THE OMAHA "DATLV BEE: PUTT) AY, Al'(UTST 10. 11)00. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL MI.MIIt MK.VrtON. I . Davl.1 toll Klftfls. "M Itlley." S-cont clttur. Tonight. 'The Merry MllHl. Why not omokc the Why cigar? 11. M. Leffert, optician, ZK U'way. Oa fixtures and Klobvs at Itlxby'a. ISudweiecr beer. L. Koflenfold. accnt. Fine A. JJ. C. beer, Ncumayer'n hotel. Dr. Htephoniion. 101 Pearl Ht. Tel. J. Hchmldt'ii photoa. new and latei-t ftyles. You get the best dinners at the Vienna. Hlley. best photographer. VI llroadway. J. C. & W. Woodward, architects, SS Hdy. W. K. Lewis cll monuments. 311 U way. Scientific optician at Woolrnan', 400 U'way. Campaign pictures and buttons. C. E. Alexander k Co . 233 Broadway. J. U. Proctor him returned from a visit with his son at McCook. Neb. Get your work done at the popular Basle laundry, "31 llroadway. 'I'hone 157. W. (7. Kstn. undrtaker, Z Pearl street. Telephones: Office. 97; residence, 33. C. W. I.lxon loft yesterday for a two weeks' trip to the Michigan lakes. The price of g$ In Council Uluffs has ben reduced from J1.7S 1") to 11.43 l.W). It. K. Whitchurch of Chleaso Is the guest of James N. fuBudy, Jr.. of Oakland avenue W. V. Oraff. undertaker and licensed em balmer. 101 South Main street. Phone 5", John Clausen Is seriously III with typhoid fever at his residence on Pierce utreet. The rerfilar meeting of Mvrtle lodcc No. IS, Decree of Honor, will be held this evenlns. The regular meetlnz of council enrap No. 14, Woodmen of the World, will be hold this cvenln-. Miss Myers, daughter of Sherman M. Myers. jwatmater at Anita, lu., Is In the city vlsltlnr friends. Tho nrand Session P.oys' Uasc Hall club beat tho First A'venue club yesterday by a score of 2i to 17. New and second-hand furniture, stoves, carpets and houne furnishing bought and sold. J. Stein & Co.. "II Went Hroadwny. The additional rnall carrier, which is to be added to tho local force October 1. will be assigned to duty In the Implement dis trict. All Woodmen havlns tickets for "A Night In Woodcraft" pleus make their re turns at once to Dell O. Morgan, clerk of council cam?. The case against James Molznhn. charged with assaulting Ambrose Smith, was con tinued In Jisilcn Terrier's court yester day until next Tuesday. Members of Federal Labor union No. W re requested to meet at their hall this afternoon at 1 o'clock sharp to attend tho funeral of the late Soren Chrlstensen. Charles V. Smith nnd It. L. Ashberry. the two deserters from Fort Creek, were taken back there yesterday afternoon by Detectlvo Wclr and OHicer John Smith on orders received by telegraph from Major Duggan. Archie A., the 14-year-old son of Mr. nnd Mrs. It. A. Stevenson of Lewis township, died yesterday. The fjnernl will be held this afternoon nt 2 o'clock from the resi dence and Interment will be Walnut IIIII cemetery. S. I. Ofllnger. representing n so-called medical Institute of Boston. Mass , was ar rested yesterday afternoon by Ofliccr Calla han for distributing obscene literature. He gave ball for his appearance In police court this morning. Harry Johnston, proprietor of a Sixteenth nveniie tmlnnn. was assessed JIO and costs In nollce court yesterday morning for mcklfHH ilrlvln". After mldnlzht ednes day Johnson made n V)ur of the city, driv ing his team at a ciwitl gallop until the horses were nearly ready to drop from exhaustion. Olllcer Walklngton corralled the outllt near the Kiel hotel The police were called again last tdght to the saloon at tho corner of Twenty-llrst and nroadwny, where u light was reported to be In progress. Ily the time the police ar rived on the scene, however, the brawlers had disappeared. There have lit-en a num ber nf nrr-iiiuM tights In this saloon recently nnd Chief of Police Albro threatens to close the place If the police are cancu mere again. The coming of the Ilackman Comedy , company at the uonany ineater next nun day and nil of next week Is a theatrical event In midsummer that Is a rare thing for western cities the size of Council Bluff. It will doubtless have no occasion to regret visiting this city and with u ' repertoire of oxcellent plays will certainly be greeted with crowded houses at each performance. Property owners on First avenue are 'complaining because the motor company since Ith consolidation with the Suburban . Ilnn hns failed to remove the rails that wero scattered along that thoroushfare. The rails In many places prevent the prop erty owners from driving up to the curb in front of their lots. Chairman Huher of the streets and allhys committee has notltlcd the motor company to remove the rallH without rurttier ueiny. N. Y. Plumbing Co.. telephone 230, Commonwealth 10-ceni cigar. com; a coi.k's toiu: scoitciir.n. rirrniPii llnve 11 Lively llnttle with n lllnxc lit i lliirdvurr Stock. Tho fire department was