The Omaha Daily Bee. ESTABLISHED 10, J 87 1. OMA II A, SATIMIDAY MOHXIXC, A lT( UST II, IHOO-TWELVB VAG15S. sixLi-: corv mrK cents. 4 i BUT ONE THING TO DO Minister Oonirer Gables that Allies T iturry un to resin. 'SasrW aotti MINISTERS REFUSE TO LEAVE THEIR POSTS PEN PICTURE OF WALDERSEE Conimnntlcr-ln-f hlcf iif Allied l-'iirrc In (icrinnny I AliiitiNt Three hcore Mini Ten Ycnr. Escort of Natives Proposed by Tsung Li Yamon Means Certain Death. NEARLY 4,000 PERSONS PRAY FOR RESCUE Becoipt of Latest Message Determines Gov ernment to Hush Belief to Capital. SECRET INSTRUCTIONS SENT BY ADEE JUnder Mo ClrriiniMnnrrn Will .y. rrnmrnl Direct or IJtrit Hint Thnt I In ltcprccnlntlt c Mm 1 1 Accede to Chinese ltciiic WASHINGTON. Auk. 10. In the light of the latest dlspntchcs from Minister Con nor, received by the State department through Minister Wu today, the ntlltudo of tho administration 1h that thoro 1h but nnc thlnj; to be dono In the present cir cumstance, namely, to press .on to tho ro llef of tho besieged garrison at l'ckln. This wan mado known after extended com munications between Washington and tho president nt Canton. The Conner mos- fnge waa accepted as showing conclusive Justification for tho Imtieratlvo demand of tho United States sent to tho Chinese government on Vednenday night. Insist lrtK that tho Imperial troops co-operntn with the International forces In tho rescuo of tho ministers, nnd until this condition, 3 well as tho cessation of tho bombard ment Is fully conceded by China, there Is no other course open but to press steadily onwnrd In the mission of relief. Tho Confer dispatch was received be foro daylight at tho Chinese legation, and hr soon as tho olllelal day opened. Mln ister Wu presented It to Acting Secretary Adco hs the State department. It was In tho American cipher nnd was found to bo an Identical note with that of tho other ministers at Pekln (that of tho French minister, M. l'lnchon. already hav Ing appeared), with the additional fact that seven members of tho American guard had been killed nnd fifteen wounded. Text of Conner' Mrnnc. Tho text of tho message, us given out by tho Stnto department. Is as follows: Keerntnrv of State. Washington: Tlio Kimir li viuniMi MtiiteH to tho dlrdnmntle body that tho various foreign governments liuvn ropeiiieiny uskcii uiiuukm - spoctlvo Chliieso ministers that wo Imnicdl utoiy ucpari irom i'ckiii mmi-i mm.;... nKiir). 'i'h. viiinnn units lis to PK a oat lor our departure and to make the noec nary nrrnngcmeius in no no. win n-inj un.ti liiutriii.tlniiH from fiur cov ernments ami that In the absence of sucl MM.fifn.lnnM l',4 Clllllint fllllt flllr POBl. I must Inform you that In order to Insure, our safo departure foreign troops only can Barely escort us ami mey must uc. n mnu clent forco to safely guard h00 foreigners, In..liir1lmr XKI WiittlPM lltlll C h lllll'Cll . IIH WOll bh a,0ijr) native Christians, who cannot bo not liccciit it Chlneso escort under any olrauinsiances. ah my coiu-ukuus mc inhlm. ttm fnreifnlmr to their rcHlioctlVi governments. Of tho American miirtnrH iinvn tipixt killed and sixteen wounded, among the latter Captain Myeni nd Dr. Lipput. wuo uro gcuuix '"'; Aug. 10. This evening tho cor fcjhe Associated Press had nnottnWOBtnaBMUi count von waiucr- see, who, aTnMM1early 6ft years old, looks much younger. Mis step Is vigorous and springy. His hair Is closely cropped and n Iron gray muslncho contrasts with a ruddy complexion. Evidently he Is under taking his Important taBk In China with nlrlt and energy. He expressed regret at being unablo to talk freely about his cam paign, but said: 'I am busy making preparations for my departure and have been conferring at length with tho minister of war anil with Viunt von Schllcffen, chief of the general taff. A list of the officers comprising my China staff was submitted to Kmporor Wil liam, who approved It. Some Herman olllccrs will nccompany me. "Yielding to potent reasons 1 gave up the Idea of going to China by way of San Frau- lco. I shall start from Genoa on August I. sailing by the Snchsen and expect to nr- Ivo at Shanghai on September li'J. There I shall establish preliminary headquarters and complete my staff from the contingents of tho other powers. One reason for this change In that I can bo better reached by telegraph whllo on tho way. "Tomorrow morning I shall go for a brief visit to Hanover to arrange a number of personal matters. "I am very glad to hear that my appoint ment has been received In tho United States with approval. You seo (thin was added smilingly) I am half an American myself." .etv n In Troop Wltlilielil, On npparent authority. It Is said hero that news regarding the military move ments nnd tho preparations for fur ther shipments of troops to China, will be ofllclally withhold, so iih not to betray the plan of campaign to China, Including the Chinese diplomatists In Europe. As a re suit, reports aro very contradictory. How ever, a number of facts go to show that (lermnny Is preparing for largo shipments Tho Cologne Gazette, In nn Inspired ar ticle, admlta that 5,000 additional troops will soon leave, although It snya that at present some 15,000 or 20,000 havo not been ordered to proceed Tho scml-omclul Mllltalr Wochcnblatt this evening snys: "According to present orders from tho powers, tho middle of August will sec altogether, 40,600 avallablo troops, with 162 guns, In tho provlnco of Po-Chl-Ll Ily tho end of September there will bo 78,000, with 280 guns, not Including the troops nt Shanghai, Canton nnd l'ckln. "llussla now has 37.000, with 104 guns. concentrating In Manchuria, nnd 105,000 more, with 138 guns, now forming for Invasion. Altogether 230.000 men, with 500 guns. will bo in China within six weeks and al together 117 war vessels, exclusive of twenty.