18 THE OMAHA DATLY UETC: srDAY, AXTG-XST 5, WOO. SPECIAL NOTICES ytdTertlemenU for theme column mill lie lnliFii until 12 m. fnr the ryenlnic adltlon anil nntll 8 HO p. ni fnr mnrnlni and Sunday edition. Ilntei, 1 l-2o a woril first lnertlon. lc n word thereafter. ."otiunic mum for Iran thrni 2fc for thr; first Inser- tlon. Thnr dTrrtlenient mmt be ran eonseentlvely. Advertisers, lir renttestlnir nom tirrn! r.hrr.U, can hnrc anwer ad dressed to n numbered letter In care of Th lire. Innrrer mo addressed will lie delivered on presentation of the rlieok onlr. WASTED SfTLATIOJf. WANTED, position in office, bookkeeping or any clerical worn; nave nan six yearn experience In general merchandise store ami seven yearn' experience In bank; can furnish bent of references. Address J. F. Blandln, Western, Saline Co., Neb. . jitit WANTED-Posltlon by young man with now covereu wagon riK utsj . Itee. A 790 C STENOGRAPHER, typewriter and Kcncral offlce work by reliable young man; ex. cellont references. Address, L. 8. V ., Her Grand Hotel. . iw o- WASTED-MALIl lini.I'. A FEW MORE POINTEHS ABOUT THE SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING , DEPARTMENT OF THE OMAItA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, 16TH AND DOUGLAS ST8., ROHRUOUGH BROS., PROPS. POINTER No. 1 When Qrcce Shorthand wan Introduced Into Nebr. by the Omaha Commerr.ial College, Rohrbough Ilros. were given the. exclusive control of this system, along with all the Gregg publications for the entlro state of Nebr. Parties attempt ing to teach this system without Ilr.it ob tnlnlng authority can only do so by In frlngement. POINTER No. 2-Oregg Shorthand Is tb dav the most nonular system In this sec tlon of the country. This popularity Is clue to Its simplicity, legibility and its speed ".untitles. The fact that It has but one posl lion, one slant, no shades and but few word-signs, commend It to anyone who takes the time to investigate It. Already there are quite a largo number of Gregg writers holding positions In the best mer cantile establishment of Omaha. Those employing them have been surprised at the way thy write, read and transcribe their noted. Truly tiregg noriuaini ucserves to ho regarded as superior to an otner sys tems. We claim It Is the fastest system now In MHO. POINTER No. .1 If you want to learn something about Gregg Shorthand send for catalogue, it in just irom tne press ana ready for distribution. When you have looked It over you will be convinced that Gregg Shorthand is the coming system. POINTER No. 4 A now class will be or ganized in Gregg Shorthand next Monday morning: aiso one in toucn typewriting. POINTER NO. tWThe fall term of the college will open Monday morning, Sept. 3. Morn than 100 students have ulrcadv ar ranged to begin their work the first week in Sept.; others nave signiiicu tneir inten tion of snendlnc a few months with us a little later. All who can should begin Sept. 3. New classes will be organlzzed In all de partments. B MS84 5 WANTED, we have steady work for a few good niiBllers or goon nanus ana appear ance. C. P. Adams Co., 1613 Howard St. B 575 BARBER trade taught thoroughly In short tlm: catalogue anil particulars iree. Address Western Barbers' Institute, Omaha, Neb. B 677 WANTED, laborers, teamsters, rock men and surface men. Neb.. Wyo., and Iowa; free fare: nlghcst wages; ship dally. Western R. R. Labor Agency, 310 S. Jlth. B-57S AN INTELLIGENT young man to take, a shorthand scholarship In best school and . pay for it when course Is completed and peoltlon secured. Address L 26, Bee. B-579 WANTED. 10 young men to learn teleg raphy. W. T. Skelton, Sallna. Kan. B-M341 A27 MEN, women, learn chiropody, dermatology by mall; diplomas. Correspondence de partment, 251 6th ave., New York; write. B-M617 6 DO you want traveling Job on salary? Wrlto Triumph Co., Dallas, Tex. B-M761 9 TAILOR can get a good and Bteady Job at C. Olson's, Pender, Neb. B M776 6 WANTED, men to learn barber trade; the drudgery of two years' apprenticeship saved by our two months' course; spe cial offer of scholarship, tools, board and free transportation to our collego at Chi cago, St. Louis or Minneapolis; splendid chance for applicants from distance; catalogue and particulars mailed free. Moler Barber Collego Representative, d623 Fnrnam St, Omaha, Neb. , B-M773 fl FIRST-CLASS prescription clerk, good salesman and capable of management; no other need apply. II. B. Graham, 21th and Farnam. B M781 S WANTED, two teamsters that can handle brick; single preferred. Krltonbrlnk Bros., 30th and A streets. South Omaha. B 785 6 112 weekly and expenses; definite bona flde salary; men and women as general ngents; rapid promotion, increase; local and traveling; reference required. Butler A Alger, New Haven, Conn. B WANTED, several trustworthy persons to manage our business in their own and nearby counties; mnlnly ofllce work con ducted at home; salary, POO a year and expenses; mention reference and enclose self-addressed envelope. Tho Dominion Co., Dept. K, Chicago. ii FAKE CAPE NOME Transportation or Mining companies and Information bureaus are always exposed In "IN DUSTRY' AND MINING." It Is the of ficial paper of the Alaska Minors' ass'n; better subscribe for It for three months and keep posted on tho mining industry out west; It will cost you only 60c and It may savo you dollars In your Invest ments. Industry & Mining. No. 623 New York Block, Seattle, Wash. B SALESMEN, traveling, who can carry a sldo line; finest lino printed wrapping paper In the country used by all mer chants liberal commissions and prompt settlements. Address Tho Kemper Thomas I'jfper Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. B ENGINEERS desiring license should pro. cure "Practical Points." Contains every conceivable question llablo to bo asked In examination, together with Its cor rect answer. By mall $1.00. Mechanics Supply Co., 131 Washington