Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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Davis Fells Blnns. '
".Mr. Itlley," G-ccnt cignr.
II. M. LcfTcrt, o)tlcInn, 236 IVwoy.
Oag fixtures nnil globes nt Hlxby's.
liuilwclsor becr. I,. Hoscnfclil, agent.
I'lno A. II. C. beer, Nciimnyer's hotel.
Dr. Stephenson, 101 1'cnrl St. Tel. 3S9.
HclimliK'n photos, new nnil latest styles.
You get the best dinners at the Vienna.
Itlley, best photographer, 402 liroadwuy.
J. C. Sc W. Woodward, nrchltccts, 623 Hdy.
V K. Lewis sells monuments. 3M H'wny.
Scientific optician at Woolman's, WJ
IV way.
Mrs. William Iloync Is reported on the
nick list.
Wnnted, girl for general housework. APP'.y
B2) Uaklnnd avenue.
Dr. Thomas of Chicago Is the guest of
Dr. 9. K. Hhrlvcr of this city.
Campaign pictures ami buttons. C. K.
Alexander & Co., 333 Hro.ulway.
Mrs. Krcd Hpooner of Olen n venue Is
visiting relatives at Manning.
Oct your work done nt the popular Eagle
laundry, 2I llroadway. 'I'lione 157.
W. C. Hslrp, undertaker. 2S t'enrl street.
Telephones: Olllce. U7: residence, 33.
. Tho price of gas In Council Illuffs has
been reduced from tl.75 1.000 to SI. 15 l.tnO.
Tho Hoard of County Supervisors will
meet In adjourned session this nfternoon.
W. R draff, undertaker olid licensed em
Imlmer. 101 South Main street, 'l'hono DM.
Ml Kmmn II nun ti of Oalesburg. III.. Is
visiting her aunt. Mrs. O. K. lleswlck of
Sixth avenue.
.!. n. Wndsworth nnd Alfred ltnnchett re
turned homo yesterday from an extended
eastern trip.
M. C. Stewart was called to Neola, In.,
ny tin- serious illness or mm moiuer, .Mrs
Jl. R Stewart.
Walter Stlllman returned Saturday from
Milwaukee, whero ho attenilea a meeting
or commercial lawyers.
There will be n special communication
tills evening or Illilfl City .Mnsontc lodge,
No. 71, for woik'lu the. second degree.
New nnil Heronil.liund furniture, stoves
rarpi-ts and limiee furnishings bought anil
Hold. J. Stein & Co., 721 West, uroailway.
Mrs. Mary J. Skegg, grand chief of honor
of tho Ancient Order of I'nlted Workmen
of Iowa, Is the guest of Mrs. w. II. Hpies
.Indue .1. 11. Ileeil left Sntunlnv for Santa
Re, N. M , where he goes to preside over
tho united Stales court oi private lami
J. If. Cnrun of this city hnfl been np
pointed n delegate to tho National Farm
ers' convention to bo held nt Colorado
Springs, August 31.
Tim work nf teiirliiir down tho old I'nclllc
liouso on llroadway is progressing rapidly
and by Monday night there win uu none oi
tlio out liuiiuing loll.
Tho American Young Teonle's Christian
Tt'tniiermiei! union will hold Its first reg
ular meeting nt tho Christian tabernaclo
on Tuesday evening, August n.
Tho water cninnanv Is laving n main on
North Main street, this thoroughfare being
the llrst on the list to t paved under tne
contract nwnriicu to it. i: wicKnnm.
Tlio cltv stono nlto Is still a thing of tin
future, as no feneo has yet been erected
nrotind It. Until that Is done Chief Albro
Hays It will be Impossible to mnku use of It
Mrs. Catherine Jnns, wife of Gustavo
Jans, aired 43 years, died yesterday morn
ing nt the Womnn's Christian Association
Hospital, Tim txMiy was sent to .Manning
jii., last evening.
fm Tnhn l"llli,ltnm U'hn rrpnntlv tin,lr.
went a severe operation at the Woman's
Christian Association Hospital, was yester
day reporteil to be progressing favorably
Willi every prospect or ner compieio re
Rormer students of Hillsdale colleire
lTillsdale. Mich., resldlmr In Council lilutfs
nnd Omaha, and vicinity, together with
their families, will hold a picnic supper
Tuesday evening at Hanscom park In
In tho absence of the pastor, Ilov. It
Venting, tho pulpit at the First Haptlsl
rhurch yesterday was filled by He v. B. II
lliirrlsnn of Tabor. In. Tho annual meet
ing and election of ofllcers will be held to
morrow evening.
