12 Tins OM ATT A DAI L V 11 MR: RATTTKT) AT, ATOrST I, 1900. BOSTON STORE SPECIAL SALE Immenso Bargains Today In All Dcpart-monta-Half Prices and Lcs3. 25C NAZF.RETH WAISTS, IOC AND 15C Via lltmlprr Siilr "." Hnnilkrrrlilrffi nt .'t tmitv nml fir .'orrt nl Unit i!,-n I'mlrrnrnr !l l-iii, fit) mill KH'-'n: J'nnn al lies ON SAMS TODAY AT nOSTON STOIIK, OMAHA. tlC NAS5AKBTH WAISTS 100 AND 150. 3,000 ml8C8' anJ children's Nazareth knit under waists, lneo trimmed, extra well made, nil slr.es, a small number of these hnvo boon exhibited In our windows, told tho world over for 25c, on bargain cquara at 10c and l.'c each. :5G IIANDKKKCIIIHKS 3HC AND 5C. A most remarknblo purchase of 10,000 'dozen manufacturer's samples and sec onds of nil kinds of handkerchiefs, worth 36c and 25c each, In this salo 3 14c and Gc each, 250 UNDKltWKAH 3C, fiC AND IOC. All tho ladles' and children's summer underwear, all with crochet and ribbon trimmed neck and shoulder straits, In white, cream, ecru and black. Including Hslo thread undervests, worth 2.1c, K" In lhls sale at .1',c, Co and 10c each. 20O HOStUnV. 6lfcC I'AIK. Large bargain tables stacked high with hundreds of dozens of ladles' and children's fast black and tan hosiery, mado full seam less, somo with spliced heels nnd double roles, regular prlco up to 20c, In this sale 614c a pair. 25C HOSIERY AT IOC A PAIR. 200 dozen ladles' extra Ann three thread, fillk and Ilslo finished, fast black hosiery, medium and light weight, with double soles and spliced heels, In this salo 10c a pair. Large bargain counter with big lots of men's half hose In fast black, blue and tirown mixed, tans and fancy colors, nil full seamless, somo with spliced heels and doublo soles, regular prlco up to 25c n pair. In this salo 5c and 10o a pair. 50C CORSKT8 AT 23C. 1,000 ladles' perfect fitting summer cor pots, made of best quality summer netting, lace trimmed, all sizes, go nt 25c each. APRONS WORTH UP TO 7CC, IOC AND 25C. A manufacturer's samples of high class nprons, In nil lengths and nil stylos, trimmed with lace, embroidery and Insert ing, worth up to 76c each, In this salo 10c nnd 25c each, 25C FANS AT CC BACH. 3,000 Japanese fancy figured folding fans Jn a groat variety of patterns and up-to-date styles, regular prlco up to 25c, in this salo 6c each. rtOSTON STORK. OMAHA. N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas Sts. SANDBAR BLOCKADES RIVER I'rrnU nf Mlmourl' Krrntlo Current JiilerfiTi-n wllli ViiyiiKM of the Kicnrnlun .N tenia cm. Now a change In tho channel of tho Mis souri river bos cut off from Omaha one form of pastime. Far two years an excursion Btcomor has been making dally trips to Florence and many citizens and visitors have visited Mlnno-Lusa, tho beautiful site of the Omaha water works pumping station. To reach that place It Is necessary to puss through tho draw of tho brldgo of the Omaha Urldgo and Terminal company at East Omaha. Tho channel of tho river has chnngod from tho Iowa to tho Nebraska side, leaving a sandbar Just north of the draw. It was reported to tho olllcers of the brldgo company that the bar Is under the draw, and as they are required by tho terms of their government franchise to keep the river navtgablo ut thnt point, they had poundings taken showing a minimum of fif teen feet of watr under tho draw. The sandbar, however, approaches tho spans so closely that It is unsufo for a boat to at tempt to make tba sharp turn to tho west required in tho face of tho current, so tho trips to Mluno-LiiBa havo been abandoned.' Tho Jacob Rlchtmnn is not to havo a monopoly of the steamboat excursions at Omaha this season. Word has been ro celved that n boat is on Its way from Still