' THE OMAHA DAILY HEE: TH Pit SPAY, AtTG-VST 0, 1000. 9 SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements for these enlnmn ttIII lie tnkeii until 1U in. fr the evening edition mid until H .'IO p. ui. for in o nil 11 k nnd Sunday cilltlnn. Rates, 1 l-Ze n word first Insertion. Irt n lrnrrl tirfnf ler. Knftilnir inUen for less than 20o for the first Inser- C - lion, nine Advertisements must uc run consecutively. Advertisers, liy recreating a nntn liercit elircU, enn linve nnstrcrii Ad dressed to n numbered letfer In enre of The llee. Answers so nildresaed will be delivered oi vhrok only. presentation of the WANTI3U SITUATION. WANTED, position by custom cutter and prnctlcal tailor: experienced In linn trade and capable of taking charge of shop. Address C71 Muln st., Dcadwood, S. D. A-M&63 12 WANTRn-MAI.H HEM'. WANTED, wo havo steady work for n few Bood huutlcrs o( Rood habits and appear unco. C. I'. Adams Co., 1610 Howard St. U 576 UARRER trade taught thoroughly In short tltnp; cataloguo and particulars free kiiuresn western uarorrs mstituto, wiuiimt, incut li oil WANTED, laborers, tnam-' th. rock men nnd surfaco men, Neb.. Wyo.. and Iowa; ireii uire; mgnesi wuwn snip oaliv. Western R. R. Labor A;;cncy. 310 S. 11th. U-ST8 AN INTEI.LIOENT voung man to take a shorthand scholarship In best school and pay for It when course Is completed and position secured. Address I. 26, llee. IJ-579 WANTED. 10' yotihg men to learn teleg raphy. W. T. Bkelton, Ballna, Kan. H-M3I1 A27 MEN, women, lenrn chiropody, dermatology by mall: diplomas. Correspondence de partment, 251 6th ave., Now York; write. I1-MC17 14 DO you want traveling Job on salary? Wrlto Triumph Co., Dallas, Tex. U-M7G1 9' WANTED, men to lenrn barber trndn; tho drudgery of two years' apprenticeship suveci oy our two montns course; spe t'lnl offer of scholarship, tools, board nnd free transportation to mir colleico at Chi rngo, St, Louis or Minneapolis; splendid chnnco for applicants from distance-, catalogue nnd particulars mailed free. Mnler Harbor Collegu Representative, 1623 Fnrnam St.. Omithn. Neb. I1-M779 9 WANTED nt once, energetic, trustworthy young, man, aged 17 or IK, with some ex perience In bookkccnlmr. shorthand and typewriting: must be .good penman; refer ences required, u ). nee. ii uio j WANTED, salesman, must be well edu cated, willing" to work, a hustler nnd ublo to approach best people; koo! salary nnd commission to good man: references and experience required. O 47, lice. B-957 S WANTED, young Journeyman tailor, one who wants to work on ladlea' tailoring. Apply nt once. Mrs. Frank Urnvvn, l:i dles' tailor. 503 Brown bile. I1-M9M 10 SALESMAN, to sell cdtlery nn cotnrah- tlnn In In,.,., Uma II.,.. I n,,,,i ,,,i.,t. tniti t.i.,11 ,it; tu nil,-, i,,i 111 formation nodreas .1. Jnv Lime, 2511 tth ave,, no., .unueapoiiH, aiinn. u .iiwh ' WEi wnnS: a fow salesmen to handle our IniftlnoHH In unoccupied territory In Iowa nnd Nebraska. Wo need men who havo some knowledgo of live stock, some ex perience as salesmen, the best of ii 1)11 1 1 v. wno nro iiDsoliitely honest ami reliable, and who can furnish good references and surety bond. Wo have no time to opend with anv excent men who can IIII tho re- qulrcmcnts fullv. Rut to such men we can pay good salaries or commissions and put them In line for promotion, according In their vulue and merit. Tho F. E. San born Companv, Manufacturers Standard Stock Food, Omaha. Neb. -M9tU 12 WANTED Teamster, at 109 S. Uth. R-M96.' 9 WANTED, experienced caBe taker for sati Itiirliun:. tiuynlclnn preferred: also one re main solicitor. Addruss Lock Pox 1S7, immmirp, au. it u.mmui v WANTED FEMALE HELP. AN INTELLIGENT lady to take n short- hand scholarship In best school and pay for It when course Is completed and posi tion secured. Address L 25, Bee. C 5R0 WANTED, n competent cook with refer ences. Appiy to Airs, i.uuier Kountze, 39th street and Dewey aye. C 7o EXPERIENCED girl, general housework. ' 2208 llarnl: C-MS39 11 WANTED An experienced girl for genaral housework: references required. 310 N. 22nd St. C-916-8 WANTED, educated young ladles to learn nursing. Apply to secretary, Fremont hospital C-.M932 WANTED, compotent girl for general housework at 7W . tn avc. c 'j WANTED, girl for general housework; . small family, good wages. Apply 404 N. 40th street. C-955 9' WANTED, experienced girl for second work. 2037 Dodge St. C-931 WANTED, competent girl for general hotlsowork: references required, Airs, Warren Swltzler, 2001 St. Mary's avc. C-M9C9 10 FOR- RENT HOUSES. w.v'TRn -oo ulrls 15"t Dodeo Tnl RTfl i i nnn oi uruK iiLua. ourriimii .tiu- wo mnKc loans rrom Jio.oo up on furniture, LADIES. Friar's French femnlo regulator w ANTED, 200 girls, li.l Dodge. I'd; s. Connell Drug Co.. Cor. 16th and Dodg. panos, horses, cows, etc.; you keep tho brings i monthly perlqds regularly without . !l Q-b.J property; or wo will make you a SALARY pain: $1 per box. 8 bqxes for JR. Box 536-B, '80 girls wanted. Canadian ofllce 1522 Douglas . HA8S. Florist. 1813 Vinton St. Tel. 776. 'mortgage;'' wo chargo absolu'ely nSt" '""eapol'a. -M9I6 Sept7' ... r,?"'p' ?"f .."w,;"i h5He,,,'J JlnJi: .J?): Ing for making papers, and wo keep noth- latitrri rhlrlmster's Enirllsh rennvroval V them with Bennwft & Co. D 583 HOUSES, etc. F, D. Wend, 1621 Douglas. D-3S1 ALWAY8 moving II. II. goods. Pianos. Ofllce.. 15UVS Farnam St. Tol. .1559 or R63. D 583 HOUSES, stores. Bcmls, Paxton block. D-6SS HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city. Brcnnan-Lovo Co., 320 S. 13th Bt. D 587 HOUSES nnd lints. Rlngwalt, Barker blk. D-5S9 I ROOMS, modem, with barn: all In extra lino repair: $25 to good tenant. Alfred H. DeLong, 437 Board of Trade. D-t91 t-ROOM cottage. 