Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1900, Page 19, Image 19

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    THE OMAHA "DATLY 7ETC: sr'DAY, ATCrST 5, 1000.
roil H,i.i:-m: n.r.sTATi:
UMIOAINS Willi n 1110-11.
SNAPS with H. Bltl-S.
t,,. Nli bolus St., lot 60x160, 8-ronm.
,rgt. two-story hnuKo, good repair, .'or
s week will sell for, O-N-L-Y, $830
i ji Dewey live, two block rarnam
r liiir. 60x127. 8 rooms, $1,quq.
ILJ Howard St., 150x12. cor., lying lino.
' mms. num. iiowi. closet, not and cold
w i r
Sewnrd, 2 block from cur line,
VtxI.V), 9-room. strlctlv modern.
h Mrnnco, J2.300; 1300 cash, bulunuo
i- ,t. SNAP.
M t .s .South '.list St., H, front, full lot,
ll ,f 7 moms. Htrlctly modern, well built
li .into, with barn. An elegant homo. A
. . Hire location, ',4 block from Hnnseom
l-,rk line. Wo nro GOING to SELL It.,
ti "
4i Si 82214 Mouth 20th, 2 houses, rent
t month. uO-foot lot, will take mock
gnnds In (.art puyment.
Whm Rome of these HNAI'H lire koii.,
Y"l will mi. Oil, MY! why didn't you
mi ii'i. Then fr re If you lire In the mur-k-come
around and wo will tell you
nhoil these, and OTHERS. Wo'rc In Inn
TELLING business, and we tell you that
money TELLS what cull bo done. TELL
-m what you will give and wo will TELL
me oilier iciiow. nee. ine incur
Tel. 170. 310 N. Y. Ufc.
IMtOOM sttletly modern brick residence,
with full block of ground, covered with
hrnutlful trcca; hojso coHt 120,000. Mako
A lino residence North 24th for 111.000.
9 Itooms, barn. Park Ave., chain at $1,000.
Ji Rooms, burn. 2th fi. Douglas, 60-foot
Kmun ironi, jii.wju.
New X-room brick, oak finish, oak floors
full basement, Htrlctly modem, mantle,
permanent walks, shade slawn, every-
i anil, an gtiou us money wouiu mane, ll
Onlv J4.000.
8-room. nil modern, llanscnm home. 13.500.
2Mb mar l'oppleton Ave., 8 rooms, modern
except furnace, full lot. barn, nice lawn
and trees, any reasonable offer takes It
Ih s tvek.
G-lloor.i modern cottage. Al repulr, paving
piiiu, goon neignoornooii, lawn, snadc
worth .',50o: J1.7u) takes It.
& iiooms. jkihi near scwuni, city water,
only ?Uj0.
An SO-acre Imtiroved farm, central
ecilisln, for Omaha, eottaite.
6-Room modern cottage, Omaha,
money for 80 acres, Douglas Co.
Oooil cottage home and J2,tw for
wnni navo you r
10-Room house In line
... .
i llnu Hhupo, und money
or harpv Co.
EET, 822 N. Y. Ll FE.
for W) acres Dou
812 acres 12 miles west of Umiiha, near Mil
lard, $55 per acre,
80 acres 11 miles N. W., price $1,600; Includes
farm Implements, stock and grain,
0) acres 10 miles west of postotllce, 10
room house, largo barn; suitable fdr Hum
mer residence, fruit raising, gardening or
farming; price, Jl.oou. SNAP.
P2 H, 20Ih st., 6-rootn house, price Sl.iWO.
2325 Decatur St., Inrgo house, tWxl2S feot,
price $1,201).
52.1 8. 1Mb St., 6-room house, price $2,200.
1113 urn! 1115 N. 17th st.. lot 60x110 feet, pav
ing paid, price $2.5(p0.
N E. corner of 26th and Cuming sts., 2
nouses, price ;,,;(ou. Hi'ilJUT tJFFHH.
U-room modern .house, corner lot, within
four blocks of city hall, price $6,5no.
Fnruatn. near 11th st., 22x132 feet, 3-story
brick building, prlcu $20,oi"ki.
14-rootn now modern house, within 7 htocks
of cltv ball, for smaller resilience.
6 per cent money to loan on glll-cdge prop-
rriy aim larms.
JOHN N. FRENZER. Opp. Old Postolllce,
$2,300 for 2967 Martha street, now cottago of
ccpt furnace; never been occuided; $5u0 I
cash, balai'.co monthly.
rooms, porcelain mint nnd modern ex-
$lSJ0 for 2157 South 18th St., lot 50x109 feot,
6-room cottaue. cnod luirn.
$1.9.j0 for 5-room cottage within ensv walk
ing dlHtanco down town; paved Htreet mid
Ust neighborhood.
$760 for li-room cottago near 20th nnd Mnr-
ina sis.; easy terms,
for holiHo 2213 South 13th street, all
o.iving taxes imiu.
His Mfc'Jl 7
PAVMH.U'xnv cmiHivv
llnvo upon their books over l.WW properties
hi uu griiiien, prices ami icrms or pur-
eii.ise. .now is ii goon time to maKo a
selection of u nice home. Many of o;ir
properties uro very oil HAP and can bo
gotten upon eiiBy terms. Olvo iih u chance
to snow mem to you.
Tel. 1781. Main Floor N. Y. Life Illdg.
HIS oll-o
$l,.W.00, 1922 Capitol Avenue.
13.600.00, 4817 Davenport St.
Monthly payments.
S3I noun! of Trado Huildlng.
IM MONTHLY paymenta of $16.50, without, ior i-r. nouse, ti. Ollt.
Sultabln for two small families. V. L.
ciettiy, 3.H iionra or Tradu Hulldlng.
We offer the REST HOME for tho price
"i u iy wjiuiurj resilience tnnt lias been
on tho market thla year. House has ton
Urge, commodious, rooms, well laid out,
handsoinelv Mninhi.,i uvcHi.i .mvt h,.i,t.
lug plant, lino nrrumreil basement under
titlro house, with servants' bath. etc.
Ii "ot" 18 niusneii in ouk, witn oaK
polished floors, four sliding doors, gas
tfrutes, etc. Second floor In hard pine,
with very best nickel plumbing, porcelnln
bath, eto. It Is ready to move lit, Needs
no repairs, uuu glvo quirk possession.
