Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 04, 1900, Page 6, Image 7

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The Omaha Daily Der
13. ROSEWATEIl, Editor,
Dally Hoc (without Humlayi. one ear t.o
Dally He and Sunday, one Vear fc.00
Illustrated Hep, One Vear 2.;
Sunday Ueo, Ono Year i-'.'
Hilturday Hcc, One Year Iw
Weekly Bee, Ono Year
Omaha: Thn Hen Riilldtm;.
Boiuh Omaha: City Hall Untitling. Twenty-fifth
and N Streets.
Council Hlurfs: 10 Pearl Street.
Chicago: lio Unity HulldlnK.
New York; Temple Court.
WiiHhlneton: SOI Fourteenth Street.
Sioux City: Oil Vark Street.
Communications retinitis to news and
editorial matter vhoulil he addressed:
Omalla Hce, Editorial Department.
Business letters nnd remittances should
ho addressed: Tho Hoc Publishing Com
Iiuny, Omuha.
Itemlt hy draft, express or postal order,
payable to Tho Hee Publishing' Company.
Only 2-cent Btanits accepted In payment of
mall accounts. Personal cheeks, except on
Omaha or Eastern exchanges, not accepted
run hee punusitiNo company.
filato of Nebraska, DoukIoh County, ss:
Ooorco H. Tzschuck, Hecretary of Tho lleo
Publishing company, being duly sworn,
says that the actual number of full and
rompleto copies of The Dally. Morning,
livening nnd Sunday Dee, printed during
tho month of July, wns as ioiiows
, ...uil.oin
.... 117,10
... .1111,700
..,,'27 ',?,!)
. .is7.r:u
. .H7,r.l0
13 ,
It J!7,r.UO
15a 211,7:1.1
i U7,iti!n
Less unsold and returned copies.
Net total sales .. ..
Net dally average
ova), n. T.sriit'rK.
Subserlhetl and sworn to before mo this
31st day of July, 191.
M. II. litNOATE.
Notary Public.
parties nut simmer.
I'nrllrN lrnliiK tlx' !( fur
the summer may Inivr The Hoe
sent to (hem remilnrl.v !
iiiitlfjhiK llei- IIiiiIiicnn
oilier, In person or liy itinll,
'I'lir iiilitresn it 111 lie cIiiiiikciI
tin often ns iteslred.
Tin- klii( of Ak-.Snr-Hen should Inline
tllntely liavo n bodyguard for IiIh proU-i--lion
npilnst iinhmksIiih iilndiiK nt nliin
IiiK HkMh.
Tho ponotTiitlc organs nrc IwKlnnlnp;
to toll ns how much Senator lhtnnu Ih
worrying. Senator Ilanna Is worrying
tho popocrats.
It Ih ofllclally announued that the
(lemouratH are satlstled with the outlook
in Iowa. Iowa deiuoerats liuiHt he
easily ratified.
State Atidltor (,'ornell Is jjettlnu even
with tjoveral of IiIh frlendM by holdlni:
tip the Hillary warrants of the state rail
way comml'.HlonerH.
If present conditions in Kurope con
tlntio people will bo forced, In self-pro
tectlon, to carry slpus, "I tun not a
member of any royal family."
The story cornea from Chicago that
Mr. Urynn Is to bo his own cninpnlp;n
munager. There is an adage about the
man who nets as his own lawyer.
Tho easiest way to pain a little no
torioty Just now Is to tire a few blank
cartridges In the air In the vicinity of
olio of the crowned heads of Europe.
All tho powers deny all intention of
dividing up China iimoug themselves
They evidently desire to wait until the
poker cools off a lKtio before they grab
hold of It.
A rosonte prospectus Is being held out
for tho coming Nebraska stato fair. If
tho fair rellects tho prosperity of the
people it will certainly be creditable In
every respect.
North Carolina democrats have given
nn exemplification of what they mean
by "Government with tho consent of
tho governed" by disfranchising tho no
groes ( that state.
The railroads engaged In street-steal
lug announce their readiness to urbl
trate. What tho city of Omaha Is to
get out of It In return for giving up Its
thoroughfares dedicated to the public
use Is not disclosed.
it Is unfair to attempt to Impeach n
Keutuckyan tm tho ground that he had
been accused of making or handling
moonshine liquor. If any such rule i
to ho laid down It would be Impossible
to secure competent witnesses in the
" hat Invitation to Congressman
Iwukott for a debate Is another ono o
thoo Invitations offered with the ex
poctatton that It would be refused
uoveruor Koosevelt could with tho
wmio prospect of success Issue a clml
lengo for u debate with Grundfntho
The election in North Carolina show
the democrats succeeded in squeezing
Senator Hutler out of his job In spite o
tho fact that ho Is chairman of the na
tlonal committee of the fusion popu
lists. The love of democrats for fusion
populists could not have had a mor
forcible Illustration.
