Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 04, 1900, Page 9, Image 10

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ever Is. I guew daddy'll be Rind to jpo me Hruee's was 6 o'clock shnrp, but It was late
and I've got enough of this place. I'm too twilight when Peggy came home. Sho knew
young to flirt around with the girls and I'm daddy would he there and sho had lingered
too old to dlR In the sand with the babies?.
That's what I'd like to have a little rod
pall and a shovel nnd dlR. That's HvlnR.
Uut as lone as 1 can't, 1 rucoi I'll go home.
I'm going upstairs now and pack up."
Ma folded down the corner of n leaf to
on the way. He heard her coming In and
called out. brusquely:
Who's there? Hold tip your hands!"
"Can't do It. daddy, they're plum full.
Why don't you have a light?"
Sho spoke with nervous hilarity, mum-
keep her place, Sho wan used to Peggy's Ming somethlnf Indistinct about trains that
1&00. hi Annlo
Donnell )
In the Intervals of trade ond the Intervals
came often and lingered, when the thermom
eter registered 02 decrees tho clerks at
Hruee's drifted together In sparse groups
to talk. It wbh all thero was to do. The
notion counter elbowed the stocking coun
ter and Old Adam cveybody nt Ilruco'a
called him Old Adam conversed sociably
with Gregory Knox. They were the oldest
clerks In the store and were, getting gray in
tho service.
"My! hot, ain't It? Stockln's nln't runnln'
real spry today?' Old Adam said with n
cheerful laugh. Ho leaned over tho counter
nnd fanned his round, red face with a "No
tion" palm leaf.
"Well, I gueM not! All the swells arc out
of town and poor folks can go barefoot this
weather. What's the matter with you, old
man? You don't look peart."
"I guess I lork an peart's I feel," Urcgorj
Knrx answered.
"You're played out, sonny. What you
need's a wcvk or two off. You tackle tho
toss tonight and see what you can do."
A smllo curved tho other man's lips. It
would have been a bitter smllo If there had
been tltnu enough before tho patient lines
settled back Into place. Tho whole pallid,
wrary faco was patient.
"I'vu been Rettln' my courage screwed.
Oh, I'll tacklo him, but what's the use?"
Hp shrugged his spare shoulders under tho
rusty seersucker coat.
"You gain 'to try It, Adam?"
"Me? Oh, I'm all right. I get aboard my
"wheel at close-up and sklto out Into the
country a ways, Nothln' like It not In this
world1 That's nil the country I need. Oct
ft wheel, man, get a wheel."
Again tho bitter smllo that lost Itself In
ratlcnco. OrcRory Knox won thinking of the
wheel In- was trying to get for Peggy. Hoth
of tho other girls had them. Ho hod ono of
Jils whimsical fancies that perhaps his
chance might come when ho got to tho
i,treots uf gold.
Tho slow afternoon crawled toward
rloso-up. Instantly, at tho stroke of C,
the clerks hurried towurd tho great doom
that swung between them ami freedom
Uut Oregory Knox took another way.
"Wish you luck, old man, called Old
lAdam nfter him. Hut Rood luck looked
doubtful. Tho bo tn Hruee's dlalect
wns out of temper. Tho heat and confine
merit rasped him.
"I.n? A week off? Man alive, are you
daft?" ho crlod sharply. "Don't you know
wo'ro short-handed now? Tho young cubs
liavn to go can't hold 'em In. Hut you
old chaps aro our standbys. You've ha
your fling."
"Yes yes," murmured Gregory Knox nb
scntly. When had he had hl fling? Ho
was watching tho boss fold up a trout
polo, Joint on Joint. Then his palo blu
ye3 roamed to tho litter of flics and lines
nnd rlnkors on tho desk. Ho had been
thinking of n trout polo ult day long queer!
liut his had been a slender sapling, fresh
cut Would this complicated bamboo affair
catch a fuller string of flsh than ho used
to catch with his sapling? What beauties
thoy had been! How the sun had silvered
their wot backs! Queer, 'how nil day long
ho had been thinking of trout nnd a littln
thread of shadowy water, rippling under
willow trees. Ho gazed nway out of tho
window, and Instead of llstlestvmovlng
crowds ft barefoot boy with ft string of
trout crossed bis retinas.
"There, sir, that's thq .swellest fronting
outfit thcro'll bo In tho Adlrondncks this
summer! You can't beat it," tho boss said,
In better spirits.
"No, sir Oh, no," Gregory Knox said.
"Uut then, it's pretty surprlsln' what a
hiring o' flsh you can haul In with a
saplln fresh cut. You get ono Jest sappy
enough and Jost tho right bigness I tell
"When ho turned nway a moment later
tho boss called him back.
"Oh, I say, Knox!" ho called. "I tako
It wo can let you olt for a day say, to
morrow. We'll nianago somehow. Not nt
nil not nt nil no thanks, man! Wish you
good luck."
Hut Gregory Knox had not thanked him.
Thcro seemed no occasion. Tho thread of
rtnrk water ran under willows ISO miles
Tho boss had relented suddenly. Tho
blood of Izaak Walton, running In both
their veins, had forged a link of good fel
lowship between him and tho llttlo old
dork. Such a tilcndcr link! What would
n day off ouo day avail over 150 miles?
Ilut. In tho morning Gregory Knox followed
a sudden Impulse and slipped down to tho
ca to catch a glimpso of ma and tho girls.
Ho had not mount to go until tho last rain
me, and ho went In his ahabby store suit
end forgot to change his shirt. On tho
train remorso as&alled him sharply. What
-would ma say? No, certainly not, mi
must not sco him In that dubious gul
ma, who was making her ono-month-long
btrugglo for gentility in a great hotel by
tho sea. It was her ono chnnco for the
year hew and tho girls. Thoy dreamed
of It, and p.i worked for It tho year round.