2709 Douglas St. D-593 5-ROOM cottare, 26th and Blondo streets, $9, Apply 607 N. 19th street. D-732 FOR RENT, strictly modern flat In Dav- Idge uuiiaing, opposite, city nun. John W. RobblnH, 1S02 Farnam St. D-591 A. ELEGANT npartmouts -In the Winona. Payne-Knox, Co., 1st floor, N. Y. Llfo. D 595 1812 N. 26TH 8T 7-room modern liousu, no furnace; In good condition, Inrga barn, outs do to bo paintea: rent, :u.uu. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO.. ICth and Douglas Sts. D-M957 FOR RENT, 8-room house, No. 818 South 17tn HI. inquire ui rouiu v-iiy D 820 &TJ1 CUillliNJ Dl, OTIIlllll I1IUI1UIII HHliav. hnH lust been thoroughly renovated throughout; rent, 120.00. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO.. ICth and Douglas Sts. D M95S 10-ROOM steam healed flat, nil modern, 2317 Douglas, Inquire Llndquest, 310 So. 15th. V-M l'pnv ninimnnt nnnrtments! six rooms and hath: fronting park; most desirable "f anything In the city for the price i to rlgnt aWuy rce the best; oillco and rfsldence, poll EXCHANGE, nn old established pay party. M. J. Kennnrd & Son, 310 nnd I 311 jj. 8outh 18th Bt. 8-921 11 jnK grocery business In Omaha: stock J3.0W, Brown Block. HlliL ... "tore building, renting, for 225a FOR RENT. No. 2413 Capitol Avenue. 11 rooms, moden. Tho O. F. Davis to,, 1505 Farnam St. D-727 DETACHED modern S-room house, with barn, inquiro -oua pierce at. u-miij NEW -10-room houso. water and gas, 2 blocks from car ifnd school, north part city near Boulevard, 823 per month, In quire William I. Klerstead. City Hall. D 726 FOR RENT, 2523 Capitol avenue, 8 rooms modern In ever way r and In llrst-class ohjkent houses. personal, ron exchange. WAitrnn to itoiutow. legal notices. Cthr7o!.Voom rnill.rra''ri,nnrT,e""?nlf MONHKIT, Chiropodist. 1518 Farn. Tel. EM. GOOD coal business In Omaha to exchange WANTED to borrow. I1.C00, three to live the city nMftor7securely scaled, bo ns to mrco-room cottage. Tlzard, S3 N. 24th, u-633 for other property, pod location and ycn, nt 7 per cetU; no commission; on prevent their being opened without deter- . D-M627 10 trackaKC Address O II, Bee. .-Mi) U KOod Improved South Omaha property, tlon. and shall l.e endorsed on the outside SEE HENRY 11 1.AVK-K ai P.'FLM'Ste! r-T;.,n .TS. " Address O 26. lleo. -MS74 thereof, as to what work such bid or pro- I . V9$ lliH'Ti'room modern cottngo. In quire 2152 St. Mary's Ave. D-MS04-12 ROOM cottage. 2S22 Dewey ave. D-M941 7n,00.M flat. 3d floor, 615 South 16th st, I -wiiii ne j, i-owen, aiu ricw lorit Life. D-M9I0 FOR RENT, elegant 9-room modern bouse: best location: only 125 a month. Brennan- . i.nvo I. -p., aw H. 13th st. D MO'iS B ron iu:.T-iim.Msni;'.t) rooms. J NICE rooms, housekeeping. 1112 S. 11th. FURNISHED rooms, housekeeping. 2(523 St. Mary's. E-845 A12' FURNISHED rooms. 2013 Douglas. 12 .M9W 11 ITItM.NIini) ROOMS AMI IIOARI). THE Mcrrlam, good summer resort, 2Jth & OLENCAlRN,translents,1.25 day. lifl Dgls. F S97 500 S. 2GTII Awe., prlvato family. K-323 A21- UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. F-508 IN PRIVATE family. 2020 St. Mary's Avo !' I'JJ THE TRATT, dcslrablo rocms, 212 S. 25 St. DESIRAULE rooms, llrst-class board. 25SI iiarney. i aikso FOR RENT STORES AXU OFFICES. FOR RENT, store In Urst-class locution: rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters & vo BrounoTMioar, nee iiuig. i.w TWO of the best rooms In the Continental block. 15th nnd Douglas streets; specially suited for a physician ; will remodel to stilt tenant. Omnha Loan & Trust Co., loin nnn Douglas ats. l WANTED TO HUNT. to RENT, a small farm near city for ..Itlnlfat, rnlulnir. ArtdreHH O 11. Ill e. " K-MMl 13 WANTED, board and room for man and L'tfA in nrintn fnmllv near blislnesH ceji- ter; references. Auurtwi m "'"'"V-Ji' . O 46, Rec. iv AVAXTEO TO I1UY. AT T. lln.ln nt linlfsiehlllll COOdS. hotels. CtC. In largo and small quantities. Chicago Furniture Co.. 1106-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020. it U71 WILL purchaso a limited number of Omnha Savings Bank accounts. Brennan- I.OVU lll., itJ Oti. lut.i. 2D-HAND bicycles. Omaha Blcyclo Co. N-603 50 2D-HAND typewriters. Co., Cor. 15th & Iiarney Nebraska Cycle N 713-A3U WANTED to buy, n 2nd hand guitar. Must . . . I.. ll. ..Linn nnnil Hnl, A,I. I ne cneap umi in niai-i;iitoo vunuiti.,,,, 1 1 resn (J !. nee. F Oil S A I.E F V II NIT UU. E. FOR SALE Office desks and counter- very nice. Apply 1609 California St.., bo. tween a nnu - w gjj-i. KOR SAMS HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. VMltir't.RH nr nil kinds made nnd renalred Ii uy Harry i rost, mn ana ncavcnworin. Shnnmii. i. ' o,utl0it"verv ' loftfces.'1' Wm" Pfelffer Currlago Works, 2620 Leavenworth. good conciiupi. , ntc rum, P-732 FOR SALE Horse and buggy. Inquire 2152 St. Mary s Ave. f ai56j i: OOOD driving mare 1 yearn old. Inquire 2311 So. 26th urter 0 p. m. l' Ai4i iu- FOR SALE, Roan horse, 8 yenrs old, cheap. inquire idi on. Jtn. i- .ijn o- FOIl SALi:-3IISCr.LLAXEOU9. dence, wedding and gravo decorations. Orders by mall or express promptly tilled, y wo 2DIIAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1116 Farnam. tl 031 SAFES; buy, sell, ex'ge. Schwartz, 114 S. 13. y 633 WIRE fence. Leddy, 1617 Howard, Tel. 1590 W .UU All M. Si W. tires, 12.75. Omaha Bicycle Co. 2NDIIAND wheels. 85 to 110: now wheels 515. Omaha Blcyclo Co., 16th & Chicago sts (J 031 SECONDHAND machinery for sale: every thing In engines, boilers, pumps, Iron nnd wood-working machinery, shafting. pulleys, belting and mill supplies; prices lowest, Harris jwacninery uo iu:j wasu- tncton Ave.. S. E.. Minneapolis. Minn. Q-M831 S13 SQUARE tilauos and organs. 