THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, AUGUST 0, 1900. T a Eipplobf Excitement. NO ONE SURPRISED OR ASTONISHED Sentiment"' (Icnrrnlly ,iipenr to Do 'Mint the Ilnltitlilnii'H Action Will llnvc but Mtlle lie llUl'lltT. PflPPlTCK ATM? IVNiftKFflfiNT tondwl. I think It will have the effect of I VI, ULlOld Hill; UUmiMVLiH showing a great many hitherto misguided populists tho wisdom of voting the straight populist or ralddle-of-the-road ticket, as Withdrawal ofTowno Doesn't Make Even f.h? f.0". ,B. Pj.t!??" UUJVBS lUC wain V YUIO lUP BlTUlKUb UCUJ- ocratlc ticket. There are no candidates on tho ticket now but democrats." Martin Langdon: "I think Towne's with- drawal Is all right. Ho has acted for the best Interests of tho ticket. He was my favorlto for the vlco presidential nomination. Ho Is a great man and I hate to see condi tions such as to prompt him to withdraw. t think It will havo a good effect and lead to united action of tho reform forces. The rnTddle-of-thc-rooders will doubtless make ft crp.iL fun nhniiL It. Tint tinnn nf thnm No nercentlhln rlnnle of political c8mmo- I would havo voted for him In nnv event Ir tlon has been excited among local populists, he had remained upon the ticket." either fusion or middle-ot-thc-roadcrs, by John Jcffcoat: "I don't think Towne's tho announcement of tho withdrawal of withdrawal makes any material difference. . Charles A. Towno n vlco presidential nom- it was o foregono conclusion that ho would Incc. Fusion populists generally accept It do so and I don't think It wilt affect tho ns tho most politic thing Jor Towno to do result. If Bryan wero to bo successful, why- rind mlddle-of-thc-roadcrs profess to tako Stevenson would of course bo successful lltllo Intercut In the matter. None of them tco. It could never ba Townc. It will not appear to bo cither surprised or nstonlshod. take many votes away from Uryan, as the "I always predicted that Towno would effect will bo Just tho same as If ho had re- withdraw," said I). Clem Dcavcr. "Ho was malncd upon tho ticket." elmply a decoy to fool populists. Tho mat- L. p. Maglnn: "I haven't thought much ter Is now In a worso shape than If nothing about It, as I had no Interest In tho nom had been dorto. Tho fuslonlsts nro des- Inatlon of Townc, having been opposed to perato nnd grabbing at straws. Senator fusion ever since It first obtained. My Allen assured tho populists that Judge opinion Is that tho rejection by tho dera- Hcnry 0. Caldwell would bo a candldato for ocrals of Towno'a nomination as tho fusion Ylco president. When that fako was ex- candldato signaled the deathknoll of fusion plodcd by Caldwell refusing to allow his and, Individually, I was glad, although I name to h used It left tho fiislonlsts In a think a great deal of Towno as an able, In disorganized state. Thcro are many Uiou- fact, a brilliant man." VnhrnnWn whn will ro- Mothers endorse It, children llko It, old folks iibo It. we refer to One Mlnuto Cough Cure. It will quickly euro all throat and lung troubles. REFUSES TO CANCEL TAXES m Pclbcr. a mid-road populist, UQUPI I GIVES IN TO FANNING irothcr Is a candldato for elector on nUnCLU UIVCO in IU mWiINU Ilnnla for Solution of the Demo- crntlo Ilinicutt)- In I'lnnlly Arrlvcil At. ' Band populists In Nebraska who will ro- fuso to voto for Stevenson nnd tho llarkcr and Donnelly ticket will undoubtedly profit largely by Towno's withdrawal." Will Mot (.'nt" Murh 1'lKiirc. Wlllla whoso brothc tho Bryan ticket In this state, said: "Towno's withdrawal will not cut much figure with truo populists, except to aug ment their numbers. Truo populists should havo but llttlo interest in lowno anyway. Tho HoweU Democratic Oct Together club I can't say that his withdrawal will havo met yesterday nnd In splto of violent and much effect upon tho democratic ticket, but 0ft-rcpeatcd pledges that It would never, such as It docB havo will be toward wenken- ncvcr y,cld t0 the (cman,ia of tho Panning Ing It, especially In tho west, nnd thoreby county committee thnt South Omaha should Btrcngthcnlng tho mlddlo-of-tho-road causo bo allowed twonty-clght delegates In the In thnt ECCtlon." I nrnnonnd tnlnl rnnvpntlon nf lh ln pan. J. II. Kandolph, mldrtlc-of-tho-rortder: I tending factions, It concluded to concede think it will have tho ortect of strengthening tmU pont Thero was no ono present, It tho democrats', for tho reason that fuslonlsts ls Btatc,), but the members of tho conforenco will not huvo, ni tucy did in lsuo, an open coramltteo from tho Howell county coramlt brcach botwoen them. Mlddlo-of-tho-road- tee Tho Fanning committee- had submitted era don't Cnro ono way1 or tho other. They a new nroDosltlon which nrovlded thnt each nro simply determined to keep up tho party commlttco should fllo Its preferences for organization, realizing that fusion this year delegates with Its own secretary; that tho would but rcitilt In their utter loss. True primaries should bo hold September 27 und populists bellcvo that even If tho democrats tlio convention September 29; that tho prl- wero successful they would fall far short of niarlcs should be held nt tho samo places tholr polltlcnl aspirations" fts previous to tho Inst election except In A. W. TIdd: "Towno's withdrawal is n luo Fifth und Soventh wards nnd In Douglas goou unng.-. i unn i uvuevu in ii iHu-im.tu preempt,; tnat lf tno Fanning men won klto. 1 do not think It will hurt the pop- out in ,u0 nrlmarles.. 