Tel, 4i0. 310 N. Y. Life. Solo Agents.
I Wioa-PMI.'-VP i r,i ivu
A largo tract of fertile valley land,' nearly
surrounded by grassy sand-hill tree
pasture, with plenty of water und hay.
A lino nlfalfa feed ranch, with good build
ing, 4M) acres, very line, plenty of water,
corporation owners going out of business,
A good feed fnrm of 240 acres within ton
men oi Houm Omaha yard. Well im
proved, $10 per acre,
iiood homes In Omaha for less than mort-
Kuged ten years ago. forced sale.
io lo-room houses with full lots. Threo
"ii imveii sireets, jtf.uou each.
ii o-rooui nouso witn so feet front un
good paved Htreet, $1,600.
$1 lino'"" WlUl ,lc"t' wu"'llllllt cottage,
'V.r.nom I'oH'iKo on smiill lot fronting
on 19th street Roulevnrd, $l,ooo.
Sr." '.,m vlu'M' 'luines near Hunsenm
ym in u Ditrgnin, owner leaving town.
u llllll.l I 11,
J R Piper. Ramge Rlock.
S Oak St.. dwelling, price. S75O.0U.
""'I Plukney st., cottage, barn, largo lot,
2i'25 Miami si., cottage, 5-rooms, 2 closets,
pantry, eel nr. cltv water. Hlnk. cna rnr
stove; lot 40x122 feet; prlcu cut from Sl.lou
to 51 200.
23ii7 Ho. 20th, cottage, city water, 45-foot
frontage; price. $1,450.
Dn Corby, paved street. 6-room dwelling, a
ii", V3 "' 'WW
IM N ISt ll St.. cnnil ilu'elllno- iiml Int. In.
vestlgato this; price $l,S(0.uo, former plico
Good ilwollliiir. 7 rnmnn. Imth newer. Iinrn.
shade, lot 50x150 feet, paving tax all liulil.
party desiring u medliim-piiced homo
near uanM'om Park can got u bargain
111 tills tirntiiirti
On 33lh Htreet, In Windsor Place, an east
front dwelling, 6 rooms, city water, fur
nace, lot 50x133 feet; owner leaving city,
hum sen; a bargain, .',iou.iu.
RE-i75 5
I'OU SALE-Oottugo to bo moved. Inqulro
-inj hi, Alary s Ave, his mm iz
r jttsiNT. nrst noor, ti, i. wisuins.
Ht, 67
in. n.i.x I A 1 I, . I
'Tit1' J"LJ''M' frt. -room house, mod-
am f. " '""'J"' burn' Wh and
6"i,,l.vMo?.').VnKP; c,!l:.w"ter- ait trnnt, nice
l.OT M by 190 feet frnni nn trn i
i. ... l' ironis on two streets, 3
t tin ni'"1l trnnt- f'-room eottiiBc, rents
v v.fjyi-r4""' mar newnru; kmi,
100 FELT on 3Sth live, near Dodge St.!
fiinlcri resident lin l .......i i.,n.n,v.
6 ACIIK8, high and sightly; lino suburban
vniiiciica sue, a niocKS rrom paved St.,
$'00. V YMAN, SltillVKtt CO..
N Y. I.lfe Illdg.
HK-871 5
W. II. Gates,
615 N. Y. I.lfe. 'Phono 1251.
10 acres good laying land, one mile north
oi Morence, jmi.uu per acre; you win iook
long time before you Hnd unything bet
ter than this.
II acres, 2 miles north of Florence, well Im
proved, goon House, grape vines, rasp
berries and other fruit: ll.MO.OO.
A oo-acro farm, 9 miles west of city, highly
Improved, fine tmlldlncs: JI.C00.OJ.
221 acres In Klkhorn valley, one mile from
wnierioo. new narn, goon nouse, an
fenced, ns line land us In the stute", corn
6 and 8 feet high; $50.00 per acre.
RH-S70 5
FAHM, BT ncres, 12 miles from Omaha;
price S1.13Q.U0 If sold a once. Address
I, 49 .lice. -1UI-M3SI-A-2f
IV YOU want to buy, sell, exchange or
rent your property quick sen J. II. John
son, 811 N. Y. I.lfe. IIK-B76
HOUSES, farms. Tt. C. Patterson, m N.Y.D.
HorsHH, lots farms, lands, lonns; nlso flro
Insurance, llemls, Paxtou blk. HH 07S
DHHIt PA I tIC lots tit S250 to SI00. with ele
gant trees, are mmps. Vhen you seo
them you will nay so.
POTTKIt-SllOl.lIS CO., 310 N. Y. I.lfe.
U13 677
HANOI! AND l'AHM lands for salo by the
I'nion I'uclllc llallroail company, ii. ,.
McAllastrr, land commissioner, t'nlon
Paelll(5 Headquarters, Omaha, Neb.
HL 68
Lot 6, Collins.- Place, 62-ft. front on Cuming
st. and 163 ft. deep, with two-story house,
$2, 5? io
Lot" I, -A. II. Saunders' add.. 63x159. $1,000.
Lot 2. block 9. Reed's 1st. 66U2, $1,500.
Pnrl of lot 5. block 342. city, 22d und Uurt,
wiiii Htnau uoiiso,
- iiuunen uu .un linn it
l.ots IS and ID, block 12,
add, with 6 houses, $2,1
nouses on -Tin nnu uougins, -.vun.
Kountzu .t ituin s
RE M710 5
Mt'HT have money! 160 ncres clear land,
i. uuress owner, o , uee.
111 .MlW ll-
FOR SALIC, good 80-ncre farm threo miles
north of Hamburg, la.; rich son, smnu
Improvements, 55 acres In cultivation;
Price, onlv $30.00 tier acre: ti cash, bal
ance long time, annual payments, low In
terest. Apply to Leonard isvurcii, is
Pcurl street, Council IiluITs, Iowa.
HIS JliSU ti
VERY Cheap, three acres, enclosed chicken
llglit fence. House, store, barn, corncrio,
sheds, etc.; line shade trees. Home of late
1 1. S. Johnson, Irvlngton, Douglas uo.