St., Chicago. B-S03-5 WANTED, everywhere, hustlers to tnck signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; no canvassing: good pay. Sun Advertls. Illg Bureau, Chicago. B 811-5 TILVVLLINO salesman wanted by estab llshcd house, no technical knowledge necessary, hut simply all around hustler of good appearanco and address. First class line; special contract: entlro time required; references. Box 432, Detroit. Mich. B 821-5 MEN In every town to tnck signs, collect names, distribute circulars, bo our special representatives, etc.: stamp for particu lars. National Distributing Co.. Box 1531. Chicago. B-879 & MANAGER (permanent) wnntcd for Omaha to handlo stnplo specialties; unlimited Held, exclusive territory, liberal commls slonH and nsslstance; manager must he energetic, trustworthy and furnish small capital and bond; chance of it llfo time. Also few local, sldo line men wnntcd In cities having 10,000 to 75,0u0 population. Address 616 Drcxel Building, Philadelphia, Pa. B-S7S S I' WILL teach you how to write for news paperr. 611 Mcdtnah Temple, Chicago. B 799-6 EARN big monoy; wrlto advertisements; wo teach It. Page-Davis Adv. School, Chlcugo. B 798-5 YOUNG men to travel In Kobraska: 150 monthly to start and nil expenses; posl. Hon permanent If satisfactory; self-addressed envelopo for purtlcularx. Address Manager Glllls, Pontiao Bldg, Chicago. B 797-5 $25 to $50 a week and expenses Introducing famous photogravure. 'Our Presldonta;" shows all presidents. Including- McKIuloy; size 22x2S; easy work: part or entlro time. Wrlto for particulars. Temple Pub. Co.. 2H Kusota Block, Minneapolis, Minn. , B-826-C "WANTED-SfALB HELP. SUCCESS IN LIFE depends very largely upon the preparation. THE BEST PREPARATION for young men and women I the PRACTICAL BUSINESS TRAININO elven at BOYLES COMMERCIAL AND 8HORT- HAM) CUl.I.l-.UK. Bee Building. THE SCHOOL OF HIGHEST STANDARD Individual instruction in BUSINESS. SHORTHAND. TYPEWRIT I NO, ENGLISH. PREPARATORY and LANGUAGE COURSE8. DAY AND NIGHT 8E83ION3. Students enter any time. Fall Term September 3. B 867 5 WANTED Men to learn barber trad write for terms. St. Louis Barber Col lege. 815-817 Market St. B S06-6 SIDE LINE offered by high rated corpora. Hon on uncovered ground. Several earn $25 week cash. Free ouflt. Factory, I', O. 1371, SOW York. H Si07 5' TRUSTWORTHY man to advertise and ao point agent In Nebraska; ISO monthly and expenses, besides commission. lohn Cross, 3M Dearborn, Chicago. B 5 5' HUSTLING salesman wanted by well known house. Natural ability and apt ness counts ror more than experience, uive reicrences. jjox Tnrce, uotrou alien. B SIS 5 WANTED, teams to haul brick. Krlten brink Bros., 30th and A St., South Omaha. WANTED, experienced caro taker for san itarium; pnysician preierrcu; aiso one re male soli solicitor. Address Lock Box 187 Hamburg, In. B-992 5 WANTED, Instruction In Greek nn hour each day; state terms. Add. o 37, nee. B-838 5 SALESMEN. J200 ner month: we pay this you earn It; you can If salesman; tho dealer has to buy. If approached half way right; established, well rated house; fall trade opening, cuu ByKes mock, Mlnneap oils. Minn. B-KO 6 GOVERNMENT positions; where they are, how obtained, salaries paid; particulars free: write for circular 151. National Cor respondence Institute, Washington, D. C. NEBRASKA BUSINESS and SHROTHAND COLLEGE, BOYD THEATER BUILDING. Attendance tho largest In midsummer In elcht vears. Over 30 students enrolled past 30 days. coming succeeds hko success in tne jj, S. C. This Is tho Institution that secures posl' Hons for its Graduates. Students placed In positions last week: .miss nates witn unus. u. Thompson. Miss Starlell with Russell Brokerage Co Miss Kclpln. with Wolshans & Holbrook. Air. Floren, with Her Grand Hotel. Mr. waiKup, witn umana carpet Co. Mr. Detrlck. with Baum Iron Co. Mr. Wooslcv. with Richardson Drue Co e are now equipped to tcacn any or tne popular systems of shorthand and best In toucn lynewriune. A. C. ONG, A. M., LL. B.. PRESIDENT. S01 '5 WANTED FEMALE HELP. AN INTELLIGENT ladv to take n ahort nanu scnoiarsmp in dcsi scnool and pay for It when course Is completed and- posi tion necurcd. Address L 23, Bee. C 5S0 WANTED, 200 girls, 1024 Dodge. Tel. 876. C Ml I girls wanted. Canadian office 1522 Douglas C 582 WANTED, a competent rook with refer ences. Apply to Mrs. Luther Kountze, Min street nnu uewcy ave. u iSl WANTED, girl for general housework. ramiiy or tnreeuno wasning: references required. Appiy 415 wortn 20th St. C 766-5 WANTED, cook and a good chambermaid at tne tjrecne, ism and Harney. C-783 6 CROCHETERS wanted, to crochet for us ai noma uooa pay. unicago uroenct Co., iw; uearrjorn st., cnicago, in. C WOMAN or man In every town to collect names; ja per nunureu. ti. is. ltobinson, aug. uo., t-nicago, m. u 5i:-&- WANTED, a lady who has developed hcV nusi six inencs witn &anzemetto to give us a testimonial for publication, will allow o.oo cacn montn for ten years, Zanzcmetto Co., Milwaukee, Wis. C-S23-D EXPERIENCED girl, general housework. emi Miami. c Msa ii WANTED Girl for general housework. L. l-. Ktter, Hio jsortn Twenty-second St., South Omaha. C S63 5 WANTED An experienced girl for general nousoworx; goou wages. 4313 enmam st. C 817 5 WANTED, a good cook, family of four. tMI OU. IVlll DU V- OJJ V LADY to travel in Nebraska; JM monthly nnu mi expenses 10 start; permanent position If satisfactory; self-addressed envelopo for reply. Address Manager MacBrady, Star Bldg., Chicago. C-800-5 WANTED, women and girls to do fancy worn tor un at nome; gooa pay ana sie&ay work; experience unnecessary. Address with stamp, Central Mfg. Co.. 157 E. Washington, Chicago, III. C 793 5 ENERGETIC refined lady to Introduce at tractive line to city trade; also one for each town Nebraska; ten dollars required. O 38, Bee. C 900 C FOIl HEXT-HOUSES. IF you want your houses well rented place mem witn wonawa & vo. u a HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wcad, J524 Douglas. ALWAYS moving H. H. goods. Pianos. omce, lbU'.i farnam hi. Tel. iu9 or D-685 HOUSES, stores. Bemls, Paxton block. D 86 HOUSE8 for rent In all parts of tho city. jircnnan-uove wo., .raj a. inn st. D-C87 HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt, Barker blk. j-i o&y 8 ROOMS, modern, with barn; nil In extra line repair: to gooa tenant- Airren u. DeLong, 437 Board of Trade. D 091 8-HOOM cottage. 