-ono torpedo boats, aro now watch ing the Chinese coast, of which seventy are In tho gulf of I'o Chi LI." Tho newest Gorman attitude regarding China does not meet with genornl ap proval, oven within tho conservative nnd centrist parties. Several of tho leading organs express grave doubts as (o whether Germany should tako tho lead In China, whero her IntoreatB are not so largo as those of Great Urltaln nnd Franco, (irriniin IMMiipiirove llurrnli l'ollcy. Tho Schleslscho Zultung asks If tho gamo Is wc'th the candle; tho Cologno Ga zette calls It a leap Into tho darkness, and tho National Kcitung roruqrks that Ger many docs not need to work for prestige, but ought to bo content to walk In tho rank and lllo with other powers. Thu centrist Gcrmnnia and Cologno Volks Zel- .MUST STEP TOWARD PEACE Report Li Hung Ohang Has Been Authorized to Negotiate with Powers. ADVANCING ON PEKIN FROM THE NORTH Miilemcitt tomes from iiihiiiinmn llinl .Inn nnd IMhsIhiik Arc In Ilie .Mo l.ntulliiB Troop nt MIihiikIiiiI. UKUSSKI,S. Aug. 10. Tho Foreign office has received tho following message, signed Do Cartler." "SHANGHAI, Aug. 10. An Imperial decree names 1,1 Hung Chang na minister plenipotentiary to negotiate pence." (fc. do Cartler de Marehlenno, nrst sec retary of the Uclglan minister at l'ckln.) Tho Foreign oltlco has also received from the Helglan minister at l'ckln n dls- tiateh Identical with that received yester day by tho French Foreign olllce from tho French minister at l'ckln, M. l'lehon: tell Ing of tho attempts made by the Chinese to secure the foreign ministers areept unco of a Chlncao escort to Tien Tain. LONDON, Aug. to. -An edict emanating from Pekln nnd authorizing LI Hung Chang to negotiate with tho powers for peace has. It Is reported from Shanghai under yester day's date, been received there. Tho correspondents at Yokohnmn again send tho statement thnt a Uusso-Japanese forco Is moving on l'ckln from the north Tho movements and number of this force nre. It Is further asserted, kept Bccrct In order to prevent tho facts from reaching l'ckln. Tho French consul at Shanghai says 3.000 Annamlto troops will arrive thcro next week for tho protection of tho French settlement. Tho Chinese merchants of Shanghai havo notltloned tho forolgn eonsulH thoro to pro vent tho landing of troops, declaring that It will create a panic among tho Chinese LI Pine Hcng. tho former governor of Shnn Tung, personally commanded 15,000 Chlneso nt Yang Tsun. Dispatches received hero from Uerlln say that Kmpcror Francis Joseph nnd King Vic tor Kmanuel III. have telegraphed to Field Marshal Count Von Waldcrseo congratulat lng him upon his appolntmont to tho chief command of tho allied troops In Clitna. Field Marshal Von Waldersee, It Is an nounced here, will sail August 21 or August 22 for an Italian port and thnt ho will go to Shanghai first. About 5.000 moro German troops nro go Ing to China. Tho government at Uerlln Is necotlatlng with the North Qormnn loyd nnd Hnmburg-Ainorlcnn lines lo Ight transports. CARNEGIE AIRS HIS VIEWS BARON RUSSELL PASSES AWAY l.nnl t'lilef .limtlcc nt Knitlnntl lllcn n (lie ltcull of n Murnlcnl llpcriitloM. LONDON. Aug. 10. Harou llussell ot Klllowcn. lord chief Justice of England. lied nt 1 o'clock this morning. Huron llussell had been III for somo time. esterdny an operation was performed, which tho pnllent Is reported to have passed through In good condition. This peratlon, however, resulted In his death. Various reports have been circulated as to tho dlscaso from which tho lord chlet Justice suffered. According to somo his mnlady was gastric disorder, whllo other repot ts were that ho had a tumor In tho tomnch. The fact of his Illness was not generally nown until It was announced thnt at a con- ullntlon held yesterday between Drs. Sir William Henry Prominent, Frederick Trever, Stephen Mackenzie and Samuel Herbert IlnbTshon It was decided mat nn operation wan Imperatively necessary. It was after wards said that the patient hud stood tlie peratlon well and thnt hlfl strenglh was maintained. , At f o'clock last evening, however, Lord llussell took a turn for tho worse, soon be nme unconscious and passed away peace fully at 3 a. m. Tho War ofllee telegraphed the news ot tho chief Justice's death to his youngest son. Hon. Hertrand Joseph, who Is nt prercnt Bcrvlng as a lieutenant of tho Iloyal artillery In South Africa. Hon. Charles llussell. an other son of the dcreaecd. Is now In Canada. LONDON. August 10. Tho courts gen ernlly suspended business today and the Judges and other distinguished lawyers nulncinin tlio deceased ch et Justice. Tho monitor. Lord Salisbury, will select tho successor of Lord llussell, with the queen's appprovnl. Lord Alverstono (Sir Hlchnrd Webster) the attorney general and now master of the tolls, will, It Is generally thought, be appointed lord chief Justlco of Knglnnd. l 111 tiimilri- CotniillnifiilH Ailmlnlitrn (Inn mill Ailtlnen AKiilimt Joint Action with I'liwrm. Secret lleply to CublcKriiin. Tho discussion with tho president led to tho determination of tho secretary to reply lo tho Conger mcBsngo at once and accord lngly Secretary Hoot and Acting Secretary tung ,lcprocnto tho "present hurrah tern Adeo conrerreu on uio icrms oi una i.