i H SPECIAL NOTICES' Advertisement for tlirae column will lie Inlirn until 12 m. for the venlHK edition nuil until H ill) p. in, for morning nml Similar edition. Hntes, 1 l-2n n irnrd Ural Insertion. lr. n noril tlicrcnftrr. NotlilnK tnki-n fop less Hum 2,1c for the llrst Inncr- tlon. Tune advertisements must lie ran connrcn tl vrly. Advertiser, liy rentiestln a nnin tiered rhfcU, enn have nnarvers nil- drriaetl (u a numbered letter In rnrt of The. line. Amnem o nddrcsicd trill lie delivered oa preaentntloa of the rhecu DDI)', Jl NTKDrppiriorTi,iwlnin cutter nn.1 practical tailor; experienced In ti,10 tra(le WarcrnhV'-inMn.?' ihT A-.ira 12 1VAXTCD-JIAM1 HUl.r. WANTED, wo have steady tvnrV fr pood hustlers of Rood habits and nppcar anco. C. I'. AdamH Co., 1619 Howard St. : U 57C JIARUER trade taught tnorouchly In Bhort iiiiiKi ua hi i ymio mm puriicuiars free Address Western Uarbers' instltuiH. wiiiniiii, nviii B 577 " " - m hwmh WANTED, laboiere. teninsters, rock mnn nnu nunii.; nicM, iCD., wyu., and Iowa , I irra inrn; nicnest worm; ship dallv iicaiciii ii. . i.aoor Agency, 310 H. Ilth U 578 rhortliat d scholarshlti In bxai iKimni ,.,i pay for It when courso in rompleteil unci Ifunmuii ncuutvu. IIIUICSS li Stt, Uee, t H-579 "ANTED, 10 younc men to learn teleg raphy. W. T. Bkelton, Sallna. Kan. U-M3I1 A27 MEN, women. learn chiropody, tlermntolouy i. ninu, tiiinMiiuiB. uorrespnnoence de partment, 251 6th avc., Now York; write. 11 Will If WANTED nt once, energetic, trustworthy young man, iikoiI 17 nr IS. ulih nm av. perlenco In bookkeeping, shorthand and typewriting, must no goon puumau; rerer- rncrs iL'iiiircu. u lit, liee. li J WE want it few salfsmen to handle our nisiness in unoceupieu territory In Iown and Nebraska. Wit need men ti'hn linv,. some knowleduo of llvo stock, somo ex perience as salesmen, tho best of ability, nnd who can furnish good references nnd s-irety bond, We hnvc no tlmo to spend with nny excent men who enn nil (h, m. win, mo iiiiniiiiuuiy nonest una reliable fpilremenlH fully, nut to such mon we ran nnv good salaries nr I'limtnlsRlmiu nml put them In lino for promotion, nccordlng to their valuo nnd merit. Tho F. E, San born Company, Manufacturers Stundard mocK rood, umann, Ken. u M961 12 ALL ORADUATES of the Kliaran Svstem are guaranteed employment ut splendid salaries to worn in mo lirancn Kliarns Magnetic Infirmaries. If you want a llfo profession and u money-maker from thu ctarl wrlto or call at the Kharns Magnetic innrmury, nuu-ir unicago Ht., umana, Neb. li irja WANTED, by largo concern, experienced nnoKKreper; gooa opportunity tor ad vancement for right man: state experl- fnco aim salary expccieu. u jiee. 11 MUSI 13 WANTED, young man not over 22 for ofllco position; must be quick at figures nnd a rood penman. Address O CO, caro Omaha nee. ii iysi ii- 1VATKD-FEMALE HELP. AN INTELLIGENT lady lo take a short- nni scnoiarsnip in nest scnooi and pay mr ii wnen course is cnmpioieo: nnu posi. nun nt-uuii'ii. Auurrrfl 14 mO, i3vv. u aou WANTED, 200 girls, 1521 Dodge. Tel. S76. C-CS1 (0 girls wanted. Canadian ofllce 1522 Douglas WANTED, a comnotent cook with refer- fnces. Apply to Mrs. Luther Kountze, win street und uewcy ave. u va- EXPERIENCED clrl, general linusewnrk. w Miami. u mwj 11- WANTED, educated young ladles to learn nursing. Apply to secretary, Fremont liospltal. C-M9XI WANTED, competent girl for general housework nt 706 S. 29th Ave. c v WANTED, girl for general housework; small fnmlly, good wages. Apply 404 N. 40th street. C-M06 !) WANTED, experienced girl for second work. 2037 Dodge St. (934 WANTED, competent girl for general housework; references required. Mrs. Warren Swltzler, 2601 St. Mary's live. C MUKI 1U WANTED Kxnerlenceil nurse: good wages; references required.. 103S Park Ave. Mrs. Floyd M. Smithy C-9ij- WANTED. girl for general housework; small family: must no gooa conn; rei-i- dices. 1022 So. 30th avo. 1. mrao u GIRL for general housework; good pay and small family. Call 3015 Chicago st. -U3i) U FOIl HUNT IIOIISKS. IF you want your houses well ronted place them with Benawa & Co. D 5S3 linTrsKH. eti. F. D. Wend. 1521 Douglas. D-5il AtAVAYH mnvlnir II. II. COOds. Pianos. onico. 1511 Farunm St. Tol. 1559 or M3. D usj UniiHi.-s utnres. rtenils. Paxton block. D-5S8 HOUSES for rent In all parts of tho city. Brennan-Lovo Co., 320 a. um at. HOUSES nnd tints. Rlngwnlt, Barker blk. S ROOMS, modern, with burn; nil In extra fine repair: $25 to goou tenant. Airreii u. Del.ong. 437 Board of Trade. D u9l R-ROOM cottage. 709 Douglas St. D-592 FOR RENT, strictly modern flat In Dav- Ulge IHlllillUC. opposite uuy nun. .tniin w iiniibitiH. 1S02 Farnam St. ' D-591 ELEGANT apartments In the Winona. Payne-Knox Co., 1st floor, N. . Llfjj 1812 N. 26TII ST., 7-room modem house, no furnace; In good condition, inrgo oarn, outside to no p:miPii; rent. ..u". OMAHA I.DAN AND TRUST CO.. lfitti mill nninilil.i Sis. D-M957 FOR RENT, S-room Iiouhp. Nn. 61S South 17th St. inquire at room i -it) jj" &..I lA'-iiiiMi nt.i n-ruuin miiut-rii nuuv, has Just .been thoroughly renovated throughout: rent. $:o.w. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO.. 16th and Douclas Sts. . , D-M95S 10-ROOM steam heated flat, all modern, 2317 Douglas, Inquire Llndque.it, alH So, liiin. uiis VERY nlcasant nnnrtmeiita; six rooms und bath; fronting park I most desirable of anything In the city for the price to right parly. M. J. Kennurd & Son, 310 nnd 311 Brown wock. u tin FOR RENT, No. 2413 Cnpltol Avenuo. 11 rooms, modern, tho 0. l . Davis 10.. 