115. 823. S27 and up: ensy payments; new pianos for rent; flno tuning and repairing. Tel. 1025. senmouer it Aiucuer, i-arnam. Q-M918 All GOOD hand elevator. Hospc, 1814 Izard. VI OoO MANSON bicycles, 123. Omaha Bicycle Co. y-Miui) HARD nnd soft foundation fence and cribbing. 901 Douglas. 305 MOVINO nloturo machl and gas outfit at a bargain era, taiD Farnam st. FOR SALE, good size, flreproor, combina tion lock sate! new, never used, from one of the best safe makers, only 819.95, A very large, 2,400-poiind, four double doors, bank safe, new: good for hotel, real es tate, countv. city or bank. J71.P3. Will ship to any place In ths United States. payanie alter received, cut tills notice out and mall to sears, Roebuck & Co., Chicago, ror tun particulars- VI FOR SALE, stop watch, spltt second, ac- curato timeKeeper und excellent norse timer; will sell nt n sacrltlcc. Address Q 48, llee. Q-M970 12 MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE, country dealers, 2dhand furniture and stoves nt lowest prices, carload lots or less, cnicago Furniture Co., itit-iy uodre. It 6Jli CLAIIIVOYAXT5. GREATE8T LIVING CLAIRVOYANT. PRUF. IiAWHK.NClS X. JAMES, 1714-DOUGLAS ST.-1714. Prof. James is a fully developed elairvoynnt and franco medium. He gives names, datos, facts, etc., In all readings. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed or no fee accepted. l ew, it.vu uiiu n.vu, iiuurs, iu to s. S-922-10 DR. II. V. MAY. . TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT AND INDE PENDENT SLATE WRIT 1NO MEDIUM. OFFICE 113 SOUTH 18TH ST. His marvelous achievements demonstrated In your presence while you look, listed ami wonder. Never falls to remove domestic troubles, re store lost affections, cause speedy mar riages. Hours. 10 n. m. to 8 n. m.: fee. 81.00 and up: MME.OYLMER gonulne palmist. 1606 Dodge n wi ELECTRIC TREATMENT. BEATRICE HARLOW. Arabian treatment, bums, aim in. ititn, ist nat i'. i rci.ITE uarlors. 615 S. 16th. second floor. T M910 81 HOTELS, HENDERSON. Jl.00 per day House; board HENDERSON, 11.00 per day house; board v. , a ... r U. lUIICl BUUUBi ..lUllllVli. 1113 rMllttllil. 1 CI -,vJ 1. (AM IV 1 I.O Ul 11 1 It It IU It 1111 l,tU lit. 1 en tit m. I pOSa IS TOT D 51893 I U 610 timber lands located 111 the suaar coast 1 I VnnU 1.1.1 muni h nKKumnnnlM liv n iinnii TURKISH baths, massago Salhs. ctectrlc tiatns, tor ladles only; sKiuea women massage opemtors; tlnest equipped baths in tne city uenstom nam company. Rooms 216 to 20, lleo building. U-M163 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & dur Ing roitllnement; babies adopted. 1136 N. 17. u UIJ H SOLES. 35c: velvet rubber heels, 33c. The oiu rename, s. i rotcrson, ism c uummg U Oil DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns removed, 23c ana upward. Jioom iz, trcnzcir uiock. U-UH RUPTURE cured;1 no knife, no pain, no nanger: semi for circulars. Empire imp- luro cure, iuz n. x. i.uc Diug,, umanu. PLEATINO and pleated skirts of all kinds. M. Goldman & Co., 200 Douglas blocK, u on PtltVATR home before nnd durlmr conrlno- ment: babies adopted. Mrs. nurgei, suzw Rurdcttc, u-oi. HOFfS Express & Messenger Co. Tel. 1717. u uia SCH A DELI During Augmt, shampoo, RSc; halrdress, 2oc; massage, 25c; treaimnni, inc. WtfP.MI.Kn Jt- Wllsnn sewlni; machines, others, 3.oo un; payments: rcnuim. 75c weeK", repairing, reiers c ;o,, inm Capitol Ave Tel. H?. U-271 axi VIAVI, woman's way to health. sl BmJMB EPPERLY corset to order. 1612 Capitol nv. U mvii nt EPPERLY corset to order. 1612 Capitol Av. f irjl nt Corns & bunions destroyed. 511 Karbach Mlk. u am a-o HAVE furs repaired nnd altered now. Don't wait until the busy senoon nnu expect work dono at once. Aulabaugh, Son. & Co., Furriers, m Karbach uiock, umiina. U 113 O-O PLEATING; buttons to order; pinking wnno you wait, umana ricaiing ko., Douglas. U MMo MONEY TO l.OlN-nUAIj ESTATE. PRIVATE money, 5, 5V4. 0 per cont: no do- 1.... 1 , , -.. l10 rvrtnn, W 111 1UJ, vjrniTiii uiuni, ivitf i i ii,,. w WANTKu-uty and rarm loans; aiso uomin ,uuj warrants. R. C. l'etcrs , & Co., 170? Farnum St, Reo Uldg. W 650 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wcad, 1521 Douglas. w FIVE per cent money. IJomls, Paxton block W-652 5, 5V4. 6 per cent on Omaha, So, Omaha. W. H. Thomas, 503 1st Nat. bank. Tel. 164S. W H30 MONEY to lonn at 6 nnd B'A per cent on Omaha property. V. U. Melkle, 401 S. 13th. W-C56 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate Jireuuan-Lovo w., wj so. uin. w B7 LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa rarms nt b per cent, uorrowors can nay 1100 or nnv multiple. Any interest date. No delay. Brcnnan-Lovo Co., 309 -south 13th St., omaha, Neb. wka i i . . - - . . ... 11,000 and upward to loan on Improved city property and farms. w. i-arnam amun a uo ircu i-arnam. W-C58 WANTEDclty loan8i bonds and warrants. IUCUIfcB 06 .U11IU11, luui f uiliain 131. WC9 . ..-..,., , , .w MONEY In any amount at 5, 6V4 6 per c W' "OBUINS & CO., 1802 FARNAM lv ' M ST. 660 MONEY to loan on farm and city property ; lowest rates, o. sr. Davis Co., 1505 Farnam W CSl $3,000-14,000-15,000 To place quick at low rats oi interest on gooa real estate. Ad- areas J U, UtC. W tiOS MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. M-O-N-E-Y -D-O-Y-O-U-N-E-E-D-I-T Ing out of tho amount you borrow: you may pay the money back tn one month or inae more time in wnicn to pay it, ana you are expected to pay for It only what time you use It; our rates are low and our terms nre the easiest: our business Is ns candentlal as Is possible and our treat merit Is always courteous. Omaha Mort- nagr i.oan i-o., sw oo. ioin st. .ustau shed 1892. ' X671t MONEY MONEY LOANED SALARI1SD PEOPLE. No endorser or mortnaee renulred. LOWEST RATES, EASY PAYMENTS and STHIUTIjV UUIV KUJlSN TIAL. v,imin Vfiii.u, , VU, , Room C!6, fifth floor, Now York Life Bldg. MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, lew- oiry, norses, cows etc. J. i. need, svj a. 13. A. OOJ MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, dia monds .watcnes, privately, uergcr s i.oun Co., 1504 Farnam St., upstairs. X 6 MONEY loar.ea on furniture, diamonds. watclias: payments contldentlal, Omaha Chattel Loan Bank, 220 S. 15th, upstairs. MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses. cows, joweiry. ujii ureen, it s, arner hik A iS SAIiARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. .1. W. TAYLOE. 