called out yes terday morning shortly after 1 o'clock to thehardwaro store of Colo & Cole on South MnTri street, where a smull blare had started in tho repair shop in the rear of the second P.oor. While no flames were visible rienso smoke was pouring out from tho root. The rear of tho building Is protected by heavy iron shutters and tho flremon hail hard work forcing them open. Onco nit entrance was effected Into tho storo tho blazo was soon gotten under control. Tho damago was confined to tho southeast corner, whoro the tin shop Is located. This room was badly scorched and part of the root burned. Tho stock on tho lower floor was somewhat damaged by smoke. Two hours aftor tho firemen had left the building a still alarm was sent In calling them back, ns tho roof was found to be still smouldering. The causo of tho Are Is not known, but is supposed to havo started from a tinner's flrepot or from spontaneous combustion among somo oil rngs. A largo ran of gnsollno and a magazine ot gunpowder were In close proximity to tho flames, but neither exploded. The damage, which Is estimated at about ?S00. S cov ered by Insurance. II. A. Cole, resident member ot tho firm. In token at bis appreciation ot tho prompt work of tho firemen, presented Chief Tem plctcn with a J.' goldplcce and K'O to be divided among the men who wero at tbo Are. For Snlo. A largo piece of fruit land, partially Im proved, near Florence; will divide to suit purchasers. C. F. HAIUHSON & GEO, T MORTON. 91.1 N Y Life. Tel nil. EVERY PfiSR OF HAMILTON'S $3.50 SHOES Is Worrnntod. 412 BROADWAY FARM LOANS Negotiated in fc.tu.lvrn -rmrka nd lona. Jamea N. CaaaJy, Jr., M11 1 11 rft t'mncll I"urt MONEY TO L0ANi""P"!y Savlnis Loan and Building Associate Council Bluffs, lows. BLUFFS. PASSES IT BACK TO COUNCIL Street Commissioner f cores a Logical Point in Present Dispute. HARDEN IS NOT IN A RESIGNING MOOD .SukktrIi Thnt If lliirmniiy MuM I1i llnd Tlint Holier lie ALed to ilc t'p Hip Streets mid Allfjs L'oiunilttcc. City Clerk Phillips formally notified Street Supervltor John M. Harden jeaterdny aft ernoon that the city council would like to have him hand In bis resignation before next .Monday evening. t'p to last night, however. Harden bad not decided whether to comply with tho request of the council or not. As the matter now stands Harden has iomewhat the better of It. Under the ordinance creating the office the street com- mits.oner or supervisor cannot be dlschurg J except for cause and not until after charge! have been preferred and an Investigation held, If so demanded. The Investigation held Wednesday night by the council resulted In a dismissal of the charges filed by Alderman Huber, chair man of the streets and alleys committee, and Harden was practically exonerated o( all wrongdoing or incompetency. Now, should he refuse to tender his resignation, as requested by the council, the latter body cannot summarily dismiss htm. In order to remove him from the office It would be necessary to flic another batch of charges, hold an Investigation and find him guilty of them. This, It is conceded, would look rather strange, following as It would the acquittal of Harden Wednesday night. Harden, when teen yesterday, was inclined to refuse to file his resignation. He said "It certainly does not look fair to me. The council found that the charges made by Huber wero without foundation and ac quitted me. Why, then, should It want me to roslgn the position? If the council Is so anxious for harmony, why docs It not request Alderman Huber to resign as chair man of the streets and alleys committee? If the charges had not been dismissed when they were and I had been forced to put in evidence to rebut the testimony of Huber's witnesses there would have been some dls closures that would have been far from complimentary to the chairman of the streets and alleys committee. Unlets he gets tho man he wants in as street com mlssloncr my successor. If I should resign vlll have the same trouble that I ex- ! perlenced." j , Saturday, August 11, will be the opening I day for the fall style of the Youman's Hat at Metcalf & Metcalf's. MOt'HMM; FOIl MAJOIl CnSI(i.KY, Ilentli of 11 Well Knoirn Cltlm of Avocn I.rnriird Tilth Henret. The news of tho death of Major K. A. Conslgney of Avoca Thursday night at Manltou, Colo., after a short Illness, came c3 a great surprise and shock to bis many friends In this city, where he has taken a prominent part in republican politics in Pottawatomie county, and he was a familiar figure at all the gatherings and conentlons of the party In this vicinity. Eugene A. Conslgney was the son of An tolne P. L. Conslgney and grandson of LouU do Conslgney, a French voyageur, who ccttled In Montreal, Canada, In 1790. Com pelled to flee from Canada In 1S37, as a re sult of the civil war there, Antolne Con