Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE OMAIIA DAILY liEIS: "rT3 DTs" ESI) A V, AT(5 t'ST 8, 1900.
Keith's Colts Take a Brace and Also a
Rattling Good Game.
nlft CrotTd Fills the (irnnilstntiil nt
Vinton Strrrt I'nrli nnil Sees
tht I'rrlllrnl (Ininc of
the ftrnion.
Omnlm, fl St. Jnrphi It.
Denver. I Slnux City, It.
1'iirhln, U Urn Moines, fi.
ChlrnK", 7 1 HrooUlyn, I.
I'lttnliiirK. D IMillnilrlnltln, O.
.rw York, 8 St. Louis, II.
(,'liirlitnntl, ill Huston, I).
Knnsna City, ftl ChlonRn, 4.
Detroit, fit Olr vrlniiil, O.
Indliinniiolln, H( lltiUnln, -t.
Minneapolis, U .Mlt w nuUrr, R.
Two-tin lilts: Wilson, ltrlstow Three- Tffo-bnjp hit: Wallace Three-base lilt,
himn lilts. I.nuzoti. Itendley Home rtm. Smith. Ilnmr run Milkman Double t!a.-.
O t'oniK l! Hnt-rlilrc lilt liner Hnscs on Vny'r to I nvl Ml kmnti o Voy e; Junes 'o
balls: Off (llbsoli, 4. Struck oilh. Ity Hone !i. Wallace to Dowllng Haws on bulls. Oil
i; v mnsuii. r. stolen liases, mov in, .nines, ;i, on i urncK, i. niruca oui n
Itonch. Double plays: llemlley (iimisslstcdi. .lone:. 1; bv t'arrlck.. 2. Stolen bases: Mc-
Hiilrd to O'llourkr, llov to O'ltoiirke. to Uruw (21, Selbuch, 'nn llnltren. Curries.
O'Connoll. Time: 2:00. Cmplrc: Warner. Wild pitches: Junes, Currlek. Time: 2:1j.
t t'.iii.o wins iMto.vt nils jioimis.
1'lnplre: Ktnsllc.
MtninlltiK of tbe 'ten inn.
.,.111,10. mi utn Mln.lnn Im.t three men on 1 unit unit fifth bent unit tbe MP ttrst
ases, lint IlhoUis. ttie next man m nni nine. . i.1,. i.uny ueupcr wns min, .mew
firr nil... ivua i n 1 1 r-ltf nut mi ii tii)0-iin flv. I.vpiirinn thlnl. Plrm.itls fourth SlilcP.
retiring the !ilde with Mlnden a three men .Mexican t:oy. rrldewooo. Kttiinii r oote ana
till on buses, narnor .vissier aiso sinrieii
lminmiii' b hm rtnriloti. the Kearney 2:2S tun.. 10: Mayor Muscovite won In
pitcher, struck out but four men and the straight beatK Host time; 2:134.
ttier twent.v-tnrce men were nut oui ny i.i,i iroi, jr"i: .miuici univnru v.un in
Yonnc .Johnson's Work In the
DefentM ttie Prnhlhllliitilsl.
IM'KUI.O, Colo.. Aim. 7.-(Sieclnl Tele
Rram.) Pueblo took u brace today with Chicago
. .. i . . . ... Itl.iutr...
. n nHn i in in nnv nnn wiin inn river lie I
Moines In a well played game on ten Inn
ings. Attendance, 600. Hcore:
All. It. II. O. A K
5 0
Hrooklvn .. ,
l'lttsburi; ...
St. Louis .
New Vork
u-ed. Won. Lost. P.O.
m sn si .u
SI 4.i X) .ti5
S'l 16 I'l .MS
Si U 12 ,WV1
.1 t'i 4.1 .11)1
87 41 4rt .471
Hi :; is .440
St Rt 60 .33
Thlel. 2b
Ha . ss S
NiikIo. cf 3
selsler, If 5
iirain, an :i
Warner, rf 3
Itcbsamen, lb 4
I.omau. 4
Glade, p 4
tlu mii'i-i'sWiil liiniillliiir liv the Kearney
team or batted balls, over wntcn me uni
ill r. biul no control. It worms rather small
for the Mlndon iieople to claim that th"
Kiitno was iosi inrmiKn tne limpirc. ny
ooKltiK at tin) oiiiciai score pontile win hoc
that Kearney hnd seven earned runs it ml
It the Mlnden gentleman would read the
rules and learn what earned are tie
would llnd that the decMon of the. umpire
had noth .ik to do with these.
It wmilit Im vp been InmoKslble to have
Held Kearney uown io live runs, as siaieu
.16 S
2S 12
To the delight of a bU crowd of enthul-
antic admirers of the great national gdmo
Captain O'Connell and hli bnnd of frisky
Colls raced away with one of the prettiest
gamr- of the Hcnuon Tuesday afternoon.
After eight and a half Innings of superior
ball playing, In which snap, go and excite
tnent abounded throughout, the strong og
gregatton from President Mickey's town oc
knowledgcd Itself outclnnscd and outplayed
and accepted as gracefully as posslblo tie
feat to the tune of 6 to 3,
Tho game was a revelation. Tho goods
delivered were just such as are on tap In
the big leagues when contesting teaniH aro
at their best. Umpire Al Warner said after
It was over that ho had never wltm-nned, or
officiated during his service as umpire In
the National league, a prottler, cleverer or
morn scientific article of ball. Joo McOln-
nlty, the star pitcher of the National league
who camo over from Hrooklyn to visit In
Omaha, was niirprlscd and delighted, too
and congratulated the players upon their
rattling good exhibition.
Nover was victory more opportune. Tho
fair sex of Omaha turned out en manse, to
witness tho contest nnd outnumbered tho
men In tho grandstand by a lnrgo majority.
It would havo been a season of sackcloth
and ashes, und walling and gnashing of
teeth would have been tho order of tho hour
hadki gamo turned out other than It did
UuW,tcad, gaiety reigned supreme. Ap
pliiuso unstinted greeted tho Colts whon
they turned tho tide toward certain sue
cess and the bnttlcd-up enthusiasm of sev
eral days' duration was dissipated with an
abandon that was good to behold.
Vlny fiurr-PiioiiKli llnl
Tho game started off with a rush. It soon
developed Into a conflict royal and each
team played ball that met with tho appro
bation .of tho most fastidious crank. Ex
cellent pitching characterized the work of
both rtoach nnd Gibson nnd each was backed
up by a Held that accomplished wonders.
Captain Jack O'Connell Inspired his men
and delighted tho spectators by playing a
gilt-edge game. Ono wee orror slipped Into
his splendid performance 'townrd tho last of
tho gamo when ho failed to corral a ball shot
over from Jimmy Hoy. Hut this was ex
cused and forgotten and instead memory
lingered about sovoral circus catches of
almost imposslblo foul flies which ho gob
bled up and tho timely homo run ho rapped
out. All of tho locals played In cham
pionship form. Tim O'ltourko got Into tho
orror column with a couple of mlscucs, but
he made up for thoso by accomplishing
mighty fine work In tho nlno chances which
he fielded successfully.