1 tillst parly, or causo, but It will certainly 8d0 at tho convention until a chairman Is Help iiryon and win gain mm strongm selected, and If tho Howell faction should among tho populists. win out tho honor should fall to Howell: II Id Wlmt Wim Uxiieetril, that If there wero any dispute as to who Michael McOulrci "I think Towno did had won, 0. M. Hitchcock should prcsldo tho right thing, Just whnt was expected of temporarily; that South Omaha should have him when he was nominated, but It would twonty-clght delegates and other wards and havo hern bolter for him If he had kept his precincts tno samo ns heretofore. mouth shut iinon tbo fact that ho wanted This proposition tho Howcllltcs decided tn hn r ileinnc.rn.t lvo or three years ago. to accept, with tho sole reservation that tho I have thought all along that he would delegations bo filed with 0. M. Hitchcock as withdraw. It leaves tho poor fusion pop- referee. ThlH was said to bo satisfactory ullsts In n pltlnblo situation, as they have 10 tho Panning faction and tho contending no representative on tho ticket which they factions claim now to llvo In harmony as nro expected to support. I don't think li to tho lines upon which their battle nt the will havo any appreciable effect on tho cam- primaries shall be fought. paign. 1 B.pposo u .ym ni.uu.u ,u Te p((t Ilomr fp s0,nch Towno, will got a plnc,o In tho cabinet." llowrl Trouble Klmor Thomas: "Thero Is no question "I have been In tho drug business for tnal air. Towno was aciuaicu oy piiirioiit twt.nty years and havo sold most all of th lnipuifvu.aiKi n. .HiiiwvrB. uc.iy iu a..,- proprietary medicines of any note. Among thing In bin power to help to elect Uryan, tho cntlro list I havo nover found anything and while at the, tlmo of tho state, convon- to oqual Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and tlon It looked oh It It would be unwise for DIarhoea Ilomcdy for all stomach and bowol rum io wnnuraw, ii iooks uow ub u h. troubles." says 0. W. Wakefield of Colum tho best thing lio could nave ooije. uonubu, Ga. "This remedy cured two never iqiur. mnuu niiViUi ... u . .., cn8oa or cholera morbus In my family, and I . ' L ii " 7 t . , uuve recommenued and sold hundreds of bottles of it to my customers to their entire and Stevenson. satisfaction. It affords a quick and sure L. J. Qulnhy: "I don't know Just whether curo ln ft p,eMnnt form fJZl Oity Comptroller Will Tost Validity of Ordinance Passed Recently. COURTS MUST SETTLE THE MATTER Unrntlon of the Council's 1'otTer to Heinlt Delinquent Tnxes Mnr n Well lie Decided Mow n nt Any Time. Cltv ConiDtrollcr John N Wcstberg has refused to cancel tho tax on a lot at Fif teenth and Davenport streets, tho property of tho First Baptist church, and will give the city council a cbanco to test tho validity of the ordinance It passed which provided that the city comptroller shall be compelled to glvo tho city treasurer credit with all tnxra or assessments cancelled in wholo or ln part by tho city council. "I havo decided that this question has to bo determined sooner or later and It may as well bo carried Into the courtB now ns at any time," tho comptroller remarked In dis cussing tho ordinance. "I cannot sco how It Is pCRslblo'-for the council to cnnccl taxes at will and compel mo to change my books and I believe tho courts will sustain me. The delinquent taxes on this lot belong ing to tho Baptist church aro tor tho years of 1897, 1S98, 1899 and 190O, and amount to about (600. It ls the largest claim that the council has cancelled and on this account tins been selected as suitable for a test case. Tho lot has not been used tor church pur poses during the years for which tho taxes aro duo and tho question of whether such property can bo exempted from taxation will enter Into tho case. Tho lot has been held for an lncrcnso In value and tho con gregation Is anxious to have tho taxes can celled at this tlmo bo that It may bo sold." It was the bst thing to do or not. I am for Bryan's election nt all hazards and would snuctlon uny honorable sacrifice on tho part of ruy party toward that end. Mr. Towno's lettor was a manly one, showing his splendid qimlltlcs nnd his sincerity for Bryan and principle. I mm still glad that wo nonilnatrd him, ni It shows that we put principle above party, JUHt as his with drawal buows that ho docs. I haven't mada up my mind yot J not what Is best for tho lard. populists to do now,, but am willing to let tho populist commlttco decldo that question and nblilo tho rcsjilt."' Yt'lser Hum Mo UoktH. John O. Ye lser: "I don't regret tho.wlth drawal of Towno In view of tho 'fact that to has mado the statement that he Is a dem ocrat anyhow. Of courso I regard him as an excellent man nnd a leader ln reform, but for tho purposo of keeping the organ- bo without IU I keep It ln my house nt all times PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Thomas Keogh of Ogden Is nt the Murray Sam Teasdalo of St. houls is In tho city uarueu mcnards or Cliadron Is In th city. Irving 8. Cutler of Lincoln 1b nt tho Mil W. Q. Baker of Norfolk Is nt tlm Mnr. uiiunin. K. M. V. I.eflang of Lexington Is nt th Aiiunra. Dr. W. K. Langbridgo of Croto Is nt tho iucrciiuniH. W. S. Stevenson of Detroit Is staying at the Murray. Albert IMholni, tho Jeweler, left last night for Donvor. plugs at the