"I'd ought to havo fixed up for ma's
ako nnd ' tho glrtu'," thought Gregory
Knox, guiltily, nnd In a mlnuto tho holi
day's zest had vanished. Ho settled back
dully on tho hot volvot cushions and made
Ills plans wearily. Ho would keep out of
slEht that would bo easy enough In such
crowds and ma nnd tho girls need never
know he had bean thero nt all. It would
be. nlco Jest to soo 'em cnjoyln' themselves,
ho said,
"I'll keep on tho outskirts, out o' their
sight my old clothes won t do cm any
harm that way."
Poor little stocking counter clerk! He
had always been on the outskirts nnd he
wns 50 years old!
lost time and hrrdlc men that went nround
Robin Hood's barn to unload their passen
I'm tho ndvancn guard, you know,
daddy." the cried. "Ma and the girls nre
Hamilton nicht mv nM rlnthos wnn't An 'em flnv whims and was unnstonlihed.
"But, Peggy, It's only half throtiRh the
month there's two whole weeks left," she
said, slowly. In her heart ma was re
lieved, Peggy s ways were apt to be dls
I . . . . . t , l . . - . . , U n .1 I . t.
tin! ul,nn ho hn,1 .sttlivt hlmaplf on tht concerting nnn sno wouia do shio him raniins lomorruw. . mm ivi-miu, wim
w i,.i, hMj,,, i .ho irn nf n with pa. She'd bo company for him, too is. tho month's up. No more putting on
t. .... ...... .hmi.i , ,inn. poor pa! nlrs for the Knoxes.
inn down tho beach toward his h.dlng place Without any objection Peggy was allowed
but Peggy, In her dainty bathing suit. She to Pt her things together and go. When
nil ,,lnn nml arm mmln n nrtittv n c- mo irain wub ru uimei nriu
... .. .. (.,.. .... I nncnu lo uauuy s car 10 auriiriau mm. iiu
More Than Ono Hundred Lives Aro Annually
Takon This Way.
IntcrrMliiK I'ncts nml Ol.aeri ntlona
."otcd liy the .ntlonnl Wrnther
Huron.. Precaution" to
lie Ot.arrt e.t.
An American ncrlodlcnl devoted to clcc-
"Whrro nre you, daddy on tho couch? trlcnl interests recently expressed the opln-
It's ns dark as a pocket. 0n although much damage Is done to
"A mnn gets nil-powerful fagged out ,rot,orty by lightning every year, not more
trndln' s'ockln's. The couch ouchter bo ihnn 100 lives nro lost from the same cause.
.... . . . .. - - ..1 t. t 1.1... 1... I.....M.. I .. .. . ., , I .1.-1
Peggy was the baby and hlo favorite. waH sitting Dy nimseir in mo iront oi me ". i".u ui.....ii,. uence, it was nrgucti, mere is h suu o
in hi. miiM torrfi wnv he worshlned it car. Tho paper uag oi luncn rerananir i--iv utr j "'. luv .N, of nCCiiicss popular npprcnension on mis
..:... t, . ti,. was In his hand and he wes nbssntly twist- At uio coucn sne kneu cesiuo mm ami leu SCOre. The conclusion Is eminently correct
-i.i. iu k. r,n. t,..i h cniled Ing and untwisting It. Peggy snw the Mr Uis race. comments tho New York Tribune, but tho
v..v. r-, - . . ... oi,. i.. I "If I nml the crow s feet. I ll know It s . .. 1,1.1. it i. .,..,! nro mil nllo
him rtortilv Hn- nrntlv she locked In tnat iraBi-uy "S' . " " .... " '. . . . i"1 " "- - -
; rlz! The little oil- time to see daddy regarding the torn bag you ami not counteneii aauuy.
silk cap perched on her brown head had a" dismay, whllo fragments of ham sand
wiches oozed out and dropped to the floor.
"I'll pick It up don't stoop, daddy," sho
said, quietly.
Peggy Knox!" cried daddy.
Don't mention It Sh! I'm traveling
Incog," whlspored Peggy. Then they both
saucy, witching air,
Cut Gregory Knox shronK oacK in tno
loo of his rock. A mlnuto too late, daddy!
for Peggy had seen him.
Daddy! of all things, great nnd small
1 1. 1 I Tin .1,1 .. !:.,,!"
"Yes, It's mo, Peggy," he answerw. 'u"uw "u , , .u ' .i
meekly numc. I l"SKy ua.iiuiuuu laiiiui uuiuikuuuoi
"It Is, as sure ao I live! Hut where'd you 'hat sho thought she'd run up home for a
drop from out of a balloon? Did you come day.
u ,1,,,, iw in-t nnv. "Take my day off, you know, daddy," sho
i n.,nt . old. mly. "You wb'I mind Mdr no
ii kcp nouso for ou n day- win y0117 1 can
Her 1 cethir snutid.
wo are. Daddy Knox, wncre are tne otner ( rcport has Just been Issued by tho
two? ITnliml Stales weather bureau on the thun-
"Under tho willows, beside ft trout stream, dcr .torms of 1899. It Is announced that
Peggy. How many feet would you havo a the number of fatal cases of lightning stroko
crow havo? Arcn t two enough?" i this country of which the bureau hns re-
Tnken off her guard, Peggy put her lips eclved Information was C62, nnd thnt S20
to his enr nnd whispered:
'Did did tho flsh bile, dnddy?"
The day of reckoning was nt hnnd.