1505 Farnam SI. D 727 DETACHED modern R-room house, with barn, Inqulro 2003 Plerco st. D-M772 NEW 10-rooni house, water and gas, 2 blocks from cnrnd school, north part city near uouievaru, ..i per montn. in nuiru Wl am I. KIlm stead. Cltv llnll. D-726 Fnn RENT. 2SSS Canltol avenue. S rooms, modern In every way and In ilrst-clnss condition; tine yard; $10.00. George A Com pany, ltoi Farnam hi, uivj CENTRAL, unsurpassed live-room flats; inrec-room cottage, iiiaru, j n. .tn. 71 MiV? 10 FOR KENT S-room modern cottage. In quire 2152 St. Mary's Ave. D-MS6I-12' CROO.M cottage. 2522 Dewey ave D-M9U T-ItOOM flat. 3d lloor, 615 South 16th st. volume u, i'owcii, new 10m uin' FOIl RENT IIOUSKS. SEE HENRY H. PA YNH, 0)1 N Y.LIFe! . D-MS9.1 5w00wLU,1,55' nn,, "londo streets, W. Apply 00i N, 19th street. D-732 I'OH RENT-FURNISHED ItOOMS. Li 3 NICE rooms, hmnni nntiltMt lilt 1 11 U " ',. O. 111! It E M212 FURNlqut-n .. , : hi ' ti;.. roomg housekeeping. 2623 "' E-Slo A12 FURNISHED rooms. 2013 Douglas. E-M909 IP PtHNISIIEI) ROOMS AMI HOARD. TUfwi,errlum B0C", ""fnmcr resort, 25th A I- KI5 OI'nNVmN'lMn;l:ntMl.l3 day. 1609 Dgls. . F--' ha Ave., private famPy. r-3.'5 A21 UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport Ht. P-50S IN PRIVATE family. 2020 81. Mary's Avo. F 6STJ THE PKATT, deslrablo rocms, 212 S. 25 St. OESIKAHLE rooms; board. 25S4 Harney. ! lb' FOR REXT-STORKS AM) OFFIt'UH. FOR RENT, store In flrst-clais location; IT"1 rcasonanie. Apply ii. t'. Peters & Brounu door, Uee HUltf 1266 TJY,of.J,? l)e!,t rooms In the Continental block. 15th snil nmnrlns suited for a physician; will remodel to mm tenant, umana Loan Sc Trust Co.. iuui nnu Liougias HIS. I 000 VLiu desirable oltlco room for rent. Im- P"riHi i.duniiry iu, lfitti ulul Dodge. Tele- n I 371 IZ WANTED TO II FAT. TO RENT, a small furm near city for i-mcKcn raising, Aiiurcis u i jire. t 1A',1 1'l I1.IIW1 JU IVA.XTISD TO I1UY. ALL kinds of household goods, hotels, etc. in inrgo ami small iiuaiitltles. Chicago rurnituro i;o., uuu-iu uouge. rci. bu. N )1 WILL surcuaHc a limited number of Omalia HkvIiirh Bank accounts. Brennan- Lovo Co., 309 So. 13th N-C02 ID-HAND bicycles. Omaha Bicycle Co. N 603 M 2D-HAND typewriters. Nebraska Cycle Co., Cor. 15th & Harney. N-713-A30 FOIl MALE I'M' It MTU III. FOR BALE Office desks nnd counter very nice. Apply 1609 California St... bo twuen 9 and 2. O 959-12 FOIl MALIC llOllIvM, VEHICLES, KTC. VEHICLES of all kinds made and repaired ujf iiurry rrusi, inn unu ieavenwonn. P-605 2 2NDHAND extension top carriages In kudu coniiitiiiu. wo aiso nuve some phaetons and bugglea that we aro closing out at very low prices. Win, Pfelffer carnugo worKS, 2ti.-o Leavenworth. I' 732 FOR SALE llorso and buggy. Inqulro hi. tary s Ave. i' ntsea W OOOD driving mare 7 years old. Inquire z.111 no. aitn alter u p, m. i' aims iu FOR SALE, roan working horse, 8 years oiu; encup. inquire ztbi so. utn. 1' W16 io FOIl SALE MISCELLA.VF.OUS. CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & Mc- uouneii uruB jo., wor. jmn ana uonge. O. 6J9 1J. HASS. Florist. 1813 Vinton St. Tel. 776. 1'iants, cut nowcrs, noquets, nail, resi dence', wedding nnd grave decorations. Orders by mall or express promptly tilled. W o 2DIIAND safa cheap. Dcrlght, 1116 Farnam. y i SAFES; buy, sell, ex'ge. Schwartz, 114 8. 13. y 632 WIRE fence. Loddy, 1617 Howard, Tol. 1690 q 310 A14 M. Si W. tires, $2.75. Omaha Bicycle Co. u KB 2NDHAND wheels, $B to $10; new wheels jia. umana uicycio lo mm ai cnicngo sts 1 vj minnunimtr, I.I ,-. nrjui-iLiiuiiiu iuui.iiiiic-1 y iui Biiiiij ovi-rj" tmng in engines, noucrs, pumns, iron nn 1 nuuii-nuiniiiK iiiuYiiinei y, snail nK. trolleys, belting and mill supplies; prices lowest. Harris Mnchlnery Co., 1023 Wnsh- Incton Ave.. S. E.. Mlnneanolls. Minn. Q-M851 B13 UniTi til? nlunnu ait.t .iF.m i,D 1 1 T. fl-, M and up: easy paymems; new pianos ror vent; line tuning aun repairing, lei. Schmollcr & Mueller, 1313 Farnam. vent; fine tuning and repairing. Tel. 1625. Q-M913 A14 ooOD hand elevator. Ilospe, 1614 Izard, Q635 MANSON bicycles, $25. Omulia Bicycle Co. Q-M406 HARD nnd soft foundation piling; hog renco nnu criDoiug, wi uougias. y aoa FOR HALE, stop watch, split second, nc- fiiriuo timeKeeper anu excellent norse- tliner; will sell at a sacrifice. Address Q 4S, Bee. Q-M970 12 MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE, country dealors, 2dhand furniture and stove3 at lowest prices, carload lots or less, cnicago v urniiura uo,, itos-io noiige. II IMU CLAIRVOYANTS. GREATEST LIV1NO CLAIRVOYANT. PROF. LAWRENCE X. JAMES. 1714-DOUOLA8 RT.-1714. Prof. James Is a fully developed clairvoyant ana iriuico ineiiiiiui. no gives names, dates, facts, etc.. In all readings. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed or no fee accepted. X' rv, ci.vu uuu iiuura, to a. S-922-10 DR. II, V. MAY. TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT AND INDE- riSNUKNT BI.AT1-; WRIT ING MEDIUM. OFFICE 113 SOUTH ISTH ST. His ninrvelous achievements demonstrated In your presenca while you look, listen nnu wonder. Never falls to remove domestic troubles, re store lost anections, rause speeqy mar rlnites. llniirs. 10 n. ill. to 8 P. m. ! fee. $1.00 nnd un: always see tne nest; onico nun residence, 113 aoutu Jain si. ii' MME.GYLMER genuine palmist. 1605 Dodge M UJ KLECTHIC T11KAT.MKNT. nllATRICE HARLOW. Arabian treatment. inli. S17U N. ISth. 1st flat F. T-960.U i.'t.lTll narlors. 615 8. 16th. second lloor. t .naiu rst MME. AMES, baths. 1615 Howard, room 7, 2iJ HOor; ntteniiaiu. i m-jii id MJIE. LEE, magnetlo treatment. 507 8. I3ih. room 2. T aims m' PERSONAL. MONHEIT, Chiropodist. 