Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 07, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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David (fells glass.
"Mr. Ulley," G-ccnt clear.
U. M. Leffert, optician, 236 H'way.
Gas fixtures and globes at Hlxby's.
Budwclser beer. L. Itoscnfcld, agent.
Tlno A. 11. C. beer, Ncumayer's hotel. "
Dr. Stephenson, 101 I'earl St. Tel. 553.
Schmidt's photos, now and latest styles.
Tou get tho best dinners at the Vienna.
Kiley, best photographer, 402 Uroadway.
J. C. & W. Woodward, architects, C23 IJdy.
W. E. Lewis sells monuments. 301 U'wny.
Hclenttfio optician nt Woolman's, 09
Wnnted, girl for general housework. APP.y
820 Oakland avenue.
Campaign pictures and buttons. C. L.
Alexander St Co., 333 llroudway.
Get your work dono at tho popular Laglo
laundry, 721 Hroadway. 'Phono 157.
W. C. Kstep. undortftker, 2S rcnrl street.
Telephone: Office, S7; residence, 33.
The prlco of Raskin Council Ijluffs has
been reduced from 11.75 1.000 to JUS 1.W0.
V. T. Graff, undertaker un.l licensed cm
bulrner, 101 South Main street. Thono 600.
Coilnty Hnpervlsor John Matthews i Is
walking nround with a crutch. Ills horse
stepped on his foot.
Misses May nnd Lucy Dalley left yccr
day morning for Northfleld und St. Paul,
Minn., on u visit to relatives.
New and second-hand furniture, stoves,
carpetn and houso furnish rigs -V""! "nJ
cold. J. Stein & Co., 721 West Broadway.
i-.. v.. v. c Smith of tho Grand
hotel und .lames M. Kenton are homo from
n tt-in m Wvnmlnir and Hot Springs, a. u,
.Tnim nrrv nald J5 and costs Into tho
rxnaurv vonlenln v morning for in
dufglng In a drunken sleep on a Btreot car
Saturday night.
Tho pollco wcro notified yesterday that a
,n.n,T- hmt been Hlolen during the
provlous night from tho Hock Island rail
way's stockyards bcuIcb.
tr if nir,,lu ,f Tlfinvnr. traveling pasRCn
ti... imnv.'r Hlo Qrando
railway, wns In tho city yesterday calling
at tb d fforent raiironu omccs.
Dr. W. W. Heller huH roturncd homo from
u visit with friends In Ohio. On his way
iimt ho Bloniied at Chicago, where ho took
a. short nost-grndunto course.
Oeorgo Konkler and CllfltuB Mooncy. two
.il.niit 'i vnnru nf nun each, wcro nr-
rested last ovunliift charged with beating
another youth numcd Curtis with u basu
linll lull.
The several injunction suits commenced
by tho suburban nnu mo ow muu r -
lrinv n tho superior couri ueioru mo uun
Bolldatlon of tho two corporations were
dismissed yesterday and tho costs, amount
ing to $1711.30, luild.
Mrs. Gcorgo Antell wns Rovcrely bitten
yeHtorday morning by n dog belonging to
Mrs. DateHinan, of 107 West Hroadway.
c.iinnliiliit wnH mnila to tho Dollco und Mrs.
Dalesman wua notllled to havo tho canine
a i Mniinn itvtui? nt 5101 north Twenty
a. vnntli utrnnl. tililllirrl thn Iiollpo that llO
had either lost or had been robbed of a
mn iimi n Im If mrnt diamond stud Into
Hunday night at tho comer of Pearl atreet
una lirouuway.
Mat Kdwnrds. living nt 111 North Thlr
innnih rnmnlnlned to tha nollco VOS
terday morning that a gold watch had
been stolen from his house. Tho timepiece
was later returned by Will Chesncy, a col
ored man. Hero was no nrrcsi.
It. llcrncr Iiiib returned from un overland
trln through Colorado and Wyoming. Ho
I'tiloveil tint trln until ho had un unfor
tunato accident happen him, by which ho
received a fractured leg. Ho has not yo
fully recovered from tno misnap.
Miss Mabel Adams, bookkeencr for liar
tel & Miller, nnd who took llrst hnnoru In
tbo Council II ufTB lieu vncatlon contest, uc
companled by her mother, Mrs. 13. K,
Adams, will leave today for Hot Springs,
a. v., on her vucution trip.
Tha funeral of Mrs. Mlnnlo Carlson, wlfo
of ChurlCB Carlson, who wan Urownctl Hat
urday evening whllo bathing In tho Mia
Mnnrl river, will lia liiilil thlH afternoon a
a o'clock from tho Klrst ChrlHtlan church,
Interment will bo In Walnut Hill comctcry,
Judgo Smith, on consent of the county
uttoruoy, reduced me uau uonu or airs
Hlcslns. No. 2. from S30O to J100 yesterday,
Sho furnished ball In tho latter amount and
waB released from tho county Jail, where
elio nail ueon Blnco last Saturday merning,
Juatlco Ferrler handed down his decision
yesterdny in tho suit In which F. J. Merger
nought to recover J48.GO from Hd Hormes
for board and lodging for his daughter,
finding for tho dctetulant on tho grounds
tliut tha young woman had left hor homo
uy lier own rreo will.
Prof. II. II. Hnydon left last night for
Hock Island, 111., whero ho nssumcH tho
iiosltlon of Biiperlntendcnt of city schools,
drs. Hoyden remains here for n few days
ub tho guest of friends und will visit In
MarHhiilltown before Joining her husband
In Itock Island.