Tho funeral of Mrs. Mary Dunn, who
died at St. Heruaid's hospital Saturday,
was held yesterday afternoon from St.
Krancls Xavler's church, Hew Father
Smyth nfllctatlnir. Interment was In Wal
nut Hill cemetery.
Mrs. Mary Dunn, nged 73 years, died yes
terday at fit. Hernnrd's hospital from ap
oplexy. The funeral will be held this
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from St: Francis
Xnvler's church and Interment will be In
Rnlrvlew cemetery.
Mrs. Caroline Fosdlck filed n petition 'In
tho district court Saturday asking for a
divorce from John Fosdlck. whom sho mar
ried In this city April 29. I, Slio nllegea
111 treatment and other charges and asks
for $1U0 alimony und S-5 attorney fee.
A dog belonging to Joe llardesty, 1119
Avenuo D, had Its earthly existence ended
by tho police yesterday. The canine bit a
mall carrier Saturday and It was put to
death at tho request of Its owner. Harry
I'oore, a 9-year-old boy living at 109 North
Blxth street was badly bitten by a strange
dog Saturday evening.
City Auditor Evnns, Rev. Henry
nnd others will go next Sunday to Har
nett's grove, six miles north of tho Hazel
Poll church, to lit. 3 a district Sunday
school convention. The Latter Day Saints
and Lutheran Sunday schools and other
schools In Iloomcr township nnd vicinity
tiro expected to participate. Thero will ho
good speakers and music. Tho exercises
will commence at 2 p. in. and will be held
In tho grove on Mr. Harnett's farm.
N. Y. Plumbing Co., telephone 250.
Council Will Havo the Bids Before It This
Fourth M'nnl Tropic Propose to Make
Another Ilflort to Secure the
Material They Want on
Their .Streets.
Tho city council will take another whirl
at the paving iiucstlon at Its regular monthly
sesalpji this evening when bids for the pav
ing of tho group of streets embraced In the
third resolution will be opened. Theso bids
havo to bo In tho hands of City Clerk
Phillips by noon today, but up to last night
none had been tiled. Some keen competition
Is looked for and lower prices nro expected
than In the bids for tho first contrnct. Sev
eral outside contractors are In the city and
nro expected to fllo bids this morning along.
with tho local brick men. The streets em
braced In the third resolution, for which bids
nro to bo opened tonight, are oa follows:
(Irnham avenue, from Madison avenuo to
Falriuount park; llroatlwny, from First
street to tho easterly curb lino of Frank
street; Harrison street, from south line of
Washington avenuo to the south line of
Denton street extension; Park avenue, from
llroadway to the north curb Hue of Pomona
street; High School avenue, from I'nrk ave
nue to Olcn avenuo; Glen avenue, from
waterworks grounds to llroadway; Pierce
street, from First street to Hluff street;
llluff street, from Plorca street to north
curb lino of Ninth avenue; Willow avenue,
from .Main street to west curb lino of Third
street; Fifth avenue, from Main street to
west curb lino of Third street; Story street,
from Main street to llluff street; Fourth
street, from llroadway to Worth street.
Illds will also bo received for the paving
of Mynster street from tho east sldo of
Scott street to tho cast side of North Eighth
street, which was Inadvertently omitted
from the call for bids for the group of streets
contained In the first resolution.
Another Itounil at Asphalt.
Tho second paving resolution embracing
the streets In the Fourth ward, which In
tcrcsted property owners deolre Improved
with asphaltum In placo of brick, which
was tabled on motion of Alderman McDou
aid, muy possibly como up for action to
night, ns thuro is a deilre on tho part of
omo of tho aldermen to have the matter
settled one way or the other.
Illds for tho curbing with artificial atone
of tho following streets have to be with the
city clerk by noon today and will bo opened
at tonlght'n meeting of the council: Doth
sides of Fifth avenue, from Uluff street to
west curb line of Third street; both sides
of Tenth nvenuc, from Main street to Sixth
street; both sides of Sixth street, from
Thirteenth avenue to tho north curb line of
Sixteenth avenue; both sides of Harrison
street, from Hull street to south curb lino
of Hen Urn street extension; both sides of
llroadway, from Twelfth street to Thirteenth
street; both sides of Tenth avenue, from
Fourth street to west curb of High street.