-i-.j. of h cortain part of tho nation." Tho text was ready by .1 o ciock nnu u , . Vosslgcho jjeltung says: "It Is abso, forwarded lato in mo iay. n was olllclally and positively that this message would not bo mado public, either In wholo or In Bubstnnco. It was made plain, how ovor, that tho message was sufllclcntly guarded ns not to further IncrenBo tho Jeo pardy of our minister In case tho Chlneso havo access to our cipher. As to tho terms of tho message, thoy nro bcllovcd to mnko plain that this government will not advlso, much less direct, that Mr. Conger leave l'ckln under Chinese escort, when tho min ister has ndvlsed Washington that this would mean certain dcatb. Chlnene Decent Inn Mnile I'lnln, Moreover, tho reply doubtless lets tho minister know that thcro Is an unaccount nblo error in tho statement of the Chlneso government, as convoyed to him through tho tsung 11 yamon, thnt tho genornl gov ernments had urged rcpoutcdly thnt tho ministers bo sent out of Pekln under suit able escort. This clause, contained in Min ister Congor's Inst dispatch, clearly shows that the Chlneso government 1b lending mm to bellevo that It Is the wish of Washington that ho leave under a Chlneso escort, whereas tho United States has never enter tained for a moment tho Idea of having tho minister set out on a dangerous pllgrlmngo from Pekln to the coast under Chlneso pro tection. Thoro Is no probability that tho atten tion of tho Chlneso government will bo directed to Its apparent doubln dealing, as Indicated by tho Conger dispatch. This government has transmitted to tho othor powers Interested the noto to tho Chl neso government entrusted to Mlnlstor Wu on the night of August S. It has assu rance from tho other powers that thoy havo not advised tholr representatives to accept Chlneso escort from Pekln. H was positively Btnted at tho close of the day that no further representations have been mado to the Chinese government since the Adeo noto of August 8 and thnt none will lio mado until tho Chlneso government ban given somo Indication of the attitude It will assume In complying with or denying tho demnnds of tho United States. Mcnmikc Mny nt He Delivered. Whllo tho State department Is continu ing to dispatch messages to Minister Con ger on tho askurance of the Chinese gov ernment thnt communication Is uninter rupted, It Is doing so with comparatively email hopo of their delivery. This assertion was borne out tonight when Socrctary Hoot said that there was no 'onvlnelng evidence In possession of this eovirnment that any of our dispatches bad really reached Minister Conger. This Indicated that tho minister had not given n direct and satisfactory answer to nny of tho queries that havo been addressed to him by tho Department of State. , No additional dispatches were received today bearing on tho military situation, either from General Chaffeo or Admiral Ilcmey, nnd tho latest situation leaves the International forces nt Yang Tsun Inst Monday night. Ilimililirc) k In lenve nt Once. WASHINGTON. Aug. 10. Charles W. Humphreys, who hns been appointed chief quartermaster of the Chlniio expeditionary force, was at the War department today In consultation with Secretary Hoot nnd Quar termaster General Ludlngton. It ts deemed lutely necessary to havo not only har monlous forces, but nlso harmonious di plomacy, to win ngnltiBt China." General von Hannekcn, In tho Lokai- nnzelger, recommonds an understanding with Great Hrltnln nnd tho employment of captive Chinamen ns coolies In Now Guinea." Tho correspondent then adds that tho Urltlsh casualties wore 200 and tho Amer lean 250, but this latter ostlmato, It will bo noticed, Is four tlmoa greater than that of Genernl Chaffee's report. A St. Petersburg special says tho Chi neso minister thcro, Yang Yu, has received n telegram announcing that LI Hung Chang Is dangerously 111 and confined to his bed nnd that ho hnB boon granted a month's leave. Another St. Petersburg dispatch assorts thnt tho Ilusslan genornl staff has been notified thnt tho Chinese, 12,000 strong aro moving from Hu Nan nnd Hu Pe toward Pokln nnd Tien Tsln. Tho Shanghai correspondent of the Dally News wiring Thursday nnnom.ces that tho Chlneso morchsnts are petitioning tho authorities not to land troops, TO LAND TROOPS AT SHANGHA United Stntrn Mny Knllnw HiiKlniid'n Kxtiiiiple with Men from I'rliu'ctnn mill (.'nut Inc. Charles Lane Shot Eight Times on Panhandle Roan Near Columbus. NO CLUE0F THER0BBERS HAS BEEN FOUND niiciirniii'CN Indlcnle thnt the IJ ireninn, Tliouuli Tnhen by snr prlne, Mnile Desperate MriiH ulc In Defend lllnielf. REGRETS FOR LORD RUSSELL 'jiiKllnh llnr Sincerely Mourn for It Acknnu IciIkciI nml DlMlii Kiilshci! Lender, LONDON, Aug. 10. Andrew Carneglo sends to tho Associated Press this statement regnrdlng tho situation In tho far oast and tho relation of tho United States to future developments there: The refiiBul of tho United States to nnr. tlclnato In tho attack on tho Taku fortH miiKes mo WHsmngion government in natural mediator between China nnd th Utirnn'iin eovernmcntH. tint America position may bo easily forfeited for reftm inir in mm inn nciinn. upienne ni aiiuiHic' Coneer nnd n demand for Indomnlty for Injuries received nro duties