water, Minn., to Omaha nnd will arrive early this month to computo for tho trofllc. Tho lioat Is Hnld to be n model craft, but somo .what smaller and of lighter draft. The nest Ilenu-ily tor Diurrlinpn. Mr. W. M. Crosc, a prominent and iufluen. tlal citizen of Coryell county, Texas, says, "I nevor had such pains In my life as I Buffered when diarrhoea attacked me. I liavo tried miny medicines, but none give me such relief 'na Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy." Thin is unquestionably tho best remedy known for dlurrhoea. It always cures and Is pleasant to tak. SAFEGUARD IS SWEPT AWAY Comptroller Ilrllevt'H that the Coun cil la IntiTferlnir with Ilia Over- iKht nf the TrciKiirj. "If tho council passes tho ordinance com pelling me to outer tax reductions upon my books it will practically do away with tho office of comptroller. Tho compti oiler Is) supposed to guard tho city's finances, but If the council can redueo taxes at will uud compel him to abide by Its action ho holds no checlc whatever on tho council's ac tion," said City Comptroller John N. West berg. "Resolutions am constantly sent to mo which provide for tho reduction of taxoa. In many eases I can find no reason whatovcr for thesa reductions, Tho tax counnlb loner Is not asked to pass on boiiio of them, and it is impossible to And why they liave been passed. If I wcro to ontor theso reductions upon my books I would cer tainly bo violating my oath of oltlcu. Men who nro nnxloun to havo their taxes les sened Boem to be jiblo to got u resolution through tho council without any, trouble, iut I Intend to stnnd by the taxpayers and will not make these reductions if I can void it." WAGES FOR COUNTING NOSES Cenana Kniintcrutiira Will Itferlvr linuill Hnliirlen (My In it to '1'hrlr lli-Klltlc Oilrojtrniiliy, It Is reported that somo of tho enumerators who worked on the population schedules of tho Omaha census nro receiving checks In payment for their work, but tho aupervlsor has received no word to Indlcato that payments have begun. The total money to bo paid to Omaha rumorators Is slightly in excess of $4,000 being $30 to each collector on nn average This Is tho lowest wages over paid In Omaha for this class of work, In some cuses being less thnn $2 per day. Tho reason for tho umall dully wage lies with tho enumerators themselves, who did their first work so j'oorly that It had to bo copied ond for this tho enumerator, unless working ns a special clerk, received nothing, Work on the manufacturing schedules Is progressing In good Bhape and tho spccla ngouts are II ruling moro factories than any one expected. A Portent Ciitlnirtle, jsoi violently emptying tuo bowels or cleaning, but gently stimulating, toning, strengthening the Intestinal walls Cas eartU Qwdy CiUmrtlc. ice, 25c, COc. EDITORS GOING TO TRAVEL, M,JVS "WM s,,0,!!' w VMH- XHirmLn Nrrrnnnprr M-n I'rriinrlnir for n Ten l)nV .lutiket TlimtiKli Ueslerii Willi. A party of Nebraska editors will gather In Omaha next Wedncsdny nnd lenve In tho afternoon for a ten-days' western Junket ing trip. W. N. Huso of Norfolk, ex-prcsl- dent of the Nebraska Press association, was In the city yesterday perfecting arrange ments for the trip. The editors will proceed directly to Salt Iike City, Utah, and thence will go to Mnnltou nnd Denver, taking In a number of places of Interest along tho route. "Our trip," snld Mr. Huse, "will be In every particular n pleasure outing. The editors want to get away from the enrcs of tho print shop, drink In tho beauties of the mountain scenery at this tlmo of tho year and return invigorated nnd strength ened, prepared to take an nctlve hand In the hot political contest which promises to bo