n tVIXX?. nAI AUA 1W I iV IlKK- S 'X )AV. A H ST l'.HMF. hhllll K miu, ViM-UhMi ?.'!?, UKS'S GOLFERS WANT PUBLIC LINKS odjoci of much Interest. Aside from being nn extraordinarily good nlnver Klvnn U a - vi . i'evioiui uui uiHyors in An rvPMiiiiffiv i nr. rrpRpm. Miller nnd White . . J A W Hcrlbncr and Jonlmi. . iw Hume nnil Anthcs ivj Sheldon and Allec ii plus, - minus. B05R993ni spectator and players In an exceedingly gooo. numor. In this he Is a fit successor 10 Hill DaVllI II thu fnn.tnntinr tkn Ml.. WHOLESOME ADVICE saurian. nre CLUBS TOO EXPENSIVE FOR MANY 'Irniu Hn" H Jlnlerlnlly Streiwth encil ! the AilillMiui of 'I' li iiho it ti nil . Ilnlril. AVE HIS STARS jacK unm, one or the old National league war horses, la another addition to the Salnta, who has Just made his appearance, playing his Initial game Friday. Clrlm was with Mllwaukeo In 1801 nnd later went to Hrooklyn, whero ho remained until his temporary retirement from the game at tho end of last season, owing to slckneca. An enthusiasm akin to that of tho early I Ho Is now In prime condition and elves ral nf tho season has been nbroad In Omaha Promlso of helng tho star player In the quarters that the lioard.of I'ark Comtnls ,a?t. ball circles tho last week and local "esiern league. Tho strengthening that t0ncra should go to the flight trouble and .,., uro otico moro on tho top wave of tie additions of Klynn and drlm have rcn- cxpenu, ot iaylnK out pUhic K0f links In one l,r,,,ff,il anticipation. Briefly BUmmarl-od, dcrcd the St. Joo team Justifies the opln- Cr more of the Omaha parks. Many golfers lh0 lMirko family haa been noticeably that tho team which beats out the in lno cty ore prevented either by lack ftrfg'hnncd by tho addition of Thompson - nln 10 the pennant will do no by dint of of acquaintance or money considerations i IJaird, tho old stagers nrc playing better "' cuime to mo from Joining either of tho private clubs and President Keith lias poured into the uu"u' iuskc. lney naturally feel a deprivation In llonril of lnrk I'liiiimls-iliiiirr I.IUcly to lie Anlii-il Ik Provide i : n t ii it i rt x m t 1 1 1 (iroimili. A ecntlment has been expressed In many Rogers splendid plus ot 2C: Itogers '.-. Harness "J'' McNtitt Crummcr Mclklo ' Hurrell h Jordan " Suinncy Hlnehart 2 Heed Moulder " I Oitrner : Scnnnell :ilus: minus. IN THE WHEELING WOtlLD. . a fir of cull member a llttlo wholefomc ad- .,rn and affairs nrc decidedly on tho up grade The outcome, of the exciting race for the nro hundreds of others who have never cnampionnnip in tnc western is atlll sur s .j j s j j j j It is plainly evident that If the local wheelmen wish to maintain their rights uuii in ,,.u.v. n,i iivn.nv. ,Urv being able to participate In the game. There" I".".. .C" " m ! must reorganize tho once actlo and popu lar Associated Cycling clubs of Omaha ana A I . M.U. 1n.A l.nnn"! ttrtm I . t roumlpil hv n lno hrn..h tt,uv. i. .r,.it,i . ... .. . . . i . In tbls way bring POimcai pressure m ucm I had n nils ncsa session whu ino noya : , - , - pressed wiin tnc laci tnai ine buihu hub - . : -. nllti,nri,i. Kni 0c a. Des Moines this week." aald Prosl- " ,tt. ""' t0 ftratc. To. prophesy comt, t0 stfty and nro nnx0Ufl l0 try for X 1 tc loVc n n IZ Keith yesterday, "and t feel confident (u'1 bo to hazard what the result might thcmielve, vhclhcr there be merit In tho ai ha" .here will ho no cause for disappoint- M". ' e ,11ueh ,s 7r(t,a,n' ,he Pilmo. Just now they havo no alternative "Jt,n" . or dissatisfaction on tho part of local ' in", hr aco 1 b prw except to pay out possibly more money e cn" '"onaus tti Omaha. Kve tall cnthuslasta for the balance of the C" .i ?",. ' bu, ,t0 'llck Ulc on than they can afford after having convinced ! Smlot o r blcyc o clubs n Tho boya got together and agreed poe ? on of th Sat erZothr TrlZT1 m 0n ' PrPCr d.ul..d. during to exert their best effort. In nn attempt to lnc Pae-"0 01 inoiatter day soothsayer, social footing. tho ,aat' Uvo ycurgi nm whnc ci,lb interest win tho pennant. It Ib not yet too late. Thn . .. . . . or me permanency oi uie s ,g revvlng somewhat this seaton. it will There aro still thirty games to bo played y Vt ntlo,nhc,0 la nt tho B1lght.t doubt that It has aken a'n n" nB(lcrablo cttorl on tho ,! .onsclentlous work on tho part of our 8 flh" re"B, l lVl an untalt.-',n5 hold upon the popular ap- o a fcw of thc ,ooal .orRanlieril. to players, aided by a repetition of tho same aBMimo that thero wl h m, mi c ance P , , . Y , L, " " I Wt tho different clubs together again. I uA that attended our effort tho llrst of J1 tnh,c 'J "0 13 "ff lCn" " ?,nd cr,,ck.t ".I? '.5 "ig think tho lack of Interest In wheeling dur- ,h0 season, will land tho banner for Omaha. " 'ik clubs it lh end 0Bf the ea,on Dr f ""UrC m,0""", , l" ""' g.? H9I?" 1"K the last two seasons Is directly trace- I .old Captain O'Connoll In Ills ofllclal g Z week the western club's Save ma" ,"un,ltl" wh,lch PWnl for It a long expositions. Wheel- ranarity as thc head of tho team to cut out Z .Vfn r,,!0 Z t ""iLrIA.Ii1"' ! .. .1 . . 1 !!i l!l men. and. for that matter, every one else. n forms of amusement detrimental to good , . " " u" " -' . .ul . as too busy entertaining guests and don ork on tho part or me players, mo win Pittsburg havo Intrenched themselves the rxcrciio his authority in this direction and, moro s(,dly In their ncaltlons at tho head what ' more, tho boys will nil co-operate 0f tho column. In tho American Comlskoy's uh him. Tho best of feeling exists nmong White Stocking have been Indulging In a tho players and I still Insist that wo havo continuous performance ot playing that vlr- tho champion team of the league." tually Insures tho pennant for Chicago. argument. Those who have not pinyi stand without the palo whence no simple statement can penetrate. Thoso who are familiar with the Joy of 'the sport are In no need of pcrsuaolon. Then It Is a con venient game; one, or two or half a dozen may participate to mutual advantage. If ig tho exDoaltlons to nay any nttentlon to snorts of any kind. Tho result of this lack ot Interest Is commencing to mane u- FClf felt by those who enjoy riding over tho suburban roads, as well as those wno use tho wheel for convenience In getting to and from their dally labors. Tho former , 7T. , , "'one, too, nao neon repeating mc a man wlaues to shun the gamo ho may , ,. vpi. natilf, ,imi macadam Thompson nnd nnlrd, the new men signed Rrcat Hpurt lhoy took nfter the eclg(m Wl8 arQUn(1 fc carCJ miss the well ff' l,y Manager Itourko on hip recent trip hnlf ovt,r nro now ,n alghl of follrtb ha fa , ' h h , h roads which the eclated J i u through Illinois, are showing up In good plnce. prlvllege-nnd ho may send the caddie over o wheeLen In tho street, ImoiJ form. Tho former succeeded Joo Wright in ,h hm Wlthal tt Is a clean InvlEorat- , , ;w,cclnlP" ' ,,. left field and Ualrd took "Voiceless Tim" CHANCE FOR P.HFSS PLAYERS t nJ1 , ",J8, A,.0 h'" 1 n ont r,!,' Hooded by tho cn both Vftourko'8 position nt second. They nro l.oth fielding well nnd doing especially com mendable work nt the bat. Uajrd Is par ticularly nrfectlvo In hla stick work. In tho gamo with Sioux City, played on tho home grounds Wednesday, ho distinguished " " ' ..... ... , t I lllh"l HUH lllUJIIIIih, num j of strength and skill, which nro thc delight (,ry gtrlp nlonK Fftch cjK0 mo3l convenient oi Americans. Twn nan hn clubs ot Umntia auc- Such being tho game's standing, It lo no rp,i.i i,. Bpttine this concession from the wonder that tho rank outsiders crave a .,. cnrinkiinp nennln. but It has since been disregarded. Another notlccnblo in convcnlcnco la the enormous amount of glass broken Into lino bits that is found DR. McGREW'S OFFICE IS NOW OVER 215 SOUTH I4TH STREET between FARNAlfl & DOUGLAS. Free Consultations! Free Examinations! Only $5 a month FOR TREATMENT or a Guarantee Cure win bo giv en at tho Lowest Charges a11 curablo eases. Dr. McGrew is the pio neer of Low Prices. Hundreds of bases of Diseases and Disorders of Men I" boon Permanently Cured by Dr. Mc(i row's treat ment for less than a month's treatment would cost elsewhere. DR. McCREW HAS TREATED Fifty Thousand Cases of Diseases f; Disorders of Men only w tf r II r . u! u . IA Vooun !h Ttmnltn 60 Tears OT Uniimiien CXponcnuc 1 icms in umana. ELEQTSlOflL AND MEDICAL TREATMEN f OSftSBiNED. Htmrs. S a. tn. to 5 p, in; 7 to 8 p. in. Sundays !) tt 12. P. O. Box 766. Office over 215 S. J 4th St., between Farnam and Douglas St., OMAHA. DR.M cGREW Secoml Anntinl Ovrr-tlir-llonrd Tour nntiintit lo He Held nt Lin coln .et .'Moiitli. share In tho fun. Tho nubile narks, at Tho Nebraska Chess association will hold ipnat In several cases, would furnish an ex- hlnieelf by lining out threo doubles In flvo ito socoud ovcr-tho-board tournament In cellcnt elte for a Rolf links with the cx- times at bat. Tommy Hughes, too, has boon Lincoln on September i, C and 6. At this , dlturo ot little tlmo nnd money. Kven " ,.,,,,i Vf,r ..lmn.t nvrrv street In town. Kivlng a good account of himself. Tho two tlmo tho ntnto fair will bo In progress, and Uanecom park, where the trees furnish mnknK jt nn almost utter Impossibility to last games ho haB pitched havo boon vie- members of tho association can take ad- R perpetual shade, there Is still room for rl,in i tno twilight or dusk ot evening lories nnd his old tlmo effectiveness Is onco vnntago of tho reduced railroad rates. All an excellent links, up hill and down dale, Wlthout getting a punctured tire. There moro standing him In good hnnd. Hughes Is mombors desiring to enter tho tournament with nn ldenl turf underfoot. In Itlvcr- nro nny numbcr of other minor nuisances without doubt ono of the best pitchers that will bo required to pay n tournament foe vlow park the nusplces aro equally favor- wheelmen hnvo to contend with which were has ever performed In tho west nnd with of CO cents. Persons not now members ot able, while In nny ono of the half dozen ai,nost unknown In tho days of tho Asso- jiroper earn of himself has u brilliant future tno association may join upon nppiicn- tracts, naif-transformed Into parks, the lay- cmted Cycling Clubs, nnd, If for no other before him. Hon to tho secretary1, C. Q. Do France, ng out of a good golf courso would bo a rcaaon than for self-protection, every Lincoln. smnll labor. Tho matter haa not as yet n-hneimnn In Omaha should feel It his duty rrU ltlhtnx CI,aI nnb n. Ill TMn Minrn llf. I 1tt1,AlI,,.it ia tnimnamnltr aVlflll Tin fl I Ki .ah nnll n nrtlnn U nim1t I . . . . H.I.. 1 1.. A A ..vnAnl fnnl nmimnmpnt fnr tho lnrcc contlnccnt of knnnknut or nlnvcd In Bcctlons will denciul iloncra. hut It la nndpratooil that n com tt, n.A nt n Anron whcoX cluha in Miy Clio.ip, uiimioii un iw of huHo ball lovers In this city, beginning I upon tho vote of ft majority of thoao on-1 munlcatlon will bo addrcpecd to them at n omnhn, which might bo banded together if wboso mukoi'n nro lmnUrupt, when Just tomorrow, when tho locals nnd St. Joseph terlng. Tho entire tournament runu win meeting in tae near future. some ono would only make a start. who a llttlo moro money will nny you soino begin a BcrloR of four games preparatory to bo expended In prizes, to bo awarded tho whllo the expense of plnylng golf Is wm it bo?M thins rollnblo? nnw nn between tho Colta and tho Salnta in hn senntn ehamber at Lincoln possibly of mountlne un to formidable nronortlons .,m vi.iwnv r'vnin trnek If 5'0U arc tletoiiiiineil to tune a cucnii for third ploco will mako this series cspo- at tho Union Commorclnl club rooms, In tho enso ot many frco-hearted but it"- today nromlsts to bo ono of tho best tha't whool wo can ,'lve you tlu liost valuiM dally Interesting and every player on both The secretary desires that every member pecunlous young persons. Ono youth who j,n3 ,,,,,, gvcn E0 jnPt There will be six In thu city for your nionoy. teams will undoubtedly bo on his mcttlo. who expects to nttend will writo to mm lias been a constnnt habituo or tno country ovcts, beginning with tho mllo novice, tho l-idles" day will como Tuesday and the fair 8oon, stating that fact nnd giving sug- club grounds has curtailed his visits some- ono.mie professional handicap, one-mllo sex will bo accorded tho usual warm wel- gcstlons as to method of play, etc. Tills what because of tho inroads tho indulgence nInatcur handlcnp, one-mllo motor cxhlbl- romo. noses will Do Ulsinmitcu to nn la an opportunity ror tno unugias uomuy uas oeen maKing upon ui nremj nuyviiu. ,on i an endeavor to break previous COLUMBIA BICYCLES $30.00 ladles In attendance. Ono ot tho Interesting features of this series will ho tho presence on tho St. Joo team of Ulbblo Klynn, tho old Indlanapo- NO MONEY Will Not Curr-ll le. Sot "urn .nil Winter nnd AmienU tn your Hrltcr Jd...e,,t-lhr lloclor Cn tlon. You About Imltntloiin. ... r.inHtderatlon atrengui i . ","::.., ..hvsiclun Chess association to mako n good showing When ho had employed hla caddies, lost n ri,cora8 nnd n tandem Australian pursuit In over-the-board play. can or two, possioiy DroKen a ciuu iur mu raco There nro threo teams entered, com- . , player Is more zealous than experienced pMe(1 of Bomo of tho ftvgtcst amatcurs in Alnrsnnti, ine ooy lavuruc ui mo anu nnnny cnierinmeu wnoovor nupiieueu tj,Q 8(at0 0( Nebraska. lyn Chess club, has returned wun tno to bo with him at dinner, he round ntmseir The nvo.mn0 motor paco promises also honors or ins supern snowing ui i-uno hmu seriously out ot pocitet. un a puuuu inmn upon him, nnd la balng foted and toasted several ot theso Items might bo eliminated by his enthusiastic fellow clubmen. His wm, reasonable caro and the pastlrao need partisans aro eager in tneir acniai mat not c05t tho participant any material sum fortuno played nny part in ine young champion's success, and point to the com- jn a recent Interview In the Chicago profe,8OUai handicap will undoubtedly be J'"" monoy menaaiions ot mm oesiuwi-u tui wows secretary vt. a. aioshuuci m mu nn cnlivenlng event, owing to tho fact that perts. Marshall will not chnllcngo rills- Exmoor club makes an earnest plea for LaW80n nnd oidflcld will como togcthor aud bury for tho Unltod States championship moro public golf courses In tho Windy city. w, glart from BCralci,, they.belng about an Just at present, nltnouGn ne may tnao "Moro golf llnka anouid uo proviueu, no ftl matchi . LaWson, whllo In Salt such n Btop wnen nis puwuin imm uau " says, Dccauso ino pcopio uru ifuiuiu6 llttlo moro opportunity to ripen. Marshall the gamo by tho thousand, aud it is no- True, I to be a hair-raising ovent. Iver I.nwson, a recent nrrlval from Salt Lako City, will follow tho niachlno with tho express Inten tion of lowering all previous records for flve-mllo raco by motor. Tho one-mllo $13.50 to $25.00 Wo can kIvo you an up-to-date bi cycle litiulu by reliable nianufucttirerH. Sewing Machines. Wo employ no aentR-puy no com missions ho see us and we will save We Sell The weaknoss unnaiuiui. i ,d I ...... ... ,,. in the final round Lin, nnnnlnr with nil classes. foBy K""lv "iint- with 'Mnroczy to a misconception after ho til0ro has been a raovo mado by tho South urai strengtlicner had prepared nn olaborato lino of play sl(i0 par) comralsstonera to provldo audi for wcaic inon """ for tho occasion. courses ror tno puDiic, uui wiey um women. It M: keeping them in proper shapo. The links t!,rc?rcl?r..L ,i v W. niddle of Omaha and II. B. Ham- . ,fflr!in nrk couid bo kent in as good nnd I havo demon- mond of Wymoro aro leading In tho finals conaiton us any couroo nt tho big clubs DAVIS. SIXfiUU. STAN DA HD AND YICTOUIA. Lako recently, broko tho world's record tor tho samo distance, lowering It to 1:59, nnd If Oidflcld manages to push his whoel over tho tape first ho will havo to rldo the and a line of cheap machines as low as raco of his life. ' SK1.00. Spoclr.il sale on Kocond hand , .... much nes, .Monday. Some as low as Another Lot of 1001900 Models Matison Bicycles $25.00 lVothiiig to equal the Mansoit selling less than $35.00 or $40.00. Over 500 in uho in Omaha. Tho biggest genuine bargain ever offered in a bicycle. Other makes $15.00 and $20.00 Single Tube Tires $1.25. M. & W. Tires $2.75 Omaha Bicycle Co., lGlh and CIiIciiro Street. V.d. T. lleyden, Mgr. -k. ntrutcd the fact in f th(J Nobraflkn chess association. Ono or . a ,lttlo attention, provided, of inoni than.. "" ...m in nil nrnhnhllltv. win the B n,.f.iao hnnn cases I atuuieu pu- tno own-. 7" " ' , 1 courBO, u wkb BUiu - One-Mlle Prnfessliinnl-Harney cnampioiioi'ii'. - i to ncgin wun. nm ji""'" ---- scrntcn; iver Knwson M. O. Llndcr, ttently and worked know exactly what It will no, ana guur nntno t)io cure In ov evry case whoro I recommend It; If my Belt will not euro you I will frankly toll you so. for 1 do not wnnt nn v.- sick man or woman's money unless I can euro thorn. Dr. Bennett's Electric Belt Vi'ai Invented by me, and 1 know thor- ouchly tno muscular mm Kimmumi i tern of men nnd women. This Is. my spe clalty and this Is a day or apeciaiists. nnvrr uso uriiKB. i cuum events: One-Mllo Novice O. Mardls. Coleman. Ttalnh Tomnsett. K. V as gotten Into first-class shape fc. a. "' PrnfeMnnn,Ilnrnp 01(lfpl, Salt I.nke City. nnd a great many seratch: Georgo Mlerntcln, 40 vnrds; K. U. ablo to join soma ' nursman, w yams; u. v. uaime, ii yan " I T.il (nnlrunn inila Inula Ii Inanhnr 1 v' this week. . one ot tho regular goir ciuoa nao neen ynr(ls Tho six players in tno nnai rounu uu Ereatly benefited by playing over tno puo- uneouio Amateur liiinaicap-iiennou. I ( ,,t. nro ns follows: grounj """i" ,' , Knrth ?Ii1h nark scrntc i : Shceler, ncrntch; Schult!!, 15 ynrds; icir scorcB to date aro as "8' . hc course. Tho West and North b Ue parK Swe,lcb' 20 y'nrdH. u 'sawyer. 30 yards; wJj0Uilir5?feStefd neck race. Last week they drew In one wUh approvai, a my Eloctrio Uclt. 1 of their games, tho score of which wo print peop,0 who ,iave nol the! ., i.'n a r commissioners woum uo wen iu unun i"u j-arrott. w yarus; Mtetzmnn, nj ynnis; .ne- A. KasmiiHsen. South I Omaha n 4 h nf tho South Sldo commissioners lines. Lincoln, CO ynrdx; 'l'uylor. "0 yards; IT. II. Ilnmmond. vmore.. m h example of tno soutn aiu ,,,,.., Coleman, SO yards: Tompsott, 90 yarilx; F. W. Illddle. OnHiha...... 2',i V4 and put in courseB at Lincoln, Humboldt. nIlU,0be'rir yanls; K q 'ntrcli, ll6 O. Q. Vv I'nincn. Line ol n.. 0 o JJ Douglas nnd Oarflcld parka. It la very j.nr(8, E- U UJWind::o 0 10 m5 nxnense to lay out ono ot these One-Mllo Motor on-l,C. llau IJ, 11 l.c, 1 $1.00. Wl KI3NT SUWIXCS .MACHINES AT 7."e IMOlt WHUK. Wo rt'imlr unci sell parts for ovory lluo of niuclilnos iiiiiiiufiu'tui'cd. WU HUNT AND SELL TYI'HWUI- THItS. Nebraska Cycle Co. Totuls -6 , . 1.--.,!-, ,,n Mm I '"llii 111111117 lltUU'llI. (111 UIU IIIll ot courses, nuu ihu oa-jvmow a -1 uriirso nersiein win iohow jmco in an grCCIlS ttltCrwaru WOUU uo yu 1 uumui iu ui can, 1110 iiiav ouuuuj n ..i.iUlnM 4a thnr nvnT1(lPfl IOT Kl'UlUUK Lite 1 , it. if. I uuuiiiuu i-u v .... - 1 TaiUIi Following is me bcumi m uo Urounds itfcon'd tron Phouo 10U3. 5 Cor. 15th mid llnrney BARGAINS' 200 at WORLD BICYCLES $25.00 each money If I did, for It, does not cost o cent to write n prescription. 1 "r do so nnd treat you honostly, however. for 1 know drugs cnnnoi mm '" cure. Drugs glvo cjulck results, but you always fall tmck Into a worso condition, A euro by Klectriclty Is always rfrma nent. Probably you Lave robbed Nature ly Hbuslng Nature's lawn. My Uelt Is tho greatest restorer known to clenco. Klec triclty Is what you need. My Uelt i ant becoming the world'M remedy for these weaknesses of men nnd woman. It on Its merits. It Is tried and true. I have received 1,000 unsolicited testimonials within tho last month. I never solicit testimonials. The cures my Uolt performs nro tho kind thut travel by , word of mouth-tho kind ono restored jufferer likes to tell to unother unfortunate. My treatment appeals to tho Judgment. I absolutely guarantee Dr. Hcnnett s Electric Holt to permanently cure Sexual linpotcticy. Lost Manhood. Varicocele Bpermatorrhorn nnd all Sexual Weak nesses In either sex; restore Shrunken or Undeveloped OrgaiiB nnd Vitality; cures lUieumatlsm In nny guise. Kidney. Liver nnd Uladder Troubles. Chronlu Constipation, Nervous uud General De bility, Dyspepsia, nil Female Complaints, etc. My Klectrlo Uelt has soft, silken cham ois. covered spongo electrodes that can not bum, blister, rry unci cremate uie patient oh do the bare metal electrode.. used on all other muketi of belts, 'these Klectrodes are initio to uso excluslvely for 1 Invented them. As a reward for m work tho United States government hn Informcd me that I alone can uso them Of cour-e, there nro Imitations every thing having merit has Its Imitators Counterfeits of uny nrtlcle are no good You know that. Do not be taken In b counterfeits. There nro about 100 different makes of electric belts. All will do you eood If they, glvo enough current to bt curative; but all of them have these bare metal electrodes uiion which VerdUrli will accumulate. Verdigris Is a deadl) poison and should not be next your skin. Call or write today got my New Hool bout Klectriclty . Symptom Ulanks, tea ttmonliil.i, eto., freo for tho usktng. M Klectrlo Suspensory for tho euro of th various diseases of mon KHKK to even male patient, Consultation and advlci without cost. If you want to give som. other belt a trial write to mo before yoi buy It. I keep them all, so you ran com pare thorn with mine, and I will loan yoi one to try. If you havo an old stylo bol that burns or gives no current, send li to me as half prlco of one of mine. Sold only bv llr DCWMCTT Electric Belt Uli I It 00 in 1H to St DiniKln Illnek. (lip. Iln-ilen'a, Corner 10th nnd DihIkt St.. OMAHA, MSII. OKKICR HOUIlS-Krom 8:30 a. m. to 8:3! p. m Sundays I'rom 10:30 a. m. to 1. p m Wednesday and Saturdaya l'rom S.30 0 d to I d, m. nnished In tho llnal round of the Nebraska 1 Chess association's second tournament; more miri.inniVH I1KFKNSK. whiio-ilniTunond. uiacH-liiaue, l-l'-K :-.i'.cj s. 5 1 x P. 4 Kt-K 11 3. C-H-K I. ft-l-K 3. 7-Q Kt-Q 2. 6- 0 Kt.U 4. 911-Q !. 10- II-Q 11 3. 11- P x Kt. 1!-Q Kt.Q 2. 11 Kt-K 4. 141' X It. IS U-Q 3. I9-Kt-Q 2. 17- Q.H 3. 18- P-K n 3. 19- Q.Kt 4. -K IM1. 21-1' x Q. 23-K-K I. 21-l'.Q It 4. 21-Q Il-Kt. 2.1-Il-H 4. 26- H-Q 5. 27 Kt-Q 1 4. :e 11 x ict. 10 K It-Q. -U-Q 3. ji-n-K n. 11- p-K n 3 3J-H-K H 5. 31-U-CJ Kt 6. 3.-,-l'.Q D 4. Drawn. a8 neither player daro to break through. l-P-K 4. 2- Kt-K n 3. 3- P-Q 4. 4- Kt x P. &-! Kt-lt 3. 6- 11-Q .1. 7- Castles. 8- P-K H 4. 9- P- K n 5. 1&-11-Q I 4. 11- Kt x 11. 12- Q-K n 3. 13- 11-K It 4. 14- 11 x Kt. 15- Q rt-Q. 16- P-K Kt 4. 17- K-ll. IS ILK Kt. n 3. 2-Q.n r.. 21- CJ x Q. 22- I'-K H 3. 23 P-Q 11 3. 24- K-Kt 2. 2SH-Q Kt. 2tl-K ll-Q. ST-Kt-H 4. 28- Kt x Kt. 29- P-Q It 4. 30- P-Q Kt 3. 31- K-Kt 3. 33- ll-Q 3. 33-Q Il-K It. S4-I1-K . 3J-P.Q 11 4. Tho rules of golf as governed by the ,wnl nmi Ancient Oolf club of St. An- . ' ,..ii.i wllb rullncB follow; urows nau uccu iiiiiui - 1 rccoras. and Interpretations ny ine Everything at tho track Is In shlp-shapo mltteo ot tho United States Qolf nssoc a- fln(, (ho Brnn(j8tnn(, ,9 covore(1 throughout tlon. In addition to the establlaiicii rules wUh canvaR. no ono w ,mve t0 gt ,n thQ laid down tho committee lays empnas s gun Thfl manaKCncnt la contemplating, upon tho etiquette of golf which it spcci- commoncInft woek fter thla ,,uttlng on a fles shall bo as uintiing upuu -" meet ono evening of ench week. Manager ' cm Pursuit Itnce. Onen Shceler nnd 1...1.... ...,., Uennott. Swedeberg and Mcllney, third solution of oxallo ncld'. This preclpi- team to bo maxlci up of the other three t(.H n ,,wder. which l an ovulate of Iron men. Stotzmnn. Parrot t nnd ScljiilU. an,lwii cli should be collected by pouring K. C. llansman and Harney Oldlleld on ,,,,, KV,iiiiif, iiirniii-h a nleco of lifter imner the Motor-lver Lawson of Bait Lake will i" " "..V 1 'u.fc ft. " h 'V. V1 by K tn (.(.11 viiuvuui iwnci iidwuub ... wnlnr tlirnuuli 1!. unci allow 1L lo ( rv 1 Tho codo Is Iicnson expects to light tho track with nro i,ut when It hapiiena to work loose while Then bent It on it shovel or 111 nil Iron vessel to a dull red lieat. It then becomes tho tlnrK rcil oxiue 01 iron, wnicu ih ino principal constituent of many well known tnntn 1 .inllHliefl. anil will bo found to re- storo ttio liistro of old enamel where the ordinary polishing powder fails. It should be aimllod with 11 piece of rh.imolH leather A Hhix'Htrlng la a Hinnll tiling in us way, the other rules of tho gamo l. . n .. fOlnWH I llt.l , 1 A ,i A, ...tt. 1 I f,.,. Iu .ul.it.llm ft Iu llrihln tn rv.HMn 11 liirLTf uriciiy n """"' . , i fiuia, bu iiiai inunu iiu uu iiui wind n t ..., v...... . ... ........ - -- I.-lrBt-A single player has no standing .. . fh c!llniinv mnnttl ...in hn..n nn amount of trouble. In fact, u loose shoe- nnd must always give way to a properly altcn, tho hunday meets win hao an t , pr,.H,.ntH tho samo dnnger to the Shunted match. . opportunity to sco tho racing. careless wheelman that the abandoned Crcond-No" Player. cn,ld.e or onlooker should move or tarn u rii.i. ; ''"";M , IliiU for Wlieelmeii V.i , .r .,..rtv in r front has plaved hla Sometimes a chain climbs tho sprocket Utwtfi and la out of .nnge; nor teeth a d r sprocket with no ;u v -.niinv. ill rMi li v.-trn tl I ict 1 1 11 lir 1 1 , can no pffocted ny tuinir down pnch Sliy up " to the T nutting green till the party PPa In front has noteu out h i. or tho Bnr(,cket teeth a llttlo bo ns to allow iiAvl'n,V in olav before his op- the chain block to Ho deeper than before. Bliuuiu """-V'," - I A rlilni U'lln Id fnrtlinnt.. nnnnirli irt .nlilnm P0.!?..' . ' i..; v.n.. iinln.l nut should iirp.l tn nun tlm rulihnr unlnilnn in i.Ij tim nnrv strain nnil never of leather. not try their putts over again when other repair outllt often llnds It too dry for uso Cyclometers enn now bo obtained In so nlaverf) aro following them. , when tho occasion demands. In sunh ease many small and unobtrusive pattums and Sixth-Players looking for a lost ball a little naphtha, benzlno or gasoline added nt such a moderate price that there Is no . . . . .. 1 nnni 1111 M , , . If ...Ml ... r, T. . , f. ..un ...1 ...1 1....... uIiai.M nn) must allow oiner inaivin." Luimnn "i- " i ..... ,i. .n. ..--.. reason way rvi-rj uri-uiinu p,,iim,i. in,. miM tnem. . .. i a koou cement lor insieni IE urins nn n n uire. . i iuun ir, ....... .... he bull or foursome to pass linnntiii. iH.el does to tho unwnrv nedestrlnn. It should bo tied ns soon as It Is felt to bo loose, ns otherwise It Is Untile to knot around tho crank nnd causa a sudden stop nnire. cenernllv with disastrous results. For this renson shoes with patent fasteners aro to bo preferred to the ordinary variety, and tho strings, which should bo us short as possible, should bo tho common niolialr Kinil, wnicu win ureuK iiniier an uxiruuioi- ns long us they last. Como quick nnd get your choice of them. Over 1,000 are iu use in Omaha. Tiicy nro tho Strongest and smoothest running wheel man... Clark Bicycles, $19.50 Yolatide Bicycles $25.00 80 days salo on now and secondhand UugKles and Cnirlagcs. H. E. FREDRICKSON, 15th and I)otli;c Struct. l'lionc 2101. Fremont Out of It iss them, . .. A goon cement ror fastening grips on own one. a ryciomcier 1.1 nm mi.v um-jiu Seventh-Oil reauest being made a threo- handlebars Is made by soaking white glue, for recording illstunceH, but t in prnw under nil match must allow u single, threesome n Wnter until soft, when a gentle heat will various conditions of road, wind nnd grade a whole round may claim tho right to pass iiqui,i B,le lH theu mlxed with whiting to with a watch nnd tho rider can thus obtnlii a mutch plnylng a shorter round. ft thick pnstc nnd applied to the Inside of nn exnet knowledge of his s reiigth hud Klghth-lf a match fall to keep Its place tho r,, wlth a stlcls. llay or two sh0uld enduninco and so provide against undear- on the green ana lose in uiuik" " " oo nuoweu ror tno cement to narueu botoro u 'VVn "'"-" ' i,, one clear holo on thoso In front It may be usinB tho wheel. In attaching a cyclometer care must b Cleveland Bicycles arc the Highest grade and lightest made u-pAvrnv vli.. .Tulv 31 To the Snort lug Editor of The Ueo: At the York 8hm,d nt once be replnred, passen on ret uesi uniiu iimu-. .,,,.,i,.t in iim stralchtaway hose rare on tho second day the following time was made: York, 29; Fremont, 29; Htnnton. 30. ,n". Sn Alliance 32 seconds. This left York York winning In M 3-5 seconds and I;ro mont 30 1-5 seconds, There were three moneys hung up for tho ruce. How should they be divided '-O. A. KHKHLY. York, llrst: Btanton, second, Alliance, third. Fremont lost all claim on priie money when It ran off tho tie and was defeated, If tho chain bolt comes out nnd Is lost, when no meuns or repair are at hand, a It Is easy enough to renlnco a chain on the sprockets If you know how. Plnce the middle of tho chain on the rear sprocket anil men nring ino enus logoincr on tno front sprocket nnd the teeth will hold tho chain Iu placo while the chain bolt Is being replaced. Do not screw up tho nuts on the rear axle tno tight, ns the cones may bo injured nt tno llrst revolution or the wheel, and before It can be loosened again. It Is well to remember that the hlngo of n good, strong gate usually makes an ex cellent vise for use In case of serious bend ing of nny part of tho wheel nnd where a temporary repair must be niude In order to allow further progress. Of course, It re dUlrcs two or more tn work It. one to Jam tlin i.iitn ulmt fiiri.ttwt Mm hn ntll.'lut r ,ir:inLr At ine weemesuay evening uiveiuig 01 iim rorK, or wnatovcr is neing siraigiitenci;, Tonth-A player should carefully fill up tin pi mn n uv iiinintiii in it iiunm-i. ivmith it Is the duty of the umpire or rrmi to tnko coenlrance of nny broach nf rule that ho may observe, whether he bo appealed to on tho point or not. WHISTERS KEEP UP PLAY Five Tnltle KiiKnueil nt I.nt Meeting: mil Home Interentlnir Sit notion Produced. common wire nail, such us can bo got at Omaha Whist club flvo tables were ongaged anu one or more to hold tho part In place. SAMlZtoa-tSSS, MnfllVVyTho "d some very Interesting situations were KSoanrro'Jno gr'15' ,0 P.r. n?..u. '.'i.'l. iJn3,'l.ZJl'Li:LzS AW produced during the play. For North and Wi,Hlmi, .hn fnr nnv renson. tm,i it lusiiiii iBiif.ni '"""""1 .i, a tn,i t,i ii .ih .'".:..:::. r. 11. .v.'..;r.. r:.j".-,r ",h .'"i! i",t."vv' .v"""- by Iiamnicring ursi 011 one mp nun uicn ouiuu vuiimiwvn .-.n; ...... uci;L-anui- m i iwu wiimu iik ivjik may men oc piai'cii in uu iihiku hi u kuui the other, then Insert It, nnd rivet It 'by a Piug 0f nne, and Coe and Jtedlck showed t. nuiy avoid the uso of tho uncertain the gate closed tightly upon It and the pir hammering between two HtoneB' If no hum- ,h' f F , , ,Ve.t wlth nlu, of uml uncomfortable troiifers cllii by having straightened by using tho erunk un a lever ! cr Is handy. It will answer thrf purposo the way for r.ast unu cbi wun a pius 01 ft ,look un(, (,ye Hlt(.,r,i to tint Inside of . -Company, nicr Is handy, it will answer the purpouo perfectly, and can afterward be removed very easily by cutting ott the head with n lialr of pliers ' seven. Tho scores were as loiiows: ' NOKTII AND SOUTH. Comstock nnd Melklo 372 All IntestlnnI Troubles Prevented. "JirreU urn sumney. .. Ten cents worth of prevention Baves for- ""yy,. , "", imckfeiiow 29 tunes in doctor bills and funeral expense. Thomas und Bushman 10c buys a box of Cacarets Candy Cathartic 13 AST AND WEST. Druggists, 10c, 25c, 60c. Coe and Itedlck 133 -t 4 -5 tn k..n tn tit it lii the nnintir manner, which varies materially with the different makes, Iu order that It may properly perform Its functions. Mistakes aro often made In do ing this, und tho cyclometer condemned us faulty In consequence. Tho commonest result of n collision Is a bent crank or nodal pin, nnd the former In particular Is often very troublesome to re pair on tho road. If possible. It should be tukeii off und placed In u vise and strnlcht ened with ft bar. A blacksmith can do this, but ho should bo watched while be Is lin ing It- If Hi" crank cannot be removed, It must bo held In u vise or supported In some way which will take the strain off the axel. If tho pedal pin Is so badly bent that the pedal pin will not rovolve, even when tho bearing Is loosened on account of tlio side plate catching ngnlnst tho crank turn the pin around In the crank slot If tho pin Is detachable, It may easily bo straightened by lemovlng the pedal, leav ing tho pin iittacneii to mo cranK. i no pin o in vert ,.,..1. In nf t.a l.ftii.ir. ,u,nr (1... lw.tt..n anil wide enouch nnurt to make tho trou- The dread of people with weak lung" who sers tit closely enough to the unklo when 3l1rfcr with Htubborn coughs is consumpllon. '"."u"K"'7""."l.VA ' i, V. Foley's Honey and Tar, If taken in tlmo. that the 'fullness of' tho cloth will come on cureB the cold, heals tho lungs and always the outside of tho ankle, away from tho ,.ureg incipient consumption. Myeia-DIIlon cranks. n Co Omaha, Dlllcn's Drug Store, A I'UIIBIlllif. "111. II ..III nwi. PllttHll r.-,,, n t the tincst enamel can bo mado bv uddlnc u ouia wniaua. A uevinteui pound Clevelnnu Hlcyclo runs eailer thnn the heavy wheels. LuBt Sunday'n summer air was made to vibrato by tho ringing cheers of the great crowd at the Cycle Hates when tho gallant llttlo rider, Mlcrsteln, on a Cleve land bicycle, covered a milo In 1.1". tho fastest milo ever ridden In Omahu or the stato of Nebraska. li(llll) UK V I.I1S WITH I V HA US' fJtAH A.XTUIJ FOIl ki:i,R, 915.UU, lltT AXI )HMM). llei'iilrlnit and renthiK n iieeliiM. Cleveland Cycle Co., Ti:i,i:i'iit)M ittiH. id) .VOIITII 1UTII HTHBI2T. L'ORE YOURSELF! U llllfJ fnr uoliutiirM i)lchar.'(F, iMflkiuima'ious, imu.ui.ti irriiiiuD or uirtrmmm ,i 10 HrUtutt, of m ii a u ramubrsnf. jl'rir.nii ciiiKui, J'.il:u, ani'. Mil ailrlu fHtEWISCHtMlfuno. W"1 T rouo'i-u. HCII.Nni.1,a "T ffrilSBl.l. . 1.4'fmfr atif In rilnln r n rtjii V'B-'-jOM l,y elMe,,' pifDadi: ill l 10. or I tiotllff. 7A. T."v Orlclnftl muA Only (Jeauli ith kivtrltiMii TuLBinnuts.tr. HcTum Uunt Bu f jtur lirifilit. r m4 4t la H.r.M far 1-MrtlfuUr. 1 tll (oonl it 4 'MtellcT fmr .a.IU.Mifi tfr, by - turn ttl. lll.MtOTi-iLlniUU. Held br all Drur-lsts tfklL.tA. 4'k.l..l Viittoa iti pyti MadltOH ft u ware r saw I i J jaji -m siam -m Bladder iblcs at once. URINARY DISCHARGES Kach Cap- " N nt'tf-ln. V C ltrwarrif linrlftt roll 4tfVVAfViVNAfNrVffVVW'. fO'? RESULTS TELL TIIU IU:i: WANT AT8 imcodiu'j: ur.suirs. j 9