Tin: OMAHA "DATLT BE13: WEDNESDAY, AtTGITST 8, 1000. s COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat is Lively Compared to Dullness of Recent Sessions. MARKET SCORES ADVANCE ALL AROUND DfferlnR of Corn Wrrf l.lKht nil (I Ilnnllv Minirlied Onln nml Pro pitious Arc Sternly ivltli MIkIiI AUwuiee. CHICAGO, Aug. 7. The dny's grains markets were again greatly Influenced hy rrrather conditions hero finil nbroncl. Wheat rlosed at an advance of i1?Ttc, the factor helng tlie sharp ailvanci: at Liverpool oc casioned hy tho wot weather In Hngland, Corn advanced ifiT4c, Influenced by the hot winds, which are playing havoc with the crop. OntH advanced Uo and provisions scored 214c advance all around. At tho opening In wheat and for a few minutes after an exceedingly lively busi ness was done, compared with the nlmost utter stagnation of recent sessions. Harly quotations from Liverpool furnished a big urprlsn to local traders, showing nn ad vance. In that market of lUfflHU. The nil vanco was said to lie duo to exceptionally bad weather all over the United, Kingdom, greatly Interfering with harvesting opera tions. Opening quotations In September ranged from about to a full cent oyer yesterday's closing prices, tho range being from "tilic to Tf.Hc. Hut thcro tho advance stopped and It took but a few minutes of thn heavy realizing which started at once to forco prices back quite materially. Of ferings for somo tlmo were heavy, long wheat coming out In largo quantities, prin cipally from locnl holders, though houses with foreign connections were also prom inent In the selling. There were apparently plenty of buying orders on tho market at We and under anil the market was not often nllowed to go below that llgure tip to til" noon hour, tho lowest point touched up to that tlmo being 757.o. After noon the mar ket, which had gradually become extremelv dull, became heavy also, Tho crowd was evidently long and tho market declined to 75c, mostly from Its own weight. Shortly before tho close reports of liberal export sales gave n better tone to tho market and prices recovered somewhat, September ad vancing to 7i;'ie bid. That was tho price at the close. Northwest receipts were 210 cars, compared with Ml last week and 109 a year ago, Chicago receipts were 330 cars, M of contract zrnde. Total primary receipts wcro 0I5.MX) bushels, against 011,000 bushels a year ago. Tho world's visible supply In creased MTfi.OK) bushels, according to Hrad street's, about what the trade had been looking for. New York reported export en gagements of eighty loads. Seaboard clear ances of wheat anil Hour were put at 275,00) bushels, Corn was dull for tho most part, but firm at nil times, The market opened strong nnd higher on tho continued hot weather In tho west, which waH reported to bo doing great damngo to the crop. Offerings at no time were heavy anil tho mnrket easily ab sorbed them. Country acceptances wero light and the shipping demand good. Re ceipts wero 310 rars. September ranged from 38Ue to .WMjlS'Ho and closed ftfttic higher ut S8V4938ic Oats were quiet, but steady at a small advance over yesterday, traders being In fluenced principally by tho strength de veloped In other grain markets. A featuro was tho entire absence of country selling and most of tho buying orders were from that source, Receipts were heavy, "IS cars. September rnnged from 21ic to 22o and closed Uo higher at 2147220. Provisions wero steady with a fair gen ernl trade, with packers tho best buyers. There was somo outside demand, presuma bly Influenced by the government demands for meats. There were no new disturbing developments as regards tho yellow fever outbreak. The cash demand was excellent and had considerable Influence on trading. At the eloso September pork was 2V4c higher at J11.S7V41 September lard 2Hc higher at Ifi.K., and September ribs 2V4c higher at J7.1MT7.1714. Kstlmated receipts Wednesday: Wheat, IS'J cars; corn, 155 cars; oats, 335 cars; hogs, 25.0H0 bead. Tho leading futures ranged n3 follows: Artlcles. Opun.l High. how. Close.lYcs'ty Wheat Aug.. Sept.. Oct.. Corn- Aug.. Sept.. Oct.. Oats Aug.. Sept.. Oct.. Pork Sept.. Oct.. Oct.. Jan.. nibs- Sept.. Ort.. Jan.. 75 75 7514' 76V 770H !7fiHf(V4 76'A 77'.i 75i 7514 38 3il5 TOTfi 7714 3D 38 3SVif(V4 3SS(f?i 37V4"3S 38 :ts4 3714 38!4if(V, iiiti 21' 21?i i2UT--; 12 00 12 00 21i 21i 211i,i', 21WI22. :is?i 22U 11 8714 11 90 21il? 11 07V4 12 00 0 85 0 00 11 s: 11 85 11 8714 G 8214 G 85 G 70 7 15 7 10 G 10 11 8714! G 87141 fi 85 fi 85 li )is 6 75 r. 8714' fi 90 0 7214' b III 7 15 G I-V3 7 20 7 171 7 22'4 7 1714 6 1214 7 1714 7 1214 7 1214 6 12'. li 10 No Cash quotations wero as follows: Kl.OUlt Steadier; winter patents, $3.80 4.(K); straights, J3.20(T3.70; spring specials, 4.W; spring patents. J3.70yt.l0; straights, J3.30n3.70: bakers'. J2.awi2.80. WIIIOAT No. 3, 72'(i7uej No. 2 red, 741:0' COKN-No. 2. 30e OATS No. 2, ..TMc; No. 2 white, 2394 W 2l'.4c; No. 3 white, 23!iW2IHc HYU-No. 2. 4S4C. HAKMiY-aood feeding, 3lfi35c; fair to choice malting, SOfa I3e. SICIUIH-No. 1 llax and northwestern. J1.3I. 1'rlmo timothy, J3.20. Clover, contract grade, new. $!.00; old. J.s.40. I'ltOVlSIONS-Mess pork, per bbl JIl.Si frll.90. Lard, per 100 lbs.. Jti.S2141iti.83. Short ribs sides (loose). J7.05fi7.35. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), 10.7541 7.00. Short clear sides (boxed). St.MTi.70. WHISKY IIuhIh of high wines, per gal., J1.231&. SrOAItS-Cut loaf. J6.88; granulated, JG.3J; confectioners a, u...s; orr a, w.iij. Tho following aro tho receipts and ship ments for today: Articles. Kccelnts. Shipments. Flour, bbls IS.OiW ('..mo Wheat, bll 191,000 12,0) Corn, bu 129,ooo Ml.no Outs, bu Clt'i.OOO 259,0 to liye. bu 11,000 2,0V) Hurley, bu 15,000 3,00a On tho l'roduce exchange today tho butter market was tirm; creameries, l.viiuvio; dulrles, llfijlic. Cheese, null, Wa mtv. Kggs, tlrin, 12c. snw yoiik isiimjhai. mahkht. Quotations for the Day 011 Vnrltiu Coimiioilltlca. NKW YORK. Aug. 7. I'LOPR Hccelnts. 2,719 bbls.; exports, 3,107 bbls.; sales, 8,fi50 pkgs. ; market was mill again, buyers snow ing caution and limiting their purchases In actual needs; tho eloso was steady, with wheat and Hour dull; winter puteiits. $3,85 frit. 25: winter straights. J3.G(ii3.75: Minne sota patents, Jl 104,I5; winter extras, $2 70 4i3.0o; Minnesota bakers, $2.90fi3.35; winter low gruues. - 10. uye pour, nrmer; sales, 400 bbls.j fair lo good, $3,104)3.25; c unco to ruuey, VJ.;mj;i.w, COHNMKA I, Firmer; yellow western, 83c; city, 87c. HYH Firmer; No. 2 western, 5t'' f. o. b. afloat; stute, 51ij(32o i 1. f. Now York car lota. HAHl.KY-Steudy; feeding, 4lifl5o 0. I. f. New York; matting, W155o c. I. f. Now York. IIAHLKY MAI.T-Dull: western. 6lffi7c. W 1 1 HAT Hecelpts, 123.125 bu. ; ex. oris, ns,;!S7 bu.; sales. 3.85O,0tH) bu. riituivs. 