Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1900, Image 11

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    The Omaha Sunday Bee
5 PAGES 11 TO 20. I
ESTABLISH 151) ,JVSK IW, 1871.
OMAHA, Sl'TsDAV MOKMXti, At'Cl'ST !!)().
Great Shoe
oses Monday HAYDENs
Three Big Shipments, Including Over 3.800 Pairs of Fine New Fashionable Shoes for Men,
Women and Children go in This Big Day's Sale at Less Than Half Price.
Every pair of shoes will be sold just as advertised that's why
we do the biggest shoe business in the west. Monday will be
the greatest day of the manufacturers' shoe sale.
FftENCn-STI It I NIC It & rrtNICTTS iiiiike of Ladies' $".()0 and
$0.00 Vici Kid and Patent Leather Shoes the latest
mannish styles for
IJOAG, IIICATI1 & CO.' make of Ladies' Kino ?:U)0 and 1.00
Vici Kid and Patent Lent her Shoes all the latest
styles and sizes a I
TriAltlC. McGl'lIMO & FIFLD'S make of Ladies' line $1.00 and
$2.00 Kid and Patent Leather Strap Slippers
tans and black for
. $1.96
Alisses' Fine
$1.50 Shoes
All the fine shoes from the big factories of French, Shriner &
Urncr, Hoag, Heath & Co., Myron F. Thomas, Jh'ving Behc"
diet 6c Son, Thare, McGuire Field, and C. H. Aborn & Son, wiH
be "piled high on the bargain tables" in our two big shoe depts.
Boys' Fine
$1.75 Shoes
2 to 51
MVWON F. THOMAS' make of Men's Fine JjH.fiO and 1.00
Tan Vici Kid and Full Dress Pate nt Leather Shoes
on sale at
('. II. ALDEN & CO.'S make of P.o.vs' Fine JU)0 Patent Leather
Welt Sole Shoes sizes 2 to iA
.it ."
FKFNCII. SIIItlNIClt & PltXICIfS make of Men's Fine Custom
!?.").()(). 0.00 and 7.00 Shoes in vici kid and Itussia calf
on sale at
. $1.87
Big Linen Sale
r 1
1-4 9.4 4-4 4-4 Ready mad
Uloaeh Illeach Bleach Ilrown Sheets, j
BUootlBC Sheeting Muslin Muulla 72x90 Inch. I
18c 20c 6V4C 4c 50c i
Tard. Yard. Tard. Ynrd. Each.
, , I,
l-lnoh all All linen 8-4 5-4 -lnch
linen crash Huclt Towel Drown Drown Pillow
Toweling. slie 20x40-ln. 6htln( Shaettng Muslin
8c 15c 16c 18c 10c
Tard. Each. Yard. Yard. Yard.
4fi-lnch Ready raada Caolc of 6 lead- Checked
rillow SheMs, hem- log brands 44 Glau
Miikiln aUtchcd, 11x90 bleach muslin Toweling
HV2c 65c 7c 3c
Yard. Each. Tard. Yard.
Bed Spreads.
12-4 Fringed Crochet Spreads, (pood value at ?1.75) Monday$1. 15
324 Pique Spreads, (very fine), Monday at $1.75
12-4 Satin Marseilles Spreads. The best spread ever offered
at the price in the city of Omaha, Monday's price, each. $3.00
Great Bargains in
Ladies' Furnishing
Ladles' Lisle Thread Hose, worth 3ik at 15c
Children's Kino Itibhed Hose, A oi'tli lOCj Jill lOc
Ladies' Lisle Thread Vest, worth 25c, at 15c
Ladies' Silk Vest, worth 25c, at t5c
Ladies' Jersey Kibbed Combination Suit, worth 50c, at 25c
Ladies' fine Cambric Skirts, lace and embroidery trimmed,
worth $1.25. at ; 50c
Ladies' tine Cambric fJowns, worth 75c, at 59c
Ladies' Kim Cambric Corset Covers, in lace and embroidered
trimmed, worth 50c, a I . . . . 25c
Men's Fancy Balbrlggnn Shirts and Drawers, worth L, at. . 45c
Men's ii)c rnderwenr, at 15c
Men's 50c Wash Shirts, in all sizes, at 35c
Men's 50c Ties, slightly soiled, at 5c
Men's 25c Suspenders, at 10c
Sumple line of line Cambric ami Muslin Negligee Shirts, $.l,at. 49c
Sewing Machines.