No democratic ticket In Iown would
have tho appearance of genuineness
without Fred White occupying a place
thereon. This year It Is proposed t
run him for presidential elector. Fro
has been up Salt liver so often tho do
rented ones can dispose with tho serv
Ices of a pilot when ho Is aboard.
Foreign murderers who come to this
country to phut their crimes should bo
taught n lesson. Tho I'nlted State
welcomes every man from every clime
who. conies hero with worthy motive
nnd seeks a home, but It has no plac
for tho man whose hand is turned
ot'iilust all order and t'ovcrumcut.
a m En ua x nitm Tin t:.
In his notltlcatlon speceh l'resldent
MeKlnley i-oiigrntiituUtl the people on
the Increased resin-it with which the
American name Is greeted throughout
the world. This respect has grown since
the I'nlted States dellned Its position 111
roguril to China. At tlrst tliere was
dimbt in Europe as to the wisdom of
the course taken by this government In
regard to Chinese affairs, European
Journals even ridiculing It. Now lead
ing (lernian newspapers are praising
tiie position taken by this government,
one of them remarking that If the move
ment upon I'ekin has now really be
gun America undoubtedly deserves great
credit and commending the action of
the administration in refusing the propo
sition of 1.1 Hung Chang that If the ad
vance on l'ekln was abandoned the
ministers would be sent by the Imperial
authorities In safety to Tien Tsln. An
other lierlln paper observes that "It
would be a brilliant coup If President
.MeKlniey's administration could come
forward as the preserver of the world's
pence" a result the administration has
shown an earnest desire to attain and
may achieve.
The Washington correspondent of the
New York Tribune says that the most
Important fact In the messages from the
ministers Is the great triumph of Amer
ican diplomacy, which saved the lives
r the ministers nnd other foreigners
In the Chinese capital and turned the
de of Imperial hostility tlrst to passive
nd Anally to active protection. It was
he attitude of Hie American adminis
tration, says the correspondent, that de
terred the powers from declaring war
u China, which must have resulted In
the relentless massacre of the refugees
in the legations at the time when riot
ing was In progress, but when It could
not be definitely ascertained that any
thing could be gained by declaring war,
while serious future complications
might certainly be avoided. It was the
policy which this government declared
In a note to all the powers on .Inly :i
which united the southern viceroys in
lel'ense of foreign Interests. That
eclaratlon detined the Intention of the
'nlted States as "seeking a solution
which may bring about permanent
al'ety and peace to China, preserve
'hlnese territory and administrative en-
Ity, protect all rights guaranteed to
friendly powers by treaty and Interna
tional law, and safeguard for the world
the principle of equal nnd Impartial
trade with all parts of the Chinese em
pire." What has subsequently taken place
has demonstrated the wisdom and clear
Judgment of the administration. Every
step taken has been marked by a Ju
dicious perception of the mpilrcmeuts
of the situation. In this respect the
American Department of State has
been far In advance of any of the for-
Ign otlices of Europe, most of which
have seemed to be utterly Incapable of
dealing with the situation. Today the
inlluence of the United States In China
Is Immeasurably stronger than that of
any other power and if n Chinese war
Is averted tho credit will belong almost
wholly to this country.
The Impression that has been made
upon the nations of tho world by Amer
ican diplomacy under the present ad
ministration tho prestige this country
has attained abroad during tho last
three years appeals to tho pride of
every American. Hespcet for tho re
public among foreign nations was
uovcr so strong as it is at this time and
the American name never stood higher
throughout the civilized world.
The North Carolina election resulted
In the adoption, by a large majority, of
the amendment to tho state constltu
tion disfranchising a large proportion of
the negroes. This was brought about
by systematic Intimidation on the pnrt
of the supporters of tho amendment
which kept most of the colored citizens
from the polls and also many white
voters who were opposed to the amend
mont. This was carried on throughout
tho campaign. Tho lives of men
who publicly opposed tho amendment
wore threatened, oven so prominent a
citizen as United States Senator Hutler
not being permitted to speak In some
places. It was reported that armed
bauds of 1,000 or 2,000 men, accompa
nlotl with cannon nnd machine guns,
paraded about? the enstern part of the
state, where the colored population Is
largest, preventing meetings by the op
position to the nmeiidment, stilling all
discussion and threatening death to all
who should dure to vote against the
amendment. It Is therefore not sur
prising that the democrats won every
thing that the triumph of terrorism
and intimidation was complete.