9,Vi,(h bu, export. Spot, Arm; No. 2 red. 80'c ele vator and 82'ic f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard. Puluth, 87o f o, li. afloat. Options opened strong oil bullish cables, foreign buying and liberal acceptances from the other side. They worked off a llttlo at midday under locnl realizing ami then recovered again on good cash demand at the west nnd local revering, closing Arm at Wtlio net atlvunco; March, 81! l-1tVj8tiie, closed at SiKjo; Sep tcmber. 80 13-1K5iS1'4c, closed at SlUoi De comber, S27ii83 3-ltio, closed at 83'c. 'C'OHN-HecelPts. 25.115 bu.; exports. 207. S27.hu.; sales, 125,0m) bll, futures. 288,000 bu. rxpnrt. Spot, llrm; No. 2, 3So afloat; No. 3 43HC elevator. Options wero llrm all day nn lack of rain In Kansas, higher cables and local covering; closed llrm at miHo net ad vance: May closed at 41c; September, I3'-4W 43 15-llk'. closed at 437ic; December, 40W 4V, closed at I0c, OATS Receipts. 133,000 bu.; exports, 100, 7G9 bu,: tales, 75,000 bu, spot, Spot, tinner; No. 2, 2tc; No. 3, 2514c; track, white western, l"iil33ci' track, white state, 2714iT33c, Op tlons, quiet but steady with corn. HAY rirm; shipping, 75c; good to choice, pOf y 2 o HOI'S Dull: state, common to choice, 1S99 crop, lHiltcj olds. 3ji5c; l'acltlo coast, IS99 crop. 19Jf23e; olds, 35i5o. HIDICH-Steady: Oulveston. 20 to 25 lbs., 18c; California, 19 to 25 lbs., 1814e; Texas dry. 24 to 30 lbs,, 1314c LKATIIHIl-Qulot and steady; hemlock sole. Uucnos Ayres, light to heavyweights, 224ft23He: aUd, 2214lii'.'24c. PROVISIONS-Ileef, steady; family, J10.00 'ffrl2.0H; beef hums. J2O.O(ii21.0O: pucket, J10.00 11.00: city, extra India mess, JlG.0CKai7.00 Cut meats, sternly: pickled bellies, J8.2MC 10.50; pickled shoulders, J6.50;G.7K; pickled turns, $10.001 10.75. I-urd, firm; western steamed, J7.20J refined, steady: continent, $S.23; South America, $125, compound, $6 25 OG.3714. Pork, dull; family. JI4.50; short clear, JinfiOMl.,,00, mess. J12.7rfll3.rA Ul'TTKIl Receipts. 14.742 pi;gs.; steady, creamery, ITifSOc, current packed, factory, iimr?e. f'HKKSK-Ilerelnts. .O.rAfi nkcS.: llrm. large, colored, 9'4fi9'(iP; small, colored, lO'c, large, white, UH'ic, small, white, lOlic KOdS-Rceelpts, ll.5 pkgs ; steady, western, at mark, llflSc, for average lots. western, loss on, mvic RlCI'-Oulet: domestic, extra to fair, 5 G'tc; Japan, fitibc. J Alilu v uuil ; cuy lit per pscKiiKe', 4 7-1M4 7-1G14; country (packages free), 414filc. . . . MKTALS All of the Iron markets ruled weak again today, the local market being especially so, dropping 60 points In pig Iron warrants to Jll.ii, . Tin was higher at Lon don and a shade steadier here for spot, but weak on futures: snot tin closed at J32.0OW 32.50. Spelter ruled a shade easier at JI.17 'rii.Wi. i.ead was mill and tincnangeu at Jl.25 and copper also ruled dull at $10.50. The brokers' price for lead wus J4 and for copper J1G.60. omaiia vhoi.i:am: MAHKinS. ComlKloti of Trititp nml (Imitii tlons on Stiiplp nml I'liney I'roiluep. KOfSS Receipts liberal; good stock, 11c. MVi: l'Ol'I.TRY-Ilens. 7(f77'4c: roosters. Hrconllng to age and size. 3'rtic: broilers. 10c; ipicks, 4fi,jc; geese, 4ii5e; turkeys, sc. FI tKS II DRKSSICD I'OII.THY-Tp"' 9c; roosters, MlGc; ducks and geese, 9ffl0c; broilers, per lb., 12itl214c; turkeys, JZ'.4C. Hi'TTiCK Common to fair. 13c; choice, is ICc; separator. 20c: ciithcred creamery. 17 V lc. K1SII Trout. lOe: blue llsh. 12c: nlckerel. Rc: catllsh, 12c; dressed buffalo, Gc: white llsh, 9c, herring, 6c; black bass, 10c; sal mon. 13c; white bass, 10c: eropple, 10c: pike, 10c; halibut, 12c; bullheads, 10c; ring perch, Gc; lobsters, green, 22c; boiled lobsters. 25c; mi'ckerul. 20c; codllsh, 10c; yellow perch, Gc. i-iwr.u.-SH kivc, per ooz wo VICAI.H-Cholce. 9'(10c. HAY Per carload lots: Unbind, choice. J7.W); midland, choice. JG.50; lowland, choice, J5.50; rye straw, choice, JG; No. 3 corn, 37c; .o. .1 wnito oats, ic; cracKcu corn, per ton. $15: corn and outs, chonned. tier ton. $15.60; bran, per ton, J12.50: shorts, per ton, 112.60. VICO KTAIII, ICS. CI'CtWlHICRS-I'cr dor.., soga'p. ASPAItAOi;s-Nono on tho market. N1CW Tl'RNIPS-Per. bu. basket, 75c. N1CW RICICTS-Per doz. bunches, 30c. N1CW CAUROTS-l'd- 1I0Z. bunches, 25c. I.ICTTt'CIC-Per doz., 150. RADISHICS-llnme-grown, per doz., 15c. PICAS-Per U-bil. basket. 60c. WAX ltlCANS Per H-bu. basket. GOc. N1CW POTATOICS-Per bll., 30040c. CAilHAOlC-IIome.irrown. tier lb.. VA'd l&c. CATTI.IKI.OWICR-Per doz.. Jl. ORICKN CORN-I'er doz.. 10c. TOMATOICS Ilomn-urown. ner U-bii. basket. 60c. Rlll'HARll-Per lb.. 1c. ONIONS Home-grown, per lb., 2c. eiCUCRY-Mlehlgun 25S30c. FRUITS. STRAWmCRRI ICS-All gone. HIACKltlCRRIlCS-Per 24-qt. case. J2.25. llLACIv RASPHKRIlllCS Out of tho mar- kot. RICD RAPSHHRRinS-Out of market. Hlil'lClllCRRHCS-lG-qt. case. J2.25. Cl'RRANTS-Out of the market. PICACIIICS-Callfornla. ner box. 90cT1.00: Texas, jier l-basket crate, $1. Armwra-.None on tlie mnrket. PM'MS-CallfornlB. per crate, $1.151?1.25. PRL'NICS Callfornlii. Trncedv. ner crate. $1.26; Kelsay, Japan, per crate, $1.25. RARTMCTT PICARS-Callfoi nlu, .per box, $1.75f2.0U. ORAPICS-Callfornlu, 4-baBket crate, $1.50; California nectarines. 4-baskut crate, $1.25. uuumi.i(i.iuui;h-uiu or tno market. CHICRRIICS-Callfornla. ner 10-lti. box. $1.1081.26; Missouri, per 24-qt. case, $2.25; 8-lb. baskets. WHiiMc. WATli51EI,ONS-As to size, 2530J eacll. Al'PLICS Native. 76e(I7Jt.OO nor I111 tier bbl., $2.60iy3.0O. TROPICAL, FRUITS. PINKAPPMCS-Per doz., J1.50(S1.75. ORANOICS Mediterranean sweets, per box, $4; Valenclns, $4.2JJT4.60. LICMONS-Callfornla, tancy, $5.60; cholco, $5.00. II ANANAS Per bunch, according to size, $2.25S3.00. MISCICLL.ANEOUS. NUTS Hickory, largo, per bu., $1.25; shell barks, $1.35; lCngllsh wnlnuts. per lb 12 13c; Alberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, per lb HWlGc; raw. per lb., 5,iyGc; roasted, 714c. IIID1CS. IHDRS-No. 1 green hides, Gc: No. 2 green hides, 6c; No. 1 salted hides, G?ic; No. 2 salted hides, 5c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 7c; No. 2 veul calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 5c. CIIAMJKS IS AVAII.Ani.K SUPPLY. Cnlile nml TeleKriiplilc HpiiiirU of (ruin Allout mill Ashore. NI3W YORK. Aug. 7.-Speclal cable nnd telegraphic communlcatlonH to Hradstreet's show tho following changes In available supplies from the last account: WH1CAT United States and Canada, east of Rockies, Increased 7,770,000 bushels; afloat for and In ICurope decreased 300,000 bush els. Total supply Increased 1,478,000. CORN United States and Canada, east of Rockies, decreased 22.000. OATS United States and Canada cast of Rockies, decreased GS4.000 bushels. The leading Increases reported exclusively to Hradstreet's aro those of 355,000 bushels at Chicago private elevators, 218.000 bushels at Louisville, f.5,000 bushels at Fulton and 60.000 bushels each at Fort Worth and ChuttauooL'a. Tho leading decreases Include 13G.00O bush els at Coteau, 81,000 bushels at St. Joe and 50.