I.oran Klnscherff, charged with having
In his possession a. counterfeit dollar, and
tho two young lads arrested with him Sun
day uftomoon, wuro discharged yesterday
morning. United States Commissioner
Wright Investigated tho case and decided
thut no wrong Intent had been shown.
O. K, Turner was arrested yesterday
evening on complaint of John Weaver, who
charged him with the systematic theft of
coal. After his arrest Weaver went on his
bond for J10O for his nppearunco In pollco
court thl morning. Turner has been haul
Ing coal for Weaver for his brick yard.
Judgu Aylesworth received a telegrnm
iaat evening supposed to bo from Attorney
. N. Fllcklngor, who 1b sojourning ut Lake
OkoboJI, caving that Judgo Qlven would
bear Thursday afternoon at Arnold's Park
tho application for a writ of certiorari In
tho quo warranto proceedings Instituted by
Oeorgo S. Davis ugalnst W. K. liaverstoclc,
treasurer of tho tichool district.
Tho null broucrht bv Lucius Wells mrnlnst
J. A. Patton, formerly cashier of tho First
Council Goto Offers on the Third Batch of
Proposed ImproYcments.
Hid All Olven o the City Enulnccr
to Tntmlnte for the Special
Meeting to He Held
National bank, to recover $5,000 for his
Bharo In tho transaction of tho reorganiza
tion of tho Council liljffs Gas nnd Kloctrlc
Light company nnd the disposition of tho
Btock of tho company, waa transferred yes
terday from tho superior to tho federal
Tho pollco aro Investigating a story to tho
effect that a man named Dick Purcell woh
held up und robbed of t20 In tho rear of
tho Turf Kxchnngo saloon Sunday night.
Purcell ling made no complaint und has not
put In an appearance nt police headquar
ters, although requested to do bo by Chief
Albro. Tho tlrst report received by Chief
Albro was that Purcell had lost tho money
In a poker game.
N. Y. Plumbing Co., tolephono 250.
Four bids for tho paving of the group of
streets embraced In tho third resolution
wero received and opened at the regular
monthly meeting of tho city council last
night. Six bids for tho curbing witn arti
ficial Htono of tho streets ordored thus lm-
Droved wcro received. The bidders on tno
Davlng were B. A. Wlckham. Gcorgo K.
Iluchea. Council Bluffs: W. P. Mummaugh,
Omaha; A. 13. Itutlodge, llockford, III. Tho
bids, which wero as follows, woro reierrca
to tho city engineer and city clerk for tabulation:
l- a viiiinmrjni(!ttiiiri brick ton
courso and council ijiuhs uric
courao, JI.C3V4 per Buunre yard: Dcs Moines
uriCK ioji aim v.ouiiuii muim
rv.iinr.ll itliirfu lii-lrk. both courses. 11.33 3-lU;
Oulesburg brick, single courBO on concrete
base. S1.79V&: Des Moines brick, single courso
on concreio uasu, 41.1111.
phnltum Hllor, 0 ccntB. inese prices uro mr
cash, 6 per cent to uu nuaea lor ceruiiuuiu.
nnnrmi if. lltiabcR Galesburg brick, top
courso nnd Council UluffB brick lower
coiiise, J1.70; Galcsburg top and concrete
base. Jl.MU; Galcsburg brick, vlngle courso
nn uuinl linxn. 11.4.1! Des MolnCS lirlCK tOP.
nnd council uiuiis uoiioni, . uco
MolncH, Blnglo course on concrete base,
11 r.7- ie miiIiipr. Hlnclo course an sam
base, $1.33; Council Uluffn brick, both
courses, J1.33; Council BluffH brick, Blnglo
courso on concrcto base, $1.56; cement und
imnlinllnm llllor. 0 centB. TllCBO HrO Cash
prices, 6 per cent to bo auued lor ceriiu-
W. P. Mummaugh Dcb Moines brick top
rnnrHit. Willi Council lllurrs DriCK lower
courso, J1.G7; Galesburg brick, top courso,
nnd Council 13 luffs lower course, $1,71; Coun-
ell Uluffs brick top and lower course, .
dch MoineH brick on concrete uaso.
Galcsburg brick on concreto baso, $1.03
cement tiller, SV4 cents. These llgures are
ror casn, 7 per com 10 oo auuca lor cer
A. 13. Rutledgc Galcsburg brick, top
course, nnd Council Bluffs lower courso.
Jl.73',4; Galesburg brick, Blnglo courso on
roncrato oase. ii.'jj's: cemeni i uer. JU coiuh-
Tlieiio aro cash prices, 6 per cent to bo
added for ccriuicates.
Tha curblnir bldB wero as follows: wick-
ham, iirtltlctal stone, 29 cents per lineal
root; natural stone, go cents, iiugnes, am
. 1 i.l m 1 ulnnn fit U. pahIb Mlimmtillfflt H.M
llclal Btonc', 4j cents; natural stone, "S
cents. Hutledge, artltlclal stone, 45 cents;
natural Btone, GO cents. Nelson & Olsen
Council UluffB, 27ft cents for artificial atone
ror certiucntes. ana 'J6 cents ror casn. btuvi
Connor, Council UluffB, artificial stone, 32
cents, icsa i per cent ior casn.
Home Objection Filed.
K. A. Maurer, administrator of the Do
hany estate, objected to the paving of
Park avenue, unless the portion from Po
mona street to Falrmount was Included
Ho eald ho would use every effort to pre
vent tho paving on this street past the
Dohany property unless tho wholo street
was improved. N. P. Dodge filed a peltlon
asking that Fourth street and Willow ave
nuo be not paved this year, as he thought
better bids could be obtained next season,
and when paved asked that Galesburg brick
single courso on concrete base, be used
Property owners on Bluff etrcet, between
Willow avonuo and Pierce, fllod a protest
against paving. They were all ordered laid
on the table.