Incumbent upon tlie government, nut mo i niien ninies, in my opinion, should tako no Hteps In con junction wnii Kiirnpenn powers, i ihk thin vlow because each of thoHo powers hu sonnrutf! interests at Heart. Great Hr ta In is co nc to land troops i nroteet Shaiiirhal. because she looks lino tno Yiinir thu vn ev iih nor Hnecini nrov luce. Russia keeps her chief forces un Mniicliiirln. Franco Is In nnotner region and Germany Is In tho south. Tho llrst aim or eacn or tneso powers is in saiu gunrd her prospective domains, and If tho Cnlted States should bo drawn Into Joint action with them the "Washington govern ment may even tlnd itseir pledged m go fnnvnnl Into n cnmnnlcn nunltist China. which would be hopeless, or may ultimately seo the powers at war wun encu oilier. To enter upon n contest with 100,000,0X1 Chinamen might prove us disastrous to tho united stales ns a war tigniusi a comuiiiii tlon of Kuropenn powers. wasliinglon una ueen me oniy govern ment which tins been right with regard to Hip anfotv nf the. lpc.itlnns. From every point of view President McKlnley nnd Sec retary Hay must bo credited with having placed our government in a incline nnu nei tcr position than that occupied by any otnor nation. . . . l'robnbly Great Urltaln Is committing n nerlniiH error In tiiklnc caro of Its special department at Shanghai. President Me- Kinicy lias oniy 10 coiumno in uiu tuunn upon which ho 1ms stnrted to give tho United Stntes a most commanding posi tion, us It Is tlio only nnuon uistioseu to give tho government of China a fair trial and not condemn It until proved guilty. Our policy Is clenr. European nations nttnek China and quarrel about tho di vision of Chlneso territory. AVo remain friendly and nwalt events. Wo have quite enough foreign territory nlrendy. ADMIRAL DEWEY MISQUOTED Not Heiionltile for Statement At tributed to II I iti ItcKiirilliiK Chlnii nml Philippine. (Copyright, inoo, by Press Publishing Co LONDON. Aug. 10.-(Now York Worlc! Cablegram Special Telegram. )--The death of Lord Chief Justice Russell caused uni versal regret. Ho was the greatest figure In Knglnnd'H legal world, nn unrivaled advocate and a splendid Judge. He began life as a chemist's assistant In a country town of Ulster, beenmo an nttorncy, en tered nt tho English bar and without friends or Influence, a stranger, a Cnthollc a radical and Homo ruler, still uy slice forco of character, Incredible Industry and brilliant forensic powers, surmounted all obstacles and became the unquestioned leader of the English bar. Ho reached tho highest Judicial eminence nttalnnblo by u Catholic, to which creed tho lord chan cellorshlp Is still barred. Ho was a man ot powerful physique and constitution abounding In bodily and montnl vigor, an no ono thought ho could succumb so sud denly. Thcro Is no lawyer to succeed him of anything npproachlng; tho samo din ttnctlon. Attorney General Klnlny has tho first claim, but tho legal profession favors Sir Edward Clarke. , ; LONDON, Aug. 10 The' J'lnatal of Lord Russell will tnko place at Epsom on Tucs day noxt GOAL FOUND IN ALASKA Discovery of Hxteniilvc IIciIn Neil White Hoihc Ileiiorleil by He (urnliiK Gold SccKcrs. 1ESSEXCER KILLBD IS niS CAR I condition of the weather Porcenst for Nebraska . Showers. Cooler; Variable winus Tcmpernlnrc n Oiunhn rfcrilnjl Hour. lieu. Hour. Ih'K. . n. in 7. I i. in s II n. in Tit it i. n ! 7 ii. in ...... 7,i :t ii. iii ..... .tin ,S ii. m . . . . . ,7S I i. in HI II n. in Ml ft i. Ill III! III ii. ill s;i i, in si II n. in ,,,,, ,., 7 p. m ST I 'J in Ml X p. n s;t II n. in Ml COLU.MI1US. O.. Aug. 10. When tho Pan. andlo oxprers train No. 8 from the wcet pulled Into tho Union depot shortly after 11 'clock tonight Charles Lane, the cxprets ROBERTS IN GOOD HEALTH 4 llepnrt Clrciilnlcil hy liner Lender lo .MIkIcihI I'nlloMcr llntc nn llnl of Kite I PltHTOIM A. A lie. 1011 la Mild Unit ersenger. wns found dead In tho car with ior.i Mpihuen has nrreste.l General Do ll bullet In his heart. The safe had been wpt'n march. timed and all the valuables taken. The A1 (1 p-prs In the, field credit n rumor murder and robbery is supposed to have Prrtatod by their lenders that Lord ltnb- akrn place between .Minoru icnicr uwi prtR H (ynK. Roberts, however, Is now 'olumbtis. as no h'irm had befallen the ex- , rri,ii.,n. health. Is dlsnlavlnc wonder- prcm mi'jsenger when the train stopped at f, rnrrKy rMetl ,my long distances. lot heard the shots or saw anything of the rob- . )h ...,, ,., mnnv r,iorni this mom- hers. inc. All the minors drerv Ilia Idea ot ll l Kiipposeu me ronuers juuipr.i uu ' trol,,K ,1P n0Pr t0o leniently SHOOT ONE, BURN ONE How n ShonfTs Posse Disposed of tho Union Pacific Bandits. TRAIN ROBBERS HUNTED TO THEIR DEATH Relentless Pursuit of tho Murderous Thugs Ends in Killing Both. PITCHED BATTLE ON A KANSAS RANCH rain ns It slowed up coming Into the Union depot. Tho utmost mjetery veils tho affair. Lano was about 28 years old. The o!Hc!n!h of the Adams Kxprcm company give no statement ns to the probable amount of money neeured by the robbers, but It Is reported to be n considerable sum. The safe was not b'own, though that was the first report. Tho robbers took tho key from tho express messenger after he had been Hilled nnd left It sticking In the ock. Lane was shot through tho heart and not through the head, as first reported. Indications nro that thero was a des perate and bloody light. The murder