Tho good work was by no means con
fined t.o tho locals, for tho Saints gave a
good account of themselves both in tho
field nnd at tho bat nnd made not an error.
The run getting started jiff In tho second
Inning and the Saints Inaugurated tho
fireworks. Jack Grimm rnppcd out n single
nnd "Homo-run" Schrall, falling to land
on tho'suporflne delivery of "Skol" Honch
for his customary homor, contented him
self with sending a protesting grass cutter
down to Tim O'llourko, Unfortunately,
fim fumbled It and missed an excellent
opportunity for a double. Uoth were ad
vanced on Ilaor's sacrifice nnd Hrlstow's
double-cushion sent them over tho plate
with the 'first brace of runs.
Tito llnrren Inulnicn.
The locals did nothing In the lino of
run accumulation until tho last of tho
third. Thompson started off with a single,
advanced to second on Iloach's bunt and
cored on Tlmmy Toman's long fly to
the middle, field. Toman got as far ah
second on the throw In and n woll placed
hit In right Held by Tim O'ltourko brought
the kid In with tho tying run. In tho
fourth Captain O'Connoll's homor shoved
tho Colts' nssets up a notch and ngaln In
tho fifth singles by Roach and O'ltourko
and Mobilo l.auzon's usual thrco-bngger
netted annthor brace. In tho sixth Jimmy
Hoy was presented with ttlbson's compli
ments to tho Initial cornor, purloined
socond and scored on Hill Wilson's double
cushion drlvo. Tho Saints squeezed in a
third run In tho eighth. Hendloy started
off with a triple and It looked for n time
ns though ho was going to remain an
chored at Jimmy Hoy's corner, for two
men wont out in quick succession, l'Mynn
scratched In a hit, however. In time to
savo Hcndloy's bacon and he crossed tho
bag. Hut that was all and It wasn't nenr
enough to ciiuso tho Colts nnd tholr hosts
of ndmlrors oven to become anxious.
AH. n.
Toman, ss 3
AH. It. II. O. A.
Mcttnle, cf-2b 3 2 111
lllllcn, ss 4 0 0 3 6
Parrot t. lb 5 0 0 9 0
Closson, 3b 4 2 2 2 0
1-ully, rf 5 0 2 2 1
Moran, If 5 1110
Oraham, c I 0 1 S 1
Whltrldge, cf 2 10 10
Kelly, 2b 0 0 0 0 0
Johnson, p 3 0 0 0 1
Totals STi "ii 7 SO 12
KniiMiift ('!()- Win from (lilcnuo,
MnldiiK Mix SIi-iiIkIiI fur tin- littles.
KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Aug. T.-Knnsas
City scored Its sixth consecutive victory
louay ny taxing me nrsi gnmo oi tne scries
with Chicago. Patten had perfect control
throughout the game anil tho only time
Chicago stood u chance of winning was In
th sixth, when a base on balls, u single
und double allowed the Visitors three
rjns, which lacked but one to tie. Katnll
was hit safely In the llftli and sixth and
aided by errors the home team scored seven
runs on tnose two innings. The feature or
the came was (Scar's catchlni: of three dlf-
Moult tiles In tho savciith. Attendance, l.OvO.
Ono out when winning run was made.
Pueblo 2 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 16
Dps Moines 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 00
Earned rutin: Pueblo, 3: Dos Moines, 2,
Three-base hit: Closson. Homo run: Mc-
Hale. Hacrlllco lilts: Johnson. Hraln, War
ner, amieii liases: Mel late, Parrott, Clos
son (2). LallV. Moran. Hull, liases on balls:
Off Johnson, 2; off (Hade, 4. Hit by Cllade,
1. Struck out: Hy Johnson, 3; by Glade, 1.
ume: z:.i'. I'mpiro: Kline.
HtOI'X lilVIJ linWP.Il A MCA III?.
Hoy, cf 0 I 1
HtiRilon, Hi.. 0 2 12
MrKarl'd, If 1 2 0
Hurtm'n, 3b 1 0
I'lultlcn, 2b.. 2 2
lulicll. If.... 0 1
Hockley, a.. 0 1
0'Iry, m. 0 0
KHtolI, p..., o 0
4 0
0 C
2 1
5 2
1 1
) Hemphill, rf 2 2 I 0
0 Orar, cf 0 1 .1 0
0 o'llilrn, If.. 0 110
O.Dunxnn, Hi. 0 17 1
Celiac fcr, r,i 0 1 0 2
(onulilln, Sb 1 1 2 0
Stewnrt, lb. 2 1 S
McMamif, c 2 0 1
l'utten, it... 2 0 10
Total .. 4 9 21 13 4 Totals ..9 S 27 9 1
Knnsns City t 1 0 0 3 4 0 0 -D
Chicago 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 01
Earned runs: Knnsns Cltv. 4: Chlcnco. 3,
Two-base lilts: O'Hrlon. Duncan. Huckley,
flour. Three-base hit: Padden. Sacrltlco
hits: Gear. O'Hrlen. Stewart. Patten. Haso
on balls: Off Patten, 2: off Kntoll. 1. heft
on Danes: Kansas city, s; unicago, u.
Doulild play: Oleary to Padden to Hugdoii.
Hit by pitched ball: O'Hrlen. Struck out:
Hy Patten, 5; by Kntoll, 3. Time: 1:30, I'm-
Tlilrlprii liuilnu Itoiulreil for
Tclientl Ciiiiir to Will.
DENVEIt, Aug. 7.-(Speclal Tolpgrnm.)- plre: McDonnld.
l arviii wea Kene.i in inn iiiirieoiii i inning HulTnlo Shy of Huns.
fl ft Of tlltfillltll tl ul frill It t'litno ohil lliu llnlt. I
vers lit on him for five lilts nnd four runs INDIANA POMS, Aug. ..-Hiiffato wns
and won tho game. Denver tied the score out-legged In the nrst part of today sgnme.
In tho eighth Inning and thus turned a noor She tried for a lieiid-end finish and chalked
gamu Into one of great excitement, Eyler
pitched u steady gamo nnd helped to win
vy ti iimeiy ningic in mc nisi inning, ttcorc:
AH. 11. It. O. A. E
collier, rf fi o 2 2 0
.Mccreadle. if ii
Hraslicar. 2b
Grlllln. cf ...
Glasscock, lb
Nlles, 3b
Herte, ss . ...
Cote, c
I'arvln, p ...
O'ltoiirke. 2b
Lauzon, rf ...
O'Connell, Hi
Ttalrd, cf
Hoy. 3b
Wilson, c ....
Thompson, If
Ilnncli, p
Preston, cf
Miller, if ...
i i .... .
uiioiun, i. .
Holland, rf .
Hlckov. 2b ..
Sullivan, lb
Kellty, 3b ..
Lnwee, ss ..
Eyler, p ...
60 3
AH. It.
11 33 19
A. B.
15 3S 13
Totals 53
Collier called out for Coto's Interference.
Sioux City 1 10001000000 0-3
Denver 010001010000 47
Earned runs: Denver, 3. Two-base lilts
mi three runs In the ninth on live huikIcs.