The matter of tho grading of Avenue II
was referred to Alderman Lougee. The
city engineer reported that tho cost to the
city of the grading would approximate $800.
A resolution waa adopted granting the
Northwestern Hallway company pennlislon
to construct a horso tramway on theMyn
ster Springs road to carry dirt from tho
bluffs for tho grading of its yards. The
tramway, which Is to bo only eighteen
Inches wide. Is to he taken up and the street
placed In proper condition again by Octo
ber 1.
Mrs. Peterson, who, while driving with
hor husband, was thrown Into Indian, creek
on Upper Broadway, by their hone backing,
tiled a claim for $103.25 damages, which was
referred to the Judiciary committee.
Tho claim of N. E. Tyrrell of Fifth ave
nue for damages to his house by reason of
tbo sower backing up during tho flood of
July 10, was ordered settled for $75, on
recommendation of the judiciary committee.
A sower was ordered laid on Sixteenth
avenue, between Sixth and Eighth strecets
and Eighth street between Fourteenth and
Sixteenth avenues.
Tho city engineer was authorized to em
ploy extra help in order to enable blm to
preparo an estimate of tbo part of the cost
of tho paving of tho streets embraced In
tho third resolution that tho city would
havo to assume. This report has to be
mado by tomorrow night, to which time
tho council adjourned.
wns la the form of a check. He was ac
companied by his client at the settlement.
The saloon men aro talking of organizing
for their mutual protection against tho wiles
of the "crusaders." If the organization is
effected thoy will stand pat and refuse to
settle" and take every case Into court, and
Uko such other steps ns they may decide,
upon to put a stop to this continual "bleed
ing," as they term It.
Street Couimlnnloner Joins Iinttc with
the Street Committee Clinlrinnn.
Street Commissioner John M. Harden
Died yesterday with the city clerk his
nnewcr to tho charges preferred against
him by Alderman Hub9r, chairman of tho
treats and alloys committee. Harden
waives objection to tho fact that tho, bill
of complaint nnd charges is not sworn to
and that no cost bond has been required
as provided by law and then enters a gen
eral denial of tho charges mado by Alder
man Huber.
Ho clalma that at alt times ho has exer
cised careful nupervlslon over and kept
complete records of all the men In his em
ploy nnd tho work done by them during
hla term of omre.
Ho makes counter charges against the
chairman of the strode and alleys com-
mlttco, alleging that Alderman Huber has
nt various times during hla (Harden's)
term of oiTIco attempted whllo In an in
toxlcated condition to direct the work to
bo performed by the mon under tho su
pervision ot tho street commissioner and
that ho has used profane nnd abusive Inn
guago to tho men, theroby demoralizing
and diminishing the efficiency of their
work. Harden alleges further that ever
since ho was elected to tho position of
fitrc-et commissioner Huber has. not ceased
to attempt In ovory possible way to tlr
up trouble between him and tho men In
his employ, thus diminishing tho efficiency
of their work. Ho asks In conclusion that
the charges against htm be dismissed.
The council wilt meet tomorrow night
for tho exprets purpcee ot hearing both
sides of tho controversy.
and tho county superintendent, the latter
being chairman. This board has general
supervision of tho schools ot tho county
and It Is its business to recommend tho
adoption of cortaln text books and regula
tions-looking toward tho county uniformity
In school matters.
Itenl Kotntc Trntmfern.
T.'io following transfers woro filed yester
day In tha abstract, title, nnd loan office
of J. W. Squire, 101 Pearl Btrect:
Mary J. Moss nnd husband to O. F.
ltcnneifi. lot in, in Mnry J. moss
add. to I.ovcland $ CO
Thomas P. Anderson nnd wlfo to
Henry Hansen. 7 neres In west nart
of lot 33, Avoca I.nnd nnd Loan Co.'b
sub. of nart 0-77-23 700
R, V. Innea to Mary Francis White,
lot 8. block 5, Kverott's add '. 200
Hosii Tucker and husband to Joseph
wricni, an ngiii, utio anu interest
In o(4 seVi 17-77-4.1 200
Savings, Loan nnd Building association
or i-'oune i u urrs to Jntncs a. howso.
lot IS. block 0. Potter & Cobb's add.. 400
ucorRo l. Htnitli to Charles It, Hnr-
mun, umitt or lots 17 ana is. uiock
7, Joffcrls' sub 00
Total amount of transfers $2,000
Gravel roofing. A. H. Head, C41 Broadway.
Honril nf Snpervlsom.
Tho Board of County Supervisors met In
adjourned session yesterday afternoon to
dlsposo of such business as was left over
from tho last meeting. Tho board expects
to complete its work this morning, when
It will adjourn to tho regular meeting tho
first Monday in September, Tho supervis
ors this afternoon will attend tho County
Board of Education meeting called by
County Superintendent McManus.
A resolution was passed to tho effect that
In all casts ot school fund loans tho ab
stract must be first passed on by tho county
attorney before tho money Is paid over to
tho borrower. The following loans wers
approved: Orln Matthows, $1,500 on eighty
acres; John II. Walsh, an additional $700
making tho total loan now $2,200; W. M
Taylor ot Oakland, $900; Mrs. Margaret
Bateman ot Ncoln, $1,000. Tho application
of Thomas Johnson for a loan of $1,100 was
rejeqted. Dr. D. 11. Lass, who has bought
out Dr. Peters ot Mlnden, filed an appllca
tlon for the appointment of county physl
clan for tho poor ot that township formerly
held by Dr. Peters. Tho application was
refcrrod to Supervisor Hanson with power
to act.