was dono possibly between- Mnrblo Cliff and the city, surely between "Kxnmples, nnd stem examples." nay. the Dally Mall, "are necessary. Although we may not agree with Sheridan's fierce maxim, 'Nothing should be loft of nn enemy but eyes to weep with." yet this wns the conclusion of a not Inhuman olllcot. who thoroughly understood wnr." NOT READY TO SURRENDER l'relilenl Kroner lleclnre (lull Itner- llrltlnh AVnr Will I K Time rt. LONDON, Aug. .11. -According to the Lourenzn Mnniucr. correspondent of I ho Dally Kxpress. President Krilgrr, In tho course of an Interview last Wednesday Mllford Center nnd the Union Station In mM ho n ,)( ,,,, , Bllr. this city. When an extra messenger, J. M. rpMpf. VM wUhml fnull,non. ,e- Sheldon, who nsslstn Robert Mulligan, ngent for tho Adams Hxpross company, at tho Union Station, went to tho door ot express car 812, which had Just pulled In from St. Louis and lndlnnapolls, he un locked tho door ns usual and shoved It back. A horrible sight met his g.170. Flat on his fnco nnd In n pool of his own blood lay tho messenger. His head was lying Just between tho edgo of tho stovo and the edgo of tho door In tlie forward end of tho car. , careful examination revealed elgut bullet wounds In Lane's body. Tlireo or them were In tho right side of the back, about eight Inches below tho shoulder. Ono wns In tho left side, six Inches nbovo the hip bone. Four wero In nnd nbout tho calf of tho right leg. Two ballots were visible tinder the skin of tho breast, ono about one nnd one-half inches to tho right of and elared that the war would last a long time yet. 'A Iloer bulletin," continues tho corre spondent," nnnnunces n big bnttle between Lydenburg nnd Mlddleburg, In which tlio Urltlsh had d00 killed and wounded. It also announces the reenpture by the burghers of Hcltbron, Dcvllllorsdorp und Frank fort." Iloer reports by way of Lourenzo Mar (wz lately havo proved worthy of little credence DEPORT BOER SYMPATHIZERS ffiiiOdci-cd nniiucroll to Allotv Them In lleniiiln l.oiiKcr In l'rclnrln. LONDON. Aug. 10. A special dispatch li,AlnMn unvti llm Ttnor tilnt In mnUn n above the right nipple ami the other an , ,)f Lor(, Robert8 ani, Rll00l nU tho l. 1 . .....1 IkhIiIa Mm Infl nlnnln Tlmun I . . men nuuvB unit iiibiuu ...o u-u ... ...v, j,rll)sn cflicerB possible, discovered Thurs- wcro extracted nnd wero tounn 10 no oi (, included tho recapture of Pretoria nnd thlrty-elght-callbcr. Ono bullet was picked ,Qn BhootlnE of Lor, Hnbcrts and to Induce up under tho right leg, half way between h,..,h. ,n r pmnn.B0. a numhor the kneo and ankle, ns tho body was lying of Sllspel.te(i nccompllces ot tho conspirators on the fnco In tho car, and another found ,mvo ,1Pen coniillcte( nrros8 the border. near tho right root, lying bdoui iwo icoi Tno Ilrtlh authorities are nwnkenlng to nway. th0 danger of allowing tho Hocr sympa- Kverythlng pointed to a surprlso and n thi,er. to rnmnln In Pretoria and the lasue deadly struggle in tno car. rrom appear- . Di)BHe8 to tho burghers has been stopped antes Latin wns washing his face and hands , preparatory to leaving bis car and waB about CJEYN SAID TO BE DEAD lo opon me sine uocr to inrow out ine uucrvi of water when tho first shot wns fired, or when ho wns struck from behind. Ills own rnvolvor was found In tho safe with two empty sholls, Indicating that ho had prob ably fired twlco nt his assailants. He was I'rcNlilciit ICriiKcr's Itlht nnivcr Ac- corilliiK In liiiiiilon Advice linn Committed .Suicide. LONDON, Aug. 10. It Is persistently VANCOUVER, n. C, Aug. 10. Th stenmer Cutch from Skagwny brought sev enty nassengera today and nlso news of discoveries of extensive coal beds near tho Dalton trail nnd not far from Whlto Horso. Tho discovery was made by Oustnv ner vals, who has been Interested In coal min ing nt Lethbrldge. News of his find had been received Just ns the Cutch wns sail ing, but to substantiate his statements nervals had brought In with him n small sack of his samples. CANNOT SHUT OFF SUPPLIES STRIKERS AFTER FRANCHISE Article of Incorpornllnn l-Tleil lty l.n hoe Vnlnit .Street Hnllttny Coniiinny nt St. I.oul. IIoiiK Kmiff to Si Merchant 11 Arm to Chinese. Arc the 11 on ml WASHINGTON, Aug. 10. Tho Navy de partmeut today rocelved a cablegram from Shanghai which, It is understood, gives notlco of tho Intention of Admiral Sey mour to Innd troops thcro for tho defense of tho city. Tho Shanghai newspapers nccordtng to the cnblo, whllo ncqulescin In the landing of Urltlsh troops, doprccat tho Idea that England's cxamplo should bo followed by tho powers. Tho United Stntes now has two war ships at Shanghai to safeguard American Interests In case of trouble there, tho gunboats Castluo nnd Princeton. Tho luttor arrived nt Shang hai today. WALDERSEE'S CHIEF OF STAFF .Mnjor tienernl von Schvi iirtrUnp of l'lrt .lulittlc llrlunilc lte oclvcn Appointment. WASHINGTON, Aug. 10. Admiral Dowey said today, speaking of a published story of an Interview with him In relation to Philippine and Chinese affairs: "My atton lion has been drawn to the article ns pub lished, I made uso of no words saying or Intimating that "Whatovcr show of re. slstauco to our nuthorlty there Is nt tht, present times In tho Phlllpplno islands will bo kept up until after our election In No vember. Tho Insurrection Is kept nllvo by tho leaders, who hold out to tho soldiers the hopo of Uryan's election.' Nolther did I say or lutlmato thnt