2709 Douglas St. D-592 5-ROOM cottage. 26th and Blondo streets. j. Appiy wi lam street. jj (33 FOR RENT, strictly modern flat in Dav Idco bulldlmr. onnoBlte city hall. John W. Robblns, 1802 Farnam St. jj yjt ELEGANT apartments in tho Winona. jayno-ivnox v-o., ist iioor, in. x, wrc. D 593 1813 N. ICTH ST., 7-room modern house, no furnace: in goon condition, large uarn, outside to bo painted: rent. 120.00. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO.. 16th and Douglas Sts. -D-M957 FOR RENT, 8-robm house. No. 618 South 17th St. inquire at room jw, city nan. D-S2Q 3221 CUMING ST., 8-room modern house. lias just ueen tnorougniy renovated throughout; rent, $20.00. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO., t 16th and Douglas Sts. D M958 10-ROOM steam heated flat, all modern, 2317 uougias. jnquiro Linaquest, 316 so. 15th. D 412 VERY, pleasant apartments; six rooms and uain; iruiiiuiK imriti mum uesirnDie 01 anything In the city for the price to right party. M. J. Kennard & Bon, 310 and 311 Brown Block. D 446 FOR RENT. No. 2413 Capitol Avenue, U rooms, modern. The O, F, Davis Co., latu rufiium 01, jj (if FOR RENT, nice five-room cottage, 19th u uoujuvuru. Appiy toM n, uin at. D-731-5 DETACHED modern 8-room house, with uarn, inquire, m fierce st. jj JH772 BEAUTIFUL 6-room cottage, furnished or uniurnisneu. or woinii sen furniture on payments; Leavenworth motor 1 block. 914 B. 40th. D-S25-$ FOIl RENT HOISB. rpwrtiiT. ....... 1 ... three-room cottage. Tltard, 2ZI N 24th 5-ROOM house. S3I 8. 21. D-767-ST ELEGANT JUronm linitaa nil ma.hi Im provements, 217 Cass s't.; rents J25 per monin; water rent free, inquire Jnspn Goldsmith, room IS United State Hank oiog. D M7ou 5 5-ROOM cottage, furnished or unfurnished modern. ft 8. 30th. D SI7&5 Vt-"tt- 1. blocks from car and school, north part v.vj 4,rii uuuicraru. tt nionin. in quire William I. Klcrstead, City Hall. D 726 t-nn t l- v-r n-M r. 1 . 1 . . a ... m niw.;i ii 111 every way nnu in nrsi-cuiJ-n condition; fine yard; IW.00. George ft Com- 1AA1 T - 1 1 . I . . ,ai,;, ,wi r allium ai. i-tw 7-ROOM house, modern, excent furnace with or without furniture; three stoves tor saie. jziji .n. sstn St. u im a- HOUSES FOR RENT. 552 80. 26th ave., 9 rooms, modern, JIS. 2618 Dodge. 9 rooms, modern, ill. 2iri5 Miami. S rooms, bath, 20. S3 80. 17th ave., S rooms, J20. 3831 N. 24th. 5 rooms. 112. 1211 So. 17th, 5 rooms, $11. 2803 N. 25th, 7 rooms. $10. 2o73 Marcy. 3 rooms, $6. GARVIN BROS., 1613 FARNAM ST. D-88S 5 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE. 601 N. Y. LIFE. JJ 2611 PIERCE. 8 rooms, modern. 13S. 2967 Martha. 7 rooms, modern except fur nace, J22.50. 2617 Caldwell, 7 rooms, modern except fur lutce, ia. 1911 Plnknev. 8 rooms, modern, -ian. 14-room hoarding house In South Omaha reccniiy repaired and overhauled, rea Bunuuic rem 10 responsime party. R. C. PETERS & CO., BEE BLDG. D-9K 5 6-ROOM cottage. 2522 Dewey Ave. D-MSS Ftvpr.v ..rni.u.i 1 1 - mi uioutu ,-iuuiii iiiijui;iii iiuiipp, shade and lawn; possession at once. 609 tl.AH 'tlhAH- 1CIW TN ,..- A - MWUQ JfV.. U .I31-J FOR RENT 8-room modern cottage. In nunu iioi ni. -uary s Ave. JJ JIS64 12 FOIl IlEXT-FDUMSIIEII ROOMS. 3 NICE rooms, housekeeping. 1112 S. 11th. j-- mi 1 y.R:iISH:D rooms, housekeeping. 2623 ou .iiury k. 13543 A12 TWO largo furnished or unfurnished A iX ' privuio lamuy. Address " nee. K 816-5 THREE furnished rooms, Hrst and second I 1 improvements, at 1915 Cap CO.' j?,m,' nodern house, reasonable iiurney. Ii 9il 6 FURNISHED rooms. 2013 Douglas. Ii AI993 ll I'UrtXlSHED R003IS AXD IIOAltU. T"E.SIefrlam, good summer resort, 23th & OLENCAIRN,transients,1.23 day. 1603 Dels F 597 509 S. 23TH Ave., private family. . I- 325 A21 UTOPIA. 1721 Davenport St. F-i93 IN PRIVATE family. 2020 St. Mary's Ave. . bSVJ THE PRATT, desirable rocms, 212 8. 23 St, F 609 DESIRABLE rooms, first-class board. 2384 F MSSG 9 UXFimMSIIKD ROOMS FOIl HUNT. 3 UNFURNISHED rooms, modern, except furnace. IK. 00 nep ninnlh linj v ich G-764-5 TO RENT, two unfurnished rooms, modern, ti-iiiiui, buruiuan; reicrences exenanged, iMBwuttuie. j ji, nee. Ii Ni5 &- FOR IlEXT STOnUS AMD OFFICES. FOR RENT, store In flrst-clasa location: rent reasoname. Apply it. C 1'eters & v.o., ground iioor, uee l.iug. i.w TWO of the best rooms In the Continental DiocK. lotn and uouglas streets; specially suited for a physician; will remodel to suit tenant, umana L,oan & Trust (Jo., loin anu uougias am. in ACBXTS WAXTEIJ. AGENTS on salary or commission; the greatest agents' seller ever produced: every user of pen and Ink buys It on sight; 200 to COO per cent profit; one agent's sales amounted to $620 In six days; ctiiuuivr 111 iwo nours. lonroe .lrg. Co., X 16, La Crosse, Wis. J M775 5 AGENTS, sell our aluminum card cases laiun, uibu uur uun leiicrn; Dig pruiu.i, ciean worK: circulars and sam Sles free. Bunker Printing. Co.. Dept. O unker Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. J-M774 5 AGENTS wanted. To be Independent, learn tho grandest navlnir nrofesHlon nf th u.. A. beautiful book and information abso- iuieiy iree. American institute of Science, alVOVUMi VS. j,. GENERAL agent In every locality In the and appoint agents on a strictly salary .o.a ui oo.vm jicr inuiun una an traveling expenses paid. Address Dept. 7S3, 1970 Park Ave,, New York. J AGENTS, make $100.00 per month and ex penses, wantea, reiinbie agents every where to take orders