(K bjshcls at ICast St. Louis. Slock of wheat at Portland, Ore., and Tacoma and Seattle, decreased 6S,000 bush els last week. St, Louis (irnln inn Provisions, ST. LOUIS. Aug. 7-WHICAT-Hlghcr; No. 2 red cash, elevator. 72'c; track, 731UT 75c: August, 72"i'; September. 72Mi73c; De cember. 75Tte: No. 2 hard. G9ft70,e. CORN Higher: No. 2, cash. 37!ic; track, i-i'ic; Aiigusi ai'c; Hepiomuer, ;iT',jc; De cember, 3314c OATS .Market higher; No. 2, cash, 20'4e; truck, 20M2Ic; August, 2014c: September, 21n21Hc; May, 221Je; No. 2 white, 25c. RY1C Lower at MW.fec. FLOUR Steady : patents. $3.G01i3.70: ex- tra fancy and straight, $3.20f3.IO; clear, .j.eiwf.i 10, SIClCDS Timothy, unchanged, lower at $1 20 bid. Flax, CORNMICAL-Steutly at $2.20ii12.25. HRAN Steady : sacked, east track, file HAY Timothy, sternly, $9,005(12.50; prairie, lower, . iiJtA mi. WH ISK Y-Steudy. $I.2G. 1 RON COTTONT'.ICS-tt30. UA(!OlNC.-S.10t(S.S5. HUMP TW I. SMC -9c PROVISIONS-Pnrk. steady; S12.75. Lard, hlcher: choice. Jii.73. jobbing, Dry salt meals (boxed), higher; extra shorts, $7.52'v; clear ribs, $7.8714; clear sides, $8.1214, Hacon loo.Neiii, uigiier; pxiru snoris, 5VJ.1; clear ribs. JS.3714; clear sides, $8.0214. MICTALS-Leail, llrm at l.20. Spelter, easier at ll.e.'i. POl,LTR -Steady; chickens. Hw. vonnir. 814c; turkeys, Hfi7e; young. 10M2c; ducks, 61'.e; young, 5M14' ; geese, 3c; young, .IJfUc. 1C(U1S-I Usher at 10V4e. HUTTKR -Higher; ireaniery. 17'ii20e; dairy. lKTUGe. RICCICIPTS-Flour. 5.f0 bbls.; wheat, 259. Olio bu.; corn, no.tmn bu.; outs. 5:i.(k)0 bu. SHIPMICNTS-Flour. 8.1100 bbls.; wheat, i.-,wj nn., uuui, n'i,iv; uu. ; uuis, iu.ihhj iu. LUerpoiil (irnln nml Prifvlslons, LIV1CRPOOL. Aug. 7-WHKAT-Spot, llrm; No. 2 red. western winter, lis 3d: Nn. 1 northern sprlnr. lis 4d: No. 1 California. ijs 3d5itis aijil. Futures quiet; September, CORN Spot, llrm; American mixed, now 3s 10?td; American mixed, old. 3s HV,d. riiiiirt'p siuuiiv; nepiemucr. .is ii'u. PROVlHlONS-Hncon. Cumberland cut, dull, 4ts; long clear middles, light, dull. 41s Cd; long clear middles, heavy, dull, 41s; sunn ciear oacas, mill, ujn; clear nellies dull. 10s. CHICICSIC-Anierleun Anest while. Ann 47s lid; American Anest colored. Arm. 4Ss. TALLOW Australian In Loudon, llrm. .is Ml. FLOUR St. Livils fancv winter. Arm. Sh Receipts of wheat during tho. past three nays, lut.vou centals, inriuuing ioj.ikm) Amer lean. Receipts of American corn during tho past wireo nays, ceniuis. IIiiiipiiihiIIm When! MnrUel, MINNICAPOLIS. Aug. 7-WlllCAT-Qulet; September, 75c: December. 7G',ii7fiTBC, Cash wheat In fair demand at aio over Hen. tember for No. I northern and io under FLOUR First patents. J4.16: second pat ents, J3.95; llrwt clears, J3.00; second clears, "itRAN-In bulk. JU.75W12.00. Peorlu .MnrUel PICORIA. Aug. 7.-CORN-Flrm; No. 3, OATS Firm: new No. 2 white. 22Ue. WHISKY-On tho basis of high wines, ii, tor nuisncu gooas, MllwnuUpp fi nil 11 .Mnrkrl, MILWAUKICIC. Auk. 7.-WHHAT-Flrm; fso. 1 norincrn, mo; o. . uoriuern, tdc. RYIC-Steaily; No. 1, 5114c. 11 ARL13Y Quiet; No, 2, 50c; sample, 3SU loC. Plillnilrlphln Proituee Mnrket, P1I1LAD1CLPHIA. Aug. 7.-I1UTT1CR-Flrm and '4o higher: fancy western cream erv. 21c; fancy western prints. 23c, EQQS Firm, fair Uemitnd; fresh nearby, 15c, fresh western, 16c; fresh southwestern, 13c, fresh southern, 11c. CHKISSK Firm and tc higher; New York full creamery fancy, lo'ie: New York full 1 reatnery, good lo choice, OliUlOc, Kmisiis City drain nml Provisions. KANSAS CITY. All. 7.-WIIICAT-Seli- Inlribpr. IVfilUn: llni pmlipr. K8t:n. (uiiah. Nn. 2 hard, GGfG7'.4c; No. 3. GVdOGc; No. 2 red, 79ti 7314c; No. 3. GSf72c CORN September, :W'4o; December, 33c; cash, No. 2 mixed, 3.Si3S!4c; Nit. 2 white, 39fl39!ic; No. 3, 3S'4c. u.viu-.no, . white, 2 6c RYIC No. 2, 19c. HAY-Cholco tlmothv. JG.00: choice nrnlrlc. J7.50. HI TTICR Firm; creamery, IoQIScj dairy funev. 15c. 1COOS Firm: fresh Missouri and Kansas stock, 1014c doz., loss off, cases returned; new wniiewnoii cases inciuileil, 4C more. RLCICIPTS-Wheat, 225,0iX) bit.; corn, 11.700 bu.; oats. 23,000 bu. SHIPMICNTS Wheat. 4GO.U0O bu.: corn. 14.- 000 bu.; oats, 3,000 bu. 'I'lltiil(l MflrlifL ,TOLUDO. O.. Aug. 7.-WHEAT-Hlgher; It'll; snot, r.S'4c; August, 78ic; September, fVlttV f lit It lit.rt.A.. Vrt n September, iRP4c. OATS-Dull, unchanged; No. 2 cash, 22c; September 22c. in k- D.ill, unchanged; No. 2 cash, 60c. i. i.ui liuni'ii.u-iiuii. tincnangeu; 'us prime. JV10, '93 prime, 53.40; October, J5.7714; kill. mm 1.UI u In I It When! Mnrket, DULUTII. Minn.. Anif 7 WHFAT 1 hard, cash, soijc; No. 1 northern, cash, iS'4c; No. 2 northern, 77o; No. 3 spring, 7314c; receipts, 34,525 bu.; no shipments. MOVICMH.Vrs (F STdC'K.I AMI HOXDS. Spppulntorn SIiimv Disposition to Wnlt fop .More Seidell Condition. NICW YORK. Alii?. 7 Tlin ronn AUn.ial. tlon to refrain from oporatlng In stocks and to await a clearer development of tho pros, pect was reinforced today by the cxtrcmo heat, which reached u level Inducing pros trations on the floor of the exchange. With tllC CXCetlttnll of nerilHlnmil rtvnltHnn ,r At. dors In u few stocks where special causes nun- in worn, tne usi was inmost wnolly beg CCted. Dllrllli? the fMirlv ,.,.rt nt llw. lay some considerable declines were eslab- nsiieii, nut wnen tne room traders came to close up their contractu tho losses were In large part wiped out. I he most conspicuous Individual move ment was In United States Rubber, which lumpen J- iroin 1110 cany low point not ollg before I be elrise. Pnnlslitiintit v.,u visited as a result upon tho short Intorest, which rushed to cover, making some show of animation In stocks. Northern Pacific's large Increase In earnings for the fourth week In July brought realizing nnd the grangers were heuvy on the weather bJieuus weekly crop report, showing need of rallt 111 the corn lmlt. Tin. p,,l uinr-bo sagged on the further reduction In the price "on niiiiiiiiin. nomc ni 1110 rcccnti:' Inactive stocks showed wide declines, In eluding Chicago Great Western, Lake ICrlo a estcrn. Iowa Central nnd tlio local iriici'.ou siocks. Some of tho early selling was bnsed on tho beginning of tho gold export move ment. ICmraireineiitH ntnnnnteil in milt ribout $2,50O,iW. whereas, the cstlniates yes- '"""J inillllUll III J1,UW,VW unit up. HC- ports from London wero that tho Hank of Lnglanil was now giving special facilities to attract gold from New York. Otherwise It Is not probablo that gold would havo gono out at today's llgure for Btcrllng. Tho uu mr iieiuiiuii siernng ieu uncit u rrac- tlOll IIS 1L result nf Sllli.a nt 111 I la ncrnlnut gold exports. It Is announced, however, that more gold will nn out Thnruflnv. fn. day's shipments aro supposed to have been iu cuvur 1110 requircn ueposit ot o per cent accompanying apiillcatlons for war loans, American subscriptions aro credibly re ported to havo exceeded $50,000,000 or the entire amount of tho bonds offered. Tho allotment by tho Hrltlsh exchequer of Li, 000,000 of the 10.000,000 Issue for the United plates would therefore Insure American bidders about 60 per cent of their nppllcn- uiiiis. ruiure payments are requested on August 15 Of 20 ner cent, on Hentembi.r 11 of 25 per cent, on October 15 of 25 per cent and on November 15 of 23 per cent, tho mum neing issueu at y. Tins would make it fenslble to distribute the remlttnnens over a considerable period, but there Is also a provision that the Installments may bo paid In full on or after August 15, tin- uer 11 niHcouni 01 over a per cent, no in formation can bo obtained ns to how re mittances can bo made nnd this confuses tho estimates as to the futuro effect on tho money mnrket. Hold nontlnln.q in nc cumulate In New York on payments by tho ouu-ii eii.iurj- 10 me uauus on oralis on nc count of gold deposited nt Pacific points. 