Till: LA U ! VA-CA-SlltM.
Sho threw herself In the sand bcsldo him t" ten to perfection nnd I'll make you frit
ouu iiiiin I ...ihin. .dnpii ilfon rs for breakfast. Then I can do some
id dug tho toes of her bathing slices ucup ,.,... ,, ....
and due
In. Her long black stockings strctcuea out
before her and daddy's experienced oyes fell
on them at once. Ho wns so wen acquaintca
with stockings! Ho noticed Instantly that
they were rusty and loose-llbored. Then he
saw tho llttlo "gobc-lcci" uarus in inem.
Peecv was not renowned for needlework..
"Poor dye, slazy wenve," no tuougiu.
rvinirfn't havo como from Hruco's. Mine are
fast black Jtnd you can't sco daylight
throuch 'em. either."
"I'lro away, daddy. Don't you nee tne
lady's waiting?''
persons wcro struck, but did not die In con
sequence. Here Is a total closo to 1,400, nnd
If allownnco Is made for unreported enscs u
Is credible that no less than 1,500 persons
aro more or less seriously Injured by light
ning In tho United Stntes nnnunlly, nnd that
nbout three-eighths of them nro killed out
It is assorted that tho fatalities from tins
cause In 1S99 wero moro numerous than
shopping between times. If you're n very
Vrw Much Written for Those
Spell ill UK (In- .Summer nt Home.
unltlmoro Amerlciiii.
nehold, tho time of tho year Is come nnd
is even now nt hnnd,
When tho children of men gird up their usunl. It Is probable, however, that the in-
good old daddy Indeed, I'll buy my stockings loins und go to tho far country of Va-Ca- crcaso is apparent rather than real, nnd that
of you." anun. it simply represents improved lacinues im
n.i ihr. noi innminr hn nn iin.idv went -Now. mis country is over ngninst tne lanu getting nformntion. A similar iieveiopineiu
down to Hruee's with n long faco. It was or rer-Oct-it. nnd it is a goomy land tosee was noticed during tho nrst low years wncn
tho morning Peggy wns going back to ma from nfnr off. tornadoes wero observed nnd reported In
nnd tho girls. He hnd tnken It for granted l'or tho rulers of tho land of Vn-Ca-Shun this country. And though tho lightning
nml ii flii,i him with hnniMirit misnrv. It do causo to bo rent far nnd nenr writings statistics hero auotcd nro collected with
haM hffn n nionnnni in l.nvn tlm child at nnu picturings, showing mat tne land oi commcndnblc diligence, nnd ccrminiy pos-
home. Sho hnd tnken his lonely old henrt by Va-Cn-Shun Is a placo of wondrous beauty, sess n definite value, one should be cautious
storm. And tiiey mnKo writings unto tne cniiurcn about drawing nasty inrcrences irom mm-
Ho hurg up his hat and began median- of men, saying unto them: pnrlson of one yenr's figures wun nuomcr b.
Icnlly to straighten some of the boxes In one I'O, in tuo land or vn-ui-bnun tnero nre of tho fntnl cases of 1899 auoui ono-iciiu.,
nf llm Hpm lirliln,! iho rnunliT. Hn had not "ono of tho terrible Mus-Kcetccrs, neither fifty-six. nro credited to Pennsylvania,
Weak and trembling, unsteady of hand, uneasy
of mind. Frightened at trifles. Tortured by an
indefinable feeling of fear.
Excited by noise, oppressed by quiet never at
case. Irritable and miserable.
Forerunning symptoms of Nervous Prostration
brought on by a debilitated system and over-taxed
body or brain.
THE CURE is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
Pale People.
They bring new life to worn-out sufferers
send rich blood tingling through every vein,
soothe and strengthen every nerve.
They have restored to the Paralytic the use of
his limbs; to the victims of Locomotor Ataxia and
St. Vitus' Dance the full control of the nerves ; have
raised up the sufferer from Nervous Prostration;
freed thousands from the pangs of Neuralgia and
Rheumatism, and saved the lives of many who were
threatened by Bright's Disease and Consumption.
At all Drugnlst onllrwt from llm Dr. VIIIIiui MrllclnCo.,(VhfnfC
tody, N. Y .islpnlj on rect'lpt of ptlcr, 60c rt Itox ; ill bom, liW.
. . . .iuiii,,,,(r9
Pcccv'b cltnr. taushlnc VOICO IntcrrUplCH 4 , ... ..,, nnv nf Mm trllm nf rhlir-fior. nor In thcro rnriv.nnn ittinnia Milrlv.fotir to Ohio.
his thoughts and brought him back irom tne n wug ICKKyKny lmlo harum- nny heat by day or night, twenty-eight to lndlann, twenty-four to
VltalMvr, tUepre-rrlpilftn f n fumoiK French physician, will quickly cur you 'it al
slocking counter nt Hruee's to tho great, hot
beach with tho sea nt his feet
Kr whv. vcs. Pciigy. yos. What was I
"Thnt's tho trouble you weren't snylng a
solitary word. Daddy Knox. Just mooning
or selling stockings!"