waged In Ncbraskn this fall. Our tour gives promlso of being one of the most en joyable ever Indulged In by the Nebraska editors on thcli annual midsummer out ings." Among those who will mako tho trip are I). SI. Ilutler and wife. Nebraska Legal News, Lincoln; C. K. Nevln nnd wife, Laurel Advocate; J. C. Miller, wlfo and daughter, Springfield Monitor; P. A. Ilrundage nnd wife, Tecumsch Chieftain; D. J. Poynter, wlfo nnd daughter, Albion Argus; A. J. Shumwny and wife, Hnrrlsburg News; U. 13. Foster and wife, Plnlnvlew News; E. W. Varncr, Sterling Sun; W. N. Huse, wlfo and two sons, Norfolk News, nnd President D. II. Cronln of tho Nebraska Press ns- soclatlon, who is postmnster nt O'Neill, where he edits the Frontier. 10,000 I'lilr of Mrit'n Flop .shorn nil ."nlr Tnniorro w. AT IIOSTON STORK, OMAHA. ALION I1AROAIN SQt'ARKS. Men's fine shoes In all sizes nnd all widths, worth up to $5.00 n pair, on sale at $1.S!. This Is a rnro bargain. Nothing like It over known In Omaha before. IIOSTON STORK, OMAHA. N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas Sts. DA VI, Kill'!' TH.IS I'Olt .SPIRIT I.A1CI1 .SATi;iU.Y OF EACH WI-lttK. Thronuh .Hlcr-prr, Onintin' to Hot spring". H, ). During August the F. K. & M. V. R. R. Northwestern Line will run through sleeper from Omaha Webster street sta tion to Hot Springs. S. D. Returning tho car will leave Hot Springs Monday of each week. Tho dates selected for this sleeper nro also tho dates for special low rata excur sions from Omaha anil other Ncbrnska points to Hot Springs nnd return. This resort is moro popular than ever this season, there being many attractions there not offered nt other resorts. CLIMATIC, SCKNKRY. ALTITUDE: AND THE WATERS ARE PERFECT. Golf links somewhat difficult owing to tho rugged country, but not too much so; in fact, nn "idenl lnyout," ns experienced golfers havo said. Tho plunge, with Its buoyant, clear warm water. Tally-ho drives. Tho bowling alleys All afford amusement. Tho hotels, sanitariums nnd baths aro in the hands of efficient managers nnd nro well kept. The Northwestern line has nnnounced low rate excursions for tho following dates In August 7th, 11th, 18th, 21st nnd 25th. .Vol lee to SKtli "Wnrrt ltcpiilillcniin. Thero will bo a meeting of tho Sixth Ward Republican club Saturday ovening, August I, at 8 o'clock, nt Idlewlld hall, Twenty-fourth nnd Orant streets, for tho election of officers for tho ensuing year. R. n. CARTER, President. F. C. CRAIO, Secretury. It's the Skill Of nuttlmr together the uroiier Ingredi ents that makes Cramer's Kidney Cure such a wonderful medicine. Novcr bflforo has a remedy met with nueli universal favor an Cramer's Kidney Cure for the leiiHon Unit it does Just what Is claimed for It. If you uro a sufferer from kidney trouble try one bottle nnd you will nndorse It ii IiIl-IiIv as others do. Cramer's Kidney Curo 76c iiromo ijutnine itc H. S. S 75o Duffy's Malt Whiskey SJc Wine of Cnrdul 75c 1 doz. 'J-gruIn Quinine Capsules 7c 1 lnz. 3-nrnln Quinine Canailles 10c 1 dozen 5-graln Qulnlpe Capsules ISc I'lIlKllltni H VUIIII'MUIIU .IU lotus Cream 10c Scott's Emulsion 75c M licit' Nervine 75o Lincoln Tea xoc liar Hep 40u West Drain and Nerve Treatment 29c Pierce's Favorite Prescription 75c CUT PRICE DRUGGIST SCHAEFER S. W. Cor. Kith unit ChlaVn. Coco Coco Coco Coco Coco Coco Celery Celery Celery Celery Celery Celery Ideal summer drink. Just the drink for n hot day. Havo you tried It? Sold at the fountain. J. A, FULLER & CO. CUT CHICK IHtUCIMSTS. Pimrf rntli nn '-iniiglna Ktrnets. OholioJI nml Arnold' l'nrk. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul rail way company has Just placed In service daylight trains between Omaha and Spirit Lake, OkoboJI and Arnold's Park. Going the train leaven Omaha nt 7:10 a. m. nnd nr rives Spirit Lake at 4:15 p. m. Returning the train leaves Spirit Lake at 6:45 n. m. and arrives Omaha 3:55 p. m. This Is the bent nervlco that ha yet been offered over any ono road. Round trip tickets, good re turning until October 31, JTu.70. City ticket oHlce. 150 i Farnam street. F. A. NASH, General Western Agent. Clirnp Hound Trip Itiitm. On August 7 and 21 tho Illinois Central will sell tickets, limited until October 31, a follows: Waseca, Minn., and return, $10.35. Wntervtlle, Minn., nnd return, $10.68. Madison Lake, Minn., and return, $10.68. St. Paul, Minn,, and return, $12.65. Duluth, Minn., and return, $16.95. Superior, Wis., nnd return, $16.93. West Superior, Wis., nnd return, $16.95. For full particulars call nt city ticket of fice Illlnolfl Central railroad, 1102 Fnrnam etreet. Suninii'r ItcFiortn. For a book describing the cool, pleasant, healthful aummer rrnorts of Wisconsin, situ ated on tho line of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry., address or call on F. A. NASH, General Weotern Agent, 1501 Farnam Street, Omaha. 1. or. I at. tin! $i.ift! Lincoln and return via Rock Island Route. TralnH leavo Union station, Omaha, 8:30 a. m' 1:30 p. m 5.55 p. m. City ticket office, 1323 Farnam street. From B. B. Moriarity The Well Known Accountant OMAHA, Neb. Messrs. Phermnn A llcConnell, Omaha. OontH! I liuvo been using your "La Grippe Cough Syrup" for several years nnd never once has It fnlled me. Whenever I get a cold It invariably SETTLES IN MY THROAT nml gives mo a bad cough. A bottle of your La Grippe Cough Syrup Is nil I uso to cure It. I havo recommended It to nil my friends nnd they say tho same ns I do, It can't bo beaten. Yours, faith fully, ROUT. II. MORIARITY, Care Cudahy Packing Co. Mr. Marlarlty's experience is quite the same as that of all who use LA QRIPFU COUQH SYRUP. It Is prompt and effectual In Its results clearing the bronchial tubes nnd stopping tho cough. SAMPLE FREE. SOLD IN 26c nnd 50o DOTTLES. Sherman & McConnell Drug Go COR. 16TH AND DODGE, OMAHA. This Store Quits Any Tan Shoe in the Store $fi Oft Ii90 Every pair of shoes In the store must go. Ladles' Oxford Ties regular price $2.00 and $2.50 now 9Sc. Fixtures for sale store for rent. Misses' and Children's Tan Shoes, worth $2.00, now 78c. John Foster's, Plngreo & Smith, Queen Quality aud Stacy-Adams makes Included In this sale. Nothing reserved. The Howe 1515 Douglas Good Teeth we nil should and cun have. Come to us nnd wo will send you nwny with good ones Our work Is lasting nnd our prices modor ate. I Extracting 2Sc Vitalized Air 50c Good Crowns, best $5.00 Tail's Philadelphia Dental Rooms, 1T.17 Douicln St, havde.v ttitti.i. Fresh lrrcd SnrliiK Chli'henn, i'Jt I-'-1 No. 1 picnic hams, 8'.Sc: Fancy llrenkfast baron, 12c; llonelcsi Cottage hams, lit', boiled minced ham, 10c; 3-lb. palls best brand lard, 28c; large cans veal loaf, 1!U' prime roast beef, per can, He Vienna sausage, per can, 74c; corned beef, per can, 12c; cooked corned beef, sliced, 12'sc HAYDEN 11ROS. ciiin-iiii-iinci rii'tiic. The greatest Irish gathering ever held In tho west will bo thnt at tho Clan-nn-gnel picnic Sunday, August C, at Waterloo. Rich ard O'Keefe will bo chairman of the day. Addresses will be made by John T. Keating of Chicago, tho noted orntor, and by John Urcnnan of Sioux City, one of Ihe country's best known nnd most representative Irish men. Thero will bo Irish and Amcrlcnn' dances, sports of nil kinds, Including rnq Ing, shot putting, hnmmcr throwing, etc., etc. Over fifty flno prizes will be distributed to tho winners. A most onjoynblo day's outing