for our Immense fall lino of medium-priced, genuine made-to-order clothing; no capital required; outfit free; write immediately for excluslvo ter ritory; give references: state former em ployment. Eagle Tailoring Co., 212-218 Franklin St., Chicago, III. J JUST OUT New Peerless gasoline lamp; ensirsi ngniea, most sausraciory. Knocks all competition; agents coining money. Peerless Lamp Co., 244 Railway Exchanga bldg., Bt. Louis, Mo. J BTARK Nursery pays cash weekly if you Dm sunn iihb. Louisiana, Aio.; jjans Vlll, N. Y. J AGENTS wanted of experience and ability wno can give gooa rererence ns to cnar. acter and success to canvuxs a high-class publlcatlon-on monthly payments in con nection with an annual subscription to a leading dally; salary, $15.00 per week nnd transportation; also additional ensh com missions than nan easily aggregate $V).iO per week; an extraordinary opportunity; only agents of character and ability de sired: write, giving age, experlonce, namo and number of books sold. etc. N, D. Thompson Publishing Co., St. Lpuls, Mo. BIGGEST snap ever offered, agents or dealers to sell high grade cash registers. Anyono can sell them. Big monev mado. Chicago Cash Register Companv, Chicago, J-MS01-5 AGENTS to mako money must have fast Heiicm, wun pooa proms. Bomeming tne people want. We havo such; 200 nor cent profits; send for circulars. C. O. Myer Co., Atchison, Kan. J 809-5 AGENTS, beaten! beatenl beaten! by us. mat a ino way our competitors reel. Wo havo the latest and 'fastest selling specialties on tho market, Thoy go llko wild fire. Profits enormous, experience unnecessary. Address People's Supply Co., 2567 Evanston Ave., Chicago. J-S10-5 AGENTS, . free catalogue, new Invention, nonem money-maaer. genuine success, Is yours for asking. Family Portrait Co., Chicago. J 818-5 MAGNETIC healing complete: wonderful dook; tamouH weitnor metnod nnd others simpuneu; particulars, journal free. Nn. tlonal School, Carrollton, Mo. J 8I9-5 AGENTS evcrpwhero, collect names, $S.OO hundred guaranteed; send dime (silver) for outfit and particulars. American Di rectory Co., Box H R, Chicago. J-878 6 RELIABLE person In each town prepured to work to Introduce new dry powder fire extinguisher to stores, homes, fac tories; kills, oil and every other fire In stantly: $25 to $100 week sure. Bradford Co., X 20, Cincinnati, O. J 836 5 $100 MONTHLY, hew patent metallic bread boards; sample free. B, C. Forfhee, Cin cinnati, O, JS555. AGENTS New line campaign buttons, lodgo. novoltles, souvenirs, rabbits' feet. Great money makers; 5 uamples 10c Gal latin Co., York, Pa. J-830-6 A Oil .NTS WATTED. SI TESH I. what nil want It s a llttl savings bank with spare fnr name and O'.lde to Health and wealth. Sample by mall postpaid lc, 3 for 2fic. Big profits to arents Address. Jantzen Mfg. Co., 279 i. rranKiin St., Chicago, ill. J 80S d AGENTS are maklnr blc money glvln away campaign buttons with every cake 01 our soap they sell, send ioc for mm Pie outfit nt vifin anH htitfnna Tin Phoenix Soap Co., 317 Forty-first street, ill J WH AGENTS wanted for the Ideal Skirt Sup porter and Ideal Renovator. Tho tw best artlrlsa nn lha. murbal Clan V Sceeta, 45 and 45 Commerce Bldg., Chicago ill. J 790-5' AGENTS General and local; rcadln-dark name piates, street numbers, signs; sam Pies free. Right Supply Co., Englewood III- J M3 AGLNTS Three nice watch charms and caiuiogue, ic. Bond Jewelry Co., Chicago, J 527 5 WANTED, agents to sell variety of mos attractive campaign and street fair badge?; new deigns; excellent portraits; samples 25 cts. National Badge & Novelty ..iitiKi., vieveiunu, kj. j WAXTIin TO R EXT. WANTED to rent, by Sept. or Oct- 1. mod ern six or seven-room houe, no children Dime location and price, o 35, Bee. K-S76 8 FARMS FOR REXT. CHOICE 5-.?..iere arm l ll.lr. o miles of packing houses. South Omaha loaning station on farm; $710. Bemls 1 Jiion 010CK. 103 WAXTED TO nt'Y. i t.u to buy, a 2d hand camera or kodak. Must be cheap nnd in llrst-class condition. Address o 19, Bee. N 713 ALL kinds of household goods, hotels, etc, In large and small quantities. Chicago 1 UIIIIIUIQ I.O., JJOQgC. TCI. .'V-'U. N-601 it.tr . .. .. Omaha Savings Bank accounts. Brennan Love Co., 309 So. 13th. N 602 2D-HAND bloyclcs. Omaha Bicycle Co. N-603 oO 2D-HAND typewriters. Nebraska Cycle v.ui. join oc iiarney. rs ,13-,3Q FOR SALI-IIURSFjS, VEHICLES, ETC PHAETONS, buggies, road wagoni.hcncss nuerBuii uuggy lo.i iim ana uavenport l' tl VEHICLES of all kinds made and repaired utiii j rioai, uin ana icavenworm P-603 2 2ND1IAND extension top carriages in good condition. We also havo somo phaetons and buggies that we are closing out at very low prices. Wm. Pfelffer -uiriafcti vturKs, .uj Leavenworth. I' 732 hale Horse and buggy. Inquire -iw- 01. .umji n .we. i' .Mbt 12 FOR SALE MISCELLAXEOUS. CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & Mc v-uiiiieu uruK mo., mot. lbtn and Dodge. Q-&9 B. HASS, Florist. 1813 Vinton St. Tel. 776, j-iuius, cui uowers. Doquets, nan, rest, dence. wedding and grave decorations Orders by mall or express promptly filled, 2DHAND safe cheap. Deright, 1116 Farnam SAFES; buy, sell, ex'ge. Schwartz, 114 8. 13, WIRE fence. Leddy, 1617 Howard, Tel. 1590 y 310 Alt M. & W. tires, $2.75. Omaha Bicycle Co, li 633 21iBHKTl wheels. $3 to $10; new wheels .10. umana mcycie mo., mm fit Chicago sts y osi SECONDHAND machinery for sale: overy- in ciiKiiics, uuuern, pumps, iron and wood-working machinery, shafting, pulleys, beltlnc and mill antintlev ,.ri-. lowest. Harris Machinery Co.. 1023 Wash- "h" .v.u., a. -llllIieupoll8, innn. Q-M831 S13 uiiu up; easy payments; new pianos for b V. i! lul"K ami repairing. TOI. ViZo. otuiiiuiiur az .tiueiier, j-ij farnam. Q-M913 A14 GOOD hand elevator. Hospe, 1614 Izard, 635 MANSON bicycles. $23 Omaha Bicycle Co, 1 U M406 HARD and soft foundation pllln g: hog icuin uuu tuuuinji, mi unugias y 305 jiuving picture machine, stereontlenn Run uuuii m. a. uuirguin. it. 11. My ers, 1515 Farnam st. Q SI770 9 10,000 FEET secondhand sewer pipe, all f . v.. uuu " hew; iw ioaas exposition JWnjlling wood; 100 cedar posts. 