Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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Davis sella nines.
"Mr. Illley." 0-cont chrnr.
II. M. Lcffert, optician, 230 Il'way.
Obh fixtures and globes tit Wxby's.
Budwclrcr beer. L. Hosonfcld, BKOnt.
Kino A. It. C. beer, Ncutnayer'n hotel.
Dr. Stephenson, 101 Pearl Bt. Tel. K0.
Schmidt's photo?, new nnd latest styles,
You net tho beat dinner at the Vienna.
Illley, best photographer. 402 Uroadway.
J, C. & W. Woodward, architects, 033 Ildy.
W. 12. Lewis sells monuments. 3'Jl Il'way.
Hclentlflo optician at Woolman', 100
C. liaadnlo left last evening on a visit to
l'aola, Kan.
Albert Stevens left yesterday on a trip
to Oswego, Kan. i
Wanted. Klrl for General housework. APPly
33) Oakland avenue.
Charles It. Hair left yesterday on a vialt
to Ucntonvllle, Ark.
Campaign pleturoK nnd buttons. C. K.
Alexander & Co., 833 llroadway.
Miss Dora I.von left yesterday on a visit
to friends In Uentonvlllo, Ark.
Get your work done at the popular KbrIo
laundry, 721 Uroadway. Thone lu".
W. C. Kstrp, undertaker. 51 l'cnrl street.
Telephones: (Jlllce, !"; residence, 33.
Miss llnssler of Portsmouth. O., is the
truest of Dr. and Mr. V. 12. ll'.'ller.
Tho prlro of Kits In C-uineU muff has
been reduced from $1.75 l.WO to $1.43 l.tHO.
W. l flraff. undcrUiUer und licensed rm
balmcr. 101 Houth Main street, l'hono ufi
Mm, W. II. Marble of Fourth street left
vesterday for a visit with friends at Huron,
Miss Allre Stork left yesterday for a, visit
with relatives and friends at bt. J'aul,
MIsm Julia Itohrer of Washington avenue
left yesterday on a visit to friends in Utile
Thero will bo a special meeting this even.
ItiK of Kxcelsior Masonic lodge lor work in
the third degree.
Mr, and Mrs. (J. II. Drown left last even
ing fr a months trip to Yellowstone park
und Hot Springs, S. I).
Judge Walter T. Smith will deliver an ad
drcs at the old soldlurH' reunion to bo held
at Macedonia tomorrow.
New and second-hand furniture, stoves,
carpets and liouso furnishings bought and
sold. J. Stein & Co., 721 West Uroadway.
James Holler of Wright township was In
tho city yesterday on his way homo from
nu extended trip to Minnesota und the
Health Officer l'hll Wnreham Is pntrollng
tho beat of Otrtcer Wilson during tho hit
ter's absenco iti Missouri, whero ho 13 at
tending a family reunion.
Tho Dailies' AM soricty of St. John's Hn
Klish Lutheran church will meet tomorrow
afternoon at tho residence of Mrs. V. II.
Morgan, 121 South Seventh street.
Mr. nnd Mrs. James A. Hcreld, Mr. nn 1
itrs. U. W. Oregg. Mr. nnd Mrs. Dathrup
and daughter left last evening for Noblo's
lako, whero they will sojourn for a few
Miss Mangum, principal of tho Washing
ton avenue school, and Miss Clara Meyeru,
principal of tho Twentieth Avcnuo school,
liavo returned from u sojourn to Colfax
Tho Honrd of PntTHmmlssloners held Its
regular monthly meeting last night. The
only business transacted was to allow the
pay roll and usual grist of bills for the
preceding mouth.
Hobert Denning of 120 llldge street was
reported to tho Hoard of Health yesterday
as suffering from scarlet fever. This Is tho
first caso of contagious disease reported to
tho boar,d. sjneo June,
Tho young son of DeWJtt C. Tucker, a
member, of the rifty-flrMl Iowa volunteero
from this city who died wbilo the regiment
was In San Krnnclsco, has been granted a
pension of $11 per mouth.
Mrs. K. W. Krlckson and son of 410 South
Klghtcenth street nnd Miss Mary K. Welts
of 1823 Fifth avenue left yesterday for Colo
rado Spr.lnga una Denver, whore they will
upend tho next two months or more.
Claud Illakesley was arrested yesterday,
charged with creating disturbance at the
Meadow lawn danco resort Sunday night.
Ho gnvo ball In tho sum of $25 for .lis ap
pearance lp police court this morning.
Tho caso against O. I Turner, arrested
Monday night nt the Instance of John P.
Weaver, who charged him with stealing
coal, was dismissed In police court yuster
day morning on payment of lliu cost.
John A. Trott of Chicago, representing a
so-called medical Institute, was arrested
yesterduy afternoon for distributing ob
Mcono lltornture. Ho gave ball for his up
pcaranco In pollco court this morning.
Miss Panslo Morehouso has gono to Chi
cago, where shn will visit with her sister
until after tho close of tho summer term nt
tho university, after which they will visit
friends In Denton Harbor and St. Joseph,
Another old landmark of tho city is
shortly to disappear. Tho Scott houso on
North Main street has been purchased by
J. J3. Wallace and M. U. Clrout and the old
building will be torn down and replaced
with a brick structure.