following corners: Twenty third and T, southeast corner of Eigh teenth and J, Twenty-second and V and Sixteenth nnd 8. It was carried. More Trouble for School. School Treasurer Frank Koutsky was yesterday' served with a notice by T. McDonald nnd F. J. Bock to refrain from paying warrants that havo been Is sued to Oraham Park and to Graham Fork & Co. for plumbing work done on tho Jungmann school property. Tho notice recites that when this Indebtedness was created tho necessary money for such expenditures had never been Appropriated and that tho debt Is therefore Illegal and void. Tho treasurer says that he will oboy tho notice for a few days, or ut least until ho can satisfy himself what courso ho should pursue. No writ of Injunction or restraining order has been served upon htm. Oaln 278 202 .111 13J 1 400 021 South Omaha News . j According to a statement compiled by Superintendent Wolfo of tho South Omaha public schools, thero has been n wonder' till growth during tho Inst ten years. Tho following tablo shows tho average attend anco during that time: f Attend Year. unco. 1MI1-2 1,721 U92-3 m 1MKM 2,201 1S94-R 2.M2 1S05-G 2,t',l.'. H0i!-7 2,797 1MI7-S 3,1 1! 1S93-9 lMW-OO 4.0S3 Superintendent Wolfe has estimated that tho number of pupils who will bo enrolled at tho commencement of tho school year ln September will bo about the sumo ur nt tho closo of the last yeur, but that during the winter term this amount will bo. swelled to at least 4,600. If this condition prevails tho superintendent claims that It will bo a scri ous question Just what to do with all tho pupils that attend. Tho rapid growth of tho schools corre sponds with tho rnpld growth of tho city, Tho schedulo that Superintendent Wolfe has prepared shows n growth that Is not equalled by any town In tho state, nnd It Is doubted whether thcro aro any othor townB In tho country that can show an lncrcnso In enrollment like that wblch'tho South Omaha public schools now show. According to tho estimate of Wolfo thoro has been an tn- creaso during tho last ton years ln tho school enrollment of the public schools of 2,859. This la an lncreaso of almost 75 per cent and, according to those who havo mado school work a study, It ls claimed to bo a wonderful growth. The question that now causing the school board, teachers'' and parents muth worry Is Just how theso pupils for the coming year nro to bo accommodated. That thcro is not adequate school room Is a long past conceded proposition; that out side rooms will havo 'to bo rented Is shown by tho fact that at the Board meeting a few eights ago a committee was appointed to solicit empty rooms to bo used for school buildings. Ono of tho members of tho school board said tho othor night: "This mnttcr of school room Is a serious question and ono that the board Is going to havo a great deal of trouble with during the coming year. You see, wo have rented vacant sa loon buildings, wo havo ousted butcher shops so that wo could use their buildings; stores havo been vacated, but wo are begin ning to feel that wo are at tbo end of our string. Unless we obtain some private dwelling and go back Into prlmltlvo teach ing wo can do nothing more. Of course, we will be all right when tho school year first opons In September, but just ns Boon as tho mass of pupils commences coming during tho winter term we will bo ln a serious di lemma and will not know what to do with MILES WILL CASE REVIVED Petition to llnvc It Srt Aside tins Been I'llril In the t'nltril Htntrs District Court. Tho moro or less celebrated Miles will caso ls to havo a hearing In tho United States district court at Omaha. A petition has been filed by Joseph Edward Mead by his next friend, Edward Mead, to set osldo tho will of tho late Nebraska millionaire on the ground that through a mistake ho had been disinherited by Stephen B. Miles, who believed that he was dead at tho time tno will was made. Tho complainant alleges that ho Is tho greatgrandson of tho Itlchardson county farmer, being the son of Laura u. Mead, n dnughtcr of Caroline Williams, who was a daughter of tho decedent. According to tho complaint his mother and his grandmother both died beforo his great grandfather, who I'rpnnrlnir for Cnr Line. was given to understand tnnt no died at tno Tho Btreet car lino Is being extended nt tlmo of the death of his mother. Instead Thirty-ninth nnd Q streets on Indefinitely of being dead he was being cared for nt tho and ' active preparations for tho line are homo of his paternal aunt In Missouri and being made. Tho street Is being finely had no communication with his mother's graded and everything looks now as though people. Ho asks that tho will be set aside this would make ,one of tho most beautiful and that ho bo given an equitable part of nvenucs of tho city. For a long tlmo there tho estoto. An attempt to set this will has been a demand for this work and tho asido was mado somo tlmo ago nt i-niis utrpnt car comnanv In thus extending the City. At thnt trial-charges of perjury and lino ls obeying a universal request for subornation of perjury were brought against hnttnr pnr irvlcn In that nart of the tno contestants. -Is.. ft lH lMipft Itnw tnH It tk ciij. it uui nuuu .h Conrt Motes. borons tno lino is nnany compioica. lssw jR,or j Jones o ie eounly jan ls night n horso and buggy belonging to taking a brief outing ut Broken Bow, Neb. Barnoy Corrlgan wero