slgney settled In Vermont and thero mar ried, but after the cessation of hostili ties returned to Canada, where, at St. Cesalre, Lower Canada, E. A. Conslgney, his eldest son, wan born, May 15, 1841. At the death of his father, E. A. Coji3lgney was compelled to relinquish his studied for tho legal profession and cuter upon a business career. He became connected with the firm of Jewett & Harnett In Swan ton. Vt., representing tho interests of his cousin, the Junior partner, who was serv ing lu tho union army In the war of tho rebellion. Ho was offered a commission by Colonel Barney, but preferred to enlist as a pri vate In Company M, First Vermont vol unteers. With his regiment he was Im mediately ordered to tho front and waH In the battles and skirmishes of Fairfax, Drancsvllle, Winchester, Lynchburg, Get t)sburg, Fisher's Hill, Wilderness, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, Five Forks and Ap pomattox. Ho was present at Lee's sur render and as adjutant of his regiment led the last cavalry charge of the eastern urmy. He was promoted from private to sergeant after his first tew months of service. Ho received a commission as second lieutenant and for meritorious service on the battlo field was promoted to first lieutenant and later adjutant of the regiment. At the closo of the war he came to Iowa, sottltng In Dubuque, but two years later removed to Cascade. Ja., where ho was married to Miss Casslo flenham, who sur vives him. In 1S72 he removed to Avoca, where he engaged In tho grain business. He was a member of tho Knights ot Pythias, Grand Army of tho Republic and Loyal Legion and was at ono time depart ment commander of the Grand Army of the Ilepubllc in Iowa. Tho funeral, notice of which will be given later, will be held from tho family residence In Avoca, to which place the remains will be brought from Colorado. Saturday. August 11. will bo the opening day for the fall Myle ot the Youman's Hat at Metcalf & Metcalf's. llucU from (a nip, Company I., Kitty-first regiment, Iowa National Uimrd, returned yesterday after noon from u week'a encampmcut at Ked Oak. Tho boys, with few exceptions, were In the best of trim, although they IiaiI upunt a weok of hard drilling and tha weather had been nearly as hot as In the Philippines. Tho boys of Company L were royally entertained by Company M during the week, these two companies having formed an Indissoluble friendship during their stay In tho Philippines. Vednesda was devoted to n reunion of the raumbcrn of tho old Flfty-flrst regiment, Iowa volun teers, nnd nbout 200 of the boys who went through tho Phlllppluo campaign were Iti attendance. On Wednesday evening the Iowa Society of the Army of the Philippines wob or ganized, with the following oltlccrs: Pres. Ident. Meutonnnt and Assistant Surgeon Don Macrae, Jr.. of Council Uluffs: llrst vlco president. Major John T, (tune of lies Moines; snwond vice president, Cap tain Jospph P. Davidson of Mnulla; re cording secretary, Colonel Markey of Ilea Oak; corresponding seiretnry. Corpora) Umerson of Atlantic; treasurer. Musi' Inn Tubbs of tho Klfly-flrst UcglMeata, band. Surgeon Knlrchlld of Clinton was cleard chairman ot the delegation to the national association, which meets In Denver next week. Next year brigade encampment will be held nnd encouraging assurances were received that It would be held In Council Uluffs. The reunion of the Flft- flrst Iowa volunteers will be held where ever the encampment Is. Saturday. August 11. will be the opening day for the fall style of the Youman's Hat nt Mctcalf & Mctcnlfs. mil!! I'AltTV IIIITII IIIMI lll(illl. AVli'l.liiitu Tell Hon lie (iot (Into III Coiiiiirtltor' FlKtirrn, H. A. Wlckham, who was awarded the contract for the paving of the group of streets embraced In the third resolution at the meeting of the city council Wednesday night, denies in toto tho charge made by George F. Hushes, one of the unsuccessful bidders, that his bid was surreptitiously opened and his figures made known to him (Wlckham). City Clerk Phillips, in whose custody the bids were. Is fomewhat indig nant that his Integrity should be questioned after his many years service with the city. The bids were locked up In the vault in the clty clerk's office and were not disturbed until tnken by Mr. Phillips to the council meeting. He scouts the Idea that any per son could have tampered with the bids. Wlckham (.173 he obtained information as to what would probably be the bid of Hughes In a perfectly legitimate manner through a third person who claimed to be figuring with Hughes on the contract. While the contract was awarded to Wlck ham on hU bid, the council failed to deter mine whit kind of brick would be used. Al derman Drown suggested that Gale-burg block with Council Uluffs brick bottom course be uacd, properly owners on Mynster street