Mrs. Thomas Ollleer. Will Otncer nnd
Frank Ofllcer left yesterday for Denver.
Colorndo Springs and other western points
J. W. Smith, senior member of the linn of
Smith Si Hradley. left last evening on a
business trtn to Chicago.
George Konkler anct Cllstus Mooncy, the
two boys' charged with beating another lad
named Curtis wjtii a naso uau urn .uimiiuy
evening, wero released yesterday morning
after receiving a lecturo from Judgo AyKs
worth. They spent tho night In tho city
Pending tho settlement of tho controversy
between Aldermnn Huber and Street Com
missioner Harden, ltoss street baa been
closed to trallio. u is in a uungyruuH iu.
(inn nnri fii 1 1 not lin t'euulrcd until tho chair
man of tho streets and alleys committee
will allow tho atreet commissioner to employ
somo men.
Dr. T. H. .i.neey. Dr. Cleorgo H. Smith
rnlnnnl v. J. Davcnnort and H. A. Trout'
man of tho liicfll lodge of Klks and Oeorgo
P. Cronk or tho uinnim lougo went to
ton yesterday afternoon, where last night
him' nnuisti'il in l nit lii t tn u a class of forty-
nlno candidates who wero anxious to don
tho antlers.
Tho receipts nt tho Christian Homo last
....... ir in im 1'i.noml fund amounted to
$162.27, being $47.73 below the cUlmmcd needs
for tho current expenses 01 1110 ween, me
receipts lu tho manager's fund were $1.
being $17 below tho needs of tho week and
Increasing tho dcllclency lu mis fund to
dato to $SU.Gfc.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.. telopltone 200.
Murrlngo Licenses.
Wee uses to wed were Issued yesterday to
tho following persons:
mid Itesldenee. Age.
Patrick J. Itatlgan, Underwood. In
aiim.i Mm- llluleou. Pottawattumlo 21
J I, Johnston, Omaha '. "'2
limit Itay, Keysvllle, N. Y... 7
For Sole,
A largo piece of fruit land, partially Im
proved, near Florence; will divide to suit
013 N. Y. l.lfo. Tel. 314.
Children's Shoes
Correctly Fittid
412 Broadway.
Negotiated In Kaslern Tteoraska
Mid Iowa. James N. Caaady. Jr.,
Ui Main Ht t'luurll Dlurf.
Savings Loan and Building Associal'n
Council Uluffs, Iowa.
Race for a Judgeship is Getting Olose
Botwcen Tour Candidates.
Candidate for Congress Forward in
(lie ( rmor II In AVItlidrii vr nl
from Hie Jleneli to Take
HflTrut et Month.
Hon. Walter I. Smith of this city, repub
lican nomltieo for congress from tho Ninth
congressional district, yesterday forwarded
to Governor Bhaw his resignation ns Judge
of the district bench of tho Fifteenth Ju
dicial district. The resignation Is to take
effect on September 1.
The republican convention of the Fifteenth
Judicial district will bo held In this city on
Wednesday, August 20. Judgo Miicy's term
expires this year, and as Is well understood
by all familiar with the situation, he will
bo renominated by acclamation. For the
nomination to fill tho vacancy caused by
Judge Smith's resignation there, however,
promises to bo quite a lively contest. Four
of tho counties lu tho district have candi
dates, aa follows: Pottawattamie, O. D.
Wheeler of Council Uluffs; Mills, W. S.
Lewis of Glcnwood; Cass, J. U. Itocknfollow
of Atlantic: Montgomery, W. H. lleeson of
Hcd Oak. Tho delegates of c.ich of theso
four counties nro Instructed for their re
spective candidates, while tho other coun
ties are unpledged. There will bo 122 votes
In the convention, divided as follows: Audu
bon, j; Cass, 14; Fremont, 10; Harrison, 1G;
Mills, U; Montgomery, 12; Page, 14; Potta
wattamie. 27; Shelby, 10. As the situation
now is sixty-four votes are pledged while
fifty-eight remain unlnstuictcd.
It is said that LcwU of Mills county will
have tho support of Harrison county slnco
the stato 'convention. Previous to tho gath
ering at Dca Moines Harrison waa said to
bo favorable to tho candidacy of O. D.
Wheeler of this city. Tho turndown of
Dowell of Harrison county for a place on the
stato commlttco Is said to bo responsible for
the chango In tho feelings of tho Harrison
county delegation, as It Is asserted Potta
wattamie was partly responsible for Mr.
Dcwell's fatluro to be re-elected. Although
It la far too early In tho race to make a
forecast It Is generally conceded that Can
didate Lewis of Mills county Is at present
In tho lend nnd leading republicans say they
expect to seo him land the nomination.
Davis sells paint.
Mury Tlioiiiiioon Seen Nrnr tlie Union
nievutnr esterduy.