There has been no concealment as to
the purpose of tho constitutional amend
mont. Its object, said tho chairman of
the democratic state committee, Is to
eliminate from tho suffrage the Illiterate
negro vote without disfranchising the
uneducated white voters of tho state,
Tho amendment accomplishes this pur
pose by Imposing an educational quail
llcation for voting and excepting from
the operation of this qualllicatlou all
persons who could vote prior to 18U7
and the lineal descendants of all per
sous who could vote prior to 1S07 anil
who register at any tlnio prior to De
cember, 1008. The following Is the
section of the amendment which Is
alined at the negroes: "No male person
who was on January 1, ISO", or at any
time prior thereto, entitled to voto un
der the laws of any stato In tho United
States wherein ho then resided, and no
lineal descendant of any such person,
shall be denied tho light to register and
voto by reason of his failure to possess
tho educational qiiullticatlou herein do
scribed." This continues tho suffrage
to the illiterate whites, but takes it
away from the Illiterate negroes.
Tho wrong and Injustice of this ills
crimination must bo apparent to all
fair-minded men. As the Philadelphia
Ledger says of the clause of tho
amendment above quoted. It Is "an
Indefensible device, a trick and
subterfuge which disgraces tho stat
ute books of any state, Impairs popular
confidence In all law and authority and
opens the way to the. greater Ills that
follow wliou tho people become ex
vlnccd that laws are to be Juggled with
for base partisan and private ends."
That paper further reinnrks that in
North Carolina the democrats have not
tiie usual excuse that "white suprem
acy" Is endangered, for the reason that
the whites outnumber the blacks about
two to one. An educational ipialllk'it
tlon Impartially applied to both races
might not be objected to. but the North
Carolina policy Is wholly Indefensible,
while the course of intimidation pur
sued by tin- supporters of that policy Is
a reproach to the country.
Our amiable local popocratlc contem
porary has solved the Chinese problem.
It has discovered that the United States
Is responsible for tho outbreak of tho
Iloxers and that their terrible atrocities
have been Inspired by the disappointing
course of tins Americans In exercising
sovereignty over tho Philippines nnd en
forcing obedience to Its authority under
tho treaty of Paris, which was ratified
by the personal exertions of Colonel
In view ol the acquisition of tho
Philippines by tht United States we are
told by this same sheet that tho mob up
rising In China Is perfectly natural.
This reasoning Is certainly unique and
should be at once adopted by the pow
ers by tiling their claims for Indemnity,
not with the Chinese government, but
with the United States government,
which Is really responsible. Why the
powers should persist In preparing for
war witli China when the war should
be directed against tho United States,
according to the logic of our wise con
temporary. Is beyond all comprehen
sion, ir the United States Is the guilty
party, why trouble the Chinaman at
, Another wonderful discovery emanat
ing from the same source Is that the
only way to check the greed of
European powers, prevent u devastating
war and do Justice to China Is for the
American people to vote for the demo
cratic candidate for president as an en-
dnrsiineiit of the proposition that gov
ernments derive their Just powers from
the consent of the governed. As soon
is the Iloxers understand that tho Fili
pinos are to govern themselves without
et, hindrance or supervision from any
other nation they will at once resume
their peaceful occupations, as that Is
the principle for which these Hoxers
have been lighting. The Chinese gov
eminent retts upon the consent of the
overncd, although the emperor's word
Is the only law and nn election in China
is boim tiling unknown. It is ltl to 1
that few of tho Iloxers have even heard
of the Declaration of Independence or
how they are being deprived of their
Inalienable lights. All the United States
has to do. however, according to the
popocri'tlc prescription, Is to register a
vote of lack of confidence In President
MeKlnley for his energetic action In
protecting American citizens ondan
gored in the Orient and substitute Mr.
Urynn In the White House, on n pledge
to permit China to massacre our minis
ters, missionaries and residents without
punishment, and nil will bo smooth
Tho Hoe Sunday will moot every de
mand of tho public for a high class
modern newspaper, Including all the
up-to-date feutures that mark Journal
istic enterprise. Tho news of the day
will bo fully set forth, gathered from
all parts of tho world by special cable
letters and domestic telegraph service.
Tho local Held will bo thoroughly cov
ered and tho usual Sunday departments
readable and comprehensive.
The Illustrated Bee lays special stress
on The Hoe's recent vacation contest, In
which so groat Interest centered. The
frontispiece presents the portrait of
Miss Cella M. Chase, the young womuu
who mude the remarkable record In the
popular vote that gnvo her the tlrst
place among tho prize winners nnd
brought prestige to tho town of Wayne,
which supported her, nud glory to her
many friends. Portraits of tho other
prize winners are also presented In n
handsome group, covering nn entire
page, showing twenty-two of tho most
Intelligent ami progressive young
women of tho central west.