Our speolal offer on a thoroughly reliable
Machine. A drop-head, handsomely finished
oak woodwork uml built an tho latest and
approved line of ruachlue construction,
noiseless and very light running; makes a
uniform etltch; has self-throadlng shuttle
and automatic bobbin isindor. Every ma-
chine Is furnished with a complete set of
attachments, extra needlos and bobbins and
an Illustrated book of Instructions fre.
Special price,
War is On in Our Basement
A Great Fight to Down High Prices.
Special Cut Prices oi
Stoves for This Week.
Same style as cut, a very handsome pla
Stova, large 18-lnch oven, four 8-Inch hoi
with white enamed reservoir, for wood
coal, nicely nickel plated,
a regular $23.00 stove
this week for
A veiy toad No. 8 plain cook, lt-inch oven, sells regularly for $13.00 tkls w.e
I. 41.
Two-nolo laundry Store, No, g, this week J3.10.
The handromest Steel Rangn In Omaha, and aa good as It looks, six holes, hit;
warming closet, largo ovcu, 18x21x14 Inch, extra heavy, full nickel plated, duplex gra
for wood or coal, regular 133.00 range this week. 129.95.
Wo have 500 more of thoso 4-Tie Parlor Brooms
left which we will sell Monday only at
Black biik Bargains -
Prices will positively bo down to the
xtra values, for the boat special inducements
$1.50 Plain and Fancy Silks
all at only 49c.
Plain nnd Changeable Taffeta, Gro
Japs, Bind; Satiin, all kinds of Fancy Silks
stripes, checks, brocades, all
sorts of high class silks iu
lengths from 5 to 20 yards,
wort li up to $1.50 go at. . .?
Remarkable Bargains in Finest
Silks at only 69c
Cannale Stripe Taffetas, worth $1.25 Plain
ill silk Satin Duchessc, worth ?1.25;all colors in
Taffetas worth 1.00 Black French Taffeta
worth $1.50 Black Satin, 27-in. wide, worth
$1.25 Black Peau de Sole, worth $1.00-
plenty in this lot for every
body and all to go at
Colored Silk Bargains
very lowest point for genuine bargains
you have been offered attend this sale.
Some Silks Worth Up to $2.00
will Sell Alonday
for only 98c
Heavy Black Silks, such as Peau de Soie. Gro
Grain, Satin Duchesse, Satitr de Lyon, Armuro.
Fulles, Poplins, Berge, Alma, Beugnline, Cold
ed Taffetas, Black Pleisse, iTT-in. wide; Black
Taffeta. 36-in wide; Big Brocades all are new
and perfect silks and are correct in stvle
some are worth $1.25 some
$1.50 some $1.75 and $2
all will sell for
Our W ay of Giving Bargains
98 c
Send in by mall if you cannot attend
this great sale in person. Mail orderB will not
be tilled later than Thursday ut of towners
should take advantage.
While You are Reading the
lSews Do Not Pass This
Monday, in Wash Goods l)i part meat every piece of lino goods,
fancy and staple cloths and designs such as seldom go on bargain
counrers will be offered you at less prices than in any clearing
sale you ever attended.
Our 1.00 Grenadines will sell at
Our 50c Black and Cream Silk Batiste at-yard
Our 25c Imported Dimities good styles and all new i
yard iOL,
Our 50c Linen Ginghams .'52 inches wide at E-i
va nl j&kJ
Our 50c Satin Stripe Ginghams-yard
All our 15c and lflc line Dimities and Batistes "1 Cf
choice sf.vlos viird AV-rw
All our Skirtings Coverts and Venetians at
.'100 pieces of Checked Lawns worth 12Jc yard
go at yard
Flannel Department
Special for Monday.
One case extra heavy Fancy Feather Ticking
per yard
Two cases HO-inch wide Art Drapery Denim and i fr
fVprnnii riMriilni' nriee 15r nir vnrd VW
, - i i 7 -
We have been cleaning liouae in our furniture department and
find we have a lot of springs on hand odd sizes, such as 3 ft, 3-4, 4-0,
4-2, 4-4 and 4-0 only, different styles of springs one or two of a kind.
If you want a spring and can find the size you want in this lot you can
have one for 50c and 75c. Price depends on condition of spring. The
cheapest spring in the market retails for about $1.25, and as these are
all better grades, you can see the price is low and a genuine bargain.
Also a few mattresses, soiled in handling, no at SI. 00 each.