151b Farn. Tel. 2333. u noa LADIES' hair shampooed, dressed, 35c. Hair toilet goods. Monhelt, 151S Farnum. Tel 23J3 llL'll UIV TURKISH baths, mnssago wilhs. clectrlo baths, ror ladles oniy; situieu women tnnss.tge operators; llnest equipped baths In the city. Renstom Bath Company. Rooms 216 to 220, uee building. u MltB PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & ilur- ing coii.incmeni; Dames aaopteu, um n. 11, u otJ H SOLES. 35c: velvet rubber heels. 35c, The old reliable, S, P. Peterson, 16th & Cuming u 011 DR, ROY, chiropodist; corns removed, 25c una upward, itoom 1:, renzezr uiock. U-614 RUPTURE cured; no knife, no pain, no linilgrrt acini iui tu i;uii . iniinic im(i- ture Cure, X2 N. Y. Llf bldg.. Omaha. PERSONAL. r,l'.f'JA.T., n"'1 pleated skirts of all klmK uomman & i;o., zuo Douglas blocK. . PIUVAT PRIVATE limn hefnrn nml ilnHnc- pntidnf. mem. on Dies adopted. .Mrs. liurgot, nurueite. U 017 1 . . uun o Express & Messenger Co, Tel. 1717.1 L. UI3 ai MAUiSLLDurlng August, shampoo, kp; hnlrdrcss. 25c: massage. 26c: treatment. 2oc. u M31S A-22 WHEELER Wilson se-wlnc machines, oinors, tin: nnyments; rrnutiK, 7Rc week; repairing. Peters & Co., 11S uapitoi Ave. Tel. UD6. um asi V1AVI, woman's way to health. 316 Hoe hldg u MS EPPEIUjY corset to order. 1012 Capitol nv, U M9U SI EPPHIll.Y corset to order. 1612 Capitol Av. Corns & hunlons destroyed. 511 Karbach lllk. HAVE furs repaired and nltercd now. Don't wait until the busy season and exnect work done at once. AulabaURh, Son A Co., t urners, w Karbuch Ulock, omalia. PLEATING; buttons to order; plnklnc wnue you wait, umana I'leaiinir en., nwi UOIIglMS. ll-.MTO MOXIJV TO I.OAX-IIKAI, KSTATE. PRIVATE money, 5. 64, 6 per cent: no de lay, uarvin isros., ihu r arnam. w t WANTED City and farm loans; also bonds nnd warrants. R. C. Peters At Co., 1702 rarnam St., hco Hldg. w 650 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. W till FIVE per cent money. Ucmls, Paxton block. W-652 MONEY to loarl on llrst-class Improved city property or tor DUiming purposes, l'ayne- Knox Co., New York Llfo. W-053 5. 5'A. 6 nor cent on Omnhn. So. Omiiha. w. it, rnomas, wis ist isut. hank, Tel. leu. w ci3 MONEY to loan at D and 5U per cent on umanu property, w. u. Mentie, 401 a. ism. W-656 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real csiuic. iircuuan-iove t.o., jitj oo. utn. w oa? -- - LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa farms at b per cent. Borrowers can pay jio or any multiple. Any Interest nine. .o ueiay. iirennan-iovo 1.0., jw South 13th St., Omaha, Neb. W-C54 11,000 and upward to loan on Improved c.ltv property ami farms, W. Farnam Smith A uo liM Fitrnum. W 688 WANTED City loans, bonds and warrants. Georco & Comnanv. 1601 Farnam Ht. W 059 mon KY In any amount nt 5. 5'4 6 per cont. J. W. IIUUUINS & CO., 1S02 FARNAM ST. w COO MONEY to loan on farm and city property lowest rates, o. F. Davis Co., 1505 Farnam W UBl $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 To placo quick at low rnto or interest on gooa real estate. Ail- arcss j 13, ueo. w 662 MO.M1Y TO I.OAX CHATTELS, -M-O-N-E-Y- D-O Y-O-tl N-K-E-D I.T We make loans from S 10. Oil nn nn furniture. nanus, nurses, cows, etc.; you- Keep me property; or we will make you a SALARY LOAN on you own note, without Indorser or mortgage; we cnargc absolutely notn lng for making papers, and wo keen noth ing out of tho amount you borrow; you may pay tho money back In one month or tako more tlmo In which to pay It, and you nre expected to pay for It only what time you uso It; our rates are low and our terms are tho easiest: our butlness Is ns comlentlal as is possible and our treat, mcnt Is always courteous. Omaha Mort gage Loan co aw ao. lutn at. Estsb- llshed 1592. X871! MONEY MONEY LUAN1SD SALAIUISU PEOPLE. No endorser or mortgage required. LOWEST RATES, EASY PAYMENTS nd Q 1 ill U ,1 I j J I.IJIN 1' ID rJM 11AU niiiin pin-'niT nn Room 526, fifth floor, New York Life Bldg. A 664 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew- eiry, norses, cows etc. u. t . iteca, .11a a. 13. x & MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, dla- monus .watciies, privately, uerrer s Loan Co., IM4 Farnam at., upstairs. x cbs MONEY loar.ea on furniture, diamonds. watches: payments confidential. Omaha I l'li,ill. T nnu T?a,.l lift a ICh tmaln .,....... j.vu.. v u. "I Ji 667 I , , juuNisr loaned on pianos, rurniture, horses COws, Jewelry. Dart Green, R 8, Barker BU X 66S Blk SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. J. W. TAYLOE, 215 First Nut. Bank Bldg. MONEY loaned salaried people holding per- manent position with responsible concerns upon their own names without security; eusy payments, xoiman, tub jv. v. l. uiiig. Jt tiTO PRIVATE LOANS TO SALARIED PEO PLE momentarily embarrassed who desire above cverytiung eiso to AVOID PUBLICITY ran bo accommodated at our ofllce with less expense, tlmo and trouble than any piaco in mo city. AMERICAN LUAN CU., Room 601. Bee Building. X-M723 BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR RENT Owing to advancing years Mr, B. Haas, tho florist nt 1813 Vinton street. has decided to rent out his hot house at above location, occupying 7,000 to 8,000 square leet, unaer glass, witn about 200 windows, and tho residence nnd store fronting the street, on the motor line to South Omaha. Excellent location for tho business. Y 3X2 FOR SALE, $2,000 stock groceries: best town In Elkhorn valley; wrlto nt onre. C, HuMin Preek Neb YMT'o 15 Battle creek, iseu, Y-Mi-0 15 I ESTABLISHED buslnrss, centrally lo- cut ed; slock nnd llxtures valued nt $1,100; win tnKe outside property in trone. Ad dress O 33, Beo ofllce. Y MS37 11 FOR SALE, country newspnpor In town of .mo tnhnbltnnts; doing so.m per montn business; only paper In iown; will sell cheap If taken soon. Address Signal, lllgelow, Minnesota. y M9I4 10 FOR SALE; I offer my restaurant hiuI fur nlshed rooms, seven single and two tine. lurgo double rooms, for sale; doing good business with constantly Increasing pat ronage: have other business demanding my personal attention; all located In Co lumbus, opposite Union Pacific depot; a rood railroad town and has a good rail road patronage; will sell for part cash hik! good easv terms; will benr strict Investi gation. S, S Rlrkly, proprietor. Vienna restaurant, rolummis, Neb. mms iz' FOR RALE, n millinery stock and a good business. 