3716 N. .Aim 01. y 781 5 r ULL set of bank fixtures, Includlnc .uuiiici, ucoii unu one nan sare, time lock. Apply to Thomas H. Matters, MAKE offer for 4 black and white bitch j-uiiiier pups, s montns old, obliged to iiiaiiuBB 01 mem. jonn a. i.ing, Harvard, Neb. Q-5S 5' ST. BERNARD DOG; owner quits house- ivvkijiiik 10 noara; win sell encap; fine iuiru iei; u monins oici; wen marked; male; fond of children. Address. G, Beo viwi-v. W 724 A-, ii ii-rS' .Vv? K00d PuPPles 10 weeks viu. nu o. 10m hi. y 9U3 b MISCELLAXEOUS. NOTICE, country dealers. 2dhand furnlturo nnu Biuvca ai lowest prices, carload lots or con. viimifcu c uriiiiuro 10,, nt-iu jjodge. it eso CLARIAVOYAXTS. A MAN OF GENIUS. DR. II. V. MAY. Drives away all skepticism and prejudice. Partially developed mediums from all park) of the country consult him. OFFICE, 113 8OUTH 1STH ST. HIS MAnvp.r.nrTR AnniHvi-MP DEMONSTRATED IN YOUR PRESENCE WHILE YOU LOOK, LISTEN AND WON DL.R. This romarkable man. w)me Mr... Una been one of success, Is gifted by nature with n power that approaches the mlracu- hiuh. uu 1.1 ncKnowieugeu py the public wherever he haM been 1 n ht thn trtftrtTnl of tho Nineteenth Century. Dr. May Is a prophet of world-wide repute; Is recom mended by every one of his patrons, His powers excite the wonder nnd admiration of even the skeptical. His advice is In fallible, convincing and beyond dispute. YOUR WISH AND OBJECT IV i.iiph CAN BE OBTAINED. If you are In trouble, bad health, himlnena worry, family dlfllcultles, legal complica tions or under evil Influences Dr. May will help you. Ho Is consulted on all affairs and never falls, because he gives a plain state ment of facts. Ho shows you tho way to help yourself. Try him and see. He depends upon results obtained by In vestigation rather than by any newspaper advertisements. GUARANTEES SUCCESS IN ALL WORK OR MAKES NO CHARGE. Never falls to rcmovo domestic trouhles. restore lost affection, causo speedy mar riages, Hours, 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. Fee, $1,00 and up. Always see tho best. Ofllce and resi dence 113 SOUTH 1STH ST. P. 8. Cut number out and nasto In vour pocketbook, us I have no sign, only name in window. Notice In tho Omaha dally papers throughout tho week of my an nouncement. s &S3 5 PSYCHOLOGICAL Research society, Mr. AinBon, psyenic, larewou appearance of seuson this evening in Patterspn hall. 17th and Farnam streets, 8:15. Inspirational speaking, splendid music, grand test se ance: questions wonderfully answered. Welcome. Admission, 10 cents. S-SS7 6 CLAinVOYAXTS. ARRIVED' ARRIVED GREATEST LIVING CLAIRVOYANT. PROF LAFRENCE X JAMES, tin rtnniv rt mi DON'T FAIL TO READ HIS ADVERTISE aiE.NT q.N PAOB 16. 8 S9i 5 MME. OYLMER, OMAHA'S FAVORITE AND SCIENTIFC PALMIST 1 111 eon tlnues to please her patrons by reading meir me as tne lines in tne paim inui cate. Palmistry Is the only method of life read Int. irkl.l. 1. . .v.- .1.1 a Kelnv . a.i-.. . A xrxft- iivlAii-u .in.. not po$e as anything but a palmist, and In this line her work speaks for Itself. - ... icmHitauic nullum nun i,ttii ,,i Omaha four years, and during that time she has read thousands of palms and mis remarkable woman has been in maue many predictions. Her readings have proven highly satisfactory and her predictions Jiave been correct, oee tne li Ti..;;i- ".'i,"-,.. ;i'.- Dodge, So. side P. O. 8 S40 5 . ... MM 1- tiiri,l.n . . - . , . . , ......... x.i..ur.i, 1110 ctieomicu nyiij iu.i medium, Is still located at 1623 DODGE ST.. where she continues to give h-r marvemna pefi,iine- r.. hr w i. nvi it-n ...i. .ii.. u t-v.j V.AA.-AA..V Hvnuiiie uauuisi.. . " a-' MRS. FBITZ. clairvoyant. 812 N. 16th. S 638 ELECTRIC THE ATM EXT. DE';TR,-,?,,nI.9W' Arabl.a.n Le2t.me!3, baths. .1,14 N. loth, 1st flat F. T-7 A7 MME. AMES, baths. 1615 Howard, room 1, -u iioor; attendant. t 31747 & MME. LEE. magnetic treatment. 607 8. uin, room '. T M74U- ELITE parlors. 615 8. 16th. second floor. T M910 SI PERSOXAL, MONHEIT, Chiropodist. ISIS Farn. Tel. 2333. U 639 LADIE3' hair shampooed, dressed, 35e. Hair toilet goods. Monhelt. 1518 Farnam. Tel 2U U w PRIVATE ho;nltal for Inrtlen hefnrn a- dur. Ing contlnement; babies adopted. 1136 N. 17. u Ml V4 SOLES, .tie: velvet ruhlier ieet. se Tho oiu reuaoie, a. 1: I'ctcrson, 16tn & cuming ti 41 TURKISH baths, massage tiaths. electric natns, ior ladles only; skilled women massage operators; finest equipped baths 111 me cuy. licnstom uatn company. liuoiiisiio 10 -".-u, nee nuiiaing. u Jiira DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns removed, 25c anu upwaru. itoom 12, Frenzezr block, U-644 RUPTURE cured; no knife, no niiln. no uauKi-i , nciiu ior circular, empire mip- luie uurc, dm -. v. L,ne Dldg., umana. U-615 PLEATING and pleated skirts of all kinds. M. uoldman & Co.. 200 Doucrlaa block. ' U-616 PRIVATE home before and durlncr confine ment; babies adopted. Mrs. Burget, 2620 ijuructte. u o HOFF'S Express & Messenger Co. Tel. 1717. U Mi SCHADELL During August, shampoo, 35c; nairaress, Zoc; massage, Z5c; treatment, zvc. . U M31& A-S WHEELER k Wilson sewing machines, others. $3.00 ud: payments: renting. 75c week; repairing. Peters St Co., 1616 Capitol Ave. Tel. 1496. U 271 All VIA VI. woman's way to health. 346 Bee bldg u 'lU MORPHINE, opium, laudanum, cocaine nanit: myseir cured, win mrorm you 01 narmiess. permanent nome cure. .-virs. Baldwin, box 1212. Chicago. U YOUR life foretold hv Astrnloev: accurate. everyono pleased; gain your aesires in love or business; trial reading 10c; give date or birtn. J-. Tnomson, Kansas uny, MO. u 812-0- A WELL-TO-DO. respectable bachelor, a proiessionai gentleman in practice, ae sires to correspond with a puro woman of wealth and refinement who desires to marry. Aaaress u nee. u io-- ENLARGE YOUR BUST. LADIES 4 to 10 Inches, at home, with Dr. Conway's Bust tabloids, at trifling cost: $1,000 for a caso we cannot; those developed In past 12 years prove 'tis permanent: safe and If! In.lida a, 1. n rr r. n.'lth Tlr enntt'nv', certain. Sealed facts. 