Order lu Divorce Cnnen.
Judgo Smith yesterday heard tho appll
cation ot the defendant in tho divorce suit
ot Dan McKenzlo against Catharlno Mc
Kenzlo for temporary alimony, McKenzlo
is a wealthy and well known farmer of this
Considering Various Contingencies In the
Approaching Straggle.
Iledtictton of TTVO-Tenths of n Mill
Stnte Tnx Auetlonecm Take
Steps to Snfegunrd Their
those that had thus far been employed, but
said that there were two positions for which
ho had been unable to find n teacher to take
up tho work, lie neglected to state what
they were. Ho reported that ho figured
thero would be an enrollment ot 3.S00 pupils
nt tho opening of the school In September,
and that this number would bo Increased to
about 4,600 during tho winter. Ho esti
mated that it will requlro an expenditure
ot about $3,000 for now books and $1,500 tor
general supplies. Ho asked that tho teacher
ot science bo allowed about $20 to purchase
chemicals with for necessary experiments.
Tho board accepted hit suggestion to
requlro all teachers that had not previously
had thrco years' experience in school work
to attend tho Douglas county institute,
which will commonco August 20.
Several teachers aro yet to be employed,
DES MOINES, la., Aug. 6. (Special Tele
gram.) Chairman Weaver returned to Des
Molncs this afternoon. Yesterday ho wn but this was allowed to go over until the
In Chicago, whero ho spent the day at tbo next meeting, which will bo next Monday
national headquarters discussing plans for night.
tho Iowa campaign. Tho opening of the
campaign in Iowa depends upun tho plans I City Council MeetltiK
laid out by tho national committee and lit- Tho council sat In session last evening for
tlo is known yet by tho stato commlttco as about thrco hours, but little Important bus!
to when tho campaign shall bo opened or ncss was transacted
by whom. Tho Hat ot speakers who will Mayor Kelly vetoed several ordinances
bo used in tho state has not yet been made and bills. In tho general nllowanco ot bills
up, but a largo share of the prominent Iowu for repairs ho vetoed Item No. 10, being $50
republican speakers will tako a hand, to- for dumps. Ho nlso vetoed on item of
gcthor with 8omo of tho better known men $262.50, which was designated "materials
outeldo tho state In several districts in tho for repairs." Interest-that had been com
stnto thero is going to bo a good fight this putod on a bill for boso purchased by the
year. Tho national commlttoo la working to firo department In tho sum ot $29.25 met
P. Tho buggy In which Lnltner wns driv
ing wns upset and bo wns hurled violently
to tho ground, 'being rendered unconscious.
At first it was thought that the man was
seriously injured, but ho quickly recovered
from his unconscious Btato nnd upon Inves
tigation nothing moro serious than a
sprained nnkle wns discovered. Tho flro
men claim that the accident was clearly un
nvoldablo owing to tho condition ot tha
street where tho accident occurred, The lira
waa extinguished before the arrival ot the
For Snle.
A largo piece of fruit land, partially im
proved, near Florenco; will divide to suit
913 N. Y. Life. Tel. 311.
Kurt DiiiIkc'h Eloquent Congressman
TclU of Illn Fire nnd the
Political Outlook.
STORM LAKE, In., Aug. 6. Speclnl.)
Immediately after his debate on "Impe
rialism" with Chnmp Clark, Congressman
Dolllvor said: "Walt a moment until I
order somo Iced tea. It was dry work
speaking with tho thcrmomotcr at OS do-
grces add Chnmp drank all tho water
down at tho lake." Then, with n roguish
twinkle: "It was thoughtless of him, too,
as Storm Lnko was fast becoming a sum
mer resort. Bo you know that you havo
one of tho prettiest towns in tho stnto?
I was Just saying to Judgo Lot Thomas
that I think thero must be something go
ing wrong with a mnn'u mental machinery
when ho Is willing to lenvo such a home as
ho linu hero to go to Washington and livo
at somo hash house.
"Tho flro? Yes, wo did hnvo rather n
closo call at Fort Dodge. I hnvo a shack
out In our back yard whero I do my think
ing and, luckily, hnppencd to bo at work
when a bashful, barefooted boy appeared
at my door nnd drawled out: 'Ycr barn's
'most nfiro nn' I didn't know but niebbe
you might want to put it out.' I bounded
to an window nnd saw nt n glanco that tho
situation was a serious ono nnd, shouting
to my wlfo to tolephono for- tho firo de
partment, rnn to bring tho garden hose.
It hadn't been used for a long time and I
had to untnnglo a few dozen truo-lover'c
knots and quoto a lot of Latin phrases to
It beforo it was In shapo for business.
Then, with tho combined efforts ot tho
wholo family, wo got tho blazo undor con
trol beforo tho flro laddies arrived.
"The political situation? Woll, I hardly
know what I could say that would bo new
on that subject. Everything seems to bo
coming our way. Wo aro on top nnd no
mistake. I wish, though, I had tlmo to
write a booU upon tho republican state
convention atuDcs Moines. It was a llvoly
Insuro tho preservation of a republican
houso nnd is paying particular attention to
tho campaigns in nil congressional districts
thnt nre considered In the least doubtful. In
tho First, Second, Sixth nnd Eighth dts.
tricts in Iowa thero is no doubt but there
is going to bo plenty of hard work this
Mlsnlnccil Confidence
Tho democrats aro expressing confidence
with tho samo fate. Two ordinances wcro
vetoed. Tho ordlnanco for tho building of
a six-foot sldewnlk on tho enst side ot
Thlrty-sxth from Q street to Mndlson
street was killed for tho reason that nn In
junction hnd been served out ot tho dis
trict court forbidding its construction nnd
tho ordlnanco building n stdownlk on tho
east sldo of Twenty-soventh botwecn Q
street and tho south lino of tho municipal
that they will carry tho Second, together corporation and on both sldos of T bo
with somo of tho others. Democratic can
didal for congress have been nominated
in tho First, Sixth and Eighth. In tho Sec
ond, whero tho fight will bo hardest, nom
inations have not yet been made by either
party. Tho republican congressional con
vention will bo held at Davenport on Au
gust 1G and it Is confidently stated by prom
inent politicians ot tho district that W. L.