Mary Thompson, the erratic young woman
who has so far eludod all efforts on tho
part of tho pollco to capture her, has been
hoard from again. Early yo3torday morning
she was again seen In tho vicinity of the
Union clov.itor near the Union Pdclllo trans
fer. She Is reported to have effected an
ontranco Into Eaadale's dairy, whero she
drank two quarts of milk. When noticed
she ran and was soon lost to sight In tho
cornfields. She was hatless and her clothes
appeared to bo ragged In the extreme.
Officer Matlock, as soon as tho pollco were
notified, hnstcned to tho scene and spent
most of the forenoon searching for the young
woman, but failed to secure any traco of
her. Thero aro several hundred acres of
land under corn In tho vicinity, which
makes tho search for tho young woman most
difficult. How she manages to secure food,
unless sho exists on corn, Is what puzzles
tho authorities. Chief Albro Is Bcrlouily
considering tho advisability of organizing
a large party and making a systematic
search for tho young woman.
Commonwealth 10-ccnt cigar.
Ilonnl of Supervisor.
The Doard of County Supervisors com
pleted Its work yesterday afternoon and ad-
Journod until the regular session In Sep
tember. The mombers of tho board and the
county auditor during the afternoon at
tended tho meeting of the County Doard
of Education,, called by Superintendent Mc
Manus. Llttlo business, howovcr, wns
transacted boyoud appointing a committed
consisting of County Superintendent Mc
Manus and Supervisors Matthews and Auld
to examine school publications with a view
to determining what changes In or addl
tloiu to tho text books at present In uso are
noeded to lusuro a uniform courso of study
for tho rural schools. Tho next meeting
will bo held September 6.
At tho meeting of tho Hoard of Super
visors George W. Turner was awarded tho
contract for repairing the foundation of tho
county building at Fifth avenuo and Twelfth
street, which was damaged by the flood July
lfl last. i
F. H. Chambers was granted a school
fund loan of $1,500 and the board accepted
the offer of F. Hill to purchase lot i in Audi
tor's subdivision, owned by the county, for
Gravel roofing. A. H. Read, 541 Broadway,
llrnwii 1'nllM to Slunr t'p.
When tho enso against Mahlon Hrown,
former afolstant city engineor, charged
with Impersonating an ofllcer. wns called In
pollco court yesterday morning ho failed to
appear and tho hearing wns continued, al-
tuough no warrant was Issued for tho de
fendant. Joseph Miller, tho complaining
witness, who claims that Drown placed him
) under nrrest and later offered to let hlra go
j upon tho payment of a dollar, positively
incnttiiou iirown ns tho alleged odlecr. A
man named Harrison, employed at the Kiel
r.otel, has also identified Brown. Miller nl
leges that nrown knockpd him down twice'
Willi blows In the faco when ho questioned
nm authority to placo hlra under arrest.
Coinpnuy I, r-1 t'l ml ex,
One of tho Company l boys, who Is now
in camp at lied Oak, yesterday wroto a
friend of tho life tho camp boys aro hav
ing. In speaking of an event which tickled
the boys, be said: "I gave tho clears to
tho boys last night and you should have
heard those galoots yell. They lined up
and gave three cheors nnd a tiger for
Tommy Grlfflu and I voice tho sentlmonts
of tho entlro company when I say the
Tommy Griffin Is the best nickel cigar
mane in America or tho Philippines. Ask
your wir' friend about It.
Woodmen "Hiitnrtnlii.
"A Night in Woodcraft," presented last
night nt the Dohany theater under the
auspices of Couucll Camp No. 14, Wood
men of tho World, attracted an nudlenco
that filled tho houso and was much pleased
with the entertainment offered, which was
under tho direction of M. A. Ilrinn of
Omaha and F. H. Nlpp.
The play permitted the introduction of
a number of specialties by local amateur
talent, which were well rendered.
Street Itnllwny ChniiKra,
Now that tho Bridge line has absorbed
tho Suburban company, tho track on Sixth
street from Ninth avenue to Sixteenth
svenuo will bo abandoned, Crosslugs will
bo put In at Sixteenth avenue between tho
Milwaukee and Hock Island depots and as
Boon us that work la completed cars will
run direct on South Main street, connect
ing with tho Suburban, tracks south of
Sixteenth avenue, near tho roundhouse, and
thus avoid having to niako the turn at
Main street and Ninth avcnuo and Sixth
strect'and Ninth avcnuo. The route will
bo mora direct and enable better time to
bo made. The track on Sixth street will
bo taken up and tho rails rclald elsowhero.
Hiiglne Huns Ann)-.
Uurllngton engine No. COS tnado a trip
after midnight Monday that was not on
the schedule. Tho trip was inado without
engineer or fireman. The engine was watt
lng Us turn to enter tho roundhouse at
Sixteenth avenue nnd Engineer Lee nnd
his fireman wero sitting on the platform,
when it suddenly started off. It ran na
far ns Island park, where tho steam gave
out and tho engine camo to nstandstlll.
In the meantlmo another engine had been
steamed up and started In pursuit. Mas
ter Mechanic Urldcnstclu, who was cnlled
out of bed, was on the pursuing engine.