33 ml es rrom umana. For nar- tleularH Inquire at room i01 N. , IJfe "Ids. 1 .MliT 1' I'on iixcnANtiis. .HAV15 1M ncres land In central Nebraska and money to exenange lor cottage in Omaha. v. v tieogcs, 12a ueo uidg. z-07: FOIl EXCHANGE, an old established njy- lllg gri'lCIJ ii!lillliT 111 wnmiiu, n1111.1v u.lA'", store nuuding, a,uiM, renting lor i... n month: lll take good city or farm property ,n part payment. W. R. Iloman, Hooms 0 anu iv, r reiizer inn, '. 771-3 FOIl EXCHANGE, fnrm nnd pasture wel' watered, neur Plattsmouth, for city property. Address u 27, uee. ' H-MS47-12 LARGE farm and naiturc. Merrlt Co.. Neb., to trade ror city property. Address O 26. Bee. 7.-M8IS-12 GOOD coal business In Omaha to exchange mi" nin.p nrniwriv ifiimi 111111 1 11111 I mil trackage. Address O II, Bee. st-M 3J !'. 1,720 ACRES of prnlrlo ar.d l.tas acres of limner lands located in tne sugHr const count rv of south Louis ana. near rail roads; all clear of encumbrance and title absolutely perfect; taxes low, will sell or exchange for city property or Nebraska lands. Call Mr. Byrnum, Arcade- hotel, city, Thursday and Friday, or address nun, paxton, 111 as iu- 160 ACRE FARM-elear, for a good vacant 101. oil , i. 1.1(0. i M-Jt. 1 FOIl EXCHANGE. $2,500 GROCERY and queenswnre stock to oxennnge ror kooii innu; goou town aim locution, urocer, Ml uoe minding. y.Mvw 11" n mu mi'iiiiukp iirt rmiuvuci! iuu mr Irani "nil Harness nun irriMi inncii cow, inn fur sale. JSu.ro to 1125.10: nniiv un premises zith anil Harrison, so. umana. lUmz U- kailm wastbu; win pxcnangp nnc lots nml two cottage under good rental; nlso lino residence. Address O 51, liee Z-M!73 12 FOIl HAI.H II HAL MST.VTI2. 8EE HKNUY 1). PAYNE, Ml N. Y. LIKE. l'OH SALE Cottase to bo moved. Imiulro 2152 hi. Mary h Ave. His 12' PAYNE-KNOX CO.. IIEADOPAUTEItS fur HEAL ESTATE HAHOAINS; LOW EST KATES on LOANS; HOl'Nl) IN Sl'IlANCE; HOUSES, FLATS, STOKES, for KENT. First floor, N. Y. Lift- Hid. FARM, 65 acres, 12 miles from Omaha; price 11,160.00 It sold tit once. Address L 19 ,Hce. KE-MMI-A-21 C. F. HARRISON, FARMS, N. Y. LIFE. ItW 1 1 J A-27' IF YOO want to buy, sell, exclmnpe or rem your property ijuick see j. it. jonn son, Sll N. Y. Life. P.E-676 HOUSES, farms. R. C. Patterson, 305 N.Y.L. KE-674 HOUSES, lots farms, lands, loans; nlso flro insurance. Minus. I'nxtnn oik. uii-tiii DEER PARK lots at 1250 to 1400. with ele- giini trees, arn snaps, wntn you soo them you will suy so. POTTER-S HOLES CO., 310 N. Y. Life. 1 115 45, 7 READ THIS; one of the besfhomos In Han- scorn 1'iaco; a rooms, large lot, goou narn, signtiy nome; party leaving city; price 17,500.00. M. J. Kennard & Son, room 310, Brown block. RE-M925 CHEAP HOMES-House, 5 rooms, full lot, city wntcr, 3u;w icmmoi m., t-ottage, u rooms, nnu lot, uaru, ii.j namii ton nt.. ti.au. spieniild lot, 66x140, facing east on sot It St., near draco St.; house, rooms, barn; great iiarcain. xi.miu. Two cottages, rooms each, near 22nd nnd Oraco Sts.. 12.000. House, 6 rooms, city water, 2117 Ohio St., wv, nireo nouses, comer 12th anil pacific Sts., pay goou reniai; price, n,2ao. House, tl rooms, near 19tlt and Custellar, Jl.OuO, Cottage and large lot. ISth near Center. $900. smiin nousc, lot 25x150 feet. corner nth and Castullnr: nrlce. 1400. Qood house, nlco condition, largo lot, Ilth and Emmett St., 11,750. W. T. UKA HAM, I!C0 HUlldlng. KE-9)-9 RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by the union Pacific Ilnllrnnil rninmmv. ft. A. McAUnster, land commissioner, Union i-acuic iieauquartcrs, umina, Nei). RE-078 VERY Cheap, three acres, enclosed chicken tiKiit tonce. nouse. stnre. narn. cnrncriu. sheds, etc.; fine shade trees. Home of late u. s, jonnson. Irvlngton. Douglas Co. Inquire E. W. Johnson, 452S Franklin St. RK-7S3 S3' FINANCIAL. SALARY LOANS! SALARY LOANS! WE HAVE BEEN CRITICISED For giving such low rates nnd easy nar- tiai payments. this uturii.a akis RIGHT, but we must loan a certuln amount of money ns soon ns posstb e re eardless of comment. WE LOAN ON YOUR NOTE: no mortgage: no indorser no publicity. Your employer or friends need not know. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., room 303, THIRD FLOOR, Paxton 1I1K WZ MEDICAL. LADIES out of health find prompt relief. uox 232, umana. Neb, connuentiai. 6S3 LADIES, Friar's French female regulator brings mommy perious reguiariy wunnui pain; $1 per box, 6 boxes for $5. Box 53ii-B, Minneapolis, annn. jiaio aepw QONOVA Is a French troatment for male and female, for tne positive quro of uon orrhoea, Gleet, Unnatural dlsoharges, In flammations, Irritations and Ulcerations of the mucous membranes. An internal remedy with Injection combined, war ranted to cure worst cases In ono week. $3 per package or 2 for $5. Sent any where on receipt of price. The Kldd Drug Co.. Klein. 