THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, AUGUST 5, 1000. 17 iVS and western, Mc, fresh southwestern, J.V; irean southern, lie C'llEE.SlStcmty. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKETS. Volnmo of Business on tho Increase, with condition of Trade mut Qnntniinns on T..i.... n -i. t.:. it. I Simile nml Fnnrv I'rodner. iuwvinnpniu xttvuruu.c. UGOS-Recelots. liberal: good stock. 10U tunc. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL discount, sterling exchange. $4.SMn.!W4. BOSTON, Aug. 4.-Cli.arlngs, 120,117,071, balances. l,0t t.yvf. Ity besides In the always mercurial Bugnr and In one or two other ancclnltlos, the mvstprv nhnut the nrfalrs of which afford constant opportunity for the notation of vague rumors, So far as the rftnl elements VriAan'm TTontrtr TNrnnrt. Wnro Hi1a Tnfltlntien I mnrknl nrn pnneernnil. thorn wns no anils- CINCINNATI. AUg. 4.-CIoarlnRS. 11.5.S,- r1: : " factor," solution r ns VresuIt of tho week s monov ?h0 per cent; ew oru ex on xraaoin wncat. happenings. .. ... p'V.? i.VnV.:i.V.iit. a,., i -emm-m.. The Ultimate policy oi mo nowen m r.i.'" V r " " r,-. Chlnn. tho cost or performing the taK bt- rt mVn n S"' i7 ' 3 cipnrlnit, 12 fore them there find by whom that cost Is . JlAjiT,1'?, "jVA",?' '-Clearings, U OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET balances, 2.03(.51?; New York exchange, ic vituuifi m r u utuviv uiiiswiwi MARKETS GENERALLY IN GOOD CONDIllUN y&TueaViW oru.uu.llvt MANKtl HtMAirtt uuu. w P- rc f "t"f7h' " TT. . .,2".8II DRESSED I'0"I'TnY-lIet.j. nt Blln!,l of envoys has been offset .,, , ""'' ''" n H9e; roosters, 6ytV; ducks nnd gee. tf by tho growlim ovldenco of tho rospniul- BERLIN, Aug. 4. 1'rleos were wenk on tliliec lllsdtrlinucPN Ailvnni'p Drugs ? broilers, per lb., 1114.jl214c; turkeys, Cor Unltln Dnll nnd Sternly nnd Oata blllty of tho Chinese government nnd Its t'o, bourse, today, being unfavorably nf- su.,1 Groceries Arc Also Kirn., ItuTTER Common to fair. 13e; choice, IS Were llrm an Good Deiunnd- l" .f'ff. &u'Zl "WSXi duo'to tn'.lV.rtlSni.rlSw Willie Other Lines Are ,ot Mnelt Different. I'rovlslmiH Suffer Gen crnl Decline. Bile: separator. 20c: cuthercd creamery, 17 FISH-Trout. JOci blue, fish, 12c: pickerel. 8c: catllah, 12e; dressed buffalo. Ce: white- fish, Oo: herring, Col blsck bass, iooj sal- Cnn-Mn-nl,!.. i..,,n.,nn,n la In ,a noted inl '.'..i'.'' CHICAGO. Alltr. 4 All sneenlntlvn mar, u"u,u1 ""' .,,,' ......... . " - - IWf Ill&lllfUl, UUIIIIVUIIB. AW.-, Illlh I . " In tho condition of trade ulnco llio lost rc- Cc; lobsters, green, 22c: boiled lobsters. 2Re; kcta on tho Dourd of Trndo toduy were dull port. Iluslr.ces wns-boRlnnlnB to drag In a mKVHVi2r" t0 w"ton for tho want of outside number of lines, but in the past week a VKAt-holce.' ftgiOo. " ' , orders. Wheat was weak, partly on heavy mat deal moro activity was noticeable. HAY Per carload lots! t'pland. choice, receipts, and closed at UOHo decllno. Cord necessarily Imply us to tho course to -bo S,?01'?'11" w;pr flr"V xc""""0 l;ou !"?; persued by tho njtcrleved powers. Opinions 2?m Mpfgs for checksi discount rates, short of ft future money market lmvo wavered In bills, & per centi threo months bills, 4U Week OIobcs with Practically Nothing on Sale but Hogs. HOGS CONTINUE ON DOWNWARD COURSE flood Cnttlc for the Week Are Ten t riftcen rent lllnher nnd .sheep a tlnnrler lllulier nnd l.niulis sternly. nt (tin I DOT CCtlt. Now Vork market revealed. Tho stream of l'A.JM8i Aug. --Threo per cent rentes, Jts 'inl ihe cSuntrrl ? bank ro- don.J.f 'isjio for checks; SpantsR 4s closed ho receipts of Australian gold llt '-0;i- erchanta nr calling on , tho Jobbers g-jg; '-rAS W$ 'X n Bcnerai u....k Nn, 3. white oals, 240! cracKeu corn, per - V. ..1 , " "i,:r..V. shows! Avnllnblo cash balance. I148.6iH.0Sl yellow fnver Kr nn.t ,-ln,1 2lAna)r lower. " 1., W ii ,0.v" J' .'"!k . M'5 ."''. V".0 fe0l,I, ".K)'.31" Moro tnercl nnd as meeting with Mttcr success on the road Tho uneasiness caused by the dry weather seems to bo a thing of tho past nnd retail ers nro now placing their orders for fall goods with consldorrtblo confidence. The month of July, taken ns a whole, showed up fnvofnblj with tho mimo month last year, and In n number of cases Jobbers report big gains. That being true, It would seem that, with a good averago corn crop, fall and winter buslncsM this year ought to exceed nil previous records. Jobbers aro handling their business In Buch a wny that they will Hie. ton. Sin: corn and onts. chormed. per ton, MS.M; bran, per ton, 912.50; shorts, per ton, VEOBTAHLBS. crct'.MnKna-l'er dor.., SOSl'e. ASI'AltAfil'B-Nnno on tho mnrket. NKW TITIlNIlfl-Icr. bu. basket, 7Rc. Nr;v 11KRTH I'er U02. nuncnes, s Nt:w CAHROTB I'er doz. bunches. lKTTI'l'K I'er (101.. 16C, TlADlHIf KR IInm.irrnn. m PR A ft Per U-btt. basket. Mc, AVAX HBANfl-Per 4-bu. basket. JMISW I'UTAIUKS-rer DU., CAIinAais Home-grown, per reports of hot weather closed unchanged. Pro- Alaskan gold sonaulo erree serves and tho is mlded to this. Meantime, tho outward movement of cold Is deferred and the policy adopted by tho Hank of Ungland leaves the period of Its beginning an otien (Miration. The failure or tins institution to lulvunrr its minimum Hoc Olllclat )l p n Condition of the Tronsiiry. Utllclal WASHINGTON. Aug. 4 Today's state- Utllclal Thursday mont of the treasury balances In the sen-1 Olllclal Krldav .. eral fund, exclusive of tho J150,no0,ooo gold Olllclal Saturday.. reservo in tuo envision ot redemption, SOUTH OMAHA, Aug. 4 O .... U . . t 1l It ...!.. 1-4 w. . tu . , to : . ?w m in to i io :7 i' w . . tn ... & io m im M Kill :! M7 to t t!' (1., ua 10 W Ill 4 H'A H JJ$ PQ ft W M M 0 ft tjj in yo no (i J H u . . ..t ... i io r mi ... ft UH no so i to ii ' to ft uu fi J im 10 SIHiKP-Thero were no fresh rerelpts In today and conspquently nothing with wh(ol to make a test of tha mnrket. llecelpts of sheep for tho week have been rather light at all market points, while the demand hns been heavy. At thin point the supply shows n decrease as compnred with Inst week of 1,103 head, but an In crease of O.SOi head over tho same week last year. The tendency of prlees.has been vnoiro siieep unit ycnnyigs an- 1,607 jciiow iovcr scare ana ciosea a' lower. n..,A t-,,,!.., , -,,,i u. Yesterday's heavy cxnort cngasemcnts, for loans iltirlnor ilm wwk o thn nuinni nf Si. l.ouls llrnln nml Provisions, which last night were placed at 100 loads, over HI.OOOOOO. Its accretions of gold by ST. LOUIS, Aug. 4.-WHl3AT-I,ower: No. wcro the sole Influence In wheat trading at ft'?'. nK.i'' !''?. "PVJ." l:con..mor. !l. cnilei"t.?JT,Ti: x'V:b!'