Roach of Muscatlno will bo nominated It ho
will accept.
Several other candidates have been men
tioned, including Prof. McBrldo ot tho Stato
university. For tho democratic nomination
thero aro n number of names mentioned and
tho party will not have a hard task to find a
man willing to serve, as in tho caso of
nominations for stato offices, Confldcnco in
tho result in tho district has brought out a
largo number of men, any ono ot whom
would bo willing to make the tight with the
posslblo hopo ot success. In the First and
Sixth dlstrlcta D. J. O'Connell of Burling
ton and W. A. Stock of Oltumwa havo been
nominated, respectively, In opposition to
Congressmen Hedge and Lacey. The fight
In Iowa 1h going to be carried on particu
larly In thCKo districts, which the democrats
aro hoping to win.
Tho stato executive council fixed tho stato
tax levy at 2.6 mills, which m. ttis n total
general and special stato levy cf 2.8 mills,
2-10 ot a mill having been authorized by tho
twecn Thirty-second nnd Thirty-sixth nnd
on tho west sldo of Tlilrty.fourth street
from T to W for tho reason that Thirty
fourth street is not open north of T street
and tho property owners at this point could
not bo held, therefore, for this expense.
Thero wns ono bid for tho lumber of tho
month, that ot J. B. Watklns & Co., nnd
it was accepted. Ho will rccelva tho sum of
$62 tor tho material furnished.
Flro hydrants wcro ordered placed at tho
following points: Twenty-third nnd F,
southeast corner of Eighteenth and J,
Twonty-Bccond and P, Sixteenth and S,
Twenty-fifth and II and Twenty-soventh
nnd II.
Probnbly as a result of tho Investiga
tion ot tho building known as tho old
"foundry houso" n few dnys ngo, It was or
dered condemned.
A commlttco composed of Johnson, Ad
kins and Martin was appointed to rcvlso
tho rules ot tbo council.
Ordlnanco requiring electric light wires to
bo placed tinder ground and providing
ponalty for Its violation was up for Its first
reading. Tho ordlnanco repealing tho or
dlnanco now In force providing for tho ex
clusive employment of union labor in all
city work was passed.
Tho chief ot pollco wns Instructed to go
to Lincoln nt onco and get a prisoner who
is being held thero on suspicion, who is
Svreilliih I.rnmic Mortlnn n Siipcpb.
Tho Swedish Amcrlcnn Leaguo No. 2 held
nn Interesting meeting at their headquarters
In South Omaha Saturday night. President
Fred Llnd addressed the lenguo In the
Swedish tongue nnd he wns repentedly
cheered tor his patriotic expressions. The
meeting formally confirmed the action of tho
republican county centrnl commlttco in des
lgnntlng them n republican club of Douglas
county nnd tho secretary wns Instructed to
notify tho county chairman. Sovcrnl short
addresses wcro made. The officers of tho
lenguo ore: Fred Llnd, president; K. L.
Gustnfson, secretary and A. L. Bcrgqulst,
treasurer. A largo meeting to bo htld in
tho near tuturo was arranged for.
legislature for tho educational institutions, suspected of bolng a man wanted hero for
Tho general levy of Inst year was 2.9 mills, several burglaries.
and thero was one-tenth of a mill speclnl
levy authorized by the legislature for the
State university. Tho laat legislature au
thorized an additional tenth of a mill tor
tho Agricultural college. The reduction in
tho levy so far ae Governor Shaw's admin
istration is concerned is three-tenths of a
mill, or moro than 10 per cent. An cstl
mato was made today of tho valuation which
will finally be given to tho telephone, tele
graph aud express company properties In tho
state. Tho exprets companies wero given a
affair. Hobaft'vns deserted by many that valuation of $183,124 and tho telcphono and
Ordinances 957, 958 nnd 959, creating a
sinking fund for expenses of grading Dis
trict No. -15 wcro nil ruahed through to
third reading and final passago on a sus
pension of tho rules.
Tho salaries of tho city ofllclnls wcro nl-
lowcd, together with somo other bills.
Miller raised a protest nglnst tho nllowlng
of n bill of $15 to A. H. Murdoch for pro
fessional services In connection with tho
pollco Investigation held some time ago,
but on a closo voto his protest was killed.
MnRle, City (IomkIii.
Nora nnd Alia Gilchrist aro visiting In
Red Onk.
J. X. Watklns will return today from an
extended Iowa trip.
Mrs. W. S. Uabcork has returned nfttr a
short visit in Lincoln.
A. V. OlIII, u well known stockman of
Kearney, was In tho city yesterday.
Frank Kotttsky Is confined to his horn
combating with a mild caso of typhoid
F. P. Mills of Merrlnm, Neb., wns In town
yesterday. Mr. .Mills is senior member of
tho firm of MUIb HroB., stock dcnlcra at
that place.
L. M. Stanley, traveling snlesmnn for tho
Nebraska Copying compnny of this place,
was In town yesterday Blinking hands with
old acquaintances.
A girl has been born to Mr. nnd Mr.