In my opinion a state of war exists botween this country I and China. Theso statements attributed to mo uro absolutely Incorrect." (Continued on Second Page.) MERLIN, Aug. 10. Tho evening papers here nnnounco that Major General von Schwnrtzkop, commandor of tho First East Asiatic brigade, has been nppolnted Field Marshal von Wuldersco's chief of staff. Tho Olllelal Rclchsanzelgor this even ing publishes a proclamation forbidding tho export of nrms or wnr material to China or ports adjacent to Chlneso terri tory. SECOND INFANTRY FOR CHINA CHINESE FLY FROM RUSSIANS Ailvnnec of the Cnr's Ciiliiinii on llul Clinn Ciuic 1'iinlc AinniiK Defender. ST. PETERSBURG, Aug. 10. Olllelal ro- ports say that threo separato Russian columns succeeded In surrounding a largo Chinese forco nt Hal Chau and that, seolng tho Russians advancing from nil sides, the Chinese lied In nn easterly direction, leav ing n dozen obsoloto guns behind them. Tho Russians purmied tho Chlneso for thlrty-llvo versts, until they woro ex hausted and compelled to abandon the pursuit. WU IN DELIGHTFUL DOUBT Chinese MlnUter Hu Not llenril Hint 1.1 lllinn ('Ilium In rotliit Iiik for Pence, NEW YORK, Aug, 10. A dispatch to tho Journal nnd Advertiser from London anys: All efforts on tho part of tho British and foreign governments to stop tho supply of war material to tho Chinese nre destined to prove of no avail as long as tho Chnmber of Commerco and legislative council of Hong Kong mnlntnln tholr self ish resistance to tho execution of tho restrictive measures decreed by the powers prohibiting the export of war material to China. An immense trndo Is done nt Hong Kong In tho sale of arms and ammunition to both tho Chlneso and to tho- Filipino In surgents. Indeed, the latter ns well as tho Chlneso draw nil their supplies of this kind from Hong Kong, whero the mer chants aro determined to resist nny Inter ference with tholr business. Hong Kong has no custom houso and has therefore no means of checking tho tin portB or exports If the shippers do not choose to mako a purely voluntary dec laration nt the harbor ofllee. Tho Chamber of Commerce and the legis lative council of Hong Kong nre resolved to fight tho government tooth nnd nail in the mattor. declaring that It will con stitute a blow at the traditional "freedom of thu port of Hong Kong." and havo en gaged queen's counsel, Lord rrancls, tho chlof of tho colonial bar. to champion tholr vIowb In the matter. shot to death In a few minutes, but to make rumored In Lourenzo Mnrqucz, according suro of death, it is believed somo of the to n dispatch to tho Dally Telegram, that shots woro fired at him while he lay pros- Mr. Stoyn has committed suicide. trnto. Tho dead man's koya were taken out of his pockets, together with his knlfo and what valuables ho may havo had. Ths keys wero used to open tho strong box nnd tho contents wero taken. The keys nnd knlfo wero thon laid on tho body and tho rovolvor plnccd In the snfe. Tho car ST. LOUIS, Aug. 10. Articles of Incorpo wub deserted nt one of two points, cither ration wero filed In the recorder's ofilco this nt Marble Cliff or at tho viaduct at the afternoon by tho Labor Union Street Rnll entrance to Union station. w'ay company. Its capital stock Is placed Tho train was In charge of Conductor at $3,000, nnd Its olllccrs aro named as fol Jerry Taylor, who took It out of St. Louis, lows: President, Thomas 11. Edwards; vice At Mlford Center, Mr. Lano and his car president, Simeon O. Collins; Bccrotnry. were nil right, for Mr. Taylor had a con- William D. Ilenson; treasurer, John A versatlon with him nt that point. Ono Roof, report Is that J15.000 was taken. Messrs. Edwards, Ilenson and Collins con fctltuto tho commltteo recently apppolntefi nuHlPC Tfl f!CT IACI I DHCTCn hy tho local street railway unton to or- unnuuL. iu uui iibbb i "uiuw gnnlzo n corporation to enter tho Btreot Son of tienernl John C, Fremont Will (in AlmiK n Ciiptnln of (Ine of the CoiniuinlcM. CINCINNATI, Aug. 10. Tho Second In fantry received orders today to leave Fort Thomas, Ky., next Wednesday for San Francisco for servlco In China. Colonel Corliss Is In command and among his captains Is Francis G. Fremont, son of Genoral John C. Fremont, the 'Tathflnder." Trensnry IJcpitrtinent l'repnreii n Clr- culnr of liifnrnintloii on Finance. railway business In this city, This committee hns engaged James Craig as Its nttornoy and advisor. Mr. Crnlg comes from St. Joseph, Mo. Ho was at ono tlmo president of tho Union Rnlhvny company of that city nnd has organlzod a number of Missouri corporations. Mr. Craig says there will not bo tho WASHINGTON, Aug. 10. A. T. Hunting ton, chief of tho division of loans and cur rency In tho treasury, by tho direction of Acting Sccrotnry Vandcrllp, has prepared Bichtest difficulty in bulldlnc tlio road If a an clglity-Bovcn-page circular oi iniorma- tra.lcillgo can i,0 (curod. nut whllo Mr. tlon concerning United States bonds, paper Cra,K acciaresl aU tUo necessary money Is currency, coin, mu prommuuu m precmua nirendy pledged to tho enterprise, ho will metals, etc. l nis circular is similar iu me ot te y w,ora. ones issued in iyt. nnu mm, v. mi me naia He gny8 tlmt tho romr.anv was orcnnlzod WASHINGTON, Aug. 10. Mr. Wu, the Chlnejo minister. Is displaying a great deal of Interest in the reports that Ll Hung Chang 1wb been appointed n minister pleni potentiary to negotiate pence with the powers. Ho said tonight that he had not received nny confirmation of the repops Ll has the Implicit contldenco of tho gov ernment nnd his appolntmont to tho place named would be an omlncntly appropriate on. POURED POISON INTO THEM Chlnene llnve Their I'lrsl l-Wperlenee tilth l,ilillte Shell nt Yiiiiht Tsun. LONDON. Aug. 11. 