Inquire E, W. Johnson, 432S Franklin St.
nr. im rw"
2101-100 acres, 10 miles west of Omahn, Just
beyond me cuu or tne wouge street mu
cadam, fair buildings, land can nearly nil
be cultlvutcd; five acres In apples. Price,
is Aim no
21M 1M nerea. 15 miles northwest of Omaha.
can all be cultivated, broKe up nvo years
ago, buildings nearly new. which consist
nt ii n.r.wim limine inllk house. iTOod slZCU
barn, douhle corn crib and tool house, hog
house with boiler for heating feed. Price,
$7,800.00. This Is one or. tne nest inrms in
DougluH county.
2104 W acres, 214 miles west of Ilenson, all
under cultivation, good soil. Price,
1 1 vmi no
200242 acres, 1V4 miles nortliwest or i-ir;
r.-riirA iimiu., Lnnii-Hizcn uitrii. .
l.l..l.., tmll.., nnVAffll llCreS ltl frUlt.
Price, $4,000.00. owner win iuko nuusc uuu
I.., I. tntx'tt nu ttlirt 1II1V. iinma im nnllioun road. 8 miles
from omaiia, new o-rooin nuusu, . .
I.. ...! !rl.,n f t ClYl (TO
2iX)7so aires, 3 miles west of Florence, all
rnw meadow, nut can an uu uium., hj
l...ll.llr, Irl.o JLISIIOOO.
.W.l-80 acres, 2 miles north of Orand Island,
1111 IflVC'l III1U IIU OUltvi, uu uuiiiin "
iawl-25' arres, bottom land, one mile from
car. can all be cultivated. Price, Sl.tbO-W.
tuv ici .....u i,r.,. tnlle north of Mor-
J-'v- ."V.. . . ..iltnlite
encc, ll noil l one-iimi "';" ',',T , mw
rnr tiusturo. an tuvneu ,y.,.
t,-inA 1 ri nn
1903-8 'acres, oii Calhoun rond ubove Flor
ence, uood 5-room bouse nnd barn, two
acres In fruit; balance garden lauu.
it i tt rtr.n (V
19i Ten acres, u iniiert wesi .01 uy
1 lH--'i f'l""v.vv.
19P3-F.VO acres u mile und a half south
west of llanscnm Park. $.00.
102063 ucres, 12 miles norm in
Illurrs, renieu iur
il.ulH.IM. . , ,.,,
rt.A- II, nn.U Tl-llleS WeSl 111 11UIIPUI1, ll.
: 11 Vv V.:-..i... i .l,,r.a if rrrnniul
7 miles troin uiiuhim. uuu n--
no lillliuiui "iv af
Tho Uyron Reed Company. 212 S'uyA,tt-
FOR SALE, house and 1 lot on ' Street
Owner In city ten days. 2418 So.-ith St.
QMAiH for Htieiralutors, western Kansas
....... --- ,1 InfH 1
wiieat ami grurm ",,,u"1,:,":u" ,v
prices. Leo Monroe. Huys, Kan
RE S20-5
MUSIC students.
niirn. mn In emnhaslze
thS' n.Wantago of beginnl" PUP
.i.... o n.air m iii i nre free from
other studies, tho foundation work !
laid much more surely, and tltn.-ProK""
twice as rapid as ami m imi.
iilhg In the fnll term. Now. being out
of school, they can take .nnJvntjJ5
tho extra attention and time I nlwy8
wish to bestow upon beginners In m i sit..
They can got more lessons per montn.
for which 1 mako no extra charge. I
promise success to all who properly ap
dy themselves under my direction. I
passed my stato examination In Prague.
Alltsrla. nnd havo tho experience of
twelve vears continual teaching music In
tho oi;i, and nearly two years In
this country. Although belnff only a few
months In this olty. I havo a prott
largo number of both beginning and lid
vnnced pupils, and us results of our
efforts 1 hope, wo shall soon be iiblo to
appear In publlo with nleo recitals. In
Septmnber I Intend to open ii cIioiub
class. The prollt of the choir singing Ib
generally known, and It will bo free of
charue to all my scholars. For further
detalTs, address mo at H. 1520 Williams
st. Respectfully, Miss J. Fransee, teacher
of piano, zither .theory and guitar.
FOUND, ll watch. Address O 39. Bee.
PLEATING, buttons to oruer, pinning wjiuo
you wall, unianu i-ivuiuib -u., m-i whuk-
las, -.mnso
O. M. S, Tel. 2022. 307 So, 18 St.
18th und
,,.,w , . ,,' rt', m, " Aiior
Box o.nahuT Neb. " con" dentlal. "
6! .
M other. Send c stamps for particulars.
ti.ii.r i .,n.." i i,v inm
VIHTi'AMA cures Impotency resulting
from Indiscretions or debility, gives vi
tallty, vigor, restoring delres, ambitions.
aspirations of youth, health, fitting for
success, happiness In business; profes
sional, social, married life; 12 or 3 for 9.
Sent anywhere prepaid on receipt of
price, fhe Kldd Drug Co., Klgln, III.
American Ofllce, retull, wholesale, Myers
Dillon Drug Co.. Omahn; M. A. Dillon,
South Omnha; Davis Drug Co., Council
muffs. Full line rubber goods.
"WOMAN'S 1U.K8SINO." private pre
scription, positive cure tor suppressed or
irregular mensiruaiion, never iuiis,
sample box free. J. M. Home, M. IX,
Drawer W. Ill, Chicago. III. -71M-5
For giving such low rates and easy par
tial payments. TIIK CRITICS ARE
RIOIIT, but wo must loan a eertuin
umount of money as soon as possible re
cardless of comment. WE LOAN ON
YOl'R NOTE: no mortgage: no Indorscr;
no publicity. Your employer or friends
need not know. RELIABLE CREDIT
CO., room 303, THIRD FLOOR, Paxton
MANY fnrttines mnt!eln oil: un oil Held
recently discovered will rlvnl. If not excel,
tne ramotis on wens oi t'ennsyivni;i.
Full Information how to obtain stocK oy
addressing J. II. Vogelsang, St. l.ouis, .mo.