Tho lend thov had to overcome, however.
wns too great. Indianapolis batted Amolo
ror six earned runs in me nurd ami lourin.
Attendance, 1,600. Score:
Hoitr'vrr, rf 2 t 10 O'Halllnan, If. 0 2 2 0 1
llaruel. If.. 1 2 4 0 Oineltman, f 0 1 2 0 0
Olor. 3b.... 2 2 1 2 O'Shearon, rf. 1 1 0 0 0
Hcvbolil. cf. 0 0 2 0 0 SchrecK. in. 1 l ii
Macoon. 2b. 0 1 6 2 0 Carey. 30... 0 0 3 0 1
Mndtfon, nO 0 I 1 2ltnllman, 2b 1 2 2 2 0
Powers, c... 0 1 1 0 0 pear, c 1 1 2 2 0
Kellv. lb.... 110 0 O.llrodcr'k. ml) ! 0 4 0
Kcllum. o.. 2 2 0 1 OlAmoie. p.... 0 1 1 6 1
Totals .. 8 10 27 3 21 TotaU 4 112111
IndlHliaiiolls 0 0 4 2 0 0 2 0 -S
Ruffulo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3-1
Knrneri rutin! Indianapolis. C: Hllffalo. 2,
Hose on balls: Hv Kellum. 1: by Amolo, I.
Struck out: Hy Amole, 2. Two-base hit:
Ifi.llnm. Threo-baso hits: llartzel. Kelly
llnmn run: Gelor. Sacrlllce hits: llogrlever,
Macoon. Kelly. Double pinys: aingoon io
.MaillHon in Keuy; Keiiy iiinassisieu).
Stolen bnses: llogrlever. 1'nssed bans
Spear. Left on bases: Indianapolis, 5; Huf
rnio, i. umpire: uwyor.
.lllllrr Pools tho McAlrors.
resnonslblo for the shutout
Hlckey. Pnrvin. liases on balls: Off Eyler, administered to Cleveland by Detroit this
pltchlnt; was
Aug. 7. Miller's splendid
4; off Pnrvin, 2. Struck out: Hy Eyler. 3;
by Pnrvin, 3. Double play: Hlckey to Sul
livan. Tlmo or game: z:tw. umpire; i;u
StntiilltiK f h Tennis.
Played. Won. Lost.
Des Moines
St. Joseph ..
Sioux City
afternoon. Of the four hits secured by the
visitors but two, mose rrom uenins uai,
were cleun cut. Pickering's lilt wns u bunt
which lie beat out by u foot In tho opening
tuning and l.uchance's wns n scrntch 111 the
ninth ufter two wero out. Detroit hit
safely In every Inning. Attendance, 1,000,
Pueblo 77
Caey, 3b... 0 2 1 3 0
Holmes, rf.. S 0 s o
Harley. If... 0 2 2 0
Klborfelcl, 0 1 3 .
McAU's'r, c. 1 0 8 3
Dillon, lb... 0 0 7
OrllHtli tJlvcs llroouiyu n very unei kmcoi, cf.... 13 1
Look In for n Meore. Ityan. 2b,... 12 0
CHICAGO. Aur. 7. Qrimth wns In great Miller, p.... 0 10
form todav. clvlnc tho Hrooklyns no more
than one hit an Inning, except In the third. Totals
Picker's;, cf. 0 1 3 0
Prifble, rf.. 0 0 1 0
Qenlns, If... 0 2 0 0
IiCh'ce, lb. 0 1 It 1
0,1 rlsham. c. 0 0 0 1
5 It !7 11 21
Plooil. 2b.... 0
Huillvan, 3b 0
Shay, ss 0
McKenna, p 0
0 R 4
0 2 1
0 2 4
0 0 3
Totals .i 0 4 21 14
when two singles und u passed ball gave Detroit 100 3 1000 5
them ono run. Wevhlng gave two bases.
hit n batter and wns touched up for six
hits in the fifth. Cross ngaln played u
wonderful game nt third. Attendance, 1,200.
McCart'y. If 2 3 1 0 0
Chllils. 2h... 12 4 2
Mertes, cf... 1 1 1 0
Dexter, rf.. 0 1 3 1
Oanzel, lb.. 0 0 11 0
Ilrndley, 3b.
McCor'k, ss.
Chance, c...
Orlftlth, p...
Green, If....
0 0 3 2
0 13 3
2 112
110 3
0 0 10
Jones, cf.... 0 0 0 0 0
Keeler. rf... 0 2 0 0 0
Jenn'ns, lb. 0 0 9 0 0
Kelley. If... 0 0 3 0
Dalilen, ss.. 0 1 4 6
Cross, 3ti.... 0 1 1 R
Daly, 2b.'.... 113 1
McClulre. c. 0 2 3 0
Weyhlnr, p. 0 0 0 2
Howell, p.., 0 10 0
Totals .. 1 823 14
Totals .. 7 10 17 13 01
Dexter out. hit by batted ball.
Chicago 0 0 1 0 5 1 0 0 -7
Brooklyn 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-1
Enrned runs: Chicago, 3. Left on bases;
Cleveland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-4)
Earned runs: Detroit, 2. Two-base hit
Miller, Sacrifice hit: Prlsbeo. Stolon bases
ii mm. liar ev (Z). ftlcA sier tzi, l-.iuer
felil. Crlsbnm. liases on balls: Oft Miller.
1; off McKenna, 2. lilt by pltcner: uy aie
Kenna, 1. Plrst base on errors: Detroit
1; Cleveland, 2, Left on bases: Detroit, 7
Cleveland. 4. Struck out: Hy Miller, ."
l)nul)lo nlnv: Flood io snay. i-asseti Dan
McAllister. Wild pitch: McKenna. Time
1:45. Umpire: Sheridan.
Millers Plnor the llrcwors
MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. 7. Mllwnukeo wns
beaten today in a closely contested gnme,
Sparks was taken nut In the third Inning,
which saved the visitors from a bad defeat
Tho gamo belonged to either side until tho
lust or me ninm. iinucy was nil rrociy,
but was well supported and threw a good
ball at tho right time. The grounds wero
muddy, but the homo team did good field
Chicago, 8; Hrooklvn, 6. Two-base hit: Mc- work. Attendance, 400, Score:
Cartliy. ancrilico huh; .ucuariuy, iiiiiuin,
Daly. Stolen bases: Chllds. unance, now-
ell. ICelley. Double plays: Dexter to Oan
zel. Chllds to McCormlck to Ganzcl. Struck
out: Hy Grltlltn, 2: ny weyning, 1; ny now
ell, 1. Passed balls: Chnnce, 2. Hnses on
balls: Off Griffith, 2; off Weyhlng. 3. Wild
Grlflltli. lilt with ball
2:05. Umpire: Hurst.
Hunkers Shut Out.
PITTSHUHG, Aug. 7. Philadelphia wns
nt In the game In any stage. Not ono of
their men reached third until the ninth,
iiiituiinrii's Held work was above criticism.
A iluublo play inndo by Itltchey, Ely und
O'Hrlen was probably us fast and diulcult
as any ever seen on inewo truuinm. wi
tumlance, ncorc;
H.H.O.A E.