"Scllln' stockings you've hit tho nail,
Peggy! That's what I was doln', sure, it
Ulnilfr comes second nature to me. That's
senrum I'escv daddv was thinking of. "ut always thero is a ureezo, nnd tno Minnesota, nnd only twenty-thrco to rscw
"Oh, I say, Mr. Knox, good-day to you, cooincss iiiereoi is iib xne coolness oi mc yori5. At least three factors enter into uhh
sir!" some ono out In tho nlslo was saying, maiden wnen sno Bayom no unto mo man question of distribution. Tho size oi n
It was tho boss. Ho leaned over the counter whom sho HkPtn not. gtat0 counts for something, of course, and
and pulled his sleeve. "I sny. Knox, you "And, nirinermore, soyem tno writings, g0 uocs density of population. Hut It must
dnn't Ionic niilled Inm.lher vet. You need u is encaper to live in mis lanu, wnicn is niRO , boriiu in mind that some pnrtH oi
another day off. Why not take sny. a fort- " goodly land, than It Is to stay nt homo nnd ., colintry experience a grenter ubundanco
night, nnd co somewhero trout fishing Ad- oonru wun mo oiu ioihH. o thunderstorms than do others, bo that
Irondack way ,you know? Cnn ns well ns not I' or, verily, It requlrcth but few shecKles from tns ono c;ulg0 niono results n great
,inn'i am. n wnr.i u l'vo tnailn nr. to make pnymciit for the cakes nnd tho oil i-.iitv in h Khnnrim nt linrm. Tim re-
whnt I expected to be doln' this minute, but .,.,. ...i,h .omotinuv to tako vour and tho flesh of tho kid nnd tho fowl of tho
n nf prnnlPHt. freniiencv lies, nnnroxl-
tbo boas gave mo a day off. So I rnn down p,aco ntJ(J you.vo got to ROi Cani help your- nlr, with which tho table doth groan, even rantey between tho Missouri valley nnd tho
self. Slny two weeks nnd er you needn't ns mo groan oi mo cicpiimu wnnn uo pusu- Anoghanles. Tho gulf stntes aro visited nl-
troublo about your pay. That'll go right on, eth tho twenty-ton circus chariot through m0Jt aB ottcn Bquaro mn0 for sauaro mile,
you know. Might as well go today why the samis or the desert. nnJ the New KnKiami states by an npprecl-
nnt?" And tho children of men. who continue to nM ,,,. nrnnnrMnl.. ti.o Hnckv mniin-
Ho was gone before tho astonished little be foolish In their generation nnd wlso in t , ro.on 8 uot altogether exempt, but It
mnn behind tho stocking counter had recov- meir own conrcii, iu kuu uieuisuiuB uuom. fan8 f thunderstorms, whereas tho Pacific
f nrrvoua or Uli'uirs n( the sciifrutlva nrqaiK, mcli ii' t.oal Jlnnlioo.l, lniniilf.
rij I'alna In Hip Iliti'U, nrniliiiil lliiilulnu.
.,.ii llrbllllT. I'luililes
C)t.fiiiii.M t.t ..'p. i. i,.,..,im. iimim.. VMPirnniip iliiiI Cunallifnllon.
n.iunli liM'Bliy ila'y or i iguu l,rfrpnnquicl.npil diwliar. whirl. II not chfckrd
IA4 tn hn,rnlftlfirrhiitl nhi. nil I lirt linrrnn (if Imnntpnrr 411 11 tl KN Ii C MIIW tno
llvr. llm LlilnVR Alul f hMirlimrv nrrna nf Kll IliittllrlllL'L i! ii !! K BtrcnXtllOns
and rptorcsimll fK mean. ...... . ....
'J nor-nion Biurrrf r ari not cn,d by noetnrsliWcBaMtiOpi'rcnlari tronlil llli I'rnaliitlll.
COI'IDIiNK Hi oiny knoMii rrinnly Id curr without nn (iroratlon. UKO ipnllnionlnK A wrlllrn
ciurantoo rirrn ami innm y ri-iiirnnl if (lliniptiilnesuul cllcct a pctmauvnl cum. Ltflu box , lor fs.M,
by mall, hrml for nocitrfrmlur unci tc-tlniuninli..
A'iur-M '-"-u 'ii,iiii.ii;iv r.u iiox arrn. Han J rnncrro. ai.
run sai,u iiv Mvnits-niM.oN iiiiig cu ii:tii ami imiinam.
here 1 hankered to nse n llttlo narum-
scarum girl o' mine. Hut, you see" (be
lowered his voice confidentially). "I never
thnueht to fix ud. so I'm keepln darlt. I
wouldn't havo your ma see mo this way for
the best nalr o' silk stockln's at Hruco b.
Peggy eyed tho crumpled shirt bosom with erci, hmgcif, oili AJam v,as regarding hlra
palpablo disfavor. Her eyes traveled "er with a grin.
tho shabby llttlo figure, taking the shiny .,f5ol vour walkln'-tlcket, eh?" ho drawled
seams and tho frayed edges disapprovingly. -Woll, you diworvo ltl You won't be half
How llttlo and and seedy aaaay wasi a roaI, tm yo get out nt0 tho woods borne
"Yes, ma'd have a fit two fits," she said, whero and holler. Put in for all you'ro
promptly. "You'll havo to remain incog, worth you need it! I-et yourself go, old
with seersucker nnd tow linen and blue
coast Is practically f rco from them. No
serge nnd striped flannel nnd many other fata, caacs wcro rc,)ortcd nsl year from Cau ms. Ifnmla. Knvndn. Orecon or W nshlnctnii.