4c stamps. CON WAY SPECIFIC CO., 228 Tremont St., Hoston, Mass. u sio-a' SECONDHAND SEWING MACHINES AT PRICES NEVER, BEFORE MADE. Why not buy your wife a machine? These nricea for Monday only: Old nrleo. New. Singer $ 1.(0 $ l.W Diwis 6.(0 ."..ID White, high arm 15.W 5.0 Household 13.00 5.01 White 16.00 6.W Singer, high arm. -v.w (.aw Sinner, good as new 25.00 13.50 Domestic 12.W 5.01 . ..a n-. m li.hi V.'"" .'".'',,- n" o Wheeler & Wilson No. 9, flrst- 5.00 12.50 Wllen-c Olbbsi. irood condi tion 30.00 15.00 Wo rent sewing machines at 75 cents per week. We sell parts tor ana repair every make of sewing macnine. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. Cor. 15th and Harney. U-852 5 HANDSOME American lady with valuable property and generouB income, recently Inherited, Is serious In desiring lovable husband to snare ner nome. auurua, Box 116?, Chicago, 111. , u-t,J li BEAUTIFUL young .widow with 1 several iiiuuBunu uuuuio ii a with gentleman of refinement: object, iiiiAiiiuiuii. ww...,.... . at. aaOuis. aio. u 001 j T.AntES. henutlfv vour homes. two lovely sora cusnions anu inree ouilt patterns nil ior ten cents. V. A. Moore. Box 496. Broken 1 U-8C0-5 UNINCUMBERED widower, worth. $150,000,' with beautiful nomo, ana spienaia diisi- ness. seeks wlfo to love and cherish. "Widower," 771 North Park Ave.. Chicago, HI- U-S29-5 SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and moles normanontlv removed dv electricity: con sultation free nnd confidential; all work guaranteed. Miss Allender, 1613 Douglas. u MARRY; lovely and honornble men; many rich: send 2c for big list. Mu- tual Exchange, Kansas City, Mo. U CORRESPOND for amusement or matrl mony: sealed particulars, 2c. Council Bluffs, la. EPPERLY corset to order. 1613 Capitol av. u fliail 4 MO.VEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. PRIVATE money, 5, B',4, 6 per cent: no de lay, uarvin Bros., ltiia i-arnam. v wj WANTED City and fnrm loans; also bonds ana warrants, ji. m. reters Ac uo., iw: Farnam St.. Bee Bldg. W-650 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1521 Douglas. v i FIVE per cent money. Bemls, Paxton block. w i MONEY to loan on first-class Improved city property or ror miuning purposes, rayno Knox Co,, Now York Life, W-633 LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western --.... wit ill,,,, . t , i.Li'iui'in. u . i nuiiviu Iowa farms at 5 per cent. Borrowers can I nay $100 or any multinle. Any Interest date. No delay. Brennan-Lovo Co., 309 1 tsoutn I3tn st umana, Neb. w to 6. 6 per cent on Omaha, So. Omaha. W. H. Thomas, 503 1st Nat. bank. Tel. 16IS. V 6ia MONEY to loan at B and 614 per cent on . B. Melkle, 401 8, 15th., W-C56 umana property, w, MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real eaiuio. urennan-Lave to,, jto no. 13m. W-657 $1,000 and unward to loan on Improved cltv properiy nnu larms. v. j-arnam nmiin ti co 1320 Farnam. w 658 WANTED City loans, bonds nnd warrants. ueorgo ae t--ompany, iwi f arnam 8t. W 639 MONEY In any amount at 5. 5V4 6 per cent. j, w. jujiuiirsa a mu., iwi fahnam ht. W 660 MONEY to loan on farm and city property; lum-oi mica, u. r. lyuvia mo,, jbi r arnnm W-661 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 To placo quick' at low SBree..S 00 800d rtal ",Bw--6' I MOXEV TO LOAX-CII.lTTi:i... MONEY aiO.NET LOANED BALAlUf-JJ rtui'iir.. No endorsr or mortgage required. LOWEBT RATES, EASY I'ATllE.Ma ami STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. Room 626, fifth floor, New York Life Bldg. 1 11MAMA i.ur.ui 1 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows etc. C. I . Reed, 319 8.J1. A VW I VflVr.V Innned nn tilanoi. furniture. (HA mond .watches, privately. Berger s Loan Co., 1601 Farnam St., upstairs. X-l i - . , , . MONEY loaned on furniture, diamond, watches; payments ronf1'len.lJj'- , 0m". 1 inauci ij.m uam, v a. wm, ..,." X-667 XfOVRV ln.nl on nlanos. furniture, horse,. cows, Jewelry. Duff Green, R 8, Barker Blk .-v. r.j I I 1 nillTTl-l mivg t SALARJ IANS. ClIATTLL 'ANS. J W. TATLOE, 218 First Nat, Bank Bldg. 1 - I MnVF.V loaned unlarled neonle holdlnK per ., h K.nA.,11.1. fMfirn. '"".i '.''.' " U7Ull iilf.'ll 1 1 4 ii 1 1 1 ' n nmiuui r- .ui i iinnn easy payments. Tolman, 706 N. Y. L; Bldg. MONEY LOANED ON Furniture, pianos, horses, cows. etc. You keep the property. Quick se rv may pay the money back In one Ice. You may pay the money back In one month or take one year In which to pay It nnd you need not tiav for It Jne dav loncer than you nave it. we cnargc noining ior matt ing or flllne naners or examining security and we keep nothing out of the amount you borrow. Be sure and get our 'rates oeiore Borrowing. MONEY LOANED TO Salaried people on their own names in nts from $10.00 up. You may repay 5an all or In part at any time and ire expected to nnv for the monev amou the loan you are expected to pay for the money oniy wnai time y only loan com pan you keep t. Wo arc the ny In the city giving you III wi nsk Is a chanco to mis privilege, ah wo nsK is a chanco compare rates, strictly confidential. OMAHA MORTOAGE LOAN CO.. (Established 1892). 306 So. 16th Street. X-672 PRIVATE LOANS TO SALARIED PEO- PLE n- embarrassed who deslro above momentarily everyinmg cijc to I AVOID PUBLICITY can be accommodated at our office with less expense, time and trouble than any piace in tne city. American loan co.. Room 601. Bee Building. X M7T3 ni'SIXESS CHAXCES. FOR RENT Owing to advancing years Mr. ii. nans, tno tiorist at isi3 vinton street. nns decided to rent out nis not nouse aoovc location, occupying ,iu to s.iwj squaro feet, under glass, with about 200 winnows, and the residence nnd store frontlnc the street, on the motor linn to South Omaha. Excellent Inrntlnn fnr the business. VJN-i FOR SALE. $2,000 stock groceries: best town in lilKnorn valley; write at once. C, uaiiic wtcs, ntu, 1 .Mi.