111. American uiuco. retail. wholesale. Myers-Dillon Drug Co, Omaha; M. A. Dillon, South Omaha; Davis Drug Co.. Council Bluffs. Full lino rubber goods. SHOIITHAM) AND TYPKWIIITINO. A. C VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y. Llfo. -6SS BOYLES' College, court reporter principal. Beo Bldg. 13 NP:bRASKA Business and Shorthand Cot lege. Boyd's Theater. 690 GREGG Shorthand taught at the Omaha Commercial College, 16th and Douglas Sts. O'Jl OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute, 615 N. Y. Llfo Bldg.; tel. 1664: Alice Johnson, u. O.. ladles' dept.; Gld E. Johnson, Osteopathlst, Mgr, U5J M. E. DONOHUE. D. O.. of Still school KlrKsvuie, flio. wit paxton isuc. xei, isui. bill DRS. McMURRAY & MUSICK will open osteopathic onico Sept, l, Kiii-ass uee mug, A. T. HUNT. D. O. 305 Karbach. Tel. 2352, MU2S MCpili WANTED TO IlonilOW. WANTED to borrow. $1.(X0. three to live years, nt 7 per cent; no commission; on goou lmproven aoutu umana property Address u 3S, lice. ninu WANTK D-To borrow of P r'yate parties WVirJ-.12, " 1"K time; security, first mortgage on reteil residence property In good locality and In excellent condition. Address, O 49, Bee. -972-12 MAKM-mC IIEALINO. GREAT Western Institute. 1623 Douglas St chronic diseases cured; no drugs, surgery nvu THE genuine Simon Pure Weltmer Method or Magnetic Healing una llarraden s Hypnotism completo In ono volume, $2.50, rror. u, wiumms, i-iesoio, .m. -M9i3 SepS" PAWXIIKOKEHS. EAGLE Loan Ofllce. reliable, accommndnt lng; an business caniiaenuai. uui unuguis 101 IIEI.ilAN HAIIES. PEDIGREED breeders: Capt. Nemo, sooro 92H, head or pens, is. II. iieminu. St. Paul rseo. Alan A-n STOVE REPAIRS. DiiJi 1,, uirnnce, rcinge ririiiiun, vrivit-r cun- ueciions. umana atovo ucpair wnras 1207 uoug. 101 TICKET BROKER. CUT rato tickets every where. P. H. Phi bin, 1505 Farnam. Telephone 7S4, 703 LAINDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry: shirts. 7c; collars sc; onus, to. iiw i.eavenwortn. tci. uii 703 IIAIIIIIT METAL, FRICTIONLESS. II. S. Mann. 17 Com Nit'I Bk. -51719 A31 DIIESSMAKINC. DRESSMAKING. McDonald. 1612 Cap, ave :ii; mi DENTIST. DR. M1TTELSTADT, 331 Bee bid. Tel. 1115. 13 A10 rYPEW'HTEHS. TYPEWRITERS, becondhand. 1116 Farnam V.TST 10, 1000. Till XK F ICTOIiy. TRUNKS, traveling hnss. suit rates Trunks repaired urn. Trunk Factory, 1209 Farn 'in Ft HM I t RE REP llRINtL ACKINO. upholstering, mattrt'ss, feather renovating Tel 1331. M. S. Walkln 111 Cuming St. (a,. C, II PUNTERS AND JOIIBERS. LL kinds of enrpenter work nnd repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20th and Lake Sts. . 370 IIIKDS AM) TA.VIDIIIIMV, STOCK'S Hlrd Store. 1603 Leavenworth (IN 7 FARMS FOR RENT. CHOICE 252-iure farm, within 2 or 3 mnes or pacKiiiR nouses, south utfinna londlns station on farm; t&0. Hotnls P.txton block. 103 .STAMMER I X(l AM) STUTTEUIXO. CITRED. Julia Vaughan, 430 Ramge Hldg, SNN ENGINE. BOILERS ETC. C. Sharp Much. Wks.; motors, dynamos. -ow D-HAND machinery bought and sold for casu. a. p. tsiy it to., mo uougias st. -700 STORAGE PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., 911- an Jones, generni storugo unn rorwardlng. -C32 Om. Van Stor. Co., 1511'S Farn. Tols. 1559-S63, 33 MESSENGER SERVICE. O. M. S. Tel. 2022. 307 So. 10 St. 705 HOTELS. HENDERSON, 11.00 per tiny houso: hoard j.uu to a wecK. ym and Farnam, tel, 1246. -M73S SI MAGNETIC HEALING. GREAT Western Institute, 1623 Douglas St., cmuiuc uiseasca cured; no drugs, surgery. -MI22 POSTOFFIC1S .tOTICK. (Should bo rend DAILY bv all Interested. ns chau'tes may occur at any time.) Fordctl malls for tlie U'nnU ntullliir Antrim! 11, 1000, will close (PROMPTLY In nil cases) at the General Postofllco ns follows: PAR CELS POST MAILS close one hour enrller man closing time shown below. Parcels Post Malls for Gerinnnv clone nt K 11. m Monday, Tuesday nnd Wednesday. Trnim-A t Innllc Mails. SATURDA Y At 7 u. m. for EUROPE, p?r s. s. Alter, via Cherbourg and Southamp ton (mall must be directed "per s. s. Alter"); at 8 a. m. for NETHERLANDS, per s. s. Amsterdam, via Rotterdam (moll must uo directed "per s. s. Amsterdam ), in iu 11. m. inr Buu n.ANW direct, per s. s. Anchorla (mall iniist be directed "tier s. s Anchorl!": at 11:30 (suiiplementary 1 p. m.) for EUROPD, per s. s. Campania, viii vneiiaiuvi 11. PRINTED MATTER. ETC.-Thls steamer " iTinmi .Matter, l ommerclal l'apers nnd Samples for Germany onlv. The snme class of mall matter for other parts ui curope win not oe sent by tins shir Unless snfpliillv illrnntn.l Itv 1, After tho closing of the supplementary i in nun nn in in AiniiH n-iini.ii finni.-n n,in. tlonal supplementary malls ure opened on the piers of the American, English, iTcnch uml German t-toamcrs. nnd remain open until within Teh Minutes of tho nuur ot sailing or steamer. MnllH for South nntl Central Amerlcn, west Mullen. i;te. FRIDAY At 2:30 n. m. for NEWFOUND LAND. Her s. .1. Siberian, from Tihlln.lnl. mint: nt i n. in. ror iauita nm riiii. ORACIAS, per s. s. Orlgen (mnll for .iiiinnicn, uciize. Puerto Cortez and Guatemala must bo directed "per s. s, Orlcpn"). SATURDAY At 7 a. m. for LA PLATA COUNTRIES, per s. s. Bellarden; at 10 n. in. (supplementary ju:30 n, m.) for 1NAGI A and HAITI, per h. s. Andes; at 10 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a, tn.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. 8 A VA NILLA and CARTHAGENA. per s. s, Altai (mall for Costa Rica must bo directed "per s. s Altai"); nt 10 a. m (supplementary 10:30 n. m.) for PORTO RICO. CURACAO nnd VENEZUELA, per s. s. Caracas (mall for S.ivanllla nnd Cnrtharenn must bp directed "pur s. s. Caracas"); at 11 n. m, for GRENADA and TRINIDAD, per H. s. Grenndn. at 11 a. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Mexico, via Haynnn: at 1 n. m. for MATANZAS. UH' NUEV1TA8, (11BAKA ami BARACOA, per s. s. Curltyba (ordinary mall nnlr which must bo directed "per s. s. Curltybn"). Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North ";"' i "ii" niuiiii- iiy steamer, cioso nl this ofllce dally at S:30 p. tn. (connecting closo hero every Monday. Wednesday and Saturday). Malls for Mlquolon. by rail to Boston, nml thence by steamer. clos at this ofllce dally at S:3u p. ni. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Fla and thiince by slenmer, cloe at this offlco dally (except Monday) at "7 n, m. (tho connecting closes are on Sunday, Wednes day nnd Friday. Malls for Mexico City, overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, close nt this ofllce dally at 2:30 a. m. and 2:30 p. m. Malls for Costa Rica, Belize, Puerto Cortez and Ountemoln, by rail to New Orleans, nnd thenco by steamer, close at this office dally at '3 p. m. (connecting closes here Tuesdays for Costa ltlcu and Mondays for Belize, Puerto Cortez and Ountemala). Registered mall closes at 6 p. m, pro vloui day. TrniiM-Pni'ltln Mulls, Malls for Hawaii, .Japan, China nnd Phil ippine islands, via San Francisco, closo, hero dally ut 6:30 p, ni. up to August 6th, inclusive, for dispatch per h, s. City of Pekln Malls for China find Japan, via Vancouvpr, closo hero dally at 6:30 p. m. up tn August 14th, Inclusive, for dis patch per s. s. Empress of Japan (regis tered mall must be directed "via Van couver"). Mulls for Hawaii. Julian. Chlnt nnd Philippine Islands, via Snn Fran cisco, close hero dally at 0:30 p. nt. up to August ,,16lh, Inclusive, tor dispatch per h. h. uaeiic. sinus tor Hawaii, via Ban l,rn nnlnr-11 plnsn linrn ilnllv lit R-.flfl n. in up to August 17th, Inclusive, for dis patch per s, h. Australia. Malls for Aus tralia (except West Australia, which goes via Europe, nnd New Zealand, which goes via San Francisco), and Fill Islands. via Vancouver, closo hero ilnlly at 6:30 I, ni. up lo August ISth, Inclislve, for dispatch per h. s. Anrungl. Malls for Australia (except west Australia). New Zealand, Hnwnll, FIJI und Sumonn lNlands. via Sim Francisco, close hero dally at 6. no p. m. after August "lSlh and up to September 1st, Inclusive, or on day of arrlvnl of h, b. Campania, duo at New York September 1st, for dispatch per n. n. .iiuripusu. . Transpacific malls nre forwarded to port of sailing dally nnd the schedulo of clos ing li arranged on tho presumption ot tneir ui'iiiierrtipien overland transit Roglslered mall closes nt 6 p. tn. pre vious day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Postmaster. Postollhe. New York, N. Y., August 3, num. tiOVEHNMEXT NOTICE. P R O P O HALS FOR 8UI1SI8TENCI' Stores nnd Property Office purchas lng Commissary of Subslstancc. Omaha Neb.. August 3. !nv. Sealed proposals, sub Jeet to the usual conditions, will bo rn celved at this ofllce until 10 o'clock n. ni August 13. lunn, at which time and plan they will ln publicly opened for furnlshliu hiiliMlHteni'o stores anil nronerlv. as follows purs, sugar, cuiiiiun gi'iiun, eir. rreierencu RAILWAY TIME TAHLIJ. BURLINGTON & MIS sourl River HallronJ- "Tho Burlington Route"-. General Ulhit-s. N. W. Cortmr Tenth nnd Farnam HIS Ticket Ofllce, 1501 Farnam street. Telephone. 250. Burlington station, 'lentn and Mason Streets. Tilt-phone, i:s. lave. Arrive, Lincoln Ha-tlnzs and McCooK. ( i'M am a 7:35 pm Lincoln. Denver, voni lliriilll. ivrn,-,. v.-- rnrio. Utah. Cnl fori! a a 4:2a nm a 3:00 pm a 3:0o nm will be given to articles or dornestle pro (liictlon Hlank proposals and speiillcntlons can be obtained at this ollico. H. K WEST, Purchasing Commissary. A3-4-0-7-10-1I51 WCMaaafcaaa Lincoln & Hlaik Hills. .a 9:30 pm Montana. Puget Sound. .a 9:30 pm Lincoln Fast Mall a 3:(w pm Denver. Colorado, Utah k California a Dally, a 6;45 am u 10:55 am a t;l5 am RAILWAY TIMF. CAItl). KANSAS CITV. ST. Jo seph & Council Blurts Hmlrond "The Hurllng f !i Route' Tliket Olll c, 1.-C3 Farnam street Tele phone. 250. Depot, Tenth nnd Mason stteets. Tele phone, 12S, t a., t.n A rrl Knnsas Cltv Dav Ex a s.50 nm n 6:10 pm Kansas City Nig. t Ex .al0:15 pin a 6:15 am St, I culs Flyer for St Joseph and St Louis a 4:5fi pm all:l5 am a D-ilir CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & Qulnry Rallro.td-"TllO lltirllngton Route-'--Ticket Ofllce. 1502 Fnmam St. Tel. 250. Depot. Tenth ,t Mason Streets Tclcphono, 12S Ix?avc. wVrrlve. Daylight Chicago Spec- ciai . . MW Hill Peoria Exnres n 9.15 nm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex a 4:00 pm a 7:45 am Chl-ago Loin I Express, a s:50 ,im a 4:05 pit Chicago Limited ... a 7:45 pm u 7:13 nm Pacini1 .itinciion iicai aio:u am Pacini' Junction Extra n 7 M pm Fast Mall a 2:15 pm ft Dally NiO.N PACII'K. -- I'll F OVER, lnnd Homo" General Olllces, N. E. Cor. Ninth nnd Farnam streets. City Ticket OfTlcp, 1321 Farnam street Telephone. 816 Depot. Tenth and Mason Sts, leiepnone, ii.v Leavo. Arrive, a 7:36 pm n 715 pm a 3:25 pm a 6:50 am a 4:35 pm The Overland Limited. .n i:20 am Tho Chicago-Portland Special u S:20 am The Fast Mall . 8:50 am The Colorado Special . all:35 pm The Fast Mall Lincoln, Beatrice inn Stromsburg Express. .b 4:10 pm bl2:2S pm Tne p.icinc express . .a pin The Atlantic Express... Grand Island laical b 5:30 pm a Dally b Dally except Sunday n 6:50 am b 9:50 nm OMAHA ST. LOUIS RAIL road -Omaha. Kansas City Eastern Railroad "The if t ai t aaf laMiatWaaT gulncy Route"- Ticket Of fice, 1115 Farnam Street. Telephone. 