LOST, a Oreat Dane pup, bitch. 6 months
. . ' .. . ..! . ..,,. I
oiu, goine.n rawn roior. iieinrn 10 iiJ i
N. 13th St. and receive reward.
70 5
I.DBT. 1 nalr eold-rlmmed snectaelcs. be-
tneen tlin Peonle's Store ulld 31st uve.
and Farnam streets: liberal reward for
return to Fred Hall, core l'conic s ire;
Lost-7S5 6
in ST while di-lvlnir. mlle.iee cover No.
na.jjft. eniitnliilnir stntement. letters and
contracts. Return same 22IS Ulnncy for
liberal reward. J. H. biiay.
Lost .82 5'
.MUiMIJAt inorinnil, 111 cum enu w
);nCthent nUSwlf!"& CotmtVy Sou li
graph Dept. Swift & L0m.l.,""cPoil.ln
Omnha, for reward.
Lost-MSSO 6
GET married. Any ladv or gent wishing
to mnrrv, scnu uge aim uescripuon m us
Wo will Introducn you to our members
m, ' in rVi nrottv resneclnble and
. f, :h- , I l,nnrMl,l. Ten t Innieii
, I hnnnr-ililn centlenieii
rrv- tr iclW coSflilentlal
r y,t.nrMenlars St'mdard
3la Station E, ChSo!
anxious to marry
send stamp for
Corresponding Chi
C. VAN SANT'B School. 717 N. Y. Llfo.
BOY'LES' College, court reporter prlnclpnl.
Heo Uldg. n
NERRA8KA Ruslness and Shorthand Col
lege, lioyu s 'i ncnter. -w
GREGG Shorthand taught nt the Omnha
Commercial college, lBtn nnu uougias his.
Julia Vnughan, 430 Ramge Illdg.
intlNSON Inslltuto. 513 N. Y. Life Bldg.
tel. 1C6I; Allco jonnaon, u. u., mines
dept.; Old E. Johnson, Osteopathtst, Mgr.
t. v. nnNnilllK. D. O.. of Still school.
Klrkavtllc, ato. iw-i ruxion ijik. iei. im.
DRS. McMimitAY & JIUSICIv will open
osteopathic OHICe SCJIl. I, lwu-o nro iiius,
.llOOi pi-
L. C. Sharp Mach. Wks.; motors, dynamos.
vir.w Viilrlmnlis-Miirse irnsollne engine. 12
II. P.; price, S470.W. Alien i: tsiy i-o.,
Omaha. -"-
DR. MITTELSTADT, 334 Bee bid. Tel. 1415.
PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., 912-
911 Jones, general storugo and forwarding,
Om. Van Stor. Co., 1511V4 Farn. Tels. 1559-SK3.
PEDIGREED breeders; Cnpt. Nemo, scoro
9214, head of pens. E. H. Kendall. St. Paul,
Neb. ami. A-u
GREAT Western institute, 1623 Douglas St.,
chronic diseases curcu; no urugs, surgery.
TRUNKS, traveling bags, Biilt cases. Trunks
repaired, om. TrunK t actory, law rarnam.
PACKING, upholstering, mnttross, feather
renovating, toi ixsi. ai. . waiKin, lill
cumiuc at. eij
THE NEBRASKA, incorporated, 1515-1517
Ulilcngo street, umana. ism
ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing
promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree. 20th
nnd Lake Sts. 370
STOCK'S Bird Store. ltWJ Leavenworth.
HENDERSON, $1.00 per day houso; board
$3.50 to $3 week. 9th and Farnam; tel. 1216.
Nat'l Bk.
II. S.
Mann. 17 Comi
-M7I1I A3l
EAGLE Loan Ofllce. reliable, accommodat
ing, all business confidential. 1301 Douglas.
The Quality of the Vehicle.
Our lino U complete our price Is
right, and one visit to our establish
ment will convince you that there Is
nothing about a reblcle wo cannot
replace or repair.
Harney Streets.
.stovi: itni'.viit.i,
HTOVD. furnace, range repairs, water con-
nei iions omnlin stove iiepair worKs,
32iXT Doug. 751
C'l'T rate tickets cvtry where. V. 11. l'hll-
bin, lwXi Farnam. Telepnone im. iw
OMAHA Steam laundry; shirts. 7c; collars,
2c; cuffs, 1c. 1750 Leavenworth. Tcl.5l7.
iii:mntitcmimi a.mj i.aci: makimi.
HI-2MMINO done by hand,5 cents a yard!
hemstitching. 16 cents a yarn, win teacn
embroidery, battenburg and point Ince,
26 cents it lesson of three hours. Call at
220U Lake St. -S77 h
W.lTI!ll TO nomtow.
WANTED to borrow, S1.000. three lo live
veiirs, at 7 per cent; no commission, on
good Improved South Omaha properly.
Address O 36, Uee.
DRESSMAKING. McDonuld, 1612 Cap. ave.
a is si
l.r.OAl, NOTICE.
Construction of a aenerni sewer System
ror tno lity or i.eau, i,uwronco county
South Dakota.
Mniilf.,1 lililit nr. Invited and will tut re
celved nt the oClcc of AVIIUain 11. Lyon.
city auditor, tinin i o ciock p. in. on me
mil nay or AUKiist. r.i. lor ine construc
tion of a general sower system within and
fur tho Cltv of Lend. Lawrence countv.
South Dakota, nccordlng to nlans and
specifications now on file In the ofllce of
,1, .11,, .... ,.!. ..... ..Mil iiltt tlllilllnl. mwf a 1.1
t-,iH.i"-v. ,iu u. p,,,,.
scpnrato bins will bo received ror plpo
worg, bricK una stono wont una tunnel
Rids for such work shnll bo forwarded to
tho city auditor, securely sealed, so as to
prevent their bdng opened without detec
tion, and shnll bo endorsed on the otltsldo
tnercor. as to wnat wont sucn u a or pro
nosa! Is for.
i-;ncn bid must ie accompanied ny a nonu
rJlllllllK to the Cltv of Lend, in the oennl
sum of at least 50 per cent of the amount
of tne bid, which bond sliall be executed
by the bidder as principal and bv two or
more good and sulllclent sureties, who shall
lllalirv na hiipIi Im
A by the general laws of tho state hf
South Dakota, relating to arrest and ball
line manner ns re-
and conditioned ns required by section 3,
artlelo xx, of chapter xxxvll of tho Laws
Of 1830.