driven into one or chief Deputy w. v. wenucr or k the lllsi for Infants'and Children. Cnstorla Is n hnnnlcss substltuto for Castor OH, Pare goric, Drops nml Soothing Syrup. It Is lMoiisunt. It contains neither Opium, nlorphlno nor other Narootlo substance. It destroys "Worms nml nllays Fevcrlshness. It cures Plnrrhrca nml "Wind Colic. It relieves Teeth Inir Troubles nml cures Constipation. It regulates tho Stomach nml JUowcls, Klvlnir healthy nml natural sleep. Tho Children's Pnuacea Tho Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the Signaturo of In Use For Over 30 Years. vnrr.,..r.HT. CALLS SCIENCE TO ITS AID tho open cuts at tho point where the work Ib going on and the buggy was smashed and the horso Injured. Mnnlc City nrlcfs. B. V. Wright of Alllanco was In tho city yesterdni". Mrs. K. V. I.orrlg. Twenty-sixth nnd N streets, is reported senousiy in. sheriff's olllco Is upending u week with frlouds In Blair, Neb. Mrs. Charles H. Itustln has been bp- Tuft,--,, In Pnwuro Tn'nl Introduce flharts nolnted ndmlnlstrntrlx of her husband's UOtenSO in rowcra inai invrouuecs uuarw estate ny ino county juugc. unpiuin iiusiin r nivii Kneincer UOOlman. icit no win. " A boy has been born tn Mr. and Mrs. tho body. vigorous without food. Dyspep Dnn Ollie. r oriy-unr.i uo a '"'". . h. ..A 1 M,.m.K. Now Ifnrtnl Millions will hn Micnt ln notltlcs this year. Wo can't keep the campaign going THEORY AS 10 IHIKU UOUK la Uisruitu without money any more than wo can keep I.nTT of (Irnvlty ns AppHeil to llullet Which Killed (loclicl Would llnvc t'nrrlcil to Different IMner if Klrcil from Powers' Olllce. OEOIUIETOWN, Ky., Aug. 8. Tho do- John Mllford Soldiers' Homo, was In tho city Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat and ycstcrdii'. allows you to cnt all tho good food you A rinllt'lltf'r llllH tlOCll boril tn Mr. Slid vent 1 iHfv mimi alnmnft, trnnhlpil. Airs, imrvuy aiusiey, inemj-iuui m mm II streets. MllnnuUci l'ntv In Town, M km T.I7.7. n Thnmns nr Cincinnati IH visil- I n n i.-.n... -,,..,,, inn,i,i t Ine with her brother. Ivor Thomas, Thirty- inn. i miu ntivva. nna n nnriy or six ccni rmen irom uiu renin snrnnc nno oi lis siar claims nun nii- T. n. nlhnnn nttd fnmllv left Veslrrdny "fummm" rltv. nro n tlin Mnrrlumts. Iinv. I ... .. ... c i . .!.... Vi,. . ,1 ii.rrniiiulfnir iinlnts. tn bo .,V; i nm.iT VV . cruoon in mo simpo oi ....... ennn n. cuunln nf weeks. nn fhnlr vc&v In thn pminer mhilinr bolt and his Chart Of the grounds. It WHS In- Weight Bnimders, ft boy nbout 11 yenrs in New. .-Mexico. tiio party comprises f. temlod to provo by tils ngures mat ino not linvo window ot took tho prosecution, 01(1. IS seriously III nt inn nnno oi ni uni- jyuiiBiiui.i, ui iyur oi nuuui miiwiiuivt-. , i,uct wlch killed Oocbel could ...''. c ;'i mi ke .Tniirimi. nml it. v. nnnHim?. v. Knek. been fired from tho sill of tho ren este.l to bf i nrVsent tonight" nt iodgo U- Douglas, J. Miller nnd W. B. llurke. iill tho secrotnry of state's olllco If It meeting. Grand chtof of honor Is to bo Prominent merchants ot tno iseonsin our ciimC(i for It by the iiiuii uyuiio. present. Jennlo Levy will leave today for nn ex tended eastern trip, visiting Iluffnlo and Now York while uwny. Sho will return In nbout two weeks. Mrs. Kllznbeth Shlrly cave it very Inter esting lecturo at tho Woodmen hall last Uoth sides took up a large nmount ot time today In nn effort to Impeach nnd contradict Omnltn, ltonil Kuril for lliiinnitt'i A. J. Van Alstlno nsks for tno.000 ilnmaies I u IIiipbbi's whn hnvn nlreadr testified rrom uin umiiini romi dcchuso or nn ucoi- t. irnwi nf Tsvlnr ennntv who wns on dent which bofoll him at Florence. In this I,r. ro,wu 01 V? counij, wno wns on county. Tho stntlon wns nroucrly an- tho stand when court adjourned yesterday, nn nunaiinn Tiinrn wn I nounccu. van Alstlno KiiVH. nnu tun Dusscii- continued nis testimony, un crosscxnininn a lnrso attend'unco. ?r.r,..,n. trH! ?....i'.,m "V?8?1 'II? tlon tho wltnesB denied that ho told Wharton Wnrrnnts for the bills that wero allowed -V'Zi iS"VnrSTh- -i',' .Vn.i ih'S QoWon ho had no doubt that "Tallow Dick' ino snoi mat kiiicu uococi nnu ccrecnte about J10.000. ff 4C:'1 10 "m ucnica tnnt 110 sain uomtjs camo into mo w . 1 11, 1 ilvh ui'i'ii iifr.Ti.iiiiiiii iv nil rp 1 . . T . . , .. .. , I. l 1 1 .. .Hlin.flnn 1 iifi 1 ciiiiiir .ti r n v.ii. la Li, ... iinnu. 1 1 1.1 11 r . - a ... . . " . .1. ....i. i .ii. 1 J'.iiiennpx nrc I'lnuc un. Cllll mill will UK vc 1 .1..; '-" -, l m ,1 Minn on.l thnt llllirV Of tllftt lllBlltUllOn on mo Hill. 1 Ji.w iuu...uii;m ui inu munii-m irsiivui hiui i,--iw in uiu "v ...... ....... llenrv Rmlth. bnrtender for Jack iwnncr, ""rr"i V." '"V . "r..; " noimcr 01 mem couiu ihiyu uuuo ihu buuuv -. .1 . , . . iipiinii in inn rnmini. I R vii i xpnnn mi hi hit i . .. . ... . sain no nail seen go and denounced As tho witness left tho recalled nnd ho and face. They spoko cor C10C1C ni mo. rwciliy-iuin Birrei 1 rru- Pnv nB of tho cltv ,.d nP.ivn ,ffnrm In i.n. .j ni,i. inA lb. .