218 First Nat. Bank Bldg. A OKI X-670 PRIVATE LOANS TO SALARIED PEO PLE momentarily cmbnrrussed who desire ubove everything else to AVOID PUBLICITY can be accommodated at our ofllce with less exnense. time and trouble than any piaco in tno cuy. AAlr.KIUAN I. UAH CO.. Room 601. Bee Building, X-M723 BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR RENT Owing to advnnclng years Mr. ii. nans, mo nonet at isu Vinton street. has decided to rent out his hot house at above, location, occupying 7,000 to 8,000 square icet, unuer glass, witn atiout .uu windows, and the residence and storo Ininllni. thft Htrniit ntl Inm mntnr 111,.. t South Omaha. Excellent location for the business. Y-SS2 FOR SALE, 82,000 stock groceries; best town In Elkhorn valley; write at onre, c, uaiuo creeK, iNcd, i .m,.u ia- ESTABLISHED business, centrally lo cated; stocK and tlxtures valued nt I,KW; will taite outside property in irane. au. dress O 33, Bee ofllce. Y M837 11' FOR SALE, country newspaper In town of 300 inhabitants; doing so.w per month business; only paper In own; will sell cheap if taken soon, Address Signal, uigeiow, Minnesota. y AI944 io FOR EXCIIANUI-;. HAVE 150 acres land In central Nebraska and money to exchange for cottage In umana. w. v. iieages, u uee Hide. 2-673 month: will take good crty or farm property In part payment. W. R. Homan, lioonits o mm iv, x-ii;iicr inn. 1-OR EXCHANGE, farm und pasturo well watered, near piatismoutn, tor city property, auress u -i, nee, .M01l-1 LARGE farm and pasture. Merrlt Co., Neb., to traae ior city properrv. Addresj O 26, Bee. f MS41-12 TO EXCHANGE, Omaha, clear modern 14- 1 TO EXCHANGE, umana, clear modem 14 "in MONEY to loan on llrst-class improved city ' ff ywnv, inree acres, enclosed cnicnen ""'" ""l""."""f '" '"' property or for building purposes. Payn- tlBht fence, house, store, bani, corncrltj, CLLS POST MAILS closo one hour earlier Knox Co New York Life. W 653 sheds, etc.: lino shade trees, Homo of late than closing time Miown below. Parcels ' i H, S, Johnson. Irvlngton, Douglas Co. Post Malls for Germany closo at 5 p. m. i no Btoroontlcon MON B ,loanie.. ""'rJ11 people holding per- H.r UKtllCIt I'VnitlUII TT11I1 JC3 lUHinill IU Cl'llVLlllES .ill." "I unon their own names without seenrltv? q-amo 8 easy payments. Tolman, 706 N, Y. Ii. Bldg. country of south Louisiana, near rail roans; an Clear oi encumuranco ami tine absolutely perfect; taxes low. will sell or exchaneo for cltv prone riy or rjcurnsK i lands. Call Mr. Byrnum. Arcade hotel, cltv. Thursdav and Friday, or nddress him, I'axton, III. . Z-958 10 Toil hAIiR UI2AI, KSTATC. SEE HENRY 13. PAYNE, C01 N. Y. LIFE. FOR SALE Cottage to be moved. Inquire at. Marys Ave. uu aidw is' PAYNE-KNOX CO.. HEADQUARTERS for REAL K3TATN IIAKUAIN8! LOW- KST HATES on LOANS! SOUND IN SURANCE; HOUSES, FLATS, BTORES, for KttMT. irsi noor, i-n. i, iue uiqk. itt; tiCJ FARM. C5 acres, 12 miles from Omaha: price J1.1W.W u soui at once. Auuress L 49 .Pee. RE-M3S1-A-2U F. HARRISON, FARMS. N. Y. LIFE. HE Hj A-27 IP YOU want to buy, sell, oxchnnco or rent your property quicit sco J. it, jonn- 1. 811 In, Y. Lite. RB-B76 HOUSES, farms. R. C, Patterson, 305 N.Y.L. HOUSES, lotr farms, lands, loans: also tiro insurance, usmis. i'axton uik. iiw v;& DEER PARK lots at 1250 to 1100. with clo- gant trees, nro snaps, when you soo V'OTTERSHoffiCO., 310 N, Y. Life. RE-4577 READ THIS; one of tile best homos In Han- scorn l'lnco: 9 rooms, large lot. coou Darn. sightly home; party leaving city; price. i,tiw.w. m. J. Kcnnaru & son, room aiv, Hrown block. RE M!)2S CHEAP HOMES-House, 5 rooms, full lot, cltv water. 3030 Emmet St.. J700, Cottage, 0 rooms, lino lot, barn, 2729 Hamil ton HI.. SI.ZIAI. Splendid lot, 66x140, facing east on 20th St., near uraco sr.; nouse, 6 rooms, uarn; great bargain, ii.gou. Two cottnges, 6 rooms each, near 22nd and urace his., i.-.uuu. House, 5 rooms, city water, 2117 Ohio St., 1900. Three houses, corner 12th and Pacific Sts,, pay good rental; price, w,260. House, 6 rooms, near 19th and Castcllar, Jl.UW. Cottace and larce lol. 18th near Center. 1900. Small house, lot 25x150 feet, corner 9th and Castellar: nrlce. 1400. Quod house, nice condition, large lot, 21th ana i-.mnieii Ht., i,,6u. T. U11A11AAI, Boo uunaing.. RE-920-9 RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by thv union I'aclllc Railroad company. H. A. A1CA1 aster, land commissioner, union I'ncino Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. itia ti Inquire E. W. Johnson, 4328 Franklin St. HIS (Ni &J- A NICE building corner, lots 28 nnd 29. I'airmount l'lnco. on easy terms, write to F. II. Kappen, Milwaukee. Wis. RE- FINANCIAL. SALARY LOAN8I SALARY LOANSI WE HAVE BEEN CRITICISED For clvlnir such low rates and easy par tial payments, this ciutiuh ahcj RIGHT, but wo must loan a certain amount of money as hocn as nosslble re gardless orcomment. WE LOAN ON YOUR NOTE: no mortgage: no Indorser; no publicity. Your employer or friends need not know. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., room 303, THIRD FLOOR, Paxton UIK 03' MEDICAL. LADIES out of health find prompt relief. Box 23.', umana, r-icD. uoniuienuai. D5J DR. LE DUE'S' Female Regulator, posi tively warranted to cure the most stun hnrn cases of monthly stoppages. Irregu larltlcs, obstructions ohd suppressions brought on from" whatever cause; 52 n package or' 3 for 5; sent anywhere pre paid on receipt of price. The Kldd Drug Co.. Elgin 111. American Office, retail, ?.noies?If.'.Myc3:.?iU?inJi.u'J ;?n,n,h,fi M. A Dillon, South Omaha; Davis Drug Co.. Council Bluffs. Full lino of rubber ,i. COOUS. T.AnTKFit rhlrlmster's Enirllsh rennyroyi Pills Are tho liest. Bare, rename, uane no other. Send 4c stamps ror particulars, neilnf for Ladle's" In letter by return mall, Ask your 'druggist. Chichester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y, Llfo. C83 BOYLES' College, court reporter principal. Bee Bide. NEBRASKA Business and Shorthand Col lege. uoyd'B xneater. vm GREGG Shorthand taught at the Omaha Commercial college, loin anu uougias ms. oai FARMS FOIl RENT. CHntPR 2S!.ncro farm, within 2 or mtleH of packing houses, south umnna; loading station on farm; 8750. Bcmls, Puxton blocK. lua STAMMERING AND STUTTISRINO. CURED. Julia Vaughan, 430 Ramge Bldg. OBS OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute. 515 N. Y. Life Bldg.: ,nl AllnA Tnlintnn n n l..,ll.,u' dept.; cfd E. Johnson, Osteopatliist, Mgr. VM M. E. DONOIIUE, D. O., of Still school, KlrKsvilie, aio. vh raxtou uik. Tel. imi. oo DRS. McMURRAY & MUSICK will open osteopathic ofllce Sept. 1, 536-538 Bee Bldg. A. T. HUNT. D. O. 305 Knrbach. Tel. 2352. M92S 8opl6 ENGIXE, BOILERS, ETC. L. C. Sharp Mach. Wks.; motors, dynamos. VJJ 2D-HAND mnchlnery bought and sold for casn. A. l'. uiy & co., iuu uougias st. 700 IIEXT1ST. DR. MITTELSTADT, 331 Bee bid. Tel, 1115. -134 A 16 STORAGE. PACIFIC Storace and Warehouse Co.. 012- 914 Jones, general stornge una lorwardlng, oj Om. Van Stor. Co., 151P.4 Farn. Tels, 1569-S63. taa MESSENGER SERVICE. O. M. S. Tel, 2022. 307 So. 18 St. -705 MAflNIOTIC HEALING. GREAT Western Institute, 1623 Douglas St., chronic diseases curea; no drugs, surgery. au; THE genuine Simon Pure AVeltmer Method of Magnetic Healing und llarradens Hypnotism complete in ono volumo, J2.50. pror. it. iiiiams, uesoto, aio. M905 8ep8 TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS, secondhand. 1116 Farnam. " REMINGTON and Smith Premier type- writers; will sell or rent cheap. Address Dickson, 2732 Parker street. M937 9 MAGNETIC HEALING. GREAT Western Institute. 1823 Douglas St.. chronic aigeuse cured; uo drugs, surgery -Aiisc .. : rrr PAWXIlttOKEHS. -. - i b Rini.t.' t.rm nnirn rlinMi rnmmnt. I lngi all business confidential. 1301 Douglas, ui I IIKLtllAM HAItfiS. PEDIGREED breeders! Chpt. Nemo, scoro viVi, neaa or pens, ta. ii. Ktnuau. hi. i-aui, Neb. ' MS13 A-ll STOVn IIEIMIUS. STOVE, furnace, range repairs; water con nections, umana otove itcpair worns, U'i unnc. iOi TICKET IlHOKEn. CUT rate tickets every where. P. II. Phil- uin, igoo Farnam, Teiepnono tsi. ws I.AIIMIIIY. OMAHA Steam Laundry: shirts, "c: collars, zcj cutis, ic. 1760 t.eavcnwortn. tci. (h. llAniUT METAL, FRICTIONLESS. II. S. Mann. 17 Com'l Nat'l Hk. M7i A3i DltESSMAKI.Vn. DRESSMAKING. McDonald, 1612 Cap. ave. VIS HI TIIUXIC FACTORY. TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases. Trunks repaired, urn. Trunk Factory, 1K9 i nniain. ail V V R MT t' It K RE I'A 1 H I XO . PACKING, upholstering, mattress, feather renovating. Tel 1331. M. 8. Wnlkln. 21U Cuming St. C95 at.UJNETIO IXFIRMAHY. THE NEBRASKA, Incorporated, 1515-1517 (.nicago street, umana. 696 CAIIPEXTERS AXIl .lOIUIEIlS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly nt tended to, J, T Ochiltree, sot it ami Lake Sts. -370 itiitns ami TAxini:nMY. STOCK'S Bird Store. 1603 Leavenworth. -I.S7 I'tlSTOKKItB rfOTICE. (Should bo rend DAILY by all Interested. as chantcs may occur at any time.) Foreign molla for the week ending August 11. 1900, will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Triinn-Atlnntln Mnlls. THURSDAY At 6:30 it. m. for EUROPE por s. h. Columbia, via Plymouth and Hamburg (mall for other parts of Europe via Cherbourg, must bu directed "per a. s Columbia"); at 6:30 n. m. for FRANCE HWIT.ERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN. I'O 1 TUGAL. TURKEY, EGYPT and BRIT- ton (mail must be directed "ner n. h Aller"!' ni K n m fnr KPTllPBI iMnO per s. s, Amsterdam, via Rotterdam (mali must oo .directed "per b. b. Amsterdam"); at 10 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct, ner s. s. Ancnorla (mall mil1" bo directed "per h. h. Anchorla l: at 11:30 (supplementary 1 P. m.) for KUROI'IJ. ocr h. h. Camnan la. viti iueunstuwii. IJivSLri1?? .MmT?,R; C-Thls steamer same class of mall matter for other parts of Europo will not be sent by this ship uniuHM HDUciuiiv mrpcipii nv II. After tho closing of tne Supplementary i rausaiinntic Aiai s named niiovo. addi tional supplementary mans aro opened on the piers of the American, English, French nnd German nteamcrs. nnd remuln open until witiun Ten Minutes of the hour of nailing of steamer. MnM" fop SnnlU nml Central America, wvnt imiirn nwn '""" i-o- iiiijiinurt ji i p. m. ior iiit'ATAN, CAMIMrilM. TAHASm nn,1 CHIAPia CAMPECIIE. TABASCO and CHIAPAS, per s. s. Vlgllancln, via Havana and Pro- greso (mall for other parts of Mexico and for Cuba must bo directed "per s. s. Vlgl- lancla"); at 9 p. m. for JAMAICA, per S. s. Adm rnl Snhlev. from nnstnn FRIDAY At 2:30 a. m. for NEWmilN'n, LAND, tier s. s. Siberian, from rtillmlel. phla; at 1 