and Harrison street have filed petitions asking that In the event of these streets being paved this year Council Bluffs brick bo used for both top and bottom courses. The Interested prop erty owners on Harrison street asked that the paving on their street be put over un til next year. The council will meet Monday night, at wblcb time the kind of brick will be selected and the contract as drawn up by the city attorney submitted. The contract for the curbing of the streets thus ordered Improved will be also let at the meeting Monday night. Nelson & Olsen of this city are the lowest bidders on arti ficial stone curbing, their figures being 26 cents per lineal foot for cash and 2"H cents for certificates. Gravel roofing. A. H. Read, G41 Broadway. Tired nf Iter llumliiinil, W. L. Harmon, a telegraph operator em ployed at the stock yards In Chicago, ar rived In the city yesterday morning In search of his wife, Mrs. Ida Harmon, who left her home In Chicago last week In company with n woman named Mrs. Eva Nordan, alias Eve Fisher. Harmon, when he sought the aid of the local authorities to locate his erring spouse, said he had reason to believe she left Chicago In 1 company with a piano player. The two women wore found at a resort I on Broadway and last evening were taken ' Into custody on the charge of vagrancy. ! They had been at the resort slnco last .Sunday. Harmon at once put up $20 for! his wife 8 appearance la police court this morning, but the other woman was forced to remain In Jail over night. Mrs, Nordan denied that Mrs. Harmon was accompanied by any man from Chi cago, but admitted that a friend came with her, but denied that It was her hus band. Mrs. Harmon gavo as her reasons for leaving her hUBband that she had tired ot living with him nnd declared It was hei Intention never to return to his home. Harmon was perfectly willing to forgive her. he sold, If she would return home with him, but this she refused to do. Dsvls sells paint. I'rtltlon In HnnUrnpti-7. Dora Alice Caughey of Atlantic, la., who failed to state her occupation In life, filed a petition in bankruptcy yesterday In tho United States district court here. She says she has unsecured debts amounting to 276 which she would like to have paid In full, but how thts is to be accomplished Is not explained, as her assets as scheduled only amount to $30, and these she claims as ex empt under the law. FULL OF SHARPS AND FLATS lllirllllKton In Iiivnilfil by (1,000 Yl llor to Fentlvnl nf North trpfttcrn SnriiKcrliund. BURLINGTON, la.. Aug. 9. The nine teenth annual festival of tho Northwestern Saengerbund opened today. There ore 4, 000 strangers, Including 1,500 singers, In tho city. The town is gaily decorated and the air Is filled with the strains ot bands and vocul music. ,Tho weather Is very hot 100 In the shade but no serious re sults have been reported. A big delega tion arrived from Chicago, Milwaukee and other Illinois and Wisconsin towns on two monster specials this afternoon and paraded tho principal streets of the city, creating much enthusiasm. Many singing societies havo also arrived here from Iowa, Minnesota and Missouri towns and It is expected that 6,000 strangers will be in tha city tomorrow. The first concert of th festival took place this evening In the big Coliseum nt Crapo park, which was packed with 3,. 000 people. Tho roncert was In tho nature of a reception to the Blngers and only lo cal talent participated. An address of wel come to the Saengerbund wus made by Mayor Marquardt and responded- to by President Arthur Jnsettl of Burlington. A big chorus concert, with 2.000 singers nnd a full orchestra, under the leader ship of Prof. Thomd Reese, will be given Friday evening. John It. Bouscnbach of tho Chicago del egation fell between tho cars at Galesburg and was crushed to death. Ho was a wood worker nnd loaves a widow and child. M'MILLAN MAY LOSE HIS JOB Movement MnUlnir for Trnnfr of I lilted Miili-N tlorne i.lili to Northern DUIrlrt. SIOUX CITY, Aug. !). (Special Telegram.) Cojgressmnn Lot Thomas ot Storm Lake stateu In on Interview tonight that there Is moro than mero gossip lu the statement that a movement Is on foot to have the offlce of United Stntcs attorney for the northern district of Iowa transferred from H. O.. McMillan of Cedar Rapids to J. V. Psminli, of I-emars. "It is a fact that such u-i elfoit is being made," declared Judge Thomas, "and It looks very much ns though something will come of It. While I am not directly concerned In the matter. I know that the argument Is being pushed that the attorneyship belong to the Hleventb ' dis trict and that II. O. McMillan rocelvcd It principally hcauso ho lived In this district. Now tbitt he Is living outside i-f the district tho Eleventh Is without a federal appolnt- ic(-nt that belongs to it. If such a transfer enn bo broyjut ahsut Sammls is slatod to get the plice. It may result In somo other appoiivmt nt for him at any rate." I Iwlitnlni; Hlrll.r I.iilinrrr. cnDAIt FAU.S, Ia.. Aug. O.