City Engineer Etnyre Is expected to make
his report tonight, showing the amount that
tho city will bo called upon to pay nut ot
tho general Improvement fund for the pay
ing In front of city property and for such
property ns will not stand the assessment
for the Improvement. The engineer's report
Is expected to havo considerable bearing
on tho nmount of paving that will be dono
this year.
the search. At tho third cast of the hooks
the body was brought to the surface about
fifty feet from whero Mrs, Carlson was seen
to sink.
Tho body was removed to the Carlson
home, from whence the funeral will bo held
today. Mrs, Carlson was a young woman
but 20 years of ngc and leaves besides her
husband two small children.
Struck n Skin Citine,
W. C. McKce of Clarlndn, la., who has
been working hero for tho Illinois Central,
Is tho latest victim to run up ngalnst n
blind poker game In tho rear of n saloon
and loso his money. McKce has complained
to the authorities that ho was enticed Into
a poker gnme nt tho Omaha saloon, n placo
that has for years borne an unsavory repu
tation. He milt 131 loser nnd Insists that
ho was given "doped" liquor. McKec said
tho proprietor of tho Joint tried to compro
mise by offering him $10, but ho refused
and theatens to close tho place,
The police endeavored to keep tho matter
quiet, as Chief Albro and Mayor Jennings
have all along Insisted that there were no
poker rooms In operation In tho city.
turned by l.imolliie,
Thomas O'Hearn, a' cook employed nt
Ilalduff's cafo at Lake Mnnawn, was seri
ously burned nbout tho right arm yester
day afternoon while lighting a gasoline
stove. One of the burners hnd gone out
and tho oil was leaking. While wiping It
with a rag, which became saturated with
the oil, the rag caught fire from the lighted
burner, ns did the oil with which O'Hearn's
nrm was smeared, lleforo tho flames were
extinguished tho man's nrm wns burned
from his finger tips to nbove the elbow.
A tempoinry dressing was applied nnd
O'Hearn was nt onco taken to the city.
whero a physician's services were procured.
1i r
lilt I
1 1 . tut
I.imik'm Sputter llasy.
it was reported yesterday that "Doc"
Long hnd threo spotters nt work taking tho
names of nil the saloons open and that in
junction proceedings will be commenced
nt once ngalnst nil those doing business
Port Doilur People ltelleve Another
HvIi-iihIm- Deposit of liyiimiiii
lias lleeii Located.
Howell's Antl-"Knwf" cures coughs, colds.
Cravcl roofing. A. 11. Head, 541 Uroadway.
Itenl ljiliili' Transfer.
Thn following transfers wcro filed Sat
urday In tho abstract, title and loan ofllcc
of J. W. Squire, 101 Pearl street:
Wllllnm W. Fnrnam, trustee, nnd wlfo
to W. S, Cooper, lot 11, block 15, Hid-
die's subdlv, s w d S Wi
W. S. Cooper and wlfo to George C.
Morgan, Jr., lot 11, block 15, Hlddtc's
subcllv. s w d 500
Rrauk 17111s and wlfo to John C. nnd
Newton Mathers, nei 14-75-39, w d... 1.C00
13. 11. Sellard and wife et al to Mully
M. Huntington, lot 3, block 222, nnd
lot 2 nnd purt of lot 1, block 214, orig
inal pint of Council Illuffs. w d LOCO
Will F. Sledentopf und wlfo et ul to
Homer II. Field, lot 3 In subdlv of
lot lfiO. original plat of Council HlufTs,
q o d 10
Homer 11. Field, widower, to Mnx Il.iu
melster, nearly 42 feet of lot 2 In sub
dlv of lot 155, und nenrly 42 feet of
lot 3 In subdlv of lot 1G0, original pint
of Council Uluffs, w d 8,4"U
Blx transfers, totnl S7.010
Davis sells paint.
Two mares, ono with colt, gentle, C years
old, hay, broke double and single, weight
050 and 1,160, for snlo at Hourlclus Music
House, onu of tho largest pluno bouses In
tho west, 335 Uroadway, where tho organ
stands upon tho building and where they
keep a complete lino of mandolins, violins,
guitars, talking machines, etc. Telephone
Negotiated In Kan tern rrenraska
md Iowa. James N. Casady, Jr.,
Vii Main St Council Mufti.
money to LOAN,
Savings Loan and Building Associate
u Council UlutXa, Iowa.
Lorn ii KliiHclirrfT's Visit to the
Cut IteiiinrUiibly Short.