322. Depot, Tenth and Mnrcy Streets. Tele phone, 629. Tjiavh. Arrive. St. Iuls Cannon Ball Express n 6:0a pm a 8:20 am Knnsns City and Qulncy Loca. a 7:00 am a 9:00 pm a Dallv CHICAGO Jfc NORTH western Railway 'Thu Northwestern Line" City Ticket Onico, 1401 Fiirnam Ktreut. Tele phore, 561. Depot, Tenth nnd Mason sis. reie phone, 629. Daylight Chicago Leave. Arrive. Spe- clal Chlcnco Passenger a i.w am a 4:15 pm 1111:3') pm a 8:40 am Bnstcrn isxpress. lies Moines. Marshalltown, Cedar Rapids and Chi cago al0:53 am Eastern Limited, Chi cago and East a 1:55 pm Fnst Mall, Chicago to Oinnha Oninhu-Chlcago Special. u 7:45 pm Fnst Mall u Dallv. a 4:05 pm a 4:0u pm a 2:45 pm a s:k) pm a 8:30 am FREMONT. ELKHORN S Missouri Vallev Railroad "Tho NortliWi-Mtern Lino" General Olllces, United States National Bank Bldg., 8, W. Cor. Twelfth nnd Fnrnnm Sts. Ticket Ofllce, 1401 Farnam St. Telephone, &oi. Depot, tain and Webster sis. Tele til phone, 1458. Lfuvc. Arrive. Btark Hills. Dead wood. Hot Springs a 3:00 pin a 5:00 pm Wyoming, Caspur und Douglas d 3:00 pm e 6:00 pm Hastings, torn, unvia Cltv. Superior. Geneva. Exeter und Sewnrd . .b 3:00 pm b 5:00 pm NorroiK, vcruigre nnu Fremont b 7:30 nm b!0;25 am Lincoln, vtanoo Fremont h 7:30 nm blO:r am Fremont locui c i:30nm .1 Dally b Dally except Sunduy. c Sun ,luy only, d unity except aalurduy. o Dally except Monday. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL Minneapolis & Omalia llnflvnv "Tlie Vnrtll. western Line" General Ofllees, Nebraska Divi sion, 15th nnd Webter Sts, Cltv Ticket Ofllce. 1101 Fnrnnm St. Telephone 561. Depot, 15th nnd Webster sts. Leave. Arrive. Tuln rilv Pnsseitircr. ..a 6:00 am it 9:10 nm Omaha Passenger uu:iu um Sioux city Norm- rt-,t Voiiruuiin a nifsn nm Onklat.d Local b 5:15 pm b 8:15 am a Dally b Dally except aunuay. IOUX PITY PACIFIC Railroad "The North western Line" General Offices. United States National Bank Building, S. W. Comer Twelfth and Farnam Sts. Ticket Ofllce. 1401 Farnam St, Telephone 661. Do pot, Tenth nnd Mason -Sts. Telephone, O. Leave. Arrive. I'wln City Hxpra.. ...a 6-55 am al0:50 pm ruin City Limited a 7-35 nm a S:15 am Sioux City Locai a S:09 am u 4:20 pm a uany. L L I N O I 8 CENTRAI Railroad, city Ticket Of llce. UK F.irnam street Telephone. 245. Depot icnin aim .Mason streeto, 37tRoS Leave. Arrive Uhlcngo Express all:10 am n 4:05 pm a 7:45 pm a 8:15 um cnicago Limited . Minneapolis anu Paul Express ... Minneapolis and St. b 7:00 am b 9:10 pm St. a 7:43 pm a 8:15 am Paul Limited ... Fort Dodge !ocal from Council Blurts b 4:30 pm b 10:15 nm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO, ROCK ISL and & Pnclllu Railroad "The Great Rock Isl and Routo." City Tick ot Oltlce, 1323 Farnam Street. Telephone. 428, Depot, Tenth & Mason Streets. Telephone 629 lycnve. Arrive. Dps Moines and Davcn ion Local a t:2j am bll:35 am a 8:10 am a 1:25 pin a 7:00 pm Chicago Express 1)11:15 am Chicago Fnst isxpress. n &:ij pm Lincoln and Falrbury . .a 8:30 um Lincoln. Colorado Spgs., uenver. I'uenio ana West a 1:30 pm a 1:15 pm Dcs Molnett, Hook isl and and Chicago a 7:15 nm a 5:50 pm a 9:16 am Colorado & Texas Flycr.a 6:55 nm a Dally, u Dully except aunuay. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL road General Olllces and Ticket olllces Southeast Cor ner 11th nnd Douglas Sts Telephone 104. Depot Union sinuon. Leave. & ...dlO.OO am Leave. ...al0:10 pm Arrive. St. Isolds, Kansas Nebraska Limited IC. C. St. L. Explfsa a 6:30 pm Arrive, a 6:1a am Iavo from 15th Webster Sts.. KTr.l...o1... I n..nl und nil lion. 1-iii.mi r Via Weeping Water b 4:15 pm ulo:45 nm a Dally, o uany except ounaay CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE ft at. pain nan way (juy trlrtlAt I1ttl,-n IPnrnnm Htreel,. Telephone 234. Depot Tenth and Mason Streets. Telcpnone t,2a. t:iv Arrive flilniin T.lmll,.,! I!i n B'fi1 nm a 8:05 nm Chicago & Omaha Ex .b 7:15 am b 3:55 pm a Daily o uauy except aunaay. WABASH RAILROAD ff;.X.?-l Ticket Ofllce, 1501 Farnam DW.'MIIQIUM Street. Ti- eohone 895. De tMljMUMHX nt. Tenth and Marcy Streets. Telnhone fi23. Leavo. Arrive. Express .'- n 6:05 pm a 8:20 am a Dally. FIND JAMES GILUGAN'S BODY Iti-miiliis of (In- Biy Who Wit Driivtnril Willie HnlliltiK DIs-(ni-rcd ut RHIevue. The body of James Ollllgan, tho 0-year-old boy who was drowned while bathing In the Missouri river last Tuesday, was found lat Wednesday afternoon near Ilellovuo, nearly ten miles below tho point where he was last seen nllve. Tho body has been Identified by the boy's fathor nnd will bo brought back lo Omaha for hurlnl. An Inquest will be held by tho coroner of Barpy county. Mothers endorse It, children like It, old folks uso It- We refer to Ono Minute Cough Cure. It will quickly cure all throat and lung troubles, M'.LmwEEl t. JAXSANS HARRY IN HASTE Young anil Nervous Ooupln from Lawrence Mnted by County Judge. YOUTHFUL GROOM SHOWS FEAR OF PURSUIT ere in on Is llnsllly 4 oncliulril anil Wcililril Pnlr llurrj' lionril ! Iiniiliil Trnlti Aui'leiil llrliN Kriinni front l)es Mnlnes. Alfred S. Un ward and Miss Laura Dovfen f Lawrence. Kan., very oung atirT very nervous, presented tlicnikclvf s tcforo County tidge Vlnsonlialer yesterday and asked to bo married. The groom said that he had ust arrived from the Kansas town. He Inquired when the next train would coma n from tho same direction. His manner suggcstel fear of pursuit. Tho marriage clerk lmd suspicions that b as about to aid nnd abet nn elopement nuJ urstloned the r.wonl closely. Mr. Howard aid ho was employed hi the court house at anrcticc nnd stood In high favor with Miss Ilowcn's parents. He und simply preferred coming to Omnhn, he said somewhat un easily, by way of a novelty. He failed to xplaln why ho had not been married befors o started. Howard then made aflldavlt that o was over 21 years of age and J. C. Whar- on, an attorney who happened to be pres- nt, was Impressed ns a witness. "You're not getting tno Into any trouble, aro you?" asked Mr. Wharton anxiously of tho groom. I guess they can't hurt you any," re sponded Howard. "You look pretty ath letic." Tho Kansas youth and his hrldo then went o the depot and boarded a westbound trulu. They are stylishly dressed and apparently of nrlstoerntlc connections. Another Interesting marriage license was ssued yesterday to William McMillan. 