We hnvo secured another lot of thoso 25c pictures nnd photo frames, so thoso who could not get ono last week enn now secure
one. 20 per cent off .Lawn Goods. When you cannot flnil whnt you Want at tho rlfih t prlco elsewhere, corao here. Wo make It
a point to milt you. Itemember wo curry as flno a lot of furniture, as can be seen anywhere and our prlccsare always lower than
tho lowest.
Clearing Sale on All
Extension Tables and
Parlor Tables
We find we have a great many Tables on hand of which we have only one or two of a
,kind To move these at once we will give 20 per cent discount on all Tables bought this week
we have over 40 styles of new Htylish Extension Tables, some are 6 feet and some 8 feet all have
heavy legs nearly all are oak of golden finish. The regular price is low enough to enable us to
sell over one carload of these tables at this discount of 20 per cent ; you can now secure one cheaper
than ever. Remember there are only one or two of a pattern, and it will pay you to investigate
this offer. Parlor Tables also, hundreds of styles iu oak, mahogany, bird's-eye maple, flemish,
ranging iu price from 75c up to 925.00 all at 20 per cent discount. This is a offer we have never
made before, and only do so now to clean up a lot of tables of which we have no duplicatesArlso
spedaj reduction on all Lawn and Torch Chairs and Rockers, and seats. s
Optical Department
Closing Out Summer Goods.
1.0 w a Mowers, 2.25.
3-4-lnch Hubbcr Hose, 5Hc.
lJ-tln Rake, 17c.
100 feet Poultry Nottlng, t5e.
5-10x6-10 Screen Doors. 69c.
fiprlne ItlnKe. Oc.
Four-tlnn Manure Korlts,, 29c.
Or M Hooks, 19c,
Clothespins, six doten for 6c.
40-foot Clothes Lines, Cc.
Large Toot llsth Tubs, 29c.
Bcrotn Wire, per 100 feet, J1.65.
House Furnisliing'S,
Solid copper ntcksl plated Tea Kettle
No. 8, 89c.
Folding Ironing Boards, (9c;
Set Potts Irons, ntckeleU, 95c.
Flv rolls Toilet Paper, 10c.
Bit Christie Knives, 15c.
Wax Tnpers, per box, 5c.
81.00 Made Ilaror Strop, 69c.
Kitchen Mout Saw, 13c,
Good KlndllnK Hatchet, 10c.
Economy Cobbler Set, 29c
Dish Pans, He.
Don't forpot to visit our Optical depart
ment, whore you will find tho host ground
lenses at the lowest prices.
Eyes tested freu by the Optklan In
Notion Sale
IleldlDR Ilros. best sowing silk, 100 yards
.'or Be.
Lndles' 60c Dolts, 10c.
25c Hoso Supporters, 9c por pair.
Corset Stays, per pair. 5c.
Puro Linen Hemstitched Hdks, Sc.
COe Pursos, 25c.
Wall Paper and Paints
This week wo will havo a special salo
on extra flno gilt papers that formerly
sold at 30c per roll; salo prlee this week,
only, per roll, 16c. All other grades In
Wo still soil tho famous Noxall Heady
Mixed Taints, nt, per gal.. 9Sc. Other
dealers aro asking 81,50 to $2.00 for tho
samo quality Wo havo also Varnishes,
Stains, Knamels, Ilrushes and Room Mold
ings, nil at reduced prices. Don't miss
thCBo bargains,
All-Over Lace Sale
We havo Just rncelved n now line of all
over lace for yokes and shirt waists. All
new patterns, worth up to 81.00 por yard,
on salo Monday at, por yard, 39c.
Drapery Department
All odd pairs of Lace Curtains In Vj to
3 pairs of a kind, to bo closed out loss
than cost. This lot Includes all qualities
N'nttlnghains. Ilrussels, Irish Points, Point
do Esprit and Unfiled Curtains.
Tapestry Portieres, now styles, big lino,
82.00 up to 815.00.
Hopo Portieres, new styles and shades.
Now steel exleuslou rods, will not sag,
ISc, Sash Curtain rods, 6c.
Drug Prices
Cramer's Kidney euro,
Syrup of Figs
Lydla Plnkham's Compound
Plcrco's Medicines
Href, Iron and Wine, $1.00 slzo
j Cherry Phosphate, por box
I Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot 10c and
Palno's Celery Compound
Malted Milk 40c, 75c,
Dandruff Cure, $1 00 size at
2- quart Fountain Syringe
3- qunrt Fountain Syringe
Scldlitz Powdors. por box
China Department
Tho largest nnd finest display of China
Fancy Goods, Glassware and Lamps, etc.,
west of Chicago.