p. m. for 1NAGUA and CAPE GRACIAS, per s. s. Orlgen (mall for .lamaica, iieuze, Puerto uortez und uiiatemma must do directed "per s, s, Orlgen"). SATURDAY At 7 n. m. for LA PLATA COUNTRIES, per s, s. Bellarden: at 10 a, m, (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for 0Nr mA inWS:Jl-nAnS.r-fii TenriTfivte lAr.AiSn Y.i.ifm 'o'r." NILL A n n d ha ipri a n w m a r r a n. m. for CUBA, per s, s. Mexico, via Havana; at 1 n. m. for MATANZAS, CAIBARIEN, NUEVITAS, C.IBARA ami BARACOA. ner H. h. Rurllvhu or,liii,,ri- mall only, which must bo directed "pur d a !" it'll vlin ' Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North ouiiuy. unii tnence uy steamer, close nt tins iiiiici! uuuy at o;ju p. m. (connecting closo hero evory Monday, Wednesday and Saturday). Malls for Mlniiolnn. liv mil to Boston, and thenco by steamer, closn nt this ofllce dally nt 8:30 p, m. Malls for Cuba, by rail Mo Port Tampa, Pla., nnd thenco by steamer, cloio at this omce dally (excent Mondav) nt n. m rtho connecting closes are on Sunday, Wednes day and Friday. Malls for Mexico Cltv. overlund, unless specially nddrcssed for oispatcn ny steamer, ciosn at this onice dally nt 2:30 n. m. and 2:30 p. m. Mnlls for Costa Rica, Belize, Puerto Cortez and Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, nnd dally at 3 p. m. (connecting closes here Tuesdays for Costa Rica and Mondays : uy ntcujiiti. uiuoii lit turn i,.,it,c ror Mnnzn. lMierin irnriez nnri iiuatemaiai. Registered mall closes nt 6 p, m. pre vious uuy. Trnns-Pnnllln Mnlls. Malls for Hawaii. Janan. China and Phil ippino Islands via San Francisco, close hero dally at 6:30 p. m. up to August tth. U'f, lvrfM orn, t!;n?nyv?Bf Pekln. Malls for China and Japan, via Vancouver, closo here dally at 6:30 p, m. up to August 14th, Inclusive, for dls- nateh nor s. s. Emnress of Janan (regis tered mall must bo directed "vln Van couver"). Mails for Hnwall, Japan, China and Fh mi ne Inlands, via Han Fran cIbco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to August "mm, inclusive, ror i n. n, llllt'liu. .Iiuim till uuncm, ici Francisco, close hero dally at 6:30 p. m up to August "iiin, inclusive, ior ail tinteh ner s. s. Australia Malls for AUH tralla (except West Australia, which gooB Via r.urope, ami new jcaiiinu, wnicn coes via San Francisco), and Fill Islands. via Vnneouvur. close hro daily at 0:39 p. m. up to August 18th, Inclusive, fur nispaicn per s, s. Aiirnimi. .nuiui ior Australia (except West Australia), New Zealand, Hawaii, FIJI and Samoan Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p, m. after August "lSth and up to September 1st, Inclusive, or on day of arrival of s. h, Campania, duo at New York September 1st, for dispatch per a. a. Aianposa, Transpacific malls are forwarded to port or sailing uauy ann tne scnrauie oi clos ing Is nrranged on tho presumption nt their uninterrupted ovenanu transit, Registered mall rloses at 6 p. m. pre vious day, CDUMSLius vain cuii, Postmaster. PoBtoIIlce. New York, N. Y., August 3, 1900. LEGAL NOTICE. invniTtflRMPA'T FOR BIDS FOR THK Construction or a uenerui oowur nynioin for the City of Lead, Lawrence County, Hmitli Iliik.Ttn. nni,i hlilx ii in Invited and will bo re- ceived at tho otllco of William II, Lyon, city auditor, until . n cioca ii. in, uu iu iih iinV of Atiaust. 1900. for the construe- tlon of a Uenerui sewer system wltliln and for the City of Lean, t.awrence county. South Dakotu, according to plans and specifications now on flic in tne omce or tho city engineer and city auditor or said C'Li'...,,.. ,I,IU ,1,111 hA rnr-lv-l tnr liltld ...rt.r. 1.-1.-1 n ,t atnnn wnrlf nnd tnnniil nuin, i,ni -.. - - WOrK. Bids for such work shall be forwarded to Mil lll)lA. nir m. h. I .n 'l'ourn lii,. vin l llnvr. mnl fnr nlhrr nrl. f l.?tirrtn I AlOntallU, 1 Ugcl OOUIICI . .a V must bo directed "ner s. n. La Tournlno'1!. Llnc0,n ?.ast Mail .. a SATURDAY At 7 a. m. for EUROPE, tier L,",'..M"'",'au"' " s. , Aller. via Cherbourg ami Southamn- ei".",or"m l ,. t.fy inuHt oe Tno Co orado spec al...an:xi pm n :w ara directed "per b. s. Altai"): at in a. m. The Fast Mall..;. a 4:35 pm (supplementary 10:30 a. m.l for PORTO f nrnln HeatrYce ind niM. CURASAO and VENEZUELA, per USTromi.burg Express" 4:10 pm bl2:25 pm n. n. v.uinvn.1 tiiinii ior oRvuiiiiia ana The Paclllo Exnress....a 4:25 pm CarthaEena must bo dlreotnd "per s. s. Tho Atlantic Express . a 6: f!araens"l! nt 11 n. tn. tnr nrinMim i"' . , 1 i r.u . o and TRINIDAD, ner s. s. Grenni m nt ii UL IViiiT. irAn.. v..ni u,,nrfn rti t.nlng to the City nf Lead, In thn penal I sum of at least f0 per cent of the amount nn nt ni iintiff rji n.r ritiii nr me nmm ni I n( the bid. which bond shall bo executed by the bidder ns principal ami oy two or mure ruhu unii puiiicu-ni min-ura, t iiu buhii i v Sulred by the general laws of the stnte of outh Dakota, relatlnz to arrest and ball ami conditioned as required py section . artlclo xx, of Umoter xx.tvll of the Iiws oi jw . Tho estimated cost of said sewer system Is nlintit IK iw, a copy or the plans nnd specincations will be furnished tn nti iwirlv ileslrlnc to bid Utmn the denoslt with thn cltv auditor ?Ln.5",.l"',i.',Sc!?....f.,lt. Mi. ',".V,a Ul? -1 I turned If sucn planB ami sneclllcstlons are Omaha who la not going to be guilty or giv rcturned to Thomas L. Redlun, city attor- nR n( And comfort to the oppoiltlou even ney. on or before the 15th day of August. ,( h ,m(t ,0 ,0 ja1 ,0 cnrry oul it wlll The cltv reserves tho rlcht to relect any or all bids. I - . Communlcat on In relat on hereto, except , . bids, tmw be addressed to W. J. Allason, I tl city engineer; or Thomas L. Redlon, city In nttornej', , R?,o?d!.r"of1V.Veacft.ry0cfoffi J.KUltm I.Cad, H, ll. I tlOVEnXMKNT NOTICE. TREASURY denartment oflleo. Sunervls- Ing Architect, Washington, D. C August KMtt,f..T 4th day of September. 