Yea. they tnko unto themelvea tho smnll . . . .,, r.rnnn Km. Mvicn nn.i
t - . t. 1 .. ...... , .u 1 1, . I ....... ...v.... t '
"7 BU . . " ' i .""J . . ,T ' Arizona, however, each reported from ono
UIO lUtMIIel'lYCt) UUlll IUU inntl Ul a-uu'vjuiiu, i ,
mtu l IU iiuu in a i. i lit; uuak to n
Urnf Alft-rtfl T Ilnnrv whn nnfl nlirnstpti
daddy. Now. 1 don't mlnd-rm not in tun man, for onco. ru go wun you it i naan i nnQ nrrnnged tho government's datn on this
dress myself! So I'm willing to fellowship KOt an engagement with my wheel. I say. tho land with a heavy hand. subject, declares that when death results
with you. I'll run up across lots to our man, I'm powerful glad tho bors has come For there are no trees, neither any can- lightning, u usunlly occur lmmedl-
room and tell them I'm not going down to around. Ho ain't half bad. Now put on your vas awnings, nclthor anything that makctb f pcrgong who wero trurk but
dinner nnd then I'll trouble you for n silver hat nnd start shoo!" cundo. ... . unu.i m.. nniirnlv nnrt unf.
"WV wvaaau au,(.va ....... ----
Out of fiTery physical and mental Week lnfalllblf and aprtdy reluvnnatora (Irlnr new lraao tf Ufa,
manly uirant It) and lrjpiln- Hamilaa anrl 1'ITiiotlre. Avoid danrrouf ilrura uilvrrtlnd by medi
cal companlri Hunnf.icfjrKU and nold under written euarante lo cure or money retumttd. fl.00
box or 'J boxi-B icemplelr cum) for by mall .tend for f rea sample and Qiiemtnn blank. Address
Uahn a Knllable Pharmacy. 18th ami KArnam Sis , Omahn, Not.
imif.dnlinr kind sir. and buy our lunch at t. i,r,ie r,nt ir.hiihnrn wn Hmn tn And tho fierce Mus-Keeter acekcth -whom
n restaurant. And we'll cat It right here Eet tho 10 O.clock traln that went etralght '"J may devour, nnd he taketh the blood of
out nf a paper bag. Larks!" toward tho llttlo dark brook under tho wll- lho children of men.
II . .III. nn Rhn WHS I Inu1, 1 Thnrn ... 1 1 m o I t I rr, n 1 1 m n ' ADU IUB TCU UIll TUUUIUIU lurougu UIO JI1U
I1VI LI t'O ll(.ta Otlll u I auvsu a " I . . . a . .
seeing ranny new thlngs-tho hollows In his u VcRgy had only stayed long enough to f '" CU9'ar.u', nQ ,,uo nolla.
temples, the patient droop to his Hps, tho know! It would please Peggy.
whitening hair around his "bald spot. sno Qn lho 10 Oviock train Qregory Knox nat
was seeing how "stoop shouldered" daddy back ln hlg gPat anu w(,bel again that Peggy
was cettlne to bo and how tired tired ..mild Vnnw. Tin hml half n mind to tnle-
tlred ho looked, it seemed to Peggy, lying Kraph her, but on weeond thought decided
there In tho warm sand beside daddy, as If (0 walt nml wrlt(H from gm'g. n0 could tell
sho was Just being Introduced to him. She p,- g0 ninny things that would bo intcr-
rlached out n little sca-browned hand anu then how her Undo Simeon looked.
slowly threaded tho scant grny nair between hnw ,h. ,,. n.,rn had utood thn wear
her lingers. Tho softness and sllklncss oi aml tcnP of thIrty yearaand whether the
It surprised her. hho nnu never Known ue- laU treo appiC3 tasted aa good ns thoy used
foro thnt daddy's nair was son ami mmy. to and If the trout wcro biting well. He
But It's thin, daddy. I bcllovo to my soul wn,.,,i wri, rpl,v inn? i-iior tho flint
you'ro growing old. Ain't you nshamcd of ,cttcr h UlJ over wrlttcn to ono of the
yourself, sir? Tho Idea!" Kirla. Ho was glnd tho first ono would be to
"No older than somo otner ioiks mis oiuu i.t.B..
... ,, , ...i j..j ...1,1, l,n. -nov
o mo sea, puss, iuh u , . Tki. wmVh hlw firw-on Kmi. brown
buzzetti Into everybody's business, nnd the
fered from a permanent paralysis of the legs
or arms. Tho largest number killed by a
single stroko wns five.
liccenlrleltlca of I.Ik t n I n kt.
Many eccentricities hnvc been observed
beauty of tho landscape, la' ns a thing that In tho pntha taken by lightning, when this
never hardened. could do traced niong tno wans or uuiiu-
And tho ruler of the land of Va-Ca-Shun lngs that had been hit. Equally strnnge Is
makctb. out tho bills of tho children of
And hn sayeth unto them: "How many
shckeln havo you 7"
And when they havo told him ho nayeth:
Ho behavior In regnrd to human beings.
Many of its victims aro badly marked and
burned. Their clothing is often set on
fire, but cases aro not uncommon in which
It Is Impomlble to find nny outward trace
Immediate and Lasting
World Famous Tonic
Prevents Waste
Aids Digestion,
That Is tho amount of your bill, even all of tho electric fluid. This rcmarkablo dls
that you have, nnd then some.'1 similarity ln effect was strikingly lllus
.1 al... .L U..n nn A Innl lalilit - t n h .1 I l.nlnn liar h n m.n t r O M f n nf twn MMl h ntj
AIIU lilU UUllUlL'li Ul UiUli IIU lUUiilUIJT DIHUU IIUICU Ujr tuv Un.MMl.t w t, 11 v " k - " I B . v
around nnd make complaint. who wcro killed whllo driving in a dogcart. DrUCeS DOliy, DI ttin
Perndventuro ono of them hath a copy of Thoy wero found lying on tno ground.
the writings telling of tho wonders of the whero they fell from tho vehicle. One miQ Nei'VCS.