Mlko Lowonowlck. Twenty-seventh nnd
L streets. Mr. nnd Mr. Simon Musroynls.
Twenty-sixth and M, also report tho birth
of n daughter.
Tho remains of Mrs. W. A. Tnmlslea,
Thlrtv-tlrBt and L fltroets, who died Run
day morning after a short Illness, will bo
Bent to her old homo In Missouri Valley
this morning for Interment.
A Btreet fnlr Is being talked up by In
fluential nicmbcra of the Commorclnl club,
but thus fur no dcllnlto nrrnngementB havo
been made. It 1b proposed to give it dur
ing Omaha's Ak-Snr-Uen week.
J. 'W. Drlnklll, a prominent stockman ot
Moorcroft, Wyo., Is In the city. Ho says
that the run go in that section of the coun
try Is very dry nnd that somo of tho cattle
men uro In despcrnto straits on that ac
count. Tho condition of Lester J. Truax. the
man who wua arrested Sunday while at
tempting to commit BUlcldo. was somewhat
Improved at it lato hour last night. His
mental disorder Is attributed to tno execs
Blvo uso of cigarettes und cocaine.
Tho South Omaha Gun club met Sunday
afternoon and somo very lino clay pigeon
Blioottng wns done. Tho two highest scores
wero made by H. 8. Hce'mer and Frank
Dwornk, their Bcorcs being twenty and
nineteen respectively. Two gold medals ure
being offered for tho member of tho club
making the best scoro at tho cud of tho
Pllrn Cured Without the Knife.
Itching, blind, bleeding or protruding piles.
No euro, no pay. All druggists are author
ized by tho manufacturers of Pazo Pile Oint
ment to refund tho money whero It falls to
euro any case of ptlefl, no matter of how long
standing. Cures ordinary cases In six days;
tho worut caacti In fourteen daye. Ono op
plication gives ease and rest. Believes Itch
ing Instantly. This i a now discovery and
Is tho only pile remedy sold cu a positive
guarantee, no cure, no pay. Prlco GOc. It
your druggist don't keep it in stock send xia
COe, In pofltago stamps, nnd we will forward
samo by mall. Manufactured by Paris Medi
cine Co., St. Louis, Mo. Manufacturers of
Laxative Bromo-Qulrilno and Grovo's Taste
less Colli Tonic.
county and brings suit for divorce, alleging b" had counted"' on nnd ho received n lot telegraph of $1,134,213. The total valuation
hired man. Mrs. McKenzlo testified thnt
her alleged paramour was tbolr foster child
and Indignantly denied the allegations ot
her husband. Tho court ordored McKenzlo
on the showing to pay his wlfo $50 down
and $50 a month and $50 attorney fees. He
also Issued an order restraining McKenzle
from going to tho houso whero his wlfo Is
living or from in any manner annoying
or Interfering with her. Clork of tho Dis
trict Court Reed was mado trusteo by the
court of notes amounting to $250 which
Mrs. MoKeozle claims to own an Interest In.
A petition for divorce ot Sarah C. Lone
against Patrick Lone -waa filed in the dis
trict eourt yostsrday, but shortly after with
drawn by the plaintiff's attorneys, who
stated to tho olerk that it had been filed by
Civil Service Exnmliintlnii,
Tho United States Civil Sorvico com
mission announces that nn examination will
bo held for tho postal service In this city
on November 21. All persons who desire
to bo examined should apply to Secretary
F. Johnson of tho local board of examin
ers for application blanks and full informa
tion lolatlvo to tho scopo ot tho examination.
Applications on form 101 must bo filed In
comploto form with the secretary of the
board prior to tho hour ot closing business
on October 23, otherwise applicants can
cot bo examined.
Howell's Anti-"Kawf" cures coughs, colds.
Negotiated In Ku&lern m-oraska
and Iowa. James N. Comdy, jr.,
i: Main nt t'ouuen mum.
Savings Loan and Building Associate
council uiuns, juwu.
Davis sells paint.
Dobbin Cnae Goci Over Till October
nnd Slny Never He Heard.
Tho liquor search warrant proceedings
against Charles J. Dobblnu, the opera house
saloon keeper, havo to all practical pur
poses como to an end. Justice Ferrler, to
whose court a chango of venuo was taken
yesterday from that of Justice Vlcn on tho
motion of County Attorney Klllpack,
granted a continuance ot sixty days. This
It is understood will be the end ot the case,
which has developed Into a regular farce.
Tho stock of llquoro la out ot reach ot tho
court, having been rcplovlned nnd removed
to Nebraska, and even It Justice Ferrler
hnd ordered tho liquor destroyed there was
nothing In bis reach to destroy.
In order to keep up tbo farce the at
torneys for Dobbins contested the applica
tion ot the county attorney for a contlnu-
anco and Insisted on an immediate hearing
and thnt before a Jury. It Is said that tho
lrauance ot tho writ of replevin was illegal
ns tho statute provides that liquor seized
under a search warrant under the mulct law
cannot bo replevlucd, and all the persona
connected with the procuring of the writ
aro llablo to proceedings for contempt ot
court. The hearing on the replevin action
Is set for tho October term In the superior
court, but It It is adverse to Dobbins he In
etlll winner, ns the stock Is out of reach ot
the court and bis bondsmen cannot be held
llablo, ns tho case before Justice Ferrler Is
simply to determine the disposition ot the
"Doc" George Washington Long, through
his attorney, George II. Gable, filed a pe
tttlon In the district court yesterday asking
tor an Injunction ugalnet Harry Edwards
nnd the South Omaha Brewing company re
straining them from selling liquor In the
saloon on Broadway opposite tho pcstofllco
Gable la not satisfied with the $25 attorney
fee that the statute provides In such cases
and In the petition alleges that $100 Is
reasonable fee tor such a case.
Llnder & Filter, pioprietora of the saloon
at Tenth and Broadway, upon whom notlco
of Injunction proceedings was aerved by
Iong and Gable, havo settled for $23, They
offered the $51.50 first demanded by Gable,
but he refused to accept this amount and
even hesitated about taking the $25, which
that his wlfo has desorted him for their f votes from thoso ho had not been at nil
certain of.
"When do I leavo for Washington? Not
until next December." At this Juncture
call of "Whero Is Jonathan rrontico?"
arose from tho yellow ribboned Fort
Dodge delegation and, with a rueful tug at
hla wilted cllar, tho popular congressman
turned to his n Hiring followers.
Maulon Ilronn Arrested.
Mahlon Brown, formerly assistant city en
gineer, was arrested at a late hour Sunda;
night on the charge ot Impersonating an
officer, tho complaint being filed by H. Mil
ler, an employe of the Monarch Manufac
turing company. Miller on leaving a saloon
on South Main 'street was placed under ar
rest by a man who claimed to be an officer
and said he would bs obliged to take Miller
to the police station for being drunk. They
had gone about a block, when tho alleged
officer said he would let Miller go upon pay
ment of a dollar.
miner reiusea, Drone away and ran to a
nearby telephone, where he reported the
matter to tho police. Brown was shortly
after arre3ted by Officer Walklngton. He
denied tho charge, and insisted It wns a case
ot mistaken Identity. Ho was released on
his own recognizance to appear In police
court this morning.
Hepulillcan Club Meeting.
Tho first regular meeting of tho newly or
ganlzed . Itcpubllcan McKlnley-llooeevelt
club held last evening brought out a good
attendance and much Interest was manl
tested in forming a Rough Rider marching
club. Many ot the members of tho McKln-
ley Guards wcro present and all signified
their intention of Joining the marching club
Tbo following comraltteo was appointed to
arrange tho organization ot the marching
club: William C. Hendricks, F. A. Sackett.
representing tho Old Soldiers' Marching
club of the campaign four years ago; F. M.
Compton, captain of tbo McKlnley Guards;
Henry Robinson, captain of tho Colored nc
publican Marching club.
The meeting was enlivened with several
oxcellent campaign songs rendered by Mr,
Gnrner Tovrnchlii Tenchern.
At the mooting yesterday of the school
dlreotors of Garner township tho following
teachers wero elected for tho ensuing year
District No. 1, Maudo Dllta.
District No. 2, Miunle Boobnlng.
District No. 3, Mabel O'Donald.
District No. 4, Lizzie Stageman,
District No, 5, Eula McCormack.
District No. 6, Cora Jones.
District No 7, Florence Antenrlth
Virginia Green.
District No. 8, Anna McKlnley.
District No. 9, Maude Dills.
District No. 10, Mrs. Laura Leonard.
District NO. 11, Lilian Jackson.
District No. 12, Eva Utterback.
District No. 13, Ella Dills.
of all property in the state, including theae
estimates, Is $339,673,261. The Increaso,
thcroforo, is $19,042,359.
Auctioneer' Cniunilxnlnn.
Tho Iowa auctioneers want n commission
They want Governor Shaw to appoint n
commission of thrco veteran auctioneers to
cmpervlso the admlttanco of other men to
tho profession. Tho Btato association opened
its convention hero today and tho appoint
ment of committees to prepare resolutions
urging uio governor to esiauiisu sucn a
commission was tho principal business of
tho llrst day's session. Somo twenty auc
tloneem from all parts of tho stato wero
present. One raomber said: "The object of
tho commission, as wo plan it, Is to prevent
the profession being overrun with lncompe.
tent and Irresponsible persons."
South Omaha News . f.
Collided with Fire Hrinrtment.
Whllo making a. run In response to a
flro alarm from Twentieth nnd I streets
yesterday afternoon engine company No. 2
collided with a buggy bolng driven by Frank
Laltncr, a clgnrmnker, whoso plnco of busi
ness Is on Twentieth street between Q and
.HIkii Iron Worker' Senlo.
PITTSBURG, r., Aug. 6. Word was re
ceived at the headquarters ot tho Amalga
mated Association ot Iron, Steel and Tin
Workers today that tho wago scale had
been signed by tho southern car combine
for all Its mills In tho south. This means
work for about 1,300 men.
Search for I. out Hoy.
BURLINGTON, la., Aug. 6. (Special.)
A story has como to light through a dis
patch printed In a local paper from St.
Louis telling of the remarkablo Journey of
Christopher and Margaret O'NIol and tholr
fivo children in two wagons in search of
missing 18-ycar-old son, Charles, who
loft homo in Pittsburg over a year ago
and had not been heard from Blnco last
April, covering In that tlmo a distance of
nearly 700 miles. Mrs. O'NIol said every
effort had been made to find tho boy and a
trnoo ot htm had been received from Fort
Madison. Ia.
Tho above dlsnatch mot tho ovo of Goorco At tno meeting of tbo School board last
H. Slefkon of Danville. Ia.. thirteen mlloa 'snt, two omciai Donas wcro approved,
east of nurllnnton. Ho nt onrn wrntn in Wllicn represent aDOUt tno sum Of J80.000.
a local paper saying that tho mlsvng boy They woro tuoso ot Frank Koutsky as trcas-.
had taken supper with him on tho evening u,cr ul 1,1,8 BCUOO mai or
ot Friday. August 3. Tho boy gave his " --net, 'oi u muuujn
nam an Chnrlra nn,! hla hnmn Plttn. Placed With it on deposit.
burg. Ho said iio had run away over a T!10 Onanco committee raised a protest
year beforo and was sorry for It. Ho wns "U'"B Peuicu ior approval
homesick nnd wanted to go homo, but had
no money to pay his fare. Ho had written
to his father several times, but had re
ceived no reply. Ho left that night for
Ottumwa to get work to earn money to
onablo him to return homo. An effort
will bo made to get tho news of tho where
abouts' of tho wanderer to the parents in
St, Louis.