2 years old, and Mrs, C. M. Gammon, 60 ears old, both of Dcs Moines. While tho marriage clerk was easily convinced of the mature age of tho parties' concerned the In- Ident of tho Kansas youth had given n ro mantic cast to his thoughts, The groom as sured tho clerk, however, that the union met with tho approbation of all parties con cerned nnd tho Ilreiifo was granted. Tho ceremony was performed by Ilcv. W. M. :hasc. CAREER OF JOHN ADAMS COLE lili'iimi Engineer In Snld in lie Fit nnd Worthy Person In Vlx Value of Wntcr Work Property. An examination of the catalogue ot tbs American Society of Civil Engineers shows that John Adams Cole, who Is being consid ered by the city council (iia an engineer to place an estimate upon the value of the Omaha water works, became a full member of that society March 7. 1S9I. He la also trentiiircr of tho water company at Terra Haute, Ind., n corporation with a cupltal tuck of $500,000. Ills ofllce Is In the Old Colony building In Chicago, wbcro he makes his headquarters. Tho American Society of Civil Engineers has a total membership of 2,221, this num ber Including nil nssocliito and junior mem- hern. There are only five members of tho association in Nebraska, three cf that num ber being In Omaha. Counclltiien Ilascall, Trostler and Mount hnvo frequently noticed Mr. Cole's adver tisements In the Engineering News, Scien tific American nnd other periodicals and after Inquiry became convinced that he Is capable nnd a desirable man to Investigate the water plant. "He Is an engineer of wide reputation and linn had much experience Vlth hydraulic work," Mr. Ilascall said of Mr. Cole. "He Is accumtomtl to working with such ma chinery as Is required for water plants nnd I feel confident that ho has the technical knowledge required to furnish the council with the Information It dtriircs. Of course I will not support the man If any good reason enn be uhowu why he should not be selected." CLEVER FORGER !S AT WORK Smnll Itclnll Mcrolinnts Imlneed tn (null (iii-i-I.N Hint Prove In He Worthless. A clover swindler, who for the last two days has been busily engaged In passing forged chpcks upon clgnr dealers and other Einnll letall merchants, Is still at large, and tho police are looking for him. A half dozen victims have complained ot him thus far, and It Is supposed that others will be heard from later. Tho crook, who la described ns a man of medium stature, dark and drcKbcd In u bluo suck suit with straw- lin, signs tho naiuo E. E. Bruce, Jr., to his checks. His scheme Is to call for a cigar, tendering the "paper" In payment. Moat of tho checks thus far received at tho bank huvn been for sums ranglug between $10 und $2S, Ho numbers among his dupes Ed Picker ing, tho Schlltz beer garden, William Al stailt, Morltz Meyer, Oscar Klpllngcr uud othurs. MRS.M'GUIRK FELLED BY CLOCK Brother Snld to Ilntc I'seil Violent Mel boil tn Collect Mone lint tefed Timepiece Still HiiiiN. A complaint hnu been filed against John Sullivan, a mattress muker, by Mm, Anna McGulrk. his slater, churglng him with as sault with Intent to do great bodily Injury. Mm. McGulrk lives ut 1609 Hurt street. Sho says John called at nor home about 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon and, bi-catiho he re fused to glvo blm money, throw an alarm clock at hor, strkltig her on tho head und knocking her down. Sullivan plead 1 not guilty when ar raigned yiKtcrdny nnd hlH cuso was jet for hearing Friday afternoon. The clock, which haw been marked "Exhibit A," will bo ofTerJd In evidence. Though badl)- bat tered, It Ih Htlll running. USES TOO MANY BARRELS Woiiiiiii'h ( lull "White WIiibV Hnu n CIiinIi mIIIi Hip Street Coiii inlsnliiiier. Tho man In white, whom the Woman's club employs to keep Sixteenth street cleau between Farnam street und Cnpltol avenue, hns had a clash with tho street commis sioner and there Is now a prt-slhllity that Sixteenth street will be deprived of Its "whlto wings." When Colonel Warlng's. upostlo was net to work tho city furnished him with u blue barrel and other necebtary tools. Later on u second barrel was fur nished tho man, who explained that n wagon bad run over tho first one. But when he rnmo back with u tnlo of woo und sought a third bluo barrel, tho street commissioner turned him down hard and refused to allow him to huvo uto of city tools. The American WnrklHiiniau, Much comparison has been made between tho enduranco of the Chinese and the American worklngman, TIiobo with author ity to speak say that the average working man of America Is iib superior tn the Chi nese as Hosteller's Stomach Hitters is to any other dyspepsia cure. Tho Hitters does not claim to cure everything, but It does cure constipation, Indigestion, dyspep sia, biliousness, liver and kidney troublts, and prevents malaria, fever and ague. W vi' i i