land of Va-Ca-Shun. body boro a number of smnll burnn on the
Which ho Bhowcth to the ruler thereof, chest, abdomen nnd back nnd the shirt and
nnd askcth him why It Is not so. even as It waistcoat wcro distinctly Bcorched. The
I,,; t.',., Rn nlPttsant to have ttU(1 llnpp), ROt n "l0.traln " crowded wag wrltten nnd pictured there. other body wns without visible injury
v n l lo himself nnd to llo resting, c"y,s,al'on- waiKca away w-ltn a springy And tho rulcr Rlvoth hm a iook of con- scarcely less "surprising la the fact that per
no i ttrririri innr nnmi inn iiiiiii Rinnnm iiLiiirti i . at..
with tho gentle boom of tho breakers In his
"You'ro grow-in' old. too, ma'am. Hlcss
my soul, wnsn't It day before yesterday you
hnd tho colic and I toted you up nnd down
strldo that fitted tils llttlo ntoopea figure tumcly and murmureth; eons whose clothing Is set on flro by light-
oddly. People turned to look again at his that Is tho way It wan when that nine occasionally survive tho stroko. Sov-
happy face. wrltlnc was made, even ln tho mlddlo of eral possible explanations of these excep-
Iho whim seized him to warn by unices lh. .intrr.. tinnai r:iapn nro offered. It necms nrobable
and seo how it looked rrom nn outsiders AnJ the cijlldren of mon revile the ruler that one person can stand moro electricity
standpoint to stand and look Idly ln the big nni complain nmong themselves, than another. And If, as Dr. Oliver Lodge
winuows, so uuiiuer um. iucu nuuiuci ., ,h , -unburn noon the r counts- hnids. liehtnlntr is an osc atory discharge.
it should occasion no surprluo If It affected
many only tho exterior of n body and did not
In the I nnnotrntn In nnv prnat denth.
DreaK mo speu. halr of thcir heads. stm mmihrr freak that wns rcnorted last
'I'll buy a llttlo mite of a present for . . "Verily, the land of Va- L.n, ih killing nf a team of horses
Peggy that's what." Peggy always said r-n.Shnn u a rnmdum land, ond n EOodLttni,,i tn a mn nn,l nf n mnn seatnd
"that's what." and he eralled at tho thought. n)ace t0 Ret away Tomr ,n thQ back vatt of th( ,altrr( wulIu tho
,nn,i vnur nv,. nnd vou nro not old ""V ". ..""'"." Yet 00 they go unto the
Vn other nrennratlon hul ever recetvei
so many voluntury testimonials from emi
nent people uh the -world-famous Marian:
Bold'iiy nil druggists. Refuse Bubstltutos.
Marlanl & Co.. C2 V. 16th st . New York.
publish a handsomo book of ondprsemunti I
of limperors, Knipress, l'rlnoes, Cardinals ,
. L. ill i ..I... .1 1 . 1 1 n .i 1 1 . Ii .jl '
onuses. It lu sent cr&tLi utvl postpaid U
all wha write for lt
W Xtt orx. 81tUtBMa, ato., cau.ti kr ot.r
(W T "ork and ladl.cntloni. Ikiy quickly
S a"J """V tMtore Lott vitalll In old
l 'J or louni. aad Ul ana for tdr, bu.l
yriMa r plaaaBre, Trataiit JD.ialtr aad
dm tho. iramfKlUt Improi amtat :ud elajia CVIUl
tare all othara fall. In.l.t uroahalniicanill
AlaxTahlata. TbWMi.,.j t . ' 1 " J " rt 1 TiT
Wo rtva a ba.ltlv wltL
i.ri.;i.incn ditgi raiona tha naaar, Mo
BOcts. ,8111 b.K!lBVtifuJte
Bpor. rolpt of rrlca Mrcalararriar "Pao
Tor sale in Omaha, Nob. by Jan. Forsyth,
202 N- iCth. Kuhn & Co., lStli and Uouglat,
and tn Council BlufTa by J. C. Deliaven.
Pennyroyal fills
.-tfa?V ... UMalnal aa bmy Oaaular.
iysqw ia wen u.m inio ...1.4
I 1 -aV
Utallti tkl.
ni(crQii. Sakaltt'ltlaa. aaa lll.
Ilftn. Su; .f UvuUl .r ...I 4t . la
n i" rnniniiri, iMiiaaaaiaia
7 H ItrlUr fr ;,i1Im.". I.n-, f ra.
Inrn Mall. In.AfeT 1..lln.alaU. S.Ulr
all Dnill.ii. 4'alJiale,rt'kaalaalna.(
ft". Ma4lia taiaara. IMltn Vtl
the nursery floor! Up nnd down up and
down did you over say enough? Not you."
"You'ro tired, daddy, that's what," sho
cried, abruptly. "Vou need a lark a long
ono. not Just a mean, little twenty-four
hour ono llko this. See. thcro aro crow's
vn-lid vou over say enough? Not you." w'naows- RS """era For thcro is sunburn upon their C
l" prodded ner whimsically w1 h I s "m; lt, ,n at,,h swl","K nances and hunger In tbelr stomachs.
w l l n u Zlns " bis aA lolter through tho nlsles-a l but the A fl BnakebltP8 upon thom, and
se but sho was not listening uis .,ocMqk aIs,Ci Not thal,hal wouW raemcntos, even unto burrs
tho same land, which driver was not Berlouely Injured. This
rough" for V f e. 0 , wo three ad reckoned that she and ma and tho girl, T&" of Veret-It. -,',,; "p 7 io remark Vhat tho
rtar" Who ever heard of a crow with Lv TontL b over"' " 0VC." th next , ., "uo ol danBer fr0m a thunlJcrboU ls M
Little Liver Pills.
Mutt Bsar Signature 7
Am Pac-SlnilU Wrsppor Below.