Tho estimated cost of said sower svsfem
Is about
a copy or mo plans and specification
U'lll lin filrnlaliml In nnt imrti .Inulrlticy
bid upon the deposit with tho city auditor
",Ln.?f.r "Jl. .c"?cK ..M. 5-, Pny.Rblo to
iiy ireasurer wnicii cneeK will 1)0 re-
l,m mv. treasurer wlllch cneek will bo re-
t,lr,,0,1 lf l,ll'" "ln9 "ml n'ClHcatlons uro
rturnt-l to Thomas L. Redlon, city attor-
n r bcforo 11,0 " J'' ot August,
Tho city reserves the rlcht to releet nnv
or all bids.
uommunlentlnn In relntlon hereto, except
bids, nifty bo addressed to V .1. Allnson.
city engineer; or Thomas L, Redlon, city
Dated this nth day of July. 1900.
uy oruer ot mo ciiy council.
W. J. ALLASON. Cltv Fnalneer.
J27dlltm Lead. S. D.
Sea Ticket Ofllce, 1504 Far
VllMm Street. Telephone 895.
jM,?5ft& cot. Tenth and M
l Ai Streets. Telephone 62!
Leave. Arrive.
St. Louis "Cannon Ball"
isxpress ....a 5.03 pm a 8:20 am
a Daily.
sourl River Railroad
"Tho Burlington Routo"
General OllleeB, N. W.
Corner Tenth and Farnam
StB. Ticket Ofllce, 1502
Farnam street. Telenhone,
ton station. Tenth and Mason
Telenhone, 12S.
Leave, Arrive.
Lincoln, Ilastlnsi
..a 8:40 am a 7:33 pm
Lincoln. Denver. Colo
rado. Utah, Callfornla.a 4:23 pm a 3:00 pm
Lincoln & Black 1 rills, .n -J:30 pm u 3:00 pm
Montnna. Puget Sound.. a 9:30 pm n 6:45 am
Lincoln Fast -Man a s:w pm aiu:33 am
Denver. Colorado, Utah
jC, f'ollfnrnln
a 6:45 am
a Dally.
seph & Council I!!uffs
Railroad "The Burling
ton Route" Ticket Olllcc,
1602 Farnam street. Tele
phone, 250. Depot, Tenth
and Mason streets. Tele
phone, 128.
Leave. Arrive.
Kansas Cltv Dav Ex ..a S:50 am a 6:10 nm
Kansas Cltv Nluht Ex alO:15 nm a 6:15 am
St. Louis Flyer for St
Joseph and St. Louis .a 4:65 pm all:15 am
a Dally
& Qulncy Railroad "Tho
Burlington Route" Ticket
Olllct 1502 Furnam St.
Tel. 250. Depot, Tenth .t
Mason Streets. Telephone,
Leave. Arrive.
Daylight Chicago Spec-
clal a 7:00 am
Peoria Express . a 9:25 pm
Chicago Vestlbuled Ex .a 4:00 pm a 7:45 am
Chicago Local Express. a 8:50 am a 4:05 pm
Chlcngo Limited a 7:45 pm a 7:13 am
Pacific Junction ixicai. .aiu:to am
Pucltlo Junction Extra. a 7:00 pm
Fast Mall a 2:45 pm
a Dally.
road Omnha, ivanfins City
& Eastern Railroad "The
Qulncy llouto Ticket Of
llce. 1415 Farnam Street.
Telephone. 322. Depot; Tenth
anu .Murcy aireeis. .tele
phone, C29.
i-eavc. Arrive.
St. Tenuis Cannon nnll
Express a 6:05 pm a S:20 am
Kansas City and Qulncy
Lrfjca, a t .w am a u:w pm
a uanv
lnnd Route" General OllleeB,
N E. Cor. Ninth nnd Farnam
streets. City Ticket Ofllce, 1321
r nrnnm sireei i ci. unone, 31G,
' Depot, Tenth und Mason Sts.
Telephone, 625.
Leave. Arrlvo.
Tho Overland Limited.. a 8:20 urn a 7:35 pm
The Chlcaso-Portland
Special a s:zo nm a ,;35 nm
Tho Fast Mall 8:50 am u 3:25 pm
Tho Co orado special. ..all nm n 6:50 nm
The Fast Mall a 4:33 pm
Lincoln, Beatrice inu . .
Stromsburg Express. .b 4:10 pin bl2:25 nm
The Pacific Express. ...a 4:25 pm
Tim Atluntle Kxnress... a 6.30 nm
Grand Islnnd Loral b 6:30 pm b 9.30 am
a. Dully, d Daily except suuiiay
St. Paul Rullway - City
Ticket Ofllce. 1501 Farnam
Street. Telephone 2SI. Depot
'lentn aim -Mason streets.
Telephone G2
Ixave. Arrlvo.
Chicago Limited Ex. . . .a 6:00 pm a S:05 am
Chicago & Omaha Ex b 7:15 nm b 3:55 pm
a uuiiy u Duny except nunuay.
road General Offices and
Ticket olllces southeast Cor
ner 14th and Douclns Sts.
Tolephono 104. Depot Union
I.eavo. Arrlvo.
St. LouIb, Kansas
Nebraska Limited .
,.nl0:00 am a 6:30 pm
:.cae. Arrive.
,,a!0:10 pm a 6:1d am
IC C. St. L. Express.
Leave from 15th
Webster Sts .
Nebraska Local
weeping water . .. b 4:i5 pm aio: am
a uatiy b uany except sunaay.
and & Pacific Railroad
"The Great Rock Isl
and Route " city Tick
et Ofllce. 1323 Farnam
Street Telephone, 42S.
Depot, Tenth Sc Mason
Bireeis. jeicpnnne wv,
Des Moines nnd Davtn-
i.nve. .rrivo.
Dort Local u 7:2S nm li!l:.Uiim
Chicago Express ,bll:15 nm a S:10 am
Chicago Fast Express .n 6:00 pm a 1:25 pm
Ldncuin nnu I' uirnury .it s.jw am a i;iw pin
Laucnin, i.oioracio pgg..
i-ienver. memo ana
West al:30nm a 4:15 nm
Deb Molnen. Rock Isl
and and Chicago . .a 7:15 nm a 6:60 nm
uoiorauo .t Texas l-iyer.a tos pm u vili am
a uuuy. u Dany except aunany.