Tho anxiety of Loran Klnscherff to ex
chango n counterfeit dollar for money that
Is legal tender got him and two young
lads, unracd (Jeorgo Solomon and I'crly
Ohavey, Into serious troublo yesterday
aftcrnooa. Klnscherff struck Council
Uluffs nbout 3 o'clock yesterday nftcr
non and by 4 o'clock was In Jail with the
chnrgo of having counterfeit money In his
possession booked against him. Tho charge
of attempting to pass counterfeit money
was placed ngalnst the two lads. According
to Klnschcrff's story, he became possessed
of tho Bpurious dollar In Norfolk last
Thursday, where ho exchanged a $5 bill
to get money to pay his way Into King
ling's circus. On his way from Omaha
hero yesterday afternoon ho attempted to
pass It off on tho motor conductor, but
tho latter waB not suffering from short
sightedness and he nt once detected that
It was bad coin und so Informed Klns
cherff. On reaching Pearl street and
Urondwny ho mot tho two young lads and
showed them the dollar. One volunteered
to change It and went In to Vigo Ander
son's restaurant for that purpose. The
utter worthlessness of tho coin was too
evident nnd Anderson refused to chango
It. Then tho other lad tried to pass It
at a drug store and was also unsuccess
ful In the meantlmo Anderson had tel
ephoned tho police and beforo Klnscherff
and tho lads had tlmo to try a third place
they wero under arrest.
Klnschcrff's homo Is In Indiana and ho
says he was on his way to Illinois. Tho
caso will bo turned aver to the federal
authorities this morning.
FORT DODOR, In., Aug. C (Special.)
Valuablo gypsum deposits may underlie
northwestern Webster county. Furmers and
well drillers so assert and baso their claims
on lecent wells that havo been put down.
It has been believed until now that the out
cropping of gypsum in Iowa occurred In
only ono point, thnt of very limited nren,
south of Fort Dodge and near tho little
station of Carbon. If It bo true that tho
chalky rock Is found In moro extenslvo beds
It will prove of untold wealth lo thu county,
which has practically been mndo by tho
development of the gypsum Industry.
State, Geologist Frank 1. Wilder, who Is
In the city nnd hns been making a system
atlc examination of the county for the state
geological Biirvey this summer, Is Inclined to
bo Incredulous and says that he will not
ofllclully sanction tho finds until ho has
completed n careful analysis of tho water
from tho wells.
Ur. Wilder has now practically completed
tho survey of tho county. Ho has covered
nearly nil tho territory on foot and his data
Is carefully recorded In his field books
which yet remain to be expanded and
elucidated for tho gcncrnl public. The re
port will bo In tho hands of tho stato printer
pomo tlmo this full. Dr. Wilder Is uutto
well satisfied with tho results of his work
except that tho data regarding tho lower
strata In tho southern half of tho county
Is fragmentary and unsatisfactory. Infor
matlon ns to tho various substrata can bo
obtained only through observation of deep
wells or mines nnd few deep wells exist In
tho territory and tho data from them Is of
llttlo importance. Tho coal urea covers
practically all of tho county, but tho veins
ure tho thickest In tho southeastern sec
tion. Llttlo of tho mineral resources of
tho county hnvo been touched so fur. Tho
report of tho state geologist will show that
Webster is one of the richest counties In
Iowa, all of tho mineral of tho stato being
round ucre.
Commonwealth 10-ccnt cigar.
Itepiilillean Clnh Meeting;.
Tho regular weekly meeting of tho newly
organized Republican McKlnley-Uoosevelt
club will bo held this evening at 8 o'clock
nt tho hendnuurters, corner of First nve-
nuo nnd South Main street. Several good
speakers nro expected to bo present and
the preliminary steps towards organizing
n Itnugh H Ider Mnrchlng club In connec
Hon with the club proper will be taken.
F. M. Compton, captain of tho McKlnley
flunrds, has cnlled a meeting of thnt or'
ganlzntlon for this evening nt 8 o'clock at
republican hendnuartcrs for the purposo of
considering the Invitation for tho guards
to Join the Hough Itlder club.
Tho hendqunrters havo been suitably
decorated during tho Inst week and present
a very handsomo appearance. Lots of good
republican cnmpnlgn literature Is to be
found fhero and tho rooms will bo kept
open every day nnd night from this on
until the cIobo of the campaign.
Mr. Ciirlson'H Hotly lleeovercd.
Tho body of Mrs. Carlson, who was
drowned Saturday evening whllo bathing
In tho Missouri river near tho ripraps, was
recovered about 8 o'clock lust night after
a search lasting tho entire ot tho preced
ing night and yesterday.