-lSpclal Telegram.) Silas Palmer, a member of & gang of laborers graveling the IlllnoiH Central road bed, was struck by light ning while working In tbc pit near 'Par keisburg. IGNORE IOWA INSURANCE LAW Indiana Company Continues to Do Business in Iowa. WESTERN UNION ASKS FOR CONFERENCE MrrtliiB of Ccntrnl nnd Concres nlonnl CiiiiiiiiIIUt-i Will lie llclil This Wrck-UpiiKii'mtN I'ne I11K Forlorn Hope, DES MOINES, Aug. 3. (Special Tele Erara.J The Continental Assurance Associa tion of North America Is still doing bus Inesa In Iowa, thereby defying an edict of State Auditor Merrlam debarring It from the state. The state auditor's department Is In receipt of Information to tho effect that three agents of the Continental asso ciation have been soliciting buslnesi for the company In this state since July 30, the date Upon which the auditor notified the home offices of the association at Hammond, Ind.. that tho company must cease to do business In Iowa until It could comply with the laws of the state. The ground for debarment was violation of the statutes pro hibiting the .ollcltatlon or Issuance of health insurance in IdVa. The notification was made by registered letter and there Is no rcaeou to tnink tho company did not receive It. In fact a tel egram from the company several days ago asking for the specific charges ugalnst the association Is evidence that the notification was received. The state auditor today cnt notices to each of these ngcnt3 calling their attention to the fact that their certificates aro revoked and have been ever since July 30 and that in pursuing th course which they have they arc liable to a severe pen alty under the Iowa laws. Section 1717 of the codo provides as a penalty for this of fense a fine of not less than J 100 nor more than 51. COO or Imprisonment lu tho county Jail not exceeding 0110 year, or both fine and ImpriKonment. W-Ntcm Union Trie to llilnln. The Western Union Telegraph company. today asked the state executive council for a hearing lu the matter of the omlsMon of returns for taxes on the Chicago, Burlington & Qulncy telegraph system, operated by the Western Union. A representative of the Western Union culled at the state house today and informed a member of the coun ell that the company desired to be heard before the council took action on the mat ter. The Western Union claims that the system has been taxed as a part of the "Q" railroad system and therefore should not be taxed to the Western Union, but the council thus far Is a unit on the ques tlon of tho liability of the telegraph com pan, as the law Is plain In stating that all telegraph systems owned, leased or oper- ated for commercial business must be taxed alike. A member of the council said this morning that tho company would be given a hearing as soon as Governor Shaw re- turns to tbo city, which will be about Au gust IS. ArrniiRe Setle of Conferences. Chairman Weaver of the republican stato central committee arranged for a series ot conferences between the various congres slonal committees and the respective county chairmen of their districts. Such a meet lng will bo held In the" Fifth district at Cedar Rapids next Monday and another on tho following day In Dcs Molnca for the Seventh district. The committee nnd chair man In the Second district will meet at Davenport on Thursday, after the congrc3 slonal convention, which meets on the came day. The First district meeting will take place at Burlington on Saturday. With Just one week until the state con vention tno democrats or iowa are man ifesting no concern about the probable nom Inces. It Is with forlorn hope that they con template tho convention and approaching campaign in Iowa and under the circum stances the convention is regarded by many democrats ot the state as little more than farcical. It is already evident that there will be a comparatively slim attendance at the convention and many delegations will be woefully small. So far as can be learned there Is absolutely no candidate for nomina tion to either ot the leading state offices in existence. None have been reported and diligent Inquiry falls to reveal any. if any one should know about candidates In tho field It should be State Chairman Puffman. A reporter called upon hlra today to ascer tain Just how great Is the scramble for nom ination. "Are thero any candidates for nomination In tho field?" ho was asked. "None that I know of," was the reply. WITH .SI'RnC'll, MOMO AM) STOIIY. Interi-NtliiR Pronrnni lleliiK lCiiJnvcil liy Vi'trrnsii In Co nip nt limine, nOONK. Ia Aug. 0. (Special.) The an nual reunion ot tho Boone County Veterans' association opened yeHtorday with n large