Davis, cf.... 114 0 1
Harvey, rf.. 0 2 0
Nance, 3b... 1 1 2
Kally. If.... 0 1 1
Wenlen, lb. 1 1 13
rish'r, c... 0 3 4
Smith, ss... 2 1 1
Abbey, 2b... 1 1 2
llalley. 1 0 2 0
Ji lt O.A.E,
Waldron, rf 3 4
Doivd. rf... 0 2
Amlers'n, lb 0 0
Conroy, cf.
Ilurke, 3h...
Illerb'r. 2b..
DlKclns, c.
Sparks, p..,
DcmllnK, p.
0 0
0 1
0 2
1 1
1 0
0 0
0 0
IfHttm't. cf 2 13 10,
Clarke. If... 2 1 2 0 0
O'Hrlen, lb. 2 2 13 1 0
Winner, rf. 1 2 0 0 0
Wlll'ms. 3b. 0 0 0 3 0
Itltchey. 2b. 0 1 2 5 0i
Hehrlever. e. 1 1 .1 1 1
Hly. w I 1 2 3 0
Tunneblll. p 0 2 0 0 0,
Totals 29
Strang, 3b
riynn. cf .
Kline, c ...
Grimm, lb
AH. It.
Behrall, If 4
Haer, rf 3
Tlrlstow, 2b 4
Hendley, ss v .3
Gibson, p 3
Totals 33
Omaha 0 0
St. Joseph 0 2
2 I
0 0
IT. O. A. E.
2 2 3 0
2 (i 3 2
110 0
I 12 0 I
0 110
0 0 10
112 0
110 0
1 0 II 0
"9 27 13 3
II. O. A. F
0 110
2 0 10
0 3 2 0
19 0 0
2 3 0 0
10 0 0
13 10
12 4 0
0 0 10
8 Tl lii 0
2 10 0 -
10 0 0 1 03
Philadelphia, .
Earned runs:
J 11 27 10 1
H.H.O.A !.
Orth. cf 0 I 4 0 0
Slacle, If.... 0 1 2 0 0
Deleh'ty, lb 0 1 8 0
Uijole, 2b... 0 2 2 3
l'llcls. rf.... 1 2 1
Wolv't'n, 3b 0 1 1 1
Murphy, c... 0 1 2 1
Cross, ss
Plutt, p.
Totals .
4 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
Pittsburg. 5,
hits: Clarke. Wagner, Lajole. Tliree-nasn
lilt: Ely. Homo run: O'Hrlen. Sacrltlco
hit: riariie. wouiiio plays: iienuinoni 10
O'Hrlen, Itltchey to Ely to O'Hrlen. First
6 12 27 17
Totals .. 5 10 26 10
Minneapolis 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 1
Milwaukee 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 1-!
Earned runs: Minneapolis, 2; Milwaukee,
Two-baso lilts: Abbey. Waldron. Hler
bnuer, Dowd, Thrce-baso lilt: Waldron
liases on balls; Off Hulloy, 3; off Smirks, 1
off Dowllng, 1. Hit by pitched bull: An
derson. Dluglns, strucK out: Hy llalley
1; ny uowilug, ii. I.eri on liases: .Ml imp
upollB, 9; Milwaukee, 8. Double plays
Nanco to Abbey to Wcrden, Abbey to Smith
to wenien. sacriuce mis: isunce, uowil,
HIerlmuer. Anderson. Stolen bases: Klsber
1 H'a (iron, u ccms 121. huh: urr snnrks
0 (i n 1 5 l! off Dowllng, 7: off llalley, 10. Tlmo: 2:00,
J umplro: cuntniion.
0 8 24 10 3 Stnillllllt of the TrrtlllN.
0 3 2 9 Played. Won. Lost. P.C
0 0 0 0-0 1'iueago ....
1'wo-baso JU lunnnous
itralght heats. Gatnln was second, llest
time; 2 12',.
Horse Tlmt PlnUhfil In lltn'k In H'-
ernt llnnthoriip liner Slum
Grout Itet I'l'xnl of I'ortn.
CHICAGO. Aug. 7. -Scales showed re-
th.. ti.tti.r. when the earned runs versul of form todav at Harlem and easily
nmotliited to seven nnd as for the ofllclal woll tho rich Itlversldo stakes, lie was a
MiS'nn!!. ami 1 3 shot the last time nt ll.iwthoino nnd
usmfor t'hc'M.nden1 team'not0 idayMngts finished In the ruck. Since then he has had
usual game, 1 wish 10 say mat 11 piayeu u good rest, uui mo oooKinaKers ioo me
with tuit mree errors. . liberty to make him 7 to 1 today. The i.any
In the latter part of the paragraph our
friend "Mac" states that Gordon, the
Kearney pitcher who played with Arapuhoe
against Mltulen, August 2, wns nbout
knocked out or mo uox. 1 nere seems 10
bo uulte 11 difference between knocked out
of the box and nbout knocked out of the
box. The scoro sheet of tho ofllclal scorer
looked, at the end or 1110 game, iiko a L iu
neso p.izzlo nnd the scoro as sent In to tli
paper was made up n great deal by gucsi
work. The score shows that Mlnden won
tho gamo from Arapahoe, the scoro stand
ing 9 to 3. Mlnden got nine hits nnd Arnpa
hon six. Mlnden hud four errors nnd
Arapnhoo six, according to reports, but the
fact Is that Arapahoe had fourteen errors
linlil.1,1 nnnlnn. The nenrn shows that Mill-
inn 1, m, in olirlit runs In two innings and had
Arapahoe played tin errorless gamo 111 menu
Itinlmrs Mlnden novcr would have made tiny
reference to tho game.
"Mac' says mai 1110 .1111111011 peopio are
,,iiU- in lvinU llmlr team nualnst Kearney H
aggregation. While tho Kearney Hnse Hall
uuunnhllnll Wllit tint firimil 1 7.Cll tO Ollt tllC
team In tho Held ror me purpose 01 iwikiiik
money by betting, 11 is iirouanie mai a
challengo will bo sent to the Mlnden team
ti ttniv n iriimii oil Liie ii iHiinun 111 vii.tiii.
Island grounds, the winning team to take
Mm irniii reeelnts. A Hurt of tho agreement
will be that both teams pluy tho same men
that played oil me Kearney grouuus jmy
11 Mlnilmi wiia nlillt nllt. l'J to 0.
Kearney base nan runs navo consiueruuie lii llmlr team nnil It Is safe to
state that when mo iwo icums meci again
there will be 110 deiirm or Kearney money.
Yours respectfully, ,,,,,
1. i. ,ll.viilj.i.ii4W.
Not n I'll I r (iiiine.
itANCuni.'T. Neb.. Auc. 7. (Sneclal.)