All efforts Saturday night nnd up to 8
o'clock last evening to recover the body
proved unavailing, All night and nil day
long parties of willing workors used every
mcr.ns nvnllnbln to bring the body to tho
surface, but failed. Shortly after 7 o'clock
Chief of Tollce Albro and Alderman Uoyer,
provided with grappling hooks, drove to
the scene ot the drowning and assisted In
Moonshiners (Jlvo llnttle.
PAUL'S VALLKY. I. T., Aug. fi.-Deputy
nun niiuin nun ii inicnetl KllUO Willi mOOtV
shiners twenty miles northeast of hero to.
day. No list of casualties run In. nhinlnnl
Several deputies were sent out from here
uus uiirruuon to rentier assistance.
Monday nnil Tuesday Are Likely
He Pair, Willi Southerly
AVI ii lis.
WASHINGTON. Aug. C Forecast of thn
weather for Monday and Tuesday:
Nebraska and Kausas Rencrnlly fair
Monday nnd Tuesday; southerly winds.
Oklahoma, Indian Territory and Arkansas
Fair and continued wnrm Monday and
Tuesday; south to southeast winds.
Illinois, Iowa and Missouri Generally
fair Monday and Tuesdny; light, frosh to
southerly winds.
Indlnnn Fair Monday and Tuesdny; light
to fresh southerly winds.
North Dakota Generally fair and warmer
Monday; Tuesday fair and southeasterly
South Dakota Generally fair Monday
with warmer In western portion; Tuesday
fair; southerly winds.
Colorado Generally fair Monday; warmer
except In southeast portion; Tuesday fair
southerly winds,
Wjomlng Fair and warmer Monday;
Tuesday fair; variable winds.
Montana Gencrnlly fair Monday and
Tuesday; variable winds.
Local llecnril.
OMAHA, Aus. B. Olllclal record of tem
perature and precipitation, compared with
thu corresponding day of the last threo
1900. 1S99. m. 1S07,
Maximum temperaturo... 01 74 S3 73
Minimum temperature.... 74 ot ft; n?
Averugo temperature S2 G!) 78 70
l'recipitntiou ou . .00 .01
Heeord of precipitation at Omiilm for this
nay ami since Aiarcu i, iw
Normal temiieriituri! for the dav
Kxci-hs for the day 7
tiiiui excess since Marcli 1 3i
Normal rulnfall 12 Inch
Dellclenry for the day 12 inch
Total rainfall since March 1 17.ns Inches
Dellclency slnco March 1 2.01 Inches
Dellclency for cor. period. 1SP9. . . 3.4(1 Inches
Dellclency for cor. period, IMS... 1 73 Inches
Iteporta from Station at K P. M,
Omaha, clear
North Platte, cloudy
Cheyenne, clear
Salt Lake City, clear
Hapld City, partly cloudy
Huron, cloudy
Wllllston, clear
Hlsmurck, cloudy ,
St, Louis, clear
St. Paul, partly cloudy ...
Duvenport, clear
Kunsns City, clear
Helena, cloudy
Havre, cloudy :....
Chicago, clear
Galveston, partly cloudy
3 t; w
mi 5j To
K4 90 .01
74 K0 T
84 M .0)
fiS SO T
7(J 82 T
70 0i
M fd .00
!) 9.' .0)
J! 90 .00
90 94 .(HI
74 7S .00
80 V .0)
RS 9 4 .00
EC 90 .00
T Indicates trace ot preelpttntlon.
Local Forecast Official.
(!lvf a most t llclom flavor to
Hot & Coltl Meats, Urnvies,
Salads, Soups, Game, Fish,
Welsh Rarebits, etc.
This signature on every bottle
Cooks, Clicfs ci I totisekfcp
crs everywhere pronounce it
nit indispensable tequi.Mtc lo
the culinary stores.
JOHN DVyCAN'S SOW, Atcne, A'otr Vorfc
Combination That Will Havo Roflox Action
on Ninth District Politics.
I'rrntinciit lleoclveil nt Di'H Molne
Hiin Itouseil Ilenriitiueiit That
Will llrenk n Pretty
Ho I 111 Slate.