(.nil J ,,l South Omaha nnd "Council muffs." " " 3 .Vn.r. V illUV 11U ,.... ...MUV, V.. ...... " - I'rowltt claimed ho had made, nnd also ro- adjutant general's offlco after tho shooting. Ho repeated thnt Combs and HockerBnilth Henry Smith, bartender for Jack Mnhcr, Z1 T'','1 Vomine Veivni'nn li i?!! nolthcr of thcm coula ,mv nttcmpted to tlx mi electric fnn yesterday ""AS'iatcst that 10 Tho witness also 1 ?e"uuTsnnnwUcrrylngU StftiaM cXMn ucX'or SWt ! Golden u day or two afi result is now cnrring ins iinnu in iv nuuh, , , .,..,,, ai f iinimi hnni. . n. ... Mrs. Wllllnm Kerr. Twenty-flfth, botweon reached ho ium of onh; M0 anrt the Bll"u" J nnd K. died yesler. lay ; n f ter a long til; commVtteo wdU ut onco take 'steps"",, en- 0ollc wns,T!l? Vhor5L.m..v r?fA tiet Vt?;: InrB 1110 ndvnnco sale by n. moro emclent I'rowltt met fuco to o'clock at tho Twonty-nftn street I res- cnnvnK nt ., -1... rt neiivo ffnr in n.i.i.. . II. K. Owen of Norfolk was nt the Mur ray Wednesday. Izatlon of my party Intact I should prefer , tt't the Mel-chants' B ' WmMr aealDT' bytcrlnn church, Dr. Wheeler ofllcifttlng, Chief Mitchell returned yesterday noon frnm I.lnenln. brlnslnir with him Ida Mitch ell, tho womnn who has been wanted hero for some tlmo to answer to tho chnrgo of theft. Charles Iteno. Twenty-Blxth nnd li streets, wns severely burned by nn ex plosion of gas necumtilated In s, whisky im rrn 1 Tiienilnv ulaht. Ifo Is norter for Aus tin & Terry rind as h was drawing some wliUkv frnm n. hiirrel.. thn irns wns ex ploded, severely burnlng'hlm about the fftco nnu nanus, uiKitr nmv wub hi ma uiuuiu Is supposed to .navo stajtou ,tno trouuio '' Throw PliyslcTjto.tho Does! Constipation Is treajfeilby an intestinal tonic and liver stimulant, palatable, gontle, yet potent Cnscarct Candy Cathartic. All drugglstB, 10c, 25c, GOc. . Cnr fTnntttictnr Hurt. ' Julius Nichols, a conductor .in ilie Fnuth peatcd what ho claimed l'rcwttt told him wanted good cltltens nnd that they were to show tholr Interest by their presence. Tho hearing of testimony In tho Hfternoon began with the cross-examlnntlon of jHtnes Sparks, who la county attorney In Laurel county. Sparks said ho had been Indicted for murder and sentenced to twenty-one cars In tho penitentiary, but that tho court t appeals had reversed tho dcclslou and on n new trial ho was acquitted. Ho said ho had also been Indicted for Illegal sale ot whisky nnd onre for carrying eoneealod weapons slnco ho had been practicing law. The attorneys asked him It ho had not said In tho presenco of n number of peoplo In Iiondon that Goebcl was to bo shot and had designated tho day and also thnt Taylor haT- mndo out tho pardons with tho exception of Inserting the mimes. Ho denied mnk- vlng such statements. N'ut Flreil from Powers' Oilier, K. D. Coolmnn of New Albany, lnd., a civil engineer who had worked for tho lead ing railroads of tho country from New York to Oregon, testified that he had made 11 survey ot the capltol grounds In Frankfort nnd had mado a drawing, which ho pre sented. Ho explained various distances tn tho grounds and stated thut n shot fired from tho sill of tho window ot tho secretary of Btato's olllco to tho holo In tho tiackberry tree would drop 13-16 of an Inch per foot In Its psssnge. Ho understood thnt tho bulletin passing through Oocbcl's body dropped 1 7-18 Inches, nnd nt this rato It would hav dropped so ns to strike tho basin ot tho fountain Instead of tho hackberry tree. A bullet fired from tho sccrctnry of stato's offlco window, which would drop 1 7-10 Inchos to tho foot, would nover havo renched tho spot whore (loebel wns supposed to bo standing. Ho stated further that 11 lino drawn through (loobcl's body from thn point of exit to tho paint ot entrance and contin ued to thn executive building In a straight lino would havo struck It eight nnd ono-halt feet abovo tho sill ot tho' window referred to. Ornalm car Hue. wns hurt yesterday at in reenrd to "Tallow Dick" Combs In con- itl'-fourth nnd Vinton .. . ...... -. .i.. .. ... ... . - . .. .: : nariinn u'lin iiiii hiiiiiiliiiu. HirrniH. tin wnM nnr Einp nn inn eirin ftr .vv the corner ot Twent his car and wns knocked off by n pile of rocKs. Aimougn no wns considerably bruised and suffered much nnln hn re. malncd with his cnr until ho llnlshed tho tria. L'nlls (Solilcn n l.lnr Dr. I'rowltt was again recalled and said that ho was with Wharton Golden when tho latter was first Informed by ThomaB n. Cromwell, 11 newspaper correspondent, that ho might bo nrrested In connection with tho assassination. J'rowltt said Oolden told hlra ft few minutes later that (lift to Fire Ilepartmcnt 1, m 1 .. 1 .. t, , 1 1 1 .1 ... I r.. r 1. n linn, viiKii.i.i xj. 'jnt111s.11. 1 "lie ui .1.0. lntplllc MnrrlnKe Licenses. Tho following licenses to wed have been Issued from tho office of tho county Judge X . . J k . ArthuVc:,nDm?eaer,COrnaha i ney wero arranging to put tho crime on Corn Delknnp, Omaha ft Towers, but that tho latter was Innocent. Matthew J. Hums, Kngle. Neb M George V. Long, stato treasurer during Sarah N. Mnhannat, Nebraska City 32 nrmllev's renlmo. testified about going to Mmiv .,.,.i... Louisville January 30 with Caleb Towers Intelligence has been received by the and others to arrango for bringing Borne ?10 ?oll' 9i2!,1l??m'n?10e,mU?wl?il0vJ.n JncksonTan club from Webster Dals that friends from western Kentucky. Ho said Omnhll llro uopnrtmont for twenty-seven thn hitler will ntteiul thn Jaeksnnlnn nlenle " ' years Previous to death In m lias p,e- nhte fcate1 park" Vuwifa PrVffdeit tho ntWB of tho hooting caused him to scnted the tiro department . with n hand- gmtri has sent un Invitation to David H. abandon tho projeot. On cross-oxamlna- ?IV." "V- V"Lnl "l. ,"l in...S lI"l to be