Uxnrnlnntlon showed that In some unac
countablo manner tho throttlo of No. fOj
had partly blown open, thus starting the
engine on its runaway trip. Master Me
chanic Ilridcnntiln rays this is only the
second time In his mnny years of rail
roading that he knew of nn engine run
ning away in this manner.
ltenl lintntc TriiiiNfers.
The following transfers were filed yester-
day In the abstract, title nnd loan olllcn of
J. W. Squire, 101 Pearl street:
Ktzr.lo M. Drown and husband to F.
W. BallufT, lot 20, block 19, HowurJ'a
mid, w d $ S5J
Hobert D. Hussell, receiver, to J. K.
Wallace and M. 11. drout, lot I,
block C, Mynster's add, s w d 2.000
Noah D. Landls and wife to Catharine
Cline, lots 1 nnd 2, block 33, Central
stihdlv, w d SW
John Knlckman and wire to J. N. Dal
ton, lot 8, block 1G, Howard's add,
W d 475
Andrew Petersen und wlfo to Orion
J. Allard, lot 8, block 8, Mynster's
add, w d 1.65)
Edward M. Smart and wife to Dennis
Johnson, lots and 7. Auditor's sub
dlv of nwi seW 1-75-40, and lot 4, Au
ditor's subdlv of neU seVi 1-71-40,
,-w d 1.0"0
Total, six transfers 0,425
CntiKlit Tyro Deserters.
Charles D. Smith and H. L. Ashbcrry,
Jwo deserters from Company I, Tenth
United States Infantry, stationed at Fort
Crook, wero arrested In this city last
nlgRt. Ashbcrry was arrested while try
ing to exchango a Winchester repeating
rlllo at a pawnshop for a breechlondlng
gun by Officer John Smith. Detective Weir
nnd Ofllcer Ed Smith captured Charles
Smith In r small store near the North
western depot. Uoth of tho men wero In
civilians' clothes nnd denied their Identity,
giving nBsumed names. They later ad
mitted they wero tho men wanted, omcer
John Smith will receive $30 for tho mnn
ho captured, while Weir and Ed Smith will
dlvldo a llko amount for tho man they ar
Aaaemhly of a Tliinmniid Mitcun to
Addresses by Hon. IMwiint
llONCivater nml OtlierH.
CLiAHINDA, la., Aug. 7. (Special Tele
gram.) Tho fourth annual session of the
Clarlnda Chautauqua assembly opened hero
today with doubio the raonoy collected nt the
opening on hand at tho corresponding period
last year. Tho opening attendance was
about 1,000 people, despite tho opposition of
a circus in town. Addresses wero mndo by
two local speakers. Dr. T. C. Smith and Wil
liam Orr. tho latter the Chautauqua presi
dent. Hon. Edward Bosowatcr, editor of
Tho Omaha Dee, delivered an ablo and en
tertaining address, which was listened to
attentively throughout and greatly pleased
the republicans among his audience, ns it
contained pointed and merited criticisms of
William Jennings Bryan, Adlal E. Steven
son, ex-Governor Altgeld and the doctrine
of 1G to 1. Mr. Itosowater declared that
thero was no possibility of an empire being
founded on tho ruins of the Ainerloan re
public, that tho peoplo would not tolerate
any form of government In the United
States except that which had been handed
down from Washington, Lincoln nnd others.
Ho advanced strong nrguraents showing
that government, even under Its best form,
is really that of the triumph of forco in
stead of government by consent of tho gov
erned. Ho asserted that physical and
mental strength rule. A lending featuro of
tho Chautauqua is a chorus class of 300
voices, led by Prof. Charles M. Alexander,
Moving pictures wero tho evening attraction.
Cri'Mton Item.
CUESTON, la., Aug. 7. (Special.) The
Creston District Epworth lcaguo is In ses
slon here. About seventy-tivo delegates are
present. Tho meetings nro in progress nt
tho Methodist Eplscopnl church. Miss Anna
Danlolson and Henry Kllgoro delivered tho
addresses of welcome, while Hev. W. T.
Faucett of Conway responded, Todny was
consumed in n discussion of topics calcu
lated to lncreaso tho zeal of tho leaguers.
Cottage hospital la making preparations
to enlarge. Slnco tho establishment of th,o
hospital it has grown steadily and tho num
ber of patients has recently exceeded the
Mrs. Frank Kclntopf and Mrs. Wnlters-
dorf camo homo Saturday from Germany.
Their nrrlval was the occasion of olaborato
celebrations In their honor at tho homo of
Mrs. Kclntopf.
John Barton is in the Union county Jail
awaiting action of tho grand Jury, Barton
was in charge of a livery stublo nt Lorlmer.
Ho conducted the business for another party
and it Is claimed collected about $2,200. Of
Ihls sum ho nccounts for only $l,f00. Ho
U charged with embezzlement and went to
Jail, bolng unable to glvo ball in the sum
of $1,000.
Frrlcht Trnln Wrecked.