250. lliirllnu
r, 4
Singular and Interesting Village of Mon
golian OllfF Dwellers,
riielr Women !n ot Conipress Their
l'eet l)c eliipiiieiit Mtii'h Superior
to Hint of the lleiillien
t'liliiene Wiiinen.
Prof. 0, Frederick White of Obcrlln, who
started on u tour around the world some
months ugo under an arrangement to write
for this paper, reached China Just before
the Boxers' outbreak had assumed danger
ous proportions and at onco made nn ex
cursion Into Mongolia, returning later to
Tien Tsln. From there, on June 2, he sent
tho following account of a singular und in
teresting village of Catholic clllt dwellers
which he visited In Mongolia. It Iti quite
probablo that tho native Christians he de
scribes have since been mumncred by tho
heathen. Prof. Wright prefaces the de
scrlptlon of tho village with a few brief
paragraphs about tho curious nature of the
territory in which It Is sltunted:
The eastern border ot Mongolia and the
northeastern portion of China are largely
covered with 1ch (loom), one of tho most
Interesting nnd puzzling at all tho geological
deposits. Hh German name comes from
tho valley of tho Rhine, where loess Is
found lu considerable quantities. The In
habitants ot the Mhtdsslppl and Missouri
valleys of the United States are familiar
with the depcslt, in the bluffs at Vlcks-
burg, Knnsas City, Omaha and Bloux City
During the loge ot VIcksburg tho people
took refuge In spacious rooms dug out In
the deposit at a considerable depth below
tho surface. At numerous places along the
Missouri river It stands In perpendicular
exposures more thnn 100 fect high and city
streets nro cut through Its long, perpendicu
lar sides which stand like a wall for many
years. When n section breaks oft from
clllt It always leaves a perpendicular face,
Mil t crlnl for Tliclr Home.
Yet tho deposit Is so soft that Its surface
can be readily cultivated and It can be
handled with n shovel nt any depth. The
material principally consists ot extremely
lino sand with a Httlo lime Intimately mixed
with It. It Is eo porous that the rain which
falls upon tho surface pnaseu entirely
through the deposit, preventing the forma
tlon of springs of water until an Impervious
stratum Is reached underneath It all- Yet
the capillary attraction Is such that the
moisture necessary for vegetation Is always
accessible to plants. It endures drouth
better thnn any other soil.
Tho most cxtenslvo development of tho
loess anywhere In tho world Is In Mongolia
In an elevated region from 3,000 to 6,400 feet
nbovo tho sen, but It has been eroded by
water during long geological ages Into a
very uneven surface, with numerous nar
row valleys from 1,000 to 3,000 feet deep
with Innumerable tributary gullies coming
down the sides of the Intervening ridges
Many Isolated peaks, also, rlso to an nbso
Into helght'of from 6.000 to 7,000 feet nbovo
sea level. Into this rugged region has
drifted during a recent epoch nn Immense
amount ot fine dust which constitutes tho
loess. That it has been blown In by tho
winds Is ovldcnt from tho positions In
which It lies. It nppenrs nlinost exactly
like a series of Immense snowdrifts that
havo accumulated behind the barriers
which have caused lulls In tho wind per
mlttlng tho suspended particles to scttl
In protected places, while It has beon swept
bare from tho exposed positions.
Thcso deposits of loess arc specially
valuable becuuso of their fortuity. It I
this soil, more thinly spread over tho
country, which gives agricultural Im
portance to southern Dakota, eastern Ne
braskn and Kansas, southern Iowa, north
ern Missouri nnd largo portions of th
prairie east of tho Mississippi, In America
and to tho vast alluvial plains ot the
ower part of the Hoang Ho In China
But In Northern China It Is of especial In
terest in furnishing cheap, comfortabl
nnd salubrious dwelling places for mult I
tudes of people.
The VIIIukc of Slilwnnsr.
In n recent excursion through tho enstern
part of Mongolia, outside tho great Chlncso
wall, In tho vicinity ot tho famous city
of Kolgan, I saw a largo number of such
villages excavated In tho drifts of loess
hanging on tho sldeB of tho mountains
western Railway Th
Northwostern Lino
City Ticket OIIlco, 1401
Farnam Htreut. Tele
phore. 661. Depot, Tenth
und jwnson sts. tcio
phone, 629. Leave. Arrlvo.
Un vllirht Chlcaco Sne-
clal ft 7:00 nm all:30 pm
Chicago Passenger a 4:10 pm a s:iv am
Eastern isxpress. ues
Alolnxs. .Mnrsnaiiiown,
lrtnr Ranlds and Chl
caco ..... al0:55 am a 4:05 pm
Eastern Limited, Chl
cngo and isnsi a i;uu pm a i;uu pm
Fast Mail. Chlcaito to
Omabr, a 2:15 pm
Omnha;Chlcitgo Special. a 7:45 pm n 8:00 pm
rast .Man a sio'j am
n Dully.
Missouri Valley Railroad
ley Railroad i
ortliwestern 1
:ral Olllces, I
os National 1
"THO worn
Lino" Gonera
Un ted States
Bank Bldg.. S. AV. Cor.
Twelfth and Farnam Sts.
Ticket Ofllce, 1401 Farnam St. Tolephono,
561. Depot, 15th and Webster Sts. Tolo-
phone, 145S. Lr.ave. Arrive.
Black Hills, Dendwood,
Dot Springs a 3:00 pm a 5:00 pm
Wyoming, Caspar nnd
Donglns d 3:00 pm e 6:00 pm
Hastings, York, David
city, Superior, Geneva,
Exeter und Soward ...b 3:00 pm b 5:00 pm
Norfolk, Vcrdlgro and
Fremont. b 7:30 am blO:25 am
Lincoln, "Wnhoo -r.ti
Fremont b 7:30 am bl0;2s nm
Fremont Locul c 7:30 nm
a Dully b Dally except Sundny. c Sun
lay only. 1 Daily except Saturday, o
Dally except Monday.