'I ho bunks have gained from tho sub treasury since Friday $2,GS2.OU0 on this ac count. Tho money mnrket Is therefore lit tle affected by the gold exports, The Lon don money market must mako provision this week not only for 2,500.000 for the deposit with subscriptions to the new wur loan, but must provide also a 2.500,00) Installment on tho former or "khaki" loan. Whether tho Hank of ICnglund enn avoid an increase in Its discount rnto thlB week Is 11 matter of Interesting conjecture In Its Influence on tho future gold movement. Honds were dull and Irregular. Total sales, par vulue, $G25,OiXi. United States 6s declined li In the bid price. Commercial Advertiser's London llnauclal cablegram; Tho markets hero were quiet and Irregulur today, Investment securities being strong on tho remarkable success or tho exchequer bond proffer of 10.000,000. The list was opened this morning nnd Im mediately thereafter closed. It is uiuler. stood that America takes a largo amount ami mat f ranco also nas mailc subscrip tions of considerable magnitude. Americans were listless, beginning well, but closing rather heavy. Tho Reading dividend do clarcd yesterday wus disregarded. Tlntos wero strong In response to yesterday's spurt In Paris, while Anacondas were over looked. The bank received 50,000 gold from Australia. Much to tho general sur prise tho market was obliged to renew loans In the bank falling due today. Following are the closing prices on tho New York Stock exchange: Atclilton :V Union Taclllc , lo pM 70'i! do pfd 73SV ? 18 23IJ Ilaltlnioro & Ohio.. 7IU! Vftlmnh ('iinailliin Pacific... S7V do pM I HIIUdlL ?o H Wheel. & L. U715' do 2d pfd... I 'lies. & Ohio oiiiMgo a. w,.., ('., 11. & Q Chi. 1 ml. & I..... lo pfd CIiU'iiko & V.. Ill C. fi N. W ('., 11. I. K- P.... P. O. C. tc Ht. L I'olormln So do 1st I'M do Id pfd Del. & Hiiilunn .. Del. U & V D. nver & It. (1.. do pfd i:np In 1ft pfl Ol. Nor. pfil Hocking iVml ... IIi king Valley . IlllmilH iVntrul . Iowa ('initial ... do iM K. !'.. 1'. U.. Ijike Urlo V.. do pfd LaKo Klioro L. & N Miiiihuttnn I, Mot. SI. Ity Mexkaii IViUihI .Minn, ft et. U... do pfd Mn. l'ui'llle .Mobile & Ohio .. .M.. K. & T In pfd N'. J. Central ... N. Y. ivntral .. Norfolk & W In Pfd Nn. Pui'llio do pfd Ontario & V.. j''ii ih, i.rnirai m ISSVilThlnl Avenue '09 lO'tiWU. Cenlral 13 !1'4 Adams Iix .1:.-. .155 . i: '. 33' i . S'4 . ,n . 11H . 30'4 . 8S',4 . 1', . 17 . IS . S'5 . 311, .. r.l iA.nu'ilcna Ex ..'' P. . Kx ..117'i WellB-Pargo Kx. ..li,i Amer. Cot. Oil .. do pfd.. O'.i 12 in 112 it.; w, 07 Amer. Mnltlng ilo pfd Amer. H. A It,. do pfd Amor, Spirits .. do pfd A liter, S. llooti do nfd 1"J 3211 Anvr. S. & w.. .153 I do pfd . ll'k Amer. Tin Plate.... . Si ' do pfd 7'1 .H'WAiti' r. Tobacco .... 1)1 . 11 I do pfd 12S . II Arue. Jllnlng Co... Il . nii riioukiMi 11. t r.cii . ;.j i .110. eiiri ,v linn.. , L'on. Toliacio ;i(, il" prd 7iP IVdernl Steel run, lo pfd or, 'J (Jen. Klcctrlc t20'4 illtirose Simar ,Mi do pfd yii, Inter Paper 131, do pfd si La lede (Ins 71 National Illsrult ... 31 do pfd s National Iud j do pfd 9fi Nat Inns I Steel 2( do pfd VPa N. V. Air lliuke...121 ... 7IU ... i'O't ...1-VPi ... 114 ... VI ... !U',i ... wt . . . "9 ... T.0'i ...1"0', ...IVS'ti ... :ii'. l'i'No. American r. !04 Pm-lile Count K Oregon Ity. & Nav. It do lit pfd SC do Sd pfd 02 Psellle Mali ;Wi I'epple'a (inn asi Presred H. Car .... 1 do pM IViumylyHnla .. Unnling do lnt pfil do 2d pfd Mllo (1. W do pf.l St. U & S. I'... In lnt pfd do 2d pfd HI. L Konthw.. do pf.l m. Paul do pfd SI. P. & Om.ilm So. Pai-ltle Ho. Hallway ... do pfd Texan A- Parllle 7B ...12V, ... I'lV, ... M'V ... H ... :.vi ... 0") ... 0'. ... 67 ... 31'V ... l1".! ... ...iti'i ...171 ...I'D ... ",Si ... tin . . . HU ... 1l no pid 71 Pullman P. Car ,,.1M It. T 3 StiKr 12l, do pfd nfi Tnn. Cnal & 1 703; P. H. leather 101: do pro (isij V H. Rubber 291. do pfd 91 WcMern t'nlon .... 7!i llrpubllp I. & S 91', do pfd r P. C C. A Ft. L... S(1J Assessinenls paid. Offered. I.iiiiiIiiii SdirU (tiiiilnllona. LONDON, Aug. 7.-4 p. m.-Closlng! Conaola, money do account Ati'bliion Canadian Paclllo SI. Paul llllnoln Centnil . tjouliivllle Pnlon Pac. pfd... N Y. Central .. ... nt, ... PSH ... . .. ny, ...111 ...lH'i L'rle do Ut pfd Pennsylvania .., Heading No, Puuino pfd. (I rand Trunk .. Anaconda ... im ... 33a, ... 6i ... S?, ... 73', j ... '., ... S'i ... !4 ... 72H 77'i:itand Mines .... HAR SILVi:it-2Sli per ounce. MONl!Y-3iit3M, per cent. Rate of ills count In the open market for short hills Is 4'(n4l4 per cent; rate of discount for three months' bills, 4!i,&4., iter cent. I'liiiillllou of (lie Trcnsury. W.ASIIINOTON, Aug. 7. Today's state ment of tho treasury balances In tho gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve In tha division ot redemption, shows, Available cash balances, $145,299, 470, gold, $72,914,3S9. mv lurk Motie' .Mnrket. NliW YORK, Aug. 7.-MONHYOn call, easy at 1", per cent; prlmo mcrcnntllo pa per, P&5 per cent. HTCRLINU KXCIIANdli - Knslor nt $Iasi for ilematid nnd $I.SI, for sixty days. Posted rates, $4.85 4.S5U and $4.S5. Com merclal bills. $4.831ii4.S3n. .SILVKR-rertlilcates, G114QC2V4c; bar, 01,c; Mexlcnn dollars, 4S14c. HONDS Oovernment, weak; state, Inac tive; railroad, Irregular. The closing prices on bonds today are as follows: P. S. rcf. 2, ret..lo3'i do coupon Inji, do !, reg 101 do 3s. rec 109'i do coiiivin 109'i do new 4., res 112 do coupon 11S( do old 4s. rep IP, do 4s N. Y. C. is N. J. C. g. 5s No. Pacific 3s do Is N V C A St li 4s. Nor. A V. con. 4s Ore. Nav. Is .ins .in . ei'i .1041. 107' . 97', .109 .103"j .Ki 1U . 7i . 9' .HO'i .121') .17 .117 .mn . 7Mi . n .1114 . 50 .I'tt-'t .110 .101 .llii . 