FORT DODGE, la., Aug. 7. (Special Tel
egram) A serious wreck occurred on tho
Northwestern this morning at 3:30 o'clock
botweon Lake City and Lohrvlllo. The
breaking down of a freight err was the
causo of tho wreck. The train wns going
at n slow rate of speed when the accident
occurred. Thirteen othor frolght cars
wero derailed and the whole train was plUd
up across tho track. Trallio was Inter
rupted until 2:30 o'clock this afternoon
and Northwestern passenger trains wero
sont around by way of Carroll. Fortu
nately no ono was hurt.
Forty-Ninth In C'niup.
CEDAR RAPIDS. Ia., Aug. 7. (Special
Telegram.) Tho twelvo companies of tho
Forty-ninth regiment will arrive In tho
morning and go Into camp on tho west
side for a weok. Tho camp will bo known
as Camp Kellogg, In honor of Lieutenant
Kellogg, tho first man to die In Cuba, Gov
ernor Hhaw and staff will bo hero next
Two Shnrnrr Arrexted.
CEDAR RAPIDS, Ia., Aug. 7. iSpeclal
loiegram.) v. a. uoenrano anu Mrs. m
Kellcy, who wero hero last week represent'
lng themselves as ageuts of the American
Publishing and Advertising company nnd
who caught nearly 100 young men for $3
each, wore arrested at Davenport today
and brought back.
Statement Showing Condition on Corre
sponding Dates in Two Years,
Coiunnny l'nlls to Itepoit All It
1,1 n en Country MerchniitH tatiestM
of Drn .Moines Other
Items of Intercut.
DES MOINES, Aug. 7. (Spoclal Tele
gram.) The weekly crop bulletin, Issued
by tho Iowa weather and crop service, to
day says: "Tho week was warmer than
usual, tho dally excess ranging from Ave
to seven degrees and It wns rainless, except
light showers In portions of tho northeast'
crn quarter of tho state. Tho conditions
have been favorablo for securing grain
In shock and preventing further damage
from tho effects of excesstvo ralns. In
previous weeks. Good progress has been
made in shocking nnd threshing, with
vnrlablo yield. Tho dry and hot weather
has been very beneficial to corn In the
larger part of tho stato nnd especially In
soctlons recently visited by execssho rain
fall. In a few localities Into planted corn
on thin soil needs rain very soon to de
velop tho cars. Tho early planted corn Is
nrarlng tho full roasting ear stage and
much of It Is beyond danger of serious In
Jury from drouth."
Tho regular August crop reports from
county and township correspondents show
tho following nverages In condition: Corn,
103 per cent; millet, PS; flax. 03; buckwheat,
I'l; broom corn, 91; sorghum, 07; apples,
70, grapes, 71; pastures, 07; potatoes, 93.
In 1S99 on corresponding date, conditions
were as follows: Corn, 90; millet, 94,
flax, 93; buckwheat, 90; broom corn, 8S;
sorghum, 91; apples, E9; grapes, 4S; pas
tures, 94; potatoes, 100.
Council Wants to Know,
This morning tho oxccutlvo council voted
to ask tho Western Union Tclcgrnph com
pany for supplementary returns on Ub
property subject to taxation this year.
This action is taken as a result of tho
discovery that 743 miles of telegraph poles
nnd wires belonging to the "Q" road, but
operated by tho Western Union In its
commercial business, havo not been re
turned for taxation. Tho statuto requires
that all telegraph lines owned, leased or
operated by any telegraph company aro
subject to taxation. TIiobo used exclu
sively in tho business of any railroad do
not coino under tho telegraph taxation
law. Tho Western Union admits that It
uses the telegraph syBtcm along tho Chi
cago, Burlington & Qulncy road, but In not
making returns on that basis It would de
prive tho atate of over $35,000 In taxen,
figured on tho not assessment of $75 per
nillo fixed by the council.
Along with tho dlscovory that this lino
was not reported this year arises the
question whether It has paid Its proper
share of taxes. Members of tho couucll,
nltiiough they aro reticent upon the sub
ject nnd declare that they havo not looked
the matter up sufficiently to discuss It,
admitted today that they wero Inclined to
think this lino had never been reported by
tho Western Union.
To In'iprovt- the l'rofcHlon.
Tho Iowa ntirllqnrcrs expect to Inaugurate
a school of instruction and with tho legisla
tion expected from tho next Fesslon of the
Iowa general nsscmbly do away with all
incompetency in tho profession of crying
salesmen. Whether a school can be or
ganized has not been determined, but It is
oxpectcd tho association will nppolnt In
structors from nmong tho number now be
longing to tho association who shall havo
charge of tho Instruction department and
hold alorm of school nt ench annual meet
ing, tho samo aa swlno breeders. Certifi
cates must bo obtained from thin school
before an auctioneer Is eligible to member
ship. City and stato licenses wero voted
to bo unjust nnd an effort will bo made to
socuro their repeal. Tho stato license mat
ter, howovcr, was laid on the table until th
next meeting, which Is to bo hold in Mar
shalltown subject to tho call of the pres
ident. Tho following officers were elected:
President, D. ,,B. Marshall, Mount Ayr;
vlco president, S. K. Nolnn, Cedar Falls;
treasurer, C. S. Reeves, Washington.