I)KS MOINES, Aug. C (Special.) It Is
stated by thu politicians that the outcomo
of tho recent republican Btate convention
hero Is likely to havo some considerable
lulluence on Ninth district politics In the
futuro and especially In tho election of
district Judge this fall. It Is said now that
Judgo W. S. Lewis of Mills county, a man
who stood Just un even show with other
candidates before tho election, Is now slated
for the nomination to succeed Judge Wnltcr
I. Smith of Council Uluffs, named to sue
ceed Congressman McPherson, Tho friends
of Committeeman J. 8. Dewell, who wns
defeated for committeeman by J. E. llruco
of Anita, oro not feeling very happy over
their defeat and they vow vengeance
ngalnst the counties that defeated Dewell
Ho was dcfeateil .by m division of Potta-
wultamlu and Montgomery counties In the
Intel ests of harmony on the attorney gen
crnlshlp. Cass county did tho snmo nnd
this defeated Dewell of Harrison county,
so that Harrison is going to get even by re
fusing to support any man from those coun
ties. Harrison will not support uny one of
tho candidates from I'ottawattamlo, Cass
and Montgomery, but it will support n
7.1111s county man mif as Judge Lewis ot
that county Is a candidate It looks now las
though ho will get It.
FUliiK the Slnle Levy.
Tho cxecutlvo council will turn Its nttcn
Hon to the stato tax levy tomorrow nnd will
probably fix tho levy nt 2.8 mills. Tho fol
lowing tablo shows tho total assessment of
all klndB of property this year as com
pared In total with last year, tho Increase
being $17,700,022:
Total renorted nnd ndtustcd
vuluo personnl $ 393,011,930
j nun reporieu anil aiijusiea
vuluo realty, including new
Sleeping enrs
Total taxable value stato 1900..,,
Total taxablu vuluo state )M9....
lies .Hollies Mllltiiy P
Sixteen sites have been offc.-ed to the
army post committee, for tho location of
the new Dcs Molues military post. About
half of tho necessary $50,000 that must bu
raised has been subscribed and it Is hoped
to begin work on tho post this fall. It
has been suggested thnt the post bo called
Des Moines, while many Insist that it
should bo named Hull, In honor of Con
gressman Hull, the nuthor of the bill that
brought thu post here. Years ago Dcs
Moines had n post, It being called Fort
Dcs Moines. Tho fort stood nt tho Junc
tion of tho Des Moines and Coon rivers
nnd the Mississippi boats brought nil tho
Euppllm up the Des Moines, a utream that
could hardly float a good sized llathoat
now. The post was nbundnned In time, but
the government still owns tho land
The Des Moines postal receipts for July
wero $22,948, un lncren3o over tho snmo
month last year of $3,573, or 18 per cent.
1 S3, 18.1
In lir Closet" .May He Driven tint liy
Proper Applli'iillnii of Klertrlrlly,
Nil) Ilr. lleiiuelt A II11011 for Voiinir,
MIiIiIIi-AkciI una Old Men mill
Hope, that most nreclous element which
seems lost to thousands of men nnd wom
en, springs ginilly
ucrnre ilium ugain
wnen l lie proper
current of Electric
ity Is upplled for
their humiliating In
firmities. I know
my Electric Hell Is
tho urcntest modern .1
nuifiiuiii; iiKi'iik iui
tlio applying or
Electricity to tho
human body. It gen
erates a strong cur
rent that Is Instant
ly felt und Is fifur
times stronger than
uny other electrical
appliance, still It
will not burn, blister
nnd fry thu flesh of
the patient ns do all
other belts. v
Dr. Bennett's
Electric Belt
Huh soft, silken, chnmols-ccvered, wnter
rlmmlier Himnuu electrodes that cannot,
will not burn und blister. Hare tnetul elec
trodes 011 other belts accumulate verdict Is
which mav cause blood poisoning ami per
Ihiiim ilciilli. fine of mv Electric Holts will
cure tho ills of nn entire fnmllv nnd nre us
Indispensable In every household ns tn
arnica bottle. Mv belt will last fur gen
erations, ns it has Interchangeable battery
cells which may be renewed when burned
out for only 75 cents; no other belt can be
renewed fur nny price und when burned
out is worthless. I will give uny person
$1,000 to prove theso lire not facts. All
electric belts will burn out in time. Guar
anteed ono year. My belt nnd electiodes
are my exclusive patent, (letters patent
No. 031,733), und nro used on no other belt.
There lire Imitations of my Elec
trodes out. Do not lie IuioiIm Inkeil.
They put a lliln covering over the
bare iiietal. Kleolrlelly raniiot iihms
throiiKli this covering, lint venllRrl
ennt verillKrls I 11 deadly polNiin. If
yon luive been linuxi'il Into IhiIiik
an linllalloii anil ou Unit verdlnrlN,
or If II itlve no current, or If It
tin r oh your back anil ntmnnrli full of
holes, Ncnil It to nii a half price of
one of mine. If mine Isn't the best
why do they try to Imitate met AU
yourself that.