1900. and then onened. ior uio consiruction (except- neatine up- .1,1, i-irciril- WITH KJ UI IMP l linru States Postofllce nt lllalr, Nebraska, In accoruunco with drawings nnd mice II ca (Ion, copies of which muy be had, at tho discretion or tno Hupcrvising Architect, by annlvlmr tn this ntllrn nr tn the PrxtmiiRlnr at uiair. .-NourusKii. james ivnnx Taylor, supcrviaing rcnueci, a;i-ii-ii.ih-is-.'1 HAIIiWAi TISII5 TAM.K. ILLINOIS CENTRAL uauroaii. i.ity TlcKet or lice. 1402 Karnnm atreet. Telephone, 245. Depot lemn anu -Mason strecis. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Express ..alLlOam a 4:05 pm unicago iimitcii . a i.u lira H m .Minneapolis ami Paul Express ... Minneapolis and St. b 7:00 am b 9:10 pm St Paul Limited .a 7:45 pm a 8:15 nm Fort Dodge Local from council uiurrs u i:jj pm n iu:is am a uany. n uany excopi aunuay. W ABAS II RAILROAD Ticket Olllcc, 1504 Farnam Btrect. Te entione 593. DC. pot, Tenth nnd Marcy atrceis. iciennono va. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a &:05 pm a am a uany. BURLINGTON & MIS sourl River Railroad "The Burllnitton Route" General Olhces, N. W. Corner Tenth and Farnam Sts, Ticket Omce. 1602 Farnam street. Teienlione, n station. Tenth and Alaeon Streets. Telephone, us. Leave. Arrive, l.lnenln. Hastlnrs and MCCOOK u iiiu am a iwpm Lincoln, Denver. Coli- rado, Utah. California. a 4:2. pm a 3:00 pm Lincoln & Black Hills.. a 9:30 pm a 3:00 pm :30 nm a 6:45 nm w pm aiu:& am a 6:45 am KANSAS CITY. ST. Jo seph & Council Bluffs Railroad "The Burllnc- ton Route" Ticket Odlce, 1502 Farnam street. Tele nhonc. 250. Dcnot. Tenth and Mnson streets. Tele phone, 12?. Kansas City Day Ex....a 8:50 am a 6:10 pm leave. Arrive. bt. Louis Flyer ror St josepn nnu st. LrfiuiB, ,a t:o6 pm au:it am a Dally, CHICAGO. BURLINGTON Sc. Qulnry Railroad "The Burlington Route" Ticket once. 1502 Fnrnam St, Tel. 250. Depot. Tenth St Mason Streets. Telephone, 123. Leave. Arrive nnvllo-hf Phlrntrn Soee- ----- nrt ciai ..i i .w uin Pvn.fl.C a 9:25 pm a 7:45 am Chicago Vestlbuled Ex.. a 4:00 pm Chicago Local Express. a S:50 am a 4:Ki tim chlcaeo Pacific Ju Paclllc Ju 1 limited u ii'J I'm Junction Local.. al0:45 am u 7:45 am nction lsxtra. Fast' Mall a uauy. UNION PACIFIC- 'THIS OVER. land Route" General OHlces N. E. Cor. Ninth nnd Farnam streets. City Ticket Olllce. 1324 Farnam street 'leupnonc, 316. ' Depot. Tenth and Mason Sts. leiepnone, vs. Leave. Arrive, The Overland Limited.. a 8:20 urn a 7:33 pm Tno . unicmo-roruaiiu 8P"lal .a 8:20 am a 7:35 Dm ..a 8:50 am a 3:25 pm 50 am OSIAHA St ST. LOUIS RAIL road Omaha, Kansas City & Eastern Railroad "Tho Quincy Route" Ticket Of llce. 1115 Farnam Street Telephone, 322. Depot, Tenth and Ainrcy streets, urne phone, 629. jenve. Ariivc, r . T n ..Is linnnnn llnll Ol. lvuia .u. r.i. o.nA lsxpress i u.vu inn u o.iv am i Kansas City and Quincy Local 7:00 am a 9:00 pm a Dally. C1"?".0.-."1:.! Northwestern Line"- City Ticket Oince, 1401 S,8'St. Tenth and Mason Sts. Tele - ... . nhone. 629. Leave. Arrive. I j - - t. - - . . clai a i.m nm ni ;j pm Chicago Passenger .....a 1:15 pm a 8.40 am i viihiciii i,Ai,it.3, Mnlnnft. MurfihalltOWn. Cedar Kapius ana cm caco ,aiv;to am a s.vo pm Eastern Limited, Chi- cngo and :aut a i:sa pm a i;uu pm Fnst Mall, Chicago to omahu. . a 2:45 pro omaha-Chlcago Speclal.a 7:45 pm a 8:00 pm Fast Mall a 8:80 am a Dally. FREMONT. ELKHORN & Missouri Vallev Railroad "The Northwestern Line" General Oillces. United States National Bank Bldg.. B. W. Cor. Twelfth and Fnrnam Sts. Ticket Ofllce, 1401 Farnam St. Telephone, 561. Depot, i&tn aim weuster his. tcio. nhone. 1458. Lr.avo. Arrive. Black III Is. Deadwood, Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 5:00 pm Wyoming, Caspar and Douglas d 3:00 pm e 6:00 pm Hastings, lorn, uaviu Cltv. SuDerlor. Geneva. Exeter and 8ward....b 3:00 pm b 6:00 pm Norfolk. Verdlnre and Fremont o 7:3a am Dio:23 am Lincoln. Wan 00 Fremont b 7:30 nm bl0;2& am Fremont Local ...1 c 7:30 am a Dally b Dally except Sunday, c sun- day only, d Daily except Saturday, o Dally except Monday, IOUX CITY A PACIFIC Ral road "The North- weitern Line" General Ottlces, United States National Bank Building. H. W. Corner Twelfth and Farnam Sts. Ticket Ofllce. 1401 Farnam St. Telephone 661. De pot, renin anu Aiaron sis, Tciepnone, ua. l.pnVA Arrive xw n iitr ffff iw am uiu.bu pm Twin City Limited. . . a 7:3j nm a 8:16 am Sioux City Locai a. 8:00 am u 4:20 pm " CHICAGO. BT. PAUL, Minneapolis St Omahn RuWway - "The North- wEicrii i.inu uenerui Oillces. Nebraska Dlvl slon. 16th and Wehnter Sts. City Ticket Oftlco. 1401 Farnam St. Teicpnone Mil. uepot, 10m una websttr ats. Leave. Arrive. MnC 1It.yige,n,,r,Bt'r;i,,tt 6: RlolIX CltV & North- u 6:00 am a 9:10 pm aii:io am I east Nebraska a 3:50 nm nlCI.T.j 1 .i I. R.i-.,,, I, t, IK urn I UHnilll'M 1,M Ml W ,,,, u W,l- M.M ' u. Wily, u Daily except sunauy, Jilll, 189 UO ltiirllllLUn K59 inn I'dflt i.i . . ....... MUST TALK OR CO TO JAIL Undo Sam Will Tolerate No Snubs from Refractory Iron Worker. ,,rcoe,, attaidc Tft tllticn t uiiuuunn I ivttro ill in i niuo iu iintioui.i Census lliirenu tllvcs llrnilstrnnn; Wit ness Another dinner tn DIviiIrp the l'ets Ilefnre I'roceedlun to I'lnnl Mrnsurca, There Is one consistent democrat la This ncron Is a slicctlron worKcr wno runs .i,m, in the northern nart of the city, and , n,i u .i,n,,.i, opposition to thn govornmout U shown his responses to tho Inquiries or tho spe- .1.1 n , reruns denartment charged with securing Information relative to lh In thla lerrltnrv. iiii..