An Interesting Illustrated article de
scribes the Chinese exhibit tit the Paris
exposition. This exhibit bus been
pushed to the foreground by the
startling events transpiring in Clilnn
Tho pictures accompanying show the
beautiful pagoda entrance to the Chi
neso section and the representation of n
Chinese funeral, which makes up part of
tho display.
Tho excursion of Omaha business men
to the state tlremon's tournament at York
conies In for a number of photographic
views, taken specially for Tho Hoc by
Its own artist. Tho characteristic at
tractions and prominent tlgtires of the
excursion party are pictured with life
like precision, together with snapshots
at some of tho events of tho tourna
ment In which the various firemen
teams participated.
Carpenter's letter this week relates
an Interview with General Hates, ex
plaining his ideas of tho situation In the
Philippines and tho proper course to be
pursued by the American forces. Mr.
Carpenter's camera has caught for this
article General Hates himself, a group
of American soldiers with a captured
gun and a bunch of little Filipino school
Among other subjects treated plctori
ally are the monument erected to the
memory of the late Captain Forby of
the First Nebraska, a young Council
Hluffs lad on board ono of tho United
States training ships In ids sailor cos
titme, snapshots of a day nt Miinawn
Sunday's Hoc will bo a winner. Ho
sure to road It.
Democratic candidates took the safe
side by not attending the ratification
meeting of the Douglas County Domoc
racy. With so many knives In clrcu
latton the candidates prefer to wait and
see which of tho factions comes out on
top In tho llttlo family quarrel.
Dear Uncle Samuel: Collections were
very bad tho tlrst of tho current month
and 1 urn forced to usk for another cx
tension of time on that little bill. As I
am the head of a family It will tlo you
no good to garnishee or get out an at
tachment. If you could loan mo a little
of your MeKlnley prosperity I might be
able to liquidate earlier In the course
of time. Mint respectfully yours The
Sublime Porte.
rhe notion of Auditor Cornell In hold
ing up the snlnry warrants of the sec
retaries of the State Hoard of Trans
portation may bo it good political move,
but the auditor evidently does not ap
preciate what acute pains It causes
three of the leading fusion lights. Tho
gloom which settled over Mudtowu
when Casey struck out Is nothing com
pared with the darkness In those popo
cratlc homes.
The beauties of tho Kansas City plat
form plank with reference to govern
ment by consent nre most ubundaiitly
typified In the democratic victory In
North Carolina, whose chief achieve
ment Is the suppression of tho negro
vote In that state. Is not tho disfran
chisement of the blacks In the south it
discordant chorus to the song of liberty
tho Hryaitltes are trying to sing to the
Chicago papers are saying some un
complimentary things about Denver and
In retaliation the critics of Denver
threaten to publish a book throwing
some unfavorable sidelights on Chicago.
They refer to Denver as "a promising
little place" which may In time roach
toward greatness If It continues to Im
itate Chicago. it Is Denver's turn
Now that the government has as
sumed Jurisdiction over I.ako Miinawn
the congressmen from this section
should see to It that tho next river and
harbor bill contains an appropriation
for Improving tho navigation of its
waters. Commerce on the lake Is
bound to languish until this Is done.
Chinese Xnl In He Illumed.
Cincinnati Commercial-Tribune.
The Chinese, never kiss each other and,
considering their looks, they are not to
bo blamed.
Oom l'mil's Diplomacy.
Washington Post.
Oom raul has, with characteristic diplo
macy, refrained from expressing sympathy
with cither side la tho Chinese outbreak.
Another Ticket SiiKeled.
Washington Post.
Vc may have to put another presidential
ticket in the Hold in ordor to glvo tho
people a chanco to voto for a Tlon Tsln
IltinkerliiR for Harmony.
New York Mall and Kxpress.
Ux-Sonator Hill and Mr. Croker are
evidently hankering for harmony, but each
insists that it shall bo of his own special
rrohllis iKtKirr Kentucky.
Philadelphia Times.
While tho prohibitionists arc making
claims It's obsorvablo that, unliko tho
other parties, they havo not put Kentucky
In their list of doubtful states.
Jmies .SIlKlito Iimtii.
Chicago Hccbrd.
Whllo making A' general roundup of tho
west, Senator Jones seems to havo left
out Iowa, though the people of that stato
are a good, kind-hearted peoplo who have
never dono him Uny harm.
Where ItcpulillcmiM AVnnt Credit.
Ios Angeles Times,
Tho republican party does not claim tho
credit of producing big crops in Kansas,
but it does claim and Is entitled to claim
credit for tho existence of a good market
for those crops and for tho good honest
money which tho farmers aro getting for
Writer Coins a New Word.