attendance, Tho registration was the largest for tho first day In the history of tbc as sociation. Tho association owns a tent which will seat 1,200 wherein tho meetings aro held They also have a large dining ten. cook tents, etc., and all old f-oldlers and their families rccolve their rneaU free, as wcl' as lodgings, during the resston. In the afternoon an address of uclcomo wan delivered by W. W. (loodyknoutz. rep reioutlng Mayor Skldmore, which was re sponded to by Lleutpnant W. n. Tcmplin ddresses wero nlso mado by Judge D. R Ilindmnn. Colonel (Jcorgo II. Welsh and many others. Good music was also ren dered. Tho feature tonight will be an old-fash ioned campllre In charge of P. U swi"k Somo of the bst storytellers In Ioa .i'e on tho program and tho event wil. be an enjoyable ono. Hon. J. P. Dolllver speaks tomorrow and tomorrow night another campflre mil be held, conducted by Dr. J. II. No.ics On tho third dny the Santiago cannon will be dedicated with kpecihes by Hon 1 U. W. Reynolds and Oencrul James Rush ' Lincoln. Alum n Clilnrni .MiiMntari, SMOUX CITY, Aug. 0. (Special Telegram i Sing, a Chlnoto Idudryman of this ' city, was nearly Killed In an anil-f'hinese i demonstration hero today, when his fhop was turned topsy-turvy and bis count r men had a fright which almost turned their yol low fares permanently whltp Orv II Lower, n railroad man. arq'ilred an "ml morning Jag and when h pasted the i dry the fclght f the Mongolians recalk I ce Jloxer massacres and fired his wrath agaicc , Chinamen In general. He went through h doorway !li:c a muddencd bull ond ohcmte) c-utses and threats at Lop, unom he ailed a Doxer. Lower's on volie Iv re,i.,e i t,.. fury and ho grabbed a pair of si lsjors and ' lunged repeatedly ut tho terrified sing, in- ! Dieting, however, only minor wrundi Tlu , other Chinamen fled nnd when Sing chv n t hance he escaped through a renr door Thm Lower smarhed all the funltine nod ill- i front windows and was arrested liiNitni- Woman Kill lliilil. i li l.i, I wil. 111., AUK- iopn.-iui i(n' i gram.) While demented Mrs. Mary Scales killed her 2-year-old daughter this foro. noon by .giving the child laudanum She desired the lite ot ber 0-year-old eon, con- temrlsting hr own dr-Tuition. The bov rsiape-1 and gno th - alarm Mrs. Suites said that God sl'e 1 fcr the lifr if the I any. She has been in the asylum. CAMP WAGNER IS NO MORE Miri'enf ill I'.iii'iiiiiiiiiieiit lluiN tilth Itri Ii-m of I'lilllpiilnr YotiTiin unit Mmin llnttle. RED OVK, Li.. Aug. 9. (Special 1-- Camp Walter Wagner I no more. T'.e tents were taken down today and tho tav of the frl'llers left fcr home during the nf; crnoon. The encampment was a surn-ud and the marked laiprovenient In the so; dlcrly bearing of the men. a large propor tion of whom were recruits, reflect credit on the commander. Colonel Janus Rush Lincoln, and bU olftcors. Wednesday was devoted principally to n reunion of tbo cterans ot the Flfty-flrst tnlted States veterans, who wrved throusii the Philippine campaign, fully SCO being present. In the afternoon there was a re view of the vetcraso by companies and bat talions in the original formation, the oil officers taking their place-j. Tho regiment waa led by Major W. J. Duggan of Crestoti and Major John T. Hume of Des Moines. neither Colonel Ioper nor Lieutenant Colonel Mllle'r being In attendance, in this review many of the guard oillccrs had. to don tho uniforms of privates and some pri vates wore the uniforms of ofllcers. The regiment was cheered by probably 7,000 spectators. Following the review a sham buttle wa' pulled off on the hill Just north of the camp, but n shower came up and spoiled the spor,t somewhat. In the evening a meeting of the veterans was held and the Iowa Society of the Army of the Philippines was organized. Tho con stitution adopted provides that the member ship shall. Include all who saw service in the Philippines, whether In the army or nRvy. The following were elected olllcets Lieutenant Donald Macrae, Jr., Council Bluffs, medical department, Fifty-first Iowa tutted States veterans, president; Major Jonn t. Hume, Des Moines. Fifty-first Iowa United States veteran, vleo president; Captain J. J. Davidson, Eleventh cavalry Philippine islands, second vice president. Dr. H. W. Seager. Uw Moines, hospital corps, regular army, third vice president. Josepa I. .Markey, Red Oak, la., private Company M, Fifty-first Iowu United States volunteers, corresponding secretary; W. B. Emerson, Atlantic, corporal Company C. Flfty-flrst Iowa United States volunteers, recording secretary; Harry L. Tubbs. Gleu wcod. Fifty-flrst Iowa band, treasurer. A number of the boys expect to attend the first annual reunion of the Army of the Philippines, which will be held at' Denver next week. I'lOllll'KlT Ul'IMI licit. oLOAN, In.. Aug. 9. (Special..) While