I nbsolutely gunrnntee my belt to per
manently cure Sexual Impotency, Lost
Manhood, Varicocele, Seminal Weaknesses,
Spermatorrhoea and all other Sexual UlS'
orders In either sex; restores shrunken or
I'ndevelnped Organs and Lost Vigor; cures
Hheumntlsm In every guise, Kidney, Liver
nnd Hladder Troubles, Constipation, Dys
pepsin und nil Kemnlo Complulnts.
My Electrlenl Suspensory for thu rndlcal
cure of private- weaknesses of men is Just
us great un invention ns my licit, und N
KltKH to every male patient.
Write or call today, und In sacred contl
deneo. I will send you symptom blanks
books nnd literature that will tell you nil
nbout it. It you cannot call, write fully
nnd freely with thu ussurane Hint your
letter will bo concealed from prying eyes.
Sold only by
Hr DCyytTT Electric Belt
ui. DtrcrcLi 1
ItooniH IS to HI DoiikIiih llloek, i.
Iliiyileu's, Corner Kith nnil Undue
SIh.. OMAHA, Mill.
OKKICE HOUHS-Krom 8:30 a. m. to 8:30
p. m. Sunduyn- From 10.00 to 12 und 1:30 to
Wednesdays und Suturdays From 8:30 a.
m. to 9 p. m.
Eleventh District Democrats.
SIOUX CITY, la., Aug. 5. (Special.)
Eleventh district democrats aro not man
ifesting n very great Interest in the contest
that is on for tlio nomination that will bu
mndo nt Cherokeo August 7. Hev. T. M.
.Ink of Lo Mnrs and William Mulvaney of
Cherokeo havo been after tho nomination
for mouths and each has made a careful
canvass for the placo that betokcnB a lively
contest In tho convention. In very few of
the county conventions will any instructions
be given nnd tho fight will bo curried out
at Cherokeo.
ccrs, which wero received this afternoon,
showed thnt tho county society Is In pros
perous condition. The fcutures of tho pro
gram rendered this ufternoon and evening
were: Address by county president, Claud
Smith of Maryvllle; address of welcomo,
S. O. Hutchison, Mnryvlllo; response,
I Charles Taylor, Graham; report of dls-
' Irlnt nnnvnntlnn II M ITnnMi Mnrvvllln1
llt.V .........WW.., ...... j ,
address, "How Faithfulness Exalts Us,"
Ucv. A. D, Sollg, pastor of tho Presbyterian
church, Hopkins; open parliament, led by
L. M. Strader, Orrsburg. Delegates from
almost every society In the county are attending.
I,liiior Denier Iteslrnlneil.
ONAWA, In., 'Aug. 5. (Special.) Judgo
Wnkcdeld of sroux,,'Clty nnd Court He
porter Hamilton wer down yesterday nnd
heard tho evidence' In tho cases of C. L.
Hichards, president, it tho Law and Order
league, ngalnst Franrla and Frank O'Con
nor and A. J. nnfl'W. B. Heltman, who aro
charged with "mulp'tyilnlng 11 nuisance in
soiling Intoxicating liquor." About ten
witnesses wero oxitrh'lned, nnd whllo their
evidence wns very- thin, the Judge ordered
that a terapornry tit of Injunction Issuo
ns petitioned for, ' J
: : 1:
Manna lo Mpriik lit Nloux City.
SIOUX CITY,1 p..l Aug. 5. (Special.)
Tho management,! u(i tho Sioux City fall
festival hns Just announced thnt Chairman
Mark Hnnna wjl!''rfellver tho republican
nddrees on political day of tho week's festivities.
Cclehrulc tvllli SI reel Fair.
MAUYVII.LK, Mo., Aug. 6. (Special.)
Maryvillo has decided to celebrate tho com
pletion of tho work of paving Its main bus
iness streets by giving a streot fair about
tho middle of October. Forty-flvo business
men hnvo signed a 'paper declaring them
selves In favor of holding the fair and
stating that the) will attend a meeting
Monday night to make necessary arrangements.
Christian Emlenvor Contention,
MAUYVILLE, Mo., Aug. 5. (Special )
Tho annual convention of the Christian
Endeavor societies of Nodaway county bo
gan hero In tho Presbyterian church yes
terday afternoon and will continue until
Sunday evening. The reports of the oUl-
Accused of Tukliiwr City Money.