present also. Uryan and Sloven- tlon tho Prosecution Introduced a lettor Chief Itcdell's nrlvntn ofnee. mid It If J Gnllluan's reoucst that It shull nlwavs re- muln there. Mrs. Gslllgan will lcnvo Cmaha Thursduy for the east, whoro he expects to remain one year. LOCAL BREVITIES. Chris Tautkus wns flned toO and costs ln Justice Learn's court for seining In tho Missouri river, llo took an appeal to the llDlrlnl , f , Clinton Ilrluu linprovliiK, Clinton HrlcirR. who underwent un (in er.itlon for iiDDcndteltis at the Tho Omaha nrewlnc association tins been hosnltal Mondny. Ik renorted to bo entirely granted permission to erect a temporary out of danger. Ur. Ollmoro. the houao irn at which thoy asked Long to identify, but ho Commissioners llnvc Tiilklnir Mnteli. said It .had not bocn written or signed by The county commissioners spont tho him. Witness said ho thought It had been morning In profitless conversation and a wrltcn by hls'son, Wendell Long, but ho largo batch of bills and communications . ' ', .. . ., wero left over until afternoon, A number nau uut buiuumivu iv. of routine bills were audited and nnnroved. Mm. .1. II. Mnttbuws testified that she ntESlmo?ngls broash,!d heard Culton tell her husband that ho was BO OUSy lUUL IIIITCIIUK .uuuiuo uu.u that ho did not know exactly what hap pencil T. 11. Hampton, who was a member of the Frankfort tnllltla. Bald ho was at tho ar nmo building ut Sixteenth and Cass surgeon, says he ls taking nourishment und scnal on tho mornlnc ot tho shooting and reels to bo used for the storing of tools I gaining strength rapidly. ... .. . nr mlnllt .. .... and mnlcrlals necessary ln thu erection of a new uuiKiinir. Tlio Iinmnnucl Deaconess' association Till! IIUAI.TV MAllKKT. all of them. You seo, the growth of tho j 1ms begun work on a frame building INSTRUMENTS placed on record Wednes , . , . 1. .. , . .. ' ,1 . ... . , . I n, irliltl-fm,K(l. .it....... n.i.1 irdrailllt, r. . I. 1 1 .. I ElUllUUia I1US Ut'ril BO KlUlll lllUl WO COUIU HOll"- ! .11 nnuc. unu I'ltimiui mu 1 . Allrriici fl. . L...t. ..... .. to bo liseil nn 1111 nrnhnn'n hnmn. A 2.FiOO uu'' AUgusi a. iuuk hucuu 10 iwuiing use li anu cacn year ,,-, .. nlm l,A rnnitr etert iw hi that somo such 11 populist as Dr. Howard S. Taylor of Chicago bo placed on tho tlckot. Ho stnnds ln such a position and could run In such a way as not to nmbnrrasa his pop ulist constituents. I think there Is a pos sibility ot such a man being placed on tho ticket Instead of Towne." Lou V. Guyo: "Tho withdrawal of Towno J. H. Presson of Stromsburg was nt the Her Grand Wednesday. II. N. Ilonnett of St. Louis, n lumber dealer. Is at .tho Murray. Wllllnm Tawnsloy. Jr., of Clovcland, O., Is stopping at tho Millard. Chnrlcs P. Cnrson of rtupld City, B. D,, Is a patron of tho Mlllnrd. K. II. Allen, n banker of Arapahoe, ls simply meets my expectations, as I have stopping nt tho Merchants, never thought that anything clso was In- T. B. TVrrv. a boot and shoe salesman nf Philadelphia, ls ut tho Murray. Prof. J. L. Tlltnn nf Rlmnsnn enlleee. ln. dlanola, la., Is tn the city visiting his brother-in-law, Dr. Iloyt. 7 ' JihIl'o Miineer nnd n nnrtv frnm tho federal building liavo go no on n fishing trip and will not return until Friday. A. C. McMnckln of Atchison. Knn. U visiting friends In tho city. Mr. McMnckln enmn to Omnlm In 1S53 and lived In Ne braska until 1873, when he went to Atchison, wnero no nas since reunion, NeuraskatlS nt the Merchants Wednes. day: J. C. Iledgo of Hastings. D. M. ueutnut or uverton. ur, m. ii. Spangler of Lincoln, D. P. Oilman of Alliance, M. V. Thomas of Madison, George Stnrk of Stanton, j. 11. Tnomsen or neatrice, Jl. L. fries or Arcama nnu aeorgo 13. God frey of Fremont. has been a succeeding surprtso to us." This statement mny be a llttlo exagger ated, but still It is thought that n serious proposition really confronts the board and that before tho term ends thero will bo much trouble ln this direction. Council Holds Hpeclul HcsnIoii, A spoclal Bosslon ot the city council was hold yesterday afternoon ln the city hall for tho purpose of clearing up an error that wbb mado Monday nlBht. At that tlmo an effort was made to havo tho pneinent of N street from A to Q street repaired nnd tho clerk was Instructed, by motion, to advcrtUo for bids. After this waa all over It was discovered that the only way that tho clerk could bo Instructed to advertise for bids of this kind was by resolution and for this reason tho special .session waB called, Tho matter was quickly adjusted and tho clerk was ordered to advertise for these bldB nt once. Tho contract will call for tho repair of tho street by cubic feet for both tho term of ono nnd flvd years. Tralnor made a mo tlon that the Omaha Water Works com pany bo Instructed to at onco locate fire association ln Monmouth park. Thoro will bo a lawn social held at tho home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Carr Axford, Twenty-first and Lake street, given by the Georgo Crook W. n. C, for the benefit of 1110 uiu soldier s Monument iiind, Thurs day evening, August 9. 1900. Every body come and havo u good time. Ice cream nnd cane. A frnmo building was movod Sunday to rwncicenin anil L.e.ivcnwortli streets, a HltO that is lust within thn flrn llmltn. Property owners In tho neighborhood have nvron Heed comi filed protests with tho building Inspector tot 8 block " and tho owner of the building will bo 101 s' 1 c ' Wnrrnnty Deeils. Peter Qunst to Mary Quast, undlv M of lot 3, block 1, Lincoln Place C. J. Todd and husband to a. M. Web ster, a strln In neVi 21-15.12 M. A. Elliott et nl to J. F. Ragun, a tract ln seVl neU 21-15-13 Mngglo Rako nnd husband to Uoru Ahiers. bv or lot 6. uiock us. south Omaha 473 J. N. Jensen nnd wife to J. P. Nielsen, lot 20. block 4S7, Grand View add 3W A. G. Tanner nnd husbnnd tn L. M. Heard, lot e, block 3, uake's acid 3,000 pany to James vvrmni. Drake's add 600 prosecuted for violation of the city ordinance. Charles Rloch, superintendent of con struction for Olndelo & Co., was In Omaha luesdny evening looking over tho work on tho federal annex. Tho Iron work has been lot to Haugh & Noelko of Indlanniioils, and tho stone superstructure to Onddcs & Seerey of Denver, who supplied tho stone for tho main building. Tho building Inspector hns condemned a building nt 1311 Farnnm street. July 7 a permit to repair tho front of tho building wns granted, but other Improvements have been mado for which no permit was se cured. The building Is frame nnd adjoins 1 mifcu unvK uiiiiuinff, inero Doing a rew Inches Of snnco between th n'm building Inspector hns discovered that this i uueu wiin paper, wnich increases tho dancer of fire. Total amount of transfers J.",36 that It was ten or fifteen minutes after be Ing Informed ot what had occurred beforo they left tho arsenal, and that It took them from threo to Ave minutes to teach tho stato bouse, W, II. Lilly was called to contradict Wado Watts, who testified for tho prosecution that whllo Representative W. H. Lilly was In w his barbor shop 0110 morning with' n number 7m of theso mountain men It was stated that wncn van Meter was eeaioa a snoi couiu 00 fired and then all tho democrats would rlso and they could shoot them nil In two mln utes. Lilly testified thnt ho did not know Watts, was never ,ln his shop but onco and nover heard such a conversation. Powers Want imI Co ml Citizens James Sharks. Laiircl county, testified that Powers told him that in selecting man ho CULLED from the Field of POLITICS Fatherless. Invitations havo been Issued to the mem bers by Chairman Collins for a meeting ot i tho republican county committee to be held next Saturday at Washington hall to make There's soincthlnir about the little provision for tho county primaries and nom- black dress that touches a man in a very lnatlng convention that ls to launch the re- tender spot. He pats the little one on publican legislative and county tickets, the head, puts sonic pennies in her hand, Under the primary election law twenty days' wallows hard nnd then starts out to publlo notlco must be given by the commlttco make his own children fatherless. There B0 that the county conventlon'cannot come is no doubt that many a man is taken f0oner than September 1. Tho practice of irom ins laimiy uy nccieci oi suniJic ropubllcans has been to hold the convention precautions which would preserve his on a Saturday for tho convonleuce of the want them-on the outslde-and we propose lB nrmuai picnlo at LonR Uench Cn, July " "." '"""i 31. w th a cooJ attendance according tn thn no following whatever that will stick to them and our only fear Is that they will Insist on trying to climb Into our wagon without an Invitation!" health. Disease generally begins nowa days in "Btomach trouble" because tho meals are hasty and the 'food not di gested. From that beginning come dis orders of the blood, liver, kidneys, heart or nerves. f'lc use Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, for diseases of the organs of digestion and nutrition will avert the catastrophe of more seri ous disease, It strengthens the Momach, purifies the blood, nourishes the nerves, nnd builds men up in both brain and body. "I en my to you, one bottle of your 'Golden Mcdleal Dieenvtry' has cured me wund and well, after urTerlng twn long year with atom, ach dlteasc, write V. 11, ririiwell, of McAden vllte, Gaoton Co., If. C. "My health li worth all the mnid to me, I will praise you as joug as A IITC." country delegates, with the primaries on tho day preceding, nnd this course will doubtless be pursued again. The repub'lcan .county committee consists of fifty-seven members, of which twenty-six are from out side of Omaha and South Omaha. It. U. Schneider, republican national com mitteeman for Nebraska, has gone to tho Yellowstone tor a short tour of recreation. Seven members of the school board will havo to be chosen at the November election, two of them to till vacancies. Dut that Is a long way off yet. School board politics will not open up actively for two months to come. Dr. Tierce's Pleasant Pellets should be "Wo have all the harmony we want now," used with "Discovery'; where a laxative Jlm Dahlman Is quoted as saying. "Wo have l required. i I Molsc, Fanning and Miller Just where wo Tho fuse Is said to have been lighted to explodo a good-sized bomb In the local fusion fold scon. Keep yourv cnr to the ground. Senator Allen Is ono ot tho men ap pointed by Chairman Jones on the dcm ocratlc national advisory committee, In which democrats, populists and silver re publicans seem to bo hopslcssly mixed without respect to tholr party professions. Nothing could be wanted to afford stronger proof that tho democrats hnvo absorbed tho entire management of the national campaign. Manngers