Somo 250 merchants from towns nlong tho
Milwaukee, road between hero and Spirit
Lake visited Dcs Moines today as guests of
tho Jobbers' association. They visited tho
factories and later on wero given a banquet
at the Savory hotel by tho Dcs Molncrs.
CiiNiiiiltlca of n Dny.
Frank Logllln, a miner, was crushed by
a fnll of slato at the Christy mlno this noon.
His chances for life uro very Bllm.
Charles Olson, aged 13, was drowned In
tho Des Moines river this morning whllo
William Weber, aged 22, committed sul
cldo lato last night by shooting himself In
tho temple with a revolver.
Colonel John A. Lopcr of tho Fifty-first
Iowa and others of Des Moines and vi
cinity who havo served In tho Islands of
tho cast slnco tho outbreak of the hostilities
thero nt o preparing to go to Denver to
attend tho first national session of tho Army
of tho Philippines, which is to bo held In
that city on August 13, 14 nnd 15. It is
planned upon this occasion to effect a strong
national organization of all tlioao who saw
ecrvlco in tho Philippines, nnd Invitations
havo been cent out by tho Colorado society
to their comrades in tho other states to Join
with them in the ctfort.
Iowii'n II I (f ( m il Crop Mny t'nuiie
Split In Ti'iilllc .Vitrei' in en In.
SIOUX CITV. lu., Aug. 7. (Special.)
Northwestern Iowa's lmmcnso corn crop Is
threatening to bring about a fierce grain
rato war between Chicago lines and St. Paul
and Duluth lines. Tho situation already
shows signs of demoralization and a meet
ing of traffic managers will bo held In St.
Paul Wednesday or Thursday of this week
to go over tho situation and prevent the
threatened outbreak. M. C. Markham of
Chicago, assistant general traffic manager
for tho Illinois Central, was In Sioux City
today on his wny to St. Paul, but ho do
clinod to discuss the situation, further than
to say it is now somewhat foreboding, but
that he expects it to clear up beforo tho
end of the meeting.
The Chicago Hues to be represented nt
the meeting aro tho Illinois Central, tho Chi
cago & Northwestern, tho Chicago, Mllwnu
keo & St. Paul, the Burlington, Codar Rap
Ids & Northern and tho Chicago, Rock Island
& Pacific. The St. Paul and Duluth lines
that have arrayed themselves agalnBt these
nro tho Great Northorn, Minneapolis & St.
Louis nnd tho Chicago, St. Paul, Minne
apolis & Omaha. Tho best that can be
hoped for Is an agreement; If it is not
reached u rato war will follow.
Found Demi on Ititllroml Truck,
FORT DODGE, In., Aug. 7. tSpoclal
Telegram.) Section men on tho Minne
apolis & St. Paul railroad made a gastly
find at Lako Mills this morning. Whllo
going south of town on the handcar they
espied upon the track ahead of them an
object which resembled a human form.
Examination upon closer approach dls
covered the body of a negro of middle age,
whoso head had beon crushed In by a
passing train. Thero was nothing on the
man's person to Identify him and no one
knows where ho enmo from or how tho
fatal accident might have occurred. Two
theories aro advanced, either that tho man
was walking along the track and was
struck by a passing train or that ho had
fallen from tho Sunday excursion train
with fatal results. He was taken to Uike
Mills nnd tho compauy Is making every
effort to Identify him. Tho coroner's
Inquest was held at Lake Mills this after
noon over the body of the dead man, but
nothing could bo discovered as to his
identity or as to how he came to his
Nominate Mtilvnncy for t'otinro,
SIOUX CITV, Aug. 7. (Special Tele
gram.) William Mulvanoy of Cherokee was
nominated for congress at Cherokee this
afternoon by tho Elovrnth district con
gressional convention without opposition.
Two other candidates who have rcpentcdly
been mentioned for tho place, T. M. ZInk
of Lcmnrs and R. II. Hunter of Sibley,
wllhdrow from tho rnce beforo the con
vention wns called to order nnd Mulvnney
had no opposition nt nil. Tho featuro of
tho convention wns tho fight for tho dis
tricts membership of the stato central
committee. Although tho committeemen
will not bo choncn until tho stato conven
tion at Cedar Rapids next week, a hot
fight was made for support today. T.
M. Ward of Lomars, ex-Senator J. H.
Quick of Sioux City and Charles Chandler
of Spirit Lako aro tho threo candidates
for the place. Ward, tho present occu
pant, and Quick aro conceded In the lead.
Flrcmcii'o Toiirnninen t Open.
CEDAR RAPIDS. In.. Aug. 7. (Special
Telegram.) Firemen from nil over the state
have been coming In all day for tho twenty
second annual tournament of the Iown Stato
Firemen's association, which opened this
afternoon with a business meeting, nt which
the final details wero arranged. Tho big
parade, cornea off nt 10 o'clock In the corn
ing, followed In tho afternoon by contests
at the park. Running teams from Audu
bon. Marshalltown, Sheldon nnd West
Branch nro already hero und others will
arrlvo during the night.