NEW YOHIC, Aug. 5. John Clnrk, a
deputy collector In tho bureau of collection
of rents In city markets, who was. arrested
In Chicago on Wednesdny, has been held
la Jo,(l bull for further examination on the
technlcnl ehurge of thn larceny of $174, col
lected from tho West Washington market
The complainant Is Daniel O'Hrlen, u col
lector of city revenues, nnd superinten
dent of markets. Clark wns arrested In
Chicago ut tho Instance of tho United
States Fidelity nnd Ounrnnty company,
which went on his bond to tho city. An In
vestigation of Clark's accounts showed, it
is nlleged. that tho necused embezzled over
$10,000 of tho city's money.
MnrtKUKcil Siinic Cattle Tn Ice.
KANSAS CITY. Aug. 5.-J. S. Scott, nn
need nnd prominent enttleinun nf Heuver
county, Oklahoma Territory, has been nr
rested for alleged fraudulent denls In cuttle
paper, tlio nmount Involved being J2S.000.
The specllle chnrgo ngnlnst Seott Is thnt
ho mortgaged tho same cattle twice,
Tim warnrnt for Scott was sworn out by
L. C. Hoyle, attorney for the Hankers'
nnd Cattlemen's Protective nssnclntlou. n
week ugo,' und 11 requisition from the gov
ernor of Missouri- was Immediately recog
nized by the governor nf Oklahoma.
Scott will bo brought hero to await trial
Hoarding 11 nil Day School for K'rln
miller the direction of Itt, Ucv,
Ceorxe Wnrthlnuton, S, T. D LI D,
Fall term lielnolinc Sept. IP, 11)011,
One of tho oldest and most successful
edncntlonal Institutions of tho west Its
high stnndard allowing It to compote with
eastern colleges and schools, Hulldlngs In
complete order perfect steam heating, an
Itary plumbing; collegiate and preparatory
courses; special students In music, tho lan
guages and art; competent corps of teachers.
Every advantago offered oti regards the
moral, mental and physical training, Send
for circular or apply personally to Mrs, L
It, Upton, Principal.
Denver & Rio Grande
Special Excursions to
Special oxcursion tickota lo Denver, Colorado Springs,
rueblo and Olcnwood Springs, Colorado, Salt Lake City nnd Ogden, Utah, will
be on sale via. all lines from Omaha nnd nil Missouri river points and points
west, August 7 and 21 and Poptember i and 18 nt 11 rato of
One Fare pis $2.00
Forthe Round Trip
Stop-ovor will bo allowed on these
tickets at points west of Denver, Colo
rado Springs and Pueblo, on the going
trip within limit of thirty days.
And the quality of our work should be
of interest to you if your teeth aro not
in perfect condition. It matters not
how little or how much you havo to
bo done, wo will bo pleased to do it
for you, and tho charges will bo very
. ..Telephone 145
H. A. Woodbury. D. D. S., Gounoll Bluffs.
30 Pearl St. Grand Hotel
Real Estate
is Rising
Some excellent lots, pleasantly located and de
sirable for suburban homes, can be had now at
reasonable prices. These lots are located in
Omaha, Wright's and Central Sub. additions. This
property will steadily increase in value as the city
grows in that direction and the time to buy is tho
present. Call at
Council Bluffs.
The Commandant of the Academy 'm now at t ho Her Grand and
may be consulted by appointment. i
Wenlworfh Military Academy
flovcrnmrnUuixTvlklon, Htul commliwloiii to criutiiate.. 1'reiu
unit National Acailemlo.
Oldest and larreit
military ichool in
Central Wcit.
I'riMiartlnii fur UnU'mltU.
Western Military
Jlcademy, Umr AI(on' '"
EUbllthod reputation, Llraltal nuraW. Thnrnutthlx
wiiad and mnuAawl by Ucbra of long iirtrrir,
wh. lak. pronT ehari ot th nad.t. and aunmn
parknnai rMiuntluiuir lot ifcolr ram anrt limtniclioii.
AikloroircuUr. CEO. D. LATON, Stuctarr.
Nf-w bullilriHH. Cumpu W iuti'h, Model
Hohonl hoim- Faculty of .MKN-not boy)-.
HiictlallHlH from bent bcIiuoIh of America
und Kuronc
rANC'KV a FON'VI l.l.H.Mi'xIco. Mo.
TFTiMTCEHcnitKS ll xidne r
i ,(ivn.,D, . , l, n w
I nclie, etc, Alilrur.
rlnu, or liy mull,
t. Krro bonk , a4r
vice, etc., of Dr, IS. J. Itajr, Saratov, H, V