Y7 small aaay
rj tako as aa(ar.
FOR SALLQW 3 ill ft.
for thec6mplexiqr
OMumn iwnuMuvii
tct 1 1 iirniiiii
feet? Daddy, do you hear7 lou muat
havo a good, long holiday. You shall stay
right down hero with us. I gus we cau
llnd clean shirts enough. You shall not go
homo a step till wo go."
Gregory Knox shook his bead slowly.
"And loso my Job. little ono? Then
who'd get tho bread and butter? No, no;
I'm having my lark today with you. I'm
satisfied. Wo old fellows nt tho stoio
havo to stand by the ship whllo thu young
bloods aro having their outings. It's tho
law. Ilesldcs, a placo llko this, my dear,
wouldn't do for me. Think of your ma
month was over. t,.nr ,.. r,ii,irpn nf men do nlwavn think ....,.. ihnn nn hnnn s.innnand. Thn
"Now. what'll I get?" he. mused, idling that 8omo othcr pIaco ls moro t0 bo Ul8ircll M n()Uon wna ,nat ,t haJ n brca,itn ot oniy
than tho place whereon they Btnnu. a eew nchos. In Bomo photographs of
Yen, verily, oven so. lightning tho flash assumes n rlbbon-llko
form and has a width of scarcely loss thnn
along lazily nnd refusing to look nt tho fa
mlllnr faces of tho clerks. Whnt do Toggles
llko? Fancy notions of some sort I may
havo to go to old Adam's counter now! Not
If I can help It. It's too noar my old stand
nnd I'm not n utockin' tender yet not till
Ho could not decldo on what to get. He
distrusted his own wisdom In anything hut
stockings. Ah, yes, stockings why not?
Peggies woro stockings, and suddenly he re-
icurr-. mra .it. . . lmnPn,,hln
Your druggist will refund your monoy if , . ,u. . miii7 r i.n
r. nt-i . ..! . ..- ..,. r.n mai in IUOSC IJauuo mmu m
ruio uiuuutui mm m vine ...i,i , f h,
curious exemption Just mentioned.
AtoIiI Trci'i,
Nearly half ot tho llghtnlns strokes ro-
Moino Inlerentlnur Kncfa About tlie
I' fllllOIIK Siory 01 siciiurn i rmiri - --- - - i
, .binh nf ctnnnen ported occur out In tho open, 31 per cent ln
X1U.I1111I UUllllUU f(l "Vvu u K" " I ' . ... . . a r I
membcred tho rusty-black, gobble-darned r,rlinn in ih Satnr.lnv Evcnlnc Post say: bouses, U per cent unuor irces anu j pur
tr.lHcrn hi. Pei.uv linrt wnrn .thai tnv nt .mi...... ry Aa , hrntrht I Cent In bamB. It WOUld UOt bO SafO tO
No, no; I'd rather go to the trout brook nt ,hn ..flph Hn WQUll, havn Q down t. R. ' . a Ktopv ,. Irh .. conclude from these figures that ono Is less
homo anu 110 on tno nanus anil nsn. ihfl H.Qr,knlr C01lntCr aisle after all. ,, .i. ...m,n,, n Rnnh -rr.nfiti.rv likely to bo hit wnno in a uarn or unuer a
Yes, daddy, yes go on." Her oyes wero ..q.,,nn.. it i ih," iln nlH trnmninff . .i...n . -mninni .trnin- tree thnn when In n houso or n fluid.
on his kindled old faco and his wero on n away , tnat drection. In a ,h of 2l wh0 hnJ nevcr gmelled any Nightly to construo tho statistics one must
Heck of white salt in the oiling. He be- nut just nt the turn lie looked own tho mor enrnago than a firecracker holds, but also know how many peoplo In houses and In
gnn to speak ngaln, dreamily, as If to him- n,3 ani, uttered a low murmur of astonish- the seeing was so keen, the phrarva bo tho open wero unharmed. It la Generally
Belt. ment. Ho could scarcely credit his eyes. .,nhin -n frh. an newlv coined, .that I conceded that seeking shelter under tho
"I'd like to sco Simeon again, too. Wo Hb waB Eettinir old nnd thev might bo fall- n.i nn. mv nilmlrntlnn. branchos of a treo Is nbout tho riskiest pos-
always went troutln' together he nnd rac lne nlm But noarcr yct tho vision was the "Tho next day I asked for tho other half Bible proceeding during 11 thundoratorm. It
but I cotliu haul in tno mcst nsn. e,vcry Bam. Ho know It was Peggy behind the nf ih.. ..nvnl 'Wn must net this tmhllshed Is much rarer to tOKo n wotting nnu Keep
time Sim warn't much of nn angler. Ho'd stocking counter. Peggy! Ho stood and m 1 Bni.i. 'it Is a wonderful study. In tho open, unless It Is prnctlcnblo to go
lay with his eyos shut and sny poems to nn, watched her. Sho wns waiting on a cus-
Poor Shu thnt s about nil tho poetry ho tomcr and did not oee blm. Her fnco was
over had, or mc, either. It would bo like a imi0 pa0 nnd wenry. but she smiled In
rcvlowln' n poem, though, Jet?' to go back crntlatlngly and twirled the stockings about
nnd lny tinder tho willows at home. Shady? wth an air of long acquaintance with their
Well, I guess. Anu coor? Tiiore uiu'i a kind
cooler placo anywhere, In tho heat o' sura- Peggy! In nn Instant It was all olear to
mer, than the bank o that old troutln him, Ho know It was to Peggy ho owed
stream was no, sir. And you could hear his beautiful two wcoks of rest. It was
tho stlddy song o' the water It never Peggy's doings.
stopped and smell the plno needles, he't Ho followed an Irresistible Impulse to
A mysterious product for you to have In Indoors. However, oven In a houso ono
hnmi. Whnm in thn other nart?' should avoid npproachlng too closely to nn
"Hn innWn.1 viirv much embarrassed. 'It's open window or uoor. 11 is nettcr 10 Bit or
In "hock," ho said, to the typewriter.1
"Wo nil lauohed, but It was serious busi
ness to him.