a party of boys and girls were pi nicking at Horseshoe lake today. Homer Htenan me ju-jeur-oiu sou 01 Jatlit-a iii-ulluu, an engineer of this place, was drowned. He with another boy, was diving from a boat and It Is supposed that Homer's head struck against an old post In the bed of tho lake. He was seen by his companion to rise onco after diving, but he sank ngaln immediately. Aid was summoned from here and the body was recovered and brought back this evening. The funeral services will be held tomorrow from the Christian church. Tviiclicra' Iiintlliitr nt Denlniiii. DE.VISO.V. Ia.. Aug. 9. (Special.) The Crawford county normal began this wee at tho college building, with an unusually large attendance. In charge of Superinten dent Myers. There are over COS teachers enrolled. Tho institute Is conducted by I'rof. N. C. Van N'ess. assisted by Trof. Rose Halin, lUram Garrett nnd Miss Crafs. Wonlil-lle Siilelde AiIJuiIui-iI In Mini-. DOONC. Ia.. Aug. 9. (Special.) Miss Julia Tayson, who attempted suicide a week ago, has been adjudged tnsano and was taken to Clarinda yesterday by the sheriff She exhibits a suicidal mania and has to be constantly watched lyspepsia Cure - a ! Digests what you eat. Itiirtlfteluily digests tho food and ante Nature In strengthening and recon strucllnp; tho exhausted digestive o- gan3. It Is the latest discovered dlpest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in cnielency. It In itantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspcps.ii, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headaehe.Gastralgh, Cramps and allotherresultsof Imperfectdigestion. Price WV. mid l. Iirgo slzocontnlniS times mall size. Hookallnboutivspepsiaraallcdfren frcoared bv E C. De'VI T & CO.. Chlcaao OHANY THEATER Prices IOo, 20c, 30c, 9 " We Cure to DOCTOR TOLSON Specialist in Diseases of Men of tin- Mnte HIcctrieMcillcnl liiitltnle l.'tos I'lirnnni Mrrett Onmlin. .t-li. ttnn tat we can cure you safely nulckly nothing nnd our charge, for a P-rfc. t curj to pay for benetlts , orferr?d. Wo will do tm - - -,..... 1 .. cite you. by permission, some of the best and made happy, and who will cheerfully slnal standing. ig. vnnt c iiiivc none llsmnn 1 r i Undf dim uiuou lire urivcn irom inc minim u-iiii1 Everv itvllrnilnn of v..ri-jpl oon vnn'.snes power and the oleasure of perfect urnllli nnrt restored uinnlionn. CTD!OTIIDC Our Electro-Medical treatment dlesolves trJJ';t" c2i?ri!".I,i dlnlUlUnt and removes every obstruction from th urlnarj r P'Be. Inflammation, s'ops every unnatural dl'charge, reduces he prostste srUrid. ' and heals the bladder and kidneys. Invigorate the sexual organs and restore health and sound res 0 rvry inr of tlie Jiody nffectrd by the dlncnr. CONTAfinUS BLOOD PDISOH ?xntS result of our life work, and Is endorsed by the test physicians of this nd foreign countries It contains no dangerous drugs or injurious medicines of any kind. It goes to the very bottom of Hie and ff.rccs out every particle of ini purity Soon pvery sign nnd lympUm disappears completely and forever The blood, the tis sue, the flesh, the bones nnd the whole system arc cleansed, purified and restored to perfect health, nnd the patient prepared anew for the ilutle anil plensure. of life. NERVO-SEXUAL DEBILITY sr Is falling nnd will socn r- lest unless you do somethlnn for yourelf Therj Is no tlm to Inse lmpotene. Iik all seiual diseases, is never on the standstill. W Ith It you can make no comproir.tse Hither you must master It or It will master you, and fill your whole future with misery and indescribable woe We have treated so many eses of this kind that wo are ns familiar with them ns you ore with the very dyllht Once cure by us you will never again be bothered with emissions drains, premature ne small or weak organs, nervousness, failing memory, loss of ambition or otnr symptoms which rob you of your manhood and absolutely unfit vou for study, busi ness, pleasure or marriage. Our treatment for weak men will corrcrt nil thes evils nnd restore you to what nature Intended a hate, happy man, with pliyslcni, 111 I'll I nl nml rmnl pner complete. DCEI CV niOEQCCP Many aliments are reflex, originating from other diseases rlCrljCA Ui)C4dCd P"r Inttance, sexual weakness sometimes comj from art encele or Stricture. Innumerable blood nnd bone diseases often result from con tagions blocid taints in the sv-tem, or physical or mental decline frequently follow m jcitencv In treating diseases of any kind we always remove the origin we cur the cau't The Electro-Medical Specialists of the Different Departments nt this Institute by their combined Klectro-Medlcal treatment are maklnz many won derful cures In diseases of the Sotr, 'I'll runt nnd I.nnsrs, Item!, llrnrf, Moiimeh nnd Dorrels, Ltrrr, Kidneys, Itliviitiintlnin, Cnlnrru, I'nrnljsU, I'll Women. l&fflUCU