?J.'1l V on declines over Jl.SOO.lW. eelnber, 74Hf44C! No. 2 hard enrh, K)!W Total this week .13.75.1 Wcok otullnir Julv 2S....12.VMI Week iindlnir .Inlv 21... IO'iIW Week ending July 14. ...18.517 Week ending July 7... .11,270 b,a 7,737 30,"37 3s,m:I 4').Wlt ' r. 1,23 1 3i,lSI iniwnrd. vaneed atout 25c nnd In some eases moro tlinti that, n few nnlrs showing tit) ns I much an XiiilOe higher than the same qunl- the commoner nnco great. inn In'J i value rapidly nnd by Wednesday were fully ' xc nigner, mil sinco mat unie 'ney navn 'eased oft u trllle, so thnt tho week aloscs I'.i.'jV with prices nearly back to whero they S4.MS wero before tho advniioe. The market on ll.'.i.'l all kinds was good nil the week und ths prices paid very Satisfactory. I miotatlons: Cholco western grass woth- nhtiu ri Cotiln. lloas. ahect). Ity . uroUKitt a t.....i.. tntt a 1111 7. ir, grades are niso nig ner. mil tne nuv fur ffiv""::":: I'm i.0!n that class is of ooo not so. WmtnaaTtiiv ...... 4 iV? f. tm l.KD 1 Lambs nro also uiRiirr ror tne wecK. i hi nil.! tirsi nnrt oi tne wcck tney nuvancen iim .n,ni. ,,, i., i r....i l"u" onset uy drain irom otner sources, wj'.i.iib, niu uuiiih HU 1.I1VI1IUUI tntll ItH UUIllQ several "days, with comparisons: Average PrlcoPnld fr hog, , lor the la.' l.' chVlcV' iVnSs yelling.; tiM nrnrifirirl fnr n tr riiuh. Tho murkets nro In n healthy condition nnd tho mdst of tho changes during the pnBt week have been In tho direction or higher prices. Hurdwaro Is, of course, ruthor unsettled, but tho opinion Is growing stronger nil tho time that there will not bo nny very important cnnnges in m "i". CAI'f,lKI,OWRn-Per doi. rillRKN COHN-Per doz., 10c kmatoed Home-grown, basket, Mc llHirilAItll Per lb., le. ONIONS Home-grown, per lb., visumix xuicnigan, uwc. FIIU1TS. RTRAWnnnntBS All gone. JSIjAUKIIISIIIIIKH 1'er ai-qt. enne, ti.). 1ILACIC RAHPUEIiniBS-Out of tho mar ket. . , KBD nAPSnBIiniBS-Out of market ULiUKUKHIlIKS 16-ot. case. CimilANT8-Out of tho markets . Iftrgo receipts next week. September slowly roads of gross earnings ma PEACHES California, per cox, wcqu.uv; "om to iv,""o una cioseu hi iou. that this tendency will gro 384,000 bu.. ns compared with 675,000 bu. ft still to meet theso added .i .Vnonr? or ,,n METALS Lead, si year ago. Atlantic port, clearances or BCCi la. nty "nro " miclcnt to keen deSiine. ? J" M wheat aRd flour amounted to 330.000 bu. seeurUlcs licar to BUiBtmtlort1 UcaM"BS m l'O IT I jT It Y Q u Pe t i n l J Vlil I til I rut IUHV Vii'nv ... - futuro nnd that tho market has rcachod very near tho bottom. Groceries, dry goods nnd drugs nro allln a. strong pos tlo ii slnco tho last report. The drug market Is bejng affected by tho Chlncso disturbances. Grocery Jlurltet Firm. .hninnl grocers still con- m"r?ia. J'V. (in ........ -.- "... ,u ,Anfnn i iai5, iicr i-unniufc uiuif;, u t nues to be unusually heavy for this season APltfCnTS-Nono on tha market of tho year. Tho demand W tor au iines iuMH-Callfornla, per crntc, 1.15ffl.2S. of seasonablo goods and tho outiooK tor i.itiNBs-Callfornla. Trncedy. ner crato. futuro bustnesn A". $1.23: Kclsay. Japan, per crato, tl.25. market as a wholo Is strong, with tno ten- j,AUTLi3'fT PEARS-Callfornla, per box, iicncy 01 prices uiivvuiu. ioi I I1.75MZ.0O. v.,,. afmtvn nnv change slnco tho last report, cither on tho raws or rellnci graacs. The demand during tho Pai,wcek has de-. crenrd slightly, as h 'inllyi.hr0 th5? n AukusL It Is expected, however, that in SeUrftc?nber, wldcli ta tho, heaviest consurn lnc month of tho year, tho demand will bo Bomenth"ng enormous. That . be ng he , case, who nro In u. noBltlon to Know say i.... nniii nni lm siirtirlscd to see a scare- " ---i.w. I uim.Av. Thi r..hvti. wero 255 ears. Sen 7 Wore the end ol : tfio .cojon. The coirea -.. - tember. ranged from 36c to 37.c nnd closed KUin? ndvanccd their Prices as yet to . OnANQBS-Medlterranean ' sweets, per '4oaTBwere In fairly Bood demand by spec ' . .. v. n n.ivnnrn nnnaunccd a box. Ill vnlcnclns. il.zfiiixl.bO. I ..... i --.i wn. week' 'ago by Arbuckler nnd as ft re.ult I.BMONS-Callfornla. Taney. fS.DO; choice. HriA all day wltKin a narrow Wnge.desp.t5 rl'rrr" JL tniidr. rhn rlomanti all overCtho aountrywls" exceedingly l,eavy, n? Is shown by tho fact that during the past year tho visible Supply lias been decreased by about 1,000,000 bags. Local Jobbers nre nil of the opinion that hlghor prices will rulo in tno near iuui. . . nr.J g un. pnrtlcul-rly "on tho better HIDES. . . 'su'ffered.' Te Vn.rkrt wa..HII Vf ?- tfirlieii nrn also 1ft ft strong i)u'- HIDES No. 1 irreen h dea. 6e: No. Z fl.n Inrtnenen of the mild yellow lever ?" ."l V"" Flon and may bo quoted ono-fourtn Brccn hides, Be; No. 1 salted hides, Cic; No. scare. Part of tho early decllno was ro of a cent lower than they wero 2 gaitcd hides, C?ic; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 covered Into In tho session on moderate WCOK ngO. l.ilicat " 1 iua., iu iiu. a vvui i:uii, i. iu la iub., vv. : - --o ...wv. bo wmi us uuuion urciiues over ii.suu.miu. ueinocr. m.h.i n;iu: io. . nnru nun, wnu ..... ..... tune ntna 1 r'l we; kct on account of tho English holidays. Its nlready low proportion of reserve to lla- "OVlc. . lilHJiw0Mi22'i : 1 -c- Onenlnir tradr wirn mn.ln nl u .11.1.1 .,,1. blllty Is thus further reduced. Yet the CORN Weak: No. 2 Cnsh. 37ct track. 3C! July 10 1 6 021 13 S2I 3 201 3 07 4 Ml frdoz.. 15c. vance, Sentomber nt 7BHTf75Wc. comimrfrt !,""k, ''il..!"!1" dvnncln? August, 37c: September, 36Hc; December, July ' 17.....I 49l 4 Oil J J Ml J ; " J ji , v with yesterday's closing of TStHrWie. Hut ",.'ViJa":. ","Z ""V"u., .,B -.,".r "Xat v , .h u.. 4Mric. "r. ' J ?1 ! S 1 . 4 ktl 4 71 60c. tho market wris not supported. On tho con- 3: "however "that wK n "n TnAn nf is mUc: AimtTiS: silic: September Wic: No. i Ju y S" 4 OS 4 3 Ml 3 Ml 3 fl Ii ffff law nri,ii hWCJf.. thQ rato It will bo Immediately white. 2M2l'4c July 21 f 5 07 4 2lf 3 81 3 3SI 2 OS ' 'J lb., l'il? principally by yesterday's buyers,' nnd. tho effect vo on tho onen market ive-Lower at 61c. July 22 I 4 31 3 7 8 3 27 2 6 4 SM 11. m toC ilS?nSR?f ah .d 1X n'eY-1 v5irii"5 ?5S?"E. hroe..lng at New ri49JiZ?tS!K. JftS? ?. 5 U 3.WI 3 Si 1 1 Jl i Ive, then died away nlmost entirely and tho fpnl rontiiloni thu i win Ti 11. cirnr UMfiiis. July "s r, rv. 1 :n a R9 2W per cessation of selling pressure resulted In an- supply of gold without offering special SEEDS-Tlmothy. ordinary, J2.75ff3.00: July 20 f. 02 4 !fi 3 87 3 37 4 s other slight advanco In September to 7G.c. ,ucement.-7 Tho recuperation of tho re- Prlnm new to arrive, J3.25 bid. Klax, lower July 27 0 0.1 4 3i 3 72 3 43 2 ft 4 SO 4 I hilt lifter tlln tntal lir mnrv rn.etnt. llnfl I - . 11 Vk 111,1 1 !. , n, I ...... nu p nl t all t ml Till I 4 ,0 n - : .-"v ........... .... , p,-i,-N mi inw mrK iijiriKH iittrint- tnntir i ui .i..i. iuuiv in i u ia a on "i - in . ..l . V-! 