Cincinnati Commercial Tribune.
Some wrltor has invented tho word trol
Uac to fit a person who has a, mania tor
riding upon trolley cars. And It may bo
said that every big city has moro or less
trolllacs. Most of them aro young persons
who aro attached to each other, but who
cannot do their sparking at homo on ac
count of parental objections. This class
finds tho trolloy Just the thing, and overy
night ono can sco one couplo or two en
Joying each othor's company, totally ob"
Uvlous to the presence of other passen
gers. Such trolllacB are all right.
KuinilliiK Pledge to Cubans.
Washington Star.
The United States continues to give per
slstent and consistent evidence of absolute
good faith toward Cuba. Today la pub
lished tho decree whereby a goneral elec
tlon Is ordered to tako placo September
15, at which thirty-ono dolegates will be
chosen by the various provinces to form
a constitutional convention to framo tho
fundamental law of the republic. At no
point In tho entire record of American In
tervention and guardianship can evidence
bo found to suggest that there was over
the slightest disposition to Ignoro or
ovado tho disclaimer by the United States
of territorial designs upon Cuba.
Whut Is h I'erlnil That Pnriiinnuiit
Ikhiion Ita-iuii III I'lirnnioiint f
J. Sterling Morton's Conservative.
Tho peerless declalmcr In 1890 thus do
clarcd himself upon tho question ot "para
The democratic pnrty has begun a war or
extermination against tho gold standard.
Wo ask no quarter; wo give no quarter, wo
shall prosecute our wariaro until inero v
nnt nn Amerlenn rltlzen that dares to ail
vosato a gold standard policy. You ask
whv? Wo rcnlv that tho gold standard 1
a conspiracy against the human race, am
tnnr wft siiniiia no morn juiii ii man v
would an army marching to destroy our
homes anil to destroy our xamuies.
i.Allnvn thnt tin liinmniire can OV T1
stato tho Infinite distress that tho gold
...... tn ilm linmiin nice.
I bollovo wo shall win now. Hut whether
we win or not. wo havo begun a
against tho gold standard, which shall con
ttnuu until the gold standard is driven from
our snores imck in r.nsmuu.
Not only was tho gold standard para
mount then, but It was to be paramount In
perpetuity, or until "It wa3 driven from our
shores back to England." urn tnis cru
sailor, who so grandiloquently announced
his Intention of unceasingly warring, upon
thn cnhl standard, is now faltering and
wavering. He is oven willing to glvo quar
tor; has proclaimed bis Intention of sub
ordlnatlng tho fight upon tho gold standard
and has said that hu will havo another
"paramount" this year. For his ongago
ments this season, player Hryan will hav
Imperialism for his "paramount.
While there are, no doubt, n great many
people who look with favor upon this new
"paramount," they rightly niBtrusi in
leadership of ono who, in a very brief ca
renr. has boon wedded to so many "para
mounts" and has demonstrated such won
derful easo and agility In Jumping, with all
the grnco of a professional acrobat, from
ono "paramount" to another. They, not
unjustly, feel somewhat concerned lest ho
might, In tho event of a successful Candida
ture, yield to tho coy blandishments of some
other paramount and forsuko tho one that
sow, temporarily, engages nil fancy,.
Half a century ago what Is now Italy was
divided into a number of petty principali
ties, partly Independent and partly subject
to Austria. Italy ns a single and united
nation did not exist. Tho strongest of the
independent states was tho kingdom of bar-
dlnla, or Piedmont, which was ruled by tho
houso of Savoy. When the revolutionary
movement swept over all Kuropo In ISIS,
the king of Sardinia, Charles Albert,
romptly recognized the popular demands
hy giving his people a free constitution.
That was the beginning of Italian freedom
and of Italian unity. Threo years later,
having beeen defeated by tho Austrlans,
harles Albert resigned In favor of his eoii,
Ictor Kmmanuel. Tho progress of events
during tho twenty-seven years' reign of
that famous monarch Is familiar history.
At Its close in 1878, tho dying Victor
Kmmanuel turned over to his son, Hum
bert, nn Ituly that Included tho entire Ital
ian peninsula with tho Islands of SlcUy
nd Sardinia, with tho romantic Venice nt
Its eastern border and with Its capital fixed
In the ancient city of Home. It wns a free
Italy as well as a united Italy, with n par
liament In tho election of which every male
citizen over 111 years old who could read
and write had n vote, with local homo rule,
Ith n free press and a responsible mln-
Tho sultan, who has on several occasions
let it bo known that his sympathies are
1th tho Chlneso as against the Christian
powers, tried to do them a good turn tno
ther day by making a formal protost to St.