'i . H do roupnn Ilo I do 4s do us, reg 112'i do cuupon 1124 P. of C. 3 C5 IS? Ateh. Ken. 4 101H do aJJ. 4 84 Canada So. 2 10t Oiegon S. U s... do consol Cs Heading gen. 4... It. (J. V. is St M t M c. Ss. st i a a v ir- s.. St. Paul consols... St. P. C. A P. Is. Clies. & O. 4i4 M'.i do ., llClfc C. A N. V. c 7..1M Mo S. 1 d. Ss. .122 Chicago Ter. if 92'i Colorado So. Is 3 n. it. (i. is mi do 4s 914 Krle general 4s. ... P. W. & 1) C. In.. 7P.S (1 n. Kleclrh' 5s.... 115 lonn Central Is. ...113 K. C P. & a. Is 71 do 5s So. Pacific 4s So, Hallway 5s S. It. A T. s Tex. A Pacific Is.. do 2s Pnlon Pnclflc 4s... Wnhash Is do 2s West Bhore 4s Wis. Central 1... Va. Centuries U & N. unl. 4s !li M., K. T. !s 6 When Issued, ""Offered. Trust receipts, Huston Stock Unntntlnn. HOSTON, Aug. 7.-Cnll loans, 2W3 per cent; time loans, 3f4'4 per cent. Otttclal closing: A., T. A. B, F do pfd Amer. Sugar do pfd Hell Telephone ... Hoston A Albany.. Iloston Klevated ., Hoston A Me ('.. II. A y Dominion Coal .... do pfd Federal Steel do pfd Fltchbtirg pfd , Oen. Ulectrlo do pM Bd. Klec. Ill Mexican Central . Mich. Telephone. .. N. U. tl. A C Old Colony Old Pomlnlon Rubber Union Pacific Hid. . itvi Union Lund . TOti'Wtst nnd .1214 Westlngh. Klec... .118 Wis. Central .... .113 Atchison 4s .245 N. B. O. A C. Ds. .141 Adventure .W Allouez Mln. Co.. .114 Amnl. Corper .... . 41 Atlantic .111 llcston A Mont.. . 33'; Itutte A llo-tnn . . Mi Calumet A Hecla. .154 Centennial .1.10H Pranklln .1M4 Miimboldt ,201 Osceola . Wt Parrot . 81 Qulncy . 15 Santa Kc Copper.. .20.1 Tamarack . 1S4 Ptnh Mining . 29 Winona . 59& Wolverines . 93 . 44Vt . 13 . 99 .. lli . H4 . 1 . M . 24 .305 . c: .745 . 17 UH . 25 . n'4 . 4214 .131 . 4Uj .200 . 294 ,. 314 . 334 Xeiv York Mlulnir Stocks. NICW YORK, Aug. 7. Tho following nro tho closing quotations for mining shares today: Olmllar 10 Ontario eon Crown Point 13 Ophlr ft! Con. Cal A Vn 1(3 Plymouth 10 Dcadwood CO Quicksilver 154 (lould A Currlc .... IS do pfd &50 Hnlo A Norcross .. 17 Sierra Nevada, 2 Homestake 5000 Standard 420 Iron Silver 60 Union Con 19 Mexican 15 Yellow Jacket 38 Dunk Clcnrniu". NKW YORK, Aug. 7. Exchanges, $131, 550,384; balances. $8,8SI,54G. The silb-trens-ury had a debit balance today of $75(1,710. CHICAGO, Aug. 7. Clearings, $18,997,917; balances, $2,094,72. New York exchange. 6e discount. Hterllng exchange, $4.85Htj 4.M. HOSTON. Aug. 7. Kxchanges, $17,897,097; balances, $1,681,405. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 7.-CIcarlngs, $1,874,351; balnnces, $513,809. Money. 4U6 per cent. New York exchange, 25c discount, bid, 10c discount asked. CINCINNATI, Aug. 7. Clenrlngs. $2,036, 800; New York exchange, 10ai5c discount. Money. 2HiH! per cent. PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 7.-Clenrlngs, $12,930,277; balances, $2,121,229. Money, 314 Dcr cent. HALTIMORE, Aug. 7.-Clearlngs, $3,572, 016; balances, $577,082. Foreign Flnnnclnl. PARIS, Aug. 7. In sympathy with tho dullness In London prices wero easier at the opening of business on tho bourse hero today, the possibility of an Increase In tho English bank rate being discussed. Later the mnrket became firmer, but the transac tions wero quiet throughout the day. Three per cent rentes, lOOf 20c for the account; exchange on Lqlidon, 25f 18c for checks, Spanish 4s closed at 71.85. HERLIN, Aug. 7. Dullness prevailed on tho bourse today under tho influence of henvy offerings of iron and Iron Industrial shares. Exchnngc on London, 20m 62pfg for checks. Discount rates: Short bills, 3 per cent; three months' bills, 414 per cent. Wool Market. ROSTON. Aug. 7. WOOI-The wool trade here is quiet, although the demand con tinues slowly but steadily to Improve, Re ports from mill centers Indicate that stocks of wool are getting low nnd there Is a dis position among manufacturers to enter tho market. The prices are practically un changed. Quotations are as follows: Ohls and Pennsylvania fleeces, X and above, 27c; XX and XX above. 29c; delaine. 30Jf 31c; No. I combing nnd clothing, 30i)31c, Michigan, Wisconsin, etc. X Michigan, 23c: No. 1 Michigan combing and clothing, 291? 30c; No. 2 .Michigan combing and clothing, 291530c; qunrtcr-blood washed, 2Sfi29c: coarse and braid washed, 252Gc; line delaine. 2CJi' 27c; unwashed quarter-blood, 23f24c. Texas wools Twelve months, ISif 19c; scoured. 62W 63c; six to eight months, spring, ltrl!c; scoureti, 4tiinic; tan, liTiinc; scourcu, iw 42e. Territory, scoured basis Montana and Wyoming, tine medium and line, 17(S18c; scoured, 50c; staple. S2fj63c; No. 2 medium, 19S20C; scoured, 4fifll7c; Utah, line medium and line, lfi&17c; scoured, 50c; No. 2 medium, 18fj20c; Idaho, Ane medium and line, 164 17c. Oregon wools Eastern choice, greasy, li!'n"17e; nverago, 141113c; scoured, line me dium and Ane, 48(ii50c; vullcy No. 1. 2flry22c; No. 2 21Ji22c. Cnllforn'a wools Northern, spring, choice, 18TM9c; average, 17ft'lSo: scoured, 60ji52c; mlddlo country, spring. UU ICc; scoured. 45S57c; southern free, 12(i(13c; scoureti, 45ji57e; sout.iern free, 1213c; southern defective, spring, llfll2c; free northern, fall. 14ffl5c. ST. LOUIS, Aur. 7.-WOOL Ocnerally unchanged, with more Inquiry and an Im proved demand for medium and coarse grades. Coffee Market, NEW YORK, Aug. S.-t'OFFEE-Spot, Rio, quiet; No, 7, Invoice, 9w; Cordova, nominal. Futures opened with prices un changed lo 5 points higher nnd ruled gen erally (Steady all day on local support, which was prompted by encouraging Into European cables, Arm accounts from Hru zlllun markets, demand from tho foreign contingent and an nbsenco of bear specula tion. Trading was comparatively light most of tho day. Tame spot demund and the large Hruzlllan receipts checked actlvo new buying. Closed Arm at net unchanged prices to 5 points advance. Total sales, 37, (10 bags. Including August nt $7.70; Septem ber. $7.70; October, ST.T0fiT.7fi; November, $7. SO; December, $7.90f(7.95; .lautiary, $7.90; March, $X.OH(!9.05; May. $8.10fS.l.r. tv York Dry (iiioils. NEW YORK, Aug. 7.-DRY flOODS-De-mnnd was to an average extent. Hleacluil muslins and wide sheetings In moderate demand, prices steady. Hrown sheetings nnd drills slow nnd Irrecular with tendency in favor of buyers. Denims, ticks and olher coarso coioreu cottons inactive, prices ir regular. Prints In fair demand, price stendy. Ginghams quiet, limited business. Print cloths quiet at steady prices. Silks irregular In staple lines and fancies. SiiKiir .Mnrket, NEW YORK. Auir. 7 SUGAR, rnw. steady; fair reilnlng. lUc. centrifugal, 91 test, 1 13-ni; moiasses sugar, ic; reiincil, steady. LONDON, Alls. 7.-HEET SUGAR August, lis Pd. NEW ORLEANS. -Aug. 7.-SUOAn-Strnng; open kettle, 4'e: centrifugal. rij5(o; seconds, 3fj I 9-16c. Molasses, nom inal. OH Mnrkt-fs. OIL CITY, Pa.. Aug. 7.-OIL-Crodlt bal ances, $1.27; certificates, no bids nor offers; runs, 110,147 bbls.; average, S1.7S4 bbls.: ship ments, 92,31m bbls., average, 90,132 bbls. New tork Live Stock, NEW YORK. Ane. 7.-HEEVES-Ro. celpts, 295 head; no trading; feeling un changed; no later cables; exports, 790 cat tin and 4,840 quarters beef. CALVES Recelnts. 