Tho West Point nine, which claims to be
tho champions anil lias cuaiiengcii any ninu
in northeast Nebraska, met Its equal yes
terday In its own county. Tho Uancroft
niirri?iitliin. strnniithelied bv some Winne
bago Indians, urove over yesieruay. 111 ui
unvmitli Intiliit- tbe West Point seorekeooer
crnsed a score made by J. Hauinati. making
a tlo game, WHICH caused 11 great deal 01
iinrii r,niinir Mioiner came was maicneu
to bo played at Oakland next Sunday for Pour Mutches Provide. Excellent Sport
set out 11 lively pace und was closely
pressed by Greenock to tho three-quarters
pole, then Wlnktlcld begun to work oil
Scales, nnd although Tho Lady skinned
the rail. Scales had too much speed nnd
shot by her with apparent case. From then
Oil 1H1II1U 11. UIIIJ l IUI1I, mi uumn
l-'lrst race, llvo furlongs: Sortie. 113
rWlnkileldl. Ill to 6. won: Uscar Tolle. 113
(Alexander), 3 to 1, second; Porkford, 105
(.Mcnermott), a io 1, miru. iione uuu
Porkford coupled us liauiwiu entry.) rime:
1:011-5. Propeller, Shut Pp. St- Sediia, St.
Hluff. Guv II. Htirnctt's Wulkaway. Ilamn-
shire, Sautulus, Galanthus and Senator Joo
also ran.
Second race, six furlongs: John tirlgsiiy.
100 (T. Knight), 16 to 5, won; Lucille Hram-
pic, ins (Klllili), 20 to 1, second; i.oyaieua,
lie fWnlilo). 30 to 1. third. Time: 1:11.
Parmenlon. Money Hack. Einstein. Jim W.
Judge Pettlls, Josephine H, Allle II, Onoto,
Mr Kingston, Kiiarino, uieKiimu, ism k.
I)iiIuv1 Viilriitla. iitnl tltwitfti Vnll iituri run.
Thfrd race. 111II0 and seventy vards: Etta
9.1 (J. Wnlilot, y to 2, won; Planlnln, 99 (T.
Knight), s to b, second; Mnhnrajnh, 9 fiat
levi. ,s to 1. third. Time; 1:46. Lenndo.
licnry i.aiiiit. woodrungcr. Lydia s. vie-
loriue, uneiiu uiid Joint v. lMiton also
Fourth rnce. seven furloncs. Itlversldo
stakes: Scales, 106 ( Winkllold), 7 to 1, won;
1 nu L.auy, lis iiiergeti), 7 to 2, second
Mfxniinnlf IOC l'rtt..'l II 1.. . tltlcl H'l n.
1:27 3-5. Scarlet Lily, Discipline, Ooldono
nnd Lamaschusots ulso run.
Fifth race, mile nnd one-sixteenth: Dandv
.11111, no (T. Knight), 8 to 1, won; liaiilu M
101 (L. Itose). 5 to 2, second; Edith Q. 107
(Itulse), 8 to 1. third. Time: 1:073-5. Tele
phone Girl, Fondo, Woodstock nnd Icon
ulso ran.
Sixth race, mile nnd seventy vards: John
linker. 102 (Wlnktlcld), 7 to 6, won; Tho
i.nuy 111 nine. y. (Kiiignt), 12 to 1. second;
Mint Sauce, 97 (Tully), even, third. Tlmo:
i;u. viucennes, Hiruugcst, neilo or ouK
wood ntso ran
5100 11 side. Score
Uancroft ...
West Point
1 1
0 2
2 2 0 C 0 0 011
0 0 1 0 0 7 0-lu
In CIiiiiiiIiiiinIiIi Touruej
SOUTHAMPTON, N. Y.. Aug. 7,-Tho
Long island lawn tennis championship
Wins In tho Eleventh. luiirncy was sianeu nere louuy. 'j no
ATJAtAiinn. Neb.. Amr. 7.Sneclnl Tel- weatiier und the condition of the courts
ecram.) Arapnhoo and Hertrand played n were perfect, while tho pluyers provided
splendid gamo of ball hero today. Arapu- excellent sport. Pour mutches were played
hoe won out In the eleventh Inning by thu in the preliminary round und two In the
iouowinK score; ursi round, tho national ex-champion,
Hcrtriind 0 0 0 0 1 ;t 0 1 ;i u u 5 non 1mu1; me veteran, w. a. Lamed
Arapnhoo OJ 0 2 2 0 0 0 UO 19 umner iinrciv, me ciiampion or the Pa-
Hatterles: Hei trand, Welster and Maaske; rllL;,V1oaR.i,.)1VlJ'lovtl,1 e1' thn !nlvi'.l'"ly
Arapahoo, Hellumy and Hntcllff. lilts: of I 'cnnM-lyanln crack; hcwall Hoardmnn
Hertrand. 12; Arapahoe. 10. Errors: Hert- ""' A. . Post wero tho winners this fore
rand, 7: Arapahoe. 0. Struck out: Hy
Welster. 2' by Hellamy. 2. Princeton champion. It, D. Little, who fell
wusicr, u ncuam, .. (ln ea)y vctlm t0 Mit opponent. Hardy was
Omaha lVkiiIiimI HustliiKs,
HASTINGS. Neb.. Auir. 7. (Sneclal. 1
Manager l'owcrs or tne Hastings uase nan
tenm lias cotnuieteu an arrancetnenis wiin
Mnnngor Keith of tho Omaha team for a
match game of ball to be played hero
Prlduy, August 10. Prom all Indications the
camo will bo a swift one. as soma of the
best umntetir plnyers In the state have been
secured 10 ussisi mo jinsnngs learn.
Slonx Fall Won the Iluhhcr.
SIOUX PALLS. S. D.. Aug. 7.-(8neclal
Velegrnm.) During tho past few days SJ,' c.o
wmes between the Sioux Pulls nnd Hock y j"
Ilnplds ball teams resulted In each winning
two games. This afternoon tho two clubs
played on tho local grounds to decide tho
tie, resulting In a victory for Sioux Pulls
by a scoro or 20 to u,
drawn against George G. Clark. Jr.. a Hnr
yard crack. Hardy easily outclassed his
antugonlst. The piny of tho Hardy brothers
Is being keenly watched by the experts, ns
mey are now getting in trim for tbe na
tionals nt Newport next week. AVrenn won
over Grenvlllo Clark of Harvard. The
scores rouow:
Men s chuinnlonshln. singles, nrellmlnaty
rounn: w. A. i.nrneu ueienicd 11. u. l.imo,
6-1. 6-1.
Sumner Ilnrdv defeated O. C. Clark. 4r.
0-1. 6-1.
S. Hnnrdmnn defeated S. Waller. 6-S.
Clothier defeated C. P. Watson, Jr.,
, Wrenn defented Grenvlllo Clark
6-3 6-:
H. D,
6-1. G-0.
A. W. Post defeated Georce Kobbe. 7-5,
The matches tbls nfternnnn brolli?ht to
MnPQPI t-IRCT AT CnRT CDIt cethcr J. A. Allen, the Ynle cx-chiimplon
iiiwbwbi. iiiiwi n 1 win kinu -in.i nni, mii.i .t n in nr pnii,mhi
and Hob Huntington: George Wrenn, jr.,
and Samuel Hnrdy, the lloboken Cricket
club expert; Richard Stevens und Georgo
Allies, nnd Aivin 1: i.arned and Frederick
p. Alexander, tne rrmceioninn
II lT Son of Make Cttit iirrs Horse lle-
vlciv I'nrnp to Great Surprise
of Talent.
view purso ror tliree-ycar-old trot
ters, fouls of 1897, wns the feature of the
Grand Circuit curd at Fort Erie, Ont., this
nfternoon. It was oxuected the event would
develop 11 spirited contest nnd n lurger
crowd than usual saw the sport. The race
resulted in a straigui
Argument as to Which Is the Pnstrr
to He Settled hy Trial.