Railroad "Tim North
western Lino" General
Olllces. United States
Nutlonal Bank Building,
S. W. Comer Twelfth
nn,l Pnriin,,! Qlu minl.A
Ofllce, 1401 Farnam St. Tolephono 661. De.
pot, Tenth and Muson Sts. Telephone. 629,
, Leave, Arrive.
Tw n City Express a fiififi am n!0:60 pm
Twin City Limited a 7-35 pin u 8:15 am
Sioux City Locai a S;00 am a 4:20 pm
a Dally.
Minneapolis & Omnha
RaUway - "Tho North
western Lino" Gonornl
Olllces, Nebraska Divi
sion, 15th nnd Webster
Sts. City Ticket omeo
1101 Furnam St. Telophono 561, Depot, 15th
and Webster Sts.
Leave. Arrlvo.
Twin City Passenger. ..a 6:00 am u 9:lo pm
Omnha Passenger all :10 urn
Sioux City & North-
cast Nebraska a 3:50 pm
Oaklai.d Local h 6:45 pin b 8:15 am
a Dally, b Dally except Sunday,
Railroad. City Tlckot Of
fice, 1402 Farnam street.
Telephone, 213. Depot
Tenth and Mason streets
Leave. Arrive.
Chicago Express .
Chicago Limited .
Minneapolis und
Puul Express ..
Minneapolis und
...all:10 um a 4:05 pm
...a 7.45 pm a S:15 um
...b 7:00 am b 9:40 pm
Paul Limited
. . a 7:45 om a S:15 am
Fort Dodge Loral from
Council BlufTs bl;30pm b 10:15 am
Dally, b Dally except Sunday.
n walking over the grassed surfaie tt was i
no uncommon thing to stutnblo against a
hlmney protruding from a habitation
below. From a distance the side of the
hill looked llko nu exposed bank ploreed
tt. Innumerable swallows' nests. The
nlerlor of the houses are clean and com-
fortnble. When the walls have been moist- ,
ned and smoothed over with a trowel they
mve a bnrd finish, which does not crtimblo
off. The rooms are uniformly dry and nro
warm In winter nnd cool In summer.
On the slopLng bnck of a hill several stories
f Biich houses nre often seen abovo nnd ,
lightly back of each other, tho roof of one :
being the front dooryard of tho house '
bovo It.
Tho village of Shlwanzo attracted our !
poclal Interest. This Is In Mongolia about
00 miles nortluust of Pekln, nnd can be!
reached only by mule enrts or pack animals.
It Is reached from Kolgan by following for
forty or fifty miles Hie ascending course of i
no of the narrow valleys already do-1
scribed as worn out of tho mountain pin-1
can by n small stream of water. For
much of the way tho old Chinese wall is i
Islble, running along the sharp summit
ot tho mountain ridge to the southeast
The narrow gorge opens at length Into a
mere undulating valley threo or four mtlcs
broad, which Is about 1,600 feet below tho
general level.
Here, to our ourprlse, wo came upon a
thriving Christian community ot Chinese,
living like their neighbors In houses dug
out of tho cliffs of loess, which are spe
cially prominent hero.
Hun nn IntcrPNlliin; History.
Shlwanzo has an Interesting history. In
1796 the Roman Catholic converts In Shnnsl
and Pekln were driven out by bitter
persecution. Some ot tho refugees Hod be
yond the gront wall to Mongolia and settled
In Shlwanze, Tho refugees wero never for
gotten. Missionaries from Europe were
from time to time sent them, until now It
Is a blshoprlo nnd the center of Catholic
missions In Mongolia, which nro supported
by n society lu Belgium. Here we enjoyed
tor a day the hospitality of tho lilshop and
hls intelligent co-workers, two or threo of
whom spoke English readily. The Christian
village contains 1.S00 Inhabitants and has
a large church with a girls' school of 400
and a boys' school of 200. Tho total num-
lier of Christians In the dloceso Is 30,000.
We had occasion to note several of the I
other Christian villages In our further
Tho main physiological difference between
tho heathen nnd tho Christian women In
China 1b In tho fect. Thoso of tho heathen
women are made so small by their cruel
mode of bandaging from lnfnncy that they
are practically useless In walking, but tho
feet of the women In Shlwanzo uro of
natural size. This permits them to frequent
tho streets much ns women do In Europo
and America, nnd Is connected with n higher
development In every respect. When we
nBked the privilege of photographing a small
group they Immediately disappeared Inside
the doors of their cliff houses, and wo feared
that we had missed our opportunity, nB wo
uniformly did with the heathen Chinese
women, who fear some evil effect from hav
ing a picture taken. Hut wo were mistaken,
Soon they all reappeared In their best attlro
nnd bringing their neighbors with them.
Cruelty of the Chinese.
Only those who are ucqualntcd with tho
Inherent, tho utter cruelty of of the average
Chlneso nnturo can picture, tho probablo
horrors of tho massacro at Pekln. Armed
with the accumulated knowledge of perhaps
10,000 years of tribal nnd life, the
Chinaman has invented and regularly em
ploys modefl of torture unknown to other
peoples. Barbaric and neml-barbarlc trlbt-o
torturo for revenge us a punishment. Tho
Chinaman tortures because ho revels In Buf
fering and rejoices In unbearable agonies.
Evon when ho kills n chicken ho does not
sovor tho head or wring tho neck, but, tak
ing first a leg and then a wing In either
hand, ho renda them from tho body nnd
gleefully watches tho suffering of tho dying
The ways of torturing and killing cap
tives and convicts are beyond description
and uliio beyond enumeration. For In
stance, Judge McKny relates that a Chinese
robber being on trial for knocking a man
darin from hifl horso and robbing hlni, tho
Judge entered court to watch tho conduct of
the cane. In duo tlmo tho robber wub con
victed tho manner of tho proceeding being
peculiar enough to bo worthy of a t-eparato
cbnpter end was sentenced to death, as
Xn I.emil Technical Delays.
Thcro was, be nays, no solemnity attend
ing tho trial or tho verdict nnd tho prisoner
seemed to glvo no attention whatever to I
what wbh going on nround and about him. I
There was no motion for u now trial and
neither place, nor day, nor manner of exe
cution wns fixed In the nenteiice. As soon
ns the decree had been uttered a couple of
richly dressed rourt ofilcern left the room
with tho convict between them.