159 head: feellnir llrm; veals sold $4.607.50; buttermilks, $3.59 QH.im; yearlings, w.ij; city uresseu veals, 10'.fi llM-u per pound. SHEEP AND LAMHS-Recelnts. 6.874 head; steady: sheep, $3.00yi.fi0; lambs, $5.50 (i. on; eillis, I..J. HOGS-Recelpts, 2,838 head; barely steady. Sloek In HlKlit, Following am tho receipts nt the four principal western marxcts ror August 7: L-ume. J logs, rineep, South Omaha , Chicago KunKus Cltv ... ... ti,S!M ... 4,10) ...12,410 ... 4,1(0 S.filA 5,324 11.000 14.0H 11,000 300 4,9i) 1,800 St. Louis Total 2MH U,M Z0.V, OMAIIA LIVE STOCK MARKET Heaviest Receipts of Gattto Received This Year. HOG MARKET ACTIVE AND HIGHER (nnd Cnttlr IlrltiK I'iiII;- Strndy Prices All Around, While C01111111111 (Irmles Are Wenk Nhpep Are Slrmly nnd 1, 11 nibs Loner, SOUTH OMAHA, Aug. 7. Ttet.pliilit ivn,. r.iftln ttntva Mlinptl. Olllclnl Monday 2,777 ' 3,420 7,7. R umciai Tuesday 0,294 r,oi( 6,3- Two days this week.... 9.071 Same days last week C..2.W Same week before 4.GGS Same three weeks ago.. 6.014 ti.. ... ....... 9,(M 10,64:i 11,258 15,041 18.595 13,102 8,550 19,313 7.815 13.697 nttlliu luur weCKS llg0..1V.VIh l.Oil lrf.T.i'1 Average price paid tor hogs tor the last several days, with comparisons: " ll9UO.ltX99.llkS3.llS97.llfc9S.llcU.IU9f, .Till v "16... 6 021 3 S2 3 20 3 07, 1 51 4 July 17.. 4 91) 4 01 I 3 251 2 3i A W July 1J I 4 S7 4 161 161 3 S2I Z Vol J 4 4 9) 4 7S 4 74 f.,i.. m 1 . . r.i n 4 89 JU y 20 J 4 9S 4 19) 3 80 J 35 2 971 4 4 Julv !l 4 7 4 74 4 1 4 81 4 81 4 "6 4 70 4 58 4 IV 4 59 4 f.- 1 5 4 iS 4 74 4 77 1 Oil 4 211 3 81 3 38 - S3 " . I 4 34 3 791 3 27! 2 8fl' 4 81 July 22 July 23 3 2Si 2 S3 4 81 3 31 2 921 4 2 891 . 4 88 2 tfi 4 89 37 3 72 3 43; 3 67 3 29 2 76 2 71 2 77 1 2 771 3 72! 3 3fi I 93 4 74 ( irr 3 74! 3 41 I 3 50 7 mi I 4 16, 4 43 4 fit! 4 57 4 55 3 451 I 3 171 2 S3 3 57 2 85 3 63 2 96 3 43 3 02 I 3 45) 2 92 Indicates Sunday. Yestcrclny's Shipments Cattle: L. V. Husy, Chicago. Mil H. M. (lardner, Neola, la., Mil N. Overton. Paul, Mo. P T. P. Vonwlcklc. Surprise, P. L... Clatterbuck St S.. Randolph. M. & O O. S. Christian. Madison, I . P .. J. 'Watt. Rockwell City. la., I. C......... II. II. Prlchurd, Rockwell City, la., 1. C. .1. II. Rains, Logan. In., I. C E. Stilllvnn, Panama. In., Mil N. Nelson, Vail., Ia., N. W...... Thomas Aams, Vail, la., N. W. Render, Ida Grove, la., N. M. S. Miller, Rattle Creek. In.. N. V A. Messersi.tlth, Council Hluffs, R. I S. E. Hrexhelmer, Malvern, la., Q W Dean, Orlswold. Ia., Q J. W. Pralswater. Hlgelow. Mo.. H. & M.. Mueller Hros., Nebraska City, H. & M.. Yesterday's Shipments Sheep: Armour & Co., Chicago, Q (d.d).... Frank Hershey. Chicago, Mil. (d.d.) Yesterday's Shipments Horses: L. II. Dobson. Knnsas City, Mo. P 1 Ed Stunrt. Chicago, N. W 2 J. P. Zunk, Kansns City, Mo. P 1 CATTLE There was tho heaviest run of cattle In today of any time since November 13, 1899, when 6,729 head were on sale. Re ceipts today were composed mostlv of western grass cattle with a good sprinkling of common southern stuff. The bulk of the cattle wero on tho feeder order. There were only nbout thirty-live cars of corn cattle on the mnrket and as buyers wanted what was hero the mnrket was ac tive nnd a little stronger on the better grades. The common nnd half fat stuff was, of course, neglected the same ns It has been all along. Tho cow market was fairly well supplied today, but the best grades sold nbout the way they did yesterday Canners also held nbout steady In most cases, though some were calling It a little lower. It was the medium grade cows, however, that did not sell well. They were dull and unevenly lower nnd bids on that class are so far npnrt that there Is really no market for It. They bring what sellers can get for them. Tho feeder mnrket wus In good shape again today. Arrivals were liberal, but the good heavy cattle brought strong prices and were In nctlve demand. The light cat tle, however, nre not wanted and commis sion men nre advising their patrons to hold back that class of stock, as It Is too early In tho year to get satisfactory prices for It. The Texas feeders did not sell any too well, ns the demand from the country Is not very good for that kind of cattle nt the present time. Western cattle made tin tho Tiulk of the receipts today nnd the better grades that wero suitable for killers brought good strong prices. Tho tendency on cows was In the direction of lower prices, but tho good feeders sold stronger. Jtepresentn- the sales: BEEF STEERS. 1 it 1.1 I :i Kit JU y 24 1 5 15) 4 361 JU y 25 5 05 4 31, 3 89 July 26 1 r, 02 1 Mi .1 K7! t..i:. nf -1 ; 1- : -uiy .1 u in, 1 July 28 5 13' I 33 July 29 4 32 July 30 G 08! July 31 6 09 4 32 Aug. 1 5 15 I 19 A tig. 2 n 181 4 261 3 741 Aug, 3 5 15 4 33, I 67 Aug. 4 E 10 I 431 3 61 Allg. 5 4 451 3 71 Aug. 6 B 01 3 77 Aug. 7 1 c in 4 as: No. Av, Pr. No. Av. Pr. 2 970 4 50 14 1270 5 1J 2 11W 4 M 3 U13 u '10 2 1150 4 7S 22 UV1 5 20 1 900 4 77 34 1233 5 2.", 4 9M 4 85 19 UI2 5 9 938 4 !) 21 103 5 23 17 1001 4 93 11S3 5 2.-, 16 1011 4 91 24 1157 5 23 llXi 9 C 00 44 1282 5 10 48 1124 5 00 17.. 1(83 5 30 13 10S7 6 00 97 1522 5 41 8 m 5 00 C8 1291 5 49 17 10SO 5 r 72 1290 3 40 IS 1046 6 f, 41 1214 S 40 32 1M4 5 10 IV, 1397 5 4,-, 7 lOfil 5 10 Hi 132S 6 ii 39 1019 G 13 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 12 74S 4 M 9 12SS K ojv 3 tt3 4 50 42 934 s p COWS. 1 700 1 00 2 9ts 3 i0 1 790 2 00 1 10.K) 3 10 2 9M 2 23 24 (135 3 21 3 iU 2 2', 3 1313 3 35 3 1355 2 50 7 (114 3 35 3 :0 2 50 1 H40 3 40 h S96 2 5 V 53H 3 40 1 730 2 a 30 981 3 50 1 1140 2 73 1 10S0 3 50 3 M3 2 75 2 S75 3 50 1 11 10 2 83 9 915 j ss 1 1210 2 K 2 913 3 en 1 560 2 83 23 m 3 63 2 S73 2 83 1 mo 3 70 6 9M 2 9) 1 1250 3 7,3 18 79 2 93 4 M7 3,00 1 1060 3 00 1 1220 4 00 4 10SO 3 00 J 970 4 CO 29 751 3 00 1 1050 4 35 HEIFERS. 1 700 2 50 2 410 4 23 S K7S 2 75 1 f,50 4 25 7 il 3 00 1 1300 4 J-, 1 fV) 3 23 1 410 4 to 9 77B 3 50 HULLS. 1 1550 2 75 1 1210 2 33 1 1370 2 85 2 1031 3 40 1 1230 3 0.7 1 920 3 40 1 1110 3 10 1 1300 3 9 1 1IV 3 15 1 lflJO 4 20 1 10OO 3 15 1 1260 4 50 1 S50 3 15. CALVES. 1 230 00 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 410 3 50 5. MS K70 3 3.7 720 2 S3 3 00 3 00 1.... 8.... 10.... 10.... 7.... 48.... 6.... 3 23 3 35 3 40 3 77 3 75 3 HO 4 73 470 2SC , r.9i 587 , tM 402 , 713 208 KM 3 00 . 815 3 15 885 4V, 550 3 IS 3 30 3 35 7.... 1.... R.. 21.... 21.'!" 3.... 00.... STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. sen 3 : 07! 4 00 . 550 505 f97 833 fi7 3 50 3 so 3 so 3 8) 3 t'O 31... 52.. 1.. f,19 4 00 4 15 4 15 4 40 816 , CO NERRASKA. 1 COW.... 6 cows... 10 cows... 5 cows.. . 8 feeders 1050 1,13 920 952 ;i 10 2 cows... 780 2 75 :i 00 3 50 3 75 1 steer SI0 2 23 2 25 ;i 10 .1 75 r. 00 2 00 I Hi 4 or, 3 40 3 40 1 35 3 110 2 !) 2 'X, , 2 95 2 :r, 1 stier. ,sso 847 15 steers... 2 calves. . 1 cilf 1 feeder,. 1 feeder.. 2 feeders. '1 -nrer... 0 heifers.. 515 2iH 160 950 530 721 4 feeders.. 587 1 feeder... 