Ilev. Frnzer Make Condition.
STORM LAKE, Ia., Aug. 6. (Special.)
Rev. Dr. Frazer of Brazil, Ind., who was
elected president of Buena Vista collego,
has notified the board that ho will not
accept tho position uuless ho may also
be chosen paBtor' of tho Lakeside Presby
terian church. Tho board considers that
tho school needs the undivided attention of
its president nnd has summoned A. D.
Reed of Atlantic to confer with tho com
mittee regarding tho vacancy.
l'micrnl ArrttiiKPiuvntH Abniidnnril.
SIOUX CITY, Aug, 6. (Special Tolo
gram.) Miss Sophia Lick band tried to com
mit suicide hero this nftcrnoon by Jumping
Into tho Sioux river, becnuse her boy sweet
heart no longer loved her. Her crlos, how
ever, nttractod rescuers, who pulled her out
of tho water In time to savo her life. She
had written a noto sending love nnd kisses
to her lover and also giving comploto di
rections as te the management ot her
lliialiicfm I?Tonrlnn to Ilc Moines.
STORM LAKE, In., Aug. 6, (Special.)
On Tuesday, August 7, tho business men
of Storm Lake will spend the day In Des
.Moines ns tho guests of tho Jobbers' nnd
Manufacturers' association. Free trans
portation will bo furnished by their en
tertainers, as well as tho freedom of tho
city and bounteous hospitality.
Commonwealth 10-cent cigar.
County Board of Bducntlon.
County Superintendent O. J. McManus has
issued a call for a meeting this afternoon
at 2 o'clock at his office of tho County
Board ot Education, This is the first tlmo
that this body has been called together,
and Prof. McManus' predecessor overlooked
or Ignored tho fact that tbo code of 1S97
provided for such a board. Sections 2824
to 2837 Inclusive provide for a County
Board of Education to be comprised of the
board of county supervisor, county auditor
without first having been passed on by tho
party receiving tho material or tho services
rendered and for this reason a lot of bills
that would have otherwise undoubtedly been
approved were laid on tho table until tho
next meeting. Tho bill ot School Architect
Davis for $200 for drafting plans for tho
school building that has been enjolnod was
not allowed, although Bcveral of tho mem
bers wero In favor of doing so. It was not
killed, however, but will come up again at
their next mcotlng.
u. 11. Andrews was allowed ?300 on a
$478 bill. Tho whole bill was not allowed
for tho reason that tho board Insists that
much of tho furniture for which the bill Is
rendered Is not as represented to the board
and Is damaged. It proposes to pay the bal
ance ot tho bill as soon ns tho furniture
is put In tho proper shape.
By resolution it wan ordered that the be
ginning of the next school term be Mon
day, September 10,
The now Jungraann school camo In for its
sharo ot attraction. It was decided to grade
tho grounds surrounding it so that the water
would not flow off its surface and damage
adjoining property, about which several
complaints wcro on file. A sidewalk will be
built around it and its nppearanco further
Improved by furnishing it throughout with.
now window shades.
It was decided to put In a new steam heat
ing plant in the Lowell school building In
tho Fourth ward, to bo ready for servlco be
foro tho opening of the next school year. A
committee was appointed to make an Inves
tigation of tho school rooms ot the city thnt
aro In need of repaperlng and to order tho
work dono wherever they saw fit.
Five storo rooms In tho First ward will
bo rented for school purposos for tho com
ing year.
Superintendent Wolf mado several Im
portant recommendations to the board. Ho
brought to their attention that all school
buildings and grouuds should be thoroughly
repaired and placod in proper shape before
slmilatlng tteToodandRegula
Un ihc Stomachs and Bowels of
ne3sandRest.Contalns neither
Snum.MornWne norMrucxal.
Fumflvi Sul
Aniit Sttd
Jmrmittt .
Anpj-fccHlcmcdv forConslloa
blon, Sour Slomach.Diarrhoea,
lacss and Loss OF SLEEP.
i i i
Tac Simile Signature of
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Havo
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Real Estate is Rising
Some excellent lots, pleasantly located and do
Institute ut Storm I.nkc,
The teachers' Institute Is In session with P.?1n'n1Bo.0i th,e ,nCXt 'IT', rur'her Sirable for SUhltrbatl hOttlCS, Call be liad 110 W at
mont of teachers for the coming year ot reaSOlltlbiC
an enrollment of 130. Tho new school law
requires that muslo shall be taught at nil
Institutes and all teachers will next year
be obliged to pass an examination In the
thcorotlcal part of that branch whether
they can sing or not.
Audubon Ten in ,to Compete.
AUDUDON. Ia., Aug. C (Special.) The
Audubon hoso team left tonight for the
state tournament at Cedar Rapid, accom-
pnnled by nutter number of citizens. Tho
team expects to compete in all of tha
Horsford's Acid Phosphate
A superior restorative when the cer-,!
vous system baa become impauea by
mental or physical overwork.
prices. Tli ese lots are located in
Omaha, Wright's and Central Sub. additions. This
property will steadily increase in. value as the city
grows in that direction and the time to buy is the
present. Call at
Council Bluffs.