Do you know that our combined KI.HCTRO-MRDICAl. TRKATMENT TvUrtlCIl will promptly relieve all your sufferings and ailments and restore you ta health nnd enjoyment of life? If you are n e'-fcrT either from acute or chronic ailments avail yourself at once of this most sue sful and life-giving tratment. Back aches painful menstruation, leucorrhen nnd dieh.irges of all kinds are prmnently and quickly cured Uon t cuiidrnt to that operation until vou have thoroucbly In vestigated our Combined ELECTHO-MKDICAL TREATMENT. ynur TDCRTUCMT One personnl visit Is always preferred, but If you cannot nUmb I ilEU I MCn I call t our offlce, write us your symptoms fully Our home treatment by correspondence Is always successful. Alt dealings strictly cob. Ildrntlnl. Legal contracts given to all patients to hold for our agreements. Do not heil tnte If you cannot call today, write and describe your trouble. Successful treat' msnt by mall. Reference Best Unuks and Lending IhisincsH Men in tills City. CONSULTATION FREE. Office Honrs From S a, in. to 8 p. in. Sundays, 10 n. m. to 2 p. m. STATE ELECTRO-MEDICAL INSTITUTE Permanently Located at 1308 Farnam Street. Omaha, Neb. Sttormon tSlstTODS1 Pills Ckbrc u.... L,-cr cf ttL'lCK, a:iu;la, CICCOCS, cr potency, Lost Powar, WlGHt"i.os. uc:rmni3rrnoca inmni rsini ir) Unc(! Cll Pa . aim nsFttmlssions. Lame uecU, rrou oo killtyyHeidicho.Vnmnesa to Marry, Lois of KTjS Sr!!,ni n',,?t3!.V. or aanstipntioni titops Quickness ,o Olo- Er cr. ircOf Stop Ner vous Twlfonlna of MciidS- . !-" CJ14 i-,J1 , r- "rj; crri. S;!nlKt the trttn ir.i rtnr ic-tcn. k lot, t fn Ji rotr mi ' rii,l A t.J:a ctvt, ucjt u mtMfnUiuUii, with t traiu. circuurt b. Addraon, Blchop Romecy co., San rrar.cuco, CaU KOIl SALIJ UY 3IVi;ilS-IlII.I.O IMU.'O CO.. 10TH AMI FAIIXAJI. otoooioeoooioflososonoioaoioioiolo o e o 9 O o On the Fifth o We still have sonic exceptionally desirable rooms although about, three-fourths of the rooms were rented when the army headquarters moved out. That is merely an index of the popularity of ...The Bee Building... The entire fifth floor has been re-decorated nnd pre sents ii most attractive appearance. An oflice here, in a fire-proof building, will cost you no more than in aome lire traps. R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents, The Bee Building, 17th and Farnam Streets. o o o o o o o o o o 9 o o o a o S" VIST IN Some excellent lots, pleasantly located and do strable for suburban homes, can be had now at reasonable prices. These lots are located in Omaha, Wright's and Central Sub. additions. This property will steadily increase in value as the city rows in that direction and the time to buy is the present. Call at Council irera our TIj UK IMI I 31. CAIMM,i:S M A K R HAI.K, HICAI.TMV AMI IIAPPV MRN out of Tt-ry ph.vlrl and innntai wreck. Infallible and reedy Mureuaiorn cMnr new inn tf life, manly ' rnrib a- d li.ipplneB llarinI'M and nn"i-!ie Avoid diinrrrom driif e ,iderild by medl cl tonip.lnl' h Man fat t"'d and acid A-t wrllten gjararten lo cure or money retundid, l 0 'no Buir i-uiniit( ( jru 'or $S.HO by nial ."nJ for fr aaniple and qurallon blank AddreM Uahn a Rellatl Pbaroiacjr, lkln and 1'arnkui in Omaha, Nb. Stay Gored Varicocele, Stricture Contagious Blood Poi son, Nervo-Sexual De bility, Rupture, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, and All Reflex Compli cations and Associate Diseases and Weak nesses of Men and Women. Wo want every man -thus afflicted to hon estly our pe?lal Kleetro-Medl-cal system of treatment. We Invite in particular all who havo treated elnher without success, all whose cases have bw I abandoned by family physicians and called experts. e wm "i"i why such treatment has not cured you nd -uiii Jmnhi,ni in vniir entire sstlifsr- nd permanently Our noun'el ct oa will not be more than ou nlll b wii.t 1 by you. as wo would ant you to do by . .. mir. i tvnr vnii wnni cltixens i ot this cll wam we na rr vouch for our nnancUl as well as pror..- 1 or 1 nder our Electro-Mcdlc-al treatment thl Insidious disease rpldl fapnoarw. Pa n ceases almost Instanly The pools of 'tfnr. n the dilated I vein? and oil soreness ami swelling q.ilckly ,sub-Me Y "j .v. -i,,. ,v, and In Its stead comes tho pride, me en nnd nil Uli of dfen and ta In I" etc ; ycirt ty t.--e Ic&tn of ib llocna cjrti itt vsnt ctt la ell J ?""Z m,f tior cIWu r - jueKl - WBia;, GUrtt UDZl M,inno39i ima i.riti! tm o Floor.... o o o o o o e o o o o o o o I Rising VALUE. OFFSCE, Bluffs. prices And the quality of our work should be ;i interest to you if your todth aro not in perfect condition. It nintters not bow little or how much you have to ho done, vn will hu pleased to do it lor you, and the charge will bo very moderate, . . .Telephone I IS H, A, Woodbury, D. D. S., Council Bluffs. Qneurl Q Next tn JO y mil dii GranjHQhl .V 1