1:10 a. m. Tho morn ing papers express satisfaction at the lat est developments in China. The average comment Is that China Is now genuinely suing for peaoo through Ll Hung Chang. Dispatches printed this morning give further detnllb of the taking nf Yang Tsun. According to tho Dally Mall's correspond ent tho attack was led by tho Americans and Urltlsh. Tho Chinese position consisted of seven lines of entrenchments. Tho onemy fell bick from one to another until driven from tho lust line. The Chlneso say they retreated becauso the lirltlsh "poured poison" Into their troops. This refers to the lyddlto shells, which tho Chinese then experienced for tho first time. brought down to July 1, 1900. Among tho subjects upon which Informa tlon Is given aro tho following: Tho bonded Indebtedness of tho United States at tho close of tho civil war and tho chungeB In tho debt which havo taken placo down to tho present tlmo, tho different kinds of money In tho United States, coinage, with full tnbles Bhowlng tho colnngo of tho United States nnd the principal nations ot the world, and the production of tho pre cious metals by countries, summary of monetary events slnco 17S6, tables show ing circulation of money in tho United States since 1800; national bank currency explained, tho selgnlorago, tho revenues and expenditures of tho government slnco 187S, tho effects of tho different tariff nets slnco 18M). A large amount of othor Important Infor mation Is given nnd tho circular also con- tains the full text of the financial bill of March 14. 1000. Thiocr Klecteil Vice I'rclilent. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Aug. 10. At Its general olllces Iii this city today It was nn iimiticril that Nathaniel Thayer of Boston. a director In the road, had been elected vke president ot the Kansas City, Fort Scott X. Memnlils railway. Directive, lm mediately. Mr. Thayer would, It wus stated, nssumo active management of the properly during President Washburn's Ill ness, The olllce of vice president was abandoned some time since. APPEALED TO SUPREME COURT (.'oiiHtltiitloiml Qiicsllnn in Xeclcy II- triiitltlon Clisc Will He Decided hy HlKlicnt Trlhuiiiil. NEW YORK. Aug. 10. John D. Lindsay, counsol for Charles F. W. Nccley, who lo charged with embczlement of Cuban postn: funds nnd against whom thcro havo been proceedings for extradition to Cubu, said today that ho had mado application to Judgo Wnllaco of tho United States cir cuit court, located at Albany, yesterday, for a writ of habeas1 corpus for Nccley. This, Mr. Lindsay said, Judgo Walluce had de nied. "Judgo Wallace did, however." said Mr. LtndsAy, "allow on appeal to tho United States supremo court and Issued nn order directing tho marshul lo keep Neeley hero pending tho appeal." Mr. Lindsay explained that tho supreme court will not meet until next October, when he satd tho appeal will bo argued. "Wo have simply raised a constitutional question," eald Mr. Lindsay, with a capital stock of $5,000 just as a "starter," and thnt It will likely bo In creased to n .larger flguro In tho near fu ture. A muss meeting of tho local union labor organizations will bo held Saturday night, at which the new street railway pro ject will bo formally launched. POSSIBILITY OF A STRIKE One More. KfTort to Get Iron Worker nml M ii n ii flic I n re ri to it it Agreement. PITTSI1URO Aug. 10. Tho wngo dlf feremes botween tho Republic Iron and Steel company, tho Amorlcan Tlnplato company and tho Amalgamated Associa tion of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers aro approaching a climax and unless a settle mont Is reached very shortly an extensive strlko Is probable. Another effort to of feet n final adjustment of tho scales, It Is said, will be mado next weok, when n call will be Issued for a genoral convention, to bo hold In Detroit. Movement of Oceilll VeelH, Ann. Ill, At Now York Arrived Aimusto Vic toria, from Hamburg, Southampton und Cherbourg; stenmer Gibers, from Itlo do Janeiro and .St. Lucas; Alsulla, from Na ples. At Cherbourg Sailed Fuorst Dlsmnrck from Hamburg nnd Southampton, for New YorK. At Havre Arrived L'Aq.i'.tnlne, from New York, and proceeded for Cherbourg. At .Mntunc Arrived nieatner city of IliUf.iHi. from Ilultlmore. At Kiistnut I'nssed Georglc, from New York, for Mvcrnool. At St. .Michaels Passed Kaiser Wllhelin II, from Genoa, Naples and Gibraltar, for ,NPW VOIK. At Ileueli Head Passed Hniinrndnm from Rotterdam unci Houlngne, for New York. At Huston Arrlven Now England, from Liverpool. At London-Arrived Michigan, from New nrk. At Glasgow -Sailed Sardinian, for New Yum. At MovHIe-Snlled-Kthlonln, from !Ih gow, ror -New yom; rarisian, irom Liver nool, for Montreal. At Liverpool Sailed Cevlc, for Now York. At Houlogne Bulled -Hclt'nivlu, from Hamburg, for 4scw York, Thrco of tho Dopntics Wounded During tho rusillado Following Discovery. ONE ROBBER PIERCED BY A BULLET III Cniiirnilc liitrcnelicii lllnieil in the lloiie, VA'iilch I Flreil hy the I'lirsncr nml llnrneil t llh It ('.intent. GOODLAND. Km-.. Aug. 10. The two men who held up n Union Pacific (rain near Hitun. Colo., last Sund.iy morning, killing W. J. Fay, a pawtiger, and plundering tho pasnengcrs, were much touny ny u nni-im posse at the lliirtholomew ranch threo miles ensl ot this place. The robbers wero lo cated In the hout.o this morning and th poese lined up and cut oft' escape. After n fusillade between the robbers and the posse. In which .1. 