Petersburg ngalnst the passage of Russian
troops for the fur east from tho Hluck sea,
through the Dosphorus and Dardanelles.
When tho volunteer fleet cruisers wero car
rying guns and munitions of war for the uso
of tho Chlneso he raised no objections. As a
matter of fact, tho Husslan government has
been sending troops through tho Dardanelles
for tho last ten years with tho utmost reg
ularity, without exciting tho least opposi
tion on tho part of tho portc, until rein
forcements wero urgently needed at Tien
Tsln. Of course tho protest Is a mere empty
formality and was mado simply with a view
to annoyance. The only difference will be
Hint tho troops will bo described under some
ther name. It Is perfectly well known that
tho vessels of tho BO-called volunteer fleet
which have Balled from Odessa for the east
during the last few months have all carried
from 1,000 to 1,200 men apiece. Tho Hus
slan authorities, nevertheless, announce
gravely that hereafter all reinforcements
will bo dispatched by tho overland routo
through Siberia.
According to mall advices that havo been
received In Madrid from Tangier tho sul
tan of Morocco denies tho right of Franco
to tho Algerian hinterland recently takon
possession of by French troops, nnd par
ticularly adheres to his clulm of sover
eignty over tho district of Twat. It is
also said that tho Moorish troops engaged
In operations in tho Klft country aro being
reinforced from Mazagan, and that If the
formal protests against the encroach
ments of tho French recently dispatched
to tho powers through tholr representa
tives in Tangier produco no effect tho
sultan will Immediately dispatch an envoy
extraordinary to tho principal Kuropean
capitals, begging that tho statUB quo be
tween Algeria and Morocco bo maintained.
The protest to tho French government
was n long document, in which he pointed
out tho hereditary rights of Morocco to
tho hinterland: that Morocco had never
been a party to any agreement between
tho powers which placed that territory
within tho sphero of (French influenco
and that, whllo ho was doing his utmost
to prevent tho Kablles from carrying ou
their wish to oppose tho advanco of thu
French troops, ho would not bo able to
control them for long.
According to other advices received In
Madrid, tho internal affairs of Morocco
are In a deplorable condition, most of tho
villages and towns now representing armeo
camps. Owing to tho persecutions in ino
Riff provinces many thousands oi rdio-
hmlted Kilts havo been forced to emigraio,
most of them going to Algeria to assist
French designs on tholr country, but some
of them havo invaded tho surrounding un
t rifts of Morocco, where they havo ostab
llshed armed camps. No less than 1,400
nrmoa men. with tholr women and chll
dron, have sought a homo In the sacred
inwn nf Wazzan. and tho suourus oi i an
gler nro said to swarm with Riffs, thetr
own land being in a measure aqiupmaicu
A recent number of Novoe Vremya, tho
official organ of tho Russian government,
states that it has learned from a source
"which Is wortny oi evei tuu..u.,
that in splto of all denials an agreement
was actually nrrlved at last March be
tween Russia and Korea by tho terras of
,.,i.inh in nnier to further tho peaceful ro-
1 . - i ...nM vraanla thft Ko-
quirements oi uubbiuu .v.,--.-, -
rean government piaceu ai mw '!' -...(.
imrt nf land iu tho harbor of
Mn-san-pho largo enough for establishing
Russian coaling station,
an,., v,,,.f nnqltlon of tho boundaries or
tn.rit,r; in niipstton. It Is said, will be
determined by tho Russian consul with the
assistance of a Korean oiuciai m. ap
pointed for tho purpose, since tho land has
been acquired on tho principles usuaii,
served by Russia in ncqulrlug territorial
concessions in tho countries oi w.c ....
cast. , ,..
n-v, Vrnmvn ndllS that tno IVllliau h"
ernraont has firmly mado up Us mind to
cranl no otuor ioreigiiL-it.
i.w nnon the Island of Kar-
" nnn nnv of tho adjacent small Isl-
UUfiU . r,,ll,
amis or upon tho mainiauu iyiuh u,.,.w-.-
to them up to tho borders of the free har
bor of Ma-san-pho. "With this fixed re
i.. n thn nart of the Korean. govern-
. ,. nnni,iriiH tno vremya. ui.
nritn'in will havo to reckon, for tho Ko
reans will naturally find tho necessary
support In their rcsolvo bo soon as Btich
support snau uu h-t"'
rrluco Alfred Ernest Albert, relgnlug
duko of Saxo-Coburg and Ootha, pecoud son
of Queen Victoria, and better known by
his English title of duke of Edinburgh, shared
the common fate of tho younger brother In
a royal family of being In a more or less
constant stato of eclipse from tho offulgont
light of his elder brother nnd heir to the
tlirono. Perhaps It was well for him thai
M.ia wiim tho case, for I'rlnco Alfred wa-
not very adopt In tho art of niuklng frlcndf?