620 2 ro 1 to 4 35 4 or 2 rA 2 70 3 (10 5 50 .3 85 .3 85 3S feeders.. 5 feeders. . 1 feeder... 2 cows 1 cow 1 cow 2 calves. .. 456 1 heifer.... 330 1 cow SI0 IS cows 827 17 cows 1051 1 heifer.... 701 1 heifers... 720 2 cows 950 4 feeders.. 8; 9 feeders.. 80S 2 heifers. 5 heifers. 2 cows.... 2 cows. . . , 810 2 95 692 3 75 2 S5 :i 35 :i 33 2 (l ;i 90 3 75 3 25 2 95 2 95 2 93 2 911 4 00 3 50 3 65 3 25 4 10 4 20 3 35 !C0 ..1080 ..1001 ..1310 ..1320 .. 890 ..1120 1 cow 1000 1 50 2 65 3 90 3 90 3 25 95 2 9 .3 2 9"i 3 10 4 l 2 50 3 70 3 35 5 cows.. 1 bull... 1 cow. . . 1 feeder 1 cow... 1 cow .1050 1 cow.. . 2 feeders 1 cow . . . 3 cows. . . 1 heifer.. 1 cow.... 1 bull.... ..1070 .. 570 .. 860 .. !13 .. 850 .. 920 1 cow.. 1070 3 heifers... 710 1 cow 10rt0 ,1(00 .1 bulls 920 31 feeders.. 879 22 feeders.. 632 23 feeders. . 953 4 feeders.. 875 19 feeders.. 857 12 feeders.. 880 2 feeders.. 770 4 cows 1072 8 feeders.. 815 1 feeder... 9) 50 feeders.. 918 73 feeders.. 866 49 feeders.. 860 3 35 33 feeders.. SOU ;i 1 feeder. 930 2 50 3 40 1 row. . . . 6 cows... 1 cow.... 2 cows. . . 2 cows... f.8 cows... 11 cows... 18 cows. . . 9 cows... 9.10 3 m 3 HO 1 cow 1110 3 40 21 feeders.. 958 4 23 IS feeders.. 812 3 85 1 feeder... 660 :t 85 888 .1090 .1 HO 890 2 50 .109) . 961 . 801 . 898 . 887 3 25 3 (M 9 feeders.. 671 3 1 bull inert 29 stk. llfs. 653 15 stk. hfs. 691 6 stk. hfs. 172 3 30 3 20 2 VI i 10 2 90 2 91 2 70 , 743 I 10 S3 cows.... 1C 2 90 , MX. 4 PO George Hromley Neb. 920 3 00 17 feeders.. H38 1360 2 85 5 feeders.. 926 1120 3 50 3 60 4 So J. V. Htettler-Ncb. 717 3 75 19 COWS.... 961 832 3 61 3 U5 1 feeder... 932 3 70 67 cows ... 3 70 Rlchmer Colo. 3 25 I bull. .. I 00 27 feeders 4 35 43 reeders Col vert -Wyo, I 30 2 fecJers. I 30 lo feeders. I 10 2 feeders. 28 feeders. . 932 II 3 bulls :,6 1 strer 1230 33 feeders.. 1018 I 10 feeders.. 1102 2 feeders. .10MI 5 feeders.. 898 1350 819 637 1010 894 850 812 614 2 811 1 05 I (0 4 30 4 10 4 10 3 80 3 75 4 25 3 75 3 60 H. Hrewer Neb. 916 2 80 30 cows ... 56 cows. 21 cows 1020 2 60 7 feeders. W H. Miller-Wyo. 2 feeders.. 700 3 25 2 steers.. .1460 .1120 .1020 1 feeder... 820 3 25 6 feeders .1200 4 10 12 feeders.. 979 4 10 Thompson 3 steers. . 1 fectfcr., Wood-Wyo, 16 feeders.. 1035 5 heifers... fi'i8 3 33 4 20 3 60 3 60 3 50 5 cows 1128 T 68 feeders.. 1182 21 feeders.. 924 10 cows 1155 3 65 1 calf.... 880 1110 9J6 ,. Stout-Wyo. 1 65 1 cow. . . . I i Scows... 3 65 WYOMING. 3 80 4 25 3 COWS... 2.8 COWS.... 10 feeders. 43 foeders. 42 feeders. 1023 907 1185 60 .1180 3 25 3 23 I 60 I 15 18 cows II1 4 00 n feeders.. 1192 Kent A H.-Wyo. 32 steers.... 992 4 oft 2 steers.... 990 3 60 50 steers.... 1127 4 35 J. R. tlalrd-Wyo. . 22 feeders.. 1027 3 90 2 feeders. .1027 3 90 36 feeders.. 10S2 4 0d 16 feeders.. 1227 4 20 H. Franklln-8. b. 76 steers.... 1282 4 45 IS steers.. ..1080 I Z 24 stera....ll76 3 85 80 Steers ...129J 3 9 W. J. Ilunlap-Wyo. 26 steers... .1143 4 45 4 cows 922 2 83 7 cows 994 3 85 C. W. Stronrt-Wyo. 38 feeders.. 1149 4 60 2 feeders.. 1143 3 60 1 cows.. .1032 3 60 i recnei .. .linn i iw 51 cows 81 feeders. 17 feeders. . Oil 3 60 21 cows 913 3 50 A. Sllnt-Wyo. 610 4 15 32 feeders., 609 4 16 via 4 'jo Joseph llnrber Wyo. 911 4 15 6 f eedcrs. .lOOb S7 feeders. 4 25 3 feeilors .10:!lt 4 Hi V. P. Eads-Wyo. 2 feeders.. 865 4 no Scows 1056 3 00 36 feeders.. 639 3 00 ....... ... HOGS-Recelpts of hogs were light toda for a Tuesday, and us packers were all looking for supplies there was it Hyel market from start to ilnlsh. Opening bids wcro nbout 5f(10c higher, or. generally .'sC higher, tho most of the early sales going at 5.12'4. As the morning advanced thn market beenmo more nctive and sellers held for stronger prices, so that the bulk or tho hogs chnnged hands at J3.I2'47(j.15, or 7'4fll0e higher than yesterday's general market. The lln.il wind up was n big dlnvs higher, sales being made at Jo.15 and j.i. The ipinllty of tho hogs nor the weight did not determine tho price they .would bring this morning, It depending rather upon tne tlmo they were sold. It was a very satis factory market and everything was sold before 9 o'clock In tho morning. As will bo seen from the tnble of nverago prices, much of the loss of tho last few das has been reguincu, tno marm-i. i m" about 6c higher than It was a week ago today, but nearly that much below tho high point OI nisi ween. iitiiMi.....v sales No. 106... 39.... 27.... 14.... 81.... M.... I ... . SO.... 91.... 08.... 72.... CO.... 38.... CI.... 03.... Av. Sh. Pr. 4 90 5 C-5 B 071J 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 6 10 5 124 5 12ti 5 K'i 5 iVi 5 12 6 12tfc 5 12 6 121.', 5 12'i 5 12 5 124 5 124 5 124 D 124 3 124 5 124 5 124 5 124 5 124 8 124 5 124 S 12'i 5 124 r. 124 5 124 5 124 5 124 r. 124 6 124 5 m No. 78.... 57.... 81.... C.3.... 71.... 89.... 08.... 50.... 70.... C2.... 79.... 40.... 64.... 05.... 44.... ii'.'.'.'. 48.... 62.... S3.... 52.... 65.... 45.... 64.... 07.... 63.... 71.... 70.... 76.... 73.... St.... 54.... AV. Bh. ..227 120 rr. 6 124 6 124 5 124 5 124 6 15 5 15 5 15 5 15 5 15 5 15 5 15 6 15 5 15 5 15 5 13 6 15 l V, IS 6 15 5 15 5 15 5 15 5 15 5 15 6 15 5 15 5 15 5 15 6 15 5 13 K 15 6 15 C 15 6 174 6 174 5 174 C 174 G 17ii 5 174 5 2.) ....US ....227 ....230 ....234 ....229 ....S24 ....206 ....237 ....179 ....131 ....214 ....237 ....20S ....240 ....259 ....261 ....248 ....200 .... 250 '.131 .204 ....217 ,...212 ....226 ,...193 ,...2J1 ....302 ....220 ...240 ,...232 ...237 ...242 ...242 ....309 ...245 ...263 ...272 ,...244 ,...256 ,...313 ...208 ...354 ....266 ,...270 ...244 ...236 ...241 ...245 ...233 ,...225 ICO 40 160 280 36.) 160 80 80 80 280 40 120 80 80 120 120 ICO 40 120 160 40 120 iio 120 40 56... 02... 71... CI... 66. . 55 272 78 191 62 2C9 76 247 78 231 80 160 160 200 80 80 160 160 80 ..241 ..287 . ,3 . .280 ..230 ..210 ..249 39... CS... C6... 88... 72... S3... !... 52... 01.. . f.S... St... CO. . . 52... ...25.1 71 Ml 57 247 60 25 ..285 ..237 . .243 ..261 80 120 10 120 80 60.... 7S.... CS.... 218 ..211 ..2.18 ..219 ...20! CS. ..248 120 124 C4 253 ... SIIttt?T Tlmrn mi nnlv u fair run of .iinnii ,.f tl.A viir.tu fmlnv. nml the nualltl' as a general thing, was good. The demand on tho part of packers for sheep was fully equal to tho supply, and practically every thing In that line was sold early at just nbout steady prices. Lambs, however, wcro slow nnd lower and bids ranging all the way from 15c to 25c lower. As a result It was rather late before much had been done with lambs. Quotations: Cholco western grass woth ers. J4.16fi4.30: fair to good gross wethers, H.90fi4.15; choice grass yearlings, J4.150 4.35; choice ewes, J3.60f3.75; fair to good i.u.n 1.1 "Mi3 M! fair to (rood yearlings, J3.90574.15: good to choice clipped hml?iV J4.251i4.60; fair to good clipped lambs, Jl.ooy 4.25; choice spring lambs, J5.25(?i5.40; fair to good spring lambs, o.Wii:..i:: fueiler wethers, J3.25(ff3.40; feeder yearllngB. J3.40fJ 3.65; feeder lambs, J3.76iff4.50. Representa tive sales: No. Av. Pr, 207 Idaho wethers 109 Jl 29 777 Idaho wethers 100 4 20 801 Wyoming wethers 120 4 -3 202 "Wyoming wethers 119 4 - loo Idaho mixed 97 4 3. 