Is assured. Tickets inn be had from committees or nt the depot. The first train will leavo tho Omaha union depot nt 10 n. m. nnd tho South Omnha union depot at 10:30 a. m. Tho second train will lenve Omnhn nt 12 noon nnd South Omaha nt 12.30 p. m. Ilelng tho first Clnn-na-gnel picnic, nrrnngomcnts hnvo been made to make It entertaining and pleasant In tho highest decree. Onliifrlnnfn OdimiJdV 5 Scofield's Sale,., Our Best Shirt Waists Choice 11.00 Choice 50c All the Colored Waists that have sold ut from $'l.'Sy to S.175 onoh Saturtliiy for $1.00. Another lot of Colored Shirt Wnhts 'hat hnvo hold for $1.00 to $2 cnuh choice batd'y for 60c. Our Store Closes at 6 p. m, 'SC0FIELD u riniin rmrrn 1510 Douglas St. Omaha Tent and Awning Co., tents, awn ings, canvas goods, 11th & Harney. Tel. SSrt. Anti-Kawf A wnrm weather cough Is the worst kind of a cough. Anti-Kawf will curo It. Druggists sell 11 H THE QUICK RAISES -ARE VIA- The Union PacifSc OMAHA TO SALT LAKE CITY . Ten Hours Quicker OMAHA TO SAN FRANCISCO Fifteen Hours Quicker OMAHA TO PORTLAND Flftoen Hours Quicker ....THAN ANY OTHER LINE.... Iluffet Smoking nd Library Cars, with Barbr Shop and Plettw nt Redlnf Rooms. Double Drawing Room I'alaoe Bloepers. Dln lni Cart, Muls a ia Carte. PintecU Light. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 FARNAM, TEL, 316. 5J PIANOS Any ono contemplating tho purchase of a piano should not fall to get prices and terms from Schmollor & Mueller, tho largest piano house In the west. They carry over 200 pianos In stock and will save the buyor from $50 to $150 on a slnglo Instrument. Now pianos from $13S up to the prlco of tho STKINWAY tho standard piano of tho world. A. 11. CHASR. EMERSON, VOSH, STEOKR, IVI2RS & POND AND PACK ARD pianos sold on easy payments. Flno Tuning and Repairing. Telephone 1625. Slightly used Upright Pianos, $75.00, $85.00 and up. Slightly usod Square Pianos and Organs, $15.00, $25.00 and up. Write for catalogues, prices and terms, or pay us a visit of Inspection and seo tho wonderful SEL.F-PLAY-INO PIANOLA, the greatest musical Invention of tho century. It plays any piano any ono" can play It. SGHMOLLER & MUELLER, The Old Reliable Piano House, 1313 Farnam St., Omaha, 337 Droa iwoy, Council Bluffs, Iowa. HAYDEN S Going to the Coast ? Tho Uurllngton runs through sleepers to San Francisco, No changes. No delays, No chanco of missing connections. Finest scenery In the world for over 700 mllro the grand panorama of tho Rockies, Thro' palace tdeepers leavo tho Uurllngton Sta tion, Omaha, at 4;25 p. m dally. Tlokot Olfloa, 1 502 Farnam St. i Tl. 250. Burlington Station, 10th and Mason Sts, Tel. I2S. Great Shoe Sale Continues. Only Two More Days Saturday and Monday. The most marvelous values in lino shoos ever put on salo. Two more big shipments of tho linost shoes added for Saturday's sale. All the latest styles and sizes in viei kid. patent leather and velour calf. The prices are all marked in plain ligures. You make your own selection, and every pair will be carefully titled by n competent salesman. Greatest Manufacturer's Shoe Salo ever held in the west. Selling 22,000 pairs of fine standard makes of shoes direct from the factory floors at 45 cents on the dollar. Men's fine custom $5, !?G and $7 shoes, in vici kid, Russia calf and patent leather, made by French, Shrinor JT & Uruer, at Men's fine black vici kid, welt sole 4 shoes, made by Preston B. Keith Co 4 Aft in this sale at. . . . fcsHlJ Men's fine chocolate vici kid and patent leather $3.50 and 4 shoes, mado by Myron F. Thomas on sale at $1.96 Ladies' fine, French, Shrinor t Urnor .?. and .?