$21.60, Flno China, Austrian nnd Vienna
waro Decorated Dinner sots, 100 pieces;
these sots are offered for ono day only,
at $10.98.
Hnyncs, Roman and Gold dec. 1900 series.
These Jardinieres aro Fine Art Pottery and
aro tho finest over shown, from $1.25 up.
1,000 other kinds, styles nnd sizes.
Heal Flemish Pebblo Water Coolers, with
plated faucets, $1.98.
Prlslmed Crystal Candelabrn, Fire pol
ished, C9c.
Flno French China nrush and Chop
Trnys, Plates, Chocolate Pots, Cream Sots,
Ollvo nnd Nut Trnys, Fruit Dishes, etc.
Emerald Stand Lamp, eomploto, 15c.
Flno Parlor Lamps, dec. shades and
founts to match, including burner and chim
neys, 89c.
All 25-Cent Values
Decorated China cups Decorated China
saucers Staffordshire dee. Dowls Dec.
Holland Cream Jugs Dec. Plo Plates Dec.
Tea Plates Dec. Dinner Plates Dec.
Vegetable dishes Dec. Vegotnblo nappies
Dee. Crystal Herry dishes Flow colored
Fruit saucers Needle Etched Water
5 Cents
1 1 o B UP Lb IyI
One case Climax Fancy "Slnrling
per yard
One case Henley's Extra Fancy Double Warp Cheviot Dl ,
per yard regular price lilc Monday C '
(V.) dozen California Lambs' Fleece Full Size Embrol- CS-i
dercd Skirl Pattern ehean at. HOe each
--- j
Extra good Light and Dark Outing Flannel
per yard
Monday Grocery Sale
Fancy Large Lemons, dozen 15c
Java and Mocha Coffee, lb 15c
Quart cans Pure Table Syrup 9c
Pure, Sweet Chocolate Cake 3Jc
French Mustard, large bottles 3$C
Mustard or Oil Sardines, can 3Jc
Pure Corn Starch, three packages for 10c
Picnic Baked Beans, per can 5'J
1Mb. cans Grated Pineapple, only 8c
New California Apricots only 8J-C
New California Peaches only : 8ic
Economy Evaporated Cream, can 7$C
Fino Table Salt, 1Mb. sacks 3c
Parlor Matches, oue dozen boxes 12ic
Nudavene Oats, 2-lb. packages only 5c
Pure Table Jelly, large glasses 6c
Fancy Japan Whole Rico, lb , 5c
All kinds of Yeast, Foam, etc., package 2Jc
Poarl Tapioca, lb., only 5c
Large bottles best Laundry Blue 5c '
10-lb. sacks Pure Graham Flour 19c
10-lb. ftackB Granulated Common! 10c
Large bottles Pure Tomato Catsup 10c
8 bars White Russian or Cudahy Soap 25c
New California Prunes, lb 5c
Butter! Butter!! Butter!!!
Fancy Fine Dairy Butter, lb 14c
Fancy Fresh Country Butter, lb 16c
Fancy Creamery Butter 17c and lJc
Full Cream Cheese, lb 10c
New York White Cheese, lb 12c
Nlco fresh rrlsp A. II. C. Soda Crackers
Unecda Graham Wafers
Unocda Milk lUscult
Graham and Oatmeal Crackers
Kennedy's Iluttor Crnekers
Kennedy's Milk tile cult
Iloston Hutter Crackers
Animal Crackers
Barrel of Ginger Snaps
Chccso Straws
Prices in Otir
4 c
8 'be
Peuolla Sandwich
Shredded Wheat Biscuit .
(irnnose Biscuit
Gluten Biscuit
Gluten Flour, per pound
Pretzel I.ottcrn
J jr. Juuiibun's Kducator Crackors, largo
p.icnit),u ,,
Vanilla or Lemon Wnfors
Nlco lint of Mixed Cookies
Salted Wafers, por pkg
Bent's Hard Water Crackers
12 Vic
No. 1 Picnic Hams
Meat Department
8'c Largo Cans Veal Loaf ,, lflc
12c Prlmo Hoast Beef, per can He
He. Vienna Sausage, per o.ui , .... 7Va
10c Corned Beef, per can 12c
25c Cooked Coruud Iltcf, sliced 12',ic