71 been posted tho market Hga n turned wean wceks makes them better o.minnn, tr mi 9"1.1. remained dull and heavy to the close. ny drain, and tho effect of cold rxnnrt. linn irntiers wurn finniiriiniiv linwiiiinir n . ....i. . hold their wheat over Btinday nnd their ti1 " "V.W.?.CK.8 n' disinclination wus perhaps caused by. tun tlnctly easier tendency dt rlnc thn inttr woaKness snpwn tiy provisions, necripis ot art of tho week. Tho inrrTmmV; now wheat had their customary ertect on ments of railroad earnings for Juno show IRON COTTONT1ES trading. The spring demand was reported hotter net rosiilts In o ne cases thn K llAOOING-M.lCi8.S3. slow, wh lc southwest ndv ec. .predicted ,,cen rPec,,v uCx0'cted. bu thViw i ,! HEMP TWlNE-9c. . . . : " i I ' I n i v mil i : nru CORNM15AI Hteadv. 2.202.3u. Julv 19 R RAN Steady: sacked, cast track. 6lff July 30. 65c. . July 31 iiai t mo v. Htcauy. ii.crau.w: i iiuir. i... prairie, easy. J7.wwts.wi. Aug, wiiiMivi Mteaov, i.ii. I Aug. a. JllUN IHJTTUP.TI1SH Jl.WI. Aug. 4 I .1 7-' 3 38 2 71 r l I i -i fl 111 77 4 l ffl 4 32 3 KM ill 1 V, C 1.1 4 19 3 79 I 271 J, o 18 4 26 3 74 3 4S ( 4 4a n is 4 33 a en a ii - l G 10 4 43 3 til 3 ui a 4 M 4 6) 4 50 4 M I l5 4 '( Indicates Sunday. . . . i ' 1 1 1 iv inii i rv s. 'nrir. cinnnvT miiniiiix.i - . i m anai nt niiiuiv niaKcs ii prolmli o " . , ., 7 ,;i .i fw i! Tho oil c ni numncr crrn i.-112. in. Lard, lower: choice, u.6i!4. l'ry salt ....,, , t,v oach road wus. facts foTraw n n- mc,li?. U'oxcd). steady: extra shorts. J7.M: Clltli0. HoSs, elenf ribs. 17.75: clear sides. IS. Ilacon IhOI l..v.t.l M.An.1... avIi.ii alinrln tQVMl uhnrl rius. s.m; clear siaos, js.mi. tcatiy ni ii..u. the Spelter, chickens, 7VJc: springs, K3, bo; a... m. & St. I . ity.... O. ft St. I.. ' '." " Missouri J'aciuc union rncino syswin.. I A. TC. W. 11V ai. v. i. arnii,.nn i.rni tl.Rft! I f?nrn wna dull nnd uto.-tdv within ft mod- li,,n. i.. u-lr.iJ . . SUc: turkevs. Ml7c: vounKS. He: ducks. Be: P.. K. ft M. V. ! California nectarines, 4-baskot crate. 11.23. ernte range. Tho opening was at ft Blight than In stocks, the averago volume ,Vf d0ni. yl?;JcKKeie,:t?01 yoWB' 6J6c' (" t"' "11 'it It . . GOOHBHERRIBS-Out of tho market. decline, but complaints of damage from ngf, l)cln? considerably less than halt thoVo EHSSrAlca,lfV nt. a,i' ,rm. J' n" uv CHBRRIES-Callfornla. per 10-lb. box. hot wenther In Kansas and executions of 11 nt this tlmo last your. Un ted States re- . "T';"-Steady; creamery, lC19c; c., 11. & O. ' ' . .. tl.104H.23; Missouri, per 2l-qt. case, 12.23; material drop In government crop llgures, funding 2s, when Issued have d,.riin,i i 'alry. llilc. K. C. ft St. J. "'"t,it ... .. VA7mUVii mwc. with n good' cash demand, caused enough llnd IU 14? and S 4 u cSSt In thJ IC13I IPS Vlmtr. 3.000 bbls.: when t. 200.- C., 11. l. 'ft I ., IW.. ciwt;... V WATERMELONS As to size, 2530c each, buying car y to send the September prlco bid prlco in call. 0 000 bu-! corn- f'3-000 hu.; oats, llS.OOO bu. C. It. I. ft, ! LBl'" ' AlU'LKfUNaUvo. 75CW1.W per bu.; per well above 37c. Later, part of the decllno Following aro ho closing prices on tho r1.18? 'W, bl4"nVi V .lcat' llllnoIa C"tral 1 - ii imi nn .VB11 , nn n V,.., tllB ei0e wn() v. v.i, -r.'"! i'"coa on tno cl.000 bu.: corn. 81.000 bu.: oats. 33.000 bu. i , lum ,uuun VAVllilllKU. I I 111 Atohlunn do pM... M'i Tuns A Pncino ... tlU 7011 lTtilnn n 1 llaltlmor. & Ohio.. 7Ht' dn pf.l 7(!iJ CanaJIsn 1'aolllo .. S7MWnbash 6?J CJies. & Ohio I7i; Vhel. t, U H i ii .a rs ain ad rer i uncn. accoruinic io sise i Hn.u ...... nnrt,i niiimitrii im.nrnini v-"tmtw u, it, itj in si tr,r it J2.2oB3.00. business done wns rather small on nccount Q IM Wis. Central t 13 MISCELLANEOUS. iiht offerlnus Tho recc lta wero 47S c"'' '" L !J!i. Third Avenue 100 NUTS-Hlckory. largo, per bu., 11.25: shell- J. "B September ranged from 21'io to d rl &l AAtmx Ex..... IS barks. 11.35; English walnuts, per lb.. 12 c'4"' nnSlpci0med I unchanged at Wc ' Chicago & K. III... as Amtrlc.n Ex . ui lM 7Uc. I 1-- i l.. WV.I1. lrtwl nml -lVi4l C. G. C. : St. Ij... CUiAlTlr Pnt nil liti a Toleiln .Mnrket. T i uwivUWi aul, iirin i Lftiu win i a iwiiuhi ,t . i r lower: onot. 77;c: August. 77ic: September, ber of head inaicaicu. ihi,e: unioner. ,uic: ijipemuer. m m,c. i Tinvnrff coiin uuu nnd niencr: no. 2. caan. 42c: nmnim PneKiiig to September, S3',4c. o. II. Hammond Lo uath no. 2, ensn, zic: aeptemtior, 2ijic. swift nnd uompauy jti n unennngcu: ino. ensn, oic. ULOVKHHHED uuu nnd uucnuiigcd lN'JS nrime. is. in: nm prime, I5.40J October, $5. so; Cudnhy Packlna Co Armour & Co.... "'A.',',',;' Omaha V. Co., Kansas City. Other buyers Cnttlc. Hogs. 020 1.4IS . ... .. 1.512 1.57B 2,238 SO , 8 WS?.. "blndleato"vthat tho coming crop will not bo us largo ns prov ousiy pre dicted, owing to tho long continued hot (poll, which ripened tho fruit too rapidly, tnusing n largo, proportion to rot In tno orchards. Help Is niso scarcer than usual. Tne liour raarnuw u w mi, "; : NEW YOIIIC GENERAL BIAIHCET. flnolnllona for the Dny on Vnrtons Commodities. NEW YORK, buying by packers, who reported a goou cash demand for meats. At the close Sep- i..l,ne ,.n.l, ivim 'Vln Inwpr nt S11.R5. KeDtem- iviiiuu. r l" 1 v - " ' . . . . . , . . . . i t-i .. .li,. L l,.wp nf t7.07t4M7.10. do lt pfd. 'tlmatea receipts wonuiiy; 'w '.V"'' , to wheat la a trine lower than It was a, 4.773 bbls.; exports, 13,775 bbls.; ales, K.OOiJ I Tlii wnale na-o Oatmoal. however. Is tho samo pkgs.: Inactlvo and about steady; winter WCCK 11KU. yi i" t rri, I ......... tnrrt in. ..... irvi... it mci I . :ntmodltleN. I ' P 2;0 c(rs; oatS, 470 cars; hogs, Hocking Conl . . Aug. 4.-FLOUI-necelpts. c3n' jj1 'u ''rB, HoeklnR VslUy orts, 13,775 bbls.; sales, 15.C0O leading futures ranged as follows: Illinois Central dozen, whtlo gooseberries, currants and RYE-Wcak; No. 2 western. 51c f. o. b. hi"v i.nrn withdrawn from tho afloat. ;v intlrciv. owing to tho light pack. BARLEY-Irregulart 45ffl47c c. 1. f. New wostern. 6I1T63C. 500 bu.; exports, in eastern canned goods there has not been York: milling. 5052c. Jmich change Tomatoces nnd string beans, HAHLEY MALT Dull; mucn ciiniih". i.ut other lines w rat-liecelntB. 79. nro , ouotcu the same ns they wcro a week 150,143 bu. Spot, steady; No. 2 red, 79(S79Ho nro quoted tno same elevator and SliS81Hc afloat: No. 1 north- "7Au tnnrltet Is still easing oft am; ern, Duluth, 81fto f. o. b. altoat. Options Oct. ntii aUnTnnd Manila ropo aro being quoted opened, steady nnd wero fairly well sus- Lard Aug. Kept. Oct. Oats Aug. Sent. Pork Sept. both somownat iowor. llnrilvrnre Trnde Improrlnir. talntd In the forenoon by decided strength at Parts nnd a higher corn markot, with iigni onenngs; ctosea a no in stcnuy ai vhcs oO'VKTO 5-iBc, closed intdiers reDort tho month of Au- not decline; September. ROiMI rust starting out In very promising snapu. nt SOjic; December, 8lTiQS2Vic, closed at ib.n,mip mefchants are coming snic. in more i freely than they wero n week ago CORN-Itecelpts, 112,125 bu. Spot, firm; L" !n?i?ii.T mmi renort ft better fooling No. 2. 4Uio f. o. b. alloat und 43V4o ele! nut through the stuto than has been no- vator. Options wero fairly active and much Heed In somo llttlo time. They nil speak firmer on less satisfactory crop reports vnrv favorably regarding tho outlook ror from parts of Kansas; closed steady nt o I".. i n...l nrn.ilmnv IL llvulv trado tint nilvnnrn' Mnnl.mhnp i!7iCTJ1Hn olnun.l Sept. Oct. Jan. Rlbs- 8ept. Oct. Jan. 74H 74ff4 71 74 75 TM 74T4W75 75 765ti 76( 75 75?i 37 37W 37 , 37U 3CU 36 SOU 30U 2074W21 2021 20V.5TTI, 20j; 2VV 21 21iU 2Ui 12 05 12 05 11 70 11 R5 12 02W 12 024 11 6714 11 85 6 82J4 C82W 6 774 C SO C K7VS 6 87V4 6 77(i 6 82Vj 6 70 6 70 6 63 6 67(5 7 10 7 10 6 95 7 07V4 7 07(4 7 07V4 7W 7 05 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 36T4i37 sun 21U do I1 nM it Dfl. & Hudnon ....113 Del. 1 W 17 Denver & It. a 18tf ao pfd 67 104 ia H',4 31 ll!4 19 , 41 l?i! 27 i 92 ....209 .... 70?; .... 91 do rjfd.. 40Vi'Amr. raltlnc ao ptd Amcr. a. & It do pfd Iowa Ontrsl do pM k. c,, i. & a.., Lake Hrle & Vf, dn pfd Lake Shore L. & N , Manhattan I, Met. St. Ily.i .. 19 Cotton Market. NEW YORK. AUC. 4.-COTTON-T1IC market for futures opened steady with Alt- aust 1 tiolnt higher nnd later deliveries Pit 3 ndlnts lower, nnd Immediately nhowed em- pnatic weariness under nggressivo selling uy tne nenr torces, in conjunction wttn nct- 88 7,723 cattle ero un- OT'ntnls ..inmrLi JPUr. WllfO lllinOSt 110 ni nil on sale today and prices we clmnsfed. . . ..,. jm8 t,ecn Tho came mi" uv - nnnalnre in very Batisraciory -"ro ,or trillO iienriui '.:,;:'n,niintlnir AmfF.Rni.ii. iii I .. . . .... . 11 1 . . .. r. I were a ivo iquination 01 local nnu ioreign noiti- tho nreced ng weeK. 1110 inwicuo- f"'-" L Ings. Throughout the forenoon the market to M8 hciid. nnd tho gain over the nomc do'nfS P '"' J5Ji wafl feverishly active, with tho general un- c& 8, year " umountj to 1.297 head, rho vi,P u 'VV,; Jilt dertono steady. There were occasional n J 0ri tho part of packers ful y Tn ;,,' & W IVA flurries of profit taking, causing upward .emm to tho supply, so that each day s re- An,.,pfiiU"U,": "Purts In values. Hut In tho main bulls wore i picked up at an early hour. , nf V" lat0 " Pi "howefl a lack of courage and organization, Cori,feA steers hayo, commanded a nt? i i I'S' All the regulation In nuances on tho bear Ylu In better prices nnd nt tho closo of the Amor. Tobacco .... 91 i,i f .rr nflll nvtnit . whtln In nddl- ""i?. "..... .' anfplv bo culled U big 1.35; choice owes, 13.2573.50: fair to good owns. n.0Cit3.2.i: fair to good ycnrllngs, M.75i'f4.00; good to choleo clipped lnmus, 5I.2.WI i.twj ruir to good cupped minus, iloow 4.25, choice spring lambs. 1V40J5.63; fnlr to good spring httntis, IS.00O3.23; Teeder wethers. S1.KU3.lll: fncder venrllucs. IS.IOffi 8.C5; feeder latnbs, $3.7Mfl.C0. CHICAGO 1.IVU STOCK MAIIICET. Cntllp Nonilunlly Slcnd Hogs Active Miepp nml I.ntnlis .sinTcr. CHICAGO. Atlir. 4 CA'ITf.M Ilneelnla. 300 head: nominally steady nl 25300 ad vance during tho week; natives, good to prime steers. !J.40(fr5.90; poor to medium, H.!.Tf 5.3.1; selected feeders. JI.OiMfl.60; mixed stockers, I3.004f3.S6; cows. I3.0WI.60: heifers. ..iwo.w: cannets. w.Lirif2.!a; ujhs, is.ooai 4.6u; calves. U.0HiiJ.s5: Texas red steers, Il.40i(5.;ii): Texas grass steers, U.D5lfl.8o; Texas bulls. $2.fiOS3.40. iiuiift iieceipts today, 17,000 head: Mon day, 30,000 head psiimnted; left over. 3,000 iit-au. iiruvc in I'Tiuay H averago prices; top, J..4it4j mixed nnd butchers, I5.15r5.l5: good to cholco heavy, I5.10ir.45; rough leilVy. 1 1. 90ft ii.05! Ilirllf. lS."flif. lilt. Imllr .. unl..M fly JA . SHEEP AND LAMIIS-Recelnts. 3.000 liend: steady to slow: Kood to chole.o iVlvjiFi ''Wl.iu; ruir to choice mixed. n...)5H.2o: western sheep, II.25U4.70; Texan sheep, J3.3ifu4.33: native lambs, l.25h5.73: western latnbs, 5.001f5.75. ItECPIIiTR Tlilu ..nnl r,.,,l. mpai head; hogs, 115.500 head: sheen, 6t;,200 head. i-nsi wcck: Cat tiu ic.200 head; hogs, 105,600 nuiiu; uiiccp, ui.uw ncau. Mexican Central ,. ll'J1 12 05 12 0214 G 85 C 91 C 75 7 12V4 7 am G 10 'No 2. Cnah niintnttnna wnro nn follows! liu.niTii uiui t winter nnienis. ..ovin."'i ' specials, i.ii j; straights, $3,303- No. 2 red, 73 Mn I 77Vie. freely for fear of a still further, decline white, 27UC offered: track, mixed western, CORN-No. 2, 38j?3Sc; No, 2 yellow. 40c. In values It Js thought tho jobbing t ratio 11 1 26W27c. dptlons. dull but 4nsler with cprn OAT8-N0. 2. 21'ft22)(c: No. 2 white. 233 lh tiSSent tlnio would bo enormous. There HAY-lfrm; shipping, 75c: good to choice 23V4c:Nq. 3 white, K'ifcattc. atato. 1? nothing particularly now to bo said re- 8092Uc gardlng Uio . condition of tho rnarket, na JjOPS-Dull: s practically au lines nro in dltlon they wero ft week ago. Thore hds been ft good, live y demand for dry goods this past week, taking Into con sideration, tho time of year. For July. Job bers say the volume of business transacted rSns faV nhend of fast year and tha pros peets for futuro business were, never bettor i n.nanni limn. A ronresonta- ,an 'iti i; 1 In , who' has lust fffi: "V. -"J--? '.I.- .; .nv thOUgh C 11. trade "is ft Ittlo quiet therojust at; present Cut meats.' manufacturers nro very Independent and Mo 25. pickled I shoulders, 16.606.75; pickled N'n. 2. 4Sf?50e. II A RLE Y Good feeding, 31236c; fair to 1899 crop. HMHo; olds, 3ft5c; Paclllo coast! cholco malting, 3S(Sllc. 1899 crop, 19iS23c; olds, 35c. 4",,,,u tuaa'' SEEDS No. 1 llax. 11.42; No. 1 northwest ...... . . ' .. I , ,0. ....... ...... , ... . , r.inHa t U iiiui.n aiouuy: uaiveston. zo to 25 lbs.. 1 rn. !;iu.L'.'"""l".""UV . 18o: California. 19 to 25 lbs lSUp- Tovna PROVIHIOKB Mess porK. per nou, jii.iw dry. 21 o 30 lbs 13Wc H.73. Lard, per 100 lbs.. I8.7714fl6.80. Short LEATHER Quiet and steady hemlock ribs sides (loose), $7.0pg7.30. Day salted soIeT Huonos Avr liXt to hellJLVEto? shoulders (boxed). .16,757.00; short clear 2W?23Uc: acid, 22V402314C. sides (boxed). I7.KKff7.iO. PROIHIONlinf fnn,w. fnmti., tin , WHtSKY-nas s of high wines. $1.231,4, 2.00: benf hum., trn'mfijiffl.' XrK . SDOARS-Cut loaf. J6.8S; granulated, $0.32; DO: cltv. BvtFn itidin mn.. ti c nn!a 1 1 n.i confectioners A, $o.8; off A, $6.13. Mlntn & St. L. 10 pta Mo, l'aclflc Mobile & Ohio . St.. K. & T do pfd N. J. Central ... JN. Y. Central ... Norfolk & AY.... do pfd No. Pacific do pfd Ontario & W.... Ore. Ily. & Nav. do pfd Pennsylvania .... Heading do 1st pfd do Id pfd Rio O. W Mo pfd St. L. & 8. F..., do 1st pfd do 2d Pfd St. L. Kouthw... do pfd St. Paul , do pfd St. r. At Omaha Bo. Paelflo , So. Hallway .... no pfd 56 .. 9f 37H ha . ,1,1. .hA.i. i.n.i n .-nr.. Una . . mir.r. liluhur than tney C010, Don. do pfd Federal Steel do pM Oen, Klectrle Olucots Sugar do pfd Inter, Paper . do pfd Laclede Oa 'v T- m anTnothlSir In tho y of bull news of any unilcr Be have not shown much lm- Fuel & rron. 24ji 80rt (rom other sldo of the ocean. The provctnent and lmvo been slow sale, as i the l?f0.bMCO "'4 spcculatlvo public nnd the room traders wtcrn cattle come' In competUlon with wero iiiu icuiiiiig nenria inut ui mu niit- them. There nave "" "vc f i.n.,l noon. Tho near months continued to show nowover. so that prices havo not changed 6i 33i 1M C214 99 . !J'4 . V4 . It .ii 10',i,WutlonaI Illscult. M ..-J29'4 do pfd . ,.:i Nntlonnl Lead ..... 20 ... 1V.V do pfd i 54 ... national uieci Jl ... Ki do pfd M ... 71!4N. Y. Air llrnke...lS4 ... 21H No, American 10 ... 12 Pncltio Coait ?2 ...74 1 do lut pfd S3 ....I2S-V do Id pfd C2 ... 17 PiKlflo Mall t ... ii'A i-eopia-s uaa 99 ... 2S'.J Pressed B.. Car.., ... filH do pfd 90 il'ullman I. Car ... 9!' H. 11. & T .... 07 .(Suitar 32i' do pf. FUnt rlnspd .-J, ,l,,,. din week, steady, with prices not unchanged to H I Tho cow markot has been raUicr uneven. InnfnM tinnl ! Moswl nillnf nt iJ.rt T r. I n . 1 ... m r liu nil 1 1 f( 1 lllRL UUOlll cllno; middling uplands, 9'4c: middling guir Bt"ady for tho week, but thoso of medium 94c: snles, none. Futures closed steady nt miallty tire lOQlGc lower. 1 ho demand his the necunn; August. BPiiiemutr, been none too goou tor uuu Octobsr. $1.00; November. $7.90: December, J'ney B?u .lopcnds largely upon how $7.86; January, I7.S7: February. $7.tU: March, ,any are on the market. Ciiner i t re $7.91; April, $7.01; May. $7.96; June, $7.93. sellltm more freely, as moro of the pack ers nre running men uiim ,. tne c iso k mn"' 1....V. ,i i.iirtinr. but In sonif cttsesaies u ,,'uarter T.ighcr havo been The feederTra.le is also In good 1 shap'o. The market on tho good heavy entile has been nctlvo and strong all tho week, wit tho light or common gruuio mu " nnuv Tii fifimtinti irom inu tununj' . ...... ...... lllllll nan iiiu , .. ..,. NEW YORK. Aug. 4.-COFFBE-Spot, Prices nro unevenly lilKt er. uui in T - . . -I ... ..... . ..... I . ...... l.lntll.F II IVn Ili'MIl llio, enBy; ino. i invoice, vac siiki, quiri; Cordova, nominal. Futures opened steady nt'BiflO points decllno and ruled active unjer tic Knnana City Mvc Slock. KANSAS ,C1TY, Aug. 4,-CATTLE-Ro-ceipts, lOi) head; prices nominal; receipts this week, JM.ouo licnd; common gtassers wero in largo supply this week and aro selling about 16c lower, whllo cholco kll Isxs ure scarce und lOfJOc higher: stockers and feoders nctlvo nt 10H5o higher; nntlvo 5!rSr8,.,4 ",.'1' !u! "tockets und feeders. J3.75 fli.i5: butchiir eows and heifers, $3.15f&.35: cantiors, $3.&0i57.1.0O; fed westerns, $i.004'iii.5H fe Toxane, $3.90U5.BO; grass Texnns, $3,205 Hoas-Hpcolpts, 9,000, head; mnrket ?i,,ni'y t0. 100 lower: receipts tor tho week, i?',X-llc,,a aml voIiiph lOlflBo higher; henvv, $J.207u.3O: mixed, $5,155(5.25; light. $5.105.25; pigs, Jl.iI.'Qo.lO. SIIEEP AND LAMRS-Recelpts for tho wock, lt.OCiO head: Improved demand for all classes; sheep, 2oo higher: lambs about lOo higher; lambs today. $5.005.80; muttons, $3..0jt4.2.5: westerns. $3.85l.2,i; feeders, $3.00 4l4.2oi culls, $2.5003,00. Ximv York I.lvp Sliiclc. nU',YPU,' Au""' 4.-HBEVBS-RP-eolpts, 475 head: no trading this morning: feeling llrm: cables sleudy: exports, 1,195 cattle and 6,530 quarters of beef. CA LVES IlprplntM. nunn! tin Ipnit. nni. Ing Jlrm: city dressed veals. 8fHlc ne'r lh. SHEEP AND LAMRS-Recelpts, 0,250 head: sheen, steady to firm: Inmlu. nnnnd steady nnd nctlvo nnd closed quiet: sheep, $3.W4.76: lambs, $5.00ff3.C2',4; culls, $1.00: cull sheep, $2.R7',4. tjunB-uceeipts, 2,165 head; nominally steady. fit. Jospnli I, vv HtoeU. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH. Atlir. t (Hnnplnl Tho Journal quotes: cattle Receipts, 200 head; markot was steady and demand strong. nuun iteceipts, o,.w nend; niarltet was wenk to 5c lower: all crudes. is.iyiAiWR.aii! bulk. $5.J7UifJG.221i. SHEEP-Rcceipts, 100 head; market Sll'Uli) . llnnldntlnn. with tho undortnne wenk fol lowing weak European nnd Brazilian ro rnlniH nnd nrotrncted absenco of nublto In pr.nt! coverlne held the market nt the de- 99 I .ll,,n. .Innftil atAnHv r.'frlO nnlntfl tlQt lOWCTt I Inl.. I M'4 Mnina' 30.S50 hnirs. includlnc Auuust nt $7.65; thnv ronimand better prices . u n t ....v.... iicr, nniniiAF. 77r.. Mivnm inr. I ,u2 $7.737.80; December. $7.8511.7.90: January, 7.9o; Feuruary unu aiurcu, j5.wu3.vni iuj $ fork the heavy cut tlo nnd for that reason ma rtntumfini tuiiinr liriifM. Western range cattle have, been coming 5 .i:j4 .115 10'4 Tenn. Coal ft Iron. 70 , mu U. 8, leather ..11IH ..171 ..110 .. 10TII do pfd. V. ft. Rubber .... do pfd Western Union ., P. C. C. & Bt. Ii.. 1011 . 6l , 27 . 93 , 79$i ll, JO test, 4!ln. aioinsses niigiu , i" ied. quieter; No. ti, $5.55; No. 7, 15.45; No. $5.10: No. 9, $5.35; No. 10.; iso. n, ii. Mn f Jr."V No. 13. J5.20 NO. 14. JS.-'I Offered. Did. Kevr York Money Mnrket. Tho closing prices on bonds today are as follows: , Tro not tit all anxious to dispose of stock, hams.' $10.0010.75. Lafdl qulot; ' western . Tho cotton goods markot is strong and in- steamed, $7.15; refined, steady; contlnont. FI alcntlons are that prices on futures will bo $750: South America. $8; compound. $6.25 W heat, bu 10 and 15 per ceni nigner uum iw "ji,". lamny, i4.w)!ifi6.wjj short Corn, bu iu, not vcar. Foreign cottons aro . parUculurly clear. Ha.OOfllS.M mess, $12.75(213.50. Oats, bu 487, .irn'ir nnd buyers can tuKo mem ni uui iiii atendy; creamery. 17ff20e:. tne. live, bu 10. orices offered or leave them nlono. just as tory, current packed. 14iil6Wc; imltntlon Bnrley, bu ....14 Ihov nlejise. Importers claim thai iney wii- cronmcry, lotifjsoi state dairy, 15V413c: On the Produce exchange .ni niiiii'iv nn mucli stocK us incy wain. ... siato creamery. lTar.'Oc. "iwl. iu ..l... .irnnc nnd IiriCOS Will CIIKKSE Htrnntr; probably' be 10 und 15 per cent higher ; than ih x colored. 1014c; ?uSS of thS erfcKVadJfl 1 e"do.nestlb sady: state Following aro tho receipts and shipments for today: Articles. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 15,000 30.CO) .149,000 llct.UUJ ouu s.uixi ,000 217,000 000 3,000 do t. ree.. ,0W 7.0UJ do coupon today tho but- T). of C. 3 Ci., .a, mnrlrnl wna llrm rrAiim.FInu lMn li I Alcn. iren. .IS In Tim pnlnrnH H'n. I nit.. .i .... ..11 m;int' I An nni Am large wIiIIb, Olic: small Eirirs. llrm! fresh. HUe. Canada So. 2s. I l uiiri, ivc u, tvj. nnd . .Pennsylvania, I MOVEMENTS OF STOCKS AM). BONDS. do C U. S. ref. 2j, rcg..l01',4 "N. 3. C. gen. ti.,122 do coupon inj'.i x . u. l los do :, ret W INn. 1'aclllo 3s G.Vi do 3). rer ira'il do 4 mi?; do coupon VW'J N Y do new 4s, re,,.,15I!i Nor, Snirnr Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 4,-SUGAR-Rnw, barely steady; fair refining, 4ftc: centrirti- go lit 8. -t" "v. j.. ::.v...i..i a nun standard a. o.w coiucuiiuiiri" '.' ,n,,t,i a M.K: cut loaf. $6.50: crushod. 16.50: powdered. $6.20; granulated. 56.10; 0UtbE-VJ6JiSnT.RANS. Auc 4.-SUGAH- Strong: open kettle, 4ic; contrifugnl, yel low, BU&ftc; seconu, -i vxw. aiuwoac., u- llial. moro freely this week nnd tho demand for them was good. Packers wero nctlvo out ers and In fact gave most of their atten tion to the grass cimio iuu unj um ...u on tho market In the. greatest number. Tho quality ns ft general thing wns n nine hotter than It was n eoupio m h and tho prices paid were higher. The mar- KOl Was Strong llll Win wmm unu n 01....U cases ii dlmo higlier than tho week boforo. Tho fact that cows wero In good supply made tho feeling on those n little easier, i.,,, ii,a iioat nTum tvpro very near steady fOr tho weeK, tne ueciiue ouihk '"d medium grades. It was u. good, healthy markot and gave general satisfaction Reprcsentntlvo sales: STOCK COWH AND JIUU'UltB. No. Av. I'r. No. av. it. 8 3S HOGS Tho largest receipts of thq week arrived today nnd as n result liuyors 11 11U w m ( ... m .illln., 4 J r. m - rfititti llu I (y.llUII 1,1 W' 0 a WuAmf i w J market Is In a vory unsemcu cu wiic; western ni mnrK, ll13o for average c. & N. W. c. 7.H5 mtdnu tothe fact that nqno can tell what lots: western, losa off. 1514c " ... w-r-; . .,.. I do S. V. deb. C...121 the price of cotton will bo. aummer uimi -iviuluw guiet City, 414Qlno; country, . Chlcnico Ter. 4s 9211 wear la also In ft very Arm position. MniW 4V4?l9ic. iiopii,ea Its Prcducpsanrs. s Bo. 4, v. ufactiirers nro not showing ladles' linos at ItlCE-Qulot: domestic, extra to falK Bi NEW YORK. Aug. 4,-There was nothing ..n. & it. o. Is 102 nil nnd men's goods nro up 10 and 15 per uV4o: Japan. iWc. ' Important In today's dealings In stocks nnd urle reneral 4 C84 r.nt us compared with last year s prices. mii ALH Pig Iron, weak: northern. $15.00 bonds. The undertono of the mnrket was ie. w, & D. C. 1.. 71 Now York Dry Goods Mnrket vmir vnpi; Aitir. 4. diiy uuuira- inuntut. vriiciiint, 1 n biir bo decline. do old 4s. res-.. ,..lix4 Oregon Nav. 1S...W prints, there has been more doing on mall and, though sellers hold for better prices, An .n,,nnn iim'.i ,tn i iiiu I niAnnimii nnttniiM nro ouict nut ii, n rnnt Hint it tvHii Hnturiinv made ll un steady, urown goous aim co.irno uuiinim, possible lor incm to uuu me inui n-t. yivn dull nnd Irregular. Trlnts nnd glnghnms, tho hogs began to change hands they went steady. Modorato demand for woolen rapidly, so thnt It was not long bofote he and tho bulk of tho better grades went nt Wool Mnrket. $5,1214. There wns no material change In ..113 ..113 ..1!7 ..10t',4 .. l ..10SU .. 99 11611, steady. Modorato demand ror wooien rapidly, so thnt It was noi long uoior goods. Cotton yarns, steady, but demnnd everything was sold. Tho long string wen moderate. Woolen nnd worsted yarns, nt $5.10, uh agninst $5.15 ycBterduy. 'lh barely steady. Print cloths, quiet, but firm. .KH desirable loads sold nround $5.0714 an nuiilicra. Hoot, nnd Shoe.. SrVrt-".''" omn, aay; Thn riemnnd for rubbers Is still rnther . .. quiet. Fall business Is coming along In ns Knnana City Grain anil ProTlalnna. good snnpo as couiu uu "'""'! , kaksas CITY, Aug, 4. WHEAT Son- prospects nre very favorable for n. gob tomber. tKic; December. Wo: "asli Nc i trade later In tho season. A traveling mat, Ilor() W(67c.' No. 3 ta605o; j rid 735 for one of tho largo Jobbing houses in this 73c! No. 3i mTiol wu u' iNO' - reu city wno covers mu wcbwu "! O""-we ptombcr, CITie; December Slot ': J Ln?FnSrt"0 thn fnr went thai S?'h'M5,, 2"'XC', hoTiSl -'''Ps'Pn" &18&J !i0214c; old, 27c. ttlllltll h""1".1, y . .ai 1..I llin I , wv. firm. Tho scanty offerings of stocks seems not to nrnuKe nuv enthusiastic Inivlntr. There was a moderate demand for Iron and stcol shares, which ndvunced from 1 to 1'i points, the latter llgure representing the extremo' guln by Tennessco Coal. Tho mo tive of the movement wns the encouraging opinion expressed by the commercial re views of tho wock on the conditions In the Iron trade. Tho report of the yellow fever in Fiorina caused heaviness in one or two southern lines, and Brooklyn Rapid Transit was arretted by reports or lauor uisauec- Oen. Electrla Ca,...ll5 la. Central Is Ill k. a, p. & a. i.. 70V4 I. tc N. tint. 4.... M M.. K. & T. 2s 7 do 4s 901 1 "When Issued. Bid. Offered. Oregon 8. I C..125V4 Jo consol 6s 1124 Rcadlnn gen. 4..,, M? itio o. v. 11 DS'l St L & I M 0. "SO. & S P r. CS..121 St. Paul connoln ...imU '.it, 1'., C. & I , ls.117 do Ca 11SH cv, ttuui.i ia,. ii to UntO IOr IIIC next hciiud ill wuwi uwiu'ii l inn . m v.wov, .... So. IUI way fi 10SM ininB nnmhnr 190.6S4 hu es, nc ltd ng 36.000 Would have brougiu oariy in tne morning, -".1. It, Ai l. UK..,. 721,4 Tex. & PaclHo Is. .1114 "do 2a 51 Union Pacific 4 105 W'nbaih 1 110 do 2 10114 west hnore 4a. Wis. Central 4s... C7M "Vb. Centuries .... 8954 Ionics ror a tug irauc iiuti uii, . iiaic cnoico timothy, $9.50: cholco nrnlrle ,mni duk" Lu'.'i"u,t:u u" . KUUlKV mnm winter Is of average severity. In Oregon ja 60 pnuric, rpCnvery and the upward movement In nnd AV'oshlnpton. he says, the big wheat BUTTER-Crenmery, 15018c: dairy, fancy Unlon a,c"10. was continued, tho other crop and good prices aro going to help out J5c. . ov, UBir, upiwy, transcontinental railroads showing some trade conditions Immensely. The towns ura EGGS Firm; fresh Missouri and Kansas sympathy. The list Improved somowhat on all prosperous and business active In a stocki 1Ko osal off. cases returned: the bank sta ement. but no Important llqul. llnrs. In Montana the mines are turn lm? new wnt W00(1 ' lnc uiled.Wc more. ' on was In ovldenco. The closing was out great quant tics of copper and other RECEIPTS-Wheat. 332.400 bu corii li . 1"11 tlna rather heavy, with the steel In- ia n ,, i mrirn improvements are being o-i V.r , ,,r. i i,,', ' ou" cor"' dustrlnla and a few other sncp n t ea show- LONDON. Aug. 4. WOOL Tho arrlvnls tho market from start to finish, hogs sell o dato for the next series of wool auction Ing n. the close for about ae much as thoy ialos number 190.6bl bales, Including 36,000 would have brought oarly In. the morning, forwarded direct. Tho Imports for the the breaK in provisions ugain coming too week wero as follows: new Houtn wnies, late. jto r,.ihn,ii-n,. n 070 ! Snut h A tistrnlla. itnenlntH of lions for tho week show a 5,010: Brlsbano, 67: New '.caland, 7.45S;, Cape docrenso as compared with last 'week of of Good llopo and uiai, 111; iiuantiiuii, ii.aio iiuuu, out iur iim ottiuu vtuuiv moi t-n, 1 096: Marseilles, 1,202, nnd olsewhero, 579. there Is Hn Increase amounting to 3,368 nmw YORK. Autr. 4. WOOL Q'Oiot: head. Tuklng everything into cousldcrii- domeatlc lieecc, iatu-ac; lexiiH, uumi;, Cntlfnrnlo. Dried Krulta. NEW YORK. Aug. 4. CALIFORNIA average cost of ull the hogs .was lOo higher DRIED FRUITS Tho week closed with 1 than or. aionnay and 100 nigner man tne trade in ancu jruits una evaponueu uppius i inftfiiini; iiimmu i. ""p :' v.rnn.,iiii.'niv lii-lit thnuirh thn est no hit reached since May 17. Friday BOSTON, Aug, 4.-Call loans, 2(fJ2!4 per undertono , held about .steady, wnn PJices an. sa iituuy pun U'A per cent, ulllclal unennnguu in io muni, niaw, v.-uiiuiiun, ,v i "";,'",, ..,, v,'r, I Do; prime, 4iio,c; cuoice, ovstuuc; mncy, ihkhci num u uuuuu. iuituovii.o.ivu ci7c. l'runes. vaiiic per io.. ns io size oairo and quality. Apricots, Royal, lKTfllc: Moor l'arit, IDUiiic. x-euciics, pceicu, imiciu; uu peeled, oyyc Hon, tho markot has been In good shape tho most of tho week. Until Friday prices udvunced steudlly, so that op Thursday tho Boston Mock Quotations. wade nnd moro men employed than ever before. In Wyoming the stock growers nro all mnklng money, nnd tho railroads, particularly me union i-iminu, ""--Ing largo sums of money nnd employing thousands of men, which helps out tho prosperity of tho stuto materially, rak ing the west as u whole, there was never a tetter outlook for n. lively fall and win ter business. A great (leal of building Is being done In the small towns as well as tho larger cities, which In Itself Is u goqd Indication that the country Is prosperous. As regards Immediate business there Is not much to bo said about boots and shoes, Adv .FSJJlM'IlN..T8-olC!nC?i' 14l'70 hu.; corn, UUW uu., uaip, .,vai Ull Liverpool Grain nnd Provisions. LIVERPOOL. Aug. 4.-PROVISION8 Inir the only nntnble not changes. Tho crowth In h.-mltlntr reserves was less than expected and tho loan expansion made Increased reserve requirements, so that the Increase in surplus failed to meet nniicipn' nnn. 'run rn.prvn unm nr inn tiniiKH ciiinn i t.i...t.i. ...... ..r.i nni, n ii iiuuu ii tiBi, uuu, ,iswi; prima hi d t onal Importnnce. from tne fact thai Gen. r.lectrlo 13Pi mess, dull, ills 9d. Pork, prlmo mess, west- the American subscriptions to tho new Brit- ,," ' im ern. firm. .Os. Lord, American rollned, In War loan aro Fccn to Insure an outward EJ, m jos 5v.a il.oSCl o VL;t.X2 "Hi! Mclean Centra. .. ll cent; tlmo loans, J4i IV4 Per closing: A.. T. &S. F 2 Union Iand( do li rd '-i west l.Htl I'll Amer. Sugar 12M,."vVeatlngli. Elec... 45 do nfd. us wis. central 13 Dell Telephone ,,..hjm Aioinnon i mr -n. i.. u. s u. ni Adventure 214 Alioucj inn. Co.... 1 Amnl. Copper 89 Atlantic 234 uoston & Mont 309 Ilutte & Iloston .... CIU caiumct & jiecia.,,711 Crntrnnlnl IT',; 1'ranklln 1.V4 llumbildt 23 OiccoU , C774 I Qnln Roaton & Albany.. .243 lloiton Ulcviited ,.,13 Boston & Me 11 C 11. & Q Dominion Coat do nfd.... Ffdeial Steel . dn pid,. .. 41 ..110' .. 31 .. 69 .13714 Ivnnco orders are being shipped out nt a mium pld rato. which will continue for somo J"0" f.o tlmo. The out ook for future busl- clear fo VaTl.w atpndv iiin ?,lVnV,; -i fom to .mm j, i no i exnuuiKe .01l, ciony ;oj Wit. io sirifii.Ti yW"J"alW? AA ia. ke70hs7ma1,."eVl.l yfoeJ'SSaHton bellies. 14 to 10 lbs., steady. 40s. square, is io ii lbs., steady, Duluth Grnin Mnrket. DULUTH, Aug. 4,-WHEAT-No. 1 liAnl'W fll l IIIIU UtinHflll II llll IK HIT llflL'Utl of Iho volume of business transuded last -cash, 7S'.4c; August, 7914c: September. 7$Hc; r. THO miirKOl OS a WIIOIO ill 111 ll very l wtwiuuti, JJv. '". huh."..., tiwii, iiiftu, ro llltIO UtnO. inO OUllUUlt H-l luium nn.,- q,:...).!,.. iiess Is very encouraging and no complaints Pj'0,",1"8"' are nearu on inai tn.oii. Holiday In wheat nnd corn. llniff .iinriici airtniK, The demand for drugs continues to bo strong position owing to the Chinese dls turbances nnd ulso to tho mlvunen In f rclglit rates. Quinine, opium und bismuth or,. iiiviiKF i hn ii tliv tveru a. week auo and are being held llrm at the udvutice. Carbollo acid Is 2o per pound higher than a week ngo. but turpentine Is ubout lo lower. Thcra have been vory few Important changes In fruits or vegetubles tho last week, about tho samo lines being on sale nnd prices not materially dlffereut. Call rnrnliL fruit Is now the most Important fpatjro nnd Is selling freely at tho uota Hons to bo found In another column. The egg market has tlrmed up a trllle since Inst report. In the poultry lino there hss not been very much change, though hens eased off ft trifle n the end of Alio weeK, while spring ciuokciis nrmou up a llttlo. Tho demand ull around bus been fulrly good, but not excesslvo. plnnr hnpks lit to 18 IhW nlnnilv ViV- in it in-i..sjtv..i twii-. ,v VMB iTiiMn. T ii i in ii.. ,-HS5iy' this week. Changes do not show any new Old Dominion Itublier Union Paclllo Exports nnd Imports. NEW YORK. Auir. 4. Tho Imports of speclo tnis weeic wero iz,sw goia nnn 09.1 Hltver. The Imports of dry goods nnd merchandise wero valued ut k.kii.h. it;x ports of gold and etlvcr from this port to nil countries for this week aggregated $1.- 331,255 In Bllvcr bars and coin nnd $16,700 gold. No. S8.,, 41... 81... 61.., 82.. Av. 8h. Pr. ....172 210 5 03 ....SJ7 ... 8 01 ....191 200 5 05 .,..234 40 5 0714 ...tot ... B 07 Uj No. CO... CO.., CI 215 100 B 074 10 220 ... S 07 54 329 ... B 07Vj co ::i io r. 07 81.... B7.... 63.... 7.... CI.... .... SI. Louis I. Ire XI ook. ST T.nillS. Auir. 4. CATTLE Receipts. V. '?r V;;t B00 head; markot stendy: native shipping " " " iXrV 131 and export steers, tl.7Bif5.75; dressed leef g j ' "7, iuiney 134 . , ,.. ,-- xi.uiifiS.4n! ainprn nndor I VI ?'? r' Santa Fe Tamarack Utah Mini .... S614iWlnonu 1... CO (Wolverines hnrd, Aucust. 7714c: September. 76'io: Decembor. 77He; no. 2 northern, it;c; imo. 3 spring iJ'.ie. OAT8-23M23Hc. COnN-37Vio. Mlnnrnpiilla Wbent nml Flnnr. MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. l.-WHEAT-ln ; slore: No. 1 northern, 74c; September, 7114 f"4Vic: Deconlber, 75itJ75V6c. On track: No. 1 hard, "64c; No, 3 northern 7314c; No. 1 nortnern. i4o. FLOUR AND BRAN-Unchanged. light on the mooted point of what the fu turo Ugni 01 pricri lor sccuriiuis is 10 up. lTnpprtnlntv and wattlnn- are the only de ductions to be drawn from tho Hat, quiet iiFfnrn nf tlip market. DcnllniTS nro on a nmnii senle nnd buyers and sellers far nnnrt. Tho resulting dullness cannot bo Interpreted as hopeful ror better conditions to come, bllt me Itosenco OI liquuinnnn raim up ni;- Bld. Ex-dlvldcnd. Srw York Minlnn: Stocks NEW YORK, Aug. 4, The following are the today Copper ..4,4 j i000 n,9 $3,404.95; stockers and feeders, " ii, ivn $2.65(01.35: cows and heifers. $2.00JM.00; can- Is. 1" tj" lnc 2 iters, tl.B0CS.8I: hulls, $2,25tl.l0: Texas und li r' ' ' 1 JU.40fi3.75. I ei HAnci ninlnld t CnA linn 1 mttflrnt I " J1UU47 l.t,4-VIHC, W,uw iaiaj ! mi Sg j lower: p!r;s nnd IIrIUh. $..2S?i5.ra; packers. $5.20G..fe; liutchcra. J5.aom.45. nv vnniv Auir 4. The foHowlnur are HIIEKI AINU iaimum ueceipia, w nen . , , . 4.00; stockers, $3,00ffl3.75. J f -ft Clinllar 1 Crown Point ....... 