Barney Oldfleld of Toledo, O., nnd Iver
Lawson of Salt Lnkc City. Utah, have
'iU.'.alriY'0'?ry; hcen matched to ride three onc-mllo heat
t r 1tffnn...l .. 1,1. l.n., 1, I... lfAl,u .,.,,.
lui iiiiiuui'ii u iiik uts uuiri: M j .iiunv, nv..K I . .. ... . ... n , , . ..
out r,.r tl .. innreiH hv tbn Wninnt inn races ni mo -Miuwny l ycie iracK mo com
farm or Donernll, Ky. In tho opening pools lng Sunday ror a pur.e or iw. which mis
Mocbel sold at $50 on even terms with been offered by the Omaha Dculers' Hacliig
uingo, .najor Lieimar anil iva i,, uui uner nssociauou, aim a sine urn. m .m euvn
tho llrst heat Moeliel was always a pro- making a total purso of $200, tho winner o
nnnneeil fnvnrlte. Monhel stenned nut In I twn nf tliu tlireo beatH to take all.
gallant fashion nil throush. This race Is the outcome of Lawson nnd
McIIonry made n drive with Lnoha In the Oldlleld's clash on the track last Sunday,
second hent. but sent bis tlllv to a break. Tintli mnn rnile In the ono mile profession!!!
On the strength of Locha's showing, while luimllcnn. and Lawson claims that he
she held her feet, there wns little selllnc 1,1,1 luivn won easily hud not Oldllcld
011 the field against Moeliel for the llnal I ,111,1 Hnusmnn tenmed against him. He
struccle. Manv horsemen thoucht thu t.rnmuinii the decision of the referee In tlla
tieuvy-gnticd .vioenei wojiu uro in me ihsi race, whereupon uiuiieni niicrcu 10 rmo mm
brush, but he camo away from Major Del- u raCe with no other riders on the track
'Viv VVlreetirmVoiVloni'4 0 s "RCr of Jo ll,lH wl' J1,'ul H,im "al,4
. by iJirecium tguiiiioni.'i 0 ins "..,.- ,,f Terry McOovern. tomorrow
,, gr. c by Aloyon l-iit In thlf Icily t,5 clinch n match between
V.,,-o"-i.v,',Ki;;,',;hn,Vi Cans and McOovern. The only barrier Is
8ft 62 37 .6S4
89 4S 11 .5(0
95 60 15 . 526
93 47 46 ..Wi
97 7 50 .8i
89 43 46 .1S5
95 43 62 .453
95 41 51 .432
Detroit . .
Kansas Cltv
base on balls: Off Piatt, 2. Hit by pitched ! p',V,,niiJ
ball:. Sehrlver. Orlh. Struck ollt: iJy Mlnnenpolls
Tnniiehlll, 3; liy Plutt, 1. Passed bull: Ely. .
Tlmo: 1:10." i'mpiro: O Day. KEARNEY'S SIDE OF THE GAME
Score on Nichols.
CINCINNATI. Auc. 7.-Hreitensteln was
In rare form today, particularly with men
011 buses. Cuppy had his hand split with a
liner from liarrett's bat In the third Inning
and retired In favor of NlehoiS. Tho locals
hunched hits in tho eighth. Attendance,
l.oio. Score:
11 II O.A.n. It II. O.A.E
liarrelt. cf.. 12 111 Hamllt'n. cf 0 0 2 0 1
0 0 iinir, ...
I 1 Stahl, rf..
Enrned runs; Omaha, 5, St. Joseph,
lake Advantage o! Omaha Citizen's
Experience Before It's Too Late,
When the back begins to ache,
Don't wait 'till backache becomes chronic,
' 'Till serious kidney troubles develop,
'Till urinary trouble destroy night's rest.
Profit by an Omaha citizen's experience.
Mr. Thos. F. Norton, No. 2711 Twenty-
ufth street, contractor, bays; "For three
fears my wlfo who not only subject to kid
ney complaint, but she had other compli
cations. Sho doctored for her trouble, but
tbe pain In her back and other symptoms of
either weakened or over-excited kidneys
clung to her. One box of Doan's Kidney
Pills, procured at Kuhn & Co.'s drug store,
corner 15th and Douglas streets, did her
o much good that I purchased tno more,
The treatment did her a world of good,"
Sold for 60c por box by nil dcalrrs. Fos-
ter-Mllburn Co., lluffulo, N. Y,, sole agents
tor the United States.
Remember tho name, Doiu's, and take no
Iiniiiiilnn nf (lie Winner Tells
Ahuiit (lie l)n MIiiiIcii Wan
Shut Out.
Criiwfonl, If 1 1
Stelnfilt. 3b 0 1
Hockley, lb. 0 0
iVirwran, ss 0 1
MclliMe. rf. 0 1
Qiilnn. 2b... 0 0
reltx, e 0 0
lliell'sl'ii, p 1 1
KEAHNEY. Neb.. Aug. 7.-To tho Edltup
of The Hee: My .itteiitlon 1-eh he-.-n c.ilied
to 11 paragraph In The Omaha Hee of Au
gust 4, In which 11 gentleman who slgivi
himself "Mae" takes executions to 1I10
0135 0 writ! -up of tho Kcurney und Mlnden bill
001 1 0 saniu played on thu Kearney grounds July
0 0 Collins. 3h.. 0 1 2 0 3 31. 1 wish to statu that the write-up of
4 0 Freem'n. lb. n 1 10 l o this gnmo was Impartial nnd fair nnd nliy
0 Diirrv. if 0 1 0 0 1 responsioio cu zen 01 cimer Kearney or
iiinnen wno winiesseu tne game win near
me out in tills statement. While It Is pou
slblo that tho umpire may hnvo maid a few
decisions to which exceptions were tukn,
11 is uuo 10 111 in to stuto mai ne rr.vored
neither sld" When the gentleman "Mac"
states that the score should have been 5 tn
3 In favor of Kearney Instead of 12 to 0, ,n
11 was. ne is irreaiiy in error, nut two or
me .Miiiuen men rencneu mini base, niul but
0 0 14 0
IMchols, p.. 0 1 0 1 0
3 "li 1J 2 'Harry 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 I,owe, !b
2 0 Clarke, c
3 0 i"uiipy. p
Totals ..0 S 21 13 0
Hatted for Nichols In the ninth
Cincinnati o o o 0 1 0 o 2 -3
inuiin n o 11 n a n o 11 n o
- ...... UI1 m lnet, uvo mane an nuempi to dcor1'
lCurned runs: Cincinnati. 3. Three-base in the llfth or sixth Inning, with one nia
hit: Melirlde. Homo run; Cr.iv ford Stolen out and Funk, the Mlnden catcher, on
liases: Long. Duffy. Double iiluys: Free third and another Mlnden player on first, ,1
unusslsted; Harrett to Poltz. First tase on double play was made by the cntclmr
balls; Off Hreltenstiin, 3; off Nichols, 2. throwlnc the Mlnden playor, who was run
Struck out: Hy Hreltensteln, 1. Time: 1:15. nine from llrst to second, out nt unennrl
Umplro: Hwartwood
(ilnnlK Will Hip I.uhI.
base. It was when the catcher threw this
bull to M'oinil base to catch the mini run-
i,.n ... ,iln, 1.-.,.. 1. . ti.