"I followod them." says Judgo McKay.
"They turned tho first corner, Just a fow
steps distant, and proceeded perhaps thirty
feet up nn alloy without attracting any at
tention or uttering a word, Thoro wero
many persons pausing, but they seemed to
take no Interest In tho performance. Hav
ing got out of tho stream of footpasscra
tho officers took each n small kntfi- from
their garments and proceeded to saw oft the
victim's hoad. They hacked, Jabbed nnd
slashed for nornc minutes before tho crea
ture fell. Then the head was severed and
tho officers returned to court I could
not wait to beo whit became of tUc divided
orpo nnd do rot know how It ws ills-
pord of
The culprit made no struggle or outcry,
but accepted his fate and the numerous cuts
and stabs, which finally resulted In death,
with a perfection of meekness and resuna-
Hon whlrh i wholly beyond my comprehen-
slrn That Indicates one phase ot charo-
,tcr. i id the fact that, contrary to practice in
nil oilier communities, the authorities hud
provided no place or nieljiod of execution
nnd no Instrument of doath, but left the
court officers to provide all of them, Indl-
cues anoiner pnnse.
'flic Horror of i un nuiiim.
"Some of the methods of torture are be-
yond description. I will mention ono of
which 1 was a horrified wllne?, called 'un-
winding.' The offender was brought out
Into a compound cr yard and stripped A
silt wan then cut In his nbilomrn and the
upper cud of his entrails severed and
brought forth, after which they were at-
tachod to a small post.
"Then several persons, whether sciectea
for the purpose or not i no not miow, nraieu
with thengs, chnscd tho victim rapidly
round and round tne post, until ne
fell, tight up to his tether, exhausted.
"Only sninll posts are provided for this
niodo of killing, so that the victim may be
scourged around It the greatest possible
number of times before exhausting tho full
length of tho entrails. ThlB victim was ter
ribly cut and wns compelled lo grasp tho en
trall In his hands and let It slip through
them taut as he ran, In order that It should
bo wound tightly nround tho post nnd thus
prolong tho sport ns long ns possible"
It Is stated that In San Francisco n Chi
nese gnmblcr has been known to take hli
Feat at tho gambling table on tho warm and
bleeding carcass of a companion killed over
the Bpolls and contlnuo the gamo till morn
ing. I'liiilternblc llrnrt lemiiiesn of CIiIiitb.
An Incident which painfully, but vividly,
Illustrates tho unutterable hcartlessncss of
tho Chinese occurred In Reno, Nov., In the
autumn of 1879. Tho trnln from Virginia
City pulled In nt midnight to transfer pas
Bcnrcr8 nml baggago to tho through over-
land train for the west. Tho baggage was
all shunted nnd piled In tho baggage room
and tho train hands flood waiting for tho
transfer. The baggage muster, seated on
his trunks, wns Btartled by a low and stifled
moaning that seemed to come from tho
midst of the pile. Soinewbnt frightened, ho
called a policeman, who had u certain box,
from which the sound seemed to emerge,
tumbled out upon the platform and opened.
All were horrified to find that It con
tained n woman curled and cramped and
snugly packed In shavings and sawdust a
Chinese woman.
O. L, Wheeler, LL.H., (ho noted student
ot Chinese, hnd the case Investigated thor
oughly. Ho found that a Chlnamnn from
Auburn. Cut., had been to Vlrulnln Cltv and
L nttrptincetl n wlfn frnm n (lrm miL-ncnil In
the business of supplying women to tho
Celestials. Wishing to cheat tho railroad
company out of her fare, ho drugged her
with opium and Jammed her Into a box and
filled tt with Shavings nnd sawdiiBt. At
Reno the box was tumbled around enough
to rosuscltnte her. As she wns standing on
her head she moaned with agony nnd suffo
cation. She ins nearly dend when rescued,
but finally recovered and told her story,
Sho wns in her bridal dress. Where Is
there an Illustration of hcurtlessncss rnoro
heartless or brutality more brutal?
Having no fear of death, no respect for
life, no dread of torture, no nftectlon for
women and reveling In any new und ex
treme ngony they can Inflict upon their fel
lows, who can picture tho atrocities that nn
Infuriated and fanatic Chinese mob has per
petrated upon the hated foreign dogs at
, . ..
Pekln? Unquestionably this world has
never seen Its llko, though, ot courso, the
awful story will novor bo told.
One of tin- "Women Im Petrified -nnd
Kept In it Iliix.
J. N. Rlckles, tho proprietor of a carriage
establishment at Chanutc, Kan., enjoys the
imliiuo distinction of having two wives who
do not quarrel, although they aro fre
quently In contact. lie was visited recently
by Mr. Broadhcnd of St. Louis. While the
two men wero tnlklug In Mr. Rlcklcn' ofllce
Mrs. Hlcklcs cumu In and was Introduced.
"This Ih my wifa that Is, ono ot my
wives," siild Mr. Hlcklcs. "Sho Is wife
No. 2. My first wife Ib over there In th
Mr. Broadhcad considered the remark a
mofit unusunl one. Noticing his perplexity
Mr. Hlcklcs volunteered to explain. Ho loi
tho salesman to a plno box In ono comer of
his establishment. Lifting a lid oft the box
he displayed to the astonished dalesman tho
form ot a petrified woman. The form was
perfect and tho features almost as natural
on ono could expect to seo In life. Mr.
Broadhcad says that lllckles oxplalned to
hi in thnt hl first wife had died nearly u
quarter of a Century ngo, while he wai
living In what Is known ns tho "bad lands"
In North Dakota. Several years later he
had the body exhumed for removal and
found that It had turned to toiio. He then
concluded to keep It In his pcesesston and
ulnco then han tnkim tho body with him
wherever ho went. In this Instance Mrs.
Hlcklcs No. 2 Is not the leant bit Jealous ot
having Mrs. Hidden No. 1 In the house.
.MIIIn (ill hi- at YiiiiiikhIotii.
YOl'NOHTOWN. O.. Aug. 4,-DUtrlot
Manager Campbell of the Republic Iron
nnd Steel company today notified all the
clerks and employes hero that after to-
nl.. I,, llw.l,- unri'lrn i.,iiitfl nnt I . a r.niil,.J
Tim order uffects 300 mtjx.