Tempornry I'ontmiiNtrr nt Aulnulon
AUDUBON, in.. Aug. 7. (Special Tele
gram.) The bondsmen of G. B. Russell, de
ceased, lato postmaster here, at a meeting
today selected J. F. Russell, acting post
master until the plnoo Is filled by the gov
ernment. H. W. Wilson Is out with a pe
tition for the appointment and has appar
ently no opposition.
Snyn Dr. Ilennett, "la tlie Time to
Write Me Al.ont Sly F.lectrlo licit
or to Cull nt My Olllcn I Cunranter
the Cure In Kvcry Cime" Tlie Doc
tor Tclla You Kvcry Article of Merit
In Counterfeited anil Tlint Counter,
frltn lire .o (lood llewure of Imttn
tloriH. Electricity Is the
one great remedy
for the Ills of men
nnd women that
may be rellel upon
failure Is Impos
sible. All weak
nesses and loss of
Vital Forco com
from n lack of
Electrlcltv In tho
system. To berome
well this Vital
Forco must be mip
plled. That Is what
my Electric Holt la
for to supply lost
Klo c t r 1 c 1 t -It
makes you vigor
ous nnd strong.
Electricity na np
tilled bv mv Holt I
the only remedy that will do all that In
claimed for It. The utronir current goes
directly to the seat of your weakness. Try
It nnd you will not be disappointed. Cures
quickly, pleasantly and permanently. En
larges nnd hardens all the muscles of tho
body. Cures nervous prostration and loss
of brain power ns well us all tho Ills? of
Dr, Bennett's Electric Belt
Is no experiment. Weaknesses of men and
women must vanish when it Is applied.
It makes weak men and wnmnn Htronir.
nnd strong men nnd women stronger. My
nun is entirely iiiuereni rrom an outers,
It has soft, silken, chamois-covered sponge
electrodes than cannot burn and blister ns
do the bare metul nlentrodes used on all
other makes of belts. My olectrodes alone
com more to niauuructuro man tlie entire
bolt of the old-stylo mnkcH. There nro poor
counterfeits of my electrodes out Do not
bo misled. Take a counterfeit banknote to
uie uanx anu tnn teller win stamp it "no
good." The public will stamp counterfeits
of meritorious articles "no good." They
cover the electrodes of these counterfeits
with u thin veneering of chnmols or felt
inrougn wnicn n current or electrlcltv can
not pass but verdlcrla will souk through.
Verdigris forms on tho bare metal on no-
count, of the chemical action of the current.
verdigris is a deadly poison nnd may pro
duce blood poisoning nnd perhnps death.
Whn you complain that you get no cur
rent through this veneering of chnmols
they ndvlso you to take it off then you are
burned full of holes. Ask your neighbor,
If ho has one of the othors. If HiIh Isn't so,
My belt ran be renewed when burned out
for only 75c; no other belt can bo renewed,
nnd when burned out Is worthless. Ouar
unteed ontf year. All electric belts will
burn out If they glvo current. Mv Klee-
trical Suspensory for permanent cure of the
privaio uisortiers or men xree to overy maio
If you hnve been leil Into liuylnu
one of tlicMt counterfeit belta, nnd It
burns you full of holea, or If you nrc
nfrnlil of tlie eriHicr!, or If It slvea
no current, aenil It to me ua linlf
price of one of mine,
I cunranteo my belt to cure Sexual Im.
potency. Lost Manhood, Varicocele. Sper
matorrhoea, nnd all Soxiuil Weaknesses In
ulther sex; restore Shrunken or Undevel
oped Organs and Vitality; cure Kldnoy,
Liver nnd Bladder Troubles. IthoiiniHtlHm
In nny form, Chronic Constipation, Nervous
anu uenerai ueuinty, jjyupepsin, all to
mnlo Complaints, etc.
Call or write today. I will send vou mv
book "The Finding of tho Fountain of
Eternal Yoyth" and literature free for tho
asKing. hook win ten you all nuout it
Advice nnd consultation without coat.
nr DHMMCTT Electric Belt
ItooniN 18 to St IloiiKlna lllouU,
Opposite lln denS.
Cor. Kllh iiikI Doilm- Sta, Omnliii,
OFFICE HOUUS-From 8.30 a, m, to S SO
p. m. Sundays From 10::t0 a. m. to 1 p. in
Wednesdays ami Suturdays From 8:S0 n.
ni. to 0:00 p. tn.
COLUMBIA Bevel-Gear Chain I ess
Is tho Ideal bicycle for outlns pur
poses. Always ready to ride. Always
at Its highest ettlclency. Practically
keeps Itself In order
Columbia, Hartford, Sfnriurr nml
I'riinnnt Clinln Wlirrln
are leaders In their respective classes
adds creatly to the exhilarating Qual
ity, resttulncas and &se of cycling,
Bend for Illustrated Booklet OutliiKS.