I lllllk 111,111 lllj.1 1I1I1L I'lllllt Ul .lllllllt'Il IIlillltT
ST. LOUIS. Aug. 7. A fairly good crowd an attempt tn score, but the hccond base-
saw the lust game of the series between man for Kenrney leturned the bull to th
SI. Louis und New York today. Poor Held- catcher In time to put Funk out over tei
nig lost me gamo or 01, i.ouin. Aiiewi-
mice, 1,11. score:
Mrllruw, 3b. 2 1 0 3
lliirkttt. If. 1 I 4 0
lleidrlck, cf 0 3 2 0
Donovan, rf t 1 10
Kolstcr, 2b.. 0 1 2 1
Wallace, ss. 1 1 4
Donlln, tli... 1 2 13
Crlirer. c ... 0 0 1 2
Jones, p 0 1 0 !
DIIUul .... 0 0 0 0
Yaiill'n, cf. 1 12 0 0
Selluth, If.. 113 0
Dole, lb... 1 1 12 1
Smith, rf.... 2 10 0
1 Hlrkm'n, 3h 1 2 1
O.Davis, ss.... 0 0 3
(Heason, 2b, 1 1 4 1
Foster, 2b... 0 0 0 3
flraily. o ... 0 1 2 4
Carrlck, p.. 1 0 0 1
feet from the homo plate. No kick what
ever wns made upon the dechlon of tho um
pire when he called Funk out. and thoro
was no uurfctlon but that he was out, good
and plenty. The only other tlmo that Mln
den hud 11 man on third haso wns In tbn
eighth Inning, when Mlnden had two men
.in bases and two men out HIHs
nf Mlnden hit a low line Mil
niul Gordon of Kearney was 1111
able to handle It on account of ttn arcui
. peed. The ball hit his glovo and bounced
1 off nto tne tuiiids of the Kearney shortstop.
0 1 wtm threw tho ball tn llrst and lh umpire
culled Hllss out Tho Mlnden players re.
8 8 27 19 2 I fused to go on the diamond nnd flnUh the
Totals tltnit S
Hatted for Jonen In the ninth game because of this decision, and In order
ri 1 flniL o 1 n o 1 , 1 1 oi ,nat theru m'sht be no bad feeling and also
viJ-vrt ? S J J !j that tho game might be llnlshed. tho cap
New ork 3 1 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 ,HiM nt tn. Kei.rnev team thn itmnlru
Earned runs: tit. LouU, 2; New York, 4. chance his decision and call Hllss safe. By
mar again with case, distancing ull tils
field but the Major und Locha, thus gath
ering In llrst nnd fourth moneys, Moebel
Improved Ills mark every heat, going the
lust mile very stendy In 2:16i, Summary:
2:24 class trotting, purse, J2.000, three
heats In llvo:
Joe Watts, ch. ir. bv Electioneer
(Young) 1 1 1
Ira Electrite, b. 111. (Phlpps) 2 33
King Vnsco, b, h. (Ciimmlngs) 34 2
Annie Burns, g. m. (Wilson) 12 4
Hay Star. b. 111. (J. Keiinoy) dls
Time: 2:18U. 3:1711. 2:17'i.
llorso Hevlew purse. $5,000, for fonls of
1S97. three-ycur-olds, trotting, tlireo ncals
111 live:
Mobet, b. h. by Mokaw (Kenyon)....l 1 1
Major Dclmnr, b. o, by Dolmar
(Haldwln) 2 2 2
Locha It. s. by Allerton (Mcllenry),..3 4 3
Porto lllco. h. h. by Elcctrito (l'hln-
pcn) 3 3 ills
Dlrego. blk. c.
Jim Ackerson
(Hutliborn) ..
Sir ltiibblns. 1). c. by StambollI
(Tripp)' ii din
James J. Duke, ch. g. by Sam Estes
(Hersey) 7 dls
Iva Dee, b. g. by Onward (Thomas). .ills
Time: 2:201.4. 2:161;.
2:19 ass puce, purse i,.w. inreo 111 uvo;
Tho Admiral, b. h. by He Sure
(Piivim) 2 1 1 1
Hralil ir. ir. hv Noblesse (Gosuell). . .1 2 5 I
Don Kiev. 1). c. IllUdsoi) tin.;
rom ctiitiniin, ro. g. uuguesi 1 .1 .1 n
lennlo Mac. Iir. m. (McEwen) 5 14 3
I W.. blk. h. (Wiiuard) ;i 11 u u
Alllo H, ch. m. (Mllllkeii) dls
Halle Hrown, ch. in. (1'larnel ills
Tlmo: 2:Ml, 2;1I'4. 2:1314. 2:12"..
Hhco for Pli'lxchiunnn Stiilcrn nt Sar-
nlnua Iteniills In 't'errlllo
RA RATOG A. N. A'.. Auc. 7. C. Plelscll-
......... . - --- -- . , ...
maim s Hons lionniiieri captured ine
Fleischmnnn stakes today in a furious
drlvo bv a head from Atari! Scheck, with
Garry Hermann in mini place, u lengm
nway. Tho start was bad for Alard Scheck,
lint I in run 11 crei.t race, closing strong and
It required Turners mosi exiiuisiio sum 10
keep Honnlberl'H head in front to the wire
.1 : v v.. u nnv wniinii uiet'H 111 1. uiiiui mil
were very good nisi winter, was mo
medium of a heuvy plunge In tho tlrst race
imt r,i led tn uiHtiiv inn nui v. Mummarv
l.'lrst nice, six furlongs; Mr. Jersey. 10S
(() Connor), n to i won; KinutKinnicK, rsi
(McCun), 40 to 1 nnd 6 to I, second; Waring,
112 ('Turner), 2 to 5, third. Tlmo: l:13i
UiiniiK iiriiriuie mid May w. a so ran.
Second race, selling, seven furlongs:
Pretiidlee. 99 (It. Murphy), even, won;
Orion. 9S iMendel, 30 to 1, second: Sparrow
Wing. Hi (.MCLiiei, j 10 i, uuru. lime:
1 'I'V.
Third race. Flelachmaiiii staken for two-
vear-olds, guaranteed value J5.000, of which
$1,000 tn second and $500 to third, live fur
longs: llonnlbert, 122 (Timer). 2 to 1 and
4 to 5, won; Alard Scheck, 122 (Hurnsi. 8 to
6 ami 3 to 5, second: Gurry Herrmann, HI
illobindi. 9 to 5 und 3 to 6. third. Time:
1:0H4. Lady Schorr, Tuskarora und Iliirm-
less also ran.