-v la- , run oAjjt.. grocery ana queensware stocK, gooa town anu location; owner retiring. I TRACKAGE AiSU Buait.BB rnui i.ii Address Grocer. Room 644. Ree TliilMlnt. TIES. x a' AN established $250,000 Ohio cornoratlon. composed of men rated over $5.O0O,O (fur- nl.kln 1.1-1..., .1 AAMBAAA,Mt ii.tif.th iiiHiii uaiinmn uuu uuiuiiici tiAi references), operating on the Carnegie profit-sharing plan with employes, desires correspondence and Interviews with men able to earn salary and commission of tT f.Vl n - r n n , , ... Tr. " r m 1 1 . n-1 1 V. mm- ....u... av .uui.i ODeratlve conditions nnd nhvtate crlvlnip bond an Investment of $1,000 to $5.(00 abso- $a)0O0' corner, downtown; now's the time lutely necessary. Address Auditor's de- , nick It up. partmcnt. 200 to 205 Wyandotte bldg.. Co- 500 will buy a 60-ft. lot at 20th nnd tar lumbus. O. v . - vnrt oiT.r n n-i v - . . . n.iuL. AAniKutu. . - . ,ui t.1 v i ' v a ESTABLISHED business, centrally lo cated; stock and fixtures valued at $1,100; win i.ikc outside property in trade. Ad uress u 33, uco ofllce. Y MST7 11 FOR SALE, grocery stock with well estab- I Ilshed trade and Ilrst-class location. Ad- i uress u n, nee. Y S35 6 SPECULATORS ATTENTION! $100 In I ,'Aa.A.l U I .. , . I -uoitu in Hiani ur Diuuna ity my aaie I Investment Plan" may make you in- uepenaent. ior lire: send ror freo par ticulars; successful customers and flnnnclal references. Stephen A. demons, mutter, uiu .oiuny uuiiaing, unicngo. Y S02-5 BUY WHEAT; we believe there Is 10c a bushel profit to be made at present prices. send for our book "Successful Speculation." J. K. Comotock, 23 Trad- --io uiuk,, inicago. Y Sll-5 . .v v """'"k iu luruic ADVRriTtSRn n. r,.nr.u. , :".". imi m ""..clu'i 1 " lo.?nle". n. i;mcago, iiittKinir Email. niiicK-seinnir ififrnen tnni laVJ fna?n,eri,ilrtlcl.es:.,,rectfiu b.y ''anH0',.!'10 P3,""1' " pai?nt-. lffSlied alia (Ll lOWCd n ml mor npndlncr r,L;, ?u nn.nuled by the leading Job- terest to commercial bue- man" Vm- oninrar.i5"1i..SnaK f. ,5e. .Sm: merclal end of the business: not less than $15,0(0.00 required and more mav be in vested if desired: this Is a great oppor- luuiiv unti uiu rii?m mil n ran rrer n rnra Bargain; every opportunity ror investlga nun; uo noi answer unless you mean business. James R. Lane. 170 8. Clinton U, f li I " con BpBCiJLATION. $20 margins one thousand 1 uusneis grain ic. isena for our "Booklet Speculation Free. J .K. Comstock & Co.. w iiiiuan xaiuk.. Ullicago. X I iW 8 PARTIES ; with capital desiring to Invest , In a really meritorious and leKltlmata en- terprlse should address, O 24, Beo. vii r . MODERN now three-story brick hotel In MODERN now three-story brick hotel In r. ,i "i. r.V.i '",n.L"?' no interest. Y-S97 5 FOR E.TCIIAMOK. HAVE 160 acres land In central Nebraska "''J"0" Vl change for cottage in ui.iuuu. ... t. neuges, j hco Bldg. Z-073 DO votl want in mnUn mr-v in 11 iw uoou seven-room nouse, earn ann I will send nnd Eei7An full lot on N. 28th St.. same style house lovely ately. I am not a broker and ' do no -". .n?lg&b".h?a--s -1 .-ne-. AOUresB, solicit accounts M W Ttnll K-lt-of V-o umcnioi-u mni. ouiuiit mm nuiu iui low. Neb i. n T" n, - 1 V.a" cash on Monday. Houso Is well built and i a ooi-o- would cost more to build Champion, HORSE wanted In exchange for two hi-U-557-5 cycles, lady's and gent's. 2006 N. 2tfth st. ii-JlSl a- TJrK .W,aTesInofh.,d!l,Pa Omaha National Jank7 Z-M3IS- ' Ann v in T 4 t. I FOR EXCHANGE, an old established pay ing grocery business In Omaha; stock si.CW. ntnrA l.iill.ll. II RM - .. ' . -1 month: Wl 11 tako nonH i-ln - . property in part payment. W. R. Homan, Rooms 8 and 10, Frenrer Blk. ' Z-770-0 FOR EXCHANGE, farm and pasturo well . '.'.ur i laiismnuin, ior city Z-MS 17-12 lAvwiwc larm ana pasturcy .Merrlt Co.. n oi" tr ,rut,a Ior c'l property. Address w .... Aire. i-.M8IS-12 rin rpn inn 1 S..1,,, storeroom In the best town In N. W. Mo renin fnr 1W1 n. , . ... havo to sell or trnde soon on account of debt. T. J, S., Station C, Omaha. . Z-908 5 ill SIACIIIXI5RY FOR HALE. 1 P,P BALE, secondhand machinery: D H "0, ho sting engine, double drum. 6VixS j H. 120, 9x9 renter crank englno D. h sldo crank enclno: D. it. iw t.ii .!..,.' matlo sldo crank onglno. Wo have tho MAG.ViyriO HEALI.VG GREAT Western Institute. 1C23 Douglas St elu-iin n ,llannu m,r.,l. ? 1' " "U'"bB' Bfr7' i'i';wjii-'Kiis, ' TYPEWR1TES. "condhand. 1U6 Farnam. iV I, ,o ,. . V " ,UI" u orgo mower: - ih, unjr uiuiiern. uesi nouse in R' ' ,,30,...u,),,.?., Portable bake oven Kountze I'lace. for $4,600.00. on Wirt street, u. H. 120, Stllwell-Blcrce heater No. 4- u 9-room modern house, east front on tin ii?' .,'lTa,,i"0. p,re88' -ton capacity; n boulnvard, lot 50x140. barn, Improvement., '.."iK hor z. tub. bolleri: D. 142. , cost $1,500.00; can offer this for $3,5).W). 1J.50X14 horlz. tub. hnllera fl if ...M 7 rooms, llecver. trna ni tlv 1 1 : 'vr-.- nnv.n. .-., nmviiHic, j uriiui un eartu. Write I" .... "m, y.uuu.uf ,-no. sh3. Chlpauo I uui' conugr, one House Wrecking Co,, West 33th arid I Iron L roYne: $l,fil0.(i0. nis., unicoKo. &53 5. 0 rooms, 27:0 l'arker, 30x127; $950.00. : RE-S63 8 FOR SALE HEAL 'STATU. JIO SE8 AND I OTS. RF.SII-K.V K I niH TIlAt'KAflK I'ltol'KRTIFS. . GOOD. INBIDE INVESTMENTS, FARMS AMD LANDS, by 1 iir.uiiuij 1 . iir,,i n Telephone SS. Paxtnn p "X. SOME MORE BARGAINS. Hevern places e advertised last week ha sold. IF YOU ARE LOOKING K SNAP LET US SHOW YOU SoMl THESE: A seven-room houce on Brlsle-l st . ga.., eowtr; this place must be so. J k at It; $l.750.. Full lot and three houses: rent fAt j:s $I.5A3; how Is this for an Invrsitme-,' 6-room house and barn In good cor 1 and an excellent neighborhood, l.t. -.e paid; lot 45x132; $1.7(0. 