and might have been moro unpopumi iuu
ho wus bad ho boon moro prominent ir--fnro
tho world. The greatest stirs madt
by tho departed duko in this world beyond
his own contracted eociai circio wrro upon
the occasion of his avowal never again ir
play a fiddle before a public audlonco because
of hostile newfipanor criticisms of his per
formance, and when upon tho occasion o'
his succession to a potty Herman tnront
the question was raised In his behalf whether
ho forfeited tho annuities granted him by
tho nrltlsh parliament by ceasing to ho n
Ilrltlsh mibJect. Tho llttlo principality
Snxc-Coburg and Rotha was probably Just
about his size.
Achaeologlsts attach much Importance tr
the recent discoveries In Croto, onco the
center of tho empire of tho good Klnr
Mines so good a king that aftor his demlne
ho was employed, It was alleged, on the
Judicial bench of Hades. Some yearn ag"
a Mr. Evans obtained Cretan gems that bor.
peculiar markings. Ho conceived thnt the
were tho prehistoric script of the Cretans
He has found, nfter tedious excavations, r
royal Mycenaean palace and wholo chc
full ot records engraved In the mysterious
wrlnt. I-atoly Mr Hogarth has opened up
the Dlctieas cave, a very indent seat ofj
worship, full of votive arms, statuettes
and so forth, whllo a Bhaft 150 feet deep
loads to a lower cavern containing others.
Thcso lluds testify to an ancient Cretnti civ-
llltntlon nnd nn Independent plctograph
l,i:it.HO Al, I'dl.M f:its.
John Hays Hammond, tho famous en
gineer, is spending tho summer camping
near Dear Lake, Colo.
Tho friends of Souator l'ottlgrew of
South Dakota think that ho stands a good
chance of getting tho antl-lmpcrlallst
nomination for tho presidency nnd they do-
dure that his record entitles him to that
Mr. Jostnh Qulncy, Into mayor of Uos-
ton, reassures his American friends by
cabling that ho has never had any Inten
tion of living In London. Mr. Astor's
career llicro Is enough to deter nny Ameri
can from expatriating himself.
Dr. John Ashurst, tho well known sur
geon of Philadelphia who died recently,
provided In his will for a division of his
collection of books, numbering 3,000, among
tho libraries of tho Collcgo of Physicians
and tho Protestant Episcopal church In
Charles 13. Mncrum, who was American
consul nt Pretoria when tho South Afri
can war began nnd who catuo homo bo
causo ho would not remain and let thj
Drltlnh authorities open his official nnd
prlvnto correspondence, is now traveling
for a glass company nnd has madu a suc
cess In his new venture.
Ex-Prcsldont Zaldwar of Salvador, who
recently came to Washington as minister
of that country, says tho people down
there want an lntoroccantc canal as badly
ns tho United States and they prefer the
Nicaragua routu because It would give
Sahador nn Atlantic port for its markets,
something which It has not at present.
Hcrr Llebcrmann, a Hebrew olllcer with
tho Herman forces in China, has Just re
discovered tho trlho of Hebrews natlvo to
China, who wero first found centuries ago.
They constltuto a small and dwindling
community at Kalfengnu, tho capital of
tho province of llonau, whero tho high
priests calculate their peoplo havo been
sottlcd for 2,000 years.
Queen Victoria, It would seem, Is a col
lector of old manuscripts referring to
Windsor nnd tho neighborhood. Frank
Murray, tho Leicester bookseller, has Just
sold such a manuscript to her majesty
for $125. It Is nearly 300 years old nnd Is
altogether a quaintly set out pngo In tho
records of Windsor. Tho manuscript
turned up In a casual way.
On tho way from her homo In Australia
to Europe to completo her musical educa
tion Is a young woman who claims to havo
a volco of higher rango than thnt of Miss
Ellen Reach Yaw, nnd consequently to bo
nblo to sing a higher noto than anybody
In tho world. Sho Is a Miss llortlm Hlrd
ot Melbourne. She sings several notes be
yond F nltlsBlmn and ranges all live C's.
Lieutenant J. P. V. Grldley, son of tho
commander of Dewey's flagship, tho Olym-
pla, at Manila, and the youngest officer
In tho United Stntcs marlno corps, will
not bo ahlo to go to China, as ho tried
very hard to do, because ho Is 111 at the
Marino hospital, Boston, suffering from
severo Internal injuries received while
bravely fighting tho recent lire at tho Dos
ton navy yard.
Philadelphia Press: Horrouchs What are
you driving nt, nny way?
Lenders I simply don't want you to for
got thnt you owe mo $10.