" 'How much Is It "hung up" for?'
" 'Plflnen .lnllnrsV
stand near the center of a room. Thoso who
aro out of doors should keep away from wire
fences us well ns trees.
Tho wire clothesllno was the cnuse of at
least a dozen deaths last year. That num-
I looked at my brother. 'I guess wo can ber of women wero struck by lightning and
snaro thnt. don't you think?' klllod while removing clothing from tho
"So Crano went away Joyously and lino, aictai is nitogeincr too goon a con-
up with tho sun In the middle o' tho day. vault over tbo counter llko a boy nnd tako brought tho Inst half of 'Tho lied nadgo of ductor of electricity to be a Bate neighbor
Smell good, did It? I got to hankerln' Peggy Into his arms. Tbo sly little harum
nfter that smell, hot days, bohlnd my coun- scarum girl to cheat her old daddy. Ho
ter, nmong tho stockln's. Yes, elr, when wanted to squeeze her palo llttlo faco bo
tho good Lord gives mo a wholo week off tween his palms and klsB It a hundred
I'm goln' home to go troutln' with my times. He wanted to scold hor and thnnk
brother. Sim," her nnd get her away from that place. The
Ho woko out of his day dream n mlnuto stocking counter at Hruco's wns no place for press company, nnd with thom ho had left
later, In tlmo to sco Peggy skimming over blithe little Peggy. tho rannuscrlpt of his war novel. In a
tho beach toward ono ot tho looming hotels Tho customers wero turning away and letter written In November, 1S9I, ho makes
ln tho background of the sea. Sho had Peggy wns gottlng back tho boxes. Kven
forgotten all about hor dip In the surf, from that distance daddy could see thnt she
Sho camo back ngaln, by and by, with the put one In the wrong place.
paper bag of lunch, and they ato It to- In tho moment of starting down tho nlsle
gether In the lee ot tbe big boulder. Daddy ho chauged his mind. An Instlnctlvo dell
was very gay nnd scarcely noticed Peggy a cacy restrained him and ho hurried around those to whom I nm Indebted for everything,
preoccupation. She said goodby to him In tho corner out of lght. As a matter of fact. I bnvo Just crawled out
mid-afternoon and he waited alono for train- No, ho would not spoil Peggy's llttlo of tho fifty-third ditch Into which I have
scheme. Sho would like It better to have It been cast, and I now feel thnt I cnn wrlto
go on, uninterrupted, Peggy was "travel-, you a letter which will not mnko you 111.
lng Incog" now he would wait, Hut he put mo In ono of tho ditches. Ho
told hlm"lf that by nnd by he would have kept The lied nadgo six months until I was
denly, with her novel, on tho broad veranda, It out with Peggy. There was a reckoning near mad. Oh, yes he was going to uso
"Ma, It's played out. I m going home, duy ahead, nmewbere. It, but Finally I took It to U. They
I'm going tonight this very tonight that Ho went home and waited. Close up at use It ln January ln a shortened form.' "
Courage.' Btlll unnamed ut tho time. He under bucIi circumstances. Prof. Henry
told us that the coming of that story wns says that u wlro clothesllno ought never to
mysterious, nnd I cnn believe It. It literally bo permitted to como within fifty feet of n
camo of 'Its own accord llko sap flowing dwelling. Much less should It bo fastened
from 11 ttee. to ono corner ot tho bouse, as Is commonly
"I had given him a letter to a syndicate dono.
sad mention of his lnck of success:
"'.My Dear Friend: So much of my row
with tho world h;m to bo sllcnco and en
durance that sometimes I wear tho appear-
nnco of having forgotten my best friends,
MlMvni.Kre Cc-.iaua I'luurea,
WASHINGTON. AUK. 3 -The nnnulntlon
of Mliwnukei'. Win., ucuordlng to the count
Just completed ut tho census ollleo. ls
5,315. in imi tno population was ati.ius.
The incveiifo is ;;ii.d per com.
PnrtH live 11111I hIx embrace the preliminary features of tho
Great Art Collections
jf the I'sposltlon, IncliiilliiK the celebrated Neunleln list of ono hun
dred Bpcclal vlewti, and the
Royal German Collection
loaned by tho emperor from th 0 palaces of tho empire.
"Mn," Peggy said, coming upon her sud-
Hereford's field Phosphate
Relieves Fatigue.
A wholesome acid tonic relieving the
lassitude of the cummer monthE,
Genuine bean name HoitsropD'f on wrapper.
rTp. DoicidM Ia nuk"Bh0:1 In twenty consecutive woek
1 UO JIT arial dll jy parts, nnd will contain nbout
350 Original Nickelplate Views
of tho Imposition and tho world's fa-
mous Paintings and Statuary on exhibi
tion there, it Is tho grentost Industrial and Art Work ever published In
America, and If you aro not gottlng It you aro depriving yourself and family
of that which you and they OUGHT TO HAVK.
M Dream City
Sent PRER to all Readers of The Bee.
Remit 10 cents to pay cost of handlttiR and mulling and any
part desired will be forwarded immediately.
rfniiiiHiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiniiiinniiniiHiiniiniiii iiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiifiiiiiirA