. 2dhand furniture and stovea nt lowest prices, carload lots or less, uniciigo r urnuure jo nuo-ju uouge. 11 uio CLAIHVO ..NTS. GREATEST LIVING CLAIRVOYANT. PROF, LAWRENCE X. JAMKa. 1714-DOUOLAS 8T.-1714, Prof. James Is a fully developed clairvoyant and trance medium, He gives names, dates, facts, otci, In all readings. Perfect satisiuction guarunteeu or no tee accepteq. ecu, ji.w aim ..w. injurs, iu to s. 8922-10 DR. H. V. MAY. TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT AND INDE PENDENT HLATE WRIT ING MEDIUM. OFFICE 113 SOUTH ldTI I ST. His man-eIous uchlevcmunts demonstrated In your nresencs while you look, listen nnd wonder. Never fulls to remove domestic troubles, re store lost urrecllons, cause speedy mar riages. Hours, 10 a, m. to S p. m.. fee, $1.00 and up; alwuys see the best; olllce and residence, 1U SOUlll 101 It VI. D-J.l 11' CLAIRVOYANT. MME.GYLMER genuine palmlst6f Doilge H-037 electric treatment. BEATRICE HARLOW, Arabian treatment, baths, 317 N. loth. Isi. tl&t F. T-WO-ll. ELITE parlors. 615 8. 16th, second floor. T-M910 81 MME. AMES, baths. 1615 2d tloor; attendant. Howard, room 7, T-M977 16 MME. LEE, magnetlo trcntmcnt. 517 S. 13th, room 2. T-M978 16 PERSONAL. MONHEIT, Chiropodist. 151S Farn. Tel. KB. U-639 IiADIES' hnlr shampooed, dressed, 35c. Hair toilet goods. Monhclt, 1618 Farnum. Tel Zk2 U-610 TURKISH baths, massage tjnths, electric baths, for Indies only; skilled women massage operators; llnest equipped baths In the city. Henstom Hath Company. Rooms 210 to 220, Bee building. U-M163 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & dur ing rontinement; Dames adopted, liss is. u, u uu 14 SOI.E9, 35c: velvet rubber heels, 33c. Tho oiu rciiaDic, o. i: I'eicrson, 10m fl uuiuuig u on DR. ROY. chiropodist; corns removed, 25o ana upward, ltoom iz, rrenzezr diock. RI'I'Tt'HE cured; no knife, no pain, no Hunger; semi mr circulars, empire iui turn Cure. 932 N. Y. Life bldir.. Omaha. u 01.1 PLEATING and pleated skirts of all klnda. ai. uoiiimnn & co., zuo uougias diock. u OlO PRIVATE home before and d urine confine ment; linbles adopted, airs, liurget, xb.-w Ilurdctte. u-n IIOFF'S Express & Messenger Co. Tel. 1717. SCH A DELI During August, shampoo, 35c; hairdress, 25c; massage, 2jo; trentmcni, :vc. WIIEELEH &. Wilson sewing machines, others. 13.00 un: navmcnis: reining, ,5c weeg; repairing, t'cters c m., iio Capitol Ave. Tel. 1496. U-271 A2I VIAVI, woman's way to health. 316 Uee bMg EPPERLY corset to order. 1612 Cnpltol av u aim i i EPPERLY coriet to order. 1612 Cnpltol Av. I. i)Jl Dl Corns & bunions destroyed. 611 Karbach Hlk, U l!l 3-D HAVE furs repaired and nltered now. Don t wait until the busy season and expect work done nt once. Atiluhnugh, Son A Co., Furriers, 600 Karbach UlocK, omnini. U-918-S-5 PLEATING; buttons to order; pinking whllo-you wait. Omaha Pleating Co.. 1K4 uougiax. U-MSJft MONEY TO I.OAN-HKAL ESTATE, PRIVATE money, 6, 5'J, 0 per cent: no de lay, oarvin uros., 1613 f arnatn. -w wj WANTED City nnd farm loans; nlso bonds nnd wurrnntfl. it. u. rotors at uo., iuj Fnrnnm St., Hco Hldg. w-650 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wcad, 1524 Douglas. V S6l FIVE per cent money. Ilemls, Paxton block. MONEY to loan on llrst-class Improved city property or ror nuildlng purposes, i-ayne- itnox Co.. New York Life. w 3 6, 6(4. 6 per cent on Omaha, So. Omaha. v. h. Thomas, wm ist isat. uang. toi. iii. OD MONEY to loan at 5 and BV4 per cont on Omaha property. IV. U. Melkle, 401 S. 15th i two MONEY to loan on improved I Omaha real Urcunan-Lovo Co., 309 So. 13th. W C67 LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Uor giving such low rajes atid easy par Iowa farms at t par cent. Borrowers can U1'' J?jr',ne,la- 1HL CRUILU ARK pay $loi or any multiple. Any Interest date. No delay. Rrcnnan-Lovo Co., 309 South 13th St., Omnha, Neb. W-634 $1,000 and upward to loan on Improved cttv property ana tarms, w. t arnitn tstnitn : tn mi) i .irnani. w-s WANTED City loans, bonds nnd warrants. uoorgo a .ompany, lout l'arnuni til. W-639 MONEY In any amount nt 6, 514 6 ner cent. J. W. ROUHIN3 & CO., 1S02 FARNAM ST. v-c6o MON'RV tn Innn nn nrm nml eltv nrnnortv lowest rates O F DavlJ Co W riVimm lowest rates, u. . Davis Co.. I5ft Farimm : " W1 $3,000-$4,000-$5,000-To place quick nt low rnto or interest, on goon real estate. Art- areas j u, uee. w 662 MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. -M-O-N-E-Y- D-O-Y-O-U-N-E-E-D-I-T We mako lonns from $10.00 un on furniture. pianos; nurses, cows, eic. ; you Keep tho property; or we wlirmake you a SALARY uyiSfi ou you own note, without muorser or mortgage; wo ennrgo ausniutuiy noin lug for milking papers, und wn keen notn Ing out of tho amount you borrow: vou may pay tho money back In one mouth or take moro tlmo lu which' to pay It, and you ure cxpecieu to jiay ior it only wnat time you use It; our rates aro low und our terms aro tho easiest; our business Is ns cotidcnttal ns Is possible nnd our treat ment is aiwnys courteous, umuna .Mori gago Loan Co., 306 So. 16th St. Estab lished 1M2. AB(3 MONEY MONEY LOANED oAI.AIWc.IJ PEOPLE. I i?ir-r-'av i LOWEST ' ILVTIW, FL 8 Y PAYMENTS and nllilL.11,1 l u.N i iiJr.lN 1 1A1,. OMAHA CREDIT CO.. Room 520, fifth lloor, Now, York Life Hldg, X 60 1 MONEY loaned on nlunos. furniture, lew- oiry, horses, cows etc. c. . need, 3iu s. s. A. O0.1 MONEY loaned on nlunos. furniture, dia mom Co., - monds .wuicncs, privnieiy. Merger s i.oun co., jwi l'arnuni Bt , upstairs. a wj MON'f MONEY loaned on furniture, diamonds, watc watches: navmnnts con ldentlal. Omaha Chattel Loan Hank, 220 H, 13th, upstairs, A 067 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses, cows, joweiry. ujnr ureen, its, nariter hik A 003 SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. J. W. TAYl.OE, 21S First Nnt. Hank Bid. Jv-069 MONEY loaned salaried ueonle holding ner- maiieni position wun responsible concerns upon tnoir own names witnout security; easy payments. Tolmun, 706 N. Y. L. BIdg. A 0.0 PRIA'ATE LOANS TO SALARIED PEO PLE momentarily embarrassed who desire above cverytning else to AVOID PUBLICITY can be accommodated at our ofllco with less expense, tlmo ami troutiio tnun any Place in tne city. A.Ml.UIL A.N UUAh L.U.. Room 601. Bee Building. N-M723 UUSINESS CHANCES. FOH RENT Owing to advancing years Mr. i..Mrt iVi. i h f. reot; SKn'Ain '"iSS ..i''S 'h?"B'i v.". ..2" . ,''"" . r.. 'z piuiiiia im, .iiiiir, (.tun,. n,,i, uuuill W windows, and tho residence nnd atoro fronting the street, on the motor lino to South Omaha. Excellent location for the Dusmess, Y 3S2 FOR SALE. $2,000 stock groceries; best town In Elkhorn valley; wrlto at once. C , itattie ureen, ieu. v .MT2a is ESTABLISHED business, centrullv lo. cated! stock and fixtures valued at $1.10"; win lane OU18IUO property in traue. Ad- dress O 33, Heo ofllce. v M537 IP FOR SALE; I offer my restaurant and fur nished rooms, seven single nnd two line. inrge double rooms, for sale; doing good buslnehs with constantly increasing pat ronage: have other business demanding my personal attention; an located in t.-o-lumbus. opposite Union Pacific depot: a good railroad town nnd has a good rail road patronage; will sell for part cash and good easy terms, will bear strict Invest!- gutlon. B. 8. Rickly, tiroprletor. Vienna restaurant, Columbus, Neb. Y M970 12 uisi.Miss chances. 20 YEARS fn existence; for sale, a well equipped steam printing office with Ger man and English weekly newspaper, non-partisan, best printing bulnc In an extra good business town. Address OS'. Omaha lice. Y-MKH 13 on i:ciiAtii HAVE 14) acres land In central Nebraskn nnd money to exchnngo for cottnge In Omaha. V. V Hedges, 123 Hue Hldg. Z 073 FOH EXCHANGE, form and pasture well wntered, near Ilattmotith, for city property. Address O 27, Her. ' Z-MSI7-12 I.AHGE farm nnd pasture. Mcrrlt Co.. Neb., lo trade for city property. Address O 28, lice. X M8I.S-12 GOOD coal butlners tn Omaha to exchange for other property; good location and trackage. Address O 44, Uee. 7.-M 3j U W ACRE FARM clear, for u good vacant lot. CIS N. Y. I.lfc. -Sli4-Il. 1,720 ACHES of prairie nnd 1,038 ncres of tinnier lantis locaten in ine sugar coast country of south Louisiana, near rail roi.ds; all clear of encumbrance and title absolutely perfect; taxes low, will sell or exenange ror cny property or .enrasKa lands. Call Mr. Hyrnutn, Arrndo lintel, city. Thursday and Friday, or nddress him, l'uxton, 111. Z-05S 10 12,501) GROCERY nnd queenswnro stock to exenango ror goou innti; goon town nnu location, i, rotor, Mi uee nuiuunc. WH.I. exchange nice residence lots for team and harness nnd fresh milch cow; lotJ for sale, $05.00 to $125 00; npply on premises. itn nnu Harrison, no. umana. .-M9;2 12 FARM WANTED; will exchange line lots aim two cottuges nntier goon rental, uisu line rcsiuence. Auuress u oi. nee. Z-M979 12 I'Olt HALE HEAL ESTATE. BEE HENRY 13. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE. HIS FOR SALE Cottage to be moved. Inquire 1152 St. Mary'H Ave. he msw-12' PAYNE-KNOX CO.. HEADQUARTERS for REAL ESTATE HAKUA1.NS: LOW EST HATES on LOANS; SOUND IN SURANCE; HOUSES, FLATS, STORES, for RENT. First lioor, . . i.uo uiug. ills VtJ FARM, 6T ncres, 12 miles from Omaha; price 1,1jO.W 11 rOUl ill once. .vuuri'HU L 49 ,Hec. int. .ijai -i- C. F. HARRISON, FARMS. N. Y. LIFE. JtW Hj A-.'l- IF YOU wnnt to buy,, sell, exchange or rent your property quick. see J. ll. jonn son, Sit N. Y. Lite. RE-670 HOUSES, farms. II. C. Patterson, 305 N.Y.L. lit.- tl Ik I' VII HOUSES, lots farms, lands, loans; nlso fire insurance, uvmis. raxion oik. lit; o,i DEER PARK lots nt $250 to $100. with elo- gant trees, tiro snaps, wnen you seo thtm you will say so, I'fYrTHii.snm r.fs en . .?in m. v. l.lfe. tl fltT READ THIS; one of the best homes In Han- scom I'incc; u rooms, nirgo 101, goon imrn. sightly home; party leaving city; price J7.600.00. M. J. Konnard & son, room aiv, urown mock. muniM RANCH AND FAn.M landB for sale bv the I'nlon I'Helnn linllrniiil enmnanv. It. A. McAUastcr, land commissioner, Union Pacific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. VERY Cheap, three acres, enclosed chicken iicni renee. nouse. store, nam. corncri", sheds, etc.; line shade trees. Home of into l. o. jonnson, irvington, uougins Inquire E. W. Johnson, 4523 Franklin St. rut h:i A NICE building corner, lots 2R and 29, Falrmount Place, on easy terms, write to F. H. Kappcn, Milwaukee, Wis. HE FIXANCrAL, SALARY LOANS! . '8ALAHY LOANS1 WE 1IAVJ3 BEEN.rCRITICISKD iiiutii. Din wo musi loan a reriuui nmount of monev as hoon as nosslblo re gardless of comment. WE LOAN ON YOUR NOTE; no mortgage: no lndorser; no publicity. Your employer or friends need not know. R ELI A RLE CREDIT CO., room 303, THIRD FLOOR, Paxton Blk -ta2 MEDICAL. LADIES out of health (lnd prompt relief. Uox 232, umana, jscd. uonnnentini. LADIKH, Frllir S 1'TOnctl remain rcgliuiior br'"Ks monthly periods regularly without , j, ,r box. 6 b0XCf( f0I. Jr, nox K!6.pi Minneapolis, Minn. -M9I8 Sept7 LADIES, Frlnr's French femaln regulator VIHT17AMA cures Impotoncy resulting from Indiscretions or dehlilty, gives vi tality, vigor, restoring desires, nmbltlons. aspirations of youth, health, llttlug for success, happiness lu business; profes sional, social, married life; $2 or 3 for $5. Sent anywhere prepaid on receipt ot price. Tho Kldd Drug Co,, Klgln, 111. American Ofllce, retail, whohsale, Myers. Dillon Drug Co.. Omnha; M. A. Dillon, South Omaha; Davis Drue Co., Council Muffs. Full lino rubber goods. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y. Llfo. CSJ BOYLES' College, court reporter principal. Ileo Hldg. 4iS9 NEBRASKA Business and Shorthand Col- lege. Boyd's Theater -690 GREGOUfihorthund taught nt tho Omaha commercial college, loin ana uougias ms. 091 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute, 615 N. Y. Llfo BIdg : tel. 1664; Alice jonnson, u. u.. lanies dept.; Gld E. Johnson, Oateopathtst, Mgr. 0S5 M. E. DONOHUE. D. O., of Still school, Klrksvlllc, Alo. w raxion hik. tei, i.wi. O'sO DBS. McMURRAY fc MUSICK will open osteopathic olllce Kept, i, ui-&; iieo tinig. -nsn si A. T. HUNT. D. O. 305 Karbach. Tel. 2352. WifJU nepio WANTED TO IIORHOW. WANTED to borrow. $1,000, three to llvo venrs. at 7 per cont; no commission; on good Improved South Omaha property. Address O 36, Bee. MS7I WANTKD-To borrow of nrlvato nurtlea aepiemiMT i in bumw ui vu ,u. on long lime; securiij. nini imwukuk" rented residence property In good locullty nnd In excellent condition. Address. O 49, Bee. Ji. 1 SIAti.Niyrit; IlEALINfi. GREAT Western Institute, 1623 Dnuglns St., chronic dlaenses cureu; no urugs, surgery, Ml22 THE genuine Simon Puro Weltmor Method or Magnetic Mealing una iturrauen s Hypnotism complete lu ono volume, $2.50. l'ror. 11. Williams, uesoiu, .no. M905 SepS CAHPENTEHS AND JOIipERS. ALL kinds of enrpenter work nnd repnlrlng Promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree. s;th unit i.aae bis. .uu IIIIIIIS AND TV.XIDEHMY. STOCK'S Bird Store. 1603 Leavenworth. WIT FARMS FOR HUNT, CHOICE 253-acre farm, within 2 or : miles of packing houses, South Omaha loading nuiuou on tarm; i,iu. nemis. Paxton block. -103 STIM.MEItl.Xi AM) STITTEHING. CURED. Julia Vaughan, 430 Rnmge Hldg. oi NICKEL PLATING. STOVES rephiled, everything made poc .1 as new Om. Plutlug Co., Bee bid Tel -M9JJ e.voim:, 11(111, lillS, ETC. I.. cT Sharp-Much. Wks.; motors, dynainus. -6"9 2R-HAND machinery bought and sold for cash. A. I. Ely ."i Co.. 1110 Douglas si 700 vroiiAm:. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., ?12 914 Jones, general stcrnge and forwarding. GJi Om. Van Stor. Co., 15UTFarn. TeTs. 1559-SC3. 653 MESSEXinit .snitVICE. O. M. S. Tel. 2022. 307 So, 18 St, -703 HOTELS. HENDERSON. $1.00 per day house; board $3.50 to $5 week. 9th and Farnatn; tel. 1210. -M73S SI .11 A (1 HT II) II 1 5 A M - 1 . GREAT Western Institute, 1623 Douglas St.. chronic diseases cured; no drugs, surgery PAWXlHtOKEIlS. EAGLE Loan Onice, reliable, accommodat- ine; un business connueniiai. iwi uouiua, IIEMHAN HVnlvS. PEDIGREED breeders; Cnpt. Nemo, scoro szi, head of pens. r.. it, Kenaau. Ht. ram, Neb. -M813-A-11 STOVE REPAIRS. STOVE, furnace, range repairs; water con nections, umana Biove iicpnir worss, 1207 Doug. 731 Till MC FACTOIIY. TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases. Trunks repaired, om. T runk Factory, law i- arnam. cat I-'l'lt MTUllE lini'AIHINCS. PACKING, upholstering, mattress, feather renovating. Tel iJi. ai. e. vwukiii, -hi Cuming St. 9j TICKET llllOlCKtl. CUT rnto tickets every where. P. H Phil- bin, 1505 I'urnam, Telephone S4, tw I.AUNnitV. O.SlAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7c; collars, 2c; cures, ic. 1750 i.eavenwortn. Tel. M7, 703 II A till IT METM,. FR1CTIONLES8. Nat'I Hk. 11. 3. Munn, 17 Com'l .M710 A3l DHESSMAKINC5. K. G. M' DONALD, 1612 Cap. avc. -912 SI DENTIST. DR. M1TTELSTADT, 331 Bee bid. Tel. 1415. 134 A1IS TYPEWIUTEIIS. TYPEWRITERS, secondhand. 1110 Fnrnnm. 051 l'OSTOFFICB rTOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, as chan-ics may occur at any time.) Foreign malls for tho week ending August 11. 11W, will close (PKUMI'TLY In all cases) at the Gtmeral Postofllco ns follows: PAR CELS POST MAILS close ono hour earlier than closing time shown below Parcels I'ost .Malls for Germnny close nt o p, m. .Monday, T josuay and wcunesday. Trims-Atlantic. MnlU. SATURDAY At 7 n. m. for KCROPE. per s. s. Aiier, via cncrDourg -nnu Houinamp' ton (mall must be directed "ncr h.. h Aller"): at 8 n. m. for NETHERLANDS per s. h. Amsterdam, via Rotterdam (mall must he directed "per s. a. Amsterdam") nt 10 a. in. for SCOTLAND direct. Her s. s Anchorla (mall must be directed "per s. B, Anchorl(i"; nt 11:33 (Biipplomentnr 1 p. m.) for EUROi'n, per s, s. Campnla via yucensiowu. PRINTED MATTER, ETC. This steamer takes Printed Matter, Commercial Papers and Samples for Germany only. The sumo class of mall matter for other parts oi I'.urope win noi no scni ny tins slur unless snecinuv nireciea nv n. After tho closing of tno Supplementnr Transatlantic .Mill s named above, mid tlonal supplementary mulls are opened on tho piers of the American, English, French and Oermnn tenmers. nnd rcmnln open until within Ton Minuted of tho hour or sailing of steamer. Mnlla for South nn it Crntrnl Amcrlen West Indies. Etc. SATURDAY At 7 ll. m. for LA PLATA COUNTRIES, per H. fc. Heliarden, at 10 a. in. isuppiomeninry iu:;iu n. m.l foi 1NAGUA und HAITI, ncr s. s. AikIpm: n 10 u. ni. (sunnl'mntary 10:3f) it. m.) for 1-UIUTJlVW IHI.AKU JAMAICA, SAVA NILLA and t'ARTlf AGENA. per s. Altai (mall for Costa Rica must be directed "per h. s. Altai ); at 10 a. m (supplementary 10:30 a. m ) for PORTO RICO, CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per s. h. Caracas (mall for Savanllla nnd artnnsena must no directed "per s, h. Caracas"): at 11 n. m. for GHR.n'aiia and TRINIDAD; per s. h. Grenada; at 11 a. m. ior ciiirt, per s. . Mexico, vln Havana; at 1 n. tn. for 5LVTANZA8 CAIBARIEN. NUEVITAS. GIHAItA nn, BARACOA. per s. s, Ourltyhn (ordinary inuii oiu', wiiicii musi uo nireciea "pe Malls for Newfoundland, by rull to North nynney, nnu inence ny steamer, close nt this olllce daily nt &:.10 n. ni. rrrmM,...lin. closo hero every Monday, Vednesdnv and Saturday). MaMs for Mlquelon, by rail to Boston, nnd thenco by steamer, closo nt this otllre dnily nt 8:3'i p. m. Mnlls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Kin., and thenco by steamer, cloi.0 nt this ofllce dally (except Monday) nt 7 n. tn, (tho connecting eiose-j are on minany, wednes tiny nnd Frlilny. Mulls for Mexico Cltv overland, unless specially Hddresed for (iisputcn ny stenmcr, ciose nt tnu omen dully at 2:20 a. m. and 2:20 p. tn. Malls for Costa Hlra, Belize, Puerto Cortez und Guatemala, bv rail to New Orleans, nnd thenco by steamer, closo at this otttco dally at 3 p. m. (connecting closes hero Tuesdays for Costa Rica and Mondays ror iieiizc, rucrio i ortez nnd uuntemnia) Registered mall closes ut 0 p. tn. pro vioui day. Trnns-I'iicino Jlniln. Mnlls for Hawaii. Janan. China nnd Phil Ipplno Islnnds, via San Francisco, closo hero dnllv ot ti:.10 n. m. on to Ainrnst r,th. inclusive, for dispatch per s. h. City of Pekln Ma s for China and Jnnan. v Vancouver, close here dully ut 0.30 p. ni up to AJgusi "nth, inclusive, tor ui natch ncr s. s. Empress of Japan (regl tered mall must bo directed "via Van couver"). Mulls for Hawaii. Janan, China nnd Philippine islands, via Man Fran cisco. close hero dally at 0:30 p. rn. up t( August 10th, Inclusive, for dispatch per k. s. tiiiciic. .Minis ror Hawaii, viu Ma Francisco, close hero dally at 0.30 p. m un to August 17lli. Inclusive, for dl . . ...... .. .. , .....,!(.. . ... 1 1 .. , . . .. paiill lit- r. n. i nn 1 1 il nil. .ilillin Jill kiin- tralla (except West Australia, which goes via Europe, and New Zealand, whl( h 4. goes via San Francisco), nnd Fill Islnnd via Vancouver, cioso nero uauy at b 3) n. m. un to August "I8tit. inc isivt dispatch per s. h. Aorangl. Mulls for Ausira a lexcepi iicbi Ausiriiuni. .'Ne Zealand. Hawaii. Fill and Samonn Islands, via Snu Francisco, closo hero dally at 6:30 p. in. after August '18th and UP to weptcmnor "1st, ineuiHive, or o day of arrival of s. h. Campania, due nt New York Hepiumuer "ist, ror dispatch per s. s. .tiaripuBu. Transpacific mnlls nro forwirded to port or sailing unny and tne srneiiuie or cios inc is nrrnngeu nn tne presumption n their uninterrupted overland trnnslt Registered mall closes nt 6 p. m. pro vioi-s day. Luu.-siii.iurt vas ivit, I'osimasier Postofllce,' New York, J. Y., August 1900. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. LIBRARY. CHEYENNE. VYO.-HIDS WILL HE R ctlved bv Robert C Morris, secretury Ctt neglo library building committee, up to Wednesday September 12th. 1900 twelve o'clock, noon, for tho construction of li brary building according to plans and spec lllcutlons prepared by Puttnn. Fisher & Mil ler, architects. 44 Montuuk block, Chlcug i III, Pluns cun bo examined both at Chev enno nnd at the ofllce of the architects In Chicago, Fund uvallable iiiiproxlmates $1, CO1!. AllinwAcsm 44 0V HI IN. ME NT NOTICE. I' ItOl'OS A I. S FOR SIHS18TENCE Stores and l'rotierti - Oftlce mm Mm lug Commissary of Hubslstanee. otnnht Neb.. August 3. 1!00. Sealed proposals still leet to the tiiitil rondltlons. will bo V eeiveii at tins oinre until lu o ciock a. in ugust 13, liK). at which time ana place they will bo publicly opened for furnmung bslstetico stores and property, a follows- ork. siicur. rntined uoods. etc. l'referenec 111 tie elveh tn nrtlrles of domestic pro duction Hlank proposals nnd specification? can be obtained at this oltice. It. K. WESl", iiirclinsitig Commissary. a.i-i-u-i-iv-u.m TREASURY ilenartineiit olllre. BllPfrvl lug Architect, Washington. D. C. August. 0. IJKsl. Sealed proposals will be received this nlllii- until 2 o'clock n. m.. on the 1th day of September. 1900. and then opened. tor pplylng tn this efllco or to the Postmaster Hlnlr. Nebraska James Knox Taylor. supervising Architect A-u-i4-i-is-2i RAILWAY TIME TAI1l.II. BURLINGTON Mis souri River Railroad "Tho Burlington Route" - uoncrui unices, .n. w Fflriim street Telei.hnne 0. Huriingtuu station. Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone, US. . . Lincoln, Hartlnss and ' ' McCook ,..ns;ium a i: pm naotCaiithRV a3:0Cpm hip construction cexcept neating up- c- i ami electric wiring) or tne i nuen l States rostolllio nt Hlalr. Nebraska. In .f.VjIllKlilvN accordance with drawings and specllloa- y Vj rtSiiilKX, Hon, copies of which may be had, tit the y illseretlon of the- Hillirr l.ilnc Ari'bltpet. bv I Lincoln fe Hlnck I1I1U. a u:30 pm n 3:0") pin tnnt tnerc was anything about tho clothes Montana Pugct Sound . n 9:30 pin n 6:45 am pn that was worth flndltiB out? Lincoln Fast Mall ... ,a 3:W pm u!0:3 nm . ..... envef. foiomuo, utan & California ,. a 6:45 am a Dally. If A VRAM CMTV ST tn. seph & Council itlufls Railroad "The Hurling ton Route" Ticket onice 1502 Fnrnam street. Tele phone, 250. Depot, Tenth ann Vinson streets. Teie phone, 12$. Leave. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex ..a S;50 am a 6:10 pm Kansas City Night Ex. al0:!5 nm a 6:15 am oi. mollis f iyer ror ai lver Joseph and St. Louis .a 4:55 pm nll:15 am a uan. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & Qulticy Railroad-"Thu Burlington Route' Ticket umce. laws i'urnam at. '1 01 60. Uepot. leiltn A: Mason Streets. Telephone, : yy , I?nve. Arrive. 150 uD.'VBnt 'cnR" c",cc 7.nnnm Pen'ria' ffxnresA '.. a 9:25 Dm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex a 4:00 pm a 7:45 am ?R!c5SS ilhnerr-.aM?. u;i4lS!Jl I'ncltlo .lunrtlnn Local .aiUHj am Pacific Junction Extra n 7.00 pm . Fast Mall n 2:i5 pm a Dally. .. . .,.,.., ' wff..Vr ii'yilHrnSSfiir N E. Cor. Ninth and Farnatn Fa'nam ftr&t" T&SffiSS' m nenot'Venrh' and '.Mason0 'i n jcicpnone, ii.-j. l-envc. Arrive. ho overland i.imneu..n t::u am a i:s pm Tho Chlcaso-Portland tjpeolal a :ju nm a iw pm Tho Fust Mall . ....... .a 8:50 am a .1:25 pm The Co orado Special. ..all:3a pm a 6:30 am The Fast Mai .. a 4:35 pm Lincoln, Beatrice inn Stronisbiirg Express.. b 4:10 pm b!2:2o pm The Atlnntfc Express!. '. " a 6:60 am .l. . tl. ...... r. A .nt. r. ... 1 urann isiana Micai d a:.iu pm o ;jj um a Dally, b unlly except aunnny. . i.i .... hi .- .i riMAiu ast. T-Otlis Tt A 1 1. road Omaha, ivansus city & .Eastern Hallrquil-- l lie Qulncy llouio-Ticket ut- lice, 1115 Farnatn Street, Telephone. 3 Depot, Tenth KSn'nn"". dtreCt8, TCI" Leave. Arrive. St. Iiuls Cannon Ball T.-f.,rei(.''n,;,Vo.iiiVpv " " Ixica. a i;w am ;w pm It DallV ruiCAGO i NORTH western iianway "ins Northwestern Line" I City Ticket Olllce. 1401 Farnnm Street. Tele- phore, 561. Depot, Tentn una .nason ais. le.e- hone, 629. Leave. Arrlvo. hiviiciit. unicinra sre ctal a 7:00 am all:31 pm Chicago Passenger a 4:15 pm a S:40 nm Enstern Express. Dcs Moines, Murshalltown, rv.inr Ttntilds Chi cago al0:55 am a 4:05 pm isnstern Limited, um- cago and l.ast a i:ai pm a i:ou pm l.'nm Mriil. Chlcuco to Wlll.1111 n .i.i Omaha-Chlcngo special. a 7:43 pm a s:w pm Fast Mall .. n 8:30 um a Dally. FREMONT. ELKHORN & Missouri Vul ev Hull road "The Northwestern 1 nlted Stntes National Bank Hide. 8, W. Cor. Twelfth and Fnrnam Hts. Ticket OMlee, 1101 Farnatn St. Telephone, but. uepoi, mm nun wenstur his. roio nlioue. 115S. Lf.avo. Arrivo. Black Hills. Deadwood. Hot springs a 3:oo nm a 5:00 Dm yoming, uaspur una DouglOs d 3:00 Dm o 5:00 nm itn...i..RU -.i. r.n..i.i I , J ... ..I.,,C1, l.'.l., ........ i ny. nuncrior. uenova. Exeter and Seward b 3:00 pm b 5:00 pm Norfolk. Verdlnre nnd Fremont .' b 7:30 am b!0;25 am Unicom, wnnoo Fremont b 7:30 om bl0:2 am Fremont Local .c 7:30 am .1 Daily, b Dally except Sunday, c Sun day only, d Dnny except Saturday, o uuuy except aiouuuy. CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, Minneapolis ft Omaha RaU'way "The North western Line" General Ofllces, Nebraska Divi sion, 15th nnd Webster 1401 Fnrnam St. Telephone W' Depot, 15th and Webster Sts ;,S. nii.. Twin City Passepgcr tfc U,W fill ! v-.IV IH Omuha rasseuger ..... all :10 um Sioux city & worm- fnHi NehraSKa a s:w ptn Oaklai.d Local b 5:15 pm b 8:15 am a Dally u uauy excopi nunauy, IOUX CITY A PACIFIC wniter i ilnn" (ionerni 1).l ( rPU UT ..-, I Olllces. United Stntes jMinnimi naiiK liuiKi ng, und Farimm'sV Ticket Ofllce, 1401 Farnnm St. Telcphonn 501. Do. pot, Tenth and Musoii Sts. Telephone p, Twin City Hxpresi. . 0-55 nm nlo:50 pm Twin t'lty Llmitea 7 35 pin u f15 am Sioux City Locai ,i 8:00 um u 1:20 pro u Dauy CHICAGO, ROCK ISL- ""pi1, &'uc"lctiHn,llr?a.(1 and Route." City Tick et Olllce, 1323 Farnatn Street Telephone, 42S .'."" ..- Depot. Tenth .fe Mason streets. Telephone 029. Leave. Arrive. ues Moines and Dnven port Local . . .a 7:25 am 1)11:35 nm Chicago Express . hll, 15 nm a 8:10 am Chicago Fust Express .a 5.00 pm a 1:20 pm i.incom ana i- niruury ,h am a ,:wpm Lincoln, Colorado Spgs,. Denver, Pueblo and West a 1:30 pm a 4:15 pm Des MolnoH. Rock Isl and and Chicago .. .a 7:15 pm a 5:50 pm Colorado & Texas Flyer.n 6 AI pm a 9:15 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Hollrond. City Ticket Of tlce, 1402 Furnum street. Telephone. 215, Depot Tenth and Mason stream Leave. Arrive. ...all:10 um a 4:05 pm ,. a 7:45 pm a 8:15 am St. . .b 7:00 am b 9:10 pm St. . a 7:45 nm a 8:15 am Chicago Express Chlcairo Limited Mlnni'iipull.t und Paul depress Minneapolis and Paul Limited Fort Dndi-o Ixral from Council Bluffs b 4:30 pm b 10:16 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & St Paul Hallway City AlnnMitfic TlfKol ujnre. n l'-irnam ll)l!lWA"ttf Htreet. Tolephono 281. Depot L" ;.,, Tenth and Muson Streets -i'isJV Telephone 62'j, Iiive Arrlvo. Chicago Limited Ex a 6'00 pm a 8-05 am Chicago .t Omnha Fx b 7'15 am b 3:65 pm a Dally b Dally except Sumluy. II Vll.W IV TIME CARD. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL rond General unices and Uket olllces So ithrst Cor llth and DousUs Sts. Telephone. 104. Depot Union niui (on. l.eav Arrive. St. louls, Kansas Nebraska Limited .alOiOO am n 6:30 pm t j.eate. Arrive. Express. ...al0:lo pm a 6:1a nnt I.eavn from 15th and Webster Sts. . Nebraska Local Via weeping Water .... b 1:1S pm nlO:4S am a Dallv b Dally except Sunday. Wabash railroad- Tlrket Oftlce, 1504 Fitmnm Street. Telephone t. Tie pot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. Telephone C29. Leave. Arrive. st. Louis "Cannon nail" Express ...a 6:05 pm a 8:20 am a uauy. CLOTHESPINS IIHING PROFIT. Number nil Ordinary I. ok Will Yield, Also (lie Increment. "The longer you Hf," as a philosophic German onco remarked, "tho tuoro you l r instance, there s the common, every day clothcsplu, on which no man has over been ablo to Itnnrove. anv morn tlinu hn 'las Improved upon tho whcolbarrow or tne old-fashioned wooden rolling pill, ta hOUl,1.1,,,alup' CMcn Trlb,,ne' -" r" n". where a box of clothespins was among tho things displayed outside. How much for clothespins today?" ho n3ked of tho grocer. 'Four cents," was the reply. "Four rents apiece?" "Apiece! Great hickory, noi Fctir cents a dozen!" "Ah'h-h! Are you a good JikIrg of clothespins?" "I should say so! I've niacin more llmu a million of 'em," replied the storekeeper. "Uvo followed the clotheinln. Blr. In all v'r . . . B' "wing iree in uio poiisiiuig nos. any. exclaimed tho dealer, "to look nt that pin you ci ecnrceiy noiievo mat tne roanuian- t,,rer ennhl innfcn nml sell twelve nf them , , iui .1 (cui unu it(iti it I'luuk u( iuui li tiiMii nrr cent on them at that, would vou? "Rut ho can do It. Hn con whltllo out clothespins at tho rate of eighty a minute. n0w7 Easy enough. All he's got to do Is to take his tnaplo or birch log and go to work. Hiiv ins log is tell lect long nnu ,n, ,km,i,. tt,, won't Imvn to nav moro - ,. . . .i.-- lllltn - tor ll. ll ll" pujo uu mure man that ho don't know his business. That loit will whittle up Into 12.000 clothespins. It will take the man two hours nnu a nan t0 cl,ow tlult lcR up ,nl tIotlu'8"lng' whlch Is at tho rate of 4.800 an hour. But when they nro all cut out tney are worm ju.iu .1,.. ,,,v,.r itn win u-nru ten hours a .... , , , ...m , ,... ,iii. uuy n no i m-ii. ...... ..... , ...... jour ot tneso logs, un cubjt hhumuh fl . oul llult 10 wm then havo on hand ' , .. ,' .r.h iisr, n If they're 18.000 clothespins, worth $3S6.b0 If they re WOrth a cent. -,.. .i, , n,,.. nin hnn mil niilv 1 ill- 1,1.1. UV. .VII ..IV..7.. ' . $8, providing tho man wasn't stuck In buying i. v0v. If that was all the expense, a man ,.,. n ,,hBnln nPlnrv wnllM be a blamed nitii i tiiv uf sight better off thun If ho owned a coal mine. But those logs havo to tun tno ,.,., , ,, ,,., nf mnphliierv before. , , . . they nre full-fledged clotho3plns. A brw goparatCs the log Into lengths of sixteen Inches; another one saws theio blocks Into tmnnis threo-nunrtcrs of nn Inch thick: a ., . , . . ,.caurPS u,0 boards to strips three-ouarters of nn Inch sounro. These uttlo strips are pusheil to a Dig wncci, wnirn V,,irrl tt.nm lo n villi! of Other HUW'S. W'llCre they uro chopped Into clothespin lengths quicker thun n sausage machine can cnop . . it-i. tnHH,i,a .. .A u a pnun.i ' "L ,, , carried by a swift moving belt to a machine that grabs them and Bets them lu a lathe. T,m ,fttho RlvrB thcm tlielr ,,nape in tho twinkling of an eyo and throws them to tho man, who feeds them to Ktlll another saw, which moves backward and forward as If It wcro madder thun a snake. This biiw chows out the elot that tho washer woman Is to shovo down over the clothes on tho lino one of theso days, and the clothespin Is ready, all except kiln-drying and polishing. Kiln-drying knocks tho sap out of the wood and the rnllshtng Is done by letting tho clothespins rub against them- elves In a revolving Iron cylinder. "All theso processes cost money, and when the manufacturer comes to put up hlfl goods ior suie no uiiuh iuui. inn juuul ou mn 49,000 pins, or a dny'B hard work, Is only about $193. I pa)' tho manufacturer 1 cont li dozen, or nliout St rents a 1,000, und, really, I am compelled In these tight tlmei to Bell them for 4 cents a dojen, or $3.36 n 1. 000, which wouldn't ho so bad if I sold 1 nnn m-rtru 1ml. i ni ci with enrn " ivv ... ....... ... ... ...... ...... ....w, 1,000 clothespins will slay by mo for a month or two, nnd I even havo had thorn with mo a whole year. Chinese cheap labor is pelting the life out nf the clothespin trndn, for Ling Sing and Wun Lung don't use clnthcspliiH In their laundries and they're washing about ull tho clothes that arc washed, It Bcenm to mo, nowudays." DIDN'T IIELIEVi: IN THEM. Of Course DriiKKlsts Hull No Use for This Sort of it Person. "I havo no hesitation lu saying." ro- marked Ilugster. "that the patent m clno habit Is running this notion." edl- "What!" exclaimed ijuilby. "Do you think It Is as bud as that?" "I not only think," Bald Bagster, env phatlcally, "hut I know It. The insldluun Inlluonco of patent medicines Is gradually, but suroly, sweeping nwuy some of our best intellectual material. Man Is by ilutnro credulotiH, nnd tho cunning devices cm ployed ny tne promoters or multifarious jrURS nmv placed on tho miirkot appeal to h'B Imagination. Instead of living a healthy llfo nnd taking enro of himself by natural mc.ins bn vnrnlahoB over overy acho and pain, so to speak, with Home restorative, which, apparently harmless, yet In the long run leaves Its deadly blight behind. Soon ho turns to new specific and tho Inevitable result Is thut tho hnhl'. ot taking drugs Is llrmly fixed. How wldn- ...rn.l It.lo In lu ,.l,l,..l 1... II... Pl',.1.1. .Ilia in in u,ivi..iiwu U j .llu V..,,.- lnous sales of such articles. It Is awful, awful! Huo ono of these?" "What nro thoy for?" asked Qullbjr, suspiciously, "For the throat," replied Bagster. ' 1 noticed you wero hoarse." "I thought," said Qullby, its he helped himself, "that you didn't believe In any thing of this sort." IlagBtor's face Hushed with righteous' Indignation, reports Harper's Bazar. "I don't!" ho exclaimed. "When I spoko I wasn't referring to these wonderful tab lets. I might say also that If I uro bilious I tnko occasionally a Judicious dose ot Palnrlb's pills, nnd for rheumatism I know nothing bettor than Acker's Sting Remove. I have known Wlndplpe'a Wondrous W'eod Syrup to cure a cough lu one hour. I posi. lively knriw that Solvator's Capsulrs will knock Indigestion, nnd I havo boen cured of lumbago In no tlmo by the uso ot Sktn ncrton'a Planters, hut aside from theso fow Hovorolgii remedies any mnn who 1b weak enough to Indulge In patent medicines Is committing himself to un early grave." Fuel iuui Iron Deelnre Dividend. NEW YORK. Aug. 10.-Th directors of the Colorado Fuel nut! Iron company have, declared a dividend of 8 per cent on the preferred stock payable September 6. In February of this year 8 per cent wus ile. clured and In April 8 per cent 'I he re mnlnlng cumulative, dividends il'ie on tlu etock now amount to 12 per cent. k.