Fourth ruco. mllo and n furlong, selling:
Hangor. Ill (Medio). 11 to 10, won; Hulf
Time, 111 (Odom). 11 tn 10, second; Dog
town, 107 (Patten), 6 to 1, third. Time:
Fifth race, maiden two-year-olds, five
(urinous: C hiitanunda, 114 (Ho and). I to 1.
won: Heau Ormonde. 114 (McCue). 5 to 2 and
I to 6, second: Dr. Preston, 114 (Turneri, 7
to 2, mint, rune: 1:1114. nweet room,
Yonnessee. The Covenanter, Star, Tho Jade,
Moraute, l'leiiericn ami inreii Treo also ran.
Taniinuny Ciller wns icrt ai mo post.
ItrNnltK Ht liideiiendener Track,
INDEPENDENCE, la., Aug. T.-Itesults
of today's races;
2;15 trot, $1,000: Contralto won first, sec-
in nrnvo tnnt HO couiu ueieai i.unnuu
Without tno aid 01 u leam iiinie.
Proweeiit Inn Pot Hunters
Tivcntv Anrr 7 (Hneelal.l HenrcMen
tntlves of the Nebrnska Gamo and Fish
iir,..ilv nHHnelntlon have been working
tho past week In the western part of tho
state and Suniiay arrived at Kearney,
whero It hnd been reported that there was
n great deal of Illegal chicken rhootlng.
After Investigation during the nfternoon
,,miiiu umpii Hwiirti nut for v rank It.lH-
sel und Hobert Lnramle, who wore nrrcsted
by Sheriff lunk that evening. These pur-
tles wero Just coming 111 irom nunuim um
lllrdS Wero lOUIlll 111 llieir lllinfenniun.
tbnv wero tiiKcn neiore jumuco 01 111
Peace Snyder nnd lined $20 and costs,
Co us nnd Mctiiivcrn to Meet.
misiv vniiK. Auir. 7. Al llerforil. man
i,n ivnlubt nuestlon and that will be dell
nltely settled tomorrow ut tho meeting.
Smith buses l 11,000 il.
fiiifAGn. III.. Aim. 7. Ills Ijxcelleney.
tin. ernek Il-vear-old owned b.V ( II. Slllltll.
died at Washington I'urk from a ruptured
lilrmd vessel todav. Mr. Slllltll Paid $10.li0
for the colt during tho Louisville meeting
last spring.
Mnniilnur Claims I llnnniiiii.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Aug. 7.-ManaKcr
Manning of the Kaunas City team has filed
a claim on Shortstop Hilly ciltigman who
wns yesterday given nis unenmiuionai ro
leuso by tho Chicago National leaguo team
Colds, Cough,
Hoy Fever, Bron
chitis, Asthma
and all Diseases
of the Throat and
Clouds of Medicated Vapor are, Inhaled
through the month and emitted from the nos,
II- rleanslnc and Taporlilng all the Inflamed
inn diseased parts which, cuasot he reached hr
medicine taken Into the stoninrh.
It rrner.i the tnre spoi 11 henU thu rata
fttnretlt nor to the Knit ofiltttatrU art rrt
titxilm amltnntfi to the fhnle tvttemSt.nntit
itrugolitsort'nt bymxti. SfOS ArhRtl'Mla
there's no need for you to suf
fer from Dyspepsia or Btomach
trouble. Mull's
Pioneer Cure
for these ailments Is n abso
lute specific. A dollar draft In
each $1.00 box guarantees a
cure. Ask your drtlgclat or
write The Lightning Medicine
Co., Muscatine, Iowa,
For sale by all drucclsti.
Etching Burning Scaly
Blotchy Humors
Instantly Relieved
and Speedily Cured vby
(y tic lira
The ttchlug nnd burning I suficrcd In my feet and limbs for three yeara
wero terrible. At nlht they were worso and would keep me awake m
greater part of the night. 1 consulted doctor after doctor, as I wan travel
ling on tho rood most of my tltnc, also one of our city doctors. None of that
doctors knew what thu troublo was. I got a lot of the different samplea of
the medicines I hnd been using. 1 found them of so many different kinds
that I concluded I would havo to go to a Cincinnati hospital before I would
get relief. I Had frequently been urged to try CUTICURA REMEDIES,
but I had no faith in them. My wlfo finally prevailed upon me to try them.
Presto I What a change I I ntn now cured, und It Is a permanent cure. I
feel liko kicking some doctor or myself for suffering three years when I
could havo used CUTICUHA remedies. II. JENKINS, Mlddleboro, Ky.
'Complete Treatment $1.259
Consists of Cuticvra SoAr (Mc), to cleanso tho skin of crusts nnd scales and Rotten
tho tlilckenod cuticle, Outicuka Ointment (&0c.), to instantly allay itching, Irritation,
nnd inflammation, and soothe anil hnal.anil OiTicimx ItF.soLvr.NT(fiOc), tscool and
cleanso tho blood. A Sinolb Set is often sufliciunt to euro tho most torturing, dls
(inuring skin, scalp, and blood humors,, and irritations, with loss of hair, whon
physicians, hospitals, and all also fall. Sold throughout tho world. Potter Dnua
and Cisem. Com'., Solo Props., lioston. "flow to Ouro Itching Humors," freo.
Millions of Women Use Cuticura Soap
Kxrlttalvely for preserving, purifying, and beautifying tho skin, for cleansing tho soslp of
cruet, rcnlus, and daudrutf, and tbe stopping of (ailing hair, for softening, wnltenlis;, and
healing red, rough, and sore hands, In thu form of baths for annoying trrltattens, Inflam
mations, and dialings, or too free or otlcuslru perspiration, In tho form of washes fer
ulcerative, weaknesses, and for many eanuUro antiseptic purposes which readily sug gst
themselves to wcjmcn( uad vspeclully mothers, und fur ull the purposes of the toilet, bath,
aud nursery. No amount of persuasion can Induce those who havo once used It to use any
other, especially for preserving ami purifying the skin, scalp, and hair of Infante and
children, GL'TICUIM Soap combines delicate emollient properties derived from CUTI
CUliA, tho great skin cure, with tho purest of cleansing Ingredients and tho most refresh
ing of flower odors. No other medicated or toilet soap CTcrcouipoundrd k to be compared
With 11 for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, tcalp, hair, and bands. NO
other foreign or domestic toilet soap, however expensive, Is to bo compared with It for all
the purposes of the toilet, bath, anil nursery. Thus It combines In Onk Smr nt Ojs
Pnici:, viz., TwENTT.rrvR Cents, the r.KST sklii and cuiDnJexiou oap, and thu best tollM
and btsT baby soap In tho world.
must see the goods to appreciate
these wonderful values.
J; 4S? tS & iSj
This handsome quartern
Bawod golden oak Dining Chair saddle
shape wood seat or cano seat largo
lull size worth $2.50
Price only
Here is a very rich and
durable chair made very strong lmnd
polished made of select quarter-sawed
golden oak either Baddle shape wood
or cano seat a chair of this kind always
sold at $2. no
Price only
Orchard & Wilhelm
Ldrpei LU. Douglas Street.