Coluinhtn Uloclc,
Neb, Cycln Co., Columbia Dealers.
Omaha Hlcycle Co,, Htormer D&alsrs,
umaiia, nine,
i 5jSlEi!'fi&. WELL
J LuTrTr"t. ',!r".fev and
The Richard
5ccnt Ci filar isauhonrnot
a reproach, to
the memory of its nnnie-sakc the man who, Disraeli said, was
"an houor to Kuglaiicl."
Richard Cobdcn reduced the cost of bread in England from
five pence to two pence a loaf. The Richard Cobdhn cigar re
duces the price of a ten cent domestic cigar to 5 oonts.
Try it and you' it seo the point.
Wholetalo Distributors.
VIA the
Denver & Rio Grande
Special Excursions to
Colorado and Utah
Special excursion ticknta to Denver, Coloi ado Springs,
Pueblo and Glenwood Springs, Colorado, Salt Lake City and 0(dn, Utah, wilt
be on sale via. all Hue from Omaha and all Mlnouri rlvr point and plU
wait, August 7 and 21 an& Pcpttmbsr 4 and IS at a rate of
The Denver & Rio Grande Railroad "The Scenic Line of the World,"
Will niako very low rates for tho round trip from Denver, Colorado Springs
nnd Pueblo to nil principal rcworts and ncenlc points of Interest In Colorado
und to Salt Dako City. Utah.
For freo Illustrated pamphlets nnd Information regarding route and rates
call at our city ticket office, 17th and Stout Streets, Denver, Colorado, or ad-
Real Estate
Somo excellent lots, pleasantly located and de
sirable for suburban homes, can be had now at
reasonable prices. These lots are located in
Omaha, Wright's and Central Sub. additions. This
property will steadily increase in value as the city
grows in that direction and the time to buy is the
present. Call at
Council Bluffs.
Linrmon BIshODS' Pills
K u.f? i." .YiTP Vol' t'r
of le'". dHlf"". ceim, M
mi. Tuiinninn
s ..... Apunna. boil rrl actno&dcni. m
mS niiTi toHi. cucmn fr. Atjtf rsu,
SHmuhtM Hi. tiriln Md rent, tmlm, we tot,
uut of crcry physical and mantal wreck Infallible and upendy MuTunstor tivlnr nw lenaa of llf.
manly sirrni 'th nl hpplnn Harnil and rreoll. Avoid dnorou rlruri adverllMd bjr medl
eal tomD'nle, llnnufuctur.rt ml told undor written ruarnatea io our or monay refuncWa. l.u
lioi ore boea (cornplrt cure) for fS.OO l mall ."purl lor frf umple and quthlloi blank. Addrnas
llafcn'a Reliable Pharmacy, 18th and Farnam 3U , Omaha. Nob.
aa. uHicHESTRrra enclisk
Py-iiNsAFK. iw.nrfllitu I. .die. lnilil
w, it Ft fc-ftV . . .in nliii'in'.n rvm lull
iTCjil 1 KKII 4 Uold Imilll. Uili Mtlt4
wil vif rii I iih. no oiavr. iui
lla.C.rnu r.lftltiitlo and lm!t
tin.. Bif "t jor llmiflil ftf mJ 4
itoipi fir I'.rtlcul.rf, TeitlnonUU
n't "Itrllfr r.r l.Jli."i'lili',J r.
Inn Mill. III. (Kill iMIImonUll SM tj
11 1ruiiliii, blrliaalrr l.'k.nla.l Co..
Villi. 1M Mf'l lladlxia umrt, I'llll.. I'A
licit tn lake
on ycur vacamu I
a li-ittlf of Antl
ICuwf You are ut
to catch cold. It will
cure IU
One Fare pi 52.00
FortheRpund Trip
Stop-over will be allowed on these
tickets at points west of Denver, Colo
rado Springs and Pueblo, on the going
trip within limit of thirty days.
S. K. HOOPER, G. P. &T. A., Denver, Colo.
is Risins
And tho quality of our work should bo
of interest to you if your teeth aro not
in perfect condition. It matters not
how little or how much you havo to
be done, wo will bo pleased to do it
for you, and tho charges will bo very
. ..Telephone 145.
, L Woodbury, D. D. S., Council BluJh.
30 Pearl St. Grand Hotel
t" l" "' Uii ludot ol l-e Mtrram
curet IU. vent cmisI .14 tU r mlr '
dctu - iklf, OurM M4 Manhood, im
NiEht-LoMos. oarmatorrhoa insomnia
Nnnroua be
r.ra u ftt hl.i.
Blthoo Rmdy uo., con franaltoo, CtU
nitUK CO., 10T1I AND FA H.NAM.
lit imlT mil.
-T.I tfi K;'il, -t
aCtTKKS all ICIdnoy
ache, rtc Atdru
Hsu. or by mul
ail A 4 CJ lVi'Ki W
I vice, etc, of Or. U. J. Kay, Saratoga, N. V.
!. Freo book, nl
(1 chare, etopu Her
T!m Kuwtl until. un!fl!wpe4
liliM A ,!,.. , - ' . inr.n