Horroughs Don't worry. I expect to re
member thnt to my dying day.
Chlcnso Tlmes-llerald: "Ilv irum!" said
I'nclo Ezra, "1 ain't goln to answer another
advertisement as lonir ns 1 live. I lust neat
50 cents to u feller down In Connecticut that
put a piece in tno paper saym lie Had a
receipt to prevent drowndln',"
a tut (lion i nc nave itv
"No! Tho blamed, cheatln' wheln wrote
buck to keep away from tho water!
Raltlmoro American: Mrs. Meddcrgrass
I seo by tho papers they havo a Kolf links
over by I'lkesville.
Mr. Meddergrass By crackcyi I'll like
Like Ours
and it's going with a rush at this special
25 per cent discount X Our
clothing has a reputcition for style, fit,
finish and satisfactory wear that we
never lose sight of we are always
striving to be t ,r it either a flannel,
serge, cheviot, worsted or cassimere suit
bought here will satisfy you,
There are mighty few places where you
can get as good clothing, and none
where you can get it for less money J?
Therefore at the present sale you have
a chance to select any suit in our entire
assortment (except black clays) at
less than the regular price. This includes men's, boys'
and children's suits in all weights spring, summer and
Men's Suits from $3.75 to $18.75.
Boys' and Children's Suits from $1.85 to $74.
Remember no clothing fits like ours and no store in
town gives you the privilege of selecting from the entire
stock at such a discount.
Browning, King & Co.,
R. S. Wilcox, Manager.
Omiha's Only Exclusive Clothier (or .Mu uU Uoy.
to son it. They hadn't been lib lynxes In
this part o' the country for forty year,
excep when the circus train got wrecked
Philadelphia I'ress: "This Is strange, ' ie.
marked tho Oothanilte, looking over th
est limited population of Chicago, s com
piled by the Chicago papurs. .
"Think so?" sneered the Chlcngoun.
"Yes, but truth Is stranger."
Washington Star: "If you had saved your
money," remarked tho pedestrian, "you
wouldn't ho obliged to nsk me for money. '
"1 know It, mister," answered Meandering
Mike, "but I wouldn't of tnlosed de distin
guished pleaiuro of dls conversation fur
Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph: Mr. 1'eiin
What become of that project to send it
message of sympathy from Canadian scnooi
children to Agulnnldo?
Mr, l'ltt I think It must have been aban
doned on account of tho dlfliculty that
would be experienced in delivering the
Washington Host: "1 suppose you expect
him to grow up to bo a bright boy?" said
the friend patronizingly.
"Well," answered tho young fnther. "t
think I detect tendencies iu thnt direction.
Ho wants to cat tho quicksilver off my
pocket mirror nnd succeeded in making u
meal off a packago of stove polish.
Ualtlmoro American: Mr. Meddcrgrnss
Well, nobody ain't been called tho Ucorga
Washington of Chlny. yet, anyhow.
Mr. Ilacklot-No, but If signs don't fail,
ol' LI Hung Cluing Is goln' to bo the i W cb
ster Davis of tho Chlneso administration.
Chicago Times-Herald.
(A plrturu of Mr. llryau. eagerly examin
ing his oat crop, lias Just been printed, and
it Is Ktmounoed emphatically thnt tho
photograph was n snap shot, "absolutely
without posing, Mr. Uryun being uncon
scious at the time")
Young Wlllum of NVbrnsky strayed
From out his humble cot
In modest cowhide boots arrayed
To wado around Ills lot.
Tho hens all clucked Iu merry glee.
The pigeons coord with bliss:
As Wlllio r.ibbed his ohln. says he.
"Thoro ain't no Ufa llko this."
Tho llttlo calf came, trotting up
And uto from out his hnnd,
And Joyously tho brlndlo pup
Raced in nt his command.
And, wiping oft his massive brow,
Ho sighed with grief profound,
"I'd better go and sco ns how
Them oats Is cumin' round,"
In ono fur corner still nnd muto
Thoso oats In bunches grew
Tho llttlo rift within the lute,
Tho cloud in skies of blue.
And ho, poor man, had watched them thcr
Through four long, weary years.
And tended them with loving care,
And watered them with tears.
"Dear me, such oats," says Wlllum J
"I'm sure was never seen,
With all my euro nnd kindness they
Aro draggled out and green.
Hy gum.'' ho says, "thnt dumcd Novcm-
Her ain't eo fur away,
Them oats of mlno will run to stem
Aforo tho harvest day."
Dry Plates
for Saturday
EASTMAN 4x5 RED orjr,
EASTMAN 3V4x3'. RED Oftn
preiwo b-4x5 mio on
Photo Supplies,
1520 Douglas Street