of picnics, Ice cream soctetlej, moonlight excursions nnd mixed alo pnrtlos snould ecu to tl thnt J, Edgar Howard Is not overlooked In tho Invitation list. It J. Edgar has missed any of theso functions slnco tho congressional beo got firmly lodged In bis bonnet It bat not boon his fault. Tho Nebraska society at Los Angeles held newspaper reports, among those mentioned by nnmo as present being Judge W. H. Morris, ex-Governor Gosper, aftor whom Coipcr county, In this state, Is called; Rev. Charles A. DIlllngB, formerly ot Lincoln; Captain J. H. Culver nnd W. II. Dickinson, formerly of Wahoo. Of courso there were no politics on tho bill of' fare, but a straw ballot taken among the Nebrnskans showed that ot tho former loildonts of Bryan's stato forty-flvo wero for McKInley and fifteen for IJryan, It Is suggested that tho Nebraska Jack- sonlans oxpand tholr ofllclal wardrobe by tho addition of tho red shirt and got In lino with their fellow-democrnts ln North Carolina, especially as complaints hnvo been numerous that tho straw hat and hickory tune I'ubiumo uous not mao noiso enougu. Omaha Is sadly deficient ln halls suitable for political gatherings. Some sections ot tho city aro without proper meeting plucos altogether, while for largo downtown rallies the two theaters are tho only places that will accommodate more than 1,500 people and theso aro sure to be engaged right along with tholr regular attractions.' The prob lem of halls Is a puitiler for all tho pollt icai committees. FOR MIDDLE-AGED WOMEN. Two Lettert from Women Helped Through the "Clinngo of Life" by Lydla E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound. " Dear Iita. Ti.t khaji : When I first wrote to you I was in n very bnd con dition. I was passing through tho change of life, and the doctors Raid I had bladder and liver trouble I hud suffered fornlue years. Doctors fulled to dome tiny good. Slnco I hnvo tuken Lyuio, ,. pinkhnmH vegetable Com pound; my health has improved very much. I will glndly recommend your mcdlcino to others nnd am suru thut it will provo as great a blessing to them as it has to me." Mits. Gko. II. Junk, 001 DeKnlb Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Relief Came Promptly "DeahMiis. 1'inkhaji: I had been under treatment with the doctors for four years", und seemed to get no hotter, I thought I would try your medicine. My troublo was chnngo of life, nnd I must say thnt I never hnd anything help mo so much as Lydla K. rink ham's Vegotablo Compound. Relief came almost immediately. I havo better health now than I over had, I feel llko a new woman, perfectly strong. I glvo Lydla H. I'inkhnm's Compound all tho credit, and would not do without her mcdlcino for any thing. I have recommended it to soveral of my friends. There is no need of women suffering so much for Mrs. l'hikluun s remedies are a fiuro cure." Mahala Ilridge- water, 111, Another Womnn Helped " I)KAn Mils. I'ixkham ! I took Lydla 15 I'lnkhams Vegetable Compound during change of life and derived great benefit from its us " Manv E. James, 130 Coydon St., llrudfovd, Ia. Thnt Tlirolililnsr lleiiiliielir. Would quickly leave you If you used Dr. King's New Llfo I'llls. Thousands of sufferers hnvo proved their matchless merit for sick nnd nervous headaches. They mnko puro blood and build up your health. Only 25c. Money back If not cured. Sold by Kuhn & Co., druggist's. .Mlnlfr Tower Itrtnrns to Post. NHW YOHK. Aug. 8. Among those who sailed nn the steamer Dcutxchlaud for llsm- burc today wero CnnrlcmnKnu Tower. United Htiitcs atnbnssudnr to St. l'olorsburg, ami joiiii waimmiiKer or riiiiaucipiiiu. Don't forget to take a few. bottles ot Cook's Imperial Extra Dry Champagne with you on your summer outings. 1111311. ILI.IGAX James, aged 8 yenrs. Funeral from fnmlly residence, 707 Hickory street, nt 1 P. in. Intermont Holy Kapulchro cemetory. So Maiiy People Hve headaches hat ar due to tbo over tasked eyts Eye helps that help and relievo are the kind we have been furnishing Our optical department la In charge ot a compe tent and practical optician who will xaralas 'your eyt fro of charge W (uarantes Mtlsfaotory work. THE A10E & PENF01D C0.f Leadlnsj Solentllo Opticians. 1008 Farnnm. OMAHA. OPPOilTE PAXTON HOTEL. Kimball Pianos, Reed & Pipe Orgais Wo would llko to rcminu tno puunc thnt the Klmbnll factory Is "MOWS THAN DOUHLK THE 81 ZK AND OUT PUT OF ANY SIMILAR INSTITU TION IN THU WOULD." This nicniiH thnt their Instruments nro vastly Htiperlor to other. KIM II ALL PIANO him lwlvrd moro awards, of merit and valuable testimoni als thun any othor. KI.MltALL PIP 10 OUC5ANS now rank with tho tlnoHt In America, thoy having boon placed In nomo of tho most promi nent ehtirohoH In tlio cast. Kimball ontnloguos sent on applica tion to A. HOSPE, Music and Art 1513 Oouclas. If You Folded Your Tent- nnd Htolo nwny to the uttermost pmls of tho worlil yon could not bo nblo to lo onto ii bettor lino of woman's OxfonlH thnn Drox L. Shooniiin hIiowh todny In it welted boIo nt Sl'.riO wo show what no ono oIho ciin duplluato it woltoil solo iiiulcoH wnlklni; it comfort no burned or swollen foot, us with tlio thinner soles rttiKSlii calf, vlcl kid and llslit calf In till tho swell shapes at ?2.r.O up to ?5.(XJ- Hnvo yon seen tho now whllo duck, heavy rubber solo tennis shoo for men at ?1.7.'V Drexel Shoe Co., Oawalia'ai Up-to-dnte Bho Hams. 1110 FAUNAM STUEEi'.