7-room house. West Farnam, furnace b-"n gas and fixtures; good condition tr 1 i bargain at $1,7(0. A 7-room strictly modern houe. nod dltlon; rents for $23; $2,750; another r i Investment. A NEW 6-room house, 2 blocks from u . scorn park and car, nicely arrant i celaln bath, ga. ceniente-1 cel'ar . jj.i closets, store room; rents for $22 3 1- . . fZO cash and month y payment .1 f l . , -i .ri nero is your cnance to cet a oner w and modern home OF YOUR OU N ,f Just a little more than you arc n'-w r. Ing for rent. 4-room cottago near Walnut Hill c I, pantry, closet, cellar, well, sheds. V h cash and $10 monthly. A 5-room cottage In Orchard Hill. w t within three blocks of the new e.ir .. 0 to Prospect Hill; $3(0, 4 cash. 8 rooms, full 2-story, on 19th st. bo'iiewri, within walking distance; In perfert . Hon, new furnace, cemented cellar, p r e. lain bath, gas and fixtures, stune a k, good barn; $3'0 2 bran new, strictly modern houses t or 9 rooms each. In West Farnam ils- trlct; $l.r0 and $4,730 each. A non-resident wants to jell houje ai.-l I t centrally located, together with ihu, choice vacant, lots In good rocatl -s h !lll hlg price for them M w .1 them away If taken at once for $3 M I Hanscom Place house, lot and Urge sabl nn Oeorela ave.: only I2.CO HAVE HOUSES AND LOTS IN EVKHV PART OF THE CITY AT ANY PHP H AND ON ANY TERMS DESIRED FRUIT Fltie 40-acre fruit farm short dltan-e fnrn Omaha; on apple trees. 230 cherry trew, 230 gooseberry and 250 currant bushrs all In bearing; good house, barn, rnnA leve I land! $3.f).(. wells ANOTHER. 19-ncre fruit farm near Omiha; 1 acre of grapes. acres or rasporrr r . 4 acre blackberries. 300 goojeberry l,uhrs. SO cherry trees, 60 plum trees. 20) rurr.. t and strawberry plants; good house barn, chicken house, well. -etc. : only I2.SO SUBURBAN ACRES. 6. 10. 15, 20. 40, V) or 160 acres choloe land near Omaha: 160.00 to $10 Per acre Two fi-ncre homes: S-room houses nn each; fruits, berries, etc.: $4,500 and J-Vvo Three acres and 7-room nouse in suouros; nil ttrro. BARGAINS IN VACANT LOTS. n. h. n mn nr three nf those cnoice reM. Amnna int rnverert with crand shade trees. near 21th and Manderson sts.; ONLY $'") EACH; $10 DOWN AND iu rt.it mu.mh. I f Aiuis. , I ir.v. nmn pond farms near Omaha; $6"1 to 1 $75 per acre. r,r.,. Have them In every location in anu hduuv 'r.nnn INVESTMENTS. $)000 Inside brick property, paying gooa I . i income. jjj o- the best: buy now on the market; It is really worth much more than the price I Drl will ho nld In a short time If vou want something good look Into this at I i once. I MM- hrlelf. nftvtnir hlr Income I ,,i k-l.t. n.vlnr- Mr- Inl-OmC Centltll 10- I ,v J " i e.itinn. ... I t ifv, ------ orri-iilTV. i orv tiuujj ifcr..u i..A. EITHER FARM OR CITY rnurr.u- WRITE GOOD SOUND FIRE. TORNADO AND PLATE GLASS INSURANCE. (Established in 1S6J.) . . ,. Telephone 5S5. "SSLSSSr W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1320 FARNAM STREET. OWN YOUR OWN HOME. BUY A BARGAIN. LIST TOURT PROPERTY WITH US. WE HAVE THE CUSTOMERS. -n lai.v.rv mhin modern rtsmcnca II l mantels, china closet, laun- dry. cistern; Peauiliui yaru arm irec,. This nroncrtv nas cost owner u can bo boucht for $3,800, i - B 10-Lnrge ten-room modern house, barn and four lots. In Dundee. 4923 Cass St ; I v: tA. han i2 m for houso and one lot. This entlro vropw wm pe so.u ior B m-Good seven-room house and fine cqr- ner lot In Walnut Hill, only two blocks from car. The nouse could not ne uuin for less than $1.5(X); the lot Is worth $1,00). If you want this see us early Monday morning. Propositions arc pending upon it already, for It is very cheap. Only $1,800. B 193 Cottago of five large rooms, 3502 8. 2utn, just soutn or tne uouievaru; gooa repair; gns, city water, cemented cellar. Owner leaving tho city and will sell this nice little homo for $1,500, part cash. today than prlcn asked for the property. This Is a snap ,.nna w".' F ."K.e ,ne other one. U ana win go nice tne otner one. uniy i,-w. V.Vmr i S, FARNAM SMITH & C( FARNAM STREET. RI CO. T. RE-SC3-5 R. C. PETERS A CO., 1702 Farnam St. DWELLING IIOITSES. No. 13146 rooms, city water, furnace, lot Duxuitt. located in Windsor Place: price, j.uim; jubi reuueeu irom .',tiw. jjau GAIN. No. 11SI 7-room house, city water, sewer in uouso; property cost originni owner $3,000; present owner will exchange equity ior koou iou n room house, bath, gas, hot and T. LTOOd rettlir nnil ei'ervthlnr In first-class repair. In fact a gem of n .v.u,i, in im; n. ki-iu ipi ii. iii'Jl:-,pr,c only ,-''100' W'"'1" walklnc V1PAVT $2,000 for beautiful bulldlnc nt nn r. ave. and Mason at. $2,5n0 for lot 31st ave. nnd Dodge St.. 75x91 feot. A snap. $M0 each for 3 lots In Saunders &, Hlme- vJ.'V.Kii V,ao" ,'Joar. Military road. $500 full lot on Manderson sf., near 25th st. irnoffer w"c 'or full lot In Orchard ..in, ouuui irom nn f ranklin St. " iJ fiTKItS & CO., 1702 Farnam St. Telephone 698. RE-S73 5 . AV. II. Gates, 618 N. Y. Life. 'Phone 1294. 10-I9pm moi 3(i "! C OFFER. modern houso, well built. N. E. cor. mcugo; ront $10.00. WANT AN 9 rooms, fully modem, permanent sidewalk mm i'uviiik luny pain up, on Georgia, ave. near Wnnlivnrlh. M -v ii rJ 8 rooms, hot wnler, heat, best of plumbing. iniiii. uuruwooii unisn, uunury, "jo" now and a nice homo, on corner lot; port st.: J2.((f.nn I.'"0"!11 n' 2s7 Blnney, 80x132, a nice place! aero ground, GREAT BARGAINS IN VACANT LOTS. . ,.K?fR,AI'V.s- ADDITION. NEAR AMEfl AVKKITM r-All n.inw 7 ?f lots-sold Hi the- last 3 days. Only In"101'0 o quick If you want ono of r"-Tc tuunii hub. iney wn u l bo sold In tho next few days. Tcl. lm. ffl'N? Life Bldg. Have a few of thoso choice lots near !(th st. and Ame ave. left; OM.i lis to j),5 EACH: $3 DOWN AND $5 PER MONTH; vnn PI. AT AND PARTICl LAUri. I 1 rnnma ..II.. - I . . . .. .lUDW-U