11. Rlggs and Georgo Culllns, deputies, wero shot, one nf the robbers lumped from a window and Mitight to escape, but wns sl ot to death. The iaw then lay slrgo lo Hie house, In which tho remaining robber stood guard wilh a title, and finally succeeded In setting life lo tho building, which was il(troyed with Its occupant. The robbrrH have not been Identified. Three miles east of hero this morning the two men wero Mirrounded by local olllccrs. A llorco exclmtigo of shots ensued, during which ono of the lobbers was killed, J. ll. Rlggs, owner nt tho Commercial hotel ot Goodland. nnd George Collins, mem bets nf the posse, were severely wounded nnd nnother of tho pursuing party, nanio unknown, wan wounded slightly. Tho second robber barricaded "hlmHclf In tho house, with the posse, numbering fifty men, all armed with rllles, surrounding It. Ilotv They Were Locntcil, Tho second robber s barrlcnded In the house, with tho posse, numbering fifty men, all armed with Winchesters, sur loundlng It. The Union Pacific's Kansas City and Den ver train wns robbed between Llmon Junc tion nnd Hugo, ninety miles east of Den ver, last Sunday morning, many rolloved of their money nnd valuables and W. .1. Fay, nn aged man, who resisted, was killed by ono of the robbers. The robbers dropped olf tho train nt Hugo nnd usenped. On Wednesday, It Is learned, they wont to tho ranch of D. E. Bartholomew, threo miles out from Goodlund and 100 milcB ovcrlaud from Hugo, und usltcd for food und lodg ing for a fmv days. They said thoy did not want tV go to town, as their -clothes wero rugged. Last night a boy whom they sent Into Goodlnnd to got tho Denver pa pers reported tho circumstances. From tho boy's description, tho mon wero be lieved to bo tho Hugo robbers. This morning a posse, consisting of Sheriff Wnlkcr, J. B. Rlggs, Georgo CuIIIiib, R C. BIddlson nnd several others, all heav ily armed with rllles and revolvers, went bver to tho Bartholomew placo from here. Walkor nnd Rlggs wero the first to dis mount nnd proceed to tho Iioubo whero tho robbers wero. Ono of tho robbers caught sight of them nnd gnvn tho alarm. No. sooner had Walker, n moment later, begun kicking on tho door than thoy wero mot by n volley of shots from Inside. Tho remaining members or tlio posse quickly lined up around tho house and for ten minutes bullets whirred nt n lively rnte, the rllles of tho pursucrn pour ing a deadly load In tho direction of tho robbers. Tho robbers returned tho flro strongly nnd Rlggs soon foil, hit In thn brenst nnd back. Finally ono of tho rob bers Jumped through n window nnd made off In tho Bmoko. Iicforo ho had gon half a dozen steps ho fell In his trnckB, Bhot to death. Sheriff Wnlker In tho mean time bad forced his way toward the houss nnd was Intent on getting Inside. In tho Bmoko nnd confusion CullinB got In the wuy of Walker's gun nnd wan shot In the back nnd seriously wounded, Whllo tlm posso was romovlng Culllns tho lone rob ber made his way to a sod kltchon near by nnd barricaded tho door. Tho dead rob ber lay where ho fell, his body In rnnge of tho houso. llnrneil Hint to Denlli, After tho fight In tho morning, when the first ono wns shot, tho citizens armed them selves nnd wont to tho ranch. Tho mnn In- Blde tho house was armed with a rlfio and a too near upproach to tho house drew his fire. About 4 o'clock the members of the posio by crawling through n cornfield got to a shed near tho house, setting It nllre. It wan not long until tho building wns In (lames, but tho robber mndo not a sign and If ho was not shot by a bullet from tho many that wore fired at tho houso from the out Bide bo found his death In tho flumes. Thero Is no douht about tho men being the train robbers. On tho body of tho ono shot In tho morning wero found n watch, two black calico faco masks, a lady's watch chain and charm nnd an opened envelope addressed to some Ineligible nnmn at Hugo, Colo. Ho was tall, with a black mustachn and commonly dressed. Tho body was brought to town tonight. Both wero about 30 yonre old and of th desperado stylo, having threatened to shoot sovcrnl farmers who refused to keep them. Tho houso on tho ranch with its contents was valued nt J 1,200 and will bo paid for by tho county. Tho two citizens, Rlggs and Culllns, shot In tho fight In tho morning, nro doing well and will recover. LOG STEALING ASSOCIATION OrKiinUntlon Kxlntliiir tn Wlscnnniii I. Hinder Iteulon tn Promote noil Protect the Industry. LA CROSSE, Wis., Aug. 10. It was dis covered today thnt n party of twenty-two men from La Crosso, who make log steal ing n profession, hnd removed a number ot logs, valued ut $1,000, from tho raft of J. W. Van Sant, which was tied at Dresbach, Minn. Tho men overpowered tho wutch man, took tho logs and (.old them. Dotcct Ivrn aro working on the case. Tho mon engaged In stealing logs have a protectlvo association and all momhers aro pledged to Bccrecy. Men who know about tholr movements never rovenl then knowledge, an thoy know It moans death, or ut least personal vlnleni'o. During the last twenty years $1,00U,000 worth of loan huv been stolen.