283 Idaho ewes iQ 6 127 Idaho ewes ip 6 U 184 cull wethers 102 3 50 5 Idaho owes 98 4 w 25 Idaho cull lambs 57 4 l.'.j 57 western wethers i d 4 2.i 2,366 western wethers 10 4 407 western lambs 6- & ' 1 Idaho lamb M 6 10 277 Idaho lambs 62 5 10 ClIICACO MVI STOCK MAIIKKT. Xntlvc Ktcors Stendy lo StronK Hons Active nnd HlKher Sliecp Lower. CHICAGO. Aug. 7. CATTLE Receipts, 3,000 head; steers, steady to strong; butcher stock, steady to slow; Tcxims. steady to 10c lower; westerns, steady; natives, best on sale today, one carload at J..60: good to prlmo steers, J5.40fi5.90; poor to medium. J4,7n 0(6.35; stockcrs and feeders, steady at JI.OiW 4.65; mixed stockcrs, weak at J.1.0WI ,).7 i cows, J3.0074.60; heifers. J3.0iVfi4.90: canners, lower at J2.2Wfc2.75; hulls J2.75i(3.M: calves 23c higher than Inst Tuesday at JS.iwii .!), 'I'exans, receipts. l.l'O head; best on snlo to day, twelve carloads at Jl.25; Texas fed steers. JI.3o1i5.20; Texas grass steers. J3.2.HI 1.25: Texas bulls, J2.IWtli.l0. HOGS-Recelpts today. 11.000 head; tomor row, 23.000 head; estimated left over, 3,5"0 head; active and 6f10o higher; top, J5.50; mixed and butchers, J5.15'd5,50; good In choice heavy, J5.l5Ti5.43; rough heavy, Jl.9,'n 5.10; light, $5,231(5.50; bulk ot sales, Jj.253( r,'silEEP AND LAMPS Receipts, 14,000 heud; sheep, steady to 5c lower; lambs, steady to it shade lower; good to choice wethers, Jl.40lil.65; fair to choice mixed, J3.751il.25; western sheep, Jl. 101(4.60; Texas sheep, J3.151l4.20; native lambs, J4 10n5.IO; western Iambs, Jl. 651(5.40. K it n mux City Live Stock. KANSAS CITY, Aug. 7 CATTLE -Re-celpts. 10.500 natives, 1,900 Texans; large supply, all deslrablo kinds steady; a few plain grass cnttlo a shade lower; native steers, JI.6W(6.70; stoekets and feeders, J4 ' Oil.OO; butcher cows ami heifers, JS.OOWt 50, canners, J2.60ft3.0O; fed westerns, JI.0WI 5.15; fed Texnns, J3.901ll.15; grass Texans, J3. 151(3.90. IIOGS-ReeelptH. 11.000 head; market ac tlvo at 5'ulOe advance; heavy, J5. 2515 3o. mixed, J5.20K5.30; light, J5.15ft3.30; pigs. JI.75 U5.10. SHEEP AND LAM US Receipts. 300 head; trade fairly active at steady (o a shade easier prices: lambs. J5. 251m. 60; muttons, J3.73SM.25; westerns. Jt.UWil.25; feeders. J.'l "o 13.8i); culls, J2,601j3.23. St. 1. mil" l.lii' Stock. ST. LOIMS. Aug. 7. -CATTLE- Receipts. 1,100 head, Including l.soo Texans; market steady; native shipping and export steers. JI.904i5.R0; dressed beef and butcher steers. J4.G04iti.40; steers under 1,000 lbs., J3.60'jo.OO; stockcrs and feeders, J3 401M 70; cinvs nnd heifers, 2.(ii)1(5.(iO; canners, JI.&0K2.S.,; bulls. J2.CK3.60; Texas and Indian steers, J3.80U 4.20; cows and heifers, J2.i5fil.tiO. HOGS Receipts. I,!(0 head; market MlOc higher; pigs and lights. J3.3nf(5.40; packers, J5. 251(5. (0; butchers, J3. 351(5.45. SHEEP AND LAMHS-Recelpls, 1,800 head; market a shade lower; native mut tons, U.WIi 133; lambs. Jl. 851(5. 6.,; culls and bucks, Jt.001M.oO; Blockers, J3.331(3.70. SI, Joseph l.lvr Stock. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Aug. 7 -(Spe-clal.) Tho Journal quotes: CATTLE Receipts, 1,000 head; market steady; natives, Jl. 101(5.30; Texans and westerns, $3,231(5.30; cows and heifers, J2.00 1M.63; bulls and stags, J2.nofM.93; yearlings and calves, J3.G0fM.75: stockcrs and feeders, J3.251M.6"; veuls, J5.UOH0.S0, HOGS Receipts, 6,1m) head: market C to 10c. higher; all grades, J5.l5iU5.30; bulk, J3.I714 sTlEKP AND LAMUS-Rccclpts, 209 head, Market steady. 29 feeders. 23 feeders. t bull 1 bull 1 bull 7 feeders. 4JMlHiaa DOCTOR SEARLES & SEARLES OMAHA. fmm i wtflu ism 1 SMIMk tlvWfta p w jublN SPECIALIST tVe guarantee to cure all eaten curable ol WEAK MEN SYPHILIS 8KXUALLY. Cured for Life. Nlcht Emissions, Lost Manhood, Hydrocele, Verlcocelc, Uonotrhocu, Oleet, Syphllt. Stricture, Pile. FUtuU and Rectal Ulcers nd all Private lllarnaea nnd Disorder of Mas Stricture and t.leet Cured at Home. Consultation Free. Coll on or addreia nit. siiahlrs a si:aiii,ic. 119 luulu 14th lit. OMAHft. KINGSFORD'S CORN STARCH FOR PUDDINGS, CUSTARDS, BLANC MANGE, ETO. MO OTHER EQUALS IT IN PURITY AND DELICACY. HOTELS. 1 The. otel Victory PuMii-Bay Island, Ohio. . . . AMERICA'S Largest nnd most charm- Inc and most elegantly furnished Summer Hotel, situated on thn highest point In Lake Erie, on ona of the groups of beautiful Islands, 60 Miles from Detroit, Mich.; 40 from Toledo, O.; 22 from Sandusky, O.; 65 rom Cleveland, O. HOTEL VICTORY CO. OPEN FROM JUNE 19 TO SEPT 15 Address all Communications to T. W. McCreary, Gcn'l Mgr. and Representative. Write for souvenir catalogue. "Just far enough north," "Largo band nnd orchestra." "Portv ncres of KOlf links." "Amusements Innumerable." ) "Tho hav fever sufferer's havan." ) "The Mecca of the tourist." b "Nature's beauty spot." C "Children's paradise." J c RATES J2.G0 lo J5.00 per day; J19.M to ) J25.O0 per week. S HOTEL GERARD 44th Street, Near Broadway, NEW YORK.... Absolutely PI re Proof, Modern and Luxurious In All Its Appolntmenta. Centrally Located. COOL AND COMI'Oll TAIII.E IN St) MM Kit American and European Plan. (Under Now Management.) J. B. HAMBLEN'S SONS, Proprietors. a so Avon Inn and Cottages, AVON, X. .1. Most Select Resort on tho New Jersey Coast, Send for Purtluiitsra. JOBBERS & MANUFACTURERS OF OMAHA DRY GOODS. M . E. Smith & Co. 'I haywtara aatf Joatnrs Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods AMD NOTION BOILER AND SHEETIRONWORK )rake, Wi Wilson ncceaaora Wllaon Drake. Manufacture boilers, smoke stacks and breechlngB, pressure, rendering, sheep dip, lard and water tanks, boiler tubes con stantly on hand, second hand boilers bought and sold. Special and ptompt attention to repairs In city or country. 19th and Pierce. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. A ester n EieciTioaj vv Company Electrical Supplies. Electrlo Wiring lid' nnd Oas LlfhUns. O. W JOHNSTON Met' " SAFE AND IRON WORKS. T 'he tafia Safe and Iron Works, V G. ANDKliliN, Prop. Hke aiperlslty nf- IM rK MZ4 SIll'ITL'lB, Ind Burglar Proof Hfe inn nii.t Doors, ata. rtlO H. Kill .. OiiiHltu. Neb. Davis & Gowgilt Iron Works. MANUrACTl'ItKRS ANP .IOI1BKRB OF MACIlINUriY. OENKriAL ItKPAiniNO A SPECIALT1 HtON AND I1RA8S KOUNDKUH. 1501, lnotl and ir(l5 .InnUaon Street, Onmliit. Xrb. Tel. r.!l8. IS. Zabrlskle, Agent. J. 11. Cowglll, Mgr. paints for A purposes. Manufuctured hy National Oil & Paint Go, iotr.-i; In n en St., ! MIA. Mn. lion- 171. JAMES E BOYD & CO., Iclcplionc lOIlI). Omoli.i, Nj COMAUSSION, GRAIN, lMiOVISIONSmul STOCKS 1IOAHU OK TltADlC. Correipondence; John A. Warren Sc Co uirect wires to Chicago and Now YorX H.RPECIIiEY&CO. STOCKS mm W7& OrUUlA n, ainvvUl i