(' shoes, f QT in patent leather, Iiussin calf and vici kid, at Ladies' fine viei kid and patent leather shoes, made by i C Hoatr, Heath &Co. to sell for and SI. on snlo nt. . lVO Ladies' tine if 1.50 and $2 oxford ties, made by P. N. Wadleigh and T'are, MeGuiro & Field, on sale at 98c HAYDEN BROS IN1 LLJ D a JJ L Strong Testimony This business finds it's best growth in tho free air of tho mountain top of retailing. Ex perience has brought us to that breezy freedom. The command of the retail market, commands tho best stocks, claims tho lowest prices. Jiv erv dav wo nrnve these state ments to be true.. o are eiiual to the task of satisfying everyone who comes hero for clothing. Wo know that our stock is unequalled in the state. It is clothing made to satisfy critics men and boys who know how to dress well and do not carry about evidence of cheapness on their backs. We cannot hope to se'll anybody else no matter how little the price the stylo and tit of the suit must have the best thought we can give them. $4.00 Will Buy A man's all wool suit in brown nlaids. uood oualitv Hninir. cor- root ly .made, and perrect in style real value $0.00. nn will Rnv a nm,,'s nH wo1 s,,i' brwn JJJsUU Mill UUJ and light colors broken plaids, stripes, etc piped soanih. When you seo other $5.00 suits around town come and compare them with these. Ours have never boon marked down, others claim to have cut their price in two. The values are not $1 0.00 only 7.50. $7 AO Will RflV A "inn' 'H wool suit, light.col JJJ slIU Mill UUJ ors and checks, extra quality, latest style, nicely finished real value $10.00. Sift 7 Will RflV A ,nn"'s AV0Ivsfed sif' Oxford PUIJ Mill UUJ grays and cassimeros in stripes, plaids, chocks and plain single or double breasted vests, satin piped seams real value, $12.00. OUR GREAT AUGUST utxnrsj' nu uens Mark Down Sale Of Men's and Boy's Fine Clothing, The Triumph of All Sales. The time has arrived to unload our summer stocks and make room for the largest fall and winter clothing stock ever shown in Omaha. We do not go at it in a half-hearted way and reduce a few items here and there to tenipY you, but. we look the situation squarely in the face. We want to move all aur stock, and quickly; and we know there is not a greater power to do this to our satisfaction bettor than EXTRAORDINARY LOW PRICES. $1.75 Men's rassiininero Pants, at 05c $2.50 Men's Fine Odd Suit Pants, at $1.25 $1.25 Hoys' Washable Suits, at 50c 20c IJoys' Washable Odd Knee Pants, at 5c $18.00 to $22.50 Men's Finest Suits, at $12.50 $2.00 IJoys' All Wool Vestee Suits, at ' )Sc $10.00 Roys' Fine Long Pants Suits, at $5.00 $15.00 Men's Worsted Suits, at 7.50 $3.75 Boys' Double Breasted Knee Pants Suits, at $1.75 $2.50 Boys' Finest Washable Blouse Suits, at 05c $4.00 Men's Fine Worsted Pants, at $2.50 $S.50 Men's Summer Coats and Pants, at $4.50 $.'.00 Men's Double Breasted Serge Coats, at $1.50 $2.50 Men's Crash Suits, at )fie Men's Duck and Crash Pants, at .jr,,. All 50c to $1.25 Washable Blouse and Double Breasted Suits, at 25c, 50c and 75c. HAYDEN BROS. Selling the Most Clothing in Omaha. ONE DAY LEFT! SATURDAY Your last chance to buy tan shoes r And some broken lines at less than cost, at T. B. NORMS, 1517 DOUGLAS STREET at ... . $1.50 2.50 U.50. Ladies' $2.50 Tan Shoes at Ladies' $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 Tan Shoes- Any $5.00 Ladies' Tan Shoe now Ladies' Oxfords, 3 to IA, tan and black, $2.50 and $3, at. . . Ladies' $2.50 Tan Oxfords, all sizes at Any Chihl's or Misses' Tan Shoe, at cost. Boys' and Youths' Tan Shoes at cost. Men's $3.50 and $4.00 Tan Shoes, at All Men's $5.00 Tan Shoes at Saturday is the last day vow can buy tan shoes at cost' miss it, at T. B. NORMS, 1517 Douglas. J. 50 2.50 3.50 Don't J