15 r ccpted In confidence that tho future will be on. lal. & a ll "" no worse. In the entire absence of any de- '""''V,,'' ," i clslve development to nffect tho general tono of speculation, Individual causes have Hnle & NorcroxM .. j nooo . M ,. 15 .Ontario Oplilr Plymouth .... Qu'cksllvcr ... do pfd Sierra Nevada Standard Union Con Ytllow Jacket T- Peorlu Mnrkrla. PICOIUA, Aug. 4.-CORN-Eusler; No. 3, dio of the month. Tho dividend OATS-Tnactlve: new No. 2 white, 22c. w'HiaKY-Oii tho basis of $1,23 for lln islied goods. ..... . UnnA lr unnnlnl utiirll. Homtltake unu lieu nvwi.w ... ........ .,-.... . . . . .... wiinnnt-nr nnv sneclul movement of this 'run "r nnmn nlinll t tho room traders rushed to loin Mexican tho movement. Tho result hns been thnt one-half to two-thirds of each day's bust- London Slock Uiin'nlloua nefS lias ueen cononiru in uum iiiit'o m six SIOCKS. M'hn dni'lnrilllon of a 2 per CCtl on Union Paclllo was predicted qn pectedly, tho general expecinxiun lion would be deferred until about ,.con ... 81 ... 10 ...1M ...710 ... 21 ...410 ... 20 ... SO THE IIUALTY MARKET. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Saturday, August 4: Wnrrnnly Dcpils, South Omaha Water Workn company to Now Omaha Tliomson-Ilouston Electric Lluht comnnny. part of lot 1, block 82, South Omaha 110,000 .210 W 5 0714 ..233 120 B 0714 ..z:s 160 b 0714 ..229 150 B 07 ..211 ... 5 074 ..2V 10 6 U7j ISO 10 i Wf, '4 07 '4 S 07'4 5 OTl-J B 10 fi 10 I 120 f. 10 233 121 510 6 10 5 10 5 10 22 ... B 10 :oo 5 11 l 10 7 260 60 5 10 53 290 M C10 71 31S SO 5 10 43 .337 89 5 10 83 21 ... B 10 79 237 120 5 10 7t 2l ... 5 10 CO 263 $9 S 10 77 221 10 B 10 72 261 141 5 10 67., 331 ... 5 10 il 2B0 80 0 10 10) 5 10 70. 63. CI... 73... 67... 15... 70... 71 Av. Hh. Pr. 223 120 B 10 148 160 6 10 231 120 S 10 236 ... 6 10 276 41 B 11 ....211 100 B 10 ,...231 ICO B 10 ....!51 80 6 10 ,,..210 200 ( 10 . .,231 60 B 10 ....228 It! & 10 74 226 SO B 10 M 278 100 B 10 61 277 310 6 10 47 70S ,,. B 10 66 IBT 120 B 10 t,9 2U ... B 10 1T.1. CI.. 61.. 67.. 67. C4., 239 63. 61. 66. 77. B4. 93. ... .227 80 B 10 .207 120 E 10 .323 41 B 10 .234 40 B 10 .235 81 B 10 .220 161 B 11 211 80 6 10 41 S 10 ..211 200 B 10 234 K) B 10 246 ... B 10 ,213 160 E 10 99 80 B 10 160 f. 11 I! II .204 60 271 66 277 121 S 10 5 10 LONDON. Aug. 4. Tho stock murket was u. t. iuiiih una wiie to j. li. i reign- ?e 211 . ., . . . closed today. ,nn' w 31 c01 01 101 ' l'l0CK t dividend C'?.SFU. 'Si . 4;...., a. ... oci;.l .... ...,.. flmnlin "i.tysi 1 . lie unex- tt'o'Kvtiyrpcr cent." The rato of .lT C. W. 1J ay ps'nni j wl f n to H. K. I 1 II ion , ' . 1 1 ".,T" count In the open markot for short bills. I v4 pr lot 10. biocit l. ruir cit s add.. wo m! ti'lii1!" I l(i per .cent; for three months' bills. 4tt United States National bank to Anna nn Haiti- ,,? ., rini.i urnm urn ni liimnr.H I tttchnn. lot Hi. block 2. Albrluht's (Ml 1 iw I 76,, 81... 71... 79... 79... 63... a... 133.. 41 80 C 10 164 E 11 81 E 10 41 E II ,.. B11 41 6 10 ..215 161 B 121.4 .161 ... 6 H',4, .,5V, 1W B 124 ..233 120 E 1214 239 ....2W ,..2IS ..223 was Slock In Sight, Following nro thn rorplnl. nl Ihn fnnr principal wcatcrn marketH for August 4: C.nttln. 11,1, .a Clinnn c t . ... ...... . . 1 ' kjwinii l,lllUIUt M t.iot Chicago 300 J7.000 IVUlinilH U1IV IUU St. LoUls BOO 0.000 3,800 3,000 703 Totals .9S8 37.B37 3,700 Omaha Branch Office F. 0. LOGAN Grain, Provisions and Stocks mil llonril of Trmlu llldw.. Omnlin. ME.MIIEItSl Clilcntco Rnnril of Trndp, Clilcngo Stuck ExohiuiKP, Netv York Stock 1U- ohniiKP. This ofneo Is connected by prlvnto wlro with our Chtcngo oince. Every facility offerod you for tho prompt execution of orders. I'. C. IIOI.LIKGEII, Mannwor. Jto3 PER MONTH AIISOLUTI3 SI'irillUTY OF PRINCIPAL A IXTEllEffT. Our customers are receiving divi dends of from 1 to 3 per cent monthly on such stock ns wo hanillo uh llscal ngnnts, also largo profit on thn cnsh selling value of principal. If Interctited In safe, high Interest bearing Invest ments, send for our now booklets ot DIVIDEND PAYERS. DOUGLAS, I.ACICY C CO,, BANKERS. BROKERS & FISCAL AGENTS, Oil Broudway und 17 Now et.. NEW YORK. Speculate by Charts. Tha only uofo and euro guldo to success. Charts noYor lie, This method fully ex plained and Illustrated In 8th edition, ICO pages (Just out) INS AND OUTS OF WALL STREET. (37 Illustrations.) 10c In stamps. LEWIS 0. VAN IHPUU, U Broadway, New York. T7- JAMES E BOYD & CO., Telephone 1039. Omaha, Ns COMMISSION, GRAIN, PROVISIONS nd STOCKS UOAIID Of TRADE. Correspondence: John A. Warren A Ca mrect wires to Chicago and Nw YorK rece ii H.R.PErlMEY8.C0. URAI! eooH4HYLirEua OMAHA Ktl. BRANCH 1036 Hit mtcoui ma OLDEST t SAFEST I BEST I INCOMES GROW MONEY WILL EARN 10 A MONTH. Thelnvcttor'e Fund pats semi-monthly, The nldet eiUklUhrd In Amnrlca. No rertlflcato holder h ever loit a cent. I'uymenti mailo lo all nbtcrlliers tirrry 11 Kn Irmililc. Nn delay. Money ref united nn deiiiniut, Wrlto to day for par tlCuUri, free to any aitdrp". (!. ll. MAI MtV CO., Bond Dept. No. CO. Hudson Uulldlng, New Yck. moro & Ohio common wus even u greater i.reV . ..The amount of bullion tukpn subdlv of block SO surprise. Bemi-oniciai assurances nnu oceii ,nt0 ,M0 ltli, f j;nglund on balance to- Same to Kraim ivseic ci ai, lot is, Vhlladrlphlii l'rodituc Mnrket. rillLADELl'HIA. Aug. 4, BUTTER rirm; V4o higher; fancy western creumery, 204o: funey wpstorn prints, 23c. BAR 12003 Firm; demand good; fresh nearby 37tj47c. given of n 2 per cent dividend on this stock wa8 w ow, s ,u I v .Mmilha riArln.l lilll nn in t mn . I " IUI mil ,w,.... ...... ...... ..... ...... .vlt.nn nf nn Inl.tillnn tr Ufa ..i.i. t.n .1lv.,1nnil nnd for llin nnnnnnl I Ilnllk ClenrlnUB of one of them so far In the futuro. Noth- , NEW YORK. Aug. J.-ClParltiRS. 1121,318.- lng could moro clearly show the specula- OS: balances, vj.zxi.iM. inn suntreasury ttve lethargy of tho market lhan the small had a debit balance touay or n.iM.jai. n.J.iv.v n.',i;i. v 1 inHft. ..n,nl. I i. u,llnli KV-n In thnsn I UT. I.DI'IH. Alia. 4. U RlirllllTS. S.T VZZ "ll uinuui-SUftli V.V. wu-vu, .i"-. i"".V "nM."'"- .n. innn itntlin iltt. h. 7th nnn. 1M RfVI! mnnof. 4i7 ner cen t ! Ne w OlVVItll 41I.1V ?,. v.vvhihiv V . , v " I T".-" - , , -v' . ' - , - Milwaukee Grain Jlnrket MILWAl'KEE. Aug. 4.-WHEAT-Hteady; No. l iiorinern, bo; no. 2 nortnern, (ic IIYN Lower; ciq, i, tut:. block 2, samo Quit Clulin Deeds. J. II. Watklns and wlfo to John Schratneck. n!4 of lot 13, block 16, Brown park Mury Schramcck to uumc, same 100 100 100 DO YOU SPECULATE ? Total amount of transfer ?34,90i If so, speculate successfully. Send your orders to a rellablo houso, whero thoy will bo placed In tho open markot. Wo can make for you In one month more lntorest on your money than any bank will pay you In a year. Send for our book on speculation, IC Is free. , J. K. Comstock & Co- rtoon S3 Traders' llldtf,, Chlcai.o,