- ,u .nnmnnlnr nnllari Hnnn thM tinker tho followlug dialogue ensued: "I'm the special agent of the census bu read and I'vo Called to ascertain the UCta in relation to your business." "I'v information to give tho cen.u. bureau," "Hut it is a matter required by law ana I ,., ... ,h ,ntnr,ni.,,.,t 'If that Is so, get It the best way you can. I won't havo anything to do vim io Klnley's administration. You fetlows ara not out to get tno tacts nun i won i ten you nnvtlilnir " "Hut If you do not answer It will bo my duty to turn the matter over to the Depart ment of Justice." "Turn and bo hanged to you. I won't an swer any of your questions nnd If I go to Jail I can stay there." That settled It and the matter was re ferred to Washington. The bureau' has acted and tho man will bo given another nntinrttinltv. refuslne which he can beenniA a martyr to tho cntiso of Ignorance, rianr Denier Weakens. Thla Is tho second rate of tho kind which hns como to the nttenllon of the bureau from the Nebraska district. Tho first man to refuse to make reply was a cigar manu facturer In a Nebraska town. Tho matter wan referred to Washington, but before a reply was received tho manufacturer had connultcd an attorney nnd learned his mis take. The train which carried the matter to Washington brought to Omaha a letter from tho Nebraska town asking permission, to answor the questions nnd before tho mal ter was settled at headquarters tha manu facturer had offered to pay all expenses of the appeal It the agent would accept his replies and let tho matter drop, Persons who wore connected with the tak ing of the population census of Omaha do clare that tho reports sent out from Wash ington recently In relation to the population of Omaha are Inaccurate. Tho llgures from tho department, they say, were probably taken from tho llrst forty schedules received and compared witn those or ten years nio. These first schedules approximated closer thn corresponding schedules of 1S90 than any of tho otlioni. PLEA FOR HOME OWNERSHIP Ideal City Would ll One In Wlllok Every Resilient llnil n Home of Ills Ovru. At the regular weekly meeting of the Real ,, .,",, u read an Interesting paper on home owner ship In which ho expressed the opin ion that tho Ideal city would bo one. In which evory homo should bo owned by Its occu pant. Ho urged that tho home owner makea tho most patriotic, honest nnd loval cltlien. and that therefore It Is tho duty of real estate men and tho public press to use every effort toward Inducing every family to own a homo. Tho suntlmunta cxprcBtcd In the paper met tho hearty approval of the members of the exchange It Is the Intention to have 2 J? nt 'east two short talks on current real cs a nio pm , , , . . , ... . mm tunica ui tutu meeting oi tno excaango. and at tho next mooting Mr. Soely will dis cuss tho present and future of Omaha busi ness property and Mr. Fronzcr the law on commission, NO SURCEASE FROM THE HEAT Tli ii nil rr Storms .liny Offer SllKht Re lief, lint lliironielrr Itrinalns Low In tlie Xnrthwest. "Thero Is no relief from tho hot weather Iu sight yet," remarked Forecaster Welsh yesterday. "Every indication points to thunder storms and sbowem, but as lone as the barometer Is low northwest of us wo mny expect wurm weather." For a week or tuoro tho tomperature has beon excessive In tho Dakotas, Wyoming and Montana, and the mercury was gener ally higher In that part of the country Tuesday than for tho day before. The local weather doej not promise much relief from. n h,,n.l ...I.I. iiiuuiivi mi, nil null uAioiiu uunniuons, as a period of exccseivo humidity can bo expected to follow. The wolf In the fablo nut on sheen's clothing because If be traveled on his own reputation he couldn't accomplish bis pur- P.03c'. .Counterfeiters of DeWltt's Witch n a Tn Hazel Salvo couldn't sell their worthless salves on their merits, so they put them In boxes and wrappers like DeWltt's. Look out for them. Take only DeWltt's Wlteh Hazel Salve. It cures plies and all skin diseases. lliilldlnur Permits, The city Inspector nf bullilliie hn Uaii,i tue loiiowiiiK iiurmits; immanuel Dea- coness association, Monmouth park, frame. orphan's homo and parsonage, J6.O0O: J. W. Woodrough. Twenty-llfth and Woolworm avenues, frame dwelling, J2.000; i-.qultablo Trust cornpuny, 823 South Twenty-fourth, repairs, RAILWAY TIME CARD, MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL road General unices and Ticket oillces Southeast Cor ner Uth and Douglas Sts. Telephone- 104. Depot Union station, Leave. Arrive. Bt. Louis, Kamas & jNcurasita L,imnea ....uiu:vuam a u;.w pm Leave. Arrive. K. C. St. L. Express. ...alOilO pm a fila aro I-eave from 15th Webster Sts.. Nebraska Local and Via Weeping Water b 4:15 pm al0:45 am a uauy. d uauy except uunaay.' CHICAGO, HOCK IBL ond St I'ucllle Railroad "The Oreat Rock Isl and Route." City Tick et Ofllce, 1323 Farnam Street, Telnphone, 428. Depot, Tenth A Mason Streets. Telephone C29. Leave. Arrive. Des Moines and Daven port icai a 7:23 am 011:35 am Chicago Express bll:15 am I (hir-m-n i,-,,t i-'nr.. n s-m nm a a:io am a l:X pm Lincoln and Falrbury. A 8:30 am a 7:w pm Lincoln, Colorado apgs.. Denver. Pueblo and West a 1:20 pm a 4:13 pm Dch Molnen. Rock Isl- and ami Chicago a 7:15 pm a 6:50 pm uniorado Ac Texas Fiyer.a o:so pm a am a Dally b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO. AIILWAUKEE St St. Paul Rullway City TlcKet, (iiiice, iw Farnam Street. Telephone 284. Depot Tenth and Mason Street. Telephone C29. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex. ...a 6 00 pm a 85 am Chicago tt Omaha Ex b 7:15 am b 